Methods and forms of organization of work with teachers. Structure, form and methodical work Modern forms of methodical work in the world

Formy methodical work with teachers

Passive forms work and methodical service to orientate the great world of reproductive thought activity and provide support for the area of ​​actual development of teachers.

Active forms stimulate research, create a long-term activity of teachers and focus on the area of ​​the closest development of teachers.

Most efficient forms of methodical work at the current stage of the development of the school, in our opinion, є:

theoretical seminar,


scientific and practical conference,

methodical decade,

days of science,

Method Festival,

methodical place,

methodical mosaic,


methodical ring,

dilova gra,

pedagogical KVK,


video training,

pedagogical reading,


professional exhibition,

project manager,

thematic pedagogical glad,

open lesson

Forms of organization of the meeting of the Moscow Region could be like this:

Theoretical seminar




Creative discussion

Creative dialogue


Year of Collective Creativity

Methodical festival

Dilova gra

Methodical KVK

Fairs of methodical ideas

Methodical training

See the household chores As part of planning a methodical work, teachers can be as follows:

Modeling the lesson (in whole or in fragments)

Development of a system of lessons with topics for the course

Development of a special course, programs for continuing with singing topics

Pіdbіr literatury z singing topics, course, problems

Annotation for the topic, course, problem, advice from a colleague

Storage of control materials, tests

Storing and defending supporting schemes, memos, didactic material

Development of plans in groups, scenarios after-class visits from the subject, italics on choice

Vіdvіduvannya lessons, pre-graduation visits, take special courses, dodatkovyh to take from the upcoming analysis

Submission of vlasnogo dosvidu work with those problems

Zahist those self-illumination.

Interactive game methods

"Interactive" means that it is rooted in mutuality. And interactivity is not just the interaction of subjects one by one, but a special organization of knowledge activity, which can clearly express social orientation.

Meta selection of interactive methods and games - changing models of participants' behavior. Analyzing his own reactions and the reactions of his partner, the participant changes his behavior model and is aware of his new norms of activity, which allows you to talk about interactive methods as well as the process of interactive learning.

guiding principles organization of an interactive process:


sensory creativity;

Freedom of choice;


The Organization of Mislediality Poles:

Among the participants of different rozumovyh operations (analysis, synthesis, matching, aggregation, classification, abstraction, etc.);

In the exchange of the results of myslennєvoї activity between the participants of the pedagogical process;

Changes and diversity of species, forms of pink and cognitive activities;

Pojdnannya _individualnyh and group forms of work;

Problematic education, vykoristannya in the pedagogical process of modern lighting technologies;

Sensory creativity of the participants;


Sensory creativity conveying the understanding of the creation of the process of mutual interaction between pedagogues, the assessment of the phenomena of the necessary activity, their own activity, the results of mutual interaction with the position of their individuality.

The final result of the method of sensibility is enrichment, the emergence of a new individual understanding of understanding (sensu), which expands the inter-individual knowledge.

Reflection in the pedagogical process - the process itself, the result of fixing by the subjects (participants in the pedagogical process) will become self-development, establishing the causes of that legacy.

Skin interactive method to understand its meta, rules, to that, owing to its peculiarity, you can beat them at different stages of the run. With an important mindfulness, roztashuvannya of the participants in such a rank, so that the stench could fight one by one, sitting, for example, near, around the perimeter.

Until new forms of training of pedagogical personnel are seen innovations, organizational-dial, dilov, roles and other games, like to adopt the molding of intellectual culture and self-development.

New forms of training are emerging within the framework of the new model of education, which will ensure the training of teachers to innovative activity, create new ideas and change their minds about adapting to a dynamic professional environment.

Active forms of organization of methodical work

Dilova gra

Tsіl- Vіdpratsyuvannya singing professional skills, pedagogical technologies.

Gray as a form of education is characterized by great gnuchkistyu. In the course of the її you can virishuvat zavdannya raznoї foldedness. She activates the creativity of the reader, ensures the high level of acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of professional minds.

Conduct form - collective chi group robot.

The process of organizing a wedding can be divided into 4 stages.

1. Gris construction:

§ to clearly formulate the main goal of privacy for the participants;

§ rozrobiti global rules games.

2. Organizational preparation of a specific game with the implementation of a singing didactic goal:

§ kerіvnik roses'explain to the participants of the sense gri, to know from the main program and the rules, rozpodіlyaє roles and put before їх vykonavtsy specific tasks, as if they could be cherished;

§ experts are appointed, how to predict the cold, analyze the situations that are being modeled, give an assessment;

§ an hour is appointed, wash that trivality gri.

3. Hid gry.

4. Podbitya subsumkiv, report її analysis:

§ global assessment of GR, report analysis, implementation of goals and objectives, away from weak sides, their reasons;

§ self-assessment with grave marks of entrusted bosses, steps of special satisfaction;

§ characteristics of professional knowledge and wisdom, revealed in the process;

§ analysis and assessment of GR by experts.

Srazkovy order of holding a business meeting:

Kerivnik tells the listeners about the method, zmist, the order of the business meeting. It is recommended to respectfully read the literature, to know about the food that should be discussed.

Participants of the gry are divided into subgroups of 3 - 5 osib. At the skin subgroup, a leader is gathered, obov'yazkogo to enter the organization of the subgroup's work. Three-fourths of the participants are collected by an expert group at the warehouse 3-5 cases.

Kerivnik Pislya Patannya Mizhi Igrovimi Pidgroups, Nada, the word of the skin to the representants of the Igrovikh group, organized disgraceful problems. For a skin participant, gri is given up to 5 khvilin, stretching them succinctly, and then argumentatively seeing the smut, rounding up the idea, arguing, defending it.

The expert group, on the basis of the speeches of the participants and their own thoughts, can prepare a draft recommendation (practical considerations) of a well-examined problem, discuss and assign a single position to the members of the pedagogical team in practical activity.

The expert committee also advises on the decision on the assessment of the number of speeches, the activity of the participants, the effectiveness of the subgroups in the business group. Criteria for such an assessment can be the quantity and variety of hanging ideas (propositions), degrees of self-reliance judgment, and their practical significance.

At the end of the ker_vnik, the grist was added.


Tsіl- in the practice of the singing professional skills that you will die.

Training(English) - a special, training mode, training, can be an independent form of methodical work, or win as a methodical reception for an hour of a seminar.

Under the hour of the training, pedagogical situations, handouts, technical training are widely discussed. Training is carried out in training groups with a number of 6 to 12 individuals.

The main principles of the robotic training group are: trust and confidence in the discussion, viability in discussions and when discussing the results of the training.

Pedagogical KVK

This form of methodical work sprya activization of obvious theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and skills, the creation of a friendly psychological climate for a group of teachers, two teams, jurors, and others, are formed by auditors. Command in advance to get acquainted with the topic of the KVK, to take care of home tasks. In addition, the stinks are preparing mutually fiery warm welcome on the topic of this KVK. Kerіvnik proponuє tsіkavі zavdannya, scho vymagayut non-standard solutions (including the "Competition of captains"), without intermediary po'yazanі z theme, scho vchaєєєєєє.

Hid gri:

1. Reception of teams, who is insured:

§ responsiveness to the presentation of the given topic;

§ actuality;

§ appearance form.

§ An hour of whistup is 10 hvilin.

2. Warm-up (teams prepare three meals each for knowledge of psychology and special studies and inter-special knowledge). An hour for the obmirkovuvannya food - 1 hvilin.

3. Homework: revision of the preparation of a business speech on a given topic

4. Competition of captains.

5. Competition of wise men. Two participants per team are selected. We are encouraged to choose the optimal method for cultivating your nutrition.

6. The competition of killers: the vision of pedagogical leaders from the practice of robotic school.

7. Competition "What would it mean?" (Situations in the life of the school). Guilt, accuracy of expression of thoughts, humor are damaged.

Methodical place

Methodical place is a different type of discussion. Before the completion of the cycle, methodical work is carried out by teachers of various schools in the district, towns, cerivniki of the Moscow Region, fathers.

By the method of a methodical bridge, we will advance the pedagogical knowledge, the expansion of innovative technologies, the development and development.


This is one of the methodical approaches, which helps to develop practical skills, creativity, and to find the right point of view on the basis of nutrition of pedagogical theory and practice. Tsej priyom handily vikoristovuvaty under the hour of discussing the methodology of the passage, as if those who took the solution to the song problem.

Kerivnik may well think over the food, so that the answers are short, concise. Perevaga hopes for remembrances-fantasies, remembrances-osyayannyam. Criticism of ideas is defended, their assessment. Trivality of brainstorming-15-30 min. Let's follow the discussion of ideas.

Celebration of pedagogical tasks

Tsіl- Learn about the peculiarities of the pedagogical process, its logic, the nature of the activity of the teacher and the teacher, the system of their interrelationships. Vikonannya such zavdan additionally learn to see from the various manifestations of the suttave, smut.

The mastery of the teacher is manifested in the fact that he analyzes, continues the pedagogical situation, as he formulates, on the basis of a rich-sided analysis, the method and task of the power of activity.

Pedagogical tasks dotsilno take from school practice. The stench is guilty of knowing with the most methodical methods of the work of the shortest readers, guarding pardons, which are the most common.

Getting to the conclusion of the task, it is necessary to respectfully understand your mind, evaluate the position of the skin individual, reveal yourself possible traces dermal perebachuvanny crocodile.

Propionation of tasks can be done effective forms that acceptance and organization and conduction of the initial work.

Methodical Festival

The form of methodical work is given, which was won by the methodologists of the city, the district, the school's stoners, conveying to a large audience, setting up the exchange of knowledge of work, introducing new pedagogical ideas and methodical knowledge.

At the festivals, there is an acquaintance with the best pedagogical knowledge, with non-standard lessons that go beyond the framework of traditions and stereotypes.

At the beginning of the festival, a panorama of methodical knowledge and ideas is practiced.

The application for the lesson, methodical ideas, and the participants of the festival should be submitted in advance.

Laboratory "Information Technologies"

· Work of creative groups with problems;

· Vykoristannya іnformatsiynih tekhnologii y nachalnomu protsesі;

· Formation of the community position of young schoolchildren.

Fairs of pedagogical ideas

· activating the methodical work of the reader, the shards of the skin of the reader want, so that this idea was recognized as the best. Later, the spirit of magic appears. Readers, especially young ones, learn to lead a discussion, show their point of view, and listen critically to themselves and their colleagues.

Building a methodical portfolio

· Allows the reader to systematize his methodical work for rіk, choose the most methodical methods in the distance and learn from seemingly methodical rozrobok.

Interactive forms of robots with osvіtyanami.

In front of the workers of professional associations, there is often food - how to grow up, so that the teacher becomes an active, active participant in the work of various forms of professional associations? How can the passivity of the okremy teachers be overcome? How to translate їх від reproductive activity to doslidnitskoi? Before molding, should you reflect in the process of discovering a new one and mastering the known material?

Activation of creative activity of teachers is possible through non-traditional, interactive methods and forms of work with teachers.

A lot of the main methodical innovations related to the development of interactive teaching methods. It is necessary to sort out by yourself understand. The word "interactive" came to us from english movie like the words “interact”, de “inter” - tse “mutual”, “act” - activity.

Interactive means zdatnіst vzaєmodіyati chi perebuє at the mode romovi, dialogue from chimos (for example, a computer) chi be-kim (for example, a human being). Zvіdsi can zrobiti visnovki, scho Interactive instruction - tse, nasampered, dialogue instruction, at the hour of which the interaction between the teacher (the teacher of the Moscow Region) and the student (teacher-participant of the Moscow Region) is established.

What are the main characteristics of interactive?

It should be noted that interactive learning is a special form of organization and other activity. Vaughn can at your disposal dosit concrete and predicted goals of the work. One of these goals learn from the creation of comfortable minds for training, such, for which the teacher (taught) appreciates his success, his intellectual ability, to make the whole process of training productive and effective.

Why do you think the essence of inter active training?

The process of mutual organization of such a rank that practically all participants are educated before the process of recognition, discussion. The stench can be able to think and reflect on the drive of what it stinks to know, to understand, to think about. Spіlna dіyalnіst іn thіѕ process means thаt thе skin participant robs іt іndivіdualny іndividual contribution, mає mozhlivіst svіnjatsya znannannymi, svіsnimі іdey, methods ііlnostі, feel іnshу thought colleagues. Moreover, this process is carried out in an atmosphere of kindness and mutual encouragement, so that I can take into account not only new knowledge of the discussed problems, but also develop the very pedagogical activity and translate it into a larger form of cooperation.

Interactive action transfers the organization and development of dialogic communication, as if leading to mutual understanding, mutual understanding, to the full cherry and acceptance of the most serious, but significant skin for the participant of the meeting. With interactive teaching, dominance is switched off as one speaker, and one thought.

In the course of dialogic intercourse, teachers develop critical thinking, understanding, solving super-clear problems based on the analysis of perceived information and conditions. Teachers learn to call out alternative thoughts, make thoughtful decisions, correctly express their thoughts, take part in discussions, professionally communicate with colleagues.

Valuable are those who, for such an organization of work and a teacher, can not only express their thoughts, look, give an assessment, and, having felt the arguments of their colleagues, move forward from their point of view, or simply change it. Pedagogues are molded to understand someone else's thoughts, to learn to listen to others, to work on bunting and bunting.

For whom, in the occupations of professional associations, various forms are organized - individual, subgroups, boys, role-plays are held, documents and information from different gerels are analyzed.

What is the form of interactive learning? Let's look at the deeds of them.

The most simple form of group interaction - "great kolo". The work has three stages.

First stage – educators great number. Ker_vnik forms a problem.

Another stage– during the singing hour (approximately 10 minutes), the participant individually writes down the invitation to solve the problem on his arch paper.

Third stage - according to the number of leathers, the teacher will read out his propositions, reshtu movchki vyslukhovuyut (without criticism); along the way, voting should be carried out on a skin point - do not turn on yoga until a wild decision, like in the world, move and fix on the doshtsi.

The reception of the “great stake” is optimally victorious, if it is possible to quickly designate ways to solve the problem or warehouse. For additional help, you can, for example, expand instructions, regulations, local regulations and legal acts.

"Round Steel"- to be carried out with the method of shaping a joint thought, the positions of the participants in the way of discussing the problem. Call to think about 1-3 meals, which are discussed.

Before the hour of the "Round Table" it is important to show respect for the registration of the admission. For example, the tables should be placed around the perimeter of the room. The leader of the "Round Table" defines his place in such a way that all the participants are included. Here you can also request fakhіvtsі, administration and other. In the course of the work, skin nutrition problems are discussed okremo. The word is given to teachers, so that they can see the problems. The leader of the discussion bags of skin nutrition. Nasamkinets vіn proponuє the variant of the common position with the improvement of respect, additions, amendments.

The skin problem, until the age of the group of food, given by teachers, is revealed even more. Teachers can clearly represent the theoretical foundations of the problem, ways and solutions, forms of organization, methods and methods of work and more.

"Dilova gra"- effective in that way, as teachers may have sufficient knowledge of the problems, as they seem to have. Dilova gra transferring to the great work ahead, from such teachers they gain the necessary knowledge through various forms, methods and techniques: first-hand campaigning, thematic exhibitions, consultations, conversations, discussions. If such a front work has not been carried out, then it is necessary to plan a large business group as a part of the call, introduced to consolidate the knowledge of the problem.

In advance, cards are being prepared with food for 2-3 pedagogical situations with problems.

It is necessary to set it up so that 2 or 3 teams were seen (for the trial of the PZ certifier) ​​for 4-5 special participants in the business game. Teachers behind the bazhannyam are seated at the tables, and the teams of participants are appointed at the same time. One of the commands expert judges- The most competent teachers of the problems that have been propagated.

A card is handed to the skin team, a captain is selected, which is a deafening blaze of the team, working on the tasks. The teams are given an hour to prepare the decision, then we will hear the opinions. The order of orders is determined by the foal of the captains. A skin group should be brought in no less than 3 additional groups, which will show the group, a fun-filled ball is put up, which is to enter a scorching rahunok. For example, a team is appointed to win for the best (gruntovna, povna, proof) test.

Dilovi іgri bovayut offensive species:

Imitation, dezdiyasnyuєtsya kopiyuvannya z coming analysis.

managerial, which have specific managerial functions);

Doslіdnitski, pov'yazanі z scientific-scientific work, de through the game form, methods are developed from specific directions;

Organizational-dialny. The participants of the Tsikh igor model a non-domy early work on singing topics.

Game-trainings. Tse right, scho zakriplyuyut chi іnshі navichki;

Igri projectivnі, in which there is an authoritative project, an algorithm for any kind of action, a plan of action, and a plan of action is being created for the proposed project. An example of projective games maybe a topic: “How to spend a pidsumkovu pedrada?” (either batkivsky zbori, or a practical seminar or something else).

When organizing and conducting a business meeting, the role of a floor planner is different - up to a floor level instructor, at the second stage - a consultant, the rest of the stage - a discussion leader.

Basic Meta Gris- Live modeling of the enlightenment-visual process, molding of specific practical minds of teachers, rapid adaptation to renewal, molding of their interest and culture of self-development; in the practice of singing professional skills, pedagogical technologies.

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

The process of organizing and holding a firefight can be divided into 4 stages:

1.Gri design:

to clearly formulate a clear mark of importance and privacy for the participants;

rozrobiti zagalni rules Gri.

2. Organizational preparation of a specific game with the implementation of a singing didactic goal:

· Kerіvnik roz'yasnyuє to the participants of the sense gris, to know from the main program and the rules, rozpodіlyaє roles and put before їх vykonavtsy specific tasks, yakі mаyut but vyrishenі them;

· Appointed experts, yakі poserіgayut hіd gri, analyze the model of the situation, give an assessment;

· Signify the hour, wash that trivality gri.

3. Hid Gri.

4. Pіdbitya pіdsumkіv, report analysis gri:

§ global assessment of gri, report analysis, implementation of goals and objectives, away from weak sides, their reasons;

§ self-assessment by the participants of vikonanny otrimanih zavdan, steps of special satisfaction;

§ Characteristics of professional knowledge and experience, revealed in the process;

§ analysis and assessment of GR by experts.

Srazkovy order of holding a business meeting:

Kerivnik tells the listeners about the method, zmist, the order of the business meeting. It is recommended to respectfully read the literature, to know about the food that should be discussed. Participants of the gry are divided into subgroups of 3-5 osib. At the skin subgroup, a leader is gathered, obov'yazkogo to enter the organization of the subgroup's work. Three-fourths of the participants are collected by an expert group at the warehouse 3-5 cases.

Kerivnik Pislya Patannya Mizhi Igrovimi Pidgroups, Nada, the word of the skin to the representants of the Igrovikh group, organized disgraceful problems. For the sake of the skin participant, the gri is given 5 khvilin, stretching them succinctly, and arguing, following the smut, rounding up the idea, rounding up, defending її.

The expert group, based on the speeches of the participants and their own thoughts, can prepare a draft of recommendations (practical considerations) of a well-examined problem, discuss and emphasize the same position of teachers in practical activity.

The expert committee also advises on the decision on the assessment of the number of speeches, the activity of the participants, the effectiveness of the subgroups in the business group. Criteria for such an assessment can be a quantity and a change of hanging ideas (propositions), steps of self-reliance judgment, their practical significance.

Naprikintsі kerіvnik pіdbivaє pіdbag gr.

Dilova (role) gra- An effective method of interaction between teachers. Vaughn is a form of modeling of these systems of vidnosin, which is based on real activity, or in another form of activity, they develop new methodical skills and approaches.

Dilova gra- this is the form of a thorough development, spriynyattya the best knowledge, the approval of a teacher for himself in various pedagogical situations. Mind needed the effectiveness of the business climate is voluntary and the fate of the teachers, the decency, the breadth of the opinions, and the fullness of it.

Discussion- a critical dialogue, a dilova superechka, a free discussion of problems, an effort to gain theoretical and practical knowledge.

Meta discussion – listening to the active discussion of the problem; revealed by practices and science; recruitment of newcomers to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge for the analysis of effectiveness

Conduct form- Collective discussion of theoretical nutrition.

Methodology of organization:

§ vyznachennya meti and zmistu discussed problems, forecast pіdsumkіv;

§ appointment of high school meals, for which a discussion will be organized (vipadkovі, other row meals are not to be discussed);

§ folding plan;

§ advance knowledge of teachers with the main provisions of those that are being discussed

Carrying out methodology:

· Familiarization of teachers with the problem, situational tasks.

· Meals for teachers should be arranged sequentially before the plan.

· Organize a discussion of the various points of view on the essence of the analyzed problem.

· Visnovok, pіdbittya pіdsumkіv obogovorennya.

At the leader's visnovka, she swears at the activity and passivity of the audience, evaluates the teachers' opinions, argues for the wrong judgment for the necessary arguments, additionally inaccurate opinions, robs the heady visnovka for the results of the discussion, acknowledging the teachers for their participation in the discussion.

The leader is responsible:

Good to know the problem, the topic of discussion.

Take the position and arguments of the opponents.

Don't let the mind wander about the subject of discussion, forget to understand.

"Brain Attack" brainstorming- so it’s just like Dilova is able to understand, if teachers can get enough knowledge of the problem.

This is one of the methodical approaches, which helps to develop practical skills, creativity, and to find the right point of view on the basis of nutrition of pedagogical theory and practice. Tsej priyom handily vikoristovuvaty under the hour of discussing the methodology of the passage, be it those who accept the solution to the song problem.

Kerivnik may well think over the food, so that the answers are short, concise. Perevaga is hoped for in support of fantasies, in support of affirmation, criticism of ideas is defended, its assessment. Trivality of brainstorming 15-30 min. Let's follow the discussion of ideas.

Kerіvnik zazdalegіd prepared food, 2-3 pedagogical situations vidpovіdno up to virіshuvanої problems, yak bude їm proponovana.

Place the tables in such a way that 2-3 teams of evangelists were seen.

A captain is selected from the skin team, which is a deafening sound. The skin team is looking for cards, in which the same food and pedagogical situations are indicated. It's time for preparation. Teams try to test the same food and deal with the same situations.

In the course of the work, one team gives a rebuff, and another additional one її і navpaki. That team is honored as a helper, as it gave the most victorious opinions and made the greatest number of statements to add to the opinions of the supercomparing colleagues

Be it a form of communication with teachers, it is possible to allow for emotionality, conciseness, and at the same time, the abundance of necessary information, confirmed by butts from practice and pedagogical knowledge.

"Methodical ring".

Tsіl - Thorough professional knowledge of teachers, the manifestation of a fierce erudition.

Conduct form- Group robot (opponents are assigned, groups of supporters of opponents, group of analysis).

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

1 option- a methodical ring as a different type of discussion for the obviousness of two opposite views on the same food.

For example, in a methodical ring on the topic “School without discipline, what is water without water” (Ya.A. Komensky), food is suggested for discussion: “How do I try to discipline in classes - to change the respect of children for a different kind of activity by entering a disciplinary order?”

Behind the scenes, two opponents are getting ready. The skin of them is a group of supporters, as they help their leader in times of need.

The analysis group evaluates the preparation of the opponents, as the defense of the singing version, and the support of the bags.

In order to relieve stress, the pauses are propagated by pedagogical situations, and game tasks are too thin.

P option- a methodical ring as a stunner of methodical ideas in the implementation of one and the same problem.

For example, a methodical ring on the topic “Activation of educational (pre-slidnitsky) activity of preschoolers in environmental studies” propels the shock of offensive methodical ideas:

· Zastosuvannya іgrovih zavdan;

· Vikoristannya active forms of learning.


Tsіl- Vіdpratsyuvannya profesіynyh navichok that umіn.

Training - English word - special, training mode. Training can be an independent form of methodical work, or it can be victorious as a methodical technique for an hour of a seminar.

Under the hour of the training, pedagogical situations, handouts, technical training are widely discussed. Training is carried out in training groups with a number of 6 to 12 individuals.

Basic principles in a robotic training group: more trustworthy and mutually competent, more accurate in discussions and when discussing the results of training.

Pedagogical KVK.

The form of methodical work is given to activate the obvious theoretical knowledge, practical reductions and skills, the creation of a friendly psychological climate for a group of teachers. From the warehouse of hearing, two teams are formed, zhurі, reshta є bolіvniki. Command in advance to get acquainted with the topic of the KVK, to take care of home tasks. In addition, the stench is preparing mutually hot air on the topic of this KVK. Ker_vnik proponuє tsіkavі, scho require non-standard solutions for the task (including the competition of captains), without intermediary po'yazanі z theme, scho vchaєєєєє.

Hid gri:

1.Privіtannya commands, who is insured:

§ vіdpovіdnіst vіdpovіdnіst vіstupіv v zadіy temi;

§ actuality;

§ submission form;

§ hvistupu hour -10 hvilin.

2. Rozminka (teams prepare three tests for knowledge of the psychology of special children and international specialties). An hour for the obmirkovuvannya food - 1 hvilin.

3. Home task: review of the preparation of a business speech on a given topic.

4. Competition of captains.

5. Competition of wise men. Two participants per team are selected. We are encouraged to choose the optimal method for cultivating your nutrition.

6.Competition of killers: the vision of pedagogical leaders from the practice of work and install.

7. Competition "What would it mean?" (Situation from the life of DOP). Guilt, accuracy of expression of thoughts, humor are damaged.

Methodical mist.

A variety of discussions. Prior to the completion of the cycle of methodical work, the illumination of various lighting foundations in the district, places, cerivniki of the Moscow Region, fathers is being carried out.

Metoyu methodical bridge є exchange of advanced pedagogical knowledge, expansion of innovative technologies, training and development.

Virishennya pedagogical tasks.

Tsіl - Learn about the peculiarities of the pedagogical process, yoga logic, the nature of the activity of the teacher and the child, the system of their interrelationships. Vikonannya such zavdan can learn to see from the different appearances of the suttave, the smut.

The mastery of the teacher is manifested in the fact that he analyzes, continues the pedagogical situation, as he formulates on the basis of a rich-sided analysis, the method and task of the power of activity.

Pedagogical tasks are taken from the educational practice. The stench is guilty of knowing with the most methodical methods of the work of the best teachers, guarding pardons, which are the most common.

Coming to the conclusion of the task, it is necessary to respectfully understand in your mind, evaluate the position of the skin of the diy individual, reveal all the traces of the skin perforated crocodile.

Propionation of the task may be effective in the form and organization of the organization of the lighting work.

methodical festival.

This form of methodical work is given to a large audience, put on the mark exchange of knowledge of work, the promotion of new pedagogical ideas and methodical knowledge.

Here you have to get acquainted with the best pedagogical knowledge, with non-standard activities that go beyond the framework of traditions and stereotypes.

At the beginning of the festival, a panorama of methodical knowledge and ideas is practiced.

An application for employment, methodical ideas, and participants of the festival should be submitted in advance.

Methodical gatherings.

Tsіl - Formation of the correct point of view of the main pedagogical problem, creation of a friendly psychological climate in this group of teachers.

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

§ For the sake of discussion, food is propounded, suttєvі for the accomplishment of some key tasks of the illuminating and spiritual process.

§ The topic of discussion is not discussed further. The craftsmanship of the ceramics worker lies in the fact that, in an unimpressed situation, hearing speakers at the door of the rozmov from the discussed food and bring them to the singing visnovkivs.

Methodical dialogue.

Tsіl - discussing songs by those, working out a plan of joint actions.

The shape of the event is a round style.

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

Hearers are late to get to know the topic of discussion, to gain theoretical homework.

A methodical dialogue is conducted between a teacher and teachers and groups of listeners with singing topics.

The driving force of dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of the listeners. The emotional atmosphere is very significant, which allows you to express a little bit of internal unity.

At the end of the fight for the visnovok on the topic, a decision is made about the further bedrooms.

Table of contacts.

Instructions: you can win more than 2 arrows and more than 2 colors.

The connection to the contact is a red arrow, not the connection is a blue arrow.

Whom did the check get the red arrows?

Whom did you not check?

It’s like ochіkuvannya doesn’t fall out of reality, marveling that you’re not so robish.

Active methods

Method "Mosaic"

· stagnate at the seminary sessions, reviewing video recordings of fragments of lessons from a given topic, from the fluctuations in various technologies and forms of work, with a further analysis and variability of recommendations for their research.

· allows you to speed up the time to reach the final result, stimulates the learning activity of readers, allows you to include more participants in the work.

Methodology "Continued conference"

· under the hour of preparation before the lesson is held, the teacher will discuss with the members of the MO all the technology of the lesson; after the completion of the first lesson, the discussion of the effectiveness of the obtained results is continued.

· basically zastosovuєtsya when working with young specialists and teachers of another category, stink shards will help in preparation for the lesson, and further analysis.

Methodology "Guy chi integration lesson"

· It is divided into cyclic MOs, which include students of other disciplines, for example, into cyclic MOs in biology, chemistry, geography. Such lessons allow you to duplicate the material that is being taught, to make it more methodical and methodical, to broaden your horizons of learning on specific topics, and also to activate the work of the readers themselves.

« Aquarium»

· a form of dialogue, if teachers are encouraged to discuss the problem in front of the faces of the bulk. The group chooses to conduct a dialogue about the problem of who you can trust. Sometimes you can be a sprat of those who are willing. Reshta to act as watchers. Zvіdsi i name - "aquarium".

What does this reception give to the sanctifiers? Possibility to poke at your colleagues from the side, to bacchi, how to stink, how to react to someone else's thought, how to create a conflict, how to argue your thought and how to prove your innocence and so on.

Validity of the metі forms of advanced qualification


The form

Improvement of pedagogical technique

Seminars, workshops, a school for a young teacher

Thorough pedagogical mastery

Pedagogical masters

Development of creative abilities

Creative groups

Formation of the style of pedagogical activity

Club "Professional", master-class, trainings

Molding readiness to innovation

School of Pedagogical Mastery

Formation of pedagogical culture

Psychological and pedagogical, methodical seminars - workshops

Design seminars

Creation of individual, didactic, virtuoso, methodical system

School of pedagogical education, scientific and methodological seminars

An important moment in a methodical robot is to choose the form of a run. The forms of methodical work are motivated by the improvement of the day-to-day approach of the senior teachers, and the encouragement of teachers, the conduct of the hour of the bag survey. In the pedagogical literature, the organizational forms of methodical robots are classified according to the method of organization (collective, group, individual), and according to the level of activity of the participants (passive, active, interactive). Passive forms robots are oriented to the great world of reproductive mental activity and provide reliance on the zone of actual development of teachers. Active forms stimulate research, create a long-term activity of teachers and focus on the area of ​​the closest development of teachers. Interactive forms transferring the creation (exposure) of a new lighting product to the process of mutual illumination of subjects before the lighting process.

Most efficient forms of methodical work at the current stage, in our opinion, є: workshop, scientific and practical conference, methodical decade, methodical festival, master class, methodical place, discussion, methodical ring, business game, training, video training, pedagogical reading, professional exhibition, zahist project, vіdkritiy lesson, navchalnі, organizatsiyno-dіyalnі, dilovі, roles and іnshі іgry, yakі spriyat molding of intellectual culture and culture self-development.

Form the organization of methodical work

Work with pedagogical staff in order to implement the tasks of the school

Organizational and methodological security of UVP

Work with young fakhivtsy

Advanced pedagogical report

Work with self-illumination

Pedagogical monitoring



Young Teacher's School

The work of creative laboratories

Work on an individual theme from self-illumination

Review and analysis of the lessons of the readers

Psychological and pedagogical consultations


methodical association

School of a young class kerіvnik

The work of the entire creative groups

Consulting and individual interviews

Vivchennya system robotic teacher on the topic

Thematic seminars

Instructive and methodological guide


Creative calls of readers

The creation of kutochkіv "To help self-illumination"

* Materials with the approval of the work

* Publications from periodicals

Control eyes


Naradi under the director

Mutual lessons

Open lessons

Diagnostics of pedagogical personnel


Naradi at stop. directors

Individual consultations

Panorama lessons

Spivbesida with teachers and teachers

Pedagogical studio

Exhibitions-presentations of novelties in pedagogical literature


The week of pedagogical mastery

Pedagogical readings and pedagogical conferences

Compilation of complex programs

Competition "The best young teacher"

Day of opening lessons

Updating the robotic teacher system


Lessons from young specialists

Come in after the class

Informative about the work of the teacher with singing topics

Dispute or discussion on the topic

Folding program guide

Creation of a little piece "To help a young specialist"

Scientific and practical conference

Business games

Organization of methodical kutochkiv, exhibitions, cabinets

Pedagogical Exhibition

Pedagogical excursion

Practicum on the development of the methodology for developing and strengthening the pedagogical certificate

Active forms of organization of methodical work

1. Theoretical seminar

Target: advancement of the theoretical level of professional training of the teacher

    familiarization with new pedagogical ideas and technologies, with new approaches to the organization of the primary and secondary process;

    identifying problems for the robotic pedagogical team (conducting theoretical seminars).

2. Methodical operatives

Tsіl: stimulating interest in the problems of theoretical and practical pedagogy and psychology and readiness for innovative activity.

Task: in due course, the readers were aware of the new achievements of science, the advanced pedagogical certificate and the recognition of the ways of their promotion.

3. Thematic pedradis

Tsіl: the development of collegial solutions to the problems of organization and improvement of the educational process at the school.

Head: responsible for the educational policy of the school; uniting the teaching staff in the field of advanced qualifications.

4. Methodical days


    familiarization of the teaching staff with the technology of work and school teachers;

    creation of "skarbnichki" of internal methodological knowledge.

5. Creative sound of methodical associations

Target: systematization of the process of accumulation and consolidation of the advanced knowledge of the middle school.

As a result, it is more methodical to present methodical and didactic materials, developed by teachers, to know with their achievements.

    Festivals of pedagogical ideas: a kaleidoscope of lessons

Tsіl: acquaintance with pedagogical knowledge, creativity of other teachers

    know more about the number of readers from the teachings of pedagogical knowledge;

    pave the way for pedagogical winemaking and rationalization, to stimulate the development of initiatives and creativity of teachers.


Tsіl: listening to the active discussion of the problem; revealed by protirich mizh zhittєvimi manifestations of that science; recruitment of newcomers to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge for the analysis of effectiveness

    Methodical ring

Tsіl: improving the professional knowledge of teachers, revealing the general erudition

    Methodical gatherings

Target: shaping the correct point of view according to the singing pedagogical problem; creation of a friendly psychological climate in this group of auditory people.

    methodical dialogue

Tsіl: discussion of song problems, development of a plan for current events

    Dilova gra

Tsіl: introduction of singing professional skills, pedagogical technologies.


Target: in the practice of the singing professional skills that you will die.

    Pedagogical KVK

Tsіl: activation of obvious theoretical knowledge, practical reduction and learning

    Methodical place

Target: exchange of advanced pedagogical knowledge, expansion of innovative technologies, training and development.


Tsіl: the development of practical skills, creativity, the development of the correct point of view on the songs of nutrition of pedagogical theory and practice


Without intermediary training of a young teacher as a mentor (advised teacher).

Target: transfer of knowledge, dosvidu, maisternosti.


    ensuring the uninterrupted process of becoming a young teacher;

    the care of the work of a young teacher;

    shaping the motivation of self-perfection in a young teacher

    Methodical decade

Tsіl: stimulating the teaching staff to promote professional and pedagogical skills

    Intellectual marathon

Tsіl: acquaintance with the pedagogical creativity of okremikh teachers, improving the professional knowledge of teachers, revealing the general erudition.

    subject type

Tsіl: stimulating the teaching staff to promote professional and pedagogical skills

    "Science Day"

    Days of Humanitarian Knowledge

    Psychological and pedagogical seminars

    Master's course for promotion of qualifications

    Scientific and practical conferences of teachers and scientists

    Individual work on a special creative theme

    Experimental robot

    Robot School Academy of Sciences (SHAN)

    Vidavnicha activity

    The work of creative teams

Understanding the topics of seminars

    Management of the process of professional development of the clergy.

    Modern technologies in the initial-vyhovny process.

    Actively form the development of professionalism of pedagogical staff.

    Ideological work at the foundations of enlightenment: day to day, functions.

    Evaluation of the clarity of illumination and HSC of subjects.

    The system of methodical work with pedagogical staff, as the basis of their professional development.

    Analysis of the lesson as a development of the professional activity of the teacher.

    Motivation as a clerk of promotion of pedagogical skill.

    Suchasnі pіdhodi nіdvishchennya professіynogo іvnya pedagіchіchnyh cadres.

    The role of the teaching-methodical cabinet in the promotion of qualifications of pedagogical staff in the intercourse period.

    The role of that value of informational and methodological support of the activity of mortgages of enlightenment.

    The problem of self-analysis of the lesson.

    Scientific discussion as education.

    The program of individual work with the teachings that are available.

    A lesson is a form of promotion of methodical mastery.

    The creative mind of the teacher to the choice of tools, forms, methods, and methods of teaching schoolchildren;

    Differentiation and individual development before training;

    Improving the effectiveness of control over the camp of primary activity of schoolchildren.

    Formation of interest in the subject and the development of the learning ability in the process of learning.

    Organization of the system of robotics from the advancement of the gaps in the knowledge of the students.

    New pedagogical technologies and their adaptation to the primary process.

    Rniznomanіtnіst control and appearance of knowledge, reduce that skill of learning.

    Motivation for the formation of a path in children in the form of recognition interests.

    Realization of humanistic directness of education through special orientations of the pedagogical process.

    The role of the quality assessment of knowledge in the molding of the specialty of the child.

    Implementation of the process of the concept of student-centered learning.

    The specificity of directing the assessment of the results of the activities of the students.

    Creation on the basis of optimal minds development of special features.

    Psychological-pedagogical activity in the development of situations for success.

    Implementation of the primary activity of freedom of choice.

    The art of pedagogical reflection at the hour of the lesson.

    Lesson and lesson work in the organization of the intellectual development of the child.

    Peculiarities of the work of the teacher from non-standard children.

    The development of a child's brilliance is a nagal need of the hour.

    Activization and intensification of the activity of learning during the first hour of lessons, differentiation is the culmination of many problems of learning.

Criteria for the effectiveness of organization and planning of methodical work:

1. Regulatory and legal security of activity.

2. Riven functioning and development of the system of methodical work (unity of goals, task, cost, forms, methods, organization and final results).

3. Optimality of the structural and functional model of methodical service.

4. Clearness and specificity of planning.

5. Relevance of topics.

6. Purposefulness and systematicity in the conducted methodical work.

7. Trained to methodical work of all members of the pedagogical team.

8. Vyvchennya and vikoristannya members of the pedagogical team to see the work of their colleagues.

9. Technologicalization of the initial-vyhovnogo process.

10. Vіdkritіst for professional vzaєmodії koїtsya with other structures of the system of illumination.

11. The creation of a creative, businesslike atmosphere in the collective from the side of the ker_vniki.

12. Diagnostic basis for designing the structure, changing the forms of methodical work.

13. Choose the optimal structure of methodical work for your school.

14. The appearance of an advanced pedagogical certificate.

15. Consolidation of the pedagogical team.

16. Development of creative activity of pedagogical staff, promotion of their own culture.

17. The last transition from collective forms of work to self-enlightenment.

18. Succession of teachers to the last duty.

MO robotic planning

Planning and prognostic activity of administration is the basis of methodical work management at school. Like be-like diyalnіst, it is the mother's responsibility to own goals, soobe that result. Methodical association (MO) is the central line of methodical work at school that is created for the obviousness of at least three fahivtsiv of one profile. Teachers of small-scaled schools take part in the work of middle-school (bush) MO.

Zagalne kerіvnitstvo MO zdіysnyuє zast. director of the OIA. Bezporednyo cheruvati MO can be a reader, obedience to colleagues at the warehouse of the most famous teachers.

For the purpose of controlling the work of the MO, the teacher of the school is obliged to clearly represent the tasks that stand in front of the MO and the responsibility of the work, which includes the organization of the primary methodical work and the work of the school.

On the basis of dermal primal rock (bloom-grass), the MO scientists are preparing a call about the vikonan for the robot, for whom they have given the tasks, the methods and the paths of their achievement that were before the joint, cancel the results, winkle the problems that are assigned to the main task of the program on the coming river. .

After the designation of the main tasks and calls for the MO, the core workers of the MO establish the Plan of work for the head office. The plan is a structural sequence of entries, yakі to lead the achievement of the same complex of goals. Vіn is guilty of showing who and what is guilty of work, in a yakі termіnі such a rank and include all the necessary decisions. For the implementation of the plan, it is necessary to develop a standard system of ranks and zdiyasnyuvat її analysis as a result of the activity of the entire MO, as well as a sane teacher. Selection, processing and analysis of information about the actual results of the activities of the Ministry of Defense, grading the results from the planned performances, revealing the results and analyzing the causes of these failures, investigating the entries necessary to achieve the goal, it is impossible without a successful planning. The plan is a rethinking ordering of the report calendar schedules, laid out toshcho.

The central place in planning is occupied by the task of calendar planning, tobto. connecting with each other at the hour and with the possibilities of other MOs. In the simplest way, the parameters of the calendar plan should be to give the cob and the completion of the skin approach, their versatility and the necessary resources (personnel, scientific and methodological, material and technical). Establish different ways to improve the calendar plan. The most expanded calendar plans are in line diagrams and lists of robots (tables, plans - grids). Dosvid shows that the most acceptable calendar plan for the goals of the Moscow Region is in the table.

The MO work plan is composed of upcoming divisions:

    topic, over which MO works;

    meta that task of the Moscow Region on the new head office;

    sleep come in;

    initial-vikhovna robot MO;

    methodical work;

    improvement of initial-methodical security.

The theme, which is the method of the main tasks of the activity, is methodically consolidated, emerging from the high schools with the improvement of the specifics of the work.

Organizational forms:

    methodical ob'ednannya;

individual professional and pedagogical self-education

The work of methodical associations

Center for teaching and methodological and innovative activity of lighting foundations of the Moscow Region.

Curriculum MO zdiisnyuє vochitel, yakі may vyshu chi first category.

The work of the scientists of the Moscow Region will be improved by the analysis of the work of the Moscow Region for the last year, the task of a new head office.

Meetings of the Ministry of Defense are held according to a plan approved by a methodical council, and not more than 4 times per river.

The work of ker_vniki in methodical associations is guilty of looking after the results of work, like fate.

It is clear before the task to face a methodical union, the work of the MO includes:

    held a meeting of the Moscow Region;

    vykonannya normative documents, vykonannya decision and recommendations MO

    carrying out the entrance to the promotion of the professional level and the thorough pedagogical mastery of the readers;

    vyvchennya, zagalnennya that poshirennya dosvidu work and the best graduates of the school;

    organization and expertise of innovative activities of teachers;

    zmіtsnennya navchalno-methodical and material base;

    familiarity with advanced knowledge of the readers of other pledges to teach and promote yoga among the teachers of the Moscow Region;

    organization diagnostic findings, directing to the improvement of the efficiency of the illumination of the activity of the illuminators;

    preparation and attestation of candidates;

    preparation of calendar-thematic plans, development of elective programs and curricula for selection;

    preparation and holding of subject days, tyzhniv, decades;

    carrying out all kinds of primary occupations, іspitіv, zaіkіv;

    diagnostics of the quality of education of students;

    preparation and holding of conferences, seminars, round tables;

    preparation and conduction of class-by-class work in the middle of uchnіv vіdpovіdno to the profile of methodical ob'єdnan;

    kerіvnitstvo scientific-presledny work of uchnіv and vikladachiv;

    carrying out that training of students to intellectual marathons, olympiads, etc.;

    vіdvіduvannya navchalnyh, fakultativnyh and gurtkovyh to take h subjectіv MO;

    social protection of the teacher.

After spending days of creative light, the development of scientific and methodological materials is created for the methodical sake.

Zrazkova scheme of analysis

MO robot plan

Objectives and tasks:

    Vіdpovidnіst zagalnoshkіlnym zavdannya.

    Validation of analytical visnovkas for the results of work in the frontal rotation.

    Relevance and deepness of looking food.

    Practical straightening.

    Diagnostic imaging.


    Logic and sequence (meti-zavdannya-come in.)

Form roboti MO:

    Vidpovidnist form that zmistu.

    Raznomanіtnіst forms of work.

    Work in sectional and intersectional periods.

Vikonannya to the plan of work and yoga koriguvannya:

Vyznachennya forms of control over vikonannyam.

Availability of minutes of meetings, additional reports, didactic materials.

Clarify the work.

Zrazkova scheme for the analysis of employment MO

1. Relevance of the topic:

    zv'yazok іz the problems of the initial-vihovnogo process for pіdbags rіchnogo analіzu raboti skolі za minuliy navchal'ny rіk;

    zv'yazok iz zavdannyami, scho to stand in front of the school at the in-line chief roci.

2. Place of employment in the MO robotic system.

    actuality, concreteness, practical directness;

    introduction of ideas of reforming the school, a new zmіstu osvіti and work on new programs;

    compliance with the authorities of normative documents;

    scientific education (discovering new achievements and psychological science);

Forms of employment

    vіdpovіdnіst form ta zmіstu;

    the presence of active forms of robotics and in.

5. The level of activity of the skin agent in this robotic MO. Day of training of members of the Moscow Region.

6. The number of methodological materials that are being developed in the MO(dopovіdey, methodical recommendations, rozrobok toshcho), their concreteness and vivacity.

7. Call of occupation of the Moscow Region from self-illumination and course retraining of readers.

8. Yak_st pіdgotovki occupied MO.

9. The date of preparation of the stoneworker MO.

10. Material base of employment

    presence of the initial-methodical cabinet;

    materials from the dosvidu work;

    presence of TCO;

    organization of the exhibition just.

11. Stages of implementation of the planned work.

12. Efficiency of employment MO.

Analysis of the effectiveness of methodical work at school.

Scheme for the analysis of methodical work.

meta analysis: to determine the productivity of methodical work at school and its role in the process of including the teaching staff to the mode of development.

    Evaluation of the diagnostic nature of methodical work at school.

    The effectiveness and efficiency of the work of subject departments (abo methodical commissions) promote the professional (theoretical, methodical, cultural) level of teachers.

    Efficiency of activity of subject departments (methodological committees) and organization and conduction of critical lessons, subject tests, scientific and methodological conferences, subject olympiads, pedagogical readings.

    The effectiveness of the activity of subject departments is based on the development of advanced pedagogical knowledge.

    Stan that dievst of self-illuminating robots of readers.

    The work of the subject departments for the improvement of the lesson and the promotion of the quality of the teaching of the subject teachers.

    The effectiveness and efficiency of the work and school of advanced education, creative groups of teachers, the university of advanced knowledge.

Memo to the organization of control over the methodical work camp

Control objects:

    planning and zmist work MO;

    creative group work;




    navchannya (course training);

    advanced pedagogical report.

Caution program

    Vіdobrazhennya at the plans of the Moscow Region head of the school. Vikonannya and the effectiveness of plans.

    Revealed difficulties. Growing methodical mastery.

    The camp of vikladannya, the riven of pedagogical mastery.

    Knowledge of the implementation of new technologies in the classroom.

    Vіdvіduvannya to take. Efficiency. Promoting the practice of new ideas.

    Brief description of the lesson. Lesson summary.

De hearing there is food

    On the award for the director.

    For pedagogical purposes.

    At the meetings of the attestation commission.


    zris professional riven vchiteliv;

    the main direct control of that subject in the form of lessons learned correctly, which improved the quality of the lesson, the structure of the lessons and the choice of the necessary forms and methods, which should be put on the lesson for the activation of the activity of the students, the improvement of the effectiveness of the lesson;

    are filled with innocence of nourishing the organization of differentiated independent work at the lesson, motivation of primary activity, formation of skills for self-control;

    richly in the course of the subject tests showed good organizational skills;

    the students showed a garniy rіven of subject ZUN, vminnya zastosovuvat znannya in rіznyh situatsіyah, vzaimoviruchku, ekordinarny vyvіshennya important nutrition;

    tsіkavі raznomanіtnі non-traditional forms of conducting subject tests called out the great interest of the students


    For the help of the system of food, the creation of problematic situations, different equals of the problem-heuristic solution, the head of the teacher has helped to increase the activity and self-sufficiency of thought.

    In the distance, the frontal work in class with group and individual forms of the primary ones will take a good organization of the students for an hour of the lesson.

    Domagyuchis zoseredzhennosti and resilience of respect for the teacher, the teacher, having taken care of the mind for productive work and thought, that awake.

    It is like acquiring knowledge to lie down in the form of systemicity, in connection with previous and upcoming lessons, in connection with the knowledge and knowledge of students.

    Shvidka included the students to a businesslike rhythm, the organization of respect for all the students made it possible to successfully turn the reader into tasks.

    Vchitelist vikoristovu method and accept, yakі lead uchnіv to self-development of knowledge and "exploring the truth."

    The teacher does not disdain, gives the opportunity to express oneself.

    The teacher at the process of analysis reveals the problems of a suspenseful and morally aesthetic character, which turns the students into an active community position.

    The teacher stimulates the creative initiative of the student and shows his point of view.

    The teacher at the lesson learns a lot of zavdyaks in the mind of a rational victorious hour, clearly set by the robot.

    A lesson in the selection of materials that will require thought and rozumovoj activity.

    The teacher includes in the heading material cliques of facts, vicorist evidence in the teachings of knowledge, in the name of that novice.

    A teacher in the selection of the primary material of the vrakhovu, knowing the interests and needs of the students.

    The teacher organizes a meeting to discuss food and problems.

    In the process of collective, group and individual work, the teacher takes the shape of the students in their own capacity.

    Teacher to love your subject and show it to children.

    By stretching out the last lesson, the teacher is given to emphasize the steadfastness of the respect of the learners, the serendipity.

    The teacher is to set the task of intersubject character. Inter-subject connections to spriyat to the deepest assimilation.

    Teacher to concentrate the respect of the uchnіv naygolovnіshe.

    Високий рівень педагогічної майстерності: працює натхненно, йому притаманні: зібраність, енергійність, доброзичливість, легкість на піднесення, професійна пильність, здатність до вольового впливу, грамотна доступна мова, захопленість, оптимістичний підхід до всього, що відбувається на уроці, педагогічна винахідливість, уміння щирого splkuvannya lads with a teacher that one with one, business contact.

    The system comments on the activity of the students, an assessment is given.

    Raznomanіtnі vidi zavdan ensure the employment of the whole class fallow in the field

    The teacher is free to use the material of the lesson, teaching them in an accessible, but scientific form, language is virazn, rich.


    The logic of the lesson is not easy.

    The pace of the lesson is slow.

    The teacher of "bindings" to the abstract, which does not improvise.

    The atmosphere is not active at the beginning of the work.

    At the lesson, explanatory and reproductive methods are preferred, based on spriyatti and infor- mation .

    The lesson is taught in the broadcast mode, as it does not require susil from the side of the teacher and the teacher

    Diyalnist uchnіv maє monotonous character

    Learn passive, unique initiative activities in recognition activity

    Daily dialogue with the teacher: learn to give one-fold advice and chi are advised.

    The teacher did not improve on the initial training with the teachings.

    The reader's monologues are not disturbed by imagery, richness of applications.

    Nutrition may have a reproductive character.

    The teacher does not set before himself and before the teachings of goals to writhe.

    The teacher does not show respect for the culture of mutual relations.

    The teacher has not formed clear criteria for assessing ZUN.

    Vіdpovіdі uchnіv do not comment.

    The control is formal, but not substantive.

    Educational material is not acquired, it is important to learn.

    Zayattya may be a weak school with a splash of learning.

Dilova gra

Tsіl - Vіdpratsyuvannya singing professional skills, pedagogical technologies.

Gray as a form of education is characterized by great gnuchkistyu. In the course of the її you can virishuvat zavdannya raznoї foldedness. She activates the creativity of the reader, ensures the high level of acquisition of theoretical knowledge and the development of professional minds.

Conduct form - Collective or group robot.

The process of organizing a wedding can be divided into 4 stages.

1. Gris construction:

to clearly formulate the main goal of privacy for the participants;

rozrobiti zagalni rules Gri.

2. Organizational preparation of a specific game with the implementation of a singing didactic goal:

kerіvnik roses'explain to the participants of the sense gri, to know from the main program and the rules, rozpodіlyaє roles and put before їх vykonavtsy specific tasks, as if they could be cherished;

experts are appointed, how to predict the cold, analyze the situations that are being modeled, give an assessment;

an hour is appointed, wash that trivality gri.

3. Hid gry.

4. Podbitya subsumkiv, report її analysis:

global assessment of GR, report analysis, implementation of goals and objectives, away from weak sides, their reasons;

self-assessment with grave marks of entrusted bosses, steps of special satisfaction;

characteristics of professional knowledge and wisdom, revealed in the process;

analysis and assessment of GR by experts.

Srazkovy order of holding a business meeting:

Kerivnik tells the listeners about the method, zmist, the order of the business meeting. It is recommended to respectfully read the literature, to know about the food that should be discussed.

Participants of the gry are divided into subgroups of 3-5 osib. At the skin subgroup, a leader is gathered, obov'yazkogo to enter the organization of the subgroup's work. Z-pomіzh uchasnikі v gri obiraetsya ekspertna group at the warehouse 3-5 osіb.

Kerivnik Pislya Patannya Mizhi Igrovimi Pidgroups, Nada, the word of the skin to the representants of the Igrovikh group, organized disgraceful problems. For a skin participant, gri is given up to 5 khvilin, stretching them succinctly, and then argumentatively seeing the smut, rounding up the idea, arguing, defending it.

The expert group, on the basis of the speeches of the participants and their own thoughts, can prepare a draft recommendation (practical considerations) of a well-examined problem, discuss and assign a single position to the members of the pedagogical team in practical activity.

The expert committee also advises on the decision on the assessment of the number of speeches, the activity of the participants, the effectiveness of the subgroups in the business group. Criteria for such an assessment can be the quantity and variety of hanging ideas (propositions), degrees of self-reliance judgment, and their practical significance.

At the end of the ker_vnik, the grist was added.


Tsіl - Vіdpratsyuvannya singing professional skills that umіn.

Training (eng.) - A special, training mode, training, can be an independent form of methodical work, or it can be played as a methodical method during a seminar.

Under the hour of the training, pedagogical situations, handouts, technical training are widely discussed. Training is carried out in training groups with a number of 6 to 12 individuals.

The main principles of the robotic training group are: trust and confidence in the discussion, viability in discussions and when discussing the results of the training.

Pedagogical KVK

This form of methodical work sprya activization of obvious theoretical knowledge, practical knowledge and skills, the creation of a friendly psychological climate for a group of teachers, two teams, jurors, and others, are formed by auditors. Command in advance to get acquainted with the topic of the KVK, to take care of home tasks. In addition, the stinks are preparing mutually fiery warm welcome on the topic of this KVK. Kerіvnik proponuє tsіkavі zavdannya, scho vymagayut non-standard solutions (including the "Competition of captains"), without intermediary po'yazanі z theme, scho vchaєєєєєє.

Hid gri:

1. Reception of teams, who is insured:

responsiveness to the presentation of the given topic;


appearance form.

An hour of whistup is 10 hvilin.

2. Warm-up (teams prepare three meals each for knowledge of psychology and special studies and inter-special knowledge). An hour for the obmirkovuvannya food - 1 hvilin.

3. Home tasks: review of the preparation of a business speech on the topic.

4. Competition of captains.

5. Competition of wise men. Two participants per team are selected. We are encouraged to choose the optimal method for cultivating your nutrition.

6. The competition of killers: the vision of pedagogical leaders from the practice of robotic school.

7. Competition "What would it mean?" (Situations in the life of the school). Guilt, accuracy of expression of thoughts, humor are damaged.

Methodical place

Methodical place is a different type of discussion. Before the completion of the cycle, methodical work is carried out by teachers of various schools in the district, towns, cerivniki of the Moscow Region, fathers.

By the method of a methodical bridge, we will advance the pedagogical knowledge, the expansion of innovative technologies, the development and development.


This is one of the methodical approaches, which helps to develop practical skills, creativity, and to find the right point of view on the basis of nutrition of pedagogical theory and practice. Tsej priyom handily vikoristovuvaty under the hour of discussing the methodology of the passage, as if those who took the solution to the song problem.

Kerivnik may well think over the food, so that the answers are short, concise. Perevaga hopes for remembrances-fantasies, remembrances-osyayannyam. Criticism of ideas is defended, their assessment. Trivality of brainstorming-15-30 min. Let's follow the discussion of ideas.

Celebration of pedagogical tasks

Tsіl - Learn about the peculiarities of the pedagogical process, its logic, the nature of the activity of the teacher and the teacher, the system of their interrelationships. Vikonannya such zavdan additionally learn to see from the various manifestations of the suttave, smut.

The mastery of the teacher is manifested in the fact that he analyzes, continues the pedagogical situation, as he formulates, on the basis of a rich-sided analysis, the method and task of the power of activity.

Pedagogical tasks dotsilno take from school practice. The stench is guilty of knowing with the most methodical methods of the work of the shortest readers, guarding pardons, which are the most common.

Coming to the conclusion of the task, it is necessary to respectfully understand in your mind, evaluate the position of the cutaneous individual, and reveal the traces of the dermal transmitted crocodile.

Propionation of tasks may be effective in the form and organization of the initial work.

Methodical Festival

The form of methodical work is given, which was won by the methodologists of the city, the district, the school's stoners, conveying to a large audience, setting up the exchange of knowledge of work, introducing new pedagogical ideas and methodical knowledge.

At the festivals, there is an acquaintance with the best pedagogical knowledge, with non-standard lessons that go beyond the framework of traditions and stereotypes.

At the beginning of the festival, a panorama of methodical knowledge and ideas is practiced.

The application for the lesson, methodical ideas, and the participants of the festival should be submitted in advance.

Active forms of organization of methodical work


Tsіl — listening to the active discussion of the problem; revealed by protirich mizh zhittєvimi manifestations of that science; recruitment of newcomers to the acquisition of theoretical knowledge for the analysis of effectiveness

The form of the meeting is a collective discussion of theoretical nutrition.

Methodology of organization:

Appointment to mark and change the discussed problems, forecast subsumkiv.

Appointment of university meals, from which a discussion will be organized
(Vipadkovі, other rows of food are not to be blamed for the discussion).

Folding plan.

Prior knowledge of the pedagogical team with the main provisions of those that are being discussed.

Carrying out methodology:

Acquaintance of the listeners with the problem, situational tasks.
The food for the hearers is to be put in sequence according to the plan.

Organization of discussion of different points of view on the essence of the problem.

Visnovok for pіdbags of discussion.

At the final word, the leader speaks out on the activity and passivity of the audience, evaluates the listeners’ opinions, if necessary, argues simply the wrong judgment, additionally inaccurate opinions, rob the head of the audience for the results of the discussion, as the listeners for the participation in the discussion.

The leader is responsible:

know the subject, the topic of discussion;

check the position and arguments of the opponents;

do not allow the uniqueness of the discussion and view of the subject of discussion, forget to understand.

Methodical ring

Tsіl - Thorough professional knowledge of teachers, the manifestation of a fierce erudition.

Conduct form - group work (opponents, groups of supporters of opponents and a group of analysis).

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

Option 1 - a methodical ring as a different type of discussion for the obviousness of two opposite views on nutrition.

For example, in a methodical ring on the topic "School without discipline is like a million without a driver" (Ya. A. Komensky), food is suggested for discussion: "How do I try to discipline students in a lesson - to change the respect of students to a different kind of activity, or by entering a disciplinary order?".
Behind the scenes, two opponents are getting ready. The skin opponent has a group of supporters, so that he helps his leader in different needs.
The analysis group evaluates the preparation of the opponents, as the defense of the singing version, and the support of the bags.
In order to relieve stress, the pauses are propagated by pedagogical situations, and game tasks are too thin.

Option II - methodical ring yak zmagannya methodical ideas in the implementation of one and the same problem.

For example, a methodical ring on the topic "Activation of the educational activities of the students during the first hour of lessons" conveys the shock of the upcoming methodical ideas:

zastosuvannya igrovih zavdan;

selection of active forms of teaching;

organization of group cooperation between students;

promotion of the role of independent work of scientists in the process of learning is too thin.

Creative groups for the sake of methodical ideas are created far behind.

The head of the methodical ring (the callousness of the defense of ideas) will designate the foal.

The analysis group evaluates the training of the participants.

A flash of methodical ideas is completed with a poignant vysnovka.

Methodical gatherings

Tsіl - Formation of the correct point of view for singing pedagogical problems; creation of a friendly psychological climate in this group of auditory people.

Conduct form - round style.

Methodology for organizing and conducting: For discussion, food is proposed, summaries of the key tasks of the initial-spiritual process.

The topic of discussion is far from being discussed. The craftsmanship of the ceramics worker lies in the fact that, in an unimpressed situation, hearing speakers at the door of the rozmov from the discussed food and bring them to the singing visnovkivs.

methodical dialogue

Tsіl - Discussing singing problems, working out the plan of joint activities.

The shape of the event is a round style.

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

Hearers are late to get to know the topic of discussion, to gain theoretical homework.

A methodical dialogue is conducted between speakers and listeners and between groups of listeners with singing problems.

The driving force of dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of the listeners. The emotional atmosphere is very significant, which allows you to express a little bit of internal unity.

At the end of the fight for the visnovok on the topic, a decision is made about the further bedrooms.

Alla Frantsuzova
Innovative forms of methodical work as a factor in the promotion of professional skills of teachers

« Innovative forms of methodical work - as a factor in the advancement of the professional mastery of the clergy DOP in the minds of the implementation of GEF DO "

How to clarify that її efficiency is one of the urgent problems of today's pedagogy for the minds of the implementation of GEF DO. I will play the role of ensuring the efficiency of the spiritual and lighting process teacher, yoga professionalism.

Promotion of the mastery of the saints- priority direct activity methodical work as occupying a special place in the system of managing the preschool setting and representing an important place in the whole system promotion of qualifications of pedagogical personnel, shards, nasampered, sprya activization of special teacher, development of yoga creativity

Permanent call to zmistu methodical work with the results of the work of teachers ensure an uninterrupted process of improvement professional workmanship of a skin plier. At the same hour methodical work be viperedzhalny character and vіdpovіdaє for development and thoroughly robots with children, vіdpovіdno up to new reach pedagogical that psychological science. It is impossible for him to wait for the roses methodical work Like only the service of pardoning the duty of the vihovatel, wanting in the course of її to be brought to virishuvati y tі problems. Golovnym є nadanny realї, dієvoї and svoєchasnoї help teachers. Prote problem promotion of the professional skills of a skin teacher preschool mortgage, like before, is filled with one of the most depository. It's not a secret for anyone that sometimes a lot of forces come to the organization, and the output is meager. How can you explain everything? Traditional form a methodical work, in some cases, there were additional cases, the vistups lost their value due to their low efficiency and insufficient reversal link. Today, you need to win new, active form roboti, like a powerful lure teachers the action is that dialogue, which conveys a free exchange of thoughts.

Activation of creative activities teachers possible through non-traditional, interactive methods and active forms of work with teachers.

methodi active learning - sukupnіst pedagogical activities and receptions, directing to the organization of the initial process and create special methods of mind that motivate students to independent, initiative and creative mastering of the initial material in the process of learning activity (V. N. Kruglikov, 1998).

Features methods try their directness to activate cognitive, communicative, professional activity and promotion of their capacity(Mislennya, mov, dії, emotional-specialty blueprints, which are used with experimental data, as a confirmation that during the lecture presentation of the material, no more than I will be won - -30% information, with independent robots with literature - up to 50%, with spoken - up to 70%, and for special participation in activities, which are (for example, in business grі)- Up to 90%).

In the minds of the problematic change, the creative nature and the greatness of the dialnosti, it is swirled, sharply introduced into the body's reserves. Blaming their emotions, they activate, spur people on, initiating this directing of slow activity.

Bagato major methodical innovations related to interactivity training methods. Word "interactive" came to us from the English movie in the form of the word "interact", de "inter" - tse "mutual", "act" - children.

Interactive means the building of mutual modality, or you can change into the mode of communication, dialogue with (for example, computer) otherwise be-kim (for example, human). Zvіdsi it is possible to create a visnovka, which is more interactive - it is necessary to have a dialogue tutorial, in the course of which mutual modality is created teachers or a teacher and a teacher of a methodical approach.

The next thing to know is that interactive learning is special. the form organization and other activities. Vaughn can on the spot to report specific forecasts roboti. One of these goals is used by the creation of comfortable minds for training, such, for which teacher(instructions) show your success, your intellectual ability to make the whole learning process productive and efficient.

Why do you think the essence of interactive learning?

The process of mutual organization of such a rank that practically all participants are educated before the process of recognition, discussion. The stench can be able to think and reflect on the drive of what it stinks to know, to understand, to think about. Spіlna dіyalnіst іn thіѕ process means thаt thе skin participant robs іt іndivіdualny іndividual contribution, mає mozhlivіst svіnjatsya znannannymi, svіsnimі іdey, methods ііlnostі, feel іnshу thought colleagues. Moreover, this process is carried out in an atmosphere of kindness and mutual encouragement, which gives the opportunity to take not only new knowledge from the discussed problems, but also develops itself pedagogical diyalnist i translate її into vishchi form cooperation and spivrobnitstva.

Interactive action transfers the organization and development of dialogic communication, as if leading to mutual understanding, mutual understanding, to the full cherry and acceptance of the most serious, but significant skin for the participant of the meeting. With interactive teaching, dominance is switched off as one speaker, and one thought.

In the course of a dialogue conversation teachers are being formed think critically, mirkuvaty, virishuvati superbly problems on the basis of the analysis of perceived information and furnishing. teachers start calling out alternative thoughts, make thoughtful decisions, correctly express your thoughts, take part in discussions, professionally talk to colleagues.

Valuable are those who are behind such an organization robotic teacher You might as well express your thoughts, look, give an assessment, and th, having felt the arguments of your colleagues, look at your point of view and change the situation. At teachers are being formed povaga to someone else's thoughts, to listen to something else, to work with a primed visnovka and visnovki.

Meaning of interactive methods- reaching such most important goals, yak:

1. Stimulation of interest and motivation to self-enlightenment;

2. Promotion equal activity and independence;

3. Development of a beginner in the analysis and reflection of one's own activity;

4. Development of the practice of spivpratsi, empathy.

Why is it so important roboti?

First - meaning the motivation of the professional activity of the clergy is being promoted, their social and educational activities.

In a different way - those sides of a person are realized, like in everyday life, to endure a one-man life, not to know zastosuvannya, development.

Thirdly, there is a sense of collective activity, mutual respect, encouragement, spontaneity, without which it is impossible to work in human supremacy.

Interactive form and study methods

Traditional New New

Training Dilova Gra Coaching session

Pedagogical Vitalnya Exhibitions-fairs pedagogical ideas Method"Casiv"

KVN Bank of ideas

round steel Master class SWOT method - analysis

Pedagogical ring creative hour Method"Moderation"

Pedagogical situations Pedagogical training Method"Brainstorm"

methodical theater


The main directing of interactive formsє activation teachers, development of his creative mind, non-standard way out of a problem situation.

Classification methods active learning and their particularities

One of the effective interactive the form, work with teachers DNZ ​​- training(shvidke reguvannya, shvidka navchannya).

Tsіl - training of professional skills and knowledge.

Training is a word in English - a special, training mode. Training can be independent a form of methodical work or vikoristovuvati yak methodical reception pіd hour of the seminar.

Under the hour of the training, they are widely victorious pedagogical situations, Distribution material, technical background. Training is carried out in training groups with a number of 6 to 12 individuals.

Basic principles in robotic training group: dovirche and vіdverte splkuvannya, vіdpovіdalіnіst і dіskіyakh і dіv obogovannі іt's results іv training.

Pedagogical ring - orientation of teachers at the event of new achievements in psychology and teachers, methodical literature, priyaє vyavlennu rіznіh podhodіv vyvіshennya pedagogical problems, improve the skills of logical thought and argumentation of one’s own positions, teach conciseness, clarity, accuracy of speech, develop guilt, almost humor. Taka the form transferring the criteria for evaluating vidpovidey, speaking and acting participants:

Zahalna erudition;

professional knowledge, vminnya, beginners;

Vminnya to get out of the twisted camp, impromptu.

For example, pedagogical ring: "Ways to the full process of learning from the DOP".

"Aquarium" - dialogue form, if teachers talk about the problem "before the faces of the vastness". The group chooses to conduct a dialogue about the problem of who you can trust. Sometimes you can be a sprat of those who are willing. Reshta to act as watchers. Zvіdsi i name "aquarium".

What do you give me teachers? Possibility to talk to your colleagues from the side, to talk like they stink, how to react to someone else's thought, how to create a conflict, how to argue your thought and how to prove your innocence and so on.

Abo taka the form: internal robot, de utvoryaetsya group (6-7 osib, robot such statements for caution. Other teachers at once, without interfering, they guard the implementation of roles in the highest educational task. However, for example, busy posters, members of the group, nareshti, kerivnik sequentially beat different bags (information, communicative and other). Obov'yazkova umova successful discussions: the participants are not guilty of knowing about the positions of others, but they are behaved appropriately to the role taken away.


Grab the initiative from the very cob, defend your position for additional arguments and emotional onslaught.


Zustrichati in bagneti be-like hanging propositions and protecting the protegezhnі point of view; in a word, reach positions Porthos: “I b'yusya, to that scho b'yu. ”


Hang out your fortune with some points of dawn and lift up all the ways of the one who speaks


Do not get lost in the super-fluff, but sometimes hang like a mismatch of propositions.


It is necessary to organize the discussion in such a way that all the participants hang out, put clarifying food


Unique direct evidence for power supply, no one is guilty of understanding what point of view you see


For the whole hour, disrupt the smooth flow of discussion (if you miss it, don’t giggle at once, ask the susida to poke your head in a thick whisper)

Method"Brainstorm" or "Brain Attack" (brainstorming)- The procedure of a group creative idea, to be more precise - tse zasіb otrimannya in the group of osіb large number of ideas in a short period of time.

Tsey method you can actively participate in the meetings of the creative group to discuss the plan of the work visits: childish holidays, zmagan, pedagogical competitions, methodical associations and in.

For brain storm:

1. A problem is selected for discussion;

2. form creative group from ten people: discussing problems in a comfortable and calm environment;

3. The brainstorming procedure itself is divided into three stage:

Intro. Under an hour, the problem is being deafened and recorded on the board. The facilitator explains the reason for the decision chosen by those, then ask the participants to propagate their options formula;

idea generation. Participants of the discussion at the Vilniy form hang their own ideas that are fixed on the boards. At what stage is criticism categorically defended, even more so? "divine ideas".

At the stage of analysis of ideas and the search for possibilities for their implementation, it is necessary to processing vyslovlennyh propositions are encouraged to look at ideas from a glance of originality and feasibility before implementation. A skin idea is indicated by a card icons:

«++» - It's a good, original idea;

«+» - bad idea;

«0» - not far enough to know the construct;

HP - impossible to implement;

TR - important to implement;

RR - really sell.

4. At the end of the brainstorming, ideas are selected, yakі took off or two plus, or icon "RR", or insulting qi icons.

Method"Moderation" (moderator - intermediary, regulator). Tsey method allows"zmusity" children in one team for rozrobki in the shortest terms of specific propositions that are implemented, aimed at the culmination of the problem.

When vikoristannі tsgogo skin method teacher can:

Get in the middle of the zmіsti;

Show independence to the skin participant in the discussion;

Carry out a discussion in a rural and collegiate environment.

Method casually create a collegiate atmosphere, not experimenting with what you want to say, but deciding the process roboti.

Method"Moderation" you can zastosovuvatisya like okremy method or synthesized with the Technology of the Open Space, as well as broadcasting: the active part of the skin, the creation of a democratic atmosphere, the equanimity of abilities, the openness and the spivrobitnitstvo, the interaction, the interplay, the development and the exchange of ideas.

Vіdkritiy expanse is viewed as interactive method successful stimulation teachers I create creative activities. You can zastosovuvatsya like yourself on your own, so on the pedradi.

It is necessary to indicate what, when choosing the TOP on the teacher, is not necessary in detail. fragmented order of the day and plan roboti, as well as supplementary materials, the stench will only affect robots. It is important to recognize the data form organization of pedradis in the form of traditional ones.

Method"Casiv" (Casestudy)- non-gaming method analysis of the situation, de teachers to take part in the uninterruptedly discussed business situations and tasks, taken from real practice. Tsey method, as a rule, zastosovuetsya in the process of situational play, as well as an interactive game method and transferring the larynx in a special way (igame) activities teachers– participants in the simulation model, which reflects the dynamics of the spiritual and lighting process of spivpratsi with the fathers of vikhovantsiv.

When victorious method"Casiv" all discussed situations should be shared on the:

Situations - illustrations;

Situations - right;

Situations - assessments;

The situation is a problem.

The symposium is a discussion, at the course of which the participants speak from the reminders, as they may look, after which they give the audience food.

Debate - a discussion, prompted on the basis of a long distance of reasoned speeches by representatives of two groups to resist.

Dispute (Lat. disputable - mirkuvati, sperchatisya) conveys a super river, zіtknennya different, and other opposite points of light. Vіn vіmagає vіd vіd storіnі konannostі, clear i singy glance shkodo dispute, vіnnya vіdstoyuvati ї ї ї ї argument. Such a pedrada is a collective thought on a given topic, problem.

Settle the dispute

A dispute is a free exchange of thoughts.

We are active on the debate. Superechtsі mustache are equal.

Kozhen speaks and criticizes whether it is a camp,

s yakim is not suitable.

Say what you think, and think what you say.

Golovne at the dispute - facty, logic, bring to mind Mimicry, gestures, wiguks as arguments are not accepted.

Gostro, the word is soaring.

Pereshіptuvannya on miscі, nedorechnі jarta zaboronyayutsya.

Subject Dispute may be a problem, as it calls for a super-elegant judgment, arguing differently. The dispute does not exclude, but conveys the depths of that universality of the problem. There, de there is no super-subject, but there is less to speak, if you add or clarify chi and other proofs, there is no dispute, but in short, rozmov.

Formula those maє buti gostroy, problematic, wake up the thought teachers, put in your own food, which in practice and literature is different in a different way, calling out different thoughts, for example:

"What do you need nursery standard?"

"Why is it necessary to read preschoolers today?",

"Innovative technologies: for ta against",

"What are the current year's vihovannia?",

"Who is sacred human values?",

"What is the role of the family vihovannya today?"

Option pedagogical cause a dispute є solution pedagogical situations. Ker_vnik chi senior facilitator picks up a bank of folding pedagogical situation with problems that proponuє yogo team. The form presentation may be variegated: address, for help foaling, with a subdivision on the group Administration DOP can play the role of a jury, leader, consultant, opponent and other.

Pedagogical Rada - Zahist іnnovatsіy

Skin group of participants for pedagogical sake(department, department) give a start - get ready ahead of time (Get to know with permission) and in concise form(10-15 min.) viklasti ideas and features pedagogical innovations, get to know the specific information of the vikoristannya pedagogical technology.

The group is picking off vikonavtsiv roles:

Optimist - defenders of ideas, її propaganda;

Pesimist-conservatives and skeptics are opponents of ideas;

Reality-analysts, buildings call everything<за>і<против>, and the need for visnovki.

Fallow in the number of people that are discussed innovation you can see the creative groups behind the role lines, the one behind them (vihovanets - vyhovatel - father, vyhovatel - kerivnik ta іn.). As a result, the pedrada comes to a decision about the dotality and inadequacy innovations.

Methodical place.

A variety of discussions. Before the meeting form a methodical work and learn teachers various osvіtnіh zakladіv district, city, kerіvniki MO, father.

Metoyu methodical bridge є exchange forward pedagogical certificate, wider innovative technology training and development.

Pedagogical situations, impromptu - method of activating pedagogical knowledge of the process of constant communication, mutual communication with children, fathers, colleagues. For example, the child reminds teacher That mother and tato rose, and now there will be a new tato. What might be the reaction teacher.

Methodical Festival.

Dana form of methodical work transmitting to a large audience, setting up an exchange of evidence roboti, promotion of new pedagogical ideas and methodical knowledge.

Here you get to know the best pedagogical certificate, with non-standard activities that go beyond the inter-traditions and the stereotypes that are widely accepted.

Fest hour of the festival practice panorama of methodical knowledge and ideas.

job application, methodical ideas, accept the participants of the festival to give back

Methodical gatherings.

Tsіl- shaping correct point pedagogical problems creation of a favorable psychological climate in this group teachers.

The form conducted - round style.

Methodology organizations and held:

For discussion, food is proposed, summaries are the key tasks of the illumination-spiritual process.

The topic of discussion is far from being discussed. maisternist kerіvnika i polyagaє in that, in an unimpressed situation, there is a call for hearing on the door of the rozmovu from food, which is discussed, and bring them to the singing visnovkіv.

methodical dialogue.

Meta - conversational singing by those vibration bedroom plan.

The form conducted - round style.

Methodology organizations and held:

Hearers are late to get to know the topic of discussion, to gain theoretical homework.

methodical the dialogue is conducted between the kerivnik and teachers or groups of auditory singers.

The driving force of dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of the listeners. The emotional atmosphere is very significant, which allows you to express a little bit of internal unity.

At the end of the fight for the visnovok on the topic, a decision is made about the further bedrooms.

effective form, in my opinion, held a trade show - a fair pedagogical ideas, auction. Competently prepared and carried out, it stimulates teachers to creativity and self-illumination. Therefore, the main result of the exhibition-fair is a note professionally-Specialties of growth of vihovateliv. Zavdyaki qiy forms of robots with saints minds are created for the public manifestation of the best minds professional activity, the appearance of new ideas, the establishment of such expansion of business and creative contacts with colleagues.

Groups of quality are organized with the initiatives of the administration, with the improvement of the delegation of renewal. Leading method -"brain attack" or "brainstorm". Obov'yazkovoy umovoy when organizing a group є presence teacher, building manager of colleagues without the help of the administration

Pedagogical"studio" or pedagogical workshop. Їх meta: master teacher to know the members of the pedagogical a team with the main ideas of their own spiritual and illuminating system practical recommendations how to implement. So go vikonannya _individually-practical tasks with an eye to the far vikoristannya robots with children. For example: "The development of the creative mind of a preschooler with the help of artistic literature, izodiality, experimentation"

"Coaching session" or "coaching session"- interactive discussion, consultation, development, discussion (nutrition is correct). Principle "Slay for me" practically not dіє, here teacher I don’t take away the pleasure of that recommendation, but rather give advice on food, as the consultant asks you, and he himself knows the ways to solve problems. Confucius saying: “Give more help to the one who is joking about knowledge. Let me help only the one who is not able to express his thoughts in a different way. Learn only the one who is building, having learned about one corner of the square, reveal three more, " teachers, yakі put before you the task professional and special growth, promotion personal efficiency. For example: « Work with a certified teacher» .

Duzhe tsikavyy interactive method - SWOT method - analysis(strengths - strengths, weaknesses - weak sides, opportunities - ability, threats - threats) - tse method analysis of data collection procedures and the establishment of viability between internal strong and weak authorities, establish friendly and unfriendly environmental factors.

SWOT - analysis can be used as the form held all the pedradis, so it’s interactive method. Ring out, victorious for strategic planning.

Another one the form, which you can greet in front of the entrances for the vihovatelis of the city, region, fathers - ce moods teacher for successful work"Kvik - nalashtuvannya":

1. If you want to be like people - laugh! A chuckle, a sleepy promise for embarrassment, an anti-truth is created by nature in the form of inaccuracies.

2. You are the most beautiful and the most beautiful, let the mustache mannequins of the world congratulate you.

3. People are like gold coins: chim dowshe practice, team

value more dearly.

4. There is nothing better than a kohan's friend, a lower kohana robot: not old, i

age does not give

5. Trouble garruyut on the way to good luck.

Pіdbivayuchi pіdbags, we can say that the system of interactive forms of work with pedagogical staff, - bring up to promotion rivnya vykhovno-illuminating roboti DOP and hiring a team teachers.

Methodical activity is the most important aspect of the system of uninterrupted education of members of the pedagogical team.

The goals, tasks and responsibilities of the methodical service in the settings of the supplementary education of children are provided with a wide range of organizational forms - various occupations (sessions), as they are distinguished by the structure of the methodical service, mutually successful and self-supporting. Organizational forms or to adopt successful implementation of the program of methodical activity establish, or to blame for failure.

Forms of activity methodical service.

Traditional: Innovations:
Work on a single methodical theme. Psychological and pedagogical problem seminars. Theoretical and scientific-practical conferences. Pedagogical reading. Subject-methodical ob'ednannya. Creative micro-groups of osvityans. Methodical exhibitions, newspapers Mentorship. Please come in. Pedagogical, methodical, expert. Promotion of qualifications. Schools of advanced education Informal associations of enlighteners, clubs. Business games. Role playing games. Dosledno-experimental robot. Methodical awards. Virishennya situational tasks. Subject departments. Competition of teachers and methodologists. Probationers Maidan. Publication of benefits, prospectuses, programs. Creation of a bank of data methodical materials.

The forms of activity of the methodical service are subdivided into individual, group and collective. The stench is guilty of sensible practice.

Before individual forms of activity of methodical service lie:





Vіdvіduvannya to take dosvіdchenih osvіtyan;


Creative masters;

Work on a special methodical theme is too thin.

Before group forms of activity of methodical service lie:

Sessions of methodical meetings;

Meeting of creative groups;

Young Specialist School;

Creativity calls the occupants;

Theoretical seminars (additional, introductory);

Seminars-workshops (reviews from a practical demonstration);

Disputes, discussions (round style, dialogue-dispute, debates, “aquarium technique” and so on.)

The greatest respect deserves collective forms the activities of the methodical service, among the most effective are:

Scientific and practical pedagogical conferences;


Competition of pedagogical skills;

Business games, role-playing games;

Lectures by scientists, psychologists, sociologists, defectologists, speech therapists and doctors on psychological and pedagogical problems;

Raznomanіtnі exhibitions, zvіti schodo self-reflection at the sight of dopovіdey, abstracts, rozrobok to take, preparation of didactic and scientific aids; exhibitions of the most creative work of scientists (creators, heroes, little ones);

Discussing new methods, technologies, achievements of science, okremih vіdkritih to take, entering or їх cycles, author's programs, primary assistance toshcho;

The work of the team on a single methodical topic.

Theoretical seminars(additional information) - This form is necessary for the recognition of teachers from the new achievements of science and advanced pedagogical knowledge.

Seminars-Practicum- the form of the meeting, for which teachers to acquaint colleagues with the results of their previous work on theoretical and practical nutrition, which was carried out for the maintenance of the last hour.

Discussion (dispute) - purposeful exchange of information, thoughts, ideas, discussion-superechka, tobto. zіtknennya different points of the dawn, positions from the method of knowing the truth.

gra- Form splkuvannya, pov'yazana z singing rules (minds) for graves; tse zmagannya kіlkoh groups, the method of which is the reach of the song to mark the solution of a specific problem.

Lectures of students organization of a series of lectures on topical topics for the saints, fathers and scholars.

Negotiation- Viraz your thoughts with your skin, who saw the busyness.

Exhibitions about self-education of teachers an initial demonstration as a result of the teacher’s work (additional, abstracts, tasks to take, didactic and methodological aids, control tasks, tests, etc.), and access to students (better work).

Scientific and practical pedagogical conference- its own way of fighting for a bag of work for a singing hour.

Competition"The best teacher of additional education", "Methodist of rock", "Pozashkіlnik of rock". There is no need for a special description, shards of how to establish normative, programmatic and methodological documents (instructions, regulations and other), which should cover the report information about the competition held.

Meister class. Author's class, in some highly qualified teachers share their opinion and the results of the work. Leading the master class - increase motivation to volodinnya by the author's methodology and technology of activity.

Fairs of pedagogical ideas - demonstration of originals, original works of teachers; the creators themselves reveal the secrets of their art and the secrets of pedagogical mastery, share knowledge, didactic and methodical knowledge.

Work on a single methodical theme- one of the most important forms of methodical activity, unfortunately, today is undeservedly forgotten.

Actual nutrition for practice discussion and expansion of the advanced pedagogical certificate- aggregation, systematization and description of the reach of teachers with improvements:

High efficiency and effectiveness;

Trivality of functioning until the end;

Rationality vitrat an hour that zusil;

Mozhlivostі v_dvorennia tsgo dosvіdu іnshim teacher.

The work of a teacher with self-education includes:

Topic, as I can think of a special-professional
the problem of self-education of the teacher;

Meta work from self-illumination;

a) cultivating literature on various problems;

b) I will become problematic and practical;

c) designing the power of activity (knowledge, ways of reaching them, professional knowledge);

d) experimental approbation of state projects;

The structure of such self-enlightenment is oriented towards the understanding of the teacher's career to professional activity.

Food and drink for self-control

1. Compare and analyze traditional and innovative forms of activity of methodical service.

2. Perekhuyte individual forms of work.

3. Analyze and compare group and collective forms of activity of methodical services.

4. What are the forms of activity of methodical service better than victorists? Round up your opinion.

5. Equalize the understanding of “discussion” and “controversy”. What is sleeping in them and why do they smell?

6. What other forms of discussion can be practiced by robotic methodical communities?

7. How much do you think, how much should be negotiated and borrowed from the robotic methodical associations?

8. What is the main meta of the master class?

9. Analyze the scheme for choosing a methodical topic with the eye of a teacher.

10. How do you care what all forms of organization of methodical activity should be performed at the skin device? In what way to deposit a variety of forms?

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