Pіdsilyuvach for columns іz bloc zhivlennya computer'yutera. The simplest podsiluvach sound. Sound booster for car radio

When a woman comes to the store for shampoo, it is important to make a purchase, and for years to wander around the police, sorting through dozens of options. Axis and a lot of radioamators, take on the folding of a self-contained UMZCH, can choose between a wide range of circuits and microcircuits for a long time. Who are weak TDA2282, i just TDA1557, and seriously TDA7294, and expensive STK40... The choice that specialists of specialized integrated sound microcircuits rely on is great. On what sound? We suggest a variant, which is rightfully considered the golden mean in power supply - the TDA2050 microcircuit (), so at a price of a couple of tens of rubles, it will provide us with honest 30 watts of tension. What stereo options have already 60 - for a whole apartment.

Scheme of a pilot for self-preparation

Under this attachment, there is a separate fee, as it is suitable for TDA2050 or LM1875 and may have all the necessary nodes - live, sound dynamics, shutdown of the inclusion of that swedish mic. Tse reach for help handy, but not very popular in the domestic markets of the UPC1237 chip. As there is no way to buy it, just remove all elements from the circuit and connect it, starting with resistors R12, R13. Then, in the power supply, you will put on the microcircuits of the UMZCH itself, so that the thermo- and heat will start to flicker. Truth is, I’m not sure. That clatter when the speakers are turned on. The parameters of the pilot itself are reportedly described in the documentation.

M / s TDA2050 and LM1875 are more interchangeable, the details in their circuits are more than the value of the resistor pair of one capacitor.

All the same, I allow you to create a universal board, which is attached for two or more microcircuits.

Dzherelo life pressure

The UMZCH itself is at 2x30 W, but the pressure is to lie down in the voltage of life and the support of the speakers connected to the exit. If you didn’t know the transformer, the building security was shown bipolar eating (2 to 17 V) - no problem. The circuit can be used even if the voltage is reduced, for example, 2 to 12 V. With this, the tension is simply proportional to the fall. Then it is easier to know such a transformer - you can take two standard 12 V each and the opposite windings in series.

There are a lot of strong timbral blocks, as practice has shown - it’s not necessary to complicate the scheme, like it’s threatening with noise. You can also change the frequency response of a computer (telephone). Here dosit zvichaynogo regulator chnostі. I, as an option, channel balance.

Box for self-made pidsiluvach

The body of ours is made of plastic, with front and rear walls near metal plates of 1 mm. You can take absolutely no matter what the design of the box is, whether it be plastic (it’s easier to grind and drill), or metal (protection of the cut and the metal).

All standard roses - wire 220 V, RCA input and "pedal" outputs for acoustic systems. Special respect to add resistors for the sound control. Before that, how to put yoga in the ULF, just plug it in and listen to the sound of rustling and rattling from the speakers when you turn the knob.


Connecting speakers to a laptop, TV or other music source will require a stronger signal for an additional auxiliary building. The idea of ​​choosing a pilot with your own hands is good, as you are smart enough to work with other boards in your home minds and have some technical skills.

How to robiti pіdsilyuvach sound

The cob works from the selection of an attachment for columns of this or that type, it is folded from the request of tools and components. The scheme of a soldering iron on a different board is taken for an additional soldering iron on a heat-resistant support. It is recommended to use a special soldering station. How to select with your own hands to be carried out for the purposes of testing the scheme, or for using a small term, pidide option "on the darts", but you need more space for the placement of components. A well-designed board guarantees compactness, I will build it and sturdiness at a distant stasis.

Cheap and wide extensions for headphones or small speakers are created on the basis of a microcircuit - a miniature block that controls, with a behind-the-scenes set of commands to control an electric signal. Before the circuit with a microcircuit, it is necessary to add only a few resistors and capacitors. The sumarna varty of the amateur class as a result is significantly lower for the price of ready-made professional equipment from the nearest store, and the functionality is surrounded by a serpentine loudness of the audio signal.

Keep in mind the features of compact single-channel power supplies, which are chosen by one's own hands on the basis of microcircuits of the TDA series and their analogues. The microcircuit sees a large amount of heat in the process of robots, it is your fault to turn it off or minimize the dot to the smallest details. Radiator grille for heat input is recommended before replacement. Depending on the model of the microcircuit and the tension of the substation, the expansion of the required radiator is increased. Yakshcho pіdsilyuvach zbiraєtsya at the hull, sіd forward to plan the place for heat.

Another peculiarity of folding to the sound with your own hands is a low voltage, which helps to calm down. Tse allows you to win a simple battery in cars (living from a car battery), at a cost or at home (living from a special block or batteries). Deyakі sproshchenі pіdsilyuvachi sound vmagayut struma struma vsogo 3 Volts. The pressure to lie down depends on what level of strength the sound signal needs. The sound from the player for standard headphones is about 3 Vat.

It is recommended to the radioamator to use a computer program to create and revise the schematic diagrams. Files for such programs can be extended *.lay - they are created and edited by the popular virtual tool Sprint Layout. Creating a scheme with your own hands from scratch is a sensibility, as you have already accumulated enough knowledge that you can experiment with taking away knowledge. Otherwise, look around and grab ready-made files, for which you can quickly select a replacement for a low-frequency power amplifier for a car radio or a digital combo power source for a guitar.

For laptop

Choosing a do-it-yourself sound-amplifier for a laptop in one of two ways: the speakers were built in harmony, or their loudness and brightness of the sound is not enough for your needs. Consumable simple power supply, insurance for tightness of external speakers up to 2 watts, and opir windings up to 4 ohms. For yoga do-it-yourself selection of standard radioamator tools (pliers, soldering station) you need a handy board, a TDA 7231 microcircuit, a 9 Volt living unit. Self-supporting pick up the body, in which case the components of the support are separated.

Add the following items to the list of components:

  • non-polar capacitor 0.1 uF - 2 pcs.;
  • polar capacitor 100 uF - 1 pc.;
  • polar capacitor 220 uF - 1 pc.;
  • polar capacitor 470 uF - 1 pc.;
  • resistor constant 10 КІМ - 1 pc.;
  • constant resistor 4.7 Ohm - 1 pc;
  • vimikach double position - 1 pc.;
  • jack for speaker output - 1 pc.

The order of selection is determined independently depending on the fact that the electrical circuit in the *.lay format was zavantage. The radiator should be of such a size, so that its thermal conductivity allowed to save the operating temperature of the microcircuit below 50 degrees Celsius. As soon as it is attached to the posture, it will require a self-contained case with cuts or openings for air circulation. You can pick up such a case with your own hands from a plastic container, or from leftovers of old radio equipment, having fixed a fee for the help of other coins.

For earphones with your own hands

The simplest stereopidsiluvach for portable headphones is the mother's fault important parameter you will be energy efficient. In an ideal case, the design is powered by AA batteries, in the extreme case, by a simple 3 Volt adapter. You need a high-power microcircuit TDA 2822 or an analogue (for example, KA 2209), an electronic circuit for choosing a power supply with your own hands on the TDA 2822.

  • capacitors 100 uF (4 approx.);
  • up to 30 cm of honey dart;
  • socket for earphones.

You need a thermal element, which means you need to work with a compact one and with a closed case. You can pick up a substation on a ready-made or self-made other board or on a hanging installation. The pulse transformer at the lifeline can make a jump, so don’t beat it with this version of the power supply. Ready podsilyuvach to secure reception and straining sound from the program (record or radio signal), tablet or phone.

Subwoofer subwoofer circuit

The low-frequency booster is picked up by one's own hands on the TDA 7294 microcircuit. It is used to match hard acoustics with basses in the apartment, so it is like an auto-amplifier - in any case, it’s true, it’s necessary to add a bipolar voltage for 30-35 W. The figures below describe the components, as well as the rating of resistors and capacitors. Such a subwoofer subwoofer can provide a power output of up to 100 watts with low frequencies, as you can see.

Min podsilyuvach sound for speakers

As an extension of sound enhancement for domestic or foreign home speakers, another design for laptops is described. Stationary accommodation will allow you to choose whether there is a living adapter from the current ones. Miniature and pleasant old look you can secure an inexpensive subsidy by adding a number of rules:

  1. The yakіsna drukovaya board is ready.
  2. Mitzny plastic and metal body (lock at the maister).
  3. The placement of the components was planned ahead of time.
  4. Pidsilyuvach soldering neatly, without zavih specks solder.
  5. The radiator costs less than a microcircuit.
  6. Vikoristani ready jacks for the output of the signal and the introduction of life.

Do-it-yourself lamp podsiluvach to the sound

Lamps for the sound - expensive additions for the mind, you buy all the accessories for the money. Old radioamators sometimes keep collections of lamps and other details. Pick up a lamp lighter at home with your own hands easily, so you are ready to spend a few days on a search reporting schemes on the Internet. Scheme of subduing the sound into the skin vapada є unique and lying in the dzherel sound (an old tape recorder, modern digital technology), the dzherel of liveliness, transferring dimensions and other parameters.

Pidsilyuvach sound on transistors

Do-it-yourself folding to the sound without using folding microcircuits can be done on transistors. Switching on German transistors is easy to use in modern audio systems, it does not require additional adjustment. Few circuits on transistors are important greater expansion collection fees. Unacceptable and staleness due to “cleanliness” to the background - you will need a shielded cable or an additional scheme for suppressing noise and pulsing from the edge.

Video: do-it-yourself sound pressure relief

In these articles, we will talk about subsidiaries. ULF stench (low frequency subduing), UMZCH stench (sound frequency subduing). Qi attachments can be used both on transistors and on microcircuits. Wanting deyakі radioamatori, vіddayuchi danina vіntazh vіntazh, roar їх in the old way - on the lamps. Here, it’s great to marvel. I would like to pay special attention to pochatkіvtsіv to eat on the microcircuits of automobile subsidies from 12-volt eating. Vikoristovuyuchi їх it is possible to otrimati yakіsny sound at the output, moreover, knowledge of the school course of physics is practically enough for choosing. In other words, there are no details on the circuit, without which the microcircuit will not work, there are literally 5 pieces on the circuit. One of these, pidsiluvach on microcircuits TDA1557Q aimed at the little one:

I chose such a pidsiluvach in his hour, shriveled up already a sprat of rock with him at once from a radian acoustics 8 ohm 8 W, together with a computer. Yakіst zvuchannya rich thing, lower in Chinese plastic speakers. True, to see the difference, I had a chance to buy a creative sound card, but the difference was insignificant on the sound.

Pidsilyuvach can be picked up by hanging installation

It is also possible to pick up the subsoil by mounting it directly on the details, but I wouldn’t be happy to pick it up by the method. More often than not, spend more than an hour, know the separation paid fee(or build it yourself), transfer the little ones to the textolite, wipe yoga and take off the pidsiluvach, which is a pratsyuvatime rich rock. All these technologies are described in detail on the Internet, so I will not report on them further.

Pіdsilyuvach attachments to the radiator

I’ll tell you once again that the microcircuits of the power supply are heated up a lot and it’s necessary to cool it down by applying thermal paste to the radiator. Tim, who wants to just pick up one pidsiluvach and doesn’t know how to use the programs for the development of other boards, LUT technology and etching, I can ask for victorious and special layout boards with openings for soldering. One of them is shown in the photo below:

As you can see in the photo, the wires are wired not with tracks on the other board, as in the case with a different installation, but with flexible wires that are connected to the contacts on the board. The only problem with folding such power supplies is life, which shows a voltage of 12-16 volts, with a surge of power supply up to 5 amperes. Zrozumіlo, such a transformer (for 5 amperes) is chimali rozmіri, to that deyakі koristuyutsya іpulse dzherelnya.

Transformer for pіdsilyuvacha.

At home, I’m guessing, at home there are computer life blocks, which are morally obsolete at once, and no longer vikoristovuyutsya at the warehouse of system blocks, so the life blocks of the building can be seen by +12 volts, the streams are richer for 4 amperes. Obviously, such a meal among connoisseurs of sounding is respected by the highest, lower standard transformer, but I switched impulse block eating for the life of your pidsiluvach, after changing yoga to transformer - the difference in sound can be said to be incomprehensible.

After the exit from the transformer, it was reasonable, it is necessary to put a second place for the rectification of the struma, which is responsible for the cost of the work with the great strumas of the pidsiluvach.

After the diode bridge, there is a filter on the electric capacitor, which can be re-insurance for a much larger voltage, lower in our circuit. For example, as we have 16 volts in the circuit, the capacitor can be 25 volts. Moreover, this capacitor is to blame for the large capacitance, I have 2 capacitors connected in parallel, 2200 microfarads each, and there is no boundary. Parallel to the live (by shunt), it is necessary to connect a ceramic capacitor with a capacity of 100 nF. At the input of the substation, put the condensers with a variable capacity of 0.22 to 1 microfarad.

Plivkov capacitors

Connecting the signal to the power supply, with the method of reducing the level of the shift, which should be induced, it is guilty to use a screened cable, for these purposes it is necessary to manually cory with the cable Jack 3.5- 2 Tulips

Jack cable 3.5 - 2 tulips

The regulation is equal to the signal (thickness on the subsilience) is carried out for the help of a potentiometer, which is the substation of the stereo, dual. The connection diagram of the changeable resistor is shown in the small picture below:

Evidently, power switches can be used on transistors, when they are alive, plugged in, and the regulation of the density in them is self-sufficient, like in power switches on microcircuits. Let's take a look, for example, at the circuit of the power supply of one transistor:

Here it is also worth a different capacitor and minus the signal goes down with a minus of life. Below is a diagram of a two-stroke pressure switch on two transistors:

The next scheme is also two transistors, but it is also selected from two cascades. Indeed, as if to be surprised, there are no more than 2 of the same parts. The first cascade includes: C1, R1, R2, V1. The other cascade has C2, R3, V2, and headphones B1.

Two-stage pіdsilyuvach on transistors

If we want to have a stereo sound, we will need to select two of the same channels. So we can, by choosing two schemes, whether it be a mono pidsiluvach, turn yoga into stereo. Below is a diagram of a three-cascade pressure switch on transistors:

Three-cascade subsiluvach on transistors

Schemes podsilyuvachіv also differ for the voltage of life, which is enough for a robot 3-5 volts, others need 20 and more. For the work of deyakh pidsiluvachiv, bipolar life is needed. Below there are 2 schemes of a substation on microcircuits TDA2822, first stereo connection:

On the diagram, the resistors RL are marked with the connection of the speakers. Pіdsilyuvach normally pratsyuє vіd prugi 4 volts. On the stepping little one there is a diagram of a bridged connection, in it there is one speaker, then you see more tightness, lower in the stereo version:

On the offensive little one, the diagrams of the pilot are shown on the offline diagrams taken from the datasheet. Life 18 volts, tension 14 Vativ:

Acoustics, which are connected to the power supply, may be different, usually 4-8 ohms, sometimes speakers with a support of 16 ohms are used. You can recognize the opir dynamics, you can turn it over to yourself with the yogic side, there you can write nominal tension and opir dynamics. Our vibration is 8 ohms, 15 watts.

If the speaker is located in the middle of the column and wonder what is written on it, there is no possibility, then the speaker can be called in the ohmmeter mode by selecting between 200 ohms.

Dynamics make polarity. Cables, with which the acoustics are connected, ring out the badge with a red color, for a dart, a kind of connection with a plus speaker.

If you don’t mess with the sign, you can reverse the correctness of the connection by connecting the battery plus with a plus, minus with a minus speaker (wisely), so the speaker diffuser hangs its name - we guessed the polarity. More different ULF schemes, including tube ones, can be looked over at. There zіbrano, I guess, the largest collection of schemes on the Internet.

Even though there is no car window on the road, audio gadgets can be tried out with your own hands. This operation is not complicated. Golovnya - competently go to її realіzatsії.

1 Pіdsilyuvachi - how not to get lost in their classes?

A lot of audio systems in today's transport facilities are equipped with a special built-in extension, which allows you to increase the richness of the sound and the quality of the music. It's a pity that such a car-staffing driver can't always cope with his tasks. Yoga tightness simply does not come out. In such vibrations, it is necessary to inflate another attachment, which can increase the strength of the struma and the tension of the sound signal to the same level.

At the same time, it doesn’t matter if it’s practical, whether it’s an automobilny tighter and yakіsnіshiy pіdsiluvach. The food is less in the fact that you are planning to spend money for this important place for music lovers. Automotive subsidiaries for the creation of high-yield sound adopted to different classes in staleness, in view of the purity of the signal that they are seen, and the indicator of the corisnoi diї.

The minimum cost of car safety (equivalently inexpensive) is class A. Ale pokaznik yogo corisnoi dii does not exceed 20%. The most strained ones are in the B-class. Їх nedolіk - the essence of the creation of music, which is being realized. Golden in the middle to this particular type can be built in class A/B. The stench is characterized by average values ​​of purity to the sound of the heart.

Autopidiluvachі zaznachenih classes may vary the number of channels - from 2 to 5:

  • three-channel audio devices allow you to attach two speakers to them;
  • at the double-channel car outbuildings, it is possible to connect more than speakers;
  • four-channel can function in tri-mode (up to one output, connect one mono and two stereo systems), and a subwoofer can be connected up to five channels.

It is also great for the tightness of the bass podsilyuvachi. They are called monoblocks. The number of such outbuildings is high. Therefore, a car driver monoblock can rarely be done by these car owners, as they did not sound at all on what to protect.


Selecting a modern car driver, you need to be ranked first by class, and then by the number of channels. I only need to proceed to a substantive analysis of the technical possibilities of audio recording, so that you can cry. How to choose a car driver in practice? Pay attention to the following characteristics:

In addition, there is a sense of rozіbratisya z kіlkіstyu ros'єmіv avtopodsilyuvacha. Expensive outbuildings have variable linear and high-amplitude entrances. First necessary for connection to the audio system of equalizers, processes and other systems. And without others, you will not be able to insert a radio tape recorder into a car without a line output.


Fahіvtsі in the field of radio electronics are solidifying - transistors and microcircuit audio amplifiers for the quality of sound, as you can see, do not go in the same way with ULF attachments. Be some kind of pro, tell me that the lamp autopilot will please you with miraculous music without any kind of creation.

If you choose such a soft sound with a hand, you can do it in a couple of years and with minimal financial investments.

Lamp pidsiluvach

A lamp switch can be built on an elementary single-cycle circuit. Vaughn is pointed lower. This scheme is good, because it allows you to increase the intensity of the light bulbs on the side of the parallel lamps, which is used for vanishing.

Let's wonder how to pick up a simple car booth for a guided circuit. You need to take from an old TV set a sound output and power transformers, to know (or add) a block of life and a light bulb that does not beat. At the entrance of the bazhano, put the bins with marking 6H2P. And on the way out there is a bigger lamp 6P14P. Like an old block of life for a self-contained pidsiluvach, it was not possible to know in the distance, to happen to buy a new addition. Choose be it. Golovne, that it was 50 Hertz and there was little winding for a given voltage.

Focusing on the scheme, select all elements in one goal (as you yourself understand, without knowing the basics of radio electronics, you will be important). Then we will add a suitable housing for placing a self-constructed subsidiary in a new place. As such, it is possible to vindicate a non-required case in the form of a system unit. You can not wind up a new fan - you can blow a lamp light bulb. The ventilator is not guilty of continuous functioning. Tom obov'yazkovo zrobiti for new vimikach. Expand this attachment on the right side of the system case. You will learn yoga only for the needs.

Lamp pidsiluvach

You can create your own elegant and practical, light bulbs with different color diodes. At the same time as the start of the audio device, the lamps will shine, for example, green color, in the mode of clearing - blue thin. Axis and all the wisdom of self-selection of a simple driver for a car. Believe me, with the factory outbuilding of the middle vartosity of the wines, there are few things to revise, and for the sake of the sound of the sound, turn over the yogo.


Napіvprovіdnikovі elements to give zmobiti small navіvіdnikovіy pіdsilyuvach for svoomobilya be-yakomіltsyu, yakі may novichki vykonanny clumsy radio-electronic robots. We wonder how the brothers have chosen the audio device on the TDA8560Q microcircuit. Instead, it is possible to tweak both TDA2005, and TDA1558 and whether it is a different scheme, as it looks like advance (approximately) characteristics:

  • frequency range - from 20 to 20,000 Hertz;
  • tension (at the exit) - 25–40 W;
  • eating (tension value) - vіd 6 to 18 tbsp.

In order to install a heater for a car driver, you will need to supply all the necessary elements: capacitors and resistors (0.2 microfarads), a transformer (power) with a strumom up to 5 A, a cooling radiator, a wire gauge, regulators for sound balance and loudness, two grades 2 їх analogues), capacitor (electrical) 25 V x 4700 uF, roses (external and external). You choose all these components according to the scheme on a different board, solder them, solder a thin rod into the eating paths. Then we mount the prepared structure on the cooling radiator. Your little pidsiluvach is ready for the sound!

Autopidsiluvach on microchip TDA

Now you should think about those, how to competently connect a car driver. Everything is simple here. Independently select the living block (diagram below) and connect it to the onboard railing. About the price.

5 Connection and adjustment of self-contained and factory audio devices

Let's figure out how to connect a car driver yourself. If you have not done anything like a robot, it is recommended to bring a special set of electrical wires, which are recognized for yourself. Ready to dial to allow you to quickly connect the sub-switch (broken independent chi of the factory). Truthfully, the sound of a given vipadka may not be the best. It is possible to reach the ideal sounding with the help of the help of a few rich-bodied brass darts:

  • 2x4 for subwoofer;
  • 2x1, 5 for tweeters;
  • 2x2.5 for rear and front speakers.

As a power of conduct, it is possible to victorious, whether it is a kind of conduct. Yogo sound connect to the body of the car with a minus, and before the output of the life of the radio is a plus. Ale professionals in the field of car audio recommend pіd'єdnuvati pіdsilyuvach trohi іnakshe - straight to the battery of the vehicle. In time, it will be possible to see more expensive and tovsty wire KG-35 and KG-25. It is necessary to come to the obvious terminals on the battery. Other wires (between the speakers and the adjacent sides of the audio system) are also connected to the special output terminal.

Nalashtuvannya powerful forces car driver, as a rule, does not cause serious problems. The following operation should be followed strictly according to the instructions that I will add to the factory sound. And self-made "gadgets" are tuned for additional regulators of the balance of sound and loudness, like, as it was appointed more, they are mounted at the conductors and lamps.

How to reach the splendid sound of beloved music? Acquire the necessary knowledge, a tool, after which you can pick up the sound with your own hands.

Which pidsiluvach is better?

Skіlki іsnuіє raіoamatorіv, stilkі і dumok. It is more difficult to work like a concrete visnovka if you choose to lie down among people. On this day, you can pick up the sound with your own hands on:

  • transistors. Mayut little power savings and compact sizes. They give miraculous signs of the quality of the sound.
  • Lumpy. The old didivsky way of choosing radio engineering. Irrespective of the greedy carelessness, the vag and rozmіri, I overturn the napіvprovіdnikovі analogues for the brilliance of the sound.

Why start?

Before that, it is necessary to understand the sound clearly, in such minds and with such a method of wine you will be exploited. Vіd tsogo lie down without a middle, what kind of hardening of the wines is the mother's fault. In order to listen to the favorite compositions in home minds, to finish a small apparatus, which will provide a clear sound with a tightness of 30 - 50 W. In other words, it will be on the right, as it is necessary to create a technique for large-scale visits. At the time of guilt, it is necessary to choose a foldable sound supporter with your own hands. 200W is far from being too tight, as you need in the process of exploitation.

Also, stock up on everything you need:

  • Soldering iron.
  • Multimeter.
  • A set of twists.
  • Textolite for the preparation of microcircuits.
  • Material for the body of the possible pidsiluvach
  • Electrical components, as indicated in the principle scheme of the test.
  • Scheme of a different payment for the selection of a librarian.

Do-it-yourself handmade board

The skin on the right has its own thinness. The preparation of a handwritten payment in the minds of the home is not to blame. You yourself will become the basis of all distant robots and allow picking up the sound of the hand with a hand. First, let's take a look at everything we need:

  • Textolite from copper foil.
  • Pobutova Praska.
  • Miyuchiy zasib "Silit".
  • Laser printer.
  • Chinese plait, self-adhesive, with marked lining 333.
  • Sverdla for the preparation of opening at the textolite.
  • A tampon made of gauze and a piece of white fabric.
  • It is necessary to have a piece of textolite in such a way that approximately one centimeter of reserve was lost from the skin side.
  • Let's do yoga miyuchim apart before that I will, until the foil turns into an erysipelas color.
  • We wash the processed fee and it is corrected and dried.
  • We take the self-adhesive pieces necessary for the sizes, for the additional glue we glue it with a lining to a sheet of A4 format, we take a ball of spitting, on a polished barrel of a blank, which we saw, rozdrukovuєmo the little ones of the future dress. At this time, the toner supply should be set to the maximum.
  • On the working steel we put an arch of plywood, an old unusable book, and on top - a board with foil uphill.
  • Curve the fee with a great office paper and warm it up farther with heated laundry. Orientation hour of warming up to become one whilina.
  • Dali znimaєmo prask, arkush paper, apply the handwriting of the little ones and smooth out with a tampon.
  • I re-curve the paper with a sheet, put the dust on the beast and check it for about 30 seconds. As for the surface, pay more, lower the bottom of the laundry, then it is necessary to evenly iron the entire detail.
  • Znіmaєmo arkush paper and stretch 30 seconds razglazhuєmo little ones with a tampon. Ruhi mayut buti yak vzdovzh, so and across. With this, it is necessary to push the troch on the harvester.
  • After that, as a preparation of okholone, carefully remove the lining.

Yak i chim tskuvati fee

In order to correctly pick up the sound with your own hands, it is not enough to correctly apply the little ones, or solder the wire. It is necessary to vitiate all the tracks on the microcircuit.

For whom the victorious leader was chlorine free. However, this rozchin is more expensive and do not start selling it. For reasons of yoga, you can replace it with a self-contained rose of blue vitriol and kitchen salt, which is not a deficiency. The proportions for the sum are as follows:

  • liters of warm water.
  • 100 g blue vitriol.
  • 200 g kitchen salt.

If all the components are different, then clean and low-fat metal pieces (for example, a couple of flowers), the workpiece itself, a small motor with blades or a compressor from the aquarium are lowered into the chamber. To strengthen the reaction, it is necessary to place the mixture in warm water. Approximate hour of stained glass paths to become 25-30 min.

Folding of the pidsiluvach

The first step, which is necessary for you to pick up the sound with your own hands, is to install all the radio components on the other board. Here the next thing is to pay special attention to polarity. So we will not take into account those who carry out all the work with special care and respect. In another turn, you can blame a short chirp, which will lead to the inevitable exit from the fret of the warehouse of the future pidsiluvach.

Following the procedure described above, following the folding of the body. Iogo rozmіri without intermediary zalezhatimut vіd gabarіtіv pay pіdsilyuvacha, bloc zhivlennya and method of realіzatsії control of density and balance between channels. At this stage, it is possible to beat the finished factory building with the introduction of some constructive changes. However, most in the best way all the same, it is necessary to manually prepare the shell of the electric appliance. In this manner, it is possible to realize the possibility of creating a unique design. Also, I have the right to live the option of installing a payment in the case of one of the speakers.

Before you buy everything, it is necessary to conduct a test launch of the possible electric appliance and, if necessary, fix all the problems.

The rest of the crock is the storage of the pilgrimage, as if in the installation of the payment, the block of living and decide all the warehouses.

Trochs off topic

Picking up the tightness of the sound with your own hands, don’t ever go out to reach the bad effect. The secret lies in the fact that the so-called acoustics is not able to get in the way of the tasks set before it. Therefore, sometimes it is necessary to carry out additionally independently folding columns. Such a pіdhіd before feeding is not only to guarantee the maximum satisfaction of all the favors, but also to help the okremnogo apparatus, shove the pіdsiluvach near the column body.

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