Kt315 foreign. BC847 analog of vіtchiznyany - kt315 transistor. Most important parameters

Silicon epitaxial-planar n-p-n transistors type KT315 and KT315-1 (complementary to them pair). Designed for zastosuvannya in high, intermediate and low frequency substation, which without intermediary zastosovyvaetsya in radio-electronic equipment, which is prepared for the technique of civil recognition and for delivery for export. Transistors KT315 and KT315-1 are produced in a plastic case with bellows. Transistor KT315 is prepared near the case KT-13. After KT315 became available in the KT-26 case (an out-of-band analogue of TO92), the transistors in this case took away the additional “1” in the designation, for example, KT315G1. The housing protects the crystal of the transistor from mechanical and chemical ears. Transistors KT315H and KT315H1 are designed for installation in a color TV box. Transistors KT315P and KT315R1 are approved for use in the Elektronika-VM video recorder. Transistors are prepared for the climatic switch UHL and in a single switch, attached both for manual and for automated selection of equipment.

KT315 is produced by the following enterprises: "Electroprilad" Fryazino metro station, "Kvazar" Kiev metro station, "Continent" Zelenodolsk metro station, "Kvartsit" Ordzhonikidze metro station, VO "Elkor" Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria, Nalchik metro station, NDIPP Tomsk metro station, PZ "Electronics", Voronezh, 1970 Their production was also transferred to Poland for the undertaking of Unitra CEMI.

As a result of negotiations in 1970, the Voronezsky association "Electronika" in the planning of spivrobnitstv was transferred to Poland the production of transistors KT315. For this, a workshop was completely dismantled near Voronezh, and at the shortest term, at once, from a supply of materials and components, they transported, installed, and launched yoga near Warsaw. Tsey scientific and manufacturing center for electronics, creations in 1970, roci, used as a maker of navprovidnikiv in Poland. Unitra CEMI went bankrupt in 1990, leaving the Polish market of microelectronics open to foreign companies. The website of the Museum of Enterprise Unitra CEMI: http://cemi.cba.pl/. Until the end of the founding of the SRSR Zagalna kіlkіst The output of transistors KT315 exceeded 7 billion.

Transistor KT315 is produced, until today there are a number of enterprises: ZAT "Kremniy" m. Bryansk, SKB "Elkor" Republic of Kabardino-Balkaria m. Nalchik, NDIPP plant m. Tomsk. Transistor KT315-1 is produced: ZAT "Kremniy" m. Bryansk, plant "Tranzistor" Republic of Belarus m. Minsk, JSC "Eleks" m. Oleksandriv Volodymyrska region.

The butt of the identification of transistors KT315 for the hour is stated in the design documentation of other products: "Transistor KT315A ZhK.365.200 TU / 05", for transistors KT315-1: "Transistor KT315A1 ZhK.365.200 TU / 02".

Short technical characteristics of transistors KT315 and KT315-1 are presented in Table 1.

Table 1 - Short technical characteristics of transistors KT315 and KT315-1

Type ofStructureP Up to max,
P K * t. max,
f gr,
U KBO max ,
U KEP * max,
U EBO max ,
I Up to max
h 21st,
h 21E*
C To,
r ke us,
r b,
τ to,
KT315A1n-p-n 150 ≥250 25 6 100 ≤0,5 20...90 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315B1n-p-n 150 ≥250 20 6 100 ≤0,5 50...350 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315В1n-p-n 150 ≥250 40 6 100 ≤0,5 20...90 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315G1n-p-n 150 ≥250 35 6 100 ≤0,5 50...350 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315D1n-p-n 150 ≥250 40 6 100 ≤0,5 20...90 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315Е1n-p-n 150 ≥250 35 6 100 ≤0,5 20...90 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315Zh1n-p-n 100 ≥250 15 6 100 ≤0,5 30...250 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315І1n-p-n 100 ≥250 60 6 100 ≤0,5 30 (10V; 1mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315H1n-p-n 150 ≥250 20 6 100 ≤0,5 50...350 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7
KT315R1n-p-n 150 ≥250 35 6 100 ≤0,5 150...350 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7
KT315An-p-n 150 (250*) ≥250 25 6 100 ≤0,5 30...120* (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤300
KT315Bn-p-n 150 (250*) ≥250 20 6 100 ≤0,5 50...350* (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤500
KT315Vn-p-n 150 (250*) ≥250 40 6 100 ≤0,5 30...120* (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤500
KT315Gn-p-n 150 (250*) ≥250 35 6 100 ≤0,5 50...350* (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤40 ≤500
KT315Dn-p-n 150 (250*) ≥250 40* (10k) 6 100 ≤0,6 20...90 (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤30 ≤40 ≤1000
KT315En-p-n 150 (250*) ≥250 35* (10k) 6 100 ≤0,6 50...350* (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤30 ≤40 ≤1000
KT315Zhn-p-n 100 ≥250 20* (10k) 6 50 ≤0,6 30...250* (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤25 ≤800
KT315Іn-p-n 100 ≥250 60* (10k) 6 50 ≤0,6 ≥30* (10V; 1mA) ≤7 ≤45 ≤950
KT315Nn-p-n 150 ≥250 35* (10k) 6 100 ≤0,6 50...350* (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤5,5 ≤1000
KT315Rn-p-n 150 ≥250 35* (10k) 6 100 ≤0,5 150...350* (10 V; 1 mA) ≤7 ≤20 ≤500

1. I KBO - collector return jet - stream through the collector transition at a given return pressure collector-base and open-circuited emitter, vibrating at U KB \u003d 10 V;
2. I Up to max - the maximum allowable standing stream of the collector;
3. U KBO max – penetrating voltage of the collector-base at a given return stream of the collector and the open lance of the emitter;
4. U EBO max - penetrating voltage of the emitter-base at a given flow stream of the emitter and the open loop of the collector;
5. U KEP max is the breakdown voltage of the collector-emitter at a given stream of the collector and a given (terminal) support in the lance base-emitter;
6. Р К.т max - constant pressure increase of the collector with heat inputs;
7. P Up to max - the maximum allowable permanent pressure of the collector, which rises;
8. r b - opir base;
9. r KE us - opir sizing between the collector and the emitter;
10. C K - capacity of the collector junction, vimiryan at U K = 10 V;
11. fgr - boundary frequency of the transmission coefficient of the transistor stream for the circuit with a glowing emitter;
12. h 2le - coefficient of return link by the voltage of the transistor as there is little signal for circuits with a hot emitter and a hot base;
13. h 2lЕ - for the scheme with a glowing emitter in the mode of a great signal;
14. τ before high frequency.

Dimensions of the transistor KT315

Case type of transistor KT-13 Mass of one transistor is more than 0.2 r. The magnitude of the force that stretches 5 N (0.5 kgf). The minimum distance to see the vein in the hull is 1 mm (L1 is marked on the little one). Soldering temperature (235 ± 5) °С, distance from the case to soldering point 1 mm, soldering dryness (2 ± 0.5) mon. The transistors are responsible for the influx of heat, which is due to the soldering temperature (260 ± 5) ° C for 4 seconds. Vysnovki are responsible for saving soldering for a period of 12 months from the date of preparation for the completion of the regime and the rules of vikonanny soldering, assigned to the distribution of "Vkazіvki schodo ekspluatatsії". Transistors st_ykі to di ї alcohol-gasoline sumіshi (1:1). Transistors KT315 are fireproof. Dimensions of the KT315 transistor are set to small 1.

Malyunok 1 - Marking, pinout and dimensions of the KT315 transistor

Dimensions of the transistor KT315-1

Case type of transistor KT-26 Weight of one transistor is more than 0.3 r. The minimum distance to see the hull is 2 mm (the yak L1 is marked on the little one). The soldering temperature is (235 ± 5) ° С, the distance from the body to the soldering point is not less than 2 mm, soldering dryness (2 ± 0.5) mon. Transistors KT315-1 fireproof. Dimensions of the transistor KT315-1 are set to small 2.

Malyunok 2 - Marking, base and dimensions of the transistor KT315-1

The pinout of transistors

If you turn the KT315 transistor to mark itself (as shown by the little one 1) upside down, then the left side is the base, the central one is the collector, and the right one is the emitter.

If you put the KT315-1 transistor on the other side of the mark to yourself (as shown by the little 2) with the winders down, then the left winding is the emiter, the central one is the collector, and the right one is the base.

Marking of transistors

Transistor KT315. The type of the transistor is indicated in the label, and the group is indicated on the case as a letter. On the case it is indicated by the same name of the transistor, or only a letter, as it is pushed to the left edge of the case. The trademark of the plant may not be indicated. The date of the release should be set to a digital or coded sign (in case of which you can specify more than a rіk release). Krapka at the warehouse of the marking of the transistor to tell about yogo zastosuvannya - at the warehouse of the color TV box. And the old (vibrated until 1971) KT315 transistors were marked with a letter that should stand in the middle of the case. During the last years, the releases were marked with only one great letter, and around 1971 they switched to the title nobleman. The butt of the marking of the transistor KT315 of the indications is small 1. Slide to designate that the transistor KT315 was the first mass transistor with code marking in the miniature plastic case KT-13. More important are the transistors KT315 and KT361 (characteristics are the same as those of KT315, and the conductivity is p-n-p) was released in cases of yellow or red-yellow-hot colors, it is significantly more possible to use transistors of brown, green and black colors. The marking of transistors recognized for the sale of the letter, which designates the group, the trademark to the plant and the date of preparation included the retail price, for example, “ts20k”, which meant the price of 20 kopіyok.

Transistor KT315-1. The type of transistor is also indicated in the label, and on the body it is indicated by the name of the transistor, and also transistors can be marked with a code mark. The butt of the marking of the transistor KT315-1 is induced by the little 2. The marking of the transistor by the code mark is induced in table 2.

Table 2 - Marking transistor KT315-1 code sign

transistor typeMarking mark on the eye
bіchnіy povshnі case
Markuvalna mark
at the end of the body
KT315A1Trikutnik green colorA speck of red color
KT315B1Trikutnik green colorYellow color point
KT315В1Trikutnik green colorA dash of green color
KT315G1Trikutnik green colorA speck of black color
KT315D1Trikutnik green colorblue color dot
KT315Е1Trikutnik green colorKrapka white color
KT315Zh1Trikutnik green colorTwo points of red color
KT315І1Trikutnik green colorTwo points of yellow color
KT315H1Trikutnik green colorTwo points of green color
KT315R1Trikutnik green colorTwo points of black color

Indications for stosuvannya and exploitation of transistors

The main purpose of transistors is to work in sub-power cascades and other circuits of radio-electronic equipment. It is allowed to stop transistors, which are prepared for the highest climate change in equipment, approved for operation in all climatic minds, when the transistors are covered without intermediary in equipment with varnishes (3-4 balls) type UR-231 for TU 6-21-14 or according to GOST EP-730 20824 with the coming sushi. The allowable value of the static potential is 500 V. The minimum allowable gap in the case until the month of the day and soldering (according to the date of birth) is 1 mm for the KT315 transistor and 2 mm for the KT315-1 transistor. The number of allowable resoldering of visnovkіv per hour of assembly (warehouse) operations is one.

Zovnіshnі factori, scho to inject

Mechanical injection of groups 2 table 1 in GOST 11630, zocrema:
– sinusoidal vibration;
- Frequency range 1-2000 Hz;
- Acceleration amplitude 100 m / s 2 (10g);
- Linear acceleration 1000 m/s 2 (100g).

Climatic inserts - according to GOST 11630, zokrema: increased working temperature of the middle is 100 ° С; reduced working temperature of the core minus 60 ° С; change of temperature of the medium minus 60 to 100 °C. For transistors KT315-1 change of temperature of the core from minus 45 to 100 °С

The reliability of transistors

The intensity of the output of transistors with a stretch of power over 3 × 10 -7 1 / year. Direction of transistors t n \u003d 50,000 years. 98-hundredth term for saving transistors 12 years. The packaging is responsible for protecting the transistors from charging static electricity.

Foreign analogues of the transistor KT315

Foreign analogs of the KT315 transistor are listed in Table 3. Technical information (datasheet) on foreign analogs of the KT315 transistor can also be found in the table below. Placed lower prices are determined by the camp on 08.2018.

Table 3 - Foreign analogues of the KT315 transistor

KT315A noUnitra CEMIPoland
KT315B noUnitra CEMIPoland
KT315V noUnitra CEMIPoland
KT315G noUnitra CEMIPoland
KT315D єHitachiJapan
KT315E є ~ 4$Central SemiconductorUSA
KT315Zh є ~ 9 $Sprague electric corp.USA
єITT Intermetall GmbHNіmechchina
KT315І є ~ 16 $New Jersey SemiconductorUSA
KT315N є ~ 1$SonyJapan
KT315R noUnitra CEMIPoland

The transcendentally obvious transistors KT315-1 are transistors 2SC544, 2SC545, 2SC546 manufactured by Sanyo Electric, manufacturing country of Japan. Transistors 2SC545, 2SC546 can also be used, the approximate price is about $6.

Main technical characteristics

The main electrical parameters of the KT315 transistors, when supplied, are indicated in Table 4. The marginal allowable operating modes of the transistor are indicated in Table 5. The volt-ampere characteristics of the KT315 transistors are indicated on the little ones 3 - 8. The electrical parameters of the transistors on the little ones are 9 - 19.

Table 4 - Electrical parameters of transistors KT315

Parameter name (mode)
alone in the world
Temperature, °C
no lessno more
Boundary voltage (IC = 10 mA), V
KT315A, KT315B, KT315Zh, KT315N
KT315V, KT315D, KT315I
KT315G, KT315E, KT315R

(I C = 20 mA, I B = 2 mA),
KT315A, KT315B, KT315V, KT315G, KT315R
KT315D, KT315E
U CEsat


The voltage of the collector-emitter
(IC = 70 mA, I B = 3.5 mA), V KT315N
U CEsat 0,4
Base-emitter voltage
(IC = 20 mA, I B = 2 mA), V
KT315A, KT315B, KT315V, KT315G, KT315N, KTZ I5P
KT315D, KT315E
U BEsat


KT315A, KT315B, KT315V, KT315G, KT315N, KT315R
KT315D, KT315E, KT315J, KG315I
25, -60
Collector return jet (U CB =10 V), μA
KT3I5A KT315B, KT315V, KT315G, KT315N, KT315R
KT315D, KT315E
Emitter return jet (U EB =5 V) µA
KT315A - KG315E, KT315Zh, XT315N
(R BE = 10 kΩ U CE = 25 V), mA, KT3I5A
(R BE = 10 kΩ U CE = 20 V), mA, KT315B, KT315N
(R BE = 10 kΩ U CE = 40 V), mA KT315V
(R BE = 10 kΩ U CE = 35 V), mA, KT315G
(R BE = 10 kΩ U CE = 40 V), mA, KT315D
(R BE = 10 kΩ U CE = 35 V), mA, KT315E
Zvorotny strum collector-emitter
(R BE = 10 kΩ U CE = 35 V), mA, KT315R
I CER 0,01 100
Zvorotny strum collector-emitter
(U CE = 20 V), mA, KT315Zh
(U CE = 60 V), mA, KT315І
25, -60
Zvorotny strum collector-emitter
(U CE = 20 V), mA, KT3I5Ж
(U CE = 60 V), mA, KT3I5І
Static strum transmission coefficient
(UCB=10V, IE=1mA)
KT315A, KT3I5B

h 21E




Static strum transmission coefficient
(UCB=10V, IE=1mA)
KT315A, KT3I5B
KTZ15B, KT315G, KT315E, KT315N
h 21E




Static strum transmission coefficient
(UCB=10V, IE=1mA)
KT315A, KT3I5B
KTZ15B, KT315G, KT315E, KT315N
h 21E




Strum transmission coefficient module
at high frequency (U CB = 10 V, IE = 5 mA, f = 100 MHz)
|h 21E | 2,5 25
Collector crossing capacity
(UCB = 10 V, f = 10 MHz), pF
C C 7 25

Table 5 - Boundary-permissible modes of operation of the transistor KT315

alone in the world
AppointmentParameter norm
Max. permissible constant voltage collector-emitter, (R BE = 10 kOhm), V 1)U CERmax 25 20 40 35 40 35 20 35
Max. constant voltage of the collector-emitter is permissible with a short-circuit in the lancet emitter-base, 1)U CES max 20 60
Max. allowable constant voltage collector-base, 1)U CB max 25 20 40 35 40 35 20 35
Max. allowable constant voltage emitter-base, 1)U EB max 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
Max. admissible constant stream of the collector, ma 1)I Cmax 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100
Max. admissible constant pressure of the collector, which rises, mW 2)PC max 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200 200
Max. admissible transition temperature, ⁰Сt j max 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125 125

1. For the entire range of operating temperatures.
2. At t atv v_d minus 60 to 25 °C. When the temperature rises above 25 ° C, P C max is covered by the formula:

de R t hjα - hot thermal opir transition-dovkіllya, which is 0.5 ° C / mW.

Figure 3 - Typical input characteristic of transistors KT315A - KT315I, KT315N, KT315R
Figure 4 - Typical input characteristic of transistors KT315A - KT315I, KT315N, KT315R
at U CE \u003d 0, t atv \u003d (25 ± 10) ° С Malyunok 5 - Typical output characteristics of transistors of the type KT315A, KT315V, KT315D, KT315I
at t atv = (25±10) °С Malyunok 6 - Typical output characteristics of transistors of the type KT315B, KT315G, KT315E, KT315N
at t atv = (25±10) °С Figure 7 - Typical output characteristics
transistor KT315Zh at t atv = (25±10) °С Figure 8 - Typical output characteristics
transistor KT315R at t atv = (25±10) °С Figure 9 - The voltage dependence of the collector-emitter in the constant stream of the collector for transistors of the KT315A type - KT315I, KT315N, KT315R at IC / I B = 10,
t atv \u003d (25 ± 10) ° С Figure 10 - The dependence of the voltage on the base-emitter in the constant stream of the collector for transistors of the type KT315A - KT315I, KT315N, KT315R at IC / IB = 10, t at = (25 ± 10) ° С Figure 11 - Dependence of the static transfer coefficient of the stream to the constant stream of the emitter for transistors KT315A, KT315V, KT315D, KT315I at U CB = 10,
t atv \u003d (25 ± 10) ° С Figure 12 - Dependence of the static transfer coefficient of the stream from the constant stream of the emitter for transistors KT315B, KT315G, KT315E, KT315N at UCB = 10,
t atv \u003d (25 ± 10) ° С Figure 13 - Dependence of the static transfer coefficient of the jet from the constant jet of the emitter for the KT315J transistor at U CB = 10, t atv = (25±10) °С Figure 14 - Delay of the static transfer coefficient of the stream from the constant stream of the emitter for the KT315R transistor at U CB = 10, t atv = (25±10) °С Figure 15 - Delay of the module of the transmission coefficient of the stream at a high frequency in the constant stream of the emitter at U CB = 10, f = 100 MHz, t atv = (25±10) °С Figure 16 – Deposition of a constant hour lancet of a whirlpool at a high frequency depending on the voltage of the collector-base at IE = 5 mA, t at = (25±10) °C for KT315A Figure 17 – Occurrence of a constant hour lancet of a whirlpool at a high frequency in the presence of a collector-base voltage at I E = 5 mA, t atv = (25 ± 10) ° С for KT315E, KT315V, KT315G, KT315N, KT315R Figure 18 - Occurrence of a constant hour lancet of a whirlwind at a high frequency in the stream of the emitter at U CB = 10 V, f = 5 MHz, t atv = (25 ± 10) ° С for

The transistor is a conductor element of an electric lance, which is signaled by an input signal. As a signal, it can be victorious as a primary electrical stream, but, for example, it is light in the work of a phototransistor.

Transistor KT3102- the most popular radyansky bipolar transistor, which zastosovuvavsya and zastosovuetsya until this day in the circuits of various signal boosters: operational boosters, differential and ULF (low frequency boosters). KT3102, for the rakhunok of the small comradeship of the base, having sent the signal over the strum a thousand times. It is prepared with silicon, most often by the epitaxy method (building up new conductor balls on silicon pads).

The KT3102 transistor is most often used in a metal cylindrical case, which is common for rich radio transistors. At the moment, the vin is being prepared near the plastic case. Є complementary pair for KT3107.

The principle of work and application is used in the control of the strum of the rahunok, changing the voltage. Sob the element, having begun to work, it is necessary to add the voltage to the new one. Todі priy vіdkriєtsya. Changing the voltage of the base, mi keruemo all element.

Іsnuє dosit large quantity other options this prilad, scho one vіd_znyayutsya one vіd one timi chi іnshimi pokazyniki. To see all the options, let's introduce foot parameters of KT3102:

Refurbishment of the characteristics of KT3102 is the same for all models of accessories. Tobto, in case of any mark-up, you are to blame for the reinstatement of the greater value. Shown below, the indications will be taken fallow according to the type of the element. At a distant point short link parameters for skin type.

  • U KB - the maximum difference in the potentials of the collector-base system.
  • U KE - the maximum difference in the potentials of the collector-emitter system.
  • H 21e - strength coefficient when connected from a hot emitter.
  • I KB - collector return jet.
  • Up to W – noise coefficient.

For clarity, all indications will be blamed to the table. The letter M and її vіdsutnіst i nіnіnіnіnі pari transistorіv (for example, KT3102A and KT3102AM) means the type of case. Z letter M - plastic case. Without it - metalium. Indicators do not lie in the type of hull. The tables will also have foreign analogues of KT3102.

Type of U KB and U KE, V H 21 E I KB, MKA Up to W, dB Analog KT3102
KT3102A(AM) 50 100-250 0,05 10 2 N 4123
KT3102B(BM) 50 200-500 0,05 10 2N2483
KT3102V(VM) 30 200-500 0,15 10 2SC828
QT3102G(GM) 20 400-1000 0,15 10 BC546C
KT3102D(DM) 30 200-500 0,15 4 BC547B
KT3102E(EM) 20 400-1000 0,15 4 BC547C
KT3102ZH(ZHM) 50 100-250 0,05 - -
KT3102І(ІМ) 50 200-500 0,05 - -
KT3102K(KM) 20 and 30 200-500 0,15 - -

Marking and plinth

Tsey prilad can structure n - p - n. The mountings of the left-handed-right-handed element, with the reverse front part of the transistor up to us (flat side with markings), may have such an order - "collector-base-emitter". The socket of KT3102 needs to be known and protected when soldering the fixture. Pardon for an hour of soldering can damage the entire transistor.

Marking transistors zastosovuetsya for one type of attachment to another. For example, vіdminnostі mіzh type A and B. In case of KT3102, Marking may have the following structure:

  • The green circle on the front side indicates the type of transistor. Our vipad has KT3102.
  • Gurtok zverhu means the letter attachment (A, B, C then). There are such signs:

A - red chi burgundy. B - zhovty. B is green. G - blakitny. D - blue. E - white. J - dark brown.

On certain attachments, the name of the color markings is written in words. For example, 3102 EM. Podіbnі znachennja zruchnіshі for kolorovі.

Knowing the marking of the transistor allows you to correctly select the required element according to the required parameters.

Foreign analogues of KT3102

For replacing KT 3102 There are already a large number of foreign analogues of KT 3102. An analogue can be absolutely identical to the original, for example, KT3102 can be safely replaced by 2 SA 2785. There are also non-identical analogues, like a trio of spectacles, but they are still victorious, all the same, it is possible for such vipadkas.

Deyakі zakordonnі analogues of KT3102 were pointed at the table. Also, this accessory can be replaced by the traditional analogues of KT611 and KT660, or by such foreign analogues, like BC547 and BC548.

One of the most popular transistors is KT315, an analogue of which did not soon appear on the shores of the Radian Union, and which was the first massive Radianian transistor. Vіn nastіlki universal, scho yogo continue vikoristovuvati dosі (want and dosit obmezheno and important radioamatori). The reason for this was today's universality, the trivial hour of exploitation, and the presence of a majestic evidence of the creation of something that can be helped by them (which can be found in special jackets).


The idea of ​​a mass release of Radiansk engineers was scuttled back in 1966. The disintegration of the transistor was carried out in 1967 by the Fryazinskiy napіvprovidnikovy plant at the yogo research and design bureau. And in 1968 the first ones came.

What is the difference between the middle transistors

Nasampered gave respect to yoga old look that characteristics. The frequency bar became 250 MHz, which in 1967 was more and more rich. Also, the lightness of vibration has zoomed in on the release of the majestic number of transistors. It was unique in the new world (for that hour) and in the grounding power of the minus pole of life.

Technology, as the basis of the transistor

Planar technology was put in place for the vibration (it was transferred, that the structures are created on one side, the conductivity of the material is like in collectors, the base area is formed at the same time, and the other one is the mother). The parameters, taken away from him, made him the best in the world (at the time of creation). Vіn having allowed to replace a lot of other parts in electronics, moreover, it is cheap. It got to the point that in the Radyansk Union, at the shops for radioamators, yoga was sold for vaga.

KT315 - analogs of domestic and foreign

Ale so yak main theme statti not KT315 - analogues for the second transistor, then the next step is to add respect and the main topic. Also, the axis is a list of analogues:

  1. Bipolar transistor BC847B. Remarkably expensive (3 rubles per 1 piece) low-power transistor, which can have a significant coefficient of strength. How to repair with KT315, a foreign analogue is expensive to finish. Ale vin maє that perevaga, that when soldering and resoldering, it’s not so easy to get out of tune (it’s not in the rest of the black line of the flames of yogo zbіlshenіy zmіtsnenіy konstruktsії). The maximum stiffness, which rises, is 0.25. Directly "collector-base" can be supplied up to 50 volts. On the collector-emіter - up to 45 Volts. The maximum voltage for directing the emitter-base storage is 6 Volts. The collector transition may have a capacity of 8. The boundary temperature of the transition should be 150 degrees. Statistical strum transmission coefficient - 200.
  2. Bipolar transistor 2SC634. Tsei import analogue of KT315 is to achieve a balance of characteristics and prices. The value of the maximum tension, which rises, becomes 0.18. The maximum allowable voltage on the collector-base and the collector-emіter is 40 Volts. Emitter-base - total 6 volts. Set the location of the collector transition to 8. The boundary temperature of the transition is 125 degrees. The static transmission coefficient of the strum is 90.
  3. Bipolar transistor KT3102. To say that the wine for KT315 is an analogue of the business life would be wrong, even if it happened historically, that similar details were prepared in the same way, which served all the necessary needs and could also be put on a new function. On the right, in what simply KT3102 does not use, there is one more letter. In order to avoid conflicts, values ​​will be given for the entire group. You can see detailed information by looking at the transistor. Vitchiznyan technology є vdoskonalenim KT315. The analogue of this vipadka is the word is not more familiar, rather the mechanism is improved. The maximum tension of KT3102, which rises, becomes 0.25. A maximum voltage of 20-50 volts can be applied to the base collector. The maximum voltage, which can be applied to the collector-emitter, is also 20-50 Volts. The maximum voltage on the emitter base is 5 volts. The location of the collector transition is good 6. The boundary temperature of the transition is 150 degrees. The static transmission coefficient of the stream is 100.
  4. Bipolar transistor 2SC641. The maximum tension that can be developed is 0.1. The direct voltage of the collector - the base is not guilty of overshooting 40 volts. The maximum direct voltage of the collector - emitter is not responsible for overvoltage of 15 volts. For straightening, the emіter - the base of which value is not guilty of overshooting 5 volts. Place the collector crossing to become 6 units. The boundary temperature of the transition is 125 degrees. The static transmission coefficient of the stream is good 35.

De stinks get stuck

KT315, analogues (zakordonnі and vіtchiznіnі) vikorovalis and at once vikorovuyutsya radioamatorov when mixing subsilyuvachiv high, mid and low frequencies. Also, stinks can be stuck at generators, converting signals and logical circuits. How to strain the brain, you can know and іnshe zastosuvannya, but also the main indication for KT315. Parameters analogue (whether or not) may be trohi іnshi. But more importantly, what are bipolar transistors, and their intensity is important only for the intensity of the circuits, which will be selected.


The article has a prototype (KT315) and its analogues with a description of the possibilities of their choice. You need to be sure that the information given will be relevant to you. It is also necessary to guess what transistors are to be filled with crying elements, as, before that, they often burn out. Therefore, when working with them, and with other details of electrical engineering, take care of safety equipment.

The change and quantity of expensive metals, as it is possible to win from the KT3102BM transistor.

Information from the dovіdnikіv virobnikіv. Dovіdnik instead of expensive metals (gold, srіbla, platinum and MPG) in transistors from the assigned yogo vag yakі vikoristovuyutsya (or vikoristovuvalis) when virobnitstvі in radio engineering.

Transistor (eng. transistor), napіvprovіdnikovy triode- a radio-electronic component made of a conductor material, sound with a trio of whiskers, which allows the input signal to be strummed in an electric lance. Sound victorious for strength, generation and transformation of electrical signals. In a wild type, a transistor is called whether it’s a kind of attachment, a kind of imitating the main power of a transistor - change the signal between two different camps when changing the signal on the electrode that controls it.

In half-and-half and bipolar transistors, strumming is carried out with a strum at the output of the lancet, it is necessary to change the input voltage or strum for the fluctuations. A small change in the input values ​​can lead to a significantly larger change in the output voltage and struma. Tsya subsilyuvalna power of transistors victorious in analog technology (analogue TV, radio, voice only). Ninі analog tekhnіki dominіyut bipolar transistors (BT) (international term - BJT, bipolar junction transistor). The second most important field of electronics is digital technology (logic, memory, processors, computers, digital communications, etc.), de, navpak, bipolar transistors may be more polished.

And now let's talk about pole transistors. What can you let go for just one name? In the first place, stink transistors, then for them you can help out like a wind strum. In a different way, the stink of the presence of three contacts is on the verge. Thirdly, the p-n transition is at the heart of their work. What should the official dzherel say to us?

Half-way transistors are called active conductors, sound with three whiskers, in which they are used as an external stream for the help of an electric field.

The appointment confirmed our admission, and demonstrated the peculiarity of the field-effect transistors - the control of the external stream depends on the appearance of a change in the applied electric field, tobto. voltage. And the axis of the bipolar transistors, as far as I remember, I mark with a strum entrance strum foundations.

One more fact about polytransistors can be recognized by reverting to their other name. unipolar. Tse means that in the process of piercing the strum, they take the fate of only one type of charge (or electronics).

The three contacts of the field-effect transistors are called dzherelo (dzherelo wears a struma), a gate (a current electrode) and a drain (an electrode where the nose is drained). The structure is simple and similar to the power of a bipolar transistor. But you can realize it in at least two ways. Therefore, polytransistors are separated with an electric p-n junction and with an insulated gate.

The circuit of the transistor is the circuit of the inclusion of the transistor.

Be-yaky pіdsilyuvach, regardless of frequency, revenge on one to many cascades of strength. Shchob mother yavlennya on the circuitry of transistor subsidiaries, let's take a look at the report of their principles of the scheme.

Transistor cascades, depending on the options for connecting transistors, are subdivided into:

1 Cascade with a glowing emitter (in the diagram of indications, a cascade with a fixed jet base is one of the different types of transistor used).
2 Cascade with hot collector
3 Cascade from the base

Transistor parameters
UKBO - the maximum allowable voltage collector - base;
UKBO i - maximum allowable impulse voltage collector - base;
UKEO - maximum allowable voltage collector - emіter;
UKEO i - the maximum allowable impulse voltage of the collector-emitter;
UKEN - voltage of the collector - emitter;
UСІ max - the maximum allowable voltage stіk - vitіk;
UСІО - voltage stik - winding with a broken shutter;
UЗІ max - maximum allowable gate voltage - coil;
UЗІ ots - voltage output of the transistor, with some stream drain reaching a given low value (for field transistors with p-n transition i with an insulating gate);
UЗІ рір - Threshold voltage of the transistor between the gate and the drain, at which stream the drain reaches a given low value (for field transistors with an insulated gate and p-channel);
IK max - the maximum allowable standing stream of the collector;
IK max - the maximum allowable impulse jet of the collector;
IC max - the maximum allowable constant flow to the drain;
IC soil - cob strum drain;
IC ost - excess strum drain;
IKBO - collector return jet;
RK max - the maximum allowable post-intensity, which rises, collectors without heat;
RK max t - the maximum allowable post-intensity, which rises, collectors with heat;
РІ max - the maximum allowable constant tension, which rises, stіk - coil;
H21E - static transmission coefficient of the jet of a bipolar transistor in a circuit with a glowing emitter;
RСІ otk - opіr stіk - vitіk at the vіdkritu stanі;
S is the steepness of the characteristic;
fGR. - boundary frequency of the transmission coefficient of the jet in the circuit with a hot emitter;
KSh - noise coefficient of a bipolar (field) transistor;

Transistor switching circuits

To be included in the circuit, the transistor is to blame for the mother's choice of whiskers - two inputs and two outputs. Ale, transistors of all kinds can only have three turns. To turn on a trivival accessory, one of the combinations is needed, and the number of such combinations can be more than three, then there are three basic circuits for turning on the transistor:
Switching circuits of a bipolar transistor

from a hot emitter (OE) - zdijsnyuє poslennya like a strum, and for a voltage - a scheme that most often zastosovuєtsya;
іz zagalnym collector (OK) - zdіysnyuє silennya only on the stream - zastosovuєtsya for uzgodzhennya high-impedance dzherel signal with low-resistance supports navantagen;
From the base base (PRO) - strength is only for the voltage, through its shortcomings in single-transistor cascades, the strength is rarely stagnant (important in low-frequency power supplies), ring out in warehouse circuits (for example, cascode).

Field effect transistor circuits

Polyolefin transistors, yak z p-n junction(duct), and MOS (MDP) may have the following switching schemes:

іz zagalnym coil (ОІ) - analogue of OE bipolar transistor;
іz hot drain (OS) - an analogue of the OK bipolar transistor;
іz zagalnym gate (OZ) - an analogue of the PRO of a bipolar transistor.

Schemes with a water collector (drain)

"Vіdkritim collector (sink)" is called the switching on of the transistor behind the circuit from the main emitter (coil) at the warehouse of the electronic module or microcircuit, if the collector (Svitkovy) visnovy does not connect with the other elements of the module (microcircuit), but without intermediary display (on roses) 'em of the module or microchip display). Selecting the transistor and the stream of the collector (drain) when it is left behind the retailer of the end circuit, at the warehouse where the module or the microcircuit is stored. Zocrema, the power of such a transistor can be connected to the power supply with a higher or higher voltage of the module / microcircuit. Such a concept significantly expands the scope of the module or microchip for the size of a small complicated end circuit. Transistors with a critical collector (drain) are embedded in TTL logic elements, microcircuits with tight key output stages, conversion valves, bus formers (drivers) just.

Rіdshe zastosovuєtsya zavorotne vyklyuchennja - z vіdkritim emіterom (cob). It also allows you to select the voltage of the transistor after the preparation of the main circuit, apply a polarity voltage to the emitter / drain, the opposite voltage of the main circuit (for example, negative voltage for circuits with n-p-n bipolar transistors or N-channel polyovial ones), and so on.

Transistor marking - Color and code marking of transistors.

Code marking to give the release of accessories
Rick Kodovane of recognition
1983 R
1985 T
1986 U
1987 V
1989 X
1990 A
1991 B
1992 Z
1993 D
1994 E
1995 F
1997 J
1998 K
1999 L
2000 N

Month Codovane Significance
Day 1
Lyuty 2
Berezen 3
Kviten 4
Traven 5
Worm 6
Lipen 7
Serpen 8
Veresen 9
Zhovten 0
Falling leaves N
Breast D

Group coding color
Group Kolyorov dot zverhu
A dark red
B Zhovta
In dark green
G Blakitna
D Xin
E Bila
W Dark brown
I Srіblyasta
L Svitlo-tyutyunova
M Sira

The pinout of transistors

When selecting analogous parts for the schemes, make sure that the supply is correct for their installation on a different board. The pinout (pinning) of transistors. I want to describe the axis at once and put it on one side of the pinout (pinning) of all the state transistors, so that the power supply of the lower transistors did not lead you into oman.

Transistori dovidnik - transistor housings

transistors dovidnik - housings transistors

The principle of robotic transistors

In the present hour, we know the zastosuvannya transistors of two types - bipolar and polar. Bipolar transistors were the first and the most wide-ranging. That's why they call them simply transistors. Polyolefin transistors have appeared later and are still victorious for bipolar ones.

Bipolar transistors are called to the fact that the electric jet they have electric charges of positive and negative polarity. The noses of positive charges are usually called dirks, negative charges are carried by electrons. Bipolar transistors have crystals made of germanium or silicon - the main semiconductor materials that are used for the preparation of transistors and diodes. That is why transistors are called silicon ones, others - german ones. For both types of bipolar transistors, there are characteristic features that sound like protection when designing outbuildings.

buy transistors, transistor price

If you have more information about the KT3102BM transformer, please let us know free of charge on the site.

Photo transistor KT3102BM:

Characteristics of the KT3102BM transistor:

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At the end of the day, I've added a video option for my Dendy game console to improve the quality of the video image. The scheme is simple, and there are no more than a dozen radio components. Selected out, on the wider radian transistors, visually similar, read the following article, how to inject transistor kt315 v_d kt361?

Nothing about transistors kt315 and kt361

One of the widest high-frequency transistors, which are made from silicon, stocks of which, on our planet, are already hostile. KT 315 may conduction n-p-n, kt 361 may be extended. Їх one by one case type, ct 13, and even more often bipolar transistors are paired. Nabouli of majestic breadth in vіtchiznyanіy elektronіtsі, in schemes of strengthening that transformation.

Yak vіdrіzniti kt315 vіd kt361

As a rule, these transistors are available in a plastic case, in many color options, yellow, red, brown. For їх zviryannya, roztashovuєmo їх markuvannyam to yourself. We wonder at the marking, more precisely, the roztashuvannya, on the transistor case.

For the designation of the kt315 transistor, a letter will be instructed on its body, it will be placed out, in the left part of the beast. For kt361, the letter will be stitched strictly in the center.
The basement will be the same for them, for their succession, emitter, collector, base.

The meaning of the transistor KT315B on the diagrams

On important circuits, the transistor is indicated as an alphabetic code, and as a smart graphic. The letter code is formed from the Latin letters VT and the digits (serial number on the scheme). Smarter graphic designation of the KT315B transistor is placed near the edges, which symbolizes the first case. A short risochka with a line in the middle symbolizes the base, two thin lines, drawn to the edge of the 60 ° cut, - the emitter and the collector. Emiter maє arrow, straightened out of the base.

Characteristics of the transistor KT315B

  • Structure n-p-n
  • The maximum allowable (impulse) voltage collector-base 20 V
  • The maximum allowable (impulse) voltage of the collector-emitter 20 V
  • The maximum allowable constant (impulse) collector strum 100 mA
  • The maximum allowable constant pressure of the collector, which rises, without heat input (with heat input) 0.15 W
  • Static transmission coefficient of the jet of a bipolar transistor in a circuit with a glowing emitter 50-350
  • Collector return jet
  • Cut-off frequency of the jet transmission coefficient for the scheme with a hot emitter => 250 MHz

Analogues of the transistor KT315B

Transistor series KT315 and KT 361

A series of these silicon transistors is already popular, starting from the last century and dos. Pom_zh іnshoy, they have an arched body and visnovki for surface mounting. Qi transistors are often associated with microcontrollers and are often switched as buffer stages between microcontrollers and periphery. Availability and price of this series will please any radio amateur, you can take it in bulk. The functions of the radio circuits of these transistors are somewhat different. The high cutoff frequency allows generators to work on them up to the UKH range. In low-power sound pods, stinks have proven themselves to be good. The color of the body of transistors can be yellow, green, red, otherwise they did not trap.

Now a few reports about the cases:
How to revitalize KT315 from KT361? As can be seen on the case, varto is less marked. the rest of the letters series.
There are a few ways: First, it is necessary to remember that the basis of the series is on the right, and the emiter is evil.

Transistor KT315B

Just marvel at the transistor logo and yogo legs marvel down. Here, the simplest thing is to insert a transistor into a multimeter, de є reverification of transistors. 315 series ce n-p-n crystal, 361 p-n-p series crystal.

Another option is to measure the conductivity of the transition with a multimeter (base-emitter, base-collector).
KT315 will call with a plus on the base, KT361 with a minus on the base.

Well, stop, why I’m wondering: Everything is just simple for KT315, the letter of the logo is evil, and for KT361 it’s out in the middle.
Good, let's go through the electrical parameters of these virobiv vіrobіv vіtchiznânoї elektronіki.
Attenuation - 150 mW
Limit frequency - 100 MHz
Collector strum-100 mA
Strength - 20 - 250
In reality, transistors of one batch with the “E” logo showed a power increase of 57 to 186 for kt361 and 106 - 208 for kt 315.
The collector-emitter voltage is 25v (a, b), 35v (c, d, e, f), 60v (g, i).
It is not easy to check transistors for correctness. Tim himself with a multimeter in the “prodzvonyuvannya” mode, checks the operation between the emitter and the collector. In the offensive side, you can have a shave. Then we call you to switch from the base to the emitter and from the base to the collector. With a right transistor, the transitions (with the adjustment of their polarity) can show approximately the same indications of close to 500-600 ohms.

Conclusion about analogues of the high-frequency bipolar npn transistor BC847C.

Which side to remove information about analogues of bipolar high-frequency npn transistor BC847C.

Before replacing the transistor with an analogous one, !OBOV'YAZKOVO! adjust the parameters of the original transistor and that of the proponated analogue on the side. The decision about the replacement is taken after the matching of the characteristics with the improvement of the specific scheme of zasosuvannya and the mode of operation of the device.

You can try to replace the transistor BC847C
transistor 2N2222;
transistor BC547C;
transistor FMMTA06;

Collective mind.

Added by koristuvachs:

entry date: 2016-05-31 01:30:30

Add an analogue of the transistor BC847C.

In and do you know the analogue of chi complementary pair transistor BC847C?

KT315: analogues in the world

Add. The fields, which are marked with a star, are obov'yazkovymi for filling.

Change of the dovіdnik of transistors

Parameters of n-channel field transistors.
Parameters of field transistors p-channel.
Add a description of the field effect transistor.

Parameters of low-frequency bipolar npn transistors.
Parameters of low-frequency bipolar pnp transistors.
Parameters of high-frequency bipolar npn transistors.
Parameters of high-frequency bipolar pnp transistors.
Parameters of bipolar high-frequency npn transistors.
Parameters of transistors in bipolar suprahigh-frequency pnp.
Add a description of the bipolar transistor.

Parameters of bipolar transistors with insulated gate (BTIZ, IGBT).
Add a description of the bipolar transistor with an insulated gate.

Poshuk transistor s marking.
Poshuk bipolar transistor for the main parameters.
Poshuk field-effect transistor for the main parameters.
Poshuk BTIZ (IGBT) for the main parameters.

Types of cases of transistors.
Shops of electronic components.

Є Nadiya, scho dovіdnik transistorіv vyyavivatsya korisnym dosvіdchenim і pochatkіvtsam radioamatorov, designers and uchnyam. All the same, who is still interested in the need to know more about the parameters of transistors. Detailed information about all the possibilities of this Internet connection can be found on the “About site” page.
Yakshcho Vi commemorated the pardon, the majestic prohannya write a sheet.
Thank you for your patience.

Transistors KT817A, KT817B, KT817V, KT817G.

transistors KT817, - Silicon, universal, low-frequency iron, structures - n-p-n.
Designed for zastosuvannya in low-frequency power supplies, switching and pulse circuits.
The body is made of plastic, with frills.
Masa - close to 0.7 g. Marking letters - digitally, on the outer surface of the case, there may be two types.

Chotiric markings are coded in one row and non-coded - in two. The first sign of the coded marking KT817 is the number 7, the other sign is a letter, which means class. Two foot signs mean the month and the river of release. At the uncoded mark, the month and the river are indicated at the top row. A little lower is the base and marking KT817.

The most important parameters.

Strum transmission coefficient for transistors KT817A, KT817B, KT817V 20 .
At the transistor KT817G - 15 .

Limiting frequency of the transmission coefficient of the stream3 MHz.

The maximum voltage of the collector is the emitter. At the transistor KT817A - 25 in.
For transistors KT817B - 45 in.
At the transistor KT817V - 60 in.
At the transistor KT817G - 80 in.

Maximum strum collector.3 BUT. The tightness of the collector, which is rising.1 W, without heating, 25 Tue - s heat output.

Base-emitter voltage 1,5 in.

The voltage of the collector-emitter with strum collector 3A, and base 0.3A - no more 0,6 in.

Collector return jet for transistors KT817A at voltage collector-base 25 c, transistors KT817B at voltage collector-base 45 c, transistors KT817V at voltage collector-base 60 c, transistors KT817G at voltage collector-base 100 in - 100 uA.

Collector crossing capacity at a voltage of the collector-base 10 V, at a frequency of 1 MHz - no more 60 pF.

The location of the emitter transition at pressure emitter-base 0.5 - 115 pF.

Complimentary(similar to the parameters, but of the same conductivity) transistor - KT816.

Foreign analogues of transistors KT817.

KT817A - TIP31A
KT817B - TIP31B
KT817V - TIP31C
KT817G - 2N5192.

Transistors - buy ... or know without a cost.

Where can you know radian transistors at once?
Basically, there are two options here - either buy it, or take it without a cost, in the course of sorting out an old electronic moth.

Under the hour of industrial collapse, the cob of the 90s managed to complete a significant stock of electronic components. In addition, most of the virobnistvo vіtchiznyanyh elektronnyh nіkola not prinyalisya and do not prinyаєє dosі. This explains the fact that even though there are a lot of details of the past era, you can still buy it. Yakshcho well nі — zavzhd є suchasnі іmportnі analogues. Where is the easiest way to buy transistors? As it turned out, since there is no specialty store near you, you can try to find the necessary details, filling them in order. You can visit the site-shop, for example - "Guliver".

As if you have, as if old, uncommon technology - broken televisions, tape recorders, receivers and more.

Post navigation

etc. - you can try different types of transistors (and other details) from this one.
The simplest situation is with KT315. In the middle of the 70s of the XX century and ending with the cob of the 90s, you can practice practically everywhere.
KT3102 can be found at front cascades pіdsilyuvachіv tape recorders - "Elektronіka", "Vega", "Mayak", "Vіlma" i. etc.
KT817 - in the stabilizers of the living blocks of the same tape recorders, and sometimes in the terminal cascades for the sound (for Vega RM-238C, RM338C, etc.)

On the head side

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