Fundamentals of nature conservation Hypermarket knowledge. Rational exploitation of natural resources

Nourishment 1. Why can't we confirm that society has already entered the era of the noosphere?

In the epoch of the noosphere, a more highly illumined society can enter, as if understanding one’s own goals, building up one’s own needs with these possibilities, as if nature gives it to you. So far, we have not reached anything.

Supply 2. What can our Suspіlstvo be considered to be “suspension of a one-time sustenance”?

Such a suspense is characterized by irrational costly exploitation natural resources. For the conservation of human civilization, it is necessary to encourage nature-saving sustainability, which is reasonably victorious natural resources and dbaє about their renewal.

Nutrition 3. How do you think, how can people overcome the environmental crisis?

The robot is less active in the mouths of human activity, while shaping a new setting to nature, developing a strategy for rational environmental protection, nature-saving technology of the future can overcome environmental problems today and move to a harmonious natural environment. The development of thorough environmental legislation and the creation of effective mechanisms for its implementation is an indispensable element of encouragement, living in harmony with nature.

10.3. Fundamentals of rational nature conservation

On the other side they joked:

  • why our suspense can be considered as a one-time suspense
  • why can't we affirm that human suspense has already entered
  • Why can't we confirm that human society has already entered the era of the noosphere.
  • ecological foundations of nature-based testing
  • how do you care how people can overcome the environmental crisis

1. What are global environmental problems, how to stand in front of people, do you know?

Vcheni say that approximately from the 1960s-70s. change dovkіllya with a splash, people became all-worldly, tobto. such that everyone zachipayat without blame the land of the world, they began to be called global. Among them are the most relevant:

Changing the climate of the Earth;

Zabrudnennya povtryanogo pool;

Ruinuvannya ozone ball;

Vysnazhennya stocks of fresh water and muddy waters of the Light Ocean;

Zabrudnennya lands, ruining the ground cover;

Zlidennist of biological rozmaїttya and іn.

2. What natural resources do you know?

Natural resources can be classified as low. The most fundamental character is the classification of natural resources on the basis of their genesis.

Vіdpovіdno to natural ї klаsifіkatsії, resources are divided into:

Land (ґruntovі);


Mineral-syrovine (brown copalini);



3. What is the cause of the environmental crisis on the planet?

The biosphere is on the border of a new ecological crisis, as a result of the activity of a person, because With the advent of industrialism, the processes of the ruination of the atmosphere began to take precedence over the processes of creation, and the trends become more pronounced.

Power supply

1. Why can't we affirm that Suspіlstvo has already entered the era of the noosphere?

In the epoch of the noosphere, a more highly illumined society can enter, which will understand its goals, build up to its needs with these possibilities, as nature gives it.

For reasonable management of the biosphere and the transition to the level of the noosphere, it is necessary not only to know the attachments and the principle of "work" of the majestic and folding system, and mind to carry out the process directly with the bazhany.

At what stage it has not yet been implemented.

2. Why can our suspіlstvo be considered as a “one-time suspіlstvo”?

Our industry is characterized by irrational costly exploitation of natural resources. For the time being, only a small amount of depleted resources are being recycled and somewhere anew in the production.

3. How do you think, how can people overcome the environmental crisis?

Humanity can overcome the ecological crisis. For whom it is necessary to formulate such a strategy for the development of human society, as to harmoniously reduce its consumption with the possibilities of the normal functioning of the biosphere. Tse means expanding the range of methods (technologies) for protecting energy and resources, and th (for us!) changing the nature of people's needs.

For the conservation of human civilization, it is necessary to encourage the use of a rationally victorious natural resource.


Ecologists formulated the following principles of rational use of natural resources.

1. Try to find new and innovative resources. Renewal of resources due to vicariousness is due to the lack of natural replenishment (principle - balanced victoria).

2. More inputs and zabrudnyuvachiv either can be brought to resources, if by stupidity it’s not victorious, or the stench of the flooring is unsafe, which is not to blame for vibrating in flames (the principle of “no inputs in nature”),

3. In order to change the burden, save resources and shorten the number of inputs, it is necessary to use resources for satisfying the life of important needs with maximum efficiency (the principle of "dimming in efficiency").

Discuss with your fathers and classmates these principles. Why do stinks linger in our suspense?

The reason for these principles is not victorious at the moment. Humanity to rob less than the first fearful croques for living according to these principles. Even if the situation is not changed in the next hour, the collapse of the biosphere is inevitable.

Nourishment 1. Why can't we confirm that society has already entered the era of the noosphere?
In the era of the noosphere, there can be less highly illumined suspility, who are smart enough to match their needs with these abilities, as nature gives it, tobto. suspіlstvo, scho volodіє high culture development. So far, we have not reached anything.

Supply 2. What can our Suspіlstvo be considered to be “suspension of a one-time sustenance”?
The “suspension of one-time savings” is characterized by irrational costly exploitation of natural resources. Such a state of preservation of impersonal natural resources. The whole suspense of irrational economy and incorrect arrange political, to the fact that the economy is directed to the cost of profit (profitability) of production. Suspіlstvo, as if rooting on monetarism, doomed to irrational use of natural resources, more than it is important, that it is not viable to use economical resources to solve environmental problems, and there are more social ones. In a society, in which an uneven distribution of material goods among its members is possible, in no way can the rational use of natural resources be enriched. A high material culture is necessary, high moral values ​​in the society, so that it is possible to adopt the laws of the development of nature by all members of this human society. For the conservation of human civilization, it is necessary to encourage nature-saving sustainability, which is reasonably victorious natural resources and dbaє about their renewal.

Nutrition 3. How do you think, how can people overcome the environmental crisis?
Тільки розвиток глибоких людських відносин людей один до одного, розуміння гармонії у розвитку природи та суспільства, а також активна робота у всіх галузях людської діяльності щодо формування нового ставлення до природи, розробка стратегії раціонального природокористування, природозберігаючої технології майбутнього зможуть вирішувати екологічні проблеми сьогодення та перейти до harmonious harmony with nature. The development of thorough environmental legislation and the creation of effective mechanisms for its implementation is an indispensable element of encouragement, living in harmony with nature. The noosphere is the whole geological shell of the Earth, which is formed as a result of the synthesis of the technical and cultural activity of people and natural processes in the ambush of social justice and beauty. The uniting cob of integrity is the harmony of a person with nature, beauty.

Fundamentals of rational nature conservation

1. What are the global environmental problems that people face, do you know?
2. What natural resources do you see?
3. What is the cause of the environmental crisis on the planet?

Molding of ecological evidence.

In this hour, having poured in human supremacy on nature, calling for the vindication of complex environmental problems biosphere. Virishiti їh zdatne suspіlstvo, as if to learn to equalize their needs with these possibilities, as if Nature gave him.

For the establishment of reasonable management of the atmosphere and the transition to the level of the noosphere, it is necessary not only to know the attachments and mechanisms of the folding system and the majestic system, but also the mother to be able to inject directly into the process.

Rational environmental protection.

The main task of rational management of natural resources is based on the knowledge of the best (according to the same criteria) or the best ways to exploit natural and piece ecosystems.
The creation of new technologies can be combined with a competent, competent environmental expertise of all, especially large-scale, projects for industry, life, transport, the agricultural state and other necessities of human activity. Such an examination, which is carried out by special independent bodies, will allow the exclusion of many pro-rachunks and non-transferable heritage of the implementation of projects for the biosphere.

The protection of the dovkіllya and the zavdannya of the renewal of natural resources may transfer such activities:

Local (mіstseviy) and global environmental monitoring, so that vimіryuvannya and control will become the most important characteristics of the most important medium, the concentration of fluctuating speeches in the atmosphere, water soil;
-Vіdnovlennya that protection lіsіv vіd pozhezh, shkіdnikіv, twigs;
- Expansion and increase in the number of protected areas, reference ecosystems, unique natural complexes;
- protection and breeding of rare species roslyn that creature; wide enlightenment and ecological enlightenment of the population;
-International svіvrobіtnitstvo at the right to protect the middle.

The work is only active in all corners of human activity, from the formation of a new setting to nature, the development of rational nature-correcting, nature-saving technology of the future, it is possible to overcome environmental problems today and move to a harmonious “spіvrobіtnitstva” With nature.
Natural resources. Environmental awareness.

1. Why is the formation of ecological evidence of primary importance in the development of modern human society?
2. Why can our suspіlstvo be considered as a “one-time suspіlstvo”?
3. How do you think, how can people overcome the environmental crisis?

Short chapter chapter

Ecology is a science that develops the mutual understanding of organisms and their groups dovkillam residence. Today's ecology is a universal, rapidly developing, complex science that has great practical significance for all people. Ecology is the science of the future, and, perhaps, the very foundation of the people is indebted to the progress of science.

On the Earth, there are some basic dovkilla: water medium, ground-surface, soil and medium, made by the living organisms themselves. all factori mediums are divided into three main groups - abiotic, biotic and anthropogenic.

The ecological niche is determined by the succession of all life minds, the necessary foundations for other people’s minds, and to inspire a role in biological spivtovaristvo.

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Vcheniyut new dopovіd about climate

In additional Organizations of the United Nations about the climate, publications of this year, the middle of the year is being confirmed that the 2020s can become one of the remaining frontiers, on which people can forget the traces of the ruinous navkolishniy svit, - write to

Prote deyaki vcheni vvazhayut that the authors underestimate the insecurity.

Dopovіd Mіzhuryadovoї grupi ekspertіv zі zmіni klimatu (MGEZK) svіdt, scho zabіgannі іmіmaticіchnіchі criї vimagatime global rethinking svіtovoї ekonomіki. Until 2040, according to the forecast, a global shortage of food, flooding of coastal areas and a refugee crisis, which is still not enough, may be blamed.

Low vchenih stverzhuє, scho zvіt insufficient vіdvertiy i pripetshuє povniy stupіnі realї ї threat. In my opinion, do not take experts to respect those factors of warming, as they have already become memorable, and also use economical windshields, due to severe storms and displacement of people in the minds of dryness and deadly heat.

Following the words of Michael Mann, Professor of Atmospheric Sciences and Director of the Center for Earth Sciences at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia, there is a smaller carbon budget (the number of most species of fire, as it can be reduced to a critical point of inversion), lower is assigned to an additional budget. At Rest of the Rocks Michael Mann, having published two works with lesser successors, to show that the “pre-industrial” base line, as it wins for the world, is not guilty of basing on the data of the 19th century. Having said that the industrial revolution had already begun, people lit the light at ten degrees.

“We are closer to the thresholds of 1.5C and 2.0C, lower stinks, and our available carbon budget to break these critical thresholds is significantly less, lower stinks,” Mann wrote in an e-list to E&E News. — In other words, they paint an over-the-top "rozhevy" scenario, ignoring the singing literature."

Bob Ward, Director of Policy and Communications at the Grantham Institute of Climate Change and Ecology at the London School of Economics in Great Britain, said that the main risks associated with climate change were not shown. For yoga words, the resume for politicians does not guess the migration of the population and the possible conflicts arising from the cism. He does not describe other risks, crimes of destabilization of the shield shields in Greenland and Western Antarctica.

“It’s unsafe to be aware of these great risks that politicians underestimate the scale and urgency of the situation,” Ward wrote. - Possibly, the authors looked at them, for the stench was unimportant. However, politicians can misunderstand this oversight as a sign of the fact that the authors have taken risks and lied, that the traces will be unimportant, or that they will be equal to zero. Tse not uzgodzhuetsya s scientific literature and professional assessment of risks.

Kevin Trenberth, Senior Researcher at the Climate Analysis Section National Center Atmospheric records near Boulder (Colorado) stating that in the additional MGEIK application of real impact on climate change, as well as the underestimation of the problem of natural disasters, related to it, but still important to determine the specific role yazani z human diyalnistyu and other elemental dashing.

In other words, MGEZK can robiti richly declare about the impact of anthropogenic climate change in extreme weather. In addition, the experts could more honestly describe the effects of extreme storms associated with the anthropogenic snake climate.

Another problem lies in the fact that additionally too often spire on the last of one country, for example, Iran or Romania. With any more regional trends, don't take it seriously, Trenbert said.

Dopovіdі also ignore such folding processes in nature, like, for example, thinning of the arctic sea ​​ice. Do you allow the ocean to accumulate more heat to produce even more ice and a change in capacity in the region,” explains Verarabhadran Ramanathan, professor of climate sciences at the University of California at San Diego. Such loops of the "serious link" in nature, building up the planet until a period of chaos, which people cannot control by saying wine.

Ramanathan stating that it is also necessary to avenge the whiskers about those that until 2030-2035 the temperature can become 1.5 degrees Celsius, but it is ordered carefully without a description of the legacy. Ramanathan is afraid that politicians and other individuals might think: “Scream about the difference in the second degree; I'm not going to be turbulent about it."

They criticized the stars and others. Dehto is aware that the situation is underestimated; інші, navpaki, characterize the document as something disturbing.

Andrea Dutton is an expert on sea leveling at the University of Florida in Gainesville, the area that deserves the most respect, - scenarios for advancing risks, like a high step of non-obscurity and can cause poor strikes, - it seems. Vaughan vvazha, scho the hour has come, if the topic of global warming can go from being discussed among the scientific community to real deeds of a wide spree.

Gavin Schmidt, scientist-climatologist and director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Research, cares that the assessment of the risks is adequate, and that the situation is unimportant there, where it is necessary. Gavin cares about the importance of conveying to all people, as if they were right with the results of a warmer climate, which will not last a century, but in the next ten years.

[ A photo:,]

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