Why does hisism zavazhє buti noble. He is a primitive people with a narrow outlook, what kind of different individuals? Egoist: good chi nasty

What is the main problem with hisism? What do we know about hisism? Maybe be hisist - it’s bad, to that, tracing our own interests, we invariably cross over the interests of other people?
But those who still need to be his own, need to love themselves, how do the coaches of special growth grow and are like them?

From one side, we don’t like himistiv and in our own way hisististic rice is not noticed and not known. In addition, we say that the skin of a person is hisstical by the singing world.

We got lost in understanding, sorting out the problems of hisism. Let's try to find the yoga step. Divide yoga into sensible and unreasonable, just like before, as we divide zeal into black and white. Prote mi nothing is intelligible in hisism. The system-vector psychology of Yuri Burlan gives us a clear understanding of what hisism is true, good, bad, and necessary.

"Be a little bit of hisist"

Problem to hisism. Skin man - hisist?

Skin man - hisist! Just like under hisism, understand those who tell us about the understanding of Wikipedia, but for yourself:
Egoism is a behavior that is entirely determined by a thought about the power of melancholy, vygoda.

So, don’t start thinking, to be more precise - the bazhannya will take away the power of meanness, we are convinced, but it will ruin itself with our skin filling. Do not start this bazhannya behavior, to the point where we are out of stock, to supersede the interests of other people.
Ale, in the root of our dermal filling, so otherwise lies the bazhannya taken away for itself, and for itself - a sense of joy and satisfaction. Moreover, by nature it is so conceived that we would take away our retribution only for the sake of understanding that our behavior will bring retribution to lonely people. What is the problem for hisism?

In this article, we can see itsism, as the main natural power, which is basic, the shards are inextricably linked with the main tasks of a person - to live, be-scho-be.

Ale oskіlki kozhna lyudina, zgіdno z vector set, endowed with a damp species roll, vіdpovіdno, and the way to її vizhivannya, saving the integrity of the cuts. That is why it is a systemic part of the power in the skin of a person is filled with different colors. I problems of hisism in the skin vector are also different.

As if they didn’t rationalize their behavior, as if they didn’t change their minds from those who live for the sake of others and everything that we don’t work for, only for the sake of others’ people, truly lie down his mystical bazhanya - take away the joy of that satisfaction.

Axis dbayliva mother. She will do everything for the sake of her children. Encourage yourself to buy a new blouse in satisfaction, replace it with a garnier backpack. Vaughn vіdmovlyaє sobі vі vі snі, volіyuchi tsey hour to add sewing new pants for that well-loved titmouse. She is guided by her special life, willing to dedicate all to herself to you - a little tit. Can you tell me what is being called out to him by her? You can, you can! To that, in the sight of us, tsikh diy won't take away much more satisfaction, lower in what she so nobly led.

You won't be able to take your satisfaction from the new jacket. You won't be able to take it off looking at your body. She won’t be able to take away the satisfaction from the boys’ feet on the floor and majestic, the skilki from motherhood, and then she’s easily moved because of the greed of that, because of which she can take away the satisfaction - from the turboti for her son. І in tsmu polyagaє її egoїzm. And, what is the most ridiculous, in such moods it is most likely to seem:
“You need to learn how to love yourself, become a little bit of it”

Adzhe skin її vchinkom yakraz i cheruє hisististically bazhannya otrimat joy and satisfaction in the sight of their actions. In this way, the problem of hisism is that, realizing himself in motherhood, he won’t take away the gift of his malt. Nature has created this strong link between her and the child in order to secure the child's survival, and in every turn she ideally plays her role, taking away the joy of natoity.

The problem with hisism. My people, to be hisists

This is how nature created us, and for that, it is more natural to take away the malt from the skin of your own nature, but do not make our behavior adequate.

It was conceived by nature in such a way that we would take away the malt from the skin of our own filling, but only for the mind, that we win our species role.

So, the expansion and implementation of shkirnik, creating new technologies, which help to save the resources of all people, take away the joy and satisfaction in these days, even if you don’t sleep at night, you’ll become bored with the process of winemaking.

And the axis is such a shkirnik himself, but did not learn how to adequately exercise his authority. Vіn vzhe vzhe otrimuє na malt not vіd vіd vymodu tekhnologii scho, scho allow to save the resources of all people, but in the form of scarcity, in the form of economy of their five kopіyok. And here is the problem of hisism, mi bachimo a mile away, wanting to be behind the fact it’s not hisism itself, but the inadequate implementation of the mission to take away the joy and satisfaction of one’s own actions.

At the root of our skin, the vein lies one and only, moreover, it’s more of a chore - almost a little satisfied!

І navіt as zvnі tse vyyavlyaєєєєєєєєєє turbotoy pro otochyuchih people, moreover, adequate, and not ієyu form of turbulence, as the bula is described more, or the wine of new technologies, and then th medicinal preparations for the treatment of deadly ailments - to induce in that case the drugs, if protested by the wine-drinker on his own, with the help of yogo, the bazhanya is torn down and almost satisfied.

The skin from us is taken away almost in its own way. So, the shkirnik takes it a little, if one finds new technologies, the anal one - if he transfers the accumulated knowledge to new generations, the urethral one - if he secures almost the protection of all his "play", a peephole - if you create emotional connections and a greater cultural ball for the greater human culture - if you focus on your thoughts, and then you yourself develop in our skin the ability to create and develop thoughts. And so with the skin vector, we take away our portion of joy, while vikonannі tієї species role, which we are assigned to our vector set. I have no problems with hisism.

And everything would be good, the yakbees knew how to take it for granted. In other words - what kind of species role we are given and how її vikonati in order to take away your portion of joy and satisfaction in life. The problem with hisism is that it doesn’t feel like that… Our inner bajans are attached to us and we are able to comprehend ourselves with ease, to know what to give us such bajans a sense of joy. That is why, in search of someone else, we often go along the wrong paths.

The greater the peace in your powers, the easier it is to know the right path. But it’s not enough for our fathers to bring that people to our senses, like they will make us feel sick, to bring that psychic, like the skin of us, to the point that we are not allowed to develop our natural powers. W shortly after the fathers are changing the development of the powers of their children. The head of the image is for the best-heard children, the sadists from them are the deputy of the debailing fathers. They deprive their children of their own with villains and zazdrіsniks, instead of that they will be called out from the wine-makers and rationalizers.

Ale bazhannya take away the joy of the skin of your vein, the prote is left behind, only in become filthy vectorіv we otrimuєmo tse vіdchuttya vіd dіy, yakі supercheat the interests of other people, and in this way the problems of hisism are obvious. The frustrated analnik is taken away by the sense of realization of sadistic aspirations, the archetypal shkirnik - in the form of villainy, the sound man, who is left behind by his turtle, - in the form of the implementation of plans for the destitution of people. Wanting to lie at the root of all these vchinkiv, like in the case of people who are displaced by their authorities, to lie all the same hisististically bazhannya - to take away the joy of that satisfaction.

Egoism... In that sensi, in which all people understand the word, we are not vile, we are kind. Wine is neutral. Ale those, as we realize our own mystical bazhannya, and those who bring the stench of greed and shame to lonely people, lie in our minds of our own bazhan and ways of their implementation.

Today we may have a tool that allows you to kindly and clearly understand our internal needs and ways to adequately implement them, assimilating the problem of hisism. The first instrument is system-vector psychology of Yuriy Burlan.

look back: 3 706

To start us small with toys, to help others, that and vzagali vіddavati leave the shirt to his neighbor. Navіt yakscho tse ide vrozrіz іz powerful interests.

This is how it is accepted in society, and our behavior can be correct and comply with the norms. Varto, if you want to say “Hi” to someone once, we will immediately feel: “You are it!”, “You think only about yourself!”. Nothing amazing! Adzhe in our sspіlstvі respect so as a specialty as a service to others, sacrifice, self-confidence. They adore people who have dedicated their lives to orphans or are seriously ill. And it is quiet, who does not dare to throw himself at the embrasure at Skoda, ringing at his zmin. Who is hisist? At the vistaví bіlshostі — a goalkeeper, a deceiver, a rude person, a kind of zmushu suffering of those who are occupied with their own goals. They instill children in us, what to think about the power of the vigo is already bad. To that, to all who can have their own business and put them more for their interests, the brand “Egoist” sticks to the damned thing. From the other side, what is nasty in that, which a person is inspired and does not want to go on about someone? Why is wine guilty of swindling for others, as if with whom one's interests are intermarried?

Similar term

If a person cannot put a special purpose above the collective, then who should be raised? Who lives for the new? From the child, like to repeat, what is filthy about him and to attach everything, try to do it in your own way, the growth of a person. Such people go all their lives on someone's occasion. The stinks are inspired by promising work in a different place, more “when born, there and having become in good fortune.” They make friends (go outside), more at the hour. Nation to the child, the one that the children know has already gone to the first class. And until the age of fifty they will confirm that life did not work out. Such people cannot make their loved ones happy, for they themselves are deeply unhappy. Aje yakbi stinks, if they thought about the power of interests and showed impudence, then everything would be different. That is why his hisstical behavior is corny. What is egoism? The term is similar to the Latin word ego - "I". The last translation is "I am". Chi means love to oneself and behavior, directed at the satisfaction of the authorities' needs. Why is suspenstvo put negatively before his stіv, even if the stench may be clear to yourself. You know what you want and what you can reach.

Advantages of hisism

On the thought of a vchenih, having died, having shown hisism to rob people of happiness. In 2012, American psychologists conducted a social experiment on students. They chose 216 students and divided them into three groups. The skin participant was given two dollars each. The first group was allowed to take pennies of their own, the other - to donate from welfare fund, And the third one was propagated by options, on what to show them. Then we nurtured the students, so that they could recognize who felt the best for themselves. The most prominent ones were those who spent dollars on themselves.

To go out, its mystically true for a person, but only in quiet moods, if the stench is praised by suspense. With this, there are few people who understand about such a thing, how healthy is his reasonable mind. The purpose of a person's life is to live by special interests, but not superhumanly to the interests of others. Let's be healthy with it, it's necessary for the skin, for such a person:

  • vmіє vіdmovlyat, do not allow anyone to sit on your own, for which yogo and shanoyut. Navkolishni take yoga like a person, like you value your hour and practice.
  • respond adequately, having felt "Ні" in others. We do not make any claims, otherwise, navpaki, accumulate an image.
  • you know for sure what you need. Vіn realizuє vlasnі bajannya, but not zabaganki colleagues, fathers, friends.
  • self-sufficient and does not spit on the new. Egoist does not check for praise. Yogo does not praise someone else's thought, and do not falsely criticize your address.
  • do not stand in front of an important choice: sobі chi іnhim. He clearly understands, in some situations, he is ready to sacrifice special interests, and in some, not.
  • vmіє effortlessly help others and quickly forget about tse. Vin will not be cultivated in a comus, so that at the right time to say: "I tried so hard for you, but you don't care" or "I've helped you, now it's your devil."
  • love yourself and make others happy. I take this vin like a part of myself, like a wart of all the best. Yogo close people are sharpened with turbota and respect.

He is healthy and lives in harmony with himself. If you want more wine, lower may. A small piece of pie is not enough for him, he needs the whole pie. Such a person is looking for ways to reach the bug, constantly work hard, engages in self-development. The very sound of his healthy egoism was shattered richly scientific achievement that vіdkrittya.

The extreme step of hisism and yoga

Deyak people are obsessed with the powerful person and care what the world wraps around them. The stinks of the hoarders tell about their troubles, in the meantime and richly repeat: “I”, “Me”, “For me”. Such a camp is called its centrism and is the extreme stage of itsism. In other words, it is the inadequacy of that carelessness of a person to accept someone else's thought. A good thought for the new leader is the same verna. His centrist takes precedence over others and does not ignore their needs. Yoga behavior has empathy and spontaneity. Vіn is not a building, you can feel that zrozumіti other people. If it is possible for him to stir up for someone else, then his centrist is not ready for such an intervention. Tsya people, navpaki, vvazhaє, scho otochuyuchi may and goiter vykonuvat її zabaganki, oskolki won such a "unique" specialty. His maєst maє gnuchkіst i mozhe pіdlashtuvatsya pіd be-yaku situation, on vіdmіnu vіd іt's centrist, not in any way not to change his thought. With his centric people it is important to get used to it. Vіn ignoring other people's prohannya, dictating your own mind, that becomes a domestic tyrant. The limbs of yoga sim'ї constantly perebuvayut at the nervous tension and know.

Egoism is accepted in respect to a filthy character, as if the government is actively suing. Natomist yogo protylezhnist - altruism, the people accept yak positive quality individuals. Who is an altruist? Tse people, for which you need other important people for power. If he sacrifices other people's interests for the sake of himself and his own, then an altruist, on the other hand, is ready to help other people at school. Vіn vіzmetsya for the work of a comrade in service, vіdklavshi his on innocence hour. Skip the family tract to help a friend glue the trellis. To save money on the remaining pennies, putting your family on a starvation ration. You can blame the speeches from the apartment, because I need more stench. The motto of the altruist is "Live for others", but not for yourself and your loved ones. Somewhere in the world help you to find out there, don’t ask for anything about it. Such a person strives to be good to everyone, to meet the interests of the powerful. Therefore, the majority of altruists are helpless and incapable people in themselves.

Come out, scho be his richer richer, lower his centrist chi altruist. Turbo about vlasny dobrobut that love for yourself- a natural exercise of a person, I have an adequate self-esteem. If you know that you asked to borrow a large sum for the river, and you were encouraged to, then you can be called hisist. From the other side you earned a penny for yourself. So why can it be dilated? For the sake of what to divide your interests? Maybe, rather a friend, take a loan, know the details and independently overcome your financial difficulties. Here you yourself go about his healthy ism, if you use your own important for strangers. Insha river, like a person on the day of the birth of a son, he goes to the dacha to friends. Batko sacrifices the interests of the children for the sake of those in power. And the axis is already unhealthy.

Strive to reach your goals, reaching out to moral and ethical standards, while not limiting the needs of other people. Live here and now. Realize your bazhannya, navіt like stinks you are given crazy. Do you want to go diving, learn how to play the trumpet and speak French? Forward, your life and there is one. Set a goal, and boldly go to it. And then in old age you will have to pay for more life outside.

The material was prepared by Darina Lichagina

Creation has a message for the rose of O. Pavlova.

Option 1

Egoism - tse pragnennya people put themselves more for all and, as if їy tse vdaєtsya, then such a person is given up, that the world is spinning around less than it. Tsya akіst is brought to the negative ones, even if immodestness, pride, and sometimes heartlessness stand behind it.

In O. Pavlova's account, we can know a few of his characters.

Max Smirnov, please don't be ashamed to mimic Zhukov, which is zaїkaєtsya. For Katya Lebedeva, it is loudly self-destructive to splurge on her embroidery. Regardless of those that Max is the captain of a school basketball team, and Katya is beautiful and talented, the stench does not exclaim sympathy from a reader.

And to that, hisism is to call on the mustaches of the people's honesty, the slobbers її unacceptable, soulless.

Option 2

I respect that hisism is one of the most unacceptable traits in people. Tse self-sufficiency, thirst for respect and foolishness at once. Egoist does not tag people in the wrong way, on the other hand - they check wines, cheating.

Let's marvel, turning to the proponed text, with some unacceptable ones you can but show itsism.

Katya Lebedeva does not hesitate in her mind, that she does not think for a second about those that Zhukov writes his twir not about her. The self-zakohana girl accepts this kindness without sympathy, with "successful dissatisfaction." Singingly, Vovka wrote about her himself: “A right talent without kindness is like a dead kviti.”

I, unfortunately, tezh buvayu hisistichnoy. I do it soromno for a pittance, like I took a long time from my grandmother for a glass of wool, until my mother told me that my grandmother would be worth it for her, so take me my sum. Aje, I didn’t think about those that my grandmother’s pension is small.

At his hists, as I understood to navit zі svogo svіdu, all interests are surrounded by the power of "I".

Option 3

I think that hisism is the only thing to understand, what else is there in this world, damn you. A self-loving person respects himself as a reasonable, beautiful, good for others.

Egoism is a quality that makes Katya Lebedeva look at O. Pavlova's roses. Everyone respects the first beauty, which objects are easily given, but when it comes to it, she is proud, rude and immodest: Katya calls her embroidery miraculous, boast about it. Wait a minute, such behavior is hisist.

It’s not better for yourself and Max Smirnov: don’t be ashamed to mimic Zhukov’s zaїkaєtsya, you’ve been suffocating yourself.

And only Vovka Zhukov, with his work, taught a lesson to us, who behave himself hisstically in his class.

There is no beauty in people, as if there is no love for yourself, that is your reach.

Option 4

Egoism is such a behavior of a person, if they think only about themselves and their advances. It is not uncommon for Hisists to be self-admiring.

Returning to the text of O. Pavlova, in order to bring this idea to light. Katya, as good as possible, bring your work to the class. Trying to turn the respect of all to your paintings, calling the embroidery “beautiful garden”, groaning with them, jokingly confirming your hoarding from the reaction of the shocking ones.

Її arrogance is unacceptable, but Katya doesn’t mark whom. In addition, she is vpevnena, that about її talents obov'yazkovo rozpovі zakohany she Vova. Navit not listening to this tvir, you comment on the readers, so that once again you will gain respect for yourself.

Eugene Onegin from the novel of the same name by A. S. Pushkin is also his own, and selfishness spared his friend that wide lover.

Heististic people, as a rule, call out dislikes almost.

Option 5

Egoism is an unimportant attitude to others and a demonstration of one's own apparent and real advantages. His-sti love less for himself.

Let's bring the thought to the butts of the text by O. Pavlova. In the class, where the girl Katya is born, everyone remembered long ago that she was a quiet student. The beetle was dying in her. Prote Katya belittles yoga, demonstrating her anger. It is feigned dissatisfaction to sound in її words, if Katya hears Vovka's tweet, she is inspired by what is written about her. Material from the site

Then, the girl invariably signs her robots, hoots at them, sways, that an exhibition of the “wonderful garden” will be organized. Katya is not yet wise, as if she is unhappy with her own egoism: it’s not good to love someone else, except for yourself, she’s doomed to selfishness.

Vtіm, tse zakonomіrno: few people want to talk to a person, like a cіkavy only vin himself.

Option 6

Egoism is the ogy of the power of a person to respect himself better for all others. Hisist, as a rule, is soulless and self-singing, he does not know how to feel like ordinary people.

So, in the text of O. Pavlova, Katya has an unacceptable hostility to herself, wanting to sleep well, malyuє, vyshivaє. However, you don’t want to waste your talent, because the girl is constantly working on her own.

Virishivshi, that she is the best and everything is allowed, the girl easily imitates a classmate. If the language about the dvovirsh of the dead boy comes in, Katya grimaces disapprovingly. Tsya hisistka usvіdomlyuє only vlasnu blame.

So that we can live well in the household, we can think not only about ourselves, but also about others.

Chi did not know those who were joking? Speed ​​up with a joke

"Egoism - does not mean to live the way you want, but you can live the way you want until others."

Egoism (from Lat. ego - "I") - selfishness. Behavior, which is generally considered to be a thought about the power of greed, profit, the victory of one’s interests over the interests of other people and creatures.

Egoism can be rational and irrational. At the first glance, he is estimating possible traces of their own dіy and dіє vіdpovіdno up to dotsіlnostі. For another, his attitude is impulsive and short-sighted, keruyuchis exclusively with his bazhanny and goals. The extreme step of hisism is his centrism and in his role of wine, no doubt, shkidlivy. As if in any manifestations of the nature of that activity of a person, the initial one is not the presence of something, but its calculus, its own dosuvannya. So it is with hisism. It is necessary to fight yoga overdose.

Egoism is us before the birth of the natural instinct of self-saving; from the look of ethics - the need for hisism to be understood by the value of life. Vіn nebhіdniy svіdomlennya that realіzаtsії tsіnnosti, pawned at osobystі, nebhіdny vykonannya moral ob'yazka, scho polyagaє vypolenenі to perfection of the power's inclinations and zdіbnosti. Egoism becomes unacceptable from the ethical point of view, if someone else's life that someone else's specialness is hoped for less value, lower vlasnoy, if the rights of others are not respected. Egoism does not exist only for the dead and divine. To that, in singing moods, it’s not varto to judge the fault, if you put your interests over others. Obviously, it’s impossible to transform into a voice. Everyone has a trace to reach the world. Be a self-sufficient person, Your self-esteem is not guilty of lying in the face of praise or condemnation of the otochyuchy. As a rule, egoism is the truth of the legacy of a wrong shifting in the sim. As a child, they attach the brilliance of their own guiltiness, enhance their self-esteem and its centrism of specialness, they can form a strong sense of orientation, if wines are taken to the point of respect, there is no more interest, consumption, experience. If the child becomes mature, then її concentration only on yourself, vlasnih bazhannyah And it is possible to bring up the baiduzhist to the others to self-sufficiency, to the perception of the soothsaying of the navkolyshny world. So, it’s almost like that egoism can be blamed on a child, as children stick together with the baiduzhistyu of the fathers and the restless ones. You begin to think that, the Crimea itself, no one knows about it. I gave you the vote of your own basic life principle, which is based on the presence of private, selfish interests and the special interests of other people, to satisfy your own needs, to pay for the welfare of the community. A person can be taken in by him with that attitude, as if out of the blue, cherishing the special beauty of that coriste, living only for himself, being deprived of baiduzh to the share of others. Egoism is manifested in self-love, which is put to the point of otochyuyuchy, in those who are unimportant by their interests, look at another person as if it is necessary to achieve special goals. Egoism knows its ending in its centrism, which asserts the absolute superiority of "I" over others. As a moral quality, hisism is formed from the minds of people's lives, and to lie in the same level of culture, to enlighten that vihovannia.

Why is there a difference between selfishness and hisism? Is he really selfish? Selfishness, tse, svidshe vіdchuttya, nizh system of behavior. Vono є nevid'єmnoy part of hisism. Itself vainly dictates the behavior, as it is entirely based on thoughts about the power of I, I have the power of melancholy, profit, the victory of my interests to the interests of other people. He is very proud, shards are at the extreme stages of self-esteem, and very critical to the quiet, who try to challenge their prestige.

What is greater than egoism or altruism? Altruism (lat. Alter - іnshiy) - a moral principle, which punishes bezkorislivі ії, created for the benefit of satisfaction of the interests of another person (people). As a rule, vikoristovuetsya for the purpose of understanding building to bring your zisk from the victim for the sake of the sacramental good.

Egoism is the behavior of a person, she won’t try to achieve her goals, a comfortable life, we don’t call on lonely people. Sometimes wines appear a little softer, if you put a person in the first place, but if you don’t start to consume others. At the borders of the norm garna yakist, moreover, it was laid down by nature for us, in order to be able to survive. On the other hand, often it is allowed to cross the border, and as a result, people are suffering.

What do you need to know about manifesting hisism?

If a person does not put the thought of otochuyuchy absolutely nothing in anything, and live less for the comfort of himself, then unambiguously bear witness to his mystical character. Here varto to say that in the staleness, in order to show yourself with some kind of wine, you can understand, if it goes beyond what is permitted.

His master is more able to tell Rozmov only about himself, to you baiduzhe, what is there with others. Yaki, perhaps, problems, but joys, do not cry. At that hour, I will have more serendipity on myself. For such people, there is a sense of leadership, self-confidence, self-esteem. The stench vvazhayut themselves as the cent of the All-World and think that other people are created to serve them.

Are the stars taken from hisism?

Basically, his mystical character lies in pardons during childbirth.

1. The fathers kept repeating to the children that she was the best, beautiful, successful, kohana and so on. In addition, ring out, mother with a tatom of the future egoist, schile to self-sacrifice for the sake of her child. For the sake of a man's mind, for the sake of his interests, the fathers were inspired by their own. Obviously, you know that all other people can fix it like that.

2. Lack of respect from the side of the fathers. Here everything seems to be a turnaround, so, a little person, as if he did not take proper respect in children, he starts to bring everyone that there is a varta out there. Zreshtoy, vіn becomes also hisist, who cannot love and vіddavati.

How to deal with hisist?

In every life, it is possible to stick with different people, often traiplyatsya with its rightness. Depending on the fact that the meaning of a person is to bring to life, it is possible to sort out some kind of connection with such people.

It’s like he’s a vipadkovy person and it’s not possible to communicate with her fast, it’s completely possible not to pay respect to the deacons її unacceptable. Slid marvel at the situation, and speak emphatically without going over to particularities.

If a person with his mystical character, relative, friend, colleague, boss, then the one with whom you didn’t want to give a hundred, you can boost his vanity, hanging from the yogo point of dawn. Such people are more likely to love, if the weather is good with them, they respect this person. Here the next thing is to designate what for yourself, if you can, it’s better not to conduct trival conversations with him.

Yakshcho hisist - tse kohana people, varto understand that it is impossible to get respect for that turboti. Come again to open up in the new and forget your interests. Before the speech, the friends will also be brought to the distant plane. Andje heist cannot tolerate order from himself, specialness with his own thought, that ability to give respect to someone else of the Crimea.

No matter how bad it was, no one can make him healthy, but here it’s more heady, recognize that fine line, you’ll already begin to make you feel nostalgic.

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