How to burn the negative. Vikoristannya candle for an hour of work with a negative. How not to attract negative energy to yourself: psychological acceptance

For a long time in the people there have been zastosovuyutsya rites and rituals for znyattya negative energy - psuvannya, pristritu, cursing - through a candle to burn. The most widely cleansed with a church candle. But not everyone knows what cleansing in the face of negativity is always done when the candles are lit. Marveling at the candle, start korisno - through the eyes you can clean your biofield. Also, with a candle that burns, you can recognize the negative energy of other people - of your loved ones and relatives. When the black candle is lit, it flashes there, where the human biofield is pierced by a negative energy impulse. In order to designate the place "dir" at the biopolis, it is necessary to trim the candle in order with the body and spend it on the ridge.

Cleansing with a candle helps to change your life to a better one. The element of fire cleanses and burns everything negatively that sticks to the auri of the people.

The uniqueness of the infusion of a half-light candle on a biological field, as if it were a human being, swears by the fact that it helps to cleanse the body of all the negative that accumulates today. It is important for the city to be left in rivnovaz and to trim your biofield and expanse with cleanliness. To that, for purification, candles will help.

If you sit there for a whole hour and watch for the half-moon, then you will become commemorative, like a candle in the expanse of a small amount of boiling water. Tsya kіptyava i dim take away the negative emotions of people from their own, therefore, razdratuvannya and images that have accumulated over the course of the day.

If you regularly marvel at half-light candles, then this process will help you to relieve mental and physical pains, to make troubles, such a rank of sickness with the form of energy does not go over to the level of sickness of the body, and boil at once with smoke. Spiritual bіl rozsієtsya and zapobіgatim bіl physical body. The fire and the crackle of the candle turn calm and spiritual zeal.

In order to remove from a close person the negative watering of that program, it is necessary to light a candle and, therefore, behind it. Candles can be taken whether they are church, zvichayn, magical.

Clear your mind from third-party thoughts. Start “cleansing” the person with a candle from below, looking like a kuprik. The hand with a candle is responsible for making the wraparound movement of the anti-annual arrow.

Like a candle starts to shake, it means more problematic, break through the place, in which a person has to admit or blame a serious damage to the robotic organism. At this moment, you can remember the sleeping of the boil. Next, burn the candle after such a zone, do not stop smoking the candle docks! If the half-day has become clear again, you can collapse along the ridge to the very top. Purify the candle with a rush above the head: on the top 10-15 centimeters above the head.

Into the fire effective zasib in the fight against negativity. This is a simple practice to purify not only your physical, but also your spiritual energy.

Rite cleansing with fire, the simplest and the safest, with a look at the energy industry. Month, scho growth, to strengthen the bazhany effect.

A lot of rites for purification are carried out for the help of fire. For whom often vikoristovuyut half-light candles, as if allowing me to be angry at problems, to clear my thoughts that I would be afraid of inaccuracy.

Like a half-wit of a candle, it will help to cleanse itself from the negative that image

The simplest way to alleviate negativity is in the attack: write on the arch paper those who care about you, and burn candles over the half-lights. The Danish method wins over at the time of a one-hour negative injection: bad words to your address, welding or conflict.

In order for the rite to follow, people need to widely believe in a successful result for the ritual. Notice at preparation stage meditation for clearing the mind and the greatest concentration.

How to carry out the rite of purification

You need a pіvgodini vіlnogo hour that usamіtnennya. Prepare a candle (church or zvichaynu - no meaning), arch paper and pen (bazhan dark ink). Light up the half-moon and look at the new. breathe calmly, so that the fire does not roar in the streams of the wind.

Take a pen and fix it. Do not marvel at papers, think about those images, which will not give you peace. Like mites, you see the strained outburst of emotions. Witness your thoughts out of yourself, do not hesitate to shout, you can wander. In an hour you will see relief. Close your eyes and relax. Burn the write-off sheet over the candle and sip it under running water, otherwise you will develop it again.

Purification of sickness and vigilance

It is better to carry out this rite at home, so that the power plant of the place was taken, in which you know that the zakhist is hidden.

Take a large wide candle, an aubergine of a red color. On a small piece of paper, write those ailments that you want to wake up, build a new bag and put a candle to burn. Obіydіt your life vzdovzh sіn, attaching respect to kutam and nooks and crannies. Read the prayer for the cleansing of the house and the healing of sickness. When finished, put the candle in the cult in the basin and let it burn to the middle. Papir, greet the fire, drank the snake with running water.

Put a candle on the table, light it up anew and marvel at the half-light. As soon as you see the strangeness of the camp, start begging half a mind for a penny goodbye by saying the following words:

“I bring wealth, I go with a penny, I rub my hands. I carry not for strangers, but for my own. Amen."

After the completion of the ritual, extinguish the candle and close it. Repeat the ritual for three times up to seven times.

Don't forget that the world is wide enough to work miracles. To strengthen your emotional stamina, wink at your plow house. After the ritual, remember all the application with a whisk or drink it: so negative is the energy in your life and at home at once with a saw. Let your booth forever be cleaned and don't forget to hit the buttons

02.11.2016 03:19

It appears that the wood is needed not only for the purpose of filling the Earth with water. For help, you can ...

At to the current world skin another pragne of a better life and dream of changing your Share. However...

Briefly kazhuchi, schob vyrishiti yakus problem, treba її її її її її її її її і її її її її її її її її її її schob, schob, schob schob vyrishiti , and schob vyrishiti її on paper, and written to burn. E people, like this way
inaccuracies, that they corrected the material camp and turned the world around their family. Psychologist Lyudmila Viktorivna Rozhkova tell me how to fight.

In order to understand how to practice the method of spalling problems, let's figure out what the blame is based on and how the materiality of the thought is manifested.
So, thoughts are not just material. The axis of what is visible. Say to yourself: "I'm not a good kokhannya ..." - and if you don't show up a kokhan chi kohanoi, you won't be yoga (її) shukati. Tell yourself: “Become a boss, it’s not given to me to burn ...” - and if you don’t become a boss, you won’t try to become a boss.
Such thoughts are simply not guilty buti! Internal reality is always projected to the outside. As we vvazhaemo, so it is necessary and so the results are acceptable.
Tse i є materiality of thought.

Really be it, our problem lies on three whales. The first one is perekonannya, necessary її viniknennya. The other - dії, yakі zdіysnyuyutsya vіdpovіdno until perekonan. Third - special dosvid, which we interpret in such a way that the situation does not change. Our problem is not to be blamed on an empty space. For example, among the women of today there is a thought that there are no people who are the companions of life. Dumka zmushuє zhіnku to lead a visa-
in his rank, and it’s either unique to people, not to be swayed by selfishness, but in the skin of them there’s not enough money, that needs to confirm its reconciliation ...

DON'T NEED to swear
So the axis, in order to understand a person, look at himself from the side, rethink the change and change the behavior, psychologists may be an impersonal technician. One of them is the spitting of problems. There are two views. At the first vapadka, we put a lamp on the paper, and we burn it on the fire.
The other one works the same in real life. Wanting to be really important is not a ritual, but a relay, professional training to new. She will guess the preparation
to help. You can understand your problem. Try to write like this: "I don't have a penny (work, health, friends, life)" - and then burn the writing. Nothing will happen, don't succumb. You just got mad! Be it a problem, it is expressed negatively, it is psychologically virulent. And the axis was shown more importantly, otrimati pіdsvіdomo nalashtovuє on active diї.
The head of fakhivtsya - help reformulate the problem in a positive way: “I need pennies, I want a lot of pennies, come stink before me!” The problem is
zavdannya, scho require vyrishennya. If it’s formulated like “I really want something”, then it’s on the verge positive result: not just “I am selfish”, but “I want,
so that my life comes close people". Check out the difference.
Yakbi tse bulo not so, then the world would get bogged down in the problem. All of us would have the same bad health, all of us would suffer from the daily existence of pennies, the lack of work of that selfishness. Aledovkola is completely happy, for those who have everything! Only a few of them were taken away from the recesses.

Psychologists recommend zastosovuvati tehnіku spalyuvannya virіshenni emotsiynіh problems, pov'yazanih zі fears or z negative dosvidom past. The effect will be strong, like fears that are heavy, save the little ones. Try to depict the power of unruliness, fear or fear of chimos. Think how stinks look? You need to draw the very image of fear, but if not the situation, you blame it. Let's say that a person is afraid of heights, there is nothing to paint on the edge of the Dahu. It is required to reveal, as if looking at fear.
However, when working with napіvіchіchnuyu napіvnіkovoj tekhnіkoy spalyuvannya sіd be careful. Fakhіvtsі do not recommend painting and spitting the image of yourself, other people, the creature of the one you are close to. Vіdomi vpadki, if the action in some called neabiya physical ailments, others began to succumb to weakness and bezporadnіst, still others considered themselves harmless victims.
Before speech, fire can be no less than a note and a little one. Often we have speeches, with some kind of reason, such as negative thoughts. You can just throw it away, or you can throw it into a rude place in the village or into a bagattya for a picnic (not at home, obviously!) with the notification that, spitting, you let in those who will tell you about the filthy past.

This method, perhaps, may be less than one shortcoming. It’s better not to speed up on your own. The person herself is often not wise, as if she were trying to understand her own problem. More importantly, it’s important to understand what you need to change in yourself. Adzhe for us, be it for us, the power of the flooring is primal, what is being done, there are no others. The diversity of choice is less visible from the side. And as the previous preparation was carried out incorrectly, the ritual of burning, as if it were something else, did not work.
Also, it’s better to sign up for an appointment before fakhivtsya. If you choose a psychologist who doesn’t want to work with you to help you with this method, there are a lot of other ones in your arsenal, where there are some small ones and no less effective methods. Before the speech, people from the broken vein can try such a method of spalling
reception: as if you are direct in the world (otherwise you are in the situation), you feel fear, you sharpen your thoughts with the impenetrable wall of the hot half-light.
On the basis of the spalling method, the technique does not involve the participation of a psychologist; Then, help you not to spend the gift of moving when a hated boss appears, calmly go to the booth with a dark wire and do not glare at the “foul eye” of the arrogant lady.

1. Becomingbefore yourproblems like to zavdannya,yaku needtranscribe.
2. Zomidstay on thatwhat do you want pleaseread, not on thatwhat you don't have.
3.Formulatethose problems inpositive key -"I want those and those."
4. PrettythinkWhy don't you havewhat do you want. perrozmirkovyte overtim, yaki ricerespect characteryou reachnoi meti. Їх required
change, then allviide.
5. Do not pragnetuntil svidomounattainablepurposes. Let's say thatspecialist salarya hundred of your peers20 thousand rubles, andyou want 100 - tsedon't ask.

All our life is like a black and white zebra. If there are happy days in it, for sure, for the sake of it.

But if you feel more terrible and more negative, it is practically impossible to feel an unacceptable sight in your soul, and you know the whole sense of a distant life. Most of the weak-character people cherish and spit the image in their souls all their lives and cannot be separated from it. Forget the past? How to get rid of negativity? How to cleanse the soul from negative thoughts and start laughing again?

The idea is material: no matter what was born in the head of a person, it would be obov'yazkovo so that it would appear in reality otherwise. Tse manifestation is easy to confirm, and to ask. It is more likely to be confirmed empirically (with butts), but rather by science. However, a lot of psychologists are rooted in scientifically grounded methods, which rely on faith in the materiality of thought.

If a person thinks that she is not a varta of love, it is important for a kokhan to know a person. Just to the one who doesn’t joke around, navishcho, like he’s not good? If someone cares that it was not given to him to be the boss, I will not be guilty in any way. Navіscho to strain, if it is not given to burn? If an athlete does not believe in victory, he will never be a champion. Not spodіvayuchis play, vіn i vkladatisya not become - tse stupidly!

The axis of his mind is the materiality of the thought: the internal reality is projected to the outside. As we think, so it is necessary and so the results are acceptable. Be it our problem lies on three whales. The first one is a perekonannya, which was called out by її viniknennya. The other - dії, yakі zdіysnyuyutsya vіdpovіdno to perekonan. The third is special evidence, which we interpret in such a way that the situation does not change. Our problem is not to be blamed on an empty space. For example, among the women of today there is a thought that there are no people who are the companions of life. Such a thought confuses a woman to be led by a songful rank and to rob her self: she’s either unique to people, not to be swayed by self-worth, but in the skin of them there’s a lack of money, which needs to be reconsidered. That's why psychologists will explain why the patient has that other problem.

In order to understand a person, look at himself sideways, rethink the change and change the behavior, psychologists may be an impersonal technician. One of them is the method of spalling problems. In order to solve the problem, I need to put it on paper, and burn it in writing. The second variant of this: all the same to pass in reality. I guessed, another option is more possible than that, if I show good remorse.

The axis, for example, is even wider than the technique for dealing with problems.

Problem Solving Technique

In a miraculous way, forget all the unacceptable moments in your past. Take the great arch paper and write on it all your thoughts, all those that tormented rich fates. Don't mess around with virazahs. All your thoughts, and in view of them you have no secrets and complexes. Ale do not hurry to re-read yoga. You are guilty of burning the whole sheet. Together with him, burn the past, imagine that failure, and you will quickly forgetpassed e . Believe me, it's true! The fire is a stone from the soul, and you see the relief that is completely satisfied with yourself.

Or another similar ritual...

Ritual of spitting problems

If your plans don’t work out, because you’re afraid of children, but only if you’re stunned, everything will become by itself, then it’s time to go with such tactics. In this situation, such a ritual will help you. Choose a day if there is a pivdenny wind. Like in a forward swing, write your problems on a piece of paper, take a candle of a yellow color (symbolic color of the rain wind), set fire to it and marvel right at the half-light, pretending to show your unacceptability with them, they are gaining strength and dying .

Step by step, you see that fears start to overwhelm you, you will start to think that you are wrong, but you are not overthinking. Then take a leaf out of problems and burn it on a half-light candle. Popіl squeezing at the fist and with a candle to burn, go out into the street. Expand your fist, let the pivden wind take your drink. Imagine that, having blown a candle, turn on the wind and put it out.

Tsya technique is simple and effective, but about to give respect to deaky nuances. You are responsible to understand that you yourself are your problem. You just write: “I don’t have many friends (work, pennies, healthy, life)”, and then burn the sheet, nothing will happen, don’t be fooled. You see, they were less shy. Narіkayuchi, the person is more than just pragna viklikati spіvchutya.

The problem is the task, it will require a solution. І yakshcho vy vyslovlyuєte bazhannya shchos otrimati, tse pіdsvidomo nalashtovuє on active diї. If the task is formulated as “I want something”, then a positive result is expected. Tom, having written down his problem on paper (for example: “I am self-made”), you need to add thoughts without fail: “I want a close person to come to my life.” Help me to help you win. Otherwise, no problems can be solved, no other technique can be used, because the stink is directed to the activation of the internal resources of the people.

Zvіdsi squeals to a friend: if you have є nezdіisne bajannya, then є th resource, schob yogo zdіysniti. Zrozumіlo, there is less to talk about really zdіysnenі bajannya. And the problem becomes less of a problem for those who do not win resources for this creation. Yakby didn’t have such possibilities, then the world would get bored with the problem. All of us would have the same bad health, all of us would suffer from the daily existence of pennies, the lack of work of that selfishness. Aledovkola is completely happy, for those who have everything! In the middle of them, only a few were taken away from the recessions. The greater number could turn on that realization of its resources.
Axis butt from the life of two friends. Offenses until recently suffered through apartment meals. With whom the first one earns well, and did not call to encourage oneself into chomus. Pick it up, don’t try to pick it up, it’s overdone, which is fine. Others have a small salary and live modestly. However, the first time today is disregarded by rent apartments, and a friend, having sat for a while on bread and water, having worked on two robots at once, bought a one-room apartment. The first resource for the household was bully, і є. Ale stinks are directed to the solution of other problems.

The problem of the majority of people lies in the fact that the stench is smart enough to respect what the stench cannot afford, and not on what one really wants to take away. Such a position saves energy, because all forces are spent on scarves. Otzhe, you need to respect those who need to be changed in yourselves, so that you can fulfill the task. If the task is formulated correctly, options and solutions will automatically be found. Let's say you need pennies. Vinicating nutrition: what is the most acceptable way to get them? Who can change the robot, who is easier to make friends with the oil tycoon.

Psychologists recommend zastosovuvati tehnіku spalyuvannya virіshenni emotsiynyh problems, problems caused by fears chi z negative dosvidom past. The effect will be strong, as if the fears of that heavy mind can not be described in words, but painted in the sight of images. Try to depict the power of unruliness, fear or fear of chimos. Think how stinks look? You need to draw the very image of fear, but if not the situation, you blame it. Let's say that a person is afraid of heights, there is nothing to paint on the edge of the Dahu. It is required to reveal, as if looking at fear.

However, when working with technology, sparing problems should be careful. Fahіvtsі do not recommend painting and spitting your image, the image of other people, creatures and the one with whom you are closely tied - for example, a life of water. First, you need to fix the problem yourself. Imagining yourself at the problem, you identify with it, through which you will get closer to the witness even more. In another way, in light culture, fire is the oldest symbol of purification and purification. Ale, pozbavlyayuchi that cleansing, wine ruining. You can consider yourself a pragmatist, who does not believe in magic at home, but live and practice according to the laws of power. They take archetypes, they pour on our thoughts and vchinki without our will. Who knows how much you yourself are emotional and different? Shvidshe for everything, the ritual bedroom is not for anyone to hurt. And yet, there were depressions, if the action in some called out to non-abysmal physical ailments, others began to succumb to weakness and bezporadnist, while still others considered themselves harmless victims. Nothing marvelous - a reasonable person called children, emerging from the inner image of themselves. And what work, if the image is burnt, and at once from it the power of psychological resources has turned into a drink?

To the tin, you can spalyuvat not only a note that little one. With deakim speeches, we are talking about negative thoughts. Tse could be, let's say, dressed up, in which there was great hostility with you. You can just throw it away, or you can throw it at the fire with the knowledge that in such a rank you are forever separated from the filthy past.

The technique of spalling problems is good, but keep it with you. It doesn’t need any magical objects, it doesn’t need folding ritual activities, it’s not obligatory to wind a candle with your mother with your own… Just squeeze it out. Tse dopomozhe not spend the gift of moving and walking for an hour to the boss, allow you to calmly go to the booth with dark wires, do not break down before aggression. How do you feel in a situation that calls out fear in you, to sharpen your thoughts with an impenetrable wall of a hot half-light. Tsezh method of spitting problems - to this particular type problems with fear. The blazing fire purifies and protects you.

All our life is like a black and white zebra. If there are happy days in it, for sure, for the sake of it.

But if you feel more terrible and more negative, it is practically impossible to feel an unacceptable sight in your soul, and you know the whole sense of a distant life. Most of the weak-character people cherish and spit the image in their souls all their lives and cannot be separated from it. Forget the past? How to get rid of negativity? How to cleanse the soul from negative thoughts and start laughing again?

The idea is material: no matter what was born in the head of a person, it would be obov'yazkovo so that it would appear in reality otherwise. Tse manifestation is easy to confirm, and to ask. It is more likely to be confirmed empirically (with butts), but rather by science. However, a lot of psychologists are rooted in scientifically grounded methods, which rely on faith in the materiality of thought.

If a person thinks that she is not a varta of love, it is important for a kokhan to know a person. Just to the one who doesn’t joke around, navishcho, like he’s not good? If someone cares that it was not given to him to be the boss, I will not be guilty in any way. Navіscho to strain, if it is not given to burn? If an athlete does not believe in victory, he will never be a champion. Not spodіvayuchis play, vіn i vkladatisya not become - tse stupidly!

The axis of his mind is the materiality of the thought: the internal reality is projected to the outside. As we think, so it is necessary and so the results are acceptable. Be it our problem lies on three whales. The first one is a perekonannya, which was called out by її viniknennya. The other - dії, yakі zdіysnyuyutsya vіdpovіdno to perekonan. The third is special evidence, which we interpret in such a way that the situation does not change. Our problem is not to be blamed on an empty space. For example, among the women of today there is a thought that there are no people who are the companions of life. Such a thought confuses a woman to be led by a songful rank and to rob her self: she’s either unique to people, not to be swayed by self-worth, but in the skin of them there’s a lack of money, which needs to be reconsidered. That's why psychologists will explain why the patient has that other problem.

In order to understand a person, look at himself sideways, rethink the change and change the behavior, psychologists may be an impersonal technician. One of them is the method of spalling problems. In order to solve the problem, I need to put it on paper, and burn it in writing. The second variant of this: all the same to pass in reality. I guessed, another option is more possible than that, if I show good remorse.

The axis, for example, is even wider than the technique for dealing with problems.

Problem Solving Technique

In a miraculous way, forget all the unacceptable moments in your past. Take the great arch paper and write on it all your thoughts, all those that tormented rich fates. Don't mess around with virazahs. All your thoughts, and in view of them you have no secrets and complexes. Ale do not hurry to re-read yoga. You are guilty of burning the whole sheet. Together with him, burn the past, imagine that failure, and you will quickly forgetpassed e . Believe me, it's true! The fire is a stone from the soul, and you see the relief that is completely satisfied with yourself.

Or another similar ritual...

Ritual of spitting problems

If your plans don’t work out, because you’re afraid of children, but only if you’re stunned, everything will become by itself, then it’s time to go with such tactics. In this situation, such a ritual will help you. Choose a day if there is a pivdenny wind. Like in a forward swing, write your problems on a piece of paper, take a candle of a yellow color (symbolic color of the rain wind), set fire to it and marvel right at the half-light, pretending to show your unacceptability with them, they are gaining strength and dying .

Step by step, you see that fears start to overwhelm you, you will start to think that you are wrong, but you are not overthinking. Then take a leaf out of problems and burn it on a half-light candle. Popіl squeezing at the fist and with a candle to burn, go out into the street. Expand your fist, let the pivden wind take your drink. Imagine that, having blown a candle, turn on the wind and put it out.

Tsya technique is simple and effective, but about to give respect to deaky nuances. You are responsible to understand that you yourself are your problem. You just write: “I don’t have many friends (work, pennies, healthy, life)”, and then burn the sheet, nothing will happen, don’t be fooled. You see, they were less shy. Narіkayuchi, the person is more than just pragna viklikati spіvchutya.

The problem is the task, it will require a solution. І yakshcho vy vyslovlyuєte bazhannya shchos otrimati, tse pіdsvidomo nalashtovuє on active diї. If the task is formulated as “I want something”, then a positive result is expected. Tom, having written down his problem on paper (for example: “I am self-made”), you need to add thoughts without fail: “I want a close person to come to my life.” Help me to help you win. Otherwise, no problems can be solved, no other technique can be used, because the stink is directed to the activation of the internal resources of the people.

Zvіdsi squeals to a friend: if you have є nezdіisne bajannya, then є th resource, schob yogo zdіysniti. Zrozumіlo, there is less to talk about really zdіysnenі bajannya. And the problem becomes less of a problem for those who do not win resources for this creation. Yakby didn’t have such possibilities, then the world would get bored with the problem. All of us would have the same bad health, all of us would suffer from the daily existence of pennies, the lack of work of that selfishness. Aledovkola is completely happy, for those who have everything! In the middle of them, only a few were taken away from the recessions. The greater number could turn on that realization of its resources.
Axis butt from the life of two friends. Resentments until recently suffered through apartment food. With whom the first one earns well, and did not call to encourage oneself into chomus. Pick it up, don’t try to pick it up, it’s overdone, which is fine. Others have a small salary and live modestly. However, the first time this year, it is misplaced by rented apartments, and a friend, having sat on bread and water for a while, having worked on two robots at once, bought a one-room apartment. The first resource for the household was bully, і є. Ale stinks are directed to the solution of other problems.

The problem of the majority of people lies in the fact that the stench is smart enough to respect what the stench cannot afford, and not on what one really wants to take away. Such a position saves energy, because all forces are spent on scarves. Otzhe, you need to respect those who need to be changed in yourselves, so that you can fulfill the task. If the task is formulated correctly, options and solutions will automatically be found. Let's say you need pennies. Vinicating nutrition: what is the most acceptable way to get them? Who can change the robot, who is easier to make friends with the oil tycoon.

Psychologists recommend zastosovuvati tehnіku spalyuvannya virіshenni emotsiynyh problems, problems caused by fears chi z negative dosvidom past. The effect will be strong, as if the fears of that heavy mind can not be described in words, but painted in the sight of images. Try to depict the power of unruliness, fear or fear of chimos. Think how stinks look? You need to draw the very image of fear, but if not the situation, you blame it. Let's say that a person is afraid of heights, there is nothing to paint on the edge of the Dahu. It is required to reveal, as if looking at fear.

However, when working with technology, sparing problems should be careful. Fahіvtsі do not recommend painting and spitting your image, the image of other people, creatures and the one with whom you are closely tied - for example, a life of water. First, you need to fix the problem yourself. Imagining yourself at the problem, you identify with it, through which you will get closer to the witness even more. In another way, in light culture, fire is the oldest symbol of purification and purification. Ale, pozbavlyayuchi that cleansing, wine ruining. You can consider yourself a pragmatist, who does not believe in magic at home, but live and practice according to the laws of power. They take archetypes, they pour on our thoughts and vchinki without our will. Who knows how much you yourself are emotional and different? Shvidshe for everything, the ritual bedroom is not for anyone to hurt. And yet, there were depressions, if the action in some called out to non-abysmal physical ailments, others began to succumb to weakness and bezporadnist, while still others considered themselves harmless victims. Nothing marvelous - a reasonable person called children, emerging from the inner image of themselves. And what work, if the image is burnt, and at once from it the power of psychological resources has turned into a drink?

To the tin, you can spalyuvat not only a note that little one. With deakim speeches, we are talking about negative thoughts. Tse could be, let's say, dressed up, in which there was great hostility with you. You can just throw it away, or you can throw it at the fire with the knowledge that in such a rank you are forever separated from the filthy past.

The technique of spalling problems is good, but keep it with you. It doesn’t need any magical objects, it doesn’t need folding ritual activities, it’s not obligatory to wind a candle with your mother with your own… Just squeeze it out. Tse dopomozhe not spend the gift of moving and walking for an hour to the boss, allow you to calmly go to the booth with dark wires, do not break down before aggression. How do you feel in a situation that calls out fear in you, to sharpen your thoughts with an impenetrable wall of a hot half-light. This is the same method of spalling the problem - at the time of the problem, fear. The blazing fire purifies and protects you.

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