What is pouring into the mess. Trouble: symptoms and signs of intoxication. Symptoms of severe illness

The reaction of the organism to given microorganism in all people is different - in some, in the upper body, and it becomes disturbed, in other reactions it is not observed.

The greatest problem of food poisoning is a lethal kinets, which is most likely to occur after poisoning with mushrooms or with fish.

Іsnuє sprat types of grubs:

food poisoning- provokuyut zniklі products (with a line of attachment, scho past), as well as products, yakі wrongly taken away or prepared for violating sanitary standards;

toxic pollutants (non-infectious)- Caused by ingestion in the body at the same time of natural or chemical toxins (deletion of non-hostile fungi and roslin, as well as chemicals).

If you suspect toxic poisoning, caused by brittle mushrooms, berries or chemicals, that you consumed in the body at once from food products - the term turns to the doctor! Tsey view otruennya more unsafe, that yogo is not ready to rejoice independently!

Symptoms of food poisoning

The first signs of food poisoning show up for 2-6 years after coming.

Among the symptoms of food poisoning are divided into:

  • there were cramps in the abdomen;
  • pale-green color guise.

If you get used to the right calls in the first help, I will become healthy again, I can come for a long time. If there are symptoms, such as this, that severe weakness can accompany the patient for many more days.

Residual wear to the body is 1-3 deb.

Complimentary in case of disruption even

It is not possible to start up the waste for self-fueling, because. tse serious disorder of the body, which can lead to:

  • change the level of electrolytes in the blood;
  • lethal result.

If you need help after the first help, you don’t have to worry, you need to turn to the doctor in a term!!!

The cause of food poisoning can be the product of the drink, which revenges the harmful microorganism. The stench can be like in a hedgehog, so on it, for example, like a hedgehog taken by unmitigated hands, after which you get used to it.

As the statistics show, it is most often called out:

  • keep vegetables, greens, fruits and berries;
  • syrup water;
  • milk, sour milk products;
  • zіpsovane m'yaso, eggs, fish;
  • products, yakі insufficiently passed thermal processing;
  • products, as long as they were stored in the refrigerator or for room temperature.
  • bran mushrooms, berries and other plants;
  • chemicals on products, which are processed for short-term safety, but the product looks like a commodity.

Also, the cause of food poisoning may be undertreated.

Diagnosis of food poisoning

To establish a diagnosis, the doctor takes an anamnesis report:

  • experience of the patient;
  • vimiryuє body temperature, that pulse;
  • conduct a deep look at the presence and palpation in the abdominal cavity.

The following analyzes are also prescribed:

  • laboratory investigation of feces;

In single cases, the following diagnostic procedures may be recognized:

  • fibroesophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • colonoscopy;
  • sigmoidoscopy;
  • fluoroscopy.

In case of mass food poisoning, the sanitary and epidemiological service (SES) should carry out follow-up of products, which could cause food poisoning.

The enjoyment of food poisoning includes taking the first aid in case of food poisoning, restoring the body, as well as supplementing the rules of eating food (diet) after all living visits.

Persha help with food poisoning

1. Washing the drain

With the appearance of the first symptoms, it is even necessary to term the tube. Tse shy away from the surpluses of the shkidlivo їzhі.

For washing it is good to use a weak amount of potassium permanganate, or else. To prepare zasіb: for 2 liters of water, room temperature, insipte literally a sprinkling of grains of potassium permanganate (up to a light-yellow color) or 1 tbsp. soda spoon.

Drink this rose and vomit, pressing 2 fingers on the root of the tongue. Repeat the procedure, the docks are not clear and the water is clear.

Important! If we suffer from a child’s illness up to 2 years old, a person after a stroke or a heart attack, in a weakened or a beacon camp, a person is inconspicuous, then the blubbering in the home minds is suvoro succumbing! Such patients can choke on vomit. puke in to this particular type medical practitioners can call out less under their own eyes!

2. Removal of toxins from the body

After washing the drain for removing toxins from the body, sorbent is taken.

Among the other sorbents you can see - vugillya, as we most often recognize under the names: "Activated vugillya" or "Bile vugillya".

These preparations change the use of smoky speeches in SHKT and administer from it not only toxins, but also salts of important metals, alkaloids and other smoky speeches.

With the intake of activated vugill, you should get rid of the rash: 1 tablet per 10 kg of body mass. "Bile vugillya" is taken 2-4 tablets, fallow due to the severity of the poisoning.

2. Replenishment of radium consumed by the body

After rinsing the slug and receiving sorbent, for filling it up, spend water in the body (after vomiting and diarrhea) it is necessary to drink water.

Drink 2-3 liters of boiled rindine for doba. Cherguyte salty roses (for 1 liter of boiled water, add 1 teaspoon of kitchen salt), licorice German tea and chamomile tea.

Clearly drinking does not only improve the water balance, but helps people to grow up, and also changes the pain.

3. Come in again

Zigrivannya. Often, when you are hurt by a person, you blame. In this season, it is necessary to grow yoga. To warm up the patient, cover the patient with a carpet, and apply a heating pad to him.

Diet. After the first aid and the exaltation of destruction, a sparing diet is prescribed, as a way to help the most recent inspiration of the functionality of the etching organs. We can look at the diet in this article a little less.

4. Medicinal preparations in case of consumption of eating foods:

To restore water balance. Zastosovyutsya after washing the drain to kill the body's water: "", "Oralit", "Chlorazole", "Litrozol" and others.

For the restoration of intestinal microflora. Stop after washing the hose: "Hilak forte", "Linex", "Mezim" and in;

Antipyretic benefits. Stop so that the temperature of the body is higher than 37.5 degrees: "", "" and in.

Antibiotics are prescribed only in important conditions of illness and are prescribed only by a doctor.

The term turns to the doctor, like:

  • symptoms of deterioration are saved for 3 or more days;
  • interruption is becoming important;
  • watch out for bіl dіlyantsі nirok, liver or other internal organs, as well as trivalі cramps in the abdomen;
  • trim;
  • watch out for the rise of sweat and the sight of the breath;
  • a child, or a summer man, left;
  • є pіdozra on otruєnnya brittle mushrooms, chi riboy berries.

After food poisoning (Diet with food poisoning)

Invisible part of the jubilation of the food poisoning is diet.

In the first days, after the break, it is necessary to drink fat, gastronomy and important food, milk and dairy products, alcohol and other shkidlivih zvichok.

Eat small portions. Stravi cook for a couple or cook. Drink rich and step by step turn to your eating regimen.

For a complete renewal of the body after a mealy meal, read the following rules for eating:

  • pershu dobu, if the symptoms of poisoning have arisen, take a bed rest and only drink - boiled water, German green tea, v_dvar, tea s (at a warm look, you can have a little malt);
  • the next day, she is guilty of being light, cooked, and maximally trimmed. Start eating with porridge and bouilloniv - veinsyan, rice porridge (on water). Boiloni cook vegetable and chicken. Don't forget about ryasne pitta;
  • on the third and fourth day you can eat mashed potatoes, rice, low-fat ribi fillet (steamed).

People's welfare in case of troubles even

Taste of grub folk secrets admissible only for light leaks and only after consultation and permission of the doctor.

Creep. Pour 1 teaspoon with 1.5 flasks of okrop and let it brew for about 5 khvilin. Now boil a couple of chills, cool, let the trochs cool, and if you feel warm, add 1 teaspoon of honey to the new one. Withdrawal of zasіb take a substitute for tea by stretching it out. Dobova norm - 1 liter.

Cinnamon. Pour ½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon with 1 bottle of dill and mix vigorously. Let the hvilin brew for 15-20, after which it should be filtered. Drink tsey vodvar with drіbnimi kovtki stretched doby. Dobova norm - 1.5 liters.

Pauline and wood. Pour 500 ml of dill 1 teaspoon dried and 1 teaspoon. Let them brew for about 20 hvilin, after which they should pass. Take away the zasіb podіlіt for 5 servings, yakі need to drink in a stretch doby.

Altea root. Pour 1 teaspoon of the finished flask into the okrop. Let it stand for about 30 minutes, pass it and add it to the new one (for relish). Withdrawal of infusions drink 4 days a day, 1 tbsp. spoons.

Flowers and leaves of marshmallow. 2 tbsp. spoons of flowers and leafing marshmallow pour 2 bottles of okropa. Soak for 3-4 years, then drink more tea 3 times a day.

In order to prevent or want to minimize the risk of food poisoning, please follow the upcoming preventive rules:

Try less to drink and live frozen drinks - pizza, meatballs, ribs sticks and other.

Don't buy and don't live in fish that looks wrinkled in appearance, and also fish with white zibers.

If you have an allergy to food products, remember about them.

In the summer period, if on the streets of the speka, do not buy and do not plant malt with cream, milk filling - tistechka, tubules, ekleri thin.

Do not get used to alcohol from the counter, as well as cheap wines, low-alcohol drinks, and energy drinks. And even better, don’t get used to alcoholic drinks in any way you see, because. tse pitvo do not carry corny people, krіm jubilant purposes, for example - red wine is equal to hemoglobin thinly.

Most often change your washcloth and kitchen towel, stitch for cleanliness in the kitchen.

Until such a doctor turn around in case of trouble:

Kharchov is a mess. Video

Today, people often confuse the concept of "intoxication to the body" and that "destruction". In principle, the terms are similar in their meanings, but still the principle is viable: for example, when it is disturbed, penetration into the body of foreign speeches is characteristic, and for intoxication, self-destruction is characteristic, as it can be introduced into the body from various causes. And the qi axis can cause mothers, as internal (if the body itself vibrates “in the way” and finds it difficult to see it productively), so is the external character (there is a waste of speech consumed in the body with an aggressive) dovkilla).

Even more unsafe is the intoxication of the body, the symptoms of which may be the least subdued, and the symptoms - the least transient. Even more often viroblyayuchi zdatnі develop pathology and become the main cause of parts of migraine, pain in the globules and other serious abnormal processes of life. Intoxication attracts a gurgling reaction of the body and repair zgubny infusion on that system of the body, like an ailing lanka.

After the first aggressive reaction of the organism to pathogenic microbes, another stage of infection is expected, if the microorganism is already directed to the organs, step by step they are hostile. Also, a complex strangulation of all internal processes is often observed, so it is necessary to respond to such an anomaly in a term, as intoxication to the body, the symptoms of which mean productive exuberance. Often, the liver is ingested into the zone of insecurity, even if it does not show up for toxic elements, it is not included in the infection, shards of part of the toxins are excreted from the body from the section.

In order to understand the manifestation of the anomaly of intoxication to the body, the symptoms must be thoroughly examined, but here and there there are some nuances. With the progression of the Waterhouse-Frideriksen syndrome, the patient's body temperature rises sharply to an unsafe border, and the skin of the ailing person becomes even more pale with the overheating of the worm-red visipu. Such a state can be permanently overcome, and as a result, a toxic coma is inevitable.

As far as a little child is concerned, then intoxication to the body is unbearable, the symptoms of which are even more similar to those of a cold or a simple poisoning. Ale, not everything is so simple, the shards in case of acute Rey's syndrome, strong vomit symptoms change with sudomas of endings, and everything can end up in a similar coma.

How is the intoxication of the body manifested severe insufficiency the functioning of nirok, there are sharp anomalies in the blood structure, and there is a sharp increase in the number of blood clots. Ce persha is a sign of the development of underdevelopment. So, in a patient at an early stage, there is a swollen lips, a nose and a povіk, and then we feel more at the slut, damaged etching and vomited vomit, shkira at the same time. Not included and bleeding from the nose.

When struck nervous system encephalopathy and toxic poisoning are likely to occur, which often results in impaired function of supra-nural cavities. Подібна аномалія може виражатися явною слабкістю і млявістю, повним розладом сну і апетиту, а також порушенням внутрішнього температурного режиму і різкими стрибками артеріального тиску, а це зайвий раз підтверджує згубність такого явища, як інтоксикація організму, симптоми якої в кожному клінічному випадку , Виходячи з особливостей the immunity of the patient

The intoxication of the organism is not safe, as it is exuberant to be of an individual character, healing all the features of a sick organism. So that the consequences of this pathology were irreversible, it was necessary to react in time to all alarming signals to the body.

Kharchov otruennya- non-contagious infection, which is to blame for the result of the implantation of zhzhi, scho to avenge shkіdlі vіkroorganіzmi or toxic to the body of the human speech.

Kharchov’s understanding of the choice, the shards can be called out by a number of different reasons, the proteo mechanism for the development of illness, and just like that. For all types of grubs, it is characteristic: severe intoxication, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the mucus-intestinal tract, as well as part of the development of stinging.

See that classification of grubs

There are 2 main groups of grubs:

  1. Kharchov's disease of microbial activity
  • Toxic infections (Proteus mirabilis, P. vulgaris, E. coli, Bac. cereus, Str. faecalis, etc.)
  • Toxicosis
    • Bacterial (toxins vibrating Staphylococcus aureus, Cl. botulinum.)
    • Fungi (toxins viroblyayutsya fungi Aspergilus, Fusarium etc.)
  • Zmіshanі
  1. Kharchov's disease of nemikrobnoy pozhennya
  • Damage caused by brittle growths and fabrics of creatures:
    • Roslins brittle for their nature (henbane, belladonna, fly agaric, etc.)
    • Tissues of creatures, blasted after their nature (organi rib - vusach, puffer fish, Marinka ta in.)
    • Roslinnymi products, blasted for singing minds (green potatoes, to avenge corned beans, beans, syroї kvassoli and іn.)
    • Products of a creature's journey, blasted for singing minds (ikra, milk, liver of some ribs for the spawning hour of mackerel, min, pike and іn.)
    • Destroyed by houses of chemical speeches (pesticides, nitrates, spills, which they drank from the product from packaging materials and other.)
  1. Kharchovі otruєnnya unrecovered reasons.

Toxicoinfection - miserable illness, which is the fault of the living, which is to take revenge on the great number of living microorganisms. Abusers of toxic infections actively multiply on foodstuffs, when people get into the body, the fluffy infusion is recognized as the microbe itself, as well as toxins, which are seen after death.

Main health problems of food poisoning: Proteus mirabilis, P. vulgaris, E. coli, Bac. cereus, Str. Faecalis, as well as small Hafnia, Pseudomonas, Klebsiela and others.

Toxicosis- more or less chronic (in times of fungal toxicosis) infection, when the development of ailment is due to rahunok toxin, which has accumulated on grub products. The buddnik himself is consumed in the body of insignificant numbers. For example, in case of triple vitreous syrup, only staphylococcal toxin without a living microorganism can be saved.

Heating mechanisms for the development of food poisoning

Food poisoning bacteria can vibrate toxins, both in food products and in human organisms. Also, with the collapse of the bud in the duct-intestinal tract, an additional portion of various toxic speeches is seen. When toxins get into the body of a person in the first place, the mucous membrane of the mucosa of the intestinal lining is affected, which is manifested by an ignition reaction and impaired intestinal activity. It is accompanied by the appearance of pain sensations in the abdominal cavity, the appearance of diarrhea and vomiting. After that, as toxins start to be consumed in the blood, a severe intoxication of the body develops, as it is accompanied by a number of characteristic symptoms. head bіl, Increase in body temperature, increase in pulse rate and in).

Symptoms and signs of food bran

First symptoms of poisoning

Through the skіlki otruєnnya manifests itself.

Regardless of the factor that caused the illness, manifest similar illnesses and can be subdivided into 3 main groups of symptoms:

  1. Symptoms of inflammation of the mucous membrane and intestines (symptoms of gastroenterocolitis)
  2. Symptoms of intoxication
  3. Symptoms

Symptoms of gastroenterocolitis

The symptoms are blamed on the result of a fluctuating microbe and their toxins on the mucus duct and intestines.

  • Pain in the stomach
  • Discomfort in the abdomen
  • Nudota
  • bluvota

Symptoms of intoxication

Intoxication is caused by the ingestion of toxins in the blood, which causes damage to various organs and systems. Intoxication affects the body's response to infection. The severity of becoming ill with a significant world is swayed by the stage of intoxication.

The main symptoms of intoxication:

  • Weakness
  • Chills
  • head bіl
  • Increase in body temperature
  • Bіl u m'yazah ta suglobah
  • mlyavist
  • Nudota
  • bluvota

How to designate the stages of intoxication?


Stage of intoxication

easy Middle Vazka
Weakness insignificant Pomirna I'm sharply turned
Chills insignificant Virazheniya Strongly expressions
body temperature Normal Moved up to 38 °C Above 38°C Below 36°C
Pain in m'yazah and snowdrifts no Є in part vipadkiv Є in a significant part of the fluctuations
Quickly sigh no Expressed peacefully Significantly pronounced
Heartbeat quick no Expressed peacefully Significantly pronounced
Decreased arterial pressure no Easily chi peacefully expressed I'm very pronounced
head bіl no It's darkened Significantly pronounced
Zamorochennya no Zrdka Parts
mlyavist no Weakly pronounced Virazno pronounced
Sudomi no Inodi Characteristic, can be intense
bluvota Up to 5 times a day Vіd 5-15 times Over 15 times
Stilec Up to 10 times a day Vіd 10-20 times Over 20 times


Symptoms of water pollution are associated with an increase in rіdina with vomiting and diarrhea.
The main symptoms of sunburn:

  • Weakness
  • Zhaga
  • Dryness of mucous membranes
  • Frequent heartbeat
  • head bіl
  • Nudota
  • bluvota
  • diarrhea
  • Decreased vision

How to designate the steps of the water?


Stupin znevodnennya

Vtrata rіdini schodo masi tіla
Until 3%



10% and more
bluvota Up to 5 times per loot 6-10 times 11-20 times Bagatorazova. Over 20 times
Rare stiles Up to 10 times 11-20 times Ponad 20 Without rahunka, pid yourself
Stiffness, dryness of the mucus mouth Pomіrno vrazhenі Significantly expressed Significantly expressed sharply pronounced
Elasticity of the shkir Not changed lowered Dramatically reduced Yaskrava viznost
Changing the voice Hi weakening Hoarseness in voice Visibility
Sudomi Hi In Lithuanian m'yazakh, short hours Trivaly and painful Wider judiciary
Pulse Not changed Up to 100 beats for xv. 100-120 beats for xv. Too weak, otherwise it does not show up
Arterial vice Not changed Up to 100 mm Hg Up to 80 mm Hg less than 80 mm Hg

Chinniks, who say at the grub torment:

  • An ear of infection of hostria, raptovium (for 30 minutes up to 7 days, often 2-6 years)
  • Illness develops overnight in a group of osib
  • As a rule, a short break from illness (3-5 days)
  • A clear link to the infection with the treatment of the product
  • Kharchovy disorders are not transmitted from sickness to healthy people, and in this case, the main disease is from infectious diseases.

The main types of grubs are stale in the product and the weekday sickness and their specific features

We have seen such ills as shigellosis and salmonellosis, for our own reason, as infectious ailments. However, the stench is often seen as a food poisoning. These illnesses are more important for banal eating disorders, and they take a toll on respect, especially in likuvanni.

Destroyed by dairy products

Destroyed by milk, kefir, olive oil, syrah, syrah.

Possibly sick people: Shigeli Sonne, naming sickness shigellosis("Miska khvoroba", dysentery), staphylococcus and in.

shigella- a bacterium, behind the shape of a wand with a rounded tip. On the products of the soil live up to 5-14 days. To die at the exchanges of a direct sleepy light with a stretch of 30 strands at boiling mittevo.


  1. If you have infections with shigel Zona, if you get sick, you don’t want to get medical help, if you don’t follow sanitary rules, you get infected with food products. Contamination of ailing products in eating is carried out at various stages of selection, transportation and sale of these products.
  2. Lack of contamination of milk and dairy products without intermediation at dairies and plants.
  3. Dairy products are a miracle living substrate for the reproduction of bacteria
  4. As a clerk to the first minister, sour cream, milk, syrah, kefir, tops, syrah cost.


Symptoms of global intoxication:

  • Hostria cob (1-7 deb)
  • Zagalne ill health
  • Dead Head Bill
  • The temperature is normal, rises to 38 ° C and more rarely
  • Severe decrease in appetite

Symptoms of colitis (inflammation of the colon):

  • Transient pain, more often malaise in the lower part of the abdomen
  • Hibni call for defecation(tenesme)
  • Parts, miserable stiles ( rectal spit) with a large amount of calamute mucus and streaks of blood, often more than 10 times per booty

Laboratory diagnostics:

  • Shigels are seen from the stool

Destruction with meat, cock, eggs, protein detriment

Partially ill on salmonella, crying out so titles salmonellosis.

Salmonella- rod-like bacterium with rounded edges;

In meat, salmonella is saved up to 6 months, in frozen meat it is necessary to drink, in eggs up to 1 year and more, on egg scale up to 24 deb. In the refrigerator, perebuvayuchi in meat, salmonella not only survive, but also multiply in the garden (at low positive temperatures). Salmonella at 70 ° C a day with a stretch of 5-10 quills, a prote in a tovshchі shmatka meat zdatna vitrimat and boiled for a few years.

Symptoms of disorder:

Kind of sick:

  • Blіdіst, cyanosis of kіntsіvok is possible

Symptom of global intoxication:

  • Cob of gostry or the most gostry (from 2 years to 72 years)
  • Zagalne ill health
  • head bіl
  • temperature rise up to 38°C and higher
  • Severe decrease in appetite
  • In severe cases, the loss of evidence, sudomi

Symptoms of enterocolitis (inflammation of the intestines):

  • Transient pain, most importantly above and near the navel
  • The stile is bright, watery, up to 10 times per harvest, greenish or dark brown in color, stinking smell, sometimes looking like “swamp mud”.
  • There are no houses of blood in the kalі.

Laboratory diagnostics

  • Salmonel is seen from vomit, feces. With a widened form of blood and cross-section.

Destroyed by confectionery virobs

It is not the microorganism itself, but the toxin that vibrates.

Most staphylococci are consumed in food products in case of illness, they suffer from various purulent diseases (furunculosis, wounds that fester, tonsillitis, sinusitis). Staphylococcus abounds in dairy products, especially in confectionery creams and the like. In the process of life, staphylococci see a special type of toxin - enterotoxin, which causes poisoning. Enterotoxin does not change the taste, nor the smell of hedgehogs. The toxin is resistant to heating, building vitrimat and heating up to 100 ° C for 1-2 years.

Symptoms noteworthy features poisoning with staphylococcal toxin:

  • Shvidky cob ill (30-60 hvilin after the inoculation of the infected hedgehog)
  • Nudity, the most common symptom
  • Untidy vomit
  • Strong rіzhuchy bіl at the abdomen, above the navel
  • Body temperature is normal or low, Rarely rises to 38-39 C, three years.
  • mlyavist
  • Zamorochennya
  • Diarrhea in 50% of patients with seizures, no more than 2-5 bowel movements per day, trivality 1-3 days
  • House of blood and mucus in kali is not
  • The power of the rose is great, the court will spend the evidence


As soon as you saw the sushi bar, you noticed severe ailments, nudity, pain in your stomach and you started having diarrhea, it looks like you broke off. Most of the time, bacteria from the group of intestinal coli (E.Coli, Citrobacter, Enterobacter), 2) Staphylococcus aureus 3) protein and in. Sound like this bacteria is consumed by hedgehogs with unsatisfactory elementary hygienic rules and the wrong choice. At the same time, a classic development of grub food is seen. Symptoms: severe weakness, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea.

However, it’s a rip-off, as if it’s blasted by itself for singing minds. For example, at the time of milk spawning, the liver and caviar of such fish as pike, perch, min, vusach, buluga become brittle, crying out for important damage.

Trapplyayutsya so otruennya, scho proceed for the type of allergic reaction. After the ribs are implanted, the following symptoms may appear: reddening of the skin, sverbzh, may swell up, liver in the mouth, bіl head, tedium, diarrhea. Such a manifestation of the disturbance is explained by the great amount of speech in ribs, which calls out the symptoms of allergy, such as histamine and other. After the end of histamine, all symptoms disappear without a trace in about 7-8 years. But for hair safety, it is better to take anti-allergic drugs (suprastin, cetirizine, etc.) and go to the doctor, so it is impossible to turn on the development of a true allergic reaction to the components of ribi.

Be careful when choosing ribi:

  • Categorically zahryvaetsya to live the fish, which has flown around the luska, alive with swelling, kalamutny eyes.

Be smart when cooking ribi:

  • Fish are taken at a temperature of 1 °C
  • Don’t defrost the riba, as you didn’t see what you cook. After the defrosting of the fish, it soon begins to dry up and see unsafe toxins.

Riboi seriously ill and in most cases will require qualified medical assistance.

Mushroom poisoning

In the middle of the dust with growing dust, the dust with mushrooms is planted in the air.
Russia has over 70 types of brittle mushrooms, for which 20 may have strong brittle power. The fate of the skin of the 5th Russian Sim is blamed for the attacks of poisoning by mushrooms. The number of victims increases with the so-called “mushroom season” from May to leaf fall. At this hour, important people are seen, at times mass destruction of people, a lot of them will end with lethal traces. Since there is no insurance, sometimes found mushroom pickers are stuck with this problem.

Destroyed by canned food, botulism

Botulism- severe, potentially fatal infectious disease caused by botulinum toxin ingested into the body. It is characterized by damage to the nervous system with broken eyes, the act of forging, moving and progressive depression of the breath.

Read the report about canned food poisoning in the article: Botulism

Indispensable help in case of disorders

What do you need to call a swede?

Ta nі Why do I have such vipadkah?

So necessary!

  1. Severe symptoms of illness: partly watery deformity, in which the amount of blood is large. Unsafe life camp.
  2. Ailments are placed to the group of high risik:
  • People of a poor age
  • That child is dumb early century
  • Illnesses with chronic diseases (diabetes, liver cirrhosis, etc.)
  • Vagina
    1. At times suspected of botulism
    2. I suspected shigellosis or salmonellosis.

Lіkuvannya otruєnnya in domestic minds

The main task in the treatment of food poisoning is the elimination of toxins from the body and the restoration of water-mineral water.

What work? Yak? New?
Zrobiti promyvannya slunk
Shvidke is removed from the body of excess infected їzhі, microorganism and their toxins.
Washing the sluice is the most efficient, as it should be carried out the first year after the outbreak.
Cleanse the intestines in times of diarrhea. Take a pronunciation charge or make an enema.
Solovy pronounce:
  • Gauber's strength - in a bottle, take 1 tbsp. salt.
  • Karlovy Vary sіl - drive 1 tbsp. a spoon
Cleansing enema - high siphon enema (10 liters of water). The siphon enema follows the same principle as the washing of the hose for the aid of a thin probe. Only a probe is introduced into the gut for 40 div.
Diarrhea - natural process cleansing the body in the form of shkidlivyh speeches, then give a deaky hour to the body to independently introduce everything uncommon. I should not take care of you, but immediately take antidiarrheal drugs.
Remember the motherland and mineral speech, used for vomiting and diarrhea. The filling of the soil is deposited as a fallow stage of dehydration.
2 ways to replenish the river:
1. Through the mouth (Per os) for patients with mild and moderate illness.
Vykoristovuyutsya special rozchini:
  • Regidron
  • Citraglucosol
  • Glucosolan
Regidron zastosuvannya:
1 package in 1 liter of boiled water (temperature 37-40 ° C).
Drink in small bowls, 1 bottle (200 ml) with a stretch of 10 quills. For the shortest efficiency for 1 year, drink 1-1.5 liters.
The first stage of the recovery period is 1.5-3 years, in 80% of the cases it is enough for normalization. However, if the losses continue, the correction will be carried out for the duration of 2-3 db (stage II).
At the 1st stage, the treatment of the care of the necessary health is carried out on the 3rd stage of the watering and the mass of the ailing:
I stage 30-40 ml/kg
II-III stage 40-70 ml/kg
At the II-th stage of treatment, the necessary amount of money is taken out of the amount of money spent on vomit and diarrhea of ​​the offensive doby.

2. Internal infusion:

  • trisol
  • quartasol
  • chlosol
Shvidkіst and obsyag infusion to lie down in the step of the floodwaters and masses of the body of the ailing:
Severe step-60-120 ml/kg, 70-90 ml/min
Medium foot - 55-75 ml/kg, 60-80 ml/min.
At the same time, you will restore the spent roots and mineral speeches, quickly normalize the burning camp, speed up the removal of toxins from the body, and prevent serious damage to the exchange of speeches.

Contraindications before oral inoculation:

  • infectious-toxic shock
  • nevgamovne vomit
  • consumption of water over 1.5 l/year
  • diabetes mellitus
  • broken down glucose
  • water intake ІІ-ІІІ stage with unstable blood circulation
In times of contraindication, prior to oral therapy, internal replacement therapy should be performed.
Most of the listings are more than enough for the full coverage of the infamous camp and the present for the most recent dressing. However, in case of concomitant chronic illnesses (chronic pancreatitis, cholecystitis, etc.), treatment should be supplemented with other drugs.

Take an enterosorbent - a drug that binds toxins.
  • Filtrum:
2-3 tab. 3-4 days a day, 3-5 days course.
  • Bile vugillya:
3-4 times a day, 3-4 tab.
  • Enterosgel:
Repeat tablespoons 3 times for doba
  • Polysorb:
1 table a spoon with the top of the spread in 100 ml of water. 3-4 times a day, 3-5 days.
Preparations bind microbes and their toxins. Change the symptoms of intoxication, paint the burning camp, speed up the clothes.
Change your pain
  • Duspitalin 1 caps. 2 times a day
  • Noshpa 1 tab. 3 times a day
The preparations cause spasms, which are blamed for disorders, and they themselves feel painful.
Clean the mucus membrane of the intestinal tract Accept in'yazhuchi and enveloping yourself:
  • Kassirsky powder: 1 powder 3 times a day;
  • bismuth subsalicylate - 2 tab. chotiri once a day.
Protects the mucus membrane from teasing and irritating, relieves pain relief.
Take an antiseptic

(For severe diarrhea)

  • Intetrix: 1-2 drops. 3-4 people per day, 3-5 days
  • Іntestopan: 1-2 tons 4-6 times for production, 5-10 days
To repair the damage to the sick person. May be antimicrobial, antifungal and protiprotozoal.
Take a ferment
  • Mezim
  • Festal
  • Panzinorm
1 dragee 3 times a day pіd hour zhі. Protyag 7-14 days after the break.
As an additional therapy, it is possible to damage the secretion of herbal diseases and the lack of vision of herbal enzymes.
Reinvent the intestinal microflora
  • Normazі, 75 ml for doba, 2-3 stretches
  • Biococktail "NK"
Under an hour of acute diarrhea, 2-3 tablespoons, 3-4 days a day, 1-2 days. After that, 1-2 tbsp. 3 times a day for 1-3 months.

It is possible to vicorate other eubiotics: bactisubtil (1 caps. 3-6 times per doba, up to їdi) linex (2 caps. 3 times per doba), bifidumbacterin forte
Trivality of jubilation 2 tyzhn.

Normaze - lactulose, which enters the warehouse of the drug, sprinkles the growth of healthy microflora, and at the same time perishes the development of rotten.
Biococktail is an environmentally friendly food product that normalizes the intestinal microflora, acts, relieves and removes toxins from the body.
Specifically likuvannya grub bran, viklikanih shigels:
Antibacterial preparations:
  • The drug of choice is furazolidone.
Application: 4 times per day 0.1 g for 5-7 days
  • With moderate severity of illness - Biseptol,
Zastosuvannya: 2r. per day, 2 tablets, for 5-7 days.
  • In important cases - ampicillin,
Zastosuvannya: 4 times for doba, 0.5 g each, for 5-7 days.
Acts of particularity of exultation of the destruction caused by salmonella:
  • Antimicrobial preparations are not indicated for the ductal-intestinal form of the disease.
  • For the obvious presence of Salmonella indications - Salmonella bacteriophage, 2 tab. 3 times a day, for 30 min. before delivery, 5-7 days.
  • Sickness for salmonellosis is allowed in the collectives only after full dressing.

Destruction, jubilation by folk traditions

  • Lazne chi sauna help to actively remove toxins from the body.
  • Wedvar krop with honey. for 200 ml of water 1 tsp. dry herbs or 1 tbsp. fresh green. Boil 20 strands on a weak fire, cool, add boiled water to the cob volume, then add 1 tbsp. l. honey. It is recommended to drink water for 30 min. up to 100 ml . creep May pain relief, relieve spasms, speed up the removal of toxins, and improve the vision. Normalize the work of the herbal tract. Honey is inflamed, has bactericidal power, causes toxins, revenges the exuberant warehouse of vitamins and mineral resources.
  • Nasty marshmallow. 1 st. chopped marshmallow root, pour 200 ml of dill, cover with a lid and insist 30 khvilin. Serve, drink 1 tbsp. up to 4-5 times a day.

Altey znime inflamed, enveloping and protecting the mucous membrane of the mucosa of the intestinal mucosa from the lungs, reducing pain and discomfort in the intestines.

  • ginger tea. Pour 1 tsp. ground ginger 200 ml okrop, pour 20 strands. Drink 1 tablespoon skin 30-60 quills. ginger actively pov'yazuє toksin and spryaє їх vyvedennyu. May have antibacterial power, cause spasms, affect the immune mechanisms of the body.
  • Water from lemon juice, tea with shipshini, gorobini. Let's take revenge on the great amount of vitamin C, which is wise in the processes of resuscitation and elimination of toxins. In addition, other vitamins and minerals, which are found in drinks, are good for taking micro and macroelements with vomit and diarrhea.
  • It is recommended to live in v_dvari z rice that llyanoy nasinnya. Prepare rice brew: for 1 part of rice 7 parts of water, boil for 10 minutes, take 1/3 bottle 6 times a day.

Vidvari apply enveloping water, protecting the mucous membrane of the mucosa and intestines, reduce inflammation, re-moisten the toxins. For the last lion of zv'yazuvannya toksiniv does not act activated vugill. Vidvari to normalize the work of the intestinal tract and liver.

Diet in case of trouble, what can you eat?

We are ill with a diet to spare. Included in the diet is to put mechanical or chemical pressure on the mucous membrane of the mucosa of the intestines (smoked meats, canned food, gostri and spices, milk, cheese and fruits). For the first few days of illness, diet No. 4 is recommended, then in the world, diarrhea is prescribed diet No. 2, after which you switch to diet No. 13.

Diet №4
Diet with reduced fat and carbohydrates and normal protein intake. Included are products that give a mechanical and chemical injection to the mucosal intestinal tract (milk, malt, legumes), products that support the processes of rotting and rot in the intestines, as well as the products themselves that stimulate the secretion of the mucus and zhovchovydilennya (sauces, snacks).

  • Vilna Rіdina 1.5-2 liters
  • Energy value- 2100 kcal
  • Eating mode 5-6 times per meal
  • Stravi vіdvaryuyut chi prepared for a couple.
  • Recommended: soup, non-concentrated broth, low-fat boiled rib, porridge on water (from rice, buckwheat, porridge), mashed potatoes, jelly, syrah, dried white bread, oven, tea, broths from herbs, jelly from blackberry.
  • Enable: bakery and boron sprouts, milk and dairy products, legumes, fruits and vegetables, malt, fatty meats, ribeye, canned food, soups with cereals and vegetables.

accept enzyme preparations yak mezim, panzinorm 1 tab. pіd hour їzhі, schob additionally not zmіtsnіlіshіy herbal system. Accept 7-14.

The advance of the bran

  • Correctly determine the applicability of the product before implantation, considering the “suspected” products, as follows:
    • The term of applicability to the product has passed or will soon end
    • The tightness of the packaging is broken
    • Smell, taste, color of the product changed
    • Uncharacteristic sumish product (heterogeneous, sharuvat)
    • The appearance of bulbs when rozmіshuvanni, the siege of the day, the visibility is broken toshcho.
  • Chi do not experiment for a reason orphan
  • Better to enjoy snacks on the go from kiosks
  • Under an hour tidying up in the refrigerator.
  • Do not defrost food products, at that time, de potim cook.
  • Good thermal processing of products, especially meat, fish, eggs. It is not possible to marinate products at room temperature.
  • Protect products from contact with mosquitoes, rodents and other creatures, as they can be carriers of harmful micro-organisms.
  • Relatively miti hands before vzhivannyam їzhi. Miti slid at least 20-30 seconds from sweet, bagan under warm water.
  • Stezhite for the cleanliness of the kitchen stuffing. Wipe the kitchen surfaces like on the cob of cooking, and after it is completed.
  • Obov'yazkovo kindly eat vegetables and fruits before living.

About the food poisoning, yoga symptoms and joy are the fault of the nobility of the skin. Adzhe, as if a person is afraid of symptoms of food poisoning - the rejoicing of the bagan rose earlier. Stikavsya with grubs, mabut, be it. The peaks of the number of fluctuations are guarded in the summer, if the temperature is high, and also at the days of the holy days. For the statistics food poisoning, And also alcohol poisoning is the most common. That skin needs to know about the symptoms of poisoning and, especially, about the necessary visits when they appear.

Pastries of grubs

Irritable food, symptoms it’s important not to remember, maybe the mother is even more summative for health, and it can also carry a direct threat to life, but, regardless of the price, a lot of people will be put up to such a state without serious seriousness, relying on chance. Sucking up often food poisoning is the cause of important intoxications, disruption of normal work, liver and slugs. Before speech, few people know that nervous irritability and viraz, gastritis and liver disease, intestinal problems, arthritis, allergies, advanced vaga, and also diabetes can appear after the food has become toxic. People, for the most part, simply don’t know what to work with others. Adja at the same time was given an adequate, indispensable help, in the most part, it can damage not only a healthy person, but also life. It is even more important to swindle. In most cases, it is accompanied by tearing in the intestines, pain in the right subcostal area in the area of ​​​​the liver and mucus, vomit, tedium, and also a dislocation of the stool. It is not uncommon for a person to be disturbed by a strong headache, chills, an increase in temperature, and a wild fever.

Causes of food bran

The disruption to the body of a person in most cases of depression provokes the presence of toxins in the products of ingestion, as life products and the decay of pathogenic microorganisms. Bacteria ingestion in food products is due to the destruction of the technology of their preparation and the minds of their saving. Also, pathogenic microorganisms are often consumed by water, and with it - a human body.

The first help, as it may be given at the time of food poisoning - to give the ailing great a large amount of homeland that vomit vomit. As a country, it is better to vicorate a weak rose of potassium permanganate or pure salty water. It is necessary to drink at least a liter of water, then with a swipe of a finger on the root of the tongue to provoke a vomiting reflex. It is necessary to repeat the procedure, the docks from the hose do not come out later without houses. In order to bring in toxins, which have already been consumed in the blood, it is necessary to drink the motherland often and offal, rather for non-carbonated mineral water. To help the body to restore the balance of electrolytes and the water of the house, such as, for example, regidron, which you can get without a prescription in a pharmacy. Also, a sorbent is needed, for example, activated vogillya (1 tablet per 10 kg of vagi). The sorbent absorbs in itself the brittle speech and sprays its excretion into the body. You can also clean up the enema. If you don’t self-perceive, you’ll follow the tongue to the doctor, it’s impossible for him, if it’s complicated, you can provoke the trouble.

Emergency dopomog in case of disruption

As a special emergency help in cases of acute illness, the drug Transfer Factor may be necessary. In this case, give children 1-2 capsules of schogodini, and older people can get more. Okrim Koristi nothing will happen! If you are interested in Transfer Factor, you can buy and accept on the other sides of our site.

In front of the saints, products are bought in a hurry, they get ready to stink for melancholy, and for an hour they save themselves in the refrigerator, for they just forget to take care of them - even if it’s holy ... That one just shkoda vreshti-resht is becoming a frequent victim of not pershoї freshness, even if the insoles were invested in them and pennies …

It’s hard to cry for such “compassionateness”: after eating stale delicacies, you get sickness, carry-over, vomit, and that slug at the intestinal tract is the right food poisoning.

See grub bran

Scream the disease of microbes and their toxins - wipe off the protein nature, like in products. The zhnі zbudniki are consumed at the grub products with broken sanitary and hygienic rules for preparing and saving їzhi, with vikoristannі zarudnenі vod. In case of taking the infected virus out of the room temperature, there is an active reproduction of bacteria and toxins.

Often infected with microbes, the products do not smell good, neither in appearance, nor in taste, nor in smell.

From meat products, it is most important to make minced meat products, as if to make a large surface for the reproduction of microbes.

It is also necessary to protect chicken cutlets, so that salmonella often live on bird skins, and during processing they can eat in m'yaso.

Widely spread and damaged, caused by staphylococcus toxins, which actively multiply at normal room temperatures on such products as pate, smoked meats, pasta with cream, vinaigrette, dairy products and others. Qi products can be infected with diseases, as they suffer from staphylococcal pustular disease, for lack of admission to preparation or sale of similar food.

Dysentery, salmonellosis, paratyphoid and typhoid fever, streptococcal and staphylococcal hive infections, and cholera can be transmitted through їzhu.

As a result of grubs, dysbacteriosis and chronic intestinal infections often occur.

Sound like transient pain, grumbling and bloating in the stomach, it sets in 1-2 years after the microbes of those toxins are ingested into the tube. Might come (ale neobov'yazkovі) carrying and vomiting. The most common symptoms are headache, chills, aches in the mouth and increased body temperature.

The most serious of food poisoning is botulism

The break at a new time is for a few years of chi days after contaminated products. Superchicks of botulinum sticks multiply only in an acid-free medium - in deep balls of meat products, in canned food and intestines. In order to kill bacteria, boiling is not enough, heating is required for temperatures above 120 degrees. Otruta zazvichay vrazha nervous system.

In case of severe botulism after the ear of the cob (pain in the abdomen and vomit), after a few years the air is weakened, the sieve appears in front of the eye, fog. The language is broken and forged. Then the paralysis of other minds develops. Everything can be brought to death already at the first five dib.

For the least suspected of being infected with botulism, click the term I'll help the shvidka for yoga recovery to infectious recovery. There, to send a special protibotulin sirovatka, without any chance for the order with the skin age, the lower daedals will melt.

Persha help with food poisoning

In case of suspected botulism, before the arrival of the swede, it is necessary to wash the drain with weak soda and potassium permanganate, drink active water and a great hot drink (milk, tea).

In case of extreme eating disorders, it is also necessary to wash the tubes until the appearance of pure water with potassium permanganate of the erysipelas color from the congestion of piece vomiting - drink 1.5-2 liters of potassium permanganate from the distant root of the tongue. Take pronosne (30 ml of castor oil), or give salty pronosne (30 g of magnesium sulfate or sodium in 400 ml of water), as well as a generous puddle of drinking when carrying to compensate for flooding, activating vogillya.

After washing the hose, you can put a heating pad up to it and drink hot tea. Indications for eating disorders with sulfanilamides (phthalazol, sulgin and others) or antibiotics (levomycetin and others).

Folk stocks for cooking grubs

  • Take the skin 15 minutes for a year, activate the vugillya, 3-5 g each. Zamіst vugіllya can be taken as an absorbent, which is sold in powder, specially processed clay.
  • Take through the skin for 3 years, 1-2 g of vitamin C.
  • Pitta vіdvara crop with honey. Creep is suitable for anyone who sees it (fresh, dry, the stems are more crushed now). One tablespoon of fresh crop, or 1 teaspoon of dry grass, or 0.5 teaspoon of ground nasinnya - pour a bottle of boiled water, leave 20 khvilin on a weak fire, cool the khvilin five fifteen and add to the primary volume 'barley water'. Let's add 1 tablespoon of honey. Drink water for five years until you get a drink for a day.
  • Korinnya marshmallow - miraculous zasib with grubs. One teaspoon of finely chopped root is taken and poured with half a bottle of boiled water, curdled and infused with fresh water. After something proceeds, honey is added to the taste. Drink 1 tablespoon of grown-ups, and children - 1 teaspoon of chotiri a day.
  • Tea from flowers and leafing marshmallow also helps with eating disorders. Wine is prepared like this: 2 tablespoons of sumishi are poured into two flasks of okrop and infused from 4 to 8 years, then it is cured, honey is added to the taste. Take tea 3-4 days a day for pіvsklyanki for 30 hvilin before їzhi.
  • Garnim Zasobomє ginger tea. Pour one teaspoon of ground ginger into a glass of sprinkles, insist 20 strands of strands and take skin pivgodini one tablespoon at a time.
  • Help to eliminate toxins from the body and pharmacy infusions of eleutherococcus, astragalus and marine microalgae in powder or in tablets.
  • Yaknibіlshe next drink rіdini with food poisoning. You can also use water with lemon juice, black or green tea, tea from the fruits of gorobini and (or) herbs. Vіd їzhi protyazh dobi dobzhano utrimatisya. You can be surrounded by vineyards from the rainy day of rice.
  • It is recommended for food poisoning not to lie down, but to walk and the more, the better. It is explained by this, that a man, a Crimea, has two niroks and a third, which is a shkira. With intensive and just walking, the body throws off the dust at once from sweat, cleansing itself by itself.
  • Korisnі also roztyrannya tіla vnyanoy ganchіrkoy, showers, schob zmiti zі shkіri products otruennya. Miraculous in such vipadkah lazna or sauna, yakі miraculously burn toxins.

Even more often, eating breaks can be found without stagnation medicinal products passes for a sprat of days.

Ale obov'yazkovo it is necessary to seek medical assistance, as follows:

  • pain in the duct and intestines accompanied by a headache or confusion, a slow pulse or difficult breathing;
  • symptoms of food poisoning are already present and do not go away;
  • body temperature is higher than 37.5 degrees;
  • for 1-2 days, there is a strong vomit, carry-over, and congestion of household diseases, described above, do not help;
  • sickness is a child or a summer man.

In all fortune-telling moods, it is necessary to call out a doctor, who can recognize the likuvannya.

Preperedzhennya grub bran:

  • Wash your hands before cooking. Judge with hot miles of water, after cooking ribi or meat.
  • Do not defrost meat at room temperature. Work it step by step in the refrigerator and immediately cook. You can defrost shvidko - at the micro-furnace.
  • Unique orphaned meat, ribi, eggs and other marinated products. Cook these products thoroughly.
  • Products that look like zipped, have an unpleasant smell, and also do not eat products from blown cans.
  • Never live in a bowl of dairy products or ready-made meat, as if you spent more than two years in a refrigerator.
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