Negotiation attachments from subscriber guides. Invisible subscriber guchnomovets Data of the transformer for subscriber guchnomovets

What is an intercom? Ninі tse know a leather bag of a bagato-over-the-top booth.
Ale, don't be so hard on yourself. If the moonlight knocks at the door of Mr. Beagle entrance doors and shouted: "Who is there?". At the private sector of the guests, who come, the dog and the gentleman are not visible at the window, whether the weather is vibigaє up to the cold, marveling at whoever comes.

Ale, modern technology will come to the rescue. Priya, about what a passable language, practice in a healthy-dobovom char mode and you can a little bit fast, so that you can fight with your hand, or outside the door on the Maidanchik. Without getting up from the sofa, press the button and say: "Who is there?"

In the past hour, I repeatedly had to pick up the intercom structure, which I had broken down in the distance, from ready-made industrial hubs - a three-program subscriber guchnomovtsya and a simple radio station.

Whose attachment has shown himself well in the private sector, and on the maidanchik of a richly overlaid booth.

Now in order. Even more widely used earlier three-program radio stations are far from being in the skin settlement. And there are less than a few great places. And in me, like a radioamator, buildings accumulated, often workers and no one needed. Todі vikla ideya: pіdsilyuvach woofer є, the block of life is present, the speaker tezh є, and the brand - tse nice wordy case with ready-made buttons, like vicoristovuvatimem for their own purposes.

Everything we need to add - two clumsy microphones, and a highly sensitive acoustically receiving-transmitting device are ready.

Rebuilding the structure goes like this:

Having taken the cover, we remove the plate spring from the end of the P2K jumper, so that the buttons are pushed, but not fixed. Dali, with a knife, we cut through all the paths that lead to contacts, whether it be a beloved peremikach, so that we can then victoriously yogo zgіdno zі scheme.

Also, it is connected with the scheme to connect a regular quality regulator.

The electric microphone, even "soothsaying" from two visnovkas, even ours, from three, I opened it in the opening, which I cut through at the diffuser of the dynamic head, closer to the edge. Tim himself is in need of an additional opening, as well as the acoustic power of the microphone. Glue the microphone with glue "Moment".

All adjustments are made until the resistor R7 sets the voltage at the point M1 equal to half the voltage of the life.

An important moment is the situation, that the line is laid absolutely by a cable, so that it is not necessary to have any screening for the high external voltage of the microphone, approximately 4 volts and a low external support. The length of the line is also not critical.

The principle of robotics is even simpler. In the draft mode, before the input of the woofer subwoofer, an active microphone is connected to the live line through the loudness regulator. When you see it, you feel everything that the vino microphone is trying to fight, that dynamic. When pressed and pressed, the S1S2 button speaks and feels good to you on the other end of the line.

The guilty block of pick-ups at the building of the splendid apartment radio station, de building to avenge the microphone microphone.

All coristuvachs may tempt the temple with the versatility and sensibility of which I will build.

Yakshcho bigati nabridlo.
Yakshcho judge you torturing.
Intercom to take boldly
The robot has the best wine!

(lyric entry)

Here your thought may be significant -
put your rating (rated - 5 times)

Structurally, the subscriber's guchnomovets is a case with placements in a new one: a guchnomovtsya head, a narrow transformer, a changeable resistor, which plays the role of a loudness regulator and a cord with a plug for connecting it to the sockets of a wired movement.

The small picture shows a structural diagram of a typical subscriber guchnomovtsya.

Electrical diagram of a typical subscriber guchnomovtsya

The speaker head is the main element of the subscriber speaker, which has its own electro-acoustic parameters and sound quality. In the subscriber's guchnomovtsy, the heads are no longer of the electrodynamic type, the principle of such is described in the section.

It is necessary to note that for a number of types of subscriber guchnomovtsiv there are special heads of guchnomovtsiv: for AG of the third group of folding - 0.5GD-42 and 1G D-55, for AG of another group of folding - 1GD-52, the parameters of which are given at the rozdіlovtsі Golovki guchnomovtsіv. This is explained by the fact that the AG is responsible for the safety of the special power to the electro-acoustic parameters, which are necessary for the implementation of high-yield transmissions of the wire movement (for small cases). Basically, the development and production of such heads is carried out by the production plants of subscriber guchnomovtsiv.

Vitchiznyana wire mesh is protected for the transmission of sound signals to a low-frequency channel with maximum (peak) voltage values ​​​​- 30 V (for metro Moscow - 15 V). fret. For subscriber guchnomovtsіv admissible spozhivanu potency is set: for the AG of the third group of folding is not more than 0.25 W, for the AG of the other group of folding is not more than 0.26 W. From the above-mentioned data, it is possible to designate the latest electrical opir, subscriber's guideline: R \u003d U 2 / P, de R - the latest electrical opir AG, U - voltage to be supplied, P - allowable tension reduction.

Zvіdsi for AG of the third group of folding R\u003d 30 2 / 0.15 \u003d 6000 Ohm, for AG of another group of folding R \u003d 30 2 / 0.25 \u003d 3600 Ohm.

The electrodynamic heads of the guchnomovtsiv may have a new input electrical opir 6 and 8 ohm. For connecting a low-resistance dynamic head to the wire connection, an outgoing transformer is installed, at the second lance, a head of a guchnomovtsya is connected. A voltage of 30 or 15 V is supplied to the input of the primary winding of the transformer. In this way, the output transformer allows the installation of the necessary additional input electrical support of the subscriber's power supply and head of the power supply.

The transformer is composed of advancing parts: core, frame, windings. From stamping plates, a core is collected. The frame is made from getinax. The windings are wound with a copper core with enamel insulation, for example, PEL, PE>V, PEVT, etc. For the plates, sheet steel E4211, E4212, E4213 is beaten. Plate size for transformers TAG-SH and TAG-P - Sh 6x6; W 6x8 etc.

At the Izumrud VO, Stavropol metro station, miniature transformers are being manufactured for the AG of the general folding group.

Coefficient of core power of low-voltage transformers 0.85 In this hour, a task was set to increase the KKD of transformers for AG with a method of reducing their parameters.

The regulator of the frequency of the subscriber's frequency is to serve for a smooth change of the frequency of transmissions from the minimum to the maximum level. Win and change opir. When the axis of the regulator is turned, the electric support is changed, and the voltage is changed between the head of the governor and the regulator. As a result, the voltage from zero to the maximum value is consumed on the speaker head, and the volume level of sounding is also changed from zero to the maximum.

The electric cord of appointments for the inclusion of the subscriber's guchnomovtsya to the measure of the wire movement, the wires are connected according to GOST 7399-80. Cord brand ShPP (cord with polyethylene insulation with parallel conductors without a base, low current, reversed for a changeable voltage up to 110 V). The design of the plug is responsible for ensuring that the AG is connected to the outlet of the wire mesh, preventing the plug from being plugged into the wire string.

The constructive basis, be it AH, is the body. Vіn ensures the integration of okremih AG elements into a single design, which can set electroacoustic and operational parameters. Most modern AGs are molded on the basis of plastic or shock-resistant polystyrene cases, which are supported by great technology in the preparation, a wide variety of colors and constructive design solutions, to achieve high acoustic power. The difference between this constructive solution to the body and the significant world is determined by the resulting values ​​of the main electro-acoustic parameters of the AG, such as the shape of the frequency response, the magnitude of the sound pressure, as well as the sound of the robot at high levels of accuracy. More important is the number of subscribers' guchnomovtsіv vikoristovuєtsya corpus of the open type. Vіn zabezpechuє zv'yazok tilnoї side of the head guchnomovtsya z navkolishnіm povitryanym sredovischem through the opening in the rear steytsі case.

Kishenkovі MP-3 players z flash memory is more efficient, the stench is small, the memory expansion allows you to save a lot of audio files, that sound quality is even worse. One problem is that only headphones are used. If you have two "radio points" (subscriber's radio stations), you can use them to operate two active acoustic systems for a voice-activated music playback from an MP-3 player.
The subscriber's speaker, sound the speaker, the transformer and the speaker's speaker.
A "typical" diagram of a subscriber's guchnomovtsya is shown in fig. one.

As such, such a subscriber's guchnomovets simply connect to the telephone output of the MP-3 player, wine, loudly, sound, but even quieter, approximately like putting headphones in front of you. For a larger, smaller, louder sound, it is necessary to add to the subscriber's loudspeaker circuit the simplest pidsiluvach low frequency.

Two transistors are aimed at little 2.

The sound quality with such a ULF will be approximately like that of a portable radio. And as a dzherelo livelihood, you can use a battery with a voltage of 9V, or be it a dzhereve dzherelo of a constant stream with a voltage of 8 to 15V, for example, a zherelezhny block of life like a TV set-top box of the “Dendi” type or “Kenga”. Well, or else, it can be a living block for computer peripherals, or a universal one for living portable equipment. Golovna - do not confuse the polarity of the connection!

As can be seen from the diagram, the woofer switch is switched on between the loudness regulator, which is the subscriber's guchnomovtsy and the transformer. Two-stage switch, on different-structured transistors with a non-intermediate connection between cascades.

The signal from one of the stereo channels of the MP-3 player's telephone output goes to the “Input” rosette, which is installed instead of the port, through which subscriber's guchnomovets is connected to the radio channel. Through the new signal, go to the change resistor "R" - the regulator of the subscriber's frequency. Dali through the lance C2 - R1 the first sub-cascade on transistors VT1. The whole transistor is used for the circuit from a hot emitter. Another cascade on the VT2 transistors is the low voltage, the fault of the connection with the first without intermediary, and the operation of the circuit from the overheated collector.

The robotic substation mode is set by the support of the resistor R2. With this, the capacitor C3 will apply self-excitation to high frequencies that HF ​​crossover to the robotic ADC of the digital signal dzherel (MP-3 player).

For the purpose of the power supply, the primary winding of the transformer T is to be fed through it to the power supply.
Bidzilyuvach of appointments for other payment, showing baby 3.

The payment can be made in any way possible. For example, transfer to the workpiece from the foil-coated sclotextolite, opening the points of stitching, then open it. Then paint the tracks with a marker for the sheet along the slope. І far, tskuvati in the range of chlorine flood.

Details. Capacitor C1 type K50-35 or imported analog for a voltage not lower than 10V. Transistors KT3102 and KT3107 can be with any letter indexes.
The circuit diagram is shown in small 4.

In this way, a single-channel active speaker system appears. On the її input, you can apply a signal from one of the 3 stereo channels to the output of the MP-3 player. In order to hear stereo, it is necessary to build two such acoustic systems, based on the same subscriber guchnomovtsiv.

The signal to the inputs of two speakers must be manually applied through the wire to the wrong stereo headphones.

Invisibly greater interest, as previously described, represents a more general negotiation of attachments. The simplest way to win is to use the method of preparing subscribers' guchnomovtsі, yakі є for sale. The design of the hutchnomovtsya is not important, it is important, that the vіn rozrahovany on the tension of the translational line 15

In total, for the negotiation room, I will need to add two guchnomovtsi, one each for the call point. Like you, singsongly, the skin of the Guchnomovites guessed their rightful role, and the microphone. Be aware of how it reaches, it doesn’t matter, as if to marvel at the scheme (Fig. 1) of the negotiation annex - there you can guess the scheme of the front structure. First, get to know the intercom robot, take a look at the diagram of the subscriber's speaker - there are two new smart signs: the so-called dynamic head of direct modification B1 (or dynamic head) and transformer T1

Fig.1. Diagram of a negotiation building with subscriber Guchnomovtsy

If we talk about a dynamic head, we can think of a detail without any additional attachment. Since the dynamic head is installed in the case, such a design is called a Guchnomovite. In the middle of the housing of the guchnomovtsy, other parts can be mounted - a transformer, a capacitor. The low-frequency transformer T and a changeable resistor R are shown in the speaker diagram. At the negotiation annex, the speaker is switched in the maximum capacity mode, if the motor of the change resistor is located at the top of the position circuit and the winding 1 (primary, high-resistance) of the transformer is connected without a middle to the pin of the plug, such a speaker is included in the translation measure.

Also, the speaker is connected through the socket X1 to the input of the switch, selected on transistors VI, V2. Ale of connecting the veins of the troch is also pored, for example, with a capsule of the front structure - one of the visnovkіv guchnomovtsya zadnay not from the overhead (plus) live wire, but from the minus one. It was modified especially for simplifying the switching scheme and changing the number of switching sections. Ale, according to the change of the stream, to the sound frequency signal, all the same, it is connected with the emitter of the transistor VI through the capacitor C4 and the life of the GBI.

Input and output of the connection between the switch and the jumper 51. The subscriber’s switchboard connected to the jumper connected to the X2 and XZ sockets, albeit through a line connecting with the same sockets of another device. In this way, as in the front intercom extension, the speakers of both devices are connected to the link line. To transfer the jumper of the first apparatus to the “Transmission” position, the guchnomovets to connect to the line of the call, and from it to turn off the line of the signal. Immediately close the lower contacts of the jumper (3 and 5) and apply for a life support. Guchnomovets will become a microphone. Sound ringing is converted to electrical signals by him, which are then strengthened by a transformer T and subsilyuvachem. The output signal of the substation is sent through the line of communication to the speaker of another device, the reversal process is activated - the electric signal is converted to the sound of the signal again. Qi vagannya and feel the subscriber.

On the scheme, as you see, there are no buttons for the call, the shards are needed in it, the sound is sufficient, so that the voice is clear in any place of destination. You need to take the switch S1 yourself, which is at the front intercom, or prepare it from two single toggle switches of the TV2-1 type. Transistors MP39B, MP41, MP42A or MP42B with a strum transfer coefficient of 40 to 5. The capacitor can be of the MBM type or be any other type of 0.1 to 0.5 μF; SZ is also of any type (KSV, K40P-2, BM-2, PZ, PM-1, etc.); C2 and SA type K50-6, K50-12 or other electrical capacitors with a capacity not less than tієї, which is indicated on the diagram and with a voltage of not less than 10 V. Resistors - MLT-0.25 or MLT-0.5. Battery of life GB1 – two batteries connected in series in the form of an intestinal lichtar for 4.5 V (type 3336L). A battery of the “Krona” type should not be broken through a relatively small term of service with a cim subsidyuvach (3-4 years of uninterrupted work). The subscriber's guchnomovets can, for example, "Surprise-301" on a voltage of 15 V. To connect yoga to the device, you need an XI socket. Nests Х2 and ХЗ be of any design (it can be such a socket, which is for connecting a guchnomovtsya).

The details of the device are located on the mounting plate made of insulating material (Fig. 2). Batteries are laid one on one and attached to the payment with a metal bracket. The jumper is fastened with a nut so that a part of the body of the cut protrudes above the surface of the plate by 7-8 mm. For the soldering of the fitting parts, it is required to install on the mounting plate the mounting studs from the thick ore dart, at the bottom of the studs, the studs should not protrude more lower by 3 mm - they are shortened with wire cutters after the installation is completed. On the sides of the board, glue small spacers from the side of the handle of the switch with cardboard or plywood 3-4 mm thick and drill through the opening in front of the opening in the board. A board with parts is installed at the body (Fig. 3) with a znimnoy cover. On the front panel of the case, you need to open the roses, nests and switches. The board is attached to the front panel with screws, and the jumper case is fixed on the panel with a nut.

Rice. 2. Mounting board for intercom building

The time has come to reconsider that for the necessary adjustment of the intercom apparatus I will build. Ale spochatku, as always, it is required to reverify the correctness of the installation and the reliability of the rations. Then we will connect to nests Х2 and ХЗ darts of the line with the Guchnomian in the other country (it seems to be, in the other city). At socket X, insert the plug of "your" Guchnomovtsya. Put the switch knob in the “Transmission” position and change the voltage between the emitter and the collector of the transistor V2 - it can be between 3.5-4 V. So, you can change the voltage between the collector and the emitter of the transistor VI, as it is necessary, to set its value in the boundaries of 3-4 V with the selection of the resistor R1. Axis here you need a helper: don’t let him speak in front of the Guchnomian-microphone, and you listen to his voice in another room. Surely, you have a guilty thought that you can do without a helper, as if to install another guchnomovite at his own nearby apparatus and hear himself, or in the extreme depression of the valley in the valley. But for good reason, such a re-verification does not go through an acoustic link between the Guchnomovites. When placed in one place, a sharp whistle may appear in another Guchnomovtsi and other sounds will not be a bit.

Truth is, there is no other way to check the device without a helper. Place a transistor radio receiver in front of the Guchnomovite-microphone, set it up like a station, and listen to the sound from another Guchnomovtsi. To watch out for side sounds at the sight of a weak whistle or an overhead spike, replace the capacitor SZ with a larger capacity (350, 3900, 4300, 4700 pF). It’s even better to rob it like that. Put the receiver near another guchnomovtsy (wine in the other room), set the switch of the device to the “Receiver” position. "Svіy" guchnomovets uvymknіt mizh vіvodami 5 and 6 jumpers (to connect the pins of the fork of the guchnomovtsya with conductors to the exit of the pіdsilyuvacha), and the visnovkas 3 and 5 switches timchasovo close with a dart jumper. Now the microphone will be another Guchnomovets, and through "your" you can control the sound. The handle of the change resistor on the skin guchnomovtsi is to blame for the position of maximum thickness, otherwise nothing can be seen.

Negotiation outbuildings, scheme, description, for independent storage

Rice. 3. Outstanding appearance of the conference room

It may be that at the attachment there were transistors with a great transmission coefficient, that sensibility of the sublime viyshla, through which the sound is loud and with creations. It does not matter to change the sensitivity of the power supply, by including in series with the capacitor a change resistor with a support of 22-68 kOhm (Fig. 4). To move the resistor's motor, install a bazhan thickness, measure with an ohmmeter the opir, which is viishov, and solder the replacement of the replacement resistor with the same support (or possibly close).

On which re-verification, that adjustment of one apparatus can be completed by completing it before choosing another. Do not forget, of course, to take a jumper from the 3 and 5 jumpers, put the plug into the socket and insert the plug into the socket. If you want to work on the negotiation of attachments, so that it is possible to do it, it is better to mount the electronic part of the device in the middle of the bulkhead - the design will be more compact. Obviously, the space in the housing of the civil engineer is not rich and there will be little change in the placement of parts and installation. So, the circuit board can now have smaller sizes (Fig. 5), and on it there are jumpers and details of the power supply. The board needs to be attached to the upper wall of the case (Fig. 6), so that the name of the switch came out. Against the position of the handle, glue the paper to the wall of the bag with instructions for the robotic device mode - “Receive” and “Transmission”.

Negotiation outbuildings, scheme, description, for independent storage

Rice. 4. How to change the volume of the sound of the intercom building

Dzherelo zhivlennya (two batteries from the intestinal lichtar, connected in sequence) can be placed as the middle of the body, so the bells - on the back wall from the cardboard. For the rest of the variant, prepare the “gut” (Fig. 7), for example, from thin cardboard or paper, glued into balls. Attach (or glue) the “gut” to the back wall, install the batteries, connect them sequentially (as shown in the little one) and attach to the visnovkіv kіntsі zhіnіnіv vіdnіnіv aparata, passed through the opening in the stanci.

Negotiation outbuildings, scheme, description, for independent storage

Ask and solve the installation of the device. Now the X1 rose is not needed, it is recognized for the new conductors of the payment, solder to the extreme fittings of the replacement resistor of the guchnomovtsya. Zayvilyayutsya and okremі nests XI and KhZ- їх role vikonuvatimut shtirі forks guchnomovtsya. In order not to get lost in the installation, back to back, solder the kіntsі guchnomovtsya vіd vysnovkіv zminny resistor. Consider for the help of an ohmmeter, or the simplest probe, which is made up of light bulbs, a diode and a battery, about which it was discovered more, with which stitch the other end of the cord is connected, signify these and solder the ends of the cord to the main points of the mounting plate. Against the pins, write “X2” and “XZ” on the fork - they will help you connect the device correctly to the line connection. To connect devices on the ends of the line, install sockets with marked sockets (X2 and XZ) and insert plugs into them.

Negotiation outbuildings, scheme, description, for independent storage

Rice. 6. Zovnishnyy look of the subscriber's chief of staff with a negotiation annex

Some types need a mother of one-sided negotiation attachments, such that if the first subscriber can call another, or you can speak to you, but that one cannot call the first. It is necessary, for example, that you were asked to take a look at the little one, who is to sleep or the court room. Negotiation attachments help you feel the cry of a child and calm yoga. With this variant of the negotiation annex, I will install the central apparatus (we call it that way) by the room of the father or the kitchen, and in the room the little one will be placed more than an additional guchnomovets. The jumper on the central apparatus is guilty of being constantly at the “Priyom” position. Guchnomovets near the room the baby with whom it appears from the entrance of the podsiluvach, and the Guchnomovets of the central apparatus - from the yogo exit. Just like a little kid crying or capricious (it would be kinder to swipe a few meters on the machine), it’s enough to translate the shifter at the “Transmission” position, hang a piece of words in front of “your” Guchnomov’s man, or you can talk to the little one in the hand-switching those have a different position.

Negotiation outbuildings, scheme, description, for independent storage

Rice. 7. Placement of the living room on the back wall of the Guchnomovtsy

Fig.8. Scheme of a one-way intercom building

The scheme of such an add-on deshcho looks like it was looked at earlier. The two-section jumper is now no longer tied from the zherel of life, but it works only on the switch of the Guchnomovites to the entrance or exit of the pidsiluvach. Dzherelom zhivlennya can be braced with a voltage of 9 V (such attachments are sold in radio stores or in sections of radio products in department stores). Upon completion of the coring, we will attach the plug and straighten it out of the socket and strike the power. In order to reduce the sound that is constantly heard (the background of a changing struma), which can appear when the sound is alive, it is necessary to increase the capacitance of the capacitor C4 to 500-1000 microfarads.

It is possible, obviously, to live the power supply and the batteries, but also turn on the power supply for a non-trivial hour, remembering that the main practice of batteries with the power supply is no more than 15 years. And there is one more option for living, especially useful when working on the street, if there are no sockets nearby. As a dzherelo vikoristovuyut battery 7D-0.1 with a voltage of 9 V. Vecheri її charge in the form of a battery for an additional charger attachment (it is sold in radio stores). Dzherelo zhivlennya can be folded, obviously, from hardened batteries, for example, from motorcycles. Vykoristovuyut stіlki sledovnáh jars, skіlki zabezpechayut constant voltage 8-Yu. Charging attachment for such a jerel, it may be charged for a strum, which costs approximately 0.1 of the capacity of the battery.

May 1, 2010 at 15:48

Another life of wired radio

  • DIY or Zrobi himself

Razbirayuchi granny's speeches, I drank on the radio (subscriber Guchnomovets), as if it served as a truth for about 30 years. To call yogo a prominent vitvor of Radyansk industrial design, obviously, it’s impossible, ale and vikinuti Skoda.

From the other side, where do you stop yoga? At my apartment, there is no subscriber radio station, and there is no special station to hear the national radio. From bi hear those that you want and nibi on the radio ... And, well, why not? And here I had the idea of ​​​​growing from the subscriber's guchnomovtsy! Well, tobto. zvichaynu monocolumn, connected to the sound of the dzherel through podsilyuvach.

What happened to me?

For the designation of the model, I'll add it, I had a chance to write a search for old-fashioned look with enumeration, because no name of the model, no picker on the body was not. Luckily, I sorted out the unfortunate - I got the subscriber Guchnomovets "Donbas".

In my opinion, however, black and yellow, without a handle, without a back wall, without a fork and with a twisted dart.

Modernization plan

The essence of modernization lies in the fact that integrating the corps of civil servants and connecting to the entrance, whether it was a sound. It was easy to do it with the help of the power: sip yogo from the uncommon Chinese Taiwanese speakers.

It is necessary to respect that the choice of sublime speaker from Taiwanese speakers is not the best option in terms of sound quality, but the simplest and most found (bearing in mind the obviousness of such speakers).

The main power of modernization was the sound. You can connect to the entrance whether it is: portable radio, player, phone, laptop. At the same time, I didn’t want to harass the attachments functionally, but on the other hand, we’ll forgive yoga as much as possible that it’s convenient for the victorious. Good option You can beat the AirPort Express audio output, but you already win, and you didn’t want to buy another router. The best option is to know the lady.

The Guchnomovets was hanging in the kitchen on the wall, where it was planned to put a TV on the back. Under the TV set, a separate TV outlet was installed, moreover, the TV cable from the socket went to another room to a single commutation cable for the TV set and the modem.

And how can I send sound with a coaxial cable from the kitchen to the kitchen? Out of the room, I turn on everything I want, and at the exit, I just turn up the sound. I realized that the coax is far from acid-free midi, but I don’t get hi-fi according to Guchnomov’s hearing.


Well, let's get started. There are three parts in the housing of the guchnomovtsya: a speaker, a changeable resistor and a transformer - only a speaker is left. More precisely, the head of the wart will pull all the details, the hull will be poured with belligerent youth and then put back only I need. I want to get ahead of myself: speaker loudspeaker produces sound in the range of approximately 160-6300 Hz, so if you chose to listen to your favorite music through such a speaker, then it doesn’t sound at least not authentic.

We choose Taiwanese speakers: s tієї, scho with a loudness regulator, we consider a board and a transformer. In my opinion, the speaker at the column is not soldered, but connected through a rose. We solder the darts at once from roses into the column and soldered them to the dynamics of the guchnomovtsya. The transformer from the speakers is also a rose, and to that it is practically without any problems becoming on the big place in the housing of the Guchnomovtsy. Let's go to pay.

We solder a column to a friend (droti levoruch), and the replacement of darts from a jack (right-handed) soldered the original wire to the subscriber's extension. Here it is the most important thing, which of the channels is going to be dynamic and helping someone else. The other channel can be grounded. Dali, soldered the resistor, and on the other side soldered three wires (I’m still on the side of the channel that goes to the speaker).

The qi of the wiring is soldered to the replacement resistor of the same nominal value, albeit with a vimikachem. And the changeable resistor itself is fixed on the large space in the case. Vimikach will be the button for turning on the power circuit. As a result, when the knob of the regulator is turned, the switch turns on the switch, and then the volume is adjusted. Tsіkavo, that the button of vvmknennya pіdsilyuvacha in the columns, like I vikoristav, is known after the transformer. Tobto. when you turn on up to the measure of these columns, the scheme itself is switched on independently, the stench keeps its two cotton wool. Vlasne to that, I put the vimikach not to replace the button, but in front of the transformer.

I attached the payment of that rose of life with silicone glue to the case, and from the old radian handles I selected the most suitable one. As a result, this is how the Guchnomovite looks in the middle:

And so - call:

Let's not forget about the sockets: we change the standard ones to the larger ones for the black-and-zhovt color:

Misce commutation (adapter: coaxial - monojack, sub-jack: jack-mother - jack-tato):

In robots

The robotic subscriber's savvy guchnomovets behave kindly - correctly sound the sound that goes to the entrance, blocking it with the effect of a wired radio. Automatically, it sounded like a laptop, becoming a director's console, because. when the microphone is connected, it is possible to conduct a prayer from the room to the kitchen: send greetings, play favorite music, and also communicate with radio listeners. From minus it is possible to note the difference that it is more characteristic of the scum of the subsidy from cheap Taiwanese speakers.

Behind the director's desk.

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