Set up a circuit for the life block on 2161. Impulse life block on ir2153, ir2155. Features of laboratory blocks

Self-sufficient impulse dzherelo living with their own hands.

The author of the design (Sergiy Kuznetsov yogo site - rozroblyav tse samorobnoe merezhev dzherelo zhivlennya
for powering the straining UMZCH (Pidsilyuvacha Potuzhnosti Sound Frequency). Perevagi impulsnyh zherel zherel zhilennya in front of the great transformer sockets, life is obvious:

  • Waga virobu nabagato lower
  • The dimensions of the impulse dzherel zhivlennya are richly smaller.
  • KKD to a virobu, and in p_dpov_dno thermal imaging
  • The range of the pressure of the life (strings of the tension in the mesh) with such a block of life can stably work out significantly wider.

However, the preparation of a pulsed ribbed dzherel zhivotnya vmagaє richer sound and knowledge, equal to the preparation of a superb low-frequency Hertz 50 block of zhivotnya. The low-frequency block of life is composed of a mesh transformer, a diode bridge and capacitors, which smooth out the filter, while the impulse one can be richly folded structure.

The main minus of impulse fencing blocks of life is the presence of high-frequency transitions, which you can overcome, if you have an incorrect drawing of a different payment, or if you choose the wrong component base. When the DBZH is turned on, ring out, a strong spark is expected at the rosette. It is necessary to use the great peak stream to start the life block, through the charge of the capacitors of the input filter. To turn off such surges in the strum, the retailers design various “soft start” systems, as in the first phase, they charge the filter capacitors with a small strum, and when the charge is over, they organize the supply of a new voltage to the battery at the DBZh. At to this particular type zastosovaniya sprosheniya variant of such a system, which is sequentially connected by a resistor and a thermistor, which surrounds the charge of the capacitors.

The circuit is based on the IR2153 PWM controller in the standard switching circuit. The poly transistors IRFI840GLC can be replaced by IRFIBC30G, the author does not recommend installing other transistors, so it is necessary to change the ratings of R2, R3 and increase the temperature, as you can see. The voltage on the PWM controller may not be lower than 10 Volts. Bazhan of the robot of the microcircuit with a voltage of 11-14 Volts. Component L1 C13 R8 to reduce the mode of operation of the transistors.

Throttles, which stand at the exit of the zherel zhivlennya 10 mkg, are wound with a 1 mm wire on ferite dumbbells with a magnetic penetration of 600 NN. You can wind on shears from old primacs, stitch 10-15 turns. The capacitors at the lifeline need to be low-impedance to reduce RF noise.

The transformer will be repaid for the help of the Transformer 2 program. The frequency in the area is 40-80k. The author does not recommend stosuvannya kіlets vіtchiznyany vіrobnitstv, due to the non-identity of parameters in the ferrite and significant losses in the transformer. Drukovana board was designed for transformer type size 30x19x20. When the power supply is energized, it is fenced to connect the ground of the oscilloscope at the point of connection of the transistors. The first start-up of the block of life is powered by a power supply when it is subsequently connected from an old lamp to 220V at a voltage of 25-40W, with which it is not possible to strongly switch on the DBZh. Drukovana fee block in the LAY format can be added either

Zavzhdy boules are important elements of electronic accessories. Zadiyanі danі at pіdsilyuvachakh, as well as priymachakh. The main function of the blocks of life is taken into account the reduction of the boundary stress, which is similar to the mesh. The first models appeared only after the cat of the snake strum was found.

Dodatkovo on the development of blocks of life, the replacement of transformers was added to the scheme. The peculiarity of impulse models lies in the fact that there are vicarious ones in them. In this manner, the stabilization of the voltage in the measure is carried out in a different way, lower in the most important fittings, and it is changed.

Attachment to the living block

As a way of looking at the splendid block of life, which is victorious in radio receivers, it consists of a frequency transformer, a transistor, and also a deck of diodes. Dodatkovo in lanceuzi present drosel. Capacitors are installed in different capacities and can be adjusted according to the parameters. Vipryamlyach vikoristovuyut, as a rule, the capacitor type. The stench lies up to the category of high-voltage ones.

Robot of current blocks

The back of the head is strained to go to the brukіvka. At this stage, spratsovuє obezzhuvach pіkovogo struma. It is necessary for the fact that the bloc's life does not burn a zapobіzhnik. They let the strum pass like a lansy through a special filter, deducing its transformation. For charging the resistors, a sprat of capacitors is needed. The launch of the node is only possible after the breakdown of the dinistor. Let's have a block of life zdіysnyuєtsya vіdmikannya transistor. Tse allows you to significantly reduce autocooling.

At times of generation, the voltages are driven by diodes in the circuit. The stench of z'ednani mizh himself for help cathodes. The negative potential of the system gives the possibility to close the dinistor. It is easier to start the straightener after the transistor starts to flicker. Dodatkovo bezpechuєtsya Schobіgti the number of transistors, є two zabіzhniki. Spratsovoyut stench at lanceuzi less after a breakdown. To start the turning link, a transformer is required. Liven up yoga at the block of lively impulse diodes. At the exit, the changing stream passes through the condensers.

Features of laboratory blocks

The principle of robotic impulse blocks of life of this type is inspired by an active transformation of the stream. The bridge straightener in the standard scheme is given one. In order to tidy up all the pereshkod, vikoristovuyutsya filters on the cob, as well as for example lansyuga. Capacitors and laboratory pulse unit may be fixed. The number of transistors is measured incrementally, and the diodes are positively indicated. The regulation of the voltage in the different models is not extended. The system zahistu poklikana ryatuvati blocks from short chimes. Cables for them should be played with a non-modular series. In this case, the intensity of the model can reach 500 watts.

Retail unit living in the system is usually installed type ATX 20. To cool the unit in the housing, a fan is installed. The speed of wrapping shovels can be regulated by one's own. The maximum voltage of a laboratory-type block is due to increase at least at a level of 23 A. For this parameter, the support for the average is increased at a value of 3 ohms. The cutoff frequency, which can be used by the laboratory pulse block, is up to 5 Hz.

How to fix the repair of outbuildings?

Most of the blocks of life suffer through the defenders who burned. Know the stench of the order of the capacitors. Repair the repair of impulse blocks of life following the removal of the cover. Dali importantly look at the integrity of the microcircuit. Even if the defect is not visible, it can be checked with the help of a tester. To take the guards, it is necessary to remove the capacitors from the beginning. If any of them can be taken without problems.

To re-verify the integrity of which, I will build a look at its base. Zapobіzhniki, scho burnt in the lower part, mow a dark flame, as if to tell about the failure of the module. To replace this element, it is necessary to restore respect for yoga marking. Let's go to the shop of radioelectronics and you can get similar goods. The installation of a protector is only installed after the condensate has been fixed. One more extended problem in living units is taken into account for faults in transformers. The stench is a box in which the cats are installed.

If the pressure on the attachment is too great, the stench is not visible. As a result, the integrity of the winding is destroyed. It is impossible to repair the impulse blocks for such a breakdown. At the same time, the transformer, like a zapobіzhnik, can only be replaced.

Merezhev living blocks

The principle of operation of impulse blocks of life of the merzhny type is grounded on a low-frequency decrease in the amplitude of the shift. Vіdbuvaetsya tse zavdyakov vikoristannya high-voltage diodes. In this way, controlling the cutoff frequency is more effective. Dodatkovo slid signify that the transistors zastosovuyutsya medium pressure. The desire for zapobіzhniki seems to be minimal.

Resistors in standard circuits are rarely beaten. It is rich in why it is connected with it, that the building condenser takes a part in the converted stream. The main problem for the living block of this type is the electromagnetic field. As capacitors are wicked with low capacitance, the transformer is located in the risk zone. In any case, the next place is respectfully placed to the tightness of the annex. Intermediate for a peak struma can be a pulsed block of life, and stench is found right above the vibrators. The main task is to control the operating frequency to stabilize the amplitude.

The diodes of this system often beat the functions of the defenders. To start the vikoryach, only transistors are used. The process of zamikannya, its own calling, the necessary activation of filters. Capacitors can be of a different type in the system. At this time, the start of the transformer will be more fluently.

Chip loading

Microcircuits in the blocks of life are zastosovuyutsya nayriznomanіtnіshі. In this situation, it is too rich to deposit a large number of active elements. If there are more than two diodes, then the fee may be covered for entry and exit filters. Transformers also vibrate with different pressures, which, due to their dimensions, are strongly perturbed.

You can do soldering of microcircuits yourself. In this case, it is necessary to loosen the boundary support of the resistors to improve the tightness of the attachment. For the creation of an adjustable model, there are special blocks. This type of system can be broken with subways. Pulsations in the middle of the payment sound richer swish.

Advantages of regulation blocks of life

The principle of operation of pulse blocks of life with regulators is based on the application of a special controller. This lancet element can change the throughput of transistors. In this way, the boundary frequency at the input and at the output is significantly changed. It is possible to adjust in a different way the impulse block of life. The regulation of the voltage depends on the type of transformer. For refrigeration, I will use vicorist coolers. The problem of these annexes, as a rule, affects the overworld stream. In order to її virishiti, zastosovuyut zahisnі filters.

The pressure of the fittings at the average is about 300 watts. Cables in the system are no longer modular. Otzhe, short zamiknut can uniknuti. The socket of the living block for connecting the outbuildings sounds to install the ATX 14 series. The standard model has two outlets. Vipryamlyachі vikoristovuyutsya pіdvishchenoy voltnistyu. Opіr stink building vitrimuvati less on equal 3 Ohm. At its core, the maximum regulation voltage of the impulse block of life is up to 12 A.

Block robot for 12 volts

Pulse switch on two diodes. At any time, the filters are installed from a small capacity. At times, the process of pulsation seems to be quite correct. The average frequency fluctuates around 2 Hz. Coefficient of core value for rich models is selected at 78%. Also, these blocks are rebuilt with their compactness. It is related to those that transformers are installed with low tension. Refrigeration with this stink is not required.

Scheme of the 12V pulse block, which additionally transfers the selected resistors to the P23 markings. Opir stench building vitrimati is less than 2 ohms, prote for fitting such tightness is sufficient. A 12V impulse block is installed, mostly for lamps.

How do you work the TV block?

The principle of operation of pulsed blocks of life of this type is based on stasis of heating filters. Qi add-ons can cope with shifts of different amplitudes. The winding of the choke is oversynthetic. In such a rank, the defender of important vuzlіv will be safe with him. The mustache gaskets in the blocks of life are insulated from the mustache sides.

The transformer, in its own way, can be a cooler for cooling. For the sake of clarity, the victories of the wines sound to be noiseless. The boundary temperature of the building is vitrimuyut up to 60 degrees. I work with the frequency of the impulse block of life of the TV sets, which is less than 33 Hz. At sub-zero temperatures, these extensions can also vicorate, however, in this situation, they can lie in the type of condensate, which can stagnate, and cut the magnetic circuit.

Models of attachments for 24 volts

In models for 24 volts, the rectifiers have low frequencies. Less than two diodes can successfully cope with shift codes. The coefficient of core construction of such building outbuildings reaches 60%. The regulators of the blocks of life are installed rarely. The working frequency of the models is picked up at 23 Hz. Opir resistors can vitrimuvat less than 2 ohms. Transistors for models are installed with marking PR2.

To stabilize the voltage, the resistors in the circuit are not reversed. 24V filter impulse block of life condenser type. In certain moods, you can see sharpness. The stench is necessary to reduce the boundary frequency of the struma. For a quick launch of a vipryamlyach, a dinistori rarely needs to be completed. The negative potential of the attachment is taken away for the help of the cathode. At the exit, the strum stabilizes the zavdyaka zamikannyu vipryamlyacha.

Sides of life on scheme DA1

Blocks of living of this type in other outbuildings are built in such a way that the buildings show great interest. There is only one capacitor in the standard transmission circuit. For normal operation, the power supply unit has a regulator. The controller is installed without a resistor. The diodes in the scheme can be used for three more than three.

The irreversible process of transformation begins in the dynistory. A special throttle has been added to the system to launch the mechanism. Winds with a great amplitude are extinguished by the capacitor. Installed wines sound of a different type. The followers of the standard scheme are rarely used. It is primed to the point that the boundary temperature of the transformer does not exceed 50 degrees. In this rank, the ballast throttle copes with its tasks independently.

Models of attachments with DA2 microcircuits

The microcircuits of the pulse blocks of life of the middle type of the middle extensions are seen as a moving support. Vykoristovuyut їх it is important for vimіryuvalnyh priladіv. For example, you can point an oscilloscope, which shows the coli. Stabilization of the voltage for the new one is even more important. As a result, the indications will be more accurate.

Many models are not equipped with regulators. Filters are more importantly double-sided. At the output of the lance, the transistors are installed automatically. All the same, it gives the possibility of the maximum intensity of vitrimuvat at a level of 30 A. In its own right, the indicator of the cutoff frequency is at 23 Hz.

Blocks with built-in DA3 microcircuits

This microcircuit allows you to install not only a regulator, but also a controller, which will follow the cobbles in the net. Opir transistors in the building add-on vibrate approximately 3 ohms. Pushing impulse block of life DA3 with pressure 4 A copes. It is possible to connect fans for cooling. As a result, the annex can be beaten for any temperature. There is one more thing that affects the presence of three filters.

Two of them are installed at the input under the capacitors. One filter of a separate type is on the output and stabilizes the voltage, like a resistor. Diodes in the standard circuit can be used no more than two. However, it’s too rich to lie down in the virobnik, and ce next to heal. The main problem of blocks of life of this type is those who don’t stink at low frequencies. In the event of which it is necessary to install them on the vimiryuvalni, it is not sufficient.

How do you make a block on VD1 diodes?

Given blocks of insurance for support of three outbuildings. Their regulators are tripartite. Communication cables are no longer modular. In this rank, the transformation of the strumu is shvidko. Reversible models are fitted with the KKT2 series.

The stench works out that the energy from the capacitor of the building is transferred to the winding. As a result, the number of filters often changes. The productivity of such outbuildings is high. At temperatures above 50 degrees, the stench can vikorate.

Virishiv take your brother to the garage pіdsiluvach sound frequency, wat 60, schob reading music from a flash drive. For this, adding a Chinese FM modulator, and the case for me for this device has been lying for a long time. If zіbrav, vinikla problem - the usual bracing transformer for such tightness in the case simply did not fit. It was done to create an impulse block of life. Looking over a bunch of schemes from the Internet. Auto-generators didn’t fit, to give strong shifts. Rebuilding blocks of life from the computer was not worth it, I don’t like it anymore, if everything on the board is soldered soldered. Here it is easier to do something new. I axis know the circuit of the impulse block of life.

The circuit is simpler than anywhere else at a frequency of 100 kHz and to replace a minimum of inexpensive, wider parts. The frequency is determined by a resistor, which hangs on another node of the microcircuit (in this case, 10 kOhm). Microcircuit IR2151-2153 - the driver for controlling the gates of field-effect transistors. Practice has shown that the supply for strangling the high-frequency band in this block is not obov'azkovymi. This circuit can draw up to 500 W of power. Here, following the description of the author, self-contained transformers are used. Tsya is simple to change the circuit of a miracle power for living power supplies, charging batteries, halogen lamps for 12 volts in spotlights and a lot more.

The scheme does not imply any taxation, but it begins to work again. In its own variant, there is a transformer with a faulty power supply unit and all the details of a microchip, transistors, and a 47-computer power resistor. On the scheme, on the vibrating voltage of the wire, there is a second place - the same vikoristovuvav diode from the ATX unit (the fee is covered by the cost). The input high-voltage capacitors are designed for 1MkF capacitance per 1W of intensity. At times, the capacitors are rated for 220 watts. You can adjust the frequency in series with a 10 kΩ resistor, set the change to 5 kΩ. Even after changing the frequency, the output voltage changes. I also want to add that diodes of the KD213 type are not used here - they get very hot, you need to put them more quickly. The axis of the photo of my version. Without putting a single place at the exit, the shards of wine stand together with the filter capacitors at the very substation. Having stopped the IRF840 transistors, stink shards are most suitable for this block of life.

In the photo, the voltage is 50 watts, the diode is turned on to reduce the voltage, so the output is 22 volts. robbed with a marker, went for 10 quills. The transistors are attached to the heat sink through mica spacers.

In the archive given on the diagram. Let me add that for the number of radio components it cost all three dollars. Author of the article: Ksyunya.

This is the first proof of the folding of the impulse block of life for a distorted scheme, which is repeatedly propagated to repetition on the Internet. Ale sense of recurrence is more effective in the improvement of external tension in case of recurrence than in the old computer block of 400 watts.
The standard scheme for a 200 W pulsed power supply is shown in the diagram:

The latest translation of stagnant details.

  • C1 - 220uF 200V
  • C2 - 220uF 200V
  • C3 - 220uF 16V
  • C4 - 1uF 50V (+/-)
  • C5 - 1000pF
  • C6 - 500uF 50V


  • R1 - 47k 2W
  • R2 - 10k
  • R3, R4 - 26 Ohm
  • Diodi
  • D1-FR107
  • D2-D5 - FR302

Diode location:

  • BR1-KBU610


  • FU1 - 5A

Starter jet cutter:

  • RT1-NTC


  • U1-IR2151


  • Q1, Q2 - IRFBC40


  • TR1 - no matter what computer life block

With this transformer, which is victorious in the circuit, the computer's live block on the secondary winding will start with an offensive rank:

A fee for the block of living can be made available for the upcoming advances:.
I know without going into details of the winding of the transformer in the computer block of life, but there is less need for life for the power supply selected on the microcircuit TDA7293 or TDA7294. To me, the transformer rewinded:

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Let's turn to the cob to the scheme, marveling at the details of our living block, it is necessary to replace them to reduce the tightness. I have made a small table for matching the parameters and replacing the components that are victorious in the scheme:

  1. Dydny MIST KBU610 (1000V, 6A) by deputy on 1N5408 (1000V, 6A), Yak showed the practice of Vicoristan 1N5408, Spocyno Vicoristovali in the Blotovy 350 W, with capacitors in the input 2x470v -marty male mit it would be more logical for the plan to have a reserve of tension.
  2. The foregoing capacitors 2x470mkF 200V I have eliminated by replacing them with 2x220mkF 200V, which are victorious in the circuit.
  3. You can set the pickup generator on the IR2151 microcircuit (600V 100 / 210mA) by: IR2152, IR2153, for the Chip and Dip catalog found from those IR2152, about 110 rubles on 11/17/2012.
  4. As in the name IR2151, IR2152, IR2153 - index "D", for example, IR2153D, then the FR107 diode is not needed in the driver connection.
  5. Poly transistors IRFBC40 (Ncan, 600V, 6.2A, TO220) can be replaced by IRF740, IRF840, BUZ91, BUK657-600, 5N60, 6N60. Also possible replacements: 2SK1117, 2SK2027-01, 2SK2351, MTP6N60, MTP6N60E, STB6NA60, STP6NA60, STP6NK60Z, 2SK1625L, 2SK1625S, 2SK3312, MTB6N60E, SSW7N60A, STB6NK60ZB6NK6Z Here is a list of new replacements for the transistor ... of different manufacturers, do not be surprised that the list is so great. Zbіg visnovkіv and body, electrical and functional characteristics. Changes are made without making changes to the basic electrical circuit.

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Otherwise, you can create a winding, you can choose a pulse-type living block with your own hands, which makes the transformer of the entire coil with turns.

At the same time, a small number of parts is required, and the robot can be finished in 1 year. In this case, the IR2151 microcircuit is the basis for the living block.

For a robot, you need the following materials and details:

  1. PTC thermistor be of some type.
  2. Pair of capacitors, which are selected with a 1 microfarad. at 1 W. Under the hour of the construction of the structure, we select the capacitors so that the stench vitiagli 220 watts.
  3. One day folding vertical type.
  4. Drivers type IR2152, IR2153, IR2153D.
  5. Polymer transistors type IRF740, IRF840. You can choose something else, because the stench can make a good display of support.
  6. Transformer can be taken from old computer system blocks.
  7. Diodi that are installed at the exit, it is recommended to take from the HER family.

Of course, you need the following tools:

  1. soldering iron and window materials.
  2. Vikrutka and pliers.
  3. Tweezers.

Also, do not forget about the need for good lighting in the workplace.

Pokrokov's instruction

principle diagram
block diagram

The storage is carried out in accordance with the folded lancet scheme. The microcircuit was chosen according to the features of the lancer.

Storage is carried out in an offensive rank:

  1. At the entrance Installable PTC thermistor and diodes.
  2. Potim, a pair of capacitors is installed
  3. Drivers necessary regulation of the robotic shutters of the field-effect transistors. It is not necessary to install FR107 for the presence of the driver index D in the region of marking.
  4. Polymer transistors are installed without shorting the flanges. During the installation to the radiator, special insulating gaskets and washers should be used.
  5. transformers are installed from shortened visnovkas.
  6. At the exit diode.

All elements are installed at the top of the plate on the plate and are soldered from the back side.


In order to choose the block of life correctly, it is necessary to respectfully set up before the installation of the polar elements, and also to be careful when working with the mesh voltage. After switching on the block from the dzherel zhivlennya, it is not guilty to lose the unsafe voltage in the lance. With the right choice, the onset of healing is not carried out.

You can check the correctness of the life block robot as follows:

  1. Included in lanceug, at the output is a light bulb, for example, 12 volts. At the first short-hour start, the light bulb is guilty of burning. Krіm tsgogo, slіd ferment respect, scho all the elements are not guilty of heating. If it gets hot, then the scheme was chosen incorrectly.
  2. On another start we measure the value of the struma with the help of a tester. Let's give the block enough time to propagate in order to change the current of the elements that are heating up.

Krіm tsgogo, it will be unavoidable to recheck all the elements for the help of a tester for the presence of a high struma after viknennya life.

  1. Like before it was appointed The operation of the impulse block is based on a swivel link. The outlined scheme does not imply a special organization of a healthy connection and other filters of eating.
  2. Special respect should be given to the choice of field transistors. In this case, polytransistors IR are recommended, as they are famous for their resistance to thermal tolerance. According to the virobnik, stench can stably work up to 150 degrees Celsius. However, in this scheme, the stench does not heat up much, which can be called an important feature.
  3. How the transistors are heated up constantly next install more active cooling. As a rule, it is represented by a fan.

Advantages and shortcomings

Impulse conversion may have the following effects:

  1. High display The stabilization coefficient allows you to take care of eating, so as not to harm the sensitive electronics.
  2. Examined constructions Mayut high pokanik KKD. The current options for vikonannya may be that the display is less than 98%. Tse pov'yazano z tim, scho spent is reduced to a minimum, about scho to indicate a little heating of the block.
  3. Great range of input voltage- One of the bones, a similar structure has expanded through the yak. With this KKD, it is not possible to deposit a stream in the form of incoming indications. The very unacceptability to the voltage indicator of the struma allows the term of the service of electronics to be continued, to the fact that in the case of an electric power supply, the voltage indicator is often a manifestation.
  4. Input strum frequency adding more practicality to the input elements of the design.
  5. Small dimensions that vaga, also booming popularity through the expansion of portable and portable possession. Age, with a different linear block, the dimensions are larger at the spear of the times.
  6. Organization of remote care.
  7. Namensha varity.

Є th shortcomings:

  1. Presentation pulse shift.
  2. Necessity the inclusion of compensators up to the lancet in the pressure coefficient.
  3. folding independent regulation.
  4. Naymensha nadіynіst through the folded lanceg.
  5. Important notes at the exit of one chi kіlkoh elementsіv lanceug.

With an independent creation of a similar design, the next thing is to protect those who allowed pardons can bring a calmer to the exit from the fret. That is why it is necessary to convey the presence of a zakhist in the system.

Attachment and features of work

When looking at the features of the robotic pulse unit, you can see the following:

  1. Spochatku vіdbuvaє vypryamlennya vkhіdnoї naprugi.
  2. Rectified voltage in fallow in recognition of the peculiarities of all constructions, redirected to look like a rectilinear impulse high frequency it is fed to the installation of a transformer or a filter, which works with low frequencies.
  3. transformers there may be small expansions and changes in the pulse block through those that increase the frequency allows you to increase the efficiency of their work, as well as change the structure of the core. Krіm tsgogo, when prepared ferociously, ferromagnetic material can be victorious. At a low frequency, only electrical steel can be beaten.
  4. Voltage stabilization vydbuvaєtsya for the help of a negative turning point. Zavdyaki vikoristannyu this method, the voltage, which is given up to a slowdown, is filled with the constant, unimportant to the influx of the input voltage, and the created tension.

Zvorotny zv'yazok can be organized by an offensive rank:

  1. In case of galvanic separation, vikoristovuetsya optocoupler or winding transformer output.
  2. It’s not necessary to make a rozvyazka vikoristovuetsya resistor dilnik naprugi.

Similar methods show the output voltage with the required parameters.

Standard blocks impulse eating, which can vikoristovuvatsya, for example, to regulate the external voltage during live , It is composed of the following elements:

  1. Part of the input is high-voltage. Vaughn, sound, is represented by the generator of impulses. The width of the impulse is the main indicator, which flows into the outer stream: the wider the indicator, the greater the voltage fit, and the other way around. The pulse transformer should be placed on a separate input and output part, to carry out the visualization of the impulse.
  2. PTC thermistor on the outer side. Vіn vygotovlyаєєєєєєєєєєєєєєєє із із інівідініка, міє pozitivny pokazatel kafіtsієnta temperature. This particularity means that when the temperature of the element rises, it is higher than the first value, the indication of the support is significantly raised. Vikoristovuєtsya like a zahisny mechanism of the key.
  3. Low voltage part. From the low-voltage winding, a pulse is taken out, it is rectified after an auxiliary diode, and the capacitor acts as a filter element. One day of folding can carry out the straightening of the struma to a value of 10A. Please note that capacitors can be re-insurance at a different cost. Capacitor conduct znyatya pіkіv іpulsu, scho lost.
  4. Drivers carry out the extinguishing of the support in the lance of life. Drivers for an hour of work and carry out the last check of the shutters of the installed transistors. The robot sounds with singing frequency
  5. Polymer transistors to choose from the improvement of indications the support and the maximum stress at a wet steel. At the minimum value of the support, the KKD significantly moves up and the heating changes for an hour of operation.
  6. Typical transformer for reduction.

With the improvement of the selected scheme, you can proceed to the creation of a living block of the type you are looking at.

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