Main methods for advancing qualifications. Ways to improve the qualifications of a stone worker to the staff of the organization. federal state budgetary









course work

If you want to come in with a low rank, better for everything, have an organizational character, you can adapt them to smaller groups with higher interests. For example, an architecture firm can get an expert from the green life, so that you can talk with a lot of your spivrobitniki, as if they showed interest in your food.

Crook quarters. Cross your ancestors. Cross-training - it’s just training for spivrobitnikiv vykonannya kіlkoh zavdan at your company. It’s not obov'yazkovo in the fact that the stench will take on the roles, contagious in the future. Cross-training is a way for a specialist to understand the great dynamics of an organization and recognition, as a robot can also work. Cross-training to rob your work force with a gnuchkіsh and less irritable for exercising spіvrobіtnіkіv іn the daily hour. For example, if a doctor borrows three months of permits to look after a child, otherwise adequately crossed guardians can take on themselves a greater part of their obov'yazkiv during the hour of their day.

Discipline "Methods of effective selection of personnel potential of entrepreneurship"

"Ways to improve the qualifications of the key personnel of the organization"

Vikonala: 2nd year student

groupie FP-11-11

Grem'yachova V.A.

Revised: Zhikhareva A.A.

Moscow 2013

Entry 3


1.1 Basic concepts 5


Krok five. Let the practitioners accept the task for development. Shukayte natural opportunities in the middle of the organization, so that the practitioner will develop professional goals. As a spivrobitnik may be clear about those, like the newcomers of the stench would like to come, and shared with you this information, you can spend brainstorming about possible development projects, how stinks they could have worked, so that they could get their newbies. Development projects - these projects, as a way to expand the recruitment of new recruits, so that they could develop new skills and information.




2.1 Organization "Federal Merezheva Company of the Unified Energy System" 20


Visnovok 27

List of references 29

Addendum 1 30

Addendum 2 31

Addendum 3 32


A development for the staff of the most important mental functioning of any enterprise. This is especially relevant for modern minds, if the speeding up of scientific and technical progress will significantly speed up the process of old professional knowledge, the beginner will die. Therefore organization professional training personnel has become one of the main functions of personnel management of the enterprise.

The goal is to meet the needs of your company with the aspirations of the sponsor. Croc the third: get human resources to create opportunities for professional development. Krok p'yaty: zustrinet spіvrobіtnikіv pіvdorozi z o'clock i financial resources, necessary professional development, taking away the posture of organization.

  • Another job: to create a committee and a team of professional development.
  • Krok quarters: for the need to teach spivrobitnikiv new roles in the organization.
Tse can be theoretical applications or actual applications, as they are divided into different buildings.

Relevance . The driving force of all activities of the organization is the personnel. Depending on the qualifications of the personnel, the effectiveness of the activities of the organization, the training of the personnel is the most important way to achieve the strategic goals of the enterprise. Knowledge, intelligence, labor skills for the company's personnel become an important strategic resource against financial and industrial capital. p align="justify"> Робота в умовах ринку пред'являє високі вимоги до рівня кваліфікації персоналу, знань і навичок працівників, дуже швидко змінюються як зовнішні умови, так і внутрішні умови функціонування організації, що ставить більшість російських організацій перед необхідністю підготовки персоналу до today's and until tomorrow's changes. Pratsyyuyuchi on pіdpriєmstva, svіvrobіtnik is constantly obliged to increase the level of his knowledge, mastering the theoretical part of the profession and gaining practical skills. Through training, the labor potential of the staff is developed.

The method of course work is the analysis of the system for improving the qualifications of the organization's staff and the development practical recommendations promotion of efficiency. To reach the target, it is significant to assign:

They can give specific models for thinking about those that are possible and how a person can reach his goal. Shards of supervisors, better for everything, work with different specialists in their professional sense, stench can better understand what worked and what didn’t happen in the past.

Sposterigachs can formalize their caution in looking at written statements. Variants of professional development are unlikely to be accepted with great enthusiasm, as a spivrobitnik sees that there is no direct value for them in their current work. Similarly, it is important to evaluate how and if you evaluate progress in attaining the goals of professional development.

clarify the appointment of promotion of qualifications for personnel;

assign goals to the process of training staff;

take a look at the form and method of training;

vivchiti stages of the process of learning;

Vivchit the problem of improving the qualifications of the key personnel from the butt of the organization BAT "FGC YES".

Subject of inquiry є system of promotion of qualifications of qualified personnel.

The object of follow-up is the organization of professional training for personnel for business.

If you want to set goals, we can correct them, it is better to decipher the numbers from regular checks of the work of the interviewer and do not include them as part of the assessment of efficiency. Another job is to create a committee and a team of professional development. The creation of the Committee for professional development guarantees that you enter the professional development - not just initiatives burn to the bottom. Pidhіd, foundations on committees, shvidshe for everything, vrіvnovazhuє іndivіdualі і аnd organizational goals. The Committee will be able to design research, to take advice on the possibilities of professional development, to get speakers, to develop seminars, or to create a centralized resource for specialists in the area of ​​internal and external professional development.

Follow-up methods - development of the legal framework, development of monographic publications and articles, analytical method, systemic analysis and forecasting.

Chapter 1

.1 Basic concepts

Managerial staff - a category of practitioners, yakі without intermediary zdіysnyuyut funktsії administrіnnya аbо vykonuyut work z tehnіchnіchnіchnіchnі sbezpechennya administrіnnja. Before the managerial staff lie the practical workers of the governing bodies of state-owned, private, cooperative and community organizations.

Crook the third. Get human resources to create opportunities for professional development. Your person, or else s of human resources, as you have, can show you the best practices for advancing professional development. It is also your responsibility to create a presentation of your work force on various topics that are worthy of your special and professional life, for example, about permits and medical assistance.

National Pre-Selection University

Krok quarters - if necessary, teach spivrobitnikiv new roles in the organization. If there is a sense for the organization and the spivrobitnik, you can teach the spivrobitnik new and more current roles in the organization. Supporting the dialogue with the spivrobitniks about their goals and interests - the necessary basis for the identification of these possibilities and the time and the guidance for the transition.

Advancement of qualifications - education, knowledge of the change of character and the change of practice of specialists in the settlement, moral old knowledge.

In case of fallow due to repeated purposes, the qualification is due, but it is saved, it is brought to the situation, which has changed, or the vikoristan for professional promotion in the service. Tsey pidkhid up to the advancement of qualifications without intermediary vyplyva z concept of uninterrupted education, the basis of which is the principle of organization of step-by-step training for personnel.

Become familiar with the helpers on the pivdorosis with the hour and the financial resources necessary for professional development, take away the borders of the organization. Possibly, for your business, it is not enough to pay for the same amount of training and certifications. Tim is not less, he uses low methods to support spivrobitnikiv, yakі vykonuyut tsі osvіtnі options. This includes the possibility of a wild hour, a paid visa or a private air blower. You can but ways to achieve professional development and organizational goals at a glance.

Під безперервністю підготовки розуміється не епізодичне перенавчання працівників у зв'язку з старінням їхньої кваліфікації, а запланований на основі прогнозів розвитку засобів виробництва наступний процес систематичного підвищення кваліфікації та розширення її обсягу за принципом переходу від менш до більш складних професій, від вузької спеціалізації до багатопрофільності. Such a planning process for the development of the potential of the working force is necessary until the development of the material and technical base to bring to a minimum the need in terms and low-preparation approaches to retrain the practitioners to new professions.

Ministry of Education and Science

For example, as a spіvrobіtnik vyslov zatsіkavlenіnі і navchannі, yak pіdtrimuvatі web sites, і і уеt аrе fast tіu work, thе payment оf thіѕ training mау bеt you pennies іn thе long-term perspective. Krok the first: Give me the best education for uninterrupted education, program certificates, online courses or college courses. Croc is different: hire consultants for special training for recruiters. Croc the third: Pay and give an hour to participate in professional conferences, trainings and seminars related to them. Create and support a resource center for professional development. . Give the best education for uninterrupted education, certificate programs, online courses and college courses.

The promotion of qualifications is a mutually intelligent process, which contributes both to the efficiency of practice, and to the quality of the company's personnel potential, which should be shown to be offensive:

in the process of navchannya vіdbuvaєєtsya podvishchennya zdatnostі personnel adapt to zmіnnih ekonomіchnyh minds, scho ensure the organization of the promotion of the value of human resources, scho perebuvayut at її disposition;

The value of the dollar has been set, as you will award time to the guards for the lighting of the windows. Tse can be stretched out song period an hour, or by stretching them out in the organization. Let this credit win for a wide range of illuminating opportunities, so that more spivrobitniks could succumb to it, if the stench wants to. Tim is not less, the standards have been set about those, like a loan can be victorious, you can be protected by that spivrobitnik. For example, you may be less able to pay for the possibility of uninterrupted education, which are supported by accredited universities, or other similar respectable programs.

the training of practitioners allows organizing a successful solution of problems, introducing new directions of activity and improving the necessary level of competitiveness, which is to know how to improve the quality of customer service and efficiency in personnel;

promotion of qualifications is accompanied by an increase in the prestige of the staff of your organization, and to bring about a decrease in the quality of personnel;

If you have a sprig of spivrobitnikiv, if you joke around like that, you can see the training, you can take a group discount. Another job is to hire consultants to provide specialist training to specialists. The cost would be the most economically efficient, and the yakbees would designate a group of specialists with similar interests, as they could speed up their training. A good consultant can be a part of a larger project, which allows the specialists to gain knowledge of that knowledge, like a stink spread.

Pay and give an hour to participate in professional conferences, educators and seminars related to them. Let someone else be an expert in professional development: establish professional organizations that will help practitioners get out of their own closets and communicate with other professionals. The membership fee is the basis for participating in signaling about your investment in the same spivrobitnik and allowing them to win new ideas and innovations in the workplace.

training allows you to promote and expand the middle of spivrobitnikіv basic values ​​and priorities of organizational culture, promote new approaches and norms of behavior, call for promotion of organizational strategy.

From his side, the practitioner at the process of learning takes the following advantages:

expansion of career prospects as a result, and posture of organization;

Creation and support for the center of resources for professional development. The Career Development Resource Center will be the backbone of any Human Resources website. It is possible to save everything in order to keep yoga relevant and relevant. It can also be used as one of the ways for spivrobitniks to present suggestions and propositions about available opportunities.

For example, new job opportunities are being published in the middle of the country, and spy workers are being trained to allow them to switch to new roles. It also trains coaches, expanding the roles of qualified specialists, teaching them to train other practitioners. Ker_vniki were also present, so that the stench could better understand the cultural diversity of their work force. All experts know about the various operations of the plant and understand their place in a larger organization. In order to hide the zvіlnen, Tim taught the essential spіvrobіtnikіv new roles, yakі showed the needs of the company, scho grew up, if it won its possession of that virobnіchі process.

greater satisfaction with one's work;

promotion of self-esteem;

promotion of qualifications and professional competence.

In this rank, the advancement of the qualifications of practitioners in today's minds becomes an indispensable warehouse management process organization.

Qualification advancement is a regular process, which is not enough to go through more than once. In order to gradually improve, it is necessary to regularly go to the ranks of the initial mortgages. qualification staff training organization

1.2 Goals and tasks for promotion of qualifications

Methods of training and advancement of qualifications for personnel

Komar, Amanda. "Interview with Tim's Cascading Appetizers". What else is there? Ale, one school district near Chesterfield, Missouri, recognizing the importance of professional activity for all of their recruits; and not only yogo vchiteliv. Having added additional help to the district for air-breathing vitrate for spivrobitnikiv, yakі worked over the river. In order to protect the zhorstki budget and different schedules of work, seminars are planned for the month on the selected days, which are necessary trainings. Seminars were adapted to the needs of the staff.

Modern companies are encouraged to hire young staff. As a cost-effective development of the country, and the need to compensate for the natural hardship of qualified personnel.

It is more important for the majority of companies today not to pay for it, that it is good for you to let the young tradesman get involved in the work. The graduate student is accepted by roboticists as a free material for the preparation of a full-fledged faculty. The knowledge taken away from the university is considered by the companies as a starting point for a distant education of a young tradesman; an increasingly important factor in the assessment of a potential spe- cialist becomes one of the building blocks and the ability to adapt, learn, develop professionally. Let's take a look at the appointed report.

For example, the global republican experience has shown that a large number of specialists will require computer skills. The district has also created a website to serve as a resource of information for spivrobitniks, to search for more information about their professional and special life. Mayes, Elizabeth. "Postіyne navchannya". Glad to develop the national staff 26, VIP. 3:27.

Resources for obtaining additional information

Professional development is an effortful way to distinguish between specialists and the affective capacity of your organization. The best programs for professional development are oriented towards spivrobitnikov and focus on the forces of a spivrobitnik. Skills of professionalization can be different, stimulating learning opportunities can be expensive and super-intense. Vymіryany pіdhіd, yak growth with your organizations, to allow you to cherubate and correct ochіkuvannya, demonstrating the constant recognition of the professional well-being of your spіvrobіtnikіv.

In the first place, navchannya is a specially organized process, which is the fault of itself and is impromptu on its own, and its effectiveness depends on the impersonal officials, on the front, professionalism of the manager who organizes the process. In another way, as if there were any process of organization, it will be organized in accordance with the goals set, for example, professional training for staff is the process of thorough knowledge and competence, learning and understanding of practitioners, their creative activity. However, the learning process can be followed for many other purposes. The skin organization itself determines, from the method it won to carry out the process of training, how to set it up. Thirdly, the choice of methods for training is determined by these goals, for the achievement of which processes are organized.

Illumination process - the succession of the initial-spiritual and self-illuminating processes, is directed to the completion of the task of illumination, the development and development of specialness. p align="justify"> I would like to pay special attention to the following two details:

First, the illuminating process consists of two elements: the initial-spiritual and self-illuminating processes. The stinks are tied together, they cannot effectively pass one without one, and the skin of them determines the order of the other.

Another, the illuminating process of directing to the cherry of three tasks: illuminating, virtuoso and developing. The very presence of the three leaders of the initial process allows you to designate this goal. Let's look at the skin from the factory okremo.

Illuminating the process of learning and orienting the acquisition of knowledge, learning, and learning. Vіdpovіdno to tsgogo zavdannya zavnaєєtsya, why itself will instruct the staff. The illuminating process can repeat only one meta - taking away that acquired knowledge, learning that skill. Such a pіdkhіd until the beginning of the expansion of the past. For this task, the victorious role is played by two processes: the initial one and the self-illuminating one. Vignatok, whether it be possible to significantly reduce the quality of education.

The developing task is the orientation of the initial process on the potentiality of people and their realization. In the concept of learning, learning begins to be seen not as an object of the teacher's initial infusions, but as a self-recognized object of learning.

In this rank, training the staff in the organization is a complex process that puts three main tasks in front of you: lighting, developing that vision. Tse secure a great number of goals, so that they can be reached for additional training of personnel. Acts from them can be turned around without the respect of the manager who organizes the training process.

Pobudova training system for personnel in the organization:

To ensure the effectiveness of the process of navchannya bula temple, treba, schob vіn buv competently preparing and conducting. These are the stages of the learning process: setting goals for learning, assigning needs to the learners, a complex of preparations, self-learning, re-verification of knowledge, assessment of the effectiveness of learning.

When organizing the process of training, it is important to correctly formulate the goal of training. As and every goal in management activities, they are guilty of following the SMART principle (abbreviation as the word Specific - specific, Measurable - worldly, Agreed - pleasure, Realistic - realistic, Time-related - appointments at the hour):

Standard vikonannya mayut buti. Concreteness may be on the basis of their clarity and the exact reasons for the super girl. The standards of vikonnannya can be mitigated, so that they don’t blame the differences, as far as they can successfully reach the stench (chi ni). Standard vikonannya mayut buti uzgodzhenimi. As practitioners do not fit with the standards, though they are important, they have an incentive to fail - to prove their rightness. Irresponsibly set the task, again ignoring the thought of the Vikonavians. Standards of vikonannya may be realistic and affordable. The standards of vikonannya owe buti spіvvіdnesenі z hour, tobto vіdomo, until a certain moment the stink must be reached. outrageous characteristics goals, goals for the formation of power and such characteristics: goals to serve as a guideline for the development of the primary programs; stinks allow you to accurately assign vimogi to uchniv; stinks determine the form of organization of the process of training and the priority of the activity of the subject of training and organizers of the process of training; stench is the basis for a further assessment of the effectiveness of training.

The stench can be brought to the attention of all practitioners of the whole group. It is necessary for people to come to their senses, to learn about them, to realize their viability. Appointment of the purpose of the training is a strategic point in the creation of the training system in the organization. Zokrema, stalely delivered, the concept of primary programs is being formed, different models and technologies of training are being developed. Prote, as a rozpochinati folding of the initial programs, it is necessary to appoint the needs of the organization's training staff.

1.3 Relevance of staff qualification development

The training of the personnel of the largest Russian organizations is of particular importance. This is due to the fact that the robot in the minds of the market is high enough to be equal to the qualifications of the staff, the knowledge and skills of the practitioners: knowledge, newcomers, installations, as they helped the staff to successfully practice today, spend their day today. Dzhe shvidko change like a sound mind ( economic policyдержави, законодавство та система оподаткування, з'являються нові конкуренти тощо), так і внутрішні умови функціонування організації (реструктуризація підприємств, технологічні зміни, поява нових робочих місць та ін), що ставить більшість російських організацій перед необхідністю підготовки персоналу до сьогоднішніх та до завтрашніх change.

The growing role of learning in the processes of organizational change and organizational development is determined by such factors:

Staff training in the most important way reaching the strategic goals of the organization Success on the way to the implementation of the most important strategic goals of the organization is rich in why lie in the fact that the world's staff is informed about the importance of strategic goals and how many preparations are made before work. The need for changes in the structure and principles of management, the promotion of the building stock of the organization to the development in the minds of the competitive struggle is maddening. greater number Undertakings pass into short-line planning, as it was before the river in the minds of insignificance in the economic minds of Russia in the 90s, to the development of long-term organizational development strategies. The implementation of these strategies will require a greater level of vocational training like a kerіvnikіv, and an ordinary staff.

Navchannya є the most important way to promote the value of human resources in the organization. A lot of organizations are not engaged in training their staff, the shards do not look at the statu vitrat as a necessary vitrat financial costs Whatever you can easily do without. However, sooner or later, the organization will inevitably close up because if you don’t invest pennies in the advancement of the knowledge of your practitioners, then the supply of human resources in the organization will be lesser.

1.4 Forms, see, stages of the method of daily advancement of qualifications

The need for training may be assigned to two main aspects: the yakіsny (why read, how to develop new skills) and kіlkіsny (yak how many practitioners of different categories need to be read). Evaluation of consumption by the trainee can be determined by the following methods:

Evaluation of information about practitioners, what is in the personnel service (experience of work, working background, basic education, chi having accepted the practitioner earlier to participate in training programs or advanced qualifications and so on.);

Secondary assessment of working results (attestation). In the course of a short-term assessment of work results (attestations) can appear as strong, and as weak as a work of a particular person. For example, low scores among the practitioners of the singing professional group in the column "professional knowledge" show that in the category of practitioners there is a need for the trainee.

Analysis of long-term and short-term plans of organization and plans of other subdivisions and the determination of the level of qualifications and professional training of personnel necessary for their successful implementation.

Beware of the work of the staff and the analysis of problems that are important for efficient work. As in the work of the staff, they regularly have a place of pardon, a rake, that lead to a filthy work, a ship, a breakdown of the safety equipment, it is unrealistically a great waste of time, then this information can be collected for the preparation of an application for the training of staff and the preparation of programs for training.

Selection and analysis of applications for the training of personnel in the field of kerіvnikіv pіdrozdіlіv. Today, it is one of the most widely used methods in Russian organizations for determining the consumption of trained practitioners.

Organization of work with a personnel reserve and work with career planning.

Change the robots, which are important for the qualification of the staff.

Individual applications and propositions of practitioners. As a practitioner of instillations in the otriman singing nobility and knowledge, you can apply for the name of a cerebrate to be trained, I will be awarded by a non-intermediate clerk, stating what kind of vocation I require.

Experience of practitioners. Opituvannya staff, poklikanі evaluating their needs from otrimanni new professional knowledge and the development of new skills allow you to more accurately determine the need for training for specific categories of personnel, specific trainings and other practitioners. Opituvannya can stun the whole organization if they are okremі pіdrozdіli, they can be vibirkoviy, hospitably less than a representative vibirka. Since the number of respondents is small, it is possible to use the interview method.

Vyvchennya informing other organizations. Often dosvіd competitors of the Rodinni of the Pidniylivi Pidkazy, ShO Neckhidnistyu, Foreigned Caterary Personnel Piditrims of the Non -Chief of the Competent Self -Sleanings.

For the bags of revealed needs, a complex of preparation visits is carried out at the trainee. Obov'yazkovoy part of the new є appointed zmіstu, forms and methods of teaching. Zmіst can be appointed by the leaders, what to stand in front of the organization in short-term and middle-line perspectives. Prior to the most important characteristics of the material to be added, one can note its change, folding and structuredness. Three characteristics of that qile of training determine the form of that method of training.

To the complex of preparatory visits, also enter the designated training company, the storage of the initial programs, groups of people who are going to the training, select the candidates and others come in. You can use them as a guide of the organization itself, and from an outside consultant.

Dali vіdbuvaєtsya process navchannya. Vіn budєtsya vykhodyachi z tsіley navchannya, yakіsnoї sluzhby have navchannі and pіdgotovlenih programs. An important role in the process of learning is played by the mind: the application can be attached, or it is easy to attach for carrying out in a new place, to increase the temperature regime, the regime of illumination and other. Under the hour of the process of starting, you can also ensure the safety of in-line control over the supply, uninterrupted implementation of the initial program, and the safety of the quiet, who learns everything necessary.

The next stage is the re-verification of knowledge taken away. At the same time, the appraisal of knowledge, appraised by practitioners, is easy to do, the oscalls of the organization, as they conducted the apprenticeship, acquired knowledge from high ostentatious people, and you can create the results of the appraisal, otherwise the stench can be unreasonable. You can estimate the loss of knowledge from the reshti vipadkiv. Іsnuyut different methods of assessing knowledge, so, in the form of methods of learning, practitioners can lay down the hall, sleep, write as a robot (for example, a business plan), they can conduct a business game, practice (for example, during the development of public speaking skills, form assessments of otrimanih novice, then, it is possible to publicly speak in front of the structural leader of the organization).

The final stage of the staff training process is the assessment of the effectiveness of the staff. This is the main meta field of analysis in the field of analysis on the final results of the activity of all organizations.

It is difficult to estimate the effectiveness of the process of learning from the numbers of a real profit, so it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness on the basis of the previous indicators. Thus, these programs are carried out not for the acquisition of knowledge, learning and learning, but for the formation of a singing type of thought and behavior.

For the Yakisho -otsitsa, an estroblyte, it is possible to take such a vicoristovatye method of indirect method, as yak porivnyann, the result of the test, pico to be in the forefront, was stolen behind the timid behavior, and the lequesty was inhabited, and the lecture was praised, and the lecture was praised, and the lecture was carried out to the explosives.

You can also kіlkіsna otsіnka. Але й вона полягає в відносних показниках, як-от задоволеність слухачів навчальної програмою, оцінка засвоєння навчального матеріалу, ефективність задоволення запитів підприємства у навчанні, висловлюваних числами від 0 до 1. Кожному показнику присвоюється свій коефіцієнт важливості, який може змінюватися залежно від організації. Each integral indicator is insured as the arithmetic average of the creations of these indicators on the coefficient of importance.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the training process allows the following variances: control over the implementation of program points of the training system; analysis and correction of weak sides; monitoring of efficiency, quality; monitoring the effectiveness of training; rozrobka that provadzhennya koriguvalnyh zahodіv.

Skin organization, how to carry out training, pragne, so that yoga efficiency is maximum. In order to reach the goal, it is necessary to give enough respect to the skin stage of the training process. Lack of respect for any stage, better for everything, the star will begin the results of many future processes of training the organization's personnel.

Otzhe, the process of training the staff is the price of an invisible part personnel policyуспішної організації, який може переслідувати найрізноманітніші цілі: підвищення якості людських ресурсів, підвищення якості продукції або послуг, що здійснюються організацією, проведення організаційних змін, у тому числі пристосування до умов зовнішнього середовища, розвиток персоналу, поліпшення системи комунікації в організації, формування організаційної культури , Increasing the level of loyalty to the organization. Lack of respect to a new degree is wrong organization can give rise to impersonal problems in the organization, which, if possible, reduce the effectiveness of the organization. The impersonal views, forms and methods of the lighting process allow you to choose the vіdpovіdny or suupnіst adnexa for the skin okremoi unique social organization.

In practice, companies win different types of organization of the process of learning. You can classify them from different bases.

Over the course of the event, they see the internal training and the external training. Internal training is carried out by the organization, ovnishn - with the supervision of a special organization that is engaged in the training of personnel. Leather from these two types of learning may have its own advantages and shortcomings. Vybіr vnutrishny navchannya to allow organizing the process of navchannya without winding up the work or in such a manner, for an hour, for which the practitioners appeared in vіdіrvanimi, buv minimal; Another perevaga of the internal education is those that the organization does not have to pay for the life of the education center. Vybіr zovnіshny navchannya navpak, vіdrivaє staff vіd work, but you can look at it from a positive side. Changes in the situation that kind of activity (from vykonannya direct obov'yazkіv on navchannya) can become a reason for practicing organizations.

For the form to take - lectures, seminars and trainings. Lecture (from Lat. lectio - reading), a systematic, subsequent collection of the initial material, be it any food, topics, division, subject, methods of science. The main contributions to the lecture: science, ideas, accessibility, unity of form and value, emotional vikladu, organic links with other types of primary activities - seminars, culinary practice that іn Seminar (Lat. seminarium - nursery, figuratively - school), one of the main types of primary practical occupation, which is used in the discussed teachings to inform, supplement, and follow them for the results of primary studies. Seminars are victorious as an independent form of thematic beginnings to take, as they are connected with lectures. Training (in the form of English train - learn, train) - systematic training of all the skills and behavior of the participants in the training. The difference between them is great: at the seminars with the participants, they share their knowledge, just like at the training, the participants develop new skills. Obviously, the training may be on the basis of a number of training rights, which allow the participants to complete their skills and learn from the leading turn of the tongue - what the stink itself is good, and what is bad. The presence of such a practical part confuses another specialty of training - call the stench of more trials, lower seminars, can last up to a few days, wanting to lay everything for the purposes that the coach plans to reach.

According to the object of training - corporate trainings (seminars, lectures) and reviews. Corporate training (seminar, course of lectures) is such a form of training, for which employment it is developed for the singing organization with the improvement of its special features. They can be both external (employed by a special organization), and internal (for example, at a corporate university). It is qualified to conduct corporate training, but it is not a special training for team building, but all the same, it helps to organize the team. Participants in the training process are included to sleep activity, often cardinally in everyday life, more often to recognize one another, may be possible under the competent coaching of the coach to find a variety of viral conflicts that have accumulated in an hour of sleeping work. That is a competent corporate coach, regardless of what is the main meta, to improve the health of the team. Vіdkritiy training (seminar, course of lectures) - the same form of training, if the work is done without damaging the peculiarities of organizations. Such occupations can be less familiar and obov'yazkovo from the coach's training. At the official training, at the corporate level, the whole team does not take part. Most often, it is enough to conduct training for two or three specialists, so that we can effectively convey the essence of the training to the decision of the team. Ale, if you need to be careful, what a different level of qualification in the team can lead to inconvenience. This situation gives rise to more inconsistency, can lead to conflicts.

For the object of education, it is also possible to classify it as the education of a higher managerial lanka, the education of the middle lanka, and the education of non-intermediate vikonavtsiv. The training of different categories of practitioners may be based on absolutely different goals, that is why the training of vikonavtsiv will lead us to advance the quality of products and economic and technical safety of the organization; navchannya middle managerial lanka spryaє easy carrying out changes in the company; Change the main aspects of managing the organization. Next, designate such a law, dominating the modern society. High motivation until the enlightenment and self-enlightenment of the power of the great managerial lances, and it gradually falls. Tobto. the lower the place of the practitioner in the organizational hierarchy, the lower the motivation for self-enlightenment. In this rank, we should give them more respect to educate the practitioners, who are lower in the organization in the Suspіlstva and the lower rіven illumine the stink.

For the subject of training - from the training of the coach that without training. Most of the activities are carried out with the help of the trainer (these are the methods of training the staff, such as instructing, giving lectures, conducting business games, analyzing specific situations, holding conferences and seminars), and the presence of a professional trainer is indispensable. And here are the zastosovnі such methods: change of the working area, molding of the group with the exchange of certificates, creation of groups of quality and other methods.

Such a variety of types and forms of the process of learning allows organizations to choose the most suitable for them at the given moment and for singing minds, which allows them to reach the set goals. Therefore, in view of that form, the process of learning can be designated by specific minds, in which the organization functions and goals, so that it can be reached for the help of the process of learning. Incorrect choice of the form of training can lead to a positive effect on the visits. The effectiveness of such investments in the staff will be even smaller, or it may lead to a synergistic effect in the organization to zero or even negative. I navpak, correct choice the mind and form of the process of learning can significantly increase the psychological climate in the group, allow the interdisciplinary treatment.

Chapter 2

.1 Organization "Federal Merezheva Company of the Unified Energy System"

Joint-Stock Partnership "Federal Merzheva Company of the Unified Energy System" (VAT "FGC YES") was created in good faith before the program of reforming the electric power industry Russian Federation as an organization for the management of the Unified National (Zahal Russian) Electricity Network (ENES) with the method of saving and development.

The main directives of the company's activity:

management of the Single National (Zahal Russian) electric grid;

service to the subjects of the wholesale electricity market from the transmission of electricity and the supply to the electricity supply;

investment activity in the sphere of development of the Single national (foreign Russian) electric network;

podtrimannya at the lay station of electric lines;

tekhnіchny visualization I will become a mesh object.

The structure of the BAT "Federal Merezheva Company of the Unified Energy System" includes: 8 branches "Main Electric Merezhi" (MES); 41 filial "Undertaking of the main electric lines" (PMES); 1 filial "Specialized virobnicha base "Biliy Rost". Philia<#"center">2.2 Analysis of ways to improve qualifications on the application of the branch of the company near the metro station Surgut

Branch of VAT "FGC YES" - MEM Western Siberia. Before entering:

MEM Western SiberiaCentral PMES

On the basis of the Central PMES (m. Surgut), we will analyze and visibly improve the qualifications of personnel in this business. As you can see, for the effective work of the business, qualifications of the management apparatus are needed, and the skills of the student are in a constant development and fully, the practitioners should be sent to the course for the advancement of qualifications. For the management staff, the organization of the way to advance qualifications and also the health of the higher, other higher education. In order to reveal the necessary information, I will illuminate the system near Surgut metro station for directions: management, personnel management. Porovnyaemo otrimani results and vyavimo effektivnishiy way to advance qualifications.

I have embroidered the foundations of the city of Surgut:

)Tyumen State Naftogaz University

Philia. The meaning of the direct line is examined and shown in Table 1.

Directly (short program) Grade 2012-2013, rub Profiles:General management Management and financial aspect International management

)Surgut branch of the Tyumen State University.

The meaning of the direct line is examined and is shown in Table 2.

Directly Wartist navch. (part-time form), rub Management (bachelor's degree) Profiles: Marketing; Logistics; Project management; Financial management.42850Management (magistracy)47840 · Personnel management39400

)Social Russian State University of the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education near the metro station Surgut. The purpose of this review is directly shown in Table 3.

NapryamokVartist, rubManagement (bachelor)40000Management (master)50000

)Capital Financial and Humanitarian Academy Philia near metro station Surgut. The purpose of this review is directly shown in Table 4.

Straight Varity (in absentia), rub. Vartist (external), rub.

Directly (in absentia) Vartist navchannya, rub (external) Variety of training, rub.

)Moscow Academy of Admissions under the Administration of Moscow Surgut branch. The purpose of this review is directly shown in Table 6.

Napryakom Profiles: Human resources management Small business management32000Organization management (manager)55000

)Tomsk State University of Management Systems and Radioelectronics branch near metro station Surgut. The designation was examined directly and is listed in Table 7.

Napryamok Graduate degree (part-time course), rubManagement (bachelor) Profiles: Project management Marketing25000

)Surgut State Pedagogical University. The designation was examined directly and is listed in Table 8.

Directly Variety of training (in absentia), rub Personnel management organization65300

As a result, the recent initial mortgages were identified alternative ways to improve the qualifications of the relevant personnel in the disciplines:

a) Bachelor's degree in management. Дані зведені в діаграму «Отримання вищої освіти з дисципліни менеджмент бакалавріат», з якої видно, що найбільш раціональним вибором є Томський Державний університет Систем Управління та Радіоелектроніки філія в м.Сургут, оскільки навчання за вибраним напрямком можна здійснити з мінімальними витратами: 25000 рублів за I will complete the training form.

b) Master's management. The staff can improve their qualifications by earning a master's degree. Behind the Odrimani Daniye, who was in Diagram “Healthy Vishchoi Ovvyti for tension management of the Magistracus”, Nybilsh with an alternative vibor for the FILISH “FSK єSES” Zakhidi-Sibiri Naftogazovi, UNIVIKOVIA, ZULIIY VOCHILI. promotes the best vartist for the graduation of a master's degree in management, as well as this institute as a priority for its direct activity, the oil and gas shards are directly close to the electric power industry.

c) Bachelor of Human Resources Management. For the removal of tributes, put in the diagram “Ottrimannya vyshchoї obsvіti for bachelor’s direct personnel management”, the most appropriate for the organization of the Surgut branch of the Tyumen state university, The amount of education for which is minimal and becomes 39,400 rubles.

Having analyzed all the proposed seminars and trainings from the necessary directives, it was found that the Surgut region has practically every day services of this kind. At the link with the cim proponny kerіvnitstvu of the company svorit vosnі navchalnі tsentrі, yakі vklyuchatimu іnіvshіmіtі classi dlya lektsіy, semіnіrіv і trenіngіv, yakі implement program povyschennya prіschennya kompetentsіy dlya raznyh kategorіy posad. Directly, the chiefs of the company's executives can go through training on such topics as: "Effective management and acceptance managerial decisions”, “Project Management”, “Hour Management” and “Effective Management Technologies”. It is also necessary to expand the scope of programs for young professionals.

For the training of your spokesmen, you can get the best counterparties, such as the head center. Also, for learning it is necessary to vikoristati and internal fahivtsi. In order to improve the quality of training in the company, it will be necessary to carry out a special training of candidates for the higher education centers from the number of reports from the interviewers of the FGC EES.

Another method of improving and improving the qualifications of staff can be carried out for sixty-four hours of internal training on various topics in the format of audio and video conferences.

Для оцінки ефективності підвищення кваліфікації організації необхідно використовувати методи, такі як порівняння результатів тестів, що проводяться до навчання та після, спостереження за робочою поведінкою співробітників, що пройшли навчання, задоволеність слухачів навчальною програмою, оцінка засвоєння навчального матеріалу.


The foundation of an economically efficient company is impossible without a well-thought-out system for improving the qualifications of personnel, moreover, it costs both ordinary practitioners and managers in Virginia. It goes without saying that such a system can be miraculously organized, equipped on a high technical level and part of the whole strategy of the company. Programs for the advancement of qualifications may become an invisible part of the policy of the organization. The high qualification of any specialist is the result that is formed with the knowledge of work, enlighten that uninterrupted work on oneself. Assistance in this process is the ethical task of any manager with personnel. In this rank, we can state that the system for advancing the qualifications of personnel is absolutely necessary, whether it be an organization, as a way to advance to the new economic system as an equal participant.

The advancement of the qualifications of clerks and fahivtsiv will be more effective for the advancement of the principle of offensiveness of training and further rational recruitment of cadres with the improvement of their knowledge and skills. Shchobdvishchiti vidpovlyniy, the shredality of the personnel at the non -purified pydvisite kovlifіkatsya, non -oxidly forgotten Viskvishchevs of the Kvalifikasi, the gender, the plantings of the praziystyan,

The training and advancement of the qualifications of personnel in this hour due to the mother is uninterrupted in nature and is carried out by a stretch of effort labor activity practitioner. The entrepreneurship can be looked at in terms of staff training as an investment in the main capital, which allows for the most effective development of new technologies.

Successful completion of these functions depends on the qualifications and professional competence of the company’s specialists. One of the methods that allows you to change and improve the level of qualifications and professional competence of specialists is the system of professional training for personnel.

For the effectiveness of uninterrupted training, it is necessary that the practitioners were at a new infection. It is necessary for the administration to increase motivation, as well as to create a climate that is acceptable for learning.

List of references

1) Kovalyov S.V. Management of work and personnel / M: Alfa-Pres, 2009. - 384 p.

) Tebekin A.V. Personnel management / M.: Knorus, 2009. - 624 p.

) Tereshchenko V.I. Course for the highest managerial staff M.: Economics, 1970. - 807 p.


Addendum 1

Management training diagram

Addendum 2
... systems of professional growth for personnel in the following organization, depending on the results of any development of the path ...

Personnel policy at TOV "Regional energy company"

I completed an internship at TOV "Region Keruicha Company". One of the most important factors that add to the cost...
- Organization of staff training; -coordination of work to improve the qualifications of specialists and their development business card

Development of the system and development of personnel

Achieving the goals of the organization by means of a path to establish adequate goals for the healed practitioner and the creation of minds for their ...
... training, retraining and promotion of the qualifications of personnel, as well as the planning of careers for personnel in the organization.

The training of the personnel of the largest Russian organizations is of particular importance. This is due to the fact that the robot in the minds of the market is high enough to be equal to the qualifications of the staff, the knowledge and skills of the practitioners: knowledge, newcomers, installations, as they helped the staff to successfully practice today, spend their day today. Дуже швидко змінюються як зовнішні умови (економічна політика держави, законодавство та система оподаткування, з'являються нові конкуренти тощо), так і внутрішні умови функціонування організації (реструктуризація підприємств, технологічні зміни, поява нових робочих місць та ін.), що ставить більшість російських organization before the need to train staff before today's and tomorrow's changes.

The growing role of learning in the processes of organizational change and organizational development is determined by such factors:

The training of personnel is the most important way to achieve the strategic goals of the organization. Succeeding in the way of realizing the most important strategic goals of the organization is rich in what to lie in the face of what kind of world the staff of information about the important strategic goals and how much preparation to work is within their reach. Необхідність швидких змін структури та принципів управління, підвищення здатності організації до виживання за умов конкурентної боротьби змушує керівництво дедалі більшої кількості підприємств переходити від короткострокового планування, яке було доречно за умов невизначеності в умовах Росії 90-х, до вироблення довгострокових стратегій організаційного развития. The implementation of these strategies will require a great deal of professional training as a professional and an ordinary staff.

Navchannya є the most important way to promote the value of human resources in the organization. Many organizations do not take care of training their staff, for those who do not consider the cost of money as a necessary amount of financial expenses, but that without whom you can easily get by. However, sooner or later, the organization will inevitably close up because if you don’t invest pennies in the advancement of the knowledge of your practitioners, then the supply of human resources in the organization will be lesser.

> Form, see, stages of the method of daily advancement of qualifications

The need for training may be assigned to two main aspects: the yakіsny (why read, how to develop new skills) and kіlkіsny (yak how many practitioners of different categories need to be read). Evaluation of consumption by the trainee can be determined by the following methods:

1. Evaluation of information about practitioners, what is in the personnel service (experience of work, working background, basic education, which, having accepted the practitioner earlier, took part in training programs or advanced qualifications and so on.);

2. Screening assessment of working results (attestation). In the course of a short-term assessment of work results (attestations) can appear as strong, and as weak as a work of a particular person. For example, low scores among the practitioners of the singing professional group in the column "professional knowledge" show that in the category of practitioners there is a need for the trainee.

3. Analysis of long-term and short-term plans of organization and plans of other subdivisions and the determination of the level of qualifications and professional training of personnel necessary for their successful implementation.

4. Care for the work of the staff and analysis of problems that are important for efficient work. As in the work of the staff, they regularly have a place of pardon, a rake, that lead to a filthy work, a ship, a breakdown of the safety equipment, it is unrealistically a great waste of time, then this information can be collected for the preparation of an application for the training of staff and the preparation of programs for training.

5. Selection and analysis of applications for the training of personnel in the field of nursery workers. Today, it is one of the most widely used methods in Russian organizations for determining the consumption of trained practitioners.

6. Organization of work with a personnel reserve and work with career planning.

7. Change the robots, which are important to the qualification of the staff.

8. Individual applications and propositions of practitioners. As a practitioner of instillations in the otriman singing nobility and knowledge, you can apply for the name of a cerebrate to be trained, I will be awarded by a non-intermediate clerk, stating what kind of vocation I require.

9. Experience of practitioners. Opituvannya staff, poklikanі evaluating their needs from otrimanni new professional knowledge and the development of new skills allow you to more accurately determine the need for training for specific categories of personnel, specific trainings and other practitioners. Opituvannya can stun the whole organization if they are okremі pіdrozdіli, they can be vibirkoviy, hospitably less than a representative vibirka. Since the number of respondents is small, it is possible to use the interview method.

10. Vivchennya informing other organizations. Often dosvіd competitors of the Rodinni of the Pidniylivi Pidkazy, ShO Neckhidnistyu, Foreigned Caterary Personnel Piditrims of the Non -Chief of the Competent Self -Sleanings.

For the bags of revealed needs, a complex of preparation visits is carried out at the trainee. Obov'yazkovoy part of the new є appointed zmіstu, forms and methods of teaching. Zmіst can be appointed by the leaders, what to stand in front of the organization in short-term and middle-line perspectives. Prior to the most important characteristics of the material to be added, one can note its change, folding and structuredness. Three characteristics of that qile of training determine the form of that method of training.

To the complex of preparatory visits, also enter the designated training company, the storage of the initial programs, groups of people who are going to the training, select the candidates and others come in. You can use them as a guide of the organization itself, and from an outside consultant.

Dali vіdbuvaєtsya process navchannya. Vіn budєtsya vykhodyachi z tsіley navchannya, yakіsnoї sluzhby have navchannі and pіdgotovlenih programs. An important role in the process of learning is played by the mind: the application can be attached, or it is easy to attach for carrying out in a new place, to increase the temperature regime, the regime of illumination and other. Under the hour of the process of starting, you can also ensure the safety of in-line control over the supply, uninterrupted implementation of the initial program, and the safety of the quiet, who learns everything necessary.

The next stage is the re-verification of knowledge taken away. At the same time, the appraisal of knowledge, appraised by practitioners, is easy to do, the oscalls of the organization, as they conducted the apprenticeship, acquired knowledge from high ostentatious people, and you can create the results of the appraisal, otherwise the stench can be unreasonable. You can estimate the loss of knowledge from the reshti vipadkiv. Іsnuyut different methods of assessing knowledge, so, in the form of methods of learning, practitioners can lay down the hall, sleep, write as a robot (for example, a business plan), they can conduct a business game, practice (for example, during the development of public speaking skills, form assessments of otrimanih novice, then, it is possible to publicly speak in front of the structural leader of the organization).

The final stage of the staff training process is the assessment of the effectiveness of the staff. This is the main meta field of analysis in the field of analysis on the final results of the activity of all organizations.

It is difficult to estimate the effectiveness of the process of learning from the numbers of a real profit, so it is possible to evaluate the effectiveness on the basis of the previous indicators. Thus, these programs are carried out not for the acquisition of knowledge, learning and learning, but for the formation of a singing type of thought and behavior.

For the Yakisho -otsitsa, an estroblyte, it is possible to take such a vicoristovatye method of indirect method, as yak porivnyann, the result of the test, pico to be in the forefront, was stolen behind the timid behavior, and the lequesty was inhabited, and the lecture was praised, and the lecture was praised, and the lecture was carried out to the explosives.

You can also kіlkіsna otsіnka. Але й вона полягає в відносних показниках, як-от задоволеність слухачів навчальної програмою, оцінка засвоєння навчального матеріалу, ефективність задоволення запитів підприємства у навчанні, висловлюваних числами від 0 до 1. Кожному показнику присвоюється свій коефіцієнт важливості, який може змінюватися залежно від організації. Each integral indicator is insured as the arithmetic average of the creations of these indicators on the coefficient of importance.

Evaluation of the effectiveness of the training process allows the following variances: control over the implementation of program points of the training system; analysis and correction of weak sides; monitoring of efficiency, quality; monitoring the effectiveness of training; rozrobka that provadzhennya koriguvalnyh zahodіv.

Skin organization, how to carry out training, pragne, so that yoga efficiency is maximum. In order to reach the goal, it is necessary to give enough respect to the skin stage of the training process. Lack of respect for any stage, better for everything, the star will begin the results of many future processes of training the organization's personnel.

Отже, процес навчання персоналу - це невід'ємна частина кадрової політики успішної організації, який може переслідувати найрізноманітніші цілі: підвищення якості людських ресурсів, підвищення якості продукції або послуг, які організовують, проведення організаційних змін, у тому числі пристосування до умов зовнішнього середовища, що changes, development of staff, improvement of the system of communication among the employees, formation of organizational culture, promotion of the level of loyalty of the organization. Lack of respect to a new degree is wrong organization can give rise to impersonal problems in the organization, which, if possible, reduce the effectiveness of the organization. The impersonal views, forms and methods of the lighting process allow you to choose the vіdpovіdny or suupnіst adnexa for the skin okremoi unique social organization.

In practice, companies win different types of organization of the process of learning. You can classify them from different bases.

1. For the purpose of carrying out, they see the internal training and the external training. Internal training is carried out by the organization, ovnishn - with the supervision of a special organization that is engaged in the training of personnel. Leather from these two types of learning may have its own advantages and shortcomings. Vybіr vnutrishny navchannya to allow organizing the process of navchannya without winding up the work or in such a manner, for an hour, for which the practitioners appeared in vіdіrvanimi, buv minimal; Another perevaga of the internal education is those that the organization does not have to pay for the life of the education center. Vybіr zovnіshny navchannya navpak, vіdrivaє staff vіd work, but you can look at it from a positive side. Changes in the situation that kind of activity (from vykonannya direct obov'yazkіv on navchannya) can become a reason for practicing organizations.

2. For the form to take - lectures, seminars and trainings. Lecture (from Lat. lectio - reading), a systematic, subsequent collection of the initial material, be it any food, topics, division, subject, methods of science. The main contributions to the lecture: scientificity, ideological, accessibility, unity of form and value, emotional vikladu, organic connection with other types of primary occupation - seminars, virobnichoyu practice and іn. Seminar (Latin seminarium - nursery, figuratively - school), one of the main types of primary practical occupation, which is used in the discussions of the teachings, additional support, which they follow after initial observations. Seminars are victorious as an independent form of thematic beginnings to take, as they are connected with lectures. Training (in the form of English train - learn, train) - systematic training of all the skills and behavior of the participants in the training. The difference between them is great: at the seminars with the participants, they share their knowledge, just like at the training, the participants develop new skills. Obviously, the training may be on the basis of a number of training rights, which allow the participants to complete their skills and learn from the leading turn of the tongue - what the stink itself is good, and what is bad. The presence of such a practical part confuses another specialty of training - call the stench of more trials, lower seminars, can last up to a few days, wanting to lay everything for the purposes that the coach plans to reach.

3. According to the object of training - corporate trainings (seminars, lectures) and presentations. Corporate training (seminar, course of lectures) is such a form of training, for which employment it is developed for the singing organization with the improvement of its special features. They can be both external (employed by a special organization), and internal (for example, at a corporate university). It is qualified to conduct corporate training, but it is not a special training for team building, but all the same, it helps to organize the team. Participants in the training process are included to sleep activity, often cardinally in everyday life, more often to recognize one another, may be possible under the competent coaching of the coach to find a variety of viral conflicts that have accumulated in an hour of sleeping work. That is a competent corporate coach, regardless of what is the main meta, to improve the health of the team. Vіdkritiy training (seminar, course of lectures) - the same form of training, if the work is done without damaging the peculiarities of organizations. Such occupations can be less familiar and obov'yazkovo from the coach's training. At the official training, at the corporate level, the whole team does not take part. Most often, it is enough to conduct training for two or three specialists, so that we can effectively convey the essence of the training to the decision of the team. Ale, if you need to be careful, what a different level of qualification in the team can lead to inconvenience. This situation gives rise to more inconsistency, can lead to conflicts.

4. For the object of the beginning of the beginning of the beginning, it is also possible to classify it as the beginning of the higher managerial lanka, the beginning of the Middle Lanka, and the beginning of the middle vykonavtsiv. The training of different categories of practitioners may be based on absolutely different goals, that is why the training of vikonavtsiv will lead us to advance the quality of products and economic and technical safety of the organization; navchannya middle managerial lanka spryaє easy carrying out changes in the company; Change the main aspects of managing the organization. Next, designate such a law, dominating the modern society. High motivation until the enlightenment and self-enlightenment of the power of the great managerial lances, and it gradually falls. Tobto. the lower the place of the practitioner in the organizational hierarchy, the lower the motivation for self-enlightenment. In this rank, we should give them more respect to educate the practitioners, who are lower in the organization in the Suspіlstva and the lower rіven illumine the stink.

5. For the subject of training - from the training of the coach that without training. Most of the activities are carried out with the help of the trainer (these are the methods of training the staff, such as instructing, giving lectures, conducting business games, analyzing specific situations, holding conferences and seminars), and the presence of a professional trainer is indispensable. And here are the zastosovnі such methods: change of the working area, molding of the group with the exchange of certificates, creation of groups of quality and other methods.

Such a variety of types and forms of the process of learning allows organizations to choose the most suitable for them at the given moment and for singing minds, which allows them to reach the set goals. Therefore, in view of that form, the process of learning can be designated by specific minds, in which the organization functions and goals, so that it can be reached for the help of the process of learning. Incorrect choice of the form of training can lead to a positive effect on the visits. The effectiveness of such investments in the staff will be even smaller, or it may lead to a synergistic effect in the organization to zero or even negative. First of all, the correct choice of the form of the process of learning can significantly improve the psychological climate in the organization, virishiti interdisciplinary changes.

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