Product catalog. Technique of telegraph communication Tt 48 clear technical description





Little ones. Structural diagram of the CKS

OMV - recognized for the safety of parallel operation of two EOMs. Skin EOM revenge:

Processor for performing all arithmetic and logical operations;

RAM, for receiving, collecting and displaying information;

Multiplexer channel that interacts between OZP and UVV.

Selector channels, for the help of which there is an exchange of information between OZP and VZP.

To the warehouse of the VC enter the following way: another machine, an alphanumeric printer, an attachment for the introduction and introduction of punched cards.

VZP - a sign for the collection of great arrays of information, the introduction of data, the necessary processing and the display of the results of the processing. Like VZP vikoristovuyutsya NMD and NML.

CMO - is recognized for the implementation on the VC of the head of the commutation to improve the safety of the necessary capacities, indicative of the improvement and high reliability of the work of the installation. It is made up of a set of programs, albeit in a fallow type of functions, which are to be built, shared:

VP - organizing programs;

TP - technical programs;

PUPR - program control of the parallel robot EOM;

TSP - test programs;

SP - service programs;

SFKU is recognized for the purpose of ensuring the control of that vikonannya vymog zagalnoї and technical exploitation in the UKB. To the SFCU warehouse enter:

SD - dispatcher section,

СІТ – telegram indexing section,

RAD - control and dovidkova service,

STK - section of technical control.
^ Algorithm for interfacing with a terminal point, with a commutation network of channels, CKS-CSC.
The MSC-SCS interaction is disabled in the one-hour transmission mode. As soon as the channel is changed at the working station, the CSC reverifies the notification format, the heading is changed. If an incorrect format is detected, as well as a pardon at the headline and text, the CCC overpowers the total CCC-T to supply and direct the channel at the station of the confirmation call. When you cancel the confirmation that the main channel has accepted the request, the entire CKS-T will transfer the call channel again to the working one.

Sumіzhny CKS-T repeats the transmission of the created alert. Since the confirmation of the received request did not reach the CKS-T with the control term, the channel is transferred to the station of the dispatcher blocking. In this mode, the CKS-T does not receive notifications about what to come. To transfer the channel back to the working camp, it may be necessary to transfer special procedures, for example, to insert the operator, or to automatically transfer the power after the first hour.

Interactions of the CKS-SKK-OP are established in such a way. TsKS-T poov'yazanі SKK with different (external and incoming) bundles of 50-day channels. The maximum number of channels in the bundle is up to 50. At the SKK, the direct route to the CFB crosses the same way as the direct route to the register station. Telegrams from CKS-T (criminal telegrams of the terminology category P, processing categories K, B and circular transmission) are sent via links, which are switched, tobto. TsKS-T zdiisnyuє dialing the number that is sent to the SKK, SKK zadnannya z'ednannya with the necessary VP.

When you cancel the CKS-T service, you can try to dial a number for a call through equal intervals song period hour (what to deposit in the control term for processing telegrams of the category). Under the hour of the establishment of the day, the exchange of auto-reviews (AT) is announced. Moreover, before the rest of the AT, details are sent by telegrams, necessary for the hour and a half.

Directly to the CKS-T, it crosses at the CKK like a zonal one. The operator of the VP for setting up a call from the CKS-T dials the same six-digit number, which may be indicated in the telegram preheader. We hope to be able to send a series of telegrams (three more than 5) from CKS-T in one session. In case of any skin telegram in the series, AT VP and TsKS-T are forwarded and completed її also qi AT. To AT CKS-T, which is transmitted after receiving telegrams, add details.


Format reminder

One of the indicators of the work of the Central Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic is the stagnation of standard formats for support. The format of the reminder is the formalization of the number of elements, which allows you to automatically complete it. Announcement format for the hour of transmission from the GP to the CCS:
3Ц3Ц   002   AP  008  837   

Telegram header  

Text by telegrams PNNN  
At the first runoff of the subheading, telegrams are affixed: sign on the cob with telegrams 3Ц3Ц; її serial number 002, under which won is transferred from VP to CKS; terminology category A; processing category P; main index 008; lower index of recognition point 837; end of the headline  .

Another row has a heading in telegrams and the end of the heading.

At the third row, the text of the telegrams and the sign of the end of the notification of the NPNN.

The sequence number changes cyclically from 001 to 999. There are 5 categories of terminology by telegrams:

A - air telegram,

C - terms,

P is simple

B - Svyatkov (vital).

K - cryptogram (encrypted),

B - especially important (uryadova),

P - perekazna (penny perekazna),

C - circular (vіdrazu in all VP).

The main index designates the zone, and the lower index 837 points to the point (additional call) received by telegrams.

In the format of telegrams that come out of the CCC, the final data of the CCC are formed, as long as the telegram was ahead. The final data are marked with: the index of the CKS, where the telegram came first, the operational number of the channel, how the telegram was sent to the CKS, serial number, date of receipt, hour of reception. After the signs of the end of the telegrams, the CKS put down the hour of transmission at the OP. At the subtitle, before the end, the number of the number of changes is put down. Kozhen CKS, how to pass the telegram, add 1.
^ Processing telegrams at CKS
Let me remind you. The last telegraphic symbols, which reach the AU from the communication channels in the MTK-2 code, are converted to telegraphic signs, which are accumulated in individual accumulation registers. The signs are formed by a path of scanning the middle part of the parcels. The equipment obtained for the additional multiplex channel transmits characters in RAM with a parallel code (2 buffers). Buffers work according to one's will: while one is being filled, the other one is completed. The skin sign in the buffer saw the middle (2 bytes). Three signs that entered the buffer, blocks are formed according to 59 signs at the skin.

The SCS ends with the acceptance of the notification after the removal of the mental signs of the end of the notification.

^ Obrobka reconciliation After receiving the preheading end sign, the preheading analysis is carried out according to the format and is appropriate for the algorithm. When a call is detected, the SCS does not receive an announcement, it cancels a part of it and sends a call to the service announcement into the channel.

Skin care in RAM shows a row at the lookup table, which is 32 bytes long. Before it, all the necessary data for processing are recorded: channel number, routing index, message length, addresses in the OZP.

Vіdpovіdno before the route index povіdomlennya to be put in line on a straight line.

^ Arranging the archives of telegraph reports. Archives of telegraph notes are stored for automatic repetition of texts and remaining telegrams and saving texts in telegrams during the singing hour.

SCS has transferred current archives of telegram texts, as well as archives that are being saved.

After the receptionist, a station number is assigned to the skin care provider, and the notification is recorded on the NMD. Transmissions to the channels are blocked by telegrams until it is completed. Then, instead of the streaming archive, it will be copied to NML. Magnetic line, taken from the NML, the hour is taken from the KSS.

^ Strengthen your mind. Before the bezporednyu vidacheyu vodoblennya іz SKS vіdbuvaєtsya pіdgotovka yogo to vidachi. Won zdіysknyuєtsya for the first time in cherzі voіdomlennya for nayavnosti vіlnogo channel. Preparing for the presentation:

  • reading yoga with NMD,

  • molding of service reminders,

  • shaping the headline and signing the end of the telegrams,

  • preparation of the necessary information for the transfer of signs from the buffer of the viewer.
There are 2 buffers in the RAM for the AC skin module. Vidacha іz RAM znіkіv in the AU to go through the command іz program. The information in the channel is seen synchronously after the registrations are completed. When transmitting a message to the AU, it changes the signs of the sequence of telegraph parcels. After seeing the notice, the journal will form a record for the last tribute. After that information about the sight of information is erased from the transport security, by changing the RAM.

^ Come in to save your information. Preservation of real SCS information is taken into account for the above functioning of the station. Nadіyne funktsionuvannya stantsії to lay down in the form of bezvіdmovnої robots obladnannya, zdatnostі stantsії zberіgatnіst pratsezdatnіst in case of failures and adventures.

The reliable functioning of the possession is ensured by the presence of 2-holes and other software tools.

Prior to special visits, you can get information about safety:

  • zastosuvannya method stuzhennya for the sequence of numbering of all remembrances;

  • presence of an additional internal center number;

  • zahist table of commutations and other arrays of ushkodzhennya.

Food for self-control

  1. Pererahuyte main operational characteristics of CKS.

  2. Why is there a regime of parallel and divided ambition?

  3. Explain the functional diagram of the CKS

  4. Describe the main stages of processing telegrams from the Central Committee of the Kyrgyz Republic.

  5. Explain the structural scheme of the calculation complex.

  6. Algorithm for interfacing with a terminal point, with a commutation network of channels, CKS-CSC.

  7. Explain the format of notification of the hour of transmission from the OP to the CKS.


Channel-operating telegraph equipment

^ Topic 5.1
Zagalni vіdomostі about canalization equipment
Channeling equipment is a technical device that allows you to victorize a standard PM channel for organizing a few telegraph calls. Telegraph is called tonal by its own. On the priymalny boat, one note is made in the case of another, or zavdyay to that, which occupies different settings in the smuz of frequencies of 0.3 - 3.4 kHz - FRC, or to the one that needs to be at the time of the hour - TRC.

Equipment for CDM type TT-12, T-48, TT-144, equipment for CDM type TVU-12M, TBU-15, DATA, MAYSHENNYA.

In equipment with FRC, the channels that are settled in the PM smoothie are numbered. The number of the skin channel consists of 3 digits: the first indicates the type of channel (1-50 baud channels, 2-100 baud, 4-200 baud), 2 consecutive digits - the serial number of the channel in the lower range of frequencies from 0.3 kHz to upper 3.4 kHz. In this order, 50 baud tone telegraph channels can be numbered 101-124 / 24 to the TT channel of the standard PM channel); number 201-212; zі shvidkіstyu 200 baud - 401-406.

The main elements in the equipment of the VRK are a multiplexer and an attachment for converting signals of the ZPS. Multiplexer for arranging the transmission of telegraph signals, as rіznih dzherel in a single digital flow, and split this flow with the best receivers on the receiver. The UPS accepts the bitstream parameters with the transmission parameters.
^ Topic 5.2 Channel equipment with frequency sub-channels.
Technical data TT - 144

The TT-144 equipment is designed to organize low-voltage channels on the main lines of the telegraph line and data transmission lines. The TT-144 voice-frequency telegraph equipment allows organizing cable, repeat and radio-relay line links up to 144 two-way discrete channels at smooth frequencies. In the equipment, there is a frequency sub-channel and frequency modulation. In one channel, the acaraglate is allowed to allow the organized abstraction of discrete channel: 24 zі Shvidkіstya 50 Bod, Abo 12 Zi Shvidkіstyu 100 Bod, Abo 6 Zi Shvidkіstya 200 Bod, Abo 1 Zi Shvidkistya 1200 ZI 6 Shvidkistya 50 Bod (Abo 2 ZI SHIDKISK Baud). The numbering of channels, carrier frequencies, between them that frequency deviation" in the linear spectrum of the PM channel is consistent with GOST and CCTT recommendations.

The equipment victorists have the principle of individual-group transformation. A group of channels was taken as the output, which occupies a range of frequencies of 3.6 ... 5.01 kHz. For transmutation, group carriers are used with frequencies of 5.4 and 6.84 kHz. The equipment can be connected to telegraph equipment, equipment and subscriber sets of data transmission, switching telegraph stations, which are operated by bipolar devices with a voltage of ± (5 ... The input and output supports of the TT channels add up to 1000 Ohm.
^ Structural diagram of TT-144 equipment

Structural diagram of the TT-144 equipment to replace the main blocks: RNG frequency grid generator blocks, C stick blocks, LV linear control blocks, K channel blocks, KP surge compensator block, live blocks. In addition, there are low additional blocks.

The frequency generator of assignments for the formation of the entire set of high-frequency frequencies, which will be necessary for the functioning of the nodes of the equipment. Vin is added to the block of reference frequencies OC. to the block of group frequencies of the HF block of the linear frequencies of the LF, blocks of the shaping of the F. The block of the high frequency to replace the quartz oscillator and ensure the formation of periodic pulsed pulses with a frequency of 3932160 Hz for the robots of the other blocks of the RNG. For molding 21 line frequencies є with identical blocks LCH1-LCH7. To change the line frequencies of the channels, the LF output is connected to the channel blocks through the switching board of the CL line frequencies. The block of HF assignments for the formation of the colivan of carrier frequencies (5.40 and 6.84 kHz) of the group conversion frequency of 2.7 kHz for the control of the CFP. The frequency modulators and demodulators of the blocks are provided with the necessary frequencies for the additional two blocks F, which will cover five forms, which will change the functions of the pdsilyuvach intensities.

Block of LP assignments for accommodating the PM channel with individual possession of the TT channels behind the frequency spectrum, levels and supports, as well as for signaling about the underestimation of the level in the PM channel. Vіn is composed of transmitting and receiving parts, the skin of them may have two paths of signal conversion, with a frequency of conversion of 5.4 kHz (group A) and 6.84 Hz (group B). Block to replace group conversion spectra P, subsiluvach Vus and filters of lower frequencies LPF. For group low-frequency filters, the transmissions are trimmed from falling into the HF channel of harmonic warehouses from carrier frequencies and upper white haze, which are present at the CFP outputs. In group low-pass filters, the primary part is intermixed with the spectrum of the group signal to turn off the rich-smoky CFP.

At the group support of the primal part of the LV block, a stage of the AGC was installed. When the level of the group signal is underestimated by 9 dB, the strength of the group signal is incrementally increased by 9 dB. Attach the stick to individual possessions, recognized for the conversion of signals, which are necessary from the telegraph lances (by voltage and stream) to the signals necessary for the operation of the block channel K (on transmission), and the reverse conversion (on reception). In one block of accommodation there are three outbuildings, leather from which is folded from the entrance and exit outbuildings. Attachments are universal and vikoristovuyutsya for all speeds of transmission of information, transmission in equipment.

In the universal block, the conversion of telegraph messages of a constant stream into frequency-modulation signals on transmission and frequency-modulation signals into telegraph messages on receptions is considered. The block is composed of transmission and acceptance, and all the nodes are placed on two boards: on one KFP lane and KFP pr, and on another extension. Block Before for additional soldering, there can be transfers to one of the three modes for robots with a nominal speed of 50, 100 and 200 Baud / Frequency modulators and frequency detectors of the block work in all modes at an average frequency of 2.7 kHz.

The transmission of a universal block to the channel consists of the following main nodes: a frequency modulator of the emergency situation, an additional transmission filter (no indications for a small amount) and a switched filter-transmission switch KFP prov. At the input of the FS from the RNG, there are impulse sequences that are multiples of the lower characteristic frequency and difference of the characteristic frequencies. Fallow in the polarity of the parcels, as if in the form of a stick, at the output of the emergency system, the lower and upper characteristic frequencies vibrate. For the presence of the telegraph signal at the entrance of the equipment to the emergency situation, the lower characteristic frequency should be found.

The additional transmission filter is a filter of low frequencies and assignments for trimming unpaired harmonics of a direct-path signal, which should go out of the output of the emergency, Switching filter of the conversion of the transmission serve to trim the spectral storage of the emergency - signal, spreading out of the range of a range of frequencies that are introduced to the channel, as well as for moving spectrum signal to the TT channel from an average frequency of 2.7 kHz to a line frequency of 3.66-.-4.98 kHz, specific to the skin channel. For which one of the inputs of the CFP per іz RNG is supplied with a key signal fl h frequency, which is the same as the required line frequency for the channel in the group.

Little ones. Structural diagram of TT-144

The receiver for the block channel is composed of CFP in., the additional filter for the receiver DF in. pіdsilyuvacha-mezhuvacha (UO), frequency discriminator BH. LPF. the threshold attachment of the PU, as well as the scheme of the level detector of the DC (DF pr. and DC in Fig. 8.34 are not shown). From the group signal CFP in. sees the CT signal given to the channel and transfers the spectrum of the seen signal from the line frequency to a frequency of 2.7 kHz. The additional filter to receive the unpaired harmonic signal, which is established at the output of the KFP іn. The frequency discriminator converts the SN - signal, and a series of pulses, the valency of which to deposit the frequency of the input signal; the principle of yoga robot and analogous robotic black hole equipment TT-12.

The low-frequency filter sees the pulse sequence at the output of the black hole to a constant warehouse, the value of which changes linearly when the frequency changes at the input of the receiver. Threshold attachment to the assignment channel for forming telegraph signals in a rectangular shape. Bipolar rectilinear pulses, which vibrate the PU, control the robot of the external attachment to block C. When the signal at the input is lower than the minimum allowable value, the remote control vibrates a blocking signal, which sets the PU in position, which will ensure the appearance of a starting signal. From the block of the compensator of the shifts of the gearbox to the control room, there should also be a signal of compensating the shifts, which the gearbox vibrates when the frequency is disrupted in the PM channel. The KP block replaces the transmitter, which vibrates a non-modulating signal with a frequency of 3.3 kHz, and the receiver is similar to the TT receiver channel. behind the blame of the fact that after the black hole the signal is sent not to the PU, but to the input, which is inverted. At the output of the receiving channel, a constant voltage is vibrated, the value of which is proportional to the sound frequency of the PM channel. This voltage is applied to the thresholds of the outbuildings of the CT receivers of all channels and changing their thresholds of spratsovuvannya, using such a rite to create an override.

Block channel BK 1200 Baud, scho to enter the warehouse equipment TT-144 and secure for additional frequency modulation the transmission of discrete signals with speed up to 1200 Baud, it is inspected in the other blocks. CFP , A 2, C-filter. In line with the equipment TT-48 and TT-12 in the equipment TT-144, the storage of operational outbuildings has been expanded, which allows you to spend an hour, which is spent on the technical maintenance of the equipment. Before these attachments, there is a sensor for testing signals DS, a control unit for the tone frequency channel of the CFC, an indication unit BI with an intercom unit, and signaling units BS1 and BS2. The signaling block BS2 is to enter the warehouse of the skin section TT-48, reshta all the blocks of stitching in the row of control and signaling RKS. At the DS, the test telegraph signals of the form 1: 1 are formed with speeds of 50, 100, 200 and 1200 baud, as well as the signals "Onslaught +" and "Onslaught -", for additional help, zdіysnyuyut operational control: strumіv and voltage at the lances; r_vn_v at line inputs and outputs, as well as at the inputs of the UO; presence of overshoots (up to ±10%) at the outlets of the channels. The display block also allows you to organize telephone conversations at the hour of simulating and entering the equipment at the calls. Block of KFC assignments for monitoring in the TF channel, reducing the signal-transition (with intervals of 18, 24 and 30 dB) to the control frequency, which exceeds the set boundary value of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 Hz. Blocks BS1 and BS2 form signals for the activation of emergency and forward signaling. The alarm is switched on in case of a RNG malfunction, life blocks, burnt out fuses, underestimated equal to the receiving TT channel by 18 dB or equal to the receiving PM channel by 20 dB. The forward signalization works when the signal level is lowered to the receiving channel, the PM is greater, lower by 9 dB, exceeded by the set threshold for controlling the signal-transition signal-transition, or to check the frequency in the telephone channel.
Food for self-control

  1. Recalculate the technical characteristics of TT-144.

  2. Explain the warehouse and recognition of the transfer of channels.

  3. Explain the warehouse and recognition of the acceptance of canals.

Topic 5.3 Canal conditioning equipment with a temporal distribution of channels

Technical data. Structural diagram of TVU-15 equipment.
Technical data

Structural diagrams of TVU-15 equipment
Structural diagram of TVU-15 includes in itself inputs of SS blocks (individually equipped station consists of five SS blocks, three skin channels each) converting bipolar telegraph signals with a voltage of ± 20V unipolar impulses. Qi pulses are quantized and combined on a time basis by a separate block for transmission to a single group signal GS. Crimium of information signals of the HS, (on the 16th channel) synchronous combination and service signals are transmitted. The group signal is encoded according to the law of the bipulse code by the encoder, transmitting the extension of the conversion of the signals of the bipulse UPS-BI after it is stronger to go through the line transformer to the line connection. The speed of the robot and transmission sets the stabilization of the quartz pulse generator, which should be set by the GZI.

Received from the line signal through the transformer, there must be an active corrector of intersymbolic calls, introduced by the line connection, with a line subsidiary KLUs. Коректор має два ступені регулювання: грубу, що виконується перепаюванням перемичок до підключення апаратури до лінії (на підставі орієнтовної оцінки довжини лінії), і точну, що виконується за допомогою двох потенціометрів і блоку індикації БІ, що підключається до виходу КЛУс після підключення апаратури до лінії . Vіdkorigovanii signal polyuєєєєєєєє and obmezhuєєєєєєєєєєєєє і і ​​і go to the scheme of the phase autotuning of the frequency in GZІ. At the decoder D, for an additional clock frequency, inspired by the GZI, the adoption of a bipulse signal is decoded into a single-pole two-pole GSD signal and demultiplexed in a separate receiving block Pr. From the outputs of the information signals of the individual channels, the electronic relays of the US blocks are to be supplied. The block of cyclic phasing and control of the CFC detects the GS synchrocombination and establishes the synphasism of the work of the receiving distributor with the transmission distributor. Cream of that. The CFC processes information for the control channel, which transmits test signals, which allow for the on-line control of the pardon coefficient of the line signal in the path, which passes from the head station through the intermediate and loop to another end station.

Little ones. Structural diagram of TVU-15

The connection of the line lancets of the equipment to the line of communication is connected through the reed switch. With the help of the line lances, either manually or remotely (after the "Loop" command) can be switched on and the line is set to the "On itself" position. Commands on the remote switch-on loops with the address of the required regenerator included in the line, switch attachments for switching on the loops of the station UVSH-S. The reception of these commands on the regenerators will trigger UVSH-R blocks.

Stations TVU-15B are air-conditioned from TVU-15A only because the replacement of SS blocks to their warehouse includes station filling kits. subscriber buildings URDC-S and UPDL-S. Rozdіlovі filters of telephone and telegraph channels URDC-S (vikonanі on LC-elements) enter the warehouse of BRF blocks, which are placed on the rear covers of the TVU-15BN stations or in the outer tops of the TVU-15SU stands. Tse allows the repair of TVU-15B stations without disrupting the telephone connection.

The control of strums and voltages in the case of telegraph lances, the voltage to live, the creation of telegraph signals of the type of transmission, the control of signals in symmetrical linear lances of the equipment is carried out for the auxiliary unit BI. Warehouse BI also includes telegraph signal sensors Food for self-control

  1. Pererahuyte technical characteristics of TVU-15.

  2. Explain the features of the transmission.

  3. Explain the features of the transmission


Merezhі and data transmission services
Topic 6.1 Organization of radio packet data transmission
^ Characteristics and structure of the merezhі radio packet PD. Assigned and the main functions of the elements in the measure.
The transmission of data over a radio channel in rich modes is cheaper and cheaper, lower transmission over commutated or rented channels, and especially over the channels of a stylnikov network of calls. In situations that are characterized by a multiple call infrastructure, the use of radio transmission is often the only reasonable option for organizing a call. Transmission lines with different radio modems can be promptly fired up in any geographic region. Zalezhno in vikoristovuvanih priymachiv (radio stations) such a network can serve its subscribers in a zone with a radius of one to tens and cover hundreds of kilometers. The great practical value of a radio modem may be there, when it is necessary to transfer small amounts of information (documents, dovodok, questionnaires, telemetry, data requests to data bases).

Radio modems are often referred to as packet controllers. through those that include a special controller to their warehouse, that implements the functions of exchanging data with a computer, managing the procedures for formatting frames and access to the global radio channel is open to the implementation of the multiple access method.

Algorithms for the operation of packet radio links are regulated by Recommendation AX.25. Recommendation AX.25 establishes a single protocol for exchanging packets so that. obov'yazykovy all koristuvachіv packet radio merezh order zdіysnennya exchange of data. The AX.25 standard is a specially modified version of the X.25 standard for packet radio measurements.

The peculiarity of packet radio networks lies in the fact that the same radio channel is victorious for the transmission of data by the carriers in the mode of multiple access. AX.25 exchange protocol transfers multiple access to a communication channel with occupancy control. All coristuvach merezhi are respected equally. First lower rozpochati transmission of the radio modem pereviryaє Vlniy channel chi nі. As a channel of employment, then the transmission of data by a radio modem is included in the dossi yogo call. As soon as the radio modem detects the channel is free, it immediately starts the transmission of its information. It is obvious that at the same moment you can start the transfer and be-yaky іnshy koristuvach tsієї merezhі. In this case, there is an overhead (conflict) of signals of two radio modems, in the result of these data, with high efficiency, it is seriously created under the influx of mutual shifts. The radio modem-transmitter knows about it, having rejected the negative confirmation on the transmission of the data packet from the radio modem-transmitter, or after the transfer to the hour of the timeout. In such a situation, the fault will be to repeat the transmission of the packet according to the described algorithm. During packet communication, the information on the channel is transmitted as okremih blocks - frames. Basically, their format matches the frame format of the HDLC protocol.

A typical packet communication station includes a computer (extremely portable to the notebook type), a wireless radio modem (TNS), a receiver (radio station) of UKH or HF band. The computer interacts with a radio modem and looks the same with DTE - DCE interfaces. Mayzhe zastosovuetsya last interface RS-232. Data that is transmitted from the computer to the radio modem can be either a command or information recognized for transmission over the radio channel. For the first type, the command is decoded and decoded, for the other, a frame is formed according to the AX.25 protocol. Before the bezperednyu transfer to the frame, the sequence of the next battle is encoded by a linear code without turning to zero NRZ-I (Non Return to ZeroInverted). According to the rules of coding NRZ-I, the difference in the physical level of the signal is taken at different times, if the output sequence of the data is zero.

The packet radio modem is a combination of two attachments: the power of the modem and the power of the THC controller. The controller and the modem are connected to each other by two lines: TxD - for transmitting frames in NRZ-I code, RxD - for receiving frames in the modem also in NRZ-I code, PTT - for sending a signal to turn on the modulator and DCD - to send a busy signal to the channel from the modem to the controller. Ring the modem and the packet controller are structurally built in one case. This is the reason why packet radios are called TNC controllers.

Before transmitting a frame, the controller switches on the modem for an additional PTT line signal, and the TxD line sends a frame in NRZ-I code. The modem modulates the sequence according to the accepted modulation method. The modulated signal from the output of the modulator should go to the microphone input MIC transmission.

When receiving frames, a sequence of pulses is modulated without the arrival of the EAR output of the receiving radio station at the input of the demodulator. From the demodulator for receiving a frame, the sequence of pulses in the NRZ-I code should be in the controller of the packet radio modem.

At the same time, with the appearance of a channel signal in the modem, a spratsovuє special detector, which vibrates its channel busy signal. The PTT signal, which boosts the modulator, also disables the function of transmitting tightness. Sound out to be implemented for the help of a transistor switch, which switches the receiver from the receiving mode to the transmission mode.

In packet radio communication with standard radio stations, there are two modulation methods for short and ultra-short waves. On HF, single-smooth modulation is used to form the channel of the radio channel's tone frequency. For data transmission, frequency modulation is used for the transmission of frequencies from 0.3 to 3.4 kHz for the telephone channel. The value of the frequency of the current can be different, and the separation of the frequencies is always more than 200 Hz. In this mode, the speed of transmission is ensured, which is 300 bits / s. In Europe, the frequency of 1850 Hz transmissions "0" and 1650 Hz for "1" will sound.

In the UKH range, they often use a speed of 1200 bits / s with variable frequency modulation with frequency separation, which is 1000 Hz. It is accepted that "0" indicates a frequency of 1200 Hz, and "1" - 2200 Hz. Rіdshe in the range of UKKh zastosovuyut vіdnosnu phase modulation (RPM). And here you can reach the speed of transmission 2400, 4800, which can be 9600 and 19200 bit/s.
Food for self-control

  1. Give a description of the structure of the array of radio packet PD.

  2. How to enter the warehouse of the station of the package link.

  3. Tell me about the jamming of radio modems.
Topic 6.2 Modern information measures

Appointed by DIONIS, REX - 400. Services that are hoped for. Warehouse Merezha INTERNET. Protocols, basic services, subscriber access.

^ Merezha INTERNET
The Internet is an all-world computer network, which is the only information medium and allows you to receive information at any time. Ale from the other side on the Internet is saved even richer brown information, but for a joke її it is necessary to stain a rich hour. Tsya problem became a drive before the advent of poke machines.

Інформаційна система - це організована сукупність програмно – технічних та інших допоміжних засобів, технологічних процесів та функціонально – певних груп працівників, які забезпечують збирання, подання та накопичення інформаційних ресурсів у певній предметній галузі, пошук та видачу відомостей необхідних для задоволення інформаційних потреб користувачів. Information systems are the main way, tools for the management of information security of various types of activity and the gallery of the information technology industry, which is developing most rapidly.

The All-World Web (World Wide Web or WWW for short) is the name of the most wide-ranging Internet supplement of today, inspired by the hypertext hypertext. A hypertext document is a file (a text, a graphical image or another piece of information) that can be sent to other files (documents) in its structure. To connect to the world wide, you need a computer with a modem, connected to the Internet. The computer may have a program installed - an Internet browser: Microsoft Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator. After the computer is connected to the Internet, at the command line, write the address of the information that you need to display on your computer.

^ Understanding informational poke systems
Poshukova system is automated - a system that is put together with the staff and the complex of automation of work, which implements information technology for the implementation of installed functions.

Під інформаційною системою розуміється – організована сукупність програмно – технічних та інших допоміжних засобів, технологічних процесів та функціонально – певних груп працівників, що забезпечують збирання, подання та накопичення інформаційних ресурсів у певній предметній галузі, пошук та видачу відомостей, необхідних для задоволення інформаційних користувачів. - System subscribers.

The activity of the shukovy process of presenting chotirm in stages: diya (poshuk begins); looking at the results (the result, what should the student do after the search); that improvement (after looking at the results and before turning to the search for other formulas, you need it).

Three "whales" are being developed by Russia this year from the sound indicators. Tse "Rambler" ( www.rambler. ru), "Yandex" ( ru) and "Aport2000" ( www.aport. ru).

^ Internet protocols

The Internet protocol IP implements the extension of information from the IP-merezhі. The IP protocol allows the transfer of information from the node to the node of a network of discrete blocks - packets. If the IP protocol does not bear the responsibility for the reliability of the delivery of information, integrity, or saving the order of the packet flow, and does not violate the necessary accuracy for the order of transmission of information, it violates two other protocols:

  • TCP - Transfer by Transfer Protocol

  • UDP is the protocol for transferring data datagrams, which is above IP, and IP procedures for transferring information.
TCP and UDP protocols implement different modes of data delivery. The TCP protocol is the protocol of the established connection, which connects two nodes of the network to exchange data flow.

The UDP protocol is a datagram protocol, in which the skin block of transmitted information (packet) is processed and expanded from node to node, as an independent unit of information is a datagram.

The functions of the IP protocol are connected to the "host" of the computer, connected to a single Internet connection, which is used for the IP protocol, which is connected for additional routers in physical networks: systems of a fairly physical nature (Modems, switching and video lines, X.25, ATM, Frame Relay).
^ Designated electronic mail
At the same time, the e-mail system became popular.

E-mail - exchange of mail notifications with any subscriber of the Internet. Іsnuє mozhlivіst nadsilannya both text and dvіykovyh files. On the volume of postal communication in the Internet, such a limitation is imposed - the volume of postal communication is not guilty of exceeding 64 kilobytes.

The electronic mail is rich in what is similar to the physical mail. Helpful sheet - text, with a standard header (envelope) - delivered at the specified address, as it indicates the location of the machine and the name of the addressee, and is placed at the file, the titles of the addressee's mailing screen, in order for the addressee to be instantly available and read at early hour . When you send mail programs on different machines, you need to please about those, how to write to the address, so that you can understand.

The reliability of electronic mail should be deposited depending on how the mail programs are written, how far away one type of addressee and the addressee of the sheet, and especially in the same way, in the same stink, or in different. The most popular today's Internet version in our country. Estimates say that the world has over 50 million e-mails. The traffic of electronic mail (smtp protocol) occupies only 3.7% of the total traffic in the world. Popularity is explained, like impudent speakers, so it’s like, that the most connection is the connection to the class “access for a weekly” (from a modem), and in Russia, in the most important way, access is UUCP. E-mail is available for any kind of access to the Internet.

E-mail (Electronic mail) - electronic mail (common people - an electronic analogue of the official mail. With the help of your help, you can overpower information, take them from your electronic mail screen, check the list of your correspondents automatically, vikoristovuyuchi їx addresses, розсилати копії вашого листа відразу кільком одержувачам, переправляти отриманий лист за іншою адресою, використовувати замість адрес (числових або доменних імен) логічні імена, створювати кілька підрозділів поштової скриньки для різного роду кореспонденції, включати в листи текстові файли, користуватися системою «відбивачів пошти» ведення discussions with a group of your correspondents, etc. On the Internet, you can send mail in the sum, as long as you know the address of the main gateway, the format of the letter and the address in that measure.

You can send email via fttp in asynchronous mode. Use impersonal servers, as they support such services. You send an e-mail to the address of such a service, so that you can send a command to the system, for example, give a listing of such a directory, or send such a file to you, and you will have to automatically reply by e-mail with this listing or the file you need. In this mode, it is possible to overcome the entire set of commands of the great FTP. Іsnuyut servers that allow you to take files via ftp not only from themselves, but also from any ftp server, which you specify in your e-mail messenger.

E-mail gives the opportunity to hold teleconferences and discussions. For which vikoristovuyutsya, installed on deyakih vozlovih robotic machines, mail reflector. You force them to inform you of the appointments to sign you on such and such a reflector (discussion, conference, etc.), and you begin to take copies of the notification, as the participants in the discussion force them to do so. The reflector is sent simply after the removal of electronic sheets of paper on the strength of their copies to all prepayers.
^ Addressing in the electronic mail system
In order for your e-mail to be sent to your addressee, it is necessary that the designation code is up to international standards and that the mailing address is standardized. The generally accepted format of the message is defined by a document called "Standard for the Format of ARPA - Internet Text messages", abbreviated - Request for Comment or RFC822, may heading and without intermediary mention. The title looks something like this:

From: postal e-mail address - from whom the message was sent

To: mailing e-mail addresses - to whom it is addressed

Cc: postal e-mail addresses - to whom it was sent

Subject: topic of the announcement (pretty much the form)

Date: date of that hour

Header rows From: and Date: are formed, as a rule, automatically, by software. Krіm tsikh rows of the heading, the message can be revenged іnshі, for example:

Message-Id: unique identifier of the message sent to you by mail machine

Reply-To: call the address of the subscriber, to whom you send a list to send you

The very message - call the text file to complete the correct form.

When transferring non-textual data (coded by programs, graphical information), recoding is delayed, as if it is being converted by appropriate programming methods.

Postal email addresses may be of different formats. The most extensive system for the formation of DNS (Domain Name System) addresses, which is victorious in the Internet. The decoding of the address and the translation into the required format is to be done by the software, which will be stored in the electronic mail.

From the point of view of logic, in order for the address to be informative, it is necessary that it be present:

Subscriber's identifier (by analogy - row TO: on a postal envelope);

Postal coordinates that signify your locality (by analogy - budinok, street, place, country on a postal envelope).

Postal e-mail addresses may be used in warehouses. Schob vodokremiti іdіntіfіkаtі subscriber vіd yоgo poshtovyh koordinіv, vykorivuєtsya icon @.

Postal e-mail addresses in the Internet format may look like:

[email protected]

In the butt aspet - the subscriber's identifier, which is formed, as a rule, from letters of the first name, after the father (Anatoliy Sergiyovich Petrov). Those that are right-handed with the @ sign are called the domain and uniquely identify the subscriber's identity. Warehouse parts of the domain are subdivided by dots.

The right side of the domain, as a rule, means the country code of the addressee - this is the domain of the upper level. The country code is confirmed by the international ISO standard. Our vpadka, ru-code of Russia. However, as the domain of the upper level, it can be figured and marked. For example, in the United States, there are definitive measures that unite the VNZ chi ranks of organizations, like the domains of the upper level, the edu - Educational institutions, gov - Government institutions and others.
^ Mail programs
There are even a lot of mail programs, a significant part of them are free of charge. All the stinks are similar and only a few are vindicated for their additional abilities and for equal compliance with the accepted standards. The most widely used programs: Microsoft Internet Mai, Microsoft Outlook Express, Netscape Messenger, Eudora.

After configuring the mail program, you should know two buttons: one allows you to rewrite the mail, the other - create a new message. To press on a friend - to show up new vikno. Here you fill in the following fields:

^ To: (To)- understood by itself;

Copy: (Cc:)- Other addressees;

bcc:- To whom else, ale, so, about not knowing the main addressee;

Subject: (Subject:)- about how your sheet should be filled not obov'yazkovo, but even more badly;

Nareshti, the great field under the resurfacing is more to serve the very text of the leaf. You can accompany the text with the program - for which you can find the button (often marked with a violin), so that you can select any file from the hard drive. Like a program, you can overpower any files: programs, sound files, graphic files, etc. Now, without closing the mail program, you connect with the provider and click on the "Submit" button, then your list will go to the addressee. For the cob, you can send the sheet to your own address.

Now press the button, as to serve for rechecking the mail, and you take back your notice. Go to the folder for the input lists. After the installation, the skin mail program automatically creates at least three folders: for the input sheets, for the output ones - here are saved copies of what you can help, and smіttєviy koshik - you can find the leaves here at the same time, which you see, on that vipadok, like you have lost them.
^ Receive and send protocols
Post programs for personal computers vikoristovuyut different protocols for otrimannya that nadsilannya pshti. Pіd hour nadsilannya poshti program vzaєmodіє s server vihіdnoї poshti, or SMTP-server, for the SMTP protocol. When you send a program, the program interacts with the input mail, or a POP3 server behind the POP3 protocol. Tse can be like different computers, so the same computer. You need to get the names of these servers from your ISP. In order to receive the mail, there is a more modern protocol - IMAP, which allows you to copy the sheets that came for you from the mail server to your computer. To change the protocol, it is necessary that it be supported by your ISP, as well as by your mail program.

^ Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

Interactions within the framework of SMTP will be based on the principle of two-way communication, which is established between the master and the owner of the mail message. At the same time, the chief executive initiates the charge, and the officer is responsible for the demand for the service, and the officer - the charge for the demand. Practically, the manager acts as a client, and the manager - as a server.

Little ones. Scheme of interaction with the SMTP protocol
Channel zv'yazku vstanovlyuetsya without intermediary mіzh vіdpravnik and oberzhuvachem voіdomlennya. With such interdependence, the mail reaches the subscriber for a few seconds after the force.
^ Mail Delivery Protocol (POP)
Post Office Protocol (POP) - a protocol for the delivery of mail from a mailbox. A lot of concepts, principles and understanding of the POP protocol are analogous to SMTP. The POP commands are practically identical to the SMTP commands, except for some details.

The design of the POP3 protocol ensures the possibility of getting into the system and checking the mail that has accumulated, instead of entering the mesh first. Koristuvach otrimuu access to the POP server from any system on the Internet. Whenever possible, run a special mail agent (UA), which is the POP3 protocol. On the POP model, there is an okremy personal computer, which works as a mail system client. Depending on the model, the personal computer will not be involved in delivery, nor authorization support for others. Also, notifications are delivered to the client using the POP protocol, and they are forced, as before, for the help of SMTP. Therefore, on the computer of the correspondent, there are two types of agent-interfaces to the postal system - delivery (POP) and forwarding (SMTP). The POP3 protocol rozrobnikov calls this situation "split agents" (split UA).

The POP3 protocol has three stages in the mail withdrawal process: authorization, transaction, and update. After the server and the POPZ client have set a lock, the authorization stage begins. At the authorization stage, the client identifies the server to himself. As soon as the authorization was successful, the server sends the client's email screen and the transaction stage starts. At this client, either ask the server for information (for example, a list of mail notifications), or ask him to send pevna diya(for example, you can see the postal message). Sorry, at the stage of updating the session, the call will end. At the table 7 recaptured commands to the POP3 protocol, obov'yazkovі for practical implementation of the minimum configuration in the Internet.

In the POP3 protocol, a number of commands are assigned, but they are given only two more positive ones: +OK (positive, similar to ASK confirmation) and -ERR (negative, similar to NAK not confirmed). The insults were confirmed that the call to the server was answered and the wines responded to the commands. As a rule, for the skin condition, follow the correct wording of the description.

^ Calling gateways to the DIONIS center

As part of the DIONIS technology, the following has been implemented: a rich (fax+telegraph+telex) gateway, an X.400 gateway, a UUCP gateway. Calling gateways serve for automatic exchange of information between DIONIS hosts and other networks, ensuring the transport of the necessary data.

The set of gateways in the centers of DIONIS can be lifted as shown on the little one, the outer gateways can be called.

For a little indication, the option of connecting the host EOM of the DIONIS system from external gateways through a local network. Indeed, there are a lot of ways to do this. How to make a physical connection between the host-EOM DIONIS and external gateways can be made:

- local measure;

  • non-intermediate port-port connection via cable ("null-modem");

  • switching or video telephony channel (with modem);

  • mezhu s switching packets.
For communication from the outside world, the call gateways use telephone channels (connected via modems or fax modems), telex and telegraph channels (connected via special adapters) or channels X.25(They join for the help of special controllers).

The functions of the main gateways cannot be implemented on the host-EOM of the DIONIS system, however, one EOM gateway can implement the functions of 2 main gateways, ensuring interfax communication with telegraph and telex links; such an EOM gateway is called a rich-functional gateway.

One hour rich functional gateway can serve:

  • up to 6 fax channels;

  • up to 16 telegraph and telex channels;

  • up to 8 virtual channels for data exchange between DIONIS systems and/or other richly functional gateways.
At times, the administrator can use a monofunctional gateway in remote mode.

The X.400 gateway and UUCP gateway must always be installed on four EOMs. The UUCP gateway secures the exchange of messages between DIONIS subscribers and with the help of the UUCP mail forwarding protocol. On the territory of Russia, up to the first type, there is a RELCOM fence, which has a wide width.

The exchange of data over the UUCP protocol is carried out in batch mode, so the connection between the gateway EOM and the appropriate UUCP resource is possible through one switching telephone channel with the asynchronous modem.

Functions of the UUCP-gateway can be enabled by an IBM-summed PEOM (including XT), which can have at least two consecutive ports and a hard disk, sufficient for the placement of information, which is transmitted and received,

The X.400 gateway is implemented on an EOM with an Intel 80386 processor and another equipped with an intelligent controller that implements the X.25 protocol and lower X.400 protocol. Destination gateway for informational communication with mail systems, which is valid up to the X.400 protocol. Through the high variant of the intelligent controller and the software for the implementation of the X.400 protocol, as well as a small extension of the protocol for the transfer of data, corporate networks can, without harm to their subscribers, use X.400 gateways for commercial purposes, 'a language of some other type (for example, a cross-host communication of the DIONIS technology, as well as a communication for the UUCP protocols with a different external gateway or for the SMTP protocol without an external gateway). In practice, it is always possible to override that overhead information in accordance with the X.400 protocol, without overriding the X.400 gateway.

Fax gateway (FS) of DIONIS appointments for organizing the exchange of information between subscribers of DIONIS systems (and other electronic mail systems) and fax machines. Merezha FSH, installed at different places allows you to significantly increase the reliability of a facsimile connection in parallel with the voice transmission of information between two fax machines. It is possible that the FS subscriber is guilty of dialing to the FS at his own place, and the transfer of fax alerts between the localities will be safe at the DIONIS or FS nodes, which will intervene by the seen channels of data transmission.

Fax gateways of DIONIS technology provide such basic services.

In the mode of overpowering faxes, the FSH removes information from the DIONIS host-EOM in viewing lists or files, converting them into a fax format, dialing to fax machines of the recipients and overpowering fax notifications, giving back to the next services:

  • transfer of text messages to fax machines of subscribers;

  • multiple rozsilannya one podomlennya on whether the number of fax machines subscribers;
- Schedule of special time schedules for notification on receiving fax machines of subscribers;

  • placement in any place of text notification, which is edited, registered graphics
    - trade mark, signature, signet;

  • If the DIONIS center has an own fax gateway, then the subscribers of this center are expected to be able to turn on graphic images before text notification.
In FSH receiving mode, it allows receiving fax notifications from fax machines, converting them to the format of graphic files, amplifying files, and transferring them to the DIONIS host-EOM for delivery to fax machines or other destinations. In the rest of the day, the files can be accepted, but they can be sorted out by a printer in a graphic format.

How to implement a rich-channel FS, tobto. it is necessary to serve more than one fax channel, for connecting fax modems, a high-speed choti-port card 4 * RS232-FIFO is required.

A number of variances in the transmission of data FS can be vicorated autonomously for the creation of specialized fax-merezh, recognized for serving only clients, such as fax-devices and/or fax-modems. Identity such a measure, the quality of fax transmission is increased, as well as a significantly wider range of services:

Reception of faxes with the initiative of the oberzhuvach;

The creation of advanced and informational fax systems is just that.

Telegraph and telex gateway (TT-gateway) of appointments for organizing the exchange of information between subscribers of DIONIS hubs (and other electronic mail systems) and telegraph and telex devices.

Telegraph and telex networks are controlled by the addressing system and may differ in tariffs. In addition, the telex on the border is an international border, that in it it is allowed to use only letters of the Latin alphabet (if you want, when exchanging telexes between Russian subscribers, Cyrillic is allowed). However, from a technical point of view, the telegraph line (AT-50) and the telex line (Intelex) are identical. That is all farther away than the same world to lie down to telex and telegraph.

A hardware rich-channel TT-gateway can be implemented on the basis of an IBM-sized personal computer of the AT-386 class or more. It is possible to implement a TT-gateway on a rich-functional gateway. The low speed of exchange of data via telegraph channels allows one gateway EOM to secure one hour to the robot over 16 lines. Connection to telegraph lines is connected through 1- or 2-port telegraph-telex adapters, which are connected to the RS232 ports of the computer TT-gateway. If more than two adapters are connected, for the computer the gateway needs an additional RS232 controller for 4 or 8 ports.

For the help of a telegraph-telex gateway, a DIONIS subscriber can send notifications to the addressee's telegraph machine and, in addition, receive electronically sent information sent from the telegraph machine.

To complete the exchange of notifications between telegraph and telex subscribers, the TT-gateway can be switched offline.

^ Robot in DIONIS

Pratsyyuyuchi in the DIONIS measure in the Internet-name of the gateway is set to the address of the telex (telegraph) gateway accepted by the Internet. At the address indicated at the Internet gateway column, to the corresponding DIONIS gateway, send via e-mail your own telex (telegraph) notifications, recognized for forwarding to subscribers of the TELEX (AT-50) network. At a glance, if the calling gateway is not located locally and the Internet-name of the telex (telegraph) gateway is set, then the telex (telegraph) gateway gives the possibility of its choice: ) alerting) subscribers of the DIONIS host associated with it; 2) access to the telex (telegraph) gateway can be accessed whether it is called subscribers, which Internet-addressing is available, tobto.
koristuvachі e-mail practical z usіh merezh, tk. it is practical to be a network without intermediary support of ІRS822 addresses, otherwise there may be gateways with a network that support them. (Following, it is also necessary for this one, that the DIONIS host, connects to the calling gateway, connects to some number of inclusions to її routing tables. the original gateway of the DIONIS host.); 3) Coristuvachi - clerks of telex and telegraph devices, tobto. koristuvachі, who work with a gateway on telex (telegraphic) channels, limit the ability to exchange information (superpower and eliminate lists) with subscribers of electronic mail. Koristuvachі - clerks of telex-telegraph devices can koristuvatisya servants of the fax gateway (superpower fax-alarm)
Food for self-control

1. Recognized as a measure of the Internet. Measure protocols.

2. E-mail - electronic mail. Appointment, basic understanding.

3. Addressing in the electronic mail system

4. Give a description of the protocols for receiving and sending mail

5. Explain the recognition of the DIONIS merezha.

6. Point the butt of the robot to the DIONIS gateway.
Topic 6.3 Methods of protection from data transmission services
Features of coding in transmission services. Vikoristannya superfluous codes.

Ways to defend against pardons

Pardons, which can be blamed for the transfer of that information, are standardized for the number and vikonnnya tsikh norms є obov'yazkovoyu umovoy. Most pardons are made in the process of preparation and transfer. To that warehouse of possession it is necessary to introduce the ELV, as it can be in the transmission and in the main part of the device. ELVs may be safe:

1) the manifestation of a pardon; at which point the place of pardon is indicated in the middle of the code combination of the group of combinations.

2) correction of the revealed pardon.

We will use all methods and ELVs and those that introduce super-worldliness in the transmitted data, that is. the order of the information, as it is necessary to transmit, the channel transmits additional service information, the task of which is to ensure the necessary accuracy of the transmission. Above-world information is formed and processed by the equipment itself and does not come to a rescue. To the warehouse of superfluous information enter:

1) Additional elements of the code combination, which are used to introduce the SVR of the transmission part; priymalne SVR vyyavlyaє pardon and vyznaє її mistse. Such supplementary elements are called reversible.

2) Service code combinations, with which the transmitting and receiving ELVs are exchanged at the time of the appearance and correction of pardons.

3) information that is retransmitted for correction before the transfer of data, in which pardons are shown.

With a normal work channel, the greatest overhead can be transferred to the code combination elements, because perevіrochnі elementi є stіyno, and sluzhbovі kombinatsії і repetitions are transferred only for nebhіdnosti, that is. with a pardon.

For whatever method of manifestation, part of the pardons is left undiscovered and not corrected. Information that may not be pardoned may be displayed quickly and may lead to results. Therefore, the most important characteristic of the ELV is the coefficient of the manifestation of a pardon.
Kobn = L / M,
De L-kіlkіst vyavlenih pardons;

M-zagalna number of pardons for a session of vimir.

The number of unseen pardons, as well as the coefficient of the manifestation of pardons fall due to two factors:

1) characteristics of pardons that are blamed on the channel;

2) transcendence is to be entered in the transferred ELV information, and in the first quarter - in the number of conversion ratings in the code combination.

The greater the supremacy, the more pardons appear in the primal ELV. Ale zbіlshennya supermundane led to a change in the number of core information, tobto. to change the throughput capacity of the communication channel, that other characteristic of the ELV is the coefficient of transcendence R, which shows that, with such transcendence, the task of increasing fidelity is reached.


De n-headed number elements of the code combination;

M-number of information elements;

K-kіlkіst of perevіrochnyh elementіv.


Classification of ways to improve fidelity

Little ones. Classification of ways to improve fidelity

all Vіdomi ways The promotion of fidelity can be divided into two groups: without a zvorotny zvezka and with a zvorotny zvezka.

The return link is a return channel, by which service signals are transmitted between the receiving ADF and the transmitting one. The stagnation area without OS is fenced, because with PD, there are two-way channels, which allow you to transmit from the direct to the reverse direction. The most efficient OS systems. Through the OS channel, information about the pardons revealed by the primary ADF is sent to the ADF. Mayuchi tsі vіdomostі, APD transfers can be relied upon in the fall for the amount of money received, tobto. change the eligibility of the transfer of fallow due to the presence and the number of pardons at the reception. Even at the present moment of pardon, emancipation, the introduction of APD transmission of visual information, will be minimal, and the throughput of the building will be maximum. At times of pardons, the transmissibility of transmission is increased, in order to ensure that the correctness of the PD is set. Tobto. The presence of the OS allows you to automatically adjust the overhead of the transmission, depending on the number of robots and the communication channel. The return channel is victorious as the transfer of information about pardons, and the transfer of the return flow of data.

Systems without a backlash

In systems without an OS, the change of validity can be done in two ways: by bugatorase transfer and by additional codes to correct pardons.

In the event of a bagatorasis transmission, the skin code combination is transmitted a few times. At the accepted ELV, the accepted combinations are aligned element by element among themselves. As if the same elements of all combinations are combined, ELV to make visnovoks about the day of pardons and acceptances, the sign is shown to be calm. If the combinations do not work out - a pardon appears, but the system does not change.

Another possible way of bagatorase transmission is a system of parallel transmission. One and the same code combination is transmitted at the same time on a number of channels from the transmitting to the receiving ADF. At the reception of ELVs, to analyze the accepted combinations of manifestations and correction of pardons in the same way, as in the system with bagatorase transmission. Nedolik - great supremacy.

Another method of establishing on the basis of special codes that automatically correct pardons. Qi codes allow the primal ELV at the time of the appearance of a pardon, not only to show it, but to signify, as the very element of the combination is taken incorrectly.

Let's change the ELVs later on by changing the significant positions of these elements in the length (1 by 0, 0 by 1). Corrected the code combination to be displayed in a safe way. These systems are foldable and expensive, the overworld is great.
^ Gateway systems
The largest extension of the nabula was made by the joint venture with the IOS return call and the ROS turn call. Correction of the revealed pardons is carried out by the way of repeated transmission of technical combinations, in which pardons have been shown.
^ Systems with IOS information callback

Data that is transmitted as a dzherel information to її spozhivacha, go to the direct channel in the ADP, and immediately in full obsya are transmitted by the return channel to the ADP. At the SRU porіvnyuvalny annex, elementwise porіvnyanny of all transmitted combinations with the same combinations, which are located in the return channel, is carried out. At the time of the combination of all elements, the combination of information is respected by the transmitted without pardon. When a pardon is revealed, the combination is rejected and repeated viklik. In this way, in the IOS system, the decision about whether the presence of a pardon is not accepted, but the transmitting part of the APD.

Positive quality: high coefficient of pardons, the ability to transmit without additional recoding.

At the SRU, it may be possible to have a pardon, to make mirror-like pardons - an overnight combination in the direct and sever channels, if the pardon in the direct channel is compensated by a pardon in the sever channel. For example:

Transmitted via direct channel 01010

Received on direct channel 00010

Transmitted by return channel 00010

Accepted by return channel 01010

The order shows the latest combination of combinations, so that the pardon is visible, but the delay is to remove the pardon combination 00010.

Nedolik: the system with IOS is not economical in terms of the bandwidth of the channels, but the return channel is constantly busy with the transmission of the conversion and service information.


Systems with a virtual call ROS



Little ones. Structural diagram of the transmission system with IOS

Systems with ROS allow you to transmit on a two-way channel at the same time in both directions, while protecting both channels of information from pardons. Pardons are shown at the primary part of the APD. Correction of pardons - in case of retransmission of incorrectly received information. Points A and B conduct an hourly transmission of data from II to PI. In the primary part of the APD, the safety of the adopted combination is controlled. When a pardon is detected, the ADF sends a signal to the next point, which is fed to the channel itself, like data. Received the signal to the power supply, the proliferative ADF stops the transmission of data and repeats part of the information, in order to show pardons. Re-accepted data is also re-verified, and for the day of the pardon, it will be repaid. For re-verification for pardonlessness, the data, which should be in type II, are recoded into transmission with a superfluous code, which allows pardons to be shown.

The overworld created by the code elements is relatively small, which ensures the high economy of the canals. The decrease in the rate of transmission can be attributed not only to the account of unrevealed pardons, but also to the account of inserts and information being received. The insertion is allowed, if one of the combinations of the transferred data under the pardon is turned into a service combination for the request. APD, as I took away this pardon request, I repeat the rest of the combination. As a result, the PІ dvіchі takes away the very combination that is equivalent to the cut. Mind vipadannya є the transformation of the combination, I will ask whether it is a different combination. For whom a pardon has been shown, it is not corrected, there are no retransmission fragments. It will be erased from the adopter and do not take away the combination.
Food for self-control

  1. Pererakhuyte methods and zakhistu at the data transmission services.

  2. Is it time to introduce supremacy?

  3. What data is included in the warehouse of superworld information?

  4. Why lay a handful of unrevealed pardons?

  5. Pererakhuyte ways to promote fidelity without a backlash.

  6. The principle of robotic systems with an informational turnaround.

  7. The principle of the work of systems іz virishalnym zvorotniy zv'yazkom.

  1. Kopnichev L.M., Sakharchuk S.I. Telegraphy and kіnceve possession of a documentary link. - M.: Radio i zvyazok, 1999.

  1. Tarnopіlsky I.L. , Tarnopіlsky V.L. Electrician of the station telegraph link - M .: Radio and zv'yazok, 2000.

  1. Pavlova G.F. Fundamentals of telegraphy, - M: Radio and communications, 1999.

  1. Steklov V.K. Telegraphy and data transmission systems. - M: Radio i zvyazok, 1999.

  1. Kolo B.I., Popantonopulo V.M., Shuvalov V.P. Telecommunication systems and services T.1 - Novosibirsk: Nauka, 1999.
  • 5.3. Organization of channels for communication. Differential systems
  • 5.5. Organization of channels on fiber-optic lines
  • Section 6. Equipment
  • 6.1. Systems with amplitude and frequency modulation
  • 6.5. Transmission systems
  • Chapter 7
  • 7.1. Generator not possessed
  • 7.2. Changing frequencies
  • 7.3. Automatic power regulation
  • 7.4. Intermediate amplitudes. Styskachi and expansion of the dynamic range of movement
  • Section 8. Digital transmission systems
  • 8.1. Pobudov digital transmission systems
  • 8.2. The main elements of the equipment of transmission systems from ІКМ
  • 8.3. Features
  • Section 9. Design
  • 9.1. Link lines
  • 9.3. Design of highways zvyazku
  • III. Міжміський telephone call
  • Chapter 10
  • 10.1. Pobudova merezhі mіzhmіskogo phone call. Methods for setting up a contract
  • 10.2. Manual intermediary telephone exchanges (RMTS)
  • 10.3. Kіntsevі
  • Chapter 11
  • 11.1. Technical and economic rethinking of the automation of the international telephone call
  • 11.2. Systems for distant voice dialing
  • 11.3. Direct and bypass communication in the automated communication system
  • IV. Operational and technological telephone call
  • Rozdіl 12. Pobudova of technological communication systems
  • 12.1. Appointment and organization of technological communication
  • 12.2. Tonal viborchy viklik
  • 12.4. Intermediate points of the selective link
  • Chapter 13
  • 13.1. Pobudov’s Rozmovny tract of a group technological link with a selective call
  • 13.2. Rozrahunok and rationing out in the group channels of technological communication
  • 13.3. Zastosuvannya prod_zhnyh pіdsilyuvachiv in group channels LF technological zv'yazku
  • 13.4. Stopping voice frequency channels for organizing a group technological connection
  • 14.1. Dispatch call
  • 14.2. Permanent telephone call
  • 14.6. Organization of technological communication and channels of telemechanics at the railway stations
  • 14.7. Dispatching centers for managing the transport process
  • V. Telegraph call and transmission of data
  • Chapter 16
  • 16.2. Coding. Primary code
  • 16.3. discrete modulation
  • 16.4. D_ya pereshkod on the signals that are being transmitted. Understanding about the creation, pardons, what you are doing right
  • 16.5. Transfer methods
  • Chapter 17
  • 17.1. Structural diagram of the transmission and receiving parts of the telegraph apparatus
  • 17.2. Poednannya telegraph devices with the line
  • 17.4. Attachment of electromechanical telegraph apparatus sta-m67
  • 17.5. Help a friend in the telegraph machines
  • 17.6. Fit the automatic start-stop device
  • Chapter 18
  • 18.2. Basic types of voice-frequency telegraphy equipment
  • Chapter 19
  • 19.3. Systems with a return call
  • 19.4. Data transmission equipment
  • Chapter 20
  • 20.1. The structure of telegraph communications and data transmission
  • 20.2. Switching methods on the transmission lines of discrete information
  • 20.3. Channel switching nodes
  • 20.4. Switching centers for reconciliation and packets
  • 20.5. Pobudov promising transfers
  • VI. Radio communication
  • Chapter 21
  • 21.1. See the radio communication on the transshipment transport
  • 21.2. Structure
  • 21.3. Coil systems
  • 21.4. Radio frequency generators
  • 21.6. Functional diagrams and main electrical characteristics of REDiotransmitters
  • 22.2. Viprominyuvannya electromagnetic hvil
  • 22.3. Electrical characteristics of transmitting antennas
  • 22.4. See the transmitting and receiving antennas
  • 23.3. Changing frequencies
  • 23.4. P_dsiluvach_ intermediate frequency
  • 23.5. Demodulators
  • 23.6. Subsidiaries of sound frequency
  • 23.7. Peculiarities of encouraging outdoor radio stations
  • Chapter 24
  • 24.1. General information about the organization of radio communication
  • 24.3. The system of train radio communication in the range of hectometric and meter lengths on the basis of the ZhR-UK radio station
  • 24.4. The system of train radio communication in the range of hectometer, meter and decimeter waves based on the equipment of the "Transport" system
  • Chapter 25
  • 25.1. Gala meeting
  • 25.3. General information about the organization of repair and operational radio communication
  • Chapter 26
  • 26.1. Radio relay lines
  • 26.2. Trunk short-wave radio lines
  • 26.3. TV systems
  • 26.4. radar systems
  • Chapter 1. Fundamentals of telephony. ... 6
  • Rozdіl 15. Station operational
  • Chapter 16. Fundamentals of transmission of discrete information. ... 152
  • Chapter 17. Electromechanical and electronic telegraph devices 162
  • Chapter 18i
  • Chapter 25
  • Chapter 26
  • 18.2. Basic types of voice-frequency telegraphy equipment

    For the main and internal roads of the telegraph line, the TT equipment will be mainly used in the main methods of the frequency sub-channel and frequency modulation. In this case, it is possible to organize 24 TT channels in the frequency spectrum of a standard telephone channel, with an output between non-transient 120 Hz or 17 channels with an output between non-transient 180 Hz. The equipment can be ordered individually or in a group way. In individual systems, the skin channel may have its own power (transmitters, filters, etc.). In group systems, the main elements are used in all parts of the channels. The outer group of channels is repeatedly repeated for additional group modulation filling the entire spectrum of the standard PM channel.

    Voice telegram equipmentfiruvannya TT-17PZіz frequency. Modulation is recognized for organizing a spectrum of 300-3400 Hz 17 low-width channels, which can be used for modulation up to 75 baud. The method under the channel is frequency, the width of the smog of the transmission of the skin channel is D/7 = 140 Hz, the frequency deviation is D/=±50 Hz, the distance between the average frequencies of the suicidal channels is 180 Hz.

    The TT-17PZ equipment was inspired by the group method (Fig. 18.5). ~~- In order to improve the design and electrical parameters to individual filters, a group of channels from the 7th to the 12th was selected, which occupies the frequency spectrum of 1460-2500 Hz. Outgoing group signals should be sent to the telephone channel input without changing. The frequency spectrum of channels 1-6 is adjusted by modulation of the carrier frequency of 2880 Hz, to the group modulator. GM1 spec-

    380-1420 Hz filter LPF1. The frequency spectrum of the channels on the 13th-17th is controlled by frequency modulation of 4860 Hz GMZ the spectrum of five channels of the main group and the vision of the lower band of frequencies 2540-3400 Hz FNCZ. Thus, the total frequency spectrum, which occupies all the channels of the equipment, becomes 380-3400 Hz. At the primary part of the equipment, there is a change in the spectrum of frequency groups.

    The effect that is blamed on the output channel with smooth changes is equal to the signal in the range of -f-8.7 to -17.4 dB, do not exceed 8%. The occasional signal for harmonic shifts with a difference equal to the signal and the shift of 20 dB does not exceed 10%. Most of the events are blamed when changing frequencies are transmitted

    signal. The change of the carrier frequency at 4 Hz leads to the creation of a signal up to 10-12%. The high transmission rate is up to the recommendation of the CCITT to be -8.7 dB. The transmission rate at the skin subchannel of the TT is -21.5 dB.

    Equipped with a station for 17 channels, it is located on one side of the rack with a size of 2600x650x250 mm. The living equipment is transferred to a 220 V spring streak, or a 24, + 60 and -60 V permanent strum.

    The single-channel voice-frequency telegraph equipment OTT-2S (P-314M) serves up to the frequency spectrum of the telephone channel to save telephone transmission. For cієї met, the spectrum is 2540-2680 Hz with an average frequency of 2610 Hz. The frequency deviation of the OTT-2C system was taken equal to A/= 55 Hz. Discrete modulation speed can be up to 75 baud. The OTT-2C equipment set consists of two boards: a TT channel and different filters. Electricity equipment is supplied in the form of such gerel strumu, yak for TT-17PZ equipment.

    The inclusion of TT equipment to telephone channels is based on a four-wire circuit (Fig. 18.6). The differential system of the telephone channel is switched on, before the transmission Per ta priymalnomu Etc attach to the channel through the podovzhuvachi Udl, yakі serve for uzgodzhennya rіvnіv, podklyuchayutsya transmitting that part of the end

    Bagatokanalnaya equipmenttelegraph TT-48

    allows organizing in one channel 24 telegraph channels with an allowable modulation speed of 50 Baud or 12 channels with an allowable modulation speed of 100 Baud, or six channels with an allowable modulation speed of 200 Baud. The numbering of channels and the main data of the equipment is indicated in Table. 18.2.

    The TT-48 equipment was inspired by an individual principle, so that the TT skin channel is adapted to the linear spectrum without additional conversion. In one channel, the PM can be organized as a homogeneous system with channels of the same type, so I can mix a system with channels of a different type. In the capacity of the elemental base in the equipment there are transistors. 480 wild number TT channels are more than 48.

    Bagatokanalnaya equipmentTT-12 for its characteristics it is similar to the TT-48 equipment. The principle of stimulating the TT-12 group devices. The group of channels 113-124 was taken as the output; 207-212; 404-406, which covers the frequency spectrum 1800-3300 Hz. The transfer of the spectrum of a group signal to the region of 300-1800 Hz is carried out at an additional frequency of 3600 Hz; victorious

    drink set TT-12 equipment is deployed 12 blue channels. At the same time, two PM channels can be connected to the equipment.

    Like an elemental base in equipment vikoristani integrated microcircuits Dimensions of one drink set 402XX600X225mm; vaga 35 kg.

    Tone instrument ra-filiya TT-P4 ​​vikonan according to the principle of Ch?K with frequency modulation and is recognized for the organization of telegraph channels on the main line. Vaughn pratsyuє channels PM cable, povіtryanyh chi radio relay lily szya> and. The equipment allows in one channel to organize HF: 24 channel 50 baud, 12 channels, 100 modulation Baud, six channels with a speed of 200 baud, one channel with a speed of 1200 baud plus six channels with a speed of 50 baud (or two channels with a speed of 200 baud).

    It is possible to organize as homogeneous TT systems with the same type of channels, and change systems with channels of different types. At the same time, the number of channels intersect with nerivnist n-^-2l-\-4k^.2i, de n, Ink- The number of channels with nominal speeds 50, 100 and 200 Baud is valid.

    The TT-144 equipment is the first universal TT equipment in emergency situations, in which it is possible to change the speed of operation in the TT channels during operation, without changing the blocks themselves.

    The transition from one security to another is due for additional assistance and may be taken care of by the operating personnel.

    One standard station hosts 144 TT channels, up to 24 TC channels can be connected to it. The living equipment can be powered by a 60-volt permanent stream or a 220 V voltage by a spring-loaded stream.

    Voice telegram equipmentfuvannya TT-24 allows you to organize up to 24 telegraph channels and secure connection up to one station to four channels of the PM. It is possible to organize like the same, and different TT systems. Vaughn maє themselves electrical characteristics, as well as equipment TT-144. The TT-24 equipment can be used together with the TT-144, TT-12, TT-48 equipment, installed on the adjacent station. However, the dual operation with the TT-48 equipment is only allowed in vinyatkovyh fluctuations, as well as quartz frequency stabilization and additions to the sound of carrier frequencies in the PM channel.

    Duplex universal muletypeplexon channel formation apaMISKA vykonano following the principle of timchasovy podіlu kanalіv. The group speed of transmission of the line becomes 9600 chi 4800 bit/s. Vybіr mode of work zdіysnyuєtsya in zalezhnostі vіd konsumі in telegraph channels on tsimu straight line, length and capacity of the channel, scho expects PM. For the help of DUMKA equipment it is possible to organize: 23 channels with whatever method of synchronization and speed of transmission. up to 200 baud, 45 channels for transmitting start-stop signals with the MTK-2 code with a speed of 50 baud with 7.5 elements per sign.

    The block diagram of the DUMKA equipment is shown in fig. 18.7. It includes the next main blocks: multiplexer M, pristriy zahistu vіd pardons ELV(vikoristovuєtsya anti-jamming cyclic code), attachment peretvoryuva-. no signal OOPS that attachment of life At P.

    Double signals from different jacks at the transmitting part of the multiplexer UІ lane are converted to a group signal GSper, which is to be sent to the input of the transmitting part ELV. Here the introduction of additional contacts ola"gl|n"m

    zavadostiykim koduvannyam and utvoreniya zagalnogrupovogo discrete signal VGS prov. Remaining at the transmission part OOPS is converted to modulation, transmission via the PM channel. At the receiving end, the signal from the PM channel should be near the receiving part OOPS, demodulation of the received signal and correction of inter-symbol creations. Overgroup discrete signal OOPS, demodulation of the received signal and correction of inter-symbol creations. Overgroup discrete signal ELV, after the correction of part of the pardons, it is converted to a group discrete signal GS R and is fed into the primary part of the UІ.f multiplexer. Here, the timing of the HS sent its signal to the individual sequence of the other channels and the transmission of them to the masters.

    The power supply of the DUMKA equipment is installed in the form of a battery with a 220-volt battery -60 V. The element base of the equipment is integrated microcircuits of the K155 series. Structurally, the DUMKA vikonana looks like a rack with a size of 2600 X 600 X X225 mm.

    For the shortest number of rear lines in the middle of the transshipment hubs and on the adjacent to them, the TVU-12 and DATA equipment can be installed.

    Telegraph equipment per hourreplacement of TVU-12 channels

    it is recognized for primary cables of type TG with a core diameter of 0.4-0.7 mm and type TZ with a core diameter of 0.8-1.2 mm. With help, you can organize either 12 low-width channels with modulation up to 200 baud or medium-width channels: two of 600 or one of 1200 baud. In equipment vikoristano the pulse method of transmission, the speed of discrete modulation in the group line path to become 65 kb/s. The distance of the call in the fallow area from the type of cable from 5 to 37 km. Won can be reduced to 60-200 km. when included in the group tract of regenerators.

    Two-way subscriber telegraph equipment DATE it is recognized for the primary vikoristannya cable lances of any type with a core diameter of 0.4-1.2 mm. It was designed as equipment with a timchasovy pod_lom kanalіv that allows for one pair of veins to organize three (DATE-3) or six (DATE-6) two-way one-hour kanalіv. The speed of modulation at the skin channel is 100 Baud, the width of the first channel is six-channel modification, the speed of modulation is 200 Baud.

    Equipment with frequency-hourshim rozpodіl kanalіv ChVT-2 recognized for secondary inclusion to standard PM channels and allows organizing 44 bilateral

    one-hour telegraph channels (modulation speed 50 baud, start-stop transfer method 7.5 elements per sign) or channels with border modulation speed 600 baud.

    The sub-channel method is frequency-timchasial. At the frequency spectrum of 300-3400 Hz, behind the additional frequency sub-base, there are several channels with a range of frequencies that are effectively transmitted, close to 700 Hz. Vykoristuetsya for synchronization) Group speed of modulation in the frequency subchannel to become 600 baud. The work is carried out due to emergency situations, frequency deviation Af=±200 Hz.

    The equipment is covered by the connection of only start-stop devices.

    Bagatokanalna with "artstop-synchronous equipment ChVT-P recognized for the secondary sub-channels of the HF and the primary narrowing of the cores of symmetrical cables. It allows you to organize 11 one-way two-way telegraph channels with a modulation speed of 50 Baud or one medium-width channel with a border modulation speed of 600 Baud.

    The ChVT-11 equipment was designed on the basis of the ChVT-2 equipment and may have similar parameters, the timchasovy sub-channel method.

    At the table 18.3 the name of the main types of tone telegraphy equipment is given from the designated method of fixing the channels in that area, squeezing the skin from them.

    18.3. The principle of facsimile communication

    Facsimile link is a kind of documentary electric link, recognized for the transmission of non-violent black-and-white, dashed, navtone or color images. By means of a facsimile connection, one can transmit a variety of non-violent images, machine- or handwritten text, armchairs, little ones, and photographs. bud. Highly informative superworldliness is the cause of short facsimile communication: a wide swath of frequencies for equal and superior telegraphs, low transmission speed, moreover, in a number of facsimile systems, images are received, as well as adding hourly processing.

    The principle of facsimile communication lies in the fact that whether the image can be seen in such a way that it is formed great number elements, leather from some may be individually loaded. As a result of this skin-element of the image, it becomes bright, which falls on the new one, with the beauty, which shows the yogo zabarvlenny. When transferring images, they break at the transfer point into small maidanchiki - elements (about 0.02-0.04 mm 2). Leather from cich

    The elements in the song sequence hang like a light cord, which, when the pulse of the broken light comes out, transforms into an electric stream pulse, the amplitude of which is proportional to the brightness of the element that is transmitted. The electric impulses are transmitted by the link to the receiving point, and the smells in the same sequence are transformed on the visible elements of the image in the same way.

    Let's take a look at the structural scheme of organizing a facsimile link (Fig. 18.8). Opening element of the transmission device RE form elementary maidanchiki to lie on the surface of the original. Attachment of the rosemary UR ensure the movement of the opening element on the surface of the nose. Rozgortka zdіysnyuєtsya behind the rows and kazrom. In apparatuses with a flat fold, as a rule, the fold is arranged in rows for the rahun of the moving element, which is folded, and the fold on the frame is for the rahu of the translational rush of the folded surface. In apparatuses with a drum fold, the rotation in a row and frame is carried out as a result of a one-hour wrapping and progressive movement of the axis of the drum wrap, which is folded, from the images. The transformation of the optical widths of elementary maidanchiks from the original to the sequence of electrical signals is converted by a photoelectric conversion FP. The process of laying out an image on a stone element and transforming them onto an impulse of an electric jet

    is called analysis of the image, and sukupnіst I will add a rose ur, disintegrating element RE that photoelectric convertor FP- Analyzing device transmitting.

    We will add a conversion of signals OOPS strum impulses vіd FP be brought to a sight, handy for transmission, and through the outer attachment Vih U direct a call to the channel.

    At the reception of electrical signals through the input Vx U go to OOPS priymacha, de transform to the mind, handy for keruvannya, we will add a note US. On the receiving form of the facsimile machine for the help of the outbuilding UR- ensure the subsequent fixation of elementary signals synchronously and in phase with the reaming of the original on the transmission device. The recording of facsimile signals on the nose is carried out either on a light-sensitive material (photo-facsimile machines), or by barvniks on a natural papier (facsimile machines with a line record). The reverse process of folding an image into the surroundings of the elements in the way of subsequent dressing on the surface of the copy blank is called image synthesis, and the assembly of an addition to the recording of ultrasound and resizing UR- synthesizing attachment primach.

    Synchronization of the attachment in the firing of facsimile machines is determined by the installed evenness of the opening of the opening, and the phase is established by the installation of the same position of the opening of the opening elements of the transmission and reception

    aparatіv hundred on the cob of the row. Qi operations are fixed by the synchronization device US and we will build a phase UV.

    For facsimile communication, telephone channels are most important, with which facsimile signals are transmitted both in analog form by methods of amplitude, amplitude-phase and frequency modulation, and in discrete form. Since such channels do not pass the lower in frequency warehouse photoelectric stream, the rest are converted in frequency in the transmission device. I carry the frequency in such a way that the little one outweighed the greatest frequency.

    The inclusion of facsimile machines is installed in a part of the telephone channels of the TC following a scheme similar to the scheme for turning on the TT equipment. When facsimile transmissions are made by telephone channels, the calls are made on the amplitude and phase of the event. The first call for a change in contrast, and the other call for an extension of the line of the image. Qi sootvorennya usuvayutsya amplitude and phase virіvnyuvacha.

    On railroad transport, one of the areas of facsimile communication is jammed - an information link, which serves to transfer full-scale sheets to sorting stations. In addition, a facsimile link can be the basis for electronic mail transmission of official documents between transport passengers.

    18.4. Electrical characteristics of PM channels that are expected to transmit discrete information

    In case of tone telegraphing, there is an excess of fading out of a one-way telephone channel, which is behind the transmission part of one installation

    TT with the primal part is smaller, may increase (0 ± 1.74) dB at a frequency of 800 Hz. Removal of excess sustenance due to the designated value in the boundaries of the working line of the telephone channel is guilty of satisfaction with the established standards. The change of the excess gas in the hour is not guilty of overshooting ± 0.2 - / t, de t- The number of re-acquired plots. The mitteva of the overshoot change is not guilty of overshooting ±0.44 dB. With an increase in the transmission level of the air - 17.4 to + 7 dB, the overextinguishing of the telephone channel is not guilty, it changes more lower by 0.87 dB.

    Equal transmission of the skin channel TT from FM is recommended to set the frequency of the allowable average value of tension, which is equal to 135 µW when working on the TF channels of the repeated line connection and 90 µW when working on the TF channels of the cable lines TT-48 -12. Riven tension, which is applied from one CT transmission at P channels p „=- 8.7-10 log.

    The overheating level of the switch at the input of the receiving set of TTs with one switching switch is not guilty of overshooting -49 dB for telephone channels of cable systems and -41 dB for channel systems that work on refrigerated lances (because of the fluctuations in cooling and on the wires). At t on transferring plots, the allowable price of the transfer code is increased by 10 lg t.

    The rozbіzhnіst chasg% t generatorіv modulator i demodulator telephone channel at different vikoristannya yogo for a robotic system TT z ChS is not guilty of overshooting ± 3 Hz. Sequencing of telegraph signals at the TT channel when transmitting a point and a text with a random modulation 75 Baud is not guilty of overshooting %. With three or more changes, turn on the regenerators.

    When choosing a telephone channel for a robotic tonal telegraph, the next step is to work


    The working frequency range of the TT equipment and for the voice telegraph robotic systems were seen to be channels that were spread over a frequency closer to the control frequencies.

    Spotting at the TT channel with a discrete modulation speed of up to 75 baud with a smooth decrease in the receiving level of the normal one by 17.4 dB and a smooth decrease in the level by 8.7 dB is not responsible for overshooting 10%.

    Control nutrition

      For any of the systems - FDC chi VRK.-more often the frequency range of the PM channel is broken and why?

      Is it possible to organize six channels with a frequency of discrete modulation of 50 Baud, three channels with a frequency of 100 Baud and three channels with a frequency of 200 Baud in one standard TF channel at the same time?

      Why do facsimile equipment need synchronization attachments and phase detection attachments?

    Channel-operating telegraph equipment

    Topic 5.1

    Headlines about canal-making equipment

    Channeling equipment is a technical device that allows you to victorize a standard PM channel for organizing a few telegraph calls. Telegraph is called tonal by its own. On the priymalny boat, one note is made in the case of another, or zavdyay to that, which occupies different settings in the smuz of frequencies of 0.3 - 3.4 kHz - FRC, or to the one that needs to be at the time of the hour - TRC.

    Equipment for CDM type TT-12, T-48, TT-144, equipment for CDM type TVU-12M, TBU-15, DATA, MAYSHENNYA.

    In equipment with FRC, the channels that are settled in the PM smoothie are numbered. The number of the skin channel consists of 3 digits: the first indicates the type of channel (1-50 baud channels, 2-100 baud, 4-200 baud), 2 consecutive digits - the serial number of the channel in the lower range of frequencies from 0.3 kHz to upper 3.4 kHz. In this order, 50 baud tone telegraph channels can be numbered 101-124 / 24 to the TT channel of the standard PM channel); number 201-212; zі shvidkіstyu 200 baud - 401-406.

    The main elements in the equipment of the VRK are a multiplexer and an attachment for converting signals of the ZPS. The multiplexer zdіysnyuє dnannya transmission of telegraph signals, which should go from different dzherel in a single digital stream, and rozpodіl tsgogo stream on vіdpovіdnim priymacha on priyomі. The UPS accepts the bitstream parameters with the transmission parameters.

    Topic 5.2 Channel equipment with frequency sub-channels.

    Technical data TT - 144

    The TT-144 equipment is designed to organize low-voltage channels on the main lines of the telegraph line and data transmission lines. The TT-144 voice-frequency telegraph equipment allows organizing cable, repeat and radio-relay line links up to 144 two-way discrete channels at smooth frequencies. In the equipment, there is a frequency sub-channel and frequency modulation. In one channel, the acaraglate is allowed to allow the organized abstraction of discrete channel: 24 zі Shvidkіstya 50 Bod, Abo 12 Zi Shvidkіstyu 100 Bod, Abo 6 Zi Shvidkіstya 200 Bod, Abo 1 Zi Shvidkistya 1200 ZI 6 Shvidkistya 50 Bod (Abo 2 ZI SHIDKISK Baud). The numbering of channels, carrier frequencies, between them that frequency deviation" in the linear spectrum of the PM channel is consistent with GOST and CCTT recommendations.

    The equipment victorists have the principle of individual-group transformation. A group of channels was taken as the output, which occupies a range of frequencies of 3.6 ... 5.01 kHz. For transmutation, group carriers are used with frequencies of 5.4 and 6.84 kHz. The equipment can be connected to telegraph equipment, equipment and subscriber sets of data transmission, switching telegraph stations, which are operated by bipolar devices with a voltage of ± (5 ... The input and output supports of the TT channels add up to 1000 Ohm.

    Structural diagram of TT-144 equipment

    Structural diagram of the TT-144 equipment to replace the main blocks: RNG frequency grid generator blocks, C stick blocks, LV linear control blocks, K channel blocks, KP surge compensator block, live blocks. In addition, there are low additional blocks.

    The frequency generator of assignments for the formation of the entire set of high-frequency frequencies, which will be necessary for the functioning of the nodes of the equipment. Vin is added to the block of reference frequencies OC. to the block of group frequencies of the HF block of the linear frequencies of the LF, blocks of the shaping of the F. The block of the high frequency to replace the quartz oscillator and ensure the formation of periodic pulsed pulses with a frequency of 3932160 Hz for the robots of the other blocks of the RNG. For molding 21 line frequencies є with identical blocks LCH1-LCH7. To change the line frequencies of the channels, the LF output is connected to the channel blocks through the switching board of the CL line frequencies. The block of HF assignments for the formation of the colivan of carrier frequencies (5.40 and 6.84 kHz) of the group conversion frequency of 2.7 kHz for the control of the CFP. The frequency modulators and demodulators of the blocks are provided with the necessary frequencies for the additional two blocks F, which will cover five forms, which will change the functions of the pdsilyuvach intensities.

    Block of LP assignments for accommodating the PM channel with individual possession of the TT channels behind the frequency spectrum, levels and supports, as well as for signaling about the underestimation of the level in the PM channel. Vіn is composed of transmitting and receiving parts, the skin of them may have two paths of signal conversion, with a frequency of conversion of 5.4 kHz (group A) and 6.84 Hz (group B). Block to replace group conversion spectra P, subsiluvach Vus and filters of lower frequencies LPF. For group low-frequency filters, the transmissions are trimmed from falling into the HF channel of harmonic warehouses from carrier frequencies and upper white haze, which are present at the CFP outputs. In group low-pass filters, the primary part is intermixed with the spectrum of the group signal to turn off the rich-smoky CFP.

    At the group support of the primal part of the LV block, a stage of the AGC was installed. When the level of the group signal is underestimated by 9 dB, the strength of the group signal is incrementally increased by 9 dB. Attach the stick to individual possessions, recognized for the conversion of signals, which are necessary from the telegraph lances (by voltage and stream) to the signals necessary for the operation of the block channel K (on transmission), and the reverse conversion (on reception). In one block of accommodation there are three outbuildings, leather from which is folded from the entrance and exit outbuildings. Attachments are universal and vikoristovuyutsya for all speeds of transmission of information, transmission in equipment.

    In the universal block, the conversion of telegraph messages of a constant stream into frequency-modulation signals on transmission and frequency-modulation signals into telegraph messages on receptions is considered. The block is composed of transmission and acceptance, and all the nodes are placed on two boards: on one KFP lane and KFP pr, and on another extension. Block Before for additional soldering, there can be transfers to one of the three modes for robots with a nominal speed of 50, 100 and 200 Baud / Frequency modulators and frequency detectors of the block work in all modes at an average frequency of 2.7 kHz.

    The transmission of a universal block to the channel consists of the following main nodes: a frequency modulator of the emergency situation, an additional transmission filter (no indications for a small amount) and a switched filter-transmission switch KFP prov. At the input of the FS from the RNG, there are impulse sequences that are multiples of the lower characteristic frequency and difference of the characteristic frequencies. Fallow in the polarity of the parcels, as if in the form of a stick, at the output of the emergency system, the lower and upper characteristic frequencies vibrate. For the presence of the telegraph signal at the entrance of the equipment to the emergency situation, the lower characteristic frequency should be found.

    The additional transmission filter is a filter of low frequencies and assignments for trimming unpaired harmonics of a direct-path signal, which should go out of the output of the emergency, Switching filter of the conversion of the transmission serve to trim the spectral storage of the emergency - signal, spreading out of the range of a range of frequencies that are introduced to the channel, as well as for moving spectrum signal to the TT channel from an average frequency of 2.7 kHz to a line frequency of 3.66-.-4.98 kHz, specific to the skin channel. For which one of the inputs of the CFP per іz RNG is supplied with a key signal fl h frequency, which is the same as the required line frequency for the channel in the group.

    Little ones. Structural diagram of TT-144

    The receiver for the block channel is composed of CFP in., the additional filter for the receiver DF in. pіdsilyuvacha-mezhuvacha (UO), frequency discriminator BH. LPF. the threshold attachment of the PU, as well as the scheme of the level detector of the DC (DF pr. and DC in Fig. 8.34 are not shown). From the group signal CFP in. sees the CT signal given to the channel and transfers the spectrum of the seen signal from the line frequency to a frequency of 2.7 kHz. The additional filter to receive the unpaired harmonic signal, which is established at the output of the KFP іn. The frequency discriminator converts the SN - signal, and a series of pulses, the valency of which to deposit the frequency of the input signal; the principle of yoga robot and analogous robotic black hole equipment TT-12.

    The low-frequency filter sees the pulse sequence at the output of the black hole to a constant warehouse, the value of which changes linearly when the frequency changes at the input of the receiver. Threshold attachment to the assignment channel for forming telegraph signals in a rectangular shape. Bipolar rectilinear pulses, which vibrate the PU, control the robot of the external attachment to block C. When the signal at the input is lower than the minimum allowable value, the remote control vibrates a blocking signal, which sets the PU in position, which will ensure the appearance of a starting signal. From the block of the compensator of the shifts of the gearbox to the control room, there should also be a signal of compensating the shifts, which the gearbox vibrates when the frequency is disrupted in the PM channel. The KP block replaces the transmitter, which vibrates a non-modulating signal with a frequency of 3.3 kHz, and the receiver is similar to the TT receiver channel. behind the blame of the fact that after the black hole the signal is sent not to the PU, but to the input, which is inverted. At the output of the receiving channel, a constant voltage is vibrated, the value of which is proportional to the sound frequency of the PM channel. This voltage is applied to the thresholds of the outbuildings of the CT receivers of all channels and changing their thresholds of spratsovuvannya, using such a rite to create an override.

    Block channel BK 1200 Baud, scho to enter the warehouse equipment TT-144 and secure for additional frequency modulation the transmission of discrete signals with speed up to 1200 Baud, it is inspected in the other blocks. CFP , A 2, C-filter. In line with the equipment TT-48 and TT-12 in the equipment TT-144, the storage of operational outbuildings has been expanded, which allows you to spend an hour, which is spent on the technical maintenance of the equipment. Before these attachments, there is a sensor for testing signals DS, a control unit for the tone frequency channel of the CFC, an indication unit BI with an intercom unit, and signaling units BS1 and BS2. The signaling block BS2 is to enter the warehouse of the skin section TT-48, reshta all the blocks of stitching in the row of control and signaling RKS. At the DS, the test telegraph signals of the form 1: 1 are formed with speeds of 50, 100, 200 and 1200 baud, as well as the signals "Onslaught +" and "Onslaught -", for additional help, zdіysnyuyut operational control: strumіv and voltage at the lances; r_vn_v at line inputs and outputs, as well as at the inputs of the UO; presence of overshoots (up to ±10%) at the outlets of the channels. The display block also allows you to organize telephone conversations at the hour of simulating and entering the equipment at the calls. Block of KFC assignments for monitoring in the TF channel, reducing the signal-transition (with intervals of 18, 24 and 30 dB) to the control frequency, which exceeds the set boundary value of 2, 4, 6, 8 or 10 Hz. Blocks BS1 and BS2 form signals for the activation of emergency and forward signaling. The alarm is switched on in case of a RNG malfunction, life blocks, burnt out fuses, underestimated equal to the receiving TT channel by 18 dB or equal to the receiving PM channel by 20 dB. The forward signalization works when the signal level is lowered to the receiving channel, the PM is greater, lower by 9 dB, exceeded by the set threshold for controlling the signal-transition signal-transition, or to check the frequency in the telephone channel.

    Food for self-control

    1. Check the technical characteristics of TT-144.

    2. Explain the warehouse and acceptance of the transfer of channels.

    3. Explain the warehouse and recognition of the acceptance of channels.

    Zagalna characteristic

    Telephone exchange - a complex of technical facilities, used for switching channels, calling a telephone line. At the telephone exchange, there will be a call for the first telephone channels - subscribers and the last line calls - for an hour of telephone conversations and roses after the end of the negotiations; іz tsієyu method zdіysnyuєtsya ob'єdnannya that rozpodіl tokіv telekomnіvіdomleni for direct zv'yazku. Telephone exchange - a central type of call center. Ring the telephone exchange at a special wake-up call.

    For the method of switching, the telephone exchange is switched to manual (RTS) and automatic (ATS). RTS have telephone switches; switching of channels is carried out by a telephone operator.

    PBX - automatic telephone exchange - tse special attachments, for the help of which, a signal is automatically transmitted to the call between two or two dekilkom telephone sets, taking care of the possibility of ensuring the installation of a call between them, and opening. PBXs can be used with external telephone networks, such as: GSM, IP networks, Moscow network, and internal, etc. between yourself. The main task of the automatic telephone exchange is to ensure the communication of subscribers in the internal network from the "outdoor world".

    Automatic telephone exchanges fall due to the type of stagnant switching outbuildings:

    Decades-krokovі - pobudovani on electromechanical shukach, vіdpovіdno z machine and electromagnet drives;

    Coordinate, in some switching outbuildings, serve as bagatoras coordinates;

    Electronic, for example, with switching for the help of electric conductors (such automatic telephone exchanges are at the stage of development);

    Digital - stations, the robot of which are sent to redirect for additional digital signals;

    Main functions of PBX.

    The telephone exchange has no other basic functions, which will help to make the working process more efficient, providing a richer channel call:

    Vykoristannya vnutrishnyoї linіnії for negotiations without mіsskoi ї participation. so that at the first hour of moving the participants in the internal lines of the automatic telephone exchange, the city of the entrance line becomes free;

    Possibility of one-hour communication of domestic and local subscribers in the region – conference calls;

    Automatic search for a free line of a calling call;

    Information about the call of the Russian line;

    Possibility of using auto-dial mode and call forwarding;

    Mode "director - secretary";

    installed telephones, on which calls are to be made;

    Possibility to install different dials for all types of dials;

    Possibility of installing fences on the streets of the city and deyaki city numbers;

    Remote listening application;

    Possibility of connection of automatic transmission, fax, modem;

    Management of the PBX robot via a computer.

    Possibility of a modern automatic telephone exchange may be unlimited, it will allow you to expand the number of incoming lines and internal subscribers. Expansion is not available to the modular principle and encourage the automatic telephone exchange, tobto. just enough to add an expansion board. Such a possibility will reduce the cost, even if buying a new PBX will require significant costs, including the installation.

    Warehouse and principle dії automatic telephone exchange.

    To the warehouse of the automatic telephone exchange enter:

    1) switching system and keruyuchi attachments;

    2) an entry point for connecting telephone lines to the switching system;

    3) installation of electric life;

    4) additional outbuildings (ventilation, opalyuvalni and іn.).

    Switching system (CS) and key attachments (UU) sound located in the automatic room.

    Automatic telephone exchanges are located at the premises, called crosses. At the line, which is made up of the subscriber line and the line of the return lines, they will enter the cable, as well as supply the electric protection of the station outbuildings from the side of the line. At the gauntlet main (subscriber) cables, the connection and cables of the back lines of high capacity are connected to cables of less capacity, handy for switching on to the extension to the cross-connect.

    Krosove vstatkuvannya.

    CROS- Before mutational R initial Pro equipment W system WВ'язі: Він serve for the transition from a multi-pair backbone (from the Moscow automatic telephone exchange) or a multiple-pair cables of subscriber sets to darts, to go to the subscriber telephone sockets on the working stations of the coristuvachiv. rosi є rozpodіlne rozpodіlne obladnannya sobіv zv'yazku. Unified crosses are issued in the sub-logic and wall vikonann. The substructure of the cross is made up of unified elements (straight and modules) and allows molding the cross with one-sided (wall) and two-sided placement of the linear and station sides. The number of strafes and modules is determined by the size of the cross. The locality of the cross is indicated in the rooms. One number includes a line and a station pair and insurances for connection of one double-wire line. Larger capacity to pass through the growing sections of the cross.

    The design of the wall cross is unified on the basis of the elements of the sub-logic vikonann. The space of the cross in the fallows of the old mounting rails should be made of 100 to 1000 subscriber and back-up lines with the possibility of expansion. The main elements of cross-country are plnti and service accessories. Plinths serve for connecting cables and crossover wires. Plinths are issued for offensive types: 10x2; 8x2; 5x3 and 8x3 for digital cross.

    Separate the station and the main part of the cross.

    That part of the cross until the arrival of all ports of the UPATS is called the station side.

    Part of the cross to the point where the darts fit into the subscriber outlets is called the main side.

    For an additional crossover cable PKV and a special tool and parts of the crossover.

    This allows you to quickly crossover (switch) a couple (mіsky number, internal number) for subscribers without using the PBX administration program.

    On a cross, you can install a lightning arrester for a voltage and a strum for a secure possession, like it’s connected to a new one (telephone, automatic telephone exchange, then)

    Elements of fastening:

    Mounting clamps

    Designs 19 inches

    Cross box

    Cross stitches

    Service accessories:

    Test cords

    Mounting tool

    Elements of a thunderstorm:

    The module of the complex behind the strum and the pressure

    Specialized analyzers of telephone lines.

    The warehouse is equipped with a cross-section of automatic telephone exchanges, including testing and testing tables (ІІС), recognized for the verification of operational testing and testing of subscriber lines, telephone sets, subscriber sets of automatic telephone exchanges and zadnuvalnyh wires.

    IIC setup for electromechanical stations can be divided into five main parts:

    Connecting device for connecting ІІС to a happy (subscriber) line, which is being changed

    Testing part for vindication

    Correctness of the subscriber line, telephone set and subscriber set of automatic telephone exchange;

    Vimіryuvalna part for operational vimіryuvan of electrical parameters in the line and TA on the constant jet;

    service part to receive applications and follow up with the subscriber and the personnel of the automatic telephone exchange;

    Negotiation attachments for dialing a number, receiving and transmitting a call, which are victorious in parallel with the trial and service part.

    Technical capacity of ІІС:

    Connecting attachment.

    The connecting attachment allows you to connect the ІІС to the line, which is reversed, or for additional accessories automatic installation data, by way of dialing the TA number, which is checked, or in a cross for additional testing cords. Automatic connection is less possible to subscriber lines, and for additional cords - to any return lines.

    Test part.

    The trial part of the ІІС allows:

    Call the subscriber, who is holding the handset, with an inductor strum;

    To call the subscriber, who has the phone picked up, with a background signal of a loudness, which is growing;

    Controlling the passage of the installation of the day and moving along the line, which is being revised;

    Call on the line, which is being checked, the station and dial any number;

    Negotiate any line, which is revered like a b_k line, so the station;

    Pereviryat the brightness of the roaming lances TA by way of introducing into the rozmovny tract at the hour and roaming the piece lines from the extinguished 26 dB;

    Check the correctness of the TA dialer included before the line.

    Vimiryuvalna part.

    The vimiruval part allows:

    Vymіryuvati omіchny opіr to the loop of the subscriber's and lucky lines (like two, so and three-wire);

    Vimiryuvati opir _izoljatsії mizh wires A and B of the subscriber line, as well as between wires and earth in the boundaries up to 1-10 Ohm;

    To reverse the appearance on the darts of the line of lateral polarity with a path, vimiryuvannya support of the insulation between the skin darts and minus the batteries of the automatic telephone exchange;

    Check the integrity of the capacitor at the telephone set of the subscriber;

    Revisit the reference of the foreign guards to the cross.

    In general, ІІС allows you to rewire the telephone line for any self-connection in all modes of operation of the telephone set. Electronic exchanges of the rest of the generation may have a rich set of service functions, which is clearly indicated by illegal connections. Zvichayno, such a robot can only be vikonati by ATS practitioners.

    We see tsіkavim, vikoristovuvati to control the line, prilad, razroblenі specially for the protection of information. For the sake of complete obliga- tion , otrimanih for the help of such specialized testers, it is necessary to choose those that indicate the fact of connecting to various outbuildings, shaving lines, etc.

    Viprobuvalno-vymіryuvalny style ІІС.

    Tonal telegraph equipment TT-144

    The telegraph equipment TT-144 is based on the principle of FRC with frequency modulation and is recognized for the organization of telegraph channels on the main line. Vaughn pratsyuє channels PM cable, povtryanyh chi radio relay line zv'yazku.

    Tonal telegraph equipment TT-144

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