The system of advancement of qualifications and professional training. The system of training, retraining and advancement of qualifications

Training of robitnichih personnel on undertakings, it is used in three main forms:




At individual an instructor, who is assigned from the number of qualified workers or masters, is attached to the skin training. The instructor will teach you how to correctly select specific operations and see the work, rules of operation and control. The main task of the instructor is to help the employees with the supplies necessary for this profession and the specialty of the newcomer. The training is carried out on a regular basis before the program of training for a good working position in real virobnicheskih minds. The theoretical part of the course is learned by mastering independently, consulting with an instructor and practitioners in the field of vocational training.

brigade the form of training is zastosovuєtsya pіd hour of training of a group of workers for one specialty. Cі brigades are enchanted by the foreman-instructor of the foreman. Theoretical knowledge of scientists is gained either independently, or with the help of an engineer who has a vocational training. With this method, specially equipped cabinets are created at the reception.

Kursova the system of training for transferring two stages: the first one - for the primary groups for special creations at the same initial and manufacturing base for the manufacturing of engineers and for the manufacturing training; the other - in the working places and in the production shops under the supervision of a master of manufacturing, or individually under the supervision of an instructor. Trivality of training - from three to six months. Course studies are completed by the folding of qualification tests.

For promotion of qualifications employees from the selection are organized such courses for advanced qualifications:

Vyrobnicho-technіchnіchnі іnіchnі - nadannya podopogi robіtnikam іn razshelennі znіnі, navіchk і mіn for obvious profієєє to vyshchy kіlіfіkаtsіy rank. The training of these courses is carried out most importantly without winding up to 6 months, or with winding up to 3 months. The training will end with the qualifications of the qualifications, or the closing of the special commission;

Courses of purposeful recognition - are organized by the workers of the new installation, technological processes, manufacturing, materials, mechanization and automation of manufacturing. On these courses can be taught the nutrition of the economy, planning, NOT and other nutritional organization of production;

Schools with the development of advanced methods and methods of practice - are created with the method of mass volodinny by workers and service workers, progressive methods and methods of work scientific organization practice. Schools are looking into other types of professional training and efficiency training, as a way to conduct highly qualified specialties and workers. They carry out technical consultations, provide information about new technologies, techniques and other innovations (innovations).

Meta retraining and qualification advancement core personnel I believe in the fact that, in order to recognize the clearings in knowledge at the kerivniki, they will expand their vibes in such a way that the stench will give the necessary help, which will lead to the functions of management. The main provisions for the hour of retraining and the promotion of qualifications for management personnel are:

1. individual child; folded individual plans for the promotion of qualifications, yakі vrakhovuyut vimogi to the kerіvnik at the future;

2. inconsistent connection between theory and practice in the process of advancement of qualifications;

3. облік різного характеру вимог до фахівців різних рівнів управління (наприклад, керівники вищого рівня управління повинні вміти приймати правильні рішення; керівники середнього рівня – формулювати завдання на основі довгострокових цілей та організовувати їх виконання та контроль; робота керівників нижнього рівня пов'язана з оперативною diyalnistyu and vikonannyam different routine operations);

4. a close connection of practical tasks to be carried out with the help of the robot and the functions of management, assessment of the quality of the tasks;

5. Ensuring active participation in the initial process, promotion of creativity and the development of new skills in ceramics. Self-preparation by the listeners of the initial material, receptions, problems, exchange of ideas, discussion of tips from the practice;

6. organization of probation. Zastosovuyutsya different forms of practical training for staff:

Familiarity with new regulatory documents;

Relocation of a specialist from one of the graves, planting on another horizontally and vertically;

Internship at the job of the future new robots,

Timchasov's work at NDI;

Robot yak ker_vnik timchasovo dignified team;

Vikonannya okremih hand-me-down that task (a robot with important documents, fate at the debts);

The fate of the meetings and the ceremonies of the church, at the conferences.

The form of systematic theoretical retraining kerіvnikіv є retraining courses and advanced qualifications, which are organized both at enterprises and after them. The process of learning has great respect, we can add to the development of methods active training, such as methods of practical situations, role playing, business games.

Zastosuvannya tsikh methods give the opportunity to reconsider the business of the participants, evaluate the efficiency and effectiveness of the collective decision making. Methods of active learning allow you to learn the style of the work of other scientists and to win their positive report; to develop building to independent learning and stowing practical knowledge; improve the acquired knowledge of the material, bring the learning process closer to practice

Request for repetition:

1. What is a personnel management system?

2. List the functions of the head of personnel services.

3. Describe the main ways of personnel selection.

4. Describe the work of the head of staff in the organization.

5. Describe the advanced training courses for workers.

6. Analyze how retraining and advancement of the qualifications of key personnel is carried out?

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Improvement of the system of advanced qualifications and retraining of personnel in the organization

You can find out the help of the written student work.

Help with writing robots, I’ll definitely accept it!

Improvement of the system of advanced qualifications and retraining of personnel in the organization

. History of undertaking and yoga camp for the present hour

1.1 A short historical note

Open joint-stock company "Tekhprilad" - one of the oldest and most efficient enterprises of aviation equipment in Russia. From the day of its development, the enterprise specializes in the development and assembly of accessories and systems, which equip all aircraft, helicopters and space vehicles, which are produced by Russia and SND.

From the lime tree to the leaf fall of 1941, in the USSR, at the link with the cob of vine, it was remade over the second thousand industrial enterprises with the evacuation of factories to the Urals, from Western and Northern Siberia, Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Among them, the name of the Leningrad plant "Pirometer", which is among the evacuation ships to Kazan, and already to the chest, took over the functions of the main postal worker of the bombers, important-float fires and oilers for aircraft of all types. Happy National Day of the Ninish "Techpriladu" is celebrated on April 17, 1942. The same date is the order to the People's Commissariat of Aviation Industry to organize plant No. 448.

After the war, the young plant and the last design bureau (OKB), organized in 1946, were appointed to carry out problems in the gallery, mitigating stocks and vitrat paliva for all military equipment that are produced in the country.

The development of jet aviation was put before the retailers and the workers of the fire-fighting equipment of the new factory, the design of such design bureaus and the factory consecrated their farther activities. A lot of times, the enterprise expanded and let out accessories for radio navigation systems of “blind” landing and was a post-manager of aviation sights of bombing.

In 1966, plant No. 448 was given the name of the plant "Techprilad" and the legal name "Pidpriyomstvo p / year A-7779" by order of the MAP No. 175 on April 30, 1966.

In the 1960s, rocky. at the enterprise, the distribution of single vimiruvacs reserves and vitrati paliva for light lungs was started: palyvomiriv-vitratomiriv. In the 1970s were expanded and promoted in serial production of internal tank sensors, electrical sensors with a separate electrode.

The retailers and designers of the enterprise at a different time designed vitratomirs special recognition, discrete mutual induction rіvnemіri paliva, vitrat and temperature sensors for monitoring vacuum, oil and other things.

Another primary direct history of the enterprise was the cosmic theme. In 1961, at the same time, from Yuri Gagarin, at the cockpit of the ship "Skhid", accessories were launched into space, created in the Design Bureau and prepared by the final confirmation. The pre-launch re-checking of spacecraft and their launch were carried out with additional ground equipment and cables made by PKO Tekhprilad.

The novelty in the creation of the complex was supposed, let's think, in tsomu, which they put a little pracsyuvati like for the minds of the splendid terrestrial atmosphere, and in lack of space. The same thing was created in the world of the "Globus" - an indicator of the growth of that planting. And in 1963, the fate of the possession of a new generation of spacecraft "Soyuz" and the orbital station "Mir" began. A sign of recognition of the participation of the team in space exploration was the appearance of the plant by cosmonauts: G. Titovim, A. Elisevim, V. Shatalovim, T. Beregovim, A. Leonovim.

In 1975, by order of the Minister of Aviation Industry No. 36 on September 21, 1975. on the basis of the "Prilad" plant and the "Tekhprilad" production and design association, a new enterprise was created: the "Sphere" scientific and design association, the "Techprilad" plant.

The plant has mastered the production of technologies similar to the plant "Prilad": control systems for the vibration mill of aircraft engines, on-board equipment for magnetic recording of flight parameters, ground equipment for decoding magnetic recording, equipment for monitoring power plants of gas pumping main stations.

Starting from 1983, the concept of functionally-modular and electronic blocks of heating equipment from the main, ceramic-coated, specialized controller of wet cooking was adopted. A set of micro-warehouses has been expanded to implement the analog part of the control channels for heating, vitratomirs and signaling devices. The success of these technical solutions significantly increased the reliability and ensured the competitiveness of the industrial production of heating equipment.

At Rest of the Rocks A new direction is being intensively developed: the development and development of on-board engine control systems (BSKD).

Винищувачі-перехоплювачі та бомбардувальники, корабельна авіація, стратегічні літаки-ракетоносці, російські багатоцільові вертольоти, серед яких відомі на вазі світ «Чорні акули», повітряні лайнери цивільної авіації – всі вони забезпечені приладами, створеними та виготовленими петербурзьким ВАТ «Техприлад».

The pride of the enterprise, those that are practical for all aircrafts (for less than a dozen cars of the OKB O. Antonov) was the production of the Tekhprilad plant, which was broken up by the specialists of the OKB. Such a practical monopoly was the establishment of a business in the galley rich in what goiter called for designers, engineers, and workers. And against this background, the products of the enterprise met the highest quality criteria.

Having gone through important hours, BAT “Tekhprilad” is re-increasing its efforts, reaching the pre-crisis level. The complexity of this task is that, the activity of undertaking without intermediary involvement with the fire camp is right for all aviation industries. Until the success of the undertaking, you can bring those who practically saved the aviation profile of the undertaking, and are ready to work with you, whether you are a foreigner or a foreigner - the Tekhpriladu brand is quoted highly.

In 1998, the scientific and manufacturing center "Technocomplex" was created, to which the main enterprises - retailers and avionics manufacturers - have grown. Since 1998, the BAT “Techprilad” entered the warehouse of the “NEC “Technocomplex”, being one of the seven founders.

The association of retailers and virologists allowed the greatest real and effective scientific research and virobnicheskie potential of the NEC participants. The NVC implemented a unified scientific and technical policy based on the concept of a backbone-modular system of airborne control systems with approved architecture and the development of methods of interspecies unification.

By the method of ensuring the effective integration of scientific and industrial potential of appliance workers on the basis of the BAT "STC "Technocomplex" by Presidential Decree Russian Federation was created by BAT Concern Avionika. The purpose of the concern is the modernization and equipping of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with modern aviation technology, the creation of combat aviation complexes of a new generation and the increase in the export of aviation equipment.

The plant was the first company that produced civilian direct products for over 40 years, producing Astra tape recorders (almost 1.5 million units were released).

According to the statement of the Ministry of Industry of the RRFSR No. SD-19/110 dated September 23, 1992 - Tekhprilad was registered with the Registry Chamber of the City of St.

Joint-Stock Partnership of the type "Techprilad" was founded by the Committee for the management of the Mayor of St. Petersburg on December 23, 1992, and in June 1996, becoming the Joint-Stock Partnership "Techprilad".

Since September 1999, the VAT “Techprilad” has mastered the serial production and launched the mass production of modern richly functional cash registers “Ladoga F”.

During the folding period of the crisis of the industrial industry, the art of BAT “Techprilad” preserved the unique viability and testing base, the social structure that in the world of possibilities created its reconstruction. Long-standing ties with the aviation industry to China and India are expanding.

BAT "Tekhprilad" follows the principle of a new scientific and manufacturing cycle: from NDDKR to serial release.

· complex systems of vimiryuvannya masi paliva, control of rozpodilom paliva and centruvannya letaka z paliva;

· systems of vimіryuvannya kіlkostі hydrorіdini, olії i іnshih avіаridin;

· systems of vimiryuvannya mass vitrati paliva;

· sensors vitrati, equal, control and temperature paliva and olії;

· vibration sensors;

· sensors for the presence of water in the presence of fire tanks;

· on-board control systems and vibration control of aircraft engines.

BAT "Techprilad" also serially produces:


· compact car pump;

· systems automated control(ACS) gas turbine generators, steam boilers, turbocompressors.

With BAT "Tekhprilad" there is a final examination of the testing base, so you can go through all the trials and tests that are completed. In this rank, BAT "Tekhprilad" - organized like a design bureau and a campaign that expands and releases vimiryuvannya stock and vitrati rіdin for all types of lethal devices.

All types of complexes that are released at the enterprises of the BAT "Tekhprilad" can be recruited in the rich galleys of the people's state

The main business leaders are the provision of technical support for products by stretching the entire life cycle.

Highly qualified fahіvtsі maintenance and repair services clearly respond to all respect for that proposition of the deputy and ensure prompt guarantee and service of the products of BAT "Tekhprilad" at any point in the world.

The straining of instrumental virobnitstvo allows you to secure deep and basic preparation of serial virobnitstva.

The test base allows you to review the manufacturing process of products for all types of hardness of mechanical and climatic infusions.

The warehouse of the main manufacturing includes turning, milling, livar, warehouse, galvanizing, carpentry, stamping, plastic processing, as well as HDI and DKR.

The entire cycle of virobnitstva vіd littya to zbirannya that reverіkі vіrobіv znahoditsya on one territory.

The current technological possession and testing base, the high qualifications of fahivtsiv allow you to virishuvat whether or not the vaping task. Mechanical processing of parts is carried out on high-precision benches, all types of work are performed: turning, milling, grinding and other.

In the rest of the years, the enterprise has invested in the theft of data registrars for helicopters and control systems and automation of ship diesels.

BAT "Tekhprilad" provides distribution, verification, certification, warranty repair and technical support in operation for all equipment that is supplied. Suspіlstvo to carry out post-ynu modernization of equipment, which is based on the modern elemental base, both Russian and foreign, and any new technical solutions, which are intellectual power factory.

BAT "Techprilad" is a permanent participant of international aviation salons and exhibitions.

The system of yakostі on pіdpriєmstvі was created and introduced from the 80s. On the spot - at the sight of the "Complex System for the Management of Yakistyu" (KSUKP).

Since the introduction of the standards DSTU ISO 9000-96 in 2001 revamped the system of standards for acceptance of the quality system (STP) for ISO 9000 performance and in 2001 certified the quality system. The certification body was the Association "Petrosert" of the Certification System "Oboroncertifica".

The latest version of the standards of the ISO 9000 series - GOST R ISO 9001-2001 and GOST RV 15.002-2003. Apparently before them, recertification of the Quality Management System (SMS) was carried out in 2004, and later - in

At this time, BAT "Tekhprilad" may have a certificate of integrity of the quality management system in accordance with GOST R ІSO 9001-2001 and GOST RV 15.002-2003 up to May 2010.

BAT "Tekhprilad" can obtain licenses for distribution, modernization, manufacturing, warranty service and repair of aircraft on-board control of aircraft parameters and vibrations; fire control and on-board control of aircraft, ship and land transport engines; registration of field information; as well as ground control, seen on 02.03.2010 p. Federal Agency for Industry, line dії until 02.03.2012 p.

The production of BAT "Techprilad" complies with national and international standards, norms and rules of GOST, OST, NLGS-3, NLGV, AP-23, ARINC-400, ARINC-600, ARINC-700, FAR-23, JAR, DO-160D and others.

BAT "Techprilad" can have certificates and certificates:

· Certificate of Vidpovidnosti No. SK.0018 GOST R ІSO-9001-2001.

· Certificate of applicability of the International Aviation Registry.

· Statement of the attachment of the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.

· Certificate of environmental performance.

· Accreditation certificate for the right to conduct calibration tests.

The issuer of registrations of the Russian Federation, there are no representatives and branches there, they have their own activities, they sell products most importantly of the Russian Federation. The share of exports is negligible.

1.2 Scheme of the organizational structure of the enterprise

At BAT "Techprilad" the business management structure is characterized by a linear - functional management structure, characteristic of great industrial businesses. Tsya structure of management was formed on a pіdpriєmstvo for the rest of the 50 years. In the course of the remaining five years, new functions of management related to marketing and economic activity, corporate and legal support, and security have been developed.

The structure of the BAT "Tekhprilad" is rather cumbersome and unwieldy, which allows the organization to carry out internal changes, and it is important to inform about the opening of new tasks.

Хоча лінійно - функціональна структура має низку переваг, наприклад однозначністю підпорядкування, основним її недоліком є ​​​​високі вимоги до професійної компетенції керівників, а також перевантаженість генерального директора, оскільки кількість керівників, безпосередньо підлеглих йому, перевищує гранично допустиму за нормами керованості (11 осіб) and create a lot of difficulties in coordinating all subprojects.

At this time, BAT "Tekhprilad" releases flaming equipment for all military equipment:

-onboard complexes of vimiryuvannya stock and vitrati paliva (including cryogenic);

-on-board control systems and diagnostics of power plants;

systems of vimiryuvannya water, olії, gidrota іnshih native lethal devices;

primary vimiryuvalnі retvoryuvachі (sensors), indicators, consoles for different airborne complexes;

-ground equipment and complexes and adjustment of airborne complexes.

BAT "Techprilad" serially produces:

-cash register machine "Ladoga-F"

-budovu charging and renewal of batteries;

compact car pump;

automated heating systems (ACS) for gas turbine generators, steam boilers, turbocompressors.

The range of products is presented in Table 1.1

Table 1.1. The nomenclature is released and promising products and parts for the Russian market

Product nomenclature The main factors of the designated part of the product Part of the product on the market ABV1. Palivomirnі, vitratomіrnі fittings KNAAPO, metro station Komsomolsk-on-Amurі - 49.7% Rosoboroneks - 11.2% VAT "Irkutsk APO" - 21.5% Inshі% 76.1%2. , m. Perm - 52.3% APO im. Gorbunova, Kazan city - 18.4% ZAT "Aviastar-SP", Ulyanovsk city - 8.2% Others - 21.1% 14.00%3. %4.TN-TIS distribution3.4%5.Gromadyansk products (cassettes)3.0%

All products that are released for admission can be brought up to three galleys:

1.galuz, oriented to the variety of wool products;

2.galuz, straightened out of the civil production;

.a fool that occupies a scientific activity.

Zgidno z dovіdkoyu "Technical and economic indicators for 2010 rіk" rіchny obsjag commodity produktsії in fair prices clav 1330346 yew. rub. in 2010 roci against 1251105 ths. rub. 2009 rock (6.4%). In addition, in 2010, the main production was 1,104,085 thousand. rub.; civilian products - 4795 ths. rub.; scientific activity - 221 466 thousand. rub.

The production of BAT "Techprilad" complies with national and international standards, norms and rules of GOST, OST, NLGS-3, NLGV, AP-23, ARINC-400, ARINC-600, ARINC-700, FAR-23, JAR, DO-160D and others.

1.4 Marketing center

VAT "Tekhprilad" is a Russian distributor and manufacturer of vibration complexes, aircraft engine control systems, systems for collecting and registering airborne information, sensors and vibration monitoring systems for all aircraft and helicopters in Russia.

BAT "Tekhprilad" can obtain licenses for distribution, modernization, manufacturing, warranty service and repair of aircraft on-board control of aircraft parameters and vibrations; fire control and on-board control of aircraft, ship and land transport engines; registration of field information; as well as the benefits of ground control, seen on 03/02/2010. Federal Agency for industry, the term dії until 02.03.2012

The production of BAT "Tekhprilad" complies with national and international standards, norms and rules (GOST, OST, NLGS-3, NLGV and other).

BAT "Tekhprilad" operates its activities, sells products and purchases materials and components mainly on the territory of the Russian Federation, import deliveries become insignificantly frequent. The share of imports from the wholesale buyers of the issuer for 9 months of 2011 was 1.93%.

All purchased products for the main production are purchased on the basis of contracts, regulations from the postal workers. In case of formalization of obov'yazkovoy vymogoy VAT "Tekhprilad" є presence of the postal worker's license to operate in the gallery of ozbroennya and military equipment.

For the analysis, evaluation and selection of superior postal workers, the method of complex assessment of the postal worker is based on three criteria: quality of products, timeliness of supplies, cost of purchase. This method includes the presence of postal workers:

Yakost systems, helpers of Yakost

VTK (in charge of technical control), VP (viysk representation).

documents confirming the quality and completeness of the products (certificate, passport, confirmation of the quality of the products)

For the sub-bags of analysis, the "Perelіk ottverzhenykh postachalnіv" is compiled. USCs serve only as post-employees, transferred from this list.

Delivery of purchased products from the postal worker is carried out by the transport of the VAT "Tekhprilad" or by the transport of the postal worker, mail, luggage, courier only. directly to the USC warehouse, de products to pass obov'yazkovy entrance control (VK). In times of inconsistency of the purchased products, we will put in the contracts, the postal manager is forced to ask for a living in the viable visits. Delivery of purchased products from the postal worker is carried out by the transport of the VAT "Tekhprilad" or by the transport of the postal worker, mail, luggage, courier only. directly to the USC warehouse, de products to pass obov'yazkovy entrance control (VK). In times of inconsistency of the purchased products, we will put in the contracts, the postal manager is forced to ask for a living in the viable visits.

The main post-employees of the enterprise in 2011 are:

."Electric machine plant "Velkont" - 8.3%

."Republican Supplied Sector - Specialized Policy" - 7.8%

.Electroprilad - 5.5%

.Yelecond - 3.1%

.Elara (Print pay) -2.6%

."Elektrospoluchnik" - 2.3%

."Complex" - 2.1%

."NVK "Pivnichna Zorya" - 2.1%

The main drivers of production in 2011 are the largest aviation enterprises of the Russian Federation:

.Main deputies:

· VAT "NPK Irkut";

· "Perm Engine Plant";

· VAT "KnAAPO im. Yu.A. Gagarin";

· AHC "Dry";


· KVN, Kazan;

.Airfreight and other foreigners

.Aircraft repair backwaters


.BAT "Tekhprilad" may have a low level of competition in the market segment from the side of domestic and foreign companies.

.At the present time, BAT "Tekhprilad" is practically a monopolist on the domestic market, sometimes not less than 95% and sometimes close to the name, on the international market for repairs and modernization domestic technology, attached to foreign countries

Rice. 1.2. The main purchases of products of BAT "Techprilad" in 2011

Competing with aviation equipment of BAT "Techprilad" on the market of the Russian Federation:

1.ZAT "Abris", St. Petersburg (BSKD)

2.WAT "NDIP", Moscow (KTC)

.WAT "NVO" Prilad ", m. St. Petersburg (TsDK)

.Holding company "Leninets", St. Petersburg (BSKD)

.WAT "NVO "Aurora", m. St. Petersburg (GARDEN)

BAT "Tekhprilad" is registered in the Russian Federation (RF), there are no representatives and branches there, it has its own activities, it sells products and purchases syrovin and components, most importantly in the Russian Federation.

1.5 Financial and economic analysis will become a business

Table 1.2. Main technical and economic indicators of business in 2010 -2011pp . (thousand rubles)

No. p / p Indications Od. vim.2009201020111234561Obligation of manufactured products in actual prices of production (without VAT and excise tax) including: yew. rub.1 251 1051 330 346.51 679 286.61.1 rub.1 031 0901 104 0851330705,11.1.1 rub.280099,2302185,51.2 rub.8239861028519,61.2.1 rub.2 5164 79525921.3KBtis. rub.217 499221 466.5345889.32 rub. RUB 548 684673 123.4756991.25 rub.911.1471180.71626.970

The increase in sales of commercial products in 2011 increased by 26.2% compared to the same period in 2010. vydbulosya for rahunok zbіlshennya:

· Russian products for 204,534 ths. rub., which folded 24.8%;

· hromadyanskoy products for 22 086 ths. rub. chi 7.9% rock;

· manufacturing products of KB VAT "Techprilad" for 124,423 thousand. rub. or by 56.2%

With the designation of product compatibility, BAT “Tekhprilad” was protected by the Regulations on Accounting Form.

For the results of the analysis of the coexistence of suttivih vіdhilen for the articles of vitrate was not suspected.

Table 1.3 .Financial results for 2009-2011.

Indications200920102011Viruchka in the sale of goods, products, labor, services, (thousand rubles)1 111 9361 392 6241 881 481Gross income / surplus, (thousand rubles)200 789211 93226 750 154 459 1 267 8531 185 3861 505 911 Accounts payable, (thousand rubles) 479 765 824 551 788 454 Accounts receivable 24 55

Liquidity to the balance sheet and assessment of the platform-promoting capacity of the business

From a short-term perspective, the financial status of the enterprise is estimated by the indicators of liquidity and platform. The stench characterizes how it is possible to have a full obligation to raise a rozrahunka for short-term goiters.

Liquidity balance sheet appearing at the stage of covering goiter by organizations with assets, the term of converting such a cat is similar to the term of paying off goiter by assets. The liquidity of the balance is reached by the way of the establishment of spivvіdnoshenie between goiter organizations and її assets.

Table 1.4. For the analysis of the platform-promoting ability, we will look at the following indications:

The name of the indicator The value of the indicator For 2009 for 2010 for 2011 p.1. The coefficient of absolute liquidity characterizes, as part of the short-term goiter can be repaid by apparent pennies and short-term financial investments. Normal exchange of this coefficient may be in the range of 0.2 to The coefficient of "critical assessment" shows that a part of short-line goiters of an organization can be negligently repaid the accounts of cash in other papers, in short-line printed papers, and to pay for roses (debitor's bills). Normal exchange rate for this indicator: 07-08; ≥ The coefficient of current liquidity characterizes how the world all short-term crops are related to the security of current assets. Valid value is 1.0; normal exchange rate is less than 2.0- p align="justify"> Coefficient of safety in working capitals characterizes the proportion of good working capitals in all working capitals. The normal value is less than 0.1. Until the end of the analyzed period, all werewolves were molded for rahunok of wet cats by 39.6%. 0.4540.3590.396

Also, having analyzed the coefficients of the plateau capacity, it is clear that these indications may be acceptable values.

Vykhodyachi s criteria Federal Service From the financial recovery, you can develop a new trend - the adoption of a platform for promotion and a better structure for the balance.


Financial stability is the main characteristic of the stability of the financial state of the enterprise, which is secured by a high share of the power capital in the global sum of financial assets that wins.

The assessment of the level of financial stability of an organization is based on the variation of the system of indications:

Table 1.5

Name of indicator Indicator value For 2009 rіk for 2010 rіk for 2011 rіk1. 1. The coefficient of capitalization shows how many positions the organization received for 1 krb. deposits at the active bank account. The normal value of troch is greater than The security coefficient of the power bank finances shows how part of the current assets are financed for the power bank account. 0.4540.3590.3963. The coefficient of concentration of power capital (coefficient of financial independence) characterizes the share of wealth in the total sum of money, advances for this work. Normal value ≥0.5. For example, during the analyzed period, 61.4% of the variance of the assets of the VAT "Tekhprilad" was formed by the use of wet products. 0.6850.5880.6144. The coefficient of financing shows how part of the activity is financed for the money of the upper ones, and yak - for the money of the poor ones. Normal value ≥

On the basis of scientific data, it is possible to develop visnovok, which are the coefficients that characterize the financial stability of the enterprise, show acceptable values ​​and may have positive dynamics. Acceptance of a financial position.

Table 1.6. Business activity

The name of the indicator The value of the indicator For 2009 for 2010 for 2011 p.1. The coefficient of total turnover characterizes the turnover rate (the number of turnovers per period) of the entire line of business and the efficiency of using all available resources independently from their sources. 0.6300.6600.7802. The coefficient of turnover of mobile phones characterizes the turnover rate of all turnover assets of business (both material and penny.) 1,1001,071,223. The coefficient of turnover of the power capital shows how much money is spent on the skin ruble of the power capital and what period of circulation.0,9301,041,304. The coefficient of turnover of material assets shows the number of turnovers of reserves and volatility for the analysis period.1,8101,752,33

Business activity in the financial aspect is manifested in front of the cash turnover. Financial position of the organization, її platospromozhnіst to deposit as much, as little money as possible, investments in assets, are transformed into real pennies.

An increase in the coefficient leads to an increase in business activity, a short-term volatility of the financial cycle, which promotes the investment opportunity of business.

Table 1.7. Profitability

Name of indicator Indicator value For 2009 rіk for 2010 rіk for 2011 rіk. Profitability of assets (economic profitability) is determined by the balance sheet income before the business lane. Shows the value of the cash flow, which falls on one carbovanets, of investments in non-negotiable and negotiable assets.10,538,328,762. Profitability of sales (setting the sum of profits from sales to obligatory sales of products) is determined by the rate of carbonation of profits from the organization of the result of the sale of products, one carbonation of revenue.17,3014,3812,883. Net profit margin11,669,258,214. The profitability of government capital characterizes the effectiveness of the government capital of business enterprises15,513,1414,57

Indicators of profitability characterize the efficiency of business in a short time, the profitability of other direct activities (production, business, investment), the return on investment. The stench is higher, lower profits, characterize the residual results of the state, the shards of their magnitude show the spivvіdnoshennia to the effect of cooking and winning resources.

Table 1.8. Asset structure

Asset structure200920102011 Non-current assets (thousand rubles; %) 783086842291886851 Current assets (thousand rubles; %) 106681915138781564192

Table 1.9. Liability structure

Liabilities structure200920102011Capital and reserves (thousand rubles; %) 126785313861851505911Dovgostrokovі obligations (thousand rubles;%) 686179468887 866Short strings8552

1.6 Planning and scheduling of staffing needs

Pratsіvniki є the main capital of business, oskolki zavdyakov їhnіy profesіynіy і plodnіy roboі, creative zdіbnosti reach vysokі rіven іїkostі produktsії, scho vypuskaєtsya.

Professional guidance and placement of the personnel of the enterprise is one of the factors that contribute to the achievement of goals in the sphere of quality.

Appointment of the consumption of undertakings from the foreman's personnel, specialists and servicemen for the planning period salary and transfer to the employees of the staff and to the structural subdivisions.

Structural employees on the basis of planning and supplementary needs to send applications for vacancies (professions) of workers, specialists and servicemen from the hiring of ranks and categories.

Responsible for the staffing of the goiter and providing for the provision of the necessary staff is subject to applications for structural assistance for the salary:

· Retraining and promotion of qualifications for personnel;

· Vіlnogo hiring;

· Acceptance of graduates in the middle, middle - special and higher initial mortgages are valid until the laying of contracts between undertakings and initial mortgages.

With the practitioners, as they were supposed to be as a student to the training for the passage of an individual vocational training, the robot supplier lays down a student agreement from the tutors, and an order is issued for admission to a job.

Theoretical training of studies is carried out at the bureau of technical training from graduates of highly qualified practitioners in structural subdivisions in accordance with the standard.

At the time of consumption, training of personnel is carried out in accordance with the standard.

Appointed to plant ker_vniki in Vishchoi Lanka and provіdny fakhіvtsіv to go through, as a rule, from the personnel reserve of prac_vniki in the business.

Призначення на посади спеціалістів та керівників здійснюється з числа працівників, які мають вищу або середню професійну освіту з урахуванням рекомендацій атестаційної комісій, а також з числа працівників, які навчаються на старших курсах вищих та середніх професійних навчальних закладів або мають тривалий стаж роботи у галузі.

The main meta-formation of the personnel reserve is the creation of a group of workers, building workers, security, and the offensiveness of managing structural support in the minds market economy, вдосконалення складу кадрів на основі відбору, підготовки та висування на керівну роботу найбільш здібних та професійно підготовлених працівників, покликаних ефективно реалізовувати завдання, поставлені перед колективом, а також для своєчасної заміни працівників, що звільнилися, або виявили нездатність забезпечити доручені їм ділянки роботи.

Responsible personnel, technical training bureau and heads of other structural subdivisions of the enterprise conduct a systematic work, directed to the recruitment of personnel, provide additional assistance for advanced qualifications, and retraining of practitioners to the standard.

Vidpovidalnist for the organization of the work and the creation of plans for the development, revision and correction of the standard for the implementation of technical training was carried by the intercessor of the general director of the regime and work with the staff.

The head of the department of technical training for the form of sppіlno z vіddіl cadres, planning and economic vіddіl, praktsi and wages, plan for training, retraining and advancement of the qualifications of robotics, industrial and technical services of the army

Theoretical and practical training is carried out according to the initial plans and programs, approved by the head engineer.

1.7 Characteristics of the personnel of the enterprise

Efficient personnel management of the enterprise is impossible without adequate information, therefore it is necessary for human resource officials to regularly collect data in order to characterize the various aspects of the enterprise personnel and conduct their detailed analysis.

Different categories of practitioners BAT "Tekhprilad" play an unequal role in the selection, and they are grouped by categories. Looking at the staff of BAT “Tekhprilad”, you can see the following categories of practitioners:

  1. recruiting staff (labourers):

a) uninterruptedly engaged in the main production (warehousing, sampling);

b) non-intermediately employed by the production staff (additional workshops);

  1. specialists, technologists, standards, economy, PRB, VTK;
  2. administrative and managerial staff - the chiefs of the vіddіlіv and their intercessors.

Table 1.10. Kіlkіsny warehousing for personnel for the undertaking of BAT “Tekhprilad” in 2009, 2010, 2011.

Categories pratsivnikosnovets vymіrevannya2009 20102011Working staff of the main and auxiliary workers Person 1 1261 1501174 Fakhivtsi Person 482485500 Administrative and management personnel Person 422407423 Total: Person 203020422097

Rice. 1.3. Kіlkіsny warehouse for personnel 2009-2011

The staff can be shared with age groups. From Table 1.11 it can be seen that there is a sufficient number of spivrobitniks in all century groups. On the older age group, a large part of the hundredth part falls, and moreover, it continues to increase for the rahunok the fast part of the group of 20-30 years.

Table 1.11. V_kova structure of employed personnel for the enterprise of BAT "Techprilad"

№p/pKіlkіst rokіvOne. win2009 20102011120-30 years of children.235245270231-40 years of children.190192195341-50 years of children.335318289451-60 years of children.7107317485Older than 60 years of children.560556595

Rice. 1.4. Kіlkіsny warehouse for personnel 2009-2011

It’s obvious from the little one 1.4 that more spivrobitniks are in the older age group (60% of the spivrobitnik stock). It is necessary to transfer spivrobitniki in the senior age group to consultants, because they have accumulated a lot of baggage to bring that knowledge, which can be brown to young spіvrobіtnikam. In 2011, the percentage of the average age of workers decreased by 48.7 years (it was 50.1 years). By 16.3% there was an increase in the number of young spivrobitniks up to 30 years old, by 2.0% - up to 30-40 years old (18 years old). The number of practitioners increased by 4%, so I can look for professional education.

2. Theoretical foundations of training and promotion of qualifications of personnel

2.1 Importance, significance, features of training and promotion of qualifications of personnel management qualifications of managerial personnel

Personnel training is the main way to get professional education. The goal is to organize, plan and systematically build up the process of developing knowledge, knowledge, skills and abilities, integrating the knowledge of vikladachivs, mentors, fakhivtsiv, kerivniks.

Chinne legislature transfers such forms of vocational training: vocational training, retraining, qualification advancement, training for other professions.

Training of personnel - planned and organized training and graduation of qualifications of personnel for all spheres of human activity, which will lead to the accumulation of special knowledge, reduce, learn and use methods of mixing.

By the way fire rule so I don’t revisit for 6 months. Learners are protected by all the rights of practitioners, and they are fully obligated to expand legislation on practice, collective agreements and other normative ones.

The main tasks of personnel training:

characteristics of the necessary level of development of core personnel;

designation of uniform principles, forms and methods of promotion of the professional level of personnel;

rozrahunok consume from fakhіvtsy for the prospect of that vimogi that is presented before them;

direct rozpodіlu frames;

come in for training of personnel for new types of activity;

work with a reserve of personnel (appointment of consumption, recruitment and training, basic direct training and special calls);

pіdbіr, pіdgotovka i podvishchennya kvіlіfіkatsії kerіvnіkіv i osіb, yakі pratsyyut z personnel;

preparation and advancement of qualifications of scientists and specialists;

direction of personnel for training and advancement of qualifications with the improvement of prospective needs;

work with graduates of schools and universities;

special forms of retraining and promotion of qualifications of personnel;

installation of calls for the exchange of personnel;

preparation of stoneware in the lower Lanka (maistriv);

preparation and advancement of the qualifications of ordinary vikonavtsiv;

Come in for the security of the unity of the core of the training and retraining of personnel.

Retraining (retraining) is organized for the development of new professions by practitioners, as they are vilified, as they cannot be recruited for their specialties, as well as by individuals, as if they express the need to change the profession from the improvement of the consumption of vocations. Retraining is necessary for changing the profile of activity.

Retraining consists of the following stages:

change of incorrect labor practices and old habits (what is more important); it takes 2-3 days for workers;

learning and fixing new methods of vikonnannya operations;

pridbannya navichok roboti, yakі do not shout languor.

In addition, individuals who have undergone retraining will significantly more easily acquire the necessary skills, lower new practitioners. For rozrahunkami vytrati for the retraining of an engineer 3 times lower, lower for the search for a new one, the ability to see what kind of thing.

In the higher education, retraining is characterized by short terms, frequency, and a great deal of information.

Advancement of qualifications - the price of training after obtaining the basic knowledge for specialties, as they already practice, for which there will be new obligatory obligations. Yogo meta polygaє at the ruined and well-trained professional and economic knowledge, cited by the expert to the great vishchoy plant; consolidation of new recruits; growing mastery for obvious professions.

For whom are created different courses, schools of advanced schools, and organization - special institutes and faculties. Vodnochas promotion of qualifications can be applied to internships.

The need for organization of advanced qualifications of specialists is discussed:

uninterrupted changes in the outer and inner middle;

simplification of the process of selection and management;

the development of new types of activities and areas of activity (for companies, for example, go about products, markets).

At the same time, the zatsіkavlenіst at the advanced qualifications of the spіvrobіtnik є todi, if є vypevnіnіst not vyyavititsya zvіlnenim that otrimati prosuvannya on sluzhbі.

Purposes of promotion of qualifications by practitioners:

ensuring the efficient implementation of new complex tasks;

zbіlshennya їhny іnnovatіynogo potentsial;

preparation before passing on the landing of horizontal movement;

mastering new professions, including in the minds of the brigade form of organization;

otrimannya more high-level chi adaptation to new technology;

development of new forms of organization and stimulation of work, teamwork;

pridbannya know what to go beyond the borders of the main plant;

pinning the newcomer accepting the solution;

The advantages of advancing qualifications as a method of development of practical skills are based on yogo straightness, the possibility of a general development of specialty, a gnuchka zvorotny zv'yazku, a variety of methods of training, an individual-group approach.

Promotion of qualifications as an object of internal organizational planning, for which:

vynachaetsya dovgostrokov (up to 5 years) needs in the new and rozroblyayutsya necessary plans and programs, depending on the activities of firms and special needs of people;

zdіysnyuєtsya promptly (before the deadline) planning specific visits.

The training of practitioners in other (summary) professions with higher and higher equal qualifications leads to the expansion of professional skills, training to work for the minds collective forms organization of practice, as well as for professions that will join.

2.2 Organization and method of sampling training

Navchannya - a method of training staff, directing the promotion of the efficiency of the organization's work. It allows:

improve efficiency and work efficiency;

I need to speed up the control;

more virishiti the problem of personnel (training to get needed people);

speed up the plinnist that vitrati, viklikanі it.

The daily production needs a day of illumination at least 10-13 years. At the moment of completion by a young person of the main initial mortgage of wines, it is already necessary for real minds of life for 5-6 years, after 10-12 years of work for the specialty of starting professional and managerial knowledge, old by 50%, after 24 years - by 75%, until the end of work - by 90%. In the countries of the skin, a large company can have a system for training personnel. Japan has especially achieved success in this country, where it is 3-4 times more stained than in the United States. A leather worker and a servant in Japan stained glass for the 4 years of a worker and a non-working hour for a day.

Apparently, until now, 18% of Russian practitioners, 46% of Russian practitioners, 22% of creative abilities, and 18% of professional growth, are fully satisfied with the acquired light. At the minds of people, it is their own responsibility to ascertain the needs of the teachers.

% of the staff is important, because of the greater efficiency of the practice, they will need additional knowledge, 79 - regular improvement. 82% of scientists and 77% of fakhivtsiv to improve their qualifications.

Ninі see so vidi osviti: zagalne basic, normal middle. You can be insufficient, adequate or superfluous due to the power of the moment. Today's needs are above the world's light, the shards of the sky form a light-gazer, the necessary culture level, values, norms and are the basis for the development of society.

Professional training share:

1.Special. Vocational school, technical school (college), VNZ zabezpechuє

adaptation to the cob stage of independent life and professional knowledge, connected with the peculiarities of practice. VNZ and technical schools (colleges) develop the development of knowledge.

2. Dodatkov. May be more efficient work, promotion of culture and expansion of knowledge about world, technology, technology, values, norms, new specialty, suffice it to the limit. Useful for the form:

adaptive, which makes it easier to turn people on to new structures; for example, introducing a specialty to the landing;

pіdtrimuvacha, scho polagає at advanced qualifications with the method of volodinnya new technique and new technologies;

advanced training (learning new specialties, working with a reserve);

rich-coloured - for the ker_vnik_v of the higher r_vnya.

The main tasks of professional training for the personnel of the company:

training for the acquisition of new directions of activity;

training for the acquisition of new approaches and methods of improving labor operations;

pre-retirement training for easier adaptation to new minds.

Rethinking the beginning of the lesson: a clear appointment of yogo obyagu that head, an accurate assessment of the potential of the students, the level of the necessary support. Nasampered, such a target is aimed at young practitioners and may be part of the global program of their development. When її folded, they are taken to respect:

sequence, richness, diversity of the presented material;

the method of establishing a virtuous link between the teachings and the primary ones;

the number and type of students of practitioners;

Pratsіvniki can zdіysnyuvat also samonyuvchannya znajomstvom vіdpovіdnoy literature, scho replaces theoretical osvіtu; way of comprehension of what was read, watchfulness and analysis of one’s own actions, those robots of the restless, vikonannya task, which gradually settle down.

The following methods have been adopted for the technical training of personnel at the enterprise:

Methods of acquiring new knowledge:


Methods for fixing the material:

laboratory robot;



maid of the household.

Methods for reviewing and evaluating knowledge:

sleep experience;

letter translation of the robot;

control robot;

Stage I - analysis of the variability from the point of view of the human factor (a creative robot, a favorable social and psychological climate, products of competitiveness);

Stage II - a description of the planting operations;

Stage III - a list of knowledge, decrease, beginner;

IV stage - the appointment of criteria for professional mastery (tests, tables, examination nutrition);

Stage V - the appointment of primary goals (what to know, what to remember, what to work, what the world needs to know and remember);

Stage VI - development of initial programs;

VII stage - assessment of the process of training.

2.3 Management of professional training of personnel

Professіyne navchannya dilitsya: virobniche the theoretical.

Virobniche navchannya. All robots are victorious as a worker, be it a profession, and qualifications can be divided into groups of kilka. In skin їх vikoristovuyutsya the same chi similar labor operations chi priyomi. Combining typical operations with the same ones, the worker works in his own specialty.

In the structure of the virobnicheskogo navchannya, different types of work are being mastered, adopting and operating, then their combinations.

In connection with the cym, the induction is usually divided into three periods:

the period is right, if they appear, they will get used to and close the typical procedures;

the period of the beginning of the initial-production tasks, if a number of tasks are completed after the additional mastered standard methods and operations, which step by step are aggravated, those combinations;

the period of independent work, if you learn to work in a working place, like in a loan after training, get used to independent work. The third period ends with qualification testing.

When the trainee is trained, the instructor passes on his information, and the one who learns, accepts this information - to practice. In the course of his training, the instructor hopes to learn more and more self-reliance, passing through the explanations to the current level of respect, consolation and joy.

Virobniche navchannya suprovodzhuetsya theoretical navchannyam, who develops the basics of technical knowledge, the necessary knowledge of virobnichiy robit and yaki from a remote robitnik from a virobnichiy grower. The stench is to teach the knowledge of technology, the understanding of the sensation and the rules of the robotics.

Theoretical employment to conduct the qualification of engineers or technicians for the program and the first layout, which will ensure the completion of the theory at the time of the cob of the third period of the vocational training. The beginning of victorious independent work, rozumіyuchi її theoretical foundations, is accustomed to victorious otriman theory in practice.

The main document, which signifies the change, covers that additional sequence of training, and the initial program. Їy transferred systematically, after mastering the technique.

that technology, methods of practice on the basis of reliable theoretical data, in order to link the generic and theoretical training.

Whether any kind of training is carried out for the obviousness of the initial programs. The right to ratify the initial program belongs only to the head engineer, or to the person, as a victorious yogi.

The main programs can be expanded as the most qualified fahivtsy, vikladachs, and third-party persons in contract ambushes.

Skin program to revenge: an explanatory note; virobnicho-qualification characteristic for a given profession and qualification; thematic plan and program of theoretical training; thematic plan and the program of virobnicheskogo training; translation of recommended literature and scientific aids.

Vihodyachi, for the sake of what has been said, you can add a non-trivial vysnovka from the head of the chapter, which a skin personnel officer will need to train the staff. Starting from vocational training personnel and completing the promotion of qualifications of personnel.

In preparation for the advancement of the qualifications of personnel in modern programs, to learn how to teach people independently and systematically think, solve complex problems, work out the right way, work with the team. The stinks give knowledge that they go beyond the borders of the plant, they call out the bazhanya to read far away.

3. Improving the system for improving the qualifications and retraining of personnel

3.1 The goals of the development of the system for the promotion of qualifications and retraining of personnel

The goals of the system that are being developed:

The main method of improving the system and improving the qualifications and retraining of personnel and improving the productivity and efficiency of the work of various categories of personnel for the improvement of their professional training.

The system of advancement of qualifications and retraining of personnel of the BAT "Tekhprilad", which is being developed, is directed towards the achievement of offensive goals:

For admission:

  • Mothers motivated and loyal spivrobitnikiv, yakі pov'yazyuyut their professional activities with zim undertaking, scho increase the productivity of work and reduce the work force;
  • To prepare a group of specialists in professional growth, prepare, motivate spivrobitnikiv to pass on the keys, plant and virishiti in such a rank the problem of the decrease in the demand for kerіvnitstva and the improvement of the efficiency of management;
  • promotion of competitiveness to the practice market.
  • For staff:
  • Mothers are potentially more high level of satisfaction in work in the workplace, which gives them the opportunity for professional growth and advancement in life;
  • take into account more specific professional prospects and the ability to plan other aspects of your life;
  • mothers the possibility of purposeful training for future professional activity;
  • Mother ability to plan the professional development of practitioners and all undertakings for the improvement of their special interests.

The task of the system that is being developed:

Before the system of personnel management at the enterprise, there are such tasks in the hall of training, retraining of personnel and advancement of their qualifications:

1)strategy development in the formation of qualified personnel;

)appointment to the head of staff for different types of yoga;

) planning, uzgodzhene z tsіlyami and zavdannymi pіdpriєmstva in the gallery to improve the efficiency of the activity of various functioning subsystems;

)the correct choice of forms and methods of training, retraining and advancement of qualifications;

)choice of program-methodical and logistical support for the process of training as an important mind and skill of training;

)search for funds for the financing of all types of education at the necessary amount and with the necessary quality.

3.2 Improving the system of advanced qualifications and retraining of personnel

In order to directly identify and improve the system for improving the qualifications and retraining of personnel of the BAT "Tekhprilad", it is necessary to determine the levels of training of various categories of personnel for the effectiveness of the functioning of various training and management systems.

The accounting process of budgeting was delayed for 3 months due to lack of qualifications and preparation for this gallery. If you want to make the preparations yourself and the instructions for fakhivets, you can carry out the whole process in 1 month.

At workshop No. 58, in the fierce 2012, a new road was brought in, and oskolki on the enterprises of daily workers with sufficient qualifications for work on the new, it’s idle. At the same time, retraining of workers for the first kind of possession is carried out, but it is not effective and knows the costs.

These problems have been identified about the daytime training of the staff trained with new technologies, both in production and in the office of management.

For the solution of these problems, a system and a form of training for personnel are needed.

With such a system, it is wider at the advanced enterprises for training in excellence. The standard procedure for training personnel at the workshops and in accounting is transferring that new people are trained in the essential technologies of practice. But the enterprise, which is actively developing, can be understood that in the case of mastering innovation, it is necessary to prepare personnel for work with new technologies.

There are few motivated workers for the undertaking of the middle of the staff, it seems like the regularity of the staff, especially among the young workers.

Also, on the undertaking, you transfer the difference between the actual and the accreditation of the worker.

Do not use such an interrelationship between the technical education and the staff. Provided personnel information about the number of trained practitioners, provided technical training did not provide information about personnel (number of names, accepted, currently working).

For the solution of these problems, as well as for the development and consolidation in the process of training in the necessary skills, the development of new models of behavior, it is possible to change the setting to the highest level and income, it is necessary to conduct corporate training. The program of such trainings is responsible for the provision of cadre training to professional newcomers, necessary for the completion of professional functions (training of a practitioner).

In 2011, there were 7 specializations: 5 specialists were recognized for planting pottery in the middle of Lanka: head of monitoring department dovkilla; intercessor of the head of workshop No. 945; intercessor of the chief responsible for marketing; the intercessor of the head of the vіddіlu No. 21, the intercessor of the chief of the viddіlu No. 924, and two stoneware of the Middle Lanka were recognized on the tree plantation: the intercessor of the head engineer; the head of the Central Laboratory of Laboratories (central factory laboratory) - no amount of professional training was assigned, and no potential capabilities of these specialists for the possibility of working at a given job position were assigned. As a result, an accident occurred in the central laboratory of the factory, and a large number of hoses were let out at shop No. 945.

To resolve this problem, it is necessary to evaluate and reveal the potentialities of the obvious spivrobnitniks, to push them through their careers at the link with their skills and vminnyami. Therefore, the personnel should be assessed. Moreover, yak for a ceramic warehouse, ale and fahіvtsіv and other servicemen of the enterprise.

In order to solve the problem, one should use such methods as lectures and seminars for ceramics, on which one can understand the basic principles of the system and take effective solutions.

Young fahivtsy come to the undertaking constantly, as if they don’t understand what is necessary for them and for what, they automatically begin to win that chi and other work, which allows the growth of visnovok, which is stupid for them, and there is no way for the development of that new potential.

Promote to conduct courses for young specialists to learn about the specifics of manufacturing, practical activities, technology, possession, organization and economics of manufacturing, which will be pleasantly assigned to the future of manufacturing.

In this rank, for a thorough training system, as well as the implementation of the achievement of the goals set higher and the task, the training system must be supplemented with the following elements:

· Learn more

· Corporate trainings

· Attestation

· Lectures and seminars for entrepreneurship


Table 3.1. Come in for a thorough system of business training

Categories for the personnel Evaluation of knowledgeInsufficient knowledge for work with future new skills Do not know about innovations, developments (for young professionals) and changes in the market. Training planning 3. Navchannya (crim іsnuyuchogo buli vіd vіdі see): trainingsProfessional knowledge trainingProfessional knowledge trainingProfessional knowledge trainingProfessional knowledge training navchannya z viperedzhennyamPromotion of qualificationsAdvancement of qualifications lectures and seminarsPromotion of qualifications courses for young specialistsPreparation 4. Evaluation (attestation)


Problems of training, retraining and improving the qualifications of working personnel, building competition in the minds of market entrepreneurs, for low important reasons, are becoming especially relevant. In the first place, there are unfriendly trends over the labor force market. Today's versatility presents more and more zhorstkі vimogi to the professional qualities of working personnel. Go fast number of working jobs. In another way, there is competition for jobs in the middle of the workforce. There is an objective process of trapping working personnel with low professional capacities. Thirdly, professional education and qualifications in a special plan do not just act as the characteristics of that other worker, but become for a new guarantee of social well-being, intellectual competitiveness in the labor market.

Preparation and advancement of the qualifications of practitioners in the given hour can be of an uninterrupted nature and are carried out by the duration of labor activity. Undertakings are responsible for looking at the training of personnel as an investment in fixed capital, which allows the most efficient use of new technologies.

Training of personnel in the fields of navchani labor novice, necessary for the first-rate vikonnannya work. For the effectiveness of uninterrupted training, it is necessary that the practitioners were at a new infection. It is necessary for the administration to create a climate that is acceptable for learning.

The head of the staff will require a skin personnel officer. Beginning with professional training of personnel and completing the promotion of qualifications of personnel.

The process of training a person runs through all of life. Primary education is used in schools, colleges, vocational schools, technical schools, and universities. Secondary training is given at universities, institutes and at the faculties of advanced training and retraining of personnel, at training centers, specially organized courses and seminars, in organizations. Metoyu navchannya є zdobuttya enlighten. That is why enlightenment is the process and the result of acquiring systematized knowledge, learning and methods of behavior necessary for preparing a person for life and work. Enhancement of qualifications gives the opportunity to occupy a place of planting, increases self-esteem, professional pride, allows you to win more folding work.

In preparation for the advancement of the qualifications of personnel in modern programs, to learn how to teach people independently and systematically think, solve complex problems, work out the right way, work with the team. The stinks give knowledge that they go beyond the borders of the plant, they call out the bazhanya to read far away.

Training, retraining and promotion of qualifications of workers, clerks, fahivtsiv and service workers will require skin personnel. Training of personnel in the fields of navchani labor novice, necessary for the first-rate vikonnannya work. For the effectiveness of uninterrupted training, it is necessary that the practitioners were at a new infection.

Having learned the Russian and foreign specifics of how to organize training, retraining and advanced qualifications of personnel, I came to the fact that training and advanced qualifications of personnel in Russia can be organized without intermediary work powerful forces. In the posture of factory training, the role of training can be brought up to appointment, it could not only be up to a few, but even to the directness of training, fixed at the top contracts for training. Self-training is established at special primary centers, as well as at the system of higher and secondary special education. And in foreign firms, internal company training and promotion of qualifications of working personnel is the most important task of personnel services. The stench is to methodically train the robots, without intermediary take part in the organization of the training, assessment, selection of working personnel, planning careers of the workers, and practical assistance to the line workers in the work with the supporters.

Training, retraining and qualification advancement for these forms shows the number of working personnel that advanced qualifications and passed training and retraining to initial mortgages that without a hitch at the VAT "Techprilad". At the BAT "Tekhprilad" you can win reports of foreign companies from the organization of trainings, lectures and seminars. Apply vigilance to enterprises, shards de stink of great material gains, and inspire students to build up the knowledge of that newcomer to the great virobnitstv, the sound of good practice and feel like a master.

Getting a job in a job can be a priority both for those who are trained, and for an employee, and for the economy as a whole. Воно гнучкіше порівняно з академічними формами, безпосередньо пов'язується з діяльністю робочої групи, організаційною культурою, стратегічними цілями, характером продукції та ринковим становищем підприємства, більш безпосередньо спрямоване на підвищення ефективності, якості, швидке реагування на економічні та технічні зміни і тим самим посилення конкурентоспроможності . To this, BAT "Tekhprilad" at the current stage in the future should give great respect to the training of personnel in the working area. It is necessary for the education of entrepreneurship and personnel training bureaus to obtain advanced knowledge of foreign countries from the training of working personnel and, if possible, to apply it to entrepreneurship.

Fast of that environment, the same respect for the great Piddrimism-Vat “Technical Diaulus”, a guide of the briefly of briefly, the special entry of the professor of the professor of the profession of the podsita, the picnic Zokrema, let's make a step forward.

· Conduct training for excellence

· Introduce corporate trainings

· Conduct lectures and seminars for entrepreneurship

· Courses for the training of young specialists

· Carry out certification

· We will also improve the motivation of the staff by way of stosuvannya zakhodіv stimulivannya.

The training of qualified personnel is intertwined with important officials in social efficiency. The promotion of professional skills is positively affected by the guarantee of saving the working life, the opportunities for promotion in the suburbs, the expansion of the foreign market of practice, the amount of income in the organization, the good fortune and opportunities for self-realization.

As a result of these visits, there will be:

decrease in the number of personnel, which increases the level of labor motivation for personnel;

zbіlshennya r_vnya qualіfіkаtsії personnel pіdpriєmstva z urakhuvannyam vmog іsnuyuchogo virobnitstva and prospects yogo development;

improvement of the corporate culture of the organization;

promotion of the dignity of practitioners in their organizations;

reduction in costs associated with an incorrect assessment of the situation and the wrong actions of workers;

zabіgannya zabіgannya vіd nastannya rizikovyh podіy, obezhennya widening їх negative infusion;

reduction in the number of accidents and breakdowns;

improved coordination of practitioners;

increasing the building capacity of the team;

viniknennya that growth of communicative zv'yazkіv between the entrepreneurs.

galuzevy post-employee qualification planning

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Aspects of training, promotion, qualifications and retraining of personnel; 2. Look at the meta of the initial activity of business
...we are ahead in the organization of the advancement of our qualifications. Navchannya robіtnikіv without intermediary on the working place...

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