Weight loss without stress for the body Do not set ephemeral goals - focus on the real result

Suvori dієti obіtsyat svidky result. However, in most cases, stench negatively affects health. If we are sharply between the body in calories and living elements, we start to be between us in immunity. And it’s especially unsafe in autumn - the season of colds.

In addition, after the passage of a suvoroy diet, a high risk of a further even greater increase in the vaga. Reasonable diet based on principles proper eating helps to lose weight by 3-5 kg ​​per month for the sake of the body!

Rules for losing weight without stress for the body

To spend 3-5 kg ​​per month, it is necessary to radically change your diet. It’s enough to spit out your own food sounds.

Dzherelo photo: flickr.com

Basic rules:

1. Simple in carbohydrates (zukor, boar and white rice) replace with folding ones (brown rice, whole grain bread, oatmeal, vegetables). Such a change is accumulated by the fact that it is simple in carbohydrates to sharply increase the level of insulin in the blood and quickly transform into fat deposits.

2. The fatty hedgehog of the creature's adventure (mayonnaise, cowbass, bacon toshcho) is suvoro fenced. With this, in reasonable quantities, it is necessary to keep growing products, yakі є zherelom korisny fatty acids (olive olіya, avocado, peas).

3. To satisfy your need for licorice, you can also get hot chocolate, dried fruits, honey or anything? ? ?. Prote їsti licorice can be less in the first half of the day.

4. Get some dry food: eat 5-6 times a day, but in small portions. Such a pidkhid will help you to change the size of the slug, stretched out in large portions, and you will be met with small vows.

5. The rest of the day is to be blamed but not later than 3 years before bedtime. If you feel unbearable hunger right before going to bed, drink a bottle of low-fat yogurt.

6. Get ready? ? ?. Water to remove from the body scurvy speech that has accumulated (toxins, slags, carcinogens) and speed up metabolism.

7. supplement the diet obov'yazkovo physical rights. For weight loss, cardio training is the best way to go (haircuts, big, swimming, etc.).

Zrazkove menu

Irrespective of the day of the exchange in the diet, the menu for losing weight can be savory and varied!

Dzherelo photo: flickr.com

Option number 1

Snіdanok: wіvsyanka with dried fruits and peas

Snack: fruit smoothie

Obid: baked green chicken breast + brown rice + vegetable salad, dressings with natural yoghurt

Snack: half an avocado

Supper: boiled fish + a bottle of kefir with a pinch of cinnamon

Option number 2

Snіdanok: steam omelette with tomatoes + half a grapefruit

Snack: piece of cheese casserole

Obid: zucchini puree + turkey meatballs

Snack: I harvest gorishkiv

Supper: salad with shrimp and vegetables

Follow the rules of the diet, improve your body and give positive changes that come with your figure!

The number of fashionable diets is blamed on the scoroku and it is said to create a miracle, but it does not help to care for the vaga by stretching the thriving hour. Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen in the book "The Diet of a Parisian Woman" propagates a simple method of a balanced diet, based on medical knowledge and attached to a daily way of life.

Diet, yakі obіtsyat shvidka i easy shudnennya, even privablivі, but rarely allow you to reach meti or lose weight. Parisian diet was called to teach, as if I would bring my primary diet to harmony again. Practical and realistic principles will help to preserve your health and your new life. The dietary menu for a skin day is folded in such a way as to take a sufficient amount of living speeches without fencing, be it a group of products and not grow.

The Parisian diet is propagating, but not imposing (and importantly) three stages:

  • "Cafe" - neobov'yazkovy swedish cob, on which you can spend up to pіvkilo per day for a maximum of 10 days;
  • "Bistro" - to throw off 3.5-5 kg ​​for a new one for two or three days;
  • "Gourmet" - you can easily throw off 3.5–5 kg for the first month and then lose weight by 3–4 kg for a minimum of 3 months.

Before the skin stage, we have compiled our list of joys and recipes for herbs.

Etap Cafe neobov'yazkovy - tse sposіb pіdshtovhnuti organіzm before, schob almost lose weight.

Vіn appointments for healthy grown-up people, if you want to lose weight on the cob of a diet by a few kilos, so that it gave them the motivation to go on. Wines are specially folded in such a way that they are important, but not healthy, to the one who has thrown off a kilo of skin to make you far thinner and to help you stay longer on a parisian diet. However, this part of the diet is even more strict, and її people can do more than healthy people. At the stage "Cafe" you should take polyvitamins and magnesium. If you go to the “Bistro” stage, you will see that, or you don’t feel that the diet is too strict. But at any given time, you can’t go from the “Cafe” without interruption to a normal meal.

After "Cafe" it is absolutely necessary to reach "Bistro" no less than one day and then "Gourmet" no less than two days.

The stage of transferring a large amount of native land: cocktails, puree, soups and such drinks, like water, tea and black kava.

The principle of eating is even simpler: a low-calorie diet, rich in minerals, vitamins and microelements. Soups dull almost hunger: the stench is more than a storm of high life value. Vegetable soup vengeance is especially rich in cellular tissue and native, to which the stench is low-calorie. The French diet on cabbage soup is famous, the yak became famous in its own time; tse buv reference hit: it spread all over the Internet, її copied and passed one to one to the whole world, and an unknown number of people were victorious as an effective way to lose weight.

Drinks are not guilty of buti zukru, but you can add zucru substitutes in them, such as stevia and aspartame. If you still feel hungry, you can add a plate of steamed vegetables, salad greens, endive (salad chicory) or other greens, zbriznuvshi їх lemon juice.

Banana pear milkshake

  • 1 small pear (about 85 g), peeled and diced
  • 1 small banana (about 80 g), peeled
  • 1 bottle (240 ml) non-fat milk
  • 1 teaspoon of pidsolodzhuvach.

Preparation: 3 min.
Done in: 3 min.

Combine all the ingredients in a blender and refine until finished homogeneous mass. Serve chilled or over ice.

  • 1 medium zucchini (about 110 g), mint and diced,
  • 1 clove of teaspoon, crushed,
  • 140 g syrup 1% fat,
  • Schnitt-tsibula (tsibula-rizanets) for gusto, dribno cut.

6 hairy pea halves (about 14g)

30 g hard sirah (cheddar, parmesan)

Preparation: 2 min.
Cooking: 8 min.
Done in: 10 quills.

Brush the zucchini and the bowl in a pan with non-stick coating without adding olive oil over medium heat for about 8 strands, stirring regularly, until the zucchini does not become soft. Stir zucchini with cheese and sip cibulae.

  • 3 large leek petioles (approx. 230 g), peeled and thinly sliced,
  • 2 bottles (about 470 ml) low fat chicken broth with a decrease in salt,
  • black pepper,
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of fresh chives, chopped.

Preparation: 5 min.
Cooking: 35 min.
Done in: 40 minutes
4 servings

Pour the broth in a large saucepan and put the leek. Cover with a lid and bring to a boil on a strong fire. Change the roof and change the fire. Boil the leek until soft. Add black pepper. Sip the chives and serve on a glass.

1 small apple (about 140 g), cut into slices.

Preparation: 2 min.
Done in: 2 min.

Sip cinnamon on apple slices until savored. You can submit.


Delicious diet - a dream of a skin woman, as if trying to throw off the pounds, especially, as the process of losing weight is delayed, and you don’t want to start marveling at those same low-calorie products. Ale, in all different ways, it’s easy to name one option for a savory diet for weight loss, which is a bi-pіdіyshov for absolutely everyone. For the same reason, in this article, we can look at the different systems of eating for effective weight loss.

Delicious diet is an effective way to fight against the epidemiological vaga without stress for the body. The essence of dietary eating is that a person is more likely to go to a wet diet, replacing mayonnaise, fast food, lubricated and fatty food in the menu on a savory dietary diet. You, like before, eat full and savoryly, but at the same time you spend loads of kilos. Recipes for tasty meals confirm that you can and should be happy about your health.

All the classic diets are associated with discomfort and stress for the body, even if a person indulges himself in one of the most accessible and most indulgent indulgences - a rich savory meal. Delicious meals are broken up like this, so that you can eat food during certain cold seasons and save your life tone and mood. The diet of dietary eating is made up of tasty products and herbs - meat, fruits, cereals and vegetables, which ensure a balanced diet.

In rich diets, chocolate is stored through its high calorie content. And darma, even natural black chocolate is not as high-calorie, like milk chocolate, and before that, someone else has to miss the impersonal brown speeches. Antioxidants help preserve youth, and flavonoids, vitamins and proteins are necessary for all systems and organs of our body. Navit with the introduction of a small amount of hot chocolate, the mood rises, the body is charged with energy.

For more savory meals per day, you are allowed to eat no more than one hundred grams of dark chocolate. You can’t immediately drink chocolate with cava or tea, but after three years, you can go. It is necessary to drink kava and tea without zucru, you can add a little bit of non-fat milk.

The next variant of tasty diet for shudennnya spriya emotsionalnogo background, її korisno spend in the autumn-winter hour, if the body is under stress through the aggravation of the weather that short day.

The trivality of the diet to become three times up to seven days. During the whole period, you can spend not so much and richly, close to two kilograms, then you will noticeably replenish your mood. Savory dietary stray is chosen so that the one who is thinner is not smart enough to "sit" on a diet.

The daily diet of a dietary meal looks like this:

  • snidanok: an egg is not cool, tea with a small piece of black hot chocolate;
  • turkey fillet, stewed vegetables, vegetable salad, oil dressings;
  • noon: I'm reaping gorіhіv or a small piece of chocolate;
  • supper: salmon chi trout, baked with cheese, boiled bobi chi salad with kvassole.

Before going to bed, drink a flask in the vіdvara zvіroba. Tsey natural zasіb dopomozhe vporatisya zі vtomoy and sleeplessness, improve mood.

Fruit diet for three days is the best option for cleansing the body of toxins. Diet on favorite fruits together with fermented milk products is covered for 5-6 days. For diet, eat kefir, ryazhenka, yogurt chi sir. Such a mode of eating is more easily tolerated than a fruit mono-diet. Fruits saturate the body, protect it with brown elements, and sour-milk products improve the poisoning.

Let's look at the tasty diet menu:

  • snidanok: unsweetened tea chi kava;
  • lunch: low fat sir without zukru;
  • obid: fruit salad (for example, oranges and apples with additional low-fat yogurt);
  • noon: ryazhenka, fruit salad.

When you do not eat on fruits, those fermented milk products need to be brewed, which is a different diet, it is easier to tolerate wine.

Є rich simple recipes low-calorie savory herbs. Muesli with yogurt is one of such recipes for a savory diet. And preparing grass is even simpler: pour one hundred grams of muesli with one hundred grams of low-fat yogurt and add fine fruit.

Pike perch with carrots is another tasty dietary herb. The process of preparing the offensives: boil the fish and put it in the bowl, sip the finely chopped cibulia and carrots, pour in the broth and simmer on the right fire for about 45 quills.

At the advice about a savory diet, nutritionists are happy to prepare a salad with kvass (for snacks). Іsnuє sprat options for preparing a whole dietary salad for a savory diet.

Also, recipe 1: cut kvassol with small skewers and boil in boiling salted water no more than five khvilin, after which it should be cooled and add a little more of the finished teapot and otstu. To this salad you can add fresh vegetables, boiled mushrooms or chicken meat.

Recipe 2: to the front boiled and chilled green squash add trimmed cibula, sliced ​​tomatoes and scallops. To improve the relish, you can add a trio of pepper, mustard and spicy olive oil.

Do not spoil the diet, let it be savory. As if it was rented out for two or three days, it is not possible to “sit” on it more for a proper term. First of all, you can improve your health, and at the same time you can get on the line not to give joy. In a different way, with a trivial survival of a single-mantlet, the body does not take away the necessary microelements and vitamins. Come up to savory diets with wisdom, and you will definitely be able to recover your weight without losing your health.


Garazd, I tell you everything in the first parts - only the axis in the first place, my attempt to lose weight ended in failure and for one hour I threw my weight down.

Now we will tell you about a friend a test of effective weight loss, as it ended successfully. Suddenly, I have overcome all the causes of the first failures, and also in the distance, try and add other, effective strategies to lose weight.

Otzhe, cause failure first try:

For the most part, sports were carried out at home with low intensity, although there were no rules for diet.

The low intensity of sports and the lack of dietary intake does not lead to annual results;

If you want to go to the gym, then without lying, it’s too much for a person who hasn’t gone in for sports for more than 10 years, it’s easy to finish 15-20 minutes of training at an average intensity. The shift in power can accumulate and manifest itself as a molt to take up sports;

It’s just that I’ll have the will to change my eating habits, it’s unrealistic for me, it’s necessary to work anyway.

Positive moments in the first try not only effective weight loss:

I knew where to find the gym, I knew, skilki were busy, and even though I sat down and began to play sports and work;

I have learned to reduce the amount of calories in certain foods in the background, without worrying about them for the most part. For example, sour cream is not 15-20%, but 10% and so on.

Report read the reasons for success and failure in the first part of the article. Repair from « Zaiva vaga, how to lose weight in 3 months. (Part 1)

Now let me tell you about that effective weight loss in the distance.

First - training. I went to training for three days. In the first two days, I took about 10-15 quills each, with a rather low intensity. Low intensity - even though the weight on simulators, pants is not great. Vags were 5-10 times less, lower I was instantly lifted. The body needs to just call to the challenge. Mіzh pіdkhodami bіlі іn іn іn іn іn іt іn іd podpochinok.

After two typical hours of training, I increased to 20-25 quills. For a month here up to 30-35 quills. After 2 months, an hour of training increased to approximately 40-45 minutes. At tsimu zovsіm not richly zbіshilsya vag. Vіdpochinok mіzh pіdhodami having become majestic.

Here for the first time, I think that you can get busy for about 1 year and get better.

Another is diet. Like I already wrote in the article "The lowering of the vag, the first difficulties, with which I am stuck." (Part 2) just take it and feel free to use a set of high-calorie products - it’s better to take it easy.

Were out of the situation of the situation in order to step-by-step check often in the same product, then - in the other toshcho.

Of course, there is more than enough to talk about the vidmova type of products, but also about the vіdmova shkidlivykh zvichok, such, for example, as it is possible to chew (chocolate, bun, bakery), in the evening and others (read about the principles of healthy eating here)

Robiv I tse approximately in such a way. Beremo z buy grub zvichok, scho brought to zbіlshenny vaga only one. For example, there are such sounds:

Zvichka є boroshnyane (steady chew on the stove, what to lie on the table, eat sandwiches on the robot),

Zvichka є pіzno in the evening,

Zvichka drink Coca-Cola thinly. gassing water,

Zvichka drink 50 cups of tea with 3 spoons of tsukru,

Zvichka - sandwiches with olive oil and strong sour cream,

Add high-calorie additives for relish, for example, mayonnaise, sour cream, Vershkov oil and etc.

Namagatisya v_dmovitsya vіd usіh tsikh zvychok once - tse practically unrealistic on the right. It is necessary for him to take a small ear, like one star, and to practice it more with it. In the world of that, as success goes, you can take another call and fix it with a new one, then turn to the old one.

For the sake of lowering the vagary, I changed more than two stars, the first one - to add mayonnaise to all straws, the other - to live at the great kilkost of boroshny.

However, although it is easy to finish mayonnaise, it is practically a sign of my life, then everything was not so simple with the boroshnyan. Borosno penetrated all spheres of life, and it was not easy to see the new one.

Tom had a chance to see a boroshny rozbivat on a sprat of pieces. For example, for me, I’ll switch to fresh lavash instead of bread, then I’ll buy homemade boron (bakery, cakes) and prepare a boron bun, then I’ll step by step, I’ll go to bake bread at a party, and I’ll often cook cakes on holy days, practically povna vidmova like dumplings and vareniki.

Tse, obviously, my butt, you can have your own food resemblance, for the help of such people, you have gained a vag. For example, post-implantation of oiled potatoes, chips, strong milk is thin.

Well, the axis of the first principle of changing the grubs is briefly described. Vіn polagaє in that, schob not nakidatisya once on everything. This, as a rule, is unrealistic, after some hour everything turns in its place. However, just practice with one star, then with another, then with a third, and then turn back to the first, then everything can be done.

Don't check for any miracles. Change your likeness - the food is not of tyzhnіv, but of months and navіt rokіv.

Come nutrition - tse, vlasne, like minyati. I vikoristav such algorithm.

You need to pick up the product at the earliest, whichever way you want to get started, start at home. For example, you want to surround yourself with the living of the oven, and then we’ll take a look at the new one. Together, it is necessary to take the stove at home. Tobto do not bathe yoga, but those who do, give chi to someone. If you’ll be at home, then it’s hard to finish your living in yoga.

Here, obviously, it is impossible to do without negotiations with these people, as they linger with you at once. It is necessary to explain to them that you want to work on the introduction of this product. And so it will be easy for you to learn that you won’t be at home. Possibly, you see. But if the product is, for example, baking, constantly changing on the table, then it is practical. Do not think that everything will go through the first time, navіt, as it was good for you. "Repetition of mother's education."

Dali viroblyav at his own perekonannya at the one who "This product is bad for my health". For whom you can share a few articles from the Internet, or pick up a book. For example, for baking it is written there that margarine is stored in a new one, which is prepared a little from oil and is not conquered by the body, etc. etc.

Stepping on - tse self-navіyuvannya at that chi іnshmu look. Without self-navigation, it is difficult to reduce the weight of the air and make it easy to finish the meal. For example, you can take self-navigation for yourself "I stop eating baked". If you repeat yogo whilin for 5 nights a day, then for a kilka tizhniv there will be obov'yazkovo. It’s more richly richer, less embarrassing yourself to think about anything else for additional willpower. Willpower can power to end, my mood is to get over it quickly. However, if you have instilled yourselves, then you can practice with fates or inspire for decades, without special suspense from your side. Golovne, so that everything was crushed correctly. The simplest thing about those, how it is necessary to work self-navigating, published on our website sun-hands.ru at the Power of Thought branch "Self-suggestion and how it works".

Well, that's all. Roblox those that I perekhuvav higher, I could easily finish it and effectively throw off all of my own, and the smut - live, becoming again flat and springy, the belly went down.

Can you ask, now that I have described in 5 parts, how could everything be done for the sake of exclusion in one part?

Right in the fact that I’ve changed my mind on my own account, it’s better not to allow a bunch of rude pardons when I’m thin. Otherwise, the result will not matter, otherwise the result will be, but short. And if a person didn’t have a good time, then don’t start to get her feelings of guilt and strength suddenly.


With the permission of the Alpina Publisher The publisher publishes chapter 3 of Professor Tracey Mann's book "Secrets of the Eating Laboratory".

Let life be given to those who have died, as you will feel good for yourself. But if it’s bad for you, and it’s time to calm down, you don’t get enough for joy. Self-conscious people on a diet often get drunk.

Zokrema, as Janet Tomiyama brought, as she watched over the women to lose weight, and bred the flowers of their slugs, the diet evoked the stress reaction of the body, after which the hormone cortisol vibrates and is consumed in the blood.

Cortisol makes the process of spending kilograms easier, and it provokes chemical changes in the body. We know that the task of cortisol is the conversion of energy from stored to easily accessible with the method of non-gay use to fight with stress.

For which energy "fluctuates" from these systems of the body, it is not necessary to fight with the hut, but it leaks out. For a certain hour, the immune functions of that reproductive function are vibrating, the processes of growth and storage of energy are attached. There is nothing terrible, as if stress is a sign. And yet, you see yoga postiyno - worry about the work, about the girls, about those who, for an important person, have grown up too much zephyr, - change that they call out with stress, accumulate and can lead to serious physiology.

During the year you will be more susceptible to infections. Your brushes will become smaller. The heart will be made stronger, so that the energy resources will be redistributed, after which the pressure and ambition on the blood-bearing judge will move. The body is sensitive to insulin, and fat accumulates in the abdomen - in the most safe way of looking healthy.

Krіm tsikh is good to know the legacy of the body's reaction to stress, it is clear and so, that the successors only begin to repair it. The most significant research in this room, in my opinion, was carried out by Janet and her colleagues, they set up a number of experiments and hung up, that a large-scale increase in cortisol can capture a part of the cell, as if it were old.

This village is called a telomere and is a kind of zahisny kovpak at the ends of the chromosome. The telomere is short in case of skin rheumatoid arthritis. As a result, the veins become short, so that the bed can no longer be extended to that gyne. The more clitin gyne, the more commemorative of the old days: the m'yazi weakens, the wrinkles appear on the shkir, the zir, hearing, the robot's brain are poked. Janet has shown that the more cortisol rises, the shorter the telomeres become.

Other studies have shown that “chronic” diet fans have less telomeres, while others do not have stagnant special diets. Doslednitska robot at whom directly only rozpochat, ale is not included, what especially systems of eating (more precisely, causing stress by them) speed up the process of old.

We are talking about physical problems, to which you can cause stress through a diet, but don’t forget about other things. For rich people, the most recent examples of the regime of obzhezhenny eating are emotions, such as depression, low self-esteem and inspire aggressiveness.

As writing Kis about their famous Minnesota hunger experiment, the volunteers, who were starving in this experiment, demonstrated “extreme emotional instability” and lost “the ability to lead a wonderful way of life.” Six out of 36 participants had serious psychological problems. The authorities became the rulers of a change in mood, a fleeting zhuvannya of a bug (the stench zzhovuval dozens of packs for the day doty, the docks of Kіs did not surround the widow with two packs), drіbny stealing in stores and attacking a shrewd dietary shakhraystva: siro brukvi chi smittya.

With one of the six volunteers, there was a very serious incident: having worked with a juice - arranging firewood for a friend - and cutting your own three fingers. Possibly, ce bula was a most important test of vibouti s-pomіzh participants. Theoretically, the volunteers could drink in the name of Kisa be-yakoy khviliny, but the stench was written to them that they had chosen them: in such a rite they recognized their virility and readiness to sacrifice themselves for good purposes.

Nobility played its role. Volunteer did not get out of the experiment and continued to get a diet, but at the same time at the clinic. Can you call a podia an unfortunate fall? Navіt vіn ne vpevneniy. After 50 years, in an interview, he said: “I still can’t find out what I did on purpose. I am not ready to say what the depravity has become.

Such a strong reaction to starvation was atypical. The participants in the "drunk-hungry" experiment suffered not only from obtrusive thoughts about hedgehogs, but also from depression. What is the typical result of a diet? І so і ні.

Vecheni vyznachayut in people, yakі obmezhuyut themselves in eating, a large number of succumbing to depression. Deyakі talk about improving the mood in the wake of the end of the diet. Too many people start to try the special diet of eating "not in the form of a good life", we can frown on that mood until the very beginning. And in order to “evil” the last ones through pivroka, if the stench has already lost weight, and yet they have not begun to improve, you can remember that your mood has become kind.

Ignorance of experiments to bring, scho diet improves mood.. Ale є doslіdzhennya, scho convey the best assessment to the mood of the last ones. For їх results it is possible to judge, scho schovannija stosuvannija ієti vyklikє in people the symptoms of depression. The patients are quiet, some are worse, and the symptoms of the floor are serious, which fully allow diagnosing clinical depression.

And so the diet will not end with serious illnesses on the kshtalt depression, it will call out negative emotions, to those who are worse off in power to sneer their grubs with pochutty blame that rubbish. "Destroyed diet" is one of the most common evidence on the questionnaire about the reasons for the blame.

Prikhilniki dієt nabagato more often nastyly say a little more guilty z їzhey, and in one recent mayzha 50% of women knew that they would sound to themselves if they were eating potato chips, frosty or zukerki. As if at a litak, I was inspired by the costless pretzels from sill, then the susid began to calm me down: Look, we call it little fat.” Even though in me the words aroused more than irritability (so as not to say to the image), similar comments do not destroy social intelligences. In the presence of us - and especially in the case of a woman, for whom I am especially unsuitable - I feel sorry for the guilty.

I speak like a man, not like a teaching. There are no reasons to be ashamed because of what you see. Eating is not a moral act. Possibly, є obstavini, in some є immoral. For example, watch out for the attack of cannibalism, pick up the zucker from the child, or hurry up before the man turns to work to get a box of freezer that was assigned to youmu, smeared with salted caramel sauce. But in other situations, you are not guilty of litigation and sing to yourself for those who either didn’t or didn’t buy the product.

We've got some respect for the appointment of the psychologist Deb Burgard. If they asked to tell about joys, they call out to themselves for it, they smiled and said: “Just blame me for nothing, I can miraculously do without it.”

Seemingly true, I feel guilty about positive authorities. Guilt is not a negative reaction to a real bad luck, it will motivate people to try to correct a mistake, which is bad for an hour.

Difficulties are repaired, if the wine is transformed into rubbish. Rubbish manifests itself in the fact that it’s a bit of a fault for a little fault, you become specific and become global, through which a person starts to feel filthy, worthless. Sorom - emotions are stronger, lower wines, and, scho sche sche, spriyaє vilnennia, as you already guessed, the hormone stress cortisol and prosopal cytokines, yakі can provoke the development of ailments.

It seems to be due not only to physical problems, but also to psychological disorders, such as depression, increased anxiety, lowered self-esteem and disorder of eating behavior.

Navit not vrakhovuyuchi vpliv litter, you can stverdzhuvaty, scho diet sprya razrazviti razladіv zharchovoї povedіnki, wanting to do it is unavoidable, chi won’t cry out tsі rozladi. From one side, such an ailment, like anorexia, is characterized by strict obezhennyam eating that for the appointments is inextricably linked with him.

Ale, singly, it would be unfair to grow the whiskers, so be it a diet that would lead to anorexia. From the other side, discord, through the likes of a person, begin to rot at the majestic kіlkosty, not tied to a diet. More than anything, people who suffer from a similar illness (for example, bulimia), used to live in a meal.

After the completion of the Kisa Yogo experiment, the participants could not repair the opir bazhannu їsti. Behind the words of the wealthy volunteers, more than fate, the stench was watching the unglamorous hunger without regard to the pledge.

Prote the results of laboratory studies of nutrition are superb. The rest of the evidence is that it’s more than enough to lead the deuce regimes of eating to uncontrolled slaughter. Particularly unsafe diets, which are accompanied by more hunger, a sharp decrease in the calorie intake of the substitutes.

For example, shortening of the additional norm of calories by 50% before an uncontrolled transfer, and by 25% - not.

If you were to succumb to the defecation of kilocalories before the transition, you can start a neurological reaction of defecation. The more a person reaches the age of death, the more active the brain reacts to the image and the real one. Such activity is seen in the blinds of the brain, which are known for the desire, respect, and also stronger bazhannya.

At the same time, activity in the prefrontal cortex of the brain - the area responsible for the control of impulses - is attached. As soon as a strict diet feels like hunger with increased respect for hedgehogs, a raging reaction to hedgehogs, strong bugs and weakened self-control, we should prepare a recipe for uncontrolled eating of hedgehogs.


Zvichka є zvichka, її not vykinesh for the end, but you can only do a little, 3 gatherings for a meeting, zvest z descents. - Mark Twain

Let's be honest with ourselves: throw off your zayva vaga - it's important. All our beautiful souls are smashed into gunpowder about Suvoru reality.

I didn’t eat like a healthy meal plan for losing weight, I didn’t sit on any fashionable diets. Trust me, I've tried and tried weight loss workouts.

Prote, for the rest of my fate, my susilla and the decrease in the vaga were a series of evils and falls, and I didn’t go into knowing that enchanting plan for a healthy meal for weight loss, which was without warning. And recently I became, nareshti, hello, that I smeared deyaki to get an easy way to get rid of your debt without stress, which is really practicable for me.

Perhaps you've read about the Zen Habits Healthy Eating Plan for Weight Loss, which, to the point of speaking, appears to be a total disaster. But let me take some of the basic principles and forgive them a little more, adapting to our uninterrupted struggle against the enemy. Maybe you know the stench, but I’ll just tell you about my experience of experimenting with different diets and share an easy way to lose weight without stress, which I did for me.

Allow me to renew my honesty: to look at the sights below, to throw off your vag without stress will not be an easy task. Ale, if you use these tools, it’s easier to make the process a little easier, and moreover, it’s really practical.

I spent maybe 7 kg for the rest of the months, which is not so fast. However, it's a waste of time, and within the framework of the rate of shudennnya, which is recommended by nutritionists as a non-negligible for health. I recommend step by step waste of money for everyone. For a plan for healthy eating for weight loss, which I am going to describe to you here, you can spend up to 22-23 kg per meal. Fortunately, it’s no longer necessary to throw off my insoles, and as soon as I take away part of the fat that I’ve lost, I’m going to take care of the fact that I’m pumping deyaki m’yazi for additional training for losing weight (I train at once, but my flats).

Never give more, you can raise it lower. - Mrs Piggy

I guessed about the face, it’s important to finish it off, to repeat it. Too much someone from us to take care of the fact that you lose weight on your own - 5 kg pounds for 2 tizhn, 10 kg for a month and so on. To the one who helps you to throw off the zayva vaga, you don’t get to eat your own steaks of grub, as life is necessary in order for the result to be over with you for a long time.

Training for weight loss is important. It is your duty to add respect. However, if you are just wondering the easiest way to lose weight without stress, then the most important factor for you is a healthy eating plan for weight loss. Do not ignore training for weight loss, but still focus on physical activity and believe that you can eat whatever you want, and pardon. It is your responsibility to focus on a plan for healthy eating for weight loss and vikoristovuvat right as a way to increase your calorie intake more and bring your body into tone, increase yoga (do not seem to be about importance healthy way life).

This is one of the key newbies, which I had a chance to learn how to know the way to overcome hunger and throw off the burden without stress. We have learned how to overcome hunger and stray yogo z usima sleep. We ignore the voice of our powerful bodies, to that which we need to borrow, we think about other speeches that run into hunger. As a result, we can only do so, if in the eyes of darkness in the eyes of hunger, but not the farthest camp to sit at the table. If you don’t think at the moment about the principle of a healthy eating plan for weight loss, you really want to eat. Your rіven tsukru in the blood is too low, and the body is quick to repay the expense - and you will bake a donut or a baker, a sandwich or a large bottle of Coca-Cola. At your station, the products will be richly added, lower salad or a healthy sandwich, a piece of whole grain bread.

Learn to listen to your own body and learn that it is necessary to cope with hunger, having sounded its signal at an early stage. This is the key to the beginning in order to throw off the zayva vaga without stress, and the axis is about the tse yakraz rich diet and do not podomlyayat. We are punished, what if, but not to start, how to receive the signals of the body of the body, so that we can start eating properly.

If you see the first call - then cope with hunger. Don't take food until that hour, if hunger does not pretend to be an insatiable monster. Just have a snack. You don't need to make a quick insult. Let’s have fruit, unsalted milk and low-fat dairy products (yogurt or sir, if I prefer soy yogurt), wheatgrass, peas, dried fruits, etc. Take healthy snacks at the work table, or in the car, so that the stench will be fresh by hand - the easiest way to throw off the zayva vaga without stress.

I know, nevertheless, to show respect for those who seem to you your body, if you are. As you see, you swear thoughtlessly, you see more for everything. We all know about the feeling of heaviness in the stomach after a sieve take. Do not allow others to eat with you - practice wisdom, listen to your body and learn how to properly deal with hunger.

A good sign - eat properly and work pause for an hour, so that you can learn that you need to cope with hunger and don’t stop for an hour. І drink plenty of water for a break. Such an easy way to throw off your debt without stress, to allow you not to have a debt, if you already have. It’s not easy to do it right, but just as soon as you start practicing the method of stretching out for two or two, you’ll become your other nature.

And it’s more fun: if you’re even hungry, then the first lower system for steel, stubble and break for a sprat of whilin. Gain a little water, talk to a kimos, read a side note to a friend, wipe the furniture. Tse dopomozhe vporatisya from hunger. If you take someone into your hands, consider using your body - and then sit at the table.

I already guessed about the face, but I’ll repeat: drinking water, like a sufficient amount of water is drunk during the day, and in a devilishly easy way to throw off your veil without stress. Water will help you go hungry and eat less. I fill up the water empty at the drain. Always trim the dance under your hand.

An easy way to get rid of your stress without stress is to clean the fridge and cabinets for all the sick snacks and products. Just vikinte їх. Let's put together a plan for a healthy meal for weight loss - healthy snacks, meals, evenings, snacks and go through the shops from the list. To go hungry, carry a healthy snack in your bag. Perekonaytes, scho under the hand of the plant є fruits and peas and іnshі korisnі options for swedish hunger.

It may be important for those who do not like laying out material on the books, or who follow the plan of healthy eating for weight loss and training for weight loss for only a couple of days, and then we throw everything, but it’s not so easy new way of life. And if you start to lead a food stall, it will become easier. What is it for? The right thing is that most of us underestimate that number of calories, as if they really do. We forget that licorice and dry savory tastes - all work to bring in more calories. Write it down so that you can make it right at the same time not to allow the blame of the scrawny grub bells. This is an easy way to lose weight without stress.

Perhaps the greatest motivator to reach out to is a healthy eating plan for weight loss for skin and demonstrating our reach to other people. Axis why should I win the PeerTrainer online partner, wanting to have other similar easy ways to get rid of the pressure without stress. The programs allow a small group of like-minded people to easily register and look at students one by one, exchange thoughts, comments, support one by one. Regardless of the fact that you have a victorious tool, find a partner or join a small group - it miraculously helps to overcome hunger and get motivated to go to the end.

And here the principle of "mutual responsibility" is applied. Good partner to this particular typeє the one who wants and can be able to conduct training for weight loss at the same time as you. It is important that the new (or її) bula has a similar training program and a healthy eating plan for weight loss. And, obviously, you can only accept the supplication of one alone.

How do you practice: if you have assigned a training session with a partner for weight loss training, you cannot miss it so easily. You change your mind about what becomes more important, if you are your own master. A lot of people easily calm down, they can just take it and say exercise for weight loss, because the stench is a little more, lower, they are exhausted on the robot, or they just don’t have the mood to go to the gym. In addition, a friend to rob the very training for losing weight is fun, even if you can do yoga with a receptionist, but it’s an easy way to lose weight without stress. If you know a partner for training for weight loss, you may be able to develop a healthy eating plan for weight loss so that you can lose weight without stress. Try at least 3-5 workouts a day, giving yourself enough time for recovery after important weight loss workouts.

As if you zhorstly surround yourself, you will gradually feel that you have been spoiled for what you receive. And so you do not protrimaetsya for a long time. Believe me, I have tried this method more than once. Just relax a little bit, every once in a while, no one has died.

If you can’t, if you really want to, allow yourself to save Omriyan їzh, but ... only three little things. Let yourself be savored with gusto, eat properly, and then move on to the plan of healthy eating and training for weight loss.

On this path you will have mercy repeatedly and more than once. Take it as a tribute on the cob. Just be ready to say to yourself - go! І turn to the colossal eating program. I do not engage in self-destruction!

Motivation is important! There, perhaps, the most important tool! Find out who you want to work, read other people's success stories, read magazines and blogs, read motivating books, in other words, do everything you need to know the inspiration for an easy way to get rid of your confidence without stress.

You just love to talk to your colleagues. Ale skin sleeping at the cafe in the afternoon I will break with flour, if your thin girlfriends make dessert. And you don’t see it, calm down with a chocolate test, and then the session of self-rooting begins. Allowing you to gain weight may make you healthy and happy - but also your negative side. In fact, according to recent findings at UCLA, diet is a sufficient basis for blaming chronic stress. Below, there are some signs that are on the internervous (and gastronomic) view - and ways to go hungry.

Sign #1: Be careful if you want to ruin your healthy eating plan for weight loss

Cause: unrealistic goals. It’s enough to justify the bar - lose weight by 10 kg per month, or say that you don’t have more chocolate in your life - and the risk of growing with distant doctors of conscience and seeing the hopelessness of the windings rises in razi.

Yak vporatis: Marlene B. Schwartz, Ph.D. For example, if you bet on the meta to lose weight by five kg, then you only have one chance. On the other hand, the setting of such simple and everyday goals, such vіdmova vіd vіd mіd vіd vіd vіdlі vіvlі shkіdlivih snacks vіdmіvі in ііsі vіdmіvі vіd lift to the cost pіdyom descents, giving the opportunity to praise yourself for a little reach.

Bonus: If you look at achievement, and not at failure, you vibrate in yourself.

Cause: you need the support of one-thinkers - it's an easy way to throw off the zayva vaga without stress.

A recent study by Aston University showed that those people, who did not practice social training in an organized group before training for a healthy eating plan and training for weight loss, often suffered due to excessive stress, but they did not change in a group of one-thinkers.

How to turn around: Joke fellow thinkers! At the same time, a compliment from a wide heart compliments the words of support and saves from stress, if it’s possible, that all the susilla should go smoothly. However, try to unify such companies, where you can replace the supporters and start showing respectful criticism.

Oznaka: You start to remember that you see aggression on your colleagues, relatives and inspire on familiar unknown people on the street.

Cause: Don't hang out life speeches

Rizke speed in carbohydrates can lead to more anger, strain and cause depression - a side effect, which the deacons called "Atkins' approach". “Thylu needs carbohydrates to convert serotonin, a neurotransmitter in the brain, which helps regulate mood, emotion, sleep quality, and appetite,” said Judith Wurtman, Ph.D., director of the Women’s Health Program at the Massachusetts Institute of Science. "If you sharply reduce carbohydrate intake, the body suddenly starts to vibrate less serotonin, and uncontrolled changes in mood begin." On mental health, low levels of other brown words, such as omega-3 fatty acids, like high-living urchins, such as peas, fish and olives. This lack can take the development of depression. Deficiency in vitamins B6 and B12 and folic acid is also associated with depression and mood swings.

How to turn around: stock up on high-carbohydrate snacks, such as whole grain bread or popcorn, or a little fried bread with less than 130 g of carbohydrates per day. Two servings of fatty ribey for the day plus a meal of peas for the day to ensure that you get enough omega-3 acids.

Cause: Timchasov radically change the place of praise "once and for all" of healthy grubs.

Here, the language is about the diet of miracles for a short period of time (for example, “only two days on carrots, and then I can eat, my soul hurts!”), so that you focus your respect on everything that you can’t do, zmushuyuchi you, we’ll let you go . something important. So, if you start to try a new plan for a healthy meal for weight loss, after this, a sprat of months of agony will follow.

How to turn around: “Step by step, include small changes in your plan for healthy eating and training for weight loss, which you can take all your life,” Schwartz recommends. The decision about replacing a random bag of chips with a small container of small pieces of fruit is an easy way to get rid of the burden without stress, and not as serious as, for example, a fence for bread in any form. Instead, to overdo the products, which you have for an hour of diet, focus on what you add to your diet, so that you feel comfortable and improve your self-confidence. For example, if you begin to bathe in fresh kіvі pіslya obіda, then ring out at this hour you got a portion of frost, you run into hunger and spend up to five kilos for six months - without shedding hot tears to the devil, if the cafe passes . Small sounds help to root a new way of living on the floor, so you forget to think about diet.


We continue to publish stories sent by our readers. Today you know about those, like Yuliya Meleshevich, because after the weight gained 20 kg, she knew the way to organize herself and knew her zen.

Everything started from a set of vagi: after a gentle slope, Yuliya was 20 kg more, down to vaginess. All the obvious methods of losing weight did not lead to the desired result, so she took it all seriously. Duremno vytratila mayzhe rik on group employment (marni stribki). If I understood that there was no effect, I began to look up information about individual programs for gyms, as well as the eating system. Axis balance tsikh dvoh warehousing dopomіg reach results.

Now the meta Yuliya is trying to bring the nabutu form to the ideal, change the proportions given by nature, and increase the m'yazovu mass.

How many times have you been on different diets? Well, who wants to live without suffering? Give me some advice honestly: did it help? Did Odraz help? Chi for a long time vystachilo efektu? Let's get smart.

Perhaps, as a diet and help to throw off kilograms, but let's marvel at the truth in the vіchі: the vaga vaga turns around. І often more quickly and navіt at the great obsyagi. Why so vіdbuvaetsya? Everything is simple. Be it a diet - tse war. And the best thing is that the enemy is our powerful organism. You know, you have to fight.

Rizka vіdmova vіd zvichnyh produktіv is taken by the body like stress. First, what the body sees, is the tseridina. We are very watery, even if you hear in the description of the diet there is no single word about the need to improve the water balance.

Also, (let's take a clear figure) we spent 2-3 kg per rahunka of water, 2-3 kg per rahunka of meat and 1 kg per rahunka of fat prosharka. And then it’s dієtі kinets, and whoever doesn’t їv - bіgom to the refrigerator.

Ale, the war is not over yet, and our organism needs compensation. I yakbi vin having changed the regime of standard life, then the zayve z'idene would give you, say, 1-2 kg of fat. And in the last used vin vismokche z produktiv 4-6 kg of pure and the lowest fat. Do you need it?

Іz diets were taken. Let's take a look at the standards of beauty imposed on us. What's in fashion today? The thinly embroidered models seem to move into the background. The sporty round-and-large-bottom calfs came to replace them, who constantly bare their toes here and there. But why don’t anyone tell us that there are some types of statues.

Zagalom, persh nizh, choose as a beauty, as a star and put yourself on the refrigerator її photo, varto rose, what type you have. This is an important moment, because it needs to be formulated specifically. You are not guilty of being embarrassed by those who are beyond your reach.

Also, Harvard University professor William Sheldon saw three types of statues: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph.

Visually, it is easy to tell which type you are. Just briefly, then ectomorphs are thin in nature and stick with the problem of a set of m'yazovoї masi. We have no problems! But trust me, whether genetics can be easily misunderstood with tons of wrong words. Ectomorphic bags are unlikely to become, and the axis caterpillars - a whole.

Mesomorphic people are genetically gifted, have the greatest sports potential, quickly achieve results. Endomorphs suffer from high metabolism and easily gain weight. Ale, the same stench can be round buttocks, like nins in the poshan. To that їhnє zavdannya - just add to the body and shape the waist.

Now, having figured out your type, look on the Internet for photos of people similar to you for additions, but even more stringy people. The axis of stink and will be your method. What else is the classification to help, let's talk a little bit a year.

Now let's look at the problem - our own set of traps. What am I on the verge of? Everything is simple. Mova about food, how we put ourselves. For example, "Why can't I get rid of the pounds?" Your inner voice, having analyzed the information about the voices in the background, the reaction is arrogant, negainous statement: “To that you are too richly zheresh.” The axis is like that, without embellishment of soft wrappers.

Unacceptable, right? Chomu has the whole problem of a trap. Such nutrition is based on preparations and directs us to the negative, but even stress. І scho to rob our body? That's right, to know relatively attached to such vipadkіv pie, tsukerka, chocolate, well, what do you like crazy there? And de one, there i ... it started.

Ale don't lie. Leave zavzhdi є. It is necessary to formulate nutrition, from everything else. For example, "What should I do, to throw off the pounds and enjoy the process?" or “How will I start my new life and achieve lightness in everything?” Zhodnih "why", only "yak" and "scho" in our food.

And now it's time to signify yourself with likenesses. What do you want? In what terms? If you need to throw off 20, 30, or even more kilograms, then you need to start eating plan. If you want to throw them off in 3-4 months, then before the plan of eating it is necessary to add a permanent sports ambition. Those who need to lose 5–10 kg are the same and quiet. Too many who are satisfied with less than the snake of grub's sound. Hello, my friends, I will strongly encourage you not to be bad at sports.

Otzhe, your constant companions on the way to the line of the figure are due to sports and proper eating. You, singsongly, were counting miracles, and now you are already embarrassed, because everything is simple and fresh.

Let's turn back to those diets again. Ninepriёmnіsha rich - tse vіdchutya fence. We don’t take our eyes off the calendar and check to see if it’s possible to re-combine fruit. A correct eating plan, which is based on impersonal factors (vaga, size and type of figure, we spoke about it earlier), will help you to change the eating habits and love other food. Do you see? You will eat what you want, only if you want you will consider other products.

And now to marvel, the same vaga looks different in different ways. And do you know why? That is why 1 kg of fat is richer for obsyagy, less than 1 kg of meat.

I urge you not to be satisfied with one snake diet, but at a higher rate of reduced calorie content of products. Don't you want to join the line of skinny fat? You don't know who else? It's simple, tse brushes plus fat minus m'yazi. Hardly chi viogo pragnet.


You need to choose more than the type of sports vanity. My proof shows that all kinds of aerobic haircuts in groups are a total waste of time. That is why individual peculiarities, training, pardons are not corrected at the technical level and no specific meta is put. If you want to change the proportions of your body exactly, for example, build up those that you don’t know about, or tidy up those that vipir force, rather choose a personal trainer in the gym, which is the best food plan and plan to take. You can also add yoga classes, stretching - all those that protect your features.

Sob life was created with raspberries, proponing the dodatkovo vicorist method of visualization. Vіn dopomozhe do not indulge in motivation and shake the body, do not accept changes in your life as unsafe.

Later, today, 20 minutes before bedtime, flatten your eyes and show yourself in an ideal form: on the back in clothes, then at the bathing suit. Have mercy on yourself, this is the final result, it’s not a dream anymore - reality. Let's move closer to our lowest form for a minus, let's say, 3 kg. Your clothes should sit longer, which makes you very happy. Smile. Let's turn back to the lower form and turn up, as if you've slipped over, you'll go for a walk, or you'll have 30 squats. Feel the lightness of everything.

It’s easy to visualize, take a bag handle, take a look at it, close your eyes and see all the details. Our brain is really dull and after 7-10 days it will be more like a plan. Remember that we will always take those that we believe.

Well, take it. Find colleagues, friends for interests. Double is not so scary.

If you are not a boyaguz, then come up with a welcome bonus. Choose the nearest great fitness centers or gyms. Call the stench of some sites where information about coaches is posted. Vow to them, to such beauties, vіdbіr. What principle? But visually. Let's go wine will not be overturned, let's add. You know, you don't need to run strip clubs: coaches walk around more loose or tighter. Why, after a folding working day, do not close the eye with a beautiful body. What can a man and a boy do to change, why not?

Before the speech, do not think that the coaches will quickly evaluate you and criticize you sideways, no. After that, as you have washed the numbers, put together a meal plan and painted the program, your coach is already working on you like a path, you are already thinking about the result and up to the next step, no less, or even more for yours. You want to call you so much, you don’t show it. So ahead of time, and everyday fears!

Zliva - Yulia after the group work (aerobic competition). Pravoruch - after 2 months of individual training (minus 6 kg)

Alright, let's recap. How to lose weight to summer without stress:

  1. Choose a star today to visualize a great result.
  2. Forget about diets.
  3. Find out what type of figure.
  4. Learn to put the right nutrition. For example, "How will I start a new life and achieve lightness in all things?" Learn how to correctly tell yourself. For example, “I’m going to the gym or I’ll do yoga, I’ll change my diet, I’ll love other products.”
  5. Go in for sports, know a coach, remember the food sounds.
  6. Take away your satisfaction with the process, even after an hour of training, endorphin is seen - the hormone of joy. So let's lie down in the middle!

Be happy, love yourself and see everything!

  • 50-60 g of oatmeal on water;
  • berries (blackberry, half-berry);
  • half an apple;
  • half banana.

Option 2 (less often on the days of ovulation and a couple of days before menstruation):

  • 50 g of buckwheat in water;
  • apple and pivbanana;
  • egg.
  • fresh vegetable salad (ogg, tomato, greens, lettuce leaves + 1 tablespoon of olive oil);
  • 90 g chicken breast;
  • on the day of training (only for the gym) 50 g more rice and buckwheat.
  • 10 distant mountains;
  • 2-volume walnut yogurt.
  • 1 tablespoon of pea oli on two loaves of bread.


Slimming up to 3 kg in 7 days.
The average additional calorie content is 1230 kcal.

We called to get tight and filthy moods with malt or “rejoice” with alcohol. However, such a behavior does not only solve problems, but often it is possible to overcome them (and if you talk about strength, to avenge a degree, then to harm your health). Contrary to such "perverted" ways to fight depression, dietitians and doctors advocate special eating, as a way to secure the body with the components necessary for normal functioning and improve our mood.

Veins stverdzhuyut, that the lack of singing vitamins and microelements calls out nervousness, oppression of the camps, apathy, slump of strength, shvidka stupefaction. If you become stressed, according to statistics, if at least 80% of Russians live, then the lower recommendation to become wealthy. What is it to eat, to solve the troubles?

One of the first components, which is necessary to protect the body during stress, is vitamin B. Vin is simply necessary for our nervous system. Vitamins of these groups can be found in offal, eggs, milk and cheese, green vegetables, peas and nasinn, carrots, dino, bananas, apricots, ribs, seafood, seaweed, dalovichina, chicken, indichi, mushrooms, beans, whole grains. During the above-world cultivation of malt, varieties with white flour, fatty meat, fast food in this period is more likely to be recommended.

Psychologists call for the menu of urinating men with vegetables and fruits of ashberry colors (beetroot, carrots, bell peppers, persimmons, pomegranates). Just with one look, such a building raises our mood. The products of the red color give us energy, and the warm yellow color and the life-radius orange color will help drive away the tightness.

As in deyakih techniques, rozrakhovanikh without intermediary for lowering the vag, vrantsі can be loved by the malt, then in this diet you can’t work. It’s better to spend on a snack a salad of banana and gorishkіv or, if you want to eat more, save the porridge or another brown porridge. Tim, who doesn't like the grain of food, is recommended to drink a glass of fresh fruit juice; tse dopomozhe pіdbadjoriti organіzm аnd pіdnyati nastrіy.

Help (and sometimes help) the goodness of the protein, as well as the ability to reduce the ability of the teeth with stress. Your choice will be low-fat meat or ribne fillet, egg, scrambled eggs or just boiled eggs in the company of pari shinki or sirah. Add a salad of fresh vegetables or fruit for dessert. Before speech, the combination of low-fat proteinaceous їzhі with low-starchy vegetables and different greenery significantly reduces and simovirnіnnia viniknennia zahvoryuvan servosudnogo character. What the hell is this bonus?

If you feel hunger between the main meals, do not hurry to muffle it with a bun or a testicle (to what, unfortunately, many people called). Such a hedgehog can bring a couple of zayvikh kіlogramіv, yak, as you already have є problems from the zayvoi vag, to make your mood even stronger. More richly and for a figure and for self-feeling, add some fruit and vegetables, a sandwich from whole grain bread, a glass of fresh juice or a squeeze of peas (for example, non-salted cashews).

Raise the mood after a working day, and help the young ones to fall asleep like a hedgehog, rich in starch. Good option in the evenings, you can use pasta with whole grain boroshn, baked or boiled potatoes, rice or tomato risotto. To accompany the main grass is recommended with vegetable salad.

What is the right way to “drink” sum-zhurbota? A crime of mischievous intercourse with drinks that avenge alcohol, a lot of people often indulge themselves with mitznoy kava. Doctors are happy to say “no” to people who take revenge on caffeine (kava, mint green tea, various sodas (especially when), energy drinks). Caffeine in large doses increases the production of adrenaline, and as a part of yoga, it can lead to a nervous vision. If you can’t really look at kawi, and without it, you just fall asleep on the go, try to reduce your anxiety when you get drunk. Drink no more than one or two cups of kawi a day and a bagan not at the evening hour. A lot of people say that when they saw caffeine, the stench was called so called lama (weakness, head bіl, unwell). In order to minimize the unacceptable sight, and to improve the body’s body, drink plenty of clean water, homemade juices, fruit drinks, fruit drinks, eat fruits in a clean look. Take the place of green tea for a drink of herbal infusion, the stench miraculously calms you down, which is especially important at once. For example, in the form of antidepressants - mint and chamomile tea, drink from the root of ginger and squash of lemon.

Let's say goodbye and say goodbye more quickly with a total mood to help and spicy hedgehog. Add such a seasoning like coriander to the strains. This manipulation is given to help you podolat bazhannya lie down after the devil's hedgehog (as if you don't do it all the time) and accept the natural warning of negative thoughts.

Hovered lower product-antidepressant, yakі є champions for the smіst of brown components that fight against stress

The stench is rich in vitamins of group B, the deficiency of which can often lead to stress. The cream of this, present in the pulp of bananas, alkaloid harman, so called “drug of happiness”, calls out euphoria, drives away depression, resists sleeplessness and other unacceptable manifestations. Magnesium and potassium, like bananas, help our body to add emotional and physical stress.

Citrus and berries
Tangerines, grapefruits, oranges and other friends are a source of vitamin C, which absorbs the release of hormones, as a result of an uplifting mood. You can bring black currant, kiwi, black currant to the price of a jubilant company.

In peas, there is a lot of potassium, phosphorus, zinc, vitamins E, C, B and other polyunsaturated fatty acids, necessary for normal brain function, which are beneficial to add to the judgment of that rose.

Dairy and sour milk products
All products of the dairy industry will infuse the body with calcium - a natural calming way. Vin helps our minds to relax, and the body - to renew our strength. Moreover, for the given time, calcium will get the most out of itself in the other half of the day. It is even better for him to eat sir or drink kefir at noon more often. Just keep chasing after your vaga, choose products of low fat content.

Don't you want to be aware of the good malts? Fill your diet with three pieces of chocolate (only black!) With the highest possible amount of cocoa. Cocoa beans are rich in magnesium, which protects us from chronic stress. More magnesium helps to conquer calcium, about which it was said more. Magnesium ale is more likely to “take root” in the body in the first half of the day. So scho, yakscho bazhaєte, it’s better to turn on a little chocolate bar vranci, or if you want to, it’s better. Such a savory indulgence that mood lifts and on the sides with a fold of fat is unlikely to appear. Before speech, in cocoa beans there is phenylethylamine - the hormone of lethargy and happiness.

Black tea
The tea leaf has the amino acid tianin (theanin). You see the building to improve mood, increase the strength of the body and stress resistance.

Fish and seafood, seaweed
Gifts of water are not only easily conquered by our body, the zavdyaks of which have long been consumed in the category of diet products, and yet miraculously zapovnyuyut lack of vitamins B6 and B12, lack of such - a direct path to the weakened immune system. Also marine inhabitants are rich in zinc, selenium, iodine. Fatty varieties of ribs (sardines, mackerel, salmon, mackerel) - omega-3 acids and tryptophan amino acids, which improve serotonin and banish bad moods. Dietologists call sea kale a "happy product" with a high amount of vitamins in group B and magnesium. Implantation of sea kale helps the body to regulate the work of supra-nipple ulcers and release adrenaline, without which we can be threatened by mood swings that are chronic.

Whole grain, cereals
Without grain crops, it is impossible to have a healthy meal. The stench can help anti-stress activity and help improve mood. Porridges (especially Greek and vivsyan) are folded into carbohydrates, which are fully split, like they provide us with a steady surge of energy. Garniy mood to deposit and inject selenium into the body, the same mineral is present in Greek and Vivsyanci.

Chicken, turkey, sweet red meat, eggs
Proteins from meat and eggs supply our body with the amino acid tryptophan. This element boosts serotonin (happiness hormone) and improves our self-esteem. The song of the meat of the great horned thinness to revenge the faceless vitamins of group B, zinc, salt.

Tomati also raises the mood, charges the body with good energy and energy. And yet these vegetables pass the pre-hour breakdown of endorphins (hormones of joy).

In order for the diet to be as effective as possible during stress, it is recommended to eat often (ideally - at least five times a day) and in smaller portions. Even if the organism in a stressful state is succumbing quickly, and a strong hunger is even more to strengthen an already hopeless mood.

Speaking about the terms of dotrimanny zaproponovanoї dієti, fahivtsі do not see clear hourly remarks. Zagalom method of transferring rationally balanced and correct eating. So the effect of the diet will be remembered, to spend on it less than 3-4 days. As such a meal regimen will be comfortable for you, take up yoga insoles, skilki zabazhaєte.

Day 1
Snidanok: liver with apple syrup; whole grain bread with fish caviar; tea abo kava with milk.
Snack: a couple of cereal biscuits with honey and jam.
Obid: vegetable stew from the company of yalovichi meat; a cup of low-fat chicken broth; a piece of black bread and herbal tea.
Noon: a cup of cocoa.
Supper: ribne fillet, steamed with Italian herbs and lemon juice; a piece of black or whole grain bread and chamomile.

Day 2
Snіdanok: omelet from two chicken eggs; toast with jam; cuppa.
Snack: a bunch of hard sirah; kіvі аbo zhmenu yagіd.
Obid: drank soup-puree with mushrooms and low-fat tops; piece of boiled or baked chicken fillet; fresh tomato; bottle of fresh fruit juice.
Afternoon: 200 ml natural yoghurt.
Supper: baked red riba; salad with ogirkiv ta white cabbage; a cup of vіdvaru zvіrobyu.

Day 3
Snidanok: whole-grain bread, smeared with liver pate; a couple of tablespoons porridge that tea with additional milk.
Snack: casserole with low-fat syrup, apples and bananas.
Obid: chicken soup; vegetable salad; cuppa.
Afternoon: a bottle of yogurt and cashews.
Supper: risotto with rice and tomatoes; salad leaves; a bottle of fruit juice.

  • Dorimuvatsya ї described methods not only in that case, as you have special health, with any need for special eating.
  • Obviously, don’t get used to it, be it a product, as if you had an allergy to something, even if it’s a bi wine.
  1. A diet for stress, a cream to help with the main problem, improve self-confidence and health in general.
  2. There is no need to go hungry. Navpaki, with a well-organized diet, you will notice post-ynu city and comfort.
  3. The diversity of the menu of brown products will help to protect the body with the necessary for normal functioning of the speeches.
  4. The technique promotes a wide variety of goods to be implanted. There is no hard menu; the ration can be folded, cherishing their savory similarities to customs.
  5. Correcting the warehouse of products and their calorie content, on a diet with stress, you can improve your vitality, lose weight, and wear.
  • At healthy food it is important to know the shortcomings. So, it takes an hour of that susilla to change your food stars and see the effect. Ale can’t do without it on a daily diet.
  • Not everyone, through the robotic mode, can eat proponated shots.

With your help, that health of the medical fences until the end of the diet, with stress, you can start again at any hour.

One day you will lose weight, you know what a marvelous diet, how to let you loose 10 kg for a week, and proceed to achieve what you have planned. Shvidka does not produce anything good when she is thin. The body recognizes stress, some changes have been made, and now it’s anew and it’s possible to quickly recover. Nothing more is known. First, Swedish diet clean up water from the body, not fat. In the face of this, nirk, liver, brain suffer, the breath is destroyed. Shvidke losing weight for the body is similar to an operation, if the immune system inevitably falls, the work of all organs and systems is disrupted. Also, choose swedish diets not varto.

Ale vyhid є. Planned step by step to lose weight at the same time due to physical ambitions, gives dazzling results, which can be changed by stretching for a long time. When the body is progressively emaciated, the body gradually changes, turning the organs "in the middle". For example, the heart is pumping less blood quantity and it gradually changes. So is a cookie. All the systems of the body at once from the lowering of the vagium are forced to change.

If you don't want to open a swimming pool or a gym, it's a great simple way to lose weight without stress for the body. It’s enough to step by step reduce the portions of zhzhi to normal. A shrill, shrillly eating organism feels “hunger” and more often than not, “vomits” for the fat deposits. With this method, you can lose 1-4 kg per month. This method guarantees a stress-free reduction of the vagina. True, now you happen to regularly control the amount of money, as you see it for the day.

How to lose weight without stress

Zaiva vaga - it’s unacceptable and unhandy. But zhorstki diets and other radical ways to lose weight are a great stress for the body. Let's talk about those, how to lose weight correctly, without extremes.

Rocky, singly, from 15 to 30 I was close to 50 kilograms (with a height of 160 cm). Much more comfortable for me vaga. I could have a plate of spaghetti in tomato sauce with syrup on the first night, and I didn’t have to change anything for the price - the vaga didn’t change. I went in for sports, but in the morning - I rode bicycles in the park, once a week I took up badminton with a coach.

What has become a blessing? I gave birth to a pre-qualified child. Chomus was convinced that I had gained 12 kilograms of vagity for an hour, literally, to change as soon as it was low. The whole thing was naive from my side. I threw off the thing, but 7 zayvih kilograms were taken away from me. I was wrapped around me - moreover, both physically and morally. I tried to do some exercises at home, but only a little more went into it. Tom visible results not bool. I did my shopping and baked cinnamon buns. I could have made a bunch of buns for a day, although earlier I hadn’t “jammed” with bad moods.

As soon as I completed breastfeeding, strength on a solid diet. Sprats of famine brought their fruits - I spent a sprat of kilograms. Prote dosit shvidko turned back. I burst into tears and signed up for a consultation with a nutritionist. The nutritionist looked like a pretty woman with a chiseled figure (a good butt for patients!). The axis of the smut is from what I saw it:

  • zhorstki dієti - not just not korisnі, but navit skіdlіvі. Helping the body of the diversity of the living speeches, we inflict yoga on insecurity (for example, the liver may suffer). Deficiency of living speeches also negatively affects healthy hair, hair and nails. And if you have spent such a practice with kilograms, singsongly, turn back - the organism, which is aware of stress, should “store” it for the future;
  • rational eating is most effective in helping to throw off the weight of the vag and keep it normal. Our everyday menu is not guilty of buti: industrial sauces (mayonnaise, thin ketchup), bouillon cubes, chips, factory malts (and high-calorie homemade tezh), marinades, packaged juices and licorice soda, bacon, canned food, manufactured products, seasonings with pamidsilyu. And turn on the good diet of varto low-fat soup, leafy vegetables, fruits and greens, sour-milk products, grain bread, fish and low-fat varieties of meat (steamed, steamed or grilled), peas and dried fruits (for dessert), roslinnі olії cold vіdzhimu, natural spices;
    • To speed up the process of losing weight, you can “click for help” on special preparations: for example, the Spanish Obegras.

    How to lose weight without stress for the body?

    Globally, skhudnennya for different methods and diets almost stunned the whole woman, half of the people and part of the people. The sustenance of the suspense to lose weight is already similar to the staleness of paranoia. And often, zhorstkі ієti, і zastosuvannya raznomanіtnyh zabіv for shudnennya izvodkіv to vzlіdkіv іn organіzmu, yakі yakshcho not tієnі vіdrazu, tо give nоwn about thе hour. Tse and ailments of the intestinal tract and mental disorders and other things. Shchob niknuti serious consequences ryatuvannya vіd zayvoї vaga, lose weight in a stepwise manner and correctly.

    1. You can't starve! With a new breath, you will, obviously, throw off the hated kilos to milk the shvidko, but with it you will become a volodar of a slug. With the new daylight, our body is going through an important stress and, after the end of such a radical diet, we need to take a lot of breath in the past, to cause a quick gain of thrown off kilos, and an hour to put on over them.
    2. Start losing weight step by step, for whom it’s enough to change the usual portion by a quarter, then half, then by three quarters. Don't cry, let the body call to a new dose of water.
    3. Vіdmovtesya vіd harrow - bread, buns, ovens, cakes and all other boroshnyanyh and high-calorie products. I know the same, so as not to go out in the morning, allow yourself to be savory sometimes, but in small quantities and not often. It is your fault to know that you can allow yourself, but others, to that you have put yourself at the same time for the purpose of throwing off loads of kilos. Before speech, you can eat pasta - the stench is not harsh for figures, ale ti, as if prepared from durum wheat.
    4. If you are still trying to get out of radical diets, drink more water. It is not permissible to give your body a fresh water.
    5. Preparations for weight loss are most likely to be avoided, either by suppressing appetite, or by carrying food. So from, with a trivial zastosuvanni of carrying drugs, your body does not zatrimuetsya nor zha, as you live, nor all the necessary minerals, vitamins and microelements, necessary for the normal life of the body. The result of which may be unwell, weakness, and external exhaustion of the body, which can lead to unbearable states.
    6. Try not to look at yourself again, but replace the calorie and fattening zhu more brown and light. Summer is the best period for anyone. More vegetable and fruit salads. Vіdmovtesya vіd vyvannya gazovannyh napoїv, zamenivshi їх with compote of wet cooking or green tea without zucru. Lubricated zhu can be successfully replaced by cooked in a steamer or boiled.
    7. It doesn’t sound trite to go in for sports, or just collapse more, you can go to the shops or go to the elevator, so you don’t have the strength to make yourself big and lie or go to the fitness club.

    Dorimuyuyuchis tsikh simple rules, You will obov'yazkovo throw off your vaga, maybe not so fast, as you would like it to be, but without harm for your health.



    Lose weight without stress: 9 clumsy shorts to a straight figure

    Serious changes require an hour and strength, that hour you step out, without stopping, - this mountain is already overpowering. As on the right, there is a reduction in the figure, so it happens especially often. How about dividing that mountain into a lot of little humpbacks? Tody will not be so scary, but change not to climb!

    1. Pack your gym bag in the evening

    As if you were picking up a lie, you might not know half of the speeches - and as a result, the deputy of the drinking hall, for example, at the bar. And if you are ready for everything, then you have more chances to go in for sports.

    2. Eat

    The idea of ​​skipping a meal in the brain is closely tied to calorie reduction. But it’s not like that - you’ve passed the stretch of the day. In addition, if you eat food in the morning, rich in protein, the body will have something to eat! Chi do not comprehend a bunch of lies? Good evening. For example, you can make a casserole and put it in the refrigerator.

    Hormonal diet, or how to speed up metabolism and lose weight by 7 kg per month

    Protein addiction: 6 products, some have more protein, lower in eggs

    3. Drink a flask in front of him

    A sufficient amount of radina in the body gives additional energy and dulls almost hunger. Most often, the body stray hunger from the right! You can determine the amount of water you need for a day by dividing the water in kilograms by 30. Water for a year before it helps to drink 3-4 bottles a day (and I will soon get rich!).

    4. Replace the trigger with fish

    Fish and seafood - dzherela protein and fatty acids, which help to feel better, improve immunity - and effectively save fat.

    5. Vipy kava before exercise

    The joy can be wondrous, but studies have shown that in every season the burning of the undesirable is more active and in the body there is a charge of energy. You can drink kava with a kick, or you can wind tsukra with a swirl, it’s not recommended to drink more on kshtalt latte - you can call it alive.

    6. 5 hvilin training before Christmas Eve

    And then you can afford yourself more. Sitting, twisting, holding back - combine literally be right.

    7. Zh correctly after training

    After 45-60 minutes of cooking, take 20-30 g of protein and 60-90 g of carbohydrates. Todi m'yazi grow more active, but you don't want to re-do it.

    8. Ready supper, vegetable

    Even more calmly pluck on the shmatochka in the direction of the wounds - and as a result, you get more, you would like to. Put the order of ogirok chi carrots and "applied" to them.

    9. Lie down 5 times earlier

    An impersonal duty is dedicated to the connection of a bad dream with too much sleep. Remember the sounds well in one day, just try to kick the night off 5 times earlier. For tyzhden to earn more pivgody!

    Without stress, that hunger. How can you lose weight before New Rock?

    Not long before the New Fate, a representative of a beautiful state tells a lot about her bajanna to lose weight. However, they don’t take time to look after themselves. Ale, it’s possible to lose weight as much as possible, moreover, without special zusil.

    Salads, tidying up, going shopping, asking for gifts - everything takes a lot of strength and energy from women. As a result, they simply do not lose an hour on themselves. In addition, there are a lot of impressions that for losing weight it is necessary to spend even a lot of resources: physical, moral, and material. As a result, ambitious plans for wisdom New river with a new figure and in the karkolomny choice, they fail 2 times less.

    boomerang effect

    One of the most popular ways of solving the problem is "emergency diets", the creators of which promise to spend a lot of kilograms for medical days. However, such adventures become a normal stress for the body. At the site, when the woman turns to the starry diet, we begin to add “strategic reserves” to the times, so that there will be a repeated experiment.

    Such a diet is called more rational if the woman takes a course on proper eating and regular physical pursuits (big, swimming, fitness, yoga). In this direction, go with kilograms step by step, so as not to appear on your self-confidence.

    Principles of healthy eating

    It is important to understand that those same menus cannot be ideal for everyone: some, for example, do not like kefir or zucchini, and in others, perhaps, there are problems with the hose. Let's stop us before following the diet of eating, recognized by the doctor. However, there are universal recommendations to form the basis of proper eating and a healthy way of life in general:

    1. The basis of the diet is to add vegetables and fruits. The stench of revenge is rich in cellular tissue, and inspire vitamins and minerals.

    2. Drink more. If a person lives a little, then the shkira starts darkness and rages. Make it a rule to drink less than eight bottles of water a day, which is close to two liters. Also, varto is recommended in the form of licorice gas drinks. Give the priority to mineral water, green tea, fruit drink, compote.

    3. Vіdmovtesya vіd svydkih vuglevіv, until yak lie boroshnі vorobi, malt, potatoes and іn Ale nothing terrible not to eat, yakscho time for tizhdenka allow yourself to be savory. Before speech, miraculously raises the mood of hot chocolate.

    4. Make it a rule to eat porridge for snacks: porridge with fruits, rice and Greek. Porridge is a valuable dose of vitamins, minerals and cells.

    5. Replace shkіdlіvі products on korisnі. For example, tsukor - with honey, fatty pork - with veal, olive for olive, sour cream for low-fat yogurt.

    What do you need to look perfect?

    Fruits and vegetables, on yakі rich hto begin to go, choosing to say goodbye from the lost kilograms, obviously brown. Ale varto razumіt, scho vzhivanie їх at a great number of people can lead to some kind of "side effects", for example, flatulence or bloating. On the right, in the fact that these products are so called “foldable” carbohydrates, which in most people are badly digested in the small intestine. As a result - the gas is "spukuvannya". Zvichayni zasobi vіd zduttya virіshuyut problem after the fact, if it's already vinyl. In order to avoid unacceptable traces, vicory the biologically active additive "Orlix", in order to avenge the natural enzyme alpha-galactosidase, which suddenly breaks down "problem oligosaccharides" to simple carbohydrates which helps to get rid of the overworld accumulation of gases in the intestines.

    Orlix will help you get in shape without stomach discomfort. Father, you will not be able to surround yourself with a choice of herbs, so that you will be left with a beautiful one.

    І more sprat of brown joys:

    1. Indulge in alcoholic drinks, especially in licorice liquors and beer, to which the stench will add calories.

    2. Fast portions. For whom it is sufficient to replace the standard plate with a more modest one.

    3. Take away your satisfaction with your proper eating: add dietary foods that are not suitable for you to the diet, try new meals.

    4. Try to avoid stress, because the very nerve impulse often becomes the reason that a person starts to eat too much: there is “zadaє” stress. Mostly walk in the fresh air, listen to the music, chat with friends.

    5. Be physically active. Engage in dancing, fitness, swimming, everything that allows you to lift your body in good shape and help you become a string and a beautiful girl.

    To lose weight before the New Year without a bad health can be a skin woman, a smut - do not fall into extremes and do not drag out, even if Svyatkov is no more soon! And if something else “swells up” more often, trim on the whole “Orliks” swing!

    dietary supplement. NOT Є ЄKARSKIY ZASOBOM. 14+

    Garazd, I tell you everything in the first part - only the axis in the first place, my attempt to lose weight ended in failure, and for some hour I will regain my weight.

    Now we will tell you about a friend a test of effective weight loss, as it ended successfully. Suddenly, I have overcome all the causes of the first failures, and also in the distance, try and add other, effective strategies to lose weight.

    Otzhe, cause failure first try:

    - most of the time, sports were carried out at home with a low intensity, although there were no rules for diet.

    The low intensity of sports and the lack of dietary intake does not lead to annual results;

    - if you’re at the gym, then don’t lie, it’s overwhelmed for a person who hasn’t been involved in sports for more than 10 years, it’s easy, enough 15-20 minutes of training at an average intensity. The shift in power can accumulate and manifest itself as a molt to take up sports;

    - just to force the will to change my food sounds, it’s unrealistic for me, it’s necessary to work anyway.

    Positive moments in the first try not only effective weight loss:

    - I found out where the gym is, I found out, skilki are busy, and even as if I was sitting down and starting to play sports and work;

    - I learned to reduce the number of calories in certain products in the background mode, without worrying about them again. For example, sour cream is not 15-20%, but 10% and so on.

    Report read the reasons for success and failure in the first part of the article. Repair from “Zayva vaga, how to lose weight in 3 months.” (Part 1)

    Now let me tell you about that effective weight loss in the distance.

    First - training. I went to training for three days. In the first two days, I took about 10-15 quills each, with a rather low intensity. Low intensity - even though the weight on simulators, pants is not great. Vags were 5-10 times less, lower I was instantly lifted. The body needs to just call to the challenge. Mіzh pіdkhodami bіlі іn іn іn іn іn іt іn іd podpochinok.

    After two typical hours of training, I increased to 20-25 quills. For a month here up to 30-35 quills. After 2 months, an hour of training increased to approximately 40-45 minutes. At tsimu zovsіm not richly zbіshilsya vag. Vіdpochinok mіzh pіdhodami having become majestic.

    Here for the first time, I think that you can get busy for about 1 year and get better.

    Another is diet. Like I already wrote in the article "The lowering of the vag, the first difficulties, with which I am stuck." (Part 2) just take it and feel free to use a set of high-calorie products - it’s better to take it easy.

    Were out of the situation of the situation in order to step-by-step check often in the same product, then in the other toshcho.

    Obviously, here there is not only about the vidm’s type of products, but also about the vіdm’s shkidlivy grubs, such, for example, as it’s possible to chew (chocolate, bun, bakery), in the evening and others (about the principles of healthy eating).

    Robiv I tse approximately in such a way. Beremo z buy grub zvichok, scho brought to zbіlshenny vaga only one. For example, there are such sounds:

    - the sound is lubricated,

    - zvichka є boroshnya (steady chew on the stove, what to lie on the table, eat sandwiches on the robot),

    - Zvichka є pіzno in the evening,

    - Zvichka to drink Coca-Cola, etc. gassing water,

    - Zvichka drink 50 cups of tea with 3 spoons of tsukru,

    - Zvichka drink beer,

    - zvichka є sandwiches with olive chi strong sour cream,

    - Add high-calorie additives for relish to all products, for example, mayonnaise, sour cream, butter, etc.

    Namagatisya v_dmovitsya vіd usіh tsikh zvychok once - tse practically unrealistic on the right. It is necessary for him to take a small ear, like one star, and to practice it more with it. In the world of that, as success goes, you can take another call and fix it with a new one, then turn to the old one.

    For the sake of lowering the vagary, I changed more than two stars, the first one - to add mayonnaise to all straws, the other - to live at the great kilkost of boroshny.

    However, although it is easy to finish mayonnaise, it is practically a sign of my life, then everything was not so simple with the boroshnyan. Borosno penetrated all spheres of life, and it was not easy to see the new one.

    Tom had a chance to see a boroshny rozbivat on a sprat of pieces. For example, for me, I’ll switch to fresh lavash instead of bread, then I’ll buy homemade boron (oven, cakes) and prepare a boron bun, then I’ll step by step, I’ll go to the bakery of bread at a party, I’m going to do it regularly and dumplings.

    Tse, obviously, my butt, you can have your own food resemblance, for the help of such people, you have gained a vag. For example, post-implantation of oiled potatoes, chips, strong milk is thin.

    Well, the axis of the first principle of changing the grubs is briefly described. Vіn polagaє in that, schob not nakidatisya once on everything. This, as a rule, is unrealistic, after some hour everything turns in its place. However, just practice with one star, then with another, then with a third, and then turn back to the first, then everything can be done.

    Don't check for any miracles. Change your likeness - the food is not of tyzhnіv, but of months and navіt rokіv.

    Come nutrition - tse, vlasne, like minyati. I vikoristav such algorithm.

    You need to pick up the product at the earliest, whichever way you want to get started, start at home. For example, you want to surround yourself with the living of the oven, and then we’ll take a look at the new one. Together, it is necessary to take the stove at home. Tobto do not bathe yoga, but those who do, give chi to someone. If you’ll be at home, then it’s hard to finish your living in yoga.

    Here, obviously, it is impossible to do without negotiations with these people, as they linger with you at once. It is necessary to explain to them that you want to work on the introduction of this product. And so it will be easy for you to learn that you won’t be at home. Possibly, you see. But if the product is, for example, baking, constantly changing on the table, then it is practical. Do not think that everything will go through the first time, navіt, as it was good for you. "Repetition of mother's education."

    Dali viroblyav at his own perekonannya at the one who "This product is bad for my health". For whom you can share a few articles from the Internet, or pick up a book. For example, for baking it is written there that margarine is stored in a new one, which is prepared a little from oil and is not conquered by the body, etc. etc.

    Well, that's all. Roblox those that I perekhuvav higher, I could easily finish it and effectively throw off all of my own, and the smut - live, becoming again flat and springy, the belly went down.

    Can you ask, now that I have described in 5 parts, how could everything be done for the sake of exclusion in one part?

    Right in the fact that I’ve changed my mind on my own account, it’s better not to allow a bunch of rude pardons when I’m thin. Otherwise, the result will not matter, otherwise the result will be, but short. And if a person didn’t have a good time, then don’t start to get her feelings of guilt and strength suddenly.

    I wish you success in losing weight.

    With respect, Rashid Kirranov.

    As if arrogantly picking up lies, you can not know half of the speeches - and as a result, the deputy of the drinking hall, for example, at the bar. And if you are ready for everything, then you have more chances to go in for sports.

    2. Eat

    The idea of ​​skipping a meal in the brain is closely tied to calorie reduction. But it’s not like that - you’ll go over the stretch of the day. In addition, if you eat food in the morning, rich in protein, the body will have something to eat! Chi do not comprehend a bunch of lies? Good evening. For example, you can make a casserole and put it in the refrigerator.

    3. Drink a flask in front of him

    A sufficient amount of radina in the body gives additional energy and dulls almost hunger. Most often, the body stray hunger from the right! You can determine the amount of water you need for a day by dividing the water in kilograms by 30. Water for a year before it helps to drink 3-4 bottles a day (and I will soon get rich!).

    4. Replace the trigger with fish

    Fish and seafood - dzherela protein and fatty acids, which help to feel better, improve immunity - and effectively save fat.

    more popular

    5. Vipy kava before exercise

    The joy can be wondrous, but studies have shown that in every season the burning of the undesirable is more active and in the body there is a charge of energy. You can drink cavi with a kick, or you can wind a tsukra with a swirl, it’s not recommended to drink more on a kshtalt latte - you can call it alive.

    6. 5 hvilin training before Christmas Eve

    And then you can afford yourself more. Sitting, twisting, holding back - combine literally be right.

    7. Zh correctly after training

    After 45-60 minutes of cooking, take 20-30 g of protein and 60-90 g of carbohydrates. Todi m'yazi grow more active, but you don't want to re-do it.

    8. Ready supper, vegetable

    Even more calmly pluck on the shmatochka in the air of the sea - and I'm more, I wanted to be lower. Put the order of ogirok chi carrots and "applied" to them.

    9. Lie down 5 times earlier

    An impersonal duty is dedicated to the connection of a bad dream with too much sleep. Remember the sounds well in one day, just try to kick the night off 5 times earlier. For tyzhden to earn more pivgody!

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