Father Mikoli Sobolev. Mykola Sobolev - biography of a rapper vikonavtsya. Additional photos of Mikoli Sobolev and yoga girl Polina Chistyakova from Instagram

Sobolev Mykola biography

Help- Mykola Yuriyovich Sobolev

Ridne place- St. Petersburg

Dialnost- Blogger



Who is Mykola Sobolev

Mykola Sobolev is a Russian video blogger, a blogger, and a creator of such projects, such as Rakamakafo, Ready Steady Go, and, most importantly, the author of his solo YouTube channel “Sobolev”, which is praised by the vastness.

Mykola Sobolev before becoming a leader

The hoarding of creativity at Mikoli began to slow down, the faults at the school were different actors, creative groups. Ale and doing sports was a lot of fun in life Koli, the champion of St. Petersburg in taekwondo. Also, in the senior classes of the school, I was heavily engaged in bodybuilding and important about 120 kilograms.

After the school of Mykola vyrishuy enter the St. Petersburg Polytechnic University, which will eventually graduate from the master's degree.

Sobolev YouTube

In 2014, Sobolev's people fall to the idea of ​​creating a channel on YouTube, together with his friend Guram Normania, for what stink they will make videos with pranks, pranks. I call yoga Rakamakafo/Rakamakafo. Oskіlki lads filmed videos on state social topics, the videos gained more popularity, and the channel was clearly a top payer. So, for the first river channel Rakamakafo, having collected 1,000,000 pre-payers and yoga creators, they spent up to the “TOP 50” of the most popular people of St. Petersburg.

Cicavia fact- the first video on the rakamakafo channel, de Kolya and Guram urged passers-by to engage in group sex with them for fifteen days through rubbish and lack of information.

Life YouTube and SOBOLEV

In 2016, Mykola Sobolev became the leading channel. Life YouTube“, de visvіtlyuvav stnі tsіkavі podії іz zhiznі yutuberіv. Nezabarom 8 leaf fall 2016 rock Mikola change the name of the channel to " SOBOLEV» And start to visvite new things, not only from the YouTube of the medium, but from the earth, sticking around such hard topics, like “Khabarovsk flayers”, criminal justice institutions on various bloggers, etc.

Ready Steady Go

In 2016, the partners Mykola Sobolev, together with Illey Strekalovskiy and Oleksandr Murataev, launch the channel Ready Steady Go, which at this moment becomes the most visible in the world for the growth of the payers. On the new lads, look at the cars and everything that is connected with them.

Mikoli Sobolev's book "YouTube: Way to Success"

U serpni 2016 Roku Mikola releasing a book "YouTube: Way to Success" I describe the basics of creation, the development and promotion of my channel on YouTube.

Sobolev and Shurigina

In 2017, the fate of Mykola Sobolev was asked to join the program “Let's say - I broke the evening”, where Diana Shurigina was discussed, the whole country doubts the veracity of this one. Appearing on this program to bring Kolі to the channel over 250,000 prepayers and earn 1,000,000 on the channel.

Specialist of Life Mikoli Sobolev

Mikolaj is a rather serious lad and not a lover of vivacious ties with girls. At the present moment, the new one has close to two serious stounks, one of which is three today. first serious stoks were with Yanou Khanikeryan and stifled the stench of three and a half rocks.

Separation from Yana Khanikeryan

Mykola did not flaunt his separation from Yana anywhere, but the front-payers, as if in a rank, found out about this and at once with Kolya, they were especially informed of the blockage with food: “Why did you separate from Yana?”. I commented like this: “So, just after 3.5 years of stoks, we parted, I don’t know, sorry, it happened like this for good luck, but it’s just not at once. »

Nova maiden Sobolev

At the moment, Mykola Sobolev is chatting with the pretty girl Polina Chistyakova, and, as if Mikola himself: “This is the girl, with whom I want to live all my life.”

Tsіkavy fact: Kolya and Polina got to know one of the “Rakamakafo” pranks. Kolya and Guram made a video on the topic: “how many people know them on the streets”, before they periodically came to take pictures and one of the people of bula Polina, Kolya was extremely primitiv qiu garnu girl but no more, having changed the oskolki at that moment at the vіdnosinakh with Yanoi. The first axis after 9 months Mykola is separated from Yana, falls into a stupor and thinks about such a girl from the video as Polina. Through the second tyzhn, Kolya write їy at VK, assigning zustrіch, word for word, and through the river stink already live together.

At the moment, Mykola Sobolev is one of the most popular bloggers on the Russian segment of YouTube. Vіn znіmaє video for kіlkoh kanalіv іz enviable periodicity.

Presenter "YouTube Life" on a single channel. Pranker, auto-watcher, writer (!), newly-appeared as a person-s-television channels and the good old-fashioned-face-s-youtube. Here, however, we are only talking about the SOBOLEV channel, and then, even more about the YouTube Life show and deciding on the activities of Mikoli (I’ve already succeeded as one of the founders of the Rakamakafo project) here we won’t chipat. Likewise, as a matter of course, the peculiarities of the yogo are worth less than the rest of the world, which will be imperceptibly tied to the channel, to creativity, to “content”.

minus the show

  • Elements of a vlasnogo blog.

І maidanchiki for vyslovlyuvannya dumka, as it was said earlier. To go out like this, there may be two options here:

1) Ty - expert analyst in navcolovideo-blogging feeds, in Internet communications or, for example, in politics. I call you not obov'yazkovo to be an expert for fah (want to bazhano), just pragnate and delve deeply into nutrition. To follow the drive of the first vinyl thought, the first emotional reaction (what is our hero Mikola Sobolev’s fault) on shchos is definitely not a varto. First reaction to kshtalt “Aaaa! Why do good people fight! It’s scary to live, let’s voice the resonance of this right!” - you definitely don’t carry anything constructive in yourself, you need to look at the situation completely, deeply, from the best point of view. Particularly worthy of attention are the nutrition of political and navcololitic ones, for such a pidkhid is no longer worthy of the sensible understanding of the situation. "Especially" - does not mean "tіlki" - in other food wines, it is important. From the leading one to enter in the result such "relay fool", what is important.

2) You stand in front of the peeping yak charismatic, yaskrava specialty with your own special thought, with your own special position and in that direction form vodguku, herself reaction, you can be more important, lower analyzes, news, and so on. The same format of a special vіdeoblogu and so roam even more richly in іdomih YouTube-dіyachіv. "The Life of YouTube" by Mykola Sobolev in itself - about other things. No particular position, that particular thought, nor any particular form of opinion or individuality is presented here.

3) [Yakscho no first and no other] Tee - repeater master. Tse all those about which we wrote more. Less special remarks, special comments and special stosunkiv. It's like going out like that.

  • One show - one presenter.

I more than anyone. Might be mi, obviously, chіlyaєmosya, but for the release of news, there would be bad reporters, experts, or someone who would break the news original. Otherwise, the release of novelties will simply be repetitions and promotions and already obvious and familiar speeches. The selection of that voicing of facts from such a cіkavogo people is nourished - tse, scorched, good, ale ... why is it not enough?

So, Mykola sometimes takes on the role of the leader of the crime, sometimes he is an expert and a reporter, or so he can be a “guide of insider information” (about TV shows, known bloggers sometimes). The rest of the role, before the speech, to go farther away and give us information effectively to the cicava, but to inspire us to stink as much as possible not to shy away - it’s added to it, or not enough time, otherwise the stench plays insufficiently well. It’s good, singsongly, that Mykola is sometimes posting the same formats in other shows and channels: “the top most popular trends on YouTube” or “five of the most hated bloggers on YouTube” or “bloggers before they became popular” - that’s how you go about the first creative processing of information novelty.

  • Image.

[Here we try not to discuss the special features of authors, presenters, show creators, bloggers, to create such ideas here the content is deeply special. That's why the language is about the image.]

Self-destruction and narcissism(More pihatosti and pathos). How self-sufficient - to the point of schilnist є, singsongly, among all bloggers, tk. take pictures of yourself on camera and post on the Internet those that have happened - it really is more narcissistic. But in other bloggers, I want to go out as if I wanted to retouch, I want to use this self-criticism, self-irony, or simply having shown on the first plan like other qualities.

Ale at the fall of Mikoli Sobolev, the first to fall into the eye is narcissism and self-suffocation - that, in fact, is the base warehouse, kіstyak image. The first image that rests on such a bone is, as a rule, unacceptable and annoying. Absolutely rejection of criticism, that non-existence of powerful pardons and shortcomings; if there is a question of the importance of the objectivity of the judgment, if Mikoli himself is on the right, for example, there are some special opponents (there is a quiet conflict at the same time) - here.

Such an image, as if not marvelous, was called not from the activity of Mikoli as a leader. І basis of the quality of this image can be seen as a whole not on the wrong side of the show. The stink of growing out of another one of the most uncommon details in the sphere of a special blog - fate in conflicts. You can say navit Mikola "smearing yourself" such a fate, and it’s not important to say, who there win after the fact and with whose thought the gazers appeared as a result of the success. Dmitro Larin, Afonya, Lykey ... - it’s unimportant that the skilki їm vіdvantazili dislikes, like they played, for a pіdbag є Sobolev Mykola (possibly “ і Sobolev Mikola). Tim, tim, that “programmed” means that the program is not watching the video, but “subscribing” to the channel - the program is inevitably hot viewability of videosі take a look, yakі, zreshtoyu, strike and according to popularity with your cherga.

That little nuance, which can be attributed to this point. Tse, paraphrasing the given abbreviation: "be aware of the importance of one's activity", Moreover, dosit zagostrene like this. As a leader, without guessing about the importance of those, about how wines are spoken all at once and the importance of the most supple resonance of a few nutrition, then the whole leader is impeccable not Mikola Sobolev. Well, it’s already like that, to the point.


To marvel at the show, so you can’t wait until all the media scene on YouTube: all these new trends, projects, individuals, festivals, video bloggers, too. Wylsacom, Sasha Spilberg, Dmitro Larin, Likey, Ivangay - as all these individuals at once, for some reason, close to you, then this show is the very ones that you need that little yogo will hardly bless you. Surely.

What to marvel at

News from the life of YouTube. Everything is simple to marvel at. The more the topic is worthy of YouTube and video blogging (otherwise, specifically pranks and prank-makers) and only їх, the more Mykola Rozmirkova looks like a professional expert in her own right. "More" - does not mean "simply like", but it's even worse, but it means as a whole it is watchable for the obviousness of a deep interest to those, especially.

Mykola Sobolev carried out a large-scale hoax: he said about the beating, and through the doba - about the production. Not only for the sake of hype: the head blogger of Runet knows what he wants to show, how easy it is for our time to spread fake news. Vitivka is noble, but, yes, it’s only a screen, so you can redeem yourself in the past sins.

3 black letters on the side of Mikoli Sobolev's note: "I'm going to record a video at the studio." The novelty is truly atypical: the king of Russian YouTube will never make such announcements - as a blogger chooses to record, nobody knows about the price.

A couple of years later, calamity videos are being circulated on the Internet: it is not clear on them how aggressive young people attack Mykola, sounding like Yogo in hype. A few hours later, a new post appeared on Sobolev's side: the author of the author's transfer found out that he was beaten. On the right, the order of the famous studio has become nіbito, in which the very same glassy wall is known: the diss of the Gnіyny "covered" the location, and it was not difficult for the unkind people to see the zіrka of the Russian "YouTube".

Internet vibrated. Htos spoke to Sobolyev: beat - stay on the right, I wouldn’t be a kind of person. Htos znushchavsya. Htos ugolos zamnіvavsya: nadto already insignificantly injured, similar to make-up. Prote nіhto not guessing two important speeches. Persha - Sobolev walk from two guardians, like on the video there is none. Another - if this person gave the Russian language the words "prank" and "staging".

For the benefit of the incident, a new video will be released on Sobolev's channel. The hero of the youth stands at the black man: close the veil sunscreen with eyepieces, on the top there is a suit, but the thin wall is not visible - it has appeared in the darkness. Sobolev is roiling for a long time, as if having become a victim of a beating, periodically lifting the eyepieces, showing the blues of the denunciation. And until the middle of the video, you know: she didn’t beat anyone. The blogger wants to distort, easily fool people, and indignantly, the whole story is just an introductory chapter before the full investigation of mystification and the wide spread of fakes in ZMI.

"By the method of this experiment, it was clearly shown how easy it is in our hour to break the wind. It's easy to pick up the galas from an empty space. In addition, I also wanted to turn it over: is it possible to get the facts out of practice?" - stating Mykola Sobolev about his apparent beating.

Podiya is truly unique. The staging of the battle was up to Mikoli, becoming the first protester, who was not only publicly known to anyone, but also zoomed in for the benefit of himself. Ale smut - to the very same Sobolev was one of the main drivers of the widening of the wild rumor about hundreds of dead at the "Winter Cherry". "Vlada prihovuє?" - Having incited the most scandalous video of the blogger, in which the YouTuber sang that there were not 67 deaths at the Kemerivsky shopping center, as it was given the same, but more, more richly.

As we know, they didn’t confirm a bit - 60 dead ones appeared. Tse bula, maybe, the strongest reputation of Skoda at the car's partner of "Rakamakafo" - the blogger saw the video and for a long time then vibachavsya. However, it is not so easy to erase the people's memory: if the hysterical Khovansky did this, then the light of the Russian YouTube, the head intellectual and the truth-seeker, is clearly contraindicated.

Now Sobolev, having voiced the guilt of the one who himself recently got into trouble. Chi no subtle notes of hypocrisy here? Chi hypozher just want to guess one more time about your person, aloe under a garnet screen? Let's sort it out.

Fake to fake

Colleagues did not fully appreciate Sobolev's exercise. In my opinion, I blame that person, what kind of blogger was called mummers aggressors, - hypojer. The stench of Mikoli's methods was doubtful - it was wonderful to fight against fake news through the production of fake news. For example, Varlamov said that "Sobolev, having made our lives more unsafe." And the veteran of the YouTube scene Ruslan Usachov, who deserves to be deserved, made a speech in the video "Sobolev is wrong, and the axis of why", explaining why Mikoli's provocation is a filthy wind.

"Food in someone you can trust - ZMI or bloggers, it's more collaborative and philosophic. Not those in which you can grow up with one prank or a social experiment, no. Sobolev's first performance in the best time does not change anything. zіpsuvav", - a blogger about the beating of Sobolev.

Ale, as if I didn’t want it, the co-founder of "Rakamakafo" is not so simple, as it seems. Breaking the beat is no less than a test to catch up with the hype. I want to.

Lipova beaten

First of all, to this way, deep into deep oblivion Nina Roma Zholud: "Russian Justin Bieber" was beaten, nibi yogo was beaten, blaring a good video. On the video, the unfortunate and brightly made-up lad was crying, apparently, that he was "bad". The Internet is somehow not so reliable and cynical, that blogger was believed by launching the epic hashtag #Romazhivi. After a deaky hour, yogos began to take on the key sarcastically, ale, turn, on the cob stage, thousands of lads and girls (important, stunned, girls) widely put the number of the word after ґrat. Who knows that Acorn, that he is gaining popularity, just "spread a signature."

From a silent feast, someone just didn’t play a fake beat - from Gniyny to Pug, but Firamir’s was the best: a Novosibirsk child prodigy who was followed by Ukrainian bandits, Russian security forces and just haters. They broke the hand of the lad practically at the direct ether (for the time being, win in the stream). Truth, bandage on right hand once in a while migrating to the lion. Ta th hot rіven vikonannya clearly giving the understanding that the whole story behind the attack was sewn with white threads. Three years later, in an interview with Life, the producer Firamira knew that the stench just launched a reality show without getting ahead of anyone. That equals the shock in today’s YouTube, it’s called naming: a lot of people quietly and peacefully streamed Minecraft, and now it’s hard to drive in a live stream.

The obvious beating brought Sobolev its dividends. It’s hard to say that the blogger’s work went wrong, but the videos began to get smaller: for a couple of millions of glances, the tracks of that same sinister release about Kemerovo crossed over. The blocking of the "Telegram" did not help to bring the important artillery in sight of Shurigina. Natomist video about the attack on Sobolev received more than a million clicks less than a day. I rekindled my interest in the prankster.

However, Sobolev's approach is radically different. Yakshko Acorn to the last vdav, that they beat him, and Fіramir started to play the fool on the move, then Mikola slayed like a weed in two ways: professionally playing a drama, and then pretending to be an experimenter. The blogger, obviously, is no better, and it’s not surprising that the production turned out to be plus or minus reliable. I wouldn’t have given up respect, yakbi vin zatіyav tsyu on the right, just for the sake of hype. However, Sobolev, having taken on the mission of "revealing the problem of fake news," and here is a sprinkling of food.

Who saves the watchmen

If the journalist Arkadiy Babchenko in the middle of the public roared death in the air, the International Union of Journalists spoke to the soul that needed to be punished: talking, making us fools. So and є: today be-like ZMI, navit the biggest and best, can fly into a fake news, safely spreading it. And on the right, not in the night of unprofessionalism of the ninth journalism - it’s just a great world, you won’t change everything. Sobolev, having taken on this topical topic, and, perhaps, as a YouTube meter, it’s right to say the moment it’s important.

Ale youtuber pishov on the path of the least support, just stare at you and turn your respect to your already smart person. Sobolev did not create anything new and relevant. Okay, having recognized the problem, what next? How її virishuvati? Does Mikoli have any excuse for thinking?

Ні, obviously, ні - the blogger took a mouthpiece, shouted at the new one and pishov, virishivshi, that the yogo robot was vikonan. You can shout loudly as skin - thank you, we are aware that the problem is the expansion of information. Dyakuyu, scho guessing about the viruses from Samburskaya, Svіtlakov and the same Acorn. Dyakuyu, that having guessed about the interview of the "line doctor of the Swedish help" from Kemerovo, such as Kolya, he quoted so radiantly. Dyakuyu, having promoted obvious speeches. But what did you give work? Sobolev can't tell, moreover, I don't think for a second about it, so that I can know. Aje tse do not bring likes, twinkies and subscriptions. Need to get stressed out?

Ale navіt іt іy galuzі – turning respect to the problem – the zoom blogger, as it seems, “gets pissed off”. Wait a minute, shout marvelously about the expansion of fake news, if you yourself - dzherelo tsikh news. In the pursuit of popularity, Sobolev did not hesitate to circulate idiotic bits about those who died near Kemerovo - and they were ready to take up cleanliness in Merezh. Seriously?

To come out, "fighting from fakes" - is a great hypocrite: having burned on Kemerovo, you take on extinguishing fire, as if you yourself provoked. It's okay, public figures need to be taken aback from the slander. However, this is the last moment. The lad, who had been shouting for a long time about vovkiv, was chalked up at the result. It’s easy to believe that you don’t see the prankster, but all the same: you don’t need to go in, you don’t have to. For as (if) it turns out true, no one will come to the rescue.

The blogger, having seen himself as a ridiculous liar, for whom likes are important for people's emotions, - well, be kind. We survived the devilish fake and the devilish viral video - and the axis of Sobolev, singsongly, is already silent. Vіn viparuєtsya, as if crying under the board, while the whole region of the "fake" world was far away.

Name of participant: Mykola Yuriyovich Sobolev

Vik (People's Day): 18.06.1993

Misto St. Petersburg

Education: SPbDPU Polytech, Faculty of Economics and Management

Robot: blogger

Sim'ya: no friends

Size of the rail: 1.83 m

Direction of channels: Rakamakafo - social experiments, SOBOLEV - discussion of current news on the Internet, Ready Steady Go - about cars

Channel created: 08.03.2014 date/16.10.2015/17.05.2016

Number of prepayers: over 3 million on the Rakamakafo channel, and over 3.5 million on a special channel, over 375 thousand. on Ready Steady Go channel

Did you know an inaccuracy? Correcting the questionnaire

For the purpose of the article read:

Mykola Sobolev was born in St. Petersburg and was already an active boy. At school, a lad is engraved at a self-made theater. In the same year, the young man zavzhdi brought an active life position and love to public speeches.

And also in Sobolev's active work, take part in cabarets and bodybuilding! In one of the stages of his life, the young man will gain 120 kilograms. After graduating from school, Mikola entered St. Petersburg Polytechnic University., who finished, having taken off the steps of the master.

Craving for video blogging Sobolev revisited a long time ago, the very first of his channel wines registered already in 2010. True, the popularity of the wines did not matter, and in 2014 the young man easily made the decision to come to his friend Guram and create a whole prank show.

Under the cim of the stench, the creation of the channel was brought up, on which the various drawings will be posted, as they show reference wonderful people. The project was named "Rakamakafo".

The creators of the channel know that with their actions they call out to the people of the crossroads not to be zhorstok and baiduzhim. Through the videos, the lads show the problems, which are in the current situation.

Tsіkavy fact - the greatest video, which pranksters go to passers-by with obscene propositions, having known as much as 15 days! And it turned out that Mikola and Guram were wildly shaking.

For the first time, the project “Rakamakafo” was founded, having won a million pre-payers, which in 2015 allowed a number of creators to become laureates of the “TOP 50” of the most famous people of St. Petersburg.

Okremo varto guess about the blessed deeds of the blogger. Irrespective of those who see the main mission of their project as the idea of ​​prosperity, Mikola is ready not only to work in words, but in deeds.

In the spring of 2016, the lads organized a favorable selection for children's houses. For a few months, the video of Mikoli and Guram was collected close to 2 million rubles. This is a fact - to people who transferred more than 1000 rubles, the pranksters especially said thank you, wrote down other signs.

Active position to regularly bring Mykola to various festivals midway through Vidfest. And at the St. Petersburg festival VK Fest in 2016, a young man will create a master class for successful promotion of a special brand in modern social networks.

Takozh Mykola channel host LIFE YOUTUBE, constantly displaying the Internet-spilnot and the rest of the news from the world of Youtube. At the same time, Mykola himself is a participant in a number of conflicts on YouTube, and most of all, Dimi Kolya’s music video was blasted away #kolyahaiter.

D 2016 with Oleksandr Murataevim and Illey Strekalovsky creating a channel Ready Steady Go There are different shows about cars and everything related to them.

The book of Mikoli Sobolev "YouTube: The Way to Success" was published at the serpni 2016, In this description of the basics of video blogging, based on the most popular nutrition of bloggers and the history of the creation of projects in Mykoli and other friends.

Mykola has been chatting with Polina Chistyakova for a long time, you can often see her photos on her Instagram. In 2019, it became known to fate that the lads were going to separate.

Mykola Sobolev, taking part in the program 1 of the channel "Let's not talk", de boulo discussed the salary. The blogger has stolen Sergiya Semyonov (a lad accused of bribery) from his side and spoke out against Diana Shurigina.

Mikoli Photos

Kolya is constantly delighting the chanuvalniks with new photos on Instagram, the lad demonstrates his special life and shots from zyomok of various projects.

Mykola Yuriyovich Sobolev is a young Russian prankster, video blogger and showman. Adding wide popularity after that, as a friend with my best friend Guram Normania, I launched the Rakamakafo channel on Youtube.

Mikola Sobolev is a native Petersburger. Born in 1993 at the age of birth in St. Petersburg, dey live at the same time. Yogo Batko Yuriy Georgiyovich Sobolev is engaged in private business activities related to the implementation of non-viability.

The fathers wanted to make their son become a professional athlete, so from the early years the boy was able to take up karate and taekwondo. Pidlitok vivchav combat art up to 14 years, then having taken off a serious injury.

Zayattya had a chance to pin. Ale Mikola did not lower his hands and began to make great noises on the computer, as well as stage and acting art.

Youth rock

Nezabar Mykola began to work at the school theater and develop her vocal skills. At 16 years, the young man's interest in sports is renewed, and he begins to gym. Zavdyaki tsomu young man typing a significant m'yazov masu and navit zamislyuvavsya about the coach's career.

After graduating from gymnasium No. 56 (having started, before speech, in a class with an economic profile) enters the Peter the Great Polytechnic University at the Faculty of Management, Economics and Trade.

Trochy every year Mykola Sobolev starts sleeping at the cabaret and gives solo performances. For yoga roses, I thought that I knew my life calling. Prote's share was ordered otherwise.

Cob ta rozvitok kar'єri

Known for social pranks beginning in 2014. Already for the river, the project "Rakamakafo" took off the recognition - over 1 million viewers signed up for the new one, and Mikola ta Guram moved up to the "Top-50" found people Petersburg".

In 2015, the roci became a graduate-master. It is noteworthy those who did not work for the specialty Mikola in his life.

At the same time, Mikoli proponuyut become an official special program "Life of Youtube", as it is small in its analytical nature. He has a lad who tells the peeps about the rest of the novelties the largest video resource, as well as the analysis of the results of the analysis of tsim tsikavі podії podії podії.

Through river Illya Strekalovskiy and Oleksandr Murataev ask the boy to his team. Together with them, we will host the auto show "Ready, Steady, Go", in which you know to look at luxury cars and share your thoughts about a test drive.

Vidannya books

Ale Mykola Sobolev did not rush to reach the fate of 2016, having released a good book. At the same time, chitachas were told about those who went through their path to fame, and also shared the secrets of hiring good ones, tikavih videos and earning money on Youtube.

We are widely known to the public after becoming a hit with the popular TV show “Let's not talk”, in a way we sharply spoke out against the scandalous Diana Shurigino, like a n_bito “zgvaltuvav” Sergiy Semenov.

This number was brought up to the fact that Mykola Sobolev broke all records for the number of new payers on his channel for such a short term.

What do you do with life?

Mykola Sobolev is an ambitious and universally resentful lad, who easily reaches his goal. The list of those who have managed to take care of their 22 fates of life is hostile:

  • martial arts (karate, taekwondo);
  • bodybuilding;
  • theatrical art;
  • sleep;
  • speaking at the show on the stage;
  • social prank;
  • вів analytical transmission;
  • robiv look around that test drive cars;
  • engaging in bliss;
  • engage in video blogging;
  • writing a book.

Where did you bag earlier?

All one's life is a permanent place of residence of Mikoli Sobolev Bula Pivnichna capital. Under the hour of study at the school and university, live with your fathers. After graduating from the university, she appeared dzherel vlasti and steady income, moving from them to rented an apartment. The lad is alive in one of the most prestigious districts of the city.

De sack at once?

Trohi later, after acquaintance with Polina Chistyakova, young people began to chat and live together. It seems that the couple lives near St. Petersburg and knows near the Vasileostrivsky district two-top luxury apartments.

Young people do not live alone, they are also sagging their sleeping lover - swarthy whale Fenya. The apartment is pari, ymovirno, located on the Makarov embankment.

Design of apartments in neoclassical style. In inter'єri prevail calm colors - sandy and chestnut. Mykola is working in the same place, de vin is engaged in the installation of video clips. The wall is decorated with a large graphic board. Sim'ya young people also linger in St. Petersburg.

Mykola Sobolev does not want to save pennies at once for the purchase of a three-bedroom apartment, if he wants to live together from Polinoi. In addition, Yogo has plans - remember your own Mazda car for another day, I will value it better.

How much do you earn?

shodo salary for a prankker and a video blogger, there will be more than 250,000 rubles per month. Mykola and Polina often rise in price, the rest of the hour the stench came to visit the Dominican Republic, New York and Geneva.

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