Conflict from mother. Why do mothers and grown-up daughters have conflicts?

Why do people, from childhood directed towards success, significant achievement, socially that main advantage, - in a grown-up life, setting ambitious goals in front of them, - soon recognize the shock and stick with failures?

“So it seems that I am doomed to failure. The skin of my initiative, or else it will die, or it will triumphantly break off! - Marinka thought with some satisfaction, slouching in the armchair. What kind of punishment is this?

Chergovy project, scho declared impeccable success, failed. Marinka became relaxed and, having done away with the merits of scolding her superiors, she could cry for a lihodiya-share. “Mom, I’m reading morality again ...” - zіthayuchi, rozіrkovuva va. “No swamp! Fucked up again! I told you, don't hang around!" - imitating the matir, Marinka muttered peevishly.

Fathers and children. We are so different!

Marinka's mother was all over the place. Accurate, gruntovna and v'їdliva, out of childishness she sawed the restless and restless Marinka for agility, invariably bringing often to the end and disobedience.

It was already important for the girl Marintsa to sway, to remake at all the games, to organize all and take on everything at once. Obviously, for respect to the details, and dribnits no hour, no strength was already wrung out. What is the use of whips on the backs and dirks on pantyhose, if the new record is at stake? How is it possible to sit on a high school homework and rewrite a few times in a couple of corrections?

Marinka robbed the housework, sitting on the edge of the table, spreading her legs to the door, so that she could more easily win, reach and organize the process. "Schab buv success, you need to catch everything," Marinka said. I rushed to develop my own idea, to work on new things, to develop processes and flourish, to get involved in those that are going on, and to rehearse the role of a leader in my childish games, as if I were going to go, if out of the blue. For which I was regularly shattered by my mother.

Marini's mother valued order, cleanliness, that kindness. Bula is not quarrelsome, she is pedantic and feisty. Before being praised, the decision for a long time mirkuval, called, radiated with authorities, she turned to competent dzherel. That's why the character of the donka and її vchinki called out in her a mass of denunciation, refusing that criticism.

"Well, how is it possible, I don't understand!" - the vagrant was furious. “Vchu, I’ll teach you, you fool, but there’s no point! Axis virostesh, so i will be left bankrupt without a wand! Nechupara! You won’t get a job, and you won’t get a job! Do your job well, you can’t finish the next one, deaf kut! Through you in front of the susidami it's shameful! Mother Marina was bragging about her nakedness, unformed, with a touch of her own significance.

And to the greater success and luck of burning a child, it hurts more and a little more close people- mothers downplay the harsh criticism of their address.

Why is mom constantly criticizing?

According to Yuriy Burlan's System-Vector Psychology, the human skin is endowed by nature with a set of psycho-physical powers - vectors, which signify the power, the nature of that yoga directly realization in life.

In our history, that pedantic mother Marini is accurate, she is guided by the system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan, she bears the anal vector. For people with an anal vector, they are characterized by such power as respect for details, serenity, povolnist, schilnist to analysis, perfectionism, love to cleanliness and order, and bring it to a close.

Such power is given to people with an anal vector for the implementation of theirs. natural role- to clean everything that stinks stick around, to the end, to the point, to make it perfect. Not zastosovuvany for recognition of the talent of a critic, who knows the subject thoroughly and correct the call, be it an inaccuracy, be it a pardon for the meekness, it manifests itself as criticism in her. At times, if there is a woman with an anal vector, there is also a sexual non-realization. Criticism at the woman’s wife’s hundred and hundredth daughter becomes intrusive with her shortcomings and verbal sadism – a nuisance of her.

Often trapleyaetsya, scho children and fathers mayut different sets of vectors. Mothers marvel at their child through their mental powers. And to develop not a unique talent for specialness, as it will require a special approach when weaving for the maximum development of special qualities, but inadvertently, I made a copy for myself. What to bring to dissatisfaction with the behavior of a child and try to “correct”. Ale tse respects the development of the innate talents of the child.

The development of natural powers is up to state maturity. І great infusion at whom the fathers, especially mother, and then - the readers of that honour. The grown-up man has conquered his power of the world, the stench was remorseful, bringing reproach to society, taking satisfaction from the recognition of the value of his contribution to the life of people, realizing himself, zastosovuchi danny vіd nature's potential.

The makings of a leader

Natalia Semenova, psychologist

The article was written based on materials from online trainings on system-vector psychology by Yuri Burlan

Why do mothers and grown-up daughters conflict

Older daughters often live in conflict with their mother. Some of them do not want to talk about it directly, tell their friends. And if you have the will to shut up and go in, everything is fine with your mother. But the fact becomes a fact and psychologists know about it.

Older daughters often live in conflict with their mother. Some of them do not want to talk about it directly, tell their friends. And if you have the will to shut up and go in, everything is fine with your mother. But the fact becomes a fact and psychologists know about it.

Sheet without envelope

So, trapleyaetsya, that the mother of the floor is fighting the donka (as the daughters themselves seem to say - “to rage”), that the skin is nervous about the word, whether it be waving. Mother nibi becomes a thunderbolt, a human being, like a wine in all troubles.

“It’s better for everything, this situation gravitates towards children: respect, please, don’t ask for any, just dot the dot, – explains psychologist Irina Sitnikova. - You have already spent hope to clarify, change, reach out, otrimati, cream pleases: support, mother's pride, praise, speech. If such a situation does not change with fate, it’s easier to stick your head out, replace the swindle with baiduzhist. And all for nothing, but the need to love one's fathers dies less together with us, we think that this need is badly buried by us. For you, write a sheet of paper to your mother and say in a different way, why you are not satisfied, what you would like to change and what you check in your mother's eyes. The sheet is not required to be given, the wine you need, but not the one. We cannot work with another person, but we can work from ourselves, for example, to recognize our need to love our fathers.

And if you try it out to mami, if you like that speech - so that mother can love you, but remember that you won’t be without shortcomings, but you won’t have any other mothers. Sob mother ability to be angry with her, but remember that you are angry with the kokhan people, as you have worked and done everything for you that you can. And if it’s not right to rob it, then to the one who can’t love in a different way. Try to get respect not for those who speak, but for those who work for you. Remember that you will try everything you can, you will help yourself. Try and think in kind for those who work for you.”

It’s such a whistle: dissatisfaction with others is a projection of dissatisfaction with oneself. A grown-up daughter, like a human being, can have different reasons for dissatisfaction: lack of employment in a job, marriage of pennies, unfulfillment in the profession, insignificance of her camp. Ale is the head of them - stosunki with a man.

If the daughter is not a person, then she knows that the mother is in the middle. Even if wine is not stable, but it is not stable, as if a young woman wants, then the blame is also transferred to the matir. If the daughter has a man, then the thunder will still be a mother. Even a girl’s daughter doesn’t say everything that she thinks: she will be afraid of a conflict, afraid of squeezing with him. And the negative ones seem to accumulate, that’s why their dissatisfaction and anger will swirl on the matir. Most often, it is better to go out unseen, without an evil mind. It’s just that mom is mom, she can understand, take everything on herself and probachiti. So lie down.

“It's descriptive when children start making claims,” continues psychologist Irina Sitnikova. - We will work for them all that we can. For that, blame your own fault. All the children of the world are dissatisfied with their fathers, all children have a stink of wine in everything. Okrim quietly, whom the fathers have deprived under the guardianship of the state, let the children love their fathers ...

Mustache children start early to show signs of being enchanted by their ancestors. It's okay, it's grown up, the separation process is going on. Like a daughter inexcusably choking on you, she won’t risk getting into your bed. Now she may have another object for idealization - a person.

So just be instructed by her. Allow me to inspire you to be disappointed. In case of її claims, say that, it is possible, you are not the best mother (that іdealnyh motherі і not іsnuє), but її love you and work for her everything that is in your power.

The skin of the mother doubts that she is a good mother, and she herself allows her to be a good mother. And the mother of the skin is going through the process of separation so very importantly, like a child, you don’t show offended sides of that. Let your daughter in, she will turn to you.”

Don't get old together

Chi zavzhdi mami - angels? Don't wait. The best part of this pardon is to keep your grown-up daughters as little girls and, in conjunction with them, continue to play the role of guardian-mentor: she said the wrong thing, she did it wrong, rob, as I say! Stay fast, help me. Donka tse to bring out of yourself. The people have grown up, if you want to do everything yourself, even if it’s life. And then there is a post “correction” on the side of the mother. Mom is aware that the little girl is still insufficiently intelligent, cunning, self-reliant, that needs to be read, straightened out, pointed out. Mom spent the whole hour watching over the donka, controlling her. There is nothing marvelous for that, that the little girls have grown up to defend their lives against the intrusion of mothers.

Ale bovaє th hirshe. As a mother has a strong, domineering character, sometimes she tries to break her daughter's will, order her own. She's manipulating the donka and blackmailing her. The subtext is as follows: saying, “if you throw me away (if you come home, you put on the wrong bed, you call the wrong lad), then I will die.” Possibly, mothers do not see the fate of their children, but it’s not easier. And if mothers go to break their daughter's will and won't bow down to mothers, right up to the point that they put an end to their special life and lose their life with their mother, then the stink of old at once. Have you ever had such a poster? A sumptuous picture.

What do mothers do? Internally certify yourself as a daughter. Stop її more, start giving їїy, for the sake of it, get involved in її life. My daughter has already grown up and now she can take her share herself, let her have mercy. It is necessary for you to gain a good life, just so you can become a mature woman.

“Singingly, soulfulness among women is married and your little girl,” psychologist Olena Kuznetsova tells mothers. - Guess to yourself as a daughter: mother's kohannya is an important need. Consider being friends with your mother, you spend a lot of people. Ale, such fillings do not just appear like that. Sound like an image, incomprehensible, like it was traumatic. And it’s hardly possible to get direct food: “What are you looking like?” In their images, people are smarter, brighter. Looking approximately like this: Oh, you see me like that? Well, I don't need you anymore, I'll manage without you! The most similar “foundations of icebergs” are most often heard in conflicts between mothers and daughters.

All in one look

Do not fight with your daughter for those who are the best and who can dictate to whom. Requires patience, checks and good luck. Sometimes you need to move, to take on your own daughter. Everything forks and says goodbye with love.

"In and golovna lyudina at life donki, - the psychotherapist Katerina Krasnikova guesses. - I won't need you anymore. The image does not help to confirm the trust between you. Try to turn around with your emotions and work the first crack, repair the rose. I think that the first crochet is better than the best. Tell me, what did you care about, what do you have good, trustworthy girls. Ask what she thinks. She won’t love you, but she protests (she doesn’t know anything about it herself, against what in particular). Just go to her and hug her.”

Sometimes the best way out is a timeout. Please try to fix it. It’s better to just stand one side of one and let the pods go their own way. Forget about rozbіzhnostі and calmly accept everything, like є, nothing chekayuchi and not shy. Let your daughter live your life, go through your lessons, grow up in a right way. She's got everything, don't worry. If you become a mature, self-reliant, self-sufficient woman, and become happy, then the girls will be blessed with you. Only you need to calmly reach out to someone, trust in those who will be so.

Inna Kriksunova, for

Our expert - family psychologist, art therapist, business coach Olga Zavodilina.

Pardon mami

Happy daughter has grown up like a little child

Often a mother unwittingly accepts her grown-up daughter like a little girl, as she doesn’t understand anything and requires constant care.

What is the reason

Such a behavior may have a few reasons.

Fear, like a daughter, vodchuvshi independence, for a mother to lose herself. To that, mother unwittingly shows the bottom, that she is still small, she doesn’t know anything, but mothers are kindly wise in life, it is necessary for everyone to listen to її joys. But the older daughter wants independence, and blames the conflict.

Fear of old age and death. We rich with us є neosvіdomle vіdchuttya: what are the young children, these are the young fathers. Well, the daughter grows up, the mother begins to feel old. It’s unacceptable, that mother will continue to bring in her daughter as a little child.

Nebazhannya vyznavati look donki

Look at the grown-up daughters of life, they can be very perturbed by the appearance of their mother. For example, the daughter has shot a man, someone to love, and feels happy. Ale in the mother's own statement about those who can become a child and a daughter. And then mothers begin to impose their own look, not looking at those who are completely happy daughter.

What is the reason

Unrealized dreams. Fathers often try to realize their dreams through children. The very same child should be led to that section at the gurka, like the fathers, and not the youmu. Tse continues in a mature age. Mothers are generously trying to raise a happy daughter, such as she herself was when she dreamed of life. Ale, it is important for daughters to give up their bazhanny for mothers, and it is not necessary to lead to partial weldings.

It is revealed that the truth can only be one. Both mothers and daughters are often convinced that if you look at them they wonder, it means something is wrong. And even a woman can’t understand that thoughts can be a sprig, and skin from them can have the right to a foundation.

Zmagannya with her daughter

Buvay, scho mothers are uninformed to enter the process of zmagannya with her daughter. For example, a daughter should call her mother, if she wants to take care of her in a difficult situation. And mothers begin to tell stories about those who live hard. The daughter has a little bit of a fault through those that she was worried about by her mother, in some kind of a lot of problems. Or another butt: the daughter told her mother that she was preparing an unmarried grass. And she, the deputy, was just happy for her daughter, talking about those who knew her recipe for a long time and navit lightly yogo finished it off, why the hedgehog became significantly savory. I'm so quick. As a result, the daughter wants less and less to turn to her mother.

What is the reason

Zvichka porіvnjuvat yourself with others. Such is the behavior of a mother to often talk about those who, when the fathers constantly put her as the butt of other children. Now the woman can make up for it by giving herself up to her daughter, but now it’s at her own selfishness.

Pragnennya bring your value. It is not uncommon to praise a child, only if she could reach something. For example, having won a zmagannya, having won a letter. Having become mature, a person inexplicably continues to grow up with otochyuchimi and bring her prestige.

Think about the past

Often, mothers and daughters are brought to the conclusion of stosunkivs, guessing old images and claims.

What is the reason

Mother's cleaning. In her mother's hour, everyone listened to her fathers, being inspired by her bazhans. Now she's checking for the same behavior in front of her daughters.

Bazhannya otrimati podyaku. Mother is aware that for the sake of the daughter's wife, she sacrificed her own interests. And now they won’t check the vdyachnosti for the price. As a result, mothers make claims to their older daughters for those who, for example, want to drink more for more money, and not be deprived of their mother. Adzhe mati in her hour shed the stylka for her child! And so a daughter begins to sacrifice her life, mothers cannot feel this love that vdyachnist. Respect each image for those who indulged in the joys of life.

Pardon daughter

  • Conversion to mother's scripts. Often a daughter begins to either support her mother, or fight for her rights, ruynuyuchi stosunki. And in the meantime, it’s important to understand that you are offended - grown up, independent women and you have nothing to share.
  • Pragnennya change your mother. Often the daughter has grown up and tries to read her matir, vimahayuchi, so that she has changed. Ale, it’s impossible to overgrow a grown-up person. So chi varto fix welding through tse?
  • Mother's punishment. One day the daughter is chanted by karati matir, "inspiring justice." For example, gradually guess your child's image, unfamiliarly calling out to the mother, feel guilty.

Yak nagoditi stosunki

So that they have sunk in the light, both women will have the opportunity to do the great work.

  • Mothers need to remember that their daughter was already growing up. She herself vouches for her life and accepts the decision, be it as it were. Daughters are also aware of the fact that there is an independent person who has grown up and there is no need to aggressively bring this fact to light.
  • Know yourself busy and live your own, not someone else's life.
  • Remember that you can mother your own thought, stop recounting other people's minds. Natom_st learn how to speak correctly one by one. Ask why a close person blamed those other manifestations. Hear yoga thought.
  • I donts, and mothers need to stop indulging themselves with others. It’s up to you to survive one by one without trying to bring your advantage.
  • It is important to rozіbratisya in your own mind and understand, as if you have accumulated one to one. Turn back to fakhіvtsya for help, so that you can learn to forgive and not win the image of splintering one with one.

First Reader

Irina Klimova, actress

If the mother continues to grow up to a grown-up baby, like a child, she tries to control and does not care about her thought, then the welding will inevitably and will not be good.
Samy short version If a mother marvels at her daughter, as she has grown up, step by step she becomes not just a friend, but a best friend.

Hello, shanovni participants! I need your comments about my stosunkiv from my mother.

At the moment, we may not be able to communicate. We rarely talk on the phone (for її іnіtsiativa), we rarely talk. Most of the time, I don’t answer the phone and don’t open the door, as if I understand that she came without warning. I remember how, being a pidlet, she said: "You are so angry with me at once, and you don’t think that soon I will grow up, and you will demand me, and not I you." At the end, I felt a new portion of likes.

First of all, she beat me. Rokіv іz 5 (prinaimnі, tse pershі help). A couple of early childish tips for illustration. The axis of it hangs over me, disguised by malice, at the hands of the belt. I squeezed myself into the corner of the sofa, grimacing and screaming. Vaughn would hit me with a belt and hiss: "Shut up, judges will smell it." Axis I vstigayu zabіgti at the bath and close on the latch. I'm tired of my inaccessibility, I'm starting to vouch for her screams at її. Vaughn in the tale sees the door, having opened the latch. Zhakh - kill at once. I don't want to go for bread. Vaughn took me with a shoe, gets into the eye. Khoja from a fingal.

She was with a drive and without a drive. Vaughn was convinced that I was doing everything for evil, but she won me with such a rank. Well, most of the time I'm not small, for which I get away. If I grew up and gave her a handful of luck, I stumbled on a beat. Natomist began with vitonchenish methods and infusion.

Vaughn rehearsed for me. I was a monster, a bastard, a gidote, a hysteric, trash. It's true, then, if there are filthy moods. If garne - I was an angel, a child of genius and I hope. Ale yak vplinut on її moods - I did not know. Vaughn was screaming. Vaughn found the most powerful epithets. Vaughn could yell at me at night, knowing that I had to get up early before school. Tse її did not lament, there were no daily fuss. She herself did not work for most of the hour and spent the day.

Vaughn master knew my weak spots and pressed on them - my complexes, my fears. I needed more to follow my own - be it a weakness, I knew it, turned against me. For example, I had eczema (її not rejoiced, but now?) - she could say that I would soon cover all the scabs. Vaughn blackmailed me that she would come to school that roar, like I'm filthy. Abo to call someone from people who are important to me and authoritative, sob "to jump on me at once." And I was a normal child with a look at society. I was good, I didn’t hooligan, I wrote verses, my readers loved me, there were no conflicts among my classmates. My only fault was those that I tried to fix it, fought, barked at her, gave luck. Yakos navіt flooded їy blunder. She cursed me, shouted that I was no longer her daughter.

From the father of the stench they barked today, what they gave - something more. Ale did not part. Through me, obviously. I was guilty of the fact that I live with the people, to hate. I would rather have had an abortion. I wanted to - but I didn’t grow up. For what I may buti їy vdyachna for the burden of life. On the price meni vkazuvalosya regularly.

Mati vimagala, schob I became on її b_k at the conflict with the father. I didn't kill anyone. Vaughn began to blackmail me - with speeches, like she bought me. Zheyu. As soon as she bathed it, then I have no small right to take it from the refrigerator. I took it like that - they mocked me and belittled me. Vaughn was building her apartment, and she thought that the pennies were less than її. Daddy did not make a lot of money. There have been days when "our" by the refrigerator did not shine, only "її". I had a chance to choose - to sit hungry, otherwise I ran into a husky and that gluzuvannya.

Batkam bulo nachkhati - like I’m wondering what I will demand, what I am dressing, what is less turbulent. Be-yak rich had to ask, like a handout. If it were for help, it was seasoned with such a quantity of dokorіv that humiliation, it’s easier not to ask. I was crying like that - because I am a hysterical woman, and my psyche is neurotic, about which I needed to be immediately declared. I didn’t realize that I can help myself, how to defend me and support me.

As soon as I grew up, I started to earn money, and I could stay at home - I cut off all contacts with my mother. About 7 years passed from that hour. She will continue to call me. You can come without a drink. And then - sit and press on the psyche, tell me how filthy I am, and how my help is needed, and that she did not deserve such a brutality. Speak, speak gidoti without ugavu. I am encouraged to go.

Won postiyno vmagaє financial assistance. She doesn’t work herself, she can’t get involved anywhere. Fit into the "pyramid" and other ways to get pennies. Recently retired. Sometimes I help, but I don’t smell a good word. Navpaki - why is it so little, and so rarely, and why is it not enough, and why do you need to ask me, I'm going to squeeze out the goiter. Sometimes, I think that sooner or later you will become old and need physical and material assistance, so that I will have to help, and this thought will not be ignored, honestly it seems. Less navіt sogodnіshnі dіkіsnі contacts prignіchuyut і nachavlyuyut usі juices.

I alone live well. I have my own apartment, I earn money normally, I am healthy (children have a lot of psychosomatics, everything is normal at once). Most of the special problems are less pronounced. We’ll make a special life folded - it’s already a butt of sums, but I know it step by step.

And at the same hour - I will understand that the conflict from the mother is signified on me myself. I am forced to finish people coldly and externally; At the same time, I am internally emotional and positive person, I love people. Alece cannot break through the yakus crossroads. I began to wonder about the child - but I watch the whole carriage of the negative, which will be, the wart is less important.

From the other side, її less shkoda. I will understand why she repaired it like that, I will understand that it was a bitter hour in my life. Razumіyu її bіl that fears. I realize that she won’t love me - well, the axis is so off, it’s troubling - and I will require my emotional support. What is it already self-made. She has such an axis of character, but all the same - there is my mother, there is no other.

Ale - I’m starting again, I can’t destroy this mess in the middle of myself. I am nibi frozen in the middle, I have the appearance of a stone, if we splurge. I think that I could have done it - it would have changed me, I would have become more open, relaxed and happy. Me, really, it’s self-consciously behind this wall, as I woke up. Ale - don’t try to change your mind, don’t try to see a psychologist, don’t give up, don’t break this shift.

My psychologist, as if unconvincingly, turned the situation around in such a way that if we have a conflict, then the offending parties are at fault. Movlyav, like she beat me, then I myself behaved provocatively, high and uninformed. I, obviously, tried to fix the opir, it’s true. It also reacted ardently to the pressure, inadvertently; I dosi react. But all the same, I didn’t understand, as if I could be a wine 5-river child on a par with the fathers. IMHO, the father zavzhdi vіdpovіdaє for the conflict. And I didn’t bring on an “important child”, because I’m already stuck.

The psychologist tried to explain how important my mother was, and that she still loved me. I myself believe, but it’s not easier for me, and I don’t see behavior in my eyes. I honestly seem to have succeeded that the psychologist, as it were, "stand on the side" of my mother in this conflict, and for me it formed. I took away the veils of zakid from callousness. But, perhaps, my transference: the psychologist is a woman in the country, maybe the same age as my mother. Perhaps, I’m really wrong, I take the situation ahead of time, I knew the “daddy-dadbuvayla” in the person of the hairy mother? Do I remember less badly?

How adequate is my response to the situation? What should I do? How to solve this conflict? Chi just let the situation go?

Hello! My name is Evgenia, I am 30 years old. I live together with my mother and my little son. Previously, the conflict between me and my mother did not show up like that. Everything changed after I gave birth.
Our homeland has always lived modestly, it could not do without crisis moments. Batko often drank and beat us. Vіn having died, if I was 10 years old. We didn’t have more than one person, my mother beat us up with a brother alone. I can’t say that she was cheating on us, she was always humiliated, in the skin situation she was talking loudly about the fact that she was a poor, unfortunate widow with two children. I will gradually guess the fates and wisdom, that for the whole hour, while we were growing, not once gave us positive emotions, didn’t create anything for us, like for children, didn’t stimulate or encourage anything, just fooled ourselves and messed up . I do not call її for tse, I just say yak bulo. Possibly, the very indifference in the development of our special features made us strong and morally strong people.
Mother is a weak woman (she, before the speech, she herself vodcrito knows), she can’t show impudence, until then, as if it didn’t sound like a close, she’s got a vuzka, a mundane thought. She takes all the words and takes them literally, for an hour to strike naїvno, not to love and not able to be timid. Absolutely negative is the attitude to life and, obviously, to me. I myself am active by myself, comrade lyudin, I’m smart, I can easily and calmly stand up to all negativity, I can be pragmatic and solve problems quickly (which my specialty taught me - I’m a postal worker at a great budivelnіy company). I have reached a lot and work and, as it seems, in life. I put myself for the method of sіsti for kermo, studied, bought a car from a loan, repaid the loan. Let's wet everything. If she went on maternity leave, she took away the good liquor, renovated all the furniture into a hut, prepared everything for the child, and she lost it. Lost only Apartment catering. Narazi mama will be on my security, not working for three years, though not in retirement yet. I don’t know what else is necessary to work, to bring it, what I can and what I will work, as it is necessary.
Vaughan vvazha, scho їy s share did not spare, it means that I will have those myself. Її the crown phrase is "I don't care about enlightenment". My positive attitude to life is regarded as frivolity (I have never been like that), as I show zhestkost in any food - it’s like crying, and I become “zhorstok”. Zhorstkіst and zhorstokіst are identical to her understanding. I have a voice to think about it, I’m different, sometimes I’m roaring, it’s like my insignificant mistake, I’m going to grow up to global expansions, right up to the ringing that I’m a monster, and there’s like a hatny worker in me. It shows up like a mother. Vaughn is fast, nі-nі, that pidkolupne, that I don’t watch a child, I hurt her sore (!!!) and that’s like madness.
If I read Hellinger, I realized that women have problems with special lives, so mothers are not accepted, for good reason. I myself have such a situation, I was not in any way friendly, the child was conceived in unstable waters, which ended automatically.
Once I tried to talk to her, voiced the problem, but I felt more like the phrase "as long as you live, trust, endure" and "everyone has become sensible." I figured out what to do with the problem. Wild bazhannya drink to life, what is known, but, I'm afraid, I don’t want to solve the problem, but only to overcome it.
I endure, but I don’t understand - WHATSOEVER. Maybe I’m right in me, maybe I’m too strong, but I didn’t sound skilti about those, like everything is nasty. For me, it’s either kind, or movchki.
I'm still on the right in me, I'm ready. Ready to change and change. For me, it is important to us forward through the sina. I love yoga crazy and I don’t want to be amazed at how mi alone one “jomo”. Help! I don't know why I got lost.

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