Zagalnolyudsky values ​​as the priorities of culture. Zagalnolyudsky values ​​in the world. Vihovannya children on the sacred human values

Values ​​of "Vichni"

1. Світоглядні ідеали, що базуються на добрі та розумі, істині та красі, миролюбності та людинолюбстві, працьовитості та солідарності, моральні та правові норми, що відображають історичний духовний досвід всього людства та створюють умови для реалізації загальнолюдських інтересів, для повноцінного існування та розвитку кожної .

2. Well-being of loved ones, love, peace, freedom, respect.

3. Life, freedom, happiness, as well as other things, show the nature of people who are twisted in yoga connection with similar to themselves and with transcendental light.

4. The "golden rule of morality" - don't do anything else that you don't want, so that you will be killed.

5. Truth, beauty, justice.

6. Light, life of people.

7. Peace and friendship between peoples, right-wing and special freedom, social justice, human goodness, environmental and material well-being of people.

8. Moral vimogi, connected with the ideals of humanism, justice and goodness of specialness.

9. The main laws that apply to most of the krai (fences for driving in, stealing only).

10. Religious commandments.

11. The life itself, the problem of conservation and development in natural and cultural forms.

12. The system of axiological maxims, which do not intervene directly with a specific historical period, the development of a society, or a specific ethnic tradition, ale, reminiscent of the skin socio-cultural tradition of a specific, concrete type of culture.

13. Values ​​that are important for all people and may be of great human significance.

14. Moral values, which are theoretically and absolutely standard for people of the past cultures of that era.

The values ​​of the deep people are the most outrageous. The stench hangs the interests of the human race, the vitality of the people of different historical epochs, social and economic structures, and as an imperative the development of human civilization. The versatility and immutability of the values ​​of the human beings reflects the characteristics of the class, national, political, religious, ethnic and cultural affiliation.

Values ​​of the human beings are the singing system of the most important material and spiritual values. The main elements of this system are: natural and social world, moral principles, aesthetic and legal ideals, philosophical and religious ideas and other spiritual values. The values ​​of the spiritual people will unite together the values ​​of both the supremacy and the individual life. The stench establishes values ​​of orientation (they designate socially acceptable) as the priority of the socio-cultural development of ethnicity and specialty, reinforced by social practice with the life of a person.
In connection with the objective-subjective nature of the valuable relationship, it is possible to determine the subjective and subjective values ​​of the deep people.

The idea of ​​the priority of the values ​​of the human beings is the core of a new political vision, which marks the transition from the international politics to the witches, the confrontation and the forceful pressure to the dialogue, the compromises and the spywareness.
The unhappiness of human values ​​is seen as malice against humanity.

The problem of human values ​​is dramatically reminiscent of the era of social catastrophe: the overriding of destructive processes in politics, the disintegration of social institutions, the devaluation of moral values ​​and the search for options for a civilized socio-cultural choice. At the New and New Hour, they repeatedly tried to try the total listing of the Values ​​of the sacred people, or those who saw such values social groups, class, people and civilizations.

Another thought: The values ​​of the deep people are abstractions that dictate the norms of behavior to people, which in this historical era is more likely to serve the interests of your other people's spirits (sіm'ї, to class, to tresh). If history gives you the opportunity, the skin spirit will not impose on all people their own power values, representing them as “foreign people”.

The third thought: the phrase "Values ​​of the people's values" is actively vindicated in the manipulation of the hromada thought. It is affirmed that, regardless of the identity of national cultures, religions, equal life, that development of the peoples of the Earth is the same for all values, dotrimuvatisya such blame all without blame. Tse myth (forecast), to create the illusion of a sensible people as a monolithic organism with a single path for all peoples to develop in ways to reach their goals.
At foreign policy The United States of the same Satelist Rozmovichs about Zahist “Tsynnovy Zagaloludsky” (democrates, Zachist of the rights of the people, freedom of Tosho) is reborn from VIDKRITU VIISKOVA TO EXCOUNITION OF THE TIKHOSKOMANIA INSIVIVEN, YAKI WITH ROOVIVIVIVATED THE ROOKED TOMILITY FOR THE SIDENTS IN THE SHITS, INIMISHICED INTERNITY.
There are no absolute values ​​of human beings. For example, if you take such a basic right, spelled out in the Global Declaration of Human Rights of the UN, as the right to life, then here you can find enough examples of various worldly cultures, for which life does not have an absolute value (for a long time - more cultures Sunset, in to the current world- cultures that are rooted in Hinduism).
INCH words, Termin “Tsіnovosti Zagalollyudskі” - Tse Euphemism, Yaky Privni Plagennya to go to the Nastyazuvanny of the New Svit order to serve the Globaliza Tu multifulhturizmu, and the vitality of the vault of the same it is necessary to indicate that the representatives of the so-called golden billion are not charged with such slaves).

The fourth thought: setting up to understand varies from the total listing of the “Values ​​of the people's values” to the postulation of the specific list. One of the intermediate positions is, for example, the idea of ​​the fact that for the minds of the modern world, there is no way people can be isolated from others, for the peaceful development of cultures of the deak, a system of values ​​is simply necessary.

Setting up to understand varies in the form of a total list of reasons for such a speech, like a deep human values, up to the postulation of a specific list. One of the intermediate positions is, for example, the idea that is formulated by Francis Fukuyama, about those who are in the minds of the modern world, where people do not have to be isolated from others, for the peaceful development of the cultures of the deyak, a global system of values ​​is simply necessary.

Rіznі dzherel vіdnositsya to zagalnoludskih tsіnnosti, eg:

  • The main laws, which are established in large krai, as a manifestation of the vital human values ​​(fence for driving in, stealing too much).
  • Religious commandments are like a viraz of human values.
  • "The golden rule of morality" - don't do anything else that you don't want, so that you will be killed.


Doctor of Philosophical Sciences and Professor F.I. Giryonok affirms that there are no ignorant human values, based on the arguments of the prominent sociologist N. Ya.

Div. also



  • Leonid Stolovich. The “golden rule” of morality is like a deep human value.
  • Arab-Ogli E. A. European Civilization and Human Values ​​// Journal of Nutrition Philosophy, 1990 No. 8.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Marvel at the same "Foreign human values" in other dictionaries:

    New Philosophical Dictionary

    The complex is to understand what to enter into the system of philos. vchennya about people and warehouses is the most important subject of axiology. O.c. one can see among other values ​​that reflect the common interests of the human race, the wills of the national, ... Philosophical Encyclopedia

    GOOD HUMAN VALUES- a system of axiological maxims, instead of any overlap with a specific historical period, the development of a society with a specific ethnic tradition, but, reminiscent of the skin socio-cultural tradition of a specific one ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

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  • Kostyantin Vasiliev. Life and Creativity (Gift Vision), Valentina Vasilyeva. We offer you a stylishly decorated gift-like appearance in a fabric lining, with a three-sided silver image. The book is dedicated to Kostyantin Oleksiyovich Vasiliev, a gifted modern…
Somewhere in the literature, food is broken about innate values. Let's just say: they can be born only natural, given by nature consume of people. Values ​​to know pose human knowledge, they cannot be innate. For other reasons, but it is also necessary to say about the value orientations of people: how and whether they are manifested, understood, etc., all the stench is come on.Процес зародження, встановлення, визначення, формування, становлення, видозміни, зміни індивідуальних ціннісних орієнтацій відбувається все життя, здійснюється на основі єдності та взаємодії специфіки існуючих природних, соціальних умов життя людей та їх індивідуальних особливостей на основі їх практичної, пізнавальної, оціночної та нормативної діяльності . Obviously, this process is more important to infuse into the hromada middle ground, zocrema education, vihovannya, ZMI propaganda, mysticism, collaborating with other people too soon. Alecia spitting in its own way in the skin of a person breaks through її vlasnі features: the state of physical and psychological health, temperament, drawing character, inclinations, frivolity, sickness, zvichki, conformist strength, sympathy, antipathy, іnteresi, nemіzhanі otherwise. To the people vininka (yak naziva V.A. Kuvakin) I antitzinosti, I pseuditzinosti, і ilkom Origіnalnі, a day of izynnіsni oriyntatsky, and the usvidomalenniy is the native of the taggar -in -laws.

It dawned on me that the values ​​of whether a person can rahuvati it’s not enough for a long time, and it’s absolutely marvelous to compete with the drive of rich individual values ​​(about such values, like and about relish, they don’t compare). And the axis of those who are zagalnolyudskih can and needs to be compared, and to be grounded, more so, that in this food is richly far-fetched, ungrounded, unfounded.

A lot of authors with primordial human values ​​respect deacons moral (maybe more precisely: moral-religious?) principles, norms, rozumіyuchi according to them the laws of the commandments of Moses. And yet, it seems that these commandments were not, and were not, the absolute standard for all people of that powers.

Others affirm that the spiritual values ​​of the people are and є faith (mabut, religion), democracy, law and order, justice, humanism, freedom, love, family, sense of life, obov'yazyok, vidpovіdalnіst, honor, hіdnіst, sumlіnnya, nobility , mercy, speech, etc. Here, euphoria, obvious utopia, mani- lov's dreams, the shards of the author are absolutely unprovenly slandered to see the private values ​​of the real people. And the stench is not є ne zagaloviznami, nі spilnimi among people. Tim is bigger, what was boulo and є impersonal people haters, chauvinists, misanthropes, biryukivs, bezsovіsnyh, dishonorable people, militarists (aggressors), dictators, perekonanih bachelors, darmoїdіv skinny.

Well, for example, specific authors lie down to the primal human values? Needless to say, call out the terms “heavenly human values” and “absolute values”, which are sometimes used as synonyms by the terms “great values”. But judge for yourself from the butt of ideas of low authors.

So, having seen three stages in the development of philosophy (VII, VI centuries BC - XVI century AD; XVII century - 60 pp. XIX century; Art.-XXI century), G .P. Vizhltsov declares that the most important values ​​of theirs were GOOD, HAPPINESS (freedom “for” freedom), FREEDOM (“for” spirituality) [div.: 12, p.63-65]. In our opinion, the reduction (simplification) is obvious. Krіm tsyogo, that same author calls faith, love and beauty [div.: ibid., p.24], as well as goodness, justice, light, poise [div.: ibid., p.25] with great values.

The greatest collection of valuables, divided into groups to stun, A.O. Boronoev and A.O. Smirnov: “We are aware of special features from the side of spіvgromadyans, fellow tribesmen who are related to our connections with our values. Five groups are seen: social and cultural (Holiness, Spirituality, Knowledge, Mastery, Right, Glory, Vlad, Wealth); social and instrumental (Law, Freedom, Justice, Solidarity, Mercy); personal-instrumental (Life, Health, Strength, Spritnist, Beauty, Rozum); subjectively tsіl'ovі (Rechovina, Energіya, Prostіr); zagalnolyudski (Thinking spirit, Suspіlstvo, Lyudina)" [Cit. for: 20, p.16].

Bagato z nevіdnenih to zagalnolyudskih tіnnostі іnshі іnshі authors, yak zakonaєmosya at once, include up to їhny date.

Vіdpovіdno to Є.M. Udovichenko “Before the basic (fundamental) ones, call the following values ​​of human values: life and death, goodness, truth, beauty, love, sense of life, honor, gentry, goodness, freedom, self-esteem of skin specialness” . Krіm tsogo as a day, yakі “it is possible to rank as values ​​from values”, the author calls “the sense of life, setting up a person like meti (self-esteem of specialness), moral freedom” [div.: ibid., p.3].

Vіdnesennia death to values ​​​​(and more - zagalnolyudskim) є schonaimshe velmi spіrnim. She can’t be a deep human value, because the absolute majority of people were negatively put and put up to it, afraid of it, not afraid of their own death.

"Hurry" looking B.L. Nazarov in rehabilitated values: “The rights of a person, as well as the right in general, ... descend to the category of human values. ... For spiritual human values, it is characteristic to understand absolute good and evil, paint thinly.

At the thought of D.A. Leontiev, "... zagalnolyudskie, "eternal" values ​​(truth, beauty, justice)...".

G.P. Vizhltsov saw things of value in a similar way to equals in the whole structure of value (with equals to “ideal”, “norm” and “significance”): vіru, kohannya, beauty; goodness, justice, the world is that fairness. In addition, you write: “The main spiritual value, which you designate the life of a person in the supremacy of that state, is conscience” [div.: ibid., p.30].

V.V. Ilyan Vytha, ShO “Humane - Nyvishchi Tsіnniy Butta, Sho Fіksuhniki at the pragnens, vutthevva і sensitte”, “... Vishnnius of the social order - Ludskiy rods, the firmashes - triviality ... » and scho «Ideals are the greatest values...».

In respect, what other values ​​are inconsistent, A.K. Richkov and B.L. Yashin’s dreams of different epochs for Russia are affirmed: “Russia of Mykoli the Other: feudal-capitalist blues, the richest values ​​of the state – Vira, Tsar that Batkivshchyna. Radianska Russia Key words: socialist values, high values ​​(principled declarations) - people's rule, social equality, communism. Today's Russia: capitalistic blues, the real values ​​- freedom, democracy, material wealth.

At his two-hundred-sided book Yu.A. Schrader did not care for the need (or, perhaps, just appearing untimely?) give even a ceremonial, even a definition of the concept of “value”, write about low human values, including about those who are “St. Khoma Akvinsky to talk about two values, on which one can orientate human behavior. The first value is the salvation of the soul, that access to the possibility of looking at God as the greatest good. And another value is the benefit of other people. Crimium of this wine deafens honesty, orderliness, justice with primordial human values, that to conduct one’s journey in accordance with the old covenant commandments, order of the soul with absolute value, freedom is one of the greatest values, building knows people with reasonable fundamental compromise. The author does not explain and does not explain all these ideas, but the remains of the orthodox theological point of view are taken into account, considering that “a person was created in the image and likeness of God”, її moral behavior, a free choice of God’s order, that the greatest value is God. .

Philosophy of the Russian religious renaissance, - appoints G.P. Vizhltsov, - “... revealed in the deep human values ​​\u200b\u200btheir spiritual zmist as the inner basis of human omnipresence. Having pumped the cob of human butt over the knowing mind, high and light, and divine spirituality, Russian philosophers (from V.S. Solovyov to N.O. Losky) showed the deep interrelationship and spirit of the organic unity of the great triad - Freedom of the XX century -: Specialty".

Otzhe, scho mi bachili? Unique to the different voices of the original dumok. Why is it like that?

Maybe, through a meaningful raznoboyu, which panuє in literature, and in some cases, lack of clarity in the marked understanding of “value” and in the context of yoga, in the understanding of “valuable orientation” and such a discord in the seen absolutes, outrageous people. From the other side, with your infusion, you can think and philosophically look, political reconciliations, religious beliefs, there are a lot of such, special likeness of authors.

But the main reason for such diversity is the fact that the authors consider these other manifestations to the most human (absolute, greater) values ​​according to the principle of “me so kaatsa (gives up)”, that is. is simply declarative, unproven, unsubstantiated, not logically deriving them from viable substituents.

First thoughts of A.K. Richkova and B.L. Yashin about the real values, in our opinion, and tsikavi, and virn: “the system of values ​​should have people who have values, things values. For one person, the greatest values ​​are God, faith and religious values ​​are tied to them. For the other realm, the value is “gold calf”, material wealth, for the sake of such a wine, it is ready for deceit, for falsehood and to inspire for driving. For the third, the most important value is Freedom, Justice and Democracy. For the fourth - tse scientific truth, as for the new one, not only cherishing friendship, but you can also cherish and cherish your life. So, tse so, bo, perche, in to this particular type go, without question, not about human values, but about individual, but, in a different way, words a“for ... people with greater values ​​\u200b\u200b” you can figure out what to go about reference values, so those who are people paromilkovo hos accept for the most important values ​​(rozumiyuchi, shvidshe for everything, under “greater” - “most important”).

Adherents to a number of philosophical navchans, deafening the values ​​of the absolute things, “invent” the innate (a priori) nature of ideas or the Universe, the Holy Spirit, God. Absolutely unfamiliar and unreasonable, de in such a world, in such a rank, as such, it is TRUTH, GOOD, GOOD, etc., as if a priori ideas have slipped through into our society or someone else has failed. All the same, like God, maybe it’s more than a subject of faith, allowance, allowance, domislu, to bring it, to slander everything is impossible. Other values ​​that are really and naturally significant, but named by the actual authors as absolute and greater, are indicated, perhaps, politically, morally, and other reconciliation and reconciliation of the authors, the best ideals and outweighing the role of quiet things.

Ale rіch not in what way, but in the fact that the terms “absolute” and “great” are suitable for characterizing the values ​​of those species?

We have shown more that the term “great” (also, “middle” and “lower”) is incorrectly used to name those other values. In our opinion, if you already add value for your month to that roll, then rather than add it to moreі less socially and individually important, sutti in clearly defined aspects of situations, conditions.

What about absolute ones?

TRUTH, GOOD, GOOD... De stink? "Vzagali"? Vzagali, by themselves, they can’t and can’t be. Stink for a hundred years, coma, stink for a hundred, stink for people, suspenstva, people, stink for them, for their links, stosunkah.

GOD... Vіn nastіlki God, oskolki є Svіt, as you respect, creations and cherovaniya Him. Without remembrance to the Light and with the Light of God, one cannot be, and all the world is about God, Yogo omnipotence, omniscience and other super-powerfulness, without a trace to the Light, spend the senses.

Since then, as I have brought more, there are no absolute values, as there are no absolute truths. Ale in the heart of human values ​​\u200b\u200bis absolute moment (moment!), who represent those who are in them - fast, steady, who are saved in the hour of that space and perebuvay in unity with their own moment, then. about those that they have modified, concretized.

In this hour of richness, the authors of other lands of the SND strongly tretyuyuyutsya ideals and norms of socialist and communist morality and praise the moral norms of the Orthodox religion with the propagandistic demagogic declaration of tolerance. Ale, if you please, let's take the Moral Code of the Budіvelnika komunіzmu. What would not have been a utopian, adventurous statement “the last generation of Russian people live under communism”, but from the thirteen points (principles) of this code, ten absolutely do not supersede religion and the norms, ideals, principles of the most democratic society:

Volunteer work for the benefit of the welfare: whoever does not work, that does not exist;

Turbine of skin protection and multiple suspensory nadbannya;

High svіdomіst suspіlny obov'yazku, intolerance to the destruction of suspіlіnіh іnteresіv;

Collectivism and comrade of mutual assistance: leather for all, all for one;

Humane stosunki and mutual povaga between people: people are people - friend, comrade that brother;

Honesty and truthfulness, moral purity, simplicity and modesty in a humble and special life;

Mutual povaga with sim'ї, turbota about the birth of children;

Intransigence to injustice, gratuitousness, dishonesty, carism, selfishness;

Friendship and brotherhood of all the peoples of the SRSR, intolerance to national and racial sorcery;

Brotherly solidarity with the working people of all lands, with all the peoples [div.: 31, p.411].

Ale, one on the right is Sacred Writing, and the other is a socio-political device, which, having risen on the example of the XX century, in the absolute majority of the largest number of regions of Socialist Friendship with Ideology. ruling forces, like they support, impose on the suspense, inculcate other moral and political principles in life, implanting through ZMI, initial mortgage, literature, forms of roses, etc., in their own lands, the principles of private-class individualism, egoism, elitism, permissiveness, nationalism, the pursuit of wealth, greed, zhorstokoy competition just. And a lot of religious leaders are being drawn into the new system, starting to serve its principles. Axis and exit: a part of the population (mostly, of a mature and summer age) continues to live as hoarders of large values, and others (mostly young people) adopted a system of principles of “wild bourgeois supremacy” imposed on the “above”, and a third part (insh) , disorientated , in other options Compiling the values ​​of those systems and other systems.

At the meetings of the Sovereign Radi on December 26, 2006 President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin especially noted: “The ideological vacuum, which, having been created after the collapse of the socialist ideology, will be restored and the wines will be restored. Ale will be filled either by extremism, chauvinism, which is destroying us with nationalism and national intolerance, or for active support of primordial humanist, primal human values.

Well, first of all, if there were “accidents” - it’s clearly not seen for a reason, because ideology dominates in the lower countries, in the sovereign (for example, in such countries, like the PRC, SRV, North Korea, Cuba). По-друге, незважаючи на всі потуги західної пропаганди, офіційних ЗМІ РФ, вітчизняних священнослужителів, колишніх прихованих ворогів Радянської влади, всіх «ображених» нею маса дорослого населення в нинішній Росії тією чи іншою мірою віддає перевагу саме соціалістичній ідеології, проголосувавши на конкурсі "Ім 'I "Russia" for the candidacies of I. V. Stalin and V. I. Lenin, for 50 candidates were selected in the 3rd and 10th months. For example, the “values” of the lower Russian rulers, the “new Russians”, the newly minted panivs: “all cats are good for me”, “if we want a flood”, “patriotism is fiction”, “fatherland is there, de ..? And what about propaganda on screens, on stages, in ZMI "values" of violence, sadism, let it go?

a) Dogmas, commandments of the holy letter (for example, 10 commandments of Moses in Christianity);

b) that other string of moral norms (zocrema fences, including the so-called "Golden Rule");

c) a number of freedoms and special rights.

The first is inconsistent, the shards of various religions do not escape the commandments, before that, the stench is not significant for those who do not know those atheists. How about taking the factual side? Skіlki in the world of evildoers, robbers, valtivnikiv, spokusnikiv, cochance of other people's squads, koristuvachіv povіy, zazdrіsnikіv, children, like to hate their fathers - "for foolishness" є vіruychimi!

Another can be suitable for the role of human values. Well, why was it rich in the past bulo and nіnіє єpolitiki, pіdpriєmtsіv, dіyachіv іn great sport, the arts thаt, yakі аlѕо аrе thаt аnd nіnі thе “Golden Rule οf Morals” аnd thаt yogo?! What about other humane moral standards? It is not for nothing that it is important that “politics is the right one”. And what about business administration, great sport, lower science, journalism, judiciary - purer, for everything and forever more honest?

The third is less than ideal. With rights and freedoms they were koristuvalis and koristuyutsya as real in the best times less ti, who can and can wealth and power.

As a bi-true rightfulness of non-appeal stubbornness by various authors of quiet and other phenomena, phenomena, objects of human values, G.P. Vizhltsov writes: "... it is impossible to bring values ​​logically and scientifically." In our opinion, if axiology can claim to be scientific, then everything can be brought to light, grounded.

Axis mi th namagatimosya to turn our point of view on the fundamental scientific values.

Otzhe, it is significant the difference of voices to come out, nasampered, through the lack of significance of the sense of the terms “zagalnolyudska” and “value”, and the soundness of the understanding of “greedy human values”.

Zgіdno with logic as a science, pers h nizh about shchos mirkuvati, sferchatis, schos bring, ask, criticize thinly, it’s necessary to z’yasuvat zmist terms, word-finding, viraziv, zmist to understand, how to be victorious in these processes. Let's try to understand and understand what to call "heavenly human" and what it means "heavenly human value." Dali viyavimo, as the main tipi transcendental human values, why the very stench is such, yakimi є spіvvіdshennya and zv'yazki between them.

Shards of axiological activity lie without a middle ground in the form of knowledge, then those values ​​cannot be those that are undefiled by our thoughts, which are unreal, unimaginable, unrealistic, unattainable, unrealistic, manifest, fantastic, utopian, chimerical. ***

To sense the term "zagalnolyudske" is necessary for a mother in the Uvaz, as a minimum three mutually related aspects:

1) zagalnolyudske skin normal features(from the first person to the modern, from the child to the frail age);

2) zagalnolyudske like those who are themselves absolute, eternal, inevitably need that importance for greedy people(which is not sumative, but whole, systemic illumine);

3) zagalnolyudske like those who can always be at the center of respect skin power that yoga rich policy.

From the understanding of these aspects, it is significant to understand the “glorious human values” in this way. Zagalnolyudsky values ​​- ce real *** for people, universal, inevitable, not superb legal laws and moral principles and norms, material and spiritual benefits, ways, mind, that can satisfy and satisfy people’s material and spiritual needs, and therefore for whatever power, which expresses the essence of the interests of the welfare of its own land and її people.

Oskolki such values ​​in all specialties, people, all powers (suspіlstv), regardless of their mutual relations, mutually, all the same, the essence of specialness, we vvazhaєmo, it is necessary to distinguish three tips primordial human values: 1) primal human values; 2) values ​​of people; 3) sovereignty values.

The outer middle of them is the system of human values.

If you put food for people - what are the foundations of human values?- As a rule, the answer is unambiguous: great! Few doubt the presence of such a category as sacred human value. Aje may we be united!

What in the queen of morality unites us? Speaking with the audience, where different people chose, you can feel almost impersonal different opinions. But if we want to let everyone know, then sooner or later we will take the word as a “theorist”, which, in spite of what you imagine, should be more like this rank: we have a skin its scale of values, you won’t be able to compete with them, right? Ale is molded by yoga sharpening, tobto. suspіlstvo, from which he was born, vihouvavsya and live. It would be better to call it її suspended scale. Let's go. It was clear, that, working with the price scale, the people are correct, in some details change, you can change it, but you won’t be able to change it in any other way. That's why they say about suspended scale of values. Now see us, shanovny lecturer, nourish: what is it? zagalnolyudske in the field of morality, one for most people, accepted at the trivial stage of their history? Am I understanding your request correctly? So from categorically it is stated: insanely, іsnuє! Otherwise people cannot survive...

Good, please lecturer. Now let me put another request: chi іsnuє so understand, how absolute is morality? More precisely the terms: if morality is a setting between people, then absolute morality is the optimal system of mutual relations, as it is suitable for most people at all times (or at a great hour). So axis, chi іsnuє out? Try to conduct an experiment with your own if you know what to eat in a different way. It appears, richly someone cares that sacred human valuesє, and the axis absolute morality no. It seems to us that all people are different, the souls of that mind, and the mind of life, they are one in the same, and that there is no single system in the sphere of morality and can not be. More than that, our respondent continues, ethical norms are constantly changing every hour, the development of society and, if you want, technology. Ale values, moving, are filled with them themselves. From here we need to clarify: what are the values?

Call to name: the life of the people, the world (like the day of war), the memory of tomorrow, health, goodness to this, honor is that day. What else was valued by people for all hours? Kokhannya, honesty, pracovity, masculinity - go overboard like that positive qualities souls of people. To give respect, the list of values ​​​​figures different understandings from two different regions. Zagalny camp: light, life, the absence of unacceptable moments, beauty and otherness, and the strength of the soul: directness, breadth, masculinity, etc. One thing comes to mind that a person wants to be in people, including herself, otherwise - what's wrong.

Ale in one middle, for singing minds - his understanding of the beauty of the world, in another middle, for other minds - directly opposite. If you don’t talk about the values ​​of a physiological character, then in the other hand, dots like it's hard. Therefore, the very fact that someone is rich enough to respect, not less important for all values, is not less obvious, it seems to be wonderful.

Must value life. Alecia? The goals of civilization have become famous for their barbaric attitudes to human life. Її tsіnіst was not a supple category, but an individual one, on a par “I value my life”. To win respect is me, not suspense; I don't value my life. And in order to instill a value (how do I get it), then only mine and the people of my stake, tobto. us but it’s not quiet, to live beyond the river, where we can force the cordon corrals.

Mirkuvannya zrozumile. Suspіlstvo, as a rule, pragne saving tієї system, yaku prompted for its foundation and in the middle of it alive. To that, it was not possible for him to reach the life of a person, or її rights, and move a thousand thousand. Qi categories were not in order. Declare in Ancient Rome that the life of a galley slave is no less valuable than the life of Caesar, and you yourself will eat in the gallery, for the system has buckled to save itself. In addition, in different systems, the power of self-saving was different in different ways: sometimes the system wanted the physical impairment of all those who supported their foundations, sometimes more “bugs” ways of zahist were established. At the principle, Caesar's pidkhid, at this gallery, a little chimneyed at Stalin's approach.

Ale tse about the main value - about the life of people in fire. Putting it before her is important, if we are talking about the world of humanity in society. Ale є іnshі characteristics, side effects, ale z less characteristic. For example, setting up weak people. Abo to children. Already guess what is weaker for them in the social plan? So from, chi є life of children that їhnіst gіdnіst suspіlnoy tsіnіstyu within a particular society? We are not talking about our children, we put our guts before our good, but we took care of the children themselves. The wealthy suspіlstvakh had little respect. Children were killed, they were traded, the stench was rich. Vtіm, and before their own, they were put with love, not so sharply. At our edges, on the Close Descent, in the olden days, having begun to widen, call to bring the first sacrifice. It was important that it was better to stand the houses, as if the threshold was to wall up the corpse of the first child at her place. I place more successful against the oblogs, as if to put the head gate of the mіskoї stіni on the fresh grave of the scorched royal pervestok. So it was done, and I didn’t speak against anyone.

Well, if you talk about such a “principal” category, like a kohannya (everyone wants to kohannya and everyone wants to be kohanimi), then it’s more, more, biologically more sensitive, a song of an emotional state, but not a tsіnistyu, which rose to the level of a supple ideal. You can spivuvati kokhannya, but at the same time, show kokhanih. Why? The one that kohannya is not up to morality. Morally those what roam out of love, and not out herself. Different cultures were naturally set up to kohannya like this. Wealthy women, temple prostitution, the accessibility of women, lack of rights, adultery (like a completely accepted norm) - all this is of little use to them, which we understand with you under the pressure of love. Suspіlstvo, as if with love, succumb to love, talk about your wives and respect the institution of the school. Tell me, do you have a lot of such connections in history and in the modern world?

Difficulty in what your values ​​are, like we are given to you natural and obvious, they weren’t like this before, and now they’re “in vogue” not even a little. Important point: ardent human you can’t be worthy of those who cost less than me, my loved ones, that is my middle. On those won i slanderously-Lyudska ... How to understand the zvichaynu vіdpovіd, scho zagalnolyudskie tsіnnostі, madly, іsnuyut?

Ale, if so on the right with zagalnolyudskimi values, it is even more entangled with absolute morality. Since there is no single moral system for all people, the people of that hour, then I cannot say: you screwed up badly. I can only say: in my opinion, you screwed up badly(Zgidno z my the scale of values, or the scale adopted in my cola, etc.). On what fault is calm: and I respect what I have done correctly and morally. To that in the new morality, the scale of these values.

If you come out of understanding more, then in a flash you can come to a deaf kut. To that, in a better way, if there is a greater region, you can have mercy. And in a different way, like someone and to denounce appellation to the greater, then it’s not for us, the Jews. We live in the minority - and, we are not less, we try to set up for our own laws, often entering into direct confrontation with the necessary suppliment.

It’s true, I guess, that the first Jews opposed the worship of idols, if the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bforbidding idolatry was wild for all other tribes. They marveled at them as if they were uncivilized and uncultured people: wonder, stench, do not believe the strength of idols, like steel! The Jews brought in the light of understanding the free work of the day. The Greeks and Romans laughed at them, calling them Nerobs. Our ancestors voted: guilty love other people, and not deprive yourself of your family. I again did not understand. The Jews shared with the other tribes the great mystery of the light: they appear, the All-Vish is One! And again this thought forcibly made its way within the framework of foreign cultures. It's scary to think what would have happened with the people, the yakbi jews would always be happy with the majority.

Since, as only we know, that an ethical system is visible and can be changed in the hour, it’s obvious that no one can be sued (neither verbally with judgment, nor power, zastosuyuchi force to the tribunal). No one to call Hitler!

Deshcho unspodіvano, chi not so? Vtіm, tse im'ya vimovlena us nevipadkovo. But here I wanted to use logic and clarity. Hitler was judged by the victors, for whom there was strength. What in the present court may have an objective character? Vіn їm not befitting, tse mi rozumієmo - we may not be like wine either. Ale yaki evildoers against humanity zdіysniv tsey international zlochinets, because there is no absolute and single system of moral values ​​for all people? Vin killing people? Ale, people have a habit of driving people in. Vіn having plundered the whole people? But who didn’t rob anyone? Let's briefly discuss this topic. She will help us to understand what morality is.

We used to call the German Führer a virodka, we’re talking, hanging on to my intellectuals, a fanatic of the racist idea. Ale, having heard the voice of the court, we did not give a word to the judge. Vtіm, persh nizh go to the Führer, cognize with a lot of thoughts, what to introduce into the essence of the right. The axis is a quote from the book of Ernst Haykel, a great patriarch of nature of the last century. Significantly, that Haykel was a “right-wing” teacher of Darwin, a popularizer of that prodovzhuvachim yoga doctrine.

In astronomy, geology, and the vast field of physics and chemistry, no one today can talk about the moral statute of a personal Gd, Whose “hand ordained everything with the wisdom of that mind.” Those same suffice and all organic nature, as if we turn on the hour of the person herself. Darwin showed his theory of selection no less than those that the subsequent processes in the life and structure of creatures appeared mechanically, without any planned plan. Vіn taught us to recognize the struggle because of the exertion of the force of nature, as for millions of years it gave greater and uninterrupted control over all the consequences of the organic evolution of the world ...

Chi є іstoriya narodіv, yaku lyudina, wanderers zі і єї anthropocentric megalomanії, love naming light history, blame from which rule? What is the moral principle of a wise ruler who cares for the shares of peoples? In every stage of natural history and national history, in whichever days it is possible, on a food chain there may be only one objective evidence - no! The share of these people, like people who looked like nations, fought for the foundation of that progress for a thousand years already, to lie down in the name of the most famous laws that signify the history of all organic world and millions of years to secure life on earth.

By themselves, these words do not cry out from us zdivuvannya. We already had a lot of stuff like that. They see the unfettered faith in the omnipotence of science, as they knew those basic provisions, on which everything that exists in living nature stands. About the legitimacy of transferring the laws of nature to the suspіlstvo can be discussed; Here you can bring a lot of facts that confirm, but there will be no less applied, so to speak, of a simple character. So, anyway, before us is one more to get a sensible look of a noble person into the world. And now another quote on the same topic, but also by another author:

Finding wisdom - zavzhd razumiti instinct. Tobto. a person is by no means guilty of falling into idiocy, believing that she rose up and became a pan and the head of nature. One time tse easily led Yogo to insanity. Vіn is guilty of understanding the fundamental need for the laws of nature and to ascertain, how much of this reason to lie in the light of these laws of eternal struggle and supernativity. Just like in the universe, de planets wrap around the suns, and moons around the planets, de only strength induces weakness, zmushuyuchi її be a hearing slave or ruyuyuchi її, there can not be special laws for people. And the eternal laws of the greatest wisdom are expanding on the new. You can help yourself to understand them, but you can’t get lost in any way.

Garn quote? You can conduct an experiment - read it to your friends and acquaintances. Bagato who will come in handy. And in the meantime, the author of the quote is Adolf Hitler. We її brought, to demonstrate, some ideas, like having inspired Hitler and yoga followers, accepted from the modern society. Wait a minute, so as not to deafen, who, being the author of well-directed words, stench looks completely innocent.

And now I’m going to declare, to what extent people, our co-workers, are ready at least as far as science. It appears that Nazism is also based on science, the truth of its own era, but it does not become less “scientific”. The political indoctrination of fascism did not start from the spontaneous movement of maniacs. Yogo ideologists took the data of the modern system of knowledge and zastosuvali principles, vіdkritі at that hour from the world of living matter, to the world of people. People are subject to these very laws, like creatures. There to rule the natural vibe: the strong overcome the weak, the offspring develop those strengths, the survival is necessary for the fight, the reshta emerges and dies. Those same are seen in the world of people. More precisely, maybe you should. To the one that the evil of vchennya appeared, as if their preaching of mercy and love of people inspire people in the main road to development. Whom are the fascists on the verge of? The enemies of the stench have voiced themselves - tse Christian ideology. Khristiyanska - in the language of Nazism, under it the stench brought up the ideas of mercy and love of people. Before the Christians themselves, the Nazis were put tolerantly. But the Jews voted with the head of the head and the insane stench of the stench. Vtіm, persh nizh indicative of the special affection of the Fuhrer to the Jews, let's bring up the third quote. Look at the logical construction:

The development of the mind will require the liquidation of insufferable people, weak and abnormal. But Christianity, like a reactionary force, calls itself to them. Here we are sticking with the main wipes. The development resembles either natural life, or the jealousy of individual souls before God.

The author is the early ideologist of Nazism Alfred Baumer. Think about it, there are two points of light in the world, two mutually exclusive approaches. Abo - "natural life". So, as conceived by nature, without any sentimental indulgence to the point of weakness, step by step I brought superpeople to a strong, healthy-looking, which was taken away from the ancestors of the result of the zhorstok evolyutsii no more than the crimson quality of power. Abo - "the equanimity of souls before God", if the right to a foundation may be all - weak and strong.

But why, speaking out against Christianity, did fascism engage in the planned extermination not of Christians, but of Jews? Quote:

Naivazhchiy blow, the task of the people, - tse Christianity. Bilshovism is an illegitimate syndication of Christianity. Offenses and appearances were found by Jews.

Mi zvikli bachiti at Hitler's racist. Ale said to himself: “I am a sumish politician and philosopher. The politician is for the Kramars. A philosopher is for people who can understand me.” People who understand, - tse those who entered yoga colo, talked with him, sat at the same table. At the book "Casting Hitler's rozmovi", selected by the special secretary, a record of yogi rozmov іz friends and of one mind, tobto, was submitted. z timi, before kim vin speaking like a philosopher. The quotation I have given is taken from the book itself.

And now let's turn to a quote about Christians, bіshovikіv and Jews. Tsikavo, what's wrong? Encircling Christianity, as it adopted the “seditious and reactionary” ideas from the Jews, the Nazis denounced the communists with their enemies. What kind of diva? Why "illegal syn"? Kind of simple. The followers of Jesus preached jealousy of souls before God, and the communes, defying religion, began to talk simply about the jealousy of souls, without any God, which they simply do not need. Gasla, like Bachimo, they were themselves, but they did not recognize the stench of ideological controversy.

But for us, the headline is the following: Hitler speaks not so against the idea of ​​“God” (God in small letters, to which one can attribute one’s ideas to the invented god), but rather against the jealousy of souls! Inspired by the Bolsheviks of the innocent propagandists of the idea of ​​equivalence, Hitler savaged them fiercely. Ale, Christians are not chipped. Prote Christians are different. For example, about Italian wines, saying this:

After our victory, I will leave the Italians with their religion. Because stinks can be barbarians and Christians at once.

Tobto. they have an idea on top, and then, not a careless one. If it were for them, then it was necessary for the future for him to leave the bosom of the Christian church. Ale without annual reprisals, more:

No one in history has shed so much blood, fighting for the victory of the idea of ​​​​crushing, like the Christians themselves.

And if you stink, preaching love to the weak, ready to zastosuvannya strength, then, for Hitler, the Christians have not spent everything. It’s just that you need to destroy them in the face of shky ideas, or to deprive them of the bitterness that they have shown in the struggle for planting ideas everywhere. One more note:

The Christian doctrine affirms that some people are kohati one of one. But the Christians themselves will be the rest, who will try to help you in life.

Now it was clear why Hitler was underestimating Christian ideology, but from the Church and Christians. The head gate is left behind - the Jews, the author of the soft-hearted, the most supportive of the great law about the panuvannya of strength over the weak. Speaking about the staging of the German Nazis before the Jews, respectfully, we spoke to the old truth: fascism deafens the Jews with an inferior race. Such my Hitler rozmovlyav z kramarami. Ale tse words of politics. And what about Hitler the philosopher? Aja Yomu, I’m sorry, I needed to blame the Jews. Let's see why. Vtіm, a bunch of words from Hitler about the theory of racism. A quote from the Quiet Conversations themselves:

I miraculously know, - having said wine, - it’s just that, like a mustache smart intellectuals, that in the scientific mind there is no such understanding, like a race. But if you are a farmer or a wild animal, then you cannot successfully breed new varieties without adopting the concept of breed. A concept is necessary for a politically minded person, as a bula would be able to establish an order that, having established before now, foundations on history, and to bring into force a new anti-historical order, foundations on an intellectual basis. You understand that I may be on the run, - having said wine, they pererivayuchisya. - I'm raising the light of light in the fallow land in the historical past. Nationalities - causal and visible outline our history. That is why it is necessary to fuse the people in one single whole good order If you want to escape the chaos of the historical past, it has become absurd. І for tsієї meti the concept of "race" to serve as the best. It allows the old order and gives the opportunity to move to new associations. France brought the Great Revolution between its powers with the help of the concept of "the people". For the help of the concept of “race”, national socialism brought its revolution abroad and changed the world.”

Zhakhlivo tsіkavo: it appears that the racist Hitler does not believe in the basis of the concept of "race"! Vono youmu is not scientific. Ale vono you need it as a method of reaching meti. Aje, in order to inspire forgive the Germans, that the Jews need to be blamed, confessed to confess, that the Jews are low and primitive, that they do not lose the right to foundation. Ale scho vіn mav on vazі really?

Really, why did Hitler attack the Jews? Call for a number of reasons: the struggle for a political injection, economic motives, a turbot about the purity of the “Aryan type”, a search for a social enemy and others. political, economic and social rights. Help Hitler at that time, the beds were good, so, now, it would be logical to deprive the Jewish community from the calm, wanting to use it for the purposes of propaganda, otherwise it’s like a “let out of the dog” for tomorrow.

It appears that the reason for Hitler's hatred before the Jews lies in the other plane. In ideological. For in their guise of guilt you know good opponents, if you come out with the doctrine about the need to build up physical strength in the struggle for survival. Jews are not just weak, as if they were guilty of giving up the strong; stench are opponents of the very idea of ​​“the strong can overcome the weak”, tobto. hush up the development of humankind, and then, mourn but zmetenі those izishcheni ... Hitler's thoughts, voiced out loud:

The Jew was the head of the two wounds of the people: chastisement on the head and conscience on the bridge. Vіyna for pouring over the world go between us and the Jews. All else the facade is that illusion.

Otzhe, є two concepts. Power concept- if the strong support the weak. The Nazis were called її concept of honor, We call it social Darwinism (the axis of it, it’s the theory, in the light of which we got into trouble a little more!). І friend - mercy concept. Її authors - jews. Sob її indignity, throwing off the people of the tangle and allowing them to go the straight path of perfection, you need to be in danger of the nose of infection, tobto. її authors - jevreїv.

Read the rest of the quote. So do not talk about the lower race. Hitler was afraid of Jews. The ideal for the new one is Ancient Rome, the citadel of power, the spirit of that victory. Vіn vazhavsya himself prodovzhuvachem help Rome, stverdzhuyuchi, scho yogo theory came from the Roman idea. But where did Rome go? Hitler, having given a lot of food, is clear: the Jews calmed the yogo, having planted Christianity in him, they vanished. The Jews calmed the people with their doctrine of helping the weak. The doctrine of love is that forgiveness. Quote from Hitler:

Without Christianity there would be no Islam. The Roman Empire, under the German influx, developed in a straight line of light panuvannya, and the people did not cross the fifteen hundred years with one stroke of the pen ... As a result, the fall of the Roman Empire came to nothing, as the century was 30.

But if you think that Hitler had a pity on his look at Rome, then you have a quote from Seneca:

Zvichaї tsієї accursedї races have become mothers such an infusion that they are taken from the whole world. The helpers gave their law to the helpers.

But why do you need to live all Jewish? Nevzhe mi all carried out in life alone, only do we have a powerful philosophy? You can think for sure, but Hitler mav his thought:

If there is guilt in the Jewish spirit, then it cannot be reached mechanically. The Jewish spirit is the product of the Jewish identity. If we do not hasten to destroy the Jews, the stench will soon turn our people into Judaism.

Significantly one more time - hiba so to speak about the lower race!

Obviously, it’s not a direct attack on the Nazis among the right-wing Jews, but on the way to the Germans the knowledge (and at the same time the knowledge of all Europeans) of the ideas of Judaism - from this sharpened respect to the weak ones of the human spirits.

Here, Hitler marked one important detail of the Jewish people, rice is obvious, a characteristic sign, not winding up the veils of faith, the stilts have gone into the very blood and flesh of the Jews: stink forever and everywhere active rank to stand up for the weak, the rotten and the poor. The stench is like the eternal champions of justice. The truth, at the sight of Tory, the understanding of justice becomes razpolyvchasti and unreasonable, but the smut is still present in them: listening to someone else's pain - whether it be the rights of blacks in Alabama, women in modern America, dissidents "behind the veil" and that іn. ... We are in front of the Jew on the right. And then, if you don’t impose your rules everywhere, you need to get rid of yourself, because there’s no hope for correcting. Hitler thought so.

One more note about his own more important position before the Jews on the side of the Fuhrer:

If you want one country, if there is any reason to give a shelter, if you want one Jewish homeland, then we will become the germ of a new slaughter.

Garno said, chi not so? The German homeland will not become the initiator of the German spirit, but the Jewish axis will become the germ of its own, Jewish slaughter. And to that there is no mercy for the Jewish homeland!

Still, the authorship of hatred to the Jews does not belong to Hitler. Ideas, as we have already guessed, vin favored by the old ones. I navit Seneca among them, the shadow of which we were disturbed already a few times, not being the first. The Roman promoter hung about the laws, like "we gave the help to the helpers." Ale, one might think that a great Roman, who does not know the Jews, just made a farbi. Let's marvel at the development of the world after the sunset of the Roman Empire, as the first collapsed, the lower barbarians burned the "eternal place". The Romans gradually adopted Christianity, the "Syrian religion", and they emerged as a people. Seneca mav ration - the law of the overcome. Injustice has become an object of attack. With the appearance of the “Jewish spirit” a new theory emerged: injustice can be reduced. The Romans cheered, we cheered for you, Hitler cheered. Truthfully, on the vіdmіnu vіd us іz you, Hitler dіyshov protilezhny visnovka: it is not injustice that needs to be exalted, but the jews themselves, and through them, pretentiousness. doctrine of the kokhannya. Those who are with you respect injustice, Hitler respects the norm. To that mi youmu and zavazhaemo!

Let's go back to what we were talking about earlier. Show your own picture: we speak in court against Hitler and we say - you are a villain! Vіn, s lavi accusations, vіdpovіdaє: nі, I am a highly moral person, but I worked on the basis his morality, but you sound to me on the basis of yours morality. We have different systems with you, and to judge one of the other within the framework of only one of them is not so! .. What can we cross? If there is no absolute morality, then, in fact, nothing.

Let's break down the situation. Before us is not just a super river of two equal sides. All on the right, you can turn around so that you can walk the path of the dashing one, and not me, it’s scary. Let's say, we make our way to Nimechchini by car for an hour, and for an hour we are swarmed by the Nazis. We tumble into Hitler’s room, de vin, unbroken, following a speech at a mass rally, pointing at the new “Uzi” machine gun and deafeningly, that they came from the future, we are immediately judged for evil deeds against the people and the hell against the Jewish people. Let's leave the problem of still incomplete evils. Admittedly, he did manage to stockpile a little Jewish life, and even for that you can shoot. That wine, vtim, is unlikely to become guilty, better for everything, to marvel at us with your eyes and declare that it is so, mrіє all tsі do it right, plan to build them and more radium, to kill them for the life of our judging fate . Tell me, how can I explain our reprisals to you? We declare: you are carrying evil, driving in. Vіn vіdpovіdaє: ale and you came from murder. We say: you want to kill the rich, but we ask you one. Vіn vіdpovidає: I'm not alone, you happen to strachuvate the impersonality of my followers; chim їhnoy life more for life your Jews? We say: the Jews do not attack you, but you attack them. We are at peace: have mercy, dear ones, the Jews themselves attacked us first, planting a doctrine that bound the people hand and foot. Ale do not care about the smut, we seem to blame ourselves just words: the axis of you is going to kill me, which means that you yourself are standing on my position Why? Bo tell me: You are not safe, and we are driving you in. Ale tse those to which I call out: the Jews are not safe, and we are killing them. At once, stratify me, but not to the one who makes a ration, but to the one who is stronger. But I tell you about me: the strong one drives the weak one, who has the rightness, such a law of nature, isn’t it so? So pull the trigger - I win!

Vibatchte, ale, it’s squealing that it’s either right or wrong (“the strong one can often be blamed for driving in”), but Hitler cannot be judged to death. Our Jewish heart is crushed by a wild pain: yak! How can you not sue Hitler?

So, show yourself, Hitler. With a small, honestly, correction: there is no absolute morality.

Tsikavo, scho, conducting a discussion with the audience on this topic, with a surprise, you show that there are more rumors, that Hitler is wrong, but it’s important to explain why. People can't think of logical arguments for a zahistu vlasnoy position.

Ale, let's leave the theme of the Nazis. Let's look at another example. In America, Professor Olen Blum's book "How Americans are being deceived" is popular. It has a lot of material, we mention it in one episode. The episode is offensive: the professor conducts a discussion with 3 American students on the topic of what pluralism is in the nutrition of morality, and she gives them such a task. State yourself that you are a British high-rise settler in India in the 19th century. You have been given power and that you have been given authority for the order of my city. You are reminded that tomorrow a funeral ceremony for the deceased nabob will be performed on the central square. In India, howling is burning a corpse. And at that hour they burned a living widow at the same time. You can fence the zhorstogo rite, and rozіgnat NATO by the forces of the army and the police. And you can not take part in anything. What will we work?

Let's conduct an experiment - not in the old India, but with a modern audience. Let the hearers understand that self-deprecation will be regarded by a British officer as a debauchery, and I will also compose such a thing as qualifications as sleepiness. From the other side, change your mind, putting a fence on the ritual, - nothing else, as if rudely vruchannya in the world of strangers and imposing your own understanding of how you should behave. Not to be forgotten, India is the land of rich civilization. Accept, Hinduism is richly older for understanding, with which the conscience of our officer operates.

Under the hour of carrying out such an experiment, the audience will sound to be divided into three groups. One seems to be: the lady is to be burned and not in hand in hand, because it is impossible to get into the world of other people's sounds and rituals. Insha it seems: at the same time! Our obov'yazok - the term vryatuvat bіdnu zhіnku, more people's lives are more important for rituals. The third is to lower the shoulders: let's sleep with the woman. Two and three groups are attacked by three, calling them without a clear position: why is there a woman here, as if she is drugged by wicked manifestations, it is quite respectful that right away from the bagattya you will be transported to the Garden of Eden, de continue to live in order with a man! Htos throwing a replica, scho, talking, ryatuy її, do not ryatuy, nothing will change; We won’t give you a peaceful life, but we don’t have time to change the light-gazer of the Indian suspense ... Superechka can go a long time, and I’ll lose my skin when I think about it. Before the speech, the American students, in the midst of a dispute, descriptions by Professor Blum, could not reach monophony. The stinkers victoriously veiled from the camps, saying literally like this: why did a British officer go to work in India? The finale of the theatrical scene: you must raise your eyebrows in a quivering manner. To be honest, without getting in there, there were no problems.

It’s good, now you don’t need to take responsibility for someone else’s life. Age American students - plurality in morality. Morality for them is an endless value. And if so, then it is impossible to allow a widow to be beaten. Ale and joining the rite of a foreign people - it’s also unethical. That is why we know the lazivka and unique evidence: why did this colonial official appear in a foreign country? What do youmu work?

Chi is not true, warmer solution? Aje, apart from that, which is unique, it is worse than that, which destroys the very principle of pluralism to the utmost. American students begin judge English officer. stink install youma my the norm of morality, zvinuvachuyuchi in the fact that one of his presence vins intrude in someone else's right. Tsіkava situation. The Briton himself explains his mission in a different way: I am here to bring civilization into the whole zhorst and wild world. You think, traditions? And for that, I send messages thousands of miles to India, “the pearl of the British crown,” to sound barbarism. In the wildest Polynesia, people “behind tradition” eat one by one, - about Captain Cook, chuli? So from, barbarism, to build up a thousand-year-old tradition behind it, all the same, it becomes barbaric. First of all, you need to win!

What did you understand for us? Usі vіdpovіdat: zvіsno. Ale chi maє vin the right to plant their morality in someone else's middle? Whose food is the axis. Why am I convinced that Christian morality is “moral” in Hinduism? And if so, then how can you Christians themselves teach their morality, let's say, to the Jewish community? Tobto. among us among you? Іz tsim in the audience, de sit jews, few people will be happy. But then, why go out? How can we tell an officer the right to say "Indians are wrong", then how can we say "the British are wrong"? As a result, we accept the phenomenon. Yakshcho nі absolute morality, then we can't tell anyone that he's wrong. From the other side, no one in his line can tell us that we can’t ration, as if only we could impose our own model of morality. All that we can say: we get it what you are wrong; abo: in my opinion, you are wrong.

The third, not hypothetical and theoretical, but a whole real example, close to our life. Some intelligent people moved to Israel, the stinks ruled, got an apartment, robots, new friends, children go to school. Everything is away. And then mom comes to the school of the thirteenth daughter to pick up the fathers and there you feel, like a reader, I deafen you: mami, if you want, so our girls didn’t have inaccuracies, you need to buy condoms, bring them to school! Our mother is in the country, and at the same time with her everyone who recently came from Russia. Inhaled, to come, to the Dodom, I didn’t think, the daughter is Ditin Yak Ditin, Zvichayna єvreiska Divchinka, Zdatnaya, in Moscow, Grati, know Anglіyska, vidvіduvala cups of the Gurtkiv, muffles Olimpіd, Bagato Chika, girlfriends of sizygen. beautiful. Maybe everything will pass? If you don’t show respect, then why shouldn’t you be shaken? Aje can’t be buti, so that she had a lot of lads up to this!! Ale the axis passes a day, two, and one miraculous wound, a pretty girl, getting to school, rapt like mom: before the speech, we were told that everyone is ahead of me, but why don’t you buy me a pack of condoms, you don’t have anything hour? Mom is new in school. Vaughn sits against her dear child and seems to tear tears forcibly: listen, love, we are at your vіtsi cym didn't get busy! That's right, they didn't do it, - apparently the girl, yakіy, appears, no need to explain what cym- Ale, it was so bad with you at the Union. And here there is nothing like the Union, there has been nothing for a long time. Here is another country. Another morality!

We do not continue their dialogue. Tell me, how to bring a child, that there is no other morality, how we ourselves marvel at moral values, how about, how to lie in the form of suspense? And now, at the bright butt, tell me - what is the other morality? Yakshcho mi, fathers, collectable moral scale, as to fit our perekonanny, and for the sake of one building, remember the country, for in the great fatherland we did not deserve the degradation and corrosion of the very moral values, then why our children cannot choose morality, what is the best way for them? Hiba, we don’t mind a primus with you! But on the contrary, ale only to the singing boundary, and then the sphere of violence begins, if we can make our children do it the way we want? But who said, why don’t we have mercy? Marvel, children are inspired, that we have mercy. On what side is it true? (We did not suspect that if a person proudly declares: I vibrating be a moral person, - її child chuє tsі words, but understand them in such a rank that morality is possible choose!)

The ambiguity of the situation is new, like in the case of the Nazis and the British officer, blaming through those who can’t help me absolute moral system, attached to all hours for all peoples? Why don't you?

You can bring more rich examples on the same topic. From the realities of the “land of results”: the worker does not turn back from the factory, so as not to bring a cardan shaft with him or want to buy flowers; engineer "tyagne" paper and olives, more in the science bureau nothing else; children “pick up” tickets to the Moscow flower bed, food “what are you doing?” vіdpovіdat-privatizuєmo! Tsіle suspіlstvo is alive as a bi for the mind іsnuvannya іsnuvannya two standards: one on the right - special mine and zovsіm іnshe - scho belong to the powers chi organizations. Moral, what do you want? And even the French encyclopedists voted that the development of the laws of ethics would lie on the shoulders of the state. As if prosperity wants to live, it itself will vibrate such norms from time to time, as they will be praised by all. "Community agreement". And now, how do you agree that the thief is working, that the thief ceases to be taken care of by the thief, wanting to suffer from it?

Otzhe, like real the scales are the same for all, which could be used to overcome the vchinka of any people - we may have all these insecurities difficult. However, even though the scale is so real and won’t be “introduced” in all people, we can only say to a skin breaker: you broke the law, you are a villain. And in such a time, it’s less possible for us to savage our behavior with vimogami, which hang on us on a scale, savage them ideal behavior, us zapropovanim. The subjective system is measured by an objective scale.

Let me tell you, it is unacceptable to consider one's staleness in view of the morality imposed by the kimos. Movlyav, my good people! - That's right, vіlnі. But let’s talk not about a piece-by-piece invented and imposed scale of values, but about a natural system, like, like the laws of physics, which objectively reflects the world, no less objectively describes the real central system nervous system people. Moreover, how to describe the attachment of this folding apparatus, but also give specific instructions on how optimality of this device is. Wait, if such a scale of laws, priorities, and instructions and behaviors exist, then don’t know about them and don’t follow them - that means, transform yourself into an auditory slave not only your instincts, but the sound of your successes, in which you live. And to inspire the one who cares about such an objective, “one for all” scale, you can’t wait, it’s all right, yakbi won bula. True, who said what is really true? At once, vіdpovimo, ale first, let's turn for the next hour at the world proud of people. (Aje "a person - tse sound proud", are you okay?)

Often brought a little, scho enough booty garnoy people , and everything else will do. Vіdminno said. But let's think, what is it possible for the world, de morality to be established by people, to pronounce the principle "be a garbled person"? We present such a picture: we are moving with Eichmann and Academician Sakharov. Dermal question: are you a good person? Shvidshe for everything, Sakharov to give in. Ale Eikhman mittevo: so, I'm a good person! The phenomenon of cicavia, the more it could in a person to himself, the more he had doubts in the correctness of his vchinkiv. But for the one whom the whole world branded like a villain, that virodka does not hesitate to have a positive assessment of herself. I turn, I can see the stars draw their inspiration. At the Nuremberg court, in the middle of the day, the documents of the offices of those departments were crowded, depraved courts, - so, so, they worked and served as the most important rank, while being at work and putting on them bindings. So, the axis, the characteristics on Eichmann were bezdogannі: honest, voddany spravі, іnіtіativny, vykonavchiy і, before that, a beautiful Sim'yanin. Having bought the quarters of the retinue shortly before the river of their wedding. If the Israeli commandos "took" Eichmann in Pivdenny America, at this moment, having come out of the flower room, it was the river of yoga. Tell me, how many of us remember the date of their fun days of the people of their squads of people? And I bought tickets. What is not a smart person? Well, now what is the joy of “becoming a good person”? Wine is clearly insufficient.

But the idea is even wider. Some people think that it is necessary to live according to the principle “do not cause more pain”. A good principle, wine, to the point, taking from Judaism. Ale there vin- one s principіv, and here we proponuyut zrobiti yogo basic and chi are not the same. Let's do it, chi will be sufficient. Vіzmemo, for example, vypadok, if daughter has grown up I will deafen my mother after a few months after the wedding: welcome me, mother, I have a kohanets. As always, my mother falls into a panic, because my life tells me that nothing good can be seen. Alyo daughter calm down: mom, don’t boast, with my man everything is secured, wine is good; more than that, the new one has a kohanka, and guess who is the squad of my kokhantsy, we think, and everything is satisfied ... You say: well, and so it’s, there’s nothing special for me in such a picture tragedies are still far away. Then you have one more butt from the same series. A daughter comes to her mother (her daughter and her mother) and declares: mom, I have a new thing, we parted with a man, people got me, and I made a living ... with a goat. Mom is inconspicuous, and the daughter, as if nothing happened to continue: well, why are you so boastful - I’m good, I’m good for a goat (you call him a goat, you don’t look like wine), many people all the same, no one suffers, what's the point?

Again, in the Tory system, the principle of "do not harm others" does not apply to other fundamental provisions. More fault is not enough. And if you think that the butt about the daughter and the goat is smart and practical, then the axis is the butt for you from life, vіrnіshe, the law of historical significance, accept the Talmud write about the new, like about the realities of your hour. Rozmova went about the fence, which was founded in ancient times, to sell a man-slave and to inspire people, as they can win and that, and even as objects of sexual dohan. In Judaism, homosexuality and bestiality are fenced off, so you don’t have to stink like you don’t give a shit about people, if you don’t take part in this process. I intuitively bachimo that such a fence is true. Why?

Right in the fact that, being broken in the face of other moral powers, the principle do not cause evil to lie at the basis of idolatry. Your little ones don't hang around with anyone's idol. Golovna, so as not to step over someone else's special autonomy - and everything will be good. Alas, early on, all the systems of idolatry are falling apart, giving people innocent suffering. History simply does not know other examples.

Set of rules moral system if you don’t just need food, what not required Robiti, ale y nutrition, sho required work.

A sleepless person in evil - for rich furnishing looks like an even higher rіven the development of specialness. But some of the same steps characterize only the callousness of the soul. It became clear, it’s good, that a person does not cause suffering to others, but if he is called, do not be a villain. Few! For the world, in which we hesitate, which is not enough. You need to be a human being, how to do good. Necessary be such a person.

Those who have moved to Israel know how highly valued the fate of unknown people how to help olim. Mi їх is called good people. At that hour, yak іnshі, yakі did not show themselves in this field, they are left for us beyond the cordon of the stake kind people. You tell me what a system of assessments is for him! Ale is so accepted to respect: garni- Tse the one who rob garni do it, filth- tse i the one who rob shit, and the one who, roaring the goodness of the year, grovels in every way.

Moreover, it is impossible to judge someone who does not rob anything, praised by the world of legislative civil systems. Neither the court nor the police fall on uncreative good. Vіn is guilty of vikonuvati decree that the authorities do not destroy the fence, ale - do good? It is important that it is on the right side of the skin. Did you go down the street and sip, how did the old lady sleep in the red light? No one can present you with judicial poses for those who did not rush to repent of the old life. Ale people sue you. Say: what are you doing, friend, having done it so wonderfully? And if you don’t have enough good reasons to explain your behavior, the stench will come back to you. I will say - wine is abo callous, a poor man, who doesn’t give a damn about everything, otherwise he is a badass.

Vimagati in the form of legislators for the provision of laws against callousness does not make sense. Zavzhd є impersonal ways to form a person inappropriately. That very system of lawmaking does not eliminate badness, rudeness, impudence, but it is occupied with another right: law to stand on the defensive order, tobto. straightened against the filthy vchinkіv, and chi do not initsiyuyut good vchinkіvchinkіv. Possibly, the very same will be guarded by a violent fall of vdachas. Morality is degrading at the citadel of legality, in America. The legal system there, rіk y rіk, is smeared, and morality, on the other hand, is falling. But the system of legality is inextricably linked with the moral climate of the country, the force of the law can also sink down. For there is no such thing, so that the corrosion of ethics does not stick quietly, who will stand in the defense of order and moral footings. Judgment, like judging people for the swag, the brothers of the swag themselves mend. The police, how to fight against zі malice, themselves nabuvaє criminal rice.

Come out, sho, want mi chi do not want to, the system of moral values ​​can spur a person to an active creative behavior, can pidshtovhuvati її to good deeds.

It seems to us, well, let's introduce such a system. We write low rules, yakі zaboronyatimut filthy do it and zmushuvatimut people to do more good. So let's write: the head of such and such a criminal law, paragraph number such and such - skin someone to sack an old man, who made a crop on a part of a part of a red light, goiters pull it back, navit it like it’s running, otherwise it’s awarded to uv’ a term for three months in a colony of a lighter regime with the right to abridged listing for those who are still out of liberty ... You laugh. But try to speak more constructively, victorious force of the civil law, voicing to the hulks: our society so blew it!

A sensible moral system cannot be done either by contract (be sure to say: I don’t sign under your document), or by voting (be sure to say: why can I win the will of the greatness?). Suspіlny agreement is impromptu not super-special due to skin people. And if you enter into such a superficiality, then tell me what you can do - agree on special interests?

Marvel at how criminal codes work. Goloshuyut: theft is punished. Do you help? Where is it that if posterіgav raznizhennya statistics of apartment burglaries?

Itself z tsієї cause malice in all, without blame, the lands of the growth of rіk y rіk. If you want to see the graph of the growth of malice in some cases, then theoretically you can figure out the date, if allїхні bulky people move to permanent residence to prison cells. The number of offenses can be changed to less than the draconic laws, mercilessly punish the malice of the skin, drunk at home. But the present-day suspenstories, taught by the doctrine of totalitarianism and dictatorships, which are unsuitable for the establishment of similar laws, are more likely to work for a zhorst pravlinnya, as even more terrible, lower street wickedness.

Bida community agreement signified in the sphere of law. The adoption of the norms of behavior “by voting” threatens the lives of rich people in important areas of human life. We are talking about life itself. You must know what you can’t drive in. All the best, that the biggest villain is blamed on the one who beats the child. But what can you say about driving in a child, how can an axis-axis be born? If the supporters of the idea of ​​abortions vvazhayut, what a pld, not having been born, is not yet a person, then they are fed: at what moment do you become a person? Vіdrazu at the moment of pologіv? But what is changing in the new? Buv layout, preparation, and raptom - people. What yogo was crushed by people? Well, it seems to us that we don’t need to check at the moment of the fall, but to fix the first flashes of evidence in the fetus, so that you can voice it with a person, then let me squawk, that you will understand about the closeness of the news, - say, be kind, specific until the day and years, Movlyav, until that moment you can drive in, but after a new one, the shards in front of us are already people. Until this particular day, if you become special, it is still allowed to scrape the mother’s body with the help of a scoop from the mother’s body, and then - it’s impossible, we stopped. Ale todі vіd why lie down all day? Isn't there one date for everyone? І stop: who will install the term?

Vtim, let's put one honest and straight food. Abortion - driving chi nі? Only without bringing others into the topic, let them be more important, but furnishing, what to lead from the bik. Because, as we get it, driving in does not cease to be driving in, to try to be true for various important reasons: you can’t produce bad things, it’s time to learn to “plan for yourself”, we can’t allow the number of people to grow untidy, etc. Aje doesn’t fall for the thought of discussing the idea of ​​shooting old people for the tidying up of an uncontrolled growth of humanity ...

If everything is left lying in the form of a vote on a nationwide plebiscite, then the risk of risk will not be born. Moreover, in their own truth, people can only say one thing: such our morality for today. But if such is our morality, why do we judge the Nazi villains? You can always declare in court: such a bula our morality at that moment, if we were driving people at the camps. However, we recount: not morality, but immorality! Why? What gives us the right to say so? Aje tse i є contract right in dii!

Promіzhnі vysnovki:

1. Don't practice the system following the principle of "do no harm to others."
2. Do not practice excuses about daytime absolute morality, otherwise we can present an objective call to any evil spirit, including Stalin, Hitler and other ludozheriv.

3. It is not possible to foresee one major element of laws in all hours and civilizations.

And now let's get right. There will be two, and insults will be carried out as an experimental experiment. Persha right douzhe simple. Go to the people, or turn to the court in the audience and ... Only, we repeat, thoughts, and not really. Go to the people and form її. Two seconds are given for preparation. To form with words, with a gesture, which is worthy, only with the path of a physical injection. Zavdannya, repeating, theoretically. Yogo needs to be so fastened, so that I believe you, so that I am embarrassed in a right way. Somebody seems to be rich: there are no problems. Todi trohi can be put right: you need to grow up so that a person from another culture is formed on the basis of your children. Say, an ancient Aztec. You don’t understand Russian language, having first arrived at your place, you don’t feel anything about Europeans. Dare, show creativity, zachepit її to the depths of the soul, more in our space and hour and foot!

Most of the people proponuyut zmiryat unknowingly with an unimportant look, spit on the ground in front of him and whisper evilly - even if not with words, then with a tone and gesture, shake the poor mandrivnik.

I vіdrazu vіdrazu - new right, left. Tezh on a par with a clear experiment. If you want to do yoga, it's real. Tell your susidov chi to the same Aztec you are welcome. Look at the new one kindly. In short, raise your spirits. Adzhe vin, to marvel, like tension, to sit in an unknown situation, to be ruined, to be afraid of everything. Pіdbаdіorіt bіdolahu!

Other people swear by it just as simply and standardly: they chuckle, show kindness - with disguise and gestures, speak in a soft voice, inspire with a tone of encouragement their roztashuvannya.

At the first glance, we say: you are unsympathetic to me, I don’t care for you, know that I am not your friend. In another way, we let you understand: you are handsome, I am your friend and I want to work for you only kindly, you can pay for my special position before you.

Now respect. Marvel, we are all different. Rіznі like individuals. And different people, like representatives of dissimilar cultures. Ale nіyakі vіdmіnnostі not zavazhayut us be-yakіy situation, nabіlsh spontaneіy і ekstrenіy, zrobiti good people badly. Give it to you bіl chi joy. Zrobiti yoga as a friend or enemy. What do you say? About those that all of us have a bed. І tse spіlne unite us, allowing us to judge one about one like about people, like shying good and bad stuff.

Psychotherapists rejoice people regardless of their belonging to different races or cultures. Neither nationality, nor "the land of results" play the same role here. Prior to the speech, the psychotherapists themselves remembered that the mechanisms for establishing interpersonal contacts are the same for all people. We have dermal insertions like a unifying device, which can unequivocally "read" someone else's behavior.

And if all people have a bed in their bed, then why not model such a system of morality, as if it would want the good things and surround the filthy? Let's try it. Moreover, vikoristovuvatimemo knowledge of psychology. Take for the cob two principles, two moral imperatives - the first from the category “do not rob”, the other is “rob”.

The guarding principle of the lady is in the form, which is understandable and acceptable to everyone: “do not set yourself with words.” (It would be good to start not to hurt the pain, not only with words, but for the time being, we will get along with the pain in the face of words, which, wait, not a little.) A good ethical principle, may we all agree with him. Let's go to the audience and ask: how can you translate this principle with other language? What would people understand, how did they live in ancient times? Why are we wondering what is obvious? Invite half of the participants in the discussion to say what they would understand, if they hesitate: who knows ... Then we suggest to the same hall discuss another principle, positive, which punishes, from the category of “rob”: “love your neighbor, like you love yourself” . I re-feed: how can yoga, having omitted the folding of cultural barriers, explain with other language? At the same time, the audience will ring out: no doubt. Well, it’s possible to reveal sumniv here, I can guess that these words have become home to people over three thousand years ago - and the whole world of their minds. In addition, not everyone praised this principle for confusion, but everyone could understand without a blame.

Axis of mi and nayshli schos zagalnozumile, those against whom no one speaks out, wanting to what is acceptable, if you love ... Two guessing principles are written in the Torah, given to the Jews thirty-three hundred years ago. Recorded in Hebrew, so there is no need to translate them in other languages, the stink has long been translated, including Russian. Krіm tsikh tvokh moral installations from Torі znayshli more needed six hundred ideas: don't drive in, don't steal, don't become a stone in front of blind skinny. All the stinks are direct statements - what you need to work and what you can’t work. Straight lines "roby" are needed to make people feel good. Fences do not need to work so that youmu will not be bad.

Later, violating the jokes of being able to encourage one and all people of the optimal system of behavior, we have achieved a positive result, having repaired the road overstepping, so that we can speak like a firmness: all people are different. Well, we messed up, that in different people there is a kind of hot cob. There is one more change: the diversity of epochs, cultures and individual situations. There is also a whole selection, as it means that not only in people there is a sleeping place, but the main part is manifested in all possible situations of a particular and suspile plan. Tse zvani situational archetypes, primary images.

For example, use the fence: do not steal! Our system can concretize which object this predicate belongs to. Don't steal anything! And yet, from the fence, “do not give other people beaten” richly folded. You can beat the beats with your hands and with your lane. Hands - ce terorism, with him a mustache has understood. But what does it mean "do not beat the line"? My goat pishov near a strange city and z'їv there is a lot of cabbage, I think it's for a churn? They seem to me: well. And if you have brought a bear of cabbage, putting yoga in front of my dagger, let the order from my booth peacefully graze, and wait for a second? (Remember, "not becoming a stone in front of the blind"?) Am I new for the new one? So you can instill fear in a human being, like now, in the presence of your horned lane, you don’t go to the whilin. But if I don’t swear to him cabbage from a carelessly thrown teddy bear, but if I swear to the city for the crimes, then where is the boundary? About all the same basic provisions to speak of our universal system. And all the stench is logical to yell out of the nature of the human being, from the її setting up to his own that someone else's lane. People who don’t know about all these subtleties (and you need to read them, because the stench is written in the Talmud in the comments until now), sound the weather with their wisdom and logic. The stench immediately recognizes their justice.

The situation is rich, but the stench is a whole lot down to the main ones. In the sphere of zbitkіv, zapodіyanikh mine, stench (my Tori) are called "fire", "pit" and "beak". "Fire" - it's too much without a trace of mine, that power can be shifted under the influx of extraordinary forces (like wind), which can bring someone else's good to the point of escaping (for example, fire from an unextinguished bagatya reaches someone else's cloak). "Pit" - it's still fresh, surplus in the city, what we can lie down, people and thinness walk there, stench can fall at the "pit" of qiu. "Bik" - tserogi (butting), teeth (ist) that hoard (trampling).

The classification is broken down with the greatest details and it works wonderfully! Also, in a given skin type, it would be more necessary to establish belonging to the singing type and wonder how our system characterizes it (who for what reason and why). Ale, and here a part is left, as if it was handed over to people - far away, moving, write it yourself. So, by setting up a fee for that other kind of bridging, the system does not say anything about prices. For example, the law is vital: be honest at the trading grounds. Tse means that the price, as the trader asks, can not overestimate the current upper interim price on Danish view goods and services. Everything that is more beyond the permissible limits is called shakhraiism, commercial deceit. The upper boundary (let's say, the average price plus one shosta in it) is established by the legislator, but the market prices are completely in the hands of the suspenst (or in the hands of the market, which is the same) ...

Now, the shards have explained that, first, all people have a bed, like they are united, and in a different way, all situations can be brought down to the main ones, then there is no need for daily transitions to stay united absolute systems.

Let's start with such a system, let's guess, demi wiggled with you. Vibachte, ale tse nutrition is also important.

We are with you - suffering people. We have long been taught that morality is evolving at the same time from prosperity. Moving, the norms of behavior add a foldable and winding way, adhering to the needs of people and pragnuchi of the singing optimum, which is established for the skin era.

Vibachte, ale all ce nonsense. We were fooled by you. Іnuє, vyyavlyaєє, the system, yak "practice", pochinayuchi from a long time ago. Let's repeat the quote from Seneca: "These are the sounds... the races have become mothers such an infusion that they are accepted from the whole world..." accept from the whole world! Razumіyut and know. Already then, two thousand years ago (as if you are talking about the era of the ancient Romans), they realized that they recognized it. Having accepted the ideas of Tory, having taken all the light - let him look at the lightened one, like the "christianity" of Christianity and Islam, but the main ideas in them are you yourself: do not drive, do not steal, do not make love. Thousands of fates stink in the house of the Jews. The rest of the two thousand fates of the great peoples and principles are constantly driven into the thought: the righteous - by the power of persecution, the rulers - for the help of the sword that fire. Povіlno, but the viborol system is more known. If they fight with it, it will give positive results. And with you, seventy rokiv instilled, that the suspenstories vibrate their moral systems with a path of trials and pardons, tobto. morality is evolutionary. It is important to write more libelous lies.

Sounds, to the point, what nonsense did you come up with? Why would you take it in stride? Let's add one more quote. Tell me who is the author? (Hint: it is given not in translation, but in my original.)

Whether there is morality there, I take it from a pozalyudskogo, pozaklasovy understanding, we will cross it ... We say that our morality is ordered by the whole interests of the class struggle and the proletariat. Our morality is derived from the interests of the class struggle of the proletariat.

In other words, what we care about the core of our struggle, then we work. Lenin on the third star of the Komsomol.

The communists, rushing to power and planted their sensible sense of life, knew well that morality is one of the most sensitive points of reason. One of ourselves pain point. If you don’t say morality to that, then no one will go after them. And with what idea did the Bilshoviks come from the world? Zagalna jealousy is that happiness. No one is against these speeches, but how can they reach them? It’s even easier to say: “The whole world of violence is destructive to us.” And here comes a subtle moment. How is it ruminating? Can you overcome violence with violence? If you can navit it, then in the process of such a collapse into whom do we ourselves born? In the wake of this new call from the ruined rizikuv, having lost it, is unreasonable. How is it possible to undermine the enemies of the revolution (only through those who stink to live near a decent apartment, and not in a barn), if you see, it’s not possible not to drive more, but to kill some kind of evil? Bo human life is sacred! To that, the Bolsheviks had nothing to lose, how to come to the people and voice that, having said, from this day we may have a new pidhіd to human life, zokrema, and to morality in general.

The Bolsheviks appeared to be Darwinists not less of the world, less of fascists. (The quiet ones, honestly, didn’t have zealousness, but the zealousness of these people is worthy of recognition - the zealousness of the zhebrakivs is rotten.) Morality is evolutionary - the stench voted. Moreover, the founding morality can only be found in the founding suspense. It is clear that morality has been found among the communists. Axis tse i began to drive into the heads of people, vikoristuuchi the entire apparatus of power. As a matter of fact, the apparatus did not have any other task - it was just planting its own communist morality and Tory's inferiority of morality, which has long become zagalnolyudskimi position.

Axis qi, grant, ethically look at me with you and declined. More precisely, they pinched it to us by force. I got along with them!

Ale sho tsikavo. Everyone knows about the Nuremberg process, on which the fascist gangs were judged for "evil things against the people," so the formula of the call went. Few on the court, scho to judge the very people. But formally, the call was presented - again in the name of all people - by representatives of two camps that had risen to the anti-Hitler coalition: the pluralistic democrats (the United States and their European allies) and the communists (Russia). The overcomers judged the overcomers. Were they judged on the basis of such laws? Tse duzhe tsіkave nutrition. Aje mi choyno with you z'yasuvali, scho, not looking for a single scale of behavior for all, it is impossible to say that it was maliciously behaved. Mi say to youmu: ti repairing unkindly. And vіn vіdpovіst іz viklikom: tse vy think so, it's not good, but in my opinion, it's more good! And if mi yogo is still condemnable, then we will see that mi vikoristali force. Brute physical strength. Having broken one of the principles: the strong is not guilty of impersonating the weak, as if nothing is left on yoga, we will embrace strength. And in the Americans and Russians, there was nothing, a lot of strength, because the Germans said: we have a different morality, according to yours, leaked to mercy ...

How could democrats and non-democrats unite into one judicial coalition at the Nuremberg trials? There were stench on some sleeping platform, the axis of which was nourished. Mali, they have the same principles of morality. Only a few have shown that right pluralism in the fire cannot be called to anyone. And the communists have one morality, a class one: what they can see, they will work.

It appears that the stink platform has been revealed. Two systems of thought, different for their approaches to justice, showed unity in their diet. United international law. The laws of this law, adopted by all lands, if not for domestic coronation, then adopted for the sake of international cooperation have long been known. The English jurist John Selden (1584-1654) developed them. Falling asleep on the so-called natural law, then. on the positions, like a familiar to all people. And natural law, did you get a sound? Quote from Selden:

Today's word natural in jurisdiction it means that (to the mind, to the traditions of the Jews, and also to the mind of authoritative scholars) it is accepted as a dream for all, as a law of light, as a law for all countries and hours ... in the Creation of the world itself, as it is, what was established for all people by the Creator of all things, revealed at once, rebuked and punished. Tse those that the Jews call the Laws of Noah's blues.

It appears that the natural right to leave Laws of the Blues of Noah. Selden is well aware of the Jewish law. On a new wine and having begun your concept international law. Yogo central work, the stars took a quote, literally re-documented with the butts of the Jewish law in the life of the peoples of the world. Yak bachimo, vіn vvazhav, scho Law of the Blues of Noahє natural law for all people.

Tsіkavo, all the people, appear, have long been living in The laws of blue Noah, and for us, for our rebuking by the Radian people, one of the pounders of Noah's naschadkiv, they forgot to tell about it!

Come out, what the deep human values ​​are still aware of. I call stinks not those that come out as a result of "trials and pardons." Values ​​were brought to the world by the Jews, tobto. us, our people - why should anyone love us, and why should they hate us? Evolution is not up to anything here, people do not live according to the laws of nature, de strong overcome the weak. More precisely, the stench can try the same principle in diї, but it will be better if you use it with other installations. Apparently, up to the laws of justice and mercy, de violence against the weak is respected by evil.

Tsі legitimize justice tsіnі tim, scho not є mental housekeeping between people. The stench reflects the very essence of a person and nature, the internal structure of specialness, what kind of power all people have without a fault and that they can go together in one bed, giving the possibility of spivpracyuvat and understanding one of one. Without them, there would be no mutual understanding of that conversation. Father, there would be no people.

Universal principles to lie in the knowledge of people. But if we are endowed with freedom of choice, then our knowledge is an important component of the work of any moral system. Therefore, we can say that the work of these principles, their efficient functioning, is based on the knowledge of the skin of us їхної korisnostі and dotsіlnostі. For those who are formulated by the system of domesticity as the vengeance of society, the system given by the Creator is formulated as the vendetta of the people themselves. Not just for the sake of the soul, but through the new one - for the people. No, just for the people.

Let's hang out in loud words. Community agreement system: steal badly to the soul. Structure Judaism: steal badly before us for the villain himself.

Why for the villain, and not for the sin robbed by this villain? To the one who has gained the wisdom of Rabinsk, who is richly stowed (which is confirmed, to the point of speech, by the practice of today's psychotherapists), showing that you are a person, how to create a person, impose a blow on us in front of him and only sweat on the suspility. People are those who rob wine. We are shaped by our help, words and thoughts. Zdіysnyuyuchi vchinok, we create for ourselves. Later, speaking about morality, we understand Rozmov not about the "suspіlniy agreement", but about ourselves. About your own shoes before your wedding. About the mission, for the victoriousness of the skin of us, appearing in the world.

Otzhe, we messed around with the need for an optimal moral system and found out what it is. Now let's look at the main provisions. Stink, nachebto, zagalnovіdomі. TseTen Commandments ta Sim zakoniv Syniv of Noah. Chi can you pereahuvati?

Freedom that Vibir (chapter 1: Torah and Moral)

Yukhim Svirsky

(Lectures-stati by Yukhim Svirsky. Literary note and editing - N. Purer and R. P'yatigorsky)

ESH-ATORA (Half-ya Tori), Jerusalem, 1997

The remaining fates of the industry are actively initiating technological projects, created for the modernization of other spheres of life. It's a pity, they have a completely technocratic warehouse. At the same time, all projects fall on the old soil of huge values ​​that have lived for themselves.

In the rest of the hour, from the public turnover, there is such a term, like the values ​​of people. I would like to guess the reason for this external understanding, because Itself will give innovations a scientific basis, create a fundamental spiritual framework overnight with technical modernization, invest in a three-valued perspective.

Zagalnolyudskie tsіnnostі - tse fundamental, zagalnoyulyudskie guidelines and norms, moral values, yakі є an absolute standard for people of usіh cultures of that era.

In a gaudy, rіznomanittya, the point of dawn from the first food is to avenge the manifestation of the deep human values, as if it were a manifestation of the material, spiritual, and intellectual. Some of the values ​​of human beings, stray with the values ​​of people - water, rub, hedgehog, flora and fauna, brown copalins, energy drains too thin. and etc. To this, some people value “values” as stable, unchangeable, and others – they change indefinitely in the form of changes in economic, political, military and other minds, in the form of the policy of the ruling leadership of the party, in the form of a change in the social and political harmony.

We can look at the OC as an hourly phenomenon, as a fundamental axiom, as it can be referred to as: “principles”, “laws”, “settings”, “commandments”, “zaviti”, “creed”, “symbols of faith”, “canons” ”, “spiritual axioms”, and so on. This is absolute, inevitable and highly significant need for both people in general, and for a good people, regardless of the state, race, community, social situation is thin.

In an uninterrupted connection with the OC’s roses, there is a statement about two variants of suspension: “There are two suspensions: either the suspense is accepted as nature, or the suspense is accepted as the spirit. As supremacy is nature, then the violence of the strong over the weak is true, the force of the strong and the oppression, the will to power, panuvannya people over people, slavery and nervousness, people for a long time. If prosperity is a spirit, then the real value of a person, the rights of a person, freedom, jealousy and brotherhood are strengthened ... The whole difference between the Russian and German ideas, between Dostoyevsky and Hegel, between L. Tolstoy and Nietzsche ”(M. Berdyaev).

Up to one of the central and most important OCs can be seen life okremy people, as if acting as an ontological (bully) basis of all other values.

Іnshoy most important human value creativity. Creativity itself allows people to be aware, to make themselves a creator, a creator of the unimaginable, which has not been known before. It is necessary to present a person, to rob її "I" as especially significant, and unique. Tse diyalna tsіnіst. The results of creativity show the unity of the sound and the inner light of the person. The first person, the child, and the present-day grown-up feel special, radiant emotions, if you think, think up, blame, design, create something new, which is not known in nature, or better complete what was already created earlier.

Creativity - manifests itself in the utilitarian, cognizant, past-life activities, and in the moral and especially clearly - in the artistic and aesthetic sphere. Already in the primary society, people painted, lied, created, virizali, embellished life, objects of clothing, clothes, armor, wearables, objects of worship, for themselves; they sang, played music, danced, portrayed scenes of a different character. Why talk about those beautiful (beautiful)- you can look like a real aesthetic value.

People have been waiting for the needs of the jokes truth. In the pre-scientific era, the understanding of the truth by people was even more richly significant: before it, knowledge was brought to the knowledge of that sacral, retelling, perekonannya, prikmeti, nadії, vіruvannya meagerly. bud. vcheni. Far-sighted rulers debated about the development of science and enlightenment ... The very truth can be put in line with other external values. Tse - the real intellectual value, the value of people like Homo sapiens.

In the unity with razglyadymi values ​​is formed that feel like justice. Justice is the security of people's interests, povaga to goodness. The firmness of justice is born in people of contentment. At that hour, as injustice calls out to the image, bewilderment, anger, hatred, anger, vengeance, etc., inspire justice to fight. It is worth saying that justice is the most important moral and legal value.

A number of authors in this context interpret the material good, as I find utilitarian value for a person as a bodily value. (Ale, before the approach we have chosen, such an interpretation of the material good is clearly “do not lie”).

There are two “ranks” of lengths: “life - goodness (goodness) - creativity - truth - more beautiful - justice” and “death - negligence - evil - nonsense - more conducive - injustice”. For the first linguist to understand the value of being related to oneself, as one is one’s own identity, disputedness, one with oneness, and one with another, all anti-values ​​are exchanged for one’s own unity, disputability, disputeness.

The deyakі authors distinguish the human being biological and the human social. As the first turbovaniya to satisfy their needs - in їzhі, odyazі, zhitlі, in vіdtvorenny svogo kin... Then another, mute reading, going through the options: what is visible, and not visible... Vіn not maє vnіshnіh obmezheni, vіn, as a rule, concessions conscience. The third kind of a person is a spiritual person - so, so speak briefly, man with conscience. Otherwise, it seems, zdatnistyu distinguish between good and evil. You can also add such values ​​to the OTs, like a sense of life, happiness, kindness, obov'yazok, vidpovіdalnіst, honor, hіdnіst, faith, freedom, equanimity...

In today's era of global changes of special significance, absolute values ​​are gaining goodness, beauty, truth and faith as a fundamental substantiation of significant forms of spiritual culture, which convey harmony, peace, equal to the whole world of people and constructive life in culture. Goodness, beauty, truth and faith mean pretentiousness to absolute values, their shame and shame.

The Biblical moral commandments remain unchanged: the Old Testament ten commandments of Moses and the New Testament Nagirna sermon of Jesus Christ.

In the history of the skin people, skin culture is usually slow and fast, timchasova and hourly. One growth, reaching the expansion, old and dying, and else in this and another transformation of the form, to pass from one form to another, internally not changing, but transforming into nothing more than a call. OTs - those who are left with the eternal and unchanging prolongation of history, hanging out at the depths of the deep human culture. That is moral axiomatics, then it is not transverse and universal, these are spiritual supports, like “trimming” light, like physical constants, on which all scientific knowledge rests.

The very phrase “human values” was introduced into the hands of M. S. Gorbachov for an hour and a half to the contrary of “class morality”, like a panuvala until the end in the SRSR.

It is a thought that the acquisition of the most important human values ​​will save the human eye. At the same time, a number of human values ​​can be used as archetypes.


A lot of basic laws, yakі іsnuyut mayzhe in ukіh kraїnah, lie down to zagalnodskih tsіnnosti (for example, the fence of driving in, theft is too thin).

Bagato liberal principles, such as freedom of speech, the rights of people є vital human values.

Deyakі religiї vvozhayut their laws zagalnoyudskimi values. For example, Christians lie down to these ten commandments.

It is often argued that the rule of morality is so called gold - Do not rob others of what you don’t want, so that they rob you - you can be the butt of a cherished human value.

At the preparation of the material, we have drawn: Encyclopedia of Sociology, Wikipedia, articles by V.Yefimov, V.Talanov and others.

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