How many medals Belarusians have at the Olympiad. Olympiad. Belarus has reached an anti-record record for a set of medals at the Summer Olympic Games. Sports mascots from Nіmechchini

Belarus rightly writes its history of participation in Olympic Games. First Belarusians took part in the 1952 Olympiad near Gelsinka near the warehouse of the selective SRSR. Sports activities wrestler Oleksandr Medved's three-time Olympic Games, gymnast Olga Korbut's three-time Olympic gold medalist, and fencer Oleni Belova, five-time Olympic champion Nelli Kim, six-time Olympic champion

For the fate of the sovereignty of Belarus, our athletes competed at 11 Olympic Games - 6 winter and 5 summer. 95 athletes became champions and winners of the Igor. They won 91 Olympic medals: 18 gold, 28 silver and 45 bronze.

By the self-supporting team of Belarus, the bula was first represented on the Olympic arena:

At the XVII Winter Olympic Games near Lillehammer (Norway) on February 12-27, 1994. Were conquered 2 silver fences:

Svitlana Paramygina (biathlon, 7.5 km), Igor Zhelezovsky (shoes, 1000 m);

At the XXVI Summer Olympic Games in Atlanta (USA) 19 September - 4 April 1996. Bulo conquered 15 medals - 1 gold, 6 silver and 8 bronze:

gold- Katerina Khodotovich (Karsten) (academic lecture);

sriblo– Oleksiy Medvedev (Greek-Roman wrestling), Oleksandr Pavlov (Greek-Roman wrestling), Sergiy Lishtvan (Greek-Roman wrestling), Volodymyr Dubrovshchik (athletics, discus), Natalia Sazanovich (athletics, heptathlon), Igor Basinsky (strill) kulova);

bronze- Valeriy Tsilent (Greek-Roman wrestling), Vitaliy Shcherbo (gymnastics, bagato wrestling, support haircut, parallel bars, crossbar) - 4 medals, Vasyl Kaptyukh (athletics, discus), Yellina Zvereva (athletics, discus), Natalia Lavrinenko, Pankina , Natalia Volchek, Tamara Davidenko, Valentina Skrabatun, Olena Mikulich, Natalia Stasyuk, Marina Znak, Yaroslava Pavlovich (academic celebration, the crown).

Belarusian sportsmen achieved their greatest success at the Summer Olympic Games in Beijing y 2008 if Belarus conquered 19 medals, including 4 gold and 5 silver. Belarusian team sent 16th month for the number of medals won:

gold- Andriy Aryamnov (big athletics), Oksana Menkova (athletics, hammer throwing), Oleksandr and Andriy Bogdanovichi (kayaking and canoe paddling, double), Roman Petrushenko, Oleksiy Abalmasov, Artur Litvinchuk and Vadim Makhnev (kayak paddling and canoe four) );

sriblo- Andriy Ribakov (strong athletics), Natalia Mikhnevich (athletics, shotgun shooting), Andriy Kravchenko (athletics, decathlon), Inna Zhukova (artistic gymnastics), Vadim Devyatovsky (athletics, hammer throw);

bronze- Nadiya Ostapchuk (athletics, shot shooting), Andriy Mikhnevich (athletics, shot shooting), Anastasia Novikova (strong athletics), Katerina Karsten (academic sportsman), Yuliya Bichik and Natalia Gelakh (academic rowing, Vadim Makhnev (kayaking) and canoe, double), Murad Gaidarov (Vilna wrestling), Mikhailo Semyonov (Greek-Roman wrestling), Ivan Tikhon (athletics, hammer throw), Ksenia Sankovich, Alina Tumilovich, Anastasia Ivankova, Zinaia Alesya Babushkina and Glafira Martinovich (artistic gymnastics , command priority).

At the Summer Olympic Games 2012, London and Belarusian athletes victorious 12 medals including 2 gold and 5 silver. At the medal hall of the Olympiad, Belarus has settled 26th month:

gold- Sergiy Martinov (kulova shooting), Victoria Azarenka and Maxim Mirniy (tennis, mixed);

sriblo- Oleksandra Gerasimya (swimming 50 m freestyle and 100 m freestyle) - 2 medals, Marina Goncharova, Anastasia Ivankova, Natalia Lєshchik, Oleksandra Narkevich, Kseniya Sankovich, Alina Tumіlovich (artistic gymnastics, team performance), Roman Mashkh and kayaking canoe, dvіyka), Oleksandr and Andriy Bogdanovichi (kayaking and canoe, dvіyka);

bronze- Lyubov Cherkashina (artistic gymnastics), Marina Poltoran, Irina Pomelova, Nadiya Popok, Olga Khudenko (kayaking and canoeing, four), Viktoria Azarenka (tenis), Irina Kulesha (athletics), Marina Shkermankova (athletics).

At the XXII Winter Olympic Games in Sochi Belarusian sportsmen won 6 medals, including 5 gold and 1 bronze. For the first time in history, the team of Belarus took the 8th place at the medal hall for the largest city.

gold- Darya Domracheva (biathlon) - 3 medals, Anton Kushnir (freestyle), Alla Tsuper (freestyle);

bronze- Nadia Skardino (biathlon).

In team sports Belarus was represented by three teams at the Olympic Games. The national selection of Belarus for hockey (Nagano-1998, Salt Lake City-2002, Vancouver-2010), the women's selection of Belarus for basketball (Beijing-2008) and the Olympic selection of Belarus for football (London-2012). Prote has not yet reached the finals of the Belarusian selections.

Olympic gold

Olympic gold was brought to Belarus by 20 athletes, and 18 medals were brought to the festival.

Won three gold medals at the Winter Olympics-2014 in Sochi Darya Domracheva(biathlon), as she took the title of Hero of Belarus, she became one of the best sportswomen of Igor. On February 11, 2014, she became the Olympic champion in the second edition of the race. I won another gold medal in an individual race for 15 km. The third gold Dar'ya got from the runner with a massive start. Domracheva became the first biathlete in history, having won three Olympic gold medals in special races.

Katerina Karsten(academic performance) - participant of six Olympiads, beginning in 1992 in Barcelona. Dvorazova Olympic champion history of independent Belarus. At her first Olympic Games in 1992, Roku became a bronze medalist at the warehouse of the four pairs. Then there were two gold medals in singles - in Atlanta-1996 and Sydney-2000, a silver medal at the 2004 rock games in Athens and a bronze medal at the Olympiad-2008 in Beijing.

Yellina Zvereva(athletics, disk) - participant of five summer Olympiads (1988, 1996, 2000, 2004 and 2008). Bronze medalist Igor Atlanti 1996. Vіtsі 39 years viborol gold Olympiad in Sydney 2000 year. After 8 years at the Olympics in Beijing, she sent 6 months.

Yanina Karolchik(athletics, core shots) - champion of the Olympiad in Sydney 2000. At the final test, she won the shot at 20 m 56 cm and richly beat her supergirls, zokrema, the Russian athlete Larisa Peleshenko (19 m 92 cm) was certified, as she sent to another place.

Yulia Nesterenko(athletics, sprint) became the main sensation of the Olympiad-2004 in Athens, having outrun the race at a distance of 100 m. Yuliya outperformed the champions of the sprint - the American Colander and Williams, the representative of Jamaica Campbell, Bailey and Simpson, as well as the Bulgarian runner Lalova and the representative of the Bahamas Ferguson. After tsієї pomoga їy was given the prize "There was a bliskavka".

At the Olympiad in Athens 2004 Igor Makarov(judo), who competed in the category up to 100 kg, having won the first gold for Belarus for the history of the participation of our masters in wrestling on tatami in the Olympiads. At the final essence of the wines, Sung Ho Jang from Pivdennoy Korea wins. Behind the words of the three-time Olympic champion of free wrestling Oleksandr Medved, who predicted a duel, such a result can only be reached by one, and we can become guilty of the fact that Makarov is stubbornly stubborn to his point.

At the XXIX Olympian Games in Beijing 2008, the twentieth Andriy Aryamnov(important athletics) pose competition in his own category (105 kg) and become a champion. Our hero is on the move, having set three light records. On the other hand, Andriy improved his light reach at Rivka - 200 kg, at the other right - by mail at the final test of wines, taking one record weight - 236 kg, and gaining 436 kg from the sum of the double combat - also a new light record.

Oksana Menkova(athletics, hammer) won the gold medal of the Olympic Games 2008 in Beijing. At the final, at her fifth try, she threw a hammer at 76.34 m, which set a new Olympic record (the previous one reached 75.2 m).

Belarusian crew of a canoe-dvіyka at the warehouse of brothers Oleksandra and Andriy Bogdanovichiv(canoe paddling, double) having won the gold medal of the 2008 Olympiad. On the signs 250, 500 and 750 m Andriy and Oleksandr were third. Everything changed a few dozen meters before the finish line: the Belarusian athletes knew in themselves the strength for the finish line and literally lied the victory from the German crew, outperforming it by 0.223 seconds. Hour of Permozhtsiv - 3 min. 36.365 seconds.

The crew of the Belarusian kayak-four Roman Petrushenko, Oleksiy Abalmasov, Artur Litvinchuk and Vadim Makhnev(kayaking, chetverka) having won the Olympic gold in Beijing. The stinks finished, not allowing anyone to hesitate at their own victory. If for Oleksiy Abalmasov and Artur Litvinchuk the Olympic success was the first in the career, then for Roman Petrushenok and Vadim Makhnev it is already a friend of the Olympic city. Chotiri rocky to that in Athens stench won bronze at the warehouse of kayaks-dvіyki.

Oleksiy Grishin(freestyle) in Nagano-98, eighth, in 2002 in the American Salt Lake City, becoming a bronze medalist, in Turin-2006, winning for a crochet in the p'edestal poshani, landing in the fourth month, and winning his gold at the XXI winter Olympic Games at Vancouver. The first gold medal in the history of Belarus was won at the Winter Olympic Games.

Sergiy Martinov(shooting kulova) - winner of the Igor XXX Olympiad 2012. London and Sergiy Martinov have chosen their third medal at the Olympic Games. Before tsgogo vіn dvіchі winning bronze - in Sydney-2000 and Athens-2004. Taking part in six Olympiads with a veil of wine, moreover, I ate at the finals on some of them. Near the capital of Great Britain, shooting with a small-caliber rifle at 50 m was not equal to the 44-river Belarusian. At the qualifying tournament of wines, I won without a hitch, having set a new world record - 600 points. At the final round, Sergiy Martinov again won the strongest for his opponents, once again improving his light reach from the sum of 705.5 points.

Maxim Mirniy and Victoria Azarenka(tennis, mixed) won the victory in the finals of the tennis tournament in the mixed division at the Olympics in London. The Belarusian duet Azarenka/Mirny is unique. Two first rackets of the world have gone up to now: Viktoria Azarenka at that time was the first racket of the world in the women's singles division with the WTA rating, and Max Mirniy won the ATP rating in the men's doubles division. At the 20th Olympiad in London, Victoria Azarenka also became a bronze medalist in singles.

Alla Tsuper(freestyle, acrobatics) - champion of the XXII Olympic Games 2014. Allie Zuper's Olympic gold became a sensation. At the Olympiads, it didn’t get bad enough: it took the 5th month in 1998 and the 9th month in 2002. However, Sochi Tsuper scored a chance for all hundred scores, not allowing the judges and supergirls to doubt their victory. Alli Tsuper's gold is the first Olympic city in the history of Belarusian women's freestyle.

Belarusian freestyler Anton Kushnir(Freestyle, acrobatics) becoming the Olympic champion in 2014 in Sochi. At the final round, the winner in the extreme park "Rosa Khutor" 29th Minsk resident miraculously scored a haircut with the highest coefficient of folding - three somersaults with 5 gvintami, having taken away the highest score among the competitors - 134.59 points.

Olympic silver

37 Belarusian athletes are the silver medalists of the Olympic Games, and 14 of them are awarded for the competition of gymnasts. Three sportsmen became two silver medalists: archer Igor Basinsky(kulova shooting), Andriy Ribakov(vazhka athletics) that Oleksandra Herasimenia(Swimming).

Olympic bronze

Bronze medals were won by 57 Olympians of Belarus, 45 medals at the festival. Record holder for the number of bronze awards - six-time Olympic champion Vitaly Shcherbo. This unique gymnast, who performed at the warehouse of the united SND team at the Olympics in Barcelona, ​​won six gold medals, winning in all types of programs. At the Olympiad-1996, at the warehouse of the selected Belarusian wines, I once again went to the third podium.

Belarus at the Paralympic Games

Formerly Belarusians played as an independent team at the Khlitnіh Paralympic Games in Atlanta in 1996. Belarusian sportsmen viboroli 13 medals, including 3 gold, 3 silver and 7 bronze.

Belarus at the Summer Paralympic Games 2012 near London The bula is represented by 31 Paralympic athletes in seven sports: athletics, swimming, academic wrestling, fencing, judo, cycling, powerlifting. Belarusian team 10 cities (5 gold, 2 silver, 3 bronze) sent the 25th day at the medal hall of the bag

3 10 of the Belarusian team at the Paralympic Games 2012 near London 6 having won the swimmer Igor Boky. Winning gold in the 100 m butterfly, becoming the silver medalist in the 50 m freestyle, winning the gold medal in the 100 m freestyle, winning gold with the light record in the 100 m on the back, becoming the best on the planet in the 400 m. won a record of 200 m medley swimming.

Swimmer became the silver medalist Volodymyr Izotov at a distance of 100 m breaststroke in the category SB12.

Bronze medals for an athlete Oleksandra Suboti for a casual haircut in category F46, Lyudmila Vovchok in academic education, Annie Buzzard in haircuts in dozhinu in category F11/12.

At the Winter Paralympic Games 2014 near Sochi representatives of the national team of Belarus won 3 bronze fences they put the 18th day at the medal hall. Vasyl Shapteboy becoming a noble bronze medalist in biathlon at distances of 7.5 km and 12.5 km from the chotirma fire lines among people from the waters of the zoru. Yadviga Skorobogata won bronze in the lower stages at a distance of 15 km with the classic style among athletes with damaged stars.

The Summer Paralympic Games 2016 will take place from 7 to 19 Spring 2016 in Brazil's Rio de Janeiro. 526 sets will be played in 22 sports. First, there will be held zmagannya s kayaking and canoeing and triathlon. Zmagannya will be seen on the same Maidans, like the Olympiad-2016.-0-

On XXXI Summer Olympiad in Rio de Janeiro, the Belarusian team will be represented in over 75 disciplines of the program. Among sports, with some great inspirations - artistic gymnastics, important athletics, paddling on kayaks and canoes, highway cycling, haircuts on the trampoline toshcho.

XXXI Summer Olympic Games pass from 5 to 21 sickles at Brazil. The main maidanchik will become a friend of the size of the city of the country. Rio de Janeiro, a football tournament matches pass through several places: the capitals of Brazil and the largest places of Sao Paulo, Belo Horizonte, Salvador.

Until the summer of 2016, the struggle for licenses will continue, to allow the best athletes from 206 countries to compete for the fences. Behind optimistic forecasts, Belarusians may have a chance to take 140-150 Olympic licenses. Before the speech, there are many more conquests on the biggest signs of 2015 rock - continental and worldly firsts, I European Games near Baku.

Belarus at the Olympiad in Rio-2016

At the moment (24 March 2016) at the warehouse Belarusian delegation close 200 osib, from them 144 athletes, yakі speak at 25 sports, 76 disciplines olympic programs. Basketball, boxing, Greco-Roman wrestling, cycling, sports gymnastics, academic wrestling, kayaking and canoe wrestling, judo, film sports, track and field athletics, table tennis, wind sports, swimming, streaming near the water, streaming synchronized swimming, modern fencing, archery, cult shooting, taekwondo, tennis, important athletics, artistic gymnastics, fencing.

Arrows became the first representatives of Belarus, which in 2014 were still qualified for licenses in Rio. Vitaliy Bubnovichі Yuri Shcherbatsevich and also a yachtswoman Tetyana Drozdovska(class "Laser-Radial"): in 2013-2014 years. - leader of the light rating, participant of the previous Olympiad (2000, 2004, 2008, 2012).

Among the stars of sportsmen is the Olympic champion of London-2012, the famous tennis player Victoria Azarenka, leader of the national team of Belarus in artistic gymnastics Melitina Stanyuta, legendary champion Katerina Karsten.

To the list of participants in the Olympiad-2016, the winners of the championship of the world in track and field athletics in Beijing Marina Arzamasova(800 m) ta Alina Talay(100 m with bars), champions of the planet - cyclist Vasyl Kirienko, weightlifter Vadym Striltsiv, paddlers Artem Kozir (canoe-the same 200 m), Margarita Makhnova, Marina Litvinchuk, Olga Khudenko, Nadia Lepeshko ( kayak-four 500 m), bronze medalist of the World Boxing Championship in Qatar Dmitro Asanov

In its own way, the fate of the Games can become unique Deer Telepushkina a couple with a Passat horse. 2015 another place at the rating of the International Federation of Film Sports from the zonal group "Central, Southern Europe and Middle Asia" (260 points) and the right to represent Belarus triathlon, one of the most complex disciplines in film sports. When Passat became a three-time participant in the Olympic Games, it is more rare for a horse.

Belarusian synchronists Irina Limanovskaі Veronica Esipovich under the supervision of the coach Natalia Sakharuk they got the fourth month of the qualifying tournament. The famous Russian athlete, five-time Olympic champion took an active part in preparing the duet Anastasia Davidova.

Head of the Belarusian delegation from Rio de Janeiro become the first intercessor of the Minister of Sports and Tourism Oleksandr Gagiev.

Belarus at the Paralypian Games near Rio

XV Summer Paralympic Games be held at Rio 7-19 Spring 2016. The Paralympic Committee of Belarus is responsible for the fact that at least 25 athletes can apply in Brazil, but the license is still insufficient.

Look at the sport, in some Belarusians they choose vouchers - adaptive sports, fencing, swimming, athletics and judo.

At the start in Rio, famous athletes are selected - Volodar five gold medals and one silver medal Paralympic Games 2012 near London swimmer Igor Boky that prominent athlete in the history of the Paralympic movement Lyudmila Volchek, successful in adaptive conditioning in low races. On the її rahunka there are three gold medals, three silver medals and three bronze medals, won at several Paralympic Games - summer (2008 and 2012) and winter (2006 and 2010).

The residual warehouse of the Belarusian paralimps will be appointed at the end of 2016.


Olympiad. Belarus has reached an anti-record schedule for a set of medals at the Summer Olympic Games

2016-08-11 01:12:24

At Rio de Janeiro, Belarus has reached an anti-record schedule for a set of medals at the Summer Olympic Games. The biggest show was at the Igri-2012 near London, if the Belarusian delegation won more than five days of zmagan (Marina Shkermankova, important athletics, category up to 69 kg).

On the fifth day of OI-2016, no money was brought to our athletes. Treasury of Belarus in Rio de Janeiro, as before, empty.

Comments (84)


I what?? What do you say?

Such countries, like Norway and Finland, do not need to bring anything, they have an economical rate and so high.

string(8) "Kalash47" string(17) "Sep 11 2016 14:38" string(1134) "

Get a medal from such a puppet d-vi yak Kosovo, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan is also a medal)

And Nimechchini has a total of 4, Norway and Finland have the same.

I what?? What do you say?

Norway and Finland pіvnіchі kraїni, їkh konik tse winter olympiad.

I am deeply doubtful that bureaucrats in these lands have put before their athletes such a medal plan, an axis of 20 medals and no less!

What is the Olympiad in today's realities? In essence, clowning, rich country to tear your ass for medals, to demonstrate that this country is not found in this world, tobto. a kind of "lay pipiska". Belarus is not to blame, the more medals, the more for the whole world we act like a country with a great economic development, like athletes win, then, in the country, there are pennies for financing sports in the country.

Such lands, like Norway and Finland, do not need to bring anything, they have an economical rate and are so high. array

Get a medal from such a puppet d-vi yak Kosovo, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan is also a medal)

And Nimechchini has a total of 4, Norway and Finland have the same.

I what?? What do you say?

the Poles still have one bronze, an outstanding failure

string(6) "VaDDok" string(17) "Sep 11 2016 14:38" string(393) "

Get a medal from such a puppet d-vi yak Kosovo, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan is also a medal)

And Nimechchini has a total of 4, Norway and Finland have the same.

I what?? What do you say?

the Poles still have one bronze, an outstanding failure


There, de mi momo, doping control is tough!

string(9) "montrealc" string(17) "Sep 11 2016 2:29 pm" string(390) "

it is not necessary to take part in 25 sports. It is costly and ineffective. See 5-7 de mi momo mother result. You do not need to give yourself a state. We are a provincial poor country and it is necessary to support it

There, de mi momo, doping control is tough! array

Get a medal from such a puppet d-vi yak Kosovo, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan is also a medal)

And Nimechchini has a total of 4, Norway and Finland have the same.

I what?? What do you say?

string(9) "montrealc" string(17) "Sep 11 2016 2:27 pm" string(312) "

Get a medal from such a puppet d-vi yak Kosovo, the great sports power of Kyrgyzstan is also a medal)

And Nimechchini has a total of 4, Norway and Finland have the same.

I what?? What do you say? array

It is not necessary to take part in 25 sports. It is costly and ineffective. See 5-7 de mi momo mother result. You do not need to give yourself a state. We are a provincial poor country and it is necessary to support it

string(5) "marek" string(17) "11 Sep 2016 14:25" string(218) " it is not necessary to take part in 25 sports. Too costly and inefficient. See 5-7, where we can determine the result. We can’t miss the state of the country and need to confirm that "Array

02.07.2016 - 20:29

The deserved people of Belarus have achieved the state honors ahead of the Independence Day. And who is claiming for the medal of the Olympic trial? What form should our athletes enter in Rio de Janeiro? Not in white pants, Ostap Bender will pass like a dream. I don’t voice any plans for adventurous, Bendery ones. But after all, what do Belarusian athletes pay for and what checks look out for during the first Olympiad in Pivdenniy America, our correspondent Evgen Pustoviy recognized.

And white pants will not be from Belarus. From the Olympic picture of the world, our athletes show off their sportswear. And no less than clothes - the whole country is supported.

Labels of Yuliya Latushkina on cloths and costumes of famous Russian pop divas. Now the olympic wardrobe with patterns of a famous designer.

Julia Latushkina, designer, retailer of the Olympic uniform:
I am proud of Tim, first of all, that our state has gone to good use. They thrashed their beast to the level of an artist. Must remember at this form, she’s not dilova, she’s dilova-sporty.

The President assessed the sports uniform of the Olympic selective team. Oleksandr Lukashenka himself is in a miraculous form and constantly stalks for a zmіst and a development of a sports shawl.

Oleksandr Lukashenko, President of the Republic of Belarus:
For the sport, and, in the first place, the sport of those who have access to our country, everything is necessary to fight. I don’t think you can stand up and say that you didn’t get some money to get ready for the Olympiad. As clearly as possible, tell us why we are going to Brazil and what is more unimaginable nutrition, like varto boulo b virishiti for the first two months before the Olympiad on the cob.

The president is told: they didn’t save on finances, they didn’t get coaches in the best experiments, they didn’t set plans for medals. Ale vlada invests money in sports, and Belarusians regularly check.

Olympiysk went out “Shvidshe. Vishche. Stronger" is taken from the Latin Vistula. So the axis, the third call - "Fortius" - means not only physical strength, but morally stand to the end. And goodness, as you know, take the place. I remember those that have become the Olympic capitals.

Maxim Rizhenkov, First Vice-President of the National Olympic Committee of Belarus, Assistant to the President of the Republic of Belarus for the nutrition of physical culture, sports and the development of tourism:
Everything here is in the hands of our nearest radniks. Tse trainers, psychologists of the team, like athletes can build on that healthy patriotism, know good words for them, like allow themselves to motivate them for that high result. The stench can just come to the finish line and when you say that you are dead. We will have the axis of just the right medals.

Maxim Rizhenkov - the most important sports official in the literal sense - is engaged in the basketball federation. To that, with special pride, I swear at the banner behind Yogo's back. Tse ticket of women's choice for basketball to Rio. Our girls “bought” it with their own luck and indulgence. Do not bargain for a cab, maybe all the participants in the selection are to blame.

The largest number of athletes in Rio from Belarus in track and field athletics - 37 points. Also, 22 paddlers, a women's basketball team, 8 important athletes, swimmers' insoles will be honored for the honor of the Blue Eye. At the XXXI Olympic Games our country is represented by 136 athletes in 25 sports.

Sergiy Makarenko - the first Belarusian - Olympic champion. In 1960, a Gomil resident Leonid Geyshtor brought “gold” to the Radyansk treasury. Makarenko got to the sports Olympus, vіrnіshe, drank less for five years of training. Radyansk athletes did not row for themselves.

Sergiy Makarenko, the first Olympic champion of Belarus:
Then there was more enthusiasm, and at the same time more pragmatism. It is necessary to speak not for pennies, but for the Fatherland. The axis is the most important idea.

Vzagali Sinekoy to be happy on the paddlers. Krugoobig won without losing his head to the Bogdanovich brothers. The stench even the Olympic champions, but the modest ones train at the famous sports base not far from the city of Minsk.

Correspondents of “Kartini Svіtu” also got to the preparation of the Olympians. Visnovok of a journalist: the burden to win is not easy. And respect - its own oar for paddlers, like a shirt - closer to the body.

Like important tricks, the coach of the Olympic duet explains literally on the fingers.

Before speech, lead Brazil for canoeing. True, now the floating plant is not made of beech, but carbonate. І important is easier - 16 kg each. Ale navantazhennya those same. Having waved the oar - take into account that the pіvtsentner has been lifted.

Oleksandr and Andriy Bogdanovichi, Olympic champions, members of the Olympic selective Republic of Belarus from kayaking and canoeing:
After the European Championship, we can see this day: aerobic pressure from the air. The next day will already be more stressed, important. On the eve of Independence Day, a pidemo from the biy.

Before the preparation of athletes, the interests of the country. Navit tsya pitching-drake respectfully follow the Olympic scope of Bogdanovichi.

The most important - tse moods. Solon water Rio can be easy to bring licorice out. About the optimistic mood to speak and the President. This trip is not a vacation, but the right one is sleeping chotirrichcha. Oleksandr Lukashenka accentuates: Rio can fly less than those who win from Olympic tourists to applicants for the laurels of the Olympics.

Oleksandr Lukashenko:
It is necessary to understand what "tourists"we will not be spared to Brazil. We are aware that there are no weak superniks at the Olympiad. With skin rock, everything is better to get medals. Ale tse is not a reason for being true. As if we were lucky, that there are no chances, it is not necessary to destroy the country and stain the people's pennies.

The message of the Olympiad of old is to carry the light, and Igor sent to the present - to bring the light to himself. In the era of the chariots of magic, the wars were ringing, at the extraction of space shuttles - the Olympic fire fired the opposition between the powers and increased the interest to the borders-reminders.

Oleksandr Lukashenko:
Sport is a great policy. See what happens at once, like a struggle. May you be on the lookout, if you don’t have a situation, if you come to the end of the march in Brazil, or through the great fates, I will again start picking up medals. If you have dabbled in doping and dabbled in them, then you just don’t give up. But I am absolutely for the cleanliness of the sport. The great powers, the great powers, always know the ability to outplay us at this food. As a clean sport, we have more opportunities to win medals.

Olympic Games . Truthfully, now the place of the gods of gods on worship is an international image, for the sake of which, be ready to sacrifice the reputation of superniks.

Have bіy go mustache. Find those that cannot be found in laboratories.

Chi hot, but the lack of success of the Chinese in Beijing, the coaches associated with the mythological subtext. Perhaps, then, were there less widows? Ale behind the carnival glare Pivdenny America tezh can hovatisya under the steps of mystical shamans.

Julia Latushkina:
Skin smugka, skin element means. It's good that they coded it.

Behind the form, the sports uniform is fashionable, and behind the zmіst - from the sacral zmіst and authentic energy. Colors and lines are pleasing to the eye and save from prejudice.

Designers first handed over navit dribnitsa. Covers for clothes, devices and bags in the same style. The Olympic wardrobe is made up of 23 speeches.

The President gives a special commission: the Olympic exclusive is for circulation.

Oleksandr Lukashenko:
Tsya form may have a free sale. So that a skinned person, like a woman, could buy the same clothes, and by the same token get to Rio and, vzagali, to sports.

Clothes for athletes on any sporting occasion. Shiyut її on the Belarusian enterprises, we also make a habit.

In these peredolіmpiyskі days in the form of leather department store of the capital. Those that earlier were less accessible to athletes, now you can buy a Belarusian. A shirt-vishivanka, a T-shirt with a possible call “Belarus, ahead!” and wear a business suit.

It’s worth noting that the fabrics are natural, made in Belarus, and on them the ornament of our sovereign symbol is the ensign. Vtіm, so kolori navitt on udzik.

The very presentation of the sports uniform took place at the Hall of the Olympic Glory of Belarus.

President's message: to be seen in Rio not only with your sports uniform, but also with your physical one. As it seems, they sing according to the odes, and see off the medals.

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