A man in all his misfortunes calls a squad. Why do women always ring and manipulate people? 3 best sleepovers

No matter how strong and courageous, inspired, charismatic, gracious, and bright, the woman was not, at a singing moment she can oppose the situation of psychological violence.


How not to miss this moment and understand what you are trying to manipulate? How to suddenly change the situation to your own greed and turn anew harmony, optimism, evangelism and continue to enjoy life. I WANT to teach you to remember the 10 main signs of your partner's unusual behavior. Knowing them, you can easily overcome psychological violence.

Vіn zaboronyaє you bachitis with relatives and friends

A man, like a victorist among the natives, is like you psychological reception, svidshe for everything, if only you had more and more to do with you. We will report all our efforts to expand your contacts with girlfriends, friends, relatives and loved ones. Vіn nіbi not razumіє, аbo not nаmaєєєєєєєєєє, scho krіm yours with him vіdnosin, іsnuіє near people, splkuvannya with yak to bring you satisfaction.

Your person represents you

Do not forget that the condescending prizviska, like, nibito zhartoma, your partner will reward you with, mourn a marvelous meta: make you stronger, cherish you and make you “know your own place”. Bachachi your reaction, you can try vigorozhuvat yourself: call you more often with your expressiveness, pronounce to marvel at the speech in a simpler way and not joke in the usual taєmіstu zmіstu. Intuitively you understand that you did not deserve such a beast. As a rule, tyrants try to persecute their victim, which is more figuratively brutal - that's the norm, and the problem is your situation. Don't allow such savagery.

A person calls you in all yoga misfortunes

If your person constantly calls you in problems, what is the fault of the new one is a bad signal. Going into hysterics, as, in principle, they do not characterize a person from a short side, they try to bring it to light that someone has the least fault, and by the same token they themselves shift all the blame on you.

Your partner is on drugs

A lot of people from the category of domestic tyrants do not mind being evil with alcohol, but they are addicted to drugs. Similar staleness, as a rule, leads to inadequate and uncured behavior of a person for a hundred years.

Your man instills fear

As your companion yells a little fear, the blue sounds are far from normal. Belittling that try to zalyakuvati you - a signal before the time has come for the stosunki to pinch. If a person is specially provoking an unsafe situation, then you should seriously think about breaking up with him.

Punish you for an hour, conduct without new

I’ll follow the tactic of zastosovuyt at once from the fence, stalking with relatives and friends. Wart you only to stay for a couple of years, otherwise if you work without your man's favor - check for early warning! Shvidshe for everything, we shout, we imitate you, we threaten you, or you know the methods of hirshi, zastosovayuchi physical strength.

A person checks for you slavery

A person, slender to the point of psychological violence, takes into account the uniqueness of his specialty in his future. By yourself, through similar manifestations of self-sacrifice, forcing special behavior and submissiveness towards you. Vіn napoljagaє, so you took on the role of a servant, moreover, they did it voluntarily, without any problems waiting for all the yoma.

Your man is very jealous

Uncontrolled and ill jealousy is the first sign of an emotional sadist. You can be jealous not only of your friends and acquaintances, but also inspire you to those goals, even if the stench also wakes you up. The reason for this jealousy lies in the impossibility of taking absolute control over all the material and spiritual aspects of your life.

Your partner tries to control you with their emotions

A person who goes as far as psychological violence is a master manipulator. You don’t fit in with yoga ideas and don’t win all the handovers - you can start to act infantile and picture-like, slander with roaring hundreds of dollars, or punish you for disobedience. Vіn namagatiyetsya viklikati you have a little fault of the skin once, if you express your thought and stand your point of view.

Your person is stagnating physical violence

Tse, as it seems, is the last drop. Evidently, in some cases, emotional aggression appeared, sooner or later you will face more difficult and zhorstoky rіven. It's not scary, but your partner has gone from zalyakuvannya to real physical violence. Before that, even though in Volodya with a vibukhov temperament and earlier showing strong strength, fiercely ripping objects that got caught in the hand, beating his fist against the wall, or rehearsing to hoarseness, completely imovirno, that it’s not hard to get away from you and it won’t hurt anything. Here you should think and think not varto - like a decision to praise. A man, having lifted his hand on a woman, puts the right to be called a man under sumniv.

You merit the butiful, happy, that kohan woman, the enchanting and harmonious one.

For rich people, the woman’s energy cob is the strength, which makes you think, and if you don’t live like that, you need to help the woman, and everything starts to sound like a woman.

The men, in fact, always called women in all earthly sins, including a little in the spiritual development. For example, in Hindu mythology, the main force that evokes, the power of illusions, Maya, is represented in the image of a woman.

For rich people, women are either glorious goddesses or evil lilacs. People can easily move from one firm to the next. If your partner doesn’t have a goddess, as before, but rather an object that respects your respect, then you won’t do anything good to you.

You, obviously, noted that your partner is differently placed before you. “How I love you. You are everything in the world for me! Abo: “You care for me. You have to give more respect to you, anij robots. Keep me calm. You are just a burden for me!

It’s not enough for such settings to stick to oneself. Everywhere people are put up with znevago to women, vvahayuchi, that they stink about what is so important. People, for example, can’t help but turn their respect to the yaskrava, the young woman, if they go in to the room. If the stench earlier led a serious roar, then with the appearance of beauty, all look mittevoly to her. Tse vіdbuvaєtsya mechanically.

Reacting to it, people become sexually polarized. Navit that stinks try to catch their feelings, then energetically sexual woman's privatility let you know about yourself a few times a day, calling out their reaction. In this rank, a person is born with a lack of confidence in women. What order is shown garna zhіnka stinks can't get angry at their robots. Your brain is getting dark.

Now your partner will tell you about the difference. Now you are ready to come to the aid of the new one, support yoga, all the same I call you. Marveling at you, you will find out that your stosunki either muffle yoga to the point, or compromise. Vin hates you more. And so it trapleyaetsya quite often. Just disgusting!

Your man himself is guilty of developing his human culture in order to become stronger and, as a result, reach new clarity in everything, in his statements about life.

You can hardly direct yoga in such a process. But you can love yoga, develop internally. Do you want to live your life in a kohanna, independent of what you can have with a lot of partners, or you will know yourself new. If people and women truly deserve to cohabit in an intimate environment, then the stench can not show respect for the image that they care for one alone, and continue in the same soul.

A man who creates dissatisfaction and criticizes me. No matter how much I didn’t swear, all the same, I knew early enough how to prichepitsya and express my dissatisfaction. Either a zucchini is brudna, or a glass for a toothbrush ... Well, that’s right, according to the rubbish. And in a big way - “Kim bi ti bula, yakbi not me? You wouldn’t have anything, so I would have been deprived of my worthless illumination!.

(From the history of one child to a psychologist)

The druzhina, as if constantly criticizing the person, step by step begin to doubt themselves, their comforts, their prudishness. Vtrachenіst, nevpevnіnіst that rozpach zmushuyu chiplyatis for being able to take away yoga praise. Ale hot bi scho robila - all the same, she didn’t show the scoring of her person. Nadal ce blocking the opening of the female inner potential, creativity, sexuality. Vaughn to come at the frown, apathetic camp, which seems to be in disguise, and on the move, and in roses.

And how can such a woman be bazhanoy for a man? Booty for the new one with that muse? Better for everything, entrusting such a squad of people will become more and more dissatisfied with the burkot and the critic.

Close the ring. Chi є z new vihіd?

Why is a person constantly dissatisfied and criticized

The system-vector psychology of Yuriy Burlan reveals the causal and inherited links of such life scenarios, if a person is constantly dissatisfied and criticized. Be-yak, the behavior of a person is properly tied to її bajannyam to take away the joy and satisfaction in life. And the ways of that model of behavior with other people are attached to the child through vihovannia.

Behavior of a person, a kind of constant dissatisfaction and criticism, powerful people with an anal vector.

In nature, such a person is endowed with beautiful powers - buti the ideal person and the father of your children, and bring in the adoptive ones. The natural power of that power in the anal vector creates for such a person the potential to be a right master and a professional of his own. To bring the rospochata obov'yazkovo to the end and to the border line - perfectionism.

But also, in the nature of the powers of the anal vector, there is a deuce of innocence, a hope to rejoice in that confirmation of the correctness of one's actions. During the period of development of such a lad, the mother helps to achieve this innocence, encourages, praises for the negative result. Adzhe buti is kind, the best for such a child - it’s a natural thing.

Why do you think that mother begins to criticize, hang out her dissatisfaction all the time, kvapiti and vimagati the result, without explaining, how better to robiti? And also manipulate cohans through the following phrases: “I don’t love you, that’s bad for you, you’re pissed off, you’re not so robish” etc. Blame the image on the matir, as it was given to design it for all women.

It seems like a suffocation of the development of the child's mental traits. A grown-up person has accumulated dissatisfied, unnatural natural problems in the anal vector, creating empty - frustration - and producing up to let's defile the camps, like they are thrown off through criticism and post-discontent (squealing to cleanliness in the apartment, to clothing, to behavior, looking and thinking about other people). Criticism that dissatisfaction becomes a kind of model for the aggregation of such a person.

And even if the first women of such a person were not far off (zrada, zrada), then I call all women guilty and put them under suspicion. Tobto criticism and dissatisfaction pogirshuvatimutsya filthy dosvіdom cholovіka - and all the bumps in a minute to fly to the squad.

Who robs oneself of a person, who constantly criticizes dissatisfaction

Criticism and post-yne dissatisfaction is far from being an innocent form of slander. Verbal sadism is a special form of psychological violence, which can cause psychosomatic discord in a woman. The behavior of such a person is tried to bring, who is the master in the hut, can turn around in important manipulations of images to physical violence. Surprisingly, deaky women will recognize such a person as fates. Why?

In order to better understand yourself those people who care about you, bachiti the motives of them, we ask you to come to the series of free online lectures "System-Vector Psychology" by Yuri Burlan.

The article was written based on the materials of Yuriy Burlan's online training "System-Vector Psychology"

I am friends with two rocky. Everything was good on the cob of our people. We with him razumіl one one literally z pіvslova. Over the years, things have changed a lot: we began to compete more for dribnitsy, and sometimes create scandals.

In the rest of the hour, I remembered that in all our weldings of wines, it is possible to increase my guilt. Sometimes you try to reconcile me with your wrongs, and I fight for those in which I am innocent. My man is stubborn, it’s easier for me to wait for him, lower your case. And as soon as you acted like me, vibachavsya, then you immediately realize that you are right.

I already got tired of vibachating and I don’t understand why it’s so important for a new one to be right. I don’t want to spend a man, but I don’t know how to explain how you can have mercy.

Olga Son, psychologist:

- The person calls from all others, if you are not able to take responsibility for your life. Vіn shifts the blame to the opponent and in such a rank one feels strong, she is ruled indifferent. Take a look at your person from the side: is it your own person's fault? The master of healthy self-esteem is by no means a fool for his failures. You need to try to find out the reasons for your behavior.

Imovirno, in the homeland of your man, the behavior was similar: when the father called the matir, the father called at the whole child. Through postiyne pochutya blame such a person for himself as a weak one. In order to improve one's self-esteem, a person chimes in with the childish model of behavior - throwing all the problems to someone else.

If the woman believed that she was guilty, although she didn’t feel like that, then in the future, the person will continue to assert herself in such a rank. Zhіntsi need to be afraid of the accuser. Perhaps, the woman is simply afraid to tell the person who is not guilty, to be afraid that he will leave the impudent chi.

A woman, as if I take the blame on myself, in the depths of my soul is not sung by myself. To that doti, the docks won’t stand firmly on their feet and feel good, the person continues tyranny and dorikati. Become more confident that you can fear fear for help working on yourself. For this reason, for example, to know a good job, to become self-sufficient, to take a job for yourself and turn to a psychologist. Tse dopomozhe help internal weaknesses.

Maria Weiss, sexologist:

- In this situation, the woman is emotionally stale. Vaughn is found in uncomfortable for her stosunki. The woman suffers and feels a lot of pain, but when you don’t want to complete the hundred, you don’t want to finish.

The root of the problem is most often needed by children

  • The fathers said to the children, what a kohannya needs to earn. The stench overwhelmed the child, who, in order to get rid of their love, needed to be worn, heard and read.
  • The fathers often showed aggression and violence, de child was guilty of what she simply was.
  • One of the fathers was a trivaly hour, a victim of violence, but when he didn’t dare to disperse with a valtivnik.
  • Cold stosunki in sim'ї without closeness that kokhannya. Through this, the child does not have a chance to get "healthy" stounki.
  • The fathers imposed their thought on the children, and they hesitated to win over all the grown-ups.

You can tell by the signs that you have emotional stagnation

  • You take responsibility for the way other people behave.
  • You are afraid to be thrown out by others, or you will know a strong pain.
  • Postiyne ochіkuvannya іnshih those who stink not zdatnі date.
  • Consume other people and put more for yours.
  • Know your own vchinki.
  • You see what is not good enough for a person, for a robot, for the best stunners.

In such a situation, I can make you turn to fahivtsya, which will help you “shut down” children with injuries and teach them to stop at babies without emotional stagnation and fear. So it is necessary to practice over yourself with that powerful self-preach, learn to respect yourself and listen to your needs.

If you achieve something, your life will change and you will be able to become a new fully healthy woman.

I love you, my dear readers! At family life different problems trap. Deyakі can virishiti shvidko that easily, but scho work, if a person is in the whole ringing squad? Today, I want to talk to you, why do you think so and that the squad allows its blessed one. You can change the order and work hard, if you have no more patience.

What is the reason

Why do people call others for their failures, for failures at work, for complete fools? The stench is afraid to take vіdpovіdalnіst for their vchinki. So I have friends among friends.

As a man calls his wife to everyone, he simply shifts his voice to his shoulders. Movlyav, I don’t have a job, more wine. This is the widest reason for such a behavior.

A person who is enthralled in himself does not sound familiar with his problems. Surrender to your blessed one. How do you manage with self-esteem? How do you communicate with friends, other members of the family, with strangers?

Another reason for the constant ringing in the health. My friend made friends, but a few hours later she shot another man. Started a boisterous romance, but the result turned to sim'ї. The man said that he forgives and is ready to go further. Wanting to be true in case of a bad weather, keep guessing and ringing the squad in the last sleep.

Some people call their wives, because such a model of behavior is small for your father. Surrender to the fathers. How do stinks join each other, how does a father-in-law stand before his squad? Even a lot of speeches are drawn to us by the very children.

One of the worst options is your human tyrant. Unsubstantiated and ungrounded ringing can be one of the numerical factors of a despotic person. Such a man slanders his wife to make himself guilty, accepts a sacrifice, and strengthens his power more and more.

Surrender respectfully to your noble, what are the signs of a despot? Perhaps, in an empty space, do not allow you to chat with your friends? If this is your option, then obov'yazkovo znayomtes zі article "Stati".

Chi є decision

If your person is simply not guilty of his own, then it’s easier to make a decision. You should turn to a psychologist, who will help you improve your self-esteem, showing you the correct model of behavior. If you will be ready to help with a specialist, then the problem will be solved without a hitch.

You can try it on your own to raise the self-esteem of your person. First of all, stop reacting to yoga calls. Don't let him figure out what you're going to do. A rich woman is simply a mother to endure such behavior. Do not tolerate. Boldly express your thought and try to get to the bottom of the matter: why do you care about wine.

In a different way, get rid of that calm and tolerant one. Entering emotions will not lead to anything good. Do not shout and do not bark at him. To help you understand why nothing happened to the new one, through which you failed, how you can fix it, and what better way to build an offensive time. Put on a booty for the new support.

If a person spends the whole hour crying for a minute, and in any case you can’t work for you, otherwise, then think about what you can do with your dreams. I have є vіdmіnna stattya, yak help you razіbratisya at tsomu nutrition: "".

Do not tolerate such a setting just for the one who has already been at once for a long time, the steps of the whole have passed, you sound so lucky. Painful and unhealthy stoks need to be finished. Here, like a plastic plaster, it will be more painful on the back, but then we will see an indescribable relief.

Why work, how does a person behave like that through the father? In a similar situation, only a psychologist can help. I do not recommend you to independently dig at yoga support and try to solve the problem. In the first place, you can make such speeches, you won’t run into them on your own.

In a different way, be-yaké vtruchannya at pіdsvіdomіst vimagає sevnoї pravnostі. Even if the problem is not clear, it can be less powerful on the right. Dovirte tse fakhivtsyu.

Can't know spilnu mova with your blessings? Nothing terrible. For you, I have an article to help you understand why people don’t understand women from super girls: “”.

In healthy people, those mіtsnih vіdnosinakh have no place for calls, perekladannyu vіdpovіdalnostі. Offending partners help and support one another. If you come home, then you feel relieved, even if the order of cohanies and native person, Which one can just pat on the head and say that you’ve got it right, and you’ll be in order.

Sim'ya is our fortress. If you feel discomfort or negative emotions, then you have problems. Remember, it's too easy to cheat too much. Varto is less likely to want and venture into change. Kokhannya create a diva.

Do you often call a person with their problems? Can you work on the podium for your behavior? Have you tried to talk to him? Why is your man ringing?

I bless you all the best!

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