Guf and woman from hati 2. Anastasia Kіushkina: “Guf is that person, with whom I would like to spend my whole life. You do not like the great difference in the capital

The news about those that the 36-year-old Oleksiy Dolmatov, who saw the yak Guf, and the 21-year-old participant in the popular Dom-2 project, now at once, cheered their chanuvals. For the sake of the kohanoi people, the girl left the show, and Oleg Burkhanov was the one who spoke to the stosunkah. However, a new novel did not start, as if it ended at once. Already today, a close friend of the Vikonavtsa, that colleague of Ptah, published a sign of Guf, signing Yogo like this: “Girls, it happened so ... Guf is a good man. Let's go over the casting. Respect yoga in your photos.” Dolmatov himself made a repost of the light on his side, which supported the words of his comrade.

Maybe, the new bet seems to have gone awry. Anastasia commented on the development of the rapper at the opening of Starkhit.

“So, we parted ... Now I wonder at the whole situation: so, sing-song, it’s not enough. I am grateful to you for spending an hour and for those who spent time during the past important centuries, morally deprived that person. It can be said that the wedge was beaten with a wedge. It’s true, they called me before Dom-2, but I still don’t plan to turn around. I want to go home, stay at home with my relatives, gain strength, and then, if possible, turn around, ”said the woman.

Guf, speaking about the seriousness of his intentions among the natives, however, Anastasia does not care that the vikonovets are ready to go: “Speak that timidity - tse zovsіm razne. You can say it well, but fix it anyway. If someone is ready to invest in them respect, soul, turbota and seriousness, but if not, then nothing will be seen. Lyosha when we show up, we are not preparing ... ".

About those that Nastya and Oleksiy are talking about, the chanters found out from the “Instagram” of the girl. The ex-participant of "House-2" published a stunningly comprehensive photo from Dolmatovim. “Axis, vosne, and the reason for my exit, the reason for my joy,” Nastya signed the picture.

As Kushkina herself shared in an exclusive interview with StarHit, a friend of hers knew them with Guf.

Oleksiy Dolmatov, in his generosity, even a rapper, it is not uncommon to play with a company of young people beautiful girls. Tue, like the spring of 2015, the rock musician tried to rise from his own huge squad Aizoyu and blue Sem. However, apparently, this test did not end in success. Not long ago, Aiza became zamizh, and at the same time she is happy with the slave.

Guf also showed up at the girl's company in the name of Les. With a stretch of rock, the couple streaked, and then converged again. More vlіtku vіn vykladav at svіy microblog їх bedroom photo from the vіdpochinku.

Zirka show "Dom-2" Nastya Kіushkina explained why the stench with Guf parted. It appeared that the rapper was not ready for serious stosunkiv. “Someone is ready to put their respect, soul, and seriousness into them, and if they don’t, then they won’t see anything. Lyosha, we’re not ready,” Anastasia Kushkina said in an interview with StarHit. The maiden added that the artist, speaking alone, but in truth, was known differently.

Behind the words of Nastya Kіushkina, there is a vdyachna life thatїї buv hoch and a short novel with Guf, shards of won "was happy in the past important days."

Guf and Nastya Kіushkina began to chirp like a zhovtnya 2015 rock. About the novel it became known, if the zirka "Dom-2" published a full photo. The musician knew that he was inspired by the new serious stoks, and a participant in a TV project for the sake of a rapper left the show. The maiden rose, that Guf is kinder and kinder, vin often seems to give compliments and rob gifts.

The novel of Gufa and Nastya Kіushkinoї was a short time. Already On July 27, 2015, fate became aware that the stench had parted. Informing a friend of the rapper in . Vin published a photo of Guf and signed that now the musician is a free person. Guf didn’t comment on this news, protested reposting the photo on his side social measures.

Benchmarks Gufa pіdtremali yogo solution to part with Anastasia Kushkina. In my opinion, the girl was too young: the musicians already had 36 years, and the participants of "House-2" - only 21 years. At the same time, Guf doesn’t speak in any way, the prote doesn’t oppose new stoks.

Anastasia Kіushkina, as she was separated from Guf, already called back to "Dom-2". But the girl still doesn’t want to turn around to the project, because we can spend more than an hour with her homeland. Kіushkina spent 8 months at the TV show "Dom-2". The maiden chatted with Oleg Bukhanov, who repeatedly healed that beau.

The girl was called through a musician. Zirka "DOM-2" guided you nearby, for which she took off the dog in the form of a ceramics mortgage, in which at that moment she practiced. The blonde shared a sumptuous story with the magazine "DIM-2".

Nastya Kochervei
Photo: Anastasia Gur'eva

Nastya Kochervey is often called a girl with an important share. The 24-year-old blonde knew that she was chatting with people for pennies to help a seriously ill mother. Anastasia is not happy that she is shy to the point of depression and has thought about suicide more than once. It's true, Kochervey is trying not to give up on the project. Before joining the show, the participant practiced as a stripper, and she regularly performed dances for the heroes of the show during the evening hours. Nastya guesses that she ruled over the work before the club vipadkovo.

“I’ll pledge my young man as a co-founder,” the reality star is shared with the DOM-2 magazine. - A lot of fellow himself brought me there and asked to try it for himself in this sphere.

I don’t know, now I’ve grown wine. Possibly, zbiravsya to distort, chi hotiv, sob I brought pennies from my family. Yomu, in fact, didn’t give a damn about those that I dance naked in front of other people. Golovne, what did I earn. Pennies, like I won, I lowered the wine for a drink.

We lived near the small town of Sofrino not far from Sergiev Posad in Pdmoskov'ї. I traveled from Moscow to Moscow, worked all night and turned back. Bula yelled at, driven in.

The striptease girl has a huge lad
Photo: Sotsmerezhi

Kochervey pіdkreslyuє, scho robot at the strip club - it's not easy work.

“It was very important for me,” said Anastasia. - Between the girls there is great competition. Now the bugs were hoarse at the mouth, then the speeches were torn, they stole. I marveled at everything and realized that it was not mine. It’s true, the children really dreamed about such a job and wanted to dance. I remember, I included the film "Striptease" from Demi Moore and she showed herself in the її mist. I was then ill and was addicted to drug addiction. And if, nevertheless, she stumbled in the night club, she realized that she was somehow modestly squeezed.

I could change my mind only after I drink a little alcohol. There, our little girls were given two kelikhs of champagne for good luck.”

The girl knew that she had to drink in front of the ledge for the good
Photo: Instagram

Nastya forbade that we can regularly spit obscene propositions to strippers. However, the participant once wrote for herself what to do with this type of income.

“If I want to pledge a guest if I want to bring someone from the dancers to the night, then I can pay 40 thousand rubles, - the door is a mirror of reality. - Іz tsієї sumi mi otrimuvali yakiy vіdsotok, close to half. True, I didn’t wait for a while, I spent the whole hour being inspired. Like the middle of the club, they saw the rapper Guf ta Syava. The stinkers wanted me to go with them to see them. Of course, when the stars of such equalness come, it is impossible to encourage, but I stood my ground.

Zvichayno, bula laika z kerіvnitstvom on tsomu ґruntі. They fined me and zrashtoy zvilnili. I worked at this sphere for several months and I’m glad that I knew to save the guise, there was no waste.

Once upon a time, if I had an operation on my chest, the same founders took me as a hostess even up to another mortgage. However, until the striptease from that hour, I didn’t try to drink anymore. ”

Through Guf Nastya Kochervey was called
Photo: Sotsmerezhi

And it's far from the first turn, if the girl is effective from the scandalous TV show and twist a novel from the starry Russian show business. It’s quiet on the list, who, having consumed pіd chari krasun іz “House-2” - rapper Guf, MC Doni ta navit Kai Metov! We guessed all the celebrities who were caught in the rounds of the participant of the found reality show.

A novel between a 21-row television and a 36-mark rapper, having fallen off the arc of the rapt in 2016. At "Domi-2" Nastya Kіushkina was a lady with Oleg Burkhanov. The couple often quarreled, and on the right tried to inflict assault. After the chergovy essence, the model didn’t vitrimal and ripped the stosunki with cohanim. Well, it was like zdivuvannya at the chanuvalniks of the TV project, if literally for a few years Kіushkina said: she has an affair with the popular rapper Guf. The girl told the "houses" that they were known by a well-known woman - a huge participant in television broadcasting Inessa Shevchuk. Nastya sang: they have Lyosha (refer to the name of the rapper. - ed.) everything is serious, they gave that sensation a chance to get out of the project.

It's true, Guf himself didn't rahuvav like that. After the exit of Kіushkina from “House-2”, the couple was at once ... day. The artist acted as the initiator of the development, explaining his decision to them that Nastya was too boring for me. Behind the words of the star, I fell half-heartedly on the pretty soundness of the participants in reality, but, having recognized it better, more sensibly, what is not dear to me.

Guf and Anastasia Kіushkina

Guf and Anastasia Kіushkina

Regardless of all the reports of Nastya about those, how important it is to endure the explosion from Guf, but after a few months the participant of "House-2" started an affair with another Vikonian - Oleksandr Tarasov, who speaks under the pseudonym T-killah. The couple at once went to video calls from chanuvalniks through the Periscope, which was popular at that time. Under the hour of the broadcast, Nastya and Sashko did not hesitate to demonstrate their feelings: they hugged each other, kissed, and called one “my baby”. Like at the vipadku with Guf, the stosunki drank fast for themselves. Before the speech, officially Kіushkina and Tarasov did not confirm their novel.

Anastasia Kіushkina and T-killah, frame from video broadcast

Margarita Ovsyannikova is a dignified participant in "House-2". The 22nd maiden does not take her escort in the past, and does not care about her future. On the project, Margot stunned Simon Mardanshinim, flirted with Roman Gritsenko, but at the same time you know at the bottom Artem Soroka.

At the end of the day, the reality show chandeliers discussed Ovsyannikova's stoks with the artist of the Black Star label MC Doni. The rapper that participant of reality got to know at "Domi-2", de Doni performed at the hour of the evening show. Following the performance of Margo and Doni, they exchanged numbers and talked about the sound. In addition to the fact that the couple went to the party, the stench also came at the same time to the RU.TV award. Ovsyannikova was shared with the lower frames in social media, prote already for a few days roamed about the stars of the television show, that rapper was born. What caused the welding is unknown.

Margarita Ovsyannikova and MC Doni

Margarita Ovsyannikova and MC Doni

Recently, the star of the show "Dom-2" started an affair with the famous rap-vicon. Anastasia Kіushkina shared with StarHit the details of their separation from Guf.

// Photo: Instagram

The news about those that the 36-year-old Oleksiy Dolmatov, who saw the yak Guf, and the 21-year-old participant in the popular Dom-2 project, now at once, cheered their chanuvals. For the sake of the kohanoi people, the girl left the show, and Oleg Burkhanov was the one who spoke to the stosunkah. However, a new novel did not start, as if it ended at once. Already today, a close friend of the Vikonavtsa, that colleague of Ptah, published a sign of Guf, signing Yogo like this: “Girls, it happened so ... Guf is a good man. Let's go over the casting. Respect yoga in your photos.” Dolmatov himself made a repost of the light on his side, which supported the words of his comrade.

Maybe, the new bet seems to have gone awry. Anastasia commented on the development of the rapper at the opening of Starkhit.

“So, we parted ... Now I wonder at the whole situation: so, sing-song, it’s not enough. I am grateful to you for spending an hour and for those who spent time during the past important centuries, morally deprived that person. It can be said that the wedge was beaten with a wedge. It’s true, they called me before Dom-2, but I still don’t plan to turn around. I want to go home, stay at home with my relatives, gain strength, and then, if possible, turn around, ”said the woman.

// Photo: Instagram

Guf, speaking about the seriousness of his intentions among the natives, however, Anastasia does not care that the vikonovets are ready to go: “Speak that timidity - tse zovsіm razne. You can say it well, but fix it anyway. If someone is ready to invest in them respect, soul, turbota and seriousness, but if not, then nothing will be seen. Lyosha when we show up, we are not preparing ... ".

About those that Nastya and Oleksiy are talking about, the chanters found out from the “Instagram” of the girl. The ex-participant of "House-2" published a stunningly comprehensive photo from Dolmatovim. “Axis, vosne, and the reason for my exit, the reason for my joy,” Nastya signed the picture.

As Kushkina herself shared in an exclusive interview with StarHit, a friend of hers knew them with Guf.

// Photo: Instagram

Oleksiy Dolmatov, with his graciousness, even as a rapper, it is not uncommon to work with a company of young and beautiful girls. In the meantime, like the spring of 2015, the rock musician tried to rise up with his colossal retinue Aiza and the son of Sem. However, apparently, this test did not end in success. Not long ago, Aiza became zamizh, and at the same time she is happy with the slave.

Guf also showed up at the girl's company in the name of Les. With a stretch of rock, the couple streaked, and then converged again. I added more wine to my microblog with my own photos from the source.

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