What comes out of a human after a lobotomy. Lobotomy is a reference face of medicine. Main types of psychosurgery

Lobotomy is called a neurosurgical operation, if the veins are often seen and cremated in other areas of the brain. The method of the operation is to improve the mental state of the patient. In the SRSR, such operations were carried out only for a few years.

Panacea for schizophrenia?

Dosvid Monish began to take over in the rich countries of Europe, Japan, and the USA. In 1949, the staff of Egash Monish Navit was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine "for the introduction of a therapeutic injection of leucotomy in some mental illnesses."

It is a pity that the result of the operations was evaluated by us in front of such a criterion, as an advancement of the patient's keratosis. Most of the quiet, who were given the lobotomy procedures, suffered for the promotion of emotional alertness. After the operation, there are a lot of people rightly becoming calm. At the same time, investigations that were carried out in the 50s, revealed that in 1.5-6% of cases the operation led to a lethal result, in other cases, the consequences were epileptic attacks, impaired movement, significant increase in the vase, loss of motor coordination, private paralysis, non-manic slaughter ... In patients who underwent surgery, there was damage to the intellect, weakened control over the hair behavior, apathy, signs of emotional instability, emotional dullness, lack of initiative

b and unpredictability Close to four patients the operation turned into "vegetables".

As far as positive effects are concerned, in a few moods, it was actually possible to relieve the patient of such problems, as aggressiveness, madness, hallucinations, or depression were promoted. Ale, through the sprats of the nerve fibers, in the middle of the trees, sprouted anew into the brain speech and the problems turned around. Some patients underwent lobotomy again, but only a few negative side effects were observed.

Lobotomy in SRSR

In the SRSR, operations with lobotomies began to work beginning in the mid-40s. Prominent Radian surgeon B. G. Egorov, who since 1947 embraced the office of the director of the Institute of Neurosurgery and at the same time the head neurosurgeon of the Ministry of Health of the Soviet Socialist Republic, having propagated the vicorist method of cystic-plastic

new trepanation, which gave a wide view of the surgical field, allowing you to more accurately determine the method of surgical insertion, and at the same time be sparing, including, for example, puffy subcortex.

Operations were given only to those who were ill, for whom it turned out to be ineffective in advance, including electric shock and insulin therapy. Before the operation, all the patients underwent clinical, neurological and psychiatric rehabilitation. After the operation, the stinks were changed for a long time under control, all changes were fixed in the current state, including the emotional sphere, behavior and social adequacy.

From 1945 to 1950, hundreds of people underwent lobotomy surgery near Leningrad, Gorky, Sverdlovsk, Rostov-on-Don, Kiev, Kharkov, Alma-Ata. I discover the myth about those who in the Radyansk Union lobotomized people who were not fit for socialist ideology. True, this is the name of punitive psychiatry already founded in the rocks of Stalin's repressions, wanting for "counter-revolution"

“Look, people often drank in the camps, lower at the psychiatric clinics. Most of the past lobotomies were still really mentally ill.

Kіnets radianskoї lobotomії

There were a lot of thoughts about the opposition to the lobotomy, between the enemies and the opponents, discussions were constantly sharpening.

In the early 1950s, Professor of Psychiatry Vasil Gilyarovskiy, having propagated the lobotomy fence as a method of exorcising psychiatric settings. The Ministry of Health has access to re-verification of the results of the lobotomy on the muscles. Almost all patients were found to have some other organic damage.

The press began to publish articles that criticize the lobotomy as a "pseudo-scientific" and "bourgeois" method of jugglery. On December 9, 1950, an order was signed to stop the prefrontal lobotomy.

Alert Lobotomy: to whom that navishcho її robbed in the Radyansk Union, they appeared on Rozumna.

Lobotomy, also known as leukotomy, is a neurosurgical operation, as it includes a physical separation that separates one part of the brain from other parts. Doctors began to practice similar operations from the beginning of the 1880s on a sample of patients with auditory hallucinations and other symptoms of schizophrenia. Fortunately, with the development of pharmacology today, lobotomy is rarely practiced.

1. Razrіzannya chastok brain

Lobotomy means "cutting the lobes of the brain".

2. Popular procedure

Lobotomy of the frontal part of the brain was an even more popular procedure at the beginning of the 20th century. Її recommended psychiatrists for relief of symptoms of mental illness.

3. The patrimony of lobotomy

Today, this operation is more often stagnant in Pivnichniy America, lower in other parts of the planet.

4. Child of Friedrich Goltz

Designed with some kind of dzherel, lobotomy was the brainchild of Friedrich Goltz, who experimented on his dogs, to get along, whatever it was. Two years later, in 1892 Gottlieb Burckhardt tried the procedure on six patients with schizophrenia. The operation had a calming effect on several patients who survived the operation.

5. John Fulton

Seen with others, the concept of lobotomy was found after, as neurologist John Fulton remembered, as chimpanzees became richly calm. surgical operations, as zruynuvala ligaments between the frontal part of the brain and areas below the great pіvkul of the brain, yak regulate emotions.

6. Almeida Lima

On November 12, 1935, the Portuguese neurosurgeon, Almeida Lima, first performed a lobotomy on people, vicarious alcohol injections, to destroy the tissue of the brain.

7. Nobel Prize

This procedure was proposed by my colleague with the Nobel Prize in the name of Egas Monis, who was present at the lectures of the American neurologist John Fulton on the cob of the same fate.

8. Egas Monis

Monis became the first Portuguese in history, who took Nobel Prize for the recognition of the therapeutic value of leukotomy for singing psychosis.

9. Prefrontal lobotomy

Like the first prefrontal lobotomy in the Happy States, it was carried out in 1936 on the 63rd Elis Hood Hammat by Dr. Walter Freeman and James Watt.

10. Ice pick

The most widely used tool among doctors, which was victorious for lobotomy, was krigorub. One of Dr. Freeman's blues was stverzhuvav, that the first ice axes, as if they were victorious during the lobotomy of yoga by the father, were taken from their kitchen. Lіkar Freemen punching an opening with a crigorub to the frontal part through the back part of the eyeglasses.

11. For ten minutes without anesthesia

Freeman, who made Monis's method "tedious" and started experimenting for an hour of operations - introducing a crigorub into the brains of his patients through the upper part of his eyelids. After that, like an instrument reaching the brain, the wine is literally just driving it from side to side, roaring the speech of the brain. Chi varto say that these operations were far from accurate. Natomist Frimer boasting that he could do a lobotomy in ten minutes without anesthesia.

12. No retail

Dr. Freeman firmly perekonany, sho razervat bundles of nerves, sho po'yazyuyut frontal parts of the thalamus, then you can help the patients, yakish mayut signs of mental illness. Ignoring those who have spent an unending year of the year, rotting the brain of “mentally ill” patients, and not knowing the difference between their brains and the brains of “mentally healthy” patients.

13. 3500 lobotomy operations

Walter Freeman performed 3,500 lobotomy operations in twenty-three states in an hour of his career, although many of them were not successful and caused patients to die.

14. Henry Ford Lobotomy

Dr. Freeman's daughter Zhartom called her dad "Henry Ford Lobotomy".

15. Sigrid Heijerten

Sigrid Heyjerten, the legendary artist of the 20th century and significant to the Swedish modernism, gave a lobotomy. Since I was diagnosed with schizophrenia, Sigrid was hospitalized to a psychiatric clinic near Stockholm, and she had a lobotomy operation not far off. As a result, the artist died in the awkward 1948 year.

16. Sweden

Scandinavian clinics performed lobotomy operations 2.5 times more often per capita than in the United States. In Sweden, lobotomies were recognized, admittedly, 4500 people in the period from 1944 to 1966, moreover, most of the ailments were women.

17. UK

18. Warner Baxter

Warner Baxter, winner of the Academy Award for Best Actor and the most lamented actor in Hollywood in his time (1936), is one of the first known lobotomy victims. If Warner died, he started suffering from arthritis and underwent a lobotomy procedure to feel better. It's a pity, Vin died after the operation due to complications after pneumonia.

19. Sister of John F. Kennedy

Rosemary Kennedy, sister of President John F. Kennedy, has had prefrontal lobotomy surgery in twenty-three years. The next six decades she spent like a savior, far away from the suspense. Rosemary lived in a Catholic blissful establishment near Wisconsin, where she lived under the supervision of blueberries.

20. Just got it...

One of the most famous descriptions of lobotomy and її legacy can be found in Ken Keese's novel "Flying Over the Zozuli's Nest", for which a film was made in 1975.

Continuing the theme, you have guessed how to believe a lot of people who are far from the field of medicine.

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You can consider the American field worker Phineas Gage, who in 1848, after an unfortunate fall, took off a steel rod from his head. Shearing at the cheek, turning the medulla and veins at the anterior part of the skull. Gage, miraculously, survived and became the object of a sawing-off of American psychiatrists.

It was not those who were left alive who were alive, but those who changed were traipsed with the unfortunate. Before the injury, Phineas was an outstanding God-fearing person, as she did not violate the norms of the community. After that, like a rod with a diameter of 3.2 cm, having blasted a part of the frontal ridges of the brain, Gage became aggressive, blasphemous and unstriking in stately life. At the same time, the psychiatrists of the whole world realized that surgical intervention in the brains of the building would significantly change the mentally healthy patient.

After 40 years of Gottlieb Burckhardt in Switzerland, six seriously ill patients in a psychiatric hospital saw parts of measles of the brain, helping to ease their suffering. After the procedures, one ailment died five days later in epileptic attacks, the other committed suicide, the operation did not work for two violently disturbed ones, and the axis two, which were gone, effectively became calmer and gave less turbot. Burckhardt's co-workers seem to think that the psychiatrist is satisfied with the results of his experiment.

Phineas Greige

The idea of ​​psychosurgery was turned in 1935, when encouraging results of the exuberance of wild chimpanzees on the arthropods and on the frontal lobes of the brain were revealed. At the laboratory of neurophysiology of primates, John Fulton and Carlisle Jacobson, operations were performed on the cortex of the frontal lobules of the brain. The creatures became calm, but they used up whether they were chilly before the start.

The Portuguese neuropsychiatrist Egash Monіts (Egas Monіs) under the influence of such results in overseas colleagues in 1936 tried leucotomy (in front of a lobotomy) on hopelessly ill violent patients. For one version, the operations themselves with the destruction of white speech, as if connecting the frontal parts with other areas of the brain, were carried out by colleague Monica Almeida Lima. The 62-year-old Egash himself can’t take care of himself through gout. The first leucotomy turned out to be effective: most of the sick people became calm and cured. Of the twenty first patients, fourteen had an improvement, and in the reshti everything was left on a large scale.

Why is such a miraculous procedure? Everything was much simpler: the doctors drilled an opening at the skull with a twist and inserted a loop to open the speech. In one of these procedures, Egash Monits, after taking off a serious injury, the patient after the frontal part of the brain ruptured came to the tale, he took the gun and saw the doctor. Kulya pulled at the ridge and called out a partial unilateral paralysis of the body. That, however, did not lead the scientist to promote a wide advertising campaign for a new method of surgical insertion in the brain.

Everything was miraculous at first glance: calm and caring patients were discharged from the clinic, the camp could not be seen any longer. Tse i became a fatal pardon.

Egash Monitz and yoga method of leucotomy

And the axis of Monitsa Nadal, everything turned out to be even more positive - in 1949, the 74-year-old Portuguese won the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine "for the therapeutic injection of leukotomy in some mental illnesses." The psychiatrist gave half of the prize to the Swiss Walter Rudolf Hess, who had carried out similar investigations on the intestines. This award is worthy of being one of the most important in science history.

Scheme of lobotomy

A patient who has undergone a lobotomy

Lower for crushing ice

The advertisement of the new method of psychosurgery especially appealed to two American doctors, Walter Freeman and James Watt Watts, who in 1936 were doing lobotomy as an experiment to the housekeeper Alice Hemmet. Among the high-ranking patients was Rosemary Kennedy, sister of John Kennedy, who had a lobotomy in 1941 as a father. Unfortunate before the operation, she suffered from mood swings - now transcendental joy, then anger, then depression, and then she pretended to be a disabled person, not able to look after herself. It is noteworthy that most of the patients were made by women, some fathers of families, people and other close relatives turned to psychiatric pledges for exuberance of a violent character. Most of the special indications for exaltation did not appear, not seeming already about surgical intervention. Ale, on the way out, the dbailive relatives took away the cherovan and the docile woman, obviously, after the procedure, she survived.

Freeman at work. Simple toolkit

Until the beginning of the 1940s, Freeman had completed his lobotomy, which lay at the frontal chasms of the brain, which, when attached, dispensed with the drilling of the skull. For this wine, introducing a thin steel instrument at the front of the brain through the opening, like in front of it, and punching over the eye. The doctor was left with less than a trifle to “fumble” with an instrument at the patient’s brain, blast parts of the forehead, wilt the bent steel, wipe with a servlet and proceed to a new lobotomy. Thousands of mentally crippled veterans of combat actions stretched out from the United States from the cob of war, there were no such exaltations. Classical psychoanalysis did not do much to help, and chemical methods of excellence have not yet appeared. It was enriched by the economy to lobotomize the greater part of the front-line soldiers, turning them into the eary and humble hulks. Freeman himself knew that the lobotomy "was ideal in the minds of the reordered psychiatric doctors, demarried in all, Crimean patients." The administration on the right of the veterans navit fired up the training program for specialists-lobotomists, which had a negative impact on further psychiatric practice. Shche Freeman unstoppably attached a knife for chopping ice (“ice pishnyu”) under the lobotomy tool – that made the barbaric operation easier. Now the frontal parts of the human brain could be destroyed only in a shed, and Freeman himself, having attached a small van for him, nicknamed a lobotomobile.

Patients who underwent psychosurgical intervention

Doctors often made up to 50 lobotomies for doba, which made it possible to significantly expand the psychiatric hospitals of the United States. Many patients were simply transferred to a peaceful, calm, humility camp and let them go home. The most important vipadkіv nіhto not vіv pozerezhennya for people after the operation - it was too rich. In the US only, more than 40 ths. frontal lobotomy operations, a tenth part of which was specially designed by Freeman. However, follow the care of the likarevs, Vіn vіv vigilance for a part of their patients.

Catastrophic consequences

In the average, 30 out of 100 lobotomized patients had epilepsy in the rest of the world. Moreover, a part of the people who fell ill showed themselves a negative after the ruination of the frontal part of the brain, and in some cases through a sprat of rocks. Up to 3% of patients died within an hour of lobotomy due to bleeding in the brain ... Freeman, calling the consequences of such an operative intervention the frontal lobotomy syndrome, manifested itself as often polar. It is rich who, having become non-streaming at їzhi i, having earned important levels of obesity. Drativity, cynicism, rudeness, indistinctness in statutory and social connections became the hallmark of the patient, a kind of “wiggle”. Lyudina spent her life to the point of creativity and critical thought.

Freeman wrote in his office from his source:

“Sickness, as if knowing extensive psychosurgery, reacting to the outer world infantilely, dressing up nedbalo, robbing fast and sometimes easing the tact of indulgence, not knowing a little about the world in love, in love, in alcohol, in alcohol; to kill a penny, not worrying about the well-being of others; vtrachae zdatnіst accept criticism; you can get angry at someone, but the anger of this shvidko is mine. The task of yoga relatives is to help him quickly fix the infantilism caused by surgical interventions.


The advertising of the father-founder of the lobotomy Egash Monits and his successor Freeman, as well as the Nobel Prize, robbed such a rude and barbaric intrusion into the brain of a person that is not a panacea for all mental illnesses. And yet, until the beginning of the 50s, becoming accumulated majestic tributes, which viciously vicious day of lobotomy. The fashion for such psychosurgery quickly passed, the doctors unanimously repented from their sins, but maybe 100 thousand. lobotomized unfortunate ones were left alone with their nasty ailments.

A paradoxical situation has developed in the Radyansk Union. The monopoly of Ivan Pavlov's education, as it developed in physiology and psychiatry in the 40s and 50s, richly surrounded the development of medical sciences, but here the effect turned out to be fatal. Having performed 400 lobotomies, the medical enormity was adopted in the fashionable technique with the formulas "to eliminate the prefrontal leukotomy in case of neuro-psychic illnesses as a method that supersedes the basic principles of I. P. Pavlov's surgical excellence."

Based on the materials of the book by Samuel Chavkin “Successful to the mind. short history lobotomies".

Lobotomy is the ultimate surgical method for treating mental illnesses, the essence of which lies in ruining or roz'dnanny zv'yazkіv odnієї s chalk of the brain with other parts of the brain. Sound the term "lobotomy" can be used to remove roses from one of the frontal chasms with other parts of the brain. This neurosurgical operation, as it has sunk into oblivion today, is history.

Tsej sposіb lіkuvannya buv inventions at the hour, if there were effective likarskih zabіv, with the help of which it was possible to likuvat schizophrenia, disorder behavior from madness, hallucinations, if psychiatric ailments were a threat to the lives of other people. After the creation of Aminasin (a medicinal preparation of a group of neuroleptics), lobotomy has become an uncommon technique. However, it’s easy to understand how to go about anonymous legends and terrible stories, which they retell even in our hour. What is the reason for such a terrible method of likuvannya, who foresaw it and zastosuva, like the traces blamed after such therapy, you can find out, having become aware of this article.

Lobotomy coils

The founder of lobotomy is the Portuguese doctor Egash Monish (Monits). In 1934, roci on one of the 3rd neurologists' veins, having been caught up by the experiment of their colleagues, they saw the frontal part of a very aggressive and drastic mawpia on the Becky prism. As a result, the removal of part of the brain of the mavpa became quiet and ceramic. E. Monish urged to repeat such an experiment on humans. On the right, in the fact that in those hours there were no effective medicinal preparations that could lead to anxiety and aggression of psychiatric ailments. Such people were isolated in psychiatric clinics, put on a litter (which would not have been safe for medical personnel), placed in empty rooms with soft walls, so that ailments could not be healed by shoddy on their own, nor soothing.

Egash Monish

In fact, there was no such thing as a likuvannya, people were “curled” at psychiatric clinics, the stars turned to normal life it was practically impossible. To that end, they fought for the creation of an effective method of praising such ailments. І Axis E. Monish having proponuvati zruynuvati one of the frontal chasms of the brain, splintering the same frontal chasm in response to the mental warehouse behavior of a person. A few hours later, after the congress in 1936, the neurosurgeon Almeida Lima, the neurosurgeon E. Monish, crushed the perch in the world of lobotomy of the people. The woman's skull, which suffered from paranoia, had two holes drilled through it, and alcohol was injected through it. Alcohol zruynuvav part of the cerebral speech of the frontal part. The bula procedure is called leucotomy white color on rose, that τομή - rose). In this order, nothing could be seen from the empty skull. The woman's camp was painted and adorned with success, the doctors continued to practice the method of likuvannya.

Nadali E. Monish having perfected the procedure. A special tool was created - a leukote, which cut the tissue of the brain with a dart loop. In 3 20 patients, they recognized lobotomy, in 7 patients it became better, in 7 patients the effect was of little significance, and in 6 patients there was no significant effect. The average results did not confirm E. Monish, who continued to practice this method of exaltation, and in 1949 won the Nobel Prize for his contribution to the exaltation of important psychoses.

The idea of ​​E. Monish was actively promoted in the Happy States of America. Neurologist and psychiatrist Walter Freeman and neurosurgeon James Watts began to perform lobotomy. Vaughn also used to drill holes in the skull, and later, was not available to a lot of psychiatric doctors (even for which one you need a special specialist, a neurosurgeon). Walter Freeman put up a lobotomy for the sake of simplicity, so that a psychiatrist could carry out this procedure independently. I todі vіn zaproponuvav so called transorbital lobotomy.

Transorbital lobotomy

This operation was already carried out without drilling holes in the skull. Access to the brain is through the eyes. After the treatment of the shkiri with an anesthetic, the shkiri's tray over the eye was cut. Surgical instrument, similar to the lower one for chopping ice, restoring the area of ​​the eye. The blows were struck with a surgical hammer, penetrating a thin ball of the cyst in the occipital region, lowerly introduced at the head brain at a 15-20 ° angle to the vertical, and with one hand the nerve fibers were thrashed, which hit the frontal part with the lower brain ridges. Lowered, inserting a probe to remove blood and streaked cells, the wound was sutured. Shards of tissue in the brain are not sensitive to pain, then Walter Freeman suggested that the operation be carried out under electric shock, without anesthesia, in order to bring the procedure closer to the most prominent psychiatric hospitals.

An hour later, Walter Freeman, having carried out one lobotomy after another, reportedly the number of operations reached the figure of 3500. Freeman, speaking about the “good” result of such operations, did not go into details. But in fact, the results were not so encouraging. Even if they were sick, they became less aggressive, but they used up their mindfulness, began to urinate under themselves, fell into a stupor. Freeman himself called these manifestations surgically inducting childishness, admitting that in such a rank the brain turns until the young rozum period. Possibly, having taken into account the fact that it will be possible to repeat the “growth”, to expand all the old newcomers anew. At zv'yazku z tsim proponuvav put to such ailments as to naughty children. However, it is a pity that the newcomers were not encouraged, a lot of people were left with caliks for the rest of their lives.

Slimming Lobotomy

More ailments after the operation developed more complicated.

It can be said that it is possible to endure rare bulges and depressions, if the lobotomy has turned into mental ailments, not taking care of your health. Most of the time, the results of the lobotomy were even more summative. What kind of legacy developed after the lobotomy? Let's revise:

  • infectious complications ( , );
  • disruption of control over the function of the pelvic organs (sechovipakannym and defecation);
  • m'yazova weakness in kіntsіvkah (paresis and paralysis);
  • a waste of sensitivity;
  • movnі discord;
  • a significant decrease in intelligence, emotional dullness (the sick after the operation were compared with their own creatures, they were called "sheep");
  • rіzke zbіlshennya masi body;
  • lethal end (up to 6% in case of succumbing).

Like Bachimo, if you don’t get sick with mental illness, the lobotomy method could be equal to other “effects” of such operations. That yakscho buti until the end, then far from the beginning of the lobotomy forged and psychiatric ailments. According to the statistics, for a third of the patients operated on, the operation was normal, for another third it was accompanied by important complications, and only one third of the patients had a juicy effect.

When was the lobotomy considered?

Not all doctors supported this method of jubilation. Thoughts were repeatedly raised about the high traumatic nature of such operations, the inadequacy of such a method of healing. Ridni sick, like they turned the patients at the camp of the sheep, they wrote skargi that prohannya, so that this inhumane method of likuvannya was concocted. The only thing that converged richly, that it was possible to stop a lobotomy only in quiet depressions, if one could use the methods of well-being that were available at that time (including insulin therapy, electric shock) without giving the desired effect, and the patient and we’ll stop. And the lobotomy was picking up its wraps and was carried out in the most banal swings. For example, a lobotomy was crushed to one child at the age of 12 through yoga disobedience and filthy behavior. And not a single butt. Evil with such a psychosurgical method of likuvannya, like a lobotomy, unfortunately, bulo.

The fall of lobotomy lasts until the 50s of the last century. In the Soviet Socialist Republic, after the results of healing for additional lobotomy for 400 ailments in 1950, the order of the Ministry of Health about the official fence of such a method of healing was seen. In such countries, like the USA, Norway, Great Britain, France, Belgium, India, Finland, Spain, that other lobotomy was performed right up to the 80s of the XX century. Exact dates there are no completions of the hard operations. In 1977, the National Committee for the Protection of People in Biomedical and Behavioral Studies was established after the investigation of low outcomes in lobotomy and development of the visnovka, which is only in these instances such an operation was correct, but in fact, ineffective. I step-by-step technique has been nanovets. A great role in this case was played by the fact that in 1950 the number of syntheses was the first in the world neuroleptic Aminasin (Chlorpromazin). If yoga began to stagnate in psychiatry, then it became a breakthrough in jubilation. And then there was a need for lobotomy, shards to change the appearance of psychosis became possible for the help of banal injections.

Neurosurgical techniques for treating mental illnesses did not become obsolete with lobotomy. After the exclusion of this barbaric method of exaltation, more sparing methods appeared (for example, anterior cingulotomy, capsulotomy, limbic leucotomy), the essence of which is in the partial destruction of the day of the assigned structures of the brain. However, they are less likely to be reached in cases of persistently resistant forms of mental illness, if any modern methods exuberance cannot induce the smallest effect.

In such a manner, pіdbivayuchi pіdbіvayuchi pіdsоmok vshche vikladenomu, can be stverdzhuvat, scho lobotomy - tse even a barbaric method of likuvannya psikhіchnіh rasladіv, which already є іstorієyu. The destruction of the structures of the brain with instruments only with the method of normalization of the psyche has not been carried out for a long time. Science has known a significant humane effective methods treatment of mental illnesses

TV channel "Russia K", the program "Psychology of people", a film on the topic "Lobotomy":

Such an operation, like a lobotomy, suddenly appearing, began to call super-children, and not only among the great world, but among the representatives of the vastness. They talked about such a quick delivery, like about “inhumane”, “insufficiently effective” in times of ailments. Even today, it seems that the principle of how it pours into the body of a person is far from being perfect. Everyone has the same message on their lips: is a lobotomy needed for medicine?

Lobotomy - operation

The technique of such insertion into the body was developed by a fahivian from Portugal, Egash Monish. It became tse in 1935. By the end of the year, on the basis of this technology, the first operation was carried out. Vcheniy, about whom to speak like about the one who was the first to develop this technique, calling it a leukotomy, that is the technique of "white opening".

It is explained by the piercings of the white speech of neurons, as well as the frontal part of the brain, as well as other sounds. The creator of the technology of upliftment, who, with the help of such a method, can help hopelessly mentally ill. After that, yak Monish in 1940. having won the Nobel Prize, the given technique began to expand with success throughout the world. But far from all fakhіvtsі vyvchali traces of such vruchannya in the brains of a wealthy obsyazі.

Lobotomy in America

Freeman, a psychiatrist from the USA, developed his own methodology, for which the operation was carried out. Tsikavo, which was injected at the same time as the lobotomy for the Monish method, became tse in 1936. Freeman's technique, although it was called "transorbital lobotomy", was also considered not so traumatic, since with it all operations were carried out through the patient's eyelids. Obviously, the surgeon is not guilty of drilling the patient's skull.

Speaking from the USA, saying that such an operation would require ailments, they suffered from some kind of mental disorders (seeming psychosis, sleeplessness, stribkiv mood, homosexuality, riches and others). Tim is no less, after a singing hour, the operations began to be filled with rich patients, as they did not require such a splash. To go about pіdlіtkіv, yakі may have problems with self-discipline and behavior, deyakih other patients. Obviously, without the permission of the fathers, the lobotomy was reserved for the children.

During the first operation, which was carried out on the basis of the American technique, pain relief was taken care of for additional electric shock. Vuzky kіnets іnstrumentu, similar to nizh for ice, was introduced into the brain kіz k_zku at the hollow of the eye. A thin brush made its way for the help of a special hammer.

Lobotomy's legacy

Often people after the lobotomy spent their relish to life, becoming a little apathetic. In medical practice, there are also signs of depression, if the patient ceases to be aware after the operation, then he simply “transforms into a sheep”.

Today, lobotomy, as a method of treating neuro-psychic illnesses, which supersedes the basic principles of surgery, has been officially challenged.

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