Alina Talay: biography and sports achievements. Alina Talay: biography, photo, special life Alina Talay special life

Diya herself helped Alina Talai to reach a new level, but if you search for fresh knowledge - this race, it will never end. In sports, like in life, high-illumined people constantly practice self-perfection. It's like a bottomless sea to know the new. Since Alina won the victory in the 100 meters race with bars, an interview with our athlete was posted on the site. We have saved the yoga Russian version, yak, spodіvaєmosya, fall in love with you!

The interview was prepared by Catal Dennehy:

If Alina Talay lifted her hearing aid, she sat in one of the Minsk cafes after the lesson my German. For the rest of the month, the 29th anniversary of the athlete will go through her own retraining (author's note: go about the worm).

“My head is going to wiggle,” said the vagrant. - I lived in Austria for two years and never learned good German. I’m a little bit dirty, I also go to lessons for the pochatkivtsiv. ”

Alina Talay mittevo absorbs new knowledge, like a sponge. In light athletics, it is rarely possible to train an athlete of the light class, which can train on its own. Especially in such a collapsible technical plan, athletics looks like a big 100 meters from the bars.

At the European team championship at Lilli / Photo: Marina Kachan

Alina traveled all over the world, worked with some of the best gurus in athletics. And all the whole hour she was watching, absorbing knowledge, so that once you take control over your career, she straightened to the top.

Photo: TUT.BY

“It was not an easy decision,” Talai said. - Ale, I may have a great deal of experience with different training systems. I trained in Austria, so I know how German athletes will train. Then, close to the second half of my life, I lived in the USA. During this period, I trained at the sports academy in Florida (IMG Academy). But after the recent season, I said that I would try to train independently, uniting different systems.”


last month (author's note: early morning, the interviews are dated 28 chervnia) One magical evening in St. Pölten (Austria), a girl rewrote her special record. Vaughn literally flew the distance in 12.61 at the front run, and then flowed into the European champion - Cindy Roleder, annulled the front reach. The sportswoman couldn't believe it, if she worked her hour - 12:41 (=NR).

“I could not believe my eyes. I thought it was impossible to fly so fast. Checked around 12.60. It was madness."

Photo from the special side of Alina Talai at FB

Kozhen, who blamed the sumnіvi according to the result of Alіna, having taken away the hit at the onset of tyzhnі, if the athlete confirmed that it was not vipadkovіst: Talay finished 2nd in Oslo - 12.63, then 3rd near Stockholm - 12.55, and then I won. at the home arena, the hour of the International match is 12:50. І all for the admissible value of the wind.

Photo: Oleksandr Shelegov, Directorate of the II European cities

“Until last Monday, I couldn’t believe my result - 12.41, but if I missed 12.50 in Minsk, I clearly understood that I was ready to beat the swede”.


Reveal that 100m s / b is a miracle. Twelve-second notice, like, from a scientific point of view, can be assessed with the methodological accuracy of an engineer.

In fact, what matters sports car'eri, Alina - object, vcheniy and architect of her share!

“Honestly, apparently, I don’t know, I’m looking through the years at a glance right, zabіgіv, podlannya bar'erіv vsgogo in my phone. It’s worth it, because you need to know for yourself, look at all the videos, analyze your speeches, as if they were stretching the earthly fate, she knows her weak sides. It’s not easy, I’m very tired of seeing it.”

“Ale from the other side is great. I know what I can do, what is better for me. You are part of the creative process.”

It's not a secret for anyone that the divine dosvid of Talai has already been around for two dozen years.

Alina is from Orsha. This is a small place at the beer gathering in Belarus. The teacher of physical education commemorated the talent of an athlete, if she was 13 years old. Todi won short distances, distances with barriers and was engaged in haircuts. In addition, since 15 years Alina had a back injury, she had a chance to tie a sports car with a stribuni.

For the young lady, athletics was nothing else for her, like a hobby. And in 2008, the rotational athlete finished 4th at the middle junior championship at Bidgoshchi, showing a result of 13.31 in the finals of the 100m s/b. I then won the beginning of the dream.

“I thought, maybe sport can become my profession, and I can earn money on my pennies. From that hour, I seriously thought about it, ”Alina said.

At the European team championship near Cheboksary / Photo: Vadim Devyatovsky


In 2014, Alina leaned on the road: she was covered with injuries ahead of the European Championship in Zurich, Talay finished there only a fifth.

“I believed that I could either change, or finish my career, it was important to train with injuries,” she said. - Then I decided to move to Austria. Started training with a new coach. You know, my car'er had a better change.

With Philip Winfried at the ceremony of presenting a special award to the GO "BFLA" "Athletics"

Alina spent two years under Philip Winfried's ceremonies and reached a new level, having won bronze in the world championship-2015 in Beijing: “It was important for me to learn that I can compete with the best athletes in the world,” she said. “It motivated me to continue my career.”

Photo: getty images

Tsya medal read the good results of the offensive fate. Ale on the biggest start in life Alina - at Rio, її olympic dream fell.

At pіvіnаlі on 100m w/b on the eighth bar'єrі vаn spent equal weight and could hardly hit її for two. Talay won the rest of the bag with the result of 13:66.

Photo: getty images

“You can show my disappointment,” Alina shared her emotions. - For an athlete, who is smartly getting ready for the first start with a stretch of several years, and then quickly after 12 seconds, your efforts to go anywhere. Tse became a majestic rose. I took a two-month break, did absolutely nothing, just forgot about the track. Ale potim I vyrishila, scho me it is necessary to change again.

“Then I moved to Florida to train with a new coach. For whom I am all - for these divine resolutions. I knew that I could work more to fulfill my dream. So I didn’t call.”

Photo: getty images

The athlete spent the second time, training under Lauren Seagrave's work, before that, like turning home, to get ready for the 2018 season. Regardless of those who train independently, Alina is not alone. Talai trains and trains with the 21st bar'erist at the base near Minsk. And at foreign training camps, they regularly cooperate with other European athletes, as they also specialize in 100m s/b. The stink to spend sleeping training.

With Lauren Seagrave/Photo: V'yacheslav Patish

“On the zmagannyah mi superniki, ale u everyday life my friends, - Alina said. – It’s good to watch one by one. Bachiti, what to shy away, like a technique of stench vikoristovuyut. Tse help me to train.


Talai is also working on behalf of his colleagues in the shop within the IAAF Athletics Commission, in which way the 2016 year is shaping up. In the rest of tizhnі, she was frightened of the bula of trochs to see right behind the family furnishings.

“There were two miracles. They sensed us - it seems out. - It was cool, and I'm sure that in the future it will be even more beautiful. It would be better to start athletics among the most popular sports in the world, because we are changing at once.”


Alina - Volodarka of the special award of the NGO "BFLA" "Athletics-2017" / Photo: Oleksandra Krupska

On this day, Alina has won two medals for the European championship in the host, a bronze medal for the world championship, a bronze medal for the world championship for the host, gold that won the European championship.

Photo: getty images

She is planning to add her collection for one more medal to the European Championship near Berlin - the culmination of the athlete's season.

“Like a leather athlete, I want to be the best,” Alina says. – I will try to show my best form on the front of the show in Berlin”.

The road to Berlin, better for everything, will pass through the stages of the Diamond League near Rabat and London. At the breaks, Talai watch the video on your phone, scanning your speech in search of inaccuracies and nuances.

“Navit my best race at 12.41 am, I’m getting a lot of pardons,” Alina said. “Sometimes I just can’t marvel at the technique of my business: “Oh God, I’m working!”

"All the best, so that I can improve and improve my result."

Correspondent of "Narodnaya Volya" spoke from Oleksandr Gutinim, a great mentor of the gifted Belarusian representative of the bar Alini Talay.

- The winter season is zmagan, the top of which
boov world championship in Birmingham, showing for our athletes a meager result in the sprint and in the bar race.

- I want to say that Elvira Herman, as she started at Pinsk, but from the ninth grade she moved to train to Minsk to Viktor M'yasnikov, did not let in the high bar. The 21st barista at the "Minsk Winter" lifted her to a record height for herself, and at the championship on the edge of Mogilyov she spent an hour to the finish line by one hundred. At Birmingham, they wore homemade clothes.

Alina Talai didn't have a championship, the problems began from the start and continued at a distance. On the mission of the latest American mentor Lauren Seagrave, I made bi Alina miss the first time, like the whole winter season. The first day of the new Olympic cycle needed to lay the foundation of the future, to go to the summer championship of Europe on good speed, show your 12.60, win the continental title of Chergovy and go far.

I’m guessing that Talay did not miss the season’s zmagan - neither winter nor summer. Vaughn is talanovite, uncompromising, orderly, she arrives quickly to her big Orsha sports school from a bag of sports uniforms. She will look at all the prohannya to act as ensign of the country, but the time has come to give reparations to the body! The first pіslyаоlіmpіyskiy rіk yakraz fell bi before the month. Such a start, like a championship of the world, always transfers my nerves and physical stress, and missing the final added negative emotions.

- Wanting a lot of athletes allowed themselves a break ...

Yes, and Alina postlya summer Igor called on that, on those who have not yet missed the annual series of winter and summer starts, which included official and so-called commercial tournaments. Prote Talay did go to Birmingham. I think we are ahead of the team to the point.

Another barist Vitaliy Parakhonko recently changed his mentor Gutin to M'yasnikov. At pіvfinali vіn sіv sіv stnє, 24 mіstse. In the course of the wines, the kilka once chipped at the bars, and then we went away, throwing tikati.

A plus for the one who had my own number of students in front of the front, having rewritten the special assignment. I don’t care about new evil and I’m sure that in the summer season I can improve my results.

- "Clean" sprinters were represented by one Kristina Timanovska, silver medalist of the youth championship of Europe. There were no more candidates for a trip to England.

Vaughn was better, lower torso "Europe", ale higher, lower home. Chantly, signs of tension are given, the squeeze of the stands and supernice.

Khristina is a gifted girl, as she has already played the "sreblo" of youthful Europe. She has everything in front, the tournament dosvіd will help her to believe in her own strength and establish herself among the European elite. I think that in the summer championship of the continent you can win at the finals, and you can fight for medals. However, when you get home, get out on your own.

The starting protocol for the human sprint of that Mogilev championship was second to none, but the company did not show a clear leader. Stanislav Dorogokupets claimed the role of the past fate, but before the start of one of the scoring, having earned a headless injury - he patted the child’s legs, that he ran through the climb - for the next season, so without roaring, buv completions.

The people had a group of approximately equal sprinters, from which a strong competitor could emerge. At Mogilov, a short sprint was left behind by Oleksandr Linnik, not long ago the leader of the team at the big on the colo. And the axis at the finals at 200 meters Dorogokupets took revenge, richly shortening his huge record hour. We wonder if we can continue to increase the growth of the influx.

Why such a short list of contenders for titles? Is it important to know the talents of the coaches?

There are problems, one of them is being destroyed by doctors. In case of tension, do not allow children to train. Aje is the simplest fence, lower guard for him, increase the ambition and the glee. Wonderful speeches are heard: at the handball training, the lad beats his finger. Yogo mother lead to the health center, and there they help the police. And why is none of them more than once in life without waving their fingers? In game types - in basketball and volleyball - the main line is on the right. And even if some of the children put their foot back, then it’s NP on a Russian scale. I call you on the right, if the child takes away the trouble on the street. At this time, on the right, you can’t reach the police.

Through the verdict of the physicians, the future Olympic champion Oleksandr Lesun was killed and he had a chance to move to Russia. For today's medical worlds, Alina Talay would not have become an athlete.

So, she had arrhythmia, mitral valve prolapse, and so on. The doctor in the sight of God Tamara Kirilivna Finkevich came to the training, checked her position until the next day. In the eighth class, they said that Alina only once saw the magic. For the help of the dead under control, Alina was convinced that she had returned to normal. Deyakі colleagues bubonic, movlyav, what do you need? Aja be-yake could buti. But I believed with those that Talai would become a great athlete and did not have mercy. Now Alina bagatorazova European champion, bronze medalist of the planetary first. Only one was unreasonable: why is the master of sports not deserved? Aja for whom you can do everything, you can go for all the worlds necessary for the removal of the ring.

- Vlasna, you should have been awarded the honored coach of Belarus as a whole.

There is no one to take on the qiu on the right. Start the paperwork required.

- How easy is it for Orsha, de vie prazuyete, to know healthy children?

More important, lower earlier. In a first step, zbіlshivsya nabrіr vіdіv sport, yakі їm proponuyut. In another way, the children have changed, including those who are healthy.

- And how do you look for children, attached to the future group of children?

First, on the magic. Since the republican federation began to hold the competition "300 talents for the queen", there were more of them. Children are picked up at the spur of the stage: on the school scales, then - on the regional ones, then - on the regional and distant ones - on the republican ones. Shukaesh, rozmovlyash, ask.

It is practiced by the brigade with Igor Rutkovsky, after the recruitment, it is possible to show the right to a singing sport. We are laying down a base later, and transferring it far away, at the track and field center, and not only big. One of our vikhovankas trains at the same time in Minsk with the leading discus thrower Vasyl Koptyukh.

- At the recent winter championship of the country, most of the front scores were empty.

On the right, if an athlete goes out of the walls of a sports school with the first category, then he doesn’t go to the regional team, without seeming about the republican one, he doesn’t spend wine. There is no way for you to go, and for the sport. In its own time, the department of the Mіzhvuzіvsk was founded, as a cherubov Oleksandr Vedmіd. But at the same time, there is no way, and there is no one to take care of such athletes.

In the country, a federation of student sports was created, so that the problem was solved. Adja has been repeatedly told that light sport, the first for everything, American, eats for the student's rahunok. Come out, scho won't become Tim's haircut, for which the sports reserve is instantly reduced.

Come out, that's right. We don't have a lot of international lanka between young and old sports. Axis and enter, scho at the championships, as a rule, zamagayutsya those who enter to the national selection, and those who graduate to the youth and youth selections. And there are not many of them, there are a small number of quiet people who start.

Alina Talay is a famous athlete from Belarus, a participant and a prize-winner of the World Championship.

Childhood and youth

Alina appeared light at the birch in 1989, the fate of Belarus. Vaughn grew up to be an active child, and the fathers vied to help the little girl in the sports section. They were saying that it was necessary for me to go in for athletics. In the future, the athlete did not repair the opir and, with satisfaction, she played the sports section.

A few hours later, the coaches remembered that the girl was seen on the aphids of her peers. From that hour, they began to give a little more respect, less to others.

Alina Talay successfully performed at childish and youthful performances in the domestic arena. An hour passed, and the girl began step by step professionally.

Youth career

At nineteen fates, she broke on her first wave, as they passed beyond the borders of native Belarus. That is the youth championship of the world. There are few successes of the sportswoman, but she was lucky enough to qualify for the finals. It’s a pity that at the finale, she sent less than a quarter of the month. Regardless of such a result, the girl continued to work nonchalantly.

Through river won їde to the European championship. Before the tournament, Alina again approached like a "dark horse". Regardless of what, Alina turned to the Fatherland from the bronze city.

2011 Alina Talai won the fate of the youth championship of Europe and won the gold medal for the first time. In this rank, at twenty-two years, Alina got her first serious city.

Varto signify that in 2011 the rotation took part in the All-World Viysk Games and won at a distance of 100 meters from the bars.

Has matured kar'єra

In 2012, Talai virushay to Turechchini, de pass the World Championship at the host. The runner takes a third of the space at a distance of sixty meters from the bars. Why is the athlete becoming different at the European Championships.

2013 was not very successful for a young athlete. Vaughn won more than a silver medal at the Universiade, as it passed in Russia.

In the spring of 2015, Alina became the European champion at a distance of 60 meters with bars, and literally a few months later she won bronze at the championship of the world in China. Belarusian woman also performed at Olympic Games in London at a distance of 100 meters from the bars, but at the stage of the pivfinal she lost the tournament. So she took part in the relay race, the de-selection of Belarus lost the first round.

It's a pity that the Olympiad brought a prize: Alina Talai didn't win anything. The photo and the video from the silent sigh show all the passions and those, as the athlete tried, but, to the delight of the fans, I couldn’t get it. Ale to її honor, pіznіshe, pіd an hour of rich roses with journalists, in truth, she didn’t joke, but honestly knew that she was not ready enough to zmagan.

Features of showings

How can you plead, dosit tsikava specialty Alina Talay. The biography of the athlete shows the upcoming special records:

  • In the open space, the girl ran a hundred meters in 11.48 seconds.
  • Two hundred meters won in 23.59 seconds.
  • One hundred meters from the transition codes the girl passed in 12.66 seconds.

As for the results of the application, the stench looks like this:

  • Sixty meters in 7.31 seconds.
  • Sixty meters from the bars in 7.85 seconds. This is the best result in the history of Belarus.

Beginning in 2008, Alina Talay is training under the inspiration of Viktor M'yasnikov, who is the leading athlete from Radyansk.

Possibly, the yakbi maiden was a trifle tall, then she could conquer more cities. It is even more important to compete with tall runners, if the growth becomes less than 164 centimeters. Regardless of the price, Talay is always focused on winning and tries to fight to the last. For herself, for the height of her inveterate character, the girl could reach the singing heights.

Belarusian track and field athlete, bagataraz winner of world and European championships, European champion of 2015 Alina Talay shared her rules to increase the price with 34travel.

I didn’t take care of it, I was in some country of the world. For the whole hour, have you been sipping on your promiscuous bags?

I don’t collect magnets for the fridge, I don’t bring backpacks from trips, I don’t try to take a picture of a skin memo. I take hostility.

As a souvenir of more expensive friends and relatives, I will ring out the malt.

Best, if in an unknown place you can just wander off for an hour without a special sweep. Not long ago I walked around St. Petersburg like this, and the place enchanted me.

Obviously, trips to the collection or to the magician are more expensive. To that often you can’t wake up for a long time, so that you want to know a little bit about a new place for you.

People are calling for life.

I don’t blame problems, how to get along with people for an hour of traveling for free. Golovna - deprive yourself and others of a little bit of special space. I obov'yazkovo save a little bit of humor.

It is important that before important starts you need to be strimanoy on emotions, do not laugh. But if we and the girls choose at the same time from the choice, it’s practically impossible - we laugh all the hour.

I train at the same time in Austria, near a small town not far from Sunday. Okrim, vlasne, training, work there for the dumb, to that, if it’s a free evening, I try to get to the capital of Austria. Fortunately, my friends have already appeared, who step by step say for me less.

Shchob Belarus has become a popular destination for tourists, so little to say. We need to start to love our country ourselves, to rediscover it for ourselves anew.

Nothing cleans your head like 1000 kilometers a day for kerm.

I like Minsk. I love to sit on the terrace of the cafe on Nezalezhnosti Avenue and marvel at people.

I spend ten months on the river not at home.

So, I’ve been waiting for the whole hour, but, really, I don’t know what to tell about the price. I'm not an expert on high prices.

Meni zavzhdi do not get quiet 23 kilos in luggage, so you can put it in the air.

Vіdomi sportsmen, scribes, vchenі - tse people, like ambassadors of their country. Through you, people learn about Belarus. Tse acceptance. Axis lads, yaks invented by holograms in the window, - the very same people open up the light of Belarus.

How to enchant the audience at the stadium? I think it is not necessary to work specifically for anything. Need to be natural. Because you are pretending to be a kimos, you are not really true, you will see the falseness.

I also love music festivals. Ale schob otrimati sravzhnє satisfaction with the fest, it is necessary to lie in the hell under the stage. I'm not afraid that my feet will be trampled on or poured with beer.

I love traveling by car, I love long car trips. Nothing cleans your head like 1000 kilometers a day for kerm.

I listen to music for kerm? That zovsіm raznu - from metalcore to lounge and reggі. For my remaining favorites I will name Alt-J, Parov Stelar, The Dining Rooms.

I would like to visit Baikal.

My nearest plans are Lausanne, Monaco and Beijing. But all the same, I’m still tied up with magic. I'm an athlete, not a mandrivnik.

A photo: from the special archive of Alina Talai

Alina Talay is a famous athlete from Belarus, a participant and a prize-winner of the World Championship.

Childhood and youth

Alina appeared light at the birch in 1989, the fate of Belarus. Vaughn grew up to be an active child, and the fathers vied to help the little girl in the sports section. They were saying that it was necessary for me to go in for athletics. In the future, the athlete did not repair the opir and, with satisfaction, she played the sports section.

A few hours later, the coaches remembered that the girl was seen on the aphids of her peers. From that hour, they began to give a little more respect, less to others.

Alina Talay successfully performed at childish and youthful performances in the domestic arena. An hour passed, and the girl began step by step professionally.

Youth career

At nineteen fates, she broke on her first wave, as they passed beyond the borders of native Belarus. That is the youth championship of the world. There are few successes of the sportswoman, but she was lucky enough to qualify for the finals. It’s a pity that at the finale, she sent less than a quarter of the month. Regardless of such a result, the girl continued to work nonchalantly.

Through river won їde to the European championship. Before the tournament, Alina again approached like a "dark horse". Regardless of what, Alina turned to the Fatherland from the bronze city.

2011 Alina Talai won the fate of the youth championship of Europe and won the gold medal for the first time. In this rank, at twenty-two years, Alina got her first serious city.

Varto signify that in 2011 the rotation took part in the All-World Viysk Games and won at a distance of 100 meters from the bars.

Has matured kar'єra

In 2012, Talai virushay to Turechchini, de pass the World Championship at the host. The runner takes a third of the space at a distance of sixty meters from the bars. Why is the athlete becoming different at the European Championships.

2013 was not very successful for a young athlete. Vaughn won less at the Universiade, as she did in Russia.

In the spring of 2015, Alina became the European champion at a distance of 60 meters with bars, and literally a few months later she won bronze at the championship of the world in China. The Belarusian also competed at the Olympic Games near London at a distance of 100 meters from the bars, but at the pivfinal stage she lost the tournament. So she took part in the relay race, the de-selection of Belarus lost the first round.

It's a pity that the Olympiad brought a prize: Alina Talai didn't win anything. The photo and the video from the silent sigh show all the passions and those, as the athlete tried, but, to the delight of the fans, I couldn’t get it. Ale to її honor, pіznіshe, pіd an hour of rich roses with journalists, in truth, she didn’t joke, but honestly knew that she was not ready enough to zmagan.

Features of showings

How can you plead, dosit tsikava specialty Alina Talay. The biography of the athlete shows the upcoming special records:

  • In the open space, the girl ran a hundred meters in 11.48 seconds.
  • Two hundred meters won in 23.59 seconds.
  • One hundred meters from the transition codes the girl passed in 12.66 seconds.

As for the results of the application, the stench looks like this:

  • Sixty meters in 7.31 seconds.
  • Sixty meters from the bars in 7.85 seconds. This is the best result in the history of Belarus.

Beginning in 2008, Alina Talay is training under the inspiration of Viktor M'yasnikov, who is the leading athlete from Radyansk.

Possibly, the yakbi maiden was a trifle tall, then she could conquer more cities. It is even more important to compete with tall runners, if the growth becomes less than 164 centimeters. Regardless of the price, Talay is always focused on winning and tries to fight to the last. For herself, for the height of her inveterate character, the girl could reach the singing heights.

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