Saveliy Novikov small Nobel Prize. Winning at the All-World Survey of Science and Engineering Achievements of Intel ISEF. Annotations to the deadline

Senior pupils Saveliy Novikov and Dmitro Mikhailovsky from school No. 564 were nominated for the All-World Survey of Science and Engineering Achievements. The final was held near Los Angeles. Mayzhe 2 thousand schoolchildren took the fate of the new one - winners of prestigious scientific competitions.

Yuriy Zinchuk, presenter:“I have been promoted by those. I have the honor to tell you not only one of the most important novelties of this day. And yet one of the most promising novelties, why such podіy and form such an understanding, like "St. Petersburg Today". And no less than today. Ale and St. Petersburg of the future. Otzhe. I quote behind the lines of light information agencies. "Schoolers from St. Petersburg won the "Small Nobel Prize" for mathematics. Tenth-graders Saveliy Novikov and Dmitro Mikhailovsky won the Grand Award and Special Award at the All-World Survey of Science and Engineering Achievements of Intel ISEF students." Kіnets quotes. The competition was held for the rest of the two seasons near Los Angeles. 1778 winners of the largest scientific competitions from 78 countries of the world took part in the new one. That was the reason for such a global light Olympiad in mathematics. The first axis of our Petersburgers, schoolchildren Saveliy and Dmitro, took away the riches of the city! Hooray!

Axis tell me, be kind, how did you come to mathematics?

Saveliy Novikov: From the beginning of the first century, mathematics was taught badly at school. Here, for the 7th grade, I found out about this school - the Laboratory of Uninterrupted Mathematical Education. І virishiv to fix it. There rozpovidaєtsya, zokrema, and the program of the university.

Dmitro Mikhailovsky:“My offending brothers started at my school, my mother, from the very childhood, hesitated to do mathematics. For some moment, I started to get used to it myself "

Yuri Zinchuk:“Do you want to reach the heights of Perelman?”

Saveliy Novikov:"Perelman is the only person in the world, as the leader of a thousand people has done."

Yuri Zinchuk:“I am getting ready. Axis to marvel. Savelli, you have a project, which you stole from Los Angeles, "Improved identity Jacob and Jacob elements of a group ring of a symmetrical group". It’s even simpler, so what?

Saveliy Novikov:"In robots, I simply described all the sameities and, as an afterthought, took away the method of re-verification of such theities."

Yuri Zinchuk:“Dmitro, your robot sounds like this. The sameness of Monoid Perkins and the leader of the thousand. Tse approximately those that Perelman wanted to bring, right?

Dmitro Mikhailovsky:“There is more than a thousand orders. Task of a thousand - tse 7 task of mathematics, set the stench of the boules of 2000 roci. І $ 1,000,000 were proponated to the wine city for them. We will not go into details, my task is about the complexity of algorithms. So I don’t get stuck in the details, that I’ve been slacking there, in a rush, I can say that for the time being my result will speed up the completion of the task significantly.

Yuri Zinchuk:“To the future, you will show your share of it:”

Saveliy Novikov:“Finish your stay with Russia and then either continue, or get a new light beyond the cordon. Russia, of course, has the ability.”

Dmitro Mikhailovsky:“We, obviously, need to finish school. I respect the heart of learning at the Russian cherry, I don’t know yet, I’ll wait later.”

Yuri Zinchuk:“Khloptsiv, the Malaya Nobel Prize was already taken away. And why should the great Nobel Prize be taken away?”

Saveliy Novikov:“You don’t see more than mathematics. Є Abel Prize. The most prestigious mathematical city.

Dmitro Mikhailovsky:“Obviously, it’s a bug, you can figure out what’s going to happen.”

Yuri Zinchuk:“You will accept the Abel Prize again, give me your word that I will have an exclusive interview with the Pulse of the City program for us, here.”

190005, St. Petersburg, st. Yegorova bud. 24 tel. (812) 417-20-90

Winning at the All-Worldwide Survey of Science and Engineering Achievements of Intel ISEF

  • May 22, 2017, 20:36

Saveliy Novikov and Dmitro Mikhailovskiy - tenth-graders of GBOU ZOSh No. 564, St. Petersburg, who are studying at the scientific seminars of the Laboratory of Continuous Mathematical Education, won the Grand Award (the so-called "small Nobel Prize") and the Special Award at the All-World Scientific Competition Intel ISEF. In the fierce year of 2017, it was included to the Russian team (30 finalists of the largest Russian science awards) for the prizes of the Baltic Science and Engineering Competition, the general sponsor of which was Gazprom Nafta.

The Intel ISEF final was held on May 15 - 21 near Los Angeles (USA), 1778 winners of the largest science competitions from 78 countries of the world took part in it. The jury of the Competition was attended by Nobel Prize winners, scientists with holy names.

Saveliy Novikov, author of the project “Improving the identity of Jacob and Jacob’s elements of a group ring of a symmetrical group”, becoming the winner of the Grand Award, the 4th degree of the top award of the science jury, as well as the 2nd degree Special Award of the American Mathematical Fellowship.

Dmitry Mikhailovsky was awarded the 3rd degree American Mathematical Society Special Award for the project “Totalities of the Perkins Monoids and the Task of the Tisyacholittya”.

За цією перемогою стоїть щотижнева робота на наукових семінарах з кандидатом фізико-математичних наук Сергієм Олеговичем Івановим, у минулому – також переможцем Intel ISEF та доктором фізико-математичних наук Станіславом Ісааковичем Кублановським, понад 400 навчальних годин занять у літній математичній школі, понад 10 тиждень додаткової learn about mathematics, English language, programming with the best teachers of St. Petersburg, specialists of the Laboratory of uninterrupted mathematical education

Saveliy Novikov and Dmitro Mikhailovsky repeatedly confirmed the high level of their achievements and excellent mathematical training in 2017. On February 2, they were awarded the main prize of the Baltic Science and Engineering Competition to the Science Hour Foundation, on April 22, they were awarded diplomas of the 24th International Conference of Young Scientists, which took place near the city of Stuttgart, Germany.

On April 2, the lads at the warehouse of the team of the Laboratory of Uninterrupted Mathematical Education became the winners of the St. Petersburg Tournament of Young Mathematicians - a team smash for the victory of the “with a great end”.

Annotations to the deadline
Saveliy Novikov (St. Petersburg):
Algebra Li is an object of abstract algebra, which is naturally blamed in the theory of Li groups, combinatorial theory of groups, quantum physics and other fields of algebra, geometry and physics. It is possible to describe algebra with the help of a group Li, as if it were a kind of local structure of a particular group. We doslіdzhuєmo so zvanі Yakobієvі podmnozhini ta Yakobієvі elementi. The number of appointments, for the singing sense, is to set a new one directly for the removal of the sameness, which can become successful in future achievements in various fields of physics and mathematics.
Dmitro Mikhailovskiy (St. Petersburg):
Tasks of a thousand tasks to create these mathematical tasks. One of them is due to the complexity of algorithms. Among the algorithms, there are algorithms that violate the given polynomial number of jobs in the number of input data. The absence of such algorithms is denoted by the letter P. The second class of tasks, which is denoted by NP, are algorithms with polynomial reverification of the following: if it is a valid problem, then this algorithm can be reverified, which is not possible. One of the leaders of a thousand people is the leader of the group P = NP. In 2005 and 2006, the mathematicians Safe and Scabo brought the equivalence of this thousand-thousand task and the task of re-verifying the identity of the sameness on the so-called Perkins monoid. In the 1970s, a group of mathematicians independently discovered a polynomial algorithm for rechecking the identity of the Brandt group. For the Perkins monoid, there is a list of references. The main result of my research is the proof of the basis for the reverification algorithm of certain cyclic totemnosti.

- Mustache started from the fifth class. Then I remembered that mathematics was easy for me to do. My school teacher shrugged off the rosette - she worked on it with me dodatkovo. Then, after about two years, I wanted to enter the Laboratory of Uninterrupted Mathematical Education. My brother was already there, I watched for him, what he robbed, what the stinks were doing there, - everything was too much for me. I also wrote the Olympiad for my class and entered there. Topics that were taught in my school were raised to more intelligible mathematics, stink even more piqued my interest. And at some point, I wanted, like others, to take care of my scientific clerk and take up folding tasks. Sergiy Olegovich Ivanov, Candidate of Mathematical Sciences, became my mentor. Vin prompted me to follow the topic. At that moment, I already had little notice about her. As if by the world, we continued the work of one 3 students, less went to the food from the other side. It is a structure, a sequence of diy and deaky elements, over which virobleyutsya tsі dії. Vaughn є trohi folded on vіdminu vіd quiet, like we intuitively zrozmilі — folded numbers, for example. This structure is known in different branches of mathematics and is called abstract algebra. Vaughn saves deaks of power, which are in more simple structures. We can add up equal numbers and change them and change them, for example: 5 + 5 = 10, and we can also check which is correct. So, in the next power structure, we can become the sameness of the form x1+x2=0. Ale, we can’t say about the church, it’s true, it’s not. In my work, I have described the differences in the sameness, which can be vikonan in this special structure. As a result, I have eliminated the method, which can also be done by looking at programs that allow me to reverse this kind of identity. We reached the results with a scientific kerіvnik at once: these exact formulas were written by a scientific kerіvnik, and I finished everything. Those, from such a side with a scientific scholar, went to the same food, with a new approach. I took one prize from the result of the "Special Prizes" division. Such prizes are awarded by various organizations and companies that ask for international competitions, and in such a way, the award should not fall short of the organizers, but rather of the companies and the entrepreneurs. I saw the American Mathematical Science Award. In looking at the committees from three osibs, the stench went up to some independently robbed robots and they appreciated them. I'm among the guys to chirp at them. Another prize is awarded in the first place - the main prize, which is the largest category and the largest number of steps, which is seen by the organizers of the competition. I took the fourth prize from the section of mathematics. We don’t have any official official polls, tied with a prize, in Russia. And at the universities, the hour of submission of documents and distribution of "Individual Access", until which you can add my awards. And in America, better for everything, the situation is different. But the problem of the country is in the fact that education is paid there, and it will be problematic for a foreign student to take it there - even a great competition, and even up to їхніх visіv submit documents not only students from the usієї of America, but from the whole world. It’s also problematic to take it there, especially after school, it’s smarter to go for the cordon after another with a holy light. But I would have been better off to go just for an internship to another country. Before the speech, it was even more fortunate that we brought home a lot of money. Prizes are seen to kill a small number of people, and then in rapte - two lads from the same country and from the same place. Why did the organizers choose the theoretical work for the team from Russia at the international competition, and so it turned out that my work and the work of my classmate met this criterion. We were both given the opportunity to take our fate, and our works in this sphere turned out to be the strongest. Under the hour of rewarding, my classmate was named as a prize-winner, and I’m already a friend, which I’ll bring. And then they called me - I was happy. I will stain my prize in the light, maybe a laptop.

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