The main forms of training, advanced qualifications and training of personnel in the minds of the market economy. Professional training for staff

1.2 The main forms of education, promotion of qualifications and training of personnel in the minds of the market economy

Training and preparation are two sides of the same process. The training is related to the development of the infamous intelligence in people, and the training is to the knowledge, as if they hang around without a hitch in the middle of the robot.

Vocational training represents a wholesome education, a kind of endeavour, such as a secure undertaking of a sufficient number of workers, a professional quality of which all over the world is suitable for the commercial and commercial purposes of an organization. The programs of education may be folded with the improvement of specific features of the structure of the staff and the actual tasks of developing the skin organization (or її pіdrozdіlіv і filіy).

The system of vocational training can significantly increase its capacity to innovation and flexible response to the needs of the market. Tse camp is central to the policy of professional education in the minds of the cob of the market economy.

Метою організації професійного навчання кадрів на виробництві має стати створення системи безперервної освіти персоналу на основі оптимального поєднання різних форм підготовки нових робітників, перепідготовки та навчання, робітників другим професіям, підвищення їх кваліфікації та рівня знань з урахуванням динамічних змін у техніці, технології, організації виробництва, at tisnіy uv'yaztsі z їх іх іхідівідідіні professіyо-qualіfіkatsіynym prosuvannya.

The essence of the concept of “uninterrupted” education is related to post-adaptation, periodic advancement of qualifications and retraining of work force, or through the extension of an active working life, both within the framework of the formal, and within the framework of the informal system of education on the basis of basic training, on the basis of basic training. The principle of uninterrupted professional training can be taken care of step by step and the advancement of the passage of the skin workers of the most basic knowledge (in the form of lower, cob, to the highest) with the improvement of the successive acquisition of knowledge, mind, beginner. For which process, the training will be dotally along the upper line in such a way that the skin of the onset of steps is the logical continuation of the front and ends of the training cycle. The system of uninterrupted professional education in Russia today sees five levels of qualification (Table 1.1). Їkhnya pykunisti to become Kvalifіkatsyin's structure of profession of profession, yaku it is traditional of the profession of profession of profession of profession of profession of profession in the Ekonon.

Table 1.1

Qualification structure of professional education in the Russian Federation

Steps of qualification The riven of global illumination, necessary for the health of the profession Riven professional education
1 Basically Accelerated professional training
2 Basically Pochatkov professional education for professions that are not necessary for a professional education
3 Middle (over) Pochatkov professional education for professions
4 Middle (over) Promotion of professional education for workers. Middle professional education. Promotion of professional education of specialists in the Middle Lanka.
5 Middle (over) Bachelor's degree, master's degree, postgraduate special education.

In fact, there are three types of teaching - pochatkov, middle, vishcha. Behind the skin of them, knowledge and skills have been assigned, which are the responsibilities of investigating the skin sculpture, and the knowledge of special disciplines. Workers successively undergo training at vocational schools, technical schools, and universities.

The advancement of qualifications after the completion of the professional training and the singing hour of work for the fach was directed to the achievement of two goals:

1) safe delivery professional qualifications to new trends in technical and professional development, the way of carrying out the initial visits, which accompany the labor process, is more important on the enterprises themselves;

2) підготовку професійної кар'єри з переходом на більш високий ступінь кваліфікації як спеціалістів та керівного персоналу середньої ланки (наприклад, майстрів, техніків, спеціалістів різного профілю тощо) шляхом відвідування курсів на підприємстві, при навчальному центрі, що обслуговує безліч підприємств , або у vocational school.

Відповідно до Типового положення про заснування початкової професійної освіти затвердження початкової професійної освіти є державною, муніципальною або недержавною освітньою установою і має на меті підготовку працівників кваліфікаційної праці за всіма основними напрямами суспільно корисної діяльності згідно з переліком професій, затвердженим урядом РФ.

Затвердження початкової професійної освіти за договорами з органами праці та службами зайнятості, виробничими об'єднаннями, підприємствами, фірмами та іншими організаціями може здійснювати професійну підготовку, яка має на меті прискорене придбання учнями трудових навичок виконання певної роботи або групи робіт і не супроводжується підвищенням освітнього рівня .

In case of foundation of primary vocational education, vocational training courses can be organized for okremikh osіb for the money of their money or other organizations, if they were sent to navchannya.

Having realized the need for the training of qualified personnel, the skin organization can praise the decision about the concept of professional training for personnel.

The options here are:

1) the training of specialists in higher education is focused on a short-term perspective, and it can be extended to advanced working positions.

2) preparation of qualified staff of a wide profile, focused on the promotion of the internal mobility of the practitioner, the level of readiness and building capacity to change practice, the development of new areas.

3) the training of qualified personnel is focused on the specialty of the practitioner and the call to stimulate the development of human qualities and the maturity of the practitioner.

In the practice of professional and technical education, there were two forms of training for personnel: at the work station (internal training) and after it (post-virtual training).

The training of a worker is assigned to the work process. This form of training is more cheap and efficient, characterized by a tight connection from regular work and easier entry at the initial process of practitioners, as they did not sound before the training in the classrooms.

Navchannya in a working position, as a rule, conveys a warning for an informed boss or a colleague, if they stink at a singing robot, or they vilify like a task.

The advantage of learning in a working place: it’s cheap, it’s easy to satisfy the need for education, the worker takes the knowledge “from hand to hand”.

However, this method may have shortcomings: You or your colleagues may not have sufficient information from the researcher; pratsіvniki, who were asked to teach, may not be mothers for whom there is enough authority and evidence; practitioners can be fooled by what their colleagues will teach them.

The training posture is more efficient for the worker, but it is also tied with additional financial vitrates and the worker's widows with the yogo service shoes. Methods of vocational training for the working field are recognized, first for everything, for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and for the development of problems, the adoption of decisions, the improvement of behavior.


1) the sessions are carried out by certified experts;

2) presently possessing that information;

3) practitioners take away the charge of fresh ideas and information.


1) it can be expensive;

2) courses can be different from the practice of your business and transfer theory;

3) practitioners may not have time to get trained at their own time.

The professional development positively influences the interviewers themselves. Increasing qualifications and gaining new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive on the labor market and take away additional opportunities for professional growth as the middle of their organization, and so after it. Professionally trained to spry the impetuous intellectual development of a person, appreciating one's self-perception. Therefore, the possibility of obtaining professional training from one's own company is highly valued by practitioners and contributes to their decision to work in this other organization.

If you look at professional education as a system, then it is necessary to see two stages in it. First - high professional training. The other is the onset of the susilla, which is being used for destruction, expanding and supplementing the previously gained qualifications.

In case of fallow due to repeated purposes, the qualification is due, but it is saved, it is brought to the situation, which has changed, or the vikoristan for professional promotion in the service. Tsej pіdhіd up to the advancement of qualification without intermediary vyplyvaє z concept of uninterrupted osvіti, which is based on the principle of organization of step-by-step virobnicheskogo nauchannja personnel. In the present hour, there is no universally circulated circle of terms for retraining. Organizing the work, depending on the fact that during the middle period of his labor activity (40-45 years) of qualifications, the practitioner can go through retraining and improve his qualifications 4-5 times. In industry, and especially in machine-building, “upgrade” your qualifications for mastering new technology on average 6-8 times a year, changing your profession 3-4 times.

Vykhodyachi from periods of change of seeing products (once in 5-8 years) leather practitioner once in 4-7 years is obliged to update his knowledge.

That is why the promotion of professional qualifications is important. In the hour, if you are overwhelmed by the lesson, they are changed by the hour with the great overwhelm of the practical zastosuvannya, and navpaki. The work and the training become more and more indistinguishable from each other.

Professіyne navchannya, work for the profession and advancement of qualifications, zavzhdya vengeance of insults to the elements: the element of navchannya and the element of zastosuvannya.


1.1. The role of training, retraining and improving the qualifications of personnel in improving the economic efficiency of the organization

1.2. The main forms of education, promotion of qualifications and training of personnel in the minds of the market economy

1.3. Problems of training and retraining of personnel in the Russian Federation in modern minds



2.1. Technical and economic characteristics of WAT "Typhoon".

2.2. Analysis of the cash and yoke warehouse for the personnel of the VAT "Typhoon" and its performance to the needs of the business

2.3. Analysis of the main stages and methods of training, retraining and promotion of the qualifications of personnel, which are aimed at the BAT "Typhoon".




3.1. Award of foreign certification in the organization of the process of training and promotion of qualifications of workforce

3.2. The economic efficiency of training, retraining and promotion of qualifications of personnel at the VAT "Typhoon" ...

3.3. Improved organization of training and advancement of qualifications, workers at the VAT "Typhoon"





A thorough development of material and speech factors in the development, development, development, development and development of new technologies will require a systematic promotion of both the cultural and technical and professional level of practitioners, as well as the promotion of qualifications between specific labors. For those who have been promoted, and undertakings, and the practitioners themselves, the shards of the vimoga are constantly moving up to the level of working strength.

Nutrition training, retraining and advanced qualifications of working personnel in the minds of market entrepreneurs are of particular relevance.

In today's minds, before the professional training of the robotic personnel, having become a number of fundamentally important tasks, mindful of the needs of adapting enterprises to the market, modernizing and reprofiling the workforce and changing them, they could become a work force.

Today's versatility presents great opportunities for working personnel and systems of training, retraining and advanced qualifications in the minds of market leaders. As a result of scientific and technological progress, some professions are known, others are discovered. The labor rhythm is being strengthened, the technical work is changing. All the time, the need for new forms of training, retraining and promotion of the qualifications of working personnel is born.

The object of the follow-up of this data is the BAT “Kaluzsky Appliance Plant “Typhoon” is one of the leading enterprises of Russia. Here it is practically mastered all kinds of virobnitstv, nebhіdnі at priladobuduvannya. The products of "Typhoon" for quality are not compromised by the best foreign stars and successfully compete with them on the light market.

The technical policy, which is carried out at the enterprises, ensures the constant improvement of technological processes to improve the quality of products. To this, the work of undertaking attaches great respect to work with personnel, both in the plan of social security, and in training, advanced qualifications and retraining of personnel.

The subject is the system of training, retraining and promotion of qualifications of personnel.

The task is to analyze the system for improving the qualifications of personnel, identifying the features, advantages and shortcomings of this system, and to formulate the proposition of how to thoroughly optimize the system for improving qualifications in the enterprises.

Таким чином, мета даної роботи полягає в оцінці організації підготовки, перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації кадрів заводу «Тайфун» та виробленні заходів щодо її вдосконалення, що базуються на вивченні та аналізі застосовуваних форм та систем підготовки, перепідготовки та підвищення кваліфікації кадрів.

The methodological basis for writing this work was the legislative and regulatory documents that are being developed in the Russian Federation, as well as special literature on the existing problems of domestic and foreign authors V.V. Adamchuk, A.L. Kibanova, B.M. Genkina, Yu.G. Odegov.

For the vikonannya, the work was done to win the appearance and rank of the personnel officer and the personnel training bureau of the Kaluzsky priladobudivny plant "Typhoon". The work is made up of three divisions.

The first one described the theoretical aspects of the training and advancement of the qualifications of personnel.

Another section describes the analysis of the system for training and promotion of the qualifications of personnel at the BAT "Typhoon".

The third one describes the main systems of training and advancement of the qualifications of personnel in the minds of the market economy.



Vіdpovidno to the Labor Code Russian Federation(section 9) practitioners have the right to professional training, retraining and advanced qualifications, including training in new professions and specialties.

In today's minds, the most important minds have the development of a company, the credibility of the market and the promotion of competitiveness and corporate knowledge. The responsibility of the helper for the training and advancement of the qualifications of spivrobitnikov, the power of the work of the spivrobitnikiv for whom directly, the strained system of information search for innovation and innovation - all the same can be applied to the idea of ​​​​a corporate promotion.

In the rest of the hour, the workers of rich firms and organizations attach great importance to the creation of systems for corporate training of faculty, to us in front of the work of primary centers and primary employees.

Without serious organizational changes in the training and retraining departments, it is important for the staff to take into account the changes in the robot companies. Seminars, internships cannot replace the permanent goal-directed work of training, retraining, and informing specialists. When choosing a strategy for the training of specialists in front of the personnel officer, there is a dilemma - training as a liquidation of heritage is not necessary in the distance for the reception of specialists in the field of innovations, new technologies of the company's activity.

If the robot with the frames was running around at the entrances to the recruitment and selection of the work force. Such organizations, in which good management is placed on the right, take into account that the recruitment of suitable people is only on the cob. At the same time, the majority of resources in the organization is represented by material objects, the quality of which decreases over time through depreciation, the value of human resources can and is due to growth. In this manner, both for the benefit of the organization itself, and for the special benefit of all the staff, it is the responsibility of the organization to constantly work on strengthening the promotion of yoga potential.

The development of personnel is a complex of entries, which include professional training of graduates in schools, retraining and advancement of qualifications of personnel. (18, C357). Meta-development to the staff - the organization of well-prepared practitioners, depending on the goals and development strategy.

The transition to the market vіdnosin means also the high dynamics of the reduction could be up to the highest parameters of the working force. With this, an important damage to the role of the role of the other components of the quality is shown. As an example, here you can find the place of the illuminating clerk in the blatant yakіsnih characteristics of the marriage practitioner. In our days, the situation is such that it is illuminating, and not smart, but professional, becoming the primary element that forms the characteristics of the working force. Great organizations to increase investment in the training of personnel, but the old market and the training system of the Daedal are less satisfied with the needs of high-tech manufacturers. This way, the cycle of production and the life of comrades, which is shortened, is often changed, which means new qualifications.

The current sovereign policy in the sphere of professional training called for the provision of the solution of two mutually dependent tasks of a social and economic nature:

Bezpechennya use the work force of the necessary qualifications;

The fight against the unemployed by the way of retraining the unemployed.

The preparation of qualified personnel is a collection of approaches, directing on the systematic improvement of that qualification advancement, which in turn improves the prospective goals of the company, and the security of the work could be achieved. From the economic point of view, the training of qualified personnel is effective in that case, as it is tied to it lower for vitrati organization on improving the productivity of work for the labor factor. The training of qualified personnel can lead to the need for increased workforce from the side and to avoid this short-term path to a shortage of workforce.

The training of qualified personnel is worth a lot of components in social efficiency. Promotion of professional skill is positively seen on: (18, С360)

Guarantees (saving) of the working place;

Possibility of professional growth z virobnitstva;

Come to the practitioner.

In today's minds, the development of a system of vocational training is characterized by two opposite trends: professional equal workforce and activities pіdpriєmtsіv the maximum possible reduction in vitrat for її vіdvorennya.

The emergence of new technologies lead to the most significant change as a professional, and qualification structure for personnel. The current risks of the qualification structure for the personnel of the current year - the cost of the pet vaga fakhіvtsіv z vishcho and the average special illuminance, the workers of the highest qualification, as well as the unsatisfactory speed of the part of the low-skilled labor force.

Значення кваліфікації персоналу для ефективності застосування нових технологій стало настільки важливим, що в сучасному менеджменті практично всіх індустріально розвинених країн світу кваліфікація стала найголовнішою ознакою класифікації персоналу підприємства та отримала ранг, що дорівнює характеристикам, що визначають належність працівника до управлінського чи виробничого персоналу. (18, S362)

Qualification is the dynamic nature of a person to be involved in the process of manufacturing and to win over the transfer of technology to labor operations. Vaughn characterizes, on the one hand, the potentiality of the practitioner to win over the work of singing folding, and on the other hand, the development of the practitioner himself.

In the period of intensive technological changes, the promotion of qualifications is of great importance, which ensures the very basis of entrepreneurship.

1.2. The main forms of education, promotion of qualifications and training of personnel in the minds of the market economy

Training and preparation are two sides of the same process. The training is related to the development of the infamous intelligence in people, and the training is to the knowledge, as if they hang around without a hitch in the middle of the robot. Vocational training represents a wholesome education, a kind of endeavour, such as a secure undertaking of a sufficient number of workers, a professional quality of which all over the world is suitable for the commercial and commercial purposes of an organization. The programs of education may be folded with the improvement of specific features of the structure of the staff and the actual tasks of developing the skin organization (or її pіdrozdіlіv і filіy).

The system of vocational training can significantly increase its capacity to innovation and flexible response to the needs of the market. Tse camp is central to the policy of professional education in the minds of the cob of the market economy.

Метою організації професійного навчання кадрів на виробництві має стати створення системи безперервної освіти персоналу на основі оптимального поєднання різних форм підготовки нових робітників, перепідготовки та навчання, робітників другим професіям, підвищення їх кваліфікації та рівня знань з урахуванням динамічних змін у техніці, технології, організації виробництва, at tisnіy uv'yaztsі z їх іх іхідівідідіні professіyо-qualіfіkatsіynym prosuvannya.

The essence of the concept of “uninterrupted” education is related to post-adaptation, periodic advancement of qualifications and retraining of work force, or through the extension of an active working life, both within the framework of the formal, and within the framework of the informal system of education on the basis of basic training, on the basis of basic training. The principle of uninterrupted professional training can be taken care of step by step and the advancement of the passage of the skin workers of the most basic knowledge (in the form of lower, cob, to the highest) with the improvement of the successive acquisition of knowledge, mind, beginner. For which process, the training will be dotally along the upper line in such a way that the skin of the onset of steps is the logical continuation of the front and ends of the training cycle.

The system of uninterrupted professional education in Russia today sees five levels of qualification (Table 1). Їkhnya pykunisti to become Kvalifіkatsyin's structure of profession of profession, yaku it is traditional of the profession of profession of profession of profession of profession of profession in the Ekonon.

Table 1


Steps of qualification The riven of global illumination, necessary for the health of the profession Riven professional education
1 Basically Accelerated professional training
2 Basically Pochatkov professional education for professions that are not necessary for a professional education
3 Middle (over) Pochatkov professional education for professions
4 Middle (over) Promotion of professional education for workers. Middle professional education. Promotion of professional education of specialists in the Middle Lanka.
5 Middle (over) Bachelor's degree, master's degree, postgraduate special education.

In fact, there are three types of teaching - pochatkov, middle, vishcha. Behind the skin of them, knowledge and skills have been assigned, which are the responsibilities of investigating the skin sculpture, and the knowledge of special disciplines. Workers successively undergo training at vocational schools, technical schools, and universities.

The advancement of qualifications after the completion of the professional training and the singing hour of work for the fach was directed to the achievement of two goals:

Ensuring the attachment of professional qualifications to new trends in technical and professional development by way of conducting initial entries that accompany the labor process, most importantly at the enterprises themselves;

Підготовку професійної кар'єри з переходом на більш високий ступінь кваліфікації як спеціалістів та керівного персоналу середньої ланки (наприклад, майстрів, техніків, фахівців різного профілю тощо) шляхом відвідування курсів на підприємстві, при навчальному центрі, що обслуговує безліч підприємств, або у професійній школі .

Відповідно до Типового положення про заснування початкової професійної освіти (затверджено Постановою Уряду РФ від 05 червня 1994 р. №650) затвердження початкової професійної освіти є державною, муніципальною або недержавною освітньою установою і має на меті підготовку працівників кваліфікаційної праці за всіма основними напрямками переліку професій, approved by the order of the Russian Federation.

Затвердження початкової професійної освіти за договорами з органами праці та службами зайнятості, виробничими об'єднаннями, підприємствами, фірмами та іншими організаціями може здійснювати професійну підготовку, яка має на меті прискорене придбання учнями трудових навичок виконання певної роботи або групи робіт і не супроводжується підвищенням освітнього рівня .

In case of foundation of primary vocational education, vocational training courses can be organized for okremikh osіb for the money of their money or other organizations, if they were sent to navchannya.

Having realized the need for the training of qualified personnel, the skin organization can praise the decision about the concept of professional training for personnel.

The options here are:

v Vuzkospetsializovana training of personnel, yak is focused on a short-term perspective and may be extended to the required working positions.

v Training of qualified personnel of a wide profile, focused on improving the internal mobility of the practitioner, the level of readiness and building capacity to change practice, the development of new areas.

v Training of qualified personnel is focused on the specialty of the practitioner and called to stimulate the development of skills and maturity of the practitioner.

In the practice of professional and technical education, there were two forms of training for personnel: at the work station (internal training) and after it (post-virtual training).

Navchannya at the work station zdіysnyuєtsya at the process of work. This form of training is more cheap and efficient, characterized by a tight connection from regular work and easier entry at the initial process of practitioners, as they did not sound before the training in the classrooms.

Navchannya in a working position, as a rule, conveys a warning for an informed boss or a colleague, if they stink at a singing robot, or they vilify like a task.

The advantage of learning in a working place: it’s cheap, it’s easy to satisfy the need for education, the worker takes the knowledge “from hand to hand”.

However, this method may have shortcomings: You or your colleagues may not have sufficient information from the researcher; pratsіvniki, who were asked to teach, may not be mothers for whom there is enough authority and evidence; practitioners can be fooled by what their colleagues will teach them. (18, S374)

Navchannya posture by the worker The most effective, ale pov'yazani z additional financial vitrates and vodvolikannym pracіvnik z yogo service obov'yazkіv. Methods of vocational training for the working field are recognized, first for everything, for the acquisition of theoretical knowledge and for the development of problems, the adoption of decisions, the improvement of behavior.

Win: (18, С377)

Classes are carried out by informed experts;

The current information is victorious;

Pratsіvniki gain a charge of fresh ideas and information.


Tse can be expensive;

Courses can be different from the practice of your business and transfer theory;

Pratsіvniki can but not nashtovanі pass the training at their own time.

The professional development positively influences the interviewers themselves. Increasing qualifications and gaining new skills and knowledge, they become more competitive on the labor market and take away additional opportunities for professional growth as the middle of their organization, and so after it. Professionally trained to spry the impetuous intellectual development of a person, appreciating one's self-perception. Therefore, the possibility of obtaining professional training from one's own company is highly valued by practitioners and contributes to their decision to work in this other organization.

If you look at professional education as a system, then it is necessary to see two stages in it. First - high professional training. The other is the onset of the susilla, which is being used for destruction, expanding and supplementing the previously gained qualifications.

In case of fallow due to repeated purposes, the qualification is due, but it is saved, it is brought to the situation, which has changed, or the vikoristan for professional promotion in the service. Tsej pіdhіd up to the advancement of qualification without intermediary vyplyvaє z concept of uninterrupted osvіti, which is based on the principle of organization of step-by-step virobnicheskogo nauchannja personnel. In the present hour, there is no universally circulated circle of terms for retraining. Organizing the work, depending on the fact that during the middle period of his labor activity (40-45 years) of qualifications, the practitioner can go through retraining and improve his qualifications 4-5 times. In industry, and especially in machine-building, “upgrade” your qualifications for mastering new technology on average 6-8 times a year, changing your profession 3-4 times.

Vykhodyachi from periods of change of seeing products (once in 5-8 years) leather practitioner once in 4-7 years is obliged to update his knowledge.

That is why the promotion of professional qualifications is important. In the hour, if you are overwhelmed by the lesson, they are changed by the hour with the great overwhelm of the practical zastosuvannya, and navpaki. The work and the training become more and more indistinguishable from each other.

Professіyne navchannya, work for the profession and advancement of qualifications, zavzhdya vengeance of insults to the elements: the element of navchannya and the element of zastosuvannya.

1.3. Problems of training and retraining of personnel in the Russian Federation in modern minds

Nin_ vocational education in Russia is going through a folding period: even sharply recognized in the activity of the system of vocational education and training in the economy of Russia, and could be the cob of market investments.

The system of vocational training in the vast SRSR was prompted, based on the upcoming rethinks:

Suspіlstvo may not be limited by the number of working jobs, and the skin can choose the job of zdіbnosti and qualifications;

The State guarantees skin professional training and work space.

At the head of the security of cadres, it was designated as the most important of the rocks, tobto. Mayzhe once again praised the decision about the industrialization of the country. The high pace of development of rich galleys and the need for new achievements in science and technology became the reason for the creation in the 1950s and 1960s of a wide range of galuzevy primary foundations of the main and additional professional education. Tsya system was misplaced in sobі yak pozitivnі, i negativnі yakostі, zumovlenі thimi basic principles, yakіh won molded.

Zavdyaki centralized finance formation and the development of the system of training personnel were given a significant peace of mind to the sovereign requests for the development of the people's statehood and yogo galleys. The funds were transferred to the development of the system of training and retraining of personnel. With the transition of undertakings to the market ones, regular support for schools has significantly slowed down, and the plans for the training of workers and fahivtsiv, organizations have become more complicated manufacturing practices, training of graduates The regulation on the basic admission of a vocational school has essentially lost its rank. A lot of gospodarskie kerіvniki do not show the necessary zatsіkavlenosti among the trainees of young cadres.

From the beginning of the 90s, plans for admission and graduation from vocational schools were not widely accepted, the agreed system of admissions from the training of qualified workers did not develop its development. The system that was formed did not protect the needs of the regions from labor resources, brought low-skilled workers to the level of recruitment, did not focus on the prospective changes in the structure of those employed by the people's state. The function of managing the training of personnel is very important as the coordination of activities different types that form of training.

Modern minds need to make the transition to a new level - a single sovereign policy in the education of qualified personnel. The number of predictive results of assessing the optimal needs of training workers in the fields and regions has led to an intensive development of the system, which is manifested in continuing training for professions, which do not require such training, to a severe shortage of training for promising professions. There is a clear disproportion in the system of education and advancement of the qualifications of workers in our country: due to the excessive training of faculty, the higher qualifications may be insufficient training of workers, especially qualifications. The liquidation of the State Committee of Russia for professional education and the transfer of vocational schools to the Ministry of Education of Russia was brought to the point where at once there is a problem of landslide transfer and the installation of a system of vocational education for financing from public budgets.

Today, the most important part of the youth is taking off the preparation without intermediary on the selection. This is caused by three reasons. Firstly, a lot of vocational schools teach professions, so they don’t get drunk on undertakings. In another way, vocational training at the undertakings gives a guaranteed job space and more than enough to reach a reasonable level of salary for a worker compared with vocational school graduates. Thirdly, the system of vocational education can at once provide the needs of the people's state in qualified personnel for only one third. Zvіdsi vocational schools prepare qualified personnel for specialties, so that you don’t have to drink, but expand your workload from short-line training and train employees with low technical literacy, and also, lower competitiveness in the industry. The root of the problem lies in the fact that vocational schools put their place on the market, and they gave a real drink in those professions, which stinks like they do.

The new structure of the economy will require significant changes in the system of vocational training, which is traditionally focused on the education of young people. The systems of vocational training will be adjusted to the needs that are expanding, new structures will be created in the training and retraining of mature practitioners and responsibilities.

management that stimulates professional development, focused on the consumer market. (18, S364)

The system of vocational training can significantly increase its capacity to innovation and flexible response to the needs of the market. Tse camp is central to the policy of professional education in the minds of the cob of the market economy. Метою організації професійного навчання кадрів на виробництві має стати створення системи безперервної освіти персоналу на основі оптимального поєднання різних форм підготовки нових робітників, перепідготовки та навчання робітників другим професіям, підвищення їх кваліфікації та рівня знань з урахуванням динамічних змін у техніці, технології, організації виробництва, тісній uv'yaztsі z їх іх іхідіdualnym professіyno-qualіfіkatsіynymi suvannyam.

In 1992-2000rr. adopted low normative-legal acts that regulate the food preparation of fahivtsiv in market minds. Regulatory and legal framework for additional information required a distant development. A federal program for the development of additional professional education for 2002-2004 is being prepared. It is necessary to spend as much as possible on the budgets of the Russians for the financing of non-state initial mortgages. Financing їх may zdіysnyuvatisya for rahunok koshtіv juridical ta physical features with licenses for illuminating activity, state certification, accreditation of the head organizations.



Kaluzsky priladobudіvniy plant "Typhoon" is one of the leading enterprises of the military-industrial complex of Russia. Today "Typhoon" may have contacts with a lot of business partners from near and far abroad, as if they are hosting a new project for the release of a current project, those who vibrate "Typhoon" will always be influenced by such technical and technological characteristics.

The Kaluzsky priladobudivny plant "Typhoon" was created in 1973 in order to equip the ships and fleet of the country with modern radio systems. The refurbishment of wines near the central part of Russia and well-equipped with enterprises, as already released hundreds of foldable radio-technical complexes, expanded by NDI ship-building galleys - "Quantum", "Altayr", "Granit".

To wide popularity, including in Germany, France, Canada, room children of the sports complex "Junior", "Malyuk", which are produced by the plant, are covered. Here, practically all types of tests, necessary in the process of production, have been mastered, as well as a testing center, equipping unique facilities that allow testing of equipment in our temperature and climate minds. In 1994, the plant of transformations on the vіdkrit joint-stock partnership with 25.5% of the shares Federal government.

The ACTRIONENENENT COMMUNICATION OF KALUZKY TEFUN Plant TIFUN (Nadal Imenovan "Comrade") was assigned to Vidpovly before the decree of the President of the Federal District Autonomous Office "On the Organized Supervision of the Pirovnoye, the sovereignty of the dime, No. 721 and dіє vydpovіdno to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation “On the Sovereign Program for the Privatization of Sovereign municipal enterprises in the Russian Federation” dated December 24, 1993. No. 2284 and “On the main provisions of the State program for the privatization of state-owned and municipal enterprises in the Russian Federation on April 01, 1994” dated April 22, 1994. No. 1535, Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

According to the official name of the Partnership - open joint-stock partnership "Kaluzsky Appliances Plant" Typhoon ". Short name of the Partnership - VAT "Typhoon". The mission of the partnership is Russia, 248009, m. Kaluga, st. Grabtsivskoe highway. Suspіlstvo є juridical special. Rights and bindings legal entity Suspіlstvo nabuvaє z date yogo sovereign registration. Suspіlstvo is created without obmezhennya termіnu yoga activity.

The founder of the Partnership is the Committee for the management of the mine of the Kaluz region.

Suspіlstvo є offender sovereign pripriєmstva - Kaluz priladobudіvny plant "Typhoon" im. G.A. Titov.

Suspіlstvo bear vіdpovіdіlnіnі for sіbovіdalіnіmi yazannymi yomu, scho to lay.

Suspіlstvo maє so filії:

Branch "Communal eating plant", 248009, m. Kaluga, st. Grabtsivske highway, 174;

Philia Dozvill Center "Atlantis", 248009, m. Kaluga, st. Grabtsivske highway, 174;

Branch “Silskogospodarskoe podprijemstvo “Volkivske”, 249210, Kaluzka region, Babininsky district, Akulov village.

A partnership may have two daughter partnerships with the rights of a legal entity, established in accordance with the Federal Law and others federal laws.

VAT "Typhoon" is an auxiliary plant and specializes in the development and serial production of radio navigation stations for commercial and passenger ships, folding radio engineering systems of various classes and types, radio electronic equipment of the people's spodarskogo designation and commodities of the people. The acceptance of the vibration of the folding radio-electronic equipment:

Dartless radio equipment and antenna attachments;

Access control systems to objects;

Radio relay equipment for transmission of telephone and television information;

Child sports complex "Junior".

As the main method of its activity, the business enterprise respects the release of products and equipment, and the service of servants of such a quality that it is the best way to satisfy the needs of the deputy. The increase in quality expands to all products that are issued, all works, services and, in general, to the entire business activity.

The leather practitioner carried the capacity for quality in the sphere of his activity and goiter, to ensure the necessary quality of the products and the viability of the work within the framework of the viable system of capacities, as well as the goiter to constantly improve the quality of the production.

The system of payment for labor is formed in accordance with the "Regulations on the payment of labor". The “Regulations” are broken down by the method of implementing the principles of the market economy in the system of payment for labor to set directly the adequacy of the payment for the labor of the practitioners in view of the performance of their fixed functions and tasks, which should stand in front of the BAT on singing period, and also in view of the quality of the results of their practice and the clear distinction between the differences in the development of these types of businesses.

The payment of practitioners is to be divided by the day and the weather.

Postiynu log in:

For workers - payment for wages, tariff rates, annual salaries;

For core practitioners, fahivtsiv and servicemen - land salaries, which are established according to the planned staffing and contracting

I have to enter:

For robotics:

Pay extra for incentives (premiums);

Pay extra for the confusion of professions;

Zbіlshennya obyagu vykonuvannyh robіt.

For core practitioners, fahivtsiv and servicemen:

Personal allowances established by order of BAT;

Pay extra zbіlshennya obyagu vykonuvannyh robіt;

Prizes for specific tasks.

Constant part salary to be secured:

For workers - contractors - vyhodyachi z vikonan obyazu work and zatverdzhennyh vіdryadnih roztsіnok;

For practitioners with a yearly payment of work - waivers from the established salaries (tariffs) and actually in the actual hour.

A change in part of the wages of workers assigned to specific businesses, to lay in the form of a business and economic indicators for them.

The main technical and economic indicators of the Kaluzsky priladobudivny plant "Typhoon" are presented at Dodatku 1. increased by 115.7% against 2000

The number of industrial and manufacturing personnel in 2002 increased against 2000 by 17.9%, and the increase in workers by 17.9%.

The achievement of organizational goals is transferred to the work of people, who are the supporters of the organization. Skin organization will require coordination of mutual modalities, the establishment of an internal order. This order is declared in the form of organizational structure, presented in Addendum 2.

2.2. Analysis of the quantity and yoke warehouse for the personnel of the BAT "Typhoon" and their performance to the needs of the business.

Effective work of undertaking is impossible without adequate information. Personnel officer, planning and economic officer regularly collect data to characterize various aspects of the staff of the enterprise, and conduct a detailed analysis.

We will carry out an analysis of the current and future warehouse of working personnel at the enterprise and the assessment of their performance to the needs of the enterprise.

All business practitioners are subdivided into industrial and production personnel (PPP) and the employment staff of those who are on the balance sheet of business enterprises. The PPP warehouse includes the following main groups: workers, ceramics workers, specialists and servicemen. Razpodіl prats_vnikiv promislovo-virobnicheskogo staff on the category of fallow in their role that month in the virobnicheskomu process.

Seeing differentiated groups of middle-class industrial personnel for the need to determine the needs of the number of workers, establishing forms of payment for material incentives, organizing training and retraining of personnel, and replenishment of recruitment. The elimination of structural damage in the warehouse of industrial personnel allows to reveal the main trends in the change of personnel (Tab. 2)

Table 2


It can be seen from these tables in 2 that the number of industrial and manufacturing personnel in 2002 increased compared to 2000 for all categories of industrial and industrial personnel. It is worth mentioning about those who are increasing their commitment to recruitment and consequently leading the personnel policy to increase the number of working jobs.

There are a lot of qualifications of working personnel in what to lie in the current century and enlightenment. Tom in process cycle analysis warehouse of working personnel, we will look at the change at the warehouse of working personnel for a century and a day. The age-old structure of the Typhoon plant is visible by way of grouping (Table 3).

Table 3


In 2000-2002rr. (At% up to the total number)

It can be seen from these tables 3 that the largest part of the workforce stays at the reception from 25 to 45 years, but it continues to change with the help of an increase in the part of the group of 46-55 work personnel. It is not worth talking about those who are on the receiving end of the problem of old personnel. In my opinion, it can be negatively affected by the efficiency of the work of the enterprise, the shards of 25-45 years old workers - these people can achieve a high level of qualifications and a 3-valid experience and good work.

Let's analyze the warehouse of workforce for the same amount of light. The high illuminating riven of the workers spriya yaknayshvidshy mastering new types of work. Іsnuє pevna zalezhnіst mіzh rіvnem osvіti and qualіfіkatsієyu pratsіvnik. Riven and trivality of global and professional education and training, experience of practical work and accumulation of accumulated knowledge are the main points that determine the qualifications of a practitioner.

Workers from average lighting pass "qualifications" for 8 years, with lighting up to 8 classes - 11 years. Let's take a look at the structure of working personnel of the dosledzhuvanny enterprise. Following the data, carried out in Table 4, the cost of illuminating the personnel of the plant by three analyzes of the dates changed. The improvement of fahіvtsіv іz vishchoy illumine about the change in the nomenclature of products to the plant at the bіlshіnі more technically stocked and scientific products.

Table 4

LIGHTING STRUCTURE OF THE WORKING STAFF OF THE TYPHOON 2000-2002r. (At% up to the total number)

Let's analyze the main methods of that stage at the enterprise.

2.3. Analysis of the main stages and methods of training, retraining and promotion of the qualifications of personnel, which are carried out at the VAT "Typhoon"

The system of training, retraining and promotion of the qualifications of working personnel, which is carried out at the Typhoon Kaluz prirodobudivny zavod, is based on the standard of entrepreneurship, laid down on the basis of the "Typical Regulations for the Uninterrupted Professional and Economic Development". Tsya system installs and forms the methods of training, retraining of robotic personnel, improving qualifications, shaping their high professionalism, modern economic thinking, smartening up the practice of new economic minds.

This standard is extended to all personnel of the enterprise, employment without intermediary management, organization and work of the organization, production and sale of products at all stages of the life cycle. The standard is used by the clerks of all equals and all the subdivisions of the enterprise.

At the reception, the following trainings are organized for the staff, which will ensure their safety:

Training of new workers;

Retraining of workers;

Training of workers in other professions;

Promotion of qualifications of workers;

Promotion of qualifications of specialists.

In the minds of the market economy, the consumption of enterprises from qualified workers in the world is satisfied with the work of their training and retraining without intermediary work. At the "Typhoon" plant, the staff and bureau of personnel training conducted the formation of a number of qualified personnel, practitioners, as they advanced their qualifications, underwent retraining and probation, and also conducted the formation of staff on the ground.

We analyze the data on the number of working personnel, who improved their qualifications, underwent training and retraining before initial mortgages the kind without intermediary on pіdpriєmstvі (div. Addendum 3). From the data of Addendum 3, it is clear that by the end of three years the staff of the enterprise, retraining and advanced qualifications are given greater respect.

The first step is to determine the needs of the trainee.

The order of organization of work for training and training of personnel is given in the scheme for the completion of work at Dodatku 6.

1. The PMO at the fall of the leaves expanded the application forms for the preparation and training of personnel for the coming river (Appendix 7). The chiefs of the subdivisions of the virobnicheskih zavdan to send to the PMO in the infants the proposition of how to train and train the staff.

2. PMO at the sіchnі sformє rіchny plan dоvіlnoї form s training and training of the staff, pogodzhuє yogo from the intercessor of the general director z as a chief engineer.

3. Approval of the plan for the training and promotion of the qualifications of the general director of the enterprise (Appendix 8)

Let's analyze the average category of workers from the main production at the Typhoon plant and the average category of workers (Table 5). From these tables 5 it can be seen that during the years 2000, 2001, 2002 the middle category is working from the main rank higher for the middle category. And at the same time, the difference between the middle rank of the worker and the middle rank of the workers will be permanently and, then, the need to improve the qualifications of the working personnel will be eliminated.

Table 5


name 2000r. 2001 2002

2002 up to 2000r.

The middle category of workers on the cob of rock 3,52 3,62 4,05 0,53
The middle category of workers for the end of the year 3,62 4,05 4,12 0,50
Middle class of workers 3,57 3,83 4,09 0,52
The middle category of work from the main production 3,69 3,95 4,21 0,52

Ch r.k. = (Р robіt - Р robіtnikіv) x N r.o.p. (9.47), de

Ch r.k. - The number of employees who need to improve their qualifications;

Ch r.o.p. - total number of employees from the main selection;

Р robit – average rank of robit;

R workers - the middle category of workers.

H r.k.2000 \u003d (3.69-3.57) x979 \u003d 117 osib

H r.k.2001 \u003d (3.95-3.83) x1062 \u003d 127 osib

H r.k.2002 \u003d (4.21-4.09) x1154 \u003d 138 osib

From these data, there is a significant increase in the qualifications of working personnel in 2002, despite the increase in the number of people by 175 people, and the increase was increased against 2000 by 21 people.

At the mechanical shop No. 2, the main robotic professions are the professions of a turner and a milling machine. Pitoma vaga turners to the total number of workers in the shop to become 17.8% of the number 13 people, and pet vag milling machines - 19.1% of the number 14 people. The total number of workers in the mechanical workshop No. 2 is 73 individuals. Let's take a look at the professional and qualification structure of the workers in the machine shop No. 2.

Table 6


Name of profession

Number of people



Turners 13 5 2 4 7
Milling cutters 14 5,5 2 2 3 7
Turners-Rostochniks 8 6 2 2 1 3
Grinders 2 6 2
Slusars of mechanically selected robots 9 4 1 6 2
CNC layout operators 1 4 1
Toothpicker 1 5 1
soldering iron 1 4 1
Slyusarі-electors 13 5 1 4 2 6
Regulators R/A 6 5,5 1 2 3
Bundles 2 3 2
radio installers 2 4 2
Coil winder 1 3 1


For the help of these indications in Table 6, we will analyze the need for advanced qualifications by way of setting the rank of work and the middle rank, workers for the professions of a turner and a milling machine. So at the plant, the middle rank of workers is paid.

R workers = SiRiHi, de R i - category, i - worker, N i - number of workers,

S i Ch i mayut R i - discharge (21, C149)

R workers = 4x2+4x5+6x7 =5,3

Р robit = 5

It is clear from these figures that the middle rank works lower than the average rank of workers. Since the qualification of turners is greater for the power of virobnitstva, then the workers may have an interest in working, to that there is a possibility of realizing knowledge and needs. As a result, the intensity and productivity of work may decrease.

Milling cutters:

R workers = 3x2+4x2+5x3+6x7 =5,07


Р robit = 5.5

Z rozrahunka screams that the middle rank is working for the milling cutters above for the middle rank of workers. It is necessary to expand the number of milling machines, which is necessary to improve the qualification.

H \u003d (5.5-5.07) x14 \u003d 6 osib

At the machine shop No. 2, it is necessary to raise the qualifications of six milling machines.

The formed structure of working personnel allows to expand them in some ways directly: unskilled, low-skilled, qualified, highly qualified. To the first group, workers without a rank and workers of the 1st rank are brought, to the other - 2 ranks, to the third - 3-4 ranks, to the fourth - 5-6 ranks.

Table 7



From these tables 7 it can be seen that the largest number of highly qualified workers are employed, making up 67.1%. Shop No. 2 has a warehouse of old highly qualified personnel. The stench can reach a high qualification category (5-6).

OUP rozrakhovuє koshtoris vitrat for the preparation of schodo raising the qualifications of business practitioners (Appendix 9).

The next stage is the appointment of vitrate for training. On the cob of the stellar period, the cost of work is being accumulated for training, retraining and advancement of the qualifications of personnel. The boundary charge for the training, retraining and advanced training of personnel, included in the co-production of products, is in no way responsible for overestimating 4% of the fund for paying for labor (subject to: order of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation dated March 15, 2000, No. 15.03.2000). Dodatku 4 has a fee for training, retraining and advancement of qualifications for 2000-2002.

Analyzing the data of Addendum 4, it can be said that in 2002 the amount spent on training and promotion of qualifications for personnel of the enterprise grew equal to that of 2000. Conduct training of personnel in 2002 increased against 2000 by 478,550 thousand rubles. chi 457%.

It’s worth mentioning about those who attach great respect to the training of personnel in today’s minds. This is a positive result on the activity of the business, but the results are mutually related to the increase in the productivity of the workforce for the improvement of qualifications. Increasing the productivity of the work led to an increase in the volume of production, changing the amount of work to її preparation. With the improvement of the qualifications of the workforce, the quality of the products is improved.

On the basis of the river plan, the PMO organizes the training of the personnel of the enterprise, arranges the work for the theoretical training, secures the initial programs, sees the initial employment and the necessary technical assistance. Dali necessary to determine the form and method of training. Let's look in detail at the retraining of higher forms of training, retraining and advancement of qualifications, which are carried out at the undertaking. Vіdpovіdalnym for yakіst pіdgotovki and navchannya staff є OUP. Razpodil v_dpovidalnosti mizh posadovym persons and pіdrozdіlami pridpriєmstva, representations in the matrix rozpodіl vіdpovidalnosti (Appendix 5). Personal responsibility for the final results of training and promotion of qualifications of workers in the business, efficiency and effectiveness of the security of the quality are laid on the head of the PMO.

Personal responsibility for the organization and non-intermediate vikonannya works for viperegial planning, training and training of personnel at the gallery of professional training as a substitute for the head of the OUP. At the standard of the enterprise, a great amount of training and training for the staff was appointed.

1. The main method of training and training of personnel is the provision of high qualifications and equal training of personnel of all categories.

2. The tasks of training, retraining and advancement of the qualifications of upcoming practitioners are being changed:

a) key personnel of the enterprise;

b) engineering and technical practitioners (fahivtsiv) not service workers (technical vikonavtsiv).

3. Для забезпечення якості при проектуванні, розробці, виробництві, остаточному контролі та випробуваннях виробів повинна проводитися випереджальна підготовка кадрів, яка починається зі знайомства персоналу, ролі якості у виробничій діяльності кожного працівника та долі підприємства з моменту оформлення договору про трудову діяльність, про що повідомляється to the skin practitioner who received the practice from the nadan, you should know the "Reminders for the practitioners".

4. Post-yne promotion of qualifications by direct obov'yazkom dermal practitioner.

5. Vіddіlnym for yakіst pіdgotovki i navchannya pratsіvnіkіv pridpriєmstva є vіddіl prіdіnіn prіnіnіna (PMO).

Virobnicho-technical training of employees at the enterprise consists of three steps:

1st stage - training of new workers up to 1-2 grades (ear of the qualification).

2nd stage - promotion of qualifications of workers of 3-4 grades (middle qualification level).

3-stage - advancement of the qualifications of workers up to 5-6 grades in the vocational and technical courses (the highest qualification level).

The scheme of the step-by-step system of personnel training is presented in Addendum 11. At the process of training step system the transfer of advanced forms of advancement of qualifications: vocational and technical courses, courses of purposeful recognition, the development of other and confusing professions.

Vyrobnicho-technіchnіchnі kursi - profesіyne navchannya, sprіmované on poslіdovnе voskonalennya profesіynykh znacheniya galuzі yakostі, virobnicheskі navіchok і mіnnya іn obvious profession.

Courses of purposeful recognition - a program of methods for developing a new possession, ideas, materials, technical processes, scientific organization practice and nutrition of the economy and the development of the quality of products that are released.

Training of new workers (1st stage of training, 1-2 grades).

The training of new employees in the undertaking is a professional training of specialties, as before they did not reduce the profession.

The head of the training of new workers at the 1st level is the first step in the field of giving the students the necessary skills and technical knowledge until the finalization of the initial programs. Graduates of the middle schools are admitted to the 1st stage, as they do not have a profession, unqualified clerical enterprises and are accepted from the side, as well as migrant workers, as if they want to change their profession.

The training of new workers to help women, as well as non-recurrent ones, is carried out only for professions, as well as for quiet workers and jobs, for which it is allowed to hire their jobs. The training of new employees at the undertaking can be carried out for individual group and course forms of training.

In case of group training, the training of workers is assigned to the initial group of up to 25 employees. Practical employment is carried out individually at work positions under the supervision of a qualified worker - an instructor of a vocational training. Theoretically, the training of workers is carried out at the working hour with additional expenses of the enterprise, seeing the training of personnel in the initial-course studies.

In case of individual training, the students will learn the theoretical course independently and in a way of consultations with the theoretical teachers. The preparation will end with the qualification tests.

Theoretical knowledge and training during the training of new employees in the workplace is carried out within the working hours established by the legislation on work, for workers of the senior year, professions and vacancies.

At the undertaking, the training of new workers is carried out for such professions; the terms of the heading are installed at the bottom of the transition (Table 8).

Table 8


Name of professions Hot term no more than a month
1 2
Slusar of mechanized robots 5
Slusar-zbirach radio equipment 6
Slusar repairman 6
Tokar 5
Tokar-retailer 5
grinder 4
milling cutter 5
CNC versatility operator 4
Razbyar metal 4
Toothpicker 6
Galvanic 3
soldering iron 3
stamper 5
Coil winder 3
Electric gas cooker 6

The preparation of new work related to the maintenance of the boiler objects and supervision of the subsidiaries (boiler operators, boiler operators, crane operators toshcho) is carried out at the initial-course combines for contracts with entrepreneurship. The training of workers for the best professions takes place at the courses, which are specially created under the supervision of the Kaluska Technical Inspectorate of the Derzhgirtechnaglyad of the Tula District. Individual training for these professions is not allowed.

З метою покращення підготовки кадрів та збільшення зацікавленості молоді в освоєнні необхідним для заводу професій, у березні 2001 року на підприємстві створено ділянку з підготовки робочих верстатників та слюсарів механозбірних робіт «Положення про підготовку робочих верстатників та слюсарів механозбірних робіт», представлено в Додатку2.

Retraining and apprenticeship to other professions is the price of apprenticeship of workers, as you can already acquire a profession with the method of taking away an additional profession. The training of workers in other professions is organized for the expansion of their professional knowledge, training to work in the minds of brigade officers collective form organization of practice, as well as for professions that will join.

The planning of retraining may be based on the data of training in the field of employment in the case of a viable worker in singing professions in connection with a change in the profile of labor, the promotion of new equipment and technologies, the modernization of that possession. on the basis of these data, a survey is carried out on the basis of the needs of the retraining staff.

Forms of retraining and training, workers in other professions are similar to zastosovuvaniy pіd hour of training of new workers. Navchannya, sound, be carried out without winding up work. In okremih vipadkakh allowed zvіlnennya robіtnіv vіd osnovіnї rabota for the whole term of virobnicheskogo navchannya, scho is made out by order on pripriєmstvo.

If it is impossible to complete a group (less than 10 people), theoretical employment is carried out by way of consultation, as a result of individual training of workers without intermediary selection.

Retraining and training for other professions ends with the formation of qualifications of experience with the re-examination of knowledge, as well as knowledge in the sphere of security and the process of one’s work.

Advancement of qualifications - tse professional education, straightened out on the last thorough professional knowledge, a newcomer that learn for the profession, straightened out on the security of quality.

The following forms of professional development of employees are organized at the undertakings: vocational and technical courses (another and third stage of education), courses of civic recognition.

Vyrobnicho-technical courses are the main form of advanced qualification of workers without intermediary s vyrobnitstva.

Courses are organized according to the method:

For the recruiters, that technical knowledge, the workers are up to par, necessary for the robots, which are actually consummated by them;

For promotion of qualifications (rank, class) from the lower to the middle level (other level);

For the advancement of the qualifications of workers from the middle to the highest level in the boundaries of this profession and specialty (third step).

Navchannya at another stage zdіysnyuєtsya on vocational-technical courses and may on the basis of advancement in the qualifications of workers for the profession they have mastered up to 3-4 grades and ovolodіnnya one of the other professions. At another stage, workers can be trained, who were trained in the undertakings in the first stage (1-2 categories), they were trained in the undertakings no less than rock, accepted from the side of the 2-3rd grade and were trained in the undertakings no less than rock.

Pratsіvnik, kakiy proyshov navchannya on another level, having taken the 3rd category, may have the right to lay down a qualification test and sleep on the 4th category without passing the navchannya protyag 2 rokiv.

The mastery of the third stage can be at the level of promotion of the qualifications of workers for the profession they have mastered up to 5-6 grades. On the third step, the robbers are able to beat, Yaki Zakinchi were another step by his own profession, yaki praised 4 out of the roseter, but one of the profession for a friend for a time, Yaki Zachinchili of the SPTU, 4 signs of the rods. The training will end with a qualification test.

Courses of purposeful recognition (CPR) - development of new technology, adjustment, materials, technological processes, labor legislation, and development of new types of products and nutrition, which promote the quality of products.

Classes are recommended to be carried out in groups of numbers from 5 to 25 osib. The completion of the initial group is based on the thematic directing of cursives. The subject matter of the courses of the purpose of recognition is different and closely related to the specifics and minds of the work of business.

At the "Typhoon" plant, the training for CCN was carried out for the following directives:

Development of new technology; new possession;

Development of progressive technological processes;

Development of new methods of processing syrovin, virobiv, materials and their stosuvannya at the enterprise;

Yakosti systems.

The training of fahivtsiv ends with the folding of drinks. Qualification ranks, who completed the course of the purpose of recognition, are not assigned and are not promoted.

Wimoga to Vikladatsky warehouse.

Vikladach is guilty of mother sanctuary that special training, confirmed by a special document: certificate, attestation.

A vocational training instructor is appointed from the number of qualified workers, who must have at least 3 years of work experience and not lower than the average.

The training of workers involved in the maintenance of technical facilities, under the control of the State Technical Supervision Authority, is carried out according to the weather from this authority. The training of workers for the indicated professions can be applied without intermediary at the undertaking for the availability of a license for the training of personnel.

Primary groups.

The recruitment of the primary groups is based on workers from the same professions with similar qualifications.

The number of groups is established from 5 to 25 persons.

Store the commission.

The factory commission is created by an order for undertakings. The chief engineer is appointed as the head of the qualification commission, the members of the commission are: the intercessor of the general director for the sake of quality, the certifiers viddiliv.

Fahіvtsіv, how to add up the qualification test, tell them no later than 2 days before the meeting of the commission.

The head of the guild qualification commission is the head of the shop and his intercessor, the members of the komіsії are a representative of the OUP, the master of the shop is the clerk. Workshops commissions may have the right to apply up to the 3rd category inclusive. Factory type 4th and higher. You see, the beginning of the process ends with the folding of the trials and the completion of the protocols, which are saved in the archives. Workers, who were promoted to a qualification category, are recorded at the work book. Fahіvtsyam, yakі have passed the promotion of qualifications, rush to be recognized in the special right. Zahalne professional advancement Qualification of fahivtsiv is carried out periodically at least once in 5 years.

Training programs.

Theoretically, the instructions are for the programs:

It is divided and approved by the Committee of the Sovereign Education of the Russian Federation;

Broken down by the specialists of the enterprise, later with the head of the PMO and the kerіvniki vіddіlіv for direct and confirmed by the chief engineer.

Programs of training and security for engineers, specialists, technicians and working staff are approved by the intercessor of the general director of security.

The initial programs of advancement of qualifications transfer expanded knowledge, reduce those skills of workers, their advancement in the main profession, and gain knowledge in advanced professions.

Spivvіdshenie nachalnogo hour on vyrobniche that theoretically navčanya depends on the improvement of the nature of the variance and equal training.

Promotion of qualifications of specialists.

The advancement of the qualifications of fahivtsiv is based on the principle of selection: at the Galuzev Institute, the advancement of qualifications at vishas. The formal professional promotion of the qualifications of fahivtsiv is carried out with periodicity not less than once for 5 years.

The following forms of the term have been introduced for the undertaking: up to one month with a winding in the form of a harvesting, up to three months without a winding up in a vіd a vіrobnіstva, or with a private winding in a vіd of virobnіstva.

Two types of instructions are restored:

higher professional qualification advancement;

The purpose of promotion of qualifications.

In a professional professional development of qualifications, it is safe for hearing students to take away new theoretical knowledge in lectures, and to develop newcomers to take away knowledge from their practical activity with the method of the most qualified rendition of the general practice. The advancement of qualifications requires a qualification of at least 80 initial years for different forms of education.

The purpose of the training is to organize the development of a specific type, type, new project of establishment, technological process, methods, standard. It is safe for the hearers to take away new knowledge from the food that they are learning, and they develop the skill of learning to take away the knowledge from practical work.

Trivality of the primary education is not less than 20 initial years. The initial process depends on a variety of lectures, consultations, and practical things to do. The training will end with the folds of the іspitіv or zaіkіv at the qualification commissions. The results are fixed in the minutes of the meetings of the qualification commissions, on the basis of which an order is issued for the admission of the singing profession, put the qualification on promotion. The form for the minutes of the meeting of the qualification commission is given at Dodatku 10.

For the purpose of accepting research from workers and specialists, factory and workshop qualification commissions are created. Assessing the result of training, it is necessary to determine its effectiveness. Zagalom, you can evaluate the effectiveness of the training, align real results training with goals that were put before the training from the established criteria. At the end, we can say that the core workers of the Typhoon plant understand that in the minds of the market economy, qualified personnel are one of the minds of the successful business activity.



In foreign firms, the training of practitioners is expected to be of great importance. Vono is a warehouse element of the main system of work with personnel, as it transfers no less than their training and advancement of qualifications, ale selection, attestation, promotion through service and incentives. The most important direct improvement of the system of personnel formation is the linkage of planning and personnel management with the strategy of state activity, and the promotion of efficiency.

Education and professional training may be of great importance for the promotion of the efficiency of production. Shvidkі tekhnologichnіchnі chіnі vіmаyut pіdtrimki i expansion professіynoї podgotovki without vіdriv vіd vіrobnitstva. A lot of training programs and professional training are provided by the firms themselves. And more and more of them are trained on the basis of vocational training with primary pledges and vocational schools.

Deyakі traditional forms of vocational training, for example, uchnіvstvo, have brought their life to the forefront of new, unfamiliar tools for them. There are some hybrid forms, for which the transfer of newcomers will be combined with theoretical training.

Before teaching, it is more serious to be set up in the wealthy Western European lands and in Pivnichnaya America. In such lands, like Nimechchina, Austria and Switzerland, uchnіvstvo, or “underground system”, hooply accepts three-fourths of the same century groups. (31,S106)

For the Swiss system, young fahivtsy after high school training take away the work on the field in the field, like a stink was taken away. Three-chotiri days on the day of the stench are spent on the selection of a qualified master. We spend the rest of the day at the training centers. After two or three years, the listeners add up and sleep.

Such one-hour occupations at the virobnitstvі and at the school are usually called the "subway system".

In foreign firms, internal company training and promotion of the qualifications of robo-personnel personnel is an important task of personnel services. The stench is taking a methodical role in the training of workers, without intermediary taking part in the organization of training, evaluation, selection of working personnel, planning careers of workers, and practical assistance to line workers in work with assistants.

Some cadre services organize independent training departments, they are engaged in vocational training, training instructors, masters, technicians, workers, spreading primary materials, communicating with other training centers.

The system for improving qualifications and variability is based on the most economical criteria, the stench is focused on the final practical result, the relay control is established and the effectiveness of the skin program is assessed. The advancement of qualifications is established in two main forms - training (training of professional skills) and the development of practitioners. At times, the training (retraining) of the practitioner to the offensive profession (plant) is being transferred. A large part of the programs is insured without intermediary training for professional beginners, the necessary improvement of professional functions (training of a practitioner). The meta training is always specific, eliminating the negative effect of investments through the improvement of the productivity of the practice and the quality of the products that are vibrating.

Let's take a look at the example of training from a foreign company. The Motorola company went through the path of winning program training before the establishment of the Russian State University, and in turn increased its 7-million budget to a 120-million capital investment in education. Ten years ago, the company hired workers for vikonannya zavdan, as they are precisely appointed and do not require special training. As the car broke down, an emergency master came up and fixed the problem. Quality control by an elementary process of vibrating, revealing defects before the product is taken. Most of the workers learned their professions, building up their knowledge by the method of trials and pardons.

The first step in training training meant learning the basics of mathematics and learning from the communication school (moreover, it turned out that the foundations of these knowledge were laid at schools and colleges). Then I had a chance to re-evaluate the criteria for approach to corporate training and enlightenment, so that it would not be possible to apply to change. The robot workers had a chance, as a result of rozіbratisya among the zmіstі vykonuvanih them operations and the feasibility of vicariously established. The company has a visnovka that for new minds you need not instructions, but competence. The company in this hour will cover those that the employees know have the ability to independently get involved in clumsy repairs. Now the management is running like a process, which allows defects to disappear. Tse is a wild style of behavior, the same as guardians and secretaries, so virobnichesky workers.

From the foreseeable example, it is possible to develop a non-trivial visnovka, that the training of the working force is the main task of the training system, and that the most suitable place for training is the most suitable.

The development of internal company training has a great role played by the tight fallow between equal education, professional status and equal life of a practitioner. For the average man, half of the change in the amount of earnings in a skin practitioner is determined by basic and labor training. The education of workers significantly adds to the salary. For those who have obtained such enlightenment, their earnings will increase by approximately 25%, although it does not seem to be possible to advance through the service, or to take more viable work. Injection of the clerk of trivalіshiy. Also, having poured in high school illumination, it is considered to be a stretch of 8 years, being trained in a working place - a stretch of 13 years. (29, S82)

In Japan, professional training is carried out under the control of the state. The main post-employee of a qualified work force for the Japanese industry and the state vocational school and the headquarters of great firms. The first ones are rebuked by the order of the Ministry of Education, the others - by the Ministry of Pratsi. Mіzh programs of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Pratsi establish the authority. At that hour, as the initial mortgage, under the order of the Ministry of Education, may be the same programs, irrespective of the fact that in some part of the country there are stench, the programs of the initial mortgages of the Ministry of Education and Science reflect the specifics of the region. The programs of the Ministry of Education have more special subjects, the Ministry of Education has more special subjects.

In order to achieve a regulated level of professional education in various initial mortgages, as well as with a method of eliminating the possibility of wanting to have a minimum regulation of the process of training personnel, the Ministry of Education of Japan has expanded the “Standards of Education”. In these "standards" the minimum standard programs are assigned until they are cleared, and the standard programs are laid out.

Vіdpovіdno up to normative, the initial plan, which is developed on the basis of typical programs, includes both theoretical and practical training, which includes not only learning the basics of the profession, but also applied knowledge.

In a row with basic training courses, a system of courses for the advancement of qualifications of workers and their professional training was broken up. When you transfer the suvor uzgodzhenist program navchannya and advancement of qualifications. The normatives of the training are reviewed by the Ministry of Skin Care in order to ensure that the training program does not meet the pace of scientific and technological progress.

In Japan, 80% of practitioners study directly at companies, 18% outside the company, 2% abroad. (32, S34)

In this rank, in countries with a developed market economy, serious respect is attached to professionally trained personnel.

In the great foreign firms, they trained personnel, as a rule, they provide less than half of the obligation of formal training, but it is more important that they work without interruption in the workplace. Tse - groups of quality, by the method of such advancement of qualifications, the development of advanced methods of virobnitstva. Їkhny robot is reckoned with a systematic hogy yogo member of the yaki-Roboti, I will be invented to enter the fuel ’velo-organizing that technology of the Vobronitva, yogo Ekononika, RIZNI ASPECTION OF DRIVATITIES (Methodical control of the technologic process, the functional anal, willed, and the actual gender decision, choice and analysis of the general information), the general processes and government situations are analyzed. Kerіvniki "gurtkіv" - engineers, like karuyut, give professional advice, advise, for the need to conduct classes on specific topics. The students are provided with the necessary information, exchanged with information. (22,S262)

It is also a positive moment of this, those who have the mass character of the promotion of the qualifications of working personnel, and the training of the working personnel without any effort in the field of recruitment.

With the development of optimal models for managing the practice at the enterprises for different territories of Russia, it is necessary, first of all, to assign the criteria for the stagnation of a foreign foreign information.

1. Learn more about the basic characteristics of foreign practice of managing the practice of values, traditions and culture of the peoples of Russia.

2. Possibility of a critical choice of a foreign foreign report as a “scholarly helper” of “learning” from Russian workers of such qualities as obov'azkovіst, vidpovіdalnіst, initiative, healthy ambition and others.

3. The principled viability of all transformations in the sphere of administration was revealed by the primordial global trend of democratization of the state power for business.

3.2. Economical efficiency of training, retraining and promotion of qualifications of personnel at the VAT "Typhoon"

Growing demand for qualified working personnel zooms in on the system of personnel training, the importance of new ways to improve and improve efficiency.

Until the mid-1950s, Russian and foreign economies practically did not turn up to the problem of the economic efficiency of training, retraining, and advanced training of workforce. Only with the pace of scientific and technological progress, there is a need to increase the number of employees, which is constantly increasing, for professional training of the work force with an economic effect, which is achieved in the light of growth.

The vacancies and foreign scientists do not have a single idea about the methods of economic development and, moreover, the social and economic efficiency of training and retraining of personnel, although they tried to use different methods more than once. Biggest in the house of robots Academician S.G. Strumilina, American economist E. Denion and T. Schultz.

Advancement of the qualifications of practitioners to promote other equal organizational and technical minds to increase the productivity of the practice. According to the results of our studies, carried out in our country and there, it was established that the increase in the qualifications of a worker will ensure a safe increase in the productivity of labor by 0.4-0.5%.

Vykoristovuyuchi method, proponovan NDI pratsi, we can try to signify the increase in the qualifications of workers on the VAT "Typhoon" on the growth of their productivity of practice.

On the basis of acceptance, there is a formula that allows you to increase the productivity of the workforce in the future of the advancement of the qualifications of workers.

P p \u003d (P sc -P cі) хІхУх100; (9,С160)

de P r - the increase in the productivity of work in the aftermath of the advancement of the qualifications of workers;

R sk, R sі - the middle class of working buds like the cob and laid the edge to the rock (div. table 5);

І - difference between tariff coefficients for that interval, for which there is an increase in the tariff category;

U - to the pet vag of the workers, yakі podvishchili qualifikatsiyu, u kіlkost promislovo-virobnicheskogo staff.

Y= Ch r de Ch p - number of workers, Ch ppp - number of PPP

Y \u003d (145: 1864) \u003d 7.8% (div. Addendum 3)

P p2001 \u003d (4.12-4.05) x0, 3x7, 8x100 \u003d 16.38%.

Let’s pay the sum of the reduction of co-variation according to the following formula:

E s \u003d W ix x ((P sz -P pt): (100 + P pt)) xd sn; (17, S70)

de Z vyh - the sum of output co-variability (planned total of production for co-variance of the base period).

In 2002, the volume of commodity products was set at wholesale prices of 42,531 thousand. crb. krb.;

P sz і P pt - increase in the average salary and productivity of the work after the arrival of the staff;

D zp - Pitoma vaga salary in co-production.

In 2002, the productivity of workers after the advancement of qualifications increased by 16.4%, and the average salary - by 5.4%; d=20%

Vykoristovuyuchi tsі danі, razrahuyemo sum of the reduction of sobіvartostі:

E c \u003d 35442.5 x ((5.4-16.4): (100 +16.4)) x0, 20 \u003d -669.88 yew. rub.

The good economic effect is covered by the way of recognition from the total sum of the reduction in the cost of wages on the basis of the approach for promotion of qualifications for the following formula:

E ef \u003d E s -3 tech -3 ed xE p; (17, S70)

de E s - the amount of reduction in co-variability;

Z tek i Z ed - in-line (repeated) staining, їx zbіlshennya, i disposable capital staining.

In 2001, 481.0 ths. rub., In 2002, the cost of spending on training and retraining of personnel increased by 365.14 thousand. rub., I folded 846.14 yew. rub.

E p - coefficient of economic efficiency, adopted by the ninth at an average lichen of 0.15, which corresponds to the normative term of return on investment by 6.7;

E ef \u003d 669.88-481.0-365.14x0.15 \u003d 134.11 yew. rub.

The term of recoupment of costs for the following formula is repaid:

C ok \u003d ((Z od: (E s -Z tech)) (17, C70)

C ok \u003d 365.14: (669.88-481.0) \u003d 1.9 rock

Vikonan rozrahunki show what they spend, what they invest in the advancement of the qualifications of workers, pays off for 1.9 years.

3.3. Improved organization of training and advancement of qualifications, workers at the VAT "Typhoon"

Having analyzed the process of training and advancement of qualifications for the BAT "Typhoon", we can look at the same direction as well as to thoroughly improve these processes.

In this hour, our fahіvtsіv z pіdgotovki pratsіvnіkіv the greatest interest in the modular system of training, proponated by the International Organization of Pratsі.

At the heart of the system lies the initial program (module), which includes a comprehensive introduction of knowledge and practical skills, which are necessary for the basic development of the manufacturing task and supplementary functions, which are intelligible with the help of qualified qualification standards. (27, #2)

Modular approach to training includes two elements: folding training programs for skin-specific robotics and ensuring the efficiency of the training process.

Modular programs are created in front of us for training in standard professions, making their own stench more effective for countries with a transitional economy.

The data of the program can be played both at the stationary initial mortgages, and at the beginning of the selection.

The modular system of professional training, being a gnuchkishoy, is lower than the traditional system, more responsive to the pace of change in technology, the market requires practice. The system transmits individual feedback, close psychological contact between the team, who teaches and learns, which allows to reveal the vitality of the rest. For greater efficiency from the point of view of the quality of labor skills, which are gaining, there is less cost (through short terms of training).

Significant advantages of the modular training system:

Flexibility, adaptability to the minds of the minds, which allows you to quickly respond to the structural collapse of the economy;

Universality, which allows you to learn groups of the population, which are trained for equal knowledge and training;

Possibility of independent individual education;

Efficiency, orientation final result.

Zastosuvannya modular system navchannya allow, especially in the future, with accelerated technical and structural changes in the economy, flexible response to the needs of enterprises from qualified personnel. It is not about a single act of training of robotic personnel for professions that are necessary for the regions, but about the implementation of a modular methodology on the rights of a legally formalized, uninterrupted method of training of robotic personnel.

Kerіvnitstvu BAT "Typhoon" slid zavnuti respect for the implementation of modular programs navchannya.

With the development of the NTP, more organizations won the task of automating the management system in their activities, and the organization of the process of training the staff.

Usі osnovnі organіzаtsіynі protsesi mayut personnel warehouse. To that, before the subject of personnel management, the following is the list of all the core workers - from the foreman to the general director of corporations. The subjects of personnel management are responsible for ensuring the personnel information in a sufficient for the work obyazі and sruchniy form. The need for timely collection, systematization and analysis of data from the staff.

At the time of constant growth, the number of personnel information and the complicated structure of the wine, the need for the accumulation of current automation benefits.

The implementation of complex automated personnel management systems allows:

create a single corporate database of personnel information;

Secure the work of the subjects of personnel management and collection of personnel information in a single information medium.

to formulate the optimal hierarchy of access to personnel information;

To support the synchronous work of the uncircumcised number of coristuvachs.

At Rest of the Rocks z'appeared razrobіnnya pratseyu, although all the earlier roki were separated only by vyvіshennyam zavdannya іz vedennya report card, the creation of databases from the personnel warehouse і z rozrahunka wages at the warehouse pіdsistemі buhoblіku.

At the same time, a special company "AIT SOFT" appeared, which specializes in the creation of personnel management systems under the title "AIT: Personnel Management". The software complex "AIT: Human Resources Management", which is transferred to the company, allows a wide range of statistical and analytical tasks related to the management of labor resources, and responds to the current needs of the current Russian organization.

In the rest of the hour, the work of the WAT "Typhoon" gave special attention to the automation of the production, including the management. At the same time, the Typhoon plant can order for a sprat of rokiv and for the production of a cat, the plant will purchase computers for folding at the plant automated system management. For example, when choosing more accurate information about the need to train practitioners, build a reliable database of data from the Microsoft Acces computer program.

p align="justify"> A particular and very topical problem at the present time is the development of that achievement in practice in accordance with the new social and economic objectives of the forms of organization and methods of regulating the professional training of working personnel.

The central place introduced the contractual forms of training, retraining and promotion of the qualifications of the workforce. On the basis of the plan, it can be concluded that the agreement on the form of professional training is one of the reasons for the interests of practitioners, roboticists, sovereign bodies.

The robot supplier may have the right to lay down a special, as if joking to the robot, academic contract for professional training, and with the practitioner of the organization - a student contract for retraining without a winding up work.

Uchnivsky agreement maє mіstiti: specialty, qualification; obov'yazok robotodavtsa to ensure the possibility of training the worker in accordance with the student's contract; obov'yazok pratsіvnik pass navchannya that vіdpovіdno to otrimanoї profession.

The academic contract contains the term, the necessary training in the profession, qualification. Individuals who successfully completed the apprenticeship, under the hour of laying down an employment contract with a robot supplier, were trained for an agreement with such a stench, the trial term is not established. Uchnivsky agreement is opened on the basis of contracts, transferring for the opening of an employment contract.

You can see two main groups of workers, with which agreements can fit:

Persha - practitioners, yakі go for training, retraining, training in other professions, or advancement of qualifications with guarantees for this undertaking of training after passing the training;

Others are practitioners who are willing to go to the profession to get trained until they have an employment contract with a method of promoting competitiveness in the labor market.

Therefore, with the help of a thorough process of training as newly-accepted practitioners, as well as the post-employment personnel of the BAT “Typhoon”, it is necessary in the future to secure cooperation from the middle and higher initial mortgages.

Tse allow:

protect the labor rights of the citizens;

Create an effective system of professionally-qualified promotion of the workforce;

Expand the scope of activities for cooperation between roboticists and employment services;

Promote the importance of learning for the good work of close cooperation with businesses.

One of the most important problems of organization of the process of training at the WAT "Typhoon" is the degree of relevance of the knowledge of practitioners. At the link with the CIM was responsible for personnel training and the personnel training bureau of the Typhoon plant, it is the responsibility of the authorities to provide information about those who have the most current knowledge of the fah from a skin practitioner, to designate as a trace of yoga. At the undertaking, the assigned level of relevance of the knowledge of workers in May is carried out for their professions. It is connected with this, that different professions fit into the framework of the scientific and technical process in a different way: the workers spend their relevance from them, the workers swell. In the middle of them, the period of old knowledge sounds like it is equal to the life cycle of the cycle of the process, the development of which is to become the best work of workers. Transition to the development of virobіv or processes of a new class іstotno reduce the level of professional knowledge of the workers to the necessary level and rob the necessary advancement of their qualifications, or їх completely retraining. Bureau of PIDGOTOVIKS TEFRIV TIFUN to the TIFUN plant, the maneuver of the professor of the personnel of the personnel on the PIDPRIMITSISHIC MOTOVALICAL WIBOR VIBORA, for the SCHOT of the Tim of Specials, Yaki, Vidichi of the Zaihi, Vidichi Vidichi Only people who work for calls can bring the greatest retribution to the Kaluga pridobudivny plant "Typhoon" by fully realizing their creative potential in the process of practice. To whom the stench brings melancholy like undertakings, but for yourself, so the robot calls for a call to bring satisfaction to the practice and, hence, yogo efficiency. In addition, individuals, like vykonuyut robot, scho їhnіdaє їhnіm іnіmіm іnіtє їhnіm іnіtє і zdіbnosti, as a rule, do not let us її zminyuvati, navit, nezvjayuchi on those difficulties, with such stench sticking in the minds of the transition to the market.

Please note that at the “Typhoon” plant, they were conducting tests of workers, they wanted to improve their qualifications at such a galley stench. The shape of the thoughts of the workers themselves about the dynamics and dynamics of their professional knowledge allow the bureau of personnel training to plan the advancement of their qualifications from their current working place, so that they can be able to conduct my studies about their professional development up to their professional development. And tse, in my line, to allow the formal character of the training to be improved, more precisely, to designate its meaning and terminology, the folding and the mist of the training, more primed to go to the formation of the primary groups.

At to the current world entrepreneurship to develop one's own workers is one of the main officials of one's success.

Let's assume that at the "Typhoon" plant there is a need for a lot of planning and management of professional development of personnel. The implementation of this process can be reached by the beginning of the work of the company's employees, the bureau of personnel training and the employees of the enterprise themselves.

The most important component of the process of managing professional development is the assessment of the achieved progress, three parties take part in it: a worker, a kerist, a personnel training bureau.

During the process of planning and managing the professional development at the Typhoon plant, the assessment is carried out once at the beginning of the career of the employee and the engineer, and then it is the responsibility of the personnel training bureau. Assessed as progress in the implementation of the plan, and the realism of the plan itself, the effectiveness of yoga from the side of the kerivnik. As a result of the discussion, the plan for professional development was adjusted. Career and staff training bureau of the BAT “Typhoon” should be taken care of, which is responsible for the management of professional development, causing unsatisfactory employees, promotion of staffing, interfacing with the construction of enterprises, and effectively recruiting vacancies. At the same time, the stench is to blame for giving respect to those who practice the promotion of professional development in other businesses shows that investing in the creation of a system of professional development will positively contribute to the progress of entrepreneurship in a threefold perspective.


Problems of training, retraining and improving the qualifications of working personnel, building competition in the minds of market leaders, for low important reasons, gain particular relevance. In the first place, there are unfriendly trends over the labor force market. Today's versatility presents the daedals of the zhorstkіshі vimogi to the professional qualities of working personnel. Go fast number of working jobs. In another way, there is competition for jobs in the middle of the workforce. There is an objective process of trapping working personnel with low professional capacities. Thirdly, professional education and qualifications in a special plan do not just act as the characteristics of another worker, but become for a new guarantee of social well-being, minds and competitiveness in the labor market.

Provіvshi doslіdzhennya

It's easy to send your harn to the robot to the basics. Victory the form below

Students, graduate students, young adults, like victorious base of knowledge in their trained robots, will be your best friend.

Virobnicho-technical courses, as the largest mass form, are created with the method of improving the virobnic skills and technical knowledge of the workers to the required level, with the method of improving the qualifications of the workers (rank, class, then) at the borders given special professionalism.

Triviality of the skin navchalnoy group is restored individually no more than three months (with the introduction of the disease) to six (without the introduction of the disease).

Curriculum directors for other and other common professions can be seen from the name itself. However, the next mother on the vase has one particularity. As it turns out from the essence of the advancement of qualifications, if the rank of a worker is promoted (or a professional master in the middle of the rank) for the obvious in the worker's profession (specialty), then the development of other professions does not qualify for promotion. Aleksey to those who, for the profession and with some method of stench, master.

As a worker, he masters various professions, that is. що у тісному зв'язку з основний, які стосуються комплексу взаємозалежних робіт, на виконанні яких починає спеціалізуватися працівник - це можна розглядати як підвищення його кваліфікації, універсалізму, умова застосування більш раціональних форм організації праці при роботі за своєю колишньою професією.

How do they get used to each other’s professions (others, thirds, etc.), how smart the maneuverability of the industrial safety of a worker, how to rethink the internal factory movement of workers, so the training is closer to retraining personnel (mastering professions in reserve).

Schools of advanced practices and methods of practice are based on the method of mass mastering by workers of methods of practice of advanced manufacturing.

The training includes practical work in the workplace, which is carried out by leading workers, as well as theoretical work, which is carried out by faculty.

Courses of purposeful recognition are created without intermediary on the development of new technology, establishment, technology, safety technology, progressive forms of organization of practice. Їх task - short-term training of new recruits for the undertaking of qualified workers in order that, during the first month, the workers in the undertaking could acquire the special features of technological processes.

In the rest of the hour, a number of organizations have developed an expanded system of professional qualifications, which was inspired by the training of workers in short-term courses on higher education.

Navchannya to put as a meta date a complex of organically related theoretical and practical knowledge, calling for help from workers to rank the profession from the rank of the cob to the highest level of qualification. The number of steps to learn from different galuzahs of the economy in a different way and are installed in a fallow manner in accordance with the complexity of the specialty.

Navchannya zdіysnyuєtsya behind the same for the skin stage of the profession, the initial plans and programs, and the transfer of the presence of a single primary-program documentation, both at vocational schools, and at vocational schools.

The advancement of qualifications may be closely related to the professional qualifications of employees.

For the adoption of managerial decisions, it is important to analyze the differentiation of the wage rate in the workforce depending on the qualifications of workers, with the method of assessing the financial situation of workers in advanced qualifications.

The need to improve qualifications is determined by various reasons - it can be organized in various forms and insured on various terms. So, the process of training, directing to advanced qualifications, can be done with or without winding in the field of production (the system of evening and correspondence education, self-study of education programs, then),

Zvіdsi - management of the process of improving the qualifications of practitioners from the selection of results according to the assigned scale of practicing it, the practitioners coming from the bad results, coming from the bad results.

Advancement of qualifications related to singing vitrates as undertakings of a firm, as well as a practitioner. To that, the Kvalifіkatsya is hunger with the vіdriva vibnitnitva (the traffic jam behind the singing is difficult for the Pidpromism), the mayor is organized by such a rank, the result is the bail of the bosom river productive pratsi, the producers of the removal of the new technology, the new technology, the new technology . Vitrati.

The program for the promotion of qualifications and the choice of osib, yakі be sent to training, due to the goals and problems of entrepreneurship, from the yogo orientation to the improvement of efficiency.

Important, the robot of the Koddvishchennya Kvalifіkatyi, є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є qvshchishchili qvvykaty (tanning), the structure of the Khvalifyki, for the terminas, the zrosanni of the productivity of the vicony

2.5 Promotion of qualifications of clerks, specialists and service workers

Today's versatility presents great opportunities to update specific knowledge and skills as workers, and other categories of industrial and manufacturing personnel.

The headline task of promoting the qualifications of scientists and specialists is to ensure the implementation of new scientific, technical, organizational and economic ideas in the practice of entrepreneurial activity.

One of the ways to improve the system for improving the qualifications of the category of practitioners is the transition from the practice of periodic (and most often - episodic) training to the continuous improvement of that knowledge. To this end, the qualifications of ker_vniki, fakhіvtsіv and sluzhbovtsіv may be improved by the warehouse system of uninterrupted lighting - including, and with connection to the system of higher and middle special lighting of the country.

The promotion of the qualifications of servicemen and the category of fahivtsiv can take different forms. Tse can take a course in undertakings and establishments with victories as vikladachiv as well-qualified practitioners, as well as fakhivtsiv from the side, consultants, vikladachiv VNZ, then.

Such a form of promotion of qualifications may be operational in nature and ensure sufficient purpose of training. The organization of the work course is responsible for the training of personnel, and for this day-to-day work - the workforce or a senior specialist (for example, a personnel manager or an HR manager).

Глибокі знання з широкого кола питань щодо підвищення кваліфікації можна отримати на спеціальних факультетах або курсах підвищення кваліфікації при вищих навчальних закладах, навчальних центрах або філіях при великих підприємствах, в галузевих або міжгалузевих інститутах підвищення кваліфікації та їх філіях, а також на курсах, семінарах , що dominated by numerous firms that specialize in training and consulting on new regulatory documents and, as a rule, promptly respond to the needs of businesses and organizations.

The advancement of the qualifications of clerks and fahivtsiv will be more effective for the advancement of the principle of offensiveness of training and the remote rational recruitment of cadres with the improvement of their knowledge and skills.

Shchobdvishchiti vidpovlyniy, the shredality of the personnel at the non -purified pydvisite kovlifіkatsya, non -oxidly forgotten Viskvishchevs of the Kvalifikasi, the gender, the plantings of the praziystyan,

The work for the promotion of qualifications and the warehouse training of the personnel reserve and to that are transferred by collective agreements to the administrators of the manufacturing industry, and you yourself come in to advance the qualifications to know your input from the system of business planning for the production.

2.6 Basic directions for promotion of qualifications and quality activities of kerivniki

Improving qualifications is an obvious way to improve the efficiency of the work, be it an organization. There are two main approaches to your nutrition. The first of them is quite traditional and efficient - the plan is that for this incorporation into life it is not necessary to radically change the structure of the company:

- Self-illumination for staff

Without increasing professional knowledge, it is impossible to increase the coefficient of business activity of the ker_vniki. With the help of special knowledge, the old shvidshe is morally obsolete. Scientific progress is not only technically due, but also systemic in nature.

To the leaders of the leader of the XXI century. becoming a favorite of technology management - especially in this part of the world, where there are methods to improve the efficiency of the organization. Not the rest of the space among such methods is occupied in the course of improving the qualifications of staff - figuratively, seemingly, economical pedagogy.

Economic pedagogy already in the first decade of the XXI century. I will have a better knowledge of how to ensure the transformation of the leader to the success of his followers. You will become the closest "companion" of motivation, and an invisible part of motivation itself will be the possibility of self-illumination. We are now aware of the need for the greater and wider, lower we have є, illumine - and be it crises, they will only overcome this need.

The crisis of self-illumination is terrifying and terrifying to go to self-illumination, self-knowledge of modern knowledge. Self-reliance and intelligence development of special features are transformed on the basis of self-alignment criteria, and management personnel. With this, the uninterrupted nature of self-direction and the enlightenment of spivrobitnikiv ceases to amaze.

Before speech, the concept of sound "Uninterrupted self-sustaining organization" was the most demanded in American management in the mid-90s of the twentieth century.

In the 21st century, the leadership is really leading to the appearance of pre-stroke aspects, including the enlightenment of spivrobitniks in Galusia. This good can be seen on the butt of the fathers, like they invest pennies in the enlightenment of their children. Already today, the lighting system in the countries, de marriage natural resources, has become a priority resource that ensures the competence of scientists and the income of entrepreneurial enterprises - for the reorientation of the work of the scientific community. Zayve say that for such galleys the problem of uninterrupted promotion and training of personnel is a key problem.

Such is the current situation. For some entrepreneurs, the needs in competence outperformed their intellectual reserves - otherwise, the potential of specialty appeared to be lower than the potential of planting. At that very hour at the kerіvniki workshops, vіddіlіv іnsha picture. Managers of the Middle Lanka "outgrow" their own plant in the undertakings. There are three reasons why stinks are interested in car'eri:

1. There are few chances in case of emergency personnel policy on the slip;

2.Little opportunities for horizontal kar'єri in the middle of one place for a rahunok an increase in salary, personal allowances, work for a project group;

3. Three years are left for kar'єri: the average age of such kerіvnikіv (for example, at the enterprises of Belarus) is close to 50 roіv.

The managers of the first half of the 21st century may solve the same problems.

- Knowledge management

Tsey, another type of approach, is more of a strategic choice of nutrition. On the front view, in a traditional way, the concept of knowledge management is closely related to the understanding of the so-called. "uninterruptedly learning" or "intellectual" organization and transferring the formation of such a structure, which is based on the principle of uninterrupted self-perfection.

The concept of intellectual organization is based on organizational knowledge, on which grounds are built to change the method of living. Organizational knowledge develops knowledge of the skin specialist and includes a range of principles, facts, skills, rules and methods that ensure the business activity of the organization and its personnel potential.

The structure of organizational knowledge includes practical, theoretical, strategic, commercial, generic knowledge. The stench of becoming an organization intelligence, foundations on information technologies, solutions technologies and innovations. Intellectual organization takes information, vibudovu umovivod and generate new knowledge by adding a new quality to the people that are released, to satisfy the interests of the living.

Without a doubt, such an organizational form is allowed to provide the most efficient management company, the most efficient company and the most efficient food supply. Varto also means that the theme of "intellectual organization" goes far beyond the simple "advancing the qualifications of staff" and covers practically all aspects of the company's activities. Therefore, we will not dwell on any nutritional report.


Preparation and advancement of the qualifications of practitioners in the given hour of the guilty mother without interruption and are carried out by the prolongation of the labor activity. Undertakings are responsible for looking at the training of personnel as an investment in fixed capital, which allows the most efficient use of new technologies.

Training of personnel in the fields of navchani labor novice, necessary for the first-rate vikonnannya work. For the effectiveness of uninterrupted training, it is necessary that the practitioners were at a new infection. It is necessary for the administration to create a climate that is acceptable for learning. In today's minds, the organization of a trace of recognition - the foundation of an economically efficient company is simply impossible without a well-thought-out system for advancing the qualifications of personnel, moreover, it costs to be like ordinary workers, and also managers in Lanka.

It goes without saying that such a system can be miraculously organized, equipped on a high technical level (it is especially important that mastering more modern specialties is simply inconceivable without special technical and software security) and, consciously, be part of a whole strategy. Якщо можна так сказати, то програми підвищення кваліфікації повинні становити невід'ємну частину політики компанії - як внутрішньої (більшість програм підвищення кваліфікації), так і зовнішньої (підтримка зв'язків з провідними університетами та перегляд потенційних кандидатів ще до того, як вони увіллються в organization team)

It is worth noting that the accents of the modern economy step by step shift from the “mechanical economy” to the “information economy”, that such an economic system, as prompted by us in front of highly qualified fahivtsy, ugal professionals Zayve add, that the high qualification of any fahivtsya is the result that is formed by the knowledge of work, enlighten that uninterrupted work on yourself. Assistance in this process is the ethical task of any manager with personnel. In this rank, we can state that the system for promoting the qualifications of personnel is absolutely necessary, whether it be an organization, as a way to advance to the new economic system as an equal participant.

On the shoulders of the manager of the staff lie, perhaps the most important managerial manager. Economical processes can be planned and often rebuffed - ce enter the landlord's obov'yazki managerіv zbutu, development and marketing. You can handle traffic flows - they are engaged in logistics. Prote management of people, by these people themselves, who have a successful organization - a task of a different order. An effective manager with personnel needs to be trained in the mathematical science of management with the features of a professional psychologist.

At zv'yazku z tsm slid guess about the perfect sv'yazok between nutritious motivations for staff and promotion of yogo qualifications. To put it simply, as the main task of a manager with personnel, one can look at the following formula: for this organization”.

List of vicorists dzherel

1. Gerchikova I.M. Management: Podruchnik. Type-e 3 revision. that dod. - M: UNITI, 2000. - 501 p.

2. Pugachov V.P. Tests, business games, trainings in personnel management: A guide for students of the highest senior positions (series "Personnel Management"). - K .: ASPECT PRES, 2002. - 288 p.

3. Personnel management: Pdruchnik. / Ed. And Ya. Kibanova. - M: INFRA-M, 1997. - 512 p.

4. Batya A. A. Ideal staff. Professional training, retraining, advanced qualifications, Alfa-Press, 2007 - 176 p.

5. Bukhalkov M.I. Personnel management: Assistant. – M.: INFRA-M 2007. – 368 p.

6. Vikhansky O.S., Naumov A.I. Management: people, strategy, organization, process: Pdruchnik. - 3 dates. - M.: Vidavnitstvo MDU, 2005 - 363 p.;

7. Gerchekova I.A. Management: Podruchnik. - M.: Business and exchange, 1994, 620 p.

8. Dessler G. Personnel management. - M: BINOM, 2007, 294 p.

9. Evnevich M. Development of staff. - // Management today / - 2004. - No. 1

10. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management: assistant for VNZ 3rd edition Nizhny Novgorod: NIMBYu 2001. - 270 p.


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qualification advanced qualification practitioner

Підвищення кваліфікації на підприємстві - практично безперервний процес, який може полягати як у нових концепціях, наприклад концепції “підприємства, що навчається”, так і в стандартних підходах… як наприклад, різні семінари, навчання в інститутах підвищення кваліфікації вищого персоналу або перепідготовка робітників.

The next thing is to pay special attention to the close link of motivation to the staff with the theme of promotion of yoga qualifications. It is important not to take into account this fact, that the practice of a person to self-perfection (among them - in the professional plan) can motivate him more strongly, even if it is material wine (Maslow). In this way, the topic of improving qualifications is torn apart by two of the most important aspects of management - also, with the right approach to this nutrition, the efficiency of a robotic organization can increase by an order of magnitude. To bring the firmness is one of the main goals of this thesis.

The very topic is evident from nutrition - chi varto stained pennies to improve the productivity of in-line personnel, so you can win recruitment agencies and others for hiring third-party employers. There is only one answer to the supply chain for the most important companies: so, varto. It follows, for example, from the in-line drinking of these third-party fahivtsiv themselves, who want not only a stable and perceptibly high salary, a warm climate in the workplace, but also a steady workforce. As a result, firms that promote Danish Pidhid, Otrimuyut vіdomu prevagu before undertakings yakі do not allow anyone to be abducted.

A robot vendor can look at spivrobitnikiv from two points of view: it’s like a capital or a resource. For the first one, he is ready to invest in staff development, for the other - "write off" human resources for the private part of the business. It is still too early to talk about those who develop human capital and become a serious trend in Russia. Most of the kerіvniki finance the work with the staff according to the surplus principle, to work with them not for investment, but for the private part of their business. Imovirno, tse pov'yazano іz weak vodіnnyam іnstrumentarіyu razvitka chelovecheskikh resursіv. A lot of directors are weakly showing how it is possible to manage human capital, so that they can give credit. For the remaining ten years, the number of fahivtsiv has increased markedly, yak zdobuvayut business enlightenment. Sound, the programs of the business school will present a report on the methods of capital management. In addition, more and more often, Russian companies' cores are starting to find new resources for business development, arguing that such a small tool in the minds of today's competition is clearly not enough. One of the new tools for the development of business is the development of human capital.

Meta work - further forms of advanced qualifications.

Chapter 1

The system of training, retraining and advancement of the qualifications of workers in the industry in the minds of the market is based on the balance of interests. On the one hand, such a system can react to changes in the needs of the work force, and on the other hand, give the practitioners the opportunity to learn from their interests.

Zvіdsi - podvishcheni vimogi to the fragility of the system of retraining and advanced qualifications, to її zdatnosti shvidko zmіnyuvati zmіst, methods and organizational forms vydpovіdno to the needs of the variability and situation on the market pracі.

Before the system of personnel management at the enterprise, there are such tasks at the gallery of training, retraining of personnel and promotion of their qualifications:

1) strategy development in the formation of qualified personnel;

2) hired from the head of the staff for different types of yoga;

3) the correct choice of forms and methods of training, retraining and advancement of qualifications;

4) choice of program-methodical and material-technical security of the process of training as an important mindfulness of training;

5) search for funds for the financing of all types of education at the necessary amount and with the necessary quality.

Advancement of qualifications, as well as new knowledge, skill and understanding, is the result of the self-productive activity. Specially organized training allows you to reach me in a short term. The advancement of qualifications is based on the last thorough professional knowledge, reduce that skill, increase the professional mastery.

The peculiarity of the advancement of qualifications lies in the fact that the listeners, even with the help of singing knowledge and practical skills, the vikonnanny works, can through ce critically be placed to the initial material, pragmatically take away the very ones that are necessary for them for virobnicheskoy.

An indicator that indicates the need to improve the qualifications of workers is to serve as a decrease in the average category of workers, which has been mentioned, in the category of workers in the category of workers. This systematic analysis may be supported by the necessary qualification structure of working personnel. We need a necessary analysis of the causes of the situation that has developed - changes in technology and technology are working to put the task of mastering it in front of the worker.

The second indicator may be an increase in defective products due to faults.

Oskilki one of the forms of advancement of qualifications - the development of advanced professions, analysis can be skillful to the rationality of the work force for the qualification, the fund of the working hour, the possibility of taking part in the work.

The system of advancement of qualifications, which was formed on the basis of vocational training, includes vocational and technical courses, courses for training in other and other professions, courses for the development of new skills, mastery, technology, schools for the development of advanced methods of work.

Virobnicho-technical courses, as the largest mass form, are created with the method of improving the virobnic skills and technical knowledge of the workers to the required level, with the method of improving the qualifications of the workers (rank, class, then) at the borders given special professionalism. Triviality of the skin navchalnoy group is restored individually no more than three months (with the introduction of the disease) to six (without the introduction of the disease).

Curriculum directors for other and other common professions can be seen from the name itself. However, the next mother on the vase has one particularity. As it turns out from the essence of the advancement of qualifications, if the rank of a worker is promoted (or a professional master in the middle of the rank) for the obvious in the worker's profession (specialty), then the development of other professions does not qualify for promotion. Aleksey to those who, for the profession and with some method of stench, master. As a worker, he masters various professions, that is. що у тісному зв'язку з основний, які стосуються комплексу взаємозалежних робіт, на виконанні яких починає спеціалізуватися працівник - це можна розглядати як підвищення його кваліфікації, універсалізму, умова застосування більш раціональних форм організації праці при роботі за своєю колишньою професією.

How do they get used to each other’s professions (others, thirds, etc.), how smart the maneuverability of the industrial safety of a worker, how to rethink the internal factory movement of workers, so the training is closer to retraining personnel (mastering professions in reserve).

Schools of advanced practices and methods of practice are based on the method of mass mastering by workers of methods of practice of advanced manufacturing. The training includes practical work in the workplace, which is carried out by leading workers, as well as theoretical work, which is carried out by faculty.

Courses of purposeful recognition are created without intermediary on the development of new technology, establishment, technology, safety technology, progressive forms of organization of practice. Їх task - short-term training of new recruits for the undertaking of qualified workers in order that, during the first month, the workers in the undertaking could acquire the special features of technological processes.

In the rest of the hour, a number of organizations have developed an expanded system of professional qualifications, which was inspired by the training of workers in short-term courses on higher education. Navchannya to put as a meta date a complex of organically related theoretical and practical knowledge, calling for help from workers to rank the profession from the rank of the cob to the highest level of qualification. The number of steps to learn from different galuzahs of the economy in a different way and are installed in a fallow manner in accordance with the complexity of the specialty. Navchannya zdіysnyuєtsya behind the same for the skin stage of the profession, the initial plans and programs, and the transfer of the presence of a single primary-program documentation, both at vocational schools, and at vocational schools. The advancement of qualifications may be closely related to the professional qualifications of employees.

For acceptance managerial decisions important is the analysis of the differentiation of the wage rate of pay indebtedly according to the qualifications of workers, with the method of stating the material quota of workers in advanced qualifications.

The need to improve qualifications is determined by various reasons - it can be organized in various forms and insured on various terms. So, the process of training, directing to advanced qualifications, can be done with or without winding in the field of production (the system of evening and correspondence education, self-study of education programs, then),

Zvіdsi - management of the process of improving the qualifications of practitioners from the selection of results according to the assigned scale of practicing it, the practitioners coming from the bad results, coming from the bad results.

Advancement of qualifications related to singing vitrates as undertakings of a firm, as well as a practitioner. To that, the Kvalifіkatsya is hunger with the vіdriva vibnitnitva (the traffic jam behind the singing is difficult for the Pidpromism), the mayor is organized by such a rank, the result is the bail of the bosom river productive pratsi, the producers of the removal of the new technology, the new technology, the new technology . Vitrati.

The program for the promotion of qualifications and the choice of osib, yakі be sent to training, due to the goals and problems of entrepreneurship, from the yogo orientation to the improvement of efficiency.

Important, the robot of the Koddvishchennya Kvalifіkatyi, є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є є qvshchishchili qvvykaty (tanning), the structure of the Khvalifyki, for the terminas, the zrosanni of the productivity of the vicony

Promotion of qualifications of clerks, specialists and service workers

Today's versatility presents great opportunities to update specific knowledge and skills as workers, and other categories of industrial and manufacturing personnel. main task raising the qualifications of scientists and specialists - to ensure the implementation of new scientific, technical, organizational and economic ideas in the practice of entrepreneurship. One of the ways to improve the system for improving the qualifications of the category of practitioners is the transition from the practice of periodic (and most often - episodic) training to the continuous improvement of that knowledge. To this end, the qualifications of ker_vniki, fakhіvtsіv and sluzhbovtsіv may be improved by the warehouse system of uninterrupted lighting - including, and with connection to the system of higher and middle special lighting of the country.

The promotion of the qualifications of servicemen and the category of fahivtsiv can take different forms. Tse can take a course in undertakings and establishments with victories as vikladachiv as well-qualified practitioners, as well as fakhivtsiv from the side, consultants, vikladachiv VNZ, then. Such a form of promotion of qualifications may have an operational nature and ensure a sufficient degree of direct training. The organization of the work course is responsible for the training of personnel, and for this day-to-day work - the workforce or a senior specialist (for example, a personnel manager or an HR manager).

Глибокі знання з широкого кола питань щодо підвищення кваліфікації можна отримати на спеціальних факультетах або курсах підвищення кваліфікації при вищих навчальних закладах, навчальних центрах або філіях при великих підприємствах, в галузевих або міжгалузевих інститутах підвищення кваліфікації та їх філіях, а також на курсах, семінарах , що dominated by numerous firms that specialize in training and consulting on new regulatory documents and, as a rule, promptly respond to the needs of businesses and organizations.

The advancement of the qualifications of clerks and fahivtsiv will be more effective for the advancement of the principle of offensiveness of training and the remote rational recruitment of cadres with the improvement of their knowledge and skills. Shchobdvishchiti vidpovlyniy, the shredality of the personnel at the non -purified pydvisite kovlifіkatsya, non -oxidly forgotten Viskvishchevs of the Kvalifikasi, the gender, the plantings of the praziystyan,

Without increasing professional knowledge, it is impossible to increase the coefficient of business activity of the ker_vniki. With the help of special knowledge, the old shvidshe is morally obsolete. Scientific progress is not only technically due, but also systemic in nature. To the leaders of the leader of the XXI century. becoming a favorite of technology management - especially in this part of the world, where there are methods to improve the efficiency of the organization. Not the rest of the space among such methods is occupied in the course of improving the qualifications of staff - figuratively, seemingly, economical pedagogy.

Economic pedagogy already in the first decade of the XXI century. I will have a better knowledge of how to ensure the transformation of the leader to the success of his followers. You will become the closest "companion" of motivation, and an invisible part of motivation itself will be the possibility of self-illumination. We are now aware of the need for the greater and wider, lower we have є, illumine - and be it crises, they will only overcome this need. The crisis of self-illumination is terrifying and terrifying to go to self-illumination, self-knowledge of modern knowledge. Self-reliance and intelligence development of special features are transformed on the basis of self-alignment criteria, and management personnel. With this, the uninterrupted nature of self-direction and the enlightenment of spivrobitnikiv ceases to amaze. Before speech, the concept of sound "Uninterrupted self-sustaining organization" was the most demanded in American management in the mid-90s of the twentieth century.

In the 21st century, the leadership is really leading to the appearance of pre-stroke aspects, including the enlightenment of spivrobitniks in Galusia. This good can be seen on the butt of the fathers, like they invest pennies in the enlightenment of their children. Already today, the system of lighting in the krai, de є marriage of natural resources, has become a priority resource, which ensures the competence of the scientists and the income of enterprises - for the reorientation of the virobnitstva in the science gallery. Zayve say that for such galleys the problem of uninterrupted promotion and training of personnel is a key problem.

Chapter 2

Among the most promising innovations in this (slightly ill-lit) gallery for management, especially the concept of t.zv. "management organization", which allows you to carry out promotion of qualifications to staff with maximum efficiency. Ідея “навчається організації” і реальні можливості, що випливають з неї, втілення в життя цього підходу всередині російських компаній, з'явилася тільки в останні роки з розвитком ринкових відносин, формуванням інших підходів до бізнесу, визнання провідної ролі персоналу серед наявних ресурсів компаній, as well as a translation of Peter Senge's book "The P'yata Discipline: the art and practice of organization that self-learns".

It can be said that the concept of “organizations that are being trained” is worth the manager's vision of personnel. Just to the one that is not the most important її zavdannya - without interruption to promote like your own hot rіven, and the qualifications of their practitioners. It's amazing, but in today's minds, even today, one of the most important minds has won (for example, in the gallery of information technologies and telecommunications).

What is the organization, what is being learned? We call such an organization, let's think, a living organization - the shards of education and life are connected directly. The process of learning can also be described as the process of harmonic transformation in the interaction with the middle. The organization is alive, like a person is alive, it changes, it changes, so it becomes a middle ground, for some kind of mutual modality, it doesn’t ruin its own, but saves its internal head day-to-day camp (chi bachennia). You can give the following acknowledgment:

Organiza, the team of the Obadnani, the bacenni of the ils of the pyvobnikvyvyv, yaki may be the buildings of the rosvivati, promoted the timid process (and Tim himself the product of the TSO process), the vinoma, and such otrimanna zvorotnogo vyazku vіd their colleagues, clients, partners, kerіvnіkіv, tbto vіd zvnіshny and vnutrіshny sredovischa.

Organiza, hound - cin organized, yaka, outskirts of the lickety navigyaz, vicoristovo ї ї ї for the coragvanny of the timid is the process of the technology (t -a -bore, bonimni, the guilty of all the organic organ. less slacking off academic organizations).

All organizations are made up of people, either individually, to give rise to intellectual models or to types of light-gazing, which are rooted, molded by a certain kind and form a certain kind of skin specialty. The people themselves, with their eyes, shy away at a living organization ... otherwise, they increase its development. As the organization goes through a plethora of intellectual models, it does not form a new understanding of the situation in the minds of the market, which are actively changing. That is why in the organization, which is being taught, the necessary permanent special development is a thorough development (to take away the return link and change yourself).

In order to be alive, the organization of those її svіvrobіtniki is guilty of vitiating the power of the point of galvanization, pardons, regression. Such in the organization are:

stereotypes that stuck, and thoughts in the collective of spivrobitniks;

the correctness of okremy thoughts - replace the development;

closeness of practitioners for information;

the unambiguousness of shodo is the substitute for the understanding of the system and the richness of the meaning;

the linearity of thought is the substitute for the recognition of illogicality and systemicity.

With whom the organization is guilty of saving its uniqueness, identity, building to ruin - then, maybe, it’s possible that the whole team will go together, that’s the reason why people want to work together; as a single idea, fixed by the peculiarities of the corporate culture. Sleepy dream. The most important bachelor allows you to save the balance and concentration of noise.

An organization can be called a team who learns how to approach self-comprehension and develop through the formation of advancing elements:

Systemic concern;

Group training;

Specialize thoroughly;

Knowledge of collective and individual intellectual models;

Spіvrobіtniki that team of managers mayut Zagalne bachennya.

In order to secure the savings of the beginning of the initial organization, it is necessary to create the culture of the beginning. Tsya culture є accumulated forward learning on the basis of large decisions. Accept holidays, set up a development, as if to do good in order to get involved in business for this particular company, wine, wine, or grow up by a singing group of supporters in the organization of the process of solving problems. These are the main installations of a permanent training, transformation and development of the due but also made to new members of the organization as the right way to accept, correct vіdnoshennia to tsikh problems.

Learning is in the organization, if people exchange their intellectual models, follow them and interact one by one. Obviously, the company can support such methods of training in the process of work as:

Systemic insight before analyzing the situation. Acts of principles of systemic thought:

Bachiti vzaimozv'yazki, but not linear lines of causal-inheritance zv'yazkіv.

Bachiti process changes, but do not become static.

The skin carries a part of the responsibility for the problems that the system creates.

We are in trouble with systems, we don’t know about the basis of any.

There are no correct answers. Є less likely to collect potential effects, skin z to bring deacі bazhanі and deakі untransferable traces

The systems are not subject to differentiation and correction by parts, the systems may be whole, and it is necessary to work with the whole, and not with the other parts

The reason and the consequences are not always closely observed in the hour of that space, and after all, the reason for this problem is real and may be unobvious

The most obvious solutions may turn out to be absolutely ineffective. As if it were a decision and a deed, the stench of the building will improve the situation for just one more hour, and in the long term, bring it to a worsening.

People love to tinker with their other difficulties, but problems in any systems are often generated by people who have included them before them, and not by external forces.

Group training. How to start a dialogue through conducting a dialogue, moreover, a dialogue to this particular type to understand not like a defender of a lot of thoughts, but like a choice and synthesis of the best points of the mind into one, which maximally absorbs everything. The meta-dialogue is used at the exit for the inter-individual understanding of the situation, the development of that expansion of the understanding. In this process, it is important to look at the training of spivrobitniks to take the fate of the new one. Come to the navchannya, scho to win at the School of Managers "Arsenal" (below we report on the details of the School of Managers "Arsenal"):

The most important training is in the workplace, and not in training classes.

The most effective learning is social learning and active, and not individual and passive.

The process of learning has to do with such methods of rules:

Promovlyat those about scho mi call not to go.

Get better nutrition and self-defense (the art of unsupervised investigation)

Distinguishing official theories (those that we are talking about) and victorious theories (on the basis of such mi diemo)

Detailed Features:

The beginner of the correct setting of food in front of him helps people to improve the process of thinking in order to better understand their intellectual models.

Kozhen may have a high cycle of individual training, which consists of:

1. Found in the workplace of a specific document;

2. Razdumіv pro svіd, razuminnya sensu and the reasons for what happened;

3. Viroblenih on the basis of the final concept and understanding;

4.Testing this concept with an empirical way;

5. Repeating and fixing the cycle.


In today's minds, the organization of a trace of recognition - the foundation of an economically efficient company is simply impossible without a well-thought-out system for advancing the qualifications of personnel ... Zrozumilo, Sho, the system of Maju Chudovo was organized (especially, at the planі viddov and the program for the mayor of the I Maybutnim requirements ... to be a pity, the nonsense of the Rosiechi programs have long been a priority in the Yazitschi gallopo on a high technical level (it is especially important, that mastering more modern specialties is simply inconceivable without special technical and software security) and - it made sense! - buti part of the whole business strategy. If you can say so, then the programs for improving qualifications are responsible for becoming an invisible part of the company's policy - both internal (more programs for improving qualifications), and ovnishnoy.

Next guess about the perfect connection between the motivations of the staff and the advancement of their qualifications. To put it simply, as the main task of a manager with personnel, one can look at the following formula: for this company”. Navitt at tsomu (albeit primitive) options become clear that the manager of the personnel is guilty of literally balancing on the stick of the interests of the practitioner and the needs of the organization. Varto destroy the balance on the greed of the practitioner - and inevitably the increase in "employment of personnel." At the greed of the organization - and with time the acceptance will cease to be in favor of the helpers of the present.

List of victorious literature

1. Boydachenko P.G. Care service by the staff of the enterprise. M.: Eksmo, 2014. - 290s.

2. Egorshin A.P. Personnel management. N. Novgorod: NIMB, 2015. -615p.

3. Lukashevich V.V. Personnel management. - M.: UNITI-DANA, 2014. - 255 p.

4. Maslov E.V. Personnel management of the enterprise. M.: Eksmo, 2013. - 418s.

5. Samigin S.I. that in. Fundamentals of personnel management. Rostov n./D: Phoenix, 2015. - 480p.

Placed on


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