The woman is the brain of a man. Brain and intellect. National features. Brain shrinkage in people

The brain of a mature healthy person is kolivaetsya from 1020 to 1970 grams.

The brain of a person should be 100-150 g larger, the brain of a woman should be lower. There is no great difference between the bordered races. When hiring a conductor, the place is occupied by non-Europeans. The average brain of African residents is 1316, Europeans - 1361, including: Germans - 1291, Swiss - 1327, Russian -1377 grams. The head of the brain of the Japanese is 1374, and the Buryats have as much as 1508 grams.

And how to recognize how important the brain of our distant ancestors is?

The size of the brain can be determined by the dimensions of the skull. The largest representative of today's human-like mawp has a small braincase - 440 - 510 cubic centimeters. When you go to the vіd vishchoї mavpi to primitive people resulted in a significant increase in the brain. In the pithecanthropus, the veins ranged from 750 to 900, in the sinanthropus they increased to 915 - 1225 cubic centimeters, so that they overtook the brain modern woman. The volume of the skull of the African Neanderthal reached 1325, and the European - 1610 cubic centimeters. Nareshti, Cro-Magnons were, in a right way, head bats with a brain volume of up to 1880 cubic centimeters.

Then the volume of the brain began to decline. Excavations in the old Egyptian pyramids give the opportunity to reshape the skulls of the pharaohs in a stretch of a thousand thousand. For 2000–3000 years from the reign of the first dynasty of the pharaohs to the 18th dynasty, the capacity of the skull fell from 1414 to 1379 cubic centimeters, about 200 cubic centimeters per cubic centimeter of skin. I in Europeans the brain is signifi- cantly "high" for the rest of 15-20 thousand years. Yogo obsyag at the modern European to become at the average 1446 cubic centimeters.

Could it be that long ago they were wise for us? It is unlikely that they would like to be prominent thinkers: even if it was necessary to reach the whole need with their mind. I would like to understand that the change in the brain growth due to the repair of its construction is not accompanied by a fall in the intellect.

Among the creatures, with the greatest brain, whales are moaning. The blue whale has 6800 grams of wine, about five times more than a human one. The head of the brain of the Indian elephant is close to 5000, the white dolphin - 2350, the bottlenose dolphin - 1735 grams. Por_vnyannya zovsі zdalalo not for the melancholy of the people. Ale needed to be healed like a vaga brain, and th rozmir pіdlegogo tіla. Zichayny whale - tse 30 tons of fat, brush and meat. An elephant is worth close to 3 thousand, a white whale - 300, and a human - a total of 75-85 kilograms. In our country, 1 gram of the brain commands 50 grams of body, and in an ordinary whale - five kilograms, may be 100 times larger in body. If you take giant whales with a carload of 100-150 tons, which are trawling in the ocean, then they will get over 20 kilograms of body per gram of brain - a great attraction for nerve cells.

In another way, the available energy was optimized for a decrease in the cost of locomotion by bipedalism and an increase in the increase, for example, an increase in the level of life and a prolongation of the period of growth. Cooking can be brought up to the category of strategy, as it would have allowed a change in the cogeneration of resources, the shards allowed our ancestors to gain access to a number of resources, as they were not available before, the shards without cooking would be easy to process or toxic. The rest of the hour of investigation showed that the preparation of їzhi allows you to better acquire energy, which is to be avenged from the diet.

One of the most important food, which was singsongly put to our skin - how important is our brain. It would have been better if we knew nothing about food on the food chain, but we are all fed the same. Right here, hurry up, not in the rush to know. It’s just that often we stun people, as if they oppose us with their sensible vibes in a better way. About the genius we are suffocated with thoughts - well, there are skilki in the new mind! About the fool - we understand it navpaki. However, you are strongly moved, if you know, that the expansion of the brain and the brain of our brain is by no means associated with intelligence.

As part of the hypothesis about the energy way of tissue, it is important that the preparation of this reduction in the density of the diet made it possible to "enable" the herbal system and redirect the energy that is saved in the etching to a larger brain size. What is the spivpratsya at the divorced?

How did the dovgolittya that presence of the grandmother that didusiv get in? These confirm the results published by Karin Isler, who is the co-author of this article. Karin has shown that spivpratsya at bred svіlnyaє matіr vіd part of vitrate energy for reproduction, allowing їy "growth" more tsutseny, but also allows zbіlshiti that stabilizuvat іlkіst energy, yak hope posterity. The more energy in the system, the more money can be directed to a bigger brain.

Ale, the cob vіdpovimo for food, as we put it on the very cob. The mass of the brain in the average statistically colitis is no more than 1100 to 2200 r. If the band sounds stronger, then the figure will be 1200 - 1500 rubles. In his brain, he changes his mass by protracting life. Your brain health is 300-450 g, after which you start growing together with your body. Tse do not call the miracle and it is entirely logical, but the axis about the offensive fact is practically nothing, Crimean doctors, do not know. It appears that the head of the brain in the cutaneous mature reaches its maximum of up to 27 years, after which the wines begin to fall. For skin attacks, ten deaths of brains are "thin" by 30 grams.

Ale scho turned respect and є to the right point of vіdpovіdі. Heba scho in domesticated foxes is less soft. As a rule, dogs, intestines and other domestic animals are 25% smaller than their brains, less than wild animals. But would it be unsafe to admit that a woman’s brain is smaller, lower than that of a man, to that for thousands of years they chose friendly women for reproduction? I, from my court, chi took away the stench of insolent people? Cicavo, that the human skulls of both articles scurried away in the rest of the thousand, proponuyuchi, zgіdno zdlіdzhennyam, that people are becoming more and more homely.

Men already love to be snarky because the women are so stupid for them. No more sensible people care if they know that in the middle brain is 100-150 grams important for a woman. However, they don’t spit on the intellect, and the difference among the masses is explained even more simply. The female organism is smaller in nature and lighter than a human, so the head will be lower. And if you want to translate yogo at a vіdsotkové spіvvіdnoshnja schodo masi tіla, then the priority will be for a weak article.

By the strength that increases the expansion of the brain, it is social interaction. Behind the words of the biologist Robert Trivers, the author of the book "Social Evolution", there is a direct correlation between the world of mind, the world of one social group and the stage of social interaction between the creatures of the group. People and women live in different social spheres, and if women, by their nature, can enjoy the greatest social interactions, then people; Imovirno, people, like tribal leaders, recognized the broader social interactions as a stretch of the revolutionary hour.

Independence of the vag of the brain and equal to the intellect

Without knowing the results of scientific research, one can make a simple visnovo about the fallowness of the head mass and the yogo rosemary. Movlyav, if a person is unreasonable, then she has few “brains”. First of all, sensible people are often called "brainy", although the stench's heads are not disturbed by anything in the minds of the mindless.

Have a slight mindset, a small expansion of the brain, maybe, optimize your emotional intelligence. In an article published a month ago in Current Biology, Brian Hare and colleagues from Harvard University showed that domestic foxes are better able to read human signals than wild foxes. For example, domestic foxes instinctively understand the minds of people, if the stench points to the object, and the stench continues yoga.

The stench will understand them, they don’t want to. In addition, we can protect the body's rozmіr. Independently from other factors, there is a direct correlation between body size and brain. That is why, the oskіlki of the woman are smaller than the cholovіkіv, their brain is also smaller. What is it? A recent article in the British Journal of Psychology by Paul Irving of the University of Manchester and Richard Lynn of the University of Ulster stated this. In addition, we do not know enough about our melody, sob to solidify the exact visnovo, whether it be a watchful eye.

However, the task of arguing you. The biggest brain, the mass of which was killed far away, laying down a perplexed people. Vcheni zdivuvalis, having recognized how many wines are important after the death of the patient: may be 3 kg! In brilliant or simply intelligent people, the brain is no more and no less important than others. Until then, as it was said above, the brain of a person progressively decreases after 27 years. The brain is called after the death of a person, then, as a rule, in a summer century.

Lawrence Summers, president of Harvard, having put in work, if I let the wine go, that women cannot rise to the same intellectual equals as men, then for me the nutrition may be unsafe. Like and may be in all other parts of the body of that system, the brain continues to grow for a long time for many years after the people. Vcheni systematically vyvchali development of the brain, schob vyznachiti vіk, yakim vіn povnistyu rozvinstyu. Unfortunately, there is no singing century, if the development of the brain is completely completed.

Under the hour of the people, the greater clitin of the brain develops, and even the skin neuron may develop the brain. However, these cells and neurons do not need to be connected to the brain and require an additional hour for the formation of their connections. Up to 2 years of age, the brain of a child becomes about 80 cm, a grown-up size is about 120 g for a child.

Explain the value of the vіdmіnnostі vіdminnosti vіzі "brains" to help the knowledge of the structure of the organ. On the rozumovі zdіbnostі vplyvaє sіra rechovina cerebellum, like a thick mesh of nerve cells. It’s impossible to see how many of them are absolutely certain, but the rahunok go to billions. Intelligent people have more blood cells, others have lower ones, but the stench is not strongly injected into the brain. And the axis of bewilderment and is characterized by an increase in the cost of measles in the brain, which gives a significant increase in masi.

Until the moment when the child reaches age 3, the brain has formed maybe 000 billion neuron connections, which is approximately twice as large, lower in the mature brain. Approximately at the age of 11 years, the brain begins to step by step in the form of inappropriate and non-effective calls.

If you want your brain to reach your grown-up vaga in the 21st year, it will continue to develop over a long period of time. In fact, a study carried out by the National Institutes of Health Protection showed that brain damage, as a result of risky behavior, does not re-form until 25 years of age. This is the last stage of brain development.


Masa to the mind of the working people

Skіlki important to the brain of a person, the best twist on specific and well-known stocks. The recognition of the brain for its special features once again confirmed the fact that the mass of human brain tissue does not in any way add to its genius. Below is a list of known people, data about the brains of those who were taken away after the rose. Yak bachimo, rozkid dosit great:

It is important for mothers in the country, who want the brain to reach their final stage of development at the age of 25 years, to learn about the stretch of a mustache life. Neuronal connections of the brain continue to form, change and redirect, if they stick with new experiences and ideas.

In this order, the key lies in the fact that to separate the lances of neurons, to bind them with singing ailments or functions, so that they specifically do not spit on others. “Do you allow us, - to beat the whiskers of wines, - move the cat in space and bachiti, de mi stimulating our brain.”

  • Sergiy Yesenin: 1.92 kg;
  • Lev Trotsky: 1.57 kg;
  • Otto von Bismarck: 1.97 kg;
  • Volodymyr Lenin: 1.34 kg;
  • Ludwig van Beethoven: 1.75 kg;
  • Anatole France: 1.02 kg;
  • Ivan Turgenev: 2.01 kg.

Particularly unusually bachiti two remaining rows. "Brains" of two writers are swayed one by one after the mass. And tse means that it is not important for us, how much to care for the brain of this other people.

Secrets of the brain energy

The brain becomes approximately 2% of the vіd vaga. However, you save 20% energy human body. You are against yourself. Why, the devil take it, do you need it so much? Zvichayna vіdpovіd: to that scho the brains of the brain we belong to the hellish light. “Without a doubt, it’s true,” add wine to the brain, which we can bachiti. William James, the father of modern psychology, as Reichl quotes from the article, admits that we are in good hands, and we can smell it, but it’s not so. Our eyes are filled with images, information, like the stench is suffocating at the brain, and my brain is full.

Por_vnyannya brain of people and creatures

Vikoristovuvat vaga brain as a confirmation of the high rozumovyh zdіbnosti people can be hіba scho equal to the creatures. For each, it is necessary to carry out the alignment over the absolute values, and for the masses of another body. Even if you take more than numerical values, then the smartest bastard on Earth is a blue whale. You can read more about the importance of your brain in the book of records: a weight of 9 kg, which is the most important indicator of the average creatures. However, qi 9 kg become less than 1/40000 part of the weight of the whale, which is red to say about yoga "rozumovі zdіbnostі".

Those same wows. The eyes of that vuha introduce the “attachment”. Our eye is not a camera, as it sends everything in front of us, but it can be cleared up. Tse camera, how to see only those who marvel at you, see only those who want your brain, who see you.

So, what our eyes can see is more information, we really don’t. "If you know if you are placed in a social group, your brain will change." І chastkovo tse maє efekt, komentar not buv povnistyu prignіcheny. Sob tse robiti, albeit yakscho tse necessitate robit, tse will be like an unfortunate fall.

Elephant's brain should be less important - about 4-5 kg, and the ratio between these two values ​​and the weight of the body should be approximately 1:500. Paired with whales, it’s a good show-off, it’s not surprising that elephants are respected by intelligent creatures. Dolphins are more intelligent savants, the mass of the brain of which in different species lies at the boundary of 1.7-2.3 kg. In the mavp species of chimpanzee, the brain is close to 0.75-0.8% of the total mass of the body.

Remaining galleys

I’m trying to win victorious yoga to support a critical and fundamental role, like a brain, to organically regulate the homeostasis of the human body, so that it’s healthy, in a wild sense in individuals. The last trivial hour is explained by Paskuile ​​Leone, - Mi Buli in my laboratory, refreshing about those, yak mi keru, with plastic buildings of the brain, build the brain to the snake of a hut -bore, the aboat, the subsid even better results.

Skіlki cіkavih facts People know about the brain, but much more about this organ of the central nervous system is not known. For example, what is the memory, de zberіgaєtsa zamâm'yatana іnformatsija, why obsyag brain brain vіdomih іntelektualіv іg vіg vіdіznyatisі vіdіznyatisі vаgoyu razi? Let's take a look at the anthropometry of this mysterious organ, the shape of which guesses the appearance of the kernel of the hairy pea.

Energy recovery

I obsyag the brain of a modern-day person, I revisit a similar display from a povnyanni, be it a creature. The energy supply of this organ has been shown in most people, as it is recognized that close to half of the glucose that vibrates in the liver is reduced by the brain. The figure can become close to 20 kWh of body energy, and actually more than 10-15 W with a small voltage.

Active rozumova activity will require up to 25 watts of intensity, and in the scientific luminaries this indicator reaches 30 watts for an hour. At the same time, the generation of a richly large number of electrical impulses is generated, it is impossible to rob the entire planetary technology. Masa of the brain with tsyomu nabagato mensha.

Evolution has created an efficient mechanism for processing the captured information, against the technical solutions of people.


It’s hard to do it right in our hour. Physicians are very important to go to the empirical formulas for the baby of the physical dimensions of the body. So the dimensions of the cranium are taken in centimeters, multiplied, the number of coefficients is added and an approximate result comes out. Moreover, the linear rozmіr of the skull of a man and a woman turns away from the formulas that are inspired.

What more is more beautiful

I have a thought: what is more soft, how sensible is your sack, what is a human being, what a creature. Everything is correct. Behind the equal rozumovy zdіbnosti Ssavtsі richly turn over worms and clods, and human-like mawpi of their lesser relatives. Well, why marvel: the birds, worms and mawpas have enough brains to survive in their splendid middle, and the people in the middle live that way of life all the time for themselves. And in the rest of the century, this process outperformed the trivality of people's lives: for the life of a generation, the floorings shine, so people need to read without interruption, to linger in the new, or to drink in the jungle.

Now about the cicava.

  • The results of the 19th century do not indicate those who have grown in their brains.
  • In coma yoga, the role is replaced by nerve nodes and lances.
  • The head brain of Anatoly France is two times less important, lower in Ivan Turgenev.
  • For example, after 20 years of age, the brain starts to spend approximately 1 gram per river, and closer to 50-60, the figure increases to 2, and sometimes 3 grams, then after 60 years, the figure can be increased to 4 grams per river. What’s up, the acquisition of new skills, that knowledge and the employment of intellectual activity on the vase of the brain is not positively indicated. The growth of wines is less in children and children.
  • The maximum power of the organ was fixed in an idiot and an epileptic, and the functioning of the veins was not perfect.

Visnovok: no matter how important the brain of a human being or a creature. More important here is the extension of the mass of the organ to the mass of the body and the number of connections between neurons. Adzhe not for nothing, science has established that an active person (reading books) vikoristova is close to 5% of the intellectual potential. Poorly known to the rozumova diyalnistyu, it is 3%, and it doesn’t matter, the woman is a man.

The number of neurons is also not enough to talk about the complexity of the cranium: with an equal number of neurons, different types the creatures of the deyak are signifi- cantly awakened by intellectual vibes, but at the top of the orders of the human being.


Many people think that the modern human brain of a troch is larger than the brain of a human-like mavpi, but not so. The intellect of a person effectively overturns the rozumovі zdіbnosti be-like a creature, another "intelligence" is a dolphin, and not a chimpanzee. The human brain can be important up to 2% per body mass, then in 50 or three more times the lighter, lower the whole organism, in dolphins the indicator becomes close to 80 times, and in chimpanzees - close to 120. But such a baby does not give high accuracy it has been established that in various savtsiv іntelekt chimaloj miroy lie in the area of ​​measles (neocortex), scho rahunok zvivin.

Masi indicators

It's no secret that the woman's and human center of the nervous system fights for the woman. The Cebulo was established in 1882 by Francis Gatton and was confirmed by scientists from various previous institutions and centers of all the earth's backcountry.

Tsya raznitsa to become 100-150 grams at the average.


Nareshti we came to the naytsіkavіshogo: how to care for the human brain, and yakiy її average expansion. An organ with the following dimensions is considered normal:

  • dozhina (from the frontal chasm to the roof) - 160-175 mm;
  • width - 135-145 mm;
  • height (vertical cut) 105-125 mm.

Tse have grown up people. In people of a frail age, children, those low numbers will be lower, as well as in quiet people, whose brain is swelled to a surplus of bad ones for new factors. dovkilla(alcohol, drugs).

Yaka Middle Masa

The average value is considered to be 1.38 kg for a strong status and 1.24 kg for a representative of a weak status. Individual correlations can become 900 - 2000 grams. Highly intellectual people, professionals in any sphere of activity and creative specialties are not surprised by the increased mass of brain speech. Yogo Gustin become 1.038-1.04.

In children

New people are not allowed to breathe in the mass of the brain, as they reach 10% (the norm is 350-450 grams) because of the weight of the body, it is markedly reduced in the first years of life and development. In two rocks, for example, the weight is around 900 grams, and in six - 1.2 kg. For the next 10-16 years, the brain is added to the vase in total close to 0.2 kg.

Great and small vaga

With the lightest brain, a kind of fixation letter, maw 46-year-old man. Vaga became a total of 680 grams, moreover, such a critical organ did not inject into the behavior of those social skills of a person. If only in 1873 K. Vogt established that the threshold for a brain to be in the range of 750-800 grams. Whomever the organ is lighter, cheered at the presence of microcephaly, simple behavior, could mother the language, their development was not often roused by the rosy vitality of children 3-6 years old. So people led a practically asocial way of life, grazed sheep, gathered firewood, berries.

The weight of the largest brain is 2850 grams, with which the head of the head, as it was said above, was an idiot and a schizophrenic. In addition, the 19th century had the largest brain of a normal person. Vin becoming 2222 grams.

Racial and national identity

A haplogroup is added to the brain. Vlasniki R1A, like the majority or a significant part of the Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Poles, Serbs, Brahmins of India and a smaller number of representatives of other peoples, endowed with the deepest brain. Western Europeans and Asian peoples have less wine. African Americans have the smallest brain size - wines are about 100 grams less than white Americans.

Rosemary of the brain does not zavzhd maє meaning, take the virishalne. A man does not start to be smart for a woman, their nervous systems are imprisoned for the solution of various problems. And the axis of the middle of different peoples is marked, that the middle of the words are those of their own, that they carry the Y-chromosome R1A, the most creators and wine-drinkers, and the blacks of the population do not care.

One of the most important food, which was singsongly put to our skin - how important is our brain. It would have been better if we knew nothing about food on the food chain, but we are all fed the same. Right here, hurry up, not in the rush to know. It’s just that often we stun people, as if they oppose us with their sensible vibes in a better way. About the genius we are suffocated with thoughts - well, there are skilki in the new mind! About the fool - we understand it navpaki. However, you are strongly moved, if you know, that the expansion of the brain and the brain of our brain is by no means associated with intelligence.

Ale, the cob vіdpovimo for food, as we put it on the very cob. The mass of the brain in the average statistically colitis is no more than 1100 to 2200 r. If the band sounds stronger, then the figure will be 1200 - 1500 rubles. In his brain, he changes his mass by protracting life. Your brain health is 300-450 g, after which you start growing together with your body. Tse do not call the miracle and it is entirely logical, but the axis about the offensive fact is practically nothing, Crimean doctors, do not know. It appears that the head of the brain in the cutaneous mature reaches its maximum of up to 27 years, after which the wines begin to fall. For skin attacks, ten deaths of brains are "thin" by 30 grams.

In the case of a high density of the body, the brain is approximately 1/50 of the weight of the human body. When you eat that sourness, your organ takes away more richly, less than 2% of them savage number. Everything is worth mentioning about the new yak about the most important part. Through the brain, the control of the robot of other organs and systems, the development of rukhova activity, and the reaction to external stimuli are observed.

Men already love to be snarky because the women are so stupid for them. No more sensible people care if they know that in the middle brain is 100-150 grams important for a woman. However, they don’t spit on the intellect, and the difference among the masses is explained even more simply. female organism in nature, it is less and lighter than a man, so the head of the head will be lower. And if you want to translate yogo at a vіdsotkové spіvvіdnoshnja schodo masi tіla, then the priority will be for a weak article.

Independence of the vag of the brain and equal to the intellect

Without knowing the results of scientific research, one can make a simple visnovo about the fallowness of the head mass and the yogo rosemary. Movlyav, if a person is unreasonable, then she has few “brains”. First of all, sensible people are often called "brainy", although the stench's heads are not disturbed by anything in the minds of the mindless.

However, the task of arguing you. The biggest brain, the mass of which was killed far away, laying down a perplexed people. Vcheni zdivuvalis, having recognized how many wines are important after the death of the patient: may be 3 kg! In brilliant or simply intelligent people, the brain is no more and no less important than others. Until then, as it was said above, the brain of a person progressively decreases after 27 years. The brain is called after the death of a person, then, as a rule, in a summer century.

Explain the value of the vіdmіnnostі vіdminnosti vіzі "brains" to help the knowledge of the structure of the organ. On the rozumovі zdіbnostі vplyvaє sіra rechovina cerebellum, like a thick mesh of nerve cells. It’s impossible to see how many of them are absolutely certain, but the rahunok go to billions. Intelligent people have more blood cells, others have lower ones, but the stench is not strongly injected into the brain. And the axis of bewilderment and is characterized by an increase in the cost of measles in the brain, which gives a significant increase in masi.


Masa to the mind of the working people

Skіlki important to the brain of a person, the best twist on specific and well-known stocks. The recognition of the brain for its special features once again confirmed the fact that the mass of human brain tissue does not in any way add to its genius. Listed below bringing people, data about the brains of such boules were taken off after the rosette Yak bachimo, the rozkid is a great value:

  • Sergiy Yesenin: 1.92 kg;
  • Lev Trotsky: 1.57 kg;
  • Otto von Bismarck: 1.97 kg;
  • Volodymyr Lenin: 1.34 kg;
  • Ludwig van Beethoven: 1.75 kg;
  • Anatole France: 1.02 kg;
  • Ivan Turgenev: 2.01 kg.

Particularly unusually bachiti two remaining rows. "Brains" of two writers are swayed one by one after the mass. And tse means that it is not important for us, how much to care for the brain of this other people.

Por_vnyannya brain of people and creatures

Vikoristovuvat vaga brain as a confirmation of the high rozumovyh zdіbnosti people can be hіba scho equal to the creatures. For each, it is necessary to carry out the alignment over the absolute values, and for the masses of another body. Even if you take more than numerical values, then the smartest bastard on Earth is a blue whale. You can read more about the importance of your brain in the book of records: a weight of 9 kg, which is the most important indicator of the average creatures. However, qi 9 kg become less than 1/40000 part of the weight of the whale, which is red to say about yoga "rozumovі zdіbnostі".

Elephant's brain should be less important - about 4-5 kg, and the ratio between these two values ​​and the weight of the body should be approximately 1:500. Paired with whales, it’s a good show-off, it’s not surprising that elephants are respected by intelligent creatures. Dolphins are more intelligent savants, the mass of the brain of which in different species lies at the boundary of 1.7-2.3 kg. In the mavp species of chimpanzee, the brain is close to 0.75-0.8% of the total mass of the body.

Candidate of Medical Sciences N. BOGDANOV and Candidate of Biological Sciences Y. KALIKINSKA

Ivan Sergiyovich Turgenev.

Sergiy Mikolayovich Turgenev - father of the writer.

The graph shows how mice reacted with a large (BM) and a small (MM) brain on a given preparation (PT), which calls out sudomi.

Varvara Petrivna Lutovinova, deputy of Turgenev - mother of the writer.

Coat of arms of the old noble family of Turgenievs, instructed by the "Common armorial of the noble families of the All-Russian Empire, zapochatkovanogo 1797 rock".

Science and Life // Illustrations

Science and Life // Illustrations

on the milestones XIX In the 20th century, physiologists tried to unravel the secrets of genius, growing the brains of great people - vimiryuyuchi obsyag, zvayuyuchi, pіdrakhovuyuchi kіlkіst zvivin. So it was said that among the genius features the largest brain was maw Ivan Sergiyovich Turgenev: his brain is important 2012 grams, which is 600 grams larger than the average woman. What did the great writer of other prominent people think about. This mystery tormented the successors of many fates. Less than a year ago, a hypothesis appeared that brings us closer to the solution. Possibly, to the great vag's brain "insurance" of the writer against epilepsy, to the extent that he is genetically smart.


It seems that there is a bigger brain of a creature, more powerful nervous organization, intellectual vitality. Can you zastosuvati tsі zakonіrnostі to people? Age difference in the vase of the brain in different people can reach a second kilogram. Vіdpovіdі tse pitannja dosi mає. Vimiryuvannya vaga brain of people of genius gave even superbly results: among the great boulevards, people are both big and small brains: for example, the brain of Anatole France may be a kilo lighter than Turgenev's. Win the lightest type of middle brain representative of a human being - 1390 grams. Well, can you say that Turgenev writes better for France? In women, the average brain is 100 grams lighter than a human. Well, it’s not possible to work with the whiskers, the women are three fools for the people! And with the largest brain - 2222 grams - a small person, not visible to anyone.

It would have been better if there were more brains - more nerve cells, which can win out folding tasks. Ale, nervous clitins do not work together, but in clitin ensembles with a singing hierarchical structure. Also, there is no direct fallow between a large number of neurons and rhymes.

Part of the doslednikiv tried to propagate with the method of evaluating genius the other parameter - the number of borozen and zvivin to lie on the surface of the measles of the brain. If the brain was twisted from the center of the dawn, then it turned out that, really, in brilliant people, the wines are embossed and zvivini on a new one more. In Mayakovsky, for example, in the case of a brain, which you think of as a zor, - the so-called zorovo measles of the zvivini was much larger, lower in a sizable average person.

But why is Turgenev's brain important, lower than all great people? It seems that the vines were tall (192 cm), and the brains of great people, as a rule, are larger. However, Mayakovsky, such a tall man (191 cm), had a brain of 300 grams for Turgenevsky. And the age of Turgeniev, at the sight of Mayakovsky, a kind of young man from life, died 68 years in the life of the people (young people have a bigger and more important brain;


As often happens, the solution was unknown.

For twenty years at the Faculty of Biology of the Moscow State University, bears grow from different brains. Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences L. V. Krushinsky put before the spivrobitniks the task of z'yasuvati, as they decline in such a way that the intellectual zdіbnosti of creatures are designated. What is the role of morphological features of the nervous system i, zocrema, expansion of the brain here? In the wake of the historical achievements, it was possible to establish that the role of the brain in equal intellectual health in mice is already great. The middle vaga of the bear's brain is 400-500 milligrams. In order to take away the offspring with a great mass of brains, mice, in some of them it was larger than the middle, they crossed among themselves. In such a way, a group of spivrobitnikiv under the cerebration of the doctor of biological sciences I. I. The field of the candidate of biological sciences N.V. Tsіkavo, scho creatures with more important brains more richly knew how to get out of the labyrinth and better, lower relatives, virishuvali other tasks set before them.

One of the authors of these statutes, having uttered an estimate, how the creatures with a great brain react on the brittle speech, that they call out the judge, that teases the brain with an electric strum. And it appeared that their vessels trapleyatsya richly closer, lower in creatures with a brain of normal size. Qi results were unsatisfactory for us. All right in that the brain is a system that self-regulates. For such systems, there is a need to understand the structural stability: greater number Parts of the system signify greater resistance to better splashes. Tobto skladni organizovaniya great brain is more important than "knock out pantely".

Professor V. S. Kesarev, having shown that the appearance of mice from the great mass of the brain was called to a smoother structure. It turned out to be unfailingly - yet another revolutionary, academician I. I. Schmalhausen, having respected that in nature there is a law of "canalization of processes of morphogenesis". According to the law, the change of some is a sign of the inevitable burden of the change of others, it would have been given in any way from no cause. From the point of view of genetics, it is necessary to explain the interplay of the cells, which have declined overnight, genetic ensembles. From the point of view of physiology - features of adaptation.

Otzhe, mice with a great mass of the brain appeared more kmіtlivimi and stіykіshimi before the court. These facts and gave rise to a hypothesis, as I explain, to our mind, the riddle of Turgenev's giant brain.


Chi can be asked, what's the point of sudomi? Aje Ivan Sergiyovich Turgenev did not suffer from epilepsy, like, for example, Dostoyevsky chi Flaubert. However, don’t forget that epilepsy is an illness, in showing a great role in playing a sloppy weakness before the court. Therefore, often the disease is not in one, but in a few generations of the same, as it was in the family of Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky. And one of Turgenev's brothers also suffered from epilepsy.

What are you squealing out of?

We know little about Turgenev's relatives. Ale zі school rock a stamp has taken root in our witness: the writer’s mother was a “zhorstok krіposnitsa”, and її a way of life instilling a life of ingenial synovі, which by becoming an accustomed vikrivach of the krіposny law in Russia. You don't need any other reason for your hour. However, with surface analysis, a different picture emerges.

The mother of the writer is Varvara Petrivna Turgeneva, born Lutovinova, the specialty of the writer is extraordinary, bula, without a trace, the central figure of her. Born a month after the death of her father, she spent her childhood and youth at the witch's house, being huddled by her relatives. However, regardless of her face, Varvara Petrivna could become the richest named land, not without a struggle, having gathered in her hands a decline in the number of heads of her family. Viyshla zamіzh for a kohana people, for the one whom she herself took away - blushing Sergiy Mikolayovich Turgenev. At tі o'clock it didn't trap so often. In the first years of life, my hat is happy.

Having not obtained systematic enlightenment, Varvara Petrivna prote was well known in the arts, she spoke with the best representatives of Russian culture at that time. And what was the "golden century" of Russian poetry, if Pushkin, Baratinsky, Zhukovsky created! Rest vvazhavsya її confidentiality. Fifty years later, having lived through the birth of a cohanim man, Varvara Petrivna gave birth to another child, Donka Varvara - for herself. What a power of luck!

Wanting to the end of her days, Varvara Petrivna wrote against any rules, her language was inspired by imagery and energy. Otzhe, literary talent її sinik not on an "empty place".

And the axis її psikhіchny stock, wanting to be able to judge about the new only by the її relatives, the psychiatrist to be epileptic character. It’s not like thinking that such a character is only found in a black color. In the new one, there is a change in the past years - stinginess and generosity, zhorstokostі and sensitivity, zdatnosti to sharp spalahіv anger, rіshuchih vchinkіv and nezdatnosti vіdmovitysі vіd yakіhos pogaіv і zvichok. Typical sharp changes in mood.

Having become a wealthy landowner, Varvara Petrivna gave free rein to her "spirit". There were legends about these miracles: sometimes she took servants from a special uniform, which imitated the costumes of servants of state departments, called them to the rank of ministers. And why should the cursing box, at which pani vimagala blame himself for the time of the cholera epidemic, so as not to get infected! It seems that two wimpels with the coats of arms of the Turgenievs and the Lutovinovs hung over the garden booth. Yakshcho Varvara Petrivna was not in the shower, she ordered to lower the wimpels. And the guests, as if they were waiting for sadibi, bachachi such an evil sign, respected for the good of the city to turn back home. Then she got cooked with her children. Already on her deathbed, her sons Mykola said, who rushed to her to say goodbye: "You still don’t know why I forgave you.

Sin did not dare to super-chit and poїhav. At the screen of wines I know the icon. Ale to say goodbye to the mother already did not catch ...

The ancestors of Varvara Petrivna showed no less miraculous behavior. Among them is the most important uncle Ivan Ivanovich Lutovinov. The famous epiphany of Turgenev "Bizhin Meadow" tells about something new: the ghost of Ivan Ivanovich walks at night in the place of his rest - the mausoleum in the garden of Spaska to Varnavitsky Yar. Tse yogo feeds the old gardener: "What, talking, father, shukaesh?"

Ivan Ivanovich Lutovinov is a miraculous figure in his own way. Having made a garden at the ancestral nest of Spaska-Lutovinov himself, choosing a miraculous library, cultivating a home theater. It’s a pity, the gardens are burning, and this year, the gardeners look around only for the surpluses of a lot of writing. Zbuduvav tsyu sadibu Ivan Ivanovich for example of the XVIII century for his cherished son, Vanechka's downfall. They pretended that the mother of the boy was the pan's sister. It is important that deaf retellings about this story were included in Turgenev's description of "Three Portraits".

Unfortunately, the boy died. The cost of recession was an important blow for the self-controlled pan. And, perhaps, the very same time, I had time to accept Varvara's niece into the house, as she flowed in from the father's swaville. And it’s not better to accept, but to grow your recession.

Another yaskravisha to post - Petro Ivanovich, father of Varvari Petrivny and the father of the writer. Servants in St. Petersburg in the Preobrazhensky Regiment, became famous big scandals As if, taking a part in the defense of the St. Petersburg tract, for the sake of the passage of the Sovereign, becoming vimagati horses for the power of consumption, and taking away the command, commanding your company: "At the towel!" The horses, obviously, were seen, but on the right, they raised their voices, appointed a court, on which other sins of Peter Lutovinov were guessed: p'yanki, beats, gulli, carts, and they called him from the regiment, as they said now, "with a sheep's ticket" . Having leaned down at the native places, the writer's father let out a clouded image from the drive of a nearby car. Sim'ya turned back in a new way through yoga "untidy vdacha". The most "feat" was the pogrom of one-palaces, as if they were crying at the power of yoga. Petro Lutovinov protested against this one on the back, then filed a scarga to the court, and then, bachachi, who dragged it on the right, ruling over his yard battles, dozens of people perished again. Having left the corpses on the cart, destroying the wines at the locality of Livny, burning the bread of their enemies, standing on the cart, shouting: "I am your scourge!"

They took them. Little is known about the Lutovinov sisters. The last of Turgenev's life and creativity, Mikola Chernov, was given credit in the Oryol Archives on the right of Agrafeni Ivanivna Lutovinova, near the deputy Shenshino. The name of this newspaper publication "Druha Saltichikh" speaks for itself. In the light of these stories, as well as the story of the young sister Elizaveta Ivanivna, who also had an important character, perhaps, they knew in the description of I. S. Turgenev "The Brigadier".

About relatives I. S. Turgenev behind the Batkiv line we know very little. Prote see that the brother of the father of the writer, Oleksiy Mikolayovich Turgenev, was suffering from epilepsy. Vіn vіdіznjavsya marvelous behavior, and Varvara Petrіvna navіt was unique to be at a party and reluctantly took in herself. Mykhailo Oleksiyovich, who served as the prototype of the hero of the Turgenev's opisaniya "Vidchaydushny," exalted himself with majestic marvels.

In this rank, in the Turgeniev-Lutov family, epileptoid characters and ailments for epilepsy are often common. With this illness, the character of the person changes significantly, which explains more and more extravagant features of the behavior of the writer's ancestors.

Out of nature

People who are similar to each other often get together in family bets, mute and mental peculiarities "attract" them one to one. People with schilnistyu to epilepsy often make friends with the same peculiarities of character. When two people go from schilnistyu to epilepsy, there is even more of a better chance for their sickness to subside.

The causes of epilepsy are different. Brain to take revenge on the impersonal neurochemical systems, breakdown, be it for any reason, can become a reason for judicial readiness. In such a state of mind, in families, from schilnistyu to epilepsy, from generation to generation, it is guilty to go into regeneration: nervous system. But there is no truth to it: such canopies do not know, but continue to give offspring and are often even more inconsistent. Why is it on the right? Is it possible, from generation to generation, that other changes are accumulated, which will change the development of epilepsy? Natural vіdbіr is guilty of creaking be-like vіdhilennya vіd norma, like not virodzhuyut.

As has already been said, Ivan Sergiyovich Turgenev did not suffer from epilepsy. Spalakhs traples anger in him infrequently (although, at one reception, they all spoke French, they got angry and began to shout loudly: "Baba! Turnip! Shovel!", predicting the sound of their native language).

Why didn’t Turgenev, having succumbed to epilepsy, why do his relatives clearly prostrate? The axis here is the time to guess about the suprawichine masu yogo brain. Possibly, on the right itself in niy? If the creatures have a great mass of brains that are crossed by the court, then, without a doubt, it can be similar to people! Possibly, the natural species "saw" the unique peculiarity of the Lutovinov-Turgenov family for more than one generation. As a result, such a brilliant person appeared, like Ivan Sergiyovich. The majestic mass of the brain "insurance" yoga against the development of ailments. And all positive risi Epileptoid character - arrogance, practicality, vminnya to achieve the set goals - win the savior and the zmіg to rise in your own person more or less.

It only takes a long time to see this delicacy, the humane standing up to the people, the unskillful exercise to go along the path of enlightenment and liberalism, like wines having risen in oneself in spite of the family tradition.

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