Transformerless living unit 12 1 a. Condenser eating. Rozrakhovuyemo entrance strum dzherel zhivlennya

do-it-yourself transformerless living block

The goal is simple diagram of a transformerless unit. Attachment of chimes on accessible elements and frontal adjustment will not be required. In the yakost diode straightener vikoristany ready mist series KTs405V(D) it is also possible to beat a diode with a voltage of at least 250 volts.

The wiring diagram is shown as a small picture:

A non-polar capacitor should be used for 400-600 volts in order to store the power of the struma at the output. Resistor with support 75 to 150 kilo-ohm. If the voltage of the diode bridge is close to 100 volts, it is necessary to change it. For the stabillon of series D814D.

If the stabilitron already takes a voltage of 9 volts, you can also literally beat the stabilitron at 6-15 volts. At the output of the vikoristanium, a typical microcircuit stabilizer for 5 volts, all the main reasons to lie on its own, to that the stabilizer should be screwed onto a small heat input, smeared with thermal paste far behind.

Polar capacitors recognized for quenching and filtering merging transitions. Priestry practice more stable but there may be only one small one - a small vih_dny strum. The strum can be equipped with a selection of a capacitor and a resistor, in a squirt lance.

Attachment at the same time actively vikoristovuєtsya for low-pressure designs. Weekend strum to finish the great, to charge a mobile phone, to live light and small lamps of heating. Video with experiments and experiments is shown below:

For whatever radio-electronic circuits you need dzherela life. If one attachment can be used without intermediary wires, then for other necessary voltages: for digital microcircuits, call +5V (for TTL logic) or +7..9V (for CMOS technologies).
Before speech, what is it like: TTL and CMOS can be read
For other toys, you need to ring +5...12V. for living light +3..+5V

Zagalom so chi іnakshe vinikaє nutrition about prepared dzherela zhivlennya, moreover, not just a dzherela, but such a thing, so that the wine was given to the victorious vimog: the necessary voltage and strum at the exit, the presence of a zahist and so on.

Dzherelam eating is dedicated to the category of cream, as it is called Dzherela life(materials in the category), we will immediately look at the simplest option transformerless life for simple recipes, which can be made for a couple of quills. Axis yoga diagram:

Obviously, the tightness of such a dzherel is small, and it is possible to win only for the simplest schemes, and even more so for those that are guilty of stabilization.

The very "+" microcircuit for negative voltage may be marked 79XX.

On the diagram, it is indicated that the voltage is set to +5V (for the type of fixed ROCK), but if necessary, you can change and install another microcircuit.
Only when it is necessary to put respect and on the stabilitron at the entrance: it is necessary to choose such that the voltage at the entrance and exit of the ROLL is small, at least 2V.

Well, that's not all: to install a vicorous microcircuit with a standard output voltage, all the same, you can change the voltage at the output three times (for example, take 7.5V or 6.5). For this to the microcircuit, it is necessary to add an additional lance with diodes or stabilitrons, and as such, you can read it.

It's so easy to get a life of life, you can "help" a little bit, so that you can reach the greater strum in the adventure. Also, it will be necessary to introduce additional ballast resistors at the input. So, for example, the circuit of a transformerless dzherel of life with a voltage of + 12V

A lot of radioamators do not allow living units without transformers. Ale, in the face of the stench of vikoristovuyutsya actively dosit. Zokrema, in the outbuildings, in the schemes of the radio control of the chandelier, and in the fittings in the rich and other outbuildings. This video tutorial has a simple design of such a 5 volt, 40-50 mA vibrator. However, you can change the scheme and take it practically out of tension.

Transformerless dzherela also zastosovuetsya like chargers and vicorist at the request of light lamps and in Chinese likhtariki.

For radioamators, everything is in any Chinese store.

Schema analysis.

Let's look at a simple transformerless circuit. The voltage across the wire is 220 volts through an intermediate resistor, which acts like a guard at once, go to the capacitor to extinguish. At the exit, there is also a slight tension, but a strum of bagatorase decreases.

Little ones. Scheme of a transformerless straightener

Dali for a double period of one day vipryamlyach, at the same time we take a constant strum, which is stabilized by the help of the VD5 stabilizer and smoothed out by a capacitor. Our type of capacitor is 25, 100 microfarads, electrical. One more small capacitor of insertions in parallel to life.

Let it go to the line voltage stabilizer. At to this particular type vikoristany linear stabilizer 7808. Scheme є has a small pardon, the voltage is actually about 8 V. Why is there a linear stabilizer, stabilitron in the scheme? It is not allowed to supply more than 30 V to the input voltage on the line voltage stabilizers in most of the voltages. The nominal value of the discharge stream is determined by the greater world capacity of the capacitor, which is to be extinguished. This option has a capacity of 0.33 μF, with a surge voltage of 400 V. Parallel to the capacitor, a resistor is inserted, which charges, with a support of 1 MΩ. The nominal value of the resistors can be 0.25 or 0.5 W. Danish resistor in order to ensure that after the circuit is switched on, the capacitor does not trim the excess voltage, so that it is discharged.

Diodniy place can be selected from chotiriokh vipryamlyachiv by 1 A. The return voltage of diodes is not less than 400 V. It is necessary for the driver to marvel at the permissible return voltage through the diode mist. Stabilitron bazhano 1 W. The stabilization voltage of the zener diode can be from 6 to 30 V, not more. Strum on the output of the scheme to deposit in the face value of this capacitor. With a capacitance of 1 uF, the strum will be close to 70 mA. Do not increase the capacitance of the capacitor more than 0.5 microfarads; qia scheme it’s good, because it’s compact, you can pick it up with help. Ale short-lived are those that cannot be galvanically separated from the mesh. If you choose to zastosovuvat, then obov'yazkovo in a closed case, so as not to stick high-voltage parts of the circuit. I, obviously, do not varto pov'yazuvati z tsієyu scheme of great nadії, shards of the external stream of the scheme are small. To power up low-power outbuildings with a strum up to 50 mA. Zokrema, supplying light and sporudzhennya light lamps and lamps. The first launch of obov'yazkovo robiti sequentially z'ednanoy light bulb.

In this variant there is a 300 ohm resistor, which in a different way will be fine. We already don’t have this resistor on the board, they added a light bulb to it, like a few lights on for an hour of working on our circuit. In order to change the voltage, we will use a light multimeter, a constant voltage of 20 V. We connect the circuit to a measure of 220 V. We have a broken light bulb, it’s a false situation, as there will be problems in the circuit. Be careful during the hour of work with high voltage, shards still need 220 V on the circuit.


At the output 4.94, then it may be 5 V. With a stream of three more than 40-50 mA. Vіdmіnny variant for low-power svіtlodioіv. You can power it according to the scheme of the light line, only if you replace the stabilizer with a 12-volt one, for example, 7812. In principle, you can take the voltage off in the middle of the reasonable. On whom everything. Do not forget to overpay the channel and forfeit your comments about further videos.

Respect! If the block of life is selected, it is important to place the switch in a plastic case, specifically insulate all the contacts and darts to turn off the dot to them, the oscillating circuit is connected up to 220 volts and therefore it increases the resistance to a blow with a strum! Take care of that TB!

If we can right with outbuildings, as if they work in the living room with a small voltage, we have a few options, how to power them. The cream is simple, but expensive and bulky transformers, you can beat transformerless living unit.

For example, you can take 5 volts from 220 volts from the resistor, which is to be extinguished, or the reactive opir of the capacitor. However, such a decision is only suitable for outbuildings, as it may be even a small strum of comfort. If we need a larger strum, for example, for the life of a light-colored lancer, then we will stop at the fringes in terms of productivity.

As if it were a kind of attachment to the great strum and it is necessary to power it with 220 volts, that is one original solution. Vono polagaє at vikoristanny for eating part of the sinusoid under the hour of growth and fall, tobto. at that moment, if the voltage of the measure is more or less than the required value.

Description of the work of a transformerless block of life

The peculiarity of the circuit is affected by the turning moment of the transistor MOSFET - VT2 (IRF830). If the current value of the input voltage is lower, the lower voltage of the stabilization of the stabilizer diode VD5 is minus the voltage drop on the resistor R3, then the transistor VT1 will be closed. Zavdyaki tsomu through the resistor R4 ide positive voltage on the transistor VT2, the result is found in the output of the steel.

Through the transistor VT2, at the given moment, a stream flows and the current value of the voltage is charged by the capacitor C2. Obviously, the voltage drops to zero in the measure, so it is necessary to turn on the VD7 diode in the column, which will transfer the discharge of the capacitor back into the circuit of the life block.

If the input voltage exceeds the threshold, the strum, which passes through the zener diode VD5, is brought to the output of the transistor VT1. The transistor with its collector shunts the gate of the transistor VT2, as a result, VT2 closes. In this way, the capacitor C2 is charged with an extra necessary voltage.

The strained transistor VT2 only works at low voltage, so the tightness of the circuit is even smaller. Insanely, the stability of the robotic block of life should lie in the form of a stabilitron voltage, so, for example, if we want to live the circuit with a microcontroller, it is necessary to add a small one.

Resistor R1 protects the lance and changes the voltage strip when it is first turned on. Zener diode VD6 is between the maximum voltage on the electrode that controls the transistor VT2 in the region of 15 volts. Naturally, when the transistor VT2 is switched, electromagnetic switches occur. In order to avoid transferring gears to the electrical circuit, a simple LC filter is installed at the input lane, which consists of components L1 and C1.

Without a transformer, life is easier to prepare and cheap, low transformer, prote stink to become a nebezpeku for the life of a person with a salary, repair, and operation. Neberezhne dotik overnight htokoveducho ї part and to the grounded surface may end badly.

Circuits without galvanic decoupling can be blocked in such structures, where the constant presence of a person is not needed, but the superficial isolation from the damage by the strum is ensured. Varto means that the victoriousness of this kind of vitality is relatively limited only with small streams of vanity, so in a different way, this variety of required components grows even more quickly.

There are the following types of transformerless living blocks:

  • with a ballast resistor at the input port;
  • with a ballast capacitor at the inlet port;
  • with non-isolated pulsed AC/DC-converter.

Ballast resistors and capacitors dampen too much tension. Depending on the resistors, they are supposed to be protected for a great voltage of expansion, and the capacitors are supposed to be fused, for example, K73-17, but with a working voltage of at least 630 V. allowable constant voltage KDC (Table 6.2).

Schemes of the ballast type "do not like" parts on / off, shards in the cob hour blame surges of voltage. It’s possible, it’s better to get along without a tumbler switch, which means to continue the resource of the robot and I’ll build it. The optimal sphere for the installation of ballast circuits is low-power accessories with a healthy mode of operation.

Impulse wires without transformer converting voltages are called AC / DC (“changing” AC in “steady” DC). The stench will ensure a high KKD and small dimensions, but it will generate enough impulses high frequency that amplitude. In addition, microcircuits, which zastosovuyutsya in these convertibles, are not seen to be cheap and wide-width.

Rice. 6.3 shows diagrams of transformerless living with ballast resistors and capacitors, and in Fig. 6.4, a ... g - with microcircuits of pulsed AC / DC converters.

Rice. 6.3. Transformerless living circuits with ballast elements (cob):

a) the diodes VD1...VD4 are responsible for vitrimuvat the turning voltage of not less than 400 V. The resistors Rl, R2 are ballast resistors for the zener diode VD5. Opir resistor R3 is chosen in such a way that the output voltage does not exceed +5.25 if there is a surge of tension. LPF on the elements C1, R3, Z2 smoothes the ripples of the double frequency of 100 Hz;

b) similarly Mal. 6.3 a, in addition, parallel ballast resistors are replaced by series-connected resistors RL..R3, RC-filter is replaced by LC-filter LI, C1, and FUI is also added. The maximum allowable strum through the choke LI is due to a larger margin, a lower strum;

c) the classic circuit of the living room with a ballast capacitor C1. Resistor R1 is between the cob strum and the charge of capacitor C2 and is obov'zkovym in such circuits. Resistor R2 quickly discharges capacitor C1 after the plug is connected to the wire 220 V. Folding diodes VD1 rectifies the voltage and can be replaced by two diodes of type 1 N4004 ... 1 N4007. Capacitor C2 smooths out the ripples, and capacitor C3 uses high-frequency shifts. Vihіdna napruga lie in vіd parametrіv zener diode VD2 and struma navantazhennia;

d) life in a three-phase line through ballast resistors RL..R3. The stabilitron VD4 is needed, so that the DA1 microcircuit did not go out of tune with the high input voltage when shaving the heading in the lancet +5 or with a sharp decrease in the struma;

Rice. 6.3. Schemes of transformerless living with ballast elements (continuation):

e) stabilitrons VD3, VD4 can increase the power supply voltage by 1...3 W and switch forward voltage reduction. Stabilizer on the microcircuit DA I ensures the output voltage;

f) a double-double-wave straighter with a VD1 diode bridge and a light indicator of the presence of life. Resistor R3 determines the voltage strum, as well as the brightness of the HLI indicator. Vihіdna napruga lie in vіd parametrіv zener diode VD2 and struma navantazhennia;

g) bipolar life. For a new symmetry of the scheme, it is necessary to secure the same strums with lancets +5 and -5 V;

h) applied the output voltage to two okremі pins to turn off the mutual switches, for example, to live the MK and to turn on the thyristor. The stabilitron VD1 reduces the voltage at the level of +5.6 V. The diodes VD2, VD3 reduce it to +4.8...+5 at the skin channel;

Rice. 6.3. Transformerless living circuits with ballast elements (completion):

i) the possession of two voltages from one life. The total voltage surge is formed from the sum of the surges at the channels +9 ... +12 V and +5 V. With significant voltage surges, the voltage surge should be selected by the VD3 stabilitron with an increased voltage of 1 ... 3 W;

j) stabilizers VDI, VD2 serve simultaneously as stabilizers and rectifiers. Stabilitroni slid to choose the tightest, іz stock on the stream;

l) replace one ballast capacitor C1, C2, which can be re-insurance for less than the allowable voltage;

m) at the closed station of the thyristor VS1, the stream to the transformerless voltage stabilizer (C1...CJ, RL..R3, VDI, VD2) should pass through the RH coil. Calling at a low value of the struma, the tension does not work in the same way, for example, the lamp does not light up, the fan does not spin, etc. When the VSI thyristor is turned on, RH voltage is turned on again, and the voltage at the output of the stabilizer decreases from +5 to +2.7 V. If the MK is functioning normally, it is the fault of the wide-range in terms of life and mother's ability to restart.

Rice. 6.4. Schemes of framing transformerless blocks to live with AC / DC-converters:

a) type scheme the inclusion of a pulsed AC / DC-voltage switch on the DA1 microcircuit from the ROHM company;

b) a typical circuit for switching on a pulsed AC / DC-voltage changer of a DA1 microcircuit by Power Integrations. Throttles LI, L2 reduce the ripple of pulsations;

c) shaping of two voltages, popular with radioamators, eating +5 і +3.3 V. Microcircuit DA1 - AC1DC-reversing the voltage of the company Supertex;

r) DAI - AC1DC-voltage changer by Supertex. The high strum on the outputs +18 and +5 is not guilty of overshooting 40 mA.

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