Olympic games for the participation of Belarusians. Eleventh day of the Olympiad: A breakdown of promotions of Belarusians. Women. Shtovhannya core. Qualification

Representative of Belarus at archery - Anton Prilepov

Greco-Roman wrestling

16:00 - People. 85 kg. Qualification

16:30 - 1/8 final

17:00 - 1/4 final

17:40 - 1/2 final

22:30 - Bronze medal match

23:30 - Final

The prize-winner of the world championship 2013 and the recent winner of the qualifying Olympic tournament Javid Gamzatov (85 kg), it is possible to take a swing at the podium position. The representative of Belarus, having passed the previous round, starts at the tournament from the 1/8 finals, de you against the Chinese Peng Fei.

Cycle track

16:59 - Women. Omnium. Scratch

22:30 – Distill the retrial

0:17 – Vibuttam Race

Tetyana Sharakova is a standout at the trek bug fight - omn_um_. Belarus under the strength to fight for the top ten.

Kayaking and canoeing

15.31, 15.38 - Women. Double kayaks. 500 m.

16.53, 17.00 - 1/2 final

Nadiya Lepeshko and Marina Litvinchuk (double kayak) are nominated for a win at the main final. Belarusians start at the first front gate - about 15.31 for the Belarusian hour.


15:30 - People. Lost haircut. Qualification

16.40 - Women. Throwing hammer. Final

3.30* – Women. 400 m s / w. First round

Maksim Nesterenko, Dmytro Plotnitskiy and Artem Bondarenko (lost haircut) are celebrating the success of the qualifying stage.

Hanna Malishchik to perform at the finale, zmagan from a methane hammer. At the qualification, the Belarusian woman threw a projectile at 71.12 meters, showing a seventh result.

Katerina Bilanovich (400 m s/b) with a full force to go to the pivfinal.

Synchronized swimming

17.00 - Women. Duet. Technical program

Irina Limanovska and Veronika Esipovich win the technical program, wanting to have a chance to break through to the 12 best duets, so as to lead the fight for medals in the region. Belarusians spent 20 months in the pre-programme, deducting an estimate of 79,0000. Russian women Natalia Ishchenko and Svitlana Romashina became the best in this discipline - 96.0667. The finale will have 12 best duets for the sum of two right.

Project partner

On 17 September, 16 sets of medals will be played at the Games near Rio de Janeiro. The Belarusian athletes continue the fight.

At the Rodrigo d'Freitas lagoon, pass in the front and pivfinals of the middle of the same kayaks for 500 m, where the crazy leader of the Belarusian team will perform. Marina Litvinchuk. її kar'єri - 11 medals of world championships (of which 3 gold) and 16 medals of European championships (7 gold). Not seeming already about the number of "prizes" from the stages of the World Cup. Truthfully, the distance of 500 m is not crowned for her (on the basis of the old 5000 m, as it is not included in the Olympic program). At the start of the front arrival, Marina Litvinchuk will see about 16.05 for the Minsk hour. The pivfinals start from 17.17.

At the Olympic Stadium named after Joao Havelange near Rio de Janeiro, Belarusian track and field athletes will perform 17 sickles in three types of programs.

Name of the 40th hammer Ivan Tikhin, after 7 years of disqualification and fight against anti-doping authorities and the IOC, which recently won the title of European Championship, turned to fight again for the Olympic awards.

Trohi more, less than a month ago, at the European Championships, Ivan Tikhon was inspired to take a silver, but still remembered seeing the leader of the world. the rest of the years Pole Pavel Faydek Navit naygіrsha z usіh six samples of Faydek was the best, the lowest among competitors. Chizumiv Belarusian for the last month to add flooring, sob to fight with the Poles for gold? This is the first intrigue. And a friend - did Faydek himself manage to lose his miraculous form before the start in Rio de Janeiro? That psychological stress, as at the Olympiads, is always especially special, without losing anyone.

Ivan Tikhon and yoga teammate Sergiy Kolomoyets see the start of the qualification at the methane hammer about 17.05 for the Minsk hour, and another Belarusian Pavlo Boreisha start earlier - about 15.40.

Champion of the world-2015 and the best athlete of Belarus of the past fate Marina Arzamasova in the olympic river did not open the trump card and missed the European championship in Amsterdam. That is why those, in the form of Marina, are known at once, they don’t know more than supers, but, ymovirno, they make deaky friends of the runner. Well, we believe that the plan of Arzamas's new work is perfect, and in Rio she will please herself with that Olympic medalist. Qualifying run for 800 m for the participation of Arzamas start at 17:16. And for the first half of the year, about 17.44, at the start of the second distance, we saw a friend of the team Yuliya Korol less.

The silver medalist of the linden euroforum was immediately awarded to the 100 m race from the bars and got ready for the pivfinal race. Let's go, if Belarus has a night on the 18th sickle (2:45). And at the time of success, Alina beats for Olympic medals. The final will be, if Minsk will have 4.55 wound 18 sickle.

Distribution of the broadcasting programs of the Olympic Games - 2016 and the students of the Olympiad on the TV channels of the Belteleradiocompany

Uvaga: the date of the broadcast on the cob is given until one o'clock in Rio. Deyakі podії rozpochinamutsya already after the infamous at Belorusі.

The program can change!

09.10 Olympic Games. Rio-2016. Schodenik.

12.10 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Schodenik.

21.45 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Schodenik.

16.20 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Volleyball. People. ¼ final. Live broadcast.

18:00 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Olympic Games Basketball. People. ¼ final.

19.25 Olympic Games. Rio-2016. Handball. People. ¼ final. Live broadcast.

08.35 Olympic Games. Rio-2016. Handball. Women. Quarter-final.

10.15 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Volleyball. Women. Quarter-final.

12.20 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Day view.

14.55 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Schodenik.

15:00 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Vesluvannya kayaks and canoes. Live broadcast.

17.05 Olympic Games. Rio-2016. Athletics. Live broadcast.

18.50 PRO sport. News. Rio-2016.

18.55 Olympic Games. Rio-2016. Football. People. Pivfinal. Live broadcast.

20.55 Olympic Games. Rio-2016. Boxing. Live broadcast.

22.45 PRO sport. News. Rio-2016.

22.50 Olympic games. Rio-2016. The struggle is free. Women. 48 kg. 58 kg. 69 kg. Live broadcast.

00.45 Olympic games. Rio-2016. Athletics. Live broadcast.

Belarusians compete at Rio in many sports this year. Moreover, in the best shooting, our spivvitchizniki claim for medals.

Zirochkoy (*) signifies a sign, yak for the Belarusian hour to grow up in the midst of an offensive doby.

Vesluvannya academiche

19.10 - People. Four of a kind

18.50 - Women. Dvіyka rozstіbna

In a week, through a strong wind, a wave of academic sounding was made. To that Belarus Vadim Lyalin, Denis Migal, Igor Pashevich, Mykola Charlap(four rostibna) at the other front zaїzdі compete for a win at the pivfinal tournament, awarding "Pressball".

Belarusians Inna Nikulinaі Olena Furman(dvіyka rozstіbna) also vyydut this year on the water, schob try to get to pіvfinalu. It is significant that their chances for success are lower, lower for a human quartet.

For both crews to go to the pivfinal, it is necessary to spend up to three of the best in their races.

Showcase sport

19.05, 20.05, 21.05 – People. "RS:X"

19.15, 20.40 - Women. "Laser Radial"

Mikita Tsirkun("RS:X") in the next few days 12 times at the start (three races per day). Today is the day when the program is enhanced. In order to take part in the finals, the 19-year-old Belarusian needs to spend up to ten of the best athletes for pіdbags and 12 zaplivіv.

Tetyana Drozdovska(“Laser Radial”) held the first two races of the year at the Guanabara backwater. In the coming days, check the same program in Belarus until the participants have completed 10 races. For their pouches, the 10 best sportswomen will compete for medals at the final swim.

Drozdovskaya may have even worse chances at the finals. On the vіdmіnu vіd young Tsirkun.

Strilyanina Kulova

15.00 - People. Pneumatic screw. 10 m. Qualification

18.00 – Final

Please honor the medal of the 23rd city of Minsk Illi Chergeiko, silver medalist of the last championship of the world in this discipline Vitaliy Bubnovich, a native of Grodno. For a veteran it's already a quarter summer games at the kar'eri.

Floor tennis

16.00 - Women. Lonely rank. Third round

22.00, 2.30* – 1/8 final

18.00 - People. Lonely rank. Third round

23.00, 3.30* – 1/8 final

Viktoria Pavlovich in the third round, play with the 10th racket Chen I-Chin from Taiwan. The beginning of the duel for the weekend until the 1/8 finals at 17.00 for the Belarusian hour. At the same time, the success of the Belarusian will hit the bettor Lili Zhang (USA)/Su Hyewon (Pivdenna Korea, 12).

Starting from the third round, enter the fight at the Games under the same number Volodymyr Samsonov. For a break before the 1/8 finals, the legendary Belarusian competes with the Swede Christian Karlsson(twenty). Cob about 19.00 for Belarusian hour. How many days will the matches of the 1/8 finals be played. The winner of the Belarusian bet will meet with the best of the pair Andriy Gachina (Croatia, 15) / Paul Drinkhall (Great Britain).

On the third day of the Olympic Games-2016, Belarusians will compete in nine sports, moreover, some of the disciplines will have awards this year.

Zirochkoy (*) signifies a sign, yak for the Belarusian hour to grow up in the midst of an offensive doby.


15.00 - Women. Pneumatic pistol. 10 m. Qualification

17.00 – Final

Participant of five Olympiads Victoria Chaika like before, it’s good to break through to the final and not be ruined by the best of the best.


15.45 Women. Specialist that command pershіst. Qualification. 1st change

17.30 - 2nd shift

20.30 - 3rd shift

23.30 - 4th shift

2.30* - 5th shift

Belarusian American Kylie DIXON first of all, at the car'er, to perform on such a scale. To break through to the individual final, or at the final of the rich fight, you can help more than marvel. Dixon to speak at the 2nd shift.


16.00 - People. 66 kg. Front round.

17.30 - 1/8 final

18.20 - 1/4 final

22.40 - For bronze

23.20 – Final

16.00 - Women. 52 kg. Front round

17.30 - 1/8 final

18.20 - 1/4 final

21.30 - Tuesday matches and 1/2 finals

22.40 - For bronze

23.20 – Final

Dmitro SHERSHANі Dar'ya SKRYPNYK do not enter before the remembrance of the tournament. So the task they have is not tight: show your best judo and try to pass the next step. The skrypnik has a different way with the essence of the name Mareyen Kraєh, and the first super-player of Shershan is Rishod Sobirov from Uzbekistan.


18.00 - People. Fourth horn. Front entry

16.10 - Women. The two are different. Front entry

Vadim LYALIN, Denis MIGAL, Igor PASHEVICH, Mykola SHARLAP(four rozstibna), Inna NIKULINA, Olena FURMAN(dvіyka rozstіbna) try to win on the go the task of entering the next round. If you want the girls to work better, it will be better.


Women. Group racing. 18.15.

Reindeer OMELUSIK use the strength of the most powerful programs for the one you love. At London-2012, the Belarusian woman sent 15 seats to the group runners, and the number of strong supergirls expanded for several years. Soogo fate in Omelyusik on the rahunka one win, just like the past won this official start.


20.14 - People. 100 m spin. Front fill

5.06* – 1/2 final.

Mikita CMIGі Victor STASELOVICH(hurt - 100 m spin) take part in the qualification bays. Only if you know how to go to the special records of Belarus, you can have a chance to get to the pivfinal.


15.00, 19.30 Ladies. Lonely rank. Another round

0.00* Third round

2.00* - People. Lonely rank. Third round

At another round Oleksandra PRIVALOVA chat with Tsu-yu Chen from Taiwan (15.00 Belarusian hour), and Viktoriya PAVLOVYCH fight with the Russian woman Polina Mikhailova (about 19.30 at the Belarusian hour). It is significant that Pavlovich had a chance to pass.

About 2.00 from the third round to enter the fight at the Games under the same number Volodymyr SAMSONOV. Yogo most important superman - Christian Karlsson (20).


00.30* - People. 69 kg. Front round

1.15 * - People. 81 kg. Front round

Pavlo KOSTROMIN(69 kg) entered the ring against the Thai Sailom Ardi. Mikhailo DOVGOLEVETS(81 kg) is fighting with the Italian Valentino Manfredonia. The first one, and the second one are super-natives of the pidomni. Offending Belarusians may have a chance to break through to the 1/16 finals.


1.45* - Women. Group "A". France - Belarus

The choice of France is the vice-champion of Europe and one of the strongest squads of the Old World. However, she was not particularly impressed at the home pre-Olympic tournament, she won a ticket to the Summer Games, and the situation could add optimism to Anatoly Buyalsky and yoga girls after imaginative strikes in Japanese women.

Group "A": Australia - 2 points (1 gram), France - 2 (1), Japan - 2 (1), BILORUS - 1 (1), Turkey - 1 (1), Brazil - 1 (1).

On April 9, Belarus will be represented at the Olympiad in Rio in seven sports. Volodymyr Samsonov, Katerina Karsten, women of the Belarus national basketball team, and no less, will perform this year.

Zirochkoy (*) signifies a sign, yak for the Belarusian hour to grow up in the midst of an offensive doby.

21.30 - Women. Group "A". Brazil - Belarus

The national team of Belarus needs to beat the Brazilians - the third pozaka soon clouded the Belarusian prospects for a break from the playoffs.

Group "A": Australia - 4 points (2 hri), Japan - 4 (2), France - 4 (2), Belarus - 2 (2), Turkey - 2 (2), Brazil - 2 (2).

14.30 - People. The same. 1/4 final
18.00 - People. Fourth horn. Tuesday check-in
15.10 - Women. The same. 1/4 final
16.10 - Two guys. 1/2 final
17.10 - Two of the rozstibna. Tuesday check-in

Stanislav SHERBACHENIA(equally) we went to the water on another quarter-final bay, which starts at 14.40 for the Belarusian hour. The transfer to the pіvіnаlu is taken by three best sportsmen from six starting ones.

Catherine Karsten(equally) drank until the fourth quarter-final race, which starts at 15.40 at the Belarusian hour. The task is the same as at Shcherbachen: finishes at the trinity of the best.

Julia BICHIKі Tetyana KUHTA(two men) at the first pivfinal of the day they will try to finish at the trinity, to allow them to issue a ticket to the final.

Belarusian quartets (Vadim LYALIN, Denis MIGAL, Igor PASHKEVICH, Mikola SHARLAP) (qualification time - 6.02.93) to fight for the right to play in the pivfinal with quartets from Russia (6.03.89), PAR (6.02.5). Three teams from chotiriox will pass at the pіvfinal.

The Belarusian team of horns (Inna NIKULINA and Olena FURMAN) will compete for the victory at the pivfinal at the European front (ear - about 17.10 for the Belarusian hour), for the Belarusian team to fight five crews - Italian, Romanian, Dutch, Canadian. Moreover, all the stench showed an hour better for the Belarusians in the qualification. The hour of our duet at the qualification is 7:35.23.

19.15, 20.15, 21.15 - People. "RS:X"
19.05, 20.30 - Women. "Laser Radial"

Mikita TSIRKUN ("RS:X") spent three more stages on the front stage. On the first day, the 19th Belarusian finished on the 23rd (+2.21), the 27th (+4.37) and the 25th (+3.24). Together - 75 points, which means 25 months in the intermediate table. After 12 runs between 36 athletes, 10 participants will be nominated for the final, which will have a fight for medals.

Tetyana DROZDOVSKA ("Laser Radial") took part in two front bays. On the first day, the Belarusian woman held two races, in which she took part on the 23rd and 11th months. Together - 34, which is the 14th month of the intermediate table. After 10 races, 10 best sportswomen will be nominated to win medals at the final swim.

19.00 - People. 100 m vіlny style. Front fill
4.00* - 1/2 final

Chance to get out of pivfinal Evgeniya TSURKINA(100 m vіlny style), oscillating door, few, shards Danish view the program is non-core for a Gomel resident, which focuses on the hundred-meter butterfly.

15.00, 21.00 - People. Individual variance. 1/32 final
15.52, 21.52 - 1/16 final

About 1/32 final about 16.18 Belarusian Anton Prilepov chat with the Chilean Ricardo Soto The chances of the American look better. In the qualifier, the Belarusian occupied the 52nd place (643 points), and the Chilean - 13th (675 points).

15.00, 18.00 - Women. Small-caliber pistol. 25 m. Qualification
21.30 – Final

Victoria Chaika complete your speech at this Olympiad. Chance for the final of the Belarusian Primary.

22.00 - People. Lonely rank. 1/4 final

In the 1/4 finals, the Belarusian will compete with the representative of Nіmechchini Dmitry Ovcharov (3), who is Samsonov's teammate.

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