Transit of Saturn, Kostyantin Daragan “Transit. A short guide to transit forecasting techniques. Transit of Saturn according to the horoscope budinki

Saturn has warned many astrologers-pochatkivtsiv. And it is not vipadkovo - in the old astrological texts, vin is called a negative, shoddy planet, as it does not bring anything good. That y in the modern literature of wines sounds like inappropriate podias.
If you take yoga in a natural setting, then it’s richly written on this topic: basically yoga is associated with stutters, lines, failures, reliefs, zhorstkistyu, negnuchkistyu, - in a word, about those on which people constantly stumble, about those who give єy folding everything, but you really want to take it off.

It is traditionally respected that Jupiter is at Budinka, de vin is worth it, gives everything in excess, and at Budinka, where Saturn is worth it, there is a constant shortage, a deficit, it’s all right, but everyone is not the same.
Nayzhahlivishe, that in truth Jupiter is far from giving riches, that and often we call not those who really need people. And the devil of Saturn can be repaired from the flowers at the cherevika - forget about it, it’s impossible to forget about it, the cherevik needs to be repaired regularly - go to the maisterna, or nail the flowers themselves, but the flowers all the same climb.
Vihid, of course, asks for itself - you need to change it immediately. Ale Naytsіkavіshe, tse vzuttya you can change less in 30 rokіv - after the crisis of Saturn, if a person starts to take life otherwise.
Yes, obviously, people who have no signs of Saturn in the map, do not smell the stench and crises of Saturn. It is obvious that life is not changing for the authorities, after that, as you cross over the 30-th line.
And yet, the greater crisis of Saturn still feels.

Passing through the Budinki natal horoscope, Saturn also robs its contribution. In a skin person, an individual cycle of the cycle of the planet, binding from the net of Budinki in the yogic horoscope, is established in its own way.
How can we, astrologers, know better what cycle?
Moving from Budinka to Budinok, Saturn tries yoga for the minuscule, visvichue weak places and, like an inspector, he checks whether it’s stable there, whether everything is there. Rich pod_y zhitti fall on
the passage of Saturn through the peak points of the horoscope, placing, in such a rank, halls for those, like a person repaired, if the planet was in that other quadrant.
Vlasne, mentally, from the look of Saturn, all the life of a person is attributed to the culmination of the problem of Budin, in which Saturn stands, that task, like putting wine in front of a person. Truth, after that
as if the order was vikonano, the person virishuє іnshe zavdannya - that Budinka, what is the cost of Pivnіchny Vuzol.

According to the tradition, Saturn, if it appears here, takes it to people on the road, to what extent it binds, throwing it into depression, I’m tied up either because of the cost, or because of unreasonable reasons. Spend at the horoscope often signified by the days of transit Saturn with the folds of the horoscope.
Oskіlki such points are due to their own duplication of the sonic cycle, and due to the occurrence of crises, then when the planet passes through the kuti, the person also sticks to the costs.
Moreover, up to 30 years later, you will spend more pain and worse, lower after the end of the century.

In a child’s head, when Saturn passes through the kuti, similar pods are taken by the child like a terror of grown-ups, so it’s like that, like the posture of yoga, you can’t control it, and you don’t know what to work with them.
For example, a child is born among the Sims, and all the respect of the fathers automatically switches to the small one. The eldest child feels like a lost and spared love, turbot and respect.
Abo z sіm'ї go father.
The child is still not able to understand why it happened. Abo yoga is given to the boarding school or to nursery garden but before school, it’s unsettling and unreasonable for him why the fathers blamed him like that.
Zrozumіlo, with whom the child tries to know the reason in himself, and come to the visnovka about those who won't be rotten, that the yakbi won't be done otherwise, the fathers would live together.

With a change of Saturn ASC, it is possible to be a podia, tied to family, special lives, and there is a lot of relief in what mother. For example, a person goes to the next. Abo just people razhodyatsya chi rozluchayutsya.
Otzhe, Saturn changes Asc and enters up to the 1st Budinka.

Saturn at I Budinka.
Behind the back - a waste, a moral injury. And Saturn at this hour begins to conduct an audit of the people themselves. At the same time, people begin to chime, to go to their place, to become uncomradely, frowning, withdrawn, non-contact. More precisely, the person does not want to contact.
Saturn at the first Budinka often brings even a popular camp, the titles of depression. You don’t want to talk with them - you don’t have the strength to talk. After an injury, a person, as a rule, becomes
mistrustful and lashing out at the naigirshe. Without knowing about spending, you can’t believe that everything can be good in a new one. Vіn skhilny bachiti light in gloomy tones, shy to pessimism, negativism and vzagali do not check anything good in the world.
Transit Saturn after entry to the 1st booth will inspire fears. One of them is the fear of selfishness. Especially, as a person, it survived the waste. Nobody wants to waste money, to that, “don’t waste it again, don’t mother better” - it’s like a lie. Therefore, a person is often afraid of new contacts, nasty approaching people.
Sounds like a ringing from the same number of contacts. Lyudina hіba sho prіkaє іzolyatsiyu, and іzolyuє vin itself, on vіdmіnu situatsії 12-th Budinka, if іzolyatsіya primus.
In addition, Saturn at the 1st Budinka often creates situations for people that imply self-exchange and self-discipline. That's why people have to be on their own. Tse trapleyaєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє, priplya, people trapplyаєє in a foreign environment - yogo vіddayat nachchatisya for the cordon or just in іnshu school (like a child), for example, in a boarding school chi here burial place rіven ієї chi іншої discipline.
Abo (as a person has already grown up) he takes on responsibility for being serious and on the right, and on him lies responsibility for other people. But the fault is in control of the work, de strict discipline, it is impossible to be late, and you have to shout early until night.
In such a rank, it is necessary for the people to choose the option, so that they got out and raised a zusilla over themselves, moreover, they didn’t. Zvichayno, to live that pratsyuvati in the minds of a constant strain is even more difficult.

Saturn at II Budinka.
If Saturn enters at another booth, then there is a drop in strength, an energy decline. To teach a person to know the hour for reparation, all the same, you can’t get out, її torment yourself,
sleepiness, drowsiness. And you know that your life is strong, the resources are by no means inspired.
At this hour, people seem to have the necessary restful meals, warm sleep, regular regular eating (shards of energy from yoga are also inspired by the fish).

When transiting Saturn passes through the 2nd House, ailments are born, which then turn into a chronic form. Especially, as a planet is a guest at the 2nd Budinka. Mars, for example,
Saturn is in such a position to plant immunity, and often trapleyaetsya, so that a person simply does not get out of a cold.
Of course, transiting Saturn gives problems from a penny. For example, they quickly spend their salaries, otherwise they don’t get pennies from the link with the rapt vitras, or they need money for those likuvannya. And buvaє, that a person, for whatever reasons, being a good fakhivtsy, cannot in any way dominate the work.

Saturn at III Budinka.
It is also a kind of isolation. Here people throw a viklik pobut. Nenalagodzhena, nevlashtovana - people fight with her, but everything is unsuccessful. Vіn nibi gruzne at povyakdennostі, pobutovyh dribnitsa. This isolation is dictated not by depression, but by the lack of coercion, but simply by the vanity, if the person simply does not physically get involved.
At the same time, there may be impersonal contacts, or even superficial, shallow ones. Do not reach deep contact of the hand. "Always busy housewife".
At the same hour, stoks from close relatives often settle down. And yet - the influx of Saturn rises to the heights of the people to take and conquer the information that they call. Strongly pogirshuetsya memory. It is especially good to remember among students and schoolchildren - as only transit Saturn from the 3rd Budinka, learning to meet the trinity of the leader. Reading and accepting new material in such a period is very important.
On the other hand, it is decided that information should enter in one place, and exit safely in the other. The brain seems to be in the singing, viscous middle, through the yak nothing can break through.

From what has been said above, there is an impression that the transit Saturn does not carry anything good. Shkidliva planet after all.
And all the same, wondering how її to name. Aje with Saturn, not only the words "string, zatrimka, unhappiness, old, not soon" and so on, but also "vidpovіdalnіst, stability, seriously,
long-term, foundation, rules, order, steadfastness, these are words that mean a whole positive understanding.
I want Saturn to carry out my audit, but if I go through Dim, then the person blames the star until I become a situation that is maddened by this planet.

To marvel, perebovayuchi in the 1st Budinka, Saturn leads us to self-organization, and in the camp of self-reliance calls us to turn around into ourselves, turn back to our inner world.
At the 2nd Budinka, Saturn saves us pennies, live from a tightened belt, call out to fight about your health and competently spend your energy.
At the 3rd Budinka, Saturn guards our brain in order to digest and structure it already in reality, and also to take pressure off of it and live in such a way as to cope with impersonal rubbish.
If Saturn is flooded with Dim, a person has a great habit. It's all the same, scho mountaineering.

Saturn at IV house
Saturn overwhelms III Budinok and overshadows IC.
Sometimes such a podia is accompanied by another relative, their ailment, inaccuracies of a booth, folding with a life. But such a global approach may not be found - for it you need other astrological evidence. It’s too rich to lie down in the light of the fact that up to which person the person has worked, and those who, having pierced Saturn, passed through the front Budinki natal.
For example, for example, at the III-th Budinka, he did not overcome the problems of his relatives, having left his own pobut, and having thrown the navchannya, then the negative susceptibility to the IC shifts under the influence of Saturn IC.
When transiting Saturn passes through the 4th House, it is often blamed for the deterioration of the living minds of conflicts in them. Admittedly, new people come to the booth, and it becomes close - a child is born, a sister comes out or a brother makes friends, and її or a person (team) moves to your territory.
Sometimes, in an okremih vpadkah, a person is spared a living, or leans into a gartozhitka, or he is embarrassed to find an apartment for a room. Here already, if you want - if you don’t want, you will have to serve life food. Share grin. The first axis here is paradoxical, even though the transiting Saturn itself can help people to take a permanent life, even if it is a planet, as it seems, it shows for unruliness.
Such a podia occurs before the exit of Saturn from the House. So Saturn does not take it away, but yes.
It dawned on me that a person is reporting to the first zusil, and not just a long life.

Saturn at V booth
If Saturn enters the 5th Budinka of the natal chart, yoga will make a little bit of guesswork in the 1st Budinka. First, I seem to be emotionally detached, alienated and cold. In a different way, Tim, we know the good hour.
During this period, you have to save pennies, live in a mode of economy, surround yourself in rich bajans and malts.
If transiting Saturn is rebuying in the 5th Budinka, it is impossible to get lost in risky penny projects, play in the Casino (winning money in such situations) and in the lottery, other gambling games.
For women, at this hour, problems are blamed for their conceptions, for the people of children and their births, as well as already. It’s better at such an hour to look down on vіd vagіtnostі and pologіv, shards can be great
problems and aggravation of the process of this and that.
Transiting Saturn at the 5th Budinka also gives difficulties to Kohanna - separation, friendship close people, chilling pochuttіv, vtratu kokhanoy. Although sometimes such a transit gives a trivaly steady love connection, but with a problematic, emotionally cold and closed person.

Saturn at VI house
Transiting Saturn at VI Budinka gives a different situation. Apparently, scho Budinok vindicated for the work of that ailment. Only Saturn breaks the cordon of the 6th Budinka, the robot itself knows the people (it has a temper, like it’s not possible to work permanently). Moreover, the nature of the work is such that you don’t relax - from a call to a call, with a full working schedule and an irregular working day. Ale varto only people are fluttering, like ailments, moreover, mostly chronic, important. Warto, we’ll start to work again, as if we were sick, we’ll know.
Especially varto zupinitsya on the robot.
Even before the entry of Saturn until the 6th Budinka, a person is small for a permanent robot, then difficulties arise on it - to trim the salary, unsupportably lower it, or the curvature changes, and new starts to tighten the nuts. Decals during such a transit people spend on short trips, otherwise they tell you to switch to another job - with filthy minds, a lower salary, and some reductions in the land. On this transit, you can be both low-paid and highly-paid robot. Ale, in a be-like vipadka - even a rich hour, that strength will be given to robots.

When Saturn enters the 6th Dem, relatives can fall ill, and it is necessary for you to look after them, or go to the likarni. Zagalom adds vantage vіdpovіdalnostі.
Schoolchildren have the very same effect that when passing the 3rd Budinok, just like Saturn leaves the 6th Budinok, the schoolboy becomes a wise man.

Also, transiting Saturn is in another quadrant of the natal chart. How did the newcomers happen to work under a zhorstka vkazіvkoy?
Perebuvaya at the 4th Budinka, Saturn taught us how to organize our expanse, protect our territory, make camps with fathers, dbati about living, put things in order at the booth. At the 5th Budinka, Saturn put before us the task of raising that economy financial costs. We are taught not to be bad in the free hour, to learn how to value yoga, and also to accept it
independence of their children. One of the most complicated tasks is the emotional revelation of a kohanoi people, and, perhaps, the revelation of ourselves, which is sometimes more complicated.
At the 6th Budinka, we ourselves need to know the correct way and how well we are likuvannya, to get in touch with the ailment, or to see the divine working schedule.

Saturn at the 7th booth
With Saturn Dsc interfering, as a rule, there is only one - kohanoi people.
In the shortest time, the wines are raptovo go chi know. At hirshomu - die. Wanting sometimes it’s unknown, what’s worse. Ale tsієї spend may not be. And natomist can become a mіtsny i stіyky union
two people under the name of shlyub.
All fall in line with the one that blows the entrance of Saturn to 7 Budinka.
As before, there were post-trivals and stays of blue, and during the passage of Saturn through Dsc, people did not part, then, better for everything, stink to make friends.
As if the stink of a sufficient length of service is splintering, they threaten separation.
Transiting Saturn also means self-sufficiency, as people parted shortly before the entry of Saturn to the 7th Budinka.
If Saturn is going through VII Budinok, then on a promising acquaintance, which leads to the skyline, do not open the door.
If people live for a long time with a hat, then in this season during the transit of Saturn in the 7th Budinka, you can feel cooled down, you feel one kind of one, which will turn the hat into a call and pick up tedious obov'yazkiv.

Saturn at the eighth booth
Transiting Saturn at the hour of the transition at the VIIIth Dim, I feel a little fear. The number of gama fears virinaє at this hour from pіdsvіdomosti, moreover, critical zvnіshnіh podіy with whom you can not be.
During the transit of the planet, it often happens that there is an increase in the material situation, pennies, as before, it was easy, to fix it by force, to bring a leather penny.
For dodatkovyh unfriendly aspects, they spend a lot of money (such as stealing, robbing, attacking, sexual aggression) but he gave up business.
Even more often, women at this hour suffer from the financial position of a person - they spend a business, a large sum of pennies, they can earn money from work.
Not a less common option (especially in the minds of our country) is the cost of spending pennies in a non-prepared option, if the bank collapses, the pennies are saved, or the accounts are frozen.
Obviously, for the transit of Saturn in the 8th Budinka, people often get into the Borg for such a situation. Ale Saturn vimagaє be-yak ways utrimatisya vіd tsgogo, and learn to strimati your needs and life from a tightened belt.
The presence of transiting Saturn in the 8th Budinka also spills over into the intimate sphere. A person's state of need is changing, the need is not to go to the sand. At the same time, fertility decreases.
In women, at this hour, problems are blamed for conceived, the momentum of the week is moving forward. Therefore, it is not recommended to plan the birth of that people of the child for the hour of the passage of Saturn through the 8th House.

Vagіtnіst protіkatime grievously, with toxicosis, pathologies and injuries, and canopies can also be important and threaten life and children, and mothers.

Not alone on this transit, the illnesses and deaths of loved ones were also troubling. With the appearance of Saturn at the 8th Budinka, we will see death. And yet, if no one is dying, then people blame our sharpened rapt, as if they were otherwise caused by death - practitioners of the mortuary, ritual services, resuscitators, services to the parishioner.

And on the health of the ruler of the natal chart, the appearance of Saturn is also expected. Ale ailments of the period are especially special - sometimes important, sometimes traumas, sometimes even ignorant and nasty.
what are the diagnostics. And the smut - most of the ailments of this period do not rejoice in the greatest way. All the same, that at the same time karmіchnі ailments wilted. For example, ailments of the kind of spadkov. Ring out the stench to pass, as if a person would guess that he should change his own. Wanting more often to be brought to surgical intervention in the body.
Vzagali, s tsієї causes transit Saturn at 8 Budinka may be one of the most important and unacceptable of their positions.
Tse z tim, that the karma of a person is being unpacked, and it will begin to work out.
Yaka-nebud unacceptable at the hour obov'yazykovo become. Saturn obov'yazkovo spratsyuє. The very same person is given up, that on her the stars cannot be repaired, one by one intolerance.
I guess that the black smuga has come, the period of failure. The people have an order: "Do not come alone." Tse yakraz about such a camp, if everything is thrown at me, bіdolashnogo, and it’s impossible, for what.

Saturn at the IX booth
Ale Saturn to pass into the IX-th Budynok, and the inaccuracies will end. Such a camp of transiting Saturn is one of the calm positions. The only negative moment is that trips across the cordon are faced with great transitions and difficulties, otherwise they develop - they encourage you to travel.
If at this hour a person’s rozum activity is strong (for example, among students and schoolchildren), then it’s important to read it.
In addition, if transiting Saturn is found as a Home, a person will form a firm, luminous position;
impossibly and marno. From the basic life position, it is impossible to destroy a person.

Saturn at X booth
Ale axis, nareshti, Saturn to enter the most important point of the horoscope and enter to Budinka of its signification.
Passing through the third quadrant, giving us the opportunity to learn how to endure selfishness, endure spending money like a penny, so morally, marvel at your disguise
fears, learn not to be afraid of death, live in a regime of hard economy (and sometimes I’m penniless), overcome karmic ailments. Dzherelo https://site/
At the 9th Budinok, we need to arrange our own reconciliation, and perhaps, and induce our own concept of organizing the world (before speech, if Saturn passes through the 8th natal Budinok, it’s one of the best
position to work with a psychotherapist).

Transiting Saturn on the MC does not give negative signs to robots. Saturn at X Budinka gives us the opportunity to grow a career.
Zrozumіlo, tse pov'yazano іz p_dvishchennyam on posadі. But sometimes Saturn brings difficulties with the authorities for the change of the rest. If a person does not see the injustice and oppression, then he must be forced to work.
Until the speech, if I become a family, then the transit Saturn on the MC can mark the sky - the official new status.
Transiting Saturn at the 10th Budinka often may be brought up to the podia at the Budinka with relatives. Ale, on the vіdmіnu vіd transit the 4th Budinka, Saturn is unlikely to give a waste of life here, more likely to bring the death of a close relative, including someone from the fathers (if a person becomes an orphan, then his social status changes.).

Saturn at XI booth
The day of transit Saturn in the 11th Budinka is similar to the day of yoga in the 9th - people’s thoughts, ideals become more mundane, and a period of pragmatism is coming. Tі, who are in the dark, descend to the ground. Sometimes it hurts even more, even if the world is rushing into the people.
At the same time, conflicts are blamed sovereign organizations or by the regulations (tax inspection), or the wine itself comes up to some of them.
Passing along the 11th Budinka, Saturn is trying for the mineral friendly blue. Often a person spends a lot of friends, instills a quiet, with him a rich friendship.
Zagalom transit Saturn in the 11th Budinka - not the best camp, but, unfortunately, it is connected with roses.

Saturn at XII booth
At the 12th Budinka, transit Saturn may not give the annual podia. It’s hard to say here, yakі podії pov’yazanі from Saturn, and yakі - nі.
The most common situation is the situation - if a person begins to suffer from inaccuracies of different nature: good ailments and relatives, the deterioration of the material situation and pov'yazanі with them
borgs, rediscovery, loss of reputation, death of close buyers, impersonal impersonality of other inaccuracies, which in marriage are characterized by the blatant concept of "bad luck".
The ailments that blame this period are similar to ailments in their nature, if Saturn passes through the 8th House, they stink of the karmic nature.
All the price of failure is due to the fact that during the period of Saturn's passage along the 8th and 12th Budinki, karma begins to unpack.
And there are already a lot of inaccuracies to lie down in the middle, in addition, how many people gathered 29 fates of life in the past, so for the entire period of Saturn's passage through the Budinki horoscope.
As if in a new serious karmіchny obov'yazok, then when Saturn was dragged down to the 12th Budinka, a person gets drunk at the immushenіy іzolyatsії, yak it is possible, for example, at the liquorice, in the yaznitsa, or when the immušenіy vі'їzdі for the cordon.

How does the task allow Saturn to pass through the 4th quadrant?
Keruvati and the role of Kerivnik, Zrozumiy, the Sensmi of the Friends of the Interior Svyzdosti (Oskie Druzhdi Kordinam Knighty, and Razviti, are overcoming, and dealing with karmic problems at the hour of the passage of Saturn through the 12th Budinok.

The skin planet, transiting through the Budinka horoscope, farbuє our life in those and other shades in the fallow land in the nature of the planet and in the character of Budinka, according to the way it will pass. Looking at the transit of the planet along Budinka, slid to protect the strength and status of the planet (good out or evil) according to the provisions, like won out in the radix. In addition, the planet that enters to Budinka, brings from itself the problems of that Budinka, in which it was known in radix, with the improvement of all aspects, as it is small in the horoscope of the people.
Looking at the transits of Saturn, you will marvel at this aspect at the moment when Saturn passes through the Budinka cordon. Shards of Saturn may sound a sprat once (sound trich) to pass one and the same point, such moments appear as a sprat. The task of an astrologer is to vibuduvat qi three pictures into a single svyazkovy plot (opening - climax - rozvyazka) and to improve this plot to marvel at the scorching background of the podias, designated by the transit of Saturn according to the given radix Budin.
It is necessary to pay attention to the aspects of Saturn to the almuteniv of the different Budinka radix, which is to be blamed at the moment of the passage of Saturn through the Budinka cusp. So, if Saturn was hit by a planet in the radix, then Saturn’s trine to the planet’s center (under the influence of the most significant indicators) at the time of entry into Budinok can completely neutralize the damage for the period of Saturn’s transit through this booth. The same principle stands for other major planets. The information that is given by a transitive picture is often entangled with small and not really essential details, but the picture shows the reality higher, lower, for example, analysis of the first progressions.
Briefly characterized hot moments, associated with the transits of Saturn on the skin Budinka of the horoscope
Saturn in 1 house
Modesty embellishes a person, as if there is nothing more to embellish.
This transit of the floor is significant, which (with strong Saturn and other aspects) can change the relish and sounds of people more often. Saturn is in the 1st Budinka in the fall, so that the transit of the Danish influences sawing respect to the inner, spiritual side of a person's life. Having succumbed to the influx of negative vibrations of Saturn itself (like vin is evil) or its unfriendly aspects, a person can strangle the light in his soul and forget about aspirations, rozrahovani for the distant future. Tsey transit to rob a person with a gloomy and gloomy, shy to a closed way of life, to pessimism, and sometimes to self-destruction (as Saturn may refer to the 8th House or Pluto, otherwise unfriendly degrees enter on the right). When you set yourself up to yourself, the transit in the root of the filthy stars, as if Saturn may reach Neptune and Month (Neptune and Lilith), and also cool the emotions in the be-like sphere.
With a good Saturn or pleasant aspects of Denmark, the transit of a strong self-esteem, if there is a deaky fog, ties with the 12th Budinok, develops and grows clear, the causes of the situation, which fetter the people. The period of temporary isolation and self-sufficiency, even though the stench was experienced by the people, you can win for the deep work of your attachment complexes, for the awakening of the spiritual core, for the support of ambitions and illusions. Garny hour for mindfulness, understanding your goals and making plans.
Saturn at 2 Budinka
Reduce the consumption of the demand, and the possibility of their satisfaction will decrease themselves.
Tsey transit means that people made sacrifices on the right of the 2nd Budinka. It can mean, zokrema, dobrovіlnu vіdmova vіd material accumulation, vіdkrivає way to reach the goals set earlier. If a person tries to reach the 2nd Budinka, Saturn can not only choose everything, but also approximately punish for disrespect to his transit. A robot with a thin form can find it difficult to lay the floor, so that in a person, as if by itself, hands fall. Tse is often seen through those that the robot is zdijsnyuєtsya in turn in the rozrahunka on Volodynnya її result, why Saturn, scho to pass through the 2nd Budinka, is by no means guaranteed.
The evil Saturn in this transit can lead to stupid waste and unrealistic material spending, which will allow people to be drunk in tomorrow, or, on the contrary, stupid accumulation (for the collection of empty canned goods. th Budinka i, having thrown off the zayvy vanity, to work fruitfully in quiet directions, as it is effectively necessary for the solution of ailing people's problems.
Saturn at the 3rd Budinka
If you want to bring you to the sea of ​​absurdity, throw a yakir of a healthy eye.
This transit, as a rule, takes away the possibility of a constructive connection with Kim Bi there was not there, but the border between contacts and connections is important. People, who do not want to reconcile their aspirations at the right of the 3rd Budinka, start crying for the big big, inappropriate haste, restlessness and inaccurate or absolutely inaccurate information Likewise, the imperviousness and unfavorability of the children in the situation are creating a quest for the psyche and can turn into a development of new complexes and neuroses, a fall in the spirit, a lack of strength in the power.
Good or harmonious Saturn, which is moving along the 3rd House, gives the possibility of seeing unneeded waters, allowing for easy contacts and focusing on the independent acquisition of necessary knowledge. This is a good period for correspondence contacts (for example, for writing a book), for individual work with information, for picking up bags. Danish transit on the high level of Saturn's robot gives a unique opportunity to turn off the flow hourly, hourly rise. On the low level of Saturn's work in this period, there may be problems with memory (forgetfulness, roaring, etc.). To overcome the difficulties of transit, the concentration of respect, logic and health of the mind are helped to help.
Saturn at 4 Budinka
Our world is little added for living, but it did not bring the deserted people to live.
Saturn, just like Mars, is the planet of the cardinal cross, shards of this abode and exaltation are at the signs of this cross. Therefore, the most significant, for the smallest equal minds, is the transit of Saturn through the apex of Budinka of the radix.
At the 4th Budinka, Saturn is at Vignann, and the second transit through this Budinka can be threatened with serious inaccuracies, as it’s not necessary to prepare for a new one. On the butt line, you can ruin and wear a booth (landslides, earthquakes, vygnannya from a damp booth, etc.), spend (in that chi іnshіy formі) close relatives, nasampered - batkіv, disrespect for your family shoes, for like to be brought to cry dearly. On a higher level, I’ve brought in the traditions, the roots, the moral foundations, the support of such people is guilty of living a long life.
The most common reason for the inability of this transit is the filthy robot of Saturn or its aspects, which means in to this particular type nemіnnya or nebazhannya people take responsibility for those who go to the yogo booth, yogo sіm'ї and so on. Seeing Saturn in this period, a person learns to recognize and accept his coils independently, depending on how much stink you receive. Saturn, inspire like a good wine, have some kind of vibe in us constructive work, which cannot be replaced by any other speeches.
Saturn in 5 Budinka.
Our world is a theater, but the Lord is a glimpse of a newcomer.
This transit for a great, average person is more important than the strongest 5th Budinok of the yogo horoscope. Saturn, which is going along the 5th Budinka, needs a good-natured vision in the chosen role, as there would not be a public spectacle there. Saturn at this transit in other places gives the loss of children and deaths, the cooling of feelings, the spirit of one’s suffocation in this other sphere (in the case of itself - to show the aspects of Saturn at the moment of entry into Dim). Lyudina, as if she didn’t understand how to accept it, she seems to be unreasonable and indecent, abandoned and forgotten by everyone.
The Danish transit gives the opportunity for active manifestations of the individual creative spirit, but not less, not a trace of guilt in public discussions. During this period, one can easily recognize the truth and falsehood in human minds, show breadth and fidelity to the principles of cohan and creativity. It’s not necessary to be afraid that you won’t be seen or seen, it’s better to get a pardon more than yourself, so that during any transit, be a good looker no less important, lower than a leading actor. Follow the memory of those who, the so-called gromadskoy thought, establish other criteria for evaluating our life, which help to rehabilitate the worldly and perishable sight of the great and eternal, the world of which Eternity itself can only be.
Saturn at 6 Budinka
Labor having created a human being, ale wine is guilty of waving yoga.
This transit of mute creations is in order to accustom a person to a thought, that the difficulty of victorious work is in no way connected with її svodomistyu, and the accuracy of її vykonannya cannot be brought to її dozіlnostі. During this period, a person is often heaped upon impersonal important and absolutely stupid robots, like a fierce boss vimaga vikonati precisely and in his own time, until then, without interruption, controlling the work. Sensitivity of the situation is truly felt in the robot of Saturn by a path of giving special qualities, which allow practicing in such a situation for a long time and seriously, as a way of speeches. The second most possible option is in the fact that you are a person, that you are eager to work, as if by chance you fall out of the team, and no one notices any brilliant results. In some vipadkah, navpaki, it is possible to ascribe to oneself other people's merits and appropriate the fruits of collective practice.
During this period, there may be acute ailments, especially chronic ones, that cause problems with the organs of the senses, an increase in sensitivity to temperature drops.
The only recipe for podlannya difficulties of this transit is proving practicability, patience and readiness to free practice. During this period, it should be so, that until the moment when Saturn passes through the descendant, other people could write about your successes in the undertakings of their creations.
Saturn at 7 Budinka
Narkiyuchi on the mirror, you look at the rest of the zіpsuvati vіdnosiny with it.
Saturn is in the 7th Budinka exaltuє, to this transit, it is possible to allow people to show their shorter capacity at the right of the 7th Budinka. At this hour, self-esteem comes as if to itself, a lot of problems connected with spiritual growth and self-confidence, enter another plane, and a person gets bogged down in the work on the world of need. On the low level of Saturn's work, the main problem of this transit can be attributed to the fact that self-harm is brought to make a decision, that other people are struggling, but not easy. On the high level of the robot of Saturn, a person with this transit can see that the middle is, in fact, yogo powerful, that robot on the inner plane, perhaps, allows you to achieve the best results.
As a rule (as Saturn is no longer evil), when transiting a person, one should not tolerate direct failures at the right of the 7th Budinka. Vіn vіdchuvaє less zaobzhenіnі zasobіv, yakі volodіє in roboі z navkolyshnіm sredovischem i - under deyakih aspects - zastrennya without middle standing іy. It is more important that the indulgence and distrust of other people did not outgrow the confrontation. Difficult problems often lie in the fact that they don’t go wrong, compensating for their own blues, which they didn’t add up, with the light of a labored work over the right of the 1st Budinka. Gromadska dumka in this period is not so significant for the people, that’s why it’s less likely to be aware of the problems of the 7th Budinka and the people in the wild, the illusory ones from the middle, with other people, and for this denmark, transit has good prospects.
Saturn at 8 Budinka
Gaining life's good fortune, indulge in it, which makes you rich.
Saturn in the 8th Budinka is inharmonious, the shards of the people seem to be internally isolated and concentrated on the right, connected with collective karma, with resonant fields, which is blamed for a long time in the period of this transit. This period is fraught with great and small inaccuracies and trials: catastrophes, accidents, natural disasters. It is possible that a person will attract similar situations to himself, but without intermediary її the stench will not bump, you may be left out of the way. Whether it’s for some reason, it’s important to know that in the wake of mass catastrophes, you have to choose one by one, spending less on power.
Danish transit under the garniy robot of Saturn gives opportunity for a person: for some reason everything will collapse, but it will be no matter what. Whose transit of filth for active activity in any sphere, at which time it is more likely to become a guardian, and not an active participant in what is happening. Better to unique the fuss and not to learn more about the speeches, as they don’t bother you especially.
Saturn, as he moves through the 8th House, opens up prospects for occult activity, for thoughtful recognition of the greater truths. Ale vіdkrittya, yakі you can work for yourself in the whole period, do not always be accepted, and їх comprehending can vimagati trivaloї work on yourself.
Saturn at 9 Budinka
Expanding contacts with the most important medium, you will grow and sound until the cell is expanded.
Danish transit is even more difficult for people, which makes the horoscope of Jupiter the 9th Budinka's signifier. The principles that are dictated by Saturn are contrary to the principles of Jupiter, so that the supremacy of the transit is super-environment, which is vital for people living on the right side of the 9th Budinka.
During this period, there is no place to travel to get to know other traditions and cultures: everything that you actually need, you can recognize and comprehend in the world. This is the hour for reading books, for eating food, which have long occupied your respect. It’s not necessary to deceive anyone, don’t spend an hour on self-denial, rely less on the authority of the authorities, instill great wine in you.
You should respectfully stand up to your light-gazer, before your eyes on the next light, but not with a method to propagate and look, but with a method to put things in order in them, so that the stench was not a streak of various claptics, but a single crystal. The internal logic of your glances, as if it will be reached, will help you to clearly understand your goals and to be constantly guided by the worst ideas, which do not merit for respect.
Saturn at 10 Budinku
To reach the goals and fidelity to the principles, to rub one against the other, to figure out who is the eldest of them.
Danish transit to rob people more purposeful, direct and principled. Vіn opіkuєtsya people, yakі one by one reach meti, tolerant, self-sufficient and ascetic. During this period, it is possible to invest for help and encouragement of the elders for a century or for planting people. A trace of the uniqueness of balakness, rozsiyanosti and zayvogo optimism, which at this hour may not have any sensible ideas.
Saturn is a signifier of the 10th Budinka, and this transit is good for people with a high level of Saturn's work. Vin does not promise easy success, but helps people prepare, works hard on himself and knows what he wants to stink. Tsey transit means a visor, goodness, a sense of peace and fidelity of obov'yazku.
Saturn in the 10th Budinka can help people not to allow themselves to sink lower for others, but sometimes help not to allow others to rise higher for themselves. The whole hour is for ascertaining one's goals and for satisfying them with the help of their reach. However, Saturn, walking along the 10th House, can zhorstok podlady people, if not toil of the inner spiritual core, for those who hang on the first place of their rights, forgetting about the shoes' tongue, and also with people, like trying to go to the top for the rahunok of strangers zusil. You can recognize a fall at Saturn in the 10th Budinok, a solemn vision of them at Saturn in the 11th Budinok and forget it, if you see it in the 12th Budinok.
Create - and do not be volodyous, practice - and do not break the fence, reach - and do not write. This formula has been twisted to show the logic of transits of Saturn along Budinki of the earthly element (another one is the sixth - tenth), in which Saturn has the most strong rotations. Tim people, for such Saturn in the horoscope plays an important role, to be brought to accept this simple commandment. And reshti you can just think about qim.
Saturn at 11 Budinka
Growing in brushes with Share, remember that the theory of immorality is always on the її side.
During the period of this transit, firmness and calmness are most pronounced, which makes it less thoughtful and primed. Rather, do not calm down the share of Tim chi in another way, do not take advantage and do not squander on the weak hope for those who are crooked Vivese. It is necessary to clearly ascertain the motives of the vlasnyh vchinkiv, and the result of the protolezhny їх can be the same as the ochіkuvannogo. However, as a rule, there is no serious re-verification for mіtsnіst in any transit.
During this period, there is no trace of developing a belligerent activity, take the initiative and give out obityanki, which you cannot vikonate. This is a good hour to put things in order with your sharpened mind, to move in the direction of good contacts and contacts. During this period, sometimes right friends appear by themselves, and they are connected with them for all life ... or for the period of this transit.
Saturn at 12 Budinka
If you don’t care for your head’s eye, why did you fire them up?
Saturn, which passes through the 12th Budinka of the radix, afflicts the person with the veil of mystery, repels the fog of the yogo word and vchinki. As a rule, in this period it is rare to know a person, the great circle of intercourse for an hour is left to the side, and the wines, like a beat, fall to the bottom, falling out of the sonorous life rhythm. At the same time, you can talk with friends and know you can be in tyagar, more important recognition and exclusion from any processes.
Difficulties of this transit lie in the fact that it is not guilty to step in front of people of life's goals, to stand in front of her. If you want to go through this period, keep your head strong (in good weather) and don’t let the main tasks out of your respect, if you want to swear, you can figure out that the fog will grow without significant traces. Well, you see the strength of the mystery of your skin word and the capture of the poster, as if you suddenly melt into a deaf kut at the first try to guess your thoughts, so that you should think about those that don’t come Your riddle is the most important part of the real life .
In this period, there is a supernatural fascination with the psyche, the work is respected on the inner plane, it can help you to find the secret truths, which are protected by the development of buttya and svidomosti. Even if it doesn’t happen, don’t get embarrassed: God will openly show everyone his secrets, but help us to understand them, we’ll lessen them.

If transit Saturn know your 5 booths, it is important for the sake of life, especially for those who are persecuted for satisfaction will sing-songly accompany shoes. Possibly, you have new goiters for children, or problems related to them, may lead to a solution. Children can respect you too much, but we are not ugly, but you will see how strange they are. At the same time, it is possible to allow your life and other factors, you can conceive. If you want to have a period of ymovirno trivale and mіtsne romantic zahoplennya, at one time such a vzaєmini may be accompanied by serious emotional goiters, otherwise the stench will be trivial. Shkіdlivі zvichki that poturannya their weaknesses in the past can call out significant difficulties: now you happen to pay for the old rahunki. The community's activity can either stumble, or lure you in such a way that you won't be able to focus on other important problems. In addition, the development and stagnation of artistic and creative traits, or the evil of them, may come to the fore. Dії, pov'yazanі z physical, ekonomіchnim chi emotіynim rizik, next work with the greatest care and obachnіstyu. The presence of such an approach, singsongly, will lead to serious expenses. You should work on more stable and stable relationships, learn to cherubate with your own hisstical bajans, zastosovuvat zrіlіshiy pіdhіd, schob to please the diversity of life. (Rolling pin J.)

Transit of Saturn through 5 houses to the horoscope

Here Saturn either takes the sign of love dreams (in some types of wines it can take a love proposition), or it tells about the possibility of opening love dreams. Ale navitt for the positive aspects of a person can be seen as cold, dissatisfied with the current camp of the right, or to consider the side of a kohanoy person. Wines can think about the seriousness of wines, the dotality of their development. It is possible to have a break with the cohanim, or for the zustrichs, they should respect the other furnishings. Everything calls out anxiety, fear, gives rise to a sense of insouciance, to that a person’s pragmatic singing is obvious. In some vipadkas, a camp can be pointed out to a love or a creative link with a rich older person, or such that a camp can be in a sorority. Might bring back the old love call.

Serious respect can help children and everything that is connected with them. Possible problems, how to get through them. Lyudina or she herself will see the evidence in front of them, take on their development, that vihovannya or її before zmushuyut furnish. Saturn, passing through the 5th field, reduces the chance of having children, women may have problems with vagity, the canopies may be protracted. In some cases, transit can be related to separation from children.

Saturn, by its nature, does not have adventurers and does not like risks, we should protect this from everything that is worth gambling, rozvag, speculation and other financial adventures. It’s easy for creative self-expression, so it’s better to take care of perfecting your creations, and not to start anew. Appreciate the timing of the hour very importantly. If you want Saturn’s winy-friendly camp, for example, as the ruler of the X field in the Radix, it’s entirely possible that the horoscope’s master takes away the deserved recognition, and it’s possible through his work to become immortal. Ale buvay and so, scho tvir, the views of the public at the time of the passage of Saturn in the V field, are left unmarked, but they can guess about it later, for a more friendly transit camp of the planets. To that Saturn at tsomu polі zovsіm not є pereskodo for creative work, just manage to go richer.

Negative aspects point to problems with children and children, dissatisfaction with children with them. Fallen, in the case of additive indications, it can also cause separation from children (for example, in case of separation), the importance of the disease of a kohanoi person or a child and cause death, like a vkazіvka in Radiksі. Children at the same time keep up their respect, stench can close in themselves, see fathers, older children can drink at home. Contact is made with older children.

Often, this transit should be brought to the point of rozcharuvannya in the kohaniy people, it can be indicative of evil, an important opening of the veins, which will bring suffering to the horoscope. In some cases, there is a decrease in sexual needs; It is better for women to have a unique conception. If there are additional indications, there may be problems associated with vagitis and canopies: cesarean rosetin, wikiday or perenoshuvannya vaginosti For an abortion even an unfriendly hour.

You can spend through gambling, speculation, financial fraud. (Vronsky S.A.)

Transit of Saturn, Kostyantin Daragan “Transit. A Short Guide to Transit Forecasting Techniques

Saturn is the head ruler of the objective hour in astrology. You will have to pass the Zodiac for 29.5 years, which is good for the natural rhythms of human life. The first yoga cycle is our childhood, youth and maturity. Other maturity. Third old age. Saturn is serious and last, gloomy. You do not have the power of emotional madness, typical transits of Pluto and Uranus. Saturn surrounds, zagalmovuє, sounding, embossing, vimaging, vibrating. Be it your own transits, you will have patience, naivety, and vidpovіdalnosti.

If Saturn is on our map, we become important and serious in some specific diets. In fact, this is one of the most important signs of the transit of Saturn, which has appeared: wherever we know our sense of humor, we can’t be more jittery, as before, even if the world and our furnishings are given to us suvori and zovsim inappropriate for fun.

One of the yoga lessons is to learn how to save money and be satisfied with little. And it doesn't cost more than pennies. On yoga transits, we spare our feelings, we make contacts until necessary, we show our hobbies and love for the sake of something serious. The energy of Saturn's transits is like a good shave, like a kitten, the stench is so self-sufficiently dispersed, a loud kitten and a shrill humming.

Inertia, opir of the middle axis are those from which one can be brought to stick on yoga transits. And it’s not so important that the opir of the middle can fit into the non-transverse figure of the social security inspector, or in the acute chronic illness. It is more important that you steal our resources, so that you can rozshtovhat and put this nebulous razor. It rarely happens that way, so that the transit of Saturn turns out to be completely unsuitable for the native.

Vіdmіtnі rіsi Saturn perebachuvanіst, planіnіstіnіnіnіst і nevlagannіst sledovnіst, mute move Dolі, mute important krok Commander. With tense aspects of Saturn, it can be lakati, and fear, rozpach almost, yakі often blame the very problematic transits. Lyudina, as she said before, that “goodness is just patience in difficult situations,” was not a bit aware of the stress aspects of Saturn and was able to resist them.

Through the peculiarities of its own destiny, Saturn is even better suited to the role of a planet, which inculcates the Share, Fatum. I myself have accepted the past astrology, until the sight of the greatest planets. Yogo tension transit is exactly described by the words exchange chi spend.

Saturn's transits may be special. The whole planet, which has a subdivision on aspects that diverge, is not uncommon. Processes, like cherues, such that the stench is great inertia. Navіt yakscho itself podіya vіdbuvaєtsya near the exact aspect, we can find out about it її dієyu on razbіzhnostі, in a deyaky hour.

(+) The positive influx of Saturn is manifested in the fact that in our life it is planned that it is transferred to the new opportunities. Even more often, it is necessary for us to go through a complicated test, a test of our own, but we will have everything that is necessary for success. Go and do it by yourself, those nasty people are stupid. The psychological aspect is accompanied by a sense of calmness and stability, a kind of well-laid and blessed life. You can say hello, what for ever. As a whole, typically natural self-exchange, rightfulness, modesty is not shown in quiet boudinkas, spitting on like wines. A lot of people on the harmonious aspects of Saturn are engaged in ordering their lives. Zahal friendly aspects of Saturn have little to give to people who are not serious or who are not positive. In addition, all aspects of Saturn are more strongly poured out of the century, and in youth the positive infusion often passes unnoticed.

(-) My sticking with the difficulties, yakі can be zdavatis inexhaustible. Surround that people create serious persecutions for us. Life is given up by an uninterrupted struggle for our minimal rights and life of prosperity. The share we have is the ability to use that resource, and it’s important to stand against it. On the negative aspects of Saturn, we got into trouble with a lot of life, we suffer and start hurting ourselves through the “injustice” of what we see. For some vindication, the negative aspects of Saturn introduce us to humility and until the end of the fight. As a result, apathy and depression are possible, all fears are activated, and the immune system is weaker. For summer people, transits of Saturn can bring unsafe periods. The greatest pіdhіd before the stressful transits of Saturn is to remember that the Lord does not give you a taste of strength. Psychologically, the transits of Saturn always make us serious and deep-minded, sometimes gloomy. The cold fills our inner world, making us great, unacceptable to sentimental feelings and motivations. Saturn in transit always attracts us to save and be satisfied with what is really necessary. The fallow likeness of Saturn in the natal chart appears either in pronounced practicality, or in cynicism and instills greed. Zvichnі venerianskij joys of life cease to be built by ancient chis. On the transits of Saturn, the IX Arcana of the Tarot “Samіtnik”, runes Isa and Nauthiz often fall.

Saturn according to Songqiu

(+) Garna mozhlivist to achieve his stubborn practice and patience. At this hour, you can take a lot of things, as if they were planned and deliberately, ignoring rubbish teasers. Business acumen appears, arrogance and practicality, perhaps not powerful to the native. For people who are hopeless, who live “today’s day”, or just young, such a passage can not give anything authentic and pass absolutely unmarked. (-) In tense aspects before the Sun, it indicates an important life period. The whole period of testing, moreover, the obvious, obvious, the stench was understood, and they needed to be done. It is often accompanied by the mental isolation of a person, the obscurity of the possibilities of self-expression through the impractical terms goiter. Typically accompanied by temporal anger in one's own strength, innocence in oneself and in others to inspire unsatisfactory shyness and fire right up to apathy. Behind some vinnyatkas, the transit manifests itself like a whiff of pessimism. For creative people the problematic aspect is transferred, the shards are always accompanied by a creative crisis.

Often, this transit carries with it a loss of contact with an important person for us, as a rule, a person.

Saturn by Moon

In case of stressful aspects, the entire transit is a classic example for the period of depression. And navit for harmonic aspects does not give receiving emotions. For the next hour, we remember our natural physiological needs, especially our appetite.

(+) "Freezing" sensibly, obviously, why part of our soul is undergoing anesthesia. Navіt realna nebezpeka that psihologichnіchny pressure praise the native no more, the lower crew of the tank dosch іz hail. Earlier, for similar conditions, I’m already not in myself, and I’m in my mind, what you need to be aware of, like to react, but not today. Everything is vain in sight, like peas in the wall, not filling the soul.

(-) Spleen and znevira are typical of our companions for an hour of transit. The higher Saturn is in the natal chart, the stronger it is expressed, right up to clinical depression. All fears are activated. The world is created by a cold, unfriendly and joyless place, it hurts us all and looks like. A frowning mood becomes stable, so we cease to remember yoga. For a strong psychic constitution, the native can survive a few days before the blows of the share.

The negative aspect of Saturn before the month often gives problems to health through a weakened immune system, hypothermia and the introduction of unfavorable products. Often, this transit carries with it a waste of contact with an important person for us, as a rule, a woman.

Saturn behind Mercury

(+) Vіdmіnny period for razmіrenoї іntelektualії rabota and libokogo vyvchennya chogos. For a remarkably short term, people are significantly immersed in the same high-specialty topics in that area. Call the people themselves to intersect their contacts at the whole hour, to unique the empty communication, so that they do not respect. Perhaps, it is possible to collect a significant amount of documentation, or to systematize, arrange information. Liberation to classification and systematization is a significant world to inspire in those who are so weak.

(-) Some of the contacts are being made from our stake, as recent friends know. It is important to be in the middle, especially to talk about abstract understanding or exact science. The collapsible rozum's activity can appear impossible for a certain hour, the native is timidly foolish and becomes irrelevant to a serious concentration of respect, or a rozum's susilla. For students, an important period, a decrease in success. Often, transit is accompanied by difficulties during trips due to traffic jams, congestion, delays and delays in flights.

Saturn in Venus

(+) I can seriously create a robot, especially with really impressive results (design, modeling, painting). Sometimes you can bring a sample from a friend with a close person, with which the couple successfully copes and becomes a mother, lower earlier. It is also often accompanied by an internal reassessment of emotions important people and vіdnosin, zavіvayutsya by themselves zv'yazki, zasshayutsya less real. In some cases, the transit is accompanied by changes in gastronomic similitudes.

(-) The period of cooling in the eyes of a close person, the period of awakening and frustration of feelings. Do not spriya love and novels. Navit is in love with the right chi hobi cease to bring satisfaction. Deficiency of love and that joy are felt even more acutely, especially among women (“in my life there is no cohana and will not be”). In a person, the aspect of the relationship is related to problems in mutual relations with a close woman.

Saturn on Mars

(+) Garni period for important and stressed work, moreover, it is more important than physical. Also, spryyaє tension fight, competition. A person has the ability to overcome, as if to show masculinity, principles and patience. One s astrological aspects, what to shove the cob of a new training cycle

(-) At this hour, our activity is surrounded by fences. Even if the Nativ has a problematic Mars, it can be accompanied by a physical trauma of a shock character, if not, the aspect manifests itself as a psychological substitution of our mittees' abilities. An important hour for training and more improvement, our physical indicators are gradually decreasing, and the temple is injured. Often on this transit there are principles and protracted conflicts.

Saturn behind Jupiter

The new world is seen only by people who are socially realized, especially those of the middle, frail age. Otherwise, there is no special psychological significance.

(+) good hour in order to close your influx, establish yourself in the hands of the authorities. Often, transit is accompanied by a transition to new social formations, serious acquaintance with high-ranking people, supporting great corporations from the side of the state.

(-) Fall of our authority. Mystiques with disdain for those who do not accept our merits. The period of difficulties in the implementation of a new social project, business plan. Do not varto rozrakhovuvat on the praise of our ambitions by the strong of the world. Saturn according to Saturn For people of a frail age, it is worth doing a sensitive transit. In youth and in the middle age, people are calm in the main tense aspects of Saturn to Saturn (also z'ednannya) as a period, as if they show great patience with us, show steadfastness in character, come to the end of self-sufficiency and independency.

Harmonious transit aspects show up less on the equal psychology, sound less in people from the pronounced and prosperous Saturn in the chart. The stench seems to be significant psychological stability to be-like zovnіshnіh vplivіv, like tsіlі period аrе аrе mоrеrеnt thаt orderly life. Saturn to Uranus, Neptune, Pluto does not have much pronounced psychological change. Viklikanі tsim transit zmіni are manifested in the podіyah tyh budinkіv, in some roztashovanі tsі planet or such stench to control. The nature of the changes themselves is determined by the nature of the aspect (and the appearance of a re-connection).

Saturn by Lilith

Call to come calmly, reveal treachery and zhorstokіst to the people of that house, in which Lilit is known. For people with Saturn accenting the card, transit is important. Repair the native with a graceful rank without the best rank, with which there is a lot of persecution in the one who will bring it up to the first level of need. "Nepoleglivist o sin" can often be succumbed to at the very hour of such a transit. Cynicism, scrupulousness, earthiness become close to the native and understand you, you need to stink. I will show the peculiarities of lying in the booth, where Chorniy Mіsyats is known.

Saturn by monthly nodes

The passage of Rahu is a period, if we need to voluntarily discipline and organize our life in the best way, depriving us of those that we need in a right way. It is necessary to have self-sufficiency, that vminnya vіdokremlyuvat importantly in the form of another row, vibudovuvat cordoni between one's own and another's. Vіdmova vіd nabuttja kogo dosvіdu led to problems at the booth, where Pіvdenny Vuzol is known. Quite often, chronic illnesses are manifested in every passage, and, as a result, blame the need to live in a house, to streamline the way of life.

If Saturn and Pivnіchniy Monthly Vuzol do not mourn until the 6th night, then the appearance of an ailment on that transit is a real sign of serious spiritual problems.

The passage of the Pivdenniy Knot creates a situation, if everything is done, described by the buds of our Saturn, they pinch like clockwork. Transit often bring situations, if just goitre vykonati before taking wine goiter. For people with a favorable Saturn at the card, with a garniment equal to yogo, the transit can give a positive result, for example, in looking for help, support. Ale tse bovaє rarely.

Saturn on the I house

Transit Saturn, moving on Asc, marks an important period, tying off a reassessment of oneself and one's role in this world. Setting yourself and your life becomes deadly serious, it is typical for the native to have these themes. Typical rozcharuvannya in soby, vtrat іluzіy shkodo vlasnoї rіlі in svіtі stosunkah. Characteristic is the change of advantages in dressing up with asceticism and dark colors.

If Saturn is strong in the card, then in transit it is possible to lose the vaga. In a positive scenario, it is self-evident, but in a negative scenario, it is for the sickness of the body or the psyche. Physically, this aspect sounds old, bringing new eyes or hair.

(+) Growth in self-discipline, self-discipline, calm firmness, impertinence on the right are manifested. The native kindly “treats the blow” of everyday difficulties, most often leads other people behind him and solves other people's problems like his own. Life follows a serious order, but if it doesn’t call for discomfort, you can learn to do it. Dobrovіlne samozazhennya, vminnya satisfied with the necessary, the idea of ​​autonomy sigh and sigh. Often such a transit means the beginning of new training cycles, cleaning procedures; actual zagartovuvannya, starvation and other similar practices.

(-) To finish the trival period of pessimism and low self-esteem. Possibly depression, sickly experience of selfishness, instill in NATO, apparently crushed by everyday fuss and other problems, fatalism. Not alone in the episodes of acute chronic illnesses, typically weakened by immunity. The cold is hard to bear. It is also important to endure the hunger of їsti on this aspect, you don’t want to sound, but the lack of strength during hunger strikes even more quickly.

Saturn on the second house

(+) Income from such aspects of Saturn is rare. It can be financed by people who create long-term projects that can contribute to the stability of the earth, or work in organizations from a clear vertical hierarchy. And yet, in such cases, the income is not similar to winning a lottery, but looks like a planned premium and a dividend payout. For wealthy people, such a transit psychologically can go through without a hitch.

(-) Spend and spend, plan to spend on the purchase of old speeches, which went out of tune. Not far away for the insert, especially the dovgostrokovyh. For some vinnyatkami, the negative injection of Saturn on the second week of the vimagatima economy and charitableness. In especially foldable weather during a penny-free period, you need to save on everything and go to the shops with a calculator. They know the main “levs” of income, above the norm and bonuses.

Saturn behind the III house

(+) Positive meaning here is not rich. Transit is suitable for primary work with documents, for scientific work, primary activity. Skrіlyuє stosunki with brothers and sisters, robbing all the time around the colocution of the lightly important and unimportant people themselves emerge from our field of dawn.

(-) Problems in travel traffic jams, congestion, canceled or canceled flights. Often, transit is accompanied by a short period of conflict with bureaucratic structures: the selection of additional documents, execution of documents, drawings and waste of time. Chilled water from close relatives (albeit not fathers), from sucrose to vorozhnech and rozryu vodnosin, which is why the horoscope is allowed. An important period for the development of new beginners in learning, this aspect often leads to a decrease in success.

Saturn on the IV house

(+) Quite often, the beginning of the completion of repairs at the house, life. Vіdnosini with other people become even more distant, more close, though not on an emotional level. Emphasis is placed on mutual trust and mutual trust, confidence in those who we can rely on in times of difficulty. Also, you can blame the need to seriously help a close person, moreover, the resources for this mi matimemo. For such a passage, you will need respect for home references. Those that we shobimo, mortgage, pobuduєmo, pіdgotuєmo during this period, repair, cleanliness, get rich with us for a lot of rock.

(-) Most of the time, I will show two options for transit: the need to repair the dwelling (do not start the water) or the loss of contact with a close blood relative (sound father). Forever such a passage creates problems at home, at home, at hundred years with fathers. We will have to gain some patience, and then suffering. It’s necessary to see the living quarters, which is known, and start shukati new, or spend all your free time for repairs. With the aspect of the vinyl strength and the additional signs of the prognosis, such a transit is read as a “waste”. Imovirnist spend one of the fathers at such a high place. Psychologically, the passage of Saturn in the interdependence of up to IV house will always work to create a psychological climate in the house, this is important. In the life of family people, it is accompanied by a period of cooling in stosunka, nudga and baiduzhost. It is even more important for people who are self-reliant on their transit to try to “press” the walls at home.

Saturn in V house

(+) Often seriously choked by Saturnian sports or hobbies by mountaineering, hockey, climbing, yoga and others. As a whole, it is typical to change the number of occupants to one, the main one. In novels, this aspect should be sprung, brought to the harmonic variant. However, love stosunki go to a new, serious rіven. Good period for children. A lot of people are voluntarily and intuitively encouraged to take part in the occasional visits for the sake of something else, more serious intercourse with a child, busy with new hobbies, creative work. Trapleyaetsya, if the positive aspect of Saturn bring good completion of the riotous way of life.

(-) A period of zhorsty roses in the kohanna, unhappiness to manifest itself in this sphere. The number of romances and flooding is approaching zero, as the temperature drops to the freezing point. And inspire the fate of the saints in friendly gatherings, calling out a healthy effect, we are hurting ourselves more and more, because we will grow up indefinitely. For modern woman, scho bazhaє stati matіr'yu, filthy aspect. It makes it easier not only to conceive itself, but to make wine. Vagity is often accompanied by toxicosis, the head of a lot of anxiety through a healthy mother and child.

In case of serious negative indications, you may be forced to re-vaccinate for medical indications or fetal death. For the father, such a transit often means either a fundamental conflict with a child, or else there are problems in life. Not a distant period for gambling. Zalezhno in vіd vkazіvok natalї kartinі vіd painful programs up to great expenses.

Saturn from the VI booth

(+) Rozmіrna, equal virobnicha diyalnіst, zhittya vіdpovіdno to the strict order, scho, not less than, allow us to cope with us on the right every hour. The boss's horoscope often means a good period for personnel management and optimization of the company's work. Ale, it is not included also the speed of the tripods and the extensions of the support. Often, this aspect means serious confusion healthy rank life, obezhennyami at eating, diets. Garny hour for the prevention of illness and the treatment of chronic disorders.

(-) A common phenomenon is chronic illnesses, or the appearance of new health problems, caused by cold or contamination, slagging of the body. Also, problems arise from the swamps and salt deposits, which will pass if the transit ends. Vіdnosiny among the working team and z podglymi important, hostility. A lot of routine and language work with a fixed schedule. Another important moment for integration into new team. There are fluctuations, if such a transit means problems in the life of a homely vihoventsya, what a lot of trouble we should do, we must be patient with that show.

Saturn from VII house

Zavzhd re-check the school for mіtsnіst. You can firmly predict that the stoks are not necessary, empty, fluffy to fly around, like autumn leaves. So the passage of time zmushuє to look over that role, as we play a huge thought in our life.

(+) An ear of serious stosunkiv. Like a stounki already є, but if you are not stable, you give them stability. The aspect of the transition from the Hromadyansky shlyub to the official chi prinaymni to more stable. Often the transit confuses the native, voluntarily take responsibility for a close person. The number of contacts will gradually change to a new comfortable number. Buvay so that the new "kilkistyu" becomes one person, but buvay and so that no one is left without some kind of internal discomfort. The businessmen have a miraculous period, an ear of longevity spivpratsi.

A characteristic feature of Saturn is those that an ear of serious feelings on this aspect is not accompanied by emotional euphoria and may not be accepted as if it were true that we will be deprived of rock.

(-) Chilling at the vіdnosinah with a close person, a person in the coldness or baiduzhnost until separation and opening of the vіdnosin. In business vіdnosinakh often means the application of spіvpratsi at once for a lot of people for reasons not to lie in front of us. Ridshe means problems in the life of a person close to us, we will be drawn into yaku. Highly immovable I will fail in court, moreover, Saturn is problematic, and injustice is more important. A fundamental conflict with a competitor and a business partner without being able to know a mutual solution.

Saturn from the VIII booth

Such a passage of Saturn is more classical, though indirect, evidence of the possibility of ending the recession.

(+) Away from the old-fashioned capital investment. Possibility to look in disguise we hold on to fears And the more phobias the more people have unique thoughts about old age and death, the more I have to learn to learn in an hour of transit. Removal of decay, both material and spiritual.

(-) Often accompanied by fears; The native becomes a participant or a witness to ruins. A rich hour of spiritual strength will be given to participate in other people's lives. As a result, there is a revaluation of values. For people, like the backs of the financial sphere, it is impossible to turn back the deposits, the money; possible problems with loans and positions, as a rule, through divers partners. Possible dosvid clinical death, not included is the danger of knowing violence, which is why the situation in the prognostication in the natal chart is clearly unfavorable.

Saturn on the IX booth

(+) Often the transit is accompanied by a deep interest in the spiritual side of life, scientific achievements, deep insights into foreign culture, religion, philosophy. The ordering of the power of the spiritual sphere is being observed. One of the best aspects for self-knowledge is self-knowledge. The aspect does not succumb to short-hour long trips, but it manifests itself well for the opportunity to live for an hour outside the cordon.

(-) Rozcharuvannya at vіrі, in іdeals; spiritual crisis, nihilism, bezvir'ya. Serious problems on long trips, problems with adaptation to a foreign land, to a foreign culture. Nebezpeka from foreigners.

Saturn on X house

Zavzhd significantly increase the number of our professional shoes and traction. It is easy to see the blues with great and uninterrupted bosses for a friendly disposition.

(+) Plant a little more, respectfully acknowledge, like vimagatime in front of us for personal viability for the results. Transit especially helps achieve success for the same, individuals, so as not to be afraid of work and vandalism. For people who have been assigned to the bureaucratic apparatus by the Vikonavchi ruler, such an aspect can mean pushing the chief through the service gatherings, which “pulls” them behind him. This is the hour for serious great projects, and we can afford to do our best to help others in our undertaking. For the friendly Saturn in the natal chart, well-deserved recognition, great success, which will be easy to repeat to other people.

(-) Zvіlnennya, vtrata plant, an armchair under us ґruntovy test on mіtsnіst. Transit is especially unsafe for those who are on the top of the "grub lance". For the best people gives a fastidious, pre-negative order from the authorities. Nova on the right is going through a crisis, as it may end with a successful project. Filthy fame, waste of a good name, reputation. For entrepreneurs, such a transitive aspect means problems with the power of the government, and it also means to focus on one right, sacrificing other projects.

Saturn on the XI house

Always change the number of our contacts, our friends.

Vipadkovі people vіdsіvayutsya, natomіst novі znajomstva, scho formed and saved at the whole hour, to be with us on the rocks. The aspect often accompanies the fate of a beneficent activity, philanthropy, pikluvannya. Zagalna on the right, universal, sacred human values become our head turbine, that point of presentation of forces. The І collective support us in return.

(-) Our friends lead us big, we are embarrassed to solve problems, which would not be, yakby don’t stink. Mozhlivіst rozrivu vіdnosin іz like-minded people and friends. That self-sufficiency is unreasonable in the number of people who had been warm before. Buvay, that such an aspect accompanies the waste of a friend of the reasons, that it should not lie in our hands and our wines. The fate of the community's activities is troublesome and roaring, and even problematic. The team of which party can donate for the sake of common interest.

Saturn on the XII house

(+) The transformation of one's life into a riddle for the distant, richly mysterious activities and secrets of other people. Sound the person herself pragmatically assimilated, and the situation is folded in such a way that no one cares about anyone. This passage of Saturn is more pleasant for those who have power, the shards ring out the possibility of intrigue, behind-the-scenes injection, neutralization of enemies without direct conflict.

(-) The period of activation of secret waters, which is impossible to resist. Depending on the extent to which the natal chart is shaking, the native can get into vagrancy, drinking, on the outside of growth, reveal to himself potential mental problems and crazy fantasies. It's bad to endure selfishness. Not the same folding in robots, kar'єrі.

For special indications at the card, you can exchange your will, take it to the liquor, in the hall, or else the investigation. The probka for the transit of Saturn Yakim bi is not an aspect that is approaching, it will be necessary for us to be patient, tolerant and steadfast. The nature of Saturn is such that one does not try to rob gifted ones on harmonious aspects, as if the native did not “deserve” it. Vіn, like a suvoriy that powerful father, give me more than that, if it's for something. І kaє sound more serious, lower obdarovuє.

Operation of Saturn:

Harmonious aspects of Saturn vimagatimute in our minds, that vminnya diyati is calmly and reconciledly, take on yourself the responsibility for our life. Ale Saturn is not buv bi Saturn, yakbi more important, po'yazane z him, vіdbuvalos on harmonic aspects. Yoga smut lessons - tension aspects. If the day of the transit aspect of Saturn is approaching, then we should prepare ourselves to the point that we will overcome difficulties, as we will not be overcome. Dosvіd stamina in front of Doli, resisting I see, apathy, suffering, I should prepare myself to the next.

Saturn is a special planet in karmic themes, remain invisible to the invisible eye. Vіn vіdоkremlyuє vіdоkremlyuє vіdіshі planets vіd planets of the collective unsvіdom. Saturn is the boundary, and the doors. Itself to him is connected with the experience of fear as a natural reaction to everything that is unknown. Fear is the only thing that needs to be repaired to reveal the deep possibilities of our nature. Tse those who, like Cerberus, beat the brothers of Aida, did not let the last person go far to the planets of the collective unfamiliar. And just to overcome fear in oneself, to know yoga and to accept yoga (but not to give up to yoga), then only just open the way like at the depths of our “I”, so it’s up to our strength.

The second aspect of the operation of the transits of Saturn: the need to praise the situation in which you were born and live. Conciliation with the action of those who do not sound like people under the hour of such a transit. For a successful operation of the planet, it is important to master the basic skill, as is known in the tradition of different names that names. Go about the so-called “kshatriysky ethics of the unaffected diy”.

In the "Bhagavad Gita" Krishna recited principles to the hero Arjuna before the battle. It gained a special development in Karma-Yozі, but it won practically in all schools of Indo-Buddhist mysticism. That very stereotype of behavior, that very stereotype of setting oneself and life of descriptions under Castanedi's name of incompetence, is reflected in Taoism and Confucianism (for example, in Zhuangji); yoga can be known in Zen Buddhism and busido, in vin and in rich other authors, in European existential philosophy. Going about vikonannya diy is more beautiful for the sake of divi itself, don't get results. Todi will not be disappointed, will not be stunned by those sickly wounds, will not open those wrinkled hands.

As for me, for the sake of divinity itself, we pass through the transit of Saturn with the least support. Reacting to yoga aspects and suffering, we can force the negative influx of Saturn! To that deep, principled pardon in respect, that by themselves "sufferings purify the soul." Suffering empty the soul, enslaved її in a closed cycle of suffering, so do not change the shutter before them.

Saturn is to love quietly, who does not fall in the middle on yoga testing, do not worry about coping with life's testing. And it’s possible to reach someone, having been inspired by hisism and selfishness, even if it’s often. Otherwise, the intensity of suffering can become quite unbearable. Having spent your own pricelessness on Him, a person will work colossally: he becomes steadfast in terms of time before the strikes of Saturn, and by the hour, by the hour, and free of them. Those who used to give a lot of pain and suffering, now they accept it differently.

Whether it’s a person, like Saturn, if you want to, once in life, bringing you to the extreme boundary of suffering, you know there’s a little bit of zvilnennya. I started all the same problems, and those same people, but the setting before them changes. And as if by themselves, the possibilities are revealed, as if they were simply not visible through the tears that clouded their eyes. As a compensatory activity for an hour of preparation before the transits of Saturn, it is possible to recommend whether it is right, if it is necessary for voluntary self-exchange: diet and starvation (as there is no counter-indication), morning, be it of any kind, right to try the concentration of respect, zagartovunya. The procedure is clumsy, ale povna of a deep esoteric zmіstu procedure, even wider on the transits of Saturn, tidying up, based on the wiki data of old and old speeches. Vaughn symbolizes, and literally means the ordering of life and the sacrifice of that which lived its own. This magical act is clumsy, accessible to everyone and even more effective.

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"Transit. A Short Guide to Transit Forecasting Techniques

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Saturn passes the zodiac for 29.5 years. Vіn to carry out mayzhe in all moods natal budinki However, due to the retrograde collapses, through the cuspіdi, the vins remain residually flooding the tsі sectors of the map only in three years after I enter them. Saturn's pure river turn becomes 10 °, as a result, the turn forward is 18 ° and the retrograde turn is 8 ° (with a stretch of 4.5 months). With the skin natal planet vin, I establish transit aspects approximately once every three years (an exact aspect can be formed once or three times). A transit that flows during a period of direct movement, if the exact aspect is seen only once, fits in one month. However, under the hour of retrograde turns, the aspect of Saturn with the natal planet remains in the orbit between five or six months out of ten, which flow from the entrance of the aspect to the orb to the residual exit from the new one.

In the period of transits of Saturn, they tell the camp when going uphill, we get lost, winding path: a process that will wake you up, as you are ready and trained, and torturi in a different mood (“Be respectful, in the back - a long stone slope!”). As if you are not effective, but you are slacking off in the event of a storm, you can see yourself as a traveler, which is more pave your way along the painful bottom of a viscous swamp (“The Aligatori can’t be reached, then the virva can be smoked”). The transitive aspects of Saturn are intermingled or fetter the manifestation of the natal planets in such a manner that, for the sake of mind, the manifestations of these miracle planets are under the control of the manifestations, but in another case, the stench is reduced.

The passage of Saturn with bugles calls out a reassessment of the broken and what to work with in the different spheres of life, the sustenance for the preparation of future activity. Saturn often plays in “come on, take it” (change) or it will drag on, so that you can give important lessons. As a rule, when you enter the house on the back, you know about yourself the unacceptable side of Saturn (strings, non-strings, strains of susilla). Vidpovіdalna reevaluation and diligent respect allow transforming Saturn's injection into control, success and nareshti (rarely reachable) - at mastery.

The movement of Saturn according to the quadrants of the horoscope can be interpreted in a similar way to the skin of three cycles, which intertwine with each other, which describe our slipping into the kar'єri Vizhivannya, kar'єri Pride and kar'єri Borg.

Kar'єra Vizhivannya - the whole day of the earth's blues, the security of the material foundation, the control of the material minds of life, the validity of the selection of specific results, for the reliability and stability.

Kar'єra Pride - tse ways, po'yazaniya z orientation to the high meta, ways, scho reflecting the self-perfection of that special significance in the zbіshuvalnomu skli personal that social svallennya, prestige, suspіlnogo stavishcha.

Kar'єra Borgu - tse way of vіddannosti, slyakh samoіddannyh diy ta zusil for the creation of chi reach chogos. Vaughan vymagaє patience and indulgence, and pov'yazane z it is seen by a person as a need and special obov'yazok, as a part of special vіdpovіdalnosti, privileges and navit rights.

The quadrants of Saturn appear at three viscous points in the same way as the Ascendant, the Son of that same Saturn: up to the lower square to the dermal one; from the bottom square to the opposition; in the opposition to the upper square; from the upper square to the bottom.

Saturn pushes people behind all three kar'єrami at once: invigorating, giving newfound strength and strength, lifting, nareshti, leading to the plateau in different professional kar'єrakh or along the way to different sides of one kar'єri. Apply: astrology often є kar'єroy Pride for quiet, whose kar'єra Vizhivannya pov'azana z business or commerce, and kar'єra Borg - more s chimos, perhaps, s їhnіmi family ob'yazkami or kakoy-not be good-natured. In another way, an astrologer can be a consultant on the path of Kar'єri Vision, a lecturer (or an author of books on astrology), a Kar'єri Borgu - an author of books or a Vikonavecian of obov'yazkіv in an astrological organization.

At the car'erah of Pride and Borg, a person as a whole can take away income and material winemaking (just like the car'erah Vizhivannya - intangible benefits); even richer becomes available, so that every hour you can change the accent from the low card to the higher one. Catch the wind, as I go uphill and rise at once with it, as long as possible, and then jump over to the advance to continue the convergence. Guard the shepherds, as if to put Parkinson's law (po'yazanі z exit for mezhі equal competencies), and do not beat the horse, which fell, scho carried you straight away from what you need. Prodovzhennya success is signified by the change of horses in the middle of the ferry - at the right time for the stream.
Whatever way a particular person should go in a skin kar'єrі, it can be done more with a specific discussion with an astrologer. Ale є deyakі zagalnі vkazіvki: kar'єru Vision in the natal chart often show X budinok (signs of that planet, like stink in the new є) that position of the Sun and Saturn in budinki. The career of Pride is often described by the sign of the Sun, the sleepy bud of X and the sleepy bud of Saturn. The sign, natal and sleepy budinki of Saturn and yoga aspects can be the key to the kar'єri Borg. If Pluto is strong, then it is necessary to bless it, as and other current indicators of the choice and success of the car.

Ruh Saturn's paths kar'єr - tse one hour and transit ruh through the houses, which embrace and quadrants, and all in all.
For the first quarter of the cycle, bring the trouble to the type “the head of the head - the tail of the load” and to rob the necessary world absolutely unimportant, so that only the client does not have a strategic access to the task of self-development, based on self-sustaining, re-ordering and re-learning. This is a listening moment for shifting the accent to the next, next cycle of Saturn, like this.

In general, transit through sector 4 is the end of one phase and the beginning of another; the period of growth until entry into sector 7 represents your special progress to the point where your gains are beginning to gain enormous respect. The transition from sector 7 to sector 10 (convergence) is the largest public part of your career, the climax of which falls on sector 10. rather than a distant step forward. With the transition through the cordon of sector 1 (ascendant), a period of absence begins. This is the most important hour, especially as you have risen to the ascendant “with ensigns that are rising”, because in such a period of absence, it may be sing-songly difficult, as they will bother you until Saturn reaches the inter-sector 4 and will not give you the possibility of a new cob . As soon as your nearest horoscope sees the entry of Saturn into the period of absence, try to voluntarily look out for help and more dbati about the flow of kindness, lower about change. Turn back to the 7th chapter and take a look at how other people reacted to the transit of Saturn and how much you get out of the situation in your life.

Transit of Saturn on Budinka Radix

Transit of Saturn on the I house pochinaetsya s "strike in the mind of the guise": blaming somnіvi schodo their zvnіshnostі, іmіdzhu і other people's reactions to us. Mi zmushenі pіti in the shade or look at your style. Verification of nedolіkіv, then їх rectification chi accepted, and vіdkidannya without pіdstavny sumnіvіv raschishchiє fields of activity. Out of dissatisfaction, practicality is born, that is, like maturity, the completion of professional self-presentation. The brown gloss is brought on overnight with the development of thorough working strategies.

Passing cusp II house , Saturn, as a rule, signals about the bank account of the client and about the present troubling financial difficulties. A penny's dues are delayed, and if you don't feel a shortage of pennies, then, singly, the task is brought to the brother. Vtim, deyakі clienti nabuvayut richly zavdya zavdya zavoennyu new principles and practices, as well as the well-thought-out knowledge of new dzherel material benefits for zapobigannya hardships. Restructuring of values ​​to lead to an increase in resources.

Rukh Saturn III home spriyaє pessimism and uplifting rozumovі processes enough, so that it was possible to look over the old decisions and vibrate from the “healthy mind” the truth, to veer into the new. In order to create a solid ground for the future success of the clients, during this period, they will carefully engage in training, in order to designate their sphere of activity and understanding, as to reach new success.

If Saturn reaches the lower square and “lights up at the kut”, the hour of ambiguity reaches the end: people restore the ability to reach success, in proportion to their investments, and take diligently and disciplined practice for the sake of taking away recognition.

Entering the fourth booth , Saturn for an hour puts a person out of his warm booth - into a smaller (intermediary) one or up to the father's booth, de escalating the problems of rules, binding and loyalty. Take the work home to move forward, or rule the home office to open the right hand. Ruhatisya nowhere, we will surround like a mountain. Start now!

Transit of Saturn on the V house try to save our lives of joy: manage to enter into conflicts out of love, we spend time and throw a lot of work. Prote vіdpovchinok nebhіdniy zberezhennya produktіvї, that's brought to see the hour for rozvag. Seriously shuttered before any side employment, you can initiate the process of transforming them in the profession.

At that hour, if Saturn follows the path along the VI booth a person can feel sick for himself in the face of stress or long working years. Don't let yourself burn out on a robot: I'm healthy and I'm in charge of business, it's so necessary for a job, like a professional novice. This period of uninterrupted work, which is accompanied by a change, underpayment and (still) underestimation. Clients can work on a career or go through training for possible Kar'eri she immediately save a friend's job.

If Saturn turns to the third quadrant, the struggle begins to transform into triumph. "The head is bent, and the mustache is harazd with a tail." A lot of clients to succumb to the long distance of their zusil without intermediary in front of them, but continue to turbulently follow the path to it.

Entering the 7th booth , Saturn psuє our vіdnosini z partners. Conflicts with friends, business partners, and also with a professional middle ground are daunting until a review of all of them is possible, which can make us more successful and last in our favor, and sometimes - give new partners and partnerships. Clients should be guarded against the destruction of obitsyanok, Saturn tells about the rejection of the consequences of such behavior.

Crawling through Boondock VIII , Saturn can spare us sexual interests, energy and/or chances. It seems like a borg can go into the experience of blocking, then we rise to self-control and compensate in robots. Possibly tyaganini s otrimannyam spadshchiny, reaching out to please; Problems in the sphere of accumulation of capital. Failures in this period are pleasant chances for a breakthrough on new rіven psychological self-regulation and special forces.

Passage of Saturn through the IX Budinok let me review the basic concepts, reconsiderations and authoritative thoughts. Clients form a more pragmatic pidkhіd to life, which can be brought to the end of a new light for a little more prosuvannya (or be the birth of a new light), like a life of goiter, yazannya does not overstep it. Tse dosit gloomy, motivated obov'yazkom pіdpriєmstvo, yak, prote, can turn the respect of clients and instill in them (practical) wisdom. In order to achieve that success, it is recommended to demonstrate a healthy judgment during this period.

The crossing of Saturn at the upper quadrant is the peak moment, if people can induce themselves to the camp of Timchas for the landing of the landing party, which will secure a bridgehead, stability and protection from the elements, which allows consolidation and further pushing. In the other direction, one zayviy krok - i ґrunt pіde z-pіd nіg. Slid wisely to get ready for the landing and defense.

Saturn's entry to X house to rob a person with an ear for a kar'єri. Success, achievement of recognition, vindication of authority, and also, perhaps, a demonstration of a powerful status - the axis of which dies as a whole. A little too fast success can superficially raise claims. At this critical hour, one should think about dynamic consolidation, diligently build a permanent foundation for the career. It is important not those, you will climb high, but you will be deprived of skills for a long time at the top.

Potim Saturn falls at XI houses , and people forsake friends for the sake of trying friends, however, they can, with the method of establishing business contacts, enter into professional contacts. Vidmova in the face of unrealistic aspirations, the change of priorities, the realization of the hopes of the future, and the clear goals allow us to take away those that are truly rejected.

At XII budinok Saturn zіskovzuє already not with gurkot, but rather, with tedious witts. People take a hit there, de most, and in a special, and in a professional sense, so as not to believe in all the power of the sum. Nevpevnenіst, if deeply attached, come to the surface; їй it is not possible to follow, but in the presence of it and it is not possible to move: it is necessary to deal with it all the time. The best defender for a person in this period - regardless of anyone, be true to the principles of power, but only to principles of summation with streaming reality. The one who does not joke and does not know for himself the way of serving, suffers. The one who jokes and knows - live. It is best to be brought to those who have learned their lesson even to the point of sleep.
The entry of Saturn to the first quadrant marks the cycle.

Aspects of Saturn

Saturn - Sun. These aspects lead people to gloomy light, de panuє nevvnenіst, zhittєvoї energy little chi zovsі mає and is given, that the possibility of choice is insignificant chi vіdsutnі. Serious rіshuchіst protrude, no matter what, spryaє development of stamina and practicality, vidpovіdalnostі and productivity. It should not be forgotten that the aspects to the Sun mean an important transition - a change in the sleepy booth - and it can also be interpreted. Z'ednannya, insulting the squares of that opposition and the turning points of the career of Pride, it was said more about it.

Z'ednannya. During this period, you reap the fruits, take away those for which you worked, and those that you deserve. Tsey law is absolute and fair for all vіdnosinakh. If success comes to you in any transit, it means that you have earned yoga without a hitch, and if you fail to give, then, without a doubt, for these other reasons, the bula was assigned to you. Possibly, you happen to dig deep to know the reasons why you deserve those that you can, but you will know you, as if you are shukatimete. In its shortest manifestation, the period will be strengthened by the achievements of a constructively vitracheny zusilla and may appear in a confusing hour of perebuvannya at the peak of success and popularity. And in the girshomu, a path is thrown, in the form of an ear of the wrongly turned, which deservedly ends with a blow. Have some kind of climax period, if the autumns are full of ambition. As if they were kind to them and talked about them, the stench began to lay golden eggs for success and good fortune. And how the chickens were starving and picking up food in the cities of the susida, you can’t make a decent broth from them. For all that is good, do not let success fool your head. Do not calm down the share. Remember that this is the culminating moment and after the next next step. And even though everything is going badly and badly - even in this period you are being examined by difficulties and changes - it means that you need to seriously look at your ambitions and plans with an eye on being realistic and accessible and ignoring, as much as possible, too much. Even if deep in your soul you can forget success or failure, like bringing analyzes of transit, you can smoothly and subtly move on to other achievements.

Opposition. This is one of the most complicated periods in life, but even if you understand correctly, you can appear the most profitable by looking at a special development. It's an hour, if the world is foldable, hard and antagonistic. You are temperamental, maybe, you should imagine yourself. You are not easy to get along with. This period may be accompanied by material difficulties. The rіven of life strength is low, and your bazhannya will declare sharply about your specialness, your will, your own idea and your own almost building up to weldings, conflicts and rozryu vіdnosin. Without any alternative, you become entangled in yourself and spiritually strengthened in the form of otochyuyuchih. Possible problems of health, often mental and psychic, lower physical. You are going through a period, if you pull it to the point of self-expression, you respect it, and it’s your specialty. You will rise up against such speeches, and your own rebellion, and not outwardly, you should work hard for an important hour. It stands up, perhaps, ahead of the real earthly realities, the practical problems of human mutuality, and a few shortcomings of the power of specialness, and is forced to know better. As a result, the character changes and the horizons of specialness expand; but in this transit, you are unlikely to remember, you will close the stones in yourselves and you will become foolish to yourself, wondering that you are misunderstood and third. Mine is the hour, first you will understand that the cause of a rude occasion for you is known to you yourself and you can lay down the end of it, if you care, - reconciling yourself with the basic camp of rights, having learned to be a fool, and arrange it to accept people like that, like a stench. At the result, you will understand that you can only control yourself, and the meaning of all things is assigned to your clouding.

Obviously, people, who can innately be able to introspection, in the minds of such an infusion, they will quickly get to the bottom of the matter, recognize the depths of depression and depression, discover the root of the problem in their own minds and negligently twist it once and for all. The stink of being reborn with deep understanding of themselves, as if they hadn’t been brought to them, and with a greater sense of innocence in themselves, as if you would stabilize your life forever.

Mensh skhilnym to introspection people will be more foldable, shards of stench are not ready to take the blame. The period described above may last longer than the actual hour of transit and may be delayed for many years. Such people constantly fight in the light - as if not vydkrito, then internal storms. Life is wasting beauty and from a hoary goodness, transforming itself on a stony road to a filthy designated mark.

Get to know yourself for the hour of the transit. If you yourself become a human being, as you understand and for which you already have no need to fight, it will be easier for you to live in the world, and you will pretend to be a brown-haired and progressive hulk.

Upper square. This is the hour of the results, with the wines of vikonan at the past robot. Vіn can represent high prestige and income, as if earlier your susilla were reasonable, or it will appear in the hour of an accident, as if the stinks were unrealistic, and their implementation was inconsistent. At the first moment you should be welcomed. Otzhe, as if by rank, they recognized the rhythm of what is happening, and they sent it to work on us. In such a period, you should not calm down much. This is the hour of fixing the attained. Zupinіtіtsya and do not vtruchaytes at the natural crossing of the podіy. The whole peak of the beast, and you are guilty, but you are ready to learn that the way was far only down. Therefore, to build up your own bonds of goodwill. Choose a new meta and don't try to fall in front straight ahead. As soon as your income has grown, now you have to give respect to the rest of us, the Crimean pennies. As power is in the middle of your hands, look into it and strive for something else. So that progress has already been made in the other sphere of activity, to develop your goals less publicly and materially, lower earlier. Let the stench of the greater world create a special character. And in another way, you can be sure that you collapsed in an inconspicuous for you straight away, or your susillas were not the last ones. Joke at your own root of difficulties. Review your goals and methods; build them less material and ambitious, bring them closer to your ideals. In order to achieve maximum success in the coming after this important period of rock, immediately activate the power supply; Stream your best to the world of other people, but more than that, keep yourself out of sight.

Lower square. Tse period of new repairs. Sound of guilt is accompanied by the development of old connections and new goiters, or by new maturity. Such a transit can represent a departure from the Batkiv's house; ending school that cob kar'єri; shlyub yak rozriv kolishnіh zv'yazkіv that becoming new; business failure and new cob. This period is always flowing properly. The foundation of life, which has changed, is led into a straight line, which means a serious special perebudovi. There are a lot of forces at the same time, and to this the transit can be strained, full of conflicts and turbulence, leading to something that does not develop in the way that you are tempted. Vіn not satisfy you, as if you vouch for miracles, which are not passed on. During this period of restlessness, you will not be given the height of the position, nor the security of the prosuvannya. You need to come to terms with the essential state of speeches and stream the pace of development vlasnih bazhan schob vin becoming a witness to the pace of what is happening in the world. Yakshcho you ready to drink for the hour of transit. do not pass to you for free. Step by step and tolerant implementation of the enterprise with a relatively planned perspective will sound to its logical conclusion in 7-14 years. In another turn, they should follow them. Catch the tempo and rhythm of what happens at a given hour means to effectively push yourself to the greatest success in the future. Todiyak rebellion and exaltation of podіy lead to expulsion and rozpachu, the need to rozpochati again later, for less friendly minds.

Saturn - Moon. This is the cold front, which is roused by emotions, this is the stormy weather near the waters and the potential for separation. These aspects are to be taken seriously to the needs and needs and realism, sufficient for understanding: it is possible - and it is possible to work. Diligence in these children from satisfaction of needs is the main face of depression. As a rule, the severity will lie in the factors of the natal chart, as well as in the transit aspect.

Z'ednannya. During this period, they are sensitive to furnishings and are primed in full. Feel free to place an image of yourself under the summation of your creations, and you will happen to make yourself not so accommodating, as you would like to show yourself, but such as you see in the eyes of others. Having spent the zeal, stand in the middle of the fuss and the onslaught of what is coming. In the world of that, as one by one your manifestations about yourself collapse, the result suffocates on the back, and then we suppress. Tse is not easy, but not a long acceptance period. Bagato is given to you unfair and undeserved. It’s possible, you know, that you are misunderstood, I’m sure the senses don’t really understand you - and you can’t understand that you can’t show yourself the light like that, like you’re wrong. Mіzh namіrom ta yogo zdіysnennyam, міzh dієyu її result to lie deeply prіrva. You see the rozcharuvannya that zdivuvannya. All the same, Prote allows you to deeply learn a lesson - in order to cope with the damage of the enemy, it is necessary to protect yourself not only well. It is also necessary to take to respect the rules of the world, which may not be true to yours. Just following them, you can imagine at a glance an enchanting image of yourself that you are spitting. Here you are fighting for the rose, for the praise of the one who respects your right nature. In discord and roses, you learn to be timid, if not at once, then success in the future. Quite often such a period is accompanied by physical and nervous ailments, sounding like a mental journey, shards of dissatisfaction with the mind and spirit are indicated on the physical body. Stay under suspicion until your sickness. It’s quite impressive, what is your unseen attempt to achieve with overwhelming sympathy, and you go to the point of ailment, if all else susilla knows bad luck. Tse is not obov'yazkovo so. Illness can be real. Return, as if you need it for the necessary, for a consultation with the doctor, but be prepared to take your word for it, if you are guilty of helping you, that you can come back to your own health due to your illness.

Opposition. Emotional stress. Possible physical and material difficulties. You have instilled your own work, all your specialty in a more concrete way, and now you have shown what you have spent in the process. The main recommendation of the in-line period is not to fool yourself. With the head rank, they said goodbye to sentimentalism, from setting up to oneself, forget about it better. Ale immediately played in the fact that they carried out a reassessment of special qualities, nabula zdatnosti bachit themselves from the side and caress with their mental and emotional energies. You have become firm, but you will not weaken your human nature, but allow you to more effectively conquer in the ever-changing mind and creativity. Korisny vpliv transit pogaє have health self-control, which you can reach zavdyaki ob'ektivnosti and neuperedzhennosti. An important period for kokhanny. In material supplies, stagnation is also transferred. Yogo is too busy with himself, in order to achieve success in the earthly right, but at the end of the day he knows the need for efficiency.

Upper and lower squares. The situation is similar to the minds of the forward transit, but the situation is less strained. Transit through the lower square is scheduled for about seven months before transit through the opposition, and it paves the way for the rest. The more you know at once, the more tense the future opposition will appear to you. Transit through the upper square is expected approximately in 7 months after transit through the opposition and the course of improvement of what you have acquired in the minds of the opposition. By protyazh transit you can learn to dosvidi іnshih or dopomogat їm tim, scho vityagli z vladіvі dosvіdu. Here, it is necessary to respectfully go to the point that it is with you, or else you are reluctant, and analyze it. Emotional experiences will help you to know yourself about it, so that you are less seriously put to the troubles and more seriously accept your right honesty.

Saturn - Mercury. Aspects of Saturn with Mercury bring uneasiness, so there is nothing to worry about. With stressful aspects of the first plan, rude cynicism and sharpness in words come into play; when the pressure on transit decreases, pessimism and sarcasm are manifested; nareshti, for mild vipadkіv it is more practical, more orderly in thought. Take care of your anxiety as if in advance of the signals, so that you plan it: if you blame problem number one, you have plan “A”, if problem number two is plan “B”. Problems are blamed on people, so that the stench virilized them. If the solution is already there, then the problem being blamed is not a problem. And if the problems do not show up, why won't they show up.

Z'ednannya. Death and activation of rosum activity. See, seriously, put yourself up to that life. Take a philosophical position, as in the fallow your character shows more or less fundamental. A wonderful period for starting that stressed rozum work, especially in the science business. The plethora of creative minds, as if you are disciplined and the lesser world spirals on inspiration, lower on hard work. Deyak obmezhenіst in finance. Self-discipline and planning vitrat give a chance to improve the camp right. Income for the steady, routine work and increase in the efficiency of activity.

The death of mental processes, the mindfulness of the minds of the minds. Sounds accompanied by melancholy and depression in mild and warm forms, as if they are minimized by work and self-discipline. You can loosen up your self. Beware that you are not good for anything. It helps to focus attention on something out of the ordinary. It is recommended to study, read and read literary activities. Prote creativity and originality overwhelm the beauty of the best. At this hour you will hear the motto: "Watch in the guise of facts and do not boast." Escapism is more difficult to overcome the confusion. A good transit for education in schools or colleges, if you hope for the most favorable opportunity for education, and the cold and bitter world still does not hurt you. At Vіtsі vіn I imagine the period, if I turn my back to become an educated person and get angry at the facts, and not at the chitty and turbot. Exchange in finance. It is necessary to plan and save money.

Saturn Venus . Cі aspects of a freezing rank work on emotions likeness (alternatively, they can look like a seething bubbling image), they can also block financial pipelines. Having poured in transit, there may be a violation of the established criteria for budget planning, priorities and schedule of types. Vikonan at the time of the work like i, like zdіysnennya of the necessary contributions (make work, training, materials, advertising), you can later bring great dividends.

Z'ednannya. May be more practical, and emotionally significant. On both equals signs of reality are given. The transit is important and, imovirno, the residual review of your emotional life and your setting to the new one. Sometimes wine ends summarily, as your love cannot bear the truth of action. Ale vin can know how to recognize it, as if it is firmly based on earthly realities. Unify the transcendental sensitivity, shards, the very fear of a possible spiritual pain can break your heart. In some way, self-analysis will help you to understand that those whom you were afraid of, led to the very fact that your fear was transformed at the top, like they ate what you least wanted. At the material plan, your camp is stabilizing. It is necessary to turn on extravagance and plan vitrati. Zapochatkovanі zapochatkovanі fіnansovі pіdpriієmstva povіlno, but successfully push forward. Try not to develop, but to establish your position in the power of power, income that work.

Opposition. The situation is even similar to the minds of offensive transit. Growing emotional stress. Deeper review of ideas, which looks better. Without a middle in front of friends, such a transit can mean a sumptuous rise of hundreds of thousands, which we then explain with the right earthly chi to respect in advance the baptized share. At family life during the transit it is not uncommon to bring the schlubs to the distance between them, which is different from time to time. In the aftermath of an emotional discord, the financial camp is suffering.

Upper and lower squares. Survive the lack of money in your heart. You are opposed by family members of the truth of an emotional nature. Sounds accompanied by a roaring of visions of separation, like vicking with furnishing and welding. Let's start mentally mature, which allows you to look at your emotions in a more practical perspective. Rozcharuvannya in otochyuchih chi in your own self to a reasonable approach to human mutuality. p align="justify"> The materialistic need needs a lot of savings to make it last forever. Possibly financial squabbles chi vtracheny dobrobut.

Saturn - Mars. Aspects of Saturn to Mars vynazhuyut supply of energy and allow the ability to win over the resources that are lacking. The spleen is supposed to knock you all over. Yakshcho vy zdastesya - gostre "I don't want to!" leading to depression. The first crop is the most important, and the people who know how to grow can be more productive. The year may come at that time (ale, the waste of money would come, it would come), but, accept, the stench has caught!

Z'ednannya. It is necessary to stream energy. A sickness is possible - especially if you take it too richly. It is necessary to strictly control physical strength and temperament. Your dynamics is important to know the current viraz. You can take into account that your individuality does not dare to assert itself, or else you should not impose your will on that image that makes you feel lonely. Get rid of struggles and supra-mundane susils, otherwise you will see what difficulties you are creating for yourself, and you will fight. Relaxing - you will be spared by the chariot of the share, and it’s not an hour to fight with it, trying to change the natural crossing of the slopes. Willpower does not work effectively. After any serious sussilla, after a skin test of zlomati opir obstavin, it is necessary to take care of your health, your nerves are normal in mutually with otochyuchimi.

The upper and lower squares are the opposition. Individualism and energy stick with changes, furnishing will require additional performance. You can take the back of your hand as a special image, and stand up. I didn’t do anything good - I’m not ready to ignore the goiter. Required review of positions. It is necessary to bring the wind pressures to reality, and you can work with different paths. Whether any of them will be a garnier, if you do not awaken the spirit of rebellion in you. Temperament slid pristosovuvati until іsnuyuchogo become right. The more you happen to stream yoga, the more you change in the need for such visits.

Saturn - Jupiter. These aspects should take important decisions in the environment, which are taken on the back of a situation like “if you win, you pay dearly”. Tse situations of conflicts between the powerful Borg and the freedom to fix it in such a way as to be tempted. In periods of tense aspects, people feel they are changing between two fires, and less of two evils means more. Wise vihіd - vihіd calls: looming on the right with two unacceptable alternatives, next choose the third.

Z'ednannya. Your reaction to friendly agility is practical, and as a result, standing on the ground, you can stand out from the surroundings. Your life may be more important than calm and virility. Those that you get away with cannot be called hostile, but it is more stable and it can be turned into an outer stone of lowliness and future success. Zapochatkovanі zapochatkovanі podpriєmstva mіtєt mіtsnu basis. And do the rest, which continue in this transit, become an increasingly important part of your life. Don't check anything fancy. This is the hour of serious attacks, if at first glance an insignificant chance can be visually raised. Deposit pennies on your bank account, work on long-term investments, buy indestructibility.

Saturn - Saturn. Aspects before the natal Saturn produce anxiety, tied to a career, - fear that before the sunset of life you will not reach the top of the mountain. People are fighting against the change and the blockage, collapsing with such swedishness, as much as possible, so as not to collapse for a month. Really, they should seriously obmirkuvat the goals and strategies of the car'eri. Kar'erna trivoga - the city's wineries were filled with a headache, or a puzzle like "why can I go back, but if so, then why is the bar too low for me?". Revisiting the nature of the vіdpovіdalnosti and її frames - honestly knowing your abilities - allow you to take the time to try out the meanness.

Z'ednannya, insulting the squares of the opposition of the transit Saturn to the natal signify the turning points of the described higher career of Debt.

Z'ednannya ("Turning of Saturn"). About tsey naybіlsh vіdomiy і, on the thought of deyakih astrologers, all one underestimated transit is written the most.
If you still lie before the turning of Saturn in your natal camp, Grant Lewis will become a miraculous guide for you. It's a pity, іsnuє vplivova, but besvіdpovіdalna group of astrologers, yakі bachat ієє ієї єї planet vykljuchno in gloomy tones. Grant Lewis tried to calm his fears. The essence of transit is not that you deserve to fight, as you carry the turn of Saturn, but that you have learned a lesson in fighting and could categorically declare to Heaven that only you bear the power of life. If you have survived the first rotation of Saturn, guess that hour.

It's an hour, if Saturn entered the rest of the distance in the sun as a planet. Saturn was the Pershopric, which straightened the Earth with the Force. Yogo povіlniy majestic Rukh keruvav by the Hour itself.

In the past 28 years of the new cycle of the birth of Saturn, there was an average triviality of life. At once, in my life, we have two, and now, three cycles of Saturn's beast. The currents of life follow these cycles. Who knows in which direction we are developing? The first cycle of Saturn is a rite of passage from staleness to freedom, and the other - from the rise of light to wisdom.

The cycle of Saturn is changing the pace of our spiritual rejuvenation. We called out to live under the watchful eye. But as far as I understand the meaning of the rotation of Saturn, then the need for guardians in the fall. At the singing sensi, we ourselves will become our own fathers, we ourselves can take care of our well-being. As if you had an important childishness, the turn of Saturn will give additional significance to the power of “who cares” your lives. If you straighten your shoulders and stand up proudly and straight, then you will freely rush forward. And now read about the rotation of Saturn to the natal station.

Within the framework of the middle life of trivality, this transit will be dvіchі (trichі, as if you live until the nineteenth century), and soon you will carry with you glybokі and important changes. Yogo vpliv zavzhdy vіdrіznyaєtsya similitude of directivity and longevity of results. Vіn destroying the knowledge of the naïve minds, making you feel sensitive, prompting you to a fundamental recognition of the powers that be, limiting that potentiality. You should go out in the middle and ring out until the second review of ideas and plans, then at the hour of completion of this transit you will become another person, as if you live new lives with a greater depth and understanding for you.

At the first turn in the natal camp (from 26 to 30 rokiv), Saturn prompts you to look inside yourself and think deeply about those that you have already reached. This is the most important period of introspection and introspection, until such time you are afraid of yourself. Here, radical changes can be made in the sphere of human mutual relations: friendship, separation, change of job, separation from work, separation from the fathers, moving to a new place of living, or else in the outer world, changing the pace of life, directly. But all the same, the main changes are seen in the middle. Look at the past, critically evaluate your goals, secure that achievement, look at the statements about a lot of speeches. If the period is over, you will emerge as a completely new individuality. You said goodbye to your old ideas and, perhaps, it was not easy for you. Knowing sentimentality - otherwise, admit it, a miraculous reward will appear, so you won’t be too soft. If the transit is completed, you will be sent to the rich large exchanges. You will be cleansed from the thoroughly rotten and prepared to work, which is less important for internal complexes and special problems. Shorter seeming, you will see everything as a child and you will become a mature individual, ready to take your place in life as a grown-up person.

The transit of Saturn through the yogo natal space is even more important moment, if the freedom of will is manifested in life without precedent, without any transitions. Find out the goiter, which means such a privilege. Here and at once take power from your own hand, which you rightfully deserve, over yourself and over your life. You will never be so independent again. You have the freedom to choose. Wise wisely її, oskolki itself contagiously in the literal meaning of the word, kuє your share for a rich rock in advance, which is not for all life.

Tse zavzhd the period of unforgettable stress. The culminating moment at the new one is 12-18 months before the actual contact of Saturn with its own power of expansion. The tension can be maddened by temperament, nervous or physical illness, like, better for everything, to wear a mental underdog and є just a way to help the inner “I” and take on the maddening drive of the unacceptable inevitability of life.

Put the blame on the marno. The stench looks unacceptable, but it’s less like an exclamation in the serene light of what you see in the middle and watch over. So that the transit can be maximized in your interests, so that after its completion it will be truly reborn, so that everything farther away life becomes a new, bad habit, you need to blame the blame for everything that happens to you on yourself. It is up to you to understand that the main meaning is that what happened to you, and your reaction to the new one, as you are in the situation that has developed. As a result of this transit, you either die under the realities of the world (not having learned to get a hard lesson from a well-worn knowledge), or with a new pride and increased zealousness in yourself, having straightened up, go forward on a bigger and bigger scale. Do not doubt that this is an important period. Vin gives the beginning of a new life. You can feel more voluntarily and effectively in your work, in direct proportion to your world's breadth, so you accept a revision of ideas carried out at once.

In the minds of a different turn (for women from 54 to 62 years), the main factors are similar - stress, a glance at the past, the correction of pardons. But in any case, the reaction to temperament will be less turbulent. Just as the lessons of the first contact of Saturn with its natal life are learned again, the period of another transit will pass without special praise, then your ideas about material success and inspiration in the future will happen to be looked at on a more realistic basis. Another turn can be accompanied by a decline in health, as I will lead to a change in life plans in a straight line, which is easy to recognize. However, even though the lessons of the first contact were ignored and driven away from the unknown, the other transit appears as a clear shock to the blood. You will have to pay dearly for all the non-constructive things that you have been deprived of maintaining the success of the previous years. As if you were inspired to be spiritually reborn, if you were given the first chance, then you will have to be timid at once. Transit can be accompanied by temperament, ailments, mental disorders and weak addiction, and physical inaccuracies, like the first drop, may lead to a deep, serious and honest introspection with the advancing serpentine position of the mother. Another contact of Saturn with its own mist may indicate an hour of completion of the career. People, who at the same time are rushing intently collapsing in the distance, run into inexorable transitions and, as a result, often spend a mustache, earlier they deserved a good work, for those who do not pay respect to the signal, which is ahead, and tear at the red light. Here it is necessary to talk about well-being and forget about aggressive actions.

Opposition. Until the present sіmdesatirіchchya posterіgaetsya dvіchi.

1. Pidlіtkovy rebellion. The first transit is carried out at the interval of thirteen to fifteen years and signifies the reorganization of the individual, directing self-righteousness. At this hour, the pidlіtok virіshuє, as it is better to defend yourself in the world, and declare the world to yourself. Knowing that, the fathers can accurately determine the period, if the following steps are respected for the development of the child. And with the improvement of corrections for other transits that take place at the same time, it is possible to put together a complete picture of the formation of yoga “I”. Good-natured and sensible curiosity at such a moment is rich in what you can do to help the spantelic youthful specialty to know yourself in the world, into which you enter. There are two main options. The peculiarity either flickers in oneself, so that it acts as a struggle for self-expression in the world and coaxes reconciliation with it, or it chooses an extravertive way of self-expression and to rob it with the permanent psychological ashes of the aggressive state of the world.

An analysis of what you have been violating and working through during this transit, gives you the key to the mystery of your “I” and helps you solve the riddles of your special character, which has helped you.

2. Crisis of the middle age. This transit is carried out at the interval of forty to forty fourty years and sounds the turning point at the car'er, the main method of which is not an aggressive move ahead, but the safety of the future. Depending on the age you have grown from thirteen to fifteen years of choice, another transit of Saturn through the opposition to your natal expansion will find you at an unsatisfactory mental and material state. Ale, it didn’t happen there, here you need to see the aggressive activity of the world, develop your own method of specialization, and not material progress and promote prosperity. At the same time, the ways of conducting legal matters are often changed, for example, in business, the replacement of official contracts is corrupted by "gentlemen's favors", and even before success, it is impossible to resist the inappropriate risks. Vipadayuchi for an hour "rozkvitu forces", tsey transit іnоdі pіdshtovkhuіє іt іnоdі іdshtovkhuіє іt podshlі srostannya (marvel transit scho zbіgaєtsya z more precisely by the hour). But in order to achieve the best results you are guilty, you are ready to switch to a calm and safe course, lower earlier. With this method, take a look at the skin change, as if you fainted at once in the light, as it will appear on your well-being and special satisfaction in the coming fates.

Upper and lower squares.

1. Transit through the lower square poserіgaєtsya through sіm rokіv after transit through z'єdnannya that represents a period of reaching, in vidpіdnyh lessons, acquiring the contact of Saturn with its natal camp. Zrobleny then the wise choose to bring to success. Having completed the small cycle, and you smoothly protrude to the point of maximum achievement, as it will be reached approximately in this year. It is possible to change methods, but not the main one directly. Changes are important, like in the material world, so in the mind. It is necessary to thoughtfully align with the main goals. It is necessary to tidy up your impulsiveness and surround yourself, try to respect your practicality.

2. Transit through the upper square poserіgaєtsya through sim roki after transit through the opposition. You are collapsing until you reconsider your intentions and goals. An important change, what is here, we give you this fate, by the stretch of which you know you will have the same decision - more and more in your own life and less and less in the outer world. If your mind is in transit through the opposition, as it was recommended, if you were directed to the security of well-being, then in this period you can see yoga. If you saw a less stable direct direction, then once again you are given a chance to switch to a safe course, and you are guilty of it, that self-sacrifice did not matter. As you stretch the coming seven fates, you will approach the dawn of Saturn with this natal misfortune, if you happen to conquer everything that is rotten from your life. If you start working at once, you will have fewer problems for the future.

Saturn - Uranus . In periods of transit, there are rich aspirations and deeds from them; other skills can be added to the future; From the actual bazhan, the best ones are selected for implementation in reality. Pereglyanyut in such a rank, the priorities and the victories restructure the future. Aspects of Saturn to transit Uranus stream or refine ideals, as for the time being they rely on the path of progress. Clients can give at the outpost of their own nadії (Zokrem family values ​​of the future), for the sake of getting a speedy satisfaction.

Z'ednannya. Even more delicate vibrations. Read the analysis of the influxes that zbіgayutsya zі pravzhnіm, without intermediary in front of you and we'll come right after him. For the most pleasant environments, a practical stagnation of originality and talents. And in the case of the most unfriendly, I threaten the manifestation of the greatest rice to the character, intimidating their bajans and exiting from the conquest. For whatever it is, your transit seems to be a period of tension: you have an individual to fight with light for self-expression at that other key. Switching from the special and hisstical to the mental and creative advances to the long term will ensure you a smooth and progressive development of your deep individualism. And to give in to weakness means to have a lesson in the future, as if it were all the same to win the future.

Saturn - Neptune . Qi aspects znebarvlyuyut merry nady; vlashtovoyuchi short zamikannya, stench vyvodat і out of fret psikhіchny radar. People to shy fools, for example, are inspired by the distant ones, or, figuratively seeming, they catch themselves at the same time, if they need to collapse. Focusing on the products will show that the focus is on the fact that it will help you to nadії, mrії, bachelor (replacement of new generation) in life, providing the inner light of the upper channel of communication with reality. Zavdyaks to a practical supplement of internal images along the paths of merry ambitions can help you bring clients to a well-deserved reward.

Z'ednannya. Your inner "I" is calmer than carnal, worldly. Like in the case of transit through the sun with Uranus, follow the influx of other planets. The best result of transit, which imparts the character of magnetism, and specialness - charisma, and at the same time magically brings success, sharpened intuition, practical victoria of the truths that have been rooted, and rooted ignorance of misunderstandings, more profoundly. If you live in a purely materialistic, non-spiritual plane (but often it happens), the world seems to you cold and bitter, callous. The exchange of activity is embossed on your hidden dreams, they respect you, they encourage you to close yourself in yourself and make people happy for life. Neptune is known in one sign for a stretch of fourteen years, so for the skin, who was born in this period, the transit of Saturn through Neptune will be expected at approximately one and the same hour. Henceforth, spiritual and materialistic perceptions, like awakening wines, will be similar to all people around your age. However, the skin of us is unique, so you can interpret in your own way the streamlined flashes of it, depending on your particularities, the temperament of that directly, which you selected for a special development.

Saturn - Pluto . The life of a person is subject to an exam. Її overflowing and straightening are being changed into repetitiveness, a special metastasis becomes the theme of cross-drinking. If the whiskers are negative (i, vociferation of the wine, the person has fallen at the vіdcha), a serious depression follows. However, for the correction of the course, based on the reconsideration of the names and the reach of that new designated life goal (with acceptance of this life goiter), the need for this period will be constructive and winemaking.

Z'ednannya, upper and lower squares or opposition. Hour of zamіshannya prinymni spochatku. The principles of the protection of that transformation are to repair the supercity one to one. If you are afraid of the risk that is difficult, you can beat the fear. From the other side, as if you supermundanely calm your share, you can bring it to bidi, and you will know the collapse, which is straight for spawning at the top of the river to the languid salmon, which is not able to cut through the stone rapids. Tsіlі can be healthy. It’s even easier to take a position of shibenitsa and stop listening to your mind. Here you can see right from the oppositely straightened energies. Pluto commands: "Forward!", then Saturn calls out: "Pochekay!" Try to reach the golden mean. Wonderful opportunity for meditation. The cycle is made up of seven periods, and after them you finish with the deepest knowledge about yourself, the shards do not learn at once the lessons to learn from the unknown tasks, until you happen to turn around in the morning.

Thursday 15th 2009
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