Advice about the passage of practice. Virobnicha practice of slyusarіv z stosіv and automation

Regulations on the initial practice (training) and the practice of students, how to master the main professional education programs for the training of qualified workers and service workers, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No.



Front view:

Budget pledge of professional education

Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug - Yugri



(code, name of profession)



The work program of initial practice is divided on the basis of the Federal State Lighting Standard of the Middle Professional Education
Regulations on the initial practice (training) and the practice of students, how to master the main professional education programs for the training of qualified workers and service workers, approved by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation No.


budgetary institution for professional education of the Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug - Yugri "Nizhnyovartivsky Budivelny College"

Iskandarova Alina Ansarivna, master of vocational training

at the meetings of the methodological commission "Technique and technology of land transport"; «Machine production, electric power engineering»
(Protocol No. __ vid ____ __________ 20__)
Commission booklet ______________________/___________________/

Experts in the field of robotics:


(place of work) (zaimana posada) (іnіtsіali, nickname)



Deputy director of PR ________________________ N.I. Bilash

Passport of the program of initial practice page ..... 4
The results of mastering the program of initial practice p..... 5
Thematic plan and change of initial practice page ..... 6
Wash the implementation of the program of initial practice p.....18
Control and evaluation of the results of mastering the initial practice of the party.....20


1.1. Program jam area:

A working program of primary practice and part of the main professional educational program is qualified to the Federal State Educational Standards of secondary vocational education270703.02 Slyusar with control and monitoring accessories and automation

in the part of the mastering of qualifications: Slyusar with control and monitoring devices and automation

and the main types of professional activity (VPD):

A working program of initial practice can be used as a program for additional professional education and professional training for the profession Slyusar with control and simulation devices and automation.

1.2. The goals of the task of initial practice:

Формування у початкових практичних професійних умінь, що навчаються, в рамках модулів ОПОП ППКРС за основними видами професійної діяльності для освоєння робітничої професії, навчання трудовим прийомам, операціям і способам виконання трудових процесів, характерних для відповідної професії та необхідних для подальшого освоєння ними професійних професій .

Wimogi until the results of mastering primary practice

As a result of the passage of primary practice for the types of professional activity, the student is guilty of:


Vimogi to death

PC 1.1. Completion of slyusarny processing of details for 11 - 12 qualifications (4 - 5 classes of accuracy) with the provision and completion of details.

PC 1.2. Wind the springs around the dart in a cold and hot state.

PC 1.3. Vikonuvat slyusarno-folding robots.

PC 1.4. Improve heat treatment of small-scale parts with further refinement.

1.3. How many years to master work programs initial practice:
Usy - 360 years, including:
As part of the development of PM 01. - 144 years
As part of the development of PM 02. - 108 years
As part of the development of PM 03. - 108 years


The result of mastering the work program of initial practice is the formation of practical practical professional skills, which are being taught, within the framework of the OPOP PPKRS modules from the main types of professional activity (VPD),

  • Vikonannya slyusarnyh and slyusarno-storage robot.
  • Vikonu elektromontazhnі roboti z control-vimіryuvalnymi priladov and automation systems.
  • Storage, adjustment and repair of control and maintenance devices and automation systems.

(please indicate the type of professional activity that is valid up to the Federal State Educational Standard of SPO)

they need further development of professional (PC) and global (OK) competencies in the chosen profession.

The code

Naming the result of mastering the practice

PC 1.1.

Completion of slyusarny processing of details for 11 - 12 qualifications (4 - 5 classes of accuracy) with the provision and completion of details.

PC 1.2.

Wind the springs around the dart in a cold and hot state.

PC 1.3.

Vikonuvat slyusarno-folding robots.

PC 1.4.

Improve heat treatment of small-scale parts with further refinement.

PC 2.1.

Vikonuvati soldering with different solders.

PC 2.2.

Fold schemes for medium folding and for installation.

PC 2.3.

Install the installation of control and vibration fittings with medium folding and automation features.

PC 3.1.

Perform repair, folding, adjustment, adjustment of control-and-wire fittings in medium folding and automation equipment.

PC 3.2.

Indicate the reasons for the failure of the fittings of the average folding.

PC 3.3.

Carry out testing and repair of control and maintenance devices and automation systems.


3.1. Thematic plan of initial practice

PC Code

Code and name of professional modules

Number of years according to UE

Naming topics of initial practice

Number of years on those


Topic 1. Entertaining. Safety equipment, Anti-burning safety

Topic 2

Topic 4. Cutting metal.

Topic 5. Sverdlіnnya.

Topic 6. Design of internal and external design.

Topic 7

Topic 8. Sharpened the tool, chisels and chisels.

Topic 9. Cutting metal with scissors, metal cutting and on a mechanical bench.

Topic 10

Topic 11

Topic 12. Studs.

Topic 13

Topic 14. See the selection of metal pipes.

Topic 15. Storage of vinyl or polyethylene pipes.

Topic 16

Topic 17. Dovetails. See the dowel

Topic 18

Topic 19

Topic 20. Forged bearings.

Topic 21

Topic 22. Gears and friction gears and folding.


Topic 2.1. . Vikonanny of electrical installation robots

Topic 2.2. Vikonuє installation of control and vimіryuvalnyh priladіv medium folding and zasobіv automation.

Topic 2.3. Installation of electrical circuits of various automation systems

Promizhna attestatsija at a form_ zalіku/dif.

PC.3.1 - 3.3.

Topic 3.1. Starting employment, TB and OT.

Topic 3.2. Technology of selection and selection of spring pressure gauges of the type OBM, MTP and in

Topic 3.3

Topic 3.4

Topic 3.5

Topic 3.6

Topic 3.7

Topic 3.8

Topic 3.9

Topic 3.10. Technology of selection and selection of ratiometers.

Topic 3.11. Technology for the selection and selection of electronic bridges of the Disk-250 type.

Topic 3.12

Topic 3.13. Technology for the selection and selection of gas analyzers for sour.

Topic 3.14. Technology of selection and selection of pneumatic regulators of the "Start" system.

Topic 3.15

Topic 3.16

Topic 3.17

Promizhna attestation in the form of dif.

All year

3.2. Change of initial practice

Code and name
modules and topics
initial practice

About `em


PM.01. Vikonannya slyusarnyh and slyusarno-folding robit

See robot:
- vikonannya slyusarnyh and slyusarno-folding robit

Topic 1. Entertaining. Safety technology. Electrota anti-burn safety

1. Knowing the students from the primary master. Placement of them at work places. Knowing the order of taking that task of tools, attachments and fittings.

2. safety equipment at the main masters. See injury that yogo cause, come in early to prevent injury. Basic rules and instructions for safety and health and safety. Basic rules for electrical safety and fire protection

Topic 2. Plane marking.

1. Preparation of details before marking. Choose a tool. Marking of axial lines. Kernennya.

2. layout of simple and folding contours behind armchairs, templates and patterns. Sharpening and refilling of the rozmіchalnogo tool.

Topic 3

1. Select the required tool. Cutting of smoky, high-quality metal, thin sheet and pipes with a hacksaw, hand shears, pipe cutters, velvet knives. Quality control of cutting.

2. correction of smug metal, bent in the flat, round metal, bent along the edge. Correction of metal with spiral curvature. Correction of thin sheet metal. Correction for the assistance of a manual press. Control over the correction and correction of defects.

3. Bent edges of sheet steel on plates, in breams and on a manual press for cut jobs and on the edge. Gnuchka kіlets іz drotu and sheet steel. Bunch of pipes at the cold station. Control of the vikonannya zginannya.

Topic 4. Cutting metal.

1. choose a tool. Sawing narrow and wide flat surfaces with a late, transverse and crossed stroke. The sawing of a cylindrical shear, swollen and curved on the surface.

2. The sawing of curvilinear surfaces from the construction of outbuildings. Controlling the quality of sawing.

Topic 5. Sverdlіnnya.

1. choice of drilling, the regime of drilling and attachments is valid until the order. Installation, vivirka position and fixing of workpieces on the table drilling versta. Sverdlinnya opened, laid out in the same plane.

2. drilling of open-cut openings for a rosette, a template. Sverdlіnnya deaf openings from zastosuvannyam stops. Sharpened that gas station drilled. Processing of cylindrical and final burrows and chamfers. I opened my throat.

Topic 6. Interior and exterior decoration.

1.choice of the tool is valid until the order. Narrated ovnіshnіh rіzblen with dice cіlnimi and razrіznimi. Nakochuvannya rіzblennya rіzbonkakatnoy dies.

2. Open the cut in the deaf by hand. Drawing on the details that happen. Narrated cutting for the help of a mechanized tool. Quality control of the cutting.

Topic 7

1. choose the necessary tool and materials appropriately before ordering.

2. Razmіka staple clamps.

Vizannya blanks. Edge grinding. Welding nuts or hexagonal bolts to staples. Directly prepared handles.

3. Grinding the finished virobu, that farbuvannya.

Topic 8. Sharpened the tool, chisels and chisels.

1. Sharpening that filling of the drill.

2. Sharpening that editing of a chisel.

Topic 9. Cutting metal with scissors, metal cutting and on a mechanical bench.

1. Select the required tool. Cutting of smoky, high-quality metal, thin sheet and pipes with a hacksaw, hand shears, pipe cutters, velvet knives.

2. Cutting metal for the help of a mechanical press.

Topic 10

1. The choice of the tool is povidno to the order. Narіzannya zovnіshnіh pravikh i vih rіzblen on bolts, studs and pipes.

2. Preparation of openings for drawing with threads. Narrated cutting for the help of a mechanized tool. Controlling the quality of threaded parts.

Topic 11

Preparation of the surface before gluing that pіdbіr adhesives.

Gluing together virobiv that yogo showcase in modes. Gluing strength control

Topic 12. Studs.

1. Fixing that order of details. Folding studded parts.

2. Stopping the call for additional cotter pins. Fastening of insulating parts with studs.

Topic 13

1. Preparing operations: rozmіtka, vіdrіzka, purifying, bending of pipes, vіdbortuvannya, razvaltsyuvannya, zavaryuvannya that folded. Perevirka and control over rozmirami.

2. Warehouse operations: select the necessary tool before picking. Ensure the sp_vv_sn_st of pipes that are connected, the parallelism of the ends of the pipes and good flanges.

Topic 14. See the selection of metal pipes.

1.Fitingove fastening of steel pipes. Z'ednannya pipes couplings.

2.Storage of pipes on the run.

Topic 15. Storage of vinyl or polyethylene pipes.

1. Neruhomі or ruhlivі z'єdnannya vіn_plastovyh pipes.

2.Storage for additional pipe fittings or threaded couplings or flanges. Metal nuts, welding or gluing.

Topic 16

1.Z'ednannya flared pipes with a fitting for an additional nut and nipple.

2. Reinforcement of pipelines with soldering, welding and overlays of clamps, or coated with a special sealant. Construction of pipeline systems for additional special gaskets.

Topic 17. Dovetails. See the dowel

1. Prism keys, segmented, straight, forged, wedge.

2. Suvore dotrimannya landings at the bottom dowel with a shaft and a mother. Controlling distortions of the grooves along the axis of the shaft. Forked dowels. Type defects.

Topic 18

1. Tipi slotted z'ednan. Centering from the side faces.

2. Scheme for the control of slotted joints.

Topic 19

1.Basic pins. Methods of detection and methods of reinforcing pins

2. Select the method of renewal design features vuzla. Increased diameter opening p_d pin chi wedge.

Topic 20

1. See good couplings.

2. Main types of wear of couplings, їх characteristic signs that method of inspiration.

Topic 21. Forged bearings.

  1. Methods for updating the details of bearing units.

2. Renovation of the inner surface of the bearing shell. Bearing renewal algorithm.

Topic 22

  1. The main types of wear of belt gears, methods of their manifestation and methods of renewal.

2.Introduction of the toothed screw and the star of the selected design.

Topic 23. Gears and friction gears and folding.

1. The main types of wear of gear wheels, methods of their manifestation and methods of renewal. Folding worm gears.

2. Friction transmissions with permanent and changing transmission settings. Folding of friction wheels on the shaft.

Code and name
modules and topics
initial practice

About `em


PM.02. Vikonu elektromontazhnі roboti z control-vimіryuvalnymi priladami and zasobi automation.

See robot:

Vikonu electrical installation robots with control and monitoring devices and automation systems

1. Vikonannya electrical work

1. Installation of sensors for temperature control

2. Installation of secondary accessories for temperature control. Installation of elements of automation systems for soldering.

3. Design of templates for knitting harnesses, wires and harnesses on boards. Soldering of aluminum wires with middle ones and with each other.

4. Laying the cable and wires at the plug roses. Retaining cables at couplings

5. Completion of single-stranded and rich-stranded wires (kіntsevіst pіd piston, kilts, styr).

6.Vikonannya installation of electrical wiring at the boards and consoles. Vibration of direct main flows and routes of electrical wiring at the boards and consoles is clear to the wiring diagrams.

7.Checking the efficiency of the relay, vimiryuvannya yogo parametrіv and vikonannya regulation.

2. Installation of control-and-wiring devices of medium folding and automation equipment

1. Installation of sensors for temperature control.

2.Checking the degree of calibration of the calibration sensor of the recording device

3. Installation of secondary accessories for temperature control.

4. Installation of elements of automation systems by soldering.

3. Installation of electrical circuits of various automation systems

1. Design of templates for knitting harnesses, wires and harnesses on boards. Lay the cable and run it in plug roses. Z'ednannya cables at the couplings.

2. Soldering of aluminum wires with middle ones and among themselves.

Completion of single wires and rich wires (kіntsevіst pіd pіston, kilts, shtirem).

3.Vikonannya installation of electrical wiring at the boards and consoles.

4. Preparation and preparation of the necessary types of cables.

Vikonuye razannya that obralennya kabelіv, kіnets kabeliv.

5. Selecting the direct lines of the main flows and the routes of electrical wiring at the boards and consoles is right up to the circuits of the circuit.

6. Familiarity with different types of relays, their designs, switching schemes and markings. Rechecking the efficiency of the relay, vimiryuvannya yogo parametrіv and vikonannya regulation

Intermediate certification of the form of a differentiated hall

Code and name
modules and topics
initial practice

About `em


PM.03. Storage, repair, adjustment of control and maintenance devices and automation systems.

See robot:

  • Storage, adjustment and repair of control and maintenance devices and automation systems

Topic 1

Technology of storage and selection of tyagomiriv and pressure of TNZh, TMN and іn.

Familiarize yourself with stands and installations for the repair of fixtures and fittings.

Topic 2. Technology for the selection and selection of spring pressure gauges of the type OBM, MTP and in.

The main malfunctions of accessories. Usunennya inconsistency of sensors. Corrector installation. Selection and selection of accessories. Re-twisting the coil of the spring.

Topic 3. Technology for the selection and selection of self-written manometers MSS.

Designated wear of parts after sorting out the hull. I'll fix the confession of the kidnapping. Replacement of the drukarian mechanism.

Topic 4. The technology of selection and selection of the conversion of a pneumatic vice type MCC, MTS.

Topic 5. Technology for the selection and selection of secondary pneumatic devices such as PKP, PPS.

Adjustment and adjustment of secondary fittings. Usunennya inconsistency of sensors. Checking tightness. Show the confession of the kidnapping.

Topic 6. Technology for the selection and selection of pneumatic differential pressure gauges 13DD11.

Nalashtuvannya and regulation of reworking. Usunennya inconsistency of sensors. Checking tightness. Show the confession of the kidnapping.

Topic 7

Nalashtuvannya and regulation of reworking. Usunennya inconsistency of sensors. Checking tightness. Show the confession of the kidnapping.

Topic 8. Technology for the selection and selection of buoys equal to the UBP type.

Nalashtuvannya and regulation of reworking. Usunennya inconsistency of sensors. Checking tightness. Show the confession of the kidnapping.

Topic 9. Technology for the selection and selection of alternative equals to the ESU type.

Nalashtuvannya and regulation of reworking. Usunennya inconsistency of sensors. Checking tightness. Show the confession of the kidnapping.

Topic 10. Technology of selection and selection of ratiometers.

Topic 11. Technology for the selection and selection of electronic bridges of the Disk-250 type.

Adjustment and adjustment I'll build a look at the ruhomoi part. Replacement of defective parts Repair and rewinding of the frame winding. The indication of malfunctions is based on the electrical circuit attached and a flexible indication.

Topic 12. Technology for the selection and selection of secondary devices type RP-160.

Adjustment and adjustment I'll build a look at the ruhomoi part. Replacement of defective parts Repair and rewinding of the frame winding. The indication of malfunctions is based on the electrical circuit attached and a flexible indication.

Topic13. Technology of selection and selection of gas analyzers for kisen.

Familiarization with outbuildings, stands and installations for repairs and adjustments to the analysis of speech. Indicates the tightness of the gas circuits of the fitting. Checking the parameters of the electrical circuit Installation and adjustment of gas analyzers.

Topic 14. Technology of selection and selection of pneumatic regulators of the "Start" system.

Familiarization with outbuildings, stands, installations for repair and adjustment of fittings. Indicates the tightness of the gas circuits of the fitting. Checking the parameters of the electrical circuit Installed and adjusted regulators.

Topic 15

Awareness of the main failures of the mechanisms. Repair or replacement of parts and components. Usunennya invalidity of the sensor. Pіdstroyuvannya priladіv. Folding, linking the kinematic linkage to the mechanism with an attachment, what you set

Topic 16. Technology for the selection and selection of accessories for a magnetoelectric system.

Adjustment and adjustment I'll build a look at the ruhomoi part. Replacement of defective parts Repair and rewinding of the frame winding. The indication of malfunctions is based on the electrical circuit attached and a flexible indication.

Topic 17

Viviryaє the correctness of the installation of the floor vag for equal. Razbirannya. Cleaning and washing of parts and knots. I'll fix it. Storage of vag and dispensers. Re-establishment of that regulation Re-correction and adjustment of the correct indications.

Intermediate certification of the form of a differentiated hall

In the middle of the skin professional module are assigned those. On skin topics, the description of the basic material in didactic units is described. The volume of the year is determined by the skin position of column 3 (marked with a star *). The riven of development is placed opposite the didactic ones at column 4 (indicated by two stars **).

To characterize the level of mastering the initial material, the following definitions are used:
2 - reproductive (vikonannya dіyalnostі zarazkom, іnstruktsієyu or pіd kerіvnitstvom);
3 – Productive


4.1. Vimogi to the minimum material and technical security

Бюджетна установа професійної освіти «Нижньовартівський будівельний коледж» для реалізації основної професійної освітньої програми з робочої професії «Слюсар з контрольно-вимірювальних приладів та автоматики», має матеріально – технічну базу, що забезпечує проведення всіх видів лабораторних, практичних занять, а також дисциплінар модульної підготовки , primary practice (virobnicheskogo navchannya), transferring the initial plan and complying with all strict sanitary and anti-extremity standards.



electrical engineering

protect the cleanliness

security of life

technical mechanics

materials science


electrical engineering and electronics

information technologies

control and monitoring devices



electrical installation.

KVP laboratory:

No. p / p

Name, brand, type, model

PC 2.1. Vikonuvati soldering with different solders.

PC 2.2. Fold schemes for medium folding and for installation.

PC 2.3. Install the installation of control and vibration fittings with medium folding and automation features.

PC 3.1. Perform repair, folding, adjustment, adjustment of control-and-wire fittings in medium folding and automation equipment.

PC 3.2. Indicate the reasons for the failure of the fittings of the average folding.

PC 3.3. Carry out testing and repair of control and maintenance devices and automation systems.

Manometry, vacuum pressure, ammeter, voltmeter, multimeter, gauges "Metran", thermocouple TSP, time relay, signaling devices, indicators of the number of TOP radiators, electronic wires with a p'ezzoelement, electronic microscope, electrical accessories of various types.

Manometry, vacuum pressure, ammeter, voltmeter, multimeter, gauges "Metran", thermocouple TSP, time relay, signaling devices, indicators of the number of TOP radiators, electronic wires with a p'ezzoelement, electronic microscope, electrical accessories of various types.

Manometry, vacuum pressure, ammeter, voltmeter, multimeter, gauges "Metran", thermocouple TSP, time relay, signaling devices, indicators of the number of TOP radiators, electronic wires with a p'ezzoelement, electronic microscope, electrical accessories of various types.

Video recorder Metran-910

Microprocessor controller Gamma-8M

Sensors to a vice Metran-100

Electric curing block BUEP-1

Vimirnik bagatogranny Agave

Level regulator ADU-01

Block of life from relay BPR-24.3

Vikonavchy electric single-turn mechanism MEO-84

R_chilnik r_dini turbinny TOR 1-50

Thermotransformer support for platinum TSP Metran-200

Half-light visibility signaling device SNP-1

Amnesty for vimiryuvannya equal to that vise

4.2. Great help for the organization of the lighting process

The initial practice is carried out by the master of the vocational training and the vikladachs of the professional cycle.

Initial practice to be carried outconcentratedafter the module after mastering the theoretical part. Commitment of initial practice 6 years per day, 6 days working week.

Must be trained for primary practice, to be instructed in safety techniques, electrical safety and fire safety at work stations.

4.3. Staffing for the lighting process

Maystr Vobronichogo, Yaki Zdiysnoye Kerivnitst, by all practice, guilty of Mati Kvalifi-Kotikiye Rose of 1-2 Rozrai Vishchei, NIZHA NAZHAYA FSO, Vishchi Abo Ovvyna for profession of profession
1st time for 3 rocky.


Control and assessment of the results of mastering the initial practice is determined by the core of practice in the process of conducting initial tasks, independent completion of primary tasks, and practical training turning robots. Through the war, mastering the primary practice at the boundaries of the professional modules, the students pass the intermediate certification at the sight of the differentiated hall.

In-line control is carried out for the assessment sheets of professional competencies (addition), the results of in-line control are transferred to the initial journal on the upper side.

In vipadkah, if the practice is carried out at the undertakings of the place, it is necessary to learn the shape of the first practice, for the skin division (kind of work) is assigned: short description zavdannya, hour of vikonannya, qualification (folding). It will end with a short description of the mentor, which starts with a signature, and a seal of acceptance.

The evaluation sheets are signed with the seal of the undertaking and the signature of the practice's clerk. As a practice to take place at the college - the assessment sheet is signed by the master, who, having carried out the practice, is the intercessor of the director of the UPR.

After the completion of the module, an intermediate attestation is transferred to the form of a qualification test, for which the results of mastering competencies in practice are submitted.

Results of training
(Mastered in the framework of the VPD)

Form and control methods and evaluation of training results

Vikonannya slyusarnyh and slyusarno-folding robit

Vikonu electrical installation robots with control and monitoring devices and automation systems

Expert assessment on practical activities in the course of vikonannі robіt from primary practice. Spivbesida at the qualifying test

Storage, adjustment and repair of control and maintenance devices and automation systems

Expert assessment on practical activities in the course of vikonannі robіt from primary practice. Spivbesida at the qualifying test

The passage of the manufacturing practice is an invisible and important part of the process of training the future specialist of the KVP. It is a pity that most of the vipadkіv virobnicha practice is unorganized, unsystematic and does not allow you to learn from the outside world about your future profession, to show interest in it. The boss (as a representative of a potential roboticist), at his own discretion, cannot put his thoughts about the presence of the necessary professional skills and the skill of the one who is learning. It is natural to harm the main objectives of the practice - training a qualified worker oriented towards fertility with the "secrets" of professional workmanship, which works from the suvoriy of the qualification to the standards and the recognition of the most successful students.

The reason for the unsatisfactory organization of the virobnic practice is due to the presence of a clear program and passing like a sideways lighting install, and from the side of the pickers. Wanting, in my opinion, the “virobniks” themselves can be taken over by a roaring cієї program.

For the time being, I tried to try and solve the program for passing the practice by teaching vocational schools for the fach of the KVP slyusar. But due to the low number of reasons, the program was not completed and tested by me. Within the framework of this article, I will try to complete the rozpochat and rozrobiti srazkovy plan for the passage of the teachings of virobnichoy practice.


To learn the specifics of the profession, the trainee closes with a mentor - a qualified worker or ITP. Most often, when choosing a candidate for a “posada” of a mentor, the main criteria for selection are three-time qualifications and a high qualification level of a potential mentor. Tse, like on me, I don’t know the correct pidkhid. Dosvіd demonstrating that the trainee's assignment to the "young" mentor is more effective: through a smaller difference in the position, the mentor and the trainee are easier to know spilnu mova, the young mentor often recognizes the wrongness or the inaccuracy of his data about the work of that other possession (not the same as authority), the young mentor learns at once from those who learn.

What kind of evils is the mother's mentor guilty of? The participants of the training-seminar "The system of adaptive mentoring", held in the initial center of the BAT "Uralelektromed" to the head qualities of a mentor, took such qualities as tolerance, fairness, originality, activity, communication skills, pedagogical and professional competence.

If there are no signs of altruism in the midst of the appointments, then the mentor's work can be paid with a high rank. The amount of additional payment for mentoring is determined by the number of students assigned to the mentor and the actual hour spent on their training. More reports on the cost of paying for the training of mentors were presented to the official for the undertaking of the provisions on tutoring, collective agreements and other regulatory documents.

The program of vocational practice by KVP and A.A.

Opanuvannya novichok work z kіpovskim possessions is not the main method of virobnicheskaya practice. The main method of practice is the training of a specialist (working), building viskonate entrusted to his robot to the 2nd qualification category, for the strict completion of the norms and rules of safety technology and standards dovkilla. To that cream, looking at the daily technical nutrition and disciplines for an hour of practice, you need to know more about the upcoming nutrition:

Safety equipment for the KVP slyusar and A.

  1. Rthe order of the day, the pravnichiy and obov'yazki mentor i uchnya.
  2. unsafe and severe disease factors, ZIZ, prevention of occupational diseases.
  3. later technical.
  4. go to them (distant place, place for smoking, toilet).
  5. rules for transferring by workshop, enterprise, recognition of posters and light and sound signaling.
  6. rules of TB pid hour vikonannya robit.

Be it as a rozpochinaetsya z vyvchennya vimog tekhnіki bezpeka. Learn about the trainees, what they hoped for anew, the chief of the worker - the master, the head of the group, is to blame for the main TB helpers. Tell me about the order of the working day, interruption and interruption, an hour on the cob and the end of the "change". Bazhano vіdrazu guess, scho bazhannya smoke not є pіdstavoi for pinning vykonannya entrusted robot and power dodatkovoї interruption. Do not forget to show a little bit of the place for the chicken at the station in the workshop and the path of a safe passage to them.

Get to know the trainees with their mentors, independently name the mentors by their father's name (PIB of the mentor should be written down in the student's book of practice). Tell me and others about their rights, obov'yazki and validity. Write down the telephone numbers (home and style) of trainees, dictate to them the number and telephone number of the mentor.

On be-yakoy virobnitstvі є unsafe and shkіdlі virobnichi factors. Briefly tell about them, having injected them into the body of a person, come in (make) an individual zakhist. See trainees need ZIZ (ear plugs, respirators, eyepieces, mittens too) pid signature.

Take a small excursion - show the place of infamous koristuvannya, far away, first aid point, go to them for the smoking place. Bazhano show at least two different routes to the skin, rozpovidayuchi about possible nebezpeki, scho є on the way straight. Carry out a later technical minimum. Demonstrate the place of installation of fire extinguishers, boxes from the pantry. like vikoristovuvati zasobi primary fire extinguishing. Learn from the evacuation plan and emergency phone numbers. Tell me how to behave at the next hour.
Conduct studies on the distribution (workshop), tell about the technologies of development and technological possession, which will be established in the distribution. Show safe passage, light-sound signaling, marking, crying on the stretch. Explain their recognition of the rules of behavior in different ways of signaling.

With the rules of safety technology for the hour of quieting the quiet chi іnshih robіt, as well as with the types of tsikh robіt (in the order of in-line operation, for ordering, for arranging), the teacher is guilty of knowing the mentor, conducting the briefing before the cob of the cob by the intern of the dermal entrusted to youma roboti.

In the region, we could not help but become self-reliant in TB by trainees by reading the numerical rules and instructions. Functional obov'yazki trainees are strongly obmezhenі, so there is no need to know them with the necessary instructions for TB, as a laborer. Schodenne reading them 5-10 pages of the text of the instructions є the boundary value of the effective assimilation of information. In the general language order, a series of roses and explanations were carried out, explaining the priming and the need for these other fences. For example, for some reason you can’t walk in the shop without a helmet, otherwise you need to check the tool in front of the robot too thin. Understanding the essence of the cause of the fence makes it easier to accept that memory of the fence.

At the old roses, use the uniqueness of the standard formulas: as if showing the dosvid, the fence "At the workshop possible, possible walk only in kasci"memorize more briefly, lower" At the shop fencedabout walk without helmet". Do not like young fences))). Conducted briefings are accompanied by additional entries in special books of trainees or in the journal of registration of briefings on safety techniques.

Organizational structure.

  1. structure of the KVP workshop.
  2. exploitation of the business and repair work, the head of the business.
  3. Structure
  4. number of personnel, specialization of personnel (Chergovі, brigade), tariff scale.
  5. interaction with other services (ACS, gasmen, etc.).

So that the future kipivtsiv didn’t have a thought that a dilyanka, on such a stink, to go through the practice of one and the whole work of vikonu himself, it is necessary to know about automation. It is necessary to organize an inspection tour of the repair departments, which will carry out the repair and calibration of the fittings from the operating companies. Tell me about the process of calibrating various accessories and stowing at the same reference recalibration. As a result of the excursion, the academics will make at least two speeches:

  • Periodically calibrating (checking) is necessary not to complete the formalities of that brand in the passport, but in order to change the correctness, I will use it in the fact that the mistake of wiping the accessory is within acceptable limits.
  • Calibration (adjustment) of fittings is due to fault in laboratory minds, for normal minds of a superfluous medium (temperature, pressure, water content) from zastosuvannya of more than just simple trusted vimiryuvalnyh fittings of that possession.

A similar excursion should be carried out on the dealership of the workshop, which includes repair and maintenance and mechanical and storage works for other dealerships of the KVP workshop and A. If there is a KVP design engineer in the workshop, then it is necessary to tell about the robot, which is based on the design and construction documents on robotic installation of automation circuits and control.

Tell me about the work of the workers who have been beaten without intermediary by the workers of your operational business. To develop the middle of the same business personnel, which may have the same profession and often the same rank, vykonu raznu work. All fall into the field of specialization personnel - є chergovі, є repair personnel, є foremen and guards. The skin category of practitioners is able to work with its own specifics. Obsyag that skladnіst vykonuvannyh robіt lie down and in the category of qualification category of slyusarіv KVP. Do not start for the development of a sufficient knowledge of the principles of yoga robotics and regulation - the knowledge of the nuances in the controlled technological process is much more important. So, for example, despite the temperature of rare steel, it may not come out not because of the inadequacy of the temper, but after a short time to conduct the first experiment - at once, with the release of hot water in the fire, or at the same time, when the furnace was carried out, the charge was melted.

It is necessary to spread the word about the system of training the staff of ceremonial for the enterprise, as it is necessary to train the workers without a wind in the future. A student can develop a correct recognition for those who reach the 7th and 8th rank can only be put up to their own standards of practice, actively developing a new status and building knowledge, and implementing their knowledge practically at minimal cost.

The staff of the KVP yard is not mutually exclusive – they are actively interacting with specialists from other services: technologists, power engineers, mechanics, etc. The order of interaction with other services is regulated by technological instructions and confirmed by the boundaries of compliance. With a document under the title "Cordon service for the workshop" it is necessary for the trainees to know in obligatory order. And even more conflicts in the field of work come about through the employees not knowing their service areas - what can work one service, but otherwise. Why, for example, the gas workers are to blame for replacing the pilot burner, since the burner itself works normally, but the problem is in the faulty insulator of the igniter ionization electrode, which service the heater? And the reason for the stench is due to the fact that it is so written in the service boundaries (this is a formal reason) and that the stench is responsible for the normal functioning of gas-saving installations - it’s not safe to insert an igniter with a quick note, and the gas will be blown (this is a technical reason).

Standards of business.

  1. standards in the sphere of quality.
  2. standards for the sphere of protection of the navkolishny middle.
  3. standards in the sphere of protection of practice.
  4. navіscho tse it is necessary that yak їх vikonuvaty.

Whether it be virobnitstvo ієyu chi іnshoy іroy zadaє shkodi navkolishnym sredovishu ta zdorov'yu people. It is necessary to inform the students about those who come to work at the enterprise, in the workshop, at the place of change of unfriendly inflows (monitoring of wikis, reconstruction, modernization, prevention of occupational diseases, etc.). As zdіysnyuєtsya control vykonannya danih zahodіv, among them from the side of the sovereign nalyadovyh departments. As a result of knowing the current standards, the trainee is guilty of giving more than one test: what order of guilt is he guilty of practicing in order to comply with all the standards of the current numerical standards that hang up to the new one, like to the entrepreneur of the enterprise?

І дати на це питання єдино правильну відповідь: працювати потрібно сумлінно, точно виконуючи поставлене завдання, відповідно до вимог техніки безпеки, посадових та технологічних інструкцій, ефективно використовуючи наявний інструмент та витратні матеріали, утилізуючи відходи виробництва у відповідні місця їх складування, своєчасно заповнюючи брак обсяг know.

In the general language order, learn from the transfer of significant risks to this division and organizational and technical approaches, directing them to change these risks.

Metrological safety.

  1. calibration schedule.
  2. attach a passport.
  3. eye-catching equipment.
  4. the right of revision.

Practically all the possession of the KVP in a general language order can be subject to periodic calibration or re-verification. Even if it is true to the old Galuzev rules, it is unbelievable that possession is equal to the wrong one.

Verification (calibration) of fittings is carried out according to the approved calibration schedule. У цьому графіку вказується періодичність та строки проведення робіт з повірки, калібрування або ревізії кожного датчика та приладу, що експлуатується на даній ділянці КВП та А. Необхідно пояснити практикантам яким чином здійснюється контроль за виконанням графіка калібрування, хто виконує роботи з калібрування та ревізії приладів. the rank of the vikonan of the robot is documented. It is necessary to explain to the trainees that the work of revisions of the possessions is carried out with the method of monitoring the flow mill and the correction of the manifestations of imperfections in the work of the worker, as if, at times of non-hours of their adoption, they can bring the fittings to the exit from the fret.

At the schedule of calibration of work and service, the distribution of services over the months is not based on the principle of equal quantity of fittings, but on the basis of the principle of hand-to-hand performance of these work in the same period. For example, fit a vuzlіv guzlіvnіnіnіnіnіnі teploї ї energії zruchnії zdavati іn kaіbruvannya іn the summer month. Even though the heater does not require thermal energy, that KVP can be easily dismantled for calibration. Calibration (re-calibration) of KVP installed on technological installations along with in-line pipes overhauls tsikh installations toscho.

On the skin sensor or an attachment that is operated on a dealership, including on a backup basis, a passport can be issued. After the completion of the work on the calibration and revision of the CVP and A accessories, a special sign will be shown in the passports of these devices. If it was vykonano calibrated or calibrated, then the verifier put his own brand, showing the next term of calibrating or calibrating and signing. As soon as a planned revision of the accessory was carried out, then the practitioner, who made the revision, to rob the badge in the passport. For example, "Cleaning, prolonging the day, rechecking zero" is written.

Calibration and verification of the KVP devices can only be performed by specially trained personnel, which may have the right to verify the possession of its own brand of verification. The yakshcho once has a considerable one of their own cheatye, the technology base (Zdrazkova Aparadrat) for the holding of the ravines, the subpinuity of the svydocynoy about the sovereign's sovereign, then the crust of the seniority of the seniority of the central stages of specialized components. At great enterprises, most installations are checked at home, and only special companies and TsSM are hired for rechecking medical equipment (oscilloscopes, transmitters, generators) and accessories for safety and ecology (gas analyzers, sawmills).

Operation of KVP and A.

  1. virobnitsa technology.
  2. control parameters.
  3. obladnannya, scho zastosovuєtsya.
  4. tool and equipment.
  5. assembly robots
  6. repair robots.
  7. setting reserve.

Tsei gave the plan for the introduction of comments, I agree, I don’t need it. The most important part of the distribution, which includes the power supply of the functioning, maintenance, replacement, repair and calibration of the control of the KVP and other power supply of the operation. You can find the materials for this section, including those in other articles on this site.

There is no great explanation for the topic "Reserve settling". Varto tell about those who cannot secure a 100% reserve for the entire possession of the KVP and A through some differences and, most of all, the high level. Therefore, the possession is bought into the reserve, either according to the principle "if you stop working, then everything will stop working," or with one tool, you can block the largest fleet of tools, similar in terms of their characteristics. For example, one pressure sensor with a scale of 0-16 Bar can, if necessary, replace the pressure sensors with a scale of 0-6, 0-10, 0-16 Bar (with the same output signal and size of the inlet fitting). So it is most reasonable to keep the sensors in reserve and attach the KVP, which is the most common way, for example, a thermocouple.

Schodennik virobnicheskoy practice slyusar KVP and A.

The completion of a student's practice often calls for impersonal nutrition, both from the one who is learning, and from the same mentor. What to write for a student, for some form, how to write a report? There are even more food and drink written by the clerk of the practice, and the trainees are faced with difficulties when putting together the stars of the past vocational practice.

What should I write to a worker for practical work?

Zhorstkikh could help to recapture the student's daily practice. To fix at the worker the following technical and organizational nutrition (training in safety technology, familiarization with the business, intermediate revision of the knowledge of the worker in the practice of virobnitstva). The butt of filling the student for the results of a few days of practice:


  1. Familiarize yourself with the instructions for burying work for an hour of work on high. Installation of the pressure drop sensor Metran-150 on the floor after re-checking. Blowing out impulse lines, condensate collectors, inserting a zero sensor. Two-wire connection scheme.
  2. Revision of kіntsev vimikaci. Zastosovuvanі materials and tools. Cause the exit of the kіntsev vimikaіv out of tune.
  3. Familiarize yourself with the operating instructions for the TRM12 vimirnik-regulator. Entering parameters for the app.
  4. Cleaning up the work space.


  1. Awareness of the policy of acceptance in the sphere of Yakost.
  2. Usunennya commendation of the commission for the protection of work (they fixed the crate of verstat in the event of a possible fall at the hour of hanging, they replaced the broken handle with a drink).
  3. Dismantling of the RP4 regulator and installation of the TPM12 regulator. Checking the operation of the control valve. Adjustment of the PID controller.
  4. Cleaning up the work space.
  5. Pidsumkova shotizhneva reverification of knowledge.


  1. Familiarize yourself with the instructions for burying work for an hour with a power tool.
  2. Excursion to the factory museum.
  3. Usunennya for respect of the commission for the protection of work (the stings of the spins were closed).
  4. Analysis of decommissioned self-written devices.
  5. Cleaning up the work space.

As can be seen from the buttstock, there is nothing foldable in practice. It is necessary to write all those that have been learned, emphasizing respect for important moments, such as blowing the lines in front of the sensor installation or subduing the zero. These "accents" are necessary for the fact that the trainee, having read his notes, will instantly remind the student of the robot in his memory. Also, these records will correspond to the code of practice in initial mortgage, why did the intern Voni allow you to put the teaching on such a diet, where the student, judging by the records of the student, is guilty of the nobility of vіdpovіdі.

It is up to the mentor to carry out the most difficult re-verification of knowledge, or else, it’s bad, master. The re-verification can take place as if looking at the experience, so and looking at the conversation, with which you can once again briefly tell those who learn about the key moments in quiet food, which they looked at by them of this day. We call not obov'yazkovo to put the teachings of nutrition, let the food to ask the stench - let us not only understand that the stench has taken over, but those who called out difficult for the understanding of chi have not been criticized.

Irrespective of those that the student will remember the students, the mentor (maister) does not defend himself against the work of his badges in the student. For example, put scores for pіdbags of a short check of knowledge. In the future, the scores will help the clerk of the practice to write a review and post a residual score for the practice. Before the speech, the shortest re-verification of knowledge is not necessarily carried out by schop'yatnitsy - it is better to transfer it to a lesser entanglement day, for example, four.

How to write from virobnichoy practice?

The intern is guilty of robbing about those who know that practical skills of wine in an hour of passing virobnichoy practice. The sound is not obov'yazkovo can be bigger - one, two arches (A5 format) handwritten text for a student of typing practice will be enough. An example of good practice is given below:

In the period from 03/01/2011 to 06/01/2011, I completed an internship at the BAT "Name of business" at the repair and operation of the KVP and automation of workshop No. 15 for the profession of KVP slyusar and A.A.
For an hour of practice, I got to know the technological processes at the dealership, the main technological features and the KVP installed at the dealership.
I have gained practical skills in repair and maintenance of the KVP fittings of domestic and imported manufacturing, connection of these fittings to the APCS system of the dealership. We looked at the power of interchangeability of various sensors and accessories, cooling for the minds of exploitation: the temperature of the superfluous medium, vibration, and pressure too thin. Having learned how to choose the main materials, outbuildings, tools and vimiruvalnyh accessories.
Taking an active part in the installation of automation systems for the pumping station of the HVO. Taking part in the automation of the drying oven. Having prepared the preparation of accessories for periodic calibration, it is correct to the calibration schedule.
Zdobuv novice work with normative and technical documentation. Having learned to master the grading tables, read the specifications, automation schemes, plan the distribution of the possessions.
Vivchiv chinnі on pіdpriєmstvi rules tekhnіkі zbezpeka and standards, slav іspit on knowledge of the rules of operation of electrical installations of spozhivachiv іz assigned to 2 (3) groups from electrical safety. Taking into account the respect shown by the commission for TB of the first stage.

I want to watch out for those who learn how to attribute to themselves without really taking away knowledge and not victorious robots - in order to reconsider in that which you have truly mastered with all your knowledge and skills, you will be able to supply you with a sprinkling of the most important food. It is necessary to write only about that work, as if you really pierced it with your hands and about your knowledge, so you can demonstrate it, as it seems, here and now.

Standing up to the completion of the practice, you will definitely, even if you take away the knowledge that in the future will be your competitive advantage when you dominate the work.

How to write reviews about an intern?

It is important for the practitioner of practice, as a starting point, to objectively evaluate that knowledge and key skills, as if he had learned in an hour of passing the practice. That is why you should make your own notes about the professional competence of the future teacher of KVP wines on the presentation of records from the student and, most importantly, the teacher’s call. The mentor is guilty of this because of the effort to continue to advance to the point of writing a note about the trainee and the training course he passed.

In response to the following, the strengths and weaknesses of the trainee are significant, his attitude to the acquisition of new knowledge and understanding, development to a technical understanding and organization of the optimal manufacturing process.
An example of a note:

Academician Ivanov A.M. having completed an internship at the dealership of KVP and A, shop No. 15 BAT "Name of business" from 03/01/2011 to 06/01/2011. In an hour of practice, having shown himself a technically literate specialist, who can easily master a new possession. Working at the warehouse of the brigade, demonstrating the focus on reaching the result, the accuracy of the robot, sitting and the ability to analyze the causes of failures in the process of robotic control.
Having learned the basics of reading automation schemes, planning the development of the principles of electrical circuits on a good level. Having taken part in the installation of new systems of regulation and control, revision of the repair of possessions, adjustments of fittings, and the complete obligation of the robotics of the slusar from KVP and A 4 to the order of the dotrimanny rules of safety technology and protection of work.
Deyakі difficulties at the beginning, on the back, vyklikalo vyklikalo vykoristannya control and simulation equipment: digital multimeter, generator, master - imitator. Until the final stage of the practice, zastosuvannya tsієї equipment did not call into new difficulties.
Before the hour of the first month of practice, a few episodes of violation of discipline were recorded: a delay in work, smoking at an unlawful place.
Having taken an active part in the competition of professional mastery of slyusarіv KVP to the workshop KVP and A, intellectual brain-ring, factory volunteers and sports visits.
Presumably, one can say that the scientist Ivanov A.M. having successfully discovered the necessary skills and showing himself a technically literate fahivtsy. I recommend assigning the study to Ivanov A.M. 4 (fourth) qualification category for the fach of the slyusar KVP and A for the outstanding graduation qualifying work.

The mentor is not to blame for showing up in the clearing at the knowledge of the learning, even if it is possible, in this you can’t blame the learning itself, the reason lies in the incompleteness of the initial process, or the old material base of the initial mortgage. І tse it is necessary to state the language.

The process is two-sided. Offended parties may be afflicted by the fact that the whole process is as informative as possible, we crow that. The mentor may himself have a lot of instillations at the head of his pedigree, setting up to the right one like this: "but you should read the sense, you won't go to the factory anyway ..." is not acceptable. Maybe your student and not go to work on your own factory, but knowledge, you will give it to you, for every doubt, you need to know. There will be fewer problems with discipline during an hour of practice in a school - they will simply not indulge, as if the stench will be taken on the right.

I stay. Fahivets, what a zoom, explain and learn more of what you know and understand yourself, rise to new rіven your professional development. Remember about tse, if a chergovy "student" is assigned to you.

Internship at Pdpriyemstvo BAT "Apatit"

A note about the internship

Computer science, cybernetics and programming

Service for the operation of control and monitoring devices and automatic equipment of the KVP and A vikonu such functions: metrological visualization; technical service; repair and installation of control and vimiruval fittings and fittings of automatic carving. KVP shop and A vikonuє so the most vidpovіdalnі works yak repair and adjustment of priladіv ekspluatatsіya folding systems automation and in. Implementation of new automation systems builds technical engineering by groups of operation of KVP and A devices in other production shops orga...

Ministry of Education and Science Russian Federation

National Mineral and Sirovinny University "Girnichiy"

Philia of the guiding university "Khibinsk technical college"

Form of study

Specialty 230106


from virobnicho (pre-diploma) practice
for the specialty profile

Student Smirnova D.O. groupi 4 TVT - 09 - HTK

Beginning of practice 15.04.2013 End of practice 03.05.2013

Book of business practice _____________ Mikhailov S.N.


Grade for practice _____________

Book of practice for college ____________ L.A. Lomov



INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………..………………3





ZAGALNI VIMOGY SECURITY .............................................................. .........eleven


4.1 Working principle of the freezer. Technical description microprocessor system………………………………………………….....13

4.2 Appointment to a set of functional system variables………….....15

4.3 Choice and description of the type of microcontroller…………………………………………………………………………………………………..16

VISNOVOK………………………………………………………………….…..…. 17

5. LIST OF LITERATURE……………………………………………….…….……..18



The acceptance of the BAT “Apatit” took place on the 13th leaf fall of 1929 with the reorganization of the unique Khibiny genera of apatite-nepheline ores. The head booth is located in the city of Kirovsk. For 80 years of its work, the vidobulo industry processed 1.7 billion tons of ore, producing over 600 million tons of apatite and over 60 million tons of nepheline concentrates.

BAT "Apatite" is among the largest light varieties of phosphate syrup. The main products - the purest and most ecological apatite concentrate in the world - are familiar to all types of phosphate fertilizers.

"Apatit" is a mischievous enterprise for Kirovsk and Apatity. On the balance sheet of the enterprise there are the sanatorium-dispensary "Tirvas", the Palace of Culture, a sports complex with a stadium, a critical hockey court, a swimming pool and a wet skiing complex.

In the twenty years of the twentieth century. near Khibiny, it was discovered the greatness of the genera of apatite, named by the famous geologist A.E. Fersman is a stone of generosity, to which phosphorus goodness is removed from this mineral.

At this hour, the next mines are functioning:

Kirovsky (Kukisvumchorr and Yukspor genera) - adoptions in 1989 roci.

Rozvumchora(Rodishcha Apatite Circus and Rasvumchorr Plateau) - 1954 fate.

Skhidny (Rodishcha Koashva and Njorkpakhk) - put into operation in the fierce 1978 year.

Smirnov D.A.

Khibinsky Technical College

Firsova N.V.

Lomova L.A.







Document No.


the date


T. contr.

Having hardened

Rozrobka microprocessor system keruvannya freezer

N. contr.


Central (Rasvumchorr Plateau) - put into operation in 1964. Yogo is called "Little Antarctica".

BAT "Apatit" zbuduvali three factories:

ANOF-2 Inspirations 1963 to the fate and victorious dossi.

ANOF-3 Prompted in 1984, and in 1997 the factory was mothballed, less than in 2000. ANOF-3 started the work.

Vіddіl STsUR KVP roztashovuєtsya on the territory of ANOF-2 and is engaged in automation of the technological process.

The meta of carrying out pre-diploma practice is the consolidation, the destruction of that systematization of knowledge, the knowledge gained from the process of learning, the development of the necessary knowledge, the beginning and the completion of practical work from the specialty that is being developed, as well as the selection of material for development and writing of the graduation project.

The main objectives of the internship at the undertaking:

  1. Familiarization with undertaking that particularity of yoga work;
  2. Nabuttya practical skills robotic slyusar;
  3. Familiarization with the technology of robots and robots and production of BAT "Apatit";
  4. Virobniki excursions;
  5. The systematization of that specific material for the review was given to the graduation project with specific topics.



  1. Organization structure

The management of the file is subject to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, federal law"On Joint Stock Partnerships" and other legal acts of the Russian Federation.

The organizational structure of the enterprise was inspired by the guild principle

The skin of the structural subdivision virishus a number of tasks, oriented towards the implementation of the goals of the philanthropy and the promotion of efficiency and viability.

Functions, rights, and the validity of the vіddіlіv аnd services fіlї аnd їх spіvrobіtnіkіv vyznachayutsіv vіdpovіdnymi Pozdovіdnymi і posadovіmіmіmіmіmіmi kerіvnikіv i svіvrobіtnikіv pіdrozdіlіv i services.

The organizational structure of the management of the branch ensures the interdependence of structural subdivisions of the branch and is adapted to the minds of the training qualified specialists from the middle professional light.


Tsya before graduation practice to take place at the enterprise "BAT" Apatit, at the SCUR KVP.

The service for the operation of control and monitoring devices and automation (KVP and A) performs the following functions:

  1. metrological view;
  2. technical service;
  3. repair and installation of control and vimiruval fittings and fittings of automatic carving. In addition, there are new technologies for automation systems.

The KVP workshop and A vikonuє so іnbіlsh vіdpovіdalі works, yak repair and re-verification of fittings, exploitation of folding automation systems and іn. In addition, I am responsible for the supervision of the metrological observation of the vimiruval technique. Implementation of new automation systems, development of technical engineering by groups of operation of KVP and A devices in other production shops, organization of technical training of workers and ITP of the operation service.

Head of the KVP shop and the head of the shop, and yogo intercessors are the heads of the department. At the warehouse of the administrative-government group, the workshop has a warehouse of accessories (reserve ones that need to be repaired), spare parts, materials, as well as records of the accounting staff and standardization.

The operator for the operation of the KVP and A. At the warehouse of the barn staff, there are groups of maintenance of automation systems and at manufacturing workshops, as well as a group of exploitation of types of automation systems. On woodworking enterprises, the division of operation should be divided into groups: - operation of automatic lines; operation of technological devices and control systems; operation of HDTV installations

The laboratory for repair and revision is called, call the laboratory of KVP and A. The laboratory performs scheduled and pre-peredzhuvalny repair of KVP and A, repair and re-verification of mechanical fittings, installation of new fittings and automation systems, and installation of electrical engineering. At the laboratory, there are groups that specialize in the types of robots, the group that serves the fittings of the automation system. At the woodworking enterprises, the laboratory sees the following groups: electroautomatics; vimiryuvalnyh accessories and regulators; electrical accessories; electrotechnical vimiriv; heat engineering and technological accessories; that slyusarno-mechanical group.

A group of electroautomatics repairs systems and repairs with automatic lines, HDTV control, and refurbishment of new control systems. A group of vimіryuvalnyh priladіv and regulators to carry out work from the PPR, repair and refurbishment (according to the registration of events) priladіv, preparing to adjust and take part in the maintenance work carried out, and also preparing new fittings and taking part in the implementation and mastering of new technology. This group of wines is equipped with facsimiles from various types of accessories - pyrometers, manometers, vitratomirs, electrical devices and equipment.

For example, at the warehouse of the group, there can be seen teams (or Lanks) from the service of manometric, pyrometric, electrical devices, vitratomists and others.

A group of vimiryuvan carry out testing of transformers, insulation of electrical wiring, grounding support, individual protection against electric jet damage, lighting and other.

The plumbing-mechanical group prepares the details for fitting and assembling the automation system. Prior to repair and installation work, there may be operational workers, as well as automation workshops.

The engineer-metrologist looks very much at a glance. The main tasks of the business are: appearance and certification of vimiruval fittings that are used in the business; rozrobka schedules of revisions and security of the daily tax attached to the sovereignty and vіdomcha revision; laying down contracts with the bodies of the metrological state supervision of the work carried out in supervision of the vimir (re-verification, repair); exclusion from the use of unacceptable accessories; Identification of the needs of virobnitstva in vimiruvalniy and regulating tekhnіtsі, registration of applications and the promotion of new technology.

A metrological engineer can use his own order of technical equipment in the form of vimiruvalnyh devices and maintenance of technical documentation. In addition, a metrology engineer is responsible for the technical maintenance of a robotic laboratory for re-verification and repair of fixtures. With a great obligation of re-calibration work for the business, a verification laboratory can be organized (with the supervision of the group for the types of devices), ordered by the metrologist.

Технічна група включає інженерів та техніків, підпорядкованих безпосередньо начальнику цеху КВП та А. Група розробляє проекти автоматизації невеликих технологічних об'єктів, модернізації діючих систем, розробляє нові прилади, а також здійснює технічний нагляд за монтажними та пусконалагоджувальними роботами, що виконуються сторонніми організаціями.

The workshops of the operational group for the administrative line are assigned to the head of the manufacturing workshop, the technical maintenance of the groups is carried out by the head of the workshop (service) of the KVP and O. Keruy, the master of automation group. The group is made up of electricians, who serve as electrical installers of the automation system at the workshop. In workshops that may have a high level of equipment with control and regulation devices, slusar-attachments can be included to the service group.

Workshops of the operating group maintain a technical overview of the KVP and A. Fix problems and conduct in-line repairs of automation systems. Repair, refurbishment and installation of new accessories and automation systems is carried out by the KVP shop and A vidpovidno to the schedule and at the request of technological shops.

The staff of the KVP workshop and A lie down in obsyagu robit, structure and specifics of business. At the woodworking enterprises, the staff of the KVP and A workshop should be 15 ... 25 people. The number of ITP is 4 ... 6 osіb, including engineers: the head of the workshop, the heads of the department (maistry), the metrology engineer, the engineer with new technology, the technician with the appearance of fitting and the technician-designer. Additional staff 1...3 individuals (planner, accountant, quoting officer, etc.).

Figure 2- The structure of the KIPA service at the factory ANOF -3


Calling on those in prthe course of pre-diploma practice was mainly dyalnist, tied like a slusar bula vіdpovіdna posadova instruction Standard instruction protect the practice for the KVP slyusar”. This instruction is included below.


1.1. Service hour

installations, repairs of the primary outbuildings and rear lines, as well as in case of re-adjustment of the fittings at the installation site or in the main of the KVP slyusar KVP can be less severe to the influx of offensive unsafe factors: electric jet damage, thermal fumes, toxic gases, vapours. lead to unfortunate depressions with a heavy burden.

1.2. Until the technical service service, the repair of the control and vicious molesters of the fraud of the automation of the telemechanics is allowed to be allowed, the yaki reached the 18-risk vika, the monitoring of the same was the fact of the Khvaliykiye. independent work.

1.3. Periodic revision of the knowledge of the KVP slyusar is guilty

are carried out at least once per river.

1.4. Slyusar KVP is guilty of buti security with special clothes and

special vzzutyam vydpovidno to chinnyh norms:

  1. a suit of bavovnyanim;
  2. tarpaulin boots;
  3. combined mittens.

On existing robots, the charge is additional:

  1. a bavovnyanoy jacket on the lining, which is insulated;
  2. extra trousers with insulating pads;
  3. felted boots.

In addition, when working with electricity, the slusar is responsible for the main and additional safety measures that ensure the safety of yoga robots (electric mittens, electrical kilimok, tools with insulating handles, portable grounding, and placards).

1.5. Slyusar KVP is guilty

fire extinguishing, to know the place of their roztashuvannya. The victorious inventory is kept for recognition.

1.6. Slyusar KVP is guilty of nobility and vmiti zastosovuvat in practice

priyomi nadannya pershoї dopomogi suffered from the influx of electric shock, toxic and aggressive speeches.

1.7. Appliances, which are vicorated for vimiryuvannya, automatic control and regulation of parameters, according to the class of fire-and-vibration-insecure zone, group of categories of vibro-insecure sumishes. The safety of operation of automation devices, which are found in fire-violent non-safe zones, is to be taken care of by the presence of viable security measures.

1.8. Slyusar KVP is responsible for maintaining the internal labor order and discipline of practice.

1.9. For nevikonannya vymog tsієї Ієї Іnstruktsiї slyusar KVP carried in the established order disciplinary, material or criminal liability.


Under the hour of passage before graduation practice, preparation was made for the completion of graduation in the attestation robot and technical task. Vykhodyachi from the subject of certification work, it was looked at by hovering below the power:

4.1 Working principle of the freezer. Technical description of the microprocessor system.

Refrigerating chambers are subdivided into two types: medium-temperature, operating temperature of which can be set from 0 to +2 ° C and low-temperature, which are victorious for the storage of products from the frozen view. The temperature of such chambers can reach -18 °C. As a rule,low temperature freezervikoristovuetsya on enterprises that are engaged in the saving of products and trade. Before them lie food warehouses, shops and activities of community eating.
For curing in a chamber of low temperature in a freezer, refrigerant is used. The compressor will circulate the refrigerant in the system behind the next "route":

  1. From the compressor, a rare refrigerant must be supplied to the evaporator of the piping system. Vaporizer of thermal insulation. In the middle of the refrigeration agent, it receives a gas-like mill and absorbs heat from the walls of the inner chamber;
  2. then the vapor-like refrigerant is placed near the condenser, which is placed on top of the heat-insulating ball of the evaporator, where the air is pressed against the airflow and rises, the compressor is moved back along the coil.

In the end of the path to the refrigerant on the space between the evaporator and the condenser, a filter is installed, which does not let the condensate flow through, which has accumulated in order to save the circulation system and the unit itself.

Rich someone, better for everything, having noted that the outer wall of the refrigerator chamber is heating up. Heating occurs as a result of the selection of heat from the internal chamber, at the moment when the refrigerant passes through the stage of compression. In one cycle, the working medium changes its state from rare to gas-like and natural. For efficient operation of the refrigeration unit, the system is equipped with a thermostat. Automatic keruvannya is necessary for saving energy resources and keeping the temperature within the specified range. Management is following the following scheme:

1) After setting the temperature parameters in the freezer after the auxiliary regulator, the compressor starts up until the refrigerant is pumped into the system;

2) After a certain number of cycles, if the temperature of the internal chamber reaches the set value, the electric motor of the compressor starts up and is reset at the start-up station. Vitrata of electricity in the third phase is minimal.

3) After one hour, the temperature of the internal chamber moves beyond the product range, which is in it, and if it exceeds the threshold setting, the temperature sensor will turn on the compressor in the robot.

4.2 Assigned to a set of functional system variables.

In the best mode of operation in freezer , as a rule, the temperature rises close to minus 18. At such a temperature, the product takes color, taste, old look, vitamins. Ale krіm zvechaynogo mode zdebіshkogo freezers This is the name of the "Shvidky freezing" mode (or "superfreezing"). In this mode, robotic products are frozen at a temperature of -24 -26°C. refrigerator allows you to regulate the temperatureirrigation chamberIt is important to know what the marking of the temperature regime means.One star with a temperature of -6 ° C. Allows you to save products up to 7 days.
** - temperature - 12 ° C. Product storage up to 30 days.
*** - temperature - 18 ° C. Product storage up to 90 days.
**** - lower temperature - 18 ° C. Product storage 6-12 months.

4.3 Select and describe the type of microcontroller

It is necessary to expand the refrigerator compartment controller to ensure that the temperature is maintained. The temperature is set by jumpers and updated after pressing the reset button.

Depending on the fact that the temperature is in the range from +4 ° С to -20 °, and the accuracy is ±0.1 ° С, the number of possible temperature codes is up to 240.

The temperature is regulated according to the temperature control signal at the controller's output.

The keruvannya signal can have the following meaning:

The current temperature in the refrigerating chamber is monitored by sensor signals. This information should be at the controller's input and will be retrieved when a signal is received. For the presentation of the temperature value and vicorist, eight bit codes are used.

Entering the temperature code is triggered after pressing the reset button, after which it follows the processing of that signal to increase or change the temperature.

Structural organization

robotic program


command code




31 1 F00

LXI SP, #01FFh

stack initialization



MVI A, #99h

set to BB55 mode



OUT 03h



IN 02h

reading from sensors



Selecting the desired temperature

000 A

3E 0E

MVI A, #0Eh




allowed a change



lbl1: IN 02h

reading from sensors



temperature adjustment of the sensors as required


CA 0E 00

JZ lbl1



FA 1E 00

JM lbl2

need to increase the temperature



MVI A, #01h

heating signal



OUT 01h


C3 0E 00

JMP lbl1



lbl2: MVI A, #02h

heating boost signal



OUT 01h


C3 0E 00

JMP lbl1

processing subprogram






Reading the required temperature from the switches






allowed a change



During the period of passing the practical training, students-interns lead students, in the stink of the day they make notes about the vikonan's work, their awareness of the results of the development of the technological process, visnovki and propositions.

Under the hour of cultivating practice, all the skills of theoretical training were fixed on real proficiency, as well as taking away new knowledge.


1. Gorshenin K. P. Protection of workers and service workers. M., "Legal Literature", 2009, 88s.

2. A guide to safety technology, anti-burning technology and virobnicho sanitary. In several volumes. L., "Shipbuilding", vol. I, 2010, 551, vol. II, 2011, 664 s; vol. III, 2011, 582 p.

3. Korniev V.V. Modern microprocessors / V.V. Korniev, A.V. Kise-lev-M.: Knowledge, 2000. - 320 p.

4.Before M. Helper for microcontrollers. Volume II/M. Predko - M .: Postmarket, 2001. - 488 p.

5. Dallas Semiconductor website [electronic resource]: information server. – Access mode:


  • Course work - Operational planning on a subject-closed division (Kursova)
  • HONDA. Help for the operation of scooters (Document)
  • Salov V.P. Dovіdnik z repair, improvement and technical maintenance of electrical equipment (Document)
  • Course work - Organization of the main production at the BAT
  • Smirnov A.A. Dovіdkovy posіbnik z repair of accessories and regulators (Document)
  • Dilts R., Epstein T. Dynamic learning (Document)
  • GKD 34.20.661-2003 Rules for the organization of technical maintenance and repair of the property, the cost of power plants and measures (Document)
  • n1.doc


    Automation of the current galuzy of industry is the general direct progress in technical progress and advancement of the economic potential of our Batkivshchyna.

    At this stage, the development of machine-building, application and automation of professional skills is the most important intellectual and effective choice of the most advanced automation features. In this case, the role of the safe operation of uninterrupted operation is great, the repair and maintenance of the automation equipment is carried out by the facsimiles from the control and monitoring devices and the automation - the KVP plumbing.

    Slyusar KVP gains the ability to accomplish practical tasks, which means high technical skill, creative intellectual activity.

    With the constant complexity of automation systems, the implementation of industrial robots, the KVP slusar is responsible for a great deal of installation, maintenance, repair and maintenance work.

    In the Main Guidelines for the Reform of the Global Education and Vocational Schools, the goals, objectives, and ways of retraining and improving the training of high-skilled workers and a wide profile are shown. At zv'yazku z tsim professional preparation of slyusarіv KVP vmagaє vіdpratsovannogo thoughtful approach to the organization of conducting virobnicheskogo navchannya.

    The aims of preparation of the KVP slusars, the implementation of the initial program of the gynecological training, objectively reflect the needs of the current virility and the regularities of the development of the yogi.

    Scientific knowledge of this profession, interpreted in a didactic aspect, as a basis for the selection of scientific training components of the change and teaching methods.

    To this end, the method of mastering the slyusars of the CVP is to achieve the highest level of military and technical training of students, to expand that thorough knowledge, to improve and learn, to improve their communist status to practice, creative approach before initial and virobnic activity.

    Obsyag umіn i novichok uchnіv vyznaєetsya professіyno-qualіfіkatsіynoy characteristic, є є є nasrorobki "Methods of virobnicheskogo uchannja".

    An indistinct link between theory and practice is the most important task of a general education; y zv'yazku z tsim succesfull implementation of the task of the virobnicheskogo navchannya to lay down in the form of the correct designation of yogo zmіstu, structuring and methods.

    Great importance in the field of science of the KVP slusars is introduced to the polytechnical principle, which opens up a wide range of possibilities for the development of a close interrelationship of the theory and practical learning. Theoretical knowledge, guiding the system to the system, assisting the learners in correctly virobnichi zavdannya, related to the repair and adjustment of folding equipment; and also to spriyat zvіdomlennyu zmіsta nachalny material and help yоgo vosvoєnnu.

    The great role of the process of vocational training is played by practical (laboratory) employment, it is the main form of linking the theory and practice of training. This form of learning can be of great importance for vocational training KVP slyusarіv: uchnі zastosovuyut otrimani theoretical knowledge in practice: they are developing general exploitation, repair and nalagodzhuvalnі vminnya and newbies for the main groups of control and monitoring devices and automation: friendly minds are being created for the development of knowledge and practical knowledge.

    The activity of students in the laboratory and practical activities is close to the practical work of the laboratory and is directly related to the mastery of sensory and intellectual functions, tobto. analysis and assessment of typical situations, determination of various factors and decision, selection and assessment of the most rational solution. During this period, the training is at the training of the students to the practical training at the workshops of the basic enterprise.

    The training courses at the workshops of the basic business may be carried out on the basis of modern technology and technology of repair and maintenance operations, advanced methods in the organization of practice.

    The training of slusarіv KVP zdіysnyuєtsya dpovidno to navchalnoї programs at two stages: the training of uchnіv at the navchalno-slyusarіv masters of the school and the workshops of the basic enterprise.

    In this methodology, a test has been made to show the main methods of learning at these stages of virobnicheskogo learning.

    At the upper part of the methodology, recommendations were made on how to rationally pedagogical activity of the master of the vocational training, to suggest psychological and didactic help and recommendations on how to fold that vikonnannya task for the development of professionally important functions on the primary education material.

    At this assistant, methodical recommendations are given on how to carry out the last training of working methods in the course of general training, look at specific topics and lessons in foreign ways, and learn how to form components and learn that practical activity.

    In this method of implementation, all components of the zmіstu virobnicheskogo navchannja KVP: 1) special knowledge and methods of their implementation; 2) vminnya that novichki real_zatsiї vidіv dіyalnostі; 3) proof of creative promotion of virobnic activity; 4) dosvіd emotsіyno-tsinnіsnogo stavlennâ to vidіv dіyalnostі.

    At the foreman's teacher, there is a teacher "Attach automatic control and regulation", which was born in 1983, which, due to the specifics of the special discipline, is the main didactic method of teaching. The wines include the necessary theoretical and practical knowledge (may be divided into theories and repairs), diagrams, chairs, graphics, tables, testing schemes, repairs and adjustments of fittings and automation elements.

    This is due to the fact that at the present time the system of vocational education does not have the necessary didactic aids - posters for the installation of accessories, their electrical and kinematic circuits, tables and graphs.

    Vyrobniche navchannya slyusarіv KVP є the main warehouse training of qualified workers for this profession.

    In this methodology, based on the practice of operation and repair of modern accessories and regulators, as well as the introduction of advanced pedagogical knowledge, the method of general training has been developed, which promotes the development of productive primary and secondary activity of students.

    The technique has been developed to improve the specifics and complexity of the repair of control and maintenance devices and automation. He has the most viewed modern methods carried out to take, scho priyat active learned material by scientists, given an analysis of the most extensive pardons and for an hour of about three working operations.

    Until now, the practice of the vocational training of this profession in vocational schools has been steadily growing in the field of pedagogical science - the system of the vocational training of the KVP slusar was founded on the achievements of modern psychological and pedagogical science.

    In this methodology, the first test of the scientific development of a complex of methods and methods for managing the primary work of students in the period of vocational training (for the profession of CVP slusars at secondary vocational schools) has been developed.

    The author is grateful for the help and respect for the preparation of this help to Dr. Ped. Sciences A.Є. Shilnikova (VNDI vocational and technical education, metro Leningrad).


    The system of training training is based on the unity and convenience of all parts: understanding, structure and methods of training, which work for mutual communication and ensure the training of qualified workers - clerks of the KVP.

    The system of general education spires on the analysis of the main sides of activity and knowledge of the fundamental laws of natural and scientific and scientific and technical foundations of knowledge from this discipline, on the psychological and physiological and didactic laws of the formation of the necessary minds and skills.

    The system of scaling up the development of the cognitive skills of the students, the formation of the dialectical-materialistic svetoglyad, the communist setting up to the practice of the universal development of special features. Vaughn, in addition to the consequences of the increase in difficulties in the production plants and folding, decrease and beginners that are being formed.

    The didactic structure of the verbal teaching is:

    1) intellectual preparation of students (review of the scientific and technical foundations of a special subject), which will be on the basis of the basic knowledge, as well as the development of basic knowledge, as well as the formation of basic knowledge on the base; 2) complex (sensor-intellectual-motor) preparation before mastering the necessary techniques and methods for carrying out repair and adjustment work from the CVP; 3) learning the necessary algorithms for repair and maintenance operations.

    During the main period of training in the workshops of the basic business, the students are divided according to the jobs with the possibility of flexible change of working areas - installation, repair and maintenance work from the main types of control and maintenance equipment.

    For the presence on the basic undertaking in the metrology, the final stage of the laboratory training is carried out in stages at the yogo laboratories; electrical, heat engineering, vise and vitrati, gas analysis and repair site.

    Virobniche training should be done in such a way that it would be safe: a) systematic kerіvnitstvo and in-line control over the independent primary and labor activities of the students, writing them for letters and assignments; b) systematically and later enrichment by academics of the highest professional and specialty and newcomers; c) preparation of students to be directly trained in productive practice.

    Molding down that navichok slyusarіv. The analysis of the work of the KVP slusar shows that the preparation and conduct of the repair and adjustment process before the planning labor activity: organization of the working area, optimal selection of the necessary schemes, tables, conversion equipment and equipment, ways of carrying out labor activities.

    Освоєння способів здійснення ремонтно-налагоджувальних робіт по КИПиА включає оволодіння вміннями та навичками: експлуатації засобів контролю та автоматики, проведення діагностики несправності, проведення ремонтних та налагоджувальних операцій, перевірки та оцінки працездатності приладу, перевірки метрологічних характеристик відремонтованих приладів та апаратури.

    At zv'yazku z zmіst zmіst labor funktsіy vimagає molding in uchnіv mіnі that novichok rational zdіysnennya znіh zaznachenih priyomіv control, vymіrіv, diagnostuvannya that repair. In the meantime, those skills, necessary for mastering the skin from the side of the virobnicheskoy activity, become the main program of the virobnichesky training.

    Necessary commendation is that novice, scho to confirm the activity of a qualified KVP slusar, is due to the mother of the character, tobto. zastosovuvatisya pіd hour vykonanny complex zavdan at virobnіchiy іyalnostі. That's why they needed to be molded so that the stench was mobile, flexible and easily varied, so. in the case of a generalized learning, a special significance is gained by taking a great step of narrowness, which will secure the high level of volatility with the operations of logical thinking - analysis, synthesis, grading, classifying just. Classification of work in the mind of that newcomer, it is necessary to see the hardworking, invariant and special mindfulness of that newcomer.

    Zagalnovyrobnichi vminnya that novichki include: planning and organization of work, setting up a single approach to repair and maintenance work at accessories and automation elements.

    Invariant skills are permanently permanent when changing the type of practice.

    Special vminnya that newcomers may be acknowledged in high school. Before them one can see operational and technical and vikonavskie.

    Zagalnovyrobnichi vminnya that novice, scho formed without intermediary in the process of volodinny uchenyami professіynymi forms pratsі, may have a great zahalnolaborov, politehnіchne that vyhovne znachennya. The stench also spriyat the development of the myslennєvoї activity of the uchnіv, the creative and virtuous setting to practice. The main components of the general knowledge and skills are theoretical and practical knowledge, which is the basis for the development of practical activity.

    From a glance of the psychological characteristics of the work of the novice, they are subdivided into sensory, ruhov (motor), rosum (intellectual) and their subdivisions: sensory-ruhov, rozum-ruhov, complex.

    Sensory novice is mainly to control the work of technological equipment, adjusting that automation, as well as for power activities. Numbers for slyusarіv KVP raznі for folding, it's important to irrigate the air and intellectual components. Intellectual components are revealed as a form of pink activity in my profession.

    Rozumov's newcomers are formed for the leading role of another signal system (div., p.47). The leading component of the learning is the intellectual side of the CVP clerk, so that it can be used to diagnose and check for malfunctions, repair and adjust the fittings and automation elements for additional post-rozum processing and analysis of information and on the basis of labor stagnation.

    According to the skin division of the "Programs of Virobnicheskogo Teaching", it was compiled by the main topics and yogo warehouses - lessons, it was divided into practical recommendations for the master to take for the improvement of their particularities.

    Before the work of the KVP slyusariv, there are high vimogi, which are connected with the optimal, rational and economical way of diagnosing malfunctions, their diagnosis, as well as the most common miscarriage and adjusting the attachment or the automation element.

    Achieving success in mastering the necessary methods of diagnosing and repair is possible only with the best rational methods and methods of training. In order to achieve the maximum pedagogical effect, with the choice of material and the selected volume, it is necessary to develop adequate methods, to acquire the form of a generic training.

    Analysis of the change in labor activity of the KVP slusar allows you to see the main ways and methods of learning: programming tasks, algorithms, systems of writing tasks, technological games, independent work with a handyman; practical systems for zavdan z vlashtuvannya, repair and improvement of zasobіv KVP; iznyatya characteristics іz specific basic priladіv.


    Promotion of the quality of training of students in the professional folding profession of the slyusar of the KVP in the form of a master of two types of activity: professional and pedagogical.

    I am familiar with the pedagogical mastery of the maister and it is important to effectively conduct the training of students in the best possible way before the program that hour for the training of those.

    Meister is obliged to thoroughly know the initial material of the KVP, the material base and possession, to protect the centuries and individual peculiarities of the students in the case of mastering them with their okremіmi vminnyami and navikami.

    The criteria for the pedagogical mastery of a master are: the level of knowledge, learning, learning, the rank of training and the rank of mastery of learning: ways of the master’s work, which lead to positive results of training and mastering.

    Psychological criteria of pedagogical skill - a high level of formation in students of offensive capacities: persistent interest in professional activity, technical zdibnost; creative setting to practice, mіtsnі and deep knowledge of the profession; volodinnya with the necessary complex of priyomіv and methods of virobnichoї activity; the process of labor activity.

    Functional criteria of craftsmanship є: mastery of the basic profession, methods, forms and methods of teaching the basics of professional craftsmanship: the presence of a system of primary-spiritual work with studies; high rіven formed zahalnopedagogіchnіh umіn; a systematic analysis of one's activities and lessons that add up to pardons and failures.

    Mustache, necessary for a successful accomplishment of pedagogical tasks, are classified according to the components of activity: gnostic, projective, constructive, organizational, communicative. The gnostic vminnya of the maestra of the generative learning is manifested in the ways of analyzing and cultivating: zmistu, zasobiv, forms and methods of learning; overcome that shortcomings of their activity.

    Design and constructive considerations of mutual understanding and include the possibility of developing a promising plan for developing the material, the course as a whole; give a psychological and pedagogical and methodical analysis of the course to the її education; to give an open-ended perspective plan for the development of skin materials; choose a rational structure for the lesson and designate yoga composition pobudova; clearly plan the material for the lesson; plan your work at the lesson and your work at the lessons.

    It can be seen that the versatility of pedagogical heads of the master of the folding structure of knowledge, reduce that skill in the galleys of the gnostic, organizational, constructive, projective and communicative activity.

    The high professionalism of the pedagogical activity of the master reaches advanced scientific and technical knowledge; learning about the objects of knowledge and practical activity of the scientists, the peculiarities of the process of mastering them with virile knowledge, and the knowledge and skills; development of psychological and pedagogical literature.

    Pedagogical mastery as a unity of knowledge and high knowledge is formed in the process of creative pedagogical activity.

    The importance of promoting the quality of learning is great for learning about the skin lesson, analyzing the content of the initial material of the program and methods of training.

    The structure of the lesson is to be blamed for the change to the material, which is being developed, by the didactic and spiritual goals of the lesson.

    The beginning can be raised to the goals of directing vihovannyam - the respect of the scholars to the nourishment of the luminous character, the practice of communist everyday life, is strengthened. The introductory material for the lesson is zooming in on didactic tasks, adding a selection of teaching methods, seeing independent work and criteria for assessing learning and learning activities. The most important stage in the pedagogical activity of the master is preparation before the skin lesson. Meister shlyakhi shlyakhi aktivizatsii navchalno-dznavalnogo that labor process, pragntuvat okremі yogo part, vyznachiti um, scho to ensure the success of practical training.

    Consideration of the structural elements of the skin for the lesson, the system of lessons includes: analysis of the change of program material and layout, planning of the initial process of choice of methods, the creation of didactic minds and material and technical base in the organization of independent learning and practical learning.

    The analysis of the initial material conveys the vision of the main theoretical knowledge, on the basis of which the skills and ideas are formed, the designation of didactic and high school tasks and ways of their development.

    In the process of didactically, the inconsistent of the foretymous mother was visible, the rods of the virtial of the vibral unit, the navigation of the novi, the mind of the wound, is in the warehouse of practical natives, the senior warehouse, the seniority of the senior, acquired, didactic material for independent work, її zmist and form of organization.

    Meister shows an active progressive solution of the skin function of the virobic training:

    lighting- mіtsne zasvoєnnya by the scientists of the system of knowledge, reduce that skill; shaping vminnya zastosovuvati їх at virіshenny pіznavalnyh and practical tasks;

    developing - learning ways and methods of learning
    vikhovuє- shaping at uchnіv svіtoglyadnyh іdey, komunіstії stavlennja to pratsі on osnovі sledzhuvannogo

    software material.

    The lesson of vocational training is a combination of the active activity of the master and the knowledge and practical activity of the students, as it includes the methods of knowledge, the methodology and the technique of work with didactic material and the methods of training.

    The creative mind of the maistra until the skin lesson can be grounded on the results of didactic analysis of the lessons he conducted, the improvement of methods and methods of training in methods of virobnic activity, the choice of types of independent work, learning and optimal performance between the components of the lesson.

    The meister (on the skin level) is guilty of transferring self-confidence and practical activity of learning, directed to the development of creative zdіbnosti.

    At Shvidky rostanni that fully daily benefits of KVP for increasing the quality of acquired knowledge, reducing that skill, creating their basic bases is of great importance, and the structure of the daily lesson with elements of the programmed and problematic learning, like promoting self-reliance and activization of scientific knowledge.

    The structure of the lesson, which includes elements of problematic teaching, breaks three didactic tasks.

    1. Updating the knowledge of scientists, tobto. inventing earlier acquired knowledge and instilling them in a new situation, stimulating the learning activity of students.

    2. Acquisition of new knowledge and methods of activity

    3. Molding decrease and begin (which includes special repetition and fastening).

    Explore the structure of the daily lesson, master! providing food management for the primary and secondary activities of academics. Tekhnіchnі zasobi nauchannya (TSO) may be important for organizing the management of learning activity during the lesson, with additional help, the master can put problem nutrition in front of the students, where they can take into account when demonstrating feats of accuracy. TZN helps to transform abstract and filthy spriymany lesson into a lesson of narration, demonstrative, which ensures all the information that is understandable. For such an organizational form, scholars take away the ability to independently formulate the problem, victoriously own stock of knowledge, knowledge and analytical information, successfully solve the problem.

    ONE ONEMIRNE NANTANTAZHNYNA on TSO is not in the concrete of the Country Society Material, to VIVCHA, KRIM TO NOT all TSOs, but the deprivation of TI, Yani Table Material: graphics and diagrams of accessories and automation elements.

    Vybіr TSO can be organically related to the object of training and docile from the point of view of didactic purposes in a specific looking practical activity.

    The head intellectual productive acquisition of knowledge, reduce that skill - the activity of independent learning activities of the students. She is moving forward, if she is able to secure the majstra's duty and the students are closely related to each other.

    The knowledge of that practical activity of the students must be developed step by step.

    The first stage is the assimilation of the program material only on the basis of the educational reproductive activity of the students, tobto. in the end, kill that newcomer at that, looking like the stench was shown by the maister.

    The other stage is productive activity, tobto. learning to learn the principles of rozumovoy activity in order to gain knowledge, reduce that skill in the process of molding the virobnic activity of the KISHA slusar.

    The third stage is the development of the educational productive activity of the students. Vіn transferring self-confidence of the first-primary and virobnic heads of the creative character from the wide zastosuvannya zasvoєnih knowledge that umіn.

    The day of successful assimilation of the elements of the creative approach to the work day should be included before the initial process of the necessary technical assistance, in order to allow the students to practice independently and to increase their work activity. Therefore, in this method of skin urology (them), it is necessary to introduce specific types of working devices at the beginning of the process. main task master of this stage - management of knowledge and practical independent work of students. Before the factory, they connect the accessories, determine the mutual relations of the main elements, find out the necessary characteristics of the accessories, simulate their malfunctions, and carry out repair operations.

    It is of great importance to be able to exercise self-control, the basis of such differences is to see vicious links, which allow you to evaluate and regulate di uchniv, so that the stench in the course of the work could take cares and pardons.

    I will help with self-control in teaching tasks by the master, or learn the algorithm for repair and adjustment operations, which should be guided by the topics of the methodology.

    At the third stage, learning the necessary future slyusar KISHA to learn the search for logical evidence for the completion of repair and maintenance work, to encourage that polytechnical approach to the completion of their production tasks. At the link with the cim, the master on the initial material is obliged to step-by-step attach the following to the teachings: to protect and spivvіdnosit all the data of the mind and the virobnichego zavdannya among themselves, to z'yasovuvat їkhnu uzhodzhenіst and super-arrogance; show daily data; spіvvіdnosti dії, intended for the completion of the task, between themselves and the head food of the task; to give you the opportunity to prove your visnovkіv and signify your wealth; you know the ways of reversing the solution and yogo vidpovidnosti vimogі zavdannya.

    All the studied stages of learning show that in all types of primary and secondary education, the activity of academics forms the basis for the initial information acquired by them. What is the cost of virobnicheskogo nauchannya, the result of the initial and virobnicheskoy activity of the students is assessed for equal efficiency (div., p.59).

    The first lesson is characterized by making initial information, analyzing the essence and power, classifying types and fittings of automation elements, acknowledging that principle of action. With the help of this method, the primary task, control nutrition, and the main criteria for the acquired knowledge were divided at the helper, reduce that skill, which should be given to this equal.

    Other rіven characterizes re productive activity uchnіv, vminnya zastosovuvat zasvoєni znannya, vminnya that novice zavdyaki volodіnnu zagalnymi rozumovoї diyalnostі. At the same level, the scientists serve and control the practicality of the CVP. Rozumova, that practical activity of learning works out of the blue, but also includes other elements of creativity, tobto. є on the days of reproductive (reproduction) and productive thinking.

    The butt of the virobnichesky zavdannya tsomu (other) equal to the connection of the electrical circuit of the fitting of a different type (temperature, vice, equal, vitrati, gas analysis, etc.). In this case, the student is guilty of analyzing his own functions, knowing the attachments and the sensor, inducing a plan of logical actions when connecting the sensor and the secondary device.

    The formation of another equal is mastered by the task, which depends on the study of stosuvannya zagalnyh priyomіv rozumovoї dialnostі to the analysis of the starting material, but beforehand, we inform them of similar situations.

    p align="justify"> The third row characterizes the productive activity in the development of knowledge and reduction and transference of them for the help of acquired knowledge in the rozumovoї activity in the mind and the initial-general situations, as they learn from the future. This level of activity is developed by the method of problematic training from the development of a complex of technical skills and characterizes the building of learning and mastering the elements of creativity.

    The fourth quarter of the day transfers the knowledge of transferring knowledge to the implementation of new production tasks, smartly analyzing this situation, diagnosing malfunctions in the CVP and knowing the best way for carrying out repair and maintenance work.

    The butt of the execution of the foremen on the fourth level and the identification of the causes of the malfunction of the devices rіznih types of vimiriv (temperature, vice, level, vitrati, gas analysis, automatic regulators), delineation of paths and ways of detecting and fixing these faults. In the minds of the student, it is the responsibility of the nobility to know the principle of adjustments, to induce a plan for logical measurements, to analyze and refine the residual whiskers for the results of control tests and re-revisions.

    The meister is responsible for victorizing the effectiveness of the activity of the scientists in his practical activity. The stench allows to improve the differentiation of pidkhіd to skin training and control and assessment of the results of training and is the basis for a thorough organization of the process of practical training and management of the primary and virobnic activity of the students.


    The main structural component methodical system for the first time, for the first time, for the first time, for some students, they turn to the tutor.

    The primary tasks are subdivided into three groups to the accepted classification: consolidation of knowledge and learning, improvement by the methods of logical and creative thinking, development of knowledge (reinforcement of knowledge, training of newcomers).

    The first group was straightened out firstly acquired, tobto. svіdomle spriynyattya that zapom'yatovuvannya knowledge. Reproductive tasks include repetitions and variations in the right, in the distance as shown, and also save explicitly for learning links with it.

    Another group transfers creative tasks and problem-creative tasks. Creativity tasks in case of independent-learning activity, to avenge the situation, while analyzing it, the master himself poses the problem, otherwise, the students learn.

    The butt of such tasks to those "Attach automatic temperature control" can be such problematic nutrition that encourages students to independent mentality and creativity:

    1. Verify and reconsider in the references of the kinematic nodes of the automatic electronic bridge, power supply and electric motors, and the safety of the guard. Why is the attachment not working? Show possible inaccuracies, in some universities the stench is blamed.

    2. Verification and reconciliation in the references of all parameters of the power supply, electric motors, reochord. Why, when an input signal is given, does the arrow of the attachment not collapse like a scale? Try to find out the error and put together the algorithm of її usunennya.

    In case of similar tasks, the student learns to consider the recognition of knowledge behind the scheme of system analysis: seeing the object of analysis and the central authorities of the object, the development of the object on the equal analysis (theoretical manifestation of the object, designing methods of activity, subject matter). Vikonannya zavdan vymagaє vіd uchnіv znannya teoreticheskie osnovy, scho vіdbivaє a systemic analysis of the seen object (attachment, regulator) and that way of yogo practical vikoristannya as an orienting basis of the professional activity of the KVP slusar.

    Otzhe, groups of workers are subdivided into two subgroups: stereotypes of workers, like conveying knowledge, expressing activity; creative minds, recognized for the creative awakening, that stosuvannya knowledge, ways of working as a practical, as well as sensible nature.

    The choice of scientific methods of learning from the initial process to produce a description, explanation of and transformation, based on the reproductive, reproductive and creative work and creativity of the students.

    Meister can be sure that pedagogical kerіvnitstvo development of the educational activity of students (PDU) can be improved by the advancement and ease of seeing to take, tobto. transition from the reproductive to the reproductively creative, and then to the creative level.

    In connection with this method, different methods and organizational forms of training are widely used: programmed and problematic training, organization of knowledge on the basis of intersubject knowledge, individually-differentiated and collectively-group training. In this system of vitrimanity, the lines are folded: for zmist, ways of activity and degree of self-sufficiency.

    The splitting of the complex of educational and vocational heads allows you to reach a new level at the teacher "master - assistant - student" (increase the activity and zatsіkavlenіst among the students).

    In order to check the effectiveness of the majstrom on the basis of independent work and the attachment of knowledge and skill, the students were assigned three equal levels of knowledge and knowledge: high, medium and low.

    The high rіven is characterized by the building of uchnіv to a rich-sided analysis of the task and vminnya vikonuvat їх on the productive and creative rіvnі; mind you see present signs theory of the subject of KVP; know the laws of communication when diagnosing malfunctions and repairing accessories; freely scoring your knowledge at the beginning of the commemoration day from a special subject; promotion of interest to independent work.

    Signs of an average level - building up to the analysis of subject knowledge and vminnya vikonuvat їх on the reproductive level, building up to the disclosure of information about the KVP; vminnya see the facts signs of the theory of the subject of the KVP and the necessary links when diagnosing malfunctions and repairing the fixtures; showing interest in independent work.

    For a low level of knowledge and wisdom, it is characteristic that there is a clear distinction between the principles and other rows of signs of the theory of the repair of KVP fittings; weakly expressing the ability to operate with subject and inter-subject knowledge in the case of primal-learning tasks and diagnosing practical appli- cations ; unexplained building to rozumovyh operations; passive setting to independent work.

    Meister is guilty of vrakhovuvati, scho professional knowledge of KVP є foldable, scho spiral on physical phenomena, mechanics, electrical engineering, electronics, automation and intersubject communications. That is why it is important to create a situation in the lessons of virobnicheskoy navchannya, to create a situation, to look for the right ways of weak students, to specially create situations for success in the current experience, to get such students as helpers before showing the problems of acquiring tasks with robots, before talking.

    Such a situation for an hour of lessons includes, "zalyakuvannya" of weak students in the folding of a special discipline from the KVP and yogo virobnicheskogo nauchannia; in academic studies, interest in a special subject and the lessons of general education, the success of the primary group is promoted from an additional differentiated approach to skin education, increasing the recognition activity of the students.



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