Zrobiti live block at 5 volts. A simple living block. Features of impulse stabilizers

We all know that the nominal onboard voltage of passenger cars should be 12 volts. Maybe in some fluctuations it can be 24 volts, the battery shards for such a voltage can also be sharpened, but we don’t know about it :) ...
However, the voltage of 12 volts does not need to be used for buggy electronic attachments, where the digital logic will stop. Historically, it has developed so that most logical microcircuits are powered by a voltage of 5 volts. The voltage itself is most often taken care of in cars for additional chargers, adapters, stabilizers ... Before we talk about such a charger, we already mentioned in one of our articles “A 5-volt charger for charging in a car.” To say more, then, in fact, tsya stattya є deakim prodovzhennyam put ї statti higher, with one superfluous vinyatka. Here will be selected all possible options that will ensure the conversion of 12 volts to 5 volts. Therefore, we will analyze and visually unpromising options on resistors and transistors and let's talk about micro-storage and circuits with PWM switches, for the implementation of voltage conversion in machines from 12 to 5 volts. So let's do it.

Yak s 12 volts robit 5 volts for additional resistors

Using a resistor to lower the stress voltage is one of the most "non-drying" methods. Such a visnovok can be made from the very design of the resistor. Resistor - a passive element of an electric lance, which can be used for an electric stream. The key word here is "passive". Indeed, such passivity does not allow the fluke to react to the change in pressure, ensuring the stabilization of the eating habits.
Another minus of the resistor is that it has a very low pressure. Stop the resistor, more lower by 3-5 watts, there is no sense. If it is necessary to increase the tension, then the resistor will be too large, and the strum with tension, which rises, does not matter. I \u003d P / U \u003d 3 / 12 \u003d 0.25 A. Tobto 250 mA. Which is clearly not to be read by either the video recorder or the navigator. Accept with a spare reserve.
All the same, for the sake of interest and for the sake of quiet, who needs a small strum and an unstabilized strain, we are afraid of this option. So the voltage of the side rail of the car (car) is 14 volts, and the need is 5 volts. 14-5 \u003d 9 volts, if you need to throw it off. The strum, say, the strum will be 0.25 A at 3 watt resistors. R=9/0.25=36 Ohm. Tobto you can take a 36 ohm resistor with a surge voltage of 250 mA and a voltage of 5 volts on it.
Now let's talk about more "civilized" options for converting the voltage from 12 to 5 volts.

Yak s 12 volts zrobiti 5 volts for an auxiliary transistor

Tsya circuit on transistors is not the simplest in versatility, but with it the simplest in functionality. At once we say that the circuit is not protected from short flicker, from overheating. The presence of such a zahistu is a deakim nedolіkom. The actuality of this circuit can be seen until now, if there were no micro-storage (microcircuits), reworking. For the benefit of the infected forces, this option, like the one ahead, can also be considered as one of the most possible, but not better. The biggest plus of this option with resistors will be the active change of the support, for the frame of the stablished zener diode and the transistor. The very same radio elements of the building will ensure stabilization. Now let's talk about everything.

On the other hand, the transistor closes and passes the voltage. Ale, after the passage of the voltage through the resistor R1 and the zener diode VD1, the voltage is driven to the level, which shows the voltage of the zener diode. Even the same zener diode provides the reference voltage for the base of the transistor. As a result, the transistor is switched on (closed) in direct proportion to the input voltage. Itself so bezpechuєtsya reduction of voltage, as well as її stabilization. Capacitors beat the function of some kind of "electrical buffers", at times sharp strips and failures. Tse nada schemes more stability. Also, the circuit on transistors is a whole lot of work and zastosovna. Strum for livelihood will be richer here. So let's say for the transistor specified in the KT815 circuit, the ce strum is 1.5 A. It’s already enough to connect the navigator, the tablet and the bucket, but not all of them!

How from 12 volts to generate 5 volts for an additional microcircuit

Microcircuits came to replace transistor circuits. These pluses are obvious. There is no need for electronics here, you can pick up everything without notice, how and what works. If you want to learn the fahivets, you won’t say that if you have sewn into the body the chimney of these other microcircuits, which have been scattered on our market without a face. Tse, vlasne, into our hands, we can choose the best, for less pennies. Also, the advantages of a micro-warehouse will be the choice of various protections, which were not available in the previous options. Tse protection from short circuit and from overheating. As a rule, tse for umovchannyam. Now let's take it apart.

The stocking of such micro-warehouses is right for the fall, as you need to live one of the outbuildings, the splints of the living stream are aligned with the front option, about 1.5 A. However, the stream is also stale and in the assembly building. The microcircuits themselves are lowered, but in other types of cases. In these vipadkah strum life will be close to 100 mA. Tse variant for low-pressure sleepers. At any rate, we put radiators on microcircuits.

Also, at the time of connecting dekilkoh attachments, it will be possible to connect the micro-storage in parallel, one microcircuit per skin attachment. Wait a minute, we don't know the correct option. Here it’s better to go along the path of zbіlshennya vihіdnogo strumu zhivlennya, and promotion of KKD. The very variant is to show us microcircuits from ShІM. About new distance...

Yak s 12 volts robit 5 volts for an additional microcircuit with PWM

Even briefly, that non-professional rozpovіmo about pulse-width modulation. All її the essence is to lead to the fact that life is not a steady stream, but impulses. The frequency of the impulses and their range is chosen in such a way that the urge to life takes the life, the silent stream is steady, so that there is no rest in the robot, turn off, migotine, etc. However, for the account of that which is the strum of impulse, and for the account of that which is the fault of the urgency, all the elements of the scheme are already practiced with their own "breaks for repairs." Tse allows you to save on spozhivannі and rozvantazhiti working elements of the scheme. Itself through the whole impulse blocks of life, and the transformations are so small, then so “far away”. The PWM switch allows you to move the CCD of the circuit up to 95-98 kW. Believe me, you are a good showman. Also, we induce a circuit for converting from 12 to 5 volts of vicorist PWM.

The axis looks so "hot".

More reports about this option are all in the same article about a 5-volt charger, as we predicted earlier.

Pidsumovuyuchi about turning the voltage from 12 to 5 volts

Usі schemes and options peretvoryuvachіv, about yakі mi you rozpovіl at tsіy statti, mayut right to life. The simplest variant with a resistor will be indispensable for the variant, if you need to connect a low voltage and do not vim a stabilized voltage. Let's say a sprig of light, connected in sequence. Before speech, about the connection of light diodes up to 12 volts, you can find out from the article “How to connect a light diode up to 12 volts”.
Another option would be an older one, if you need a changeover at the same time, and you can’t go to the store if you have time. It is possible to know the transistor and the stabilitron in practice, whether it be technically written off.
Chip fitting is one of the widest options for today. Well, microcircuits with PWM are the ones that everything goes to. The most promising and viable options for converting voltages from 12 to 5 volts are the most promising.
Stay for the chronology of the statistics, but not for the information, we wanted to tell you about those, how can life be connected to USB roses, mini, micro roses.

Now you can not only choose the option you need to convert, but also connect it to your electronic device via USB, focusing on the adoption of living standards.

Do-it-yourself living block for 5v 2a

Do-it-yourself living block 5V 2A

How to build a living block with your own hands, Please check with these articles. Vihіdna stabilized voltage unit - 5 volts, nominal jet voltage 2 amperes. Exit block zhivlennya maє zahist vіd short zamikannya. Schematic diagram I will add a little 1 is shown.

Scheme is stuck unification incandescent transformer TN-220-50. Data on the new one can be looked over in the tables below.

ТН2-127/220-50, parameters

Qi transformers may have some modifications. Therefore, the connection of the primary winding in them is blown. If the transformer is only designed for a voltage of 220 volts, then the voltage needs to be connected to 1 and 5 primary windings, div. figure 2.

ТН2-127/220-50, wiring diagram

Since the transformer has a capacity of 127, its circuit is shown in figure 3. In this case, it will be necessary to put a jumper between the windings 2 and 4 of the primary winding. A changeable voltage of 6.3 volts should be placed on the vipryamny place, which is composed of four diodes KD202V, you can zastosuvat i ready mist strum not less than 100 amperes. For example, from imported, RS401, KBL005. Six ampere bridges - KBU6A, RS601, BR605, KBPC6005 that іn Constant voltage on the filter capacitors is approximately 6.6 × 1.41 \u003d 8.8 volts. The basis of the stabilizer is the K157XP2 microcircuit, to which the reference voltage is connected to the warehouse, with an attachment for controlling the hour of switching on and switching on, subscribing to the signal of inconvenience, a regulating element with a strum thermal shock. May everything we need! True, two more transistors for the erasing generator are included in the microcircuit's warehouse, and the stream of magnetophones (the microcircuit is then a tape recorder), but we will not be able to beat them. As a regulating transistor in the circuit, the tight storage transistor KT829A (Darlington circuit) is used. In extreme cases, it is possible to zastosuvat less power transistor KT972A or import, like TIP120, 121,122, which can strum the collector five amperes.

And so, as it was already said above, the circuit can turn on / turn off the winder - 9. To turn on the stabilizer, it is necessary to apply a voltage not lower than two volts to this winder. At the first moment after the supply of voltage to the input of the stabilizer, the voltage is formed by the lance R1 and C2. In an hour, the charge of this capacitor is passed through the jet, and the stabilizer itself turns on, and part of the output voltage through the resistor of the turning link is then applied to the coil 9. Visualization of 8 microcircuits, tse vihіd of the voltage dzherela of the reference voltage. In this microcircuit, the voltage is 1.3 volts. C8 - filter capacitor and one hour stabilizer turn-on stutter capacitor. In this order, if you do not turn on the stabilizer, then you will need to increase the capacity of the capacitor C2. Tobto. zbіshiti hour charge of the th capacitor, scho vstig turn on the stabilizer.

To turn off the stabilizer, press the button SA3 - Stop. You will shunt the output of 9 DA1 to the hot wire, which will cause the voltage to rise, the stabilizer will close. An excellent microcircuit, the voltage of the connected stabilizer in my case is only 7.6 mV. You will see it yourself, tobto. the stabilizer will become weaker if there is a short flicker in your outer lance. So the very loss of tension, which is vibrating. Through the resistor R1, there will be no voltage on the windings 9, since the charging of the capacitor for a constant strum can be even more important. In such a state, the scheme can be saved for a long time. To restart the stabilizer, it is necessary to remove the voltage of life and re-feed, or press the start button. At this point, the voltage, which is visible, is applied to the visnovok 9 through the resistor R1.

You can change the voltage of the stabilizer with a resistor R4. With a stream of voltage, which is equal to 2 amperes and the voltage drop on the regulating transistor is 8.8-5 \u003d 3.5 volts, the tension, on the new one, is seen, it is more P \u003d U x I \u003d 3.5 x 2 \u003d 7 W. It is clear that the transistor needs no heat, the area of ​​which you can estimate, looking at the side 3 of the article "Razrahunok radiators". I've figured it out and it's about 200cm2.

On the website there is the last block of life with different versions of microcircuits, so you can look at the article « » or here « » . So far everything. Hai be happy. K.V.Yu.
Zavantage the article "Block of living 5V 2A with your own hands"

Mayzhe be an electronic circuit - from simple circuits on transistors and operational subsidies to the most complex microcontroller systems - vimaga for a robotically stabilized life. It is easy to induce such a dzherelo, vikoristovuyuchi negative zvorotnyy vyazka and por_vіdnuu vyhіdnu naruzhu z deyakoy іynoyu basic narugou. The laboratory stand of livelihood, which feeds the struma into the voltage up to 21 amperes, is superbly used in the organization of eating various experimental schemes. The stability of the external voltage and the great external strum to sway with hand, and the superficial life force of 110 watts.

Traditional dzherela living with a low-frequency transformer, directing it with a stabilizer with an uninterrupted way of stabilizing is simple, superior, and may not create electromagnetic transitions. Porivnyannia z іpulsnym dzherelami zhivlennja, yakі mayut advanced folding, difficulties, due to the optimization of their energy and electrical indicators, the cost of high-voltage jumping transistors, which often go out of tune through improper design and installation of the life wire allows the traditional thermal heaters to survive with the budget.

Gerel living parameters:
Life voltage…………... change 220 volts ± 12%
Output voltage…………constant +5 volts ± 5%
Maximum output jet…21 amps
Riven ripple…………….30 mіlіvolt

Voltage stabilizer

Purpose stabilizer for low dampening of pulsations, which can be kept in a constant pressure, which can go through the condenser filter. The stabilizer smooths out the pulsations, which are lost from the constant voltage after the capacitor filter and the decrease in the load of the external voltage of the life line in the form of a voltage drop of the wire 220 Volt, 50 Hertz.

The stabilizer has a circuit with a series-parallel gate connection. Decreased output voltages, which increase the pressure surge and change the voltage due to other reasons, are compensated by the pressures due to the difference in the support voltage and the output voltage. If the output voltage becomes larger for the support, then the voltage at the output of the power supply will change, by the same token, ensuring a decrease in the output voltage.

The unstabilized voltage is close to 15 volts to live with a reference voltage, which is formed from the interfacing of the VD1 diode stream, the VD2 zener diode and the resistors R3, RP1, R11. The difference is based on transistors VT4, VT5 and resistors R1, R2 and R12, live in the input of an unstabilized voltage. The output of the reference voltage socket is the ruhomy contact of the changeable resistor RP1, connected from the input of the supply voltage switch, which is the base of the transistor VT4. Another input of the supply voltage regulator is the base of the transistor VT5, connected to the output of the voltage stabilizer. Vihіd pіdsilyuvacha rіznіcі - the collector of the transistor VT5.

The main components of the regulating element are transistors VT2 and VT3, which are coated with a transistor VT1. The VT1 base was closed with the exit of the retailer. At the time of changing the voltage on the VT5 collector, the voltage at the output of the life line is changed. Through the resistor R2, a base stream flows, the necessary work of the folded transistor is VT1 and VT2, VT3. The voltage difference between the reference voltage and the output voltage is multiplied by the coefficient of strength of the voltage difference, which is algebraically added to the voltage on the base of the transistor VT1, which is created by the strum through the resistor R2.

The regulating element is a storage transistor VT1 and VT2, VT3, in the same way VT1 is used to change the flow of the variable regulating element. The middle intensity transistor VT1 controls the strum, which is located on the basis of parallel-connected high-pressure transistors VT2 and VT3. Transistors VT2 and VT3 are passable. With a small output stream, the collector stream of the transistor VT1 is less significant, the oscillators of the lancet opir are connected in parallel to R4, the stream of the VT1 emitter is fixed on a constant level. Through the voltage switch, the base-emitter of the connected parallel-through transistors must be connected in series with the emitter of the pass-through transistor to include groups of resistors R5-R7 and R8-R10. A small number of creations by parallel-connected resistors R5-R7 and R8-R10 are approximately the same as strum between passing transistors VT2 and VT3. At the same time, the resistors R5-R10 protect the vitality in the output from the fret with a short-hour bias. Capacitor C2 suppresses the high-frequency storage pulsation of the output voltage of the life jacket.

Capacitors K73-16 can be replaced by another type K73-17 or foreign analogues. Resistors R1-R4, R11 and R12 have an intensity of 0.125 W and more, visible or planar. The tension of the resistors R5-R10 lie down in the maximum amount of stress in the air. If the stream does not exceed 10 amperes, then the resistors R5-R10 can be installed with a voltage of 2 watts, with a maximum stream of 5 amperes, a voltage of 1 watt can be installed. Zamіst stabilіtronu SZ/BZX84C5V6LT1/T3,G can zastosuvati stabilіtron Іnshoy type s voltage stabilization of 5.6 volts and the range of the struma stabilіzії mіstit value of 5 mіlіampere, scho bezpechuєtsya dіodnim exchange. The transistorization of TIP3055 is equipped with the largest voltage stream. The total maximum strum of two TIP3055 is 30 amps. With the allowable highest charge stream of 21 amperes, the margin for short-hour charge is close to 30%. Even though a 21 amp strum is not needed, you can plug in other transistors, focusing on the required strum voltage. Two pass-through transistors need to be installed on one radiator to ensure the same temperature regime. View of the collector TIP3055 with a metal element to the body. Two hard transistors can be installed on one heatsink, and the shards of the hard transistors are connected to the stabilizer circuit. The radiator should be filled with the largest possible expansion, depending on the total choice of the main body of the accessory.

Before the storage room, there is a circuit that changes the voltage of 220 volts at a constant 15 volts - an unstabilized voltage. Exit the dzherela of an unstabilized voltage 15 volts is connected to the input of a constant voltage stabilizer.

When choosing a tread cord, it is connected to the screw terminals of the Q1 automatic switch. For indication of the inclusion of the device and the presence of a voltage of 220 volts, a light lamp H1 is used. The transil-diode VD1 protects the vitality from the voltage drop. Capacitors C1-C4 reduce the level of the transients, making the life line at 220 volts and at the same time reduce the passage of the high-frequency transitions from the life line. The voltage change from the secondary winding T1 of the transformer with a value of 16.5 volts is rectified by the diode bridge VD2. High-capacity capacitors C5-C9 reduce the ripple of the rectified voltage. A large total capacity of capacitors is wired with a strum for the purpose of life.

The choice of the transformer zdіysnyuєtsya zalezhno vіd іbіlїє strumu, scho spozhivaєєєє navantazhennyami. The optimal secondary winding is designed for a voltage of 16.5 volts. If the voltage is higher, the transformer can be plugged. Increasing the voltage of the secondary winding to create a reserve of voltage when the voltage is changed to 220 volts, and at the same time, the increase in tension, which is spent on heating the transistors installed on the radiator. Zastosovuvat transformer іz output voltage more than 20 volts is not next. A voltage less than 16.5 volts from the secondary winding is not allowed. The voltage drop on the diode bridge in the warehouse is close to 1.2 volts, reducing the voltage at the input of the stabilizer is less than 15 volts, otherwise there will be an increase in pulsations at the output of the lifeline. Choose a compromise between the reserve of the voltage drop of 220 volts and the heating of the hard transistors next to the skin specific drop in the fallout from the maximum voltage surge. In front of the storage, the livelihood was obov'yazkovo-turned the transformer to the building, to supply it with the necessary stream. For which to the contacts of the secondary winding, it is necessary to connect voltage, which is calculated according to Ohm's law. Multiply the number of opir slid by a factor of 0.7 to equalize the stock of struma. The damping of the strum must be controlled by an ammeter of the strum. The overhaul of the work of the transformer is due to the shortest possible time. As a result of the re-verification, it is not to blame for the strong heating of the transformer and other important objects.

The Q1 automatic vimic is mounted on a DIN rail, as it is attached to the front panel of the living room. Q1 at the same time vikonu two functions: the toggle switch of life and the attachment to the overwhelm of the strum. Select an automatic switch, if necessary, with a smaller strum, which will change the maximum charge strum. The H1 lamp and the Q1 automatic light switch are connected by wires, vicorist and screw contacts. Transіl-diode VD1 and capacitors С1…С4 are placed on an okremіy drukovanіy board. Install the diode seat VD2 on the radiator. Installation of lanyards, which are known after the output of the secondary winding, should be wired with a wire of at least 2.5 square millimeters.

P. Horowitz, W. Hill The art of circuitry.
Denisov P. K. http://www.rlocman.ru/review/article.html?di=141588

List of radio elements

Appointment Type of Denomination Kіlkіst NoteScoreMy notepad
VT1 bipolar transistor


1 Up to the notepad
VT2, VT3 bipolar transistor


2 Up to the notepad
VT4, VT3 Transistor2N29242 Up to the notepad
VD1 diode1N53141 Up to the notepad
VD2 stabilitron


1 Up to the notepad
Z 1 Capacitor1uF 63V1 K73-16 Up to the notepad
C2 Capacitor0.22uF 63V1 K73-16 Up to the notepad
R1-R3, R12 Resistor

3.9 com

4 Up to the notepad
R4 Resistor

2.2 room

1 Up to the notepad
R5-R10 Resistor

0.1 ohm

6 C5-16 Up to the notepad
R11 Resistor

10 room


How to pick up a simple block of life for yourself, that strained the tension.
The decals can be connected to various electronic accessories, including self-contained ones, to a constant voltage of 12 volts. Block zhivlennya clumsily zіbrati independently protyag half a day off. Therefore, there is no need to buy a ready-made block, if you independently prepare the necessary speech for your laboratory.

Kozhen, whoever wants to can make a 12-volt block independently, without any special difficulties.
To whom it is necessary that the livelihood of a pidsiluvach is needed, and to whom a small TV set and a radio receiver should be powered.
Krok 1: What details are necessary for choosing a living block.
To fold the block, prepare electronic components in advance, details and accessories for which the block itself is selected.
-Mounting board.
- Chotiri diode 1N4001, or similar. Mist diodniy.
-Voltage stabilizer LM7812.
-Low-power step-down transformer for 220 V, the secondary winding is to blame for the mother 14V - 35V changeable voltage, with a stream of voltage from 100 mA to 1A, so it is necessary to remove the voltage at the output.
- Electrolytic capacitor єmnistyu 1000mkF - 4700mkF.
- Capacitor єmnistyu 1uF.
-Two capacitors with a capacity of 100nF.
-Cutting of the assembly dart.
-Radiator, if necessary.
It is also necessary to take into account the maximum tension of the zherel zhivlennya, for which it is necessary to prepare a power transformer, a diode and a radiator for the microcircuit.
Krok 2: Tools.
To prepare the block, you need tools for installation:
- soldering iron or soldering station
- Mounting tweezers
-Nippers for stripping wires
- Attachment for solder removal.
І іnshі іnstrumenti, yakі can be brown.
Krok 3: Scheme and other ...

For 5V stabilized power, you can replace the LM7812 stabilizer with the LM7805.
To increase the capacity of the voltage more than 0.5 amperes, you need a radiator for the microcircuit, in a different case, it will be in harmony with overheating.
However, it is necessary to take hundreds of milliamps (less, lower than 500 mA) from the dzherel, you can do without a radiator, the heating will be insignificant.
In addition, a light code has been added to the scheme, so that it visually changes, so that the block of life is working, but you can do without it.

Scheme for the block of living 12v 30A.
When one stabilizer 7812 is used as a voltage regulator and a number of hard transistors, the given block of life of the building will provide a vih_dny stream of voltage up to 30 amperes.
Maybe, the most expensive part of the scheme is a power step-down transformer. The voltage of the secondary winding of the transformer can be a little more volts, the voltage is stabilized at 12V, to ensure the operation of the microcircuit. It is necessary for mothers to leave, so that they do not varto pragnate to more retail between the input and output values ​​of the voltage, so with such a strum, the thermal radiator of the output transistors significantly increases in size.
The transformer circuit diodes, which are blocked, are responsible for the great maximum direct stream, approximately 100A. Through the microcircuit 7812, the maximum stream of the circuit does not exceed 1A.
Six warehouse transistors of the Darlington type TIP2955 connected in parallel, secure the 30A navantage jet (skinned transistor for strum 5A), such a large strum enables a wide range of radiator, the skin transistor passes through one sixth part of the navantage jet.
A small fan can be used to cool the radiator.
Rechecking the block of life
At the first notice, it is not recommended to connect the switch. We check the practicality of the circuit: run a voltmeter to the outer terminals and vimiryuemo the magnitude of the voltage, it can become 12 volts, or even close to the new value. They gave a plug-in resistor of 100 ohm voltage, a power of 3 W, or similar voltage - to the type of ignition lamp from the car. With this, the voltmeter display is not guilty of changing. If there is a voltage of 12 volts at the output, it is necessary to turn on the life and reverse the correctness of the installation and the correctness of the elements.
Before installation, the correctness of power transistors is reversed, the chips, when the transistor is broken, the voltage is directly applied to the output of the circuit. To avoid this, turn the power transistors on a short circuit, for which you should measure with a multimeter around the opir between the collector and the emitter of transistors. It is necessary to carry out a re-verification before installation in the circuit.

Living block 3 - 24v

The scheme of the block of life is the regulation of the voltage in the range from 3 to 25 volts, with a maximum voltage surge of up to 2A, so change the surge resistor of 0.3 ohm, the stream can be increased to 3 amperes and more.
Transistors 2N3055 and 2N3053 are installed on high-power radiators, the intensity of the intermediate resistor can be no less than 3 watts. The regulation of the voltage is controlled by the op-amp LM1558 or 1458. When the op-amp 1458 is different, it is necessary to replace the stabilizer elements, which supply voltage from 8 outputs to 3 op-amps from the dilnik on resistors with a nominal value of 5.1 K.
The maximum constant voltage for the life of the OS is 1458 and 1558, the voltage is 36 V and 44 V. The power transformer is responsible for supplying the voltage by at least 4 volts more, the voltage is stabilized lower. The power transformer in the circuit can output a voltage of 25.2 volts of a changeable stream from the inlets in the middle. When the windings are switched, the voltage changes to 15 volts.

Scheme for the living block at 1.5

Scheme for the block of life for removing a voltage of 1.5 volts, a step-down transformer is used, a bridge vibrating with a filter, which is smoothed, and an LM317 microcircuit.

The scheme of the regulated block of life vіd 1.5 to 12.5

Scheme for the block of life with regulation of the output voltage for removing the voltage from 1.5 volts to 12.5 volts, as a control element, the LM317 microcircuit is installed. Її it is necessary to install on the radiator, on the insulating gasket to turn off the sound on the case.

Scheme of the block of life with a fixed output voltage

Scheme of the block of life with a fixed output voltage of 5 volts or 12 volts. As an active element, the microcircuit LM 7805, LM7812 is installed on the radiator for cooling and heating the case. The choice of the transformer is left-handed on the table. By analogy, it is possible to vikonate the block of life for other voltages.

Scheme for the power supply unit 20 watts

Schematic shown for small transceiver self-made preparation, author of DL6GL. During the development of the block, the setting of the mother of the KKD was not less than 50%, the nominal voltage was 13.8V, maximum 15V, the current voltage was 2.7a.
Behind some kind of scheme: is there an impulse for life?
Impulse blocks eating is small-sized and good, but it’s impossible to know how to behave in a critical situation, throwing out the tension.
Irrespective of the shortcomings, a linear regulation scheme was selected: to add a volume transformer, not a high CCD, it is necessary to cool and in.
Details of a self-constructed living block of the 1980s were taken: a radiator from the dvoma 2N3055. Only a few µA723/LM723-Voltage Regulators and a few other parts were missing.
The voltage regulator of the voltage is selected on the microcircuit µA723/LM723 for the standard included. Exhaust transistors T2, T3 type 2N3055 for cooling are installed on radiators. For the help of the potentiometer R1, the output voltage is restored in the ranges of 12-15V. Behind the help of the changeable resistor R2, the maximum voltage drop on the resistor R7 is restored, as it becomes 0.7V (between contacts 2 and 3 of the microcircuit).
For the block of life, a toroidal transformer is installed (maybe, whatever you think).
On the microcircuit MC3423, a circuit is selected to control when the voltage is overturned (Wikids) at the output of the live unit, R3 is set to the threshold of the voltage control on the lower 2 of the R3/R8/R9 dilator (2.6V reference voltage), BT1 what calls for a short chime, what to bring to the rescuer 6.3a.

To prepare the block for life before operation (before 6.3a, I still do not take the fate), set the voltage, for example, 12.0V. Get a power supply unit for which you can connect a 12V/20W halogen lamp. Adjust R2 so that the voltage drop is 0.7V (the strum is responsible for 3.8A 0.7 = 0.185Ωx3.8).
It is necessary to set the right voltage for overvoltage, for which it is possible to smoothly set the voltage of 16V and R3 for the right voltage. Then we put the voltage back to normal and we set the guard (they put a jumper before it).
Description of the living block can be reconstructed for tighter navvantage, for which to install a tighter transformer, additional transistors, piping elements, directing to the authorities' judgment.

Self-contained life block at 3.3v

As a necessary hard block of life, at 3.3 volts, it can be prepared by rebuilding the old block of life from a PC or by inducing a circuit. For example, the scheme for the block of life by 1.5 should be replaced with a resistor of 47 ohms of a higher rating, or put a potentiometer for clarity, adjusting the voltage required.

Transformer block for living on KT808

The rich radioamators have lost their old radyansk radiodetails, they are lying around without work, but you can successfully zastosuvat and stench in faith and truth, one of the other schemes UA1ZH will serve you for a long time, like walking the expanses of the Internet. A lot of copies and arrows were broken on the forums when it was discussed, which is better than a polovian transistor, or a superior silicon one, or a germanium one, so that the temperature of heating of the crystal stench can be seen and who is the best of them?
The skin side has its own arguments, but you can get the details and build one more clumsy and superior block of life. The circuit is even simpler, it is protected from the bias over the stream and when three KT808 are connected in parallel, you can see the stream 20A, the author won such a block with 7 parallel transistors and the input at the bias 50A, with the capacity of the filter capacitor 120,000 microfarads. It is necessary to ensure that the contacts of the relay are responsible for switching such a great strum.

For the correct installation, the output voltage does not exceed 0.1 volts

Living block for 1000V, 2000V, 3000V

How do we need a mother to put a constant voltage on the high voltage of the living lamp of the output cascade transmitting, what is it for stosuvat? On the Internet, there are a lot of different block diagrams for living at 600V, 1000V, 2000V, 3000V.
First: for a high voltage, there are circuits with transformers for one phase, so for three phases (for example, a three-phase voltage is in the booth).
Another: to change the dimensions of that coil, use a transformer-free live circuit without a middle measure of 220 volts with multiple voltages. The biggest shortfall of the scheme is the daily galvanic decoupling between the mesh and the voltages, as if they were connected to a given voltage supply, reaching the phase and zero.

The circuit has an anode transformer T1 (for the necessary voltage, for example 2500 VA, 2400V, strum 0.8 A) and a step-down incandescent transformer T2 - TN-46, TN-36 and in the charge of the capacitors is switched on through the resistors R21 and R22, which is extinguished.
The diodes at the high-voltage lance are shunted by resistors with a method of equal distribution of Uobr. Razrahunok face value for the formula R (Ohm) = PIVx500. C1-C20 for reducing white noise and changing impulse surges. As a diode, it is possible to vicorate and bridge the KBU-810 type by following them according to the specified scheme and, apparently, taking the need for a quantity without forgetting about shunting.
R23-R26 for the discharge of capacitors after the circuit is closed. To check the voltage on the last connected capacitors, parallel resistors are put in parallel, so that the resistance to the skin 1 volt is increased by 100 ohms, and if the voltage is high, the resistors can be increased to a great tension.

Beyond the topic

Do-it-yourself transformer block 13.8 volts 25 a for a HF transiver.

Repair that additional Chinese power supply for the adapter.

There was a need to power the selection of a vimiruvalny probe from a compact, low-voltage, energy-saving block with a stabilized voltage of 5 volts. In reality, it’s a Chinese PSU, which gives 100 mA at the output, but the volts were 8. And here, even before the speech, I guessed about those who seem to “utilize” the Chinese mini video camera.

І having shown the middle of the adapter, the liveliness of the miniaturization of the stabilizer. I itself at five volts.

A total of electronic components: a diode, two capacitors and a stabilizer. At the input there is 9 volts of constant voltage, at the output 5 is already stabilized.

The scheme is simple. Її the basis of the imported stabilizer 78L05 in the TO-92 case with the following technical characteristics:
  • The output voltage is +5 volts.
  • Outdoor strum 100 mA.
  • The voltage recommended at the input is +7 to + 20 volts.
  • Recommended temperature range from 0 to 125 degrees.

So the circuit itself includes a 1N4148 diode and two capacitors C1 \u003d 84 nF and C2 \u003d 42nF (smd components).

We don’t install such a stabilizer on our own, we’ll wipe it all paid fee. Podkupovuє simplicity and miniature virobu. I, singly, there is no such corps, where would the wines not be located.

In order to choose a brother, it is necessary:
  • external life plug
  • 70 centimeters
  • part of the half of a fountain pen with a wide inner diameter.

Stabilizer - adapter for the finished look.

For an hour, the robots are connected to the next life block, but it is also possible to reach some other dzherel with suitable, for the stabilizer, outward characteristics.

After the completion of the process of preparation of shoes, the viscous control of the final parameters of the sample. Well, it’s already acceptable, if you have a quiet supply of stocks, which are dbaily arranged in boxes, you should know how to stock up. I thank you for the singing parts of practicality!
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