Do-it-yourself universal LF generator. High frequency generator circuits (HF). Push-pull generator for lines

I want to create a functional generator that generates audio signals for testing effects/amplifiers; and TTL synchronization signals for digital circuits. The chips of the new functional generator cost about £20, I have seen that I can build such a generator on my own.

For this project, I have designed an XR-2206 integrated circuit to generate a ringing signal. The integrated circuit can create a signal for both sinusoidal and tri-current pulses with a given amplitude and frequency, as well as a TTL synchronization signal at a voltage of 5 V.

The integrated circuit can be used to control the frequencies of the aux signals, as well as the amplitude of the sine/tricut signal.

Lesson 1: List of components

Basic components for a function generator

  • (2x) 1uF electrical capacitors
  • (1x) 100nF ceramic/polyester capacitor
  • (1x) 10nF ceramic/polyester capacitor
  • (1x) 1nF ceramic/polyester capacitor
  • (1x) 10ohm resistor
  • (2x) 1kΩ resistors
  • (1x) 3k resistor
  • (2x) 5KIM resistors
  • (1x) 10 kΩ resistor
  • (1x) 30kΩ resistor
  • (2x) 10 KOM potentiometers to be installed on the panel
  • (1x) 100 KOM potentiometer to be installed on the panel
  • (2x) 25 KIM string resistors
  • (1x) 4 rotary position switch
  • (1x) single pole reversible vimicac
  • (5x) 4mm banana sockets
  • (1x) 16 pin DIL socket
  • (1x) IV XR2206 - function generator
  • Housing attached
  • Breadboard
  • Guided by a baggage guide

Additional components for an optional life jacket

  • (1x) 15V AC transformer
  • (1x) IEC introduction of electric power
  • (1x) bipolar vimicac
  • (1x) 1A zabіzhnik and trimach
  • (1x) 1A bridge rectifier or (4x) diode 1N4001
  • (1x) 2200uF electrical capacitor
  • (1x) 10uF electrical capacitor
  • (1x) 100nF poly capacitor
  • (1x) 220Ω resistor
  • (1x) 5mm light with trim
  • (1x) IC 7812 - voltage stabilizer
  • Gnuchkiy drіt for connection of electric power

Krok 2: Electrical diagram

For this project, a richly functional generator ІВ is chosen - it ensured the simplicity of the design, as well as a small number of components. I actually vykoristav two microcircuits, yakі vydpovidali specifikatsії - Exar XR2206 and Maxim MAX038. Naprikintsі I virіshiv vikoristati XR2206 - tsyu microchip is lighter and cheaper pridbati.

The frequency is regulated by two potentiometers - one for coarse adjustment and the other for fine adjustment. It is important that for whom you vicorated the potentiometry good quality, In the next step, it will be important to set the exact frequency, and it will wobble. On the other hand, you can replace the two replacement resistors with a 100 kΩ 10-turn potentiometer for greater accuracy.

I didn’t win the fee for this project, soldering the shards from the world of possibilities, however, you can tell that different components are placed in different parts of the fee. The filter of life and the voltage dilator for amplitude control are expanded, the capacitors for the frequency range are expanded in the lower central part. Having divided the wiring diagram into a subsection spout, it is easier to expand the design of the other board.

qia scheme razroblena for robotic type of unipolar electric supply with 12 DC voltage. Vidpovidne zherelo zhivlennya shown on the offensive croc.

Krok 3: Jerelo life

**This part of the circuit includes the robot with a high-voltage jet of a strum. How do you doubt if you work with a potentially lethal voltage level, skip one part of the project. Natomist you can winAC living adapter. I do not bear liability for damages or injuries, which may be blamed for an hour of work on this project.**

I've wired the internal power supply for the function generator so that the AC power modules don't get messed up. This means that it is not necessary for me to re-calibrate the function generator when starting at a different live voltage, the shards of the transformer in the middle of the case will always see the same voltage at the output.

Change your mind, that the guard 1A is opening a strum-conducting conductor of electricity. At the other side of the metal case, change the line, so that you can connect to the grounding conductor of the electricity supply. I have installed all power lines on the power board far from the main power circuit, with a lighter design and reduced interference. Be sure that all conductors are connected from the side of the primary winding of the transformer.

Krok 4: Corps

I have installed all the electronic components in the plastic case. I've reviewed the corpus, readings on the website, wanting to see anonymous similar options. I vikoristovuvav a marker for drawing marks on the conector and elements of keruvannya.

Krok 5: Calibration

For the calibration of the functional generator, the presence of an oscilloscope is required.

It is also important to correctly calibrate the circuit in order to take a clean signal at the output. Correct the choice of the sine signal by switching off the sine/tricut signal jumper. Set the frequency range to another range and the amplitude to the maximum.

Connect the oscilloscope probe to the output of a sinusoidal / tricot signal and set your oscilloscope to the link on the change stream - the oscillating signal may be DC biased, so that you do not play the same whim on the screen.

Install a pull-up resistor in the middle position and adjust the resistor offset, until the sinusoidal signal on the oscilloscope will not be clearly displayed. Behind the aid of the control of creation, proceed with the regulation of symmetry for a further reduction in creation. You should take a pure sinusoidal signal similar to that shown in the diagram.

The signal of the tri-current pulses may have a larger amplitude, a lower sinusoidal signal, so it will appear at a higher amplitude, then there will be no sinusoidal signal. This, unfortunately, is an internal defect of the circuit, but not a great shortfall, you can manually set the amplitude. The direct current signal is fixed at a voltage of 5 V and does not require regulation.

Krok 6: Modifications and updates

It is possible to make impersonal changes to the project for its adaptation to your particular needs. You can also increase the maximum frequency range by adding the 5th position to the rotary jumper and adding a capacitance of 100 pF, similar to other components that are connected. Tse pіdnіme max. frequency up to a value of 3 MHz (with any value, it is only possible to twist the signal of a rectangular shape).

You can switch the rotary jumper to select the form of a signal, the prote for it is necessary to correctly connect it, as well as change the switch of the sinusoidal/tricky signal.

I agree, you will know that the project will be corrected - it will appear even more similar when testing audio circuits.

List of radio elements

Appointment Type of Denomination Kіlkіst NoteScoreMy notepad
Function generatorXR22061 Up to the notepad
1 uF2 Up to the notepad
electrolytic capacitor10 uF1 Up to the notepad
Capacitor100 nF1 ceramic / polyester Up to the notepad
Capacitor10 nF1 ceramic / polyester Up to the notepad
Capacitor1 nF1 ceramic / polyester Up to the notepad

10 ohm

1 Up to the notepad

1 room

2 Up to the notepad

3 rooms

1 Up to the notepad

5 rooms

2 Up to the notepad

10 room

1 Up to the notepad

30 room

1 Up to the notepad
Replacement resistor10 room1 Up to the notepad
Replacement resistor100 com1 Up to the notepad
Substroyuvalny resistor25 room2 Up to the notepad
position switch 1 4 rotary Up to the notepad
Vimikach 1 single-pole changeover Up to the notepad
4mm banana socket 5 Up to the notepad
DIL socket 1 16 lines Up to the notepad
Linear regulator


1 Up to the notepad
DC diode

The building one-hourly generates signals of a rectangular and saw-shaped form, the sound is composed of two parts (Fig. 36.1):

♦ non-inverting Schmitt trigger on DA1 microcircuit;

♦ integrator on microcircuit DA2.

At 1=4.7 nF, the generation frequency is 30 kHz, at 0=47 nF -

20 Hz. The voltage of the generator can be changed between 4.5-18 V.

Vrahovyuchi high relevance of functional generators, a special microcircuit of such generators was created. The butt is ICL8038 from Harris Semiconductor.

The voltage of life is ±(5-15) with bipolar life or 10-30 V - with unipolar life. Strum, which is controlled by a microcircuit, does not exceed 20 mA (nominal - 12 mA) at a voltage of ±10 V. vіd life voltage.

Options for connecting the main control elements to the robotic mode of the ICL8038 microcircuit are shown in fig. 36.6.

To the variant of the ICL8038 microcircuit (Fig. 36.7) manually

Rice. 36.6. Options for connecting resistive elements to the ICL8038 microcircuit

Rice. 36.7. ICL8038 microchip enabled option with frequency modulation of signals that are generated.

adjust the frequency modulation of the signals that are generated. The vicorist feature of the microcircuit is not easy to create signals in a recto-current, tri-current and sinusoidal form, which are simultaneously measured by an equal equal voltage.

To change the signal of a sinusoidal form, stop the regulation, transferring it to circuit solutions, we present it in fig. 36.8.

Rice. 36.8. inclusion of the ICL8038 microcircuit with the minimization of the sine wave signal

In order to increase the building capacity of the generator, the vicorist scheme is shown in Fig. 36.9. Vicoristano is an excellent buffering cascade that can be vicoristized for skin outcomes. ambition is determined by choice

OS microcircuits; for the induced vipadka, the desire is not guilty, but less than 1 km.

Rice. 36.9. on microcircuit ICL8038

Rice. 36L0. on ICL8038 microcircuits from frequency regulation from 20 Hz to 20 kHz

Practical wide-range, which overlaps the entire range of sound frequencies, is shown in fig. 36.10. The potentiometer R7 minimizes the signal sine waveform. R3 assignments for adjusting the pulse/pause spacing (or symmetry) of the signals that are generated. Potentiometer R10 regulates the frequency of the signals that are generated.

Additive signal shaping machine in tricot form

Electric signals of a triangular form sound during different charging and discharging processes in RC-lances. The robots described and analyzed the principle of forming signals in a triangular form with a path of anti-phase folding in a straight line with alternately two-in-period direct signals in a sinusoidal form, breaking between themselves at a 90 ° cut. Below is a variant of a practical implementation of a signal generator in a three-curve form, which changes in frequency, which is based on the principle of synthesis.

DA1-DA3 selection of LR-signals in a sinusoidal form, with the outputs of which there are disturbances in phase at the 90° end of the signals (points A and B). Digital signals are sent to the inputs of two precision rectifiers DA4, DA5 and DA6, DA7 are valid. The signals from the outputs of the rectifiers (points H and D) are sent to the resistive voltage divider R13, R15, R16 (point E). The output signal (point E) may have a triangular shape with reduced linearity up to 3%.

The operating frequency of the generator is determined by the ratings of the frequency lances - inductances LI, L2, double potentiometer R9, R10 and resistors R7, R8. For setting the ratings, the frequency range of the reset should be 3300-4000 Hz.

You can change the frequency range stepwise and often by switching the inductance coils LI, L2. With an expanded range of changes in the distance, change the spacing of the elements

Rice. 36.11. of a non-stop generator that is being re-energized

R7 / R9 \u003d R8 / R10 becomes noticeable, the dependence of the amplitude of the output signal on the frequency. To turn off this short period of time, it is necessary to sound the range of the generator, or to override the intermediate power supply with automatic regulation of the power.

Inverse prompt

When the functional generators are combined, sound the vicorist rectilinear pulses, until the output of which, the shaping of the tricurrent voltage is connected, the foundations on the charging and discharging processes. Let's change the signal of the three-curve form like a sinusoidal one, seeing the first harmonic from it. The shortcomings of such circuit solutions are obvious: the non-linear nature of the charge-discharge processes is clearly expressed, especially when the generator frequency is interrupted, and the memory of the sinusoidal signal due to the non-acidic filtering of the higher harmonics of the folding signal.

S. I. Semenov - precision double-period and straight lines (microcircuits DA4, DA5 and DA9, DA10), the output signals of which are added in antiphase, forming a signal of a triangular form. The signal of the tri-curve form should then be sent to the scheme for forming bipolar pulses in a rectangular form (circuits DA6-DA8).

Diagrams of signals at different points of the building are shown in fig. 36.12.

Practice in the frequency range: for signals of sinusoidal form - 50-500 Hz, for signals of tri-curve and recto-current form (with sub-wave frequency) - 100-1000 Hz. The working frequency is smoothly changed by the double potentiometer R9, R10. Step-by-step switching of the frequency range that are generated, right up to subhertz ones, can be secured by switching frequency-setting capacitors C2 and C3. So, with a change in the capacitances of the capacitors C2 and C3 by 10 times, then up to 3.3 nF, the frequency range that is generated becomes 1000-10000 Hz for a saw-like and straight-wave signals; for sinusoidal - 500-5000 Hz.

Shustov M. A., Circuitry. 500 extensions on analog microcircuits. - St. Petersburg: Science and Technology, 2013. -352 p.

A high-frequency signal generator is necessary for repairs and upgrades of radio receivers and for this, make requests. Laboratory generators, which are on the market, can still have good characteristics, as a rule, they are superfluous for amateur purposes, but it’s expensive to finish the stench and often require repairs before the victories. Non-folding generators foreign virobniks cost more expensively and at the same time they do not differ in high parameters. Tse zmushu radioamatoriv prepare such an attachment independently.

The generator of fragmentation as an alternative to simple promissory accessories similar to the GRG-450B. Vіn pratsyuє in all radio ranges, this preparation does not affect the winding of the inductance coils and the workload. At the device, the HF-range is stretched, which allowed the use of a folding mechanical vernier, the introduction of a millivoltmeter to the output signal, and frequency modulation. We prepare attachments from cheap wide parts, such as those found in any radioamator, which is engaged in the repair of radio receivers.

An analysis of impersonal amateur designs of similar generators, revealing a number of wild characteristic shortcomings: the frequency range is narrowed (the greater overlap is less than the DV, SV and HF ranges); Significant frequency overlap on the high-frequency bands complicates the exact setting and makes it necessary to prepare the vernier. Most often, winding of inductance coils with leads is required. Before that, the descriptions of these structures are too short, and often caught up in the day.

Було прийнято рішення самостійно сконструювати високочастотний генератор сигналів, що задовольняє наступним вимогам: гранично проста схема і конструкція, котушки індуктивності без відводів, відсутність механічних вузлів, що самостійно виготовляються, робота у всіх мовних діапазонах, включаючи УКХ, розтягнуті діапазони і електричний верньер. Baghaniy 50-ohm coaxial output.



Frequency, MHz

Voltage 1), mV

94...108 2)

1) On the coaxial output with the support of the bias of 50 ohms, it is not effective.

2) When the condenser is switched on, the changeable capacity and the pressure on the varicap are 0...5 st.

As a result of the re-verification of the impersonal technical solutions and non-disposable dorobok, the descriptions below appeared. The frequency ranges that it generates are listed in the tables. Accuracy of setting the frequency of the generator - no higher than ±2 kHz at a frequency of 10 MHz and ±10 kHz at a frequency of 100 MHz. Її watch for a year of work (after a year's warm-up) does not change 0.2 kHz at a frequency of 10 MHz and 10 kHz at a frequency of 100 MHz. In the same table, the maximum effective value of the output voltage in the skin range is indicated. The non-linearity of the millivoltmeter scale is more than 20%. Live voltage - 7.5 ... 15 V. The signal generator circuit is shown in fig. one.

Rice. 1. Scheme of the signal generator

As a rule, generators with two-point connections to the kolivalny circuit, designed to operate at frequencies greater than 100 MHz, generate a meander faster than a sinusoid in the mid-range range. To change the effect, a significant change in the modes of operation and active elements of the generator is required, depending on the frequency. The signal of the generator installed in the described attachment, which is set, with the inclusion of sequentially on the constant stream of poly and bipolar transistors, may be richly less created. Їх can be reduced by adjusting the robot mode and less than a bipolar transistor.

At low-frequency ranges, the operation mode of the transistor VT2 is set sequentially by resistors R1 and R9. With the transition to the high-frequency range, the jumper SA1.2 closes the resistor R1. To improve the coolness of the characteristics of the field-effect transistor VT1, a permanent shift was applied to the second gate, which is more than half the voltage of life. Generator live voltage, which is set, is stabilized by the DA1 integral stabilizer. Resistor R10 to serve as the minimum voltage of the stabilizer, without any change, the voltage is obscured by noise.

As a coil of inductance L1-L10 of the generator, what is set, vikoristan inductors of industrial vibration. Їх commutuє jumper SA1.1. In the range of UKKh2, the inductance L11 should serve as a wire rod with a length of about 75 mm, handed payment.

Depending on the actual inductance of the inductor in the form of a nominal one, it can be significant, so between the ranges of the selection of certain overlaps, to make it difficult for them to work. Indicated in the tables between the ranges of otrimani without any selection of throttles. It is important to stop the throttles great expansion, the stability of the inductance of some (then, and the frequency that is generated) is higher, lower in small-sized ones.

To change the frequency in the accessory, there is a three-sectional capacitor with a changeable capacitance with a reducer, which is fixed in the radio receivers "Ocean", the radios "Melodiya" and others. The second case at the presence of electrical contact with the case is attached, the fastenings in the middle through the insulating gasket. This made it possible to turn on one section of the condenser in series with the other two connected in parallel. This is how the expansion of the HF band is realized. In the ranges of DV, CB1 and CB2, if there is a need for a large frequency overlap, the switch SA1.2 is connected to the rear case of the replacement capacitor from the ignition wire. In the ranges of KV6, UKV1 and UKV2, the switching on of the condenser of the variable capacity with the SA2 switch was switched on. If there are short circuits, the frequency of stable generation does not exceed 37 MHz.

In parallel with the changeable capacitor, a lance with a varicap matrix VD1, capacitors C6, C9 and resistor R6 are connected, which serve as a frequency modulator, an electric vernier, and when the changeable capacitor is turned on, it is the main element of the adjustment. The amplitude of the high-frequency voltage on the kolivalnoy circuit reaches a few volts, the sustrically-sequentially varicaps of the matrix contribute much less creation, lower by introducing a single varicap. The voltage on the varicap matrix VD1 should be adjusted from the change resistor R5. Resistor R2 deshcho linearizes the adjustment scale.

Sets the interference generator with the output repeating on the VT4 transistors through the capacitor C12, the limiting capacity of which changes the voltage on the frequency that is generated, and the amplitude of the output voltage is reduced at a frequency of more than 30 MHz. For a partial reduction in the amplitude at a low frequency, the capacitor C12 is shunted with a lance R11C14. A simple electromagnetic repeater with a high-width support on a bipolar transistor turned out to be the most suitable solution for such a wide-range device. The injection of voltage on the frequency can be equal to the source repeater on the field-effect transistor, and the amplitude of the frequency amplitude is much less. Zastosuvannya supplementary buffer schablіv pogirshuval rozv'azku. For the safety of garno ї rozv'azki in the ranges of DV-KV, the transistor VT4 is responsible for the mother's high coefficient of transmission of the stream, and in the ranges of UKH - marginally small interelectrode capacities.

Vihіd repeating the connection from the XT1.4 clamping, we recognize mainly for the connection of the frequency meter, which leads to a certain decrease in the output voltage. The internal output on the HF bands is close to 120 ohms, the output voltage is greater than 1 V. On the diodes VD2, VD3, the transistors VT3 and the light diode HL1, there is an indicator of the presence of the RF voltage on the repeater output.

From the motor of the changeable resistor R18, to serve as a regulator of the output voltage, the signal should go to the R19R20 dilator, which, for the additional connection of the generator and the voltage, ensures the output of the coaxial output (pin XW1) on the HF bands, close to 50 On UKKh it drops down to 20 ohms.

The frequency check when changing the position of the R18 motor from the upper position behind the circuit in the lower position reaches 70 ... 100 kHz at a frequency of 100 MHz without navantage, and with a 50 ohm navantage connected - no more than 2 kHz (at the same frequency).

To control the output voltage on the XW1 sockets, a detector was transferred, vico- lations on resistors R15, R17, diodes VD4 and capacitors C17. Together with an external digital voltmeter or a multimeter in the voltmeter mode, connected to the contacts XT 1.3 (plus) and XT1.1 (minus), I set the millivoltmeter to the effective value of the generator voltage. To remove a larger linear scale, a constant displacement voltage of 1 V was applied to the VD4 diode, as it is installed with a multi-turn substroyuvalny resistor R17.

The old voltmeter is to blame for the mother between the 2 V. In this case, the senior rank of the yogo indicator will have a single one, and in the younger ranks - the voltage will be measured in millivolts. The minimum measured voltage is about 20 mV. Above 100 mV the readings will be slightly affected. At a voltage of 200 mV, the reduction is 20%.

Live the generator with a stabilized constant voltage voltage of 7...15 or with a battery. With an unstabilized block, the high-frequency signal that is generated will inevitably be modulated at a frequency of 100 Hz.

Prior to the installation of the generator, it should be carried out carefully, in order to ensure the stability of the parameters. Most of the parts are installed on a different board made of foil-coated on both sides of the insulating material shown in fig. 2.

Rice. 2. The board is made of foil-coated on two sides of the insulating material

Rice. 3. Raztashuvannya details on the board

Raztashuvannya parts on the board is shown in fig. 3. Maydanchiki foil zagalnogo drotu from two sides of the plate zadnutyut between themselves drotyanny jumpers, soldered in the opening, shown filled. The elements of the visual repetition after installation are covered from two sides of the board with metal screens, the contours of which are shown by dashed lines. The center of the screen is to blame, but it’s over, soldered around the perimeter, sealed with a foil of a hardened dart. On the screen, which is located on the side of the other conductors, above the contact maidan, with some connection to the emitter of the VT4 transistor, the opening is broken, it is possible to pass the soldering to the middle maidan. Next, solder the central core of the coaxial cable to the new one, which goes to the replacement resistor R18 and capacitor C18. The braided cable is behind the screen of the repeater.

At the generator, there are more importantly constant resistors and capacitors for surface mounting, size 0805. Resistors R19 and R20 - MLT-0.125. Capacitor C3 - oxide with low EPS, C7 - oxide tantalum K53-19 or similar. Coils of inductance L1-L10 - standard chokes, more importantly domestic series DPM, DP2. Paired with imported ones, the stench may be significantly less than the inductance of the nominal and the greater quality factor.

For the capacity of the inductor of the required nominal value, the L10 coil can be made independently by winding a large coil of a rod with a diameter of 0.08 mm onto the MLT-0.125 resistor with a support of less than 1 MΩ. As the inductance L11 of the congestion of the holes of the thick central wire in the coaxial cable is about 75 mm long.

Trisectional capacitors of variable capacity with a reducer are oversized, but even so, it is possible to block and two-section. In this case, the capacitor case is connected to the attachment case, and the skin section is connected through the ointment, moreover, one of the sections is connected through the capacitor, which is stretched. Fitting an attachment with such a replacement capacitor is noticeably more foldable.

Switch SA1 - PM 11P2N is also used for similar switches of series PG3 or P2G3. Vimicach SA2 - MT1. The change resistor R18 is SP3-9b, and it is not recommended to replace it with a change resistor of another type. If you didn’t know the changeable resistor assigned to the nominal value on the circuit, then you can replace it with one that has a lower nominal value, or if you need to increase the opir of the resistor R16 so that the main opir in parallel with the other resistors R16 and R18 is redundant. Replacing resistor R5 - be it of any type, R17 - import multi-turn substroyuvalny 3296.

The GD407A diode can be replaced with D311, D18, and the diode 1 N4007 can be replaced with a rectifier. The replacement of the varicap matrix KVS111A is allowed to be filled with KVS111B, the replacement 3AR4UC10 is a kind of red candle light.

Generator The polyol transistor KP303I can be replaced by KP303G-KP303Zh, KP307A-KP307ZH, and for other boards - by BF410B-BF410D, KP305ZH. For transistors with a cob strum, a resistor R7 is not needed over 7 mA. The bipolar transistor KT3126A can be replaced by a low-frequency transistor p-n-p structures with minimal interelectrode capacities. As a replacement for the KT368AM transistor, I can recommend SS9018I.

Rose XW1 - type F. It is easy to zap any cable, and if necessary, you can simply insert the wire. XT1 - WP4-7 clamping block for connecting acoustic systems. Sockets XS1 and XS2 - standard mono jacks for a plug with a diameter of 3.5 mm.

The generator of brances at the body in the form of a computer block of life. Yogo montage is shown in the photo fig. 4. Remove the fan grilles, and close the side of the case, where it was found, with a plate made of sheet steel with openings for roses and elements. For fixing the plate, follow the twisting of all open the gvinti, which is in the case.

Rice. 4. Mounting the generator

Fix the board on a brass stand with a height of 30 mm, order it from the SA1 jumper, up the other conductors. Place the contact of the rack with the body and put under it the contact pad, which is connected with the screen of the exit repeater. If possible, unique the creation of great closed circuits running a high-frequency stream behind a high-pitched jet, which will lead to a decrease in the output voltage on the UHF bands.

Place the replacement resistor R18 at the additional metal screen, squeezing the bottom flange of the resistor. Installation of resistors R19 and R20 - hanging. Їх hot spot connect with XW1 socket coaxial cable. Elements of the detector of the millivoltmeter are installed on a small mounting plate, so that they can be fixed directly to the XW1.

Install a variable capacity capacitor C4 at the case through insulating gaskets. Bazhano zrobiti dielektrichny podovzhuvach axis of the capacitor, on which will be put on the handle nalashtuvannya. Ale ce is not obov'yazkovo, it is permissible to put її і on the entire condenser itself. Installing a replacement capacitor with a SA2 vimikachem and a board with a single central core for a coaxial cable. Capacitor C5 is installed and plugged into the housing with capacitor C4.

Before installing the SA1 jumper, mount on the new inductance coil L1-L10 and resistor R1. The axes of the suicidal coils may be mutually perpendicular, otherwise they will not vanish from their mutual infusion. The low-frequency bands are especially worthy. Hand-drawn kotushki with axial and radial frills. Connect the wire to the galet SA1.1 with a bundle of ten and more MGTF wires. With a wire, connect the resistor R1 and the rough contact of the galet SA1.2 from the burnt wire.

For the help of a syringe with a shortened head, apply the necessary inscriptions on the front panel with a tsapon-lacquer. Install the XS2 pin-shaped voltage socket on the rear panel to prevent the connection from falling to the new one. There you can see the cord of life. Vіn doubling contacts XT1.1 (minus) and XT1.2 (plus), in which case you can live in other vimiruvalnі accessories or accessories that can be installed. Open all doors in the case and close them with steel plates, which have been soldered to the new.

Zіbraniy, zgіdno z recommendations, prilad can be ordered once. Slid vimirati postiynu prugu on the emitter of the transistor VT4. With the upper (behind the circuit) position of the engine of the change resistor R18, it is not guilty but less than 2, otherwise it is necessary to change the opir of the resistor R13. Dali need to reverify the generator robot in all ranges. On the UKH, with a large introduction of the capacity of the replacement capacitor (as well as the inclusions), there is a flare, which shows a decrease in the brightness of the light of the HL1 light.

If you change the resistor R5 of inclusions, as shown in the diagram, then you should not overshoot 15 MHz on the UHF bands, and you may need to lay these bands at the inter-moving ones. We need to work in the VHF1 band (65.9 ... 74 MHz) for the help of a built-in capacitor C9 with the SA2 switched off. Let's move the switch SA1 to the UKH2 position and, changing the length of the wire, which serves as the inductance L11, reach the switching range of 87.5 ... 108 MHz. If you need to greatly increase the frequency, the cable can be replaced with a male copper foil instead of a flattened coaxial cable braid. Between the frequencies of the varicap, you can significantly increase it, so that you can live the change resistor R5 with the elastic input, and not with the output of the integral stabilizer DA1. Ale tse cause a slight decrease in the stability of the frequency.

The adjustment of the millivoltmeter detector is controlled by a voltage of 1010 mV at the input of the multimeter detector connected to the output of the multimeter detector at zero output voltage of the generator (the motor of the change resistor R18 is in the lower position behind the circuit). Dali, having increased the output voltage with a change of resistor up to 280 mV (controlled by an oscilloscope), apply R17 so that the multimeter shows 1100 mV. The reason for the effective value of the output voltage is 100 mV. It should be noted that the RF voltage less than 20 mV cannot be measured with a millivoltmeter (dead zone), and with a voltage greater than 100 mV, the readings will be strongly dependent.

You can download the file of the payment for the Sprint Layout 6.0 format.


1. High frequency signal generator GRG-450B. - URL: (26.09.15).

2. Korotkohvilovy GIR (Beyond the cordon). - Radio, 2006, No. 11, p. 72, 73.

Publication date: 12.01.2016

Readers' thoughts
  • alex286 / 17.10.2018 - 20:03
    In the ranges of KV6, UKV1 and UKV2, the switching on of the condenser of the variable capacity with the SA2 switch was switched on. If there are short circuits, the frequency of stable generation does not exceed 37 MHz.
  • alex286 / 15.10.2018 - 14:46
    Have Google banned chi scho? Know for one, two .. Lyat, like a child, give everything to them, give it, bring it.
  • Sasha / 08.05.2018 - 14:23
    Can't run generator below 60mg
  • Kirilo / 10.08.2017 - 19:22
    Why is it not written for what R5 SA2 C6? De posilannya on pershodzherelo? Chi mozhlivo there more povny description?

We choose a simple functional generator for the laboratory of the radioamator-pochatkivtsya.

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We select a signal generator - a functional generator. part 3

Good day, radio amateurs! At today's busy Schools of radioamateur-pochatkivtsya we finish picking function generator. Today, we will charge a fee, solder all the hanging details, check the generator’s workmanship, and we will adjust it for help special programs.

And so, I show you the residual version of my drukovanoy pay, vikonan in the program, as we looked at another job - Sprint layout:

If you could not work out your payment option (it didn’t work out, otherwise it was just shedding, sorry), then you can speed up with my "masterpiece". The board came out with a size of 9x5.5 cm and there are two jumpers (two lines of blue color). Here you can get this option to pay for the Sprint Laiout format^

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After the development of laser-pure technology and etching, the following preparation was made:

The tracks on this plate are 0.8 mm wide, may be all contact maidanchiki with a diameter of 1.5 mm, and may open everything with a drill 0.7 mm. I think that it will not be too difficult for you to sort out in this payment, and also, in the fallacy of the details that are victorious (especially the construction support), to make your own changes. I want to tell you right now that the board has been revised and for the correct soldering of parts, the circuit is repaired again.

Trochs about functionality and beauty pay. Taking the payment in hand, prepared in the factory minds, you sing-songly marked it as it was hand-prepared for soldering the details - and it was applied to the top and bottom with a white color of the so-called "shovkography", on the top of the window you can see the names of the details of that landing area, which is easier life when soldering radioelements. Bachachi the landing place of the radio element, if you don’t have mercy, open it up and insert it, just look at the diagram, choose the part you need, insert it and solder it. To this day, I will raise a fee, I will be close to the factory, tobto. we will apply shovkography on the ball on the side of the details. Only one, "shovkografiya" will be black color. The process is even simpler. As, for example, mimicking the Sprint Layout program, then select the ball K1 for an hour (the ball is on the side of the details), it is possible to do it for the payment itself (although only in a mirror image), we put the credit card on the board of the payment, de there is no foil (zі sides of the details), centrally yogo (and on the light of the protruding plate, the little ones can be seen decently) and the locking method of the LUT transfers the toner to the textolite. The process is the same as when transferring toner to copper, and enjoying the result:

Once you have opened the screening, you can actually draw up a scheme for arranging details on the board. And the most important thing is not only to pay for the beauty (want, as I already said, the garna fee is the guarantee of a good and long-term work of the scheme chosen by you), but the brand - to ease the far-off soldering of the scheme. Vitrachenі ten khvilin on applied "shovkografії" memorably pay off in an hour when the scheme is folded. Deyaki radioamatori, after preparing the payment before soldering and applying such "shovkography", cover the ball on the side of the details with varnish, thereby protecting the "shovkography" from erasing. I want to make sure that the toner on the textolite is treated even better, and after soldering the details, you happen to see the retailer see the excess rosin from the payment. Retailer's hit on "shovkography", varnished, produced before the appearance white infusion When you see someone, go and the "shovkografiya" itself (it's good to see in the photograph, I'm so timid myself), I respect that it's not good to paint the varnish. Before the speech, all the writing, the contours of the details are embroidered with a torso line of 0.2 mm, and like a bachite, everything is miraculously transferred to the textolite.

And the axis looks like this my board (without jumpers and hanging parts):

Tsya pay bula b richly beautiful, yakby I did not twist it with varnish. But you can, as a rule, experiment, and, of course, work better. In addition, I have two capacitors C4 installed on the board, the required nominal value (0.22 μF) did not appear for me, and I replaced the first two with capacitors with a nominal value of 0.1 μF in parallel.

Let's continue. After that, we soldered all the details to the board, soldered two jumpers, soldered resistors R7 and R10, jumper S2 for additional mounting wires. The jumper S1 is not yet soldered, but we work the jumper to the wire, connecting the 10 microcircuits ICL8038 and the capacitor C3 (to connect the range 0.7 - 7 kHz), we can feed from ours (I agree with the selected one) laboratory block life at the input of microcircuit stabilizers is close to 15 volts of direct voltage

Now we are ready for the re-verification and adjustment of our generator. How to revise the practicality of a generator It's easy. Idpayuєmo until the exit X1 (1:1) and "scorching" whether it's a great or p'zoceramic speaker (for example, like a Chinese year in an alarm clock). When live is connected, we will hear a sound signal. When you change the support R10, you will feel how the tone of the signal at the output changes, and when you change the support R7 - how the tone of the signal changes. If you don’t have any, then the only reason is for the wrong bunch of radio elements. Obov'yazkovo go through the scheme once again, put in some nedolіki and everything will be oh, kay!

Please note that we have gone through this stage of preparing the generator. If you don’t want to go out, or else go out, if not, obov’yazkovo put your questions in the comments on the forum. Together, we will overcome the problem.

Let's continue. The axis looks like this, the board is ready to be fixed:

What do we see in this picture. Zhivlennya - black "crocodile" on the dark drіt, red "crocodile" on the positive input of the stabilizer, yellow "crocodile" - on the negative input of the negative voltage stabilizer. Soldered replacement supports R7 and R10, as well as jumper S2. From our laboratory block of life (the axis de needed a bipolar life), we applied a voltage of about 15-16 volts to the circuit, so that microcircuit stabilizers at 12 volts normally worked.

By connecting the live to the inputs of the stabilizers (15-16 volts), after the help of the tester, we check the voltage at the outputs of the stabilizers (±12 volts). Fallow in the vicoristing of the voltage stabilizers, the voltage is adjusted to ± 12 volts, a little close to new. If you have voltages on the outputs of the stabilizers without a head (do not support what is required), then there is only one reason - the filthy contact with the "masa". Naytsіkavіshe, scho navіtnіst vіdsutnіst naіynogo contact іz "earth" does not affect the robotі generator on the speaker.

Well, now we have lost our generator. We will carry out the adjustments for additional special programs - virtual oscilloscope. At Merezha you can find a lot of programs that imitate the operation of an oscilloscope on a computer screen. Especially for this occupation, I have reviewed the impersonal programs of such programs and have chosen my choice on one, as I am given, the best simulator of an oscilloscope. Virtins Multi-Instrument. This program is available in its own warehouse, and the program is an oscilloscope, a frequency analyzer, a spectrum analyzer, a generator, and a Russian interface:

Here you can get interested qiu program:

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The program is simple to use, and to set up our generator, you need a minimum knowledge of її functions:

In order to fix our generator, we need to connect to the computer via a sound card. You can connect through the line input (not on all computers) or to the "microphone" jack (on all computers). For this, we need to take some old, non-standard headphones with the phone or I will add another one, with a plug with a diameter of 3.5 mm, and try them out. After separation, two darts are soldered to the plug - as shown in the photo:

After that, the white wire is soldered to the ground, and the red wire to the contact X2 (1:10). The regulator equals the signal R7 is set to the minimum position (obv'yazkovo, so as not to burn the sound card) and connect the plug to the computer. We start the program, moreover, the worker has two running programs - an oscilloscope and a spectrum analyzer. The spectrum analyzer is switched on, selected on the top panel "multimeter" and launched. To appear at the end, as if showing the frequency of our signal. Behind the auxiliary resistor R10, a frequency of about 1 kHz is set, the jumper S2 is set to position "1" (sinusoidal signal). And then, for the help of substroyuvalnyh resistors R2, R4 and R5, our generator is built. On the other hand, the form of a sinusoidal signal with resistors R5 and R4, while on the screen, form a signal that looks like a sinusoid, and then, by switching S2 to position "3" (forward signal), resistor R2 reaches the symmetry of the signal. As it really looks, you can marvel at the short video:

After carrying out the installation of the generator, solder it to the new jumper S1 (pulling the jumper forward) and select the entire structure in a ready-made or self-contained (marvel at the busyness of the selection of the living block) housing.

Importantly, we successfully ran into our mouths, and a new device has appeared in our amateur radio state - function generator . We won’t be able to equip it with a frequency meter for the time being (there is no other scheme), but we can use it in such a way that we need a frequency, we can install it for an additional program Virtins Multi-Instrument. The frequency for the generator is selectable on the microcontroller, in the "Microcontroller" section.

Let's start our stage at knowing that practical inclusion in the life of radioamator extensions in the future of folding light and music installations on light-emitting diodes.

With the repetition of this design, it fell apart, if it was possible to achieve the correct shape of rectangular impulses in the distance. Why vinyl is such a problem, it is important to say, it is possible through such a microchip robot. It's easy to solve the problem. For which it is necessary to install the Schmitt trigger on the K561 (KR1561) TL1 microcircuit behind the circuit induced below. This scheme allows you to change the voltage, whether it be in the form of a straight-cut impulse with a good shape. The circuit is included in the explorer, which is in the form of the microcircuit 9, the replacement of the capacitor C6.

Low frequencies are assigned for the removal of periodic low-frequency electrical signals from the set parameters (shape, amplitude, signal frequency).

KR1446UD1 (Fig. 35.1) is a duplex guy-to-rail op-amp of a wild designation. On the basis of these microcircuits, there can be the creation of an attachment of a different type, a circuit of electric chimneys, such as those shown in Fig. 35.2-35.4. (Fig. 35.2):

♦ one-hour and synchronously vibrating voltage impulses of rectangular and saw-like shapes;

♦ The middle point for both op amps is a single middle point, set by the voltage dilator R1 and R2.

On the first one, with the OS of impulses, on the other - Schmitt with a wide hysteresis loop (U raCT = U nHT; R3 / R5), accurate and stable thresholds of the transition. The generation frequency is assigned to the following formula:

f =———– and set the values ​​on the scheme with denominations of 265 Гі. W

Rice. 35.7. Basement and warehouse of the microcircuit KR 7446UD7

Rice. 35.2. generator of rectangular-tricate pulses on microcircuits KR1446UD 7

changing the voltage of life from 2.5 to 7. The frequency changes by less than 1%.

Improvements (Fig. 35.3) vibrate pulses of a rectangular shape, moreover, their frequency depends on the magnitude of the

Rice. 35.3. kerovanny generator of rectilinear impulses

input voltage according to law

When changing

input voltage 0.1 to 3 V generation frequency linearly increasing 0.2 to 6 kHz.

The frequency of generation of the generator of direct-current pulses on the microcircuit KR1446UD5 (Fig. 35.4) is linear in the value of the applied electric voltage and at R6=R7 it varies as:

5 V generation frequency is linearly increased from 0 to 3700 Hz.

Rice. 35.4. generator

So, when changing the input voltage from 0.1 to

On the basis of microcircuits TDA7233D, vicorist as a single basis of the basic element, fig. 35.5, a, you can pick up the pressure impulses (), as well as the tension, fig. 35.5.

The generator (Fig. 35.5, 6, top) operates at a frequency of 1 kHz, which is determined by the selection of elements Rl, R2, Cl, C2. The capacitance of the transitional capacitor sets the timbre and volume of the signal.

Generator (Fig. 35.5 b, bottom), vibrating a two-tone signal for the mind and an individual selection of the capacitance of the capacitor C1 in the skin of the most basic elements, for example, 1000 and 1500 pF.

The voltages (Fig. 35.5, c) work at a frequency close to 13 kHz (the capacity of the capacitor C1 is reduced to 100 pF):

♦ top - viroblyaє otrashch geln schodo zagalnoї tire vaprugu;

♦ medium - viroblya podvoєne podvoєne prudo pruzhennia more positively;

♦ lower - fluctuates fallowly depending on the coefficient of transformation of different polarity equal to the voltage with the galvanic (for consumption) pinking of the living room.

Rice. 35.5. abnormal jamming of microcircuits TDA7233D: a - basic element; b - as a pulse generator; c - how to change the voltage

When folded, it is necessary to reverse the damage, that on the diodes of the rectifier, there is a mark of a part of the external voltage. It is recommended to use Schottky vicorist in connection with the cym yak VD1, VD2. The power supply stream for transformerless conversions can reach 100-150 mA.

Rectangular pulses (Fig. 35.6) are used in the frequency ranges 60-600 Hz 0.06-6 kHz; 0.6-60 kHz. To correct the shape of the signals that are generated, there may be a lancet (lower part of Fig. 35.6), which is connected to points A and B of the extension.

Having surrounded the OS with a positive turning signal, it is not important to switch the device to the mode of generation of rectangular pulses (Fig. 35.7).

Impulses with a smooth reset frequency (Fig. 35.8) can be beaten on the basis of the DA1 microcircuit. When vikoristannі yak DA1 1/4 microchip LM339 regulation potentiometer R3 operating frequency perebudovuetsya in the range of 740-2700 Hz (nominal capacity C1 in pershodzherelі not vprasheniya). The output frequency of the generation is determined by the C1R6 supplement.

Rice. 35.8. wide-range generator, which is being rebuilt, based on a comparator

Rice. 35.7. generator of rectangular impulses at a frequency of 200 Hz

Rice. 35.6. LF generator of rectilinear pulses

On the basis of comparators of the type LM139, LM193 and those similar to them can be selected:

♦ rectilinear pulses from quartz stabilization (Fig. 35.9);

♦ impulsive with electronic re-energizing.

Stable for the frequency, or so the titles of "annual" rectilinear pulses can be beaten on the DAI LTC1441 comparator (otherwise similar) typical scheme, shown in Fig. 35.10. The generation frequency is determined by the quartz resonator Ζ1 and becomes 32768 Hz. In case of varying frequency lines of 2 dilniks, at the output of dilniks they have rectilinear pulses with a frequency of 1 Hz. At small intervals, the operating frequency of the generator can be reduced, including in parallel with a small-capacity resonator.

Sound at the radio-electronic attachments vicorist LC and RC-. Smaller version LR-, although on their basis can be built attachments with inductive sensors,

Rice. 35.11. LR generator

Rice. 35.9. pulse generator on comparators LM 7 93

Rice. 35.10. "one year" pulse generator

Viyavniki electrical wiring, іpulsіv toshcho.

On fig. 35.11 a simple LR generator of direct pulses was induced, which works in the frequency range of 100 Hz - 10 kHz. Yak inductance i for sound

To control the operation of the generator, a telephone capsule TK-67 is used. Perebudova frequency zdіysnyuєtsya potentiometer R3.

Pratsezdatny when changing the voltage of life from 3 to 12.6 V. When the voltage of life is reduced from 6 to 3-2.5, the upper generation frequency moves from 10-11 kHz to 30-60 kHz.


The frequency range that is generated can be extended up to 7-1.3 MHz (for a microcircuit) when replacing the telephone capsule and resistor R5 with an inductor. In this case, when the diode intermediate device is switched on at the output, it is possible to take signals close to sinusoidal. The stability of the generation frequency of the add-on can be equal to the stability of the RC generators.

Sound signals (Fig. 35.12) can be beaten K538UNZ. For which it is enough to enter and exit the microcircuit with a capacitor or its analogue - a p'ezoceramic capsule. In times of capsules, the role of a sound emitter also plays a role.

The frequency of generation can be changed by selecting the capacitance of the capacitor. Parallel or sequentially p'ezoceramic capsule for selection of the optimal generation frequency can be turned on. Generator life voltage 6-9 st.

Rice. 35.72. audio frequencies on microcircuits

For express verification of the OS, you can use a sound signal generator, shown in fig. 35.13. Tested microcircuit DA1 type, or others, may have a similar pinout, insert into the socket, after which turn on the food. As well as right, the p'zoceramic capsule HA1 vibrates the sound signal.

Rice. 35.13. sound generator - viprobuvacha OU

Rice. 35.14. generator of rectilinear impulses on OUKR1438UN2

Rice. 35.15. generator of sinusoidal signals on OUKR1438UN2

Signals of a rectangular shape at a frequency of 1 kHz, wobbles on the KR1438UN2 microcircuit are shown in fig. 35.14. amplitude-stabilized sinusoidal signals at a frequency of 1 kHz is shown in fig. 35.15.

The generator, which vibrates sinusoidal signals, is shown in fig. 35.16. It is used in the frequency range of 1600-5800 Hz, although for frequencies over 3 kHz the shape of the dedale signal is more distant from the ideal, and the amplitude of the output signal drops by 40%. With a tenfold increase in the capacitances of capacitors C1 and C2, the generator's energy savings of a sinusoidal form signal are reduced to 170-640 Hz with an uneven amplitude of up to 10%.

Rice. 35.7 7. 400 Hz sinusoidal generator

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