The apartment was fed by the biryukov clan. Petro Biryukov: from criminal articles to scientific sciences De live biryukov Petro Pavlovich

A good insider, which shook a sprinkling of days ZMI, nevertheless, was not judged to be sued. On the cob of rubbish, the “Proekt” told about those who, the intercessor of the mayor of Moscow, Petro Biryukov, violated the post office right from the permit. Ale, the guards of the Daily Storm calmed down, and Petro Pavlovich turned around from the exit. That and transfer of the successor of the vice-mayorOleksiy Yelisiev called the Daily Storm a bit about the introduction of Petr Biryukov “crap”.

Vtіm, sensitive, true, sideways similar to "crap". In the ranks of Moscow Biryukov mіtsno tremaєtsya for his own place for 12 years - in 2007 the same mayors of Moscow Yury Luzhkov recognized Yogo as his first intercessor and kerіvnik of the complex of the Moscow state of Moscow. For the first time, a group of journalists sent Pyotr Pavlovich to the office. 2011 the fate of Biryukov ZMI was seen off with measures for the "shouting of the boards". "Biryukov called on the cob of spring, like only a little snow, I fought with such vines, frankly, ugly," - these were the words of an anonymous jerel of journalism.

In 2013, I know, I knowI am together with colleagues in her publication, the vice-measure also ruled in the insertion. Todi dzherel sang that the order to deprive the measure and away the share of the yogo is unknown. Vtіm, so tryvaє chi not too soon. It’s all about traditional tradition, if Biryukov is at the entrance, everyone seems to be out of the new one, ironically spoofing the Daily Storm at the Moscow order.

At the rozmovі z Daily Storm kolishnіy measures of Moscow Yury Luzhkov, a kind of yakraz and taking Biryukov under the wing, buv dosit emotsіynym.

“I don’t know what solution and who I praise at once, but I will take Biryukov like a radiant bastard. Tsya otsіnka not є shvidkoplinnoy. The won was formed in those hours, if the wines were worked out by my team ”, - it seems Yuri Luzhkov, adding that with the years of his life he has been more and more overwhelmed by the one who Petro Pavlovich« neokhaynyy and not maє єї voєї thoughts vykonavets solution to the beast.

“If I am a kerіvnik, then I have a lot of pretensions. It always amazed me that the new ruler of this fiend had taken a sip. It’s sing-song, to the one who wins, win the handover. Ale, looking at the orderliness, there is no room for a test, ” - continue Luzhkov.

About the project of the possible exhibition of Biryukov, having posted the website of the journalist Andriy Karaulov. The author stverdzhuvav, scho veresnevi vybori to Mosmіskdumi vіdbudutsya on aphrodisiac criticism of the complex of Moscow's state of Moscow, who supervises Biryukov. Yogo, the head of the overhaul department, Oleksiy Eliseeva, was named a possible attacker.

« At the same time, Biryukov goes to the entrance right up to 5 chernya, then we will fight for the deputy chair in the Moscow Duma, and the Moscow Duma will come forward for the sake of the Federation, the deputy of Zinaidi Dragunkina, like I’m going to retire. The new vice-mayor of Moscow is called Oleksiy Eliseyev, Biryukov’s henchman,” the journalists wrote.

Himself Єlisєєev reminding both about Biryukov’s appointment, and about his possible appointment to the post of vice-measure.“F*ck don’t get busy. Petro Palich - big man. Moscow zasinaє - vіn sche praciuє, Moscow is slipping - vіn already praciuє. All these are sensitive - stupidity, I don’t want to comment on them, ” - Said the official.

For his part, the speaker of the Daily Storm, who knows Oleksiyem Єlіsєєvim, means that among “their” Єliсєєєv they don’t have their own career plans and don’t check for a new recognition.

“For you, journalists, it seems that you are “crap”, but among the people of the world you already know for a long time that you are getting ready for promotion. Vіn himself tse not prihovuє she willingly rozpіdaє”, - added Daily Storm reporter. On the sidelines of the Moscow order, it seems that Petro Biryukov wrote food about his own life. For the time being, we are perverting the potential attacker to honesty and integrity.

The theme of Biryukov is supported by the journalist Maxim Kononenko, who affirms that Biryukov and his introduction are only himself.

“If, let’s say, it’s all over for you. Well, I don’t know what else, how extreme things can be, ”- apparently wine.

The theory of Pyotr Pavlovich's exit is confirmed by those who suggested Biryukov to be popovnyuє by the people of Elisef. So, on January 7, 2019, the fate of the mayors of Moscow, Sergiy Sobyanin, planted the head of the metropolitan department of the ZhKKG Gasan Gasangadzhiev (Peter Biryukov’s man), and recognized the intercessor of the head of the overhaul department Oleksandr Solovyov (the man Oleksiy Eliseva).

A bit about Biryukov's resignation can be related to this century - the official will soon be charged with 68 fates - and with scandals, which for the rest of the hour will be done with a lot.

For example, it is not a secret for anyone in the city, the one in Moscow, that the intercessor of the measure, Petro Biryukov, loves to move around Moscow in cars of the MNS with flashing lights."So it's easier to change it more easily, forget it,"- write koristuvach under the name press_fokusnik, adding photos of the cars themselves.

At the end of 2019, Daily Storm wrote that a billion-dollar contract for the improvement of the Kapotnya district is close to Capital Group. Having started his own career at Capital Group, Oleksandr Biryukov, the youngest son of Petr Biryukov, the intercessor of the mayor of Moscow, will improve the housing and communal services. In early 2015, members of this official bought nine penthouses in the elite residential complex Legend of Kolorovoe.

At the chest 2018 rock "Medusa" wrote, that the business of Petr Biryukov's relatives is closely connected with businesses, as they supervise. Thus, the company of Irina and Katerina Biryukov "Venta", as it leases the place of investment with water, in 2012-2015 laid 14 contracts for the amount of 365 million rubles for the undertakings of Petr Biryukov. After the investigation, RBC "Venta" stopped taking pennies from structures in a row.

The general contractor at the ordering of the Tsaritsino park was the Universbudlux holding, which should be the responsibility of the young brother of Biryukov Oleksiy. Meduza claims that its affiliates with the company's holding took 6.3 billion rubles from the local area as part of the program to improve My Street.

In addition, on the cob 2019 rock "Project" having published material about those that the companies, acting to the best of their ability, make money on the schemes for the overhaul of houses, and in the future they take pennies from the trip to the Arkhangelsk region.

Thanks to the research, the largest contractor overhaul of Moscow living quarters in 2018, the joint-stock company "Moskapremont" became a shareholder. This company belongs to the State Budgetary Institution "Avtomobilni Dorogi", as a subordination to the metropolitan department of the housing and communal services. The "project" has shown that only since the fall of the past year "Moskapremont" has taken 973 million rubles for the repair of 38 houses, having transferred them to contractors for a smaller rank and having cashed in their own 296 million rubles. At the same time, the daughter company "Moskapremontu" will transport the Moscow city to the Arkhangelsk region, where they are going to establish the ecotechnopark "Shієs". Apparently, the investment in the project is 10.5 billion rubles.

Political scientists are smart enough to admit that there will still be a similar rotation, then it will be more important than the decision, motivated by the request for personnel renewal. Oskіlki, for the tribute of sociologists, the rating of the measure of Moscow, Sergiya Sobyanin, having reached the maximum.

The rotation of personnel is inevitable, and natural, and necessary, and corny, respecting the head of the political expert group Kostyantin Kalachov.

“Moreover, at the same time, Sobyanin cannot demand to accept populist decisions, thoughts. Sobyanin at the peak of popularity. Yakshcho viriti "Levadi" ["Levada-Center". - Straighten. Daily Storm], then Sobyanin's rating is over 50%. It’s not necessary to donate to that, ”explaining guilt and admitting that, perhaps, Moscow needs fresh shelter.

“And if there is a great fortune, you can take up lawmaking activity. Who can take the place of Biryukov and take up practical activities. I don’t greet anything, ”adding wine.

In the organs state power to serve different people - vidpovіdalnі і negligently poov'yazanі z obov'yazany, suvorі і democratic, fair and easily pіdkuplenі. The suspіlstvі to the officials to be put with a little distrust, to criticize the adopted decisions. Having taken on Petro Biryukov, the intercessor of the mayor of Moscow in the order of Moscow, I will improve it from the food of the housing and communal state.

Childhood and youth

Petro Pavlovich Biryukov was born on July 12, 1951 near the village of Stariy Buzet, Kursk region. The fathers are the teachers of the kolgospa. In 1968, I graduated from secondary school, and then served for three years in the army at the military-budive corral.

Turning around, Petro entered the Kursk Pedagogical Institute as a teacher of mathematics. Released 1979 rock. Biryukov worked for a special hour at the Trinity 8th school.

Politics and career

Another hour of training, since 1978, the fate of the future politician began to update at the everyday life - at the trusts "Mostransbud" and "Golovmosbud". At this sphere of wines, breaking through richly swidshe, lower in light. Starting from the ground, plant the elder viconrobe. The new one did not have a diploma of high school Vishchiy illuminating Ale Petro quickly slipped through to the head of the trust, then - to the intercessor of the trust's engineer and head engineer. Throwing a reckoning, Biryukov seriously occupied himself with the business of law.

In 1981, a number of people began to acquire professional knowledge from the Kursk Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Life. Specialty - alarm engineer.

The biography of Peter Biryukov was not without dark stories. 1986 the fate of a hundred and fifty colleagues from the Volgograd Repair and Emergency Trust was destroyed by criminal law due to the fact of embezzlement of budmaterials. The future politician was swayed by the suspense inflow, and the line of figurants stumbled at the bell.

In 1991, the formation of Biryukov as an official began: he was appointed sub-prefect of the Vikhino district (Pivdenno-Skhidny administrative district).

At that time, having taken the measures of Moscow at that time, having taken a look at the potential of the young politician, he pushed Peter far away with car'er gatherings. For 5 years, he was promoted to the first intercessor of the prefect of the Central District. In 2000, Biryukov took over the city's position in this sphere, having improved the Pivnichny administrative district of Moscow, and in 2002 - the Pivdenny administrative district, and also in the rank of minister of the capital's order.

For an hour of representation in the administrative districts of Petro Biryukov, he implemented a few scandalous projects. So, in 2003, the politician allowed a trade and development center to stay on the territory of the natural complex "Brativska Zaplava". The object is guilty of moving to the category of “especially guarded”, that is the life of the fence. Irrespective of the weathering of the local residents, at the same time on the territory of the largest wetland complex near the borders of the Moscow Ring Road, a zone of flooding was lined.

And in 2005, the situation is similar to that of a small place near the natural-historical park "Bitsevsky Forest" - Biryukov, having seen it, allowed to induce the public to eat food. The communities and the fighters for ecology zumili zabіgti budіvnitstvu, prote prograzirovali state museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno".

In 2004, Tsaritsyno passed from the power of Moscow, and through the river under Biryukov's kerivenstvo, the works of landscaping began in the new. On an area of ​​30 hectares of natural territory, which is especially protected, there were paved paths, maidan for sports games. Repairs were called before the creatures that grew, entered to the Chervonoy Book, were reduced. It is important to note that during the development of the project, no state ecological expertise was carried out, and through ignorance, alarmists stocked a unique natural landscape.

The year 2006 has been continued for the betterment of the Tsaritsino park. In an interview with Petro Biryukov, it was revealed that “62 monuments of architecture were restored”, a prote, based on the transfer of monuments, there are only 22 of them in the natural complex.

In 2007, Yuri Luzhkov recognized Biryukov as his first protector of the complex of Moscow's sovereignty. The community suffocated the decision with criticism: an incompetent official came to power, who, having taken away pedagogical and budding enlightenment, did not grow up in the mind of the Moscow state.

In 2010, Petro Pavlovich saw a roci on the support of the cih, having seen it, he let me know that the subway depot was on duty. It was carried out at the place of residence of rare birds. Yuri Luzhkov publicly wrote as an intercessor. Later, having left the mayor of Moscow, I knew that it was easy to work with Biryukov - most of my work had to work independently.

At the spring of 2010, the fate of having taken Yuri Luzhkov to the place of the mayor of Moscow. Behind him, from the metropolitan order, there was an increase in the approach. Prote novopribuliy kerivnik of the place having left Peter Biryukov at the bureaucratic armchair, having recognized the intercessor for the planting of ZhKG and I will improve it.

Having continued pratsyuvati for the benefit of Moscow, Petro Pavlovich was again criticized. Having “arranged” the park “Ostankino”, one of the largest populations of nightingales in the city appeared, and also an official was appointed to the landscaping of Tverskoy Street.

For this and other projects of Biryukov, not only the public is criticized, but also colleagues, zokrema - vice-mayors of Moscow. As if, discussing yoga activity, the official hung at the address of the politician in an obscene form, which she strongly captivated.

Life Specialist

Biryukov's homeland is still a task for the business of life. The younger brother Oleksiy is the general director of the company "Universbudlux", as he reported his hand to the beautification of Tsaritsino. Petr's squad, Katerina, and also their children - daughter Irina and son Oleksandr - are the founders of budding firms.

The object of respect is that dissatisfaction with the fact that Biryukov’s homeland wins tenders for the improvement and reconstruction of Moscow objects, prote right-protection organizations have not yet returned to the same respect.

Petro Biryukov, an official from the capital, has accumulated the following statistics: in 2017, he earned about 6.5 million rubles, in 2016 - 6.9 million rubles.

Russian politician for nationalism. Zrostannya to become 176 cm, vaga - 89 kg.

The intercessor of the mayor of Moscow does not tweet, does not upload photos to Instagram.

Petro Biryukov at once

At the plantation of the intercessor of the measure of nutrition of the ZhKG, the official is engaged in the program “My Street”, within the framework of what is the central road of the capital, following the principle of expanding the sidewalks, and sounding the part of the road.

And here it did not go without criticism: most of the townspeople do not understand, now they have to lay the tiles on the streets, de two or three years ago, repairs were already being carried out.

Petro Pavlovich Biryukov was born on July 12, 1951 near the village of Stariy Buzet, Kursk region. The fathers are the teachers of the kolgospa. In 1968, I graduated from secondary school, and then served for three years in the army at the military-budive corral. Turning around, Petro entered the Kursk Pedagogical Institute as a teacher of mathematics. Released 1979 rock. Biryukov worked for a special hour at the Trinity 8th school.

Another hour of training, since 1978, the fate of the future politician began to update at the everyday life - at the trusts "Mostransbud" and "Golovmosbud". At this sphere of wines, breaking through richly swidshe, lower in light. Starting from the ground, plant the elder viconrobe. Vіn did not maw a diploma about higher education, but Petro quickly slipped his way up to the head of the trust, then - to the intercessor of the trust and the head engineer. Throwing a reckoning, Biryukov seriously occupied himself with the business of law.

In 1981, a number of people began to acquire professional knowledge from the Kursk Polytechnic Institute at the Faculty of Industrial and Civil Life. Specialty - alarm engineer.

Biography of Peter Biryukov not without dark stories. 1986 the fate of a hundred and fifty colleagues from the Volgograd repair and emergency trust was destroyed by criminal law due to the fact of embezzlement of budmaterials. The future politician was swayed by the suspense inflow, and the lines of the figurants stumbled at the bell.

In 1991, the formation of Biryukov as an official began: he was appointed sub-prefect of the Vikhino district (Pivdenno-Skhidny administrative district).

Yuri Luzhkov

At that time, Yury Luzhkov, having taken the measures of Moscow at that time, took a look at the potential of the young politician, spying on Peter's faraway car'er gatherings. For 5 years, he was promoted to the first intercessor of the prefect of the Central District. In 2000, Biryukov took over the city's position in this sphere, having improved the Pivnichny administrative district of Moscow, and in 2002 - the Pivdenny administrative district, and also in the rank of minister of the capital's order.

For an hour of representation in the administrative districts of Petro Biryukov, he implemented a few scandalous projects. So, in 2003, the politician allowed a trade and development center to stay on the territory of the natural complex "Brativska Zaplava". The object is guilty of moving to the category of “especially guarded”, that is the life of the fence. Irrespective of the weathering of the local residents, at the same time on the territory of the largest wetland complex near the borders of the Moscow Ring Road, a zone of flooding was lined.

And in 2005, the situation is similar to that of a small place near the natural-historical park "Bitsevsky Forest" - Biryukov, having seen it, allowed to induce the public to eat food. The communities and the fighters for ecology zumili zabіgti budіvnitstvu, prote prograzirovali state museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno".

In 2004, Tsaritsyno passed from the power of Moscow, and through the river under Biryukov's kerivenstvo, the works of landscaping began in the new. On an area of ​​30 hectares of natural territory, which is especially protected, there were blasted paths, squares for sports games. Repairs were called before the creatures that grew, entered to the Chervonoy Book, were reduced. It is important to note that during the development of the project, no state ecological expertise was carried out, and through ignorance, alarmists stocked a unique natural landscape.

The year 2006 has been continued for the betterment of the Tsaritsino park. In an interview with Petro Biryukov, it was revealed that “62 monuments of architecture were restored”, a prote, based on the transfer of monuments, there are only 22 of them in the natural complex.

Petro Biryukov and City Hall of Moscow

In 2007, Yuri Luzhkov recognized Biryukov as his first protector of the complex of Moscow's sovereignty. The community suffocated the decision with criticism: an incompetent official came to power, who, having taken away pedagogical and budding enlightenment, did not grow up in the mind of the Moscow state.

In 2010, Petro Pavlovich saw a roci on the support of the cih, having seen it, he let me know that the subway depot was on duty. It was carried out at the place of residence of rare birds. Yuri Luzhkov publicly wrote as an intercessor. Later, having left the mayor of Moscow, I knew that it was easy to work with Biryukov - most of my work had to work independently.

In the spring of 2010, Dmitro Medvedev took Yury Luzhkov to the throne and imprisoned the mayor of Moscow. Behind him, from the metropolitan order, there was an increase in the approach. Prote novopribuliy kerіvnik of the municipality Sergiy Sobyanin having left Pyotr Biryukov in the office of an official, recognizing the intercessor for planting ZhKG and landscaping.

Having continued to practice for the benefit of Moscow, Petro Biryukov was again criticized. Having “arranged” the park “Ostankino”, one of the largest populations of nightingales in the city appeared, and also an official was appointed to the landscaping of Tverskoy Street.

For this and other projects of Biryukov, not only the public is criticized, but also his colleagues, Anastasia Rakov, vice-mayor of Moscow. As if, discussing yoga activity, the official hung at the address of the politician in an obscene form, which she strongly captivated.

Petro Biryukov - Specialist of Life

Biryukov's homeland is still a task for the business of life. The younger brother Oleksiy is the general director of the company "Universbudlux", as he reported his hand to the beautification of Tsaritsino. Petr's squad, Katerina, and also their children - daughter Irina and son Oleksandr - are the founders of budding firms.

The object of respect is that dissatisfaction with the fact that Biryukov’s homeland wins tenders for the improvement and reconstruction of Moscow objects, prote right-protection organizations have not yet returned to the same respect. Petro Biryukov, an official from the capital, has accumulated the following statistics: in 2017, he earned about 6.5 million rubles, in 2016 - 6.9 million rubles.

Russian politician for nationalism. Zrostannya to become 176 cm, vaga - 89 kg. The intercessor of the mayor of Moscow does not tweet, does not upload photos to Instagram.

Petro Biryukov at once

At the plantation of the intercessor of the measure of nutrition of the ZhKG, the official is engaged in the program “My Street”, within the framework of what is the central road of the capital, following the principle of expanding the sidewalks, and sounding the part of the road.

And here it did not go without criticism: most of the townspeople do not understand, now they have to lay the tiles on the streets, de two or three years ago, repairs were already being carried out.

How quickly make your squad that daughter millionaires, how are you the intercessor of the mayor of Moscow? It's easy - register as a member of your own company, as we take into account the measures of the most important municipal contracts, and simply transfer pennies from the budget to the firm's account. Qiu is a simple scheme for the special promotion of an official, that yogo relative who described the head of the Krasnosilsky district of Moscow, the oppositionist Illya Yashin, who has long been following the “exploits” of a veteran official. Yashin, having revealed over ten contracts, yak Biryukov practically handed over from hand to hand to the firm that guards his team Katerina and daughter Irina. The amount, taken by the Biryukov family from such a simple way, transfers 300 million rubles.

Friends and Donets - Bridges and Roads

For the tribute, honored Illeya Yashinim, the commercial company "Venta", registered by Katerina and Irina Biryukovimi, through the State Budgetary Institution "Avtodor" and "Gormost" in the capital city, 14 state contracts were awarded with landscaping for a total sum 365 million rubles.

Offended by the State Budgetary Institution of Ukraine under the control of the Department of Housing and Communal Services of Moscow, which is actually cherished. In the presence of a conflict of interests.

“Sign out, the officials are trying to please the masquerading: vicory-stitching firms-gaskets, substituting osibs, looking for folded rich schemes. Ale is not like that; І axis mi bachimo absolutely primitive scheme for withdrawing pennies from the budget. The axis is 365 million rubles, the axis of the team is that daughter. Take it, folks!”,- It seems that Yashin has recorded it.

For the version, the simplest explanation is similar to the lack of turbo and the absence of carnity of high settlement - the first explanation of what is necessary to share with the authorities, as well as a complete ignore from the side of the capital's right-protection bodies, like spitting eyes on all the windings of the guards.

“I don’t need any further explanation, except that a fat piece of clothing from such places appears on Sobyanin’s table. Well, the MVS, the Investigative Committee, and the Prosecutor’s Office, for the appearance of Biryukov, turn into three mavpi: I don’t drink anything, I don’t smell anything, I won’t say anything to anyone ”, - writing Illya Yashin on his Facebook.

Brother - life in MDU

Earlier brother vice-mayor Oleksiya Biryukova was appointed vice-rector of MDU from capital life. In this rank, the relative of the official will be engaged in a project to expand the MDU named after Lomonosov and the life of the scientific and technological "valley of the MDU."

Oleksiy Biryukov was a shareholder and general director of the Universbudlux hospitality company, as he won tenders first in Pivnichny Okruz, which happened in 2000-2002, then in Pivdenny Okruz (Biryukov was prefect there in 2002-2007). At the fierce fate of 2018, Oleksiy Biryukov was declared bankrupt, after which Moscow Arbitration Court timchasovo zaboroniv yoma viїzd іz kraїni that by launching the procedure for the sale of yogo lane. Now I'm getting back to the state money - the quality of everyday life of the "MDU Valley" is assessed at 110 billion rubles.

Veteran and Sim'yanin

Biryukov has been sitting at his vice-mercy chair since 2007, and planted in the administrations of that prefectures, starting with an ear of the nineties. Prior to joining the civil service, Biryukov was in charge of two repair and emergency trusts, and in 1986 it was not enough for him: he and two fellow accomplices called in the distribution of budget materials. History ended with suspіlnym zaduzhennyam, write.

After becoming the prefect of the Pivnichny district, as a future vice-mayor, the company Garant-Invest lost weight and began to turn into a serious developer. The subsidiary of Garant-Invest took away the right to a new construction lease for a business on Telman Square for life shopping mall- Right next to the "Aeroport" metro station, and then "Garant-Invest" at a brand new pace, starting to operate new shopping centers and shops - now in the Pivdenny okruz, where in 2002 the rotation was transferred to the prefect.

The wondrous zbіg loses the whole mystery after the knowledge of Garant-Invest by the Vlasniks. 8.5% of the company's shares belong to Biryukov's daughter Irina and niece Katerina; the majority shareholder is Oleksiy Panfilov, who, at the same time, at the huge ambushes, was working as Biryukov’s guardian and I will arrange the ZhKG’s food and beautify it.

The official did not forget about his brother Oleksiy, the possible vice-rector of the MDU. Oleksiy Biryukov, after his brother's change as prefect, became the general director of the company "Universbudlux", as he quickly became the main contractor on the riches of his elder brother's everyday life, mastering tens of billions of budget rubles.

Earlier, Illya Yashin told how to steal pennies from simple gatekeepers from the Moscow State Budgetary Institution "Zhytlovik", which in the words "paid" 30-40 thousand rubles each, but in reality their salaries rarely exceeded 20-25 thousand rubles. The main creator of "Zhytlovik" became the same. And in the State Budgetary Institution itself, after Yashin’s publications, the law enforcement officers revealed dozens of violations of fraud and destroyed a piece of criminal records.

For example, Yuliya Lizhinoya, a cleaning clerk of the State Budgetary Institution “Zhytlovik” in Yasenevo, was shocked that her payment reached 193,000 rubles per month. In fact, the tidying-up took away about 11 thousand per month - a penny was saved bank card, yaku pribiralnitsa navit did not take off

In his own time, the creator of the Fund for the Fight s, Sobyanin’s zhahliva “allergy” to ZhKG and to the whole sphere, for those who were fit, there was only one help: “I don’t want to know anything and do nothing - but don’t charge anyone and don’t include hot water in anyone”. Obviously, Biryukov is pleased with them.

- The intercessor of the Measure of Moscow from the nutrition of the housing and communal state that I will improve

Vlada Moskvi: The first sightings of the bike lanes will be ordered from the Veresny.

08/08/2012, Moscow 21:52:40 Persha, zavdovzhki 5.4 km, linking the metro station "Mar'їno" with the Kapotnya district, and the other, close to 7 km, the metro station "Belyaevo" and "Chertanivska". He works on the first line of the current year, having inspected the measures of Moscow, Sergiy Sobyanin. Yak Vydomiv Intercessor Mer Petro Birukov, plan to take the third of the cycle track - 21.4 km, Teritori the central that is Zakhid Adminsitory district: VID Great Vulitska to the Crimean Passenias through Kutuzky Toyu, Dalu. view of the house on Vorobyovskaya and Pushkinskaya embankments of Moskva-Rika.

The court confirmed the bridging of 548 million rubles. from the measures of Moscow for the palace near Kolomenskoye

The Ninth Arbitration Court of Appeal affirmed the legality of the contraction from the order of Moscow to the cost of the budgetary company TOV "Universbudlux" 548.1 million rubles. for the life of the palace in the park-reserve "Kolomenska", transferring RAPS from the hall to the court.


Oleksiy Biryukov and yoga company

54-year-old Oleksiy Biryukov, the youngest brother of the first intercessor, the mayor of Moscow, Peter Biryukov, the guardian of the complex of the Moscow state. March 2000 Oleksiy Biryukov is the only chief and general director of the Moscow health care company - TOV "Universbudlux" - as a specialist in life, repair robots and landscaping. The firm repeatedly won the great tenders of the Moscow government. So, they carried out work on the improvement of the museum-reserve "Tsaritsyno" and the revival of the palace of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich near Kolomenskoye. The company's revenue in 2009 contributed 6.75 billion rubles, net income - 35.6 million rubles.

Petro Biryukov podbaev about the young


The brother of the intercessor Sobyanin vimagaє in the city 570 million rubles. for the palace

On the head of the company "Universbudlux", a kind of Volodya Oleksiy Biryukov, the young brother of the intercessor mayor of the capital Peter Biryukov, a lot of problems fell for the rest of the hour. Bank "Zenit" wants a new 369 million rubles. as a guarantor for a company loan. In addition, for the remaining two months, call the company to submit two dozen counterparties to Universbudlux. At the same time, the company Oleksiya Biryukov herself, in court order, vlady paid 570 million rubles. for the work at the capital's park-reserve "Kolomenske". To go about the appearance of the palace of Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich, the deputy of which order of Moscow.

Today, the Moscow Arbitration Court, having satisfied the Universbudlux ranks to the capital's order, actually lowered the amount, the company of Petr Biryukov asked for a contract from 570 million to 548 million rubles.

"Family business" threatening the interests of the first intercessor Yuri Luzhkov?

Scandal of the dovkol of the company TOV "Universbudlux", which Oleksiy Biryukov, the young brother of the first intercessor of the mayor of Moscow Peter Biryukov, is gaining wraps. Luzhkov's defender himself, obviously, at once peresbuvay before folding choice. Aje vin can help your brother, or else you will be rated as a vice on the trail. The correspondent of The Moscow Post tells about the scandal at the Moscow Council.

Oleksiy Biryukov: Golovna in people - smart bachiti

“Clean up our right to clean up the place, but we’ll keep others,” said Yevgen Bazarov, the head book nihilist. Without going into the literary metaphor and the political subtext of that language, it’s still respectful: lay the foundation and lead on to the new one, you can’t. It is not appropriate for a list of rights to characterize a right person, there are only three points: to give birth to a son, to plant a tree, and to raise a house. It’s like a son, as it seems, on the right of God, but from pratsyuvati on earth and budinki will be - the right mission of the creator, the people of the working, as it is important to respect not those who say wine, but those who deprive themselves of the past. Tsimmogam povnistyu povnistyu vіdpovidaє Oleksiy Biryukov - general director of TOV "UniversbudLux".

SKP overthrows the business of the brother of the first intercessor, the mayor of Moscow

The brother of the intercessor, the measure of the capital of the city, was viconuated by the forces of the "left" subcontractor, for 9.8 million budgetary rubles, the bunkers, which are not in the plan of Moscow.

As it became known to "Kommersant", the investigation was carried out in the Pivnichny District of Moscow to the investigation committee at the Prosecutor's Office (SKP) of the Russian Federation, investigating the criminal right for the fact of an unfortunate incident when LLC "Universbudlux" was listed , which will be carried out. Vlasnik and the general director of the TOV, Iakim є Oleksiy Biryukov, the young brother of the first intercessor, the mayor of Moscow, Petr Biryukov, no claims were made against him. Biryukov himself is aware that the investigation simply did not make sense of the essence of the activities of this company.
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Meriya zgnіtivshi heart paid extra pіvmіliard for dummy "palace"

The Moscow Arbitration Court praised the collection of 548 million rubles from the order of Moscow for the cost of the hospitality company UniversbudLux LLC for the operation of the Kolomensky Palace of Tsar Oleksii Mikhailovich, which was put into operation in 2010.

Razchavleniya on the life of the homeless viviv UPC on the business of the brother of the intercessor Luzhkov

The investigation led the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in the Pivnichny district of Moscow, investigating the criminal right for the fact of an unfortunate fall when LLC "Universbudlux" was awarded a five-surface coating, suspecting the company of being damaged, connected with koshtoris robit, that it was carried out. Vlasnik and the general director of the TOV, Iakim є Oleksiy Biryukov, the young brother of the first intercessor, Mayor of Moscow Petr Biryukov, has not yet received any claims, write Komersant.

Moscow swindled 548 million rubles. for the restoration of the Kolomensk Palace

The Court of Arbitration of Appeal registered a scarf in the order of the capital with a decision to punish UniversBudLux. RUB 548.073 million went to the palace in the park "Kolom'yansky". On April 14, the Arbitration Court of the Capital took 548 million rubles from the Moscow order, and it was also ordered to collect nearly 22.23 million rubles.

Luzhkov commemorating Petr Biryukov to the Capital Complex of the Moscow State

Measures of Moscow on the acquisition of additional funds 200 million rubles. to the Remembrance Palace at Kolomenskoe. Under a flurry of criticism, shaking the head of the Budkompleks of Moscow Volodymyr Resin. Dzherelo RBC daily at the Meriї poachila for criticism of Mr. Resin dissatisfied with the work of another Moscow official - the head of the Complex of Moscow State Petr Biryukov. General contractor for everyday work at "Kolomensky", and also, and possessing pennies brother official Oleksiy Biryukov.

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