How natural resources are being accumulated on the territory of Russia? Understanding about natural resources, their role in the development of the Russian economy

The concept of “natural intelligence” is to be tied to this other kind of human activity. The injection of various natural minds on various galleys of the state's activity is minimal. It manifests itself in different ways in different galuzahs of the state, in different economic conditions. In any specific situation, friendly and unfriendly minds can speed up the pace of the development of statehood, adopt the molding of quiet and other kinds of activity and galmuvati yoga. A direct infusion of natural minds is applied to the curtains, which simply function as the sky, - a strong and forest state, efficiency and specialization of some rich in what is due to the nature of soils, climate, water regime. Under their breath, they change a lot of other types of activities. So, with the production of brown copalins, it’s not enough to save up that quality of ores, but the richness of the minds of their zalyagannya, which is poured into the way, the scale and variety of the species.

It may turn out that not the most, but the next generations, roztashovanny in friendly minds, will be the most economical. The variability of capital life is rich in why to lie down due to the minerality and watering of the soil, the degree of seismicity and swampiness of the territory, the presence of permafrost and the mountainous relief. Nature pours into the organization of the communal state. So, the varity of water supply, scorching, lightening of the life and life of life in areas of warm and cold, humid and dry climate, in the minds of a short and long day of light.

In this rank, having injected natural minds into the state, rich and varied. The main elements of natural minds, with a glance of their influence on the state, you can take into account the relief, climate, water regime, growing world, soil cover, as well as the territory, the camp on the mainland, rosemary. The proteo infusion of natural minds always manifests itself in the complex, shards develop in the marriage.

natural resources

Natural resources - this is the natural base, spiraling on the yak, the state of the country is developing. To the main criteria for the inclusion of quiet chi and other elements of nature, to the warehouse of resources, technical feasibility and economy of dotsillnist їkh vikoristannya, as well as the same level of viability, lie. The Daedals more than the elements of nature are transformed into natural resources. In connection with this, a great role is played by the scientific classification of natural resources. There are three approaches to such a classification. At the first approach to respect, the state's role of resources is taken, directly that form of their choice is an economic classification. This classification is based on the choice of resources in the main areas of government and here we see:

A. Resources of material production, zokrema:

a) craftsmanship (palivo, metal, water, wood, fish);

b) a rural state (grunty, drive for roshing, fodder growth, handicraft creatures).

B. Resources of the non-viral area:

a) direct storage (drinking water, wild plants, handicraft creatures);

b) indirect vikoristannya (green plantings for recreation, water-bearing for sports and recreation, climatic resources for recreation).

At the link with the problems of protecting the navkolishny middle ground and rationalizing the choice of resources in the ranks of the important classification behind the principle of resource selection. All resources are subdivided into the following:

1) vicherpnі, including vіdnovnі (roslinnі, ґruntovі, vodnі) and nevidnovnі (mineralіnі);

2) non-device (energy of the sun, wind, flowing water, climate).

At this branch, resources are considered from the most traditional, natural, classification of five groups: mineral, water, land, biological (among them, growing, forest) and resources of the animal world), . For which approach to classification, the basis is taken to be the sign of the availability of resources to that other element of nature.

Mineral resources. This type of resource includes a wide range of natural rivers, which are constantly expanding. The stench is characterized by unequivocal victories (for the vidobutku of syrovini) and it is more important to promislovy confessions. Mineral resources are vicerpnі, nevidnovnі (the cream of peat and sedimentary salts, the solution of which can be taken at once, but even more often). Їх the reserve of the hoch and zbіlshuєtsya in the wake of geological exploration work, but may be rozmіri.

Mineral resources are divided directly into three great groups:

Firewood (combustible) - slightly hot (naphtha), gas-like (natural gas), hard (wood, oil shale, peat); metal ore - ores of black, color, rare, gentry metals;

Non-metal - hyrnico-chemical syrovine (apatity, phosphorus, stone and potassium salts), technical ore (asbestos, graphite, mica, talc), budive syrovina (clay, sand, stone, vape) thinly.

The main feature of the distribution of mineral resources is uneven expansion in the Earth's overhead. Whose skins have a kind of resource, may the regularity of enlightenment and distribution. It has been established that the main places for the collection of palyn, chemical, and other types of siege-traveled copalins are platforms with siege rocks and their marginal troughs, and the places for the establishment of most types of ore copalins are ruhomy geosyncloblastal shields.

For example, there are large reserves of floodwaters in the area of ​​the Kursk magnetic anomaly (KMA), where the foundation of the platform is high rises and overlaps with a siege hood of low tension. Tse allows you to see ore in quarries. Various minerals are associated with the Baltic Shield - salt, copper-nickel, apatite-nepheline on the Kola Pivostrov. Transbaikal has significant reserves of saline, polymetals, cuprous sandstones. Rich with ore brown copalins and burn the Urals. Here, gold and copper-nickel ore, platinum are mined. In Altai, rich polymetal ores are scattered. And in the hoods of the platform on the Skhіdnoevropeiskіy rіvnіnі є genus of stone vugіll (Pechora basin), oil and gas (near Bashkortostanі, Tatarstanі, Stavropol Territory), on the pivnоchі Prikaspіyskoi lowlands they get kitchen power. On the territory of the Western-Siberian platform there are the largest deposits of oil and gas.

The widest indicator of the assessment of mineral resources is reserves with brown copalins, tobto. a quantity of mineral syrovina in the Earth's depths, on the surface, on the days of water and in the surface and underground waters, which is attributed to the data of geological exploration. For some genera of brown copalins, there are a lot of reserves of valuable components that can be stored in them, for example, store metal in ores. Stocks of brown copalins at the surface are measured in cubic meters (naphtha, vogillya, rudi), tons and kilograms (precious metals) and carats (diamonds). The amount of reserves with brown copalins is secured with different quality, which should be deposited due to the complexity of the geological life of the genera and the detail of the geological exploration.

At the present time, Russia may in its own arrangements see the main mineral resources in the obligations, which satisfy the current and prospective consumption of the domestic population and also allow for export deliveries. In the middle of the 1990s. the gross potential value of the discovery of balance reserves of the main species with brown copalins of the country was estimated at 28.6 trillion dollars, and the forecast potential - at 140 trillion dollars. (Table 1).

In the structure of the mineral-syrovine base, 71% are composed of scorching and energy resources, represented by gas, coal, naphtha, 15% - non-metallic syrovine, 13% - black, color and rare metals.

Table 1

Korisnі kopalini bln.

Total 28 560 100.0

Natural gas 9190 32.2

Vougillya and shale 6,651 23.3

Naphtha and condensate 4,481 15.7

Black metal rudy 1962 6.8

Ore of color and rare metals 1807 0.3

Noble metal ore and diamond 272 1.0

Other 4,197 14.7

Dzherelo: Russia at the Light Economy on the Cob of the 1990s. Inter-country regional analysis. M.: ISEM RAN, 1995.

At the surface of Russia, which occupies 11.5% of the earth's land area, there is a large part of the light reserves of various natural resources: apatite - 64.5%, tin - 37, gas - 35.4, light - 32, nickel - 31, cobalt - 21, zinc - 16, diamond - 26, oil - 12.9,

The share of Russian exports in the global light trade balance of mineral syrov is steadily becoming 7-8%, including: oil - 8%, gas - 36%, coal - 6%, uranium - 40%, midi - 10%, nickel - 23%, aluminum - 34%. In the whole world, the export of the main types of mineral syrovina bagatorazovy shifts to the import of the trade balance of Russia.

Russia has become a country, as it is actively exporting its natural syrovina, in opposition to the roaming lands, we will step on a strategic line for the conservation of our natural resources and satisfaction of our needs, mainly for the sake of imports. From the common obsession with brown copalins, which are found in the world, in the її part of the attack: apatite - 55%, natural gas - 28, diamonds - 26, nickel - 22, potassium salts - 16, saline ore - 14, color and rare metals - 13 , oil - 12%.

The formal security of Russia with mineral syrovina through a significant drop in the production of Rest of the Rocks grown up. Entrusting the security of the city with a lot of sights of the virus in Russia and serious problems.

First, after the collapse of the Soviet Socialist Republic, Russia no longer has all the necessary gas (Russia has practically no reserves of manganese ores, not enough chromium ores, is not satisfied with the moisture content of the need for lead, zinc, silver, uranium and other. - Traditionally supplied many republics of the SRSR). The stocks of titanium, zirconium, rubidium, mercury in Russia are at least significant, although they are developed, the rocks of their genera are characterized by foldable geographic and geographic minds, and that syrov was supplied from other republics, and access to the resources of these brown copalins is not economical.

In other words, 70% of the explored reserves of oil and 69% of gas have already been tapped before exploration. The average volatility of the naphtha genera before the development exceeded 50%, and the greater part of them passed into the vidobutka stage, which is steadily falling. Until the beginning of the coming century of discovery, stock up on a rich trival hour of exploitation genera of brown copalins (which can be attributed to a number of great genera of naphtha, surmi, tungsten, chromium ores, gold) will be more or less a significant world of destruction. Security of Russia with mineral resources at the beginning of the 21st century. maybe suttevo pogirschitisya.

Thirdly, the production of mineral resources is not compensated by new discovered reserves. Exploration of new stocks for sustainable types of footwear enterprises is carried out at an insufficient pace; New genera in the field of development are practically not introduced. In order to demonstrate the safety of active reserves of the main types of mineral syrovin (setting stocks to the flow river vidobotku), the development of these economically tol according to the criteria of the light market, Russia is honored by a number of foreign countries. On the cob 1997 59% for oil, 50% for lead and zinc, 33% for nickel, 31% for natural gas, and 23% for natural gas. Only for natural gas, gold, silver and diamonds, this show is the highest for the highest light.

For rich types of mineral syrovina, safety becomes less than 25-50 years, and for lead, zinc, antimony and rose gold - less than 20 years. Through a significant decrease in the remaining rock volumes of oil and gas production, insufficient filling of the sour base from oil and gas, although the prospects for expanding the whole real, oscilki for 1 sichnya 1993 p. naphtha rises from 33% and from gas 27%. At the same time, in Russia, it is practical to implement a national resource program for the purpose of building a national resource program, as the healthcare system needs the current interests of the future generations.

Water resources. Like water resources, surface waters (rivers, lakes and other waters), underground waters (underground and soil waters), waters of ice-makers, atmospheric falloffs, yaks and jerels of water for the satisfaction of the state and the butov’s needs are considered. Water is a kind of resource. Vaughn is lost in its own nature and secondary (underground water) and non-primary (surface stack) reserves. Water in nature is found in uninterrupted Russia, to which it was divided into territories, at times of rock and at rocky slopes to significant colivans.

Russia has significant reserves of fresh water. Most widely in the national state, vicorous river waters grow. The rivers of Russia lie up to the basins of three oceans, as well as to the inner basin of the Caspian Sea, which occupies most of the European part of Russia. Most of the rivers of Russia lie down to the pool of the Pivnichnoy Ice-cold Ocean. The rivers that flow into the peninsula of the sea have found and re-watered. The newest river is Olena (4400 km), the most recent river is Yenisey. In the middle parts of the Sibir river, there are streams and rapids. The largest regions of hydroelectric power station - Krasnoyarsk and Sayano-Shushenskaya on the Yenisei, Novosibirsk on the Ob, Irkutsk, Bratsk, Ust-Ilimsk on the Angaria were called to these cities. The rivers of the European part of the basin of the Pivnichny Icy Ocean - Pechora, Mezen, Pivnichna Dvina, Onega - are significantly shorter than the Siberian rivers. To the basin of the Pacific Ocean lies a rich river. The main rivers of this basin are the Amur and its tributaries - Zeya, Bureya, Ussuri.

The basin of the Atlantic Ocean occupies the smallest area in the entire territory of the country. The rivers flow to the west at the Baltic Sea (Neva) and on the day - in Azov and Chorna (Don, Kuban and in.). A special place is located on the Neva. This short river (74 km) carried a large amount of water - near the Chotiri Razi there is more, lower Dnipro, which may be more than 2000 km away.

The Greater European Russia is borrowing the inner basin of the Caspian Sea. The rivers Volga, Likar, Terek and In flow into the Caspian. European Russia has found a river - the Volga (3530 km). On the Volz, there is a lot of HPS: Volzka im. Lenina, Saratovskaya, Volzka im. XXI z'zdu CPRS and in.

The main contributors to water resources in our country are water supply, hydropower, and dry goods.

Water supply - the succession of different ways of using water resources to industry, communal government and population with a great frequency of irrevocable losses and a different level of zabrudnennya. The very side of the water supply creates the problem of acid decline and changes in water reserves, which are becoming more and more abundant in the world of increasing production. Virishennya її vymagaє revozpodіl vodny sredsіvіv mizh districts, dbaylivy vytrachannya zaporіv, budіvnitstva cleansing spores, wide depletion of closed cycles vikoristannya vіdі іn.

Hydroenergy uses the energy of flowing waters, the reserves of which are later turned around by the watercourses. Russia may have the world's largest reserves of hydropower, which will make close to 1/10 of the world's reserves. Distributed hydropower resources of Russia unevenly. Most of them fall on Siberia and the Far Skhid, moreover, the main reserves of hydropower are located in the basins of the Yenisei, Oleni, Ob, Angari, Irtysh and Amur rivers. Reindeer for reserves of hydropower visit the first place in the middle of the rivers of Russia. Bagatі on hydropower resources of the river Pіvnіchnogo Kavkaza. Significant part of the technically feasible hydropower resources in the region is located in the Volga and Central regions of Russia, where there are especially large reserves of hydropower in the Volga basin.

For piece-by-piece roshhennya vikoristovuєtsya stіk rіchok and resources of ice-makers. The main areas of cultivation are dry territories: pіvnіchny caucasus, Zavolzhya.

Land resources. The land resources of the planet are still, like and dry, which make up 29% of the earth's surface. Prote only 30% of the land fund of the world - tse sіlskogospodarski ugіddya, tobto. lands, like vicarious, are being harvested by people for the production of food products. Reshta territory - tse mountains, deserts, ice-covered places, swamps, foxes, areas of permafrost.

Land resources of Russia are great - tse 1/2 part of the whole land of the world. The total area of ​​the Russian Federation will be 1709.8 million hectares. Land resources for the agricultural state of Russia, and in the first quarter for farming, surrounded by unfriendly climatic minds: the territory of permafrost becomes 1,100 million hectares, or over 60% of the total area. Nearly 710 million ha can be planted to the selskogospodarsky victoria. The average one inhabitant of our region has 11.5 hectares of land (more, lower in all other powers of the world). Prote productive rural lands to become less than 13% of the total land area, zocrema rilla - 8% of all land resources in the region. Prote, the security of the population of Russia with the help of rural lands for the head of the population to grow high (0.9 hectares per person). China won 0.08 won, USA 0.54, Japan 0.03 ha.

The land fund of Russia is unevenly divided by regions; Basics of Masiv Lands of Roshtashov, in the їvropei unit, on the PIVDNI SIBIRA, in the stove zones of the steps, and this is the PIVDENSIA part of the zone.

The main massifs of the pastures are confined to the head rank of the pivdenno-shidny areas of the Russian rіvnina and the pivdenny outskirts of the Zahidno-Siberian rіvnina. On the vіdmіnu vіd prіzvіshch іnbіlsh znіnіnі sіnozhatі roztashovuyutsya in prіvnіchnyh regions єvropeyskoїї єї part of Rosії, і persh cherga іn jelly bows. Significant areas of rilli and synagogues are located in the so-called non-chernozemniy zone, which embraces the European part of Russia on the pivnich overlooking the forest-steppe. In order to obtain high yields, in this zone pidzolic and marsh soils will require a wide range of fertilizers (especially organic fertilizers) and vaping. Reclamation of the Nechornozem'ya lands - draining, clearing of stones and chagarniks - can significantly expand the area of ​​rural subdar lands and take away high crops.

A relatively small part of the land area of ​​Russia is occupied by settlements, especially places, industries and transport routes. Forgetting that land occupied by transport routes is less than 2% of the total land area of ​​Russia. The stench is most importantly spread in the most populated parts of the country, the least provided with land, dowry for the rural state. To that, it is also important that it is economical and reasonable for the area, and the reclamation of lands damaged by mines and quarries.

Biological resources This type of resource includes woods, silver and ribs.

Our country is rich in forest resources, there is a part of all light forest resources. The area covered with forest in Russia is 766.6 million hectares, out of a forest reserve of 82 billion m3. The main mass of the reserves of the village is located in the forests of Siberia and the Far Descent, but in the past, in the distance, they are exploited more strongly than the forests of the European part of Russia, especially the basins of the Pivnichnaya Dvina, Pechori, and upper Kami. In the past, the main forest growths were carried out in the borders of the primeval part of the taiga and the subzones of the wild forests near Central and Pivnichno-Zakhidniy Russia, close to growing up to the head forests of the village. As a result, the forest resources of these regions were heavily depleted. Now the harvesting of the village here is sharply shortened and is carried out less at the roselands, so as not to overwhelm the natural growth.

Rich forests near the central and western parts of Russia may have a water conservation value, so the wood is not harvested in them. Resources її in Russia more, lower in any other country of the world. Prote behind the equal of their victory, our country stands out from the economically developed powers. A lot of villages simply do not vikoristovuetsya, grandiose spend an hour transporting the forest (for that number along the rivers). Lizozagotіvli is not compensated by the worships of the lind -linked robots, Vnaslіdok wandered the critical Ekologiy Situzia (on the pynchropeisyki Partniy, Balya Lake Baikal), I am a situation of Zagotіvyvini.

Foxes of Russia give not only wood, but other products: mushrooms, berries, peas, medicinal syrovina, which is especially important, cunning. The tundra and taiga are rich in resources. Golovnі see khutra, which is seen in Russia - sable, squirrel, arctic fox. For a lot of art, which is seen, Russia sits first among all the world powers, exporting it from the great worlds.

Bagata Russia and other resources. For a long time, ribs were carried out in the Barents, White, Caspian, Azov and Japanese seas, as well as near a number of internal water bodies (Volga basins, in the Ladoz and Onez lakes). As a result of intensive fishing, the resources of all these waters have greatly decreased, especially valuable species. The life of hydroelectric power stations on the Volz, and the muddiness of the seas and internal waters had a negative impact on the fish resources of Russia.

The development of fish resources in the peninsular seas of the Pacific Basin and the Siberian rivers did not allow wasting the catch of ribeye in such seas. Fishing for ribeye in rivers and lakes was significantly fast. U zvyazku z tsim great value ribnitstvo swells, while still weakly rozvinene.

An important role is played by the organization of the recovery and exaltation of people to cherish the natural recreational resources of Russia. Before them you can see the mineral dzherela (for drinking and taking baths), luscious mud, succumbing to rich ailments, climatic wash in the lower regions of Russia, sea beaches. The great recreational significance is the diversity of landscapes. Mayzhe in the skin region of Russia is a month, succesful and friendly for the recovery and exaltation of people; Primorsky and mountain regions are especially great recreational resources.

Agro-climatic resources. This type of resource includes such natural warehouses, such as heat, water, light. In the light of the reality of the world, the productivity of a strong agricultural industry, the efficiency of investments in the whole sphere of the economy can be found. The agro-climatic resources of Russia create the power for the development of the agricultural state of the republic. The majestic place of Russia, deserving the majority of the population, resting at the borders of the cold and mortal belt. However, half of the territory of the region, which lies near the subzone of the mixed forests and near the zone of the forest-steppe, which embraces Central Russia, is pivden Western Siberia that of the Far Descent, may be sufficient for the amount of additional temperatures again (higher + 10 ° С) - from 1600 to 2200 ° С. Such agro-climatic minds allow growing wheat, rye, oats, flax, hemp, buckwheat, potatoes and vegetables, beetroot and various fodder crops (corn for fodder, legumes), necessary for breeding.

Pivnіchna half of the country, which includes the taiga pіvnіch of the Russian region and the greater Siberian and far-flung taiga, may be sufficient, and the lower part of the region is overly blessed. The amount of additional temperatures during the growing season is here at the borders of 1000-1600 ° C, which allows growing wheat, barley, legumes, flax, less warm vegetables (radish, cybula on a feather, carrot) and potatoes, herbs. The least favorable agro-climatic mind is in the Extreme Pivnochi of Russia, where the sum of pre-growing temperatures during the growing season is less than 1000 ° С. In such minds, it is only possible to have only moderate arable farming with the cultivation of crops that are less able to heat and greenhouse-hothouse statehood.

The hottest part of Russia is the steppe districts of the Russian plain and the Western Siberian province, as well as the Transcaucasus. Here the sum of additional temperatures during the growing season is 2200-3400 ° C, which ensures the safety of winter wheat, corn for grain, millet, beetroot, dormouse, heat-loving vegetables and fruits. However, in these areas there is a lack of watering, which will require watering from rich areas and that increase in land.

Reduced resource efficiency

The resource-rich Russia is continuing to save a lot of the massive SRSR, and, moreover, it has come down to low new negative trends, maddening by the disorganization of the state in the rest of the world. The most important problems of resource management:

a) low technological level of the production of bottles and processing of syrovin (burnt at the tails of the smelting factories, at the tar skips and vіdvalakh, the Oz of all vidobutih brown copalins is ruined);

b) the structure of the national state with a high tutelage of resource-saving galleys;

c) lack of economic incentives to save resources;

d) weakness of state policy in the field of resource conservation.

All this is the main dzherel of gigantic overheated paliva, syrovini and materials. Electricity and energy consumption of Russia's GDP are 2.5 and 4.5 times higher than those in the USA. The spread by age to the European lands and Japan is even more striking: in 3.5 and 8.8 times.

Even more in the provinces of industrial lands, Russia is experiencing mineral syrovina, iron ore, and industrial materials - steel and cement. For example, Russia on the cob of the 1990s. saved the salary per unit of GDP in the most times more, lower than the USA.

As a result of the outrageous transition, Russia spends only on energy resources from 25 to 30% of GDP, while the United States - no more than 6-7%, and the European lands and Japan - even less. For such a low efficiency of using natural resources, which is between squandering, Russia is unlikely to be able to save farther economically for a shortage of resources, like, though paradoxically, you can really blame it.

When moving from Smolensk to Rostov-on-Don, I didn’t feel any discomfort and quickly attached myself to living in a larger region. Discomfort I feel much worse, if having visited Bahrain, the whole island power is on the Middle Descent. There it became clear to me that a resident of the middle smuga of Russia, as I was in the eyes of the people themselves, did not go anywhere for me. Why is it so important for people to give acclimatization?

Comfortable wash for the middle class

Nasampred dorechno razpovіsti about teritorialnі mezhі tsgogo area. The middle smuga of Russia takes its cob into the cordon from Belarus and ends up at the gathering order from Tatarstan, at the beer night it starts on the territory of the Kostroma region, and more and more lands at once from the Saratov region.

The middle smuga is seen as a zone with a global-continental climate, which is presented all the time:

  • mild winters with an average temperature of -10 °C, and on the most frosty days it rarely drops to -30 °C;
  • spring and autumn with a deadly fall and an average temperature of more than 0 ° C;
  • warm summer, the maximum temperature in the lime rarely exceeds +35 °C, and the average value on the thermometer stand reaches +25 °C.

Wash the middle smoky comfort not only for living people, but also for deciding the living world, which is even richer in these latitudes.

The area has a diverse fauna (weeds, wolves, hares, birds) and a wide variety of growing world (broad-leaved and coniferous trees, chagars, mosses).

How to quickly acclimatize in a "foreign" climate

If I'm on the Middle Skhodі, then in the first days I just vigukuvav in the speck of the speck.

I didn’t invest in my head, like a female woman in a 45-degree heat (for them the temperature is generally normal in summer) it’s free to walk in black hijabs.

Ale, the human organism can stick to everything, and already for tyzhden it has become much easier for me for new minds.

For Swedish adaptation to a hot climate, it is necessary to sit at the air conditioner less, and to spend more than an hour on the street before a cold one.

Do you like extreme food? where does Russia have to change territories with extreme minds? assignments by the author drill through best of all Extreme natural mind - mind that is extremely unfriendly to the human body
Russia is a great pivnichna power. More than 2/3 of the area lie down to the areas of extreme natural minds with the promotion of risks and windfalls to the government activity.
Зона Півночі - територія, на якій життєдіяльність населення різко обмежена через вкрай суворі природні умови (низькі температури повітря більшу частину року, поширення багаторічної мерзлоти, електро-магнітні бурі, високі швидкості вітру, хирлява деревна рослинність або повна її відсутність, нерегулярний режим дня та ночі ) . The healthy population, especially the past, is under the constant influx of characteristic risk factors, which lead to the formation of specific penile pathology
To extreme minds lie spontaneous natural phenomena (tsunami, earthquakes too thin)
20% of the territory of Russia extends up to seismically active regions (in addition, 5% of the territory is sloped to super-unsafe 8-10-point earthquakes).
For the rest of the quarter of the century, Russia had close to 30 significant ones, so by the power of this number of balls on the Richter scale, earth cowards. There are 20 million people in the zones of possible ruinous earthquakes in Russia.
Earthquakes and tsunamis are the most affected by the inhabitants of the far-flung region of Russia. The Pacific coast of Russia is in one of the "hot" zones of the "fire ring".
Seismically active areas in Russia are also seen in the Northern Siberia, in the Baikal, Irkutsk region and the Buryat Republic one can see 7-9-point zones.
Yakutia, through the yak to pass the cordon of the European-Asian and Pivnichno-American plates, is not only considered a seismically active area, but also a record holder: here earthquakes often occur with epicenters at the pіvnіch vіd 70 ° Mon. sh.

Vidpovid vіd Feature[guru]
suvory climate, desert, high altitude, sharply continental climate.
Kraynya Pivnich, Siberia

Vidpovid vіd Tata[guru]
The polar region is a region of extreme minds - even with low temperatures, strong winds, and permafrost.
Most of the Russian Pivnochi area is occupied by extreme territories.
In these regions, it is practical to add a lot of natural resources to the people, sharply complicate the work, butt and repair, and the parameters of the other factors of the middle reach the values ​​that are critical for the health of the people.
The cordon of the extreme pidzon at the pivnіchny entry pass on pіvnіch vіd the Polar stake, and on the exit from the Mezen the cordon crosses the pivnіch vіd the Polyarniy stake and on the vіvnіchniy descent of the edge of the vines of the crossroads 60o from. sh.

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Topic: Understand about nature natural resources, their role in the development of the economy of the Russian Federation.


I. Introduction……………………………………………………………………….2

II. Natural mind………………………………………………………...2

III. Natural resources………………………………………………………..4

Land resources………………………………………………………...5

Forest resources……………………………………………………………………5

Water resources………………………………………………………………6

· Mineral and syrovine resources……………………………………………..7

IV. Natural resources as an economic factor………………………...9

V. Visnovok………………………………………………..………………………………………………………………………………11

I . Intro.

Russia is a country richly endowed with the most manipulative natural resources. For the stocks of riches of Russia lie ahead of the world. Foreign mandrіvniki, vcheni that diplomats have long been hoarding kazkovy riches of Russian nadir. The smut wealth of Russia is the generous nature: endless foxes, fields, seas. Tse її regіoni, kozhen z yakіh play their indispensable role in the life of the country, giving їїї naphta і gas, khtos mashinі scientific opinion. The very thing about the wealth of Russia, spiraling on the way out of the building to stand at the hard rock, my work was written.

II . Natural mind.

The nature of Russia is seen by the suvorim climate, and, for us, a long frosty winter. The climate is rich in life, as in the countryside, as well as in the skin bag. Obviously, in the cold and snow, you can hide in a booth, but it is also necessary to scorch and illuminate with a stretch of rich months. Suvoriy, having poured into the climate, is expanding like in the vicinity of the city of that region, and in Russia it is scorched.

Natural minds are the objects and forces of nature, the essence of which is the development of productive forces for life and the government activity of society, but without intermediary yakі in the material and non-virobnic activity of people.

The understanding of natural minds can be historical intelligence. With the development of the productive forces of rich elements of natural minds at the same time є і natural resources. Tse vіdnositsya, for example, to climatic, recreational and other. The interpretation of the understanding of natural minds is not legalized. Under them, one can understand the entire complexity of the components of the geographic environment (their geographic territories, and natural resources, and the power of natural minds.)

The understanding of natural minds zavzhdi pov'yazane with this chi іnhim type of human activity, but it's not unchangeable, it changes from one epoch to the next, it is very stale due to character and equal virobnitstva. The long hour of the training of natural minds was tied up with the assessment of their influx on the various galleys of the state's activity. For example, a variety of brown copalins can be found more widely on the genera, sown in friendly natural minds, and the shards will be economical. The variability of capital life is rich in why to lie down due to the minerality and watering of the soil, the degree of swampiness of the territory, the presence of permafrost and the mountainous relief. Vartist water supply, scorching, lightening the life and life of life in areas of warm and cold, humid and dry climate, in the minds of a short and long bright day.

The natural middle ground can "sound in the economic plan". The infusion of natural minds, relying on the productivity of the supple and individual practices, signifies the value of the material costs by a significant world.

Natural minds should also be assessed from the position of the minds of the life of the population. The stench is one of the most important factors that make it easier or more difficult to populate that developed territory, which signifies the scale of the world, ways and forms of victoriousness of natural resources and economic opportunities. The susceptibility and susceptibility of these minds, like a modern natural look, so the changes as a result of anthropogenic transformations of nature are strongly and variably signified on all sides of the life of the population: yogo, work, repair, become healthy. Virishennya bagatioh social and economic and state problems of a significant world lie in the correctness of the assessment of natural minds. For rozrahunka fahivtsіv, vartist obshtuvannya odnієї people in different regions of Russia can differ in 7-10 and more times. The peculiarities of the settlement of people from the first years of the formation of human society were surrounded by factors of the natural environment.

The total assessment of the natural minds of people's lives is based on equal comfort. To determine the level of comfort, it is possible to evaluate close to 30 parameters of the natural environment (trivalence of different climatic periods due to comfortable and uncomfortable temperatures according to the season, assessment of thermal insulation necessary for the skin season, clothing, presence of natural fires and infections).

Actual parameters of the natural environment, which determine the comfort level of the territory.

comfort of the territory

Period with higher temperature

10 pro C, days

The average temperature of the outgoing period Trivality of the opaluvial period, days Rіchna opaluvalna characteristic budіvel, deg. doba Total thermal insulation of clothes, CLO-days Bali The appearance of the landscaping from the sharply intersected relief Dodatkovі vitrati on everyday life
Comfortable Up to - 2C 4000 600 8 -- --
Precomfortable 90-110 -2… -6 150-220 4000-5000 600-900 8 -- --
Hypocomfortable 70-90 -6…-10 220-250 5000-7000 900-1200 8 Wide on the fenced plots 15-20
Discomfort 30-70 lower -10 250-300 7000-9000 1200-1500 9 Can be everywhere
Extreme 30 lower -10 300 9000 1500


Can be everywhere 120-250

III . Natural resources.

Natural resources are the components of nature, which, on a given level of development of productive forces, are victorious, or they can be victorious as a means of virobnitstv (subjects and sabiv praci) and objects of conservation. Behind its material form, the objects are the forces of nature, the genesis, the power, and the placement of some kind of mindfulness of natural laws; for their economic value of slower vartos, the brilliance of those is determined by the level of education, equal to the scientific and technological progress, economic and social dotality of higher education.

The most fundamental character may be the classification of natural resources on the basis of their genesis and the method of selection. According to the genesis, there are land, water, biological, mineral and syrovin resources, resources of the Light Ocean and others.

At the link with the problem of exchange of stocks of natural resources in growth, the significance of classification for the sign of their use: vycherpni, zokrema vіdnovnі (biological, land, water) and not (mineral) natural resources; and non-existent natural resources (climatic, flowing water and other)

Classification after the method of selection is based on the distribution of resources on the gerel of the production of such objects: the resources of the material production (resources of the industry, including the ) ).

In connection with the exchange of land attached to vilny territories, the territory was declared to be a kind of resource, which is viewed from different positions: as a complex resource, carrying elementary (traditional) resources, with its own natural resources, anthropogenic powers; as a special kind of elementary resource - a place, a spacious basis of activity.

· Land resources zavzhd boules of the head bannyam, be it the country.

The land fund of Russia is the largest in the world - 1707.5 million hectares. In the structure of the land fund, the land of agricultural enterprises and the citizens, who are engaged in agricultural activities, form 38.1%; 1.2%, natural reserve fund - 1.2%, forest fund - 51.4%, water fund -1, sovereign reserve -6.9%.

The area of ​​cultivated lands in Russia is shortening, but the security of the country's population is overrun by others. So, in Russia it will be 0.8 ha, in the United States - 0.6 ha, and in China and Egypt - 0.09 and 0.05 ha, obviously.

· forest resources

Forests in the Russian Federation occupy about 800 million hectares, or maybe 2/3 of the total area of ​​​​the edge, and the wild stock of forest plantations exceeds 81.6 billion cubic meters. Before Russia falls a significant part of the light reserves of the village, as they sit before the first place of the world.

The forest riches of the Russian Federation are most importantly located in the neighboring regions of the country. An important indicator of the assessment of forest resources is the forestry of the territory, for which Russia sits the 21st month of the world (45%). and to serve as a place of residence for rich industrial creatures. On the territory of Russia, over 300 species of medicinal plants grow. Deyakі roslini produce resins, pigments, what to farbuyut, essential oils that rich other speeches, which are victorious in various galuzahs of craftsmanship and technology.

At the link with the great diversity of minds, both on land, and in the seas and with a significant length of the territory from the pivnoch on the day and from the approach to the skhіd of the varied and creaturely world. At the same time, through the forest, the camp of the greater part of the territory of the region and the seas, which її wash, the fauna of Russia is in harmony with the fauna of the tropical and equatorial regions, for the number of species, it is not rich enough. It is important to grow rice in the distribution of fauna in Russia, like in all Pivnichniy pivkul, in those who see the number of species in the zone, as the number of species may be more important in all other groups, growing in direct from pivnichniy to pivday. Another peculiarity is related to pro zonality, that is. in a clearly pronounced connection there is a widening of creatures with natural zones on land in the sea. From one side, the presence of a large number of broader species, like in some areas of the whole territory of the region, from the other, by some historical features, the development and formation of the fauna of Russia and its parts. Russia borrows one of the first places in the world for the stocks of myslivsky creatures and industrial ribs. On the basis of their victories, the activities of such important galleys of the state as myslivske, ribna, sea animal promisel will be.

Russia is one of the leading post-workers farms for the light market.

· Water resources

in close proximity to other types of natural resources, there are a number of sources of water. The water is not replaced by anything, it does not know the administrative cordons, it goes through the old Russia in the atmosphere, lithosphere, biosphere. Її kіlkіst і kіlіst kіst zmіnyuєtsya incessantly from season to season and from rock to rock.

For the renewal of natural water, it is accepted to subdue to the full amount of water - for the most part of statistical reserves - and for the most part of water resources. The need of the people's state in fresh water is more importantly satisfied with the help of a broader renewal of water resources, estimating the size of the river runoff. The one-hour volume of dry river waters is small, estimated at 1200 cubic meters. The total amount of water resources in Russia is estimated at 4270 cubic meters / km / river, which is taken as a daily estimate for assessing the water supply of the country. Russia has close to 120,000 rivers, and even then all the stench freezes over. Most of the rivers are awakened by the calm, equal nature of the flow. The very same river is the Volga, the most typical for Russia. Mid-2000 fresh and salty lakes are especially visible to Baikal - the largest lake in the world, pictorial Ladozka, suvor Onezka and the polar lake Taimir.

The territory of Russia is rich in riches on the resources of fresh underground waters. Mayzhe half of the exploitation resources of underground waters are brought to practically non-renewable reserves, and that forecast estimate is consummated, depending on the possible use for a 50-year period of exploitation.

The largest exploitation resources of underground waters are located near the great artesian basins of the European part - Moscow, Pivnichno-Zakhidny, Sursko-Khopersky and others.

· Mineral and syrovin resources.

Russia has rich and diverse mineral-syrovin base. The widest indicator of the assessment of mineral and sulfur resources is the reserve with brown copalins, tobto. a quantity of mineral syrovina in the Earth's surface, on the surface, on the day of water and in the presence of surface and underground waters, which is attributed to the data of geological exploration. For some genera of brown copalins, there are a lot of reserves of valuable components that can be stored in them, for example, store metal in ores. The size of the reserves of brown copalins may vary in the reliability of their breeding, which should be deposited in the complexity of the geological life of the genera and the detail of their geological exploration. Today, the reign of vicorist is close to 200 types of mineral syrovin. There is no single system of such classification. Fallow in the form of physical or chemical authorities sirovini, scho vydobuvaetsya, vіd galuzі ekonomіki, vіn znosti zastosuvannya, vіd vyniknennya vyniknennya in zemnіnіy kory vіdomі korisnі kopalini podіlyayutsya on grupi. The classification of brown copalins on the basis of the technology of victoria has been widely expanded: hot-energy syrovine (naphtha, vugillya, gas, uranium), black, alloying and refractory metals. Russia has 1/2 of the light resources of the world, approximately 1/7 of the light reserves of oil and 1/3 of natural gas.

An important storage energy potential, whether it be a country or a country, is a hydropower resource, which (similar to the energy of sleepy exchanges, the wind is thin) can be brought to the category of innovations. Therefore, it’s too smart to calculate all the energy resources in a slanderous contract. Russia, with a total hydro potential of 2,500 billion kWh per year. (from them it is technically possible to win up to 1670 billion kWh. year), sit in another place at the world for this show, doing only China. In a special row of energy resources, there are uranium ore resources of the current ash base for nuclear energy. Russia, in the order of Canada, USA, Australia, PAR, France, Niger - a great fermenter and exporter of enriched uranium. The main genera of roztashovanie near Skhidny Sibir, Pivnichny district and other. On the scale of the history of humankind, the era of vikopny paliva takes a remarkably short hour - either through the colonization of yogo dzherel, or through the ecological exchange. The energy of the future is based on the energy of sun, wind, water, biomass, geothermal energy. From the repaid remains, it is already widely victorious.

Geothermal resources of Russia's greatness. Its presence was also revealed in “cold” areas, where platforms and areas of a ruky tectonic regime, that similar volcanic belt, lie.

The most important warehouse mineral and syrovine base is ore of black and color metals, as well as greenery and chemical syrovin, mineral and budding materials and other coruscane copalins of rare coristuvannya. Ore of colored metals are widely used in various industries - electronics, radio and electrical industries, space and atomic technology, rocket launchers and others. In the rest of the hour, the rest of the light grew in sprat times. Great resources of mineral syrovina are deposited near the surface under the waters of the inner and outer seas of Russia (shelves, continental slopes), along the coasts and bottom of these seas. Nadra shelf mayut great genera of oil and gas; near the coastal bottom deposits of the seas, the main rank of forms of coastal sea roses is concentrated in the purchase of tin, gold, titanium, zirconium, zinc, manganese and others. An important dzherelo otrimanny of various mineral components - sea water. The most practical value can be the distribution of mineral salts, which can be found in it. From the sea water can also volatilize with bromine, magnesium, potassium, etc.

IV . Natural resources like a clerk.

Natural resources - price and nadra, growth and creation world, forest and water resources, improved pool and climate, etc. all those who otochuє people and form zovnіshnі minds її creative activities. Fair є vyslovlyuvannya: yakshcho pratsya - tse father of wealth, then the nature of yogo mother. The presence and versatility of natural resources is rich in why it signifies the possibility of the state's mechanism. Through the order of practice, capital, science, industrial building natural resources are one of the economical resources. Lyudina has always conquered natural resources to satisfy her needs. At the same time, from the growing needs, the growth and consumption of the elements of nature, which are involved in the process of economic circulation. This is due to the increase in the number of population, and to the changes in the needs of people. Those who, if they lay unborrowed from the comoros of nature, the Daedals more radiate to the master's obigu.

A great contribution to the problem of obtaining natural resources from the process of selection of goods and services is given to scientific and technical progress. Tsey vpliv may sing a super-clearness, it is seen at two opposite straight lines. Scientific and technological progress with the rationalization of natural resources: more cheap materials that are easily transported (for example, natural gas); methods of refining and processing of naphtha are being introduced, more vikoristovuetsya along the way syrovin; zastosovuyutsya bezvodkhodnі tekhnologii. In the agricultural state, the methods of the most intensive arable farming and animal husbandry are being promoted, in industrial cultivation, the transition to energy-saving and material-saving technologies is being successfully implemented, which will soon be consumed by the fire. A lot of synthetic materials have been found, which can successfully replace natural resources.

At the same time, the development of science and technology led to the expansion of the old and the creation of new types of virobnits, yakі require the use of natural resources.

An important aspect of the problem of natural resources being tied to their geographic distributions. The main part of them is located above the developed lands, and the regions with an apparently weak level of economic development. Such a camp is to work with the inevitable relocation of natural resources on a large scale from the areas of their development to the areas of their processing and settlement. According to experts, the number of Russian resources brought to light should be over 28 trillion dollars. The main problem is: how to rationally win over resources, having secured an effective structure for export, turn on the prospect of transforming the pale-blue galuzi from the overriding galuzi of the state.

Іstotne ekonomіchne znachennya maє vlasnіst resource of nature. Державна власність дає можливість безкоштовно використовувати низку природних ресурсів на користь суспільства (використання землі на будівництво транспортних магістралей, експлуатація лісових, водних ресурсів, видобуток корисних копалин тощо.) Використання природних ресурсів у приватному секторі зазвичай передбачає стягування спеціальних податків, рентних та інших платежів, що change the surplus.

For some time, natural resources are not without borders, but not forever. To rob the necessary post-turbo about their savings and recovery. This is the basis of such basic minds. In the first place, it is necessary to use it, it is optimal to win over those that nature gives people (especially if they are inaccurate resources). In a different way, there, where it is available, follow two visits to the replenishment of natural resources (to increase and increase the natural origin of the earth, to improve forest plantations, to increase the supply of water). Thirdly, slid as much as possible to win the secondary syrovina and other inputs of the selection. Fourthly, it is necessary to strengthen the ecological purity of the production and nature preservation.

V . Visnovok.

Pіdіyshovshi to vysnovka єї roti, I would like to say that at any time natural resources are not boundless and not eternal. To rob the necessary post-turbo about their savings and recovery.

This is the basis of such basic minds.

· In a first, necessary way, rationally win over those that nature gives people (especially if there are wrong resources).

· In a different way, there, where it is available, follow two visits to the replenishment of natural resources (increase and increase the natural affinity of the earth, improve forest plantations, improve the supply of water).

· Thirdly, slid as much as possible to win the secondary syrovina and other inputs of the selection.

· Fourthly, it is necessary to strengthen the environmental purity of the production and nature.


1. Economic and social geography of Russia. Edited by Professor A.T. Khrushchev. Moscow. 1997

2. Economic and social geography of Russia, 1997. Grebtsova V.Y.

3. Assistant to the economy. Under the editorship of the candidate of economic sciences,

Associate Professor O.S. Bulatov. Vidavnitstvo BEK Moscow 1997

4. Encyclopedia. Volume-12. Russia: nature, population, economy, m. Moscow

natural mind(Geological features, relief, climate, natural zonality and that) do not get in the way, but the stench is also rich in what the territorial organization of the life of people and people is called. The greatest contribution to natural intelligence in agriculture is the statehood, efficiency and specialization of such an uninterrupted deposit in terms of soil fertility, climate, water regime of the territory. Natural minds also pour into the way of life of people - for consumption in living, odyas, modes of eating. As a result, natural minds often signify the social and economic dotality of the life of settlements, transport routes, industrial enterprises, and the development of mineral resources.

Geological mind of Russia

Geological mind that relief mіstsevnostі vіdchutno vplyvayvayut on the nature of virobnichoї activity and dispersal of people. The main elements of the geological life of the territory of Russia are platforms and slabs, as well as folded parts (geosynclepaln) belts that support them. Platforms and slabs - stable areas earth measles, the basis of which is composed of hard crystalline rocks. In some places, the basis comes to the surface of the earth near the visible shields, but, as a rule, it is covered with a hood, which is formed from fluffy siege rocks.

On the territory of Russia there are the Skhidno-Europe and Siberian platforms (the most recent ones), the slabs of the Turanian and Zahidno-Siberian plates (younger for an hour of illumination). Between the platforms there are young warehouses of the region - geosynclinal belts: the Ural-Mongolian (Urals, Altai, Sayan, Kuznetsk Alatau, Transbaikalia) and the Pacific (Verkhoyansk-Kolymsk, Primorsky mountain systems, the mountains of Kamchatka, Sakhalin, the Kuril Islands). In these belts, mountain creation continues, accompanied by the promotion of seismicity and volcanism.

Geological minds determine the presence of other mineral resources. On the platforms and slabs near the siege rocks, there are more importantly polluted resources. Rotten geosyncline areas and shields, as well as the foundations of platforms, may be the birthplace of ore brown copalins. Knowledge of the geological patterns of distribution of mineral resources is the main reason for the emergence of new genera. Today, from the geological view, only about 80% of the territory of Russia has been planted - there is little equalization of the high-light level and the level of geological formation of rich foreign lands.

Geological Budova zooms in on the shape of the relief of the territory. On the territory of Russia, the internal plains and flat mountains with heights up to 1000 m are transported - the Russian and Zahidno-Siberian regions, the Middle Siberian flat mountains. Near the lower and lower parts of the borders of the roztashovanny mountain massifs, which are the most popular in the Caucasus (Mount Elbrus - 5642 m above the sea level), mountains of Kamchatka (volcano Klyuchevska Sopka - 4750 m), Altai (mountain Bіlukha - 4506 m). In the whole country, the relief of the country is assessed as friendly to the government activity. The great plains, which occupy close to 3/4 of the territory of the country, foster the development of a strong state, shipping, life. Ale, the relief of Russia may be negative. There are no significant mountain ranges on the northern edge, which allows the cold arctic wind to penetrate into the edge of the edge. Navpaki, hirsky districts on pivdnі and descents pereshkodzhayut penetration into the glib of Russia warm weathered masses.

Climatic Mind of Russia

Climatic Mind Rosії through the meanings of the rozmіri dosit raznomanіtnі. In addition to the larger territory of the region, the calm continental and subarctic climate prevails, and in the winter of the expansions the arctic climate. These types of climate are cooled down by a harsh winter and evenly by a short summer, which means a lack of heat, an overworld elevation, an expansion of bagatoric permafrost (occupying more than half of the area of ​​​​the edge). Itself here (at the gathering of Yakutia) there is a pole of cold Pivnіchnoi pivkulі (Oymyakon).

The most hospitable minds the Far Descent (regions of a peaceful maritime and monsoon climate near the coast of the Pacific Ocean) and especially in the krains, in the European part of Russia, it is more important than the mortal, the most continental subtropical climate, in order to cross Winter in these types of climate is mild, and summer is warm and dry. Negative rices are above the world's destination Departure, insufficient entry near the areas adjacent to the Caspian Sea.

In a whole world of climates, the lands are assessed as unfriendly people's lives and government activity, especially the Russian industry. The heat deficit in Russia is declining productive growth cultural roslins in por_vnyannі z srednnіsvіtovіm rіvny 3-5 times. On the third area of ​​the edge of the cultivation of cultivated growths near to the critical soil practically impossible. In the whole ninth zone of risky arable farming, there is close to 95% of the area of ​​Russia.

Natural zonality in Russia is characterized by peculiarities of climate and relief. The most widened in the region are the zones of taiga, tundra and forest tundra, including the mountain taiga and tundra in areas with altitudinal zonation. These zones are characterized by non-native soils - pidzolic, permafrost-taiga and tundra. The center of the European part of the country, as well as the pіvday of the Far Descent, is occupied by zmіshanі and broad-leaved foxes, under which are formed povnyanо genus sod-podzolistі, sіrі fіsovі and stormy foxes. Significant expanses in the European part of the country, as well as in the Siberian part of Siberia, are occupied by steppes and forest-steppes with the most common black earth soils. At the top of the descent of the European part of Russia, there is an area of ​​dry steppes and napivpustel with wide open peaks and non-fertile soils. Through the war it can be said that the soils of the lands are hospitable to the developments of the rural state, the shards of the great territory are occupied by types of soils from high natural kinship.

Comprehensive assessment of the natural minds of Russia

Comprehensive assessment of the natural minds of Russia, the life of people, vikonav O.R. Nazarevsky. Vіn systematizing natural characteristics for 30 main indicators, the middle half of which are climatic characteristics (average temperatures, fall, frost-free period trivality, high temperature amplitudes and others), as well as seismicity, swampiness, water security, forestry, watering, fishing yagіd і mushrooms, for vindication of the population, rozmaїttya komakh and іn. The leather show was rated on a 5-point scale, and then we carried out the isolation of the equal comfort of natural minds for people. At the result of the territory of Russia, boules five areas were seen for equal comfort of the natural environment:

  • the most friendly;
  • friendly;
  • unacceptable;
  • unfriendly;
  • extremely unfriendly.

Mayzhe 1/4 of the territory of Russia appeared to be extremely unfriendly, unfriendly, or unacceptable for the life of a people. Tsentralny, Pivnichno-Zakhidniy (zahіdna chastina) districts were named pleasant for life. Volzky (Pivnichna part), Central Black Earth and Pivnichno-Caucasian regions of the region. Ale and in these territories of the natural world, drench people, and in the majority of European lands.

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