36 tyzhnіv rіzhuchy bіl across. Prophylactic approach to back pain

All future mothers of the colony are accompanied by a little bit of restlessness and a fight. In these terms, the plіd is maximally appreciated and in such a rank is known directly under the chest client, after which it becomes important to go wild. You can also remember that you are pulling the lower abdomen, so that the uterus is already starting to get ready for the future slopes and at the same time calling out the training essence. To that, on such a term, it is recommended to recommend not to break at a distance on the road, so as not to risk your health.

Main features of the 36th-38th tyzhn

On this term, the future, the little one continues to intensively gain weight. The hands of the fetus are active in the mother, and also accompanied by strong thieves of the hands and feet. The woman is obligated to listen to them constantly, to that, with the normal flow of a child’s pregnancy, in the twelfth year, she is guilty of about ten postings.

It also means that the baby is already naming its own camp in the mother of the future mothers in this term, the very fact that the child is already practically ready to come into the world, the body of the woman is also prepared for this by the regular contractions of the uterus. You can blame more pain in the empty stomach and in the pubic area.

What can turbuvati?

Whether it’s a future mom, you can also say that it’s more important to walk, and there’s still a lot of stupor in all the troubles, if it’s tight in the lower abdomen, it’s possible to get sick across - it’s also often seen in this term. Another unacceptable moment can be blamed for discomfort in the field of kulshovyh suglobiv.

The reasons for the appearance of such unacceptable perceptions can be different, so let's talk about them in a report.

Chi is not a reason for praise

If it lives below, with vacancy in these terms, it hurts so much, like the first hour of menstruation, then it’s not a good idea to fall into a panic. Sounding like this character, do not threaten the health of the future mother and little one. The stench of the mind is that in the middle of the woman, a small person is developing and growing at an active pace. Therefore, the uterus with a skin day becomes significantly larger and it is embossed on all sudan organs.

Crimson, practically all girls experience hormonal fluctuations, if there is a 36th day of vagity - a pull on the lower abdomen, there is a change and relaxation of the globules, which leads to painful sensations in the area of ​​the bagatioh and the pelvis. The future mother can also see that it’s even more important to walk through those where the center of the heaviness of displacements is already a great belly, characteristic of this term.

Why should such a visnovok be grown, that those, which are heavy at 36 degrees of weight, are considered natural and harmless manifestations.

Other references for pain sensations

Krіm іnshoy, the future mothers may appear, or such an unacceptable ailment, like hemorrhoids, will become aggravated. Qiu ailment can also be seen as the cause of the pain, which is pulling in the lower abdomen with vaginess on the 35-38th day. It is necessary for every person to consult with their doctor, who can give her a safe face, make the life of the woman easier and not harm the fetus.

Also, you can use training essences. With such a manifestation, I was guilty and blamed for not being able to go through the lengthy dekilkoh hvilin.

Privіd for unrest

Even though it’s already 36 days of vagity, pulling the lower abdomen, and having become very firm before then, it’s negligently necessary to telephone the doctor, otherwise I'll help the shvidka. Such symptoms mean that the uterus is resting in tone, but in such terms it is even more unfavorable. Through qi damage in the organism of the fetus, there is a lack of repetition, which can lead to frontal canopies. For such a state of the uterus, pains in the back and across are more characteristic.

If the improvement of the tone does not pass for a few days, then it would be better to go to the hospital, so that the doctors could watch for the camp of the future mother and health of the baby.

So varto show anxiety, as if the 36th day of vagity has already set in, the tension in the lower abdomen is guarded bloody vision z pikhvi smearing character. These signs can tell you that the placenta is coming out. This process threatens not only the health of a future person, but his life. For such manifestations, it is also varto to negainally turn to the doctor.

How else can you be unwell?

On the 36th day of pregnancy, a rich woman, a crimson overexposed woman, suffers from partial constipation and other disorders of the herbal system. Krym tsgogo, future mothers are turbulent migraines, partly call before the sechovypuskannya that sleeplessness.

Also, on this term, you can remember that the homeland begins to be seen from milk vaults. Ale not varto turbuvatisya, shards began to feed colostrum. Puppies often suffer from varicose veins, liver, sleep and sleep from regular breaks. On the rest of the winters, the palate is already strongly embossed on rich nerve endings, through which you can see the name when walking.

To make it easier on yourself on this term, it will take more time to dedicate a break on a fresh façade to a passive one. Krіm tsgogo, it is necessary to unify raznomanіnіnі rіzkih ruhіv and get up from the station while lying down neatly, turning from your back on your back and raising your legs on the back of the bed only after tsієї manipulations. The wounds of such a consequence of the collapse of the body can be protected from pain in the lower abdomen and across the 36th degree of vaginess.

Practically all fahіvtsі on such terms should be recommended to go to the giblets, wanting to have skin twenty thins and not to stay long in that very position. The women are guilty in the daytime, only wear a smarter one, and don’t drink a lot of water, so that in front of the canopies it doesn’t stink. You will be more coherently working on special gymnastics, rozroblen for future mothers this trimester. So don’t start already starting from the 35th day of the year, but it’s similar to the course, on which you can get ready to fall.

Krim tsgogo, it is not necessary to forget about proper eating and seeing your doctor at least once a day. As a future mother, I can be sure of my own self-confidence, it’s better to call the doctor, or I’ll help you for a consultation.

For this term, it’s already necessary to start getting ready for a gently sloping wake, so as soon as the next hour there will be a radio wave, in the place of all fears and fight, you will come a little bit of happiness and relief, having treated a good man.

With this wine, it is practically not due to a special sight, the lungs have matured, and the wine can breathe independently, actively working on the heart, that visible system is herbal, the organs have been formed. Prote baby continues to actively develop and get ready for his new life after the womb. At the same time, the accumulation of vitamins and minerals is actively taken up, and calcium is actively added to the bone tissue. Nervous, immune and endocrine systems are actively revitalized, the child is zakovtuy navkoloplіdnu rіdina and wet fingers, getting ready to piss breasts.

Changes in the body on the 36th day

Your body is large and not turning through the great belly and I will gain weight, it is very important for women to gain up to 15 kg and gain more, it is important to control the body weight. This hour has a good appetite, especially when it starts to sink down, and the uterus is not already so strongly pressed on the slack. The descent occurs approximately for a sprat of tizhniv to a slope, especially in primiparas. When this happens, the lowering of the head of the baby into the area of ​​​​the small pelvis of the mother is necessary for the step-by-step preparation and smoothing of the neck.

Often they blame the tricky essences, but if you don’t recognize them - you don’t feel safe, the skin woman’s preparation before the nation is different. With training essences, there is no regularity and soreness, there is a contraction of the walls of the uterus without opening the cervix, and without pathological vision. Well, in the case of training essences, the pull lives across, tse pointing to the cob of tribal activity, it is necessary to negainally break to the liquor. With strong training essences, which sound like a supper, varto just lie down on your left side and wait. The stench is swishing fast.

They are folding with sleep - through the stomach, vibrate the position comfortably and may suffer from sleeplessness, it’s a kind of preparation before the sleeping period, if you look after the little one for a rich time. Ale sleep and povnotsіnno vіdpochivat everything one thing, know your own position, drink less water at night, take a warm bath, get your own massage, take a walk before going to bed and ventilate more often.

It is important to carefully and sparsely collapse, splintering the center of gravity of the displacement and the risk of falling and injuries. To rozvantage the back and across, wear a special bandage, often change and take the knee-elbow position. Through the vice, the sich mihur is more active, and you will often want to go to the toilet, and the axis with the intestines will be folding - parts of constipation. The legs are strongly swollen, which helps to lift the current camp and that resurrection. For the lowering of the stomach, the lowering of the stomach becomes easier to dihati and the ass is not sick.

Get respect!

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Olena Malisheva - How to lose weight is nothing!

Development of the fetus on the 36th day: vaga rozmir ta pidlog

The baby grew up to about a dosm, with which it can grow from 2.6 to 2.8 kg, fallow in terms of individual features and development rates. The little one has rounded fluffy cheeks, accumulated to milk the small cells and the body was rounded. Tse to give the child the opportunity to raise the temperature of the body after the people. Iomu is more and more tormented by mz-for rozmіrіv, she is more and more pulling and shtovhaєtsya, pilfering with her head, and all the yogo ruhi is looking like mom. Vіn actively wetting fingers, graє umbilical cord, pozіhaє, hooting and raising eyes. It is important to follow the rukhami. The norm of turnover is not less than ten for 12 years. It’s like a thief, or it’s necessary to be active, it’s safe to go for a walk, it’s possible for a child to sour a little.

The skull is still not ossified, it’s seams, like it allows the heads of the head to settle down for an hour and it’s easier to go through the birth path. It is necessary for infection against injuries of the lower and sensitive fetal brain. At the same time, all the organs of the system of the fetus are practically ready before they appear in the world, and they are actively accumulating the strength and vitality of speech for the growth of the new world. Yogo legends are fully matured, you can go wild independently, hormones are actively seen, which allow you to regulate the exchange of speech. Nervous system all new and new nerve connections and reflexes are being formed. At once the child occupied her residual camp. Even if you are in pelvic predilection, then you need to know about the method of birth

Canopies for 36 days

As if your life is already down - the ancestral activity will not be barred. In the middle, from that moment, a baby appeared in the world passing a sprat of tyzhniv. Ale, you need to get ready, and get your mother documents with you that you will see a person, an insurance medical policy and an exchange card. As soon as you wake up on the 36th pregnancy day, everything will pass safely - children in this term are ready for life after the womb. Ale, all the same, varto to check the term, so that the little one has grasped a pile of vag and strength for an independent life. This is due to provocative factors - wearing important speeches, changing furniture, physical vanity, active sexual contacts. As your vaginess is rich, this term is quite friendly to the people of little ones.

As if you saw regular essences, you saw the water, or bloody visions appeared, it is necessary to go to the liquorice. Shvidsche for everything, tribal activity has already begun.

Seeing the future mami

Often a whoop at the dumb

The main considerations for this term of vaginess are the volume, which is growing, and the bazhanya is already more dense. The vaga of the body and the stomach is pulled in, between the ruhi and gives pain at the back, sleep unhanded, torment that backside. You suffer in the face of sudden changes in mood, indignities and joyful moods, you are sharply changed by anxiety and tears, aggravation and fear of motherhood. It will be especially foldable, yakscho vagіtnіst persha and vinikaє after a trival ochіkuvannya. Such women are very worried about the little one and yoga is healthy, for those, how mine process of bringing yoga into the world. It’s necessary to take more care, go for support to your loved ones, take care of the reception chores from the preparation of the landing.

What kind of day can be blamed for the tediousness of that stove, through the substitution of the hose, and also to blame for the passage and vomiting, which is a kind of "cleansing" of the body. Constipation develops through the clenching of the intestines, and even then they turn for help to the doctor. They strongly swell at the dilyantsі hands and nig, but the snares step by step, leading to a lowering of the vag.

At the same time, your body is under pressure, your heart is pumping 50% more blood volume, lower to vaccinity, and your body is working in the maximum possible mode. They can blame the weakness of that vtom, the stomluvanity of that bazhannya to sleep in the day. If you want to blame the syndrome of nesting - dear lady, take everything and clean it up at the booth, so that you can prepare yoga before you receive a baby. The tendrils of the unacceptable seem to have lost their recognition of a few tyzhnivs. Walk more often and relax, be active, don't get sick, just check on the child.

The camp of the uterus on the 36th obstetric day.

The circumference of the abdomen has reached its maximum - approximately 100 cm in girth. The walls of the uterus literally stared into the ribs, which made it hard to get sick, giving the butt and discomfort. The standing height of the bottom of the vіd bosom has reached a maximum of 36 cm, now there is less than a troch to lower. Lives to help support the bandage, to avoid discomfort and pain in the back and across.

Often blamed for the stressful essences, which seem to be strong over the evening, with which the stench is irregular and not painful, until the neck is opened, the stench is not produced. It lives visually, but it can be of a different size - some have a small vein, some have a round one. Tse to deposit in the form of a container and a statue. It is important to stitch behind the camp of the uterus - a short neck is shown on the curtains, with which it is necessary to open the inner posture and lower the fetal head.

This is the reason for the strengthening of the uterus with pain, which is to pull across, to increase the tone. Varto lie down and take papaverine or no-shpu, in order to reduce the tone and change the normality of the prenatal labor activity. With the appearance of regular essences, bloody visions or the entry of waters, it is necessary to have a gently sloping booth.

Ultrasound follow-up (ultrasound)

All the planned ultrasound examinations have already been passed, and in the terms of the due date, they are assigned for additional clarification of the due date of the previous indications. For the help of the sensor and doplerometry, the doctor should evaluate ultrasound indicators - the position of the fetus and the umbilical cord and placenta, the amount of navcoloplidnyh waters of those camps, the fetal blood flow and the stage of placental maturity. Tse dopomozhe likarevі vznachitisya z vedenniam pologiv - will be the stench of nature or a way to cut a caesarean.

On ultrasound, the date of birth, the date of birth, the growth of the fetus, the maturity of the placenta, the number of pathological inclusions in them are indicated. Also, the doctor will look again in detail at the internal organs of the fetus. If necessary, the fathers carry out 3D-ultrasound, when they look at the person of the child and all the organs of the system, take photographs.

Symptoms and signs of low water

For the data of ultrasound, it is possible to determine the number of navkoloplіdnyh waters and to reveal symptoms of low water. With a pronounced lack of water, parts of the fetus are clearly visible, it is important to break in and all the ruhi is strongly pronounced, the heartbeat is heard clearly, with which the volume of the abdomen and the height of the standing bottom can change. Malovodya vkazuє on the pathology of the excess of vaginess, as well as the deuce of the development of the fetus.

Symptoms and signs of bugs

Зворотні симптоми виникають при багатоводді, що може виникати при пороках нирок плода, при цукровому діабеті матері, патологіях серця та печінки, внутрішньоутробному інфікуванні, при цьому виражене багатоводдя призводить до сильного збільшення розмірів живота, частини тіла плода намацуються важко, відчувається рідина під руками. the heartbeat is muffled, the child is actively breaking in. In case of bagatovdі through the bend, the stretching of the walls of the uterus is a risk of development of the anterior canopies.


It’s not hard to survive through the increase in the number of sights - in this term, a mucus plug may slowly come out, which protected the child during the hour of pregnancy. Visions in the norm can be thick, milky or nap_prozorimi, without pathological houses. The mucus plug may come out in pieces or breast mucus with erysipelas brown streaks.

However, as soon as bloody visions appeared, or dark, red blood, it was necessary to call the shvidka to the rescue - there could be signs of the placenta dying, or the cob of ancestral activity. When the placenta is lost, it can also cause pain in the abdomen, tedium, bloat, and confusion through internal bleeding. Tsei camp is mortally unsafe, you need help for negaine help. When the placenta is broken and the tone of the uterus is increased, it can lead to bleeding, which can threaten the death of the fetus.

It is no less seriously necessary to put up a sharp smell of green, orphan, yellow, pinist, or blue visions until the vindication. The stench points to the development of genital infections or thrush, as it is necessary to clearly pronounce, so that the infection did not pass to the fetal tunic and was not transmitted to the child. Similar infections also give sverbіzh that liver in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bpikhvi and the crotch, damaged by the dream of a wild self-perception.

How to recognize the smell of rainy waters

Not safe will be navkoloplіdnі vodi, scho pіdtіkayut - stench vkazuyut on damage to the integrity of the fruit mіkhur and high risk of infection of the fetus. For such a canopy I will be guilty to go through the nearest dobi. It is not easy to recognize the navcoloplides of the water - as if the stench enters with a great obliga- tion , there is no doubt, and when it is drunk, there can be rare visions of sight from the licorice smell. You can use them for the help of a special test, and in home minds, you can use a special test pad from a pharmacy. When the navcolous waters are revealed, they slowly move up to the canopy booth.

In this term, the pain is more often, the stench can be blamed on the area of ​​the back and across through great expansion abdomen and change the center of gravity. It is easier for him to wear a bandage, which helps him live and revitalize his back. Pain in the space of the pubic cyst is felt through the relaxation of the pubic symphysis, and some sort of expansion, to ease the passage of the head. There are pains in the pelvis and swamps through the action of the hormone relaxin, resolving the ligaments and relaxing the swamps. Tse to ease the passage of the child with ancestral paths, but to bring the woman to discomfort. Sometimes they blame especially pain in the middle, which is blamed through the vice of the head of the fetus on the pelvis and the sieve mіkhur. Also, you can blame sverbіzh that bіl in the dilyance of the anus with a development of hemorrhoids - varto negainno tell about the goal of the doctor.

It is especially unsafe, as if pulling strongly on the lower abdomen, hurting across the stone is alive. This is a sign of an increased tone, which leads to the development of an early ancestral activity. With a strong tone, blood circulation in the placenta can be caused by rupture. When you can blame the essence, seeing the blood from the pikhvi - it’s necessary to turn to the doctor in a negligent way.

Not less unsafe development of swelling with sharp headaches, front sights in front of the eyes and ailments. At the same time, there is a large amount of protein in the section. You can also have a development toxicosis vagity, which threatens with the development of preeclampsia and eclampsia. With such a state, the food about birth is negligently vibrated.

The cold is the way of exaltation

Especially unsafe in this term is the mother's cold - viruses can cause placenta to shrivel and calcifications, early aging and fetal hypoxia. Therefore, it is important to protect yourself from the cold, especially in the mid-season. If you see unwellness, the temperature rises, you blame the undead and cough, it’s necessary to lie down in a lie down in the bed of that doctor’s call. It is important to check with the doctor - how to treat a cold, the shards of a person’s faces can negatively affect the validity of this term. In case of feverishness, it is necessary to take nurofen or paracetamol, the undead rejoice in washing the nose with saline roses and instillation of ship-sounding drops for no more than three or three days. When coughing, the tone of the uterus may increase;

Eating mode ta waga mami

Your vaga can be bigger, but it can be bigger and bigger. Sound like that among lean women, chi is quiet, who is already strong enough to eat calorie. It will not be easy to get behind the weight of a kilo, and it’s important to respectfully put yourself up to your meal at once. Varto is recommended in the practice of "just for two", it is necessary to get used to less fatty and carbohydrate foods, giving priority to protein products and growing, it is important to get more cellular tissue to prevent constipation. At the same time, the appetite can be strengthened through the lowering of the abdomen, or, alternatively, you can cut off the tightness of the wound. Any doctor can recommend you promotional days for reducing swelling and reducing the amount of wax additives.

Keep track of the quality of the products for the prevention of food poisoning and intestinal infections. It is important that the hedgehog was freshly prepared and well thermally processed - carrying and vomiting with temperature is not up to you at once.

In this term, sex can be subservient - for the increased tone of the veins, you can provoke the front canopies. As your body is already getting ready before the appearance of a baby, it is necessary to act in intimacy. As a doctor, do not mind, varto choose a position for shallow penetrations, and also reduce the intensity of intimate life. Orgasm in this term can increase the tone, which leads to increased bleeding of the placenta and the fetus.

36 days of pregnancy

At the same time, you have ended 8 months of pregnancy, the virus lives up to great growth. Every day a child is given up to 28 grams. On the 36th day of pregnancy, the little ones will be ready and radium will appear in the world. Crihti has fluffy cheeks, tummy, body. The cheeks were well formed for the little one who constantly wets the fingers on his hands and gets ready until the birthday. Aje, in the wake of the people, you happen to get better, so that you can get enough. The face of the little one also became plump and smooth. And the child's skull itself is soft and flattened along the birth canal.

The length of the baby is 44 cm, and the fetal vag itself on the 36th degree of pregnancy is approximately 2750 grams.

We take the average statistical growth of the fetus and vag. Qi indicators are daily individual and fall due to recessionary factors.

A woman on the 36th degree of pregnancy blames an unwell on the offensive plan: tightness across, back pain and vitality, constant weakness, turbulence and vision, you can get thrush, often call for vomiting and tediousness, turbulence. All the concerns are telling you ahead of the people of the child. The organism of the flooring is already aware that it reacts in such a way. Eat more, lie on your back, breathe in fresh air, do dyhal gymnastics, wear white clothes, take a look at your meal, don’t eat too much fat fat and stitch, so that you don’t use stitched products before the diet, forget about the swidka. After priyomіv їzhi for short re-etching їzhi quicken with enzymes (Mezim, Cholenzim, Pancreatin), liqual water without gases. And take relief from thrush with a soda rose (1 teaspoon per liter of boiled water) or chamomile tea (a tablespoon per liter of boiled water, let it brew, prociditi). And yet, they appeared at the 36th anniversary of seeing sirns, like washing houses with mucus and clots of pus, it is necessary to go to the doctor. You have an infection. And at the time of the bloody visions, call out a brigade of help from the guards. Bloody vision with pain at 36 tyzhnі vaginostі - it is possible to expel the placenta. And if you have a threat to your child, it will require a non-gay specialized work. So it’s bazhano to break into a gently sloping budinok with rare rare sightings. Such visions can be navcolous waters. It's not obov'yazkovo, that the water comes in a strong stream. Have a better time for a doctor to explain the situation.

On the 36th day of pregnancy, mothers are surprised when they see the messages under the heart, the legs of the little one are active and the fetal fetus may have a restless character. The bottom of the uterus is likely to be found at once directly under the sternum, which makes breathing difficult.

On the 36th day of the week, women appoint a short visit to the gynecologist. Biggers don’t move now to change their mother’s head down. But all the same, 4% of the little ones are rolled down the sides. Tse sіdnichne chi tazové indebtedness to children. In this way, problems can be blamed on the people, even if it's not obov'yazkovo. Yak variant of birth cesarean rosetin. It’s like hurting alive from the sights, why don’t you feel like kam'yanіє, you should turn negligently to the doctor. It is possible that you have uterine hypertonicity and that you can cause frontal curtains.

Lives for 9 months will require a respectful watch. To prevent stretch marks, cover the skin of the abdomen with special techniques (Mustela, Belly oila, Weleda), and ideally wear an additional bandage. An additional bandage helps to improve the number of training essences.

Canopies at 36 tyzhnі vagіtnostі zustrechayutsya dosit often. To that, the woman needs to be ready to be a mit. There can be no cause for concern. Tse is fine. The child is already physically formed and ready to stand in front of you.

Sex at 36 degrees of pregnancy is not a problem for a woman, to bring an orgasm to an increase in the tone of the uterus, and also be ready to fall, be it quiet, to instill your doctor without giving an obmezhenie to sex earlier.

Hurt across at 36 tyzhnі vagіtnostі - what to work?

At 36 days of pregnancy, it often hurts across, which can be like a later illness of the ridge, so it helps the woman’s body to change, which is in it. The organism prepares itself to the fold, rozm'yaksyuyuchi gloom and preparing m'yazi for the exit of the child from the womb.

When you are pregnant, it is important to know all your illnesses, as they can be known as a stretch. A timely trip to the therapist, which is curative, can relieve problems with the development of a child in utero and save healthy women from negative consequences, so go for pregnancy.

cause pain

From the physiological point of view - the process of development of a child and vidpovidi female organism on plіd, bіl y across є a normal being. The preparation of the state apparatus to the slopes begins - the expansion of the pelvic loins begins for greater laxity and expansion of the pelvic cysts of the pelvis.

The woman's pelvis itself by itself in women is fat and lower in men - it is genetically intelligent, the pelvis itself expands every hour of active work of state hormones. Krym tsgogo, the pelvis of the woman may have a greater cut of the anterior synarthrosis and club-crested loams, which is an inherent heritage of human evolution.

With a narrow pelvis, a possible development of pain when tired great roses fetus - a baby embossed on the pelvis, which screams more or less on the level of the krizhiv and across. Across, you also know a high ambition, which can lead to painful sensations with anatomical features of the development of the roots in a woman.

Hormones vplivayut on the tone of m'yaziv. Different m'yazi are changed in order to ensure that they get strong essences, like proshtovhuvatimut the child's name. Through the growing mass, arteries and nerves of the pelvic region and across can be squeezed. Tse bezpechuє pogrіshennya eating of the back and m'yazіv. To hurt across the hour itself through the lack of tissue security with sourness.

Crimea, you can see a group of people ill across, as if they were surviving under the hour of vagity in the rest of the week. Before them, bring:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Scoliosis of the transverse shoulder;
  • Intervertebral hernia at cob stages.


Osteochondrosis is a pathological fixation of cartilaginous tissue around the ridge, as if it overtightens the tissues, surrounding the spine of the ridge and almost “stagnation” across those other branches of the ridge. Half of the mature population of the planet suffers from illness.

It develops through the disruption of the normal processes of the cysts. Before rethinking osteochondrosis, fatness, a low-quality way of life, eating and eating are ruined physical rights to knead your back. In times of vagity, the body of the woman's body moves, with which the physical activity is greatly reduced, as in the greater obsession, it was to the point of flooding.

The tissue begins to press down on the excess tissue. Nasampered tse zachіpaє m'yazi, scho most often calls out their spasm. Nerve fibers melt as they step, yak pass on the rivers of the transverse and crocheted gossip. With their ushkodzhennyah, it was possible to irradiate to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsidnits that lower kintsivok, which, insanely, reduces the quality of life.

Osteochondrosis is often accompanied by osteoporosis - dysplastic degenerative disease of the cystic tissue. Ridges across pochinayut their structure - the body of the ridge becomes softer, more vitrium onslaught and pressure with vagitnosti. Calcium can be converted to cartilage tissue, causing osteochondrotic ossification.

Scoliosis of the transverse shoulder

Scoliosis is a curvature of the vertebral column left-handed or right-handed in a normal structure. Processes begin in the sublittle vein, which is marked by the greatest fuzziness of the ridge for the small amount of calcium and phosphorus in the structure of the cystic tissue. Poshkodzhuyutsya with chyomu navkolyshni tissues and ligamentous apparatus of the ridge - lateral ligaments and interspinal disk.

The curve can start in the middle of the ridge, but across the same line it will bring the most trouble for the people. The onset of transverse scoliosis can lead to the development of repeated vaginas in the right side of the chest on the right side of the visci - thoracic and thoracic.

When vagity is started, the stage of scoliosis can be overcome, which will lead to strong sickness. Most of the benefits, which exult was not available for a woman for an hour of vagity due to the high toxicity of drugs - non-steroidal anti-seizure drugs cause damage to the brain, and steroids, with their blackness, disrupt the development of nirok and the endocrine system of the baby.

Mіzhkhrebtseva hernia

The intervertebral disk has a shock-absorbing function and dampens vibrations. The wine is composed of two parts - the nucleus pulposus, also called amorphous, and the fibrous ring, which is like an otochu yogo and over a permanent form. The fibrous ring is elastic, which allows you to see the great grip of the ridges.

The hernia settles down at the time of destruction of the fibrous ring. The amorphous mass is changed by name, which is similar to the muzzle of a car wheel. The hernia presses down on the extra tissues, especially to pass through the spinal cord and the extra spinal roots. Tse cause bіl.

Likuvannya is made more difficult through vaginess. Often, surgical intervention is required for the development of a fibrous ring, prote anesthesia is not possible, shards of a majestic child, growing up. In vipads of strong pressure, it is possible for prenatal people to help a caesarean rose.

Decisions are accepted by the collegium, shards of similar procedures can lead to the death of a woman of a child, this is called the melancholy and risk. Tilki with more corrosive doctors can risk such an operation, and in front of her, the woman and relatives of the goiter must sign documents, informing about the risks.


It was necessary to exult in staleness due to the causes of illness. Doctors try to resort to conservative methods, which may turn off the possibility of surgical way. These methods include massage, blockade, drug therapy, physiotherapy. Mayzhe zhoden іz methodіv inaccessible to vikoristannya vagіtnimi.

Proper massage can greatly help for an hour of silent trophic processes at the ridge and across. For whom it is necessary to correctly select the technique of that massage therapist. Often people who do not have enough qualifications, proponoyut their services and disrupt the process of overflow of lymph and blood in the body.

So that a healthy little girl of that mother, at the hour of vagity, was left with vіdmіnnym, varto turn up to doctors and fahivtsіv, yakі mаyut vishchu medical enlightenment. Do not trust vague dzherelam, homeopathy and the Internet.

Problems with the ridge are just below the feet. Often pain in the back is indicative of other important physical ailments. …

Why is the lower abdomen pulling on the 36th pregnancy test and what work?

With the arrival of the thirty-sixth day, female women may have clear visions or a clear vision, heaviness across, as well as pain in the abdominal cavity, as if the character is cramped.

ICD-10 code

Reasons for seeing that the pull in the lower abdomen at 36 tyzhnі vagity

Follow the respect of the female women for those who had a character, who are stronger, as they can apply for in other terms vagіtnostі є dosit part of the phenomenon. To that it’s not varto once to boast.

Tse mozhe buti zbіlshennya rozmіrіv uteri, and tse polyuє vice on the internal organs, yak rostashovani order. Lives step by step, and tse means that the center of gravity is changing, like the background of women's hormones, the subsidence is relaxing. All the same, the reason for the appearance of an unacceptable pain to the character, which is pulling in the pubis, quilts, the abdomen and across.

Starting from 35 days of pregnancy, a woman may develop or develop hemorrhoids, which may be the cause of such unacceptable symptoms.

Sometimes a similar bil can appear after so called training essences. In such a time, pain is obvious, rapt and non-trivial.

Well, more pain is gradually relieved, or other concomitant symptoms appear, it is better to turn to your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Symptoms are obvious, that pulling in the lower abdomen at 36 tyzhnі vagity

The most common symptom, which is blamed on female women, for example, the term wine-making baby, is white, which strongly suggests discomfort before menstruation. Do not worry about this drive, as it is tolerant and you do not bleed. On the right, in the fact that the child is tall, in this period the head is at the bottom, to that the woman is blamed for the apparently fullness of the abdomen.

Sometimes it’s a pain in the lower abdomen, it also radiates across, you don’t pass the wind after sleep, or you wake up in a recumbent camp, three more days of sleep. In such a time, it’s better to turn to the doctor, the shards can tell you about low water, and as a result, the sights of the pikhvi - front canopies come.

Bolovі vіdchuttya can z'yavlyatsya raptovo and shvidko pass, but zalishayutsya dosit tolerant. Also, you can get sick across, the pelvic area, the pubic area.

Stretch across and live on 36 tyzhnі vagity

Cream in the lower abdomen, but it can also appear in the area across. Vagіtnіy zhintsі it's also important not to panic in such a depression, shards of nerve overvoltage can be badly recognized as healthy. Such a bіl directly po'yazaniy іz usіma timі zmіnami, yakі vіdbuvayutsya in the body of a woman. In addition, among the widest causes of such pain, one can see the following:

  1. Colds for other infectious diseases. Particularly often across to hurt that vipadku, like yoga blew.
  2. Hormonal perebudova under the hour of vagity can cause similar unacceptable symptoms.
  3. Through the expansion of the vag, the tension on the back is strengthened.
  4. Like a woman, it’s good to walk around, or for a long time, you can call before the pain appears.
  5. As if you already had problems across the board, after the thirty-sixth day of pregnancy, the stench can linger.

Complicated and naslіdki

Sometimes the pressure in the lower abdomen can cause more serious problems. For example, if the uterus is in good shape, which is not necessary for vagity in terms of life, the shards are blamed for the sourness of the fetus, which can lead to the development of a possible baby before the twilight.

An increase in the tone of the uterus can be the cause of the development of the anterior canopies. As if they were accompanied by bloody visions, which are smeared, it may indicate on the placenta, which may not be safe for a child.

The exuberance of viscous sensations in the lower abdomen at 36 tyzhnі vagity

The pain in the lower abdomen after the thirty-fifth day of pregnancy may be due to various reasons, so for the management of pregnancy on this term, it is guilty to be carried out under the strict control of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Yakshcho vydchuli bіl, scho growth, best to lie down and trohi vіpochiti. Most of the time, if you don’t accept it, it’s best to go through. Even though it didn’t help you, you need to see your gynecologist, or I’ll help you with a quick help.


On the latest terms of pregnancy (starting from 36 days), women are already allowed to take medical preparations. The tension in the lower abdomen can be relieved for help but-shpi.

No-shpa - likarsky zasib from a group of antispasmodics based on the active ingredient drotaverine hydrochloride. Farrowed for liver failure, heart failure, severe Nirk deficiency lactose intolerance, intolerance to components of the drug

I will take additional drug for 24 years. At one time, you can drink more than 80 mg of the drug. You can call for quicker heartbeat, headache, boredom, sleeplessness, constipation, allergic reactions.


As a rule, pains, which to pull, in the lower abdomen appear in all vaginal women in the short term. Tse means that the canopies will open up without a hitch. I will not be afraid of such a thing. In order to change pain, you can look after your doctor. Sound, women are engaged in special light physical rights, eat properly, walk or take prescriptions from a gynecologist.


In most cases, the prognosis is favorable, as the pain, which is drawn, manifests itself through the enlargement of the uterus and the development of the fetus. But all the same, varto turn to the doctor, so that you can turn off the possibility of the early canopies.

Medical expert editor

Portnov Oleksiy Oleksandrovych

Lighting: Kiev National Medical University named after. A.A. Bogomolets, specialty - "Likuvalna on the Right"

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Obov'azkovo consult z qualified fahivets so that you don’t hurt your health!

36th day of pregnancy (to whom tsikavo)

The bottom of the uterus hangs already 15 centimeters above the navel, 36 days of vaginess has not yet relieved your camp: it is alive, dihati, like earlier, importantly, it’s so unhandy to shift. You are tired, but so soon there will be a dovgoochіkuvana zustrіch!

36 days of pregnancy - an hour, if the bags to the canopy booth are already practically taken. Have you forgotten about the clothes for the little one? If you bring you to the forum on the 36th day of pregnancy, there they will begin to solidify with one voice: don’t give respect to zabobons, but make sure to protect the children’s land until it’s flattering. First, the malyukovs need to dress up immediately after they appear in the world, but in a different way, for your peace of mind, it’s better to tell about everything yourself and zazdalegid, lower potim man, or the old man will be rich in shops, buying everything without selection.

The 36th day of pregnancy was marked by an increase in your vagina by approximately 13 kilograms.

If the term vagity is 36 days, doctors do not recommend raising the price, so as not to risk the life and health of your little one. That and your doctor will appear far away, as if you raptly think of people earlier for the term.

You will not be allowed to fly like this, among others, on the term 36 days of pregnancy without a letter from the doctor. And it will be hard to take yoga off. Even more canopy canopies. You can only show yourself: height, the presence of a qualified helper order - it's scary! Tue, short trips by car are allowed. If you happen to spend more than an hour in the morning, it is necessary to work on some of the teeth and break them down.

And do not try to sit at the kermo, so that you can reach the canopy booth on your own, if you have a canopy!

A baby on the 36th pregnancy should weigh approximately 2.6 kg. The 36th day of pregnancy could have shown a photo of a real angel: looking smooth, cheeks fluffy. Your little one constantly trains: now you often wet your fingers on the handles or wind the legs. So you get ready for the right “I will receive it” - pissing mommy's breasts. The cranial cysts of the child have not yet matured, the stench of milking the soft. Zavdyaki tsomu vin can successfully go through the birth path. The liver of the little one already began to vibrate, it will help blood-forming after the appearance of Yogo in the world. 36th day of pregnancy and all the others that have been depleted to the full, - an hour like a little vicorist in order to see. There is good wine, to gain strength before appearing in the world.

The 36th day of pregnancy already accurately determines the position of the baby in your stomach. Ideally, wine is to blame for the head. Even though the position of the pelvis, it is still possible to try to change yoga, even if the stretching of the remaining two months of pregnancy is especially right. To find out, in what position your little one is getting ready to go out into the world, a midwife or a doctor can. If you smear your tummy, the stench will tell you where that other part of the baby's body is located.

The 36th day of pregnancy: the placenta is smaller, the small ones begin to succumb to the uterine cavity, in a new one, the stress hormone is seen as such, and in the future mother, they appear to milk a regular short uterus.

The axis of what for the term 36 day of pregnancy often hurts alive. The pains in the pelvis have already become stronger, the brushes are stretched there. Usunennya the center of gravity in the vagina of the uterus can give rise to bіl at the back.

The 36th day of pregnancy can be caused by mucus vision - more often than not, the mucus plug is called so, as it can be found in the canal of the cervix. Traplyatsya most often two days before the slopes. So, your body is ready to go! Just as the cork came out, it doesn’t mean that I immediately needed to get to the doctor. At vagіtnіst 36 tizhnіv at the nearest pologіv can be indicated and the temperature that rose.

36 day of pregnancy is simply guilty of being left out in the photo. Aje is already such a close moment of Narodzhennya. Another sprig of tizhniv - and you will change. And the memory of the rest of the day before the wedding with the little one will be with you!

P.S. I'm planning a photo shoot tomorrow)

and for me today 36 days have begun, the axis is only here

exactly. It is necessary to take a picture of the language

Dyakuyu, even corny information)))

The baby's liver vibrates. Vee hit his head, it seems.

Mama don't miss

women on baby.ru

Our vacancy calendar shows you the peculiarities of all stages of vacancy - super important, praiseworthy and new period of your life.

We tell you what to look after your future baby and your skin from forty types.

At 36 days of pregnancy, it often hurts across, which can be like a later illness of the ridge, so it helps the woman’s body to change, which is in it. The organism prepares itself to the fold, rozm'yaksyuyuchi gloom and preparing m'yazi for the exit of the child from the womb.

When you are pregnant, it is important to know all your illnesses, as they can be known as a stretch. A timely trip to the therapist, which is curative, can relieve problems with the development of a child in utero and save healthy women from negative consequences, so go for pregnancy.

From the physiological point of view - the process of the development of a child and a woman's organism on a plaid, a bіl across є a normal phenomenon. The preparation of the state apparatus to the slopes begins - the expansion of the pelvic loins begins for greater laxity and expansion of the pelvic cysts of the pelvis.

The female pelvis itself by itself in females is fat and lower in humans - it is genetically reasonable, the pelvis itself expands at 12-16 hours of active work and state hormones. Krym tsgogo, the pelvis of the woman may have a greater cut of the anterior synarthrosis and club-crested loams, which is an inherent heritage of human evolution.

With a narrow pelvis, a possible development of pain in case of great growths of the fetus is a child’s embossment on the pelvis, which causes pain on the equal creases and across. Across, you also know a high ambition, which can lead to painful sensations with anatomical features of the development of the roots in a woman.

  • Read also:

Hormones vplivayut on the tone of m'yaziv. Different m'yazi are changed in order to ensure that they get strong essences, like proshtovhuvatimut the child's name. Through the growing mass, arteries and nerves of the pelvic region and across can be squeezed. Tse bezpechuє pogrіshennya eating of the back and m'yazіv. To hurt across the hour itself through the lack of tissue security with sourness.

Crimea, you can see a group of people ill across, as if they were surviving under the hour of vagity in the rest of the week. Before them, bring:

  • Osteochondrosis;
  • Scoliosis of the transverse shoulder;
  • Intervertebral hernia at cob stages.


Osteochondrosis is a pathological fixation of cartilaginous tissue around the ridge, as if it overtightens the tissues, surrounding the spine of the ridge and almost “stagnation” across those other branches of the ridge. Half of the mature population of the planet suffers from illness.

It develops through the disruption of the normal processes of the cysts. Before rethinking, osteochondrosis is characterized by obesity, a low-grade way of life, a broken eating habit, and a lack of physical rights that break the back. In times of vagity, the body of the woman's body moves, with which the physical activity is greatly reduced, as in the greater obsession, it was to the point of flooding.

The tissue begins to press down on the excess tissue. Nasampered tse zachіpaє m'yazi, scho most often calls out their spasm. Nerve fibers melt as they step, yak pass on the rivers of the transverse and crocheted gossip. With their ushkodzhennyah, it was possible to irradiate to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bsidnits that lower kintsivok, which, insanely, reduces the quality of life.

Osteochondrosis is often accompanied by osteoporosis - dysplastic degenerative disease of the cystic tissue. Ridges across pochinayut their structure - the body of the ridge becomes softer, more vitrium onslaught and pressure with vagitnosti. Calcium can be converted to cartilage tissue, causing osteochondrotic ossification.

Scoliosis of the transverse shoulder

Scoliosis is a curvature of the vertebral column left-handed or right-handed in a normal structure. Processes begin in the sublittle vein, which is marked by the greatest fuzziness of the ridge for the small amount of calcium and phosphorus in the structure of the cystic tissue. Poshkodzhuyutsya with chyomu navkolyshni tissues and ligamentous apparatus of the ridge - lateral ligaments and interspinal disk.

The curve can start in the middle of the ridge, but across the same line it will bring the most trouble for the people. The onset of transverse scoliosis can lead to the development of repeated vaginas in the right side of the chest on the right side of the visci - thoracic and thoracic.

When vagity is started, the stage of scoliosis can be overcome, which will lead to strong sickness. Most of the benefits, which exult was not available for a woman for an hour of vagity due to the high toxicity of drugs - non-steroidal anti-seizure drugs cause damage to the brain, and steroids, with their blackness, disrupt the development of nirok and the endocrine system of the baby.

Mіzhkhrebtseva hernia

The intervertebral disk has a shock-absorbing function and dampens vibrations. The wine is composed of two parts - the nucleus pulposus, also called amorphous, and the fibrous ring, which is like an otochu yogo and over a permanent form. The fibrous ring is elastic, which allows you to see the great grip of the ridges.

The hernia settles down at the time of destruction of the fibrous ring. The amorphous mass is changed by name, which is similar to the muzzle of a car wheel. The hernia presses down on the extra tissues, especially to pass through the spinal cord and the extra spinal roots. Tse cause bіl.

Likuvannya is made more difficult through vaginess. Often, surgical intervention is required for the development of a fibrous ring, prote anesthesia is not possible, shards of a majestic child, growing up. In vipadkas of strong pressure, prenatal people can get help.

Decisions are accepted by the collegium, shards of similar procedures can lead to the death of a woman of a child, this is called the melancholy and risk. Tilki with more corrosive doctors can risk such an operation, and in front of her, the woman and relatives of the goiter must sign documents, informing about the risks.


It was necessary to exult in staleness due to the causes of illness. Doctors try to resort to conservative methods, as if they could not be put into surgery by a surgical path. These methods include massage, blockade, drug therapy, physiotherapy. Mayzhe zhoden іz methodіv inaccessible to vikoristannya vagіtnimi.

Proper massage can greatly help for an hour of silent trophic processes at the ridge and across. For whom it is necessary to correctly select the technique of that massage therapist. Often people who do not have enough qualifications, proponoyut their services and disrupt the process of overflow of lymph and blood in the body.

So that a healthy little girl of that mother, at the hour of vagity, was left with vіdmіnnym, varto turn up to doctors and fahivtsіv, yakі mаyut vishchu medical enlightenment. Do not trust vague dzherelam, homeopathy and the Internet.

it’s less to cackle those who break across the whole day. what can you do?

and across to hurt at any time become sitting and lying down and standing Naikrscha vіdpovіd I gave birth to a son at 37-38 tizhnі .... it is possible that the canopies are starting up slowly ... the baby is lowering ... do not worry and good luck to you Other opinions Full-term vagіtnіst - axis scho tse !! ! The child is descending, the birth paths are getting ready .... Another day or two and you will be a mother!! ! In rich women, the essences are seen across itself, and not in the stomach. Can you coach?! go to the doctor, or call the shvidka. you have a short term. better to be safe. special dosvid….

  • Visnovok

Because of the increase in the woman's arms, the woman grows up and is forced to use the musculoskeletal apparatus, the center of gravity is shifting, and the future mother is afraid to change her position.

Relaxin, which vibrates among great bones, spreads the expansion of the articulation of the bones, ligaments and cartilage, to prepare the body for the future slopes, and not to move across, to show itself to the whole process.

Such pains, as a rule, increase after trivalent walks and small physical adventures. However, it is not always possible to give an unambiguous answer to the power supply, why it is more difficult to cross - for a specific skin type, the reasons may be impersonal.

We can look at the depressions, if the pain in the back is caused by the physiological processes that occur in the body of the female woman, and do not overlook the term, and these depressions, as a signal of serious symptoms and negligible drug abuse.

If not varto turbuvatisya

The cob of vagity

After the attachment of the fruiting egg, it begins to shvidky rist uterus, at the link between which the links are transformed and stretched, and at the same time that nerve ending is deformed. This is the reason why it is evidently stretched across. Similar pains can also be blamed in the lower abdomen - the cause and there is the tightness of the bands and a rush of blood.

Therefore, the presence of such pains is often an indicator of the present vagity.

Early terms

During the entire period of vagity, the uterus continues to grow intensively and cause discomfort to the woman through the transformation of the ligaments. As a rule, minor pains pass for a few days.

If a woman suffered from osteochondrosis to the point of vacancy, then you know the pain should not be allowed to doubt the cause of her guilt.

Vtіm, unsafe not tsі bolі, and zasobi, scho zastosovutsya for їhnoy traditional lukuvannya. It is important to remember about the contraindications for the greater number of them, the shards of the aggressive warehouses, which are to be found in them, the building of the shkodi malyukov. It is better to take care of the doctor about the new way of healing.


In the other half of the vagity, pain in the transverse rarely hurts anyone.

Most women associate themselves with old grandmothers through them.

  • Even if your back pains were not shaken by force, then the stench will forcefully help you to lift your posture, which by the year will bring you to an S-like ridge, with which the pains will be in constant pressure through an unsteady tension on them, in discomfort.
  • Some people can say about themselves stretched in the distant past, a tassel, a critical crack in the fall of important front slopes and other old injuries. Therefore, hormones are enhanced by producing current vaginess, taken as a reproductive function, and added to ligaments, m'yazi and slush.
  • If you had problems with your spine before, then your pain will not be unknown to you and unbearable, but in the fall due to the severity of the pathology, it is necessary to take preventive visits to control the situation with the doctor. Very respectfully ahead of your gynecologist about problems with the ridge.
  • Pain, which is periodically blamed, from the 37th day of pregnancy - this is the name of the pardon essence of Braxton-Hicks - "train" future mother to gently sloping and vmagayut be-such vtruchannya.
  • For example, on the 36-40th day, strong pain and stretched across to point to those that your child’s head sinks into the small pelvis and squeezes nerve endings, for this one was strong and strong, but not unsafe and, in a right way, happy.

Prophylactic approach to back pain

  • Sob vaginess passed easily right for the back from the first trimester. The importance of their right cannot be denied - only mіtsnі m'yazi back allow to insure a woman in pain. Іsnuє impersonal complexes of similar rights, which are carried out both in specialized groups from training to degrees, and in home minds.
  • Important regular walks in the fresh air- stinks well know skutist that bіl.
  • Also, the corisna is also for sharpening the m'yaziv of the back of that ridge water aerobics in the pools.
  • Victory for correct posture pіd hour sleep and vіdpochinku- Pillows for vaginal, orthopedic mattresses, additional small pillows.
  • Back massage for vaginess may be richly closed, but if you learn how to independently relax yourself across, then you can not only ease yourself up with periodic attacks, but also take a serious streak against it.
  • Can't carry important bags- go to the store with a kimono or buy it via the Internet. Ask for help from the household government, or, if you can afford it, ask for help at home for a few months.
  • Virniy pomіchnik vagіtnyh sublingual bandage. Vіn podіlіt іn nоwnіtаzhennya with you on m'yazi іїї, аnd mean, svіlnіt yоu іn іn nіd nіd nіdnіuє єntuє її up to correct distillation at the mother.

If you need to beat on flashes

Early terms

If the transverse bill is localized more importantly from one side, it may be associated with pyelonephritis - inflamed nirok.

Yogo risik is especially raising the hour of vaginess. Sometimes it has few symptoms and can be confused with manifestations of toxicosis.

However, the soreness of the sechovipkannya and the swelling of the guilty zmusitia turn for the term medical aid, to that the nirks are already served by not one, but two organisms. Illicit ills threaten the unsafe conditions of nir's insufficiency.

Similar pains can be provoked by cystitis and stone-cutting disease.

Sometimes, in early terms, pain is a symptom of the threat of pregnancy interruption. For example, you commemorated even the speck of bloody visions on the whiteness and lower abdomen - the term is called the help for hospitalization.


  • In the other half of the vagity, the risk of pyelonephritis is also avoided, in case of which one can be ill like the bottom of the back as a whole, and one її side. The temperature has been increased, the nature of the battle has changed, and the symptoms of warfare have changed.
  • When pereokhodzhenny possible myositis-inflamed m'yaziv back. However, with this, it is more often localized in the area of ​​​​shoulders and shoulders. Tse hostry bіl, which delivers a lot of discomfort, rejoice in ointments, which warm. Ale for vaginal infections, sobe contraindicated again, but through the need for children.
  • In other terms, there may also be a threat of a wiki day. As you have seen up to 37 days too high tension of the abdomen, seen from the side of the path, pain in the lower abdomen so and across, it’s worth talking about your critical state and the need for terminology hospitalization.


Later, even in the early, and in the late term, you have a pull across and this way you don’t particularly get handicapped, otherwise, after appearing after some physical inconvenience, either in that, or in an unhanded camp - such a big fit in the cause of your physiology I will become and may become the norm.

How can I be strong, have an attack-like character, be accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen, invisible visions, body temperature, scorched. let's defile self-feelings- Tse signals of nebezpeki, scho vymagayut termіnovogo zvennennya to the doctor.

Calm and easy for you vacancy!

Bill at the back

37 days of pregnancy

Malyukov already 36 tizhnіv i vіn get ready to leave at the light. Vіn vzhe it is possible to die independently, smoktati mother's breasts, over-pick zhu, meconium formed near the intestines - the original calorie-green color. The process of heat exchange is more active: fat has accumulated under the skin, and the skin has thickened significantly.

Plid for 37 days of pregnancy

A small organism produces the hormones necessary for life, and the liver accumulates in order to protect the child with blood cells through the first fate of life.

At the same time, on the 37th day of pregnancy, cortisone is vibrated - a hormone that promotes full maturation of the leg. The superficial ridges become larger, the lower ones themselves, and produce a special hormone that is necessary for changing the stress after the appearance of a person in the world.

The main systems of the body continue to heal. Neurons are immediately enveloped in a special protective shell, which is necessary for the coordination of movements. This process is a trivatime by the prolongation of the coming days and navіt after the people of the child by the protyag of the whole fate.

The nose and ear cartilage will harden, and the axis of the skull bones will be navmischayutsya gnuchkiy and pliable - so it will be easier for small ones to make a change in the afternoon. Two dungarees are overfilled with water.

The child is already guilty of a bula to take on a post-paid roztashuvannya. In 95% of all inversions, children turn head down, but there may be other options.

At the age of 37, the growth of the baby is 49 cm, the weight is 2.8-2.9 kg and continues to grow, regardless of those who have little space in the mother. Yogo ruhi is already very important for moms, but it didn’t take long to get used to them, so try to get the maximum satisfaction from talking with the belly button.

Tim is bigger, that the baby is shoved at once, it’s obvious: it’s like rubbish, even viris wine is already neabiyak, the little one is no-no, that shtovhnetsya is painful for moms. To give respect to the intensity and nature of the thief: the mask is guilty of “giving signs” no less than 10 times for a stretch of 12 years. More often than not, navpak, ear-worn thieves, super-mundanely strong mails can show on the inner womb of the suffering of a child. Obov'yazkovo see the doctor, as if you do not mark the thief for a long time.

Mayday mom

As if you are twins, then it is already great the ability to give birth to the people of the same type. Multiparous women do not, as a rule, carry their babies. Have any kind of mood you are guilty of buti in the camp of full combat readiness. Instruct those closest to you about your tactics at the moment of the present day, prepare your bags in a gently sloping booth, do not leave the house without an exchange card and do not go far straight. Even this next day, you can watch for the appearance of the provisniks of the curtains.

Canopies for 37 tyzhnі vagіtnosti

Lives step by step sinks lower, easier mother's breath, but the women's days are flatter and do not check it. The lower the child goes down, the more you notice shooting pains in the area of ​​the crotch and in the legs. With this growing pressure on the sich mіkhur and intestines - remember that you have become more frequent to go to the toilet. Closer to the slopes of the little ones, it calms down, and its activity is noticeably reduced.

Exit of the mucus plug For a few days, or wind up the days to the cob flat, the mucus plug comes out, but it is not obov'yazkovo. About the appearance of a mucus plug, it is reported that thick, viscous mucus appeared in the houses seen. Tse parts of the mucus plug, which until now gently closes the cervix. The mucus, which is creamed, can be as clear as it is erysipelatous, with a hint of brown, with splashes of blood.

As if the rest of the current vagity was given to you with a good practice, then not long before you can reveal it, you may have noticed another breath. You were tormented by that and powerlessness, and now you are ready to turn the fire over and walk in a miraculous mood, is the strength of that bazhannya schoos robiti? Be singing - curtains are already on the threshold.

Decreased appetite and appetite

If the middle of vagity is marked by a miraculous appetite, then until the end of the month, this very appetite can significantly decrease. More than that - 3-4 days before the end of the day, women start to show their readiness to move out of the house, I don’t want to. What is the cost of the vag, the deakі zhіnki not long before the fall can show a decrease in the vag by 1-2 kg.

The emergence of waters can be as if on aphids, so it’s not long before today. If you have a fluke, as if you remember the streams of watery radish, which will call you up your legs, but when you do this, the uterus is not spasmodically clenched yet, or you will break at once with the person to the liquor, or call the shvidka to help. Viliv navkoloplіdnih waters zavzhdit about the cob of tribal activity.

In a few fluctuations, the vagina can close up with diarrhea in advance of the day. Like a raptom on the aphids of total prosperity, you start to carry it, it’s possible, even through a good friend, you will lean into a canopy booth with essences.

Pulling pain near the stomach and across, essences

About the canopies that are approaching, they will tell and feel sick in the lower abdomen, that they are widening and across. Pain in the abdomen and across the chest are similar to those, as the woman is looking forward to the monthly ones.

Read also 39 days of pregnancy

Ale, singsongly, the most obvious and peremptory proviso of slopes - regular pain essences. With training essences, you have already caught up with the knowledge behind the front of the day, and you know that the battle of Braxton-Higgs is irregular and painful sensations do not bring. To that, as if by raptom you see that the uterus began to rush with singing periodicity, the daedals become fast, the most frequent, the strongest and the most powerful, now, the hour has come to wake up in a gently sloping booth.

Lives on the 37th degree of pregnancy: pulling, hurting, drooping

As if the lowering of the abdomen did not feel like an early fever, as much as possible, it could happen at once, on the 37th degree of pregnancy. Something won’t happen at once - don’t worry: in the midst of depressions, life doesn’t fall right up to the end of pregnancy.

And if you are still alive, don’t check if the canopies will start to appear already practical: after lowering the belly of a woman as a whole, you can wear a baby for 1-2 more days. Then it’s already freely breathing in and out - it’s alive, having lowered itself, it allows you to breathe easily.

Ale, zam_st trudnoshchiv z dykhannyam may appear at the lower part of the abdomen, which also hovers across. Tyagne, tolerably painful, visible in the lower abdomen, as before, so clearly present in the area across - one of the provistniks of the slopes, a sign that we will soon know that the child will soon be more expensive in the new world.

Pain at 37 days of pregnancy

Later, who can explain the belly at the stomach that across at 37 tyzhnі vagity, we explained more. No pain, to pull, - a sign of a lowering of the abdomen and a sign of slopes that are approaching.

Surely, still relevant pain in the back, spine, krizhah, legs. The fact of an enlarged vagina, an enlarged uterus and, obviously, a stomach, does not pass by an absence. Try to relax more, take a horizontal position from time to time, put a cushion or pillow under your feet, do not forget about wearing an additional bandage, loosen up your legs.

To be patient and beaten at the pelvic dilatation, in creases, at the pubic cysts - not only that, under the influence of the hormone relaxin, the pelvic cysts are weakened and the pelvic cysts diverge, so also the little ones emboss on the bottom of the uterus. It takes less than an hour to reach, but for the whole hour you can be accompanied by sick discomfort in the lower part of the body.

Viewed on 37 tyzhnі vagity

Do not worry, as if by chance you will see an insignificant increase in vision at 37 vagity levels at the same time as a whole is normal. So it’s not your fault to lie at the sight of the mucus: the mucus plug is water-creaming. Normally, mucus is stretched in visions, like particles of a mucus plug, which may be whitish, erysipelas or brown. The cork can be creamed at once - one whole breast, which guesses jelly or silicone. We obov'yazkovo recognize a mucus plug: the breast may be about 2 tablespoons in volume, with which there may be bloody streaks in the breast. Having revealed the mucus plug, you can boldly break into the canopy booth - the canopies will start to clear up without a hitch.

Likuvannya across the stretching of the feet

Do not call for help with a cry of help and at the drop, as if they showed a bloody vision. The blood from the paths is most often a sign of the presence of a normally ruptured placenta - placenta previa, as it is also accompanied by hemorrhage, singly, already included in the passage of a bagatioh doslijn and analyziv. Cheer up, that the placenta is being destroyed - it’s not a safe sight that threatens the life of a child.

Well, I know, I’ll call the doctors, or break into the gently sloping wake of the next, commemorating the emergence of the rainy waters. Navkoplodnі water can wiggle all the time - you know about their appearance on the streams that flowed down the legs. Yaki, in fact, viperedzhayut the cob of tribal activity. Ale, at one hour, navkoloplіdnі vodi can pіdtіkat іn insignificant quantities, in portions - like the fruits of the husk, they hung out and destroyed their integrity. And in this case, without the introduction of fahivtsіv again, you can’t do it: damage to the integrity of the fruit tunics threatens the infection of the intrauterine fetus.


At the same time, you see a gynecologist schotizhnya. In control, the process of preparing your organisms to the full, looking at the cervix of the uterus and hearing the child's heartbeat.

The third planned ultrasound examination may have been left behind. It's true, in other vipadkah you may need a second ultrasound at 37 th vagity. Nasampered - for clarification of the roztashuvannya ditini. We already know that the most physiologically optimal position of the little one is “at the start” before getting to know the fathers - smut. However, do not start the baby to be shlashtovuetsya head down, and, having shown on the ultrasound that the baby has not taken a good position, the doctor can look at the nutrition about the birth of a caesarean rose with a shlyah.

When carried out ultrasonic follow-up the specialist also measures the size of the baby and its viability of the term of vaginess, assess the size of the water, the stage of maturity of the placenta, the size of the uterus and neck, umbilical cord.

As soon as you are ready to go to bed, you will be engaged in self-illumination of pediatrics. Dzhe retly vchit topic breastfeeding. There is nothing better for the newborn, lower mother's milk: with a warehouse that is unique for your child, with mother's antibodies, brown, safe, ready for that without cost. Zagalom, you need to fight for breast milk at any time, as if it were a year old, it will be problematic. Get ready for what next. Start watching carefully for the new people. Vzhe without 5 hvilin right mother!

Especially for beremennost.net - Olena Kichak

Thirty somy days of pregnancy

Vagіtnіst - not only a period filled with radiant emotions and mournful voices, but the hour has come to worry about the future baby. Thirty somy days of vaginess allows a little bit to take a breath. On the ear of the ninth month, the doctors respect it with a sufficient term, that the child came to the world full-term. All vitally important organs and functions of the fetus have already been included in the work, and now you may be ready for life as a mother's belly. For female twins - this is the optimal hour for the slopes.

Your baby

The child is at the final stage of development and is gaining strength at once. If the wines are ready, the curtains will open up. Sound, repetitive people live earlier, lower, stronger, and about a third of them themselves in this term.

Starry look

A 37-year-old woman looked like a newborn, without garmat on the whole body, and often had a lot of hair on her head. Nails on the fingers protrude beyond the skin, now the crihta can drape itself in a vipadkovo way. Syrup-like butter, start to grow apart. The shkira has lost its transparency and nabula of the lower erysipelas color, as the shkir of the little one is dark, then it’s bright at the same time, the lower of the fathers. Sechostate system the fetus was fully formed, in the boys the testicles descended into the scrotum, and in the girls the lips are small. Under the skin, it was possible to milk rich fatty tissues, especially on the cheeks, so that after “turning on” the mother’s life systems, the child was able to wet the breasts.


The growth of the fetus at this stage of pregnancy is 45 to 50 div, 2.5-3.3 kg. On the day, the little ones gain about 30 g of fat and grow by about 1-2 mm. But don’t forget that the growth of the skin in a child’s skin is individual. These parameters can vary not only in small children and different fathers, but also in relatives and sisters. A particularly great child can cause the mother’s serious handlessness, and the doctor can cause the death of Caesar’s roses.

Development of the cryogenic organism

At this hour, the krykhitka’s bones are ticking and the cartilages are hardening. But not all brushes and cartilage are formed before the birth. Remaining changes in the cranial box of the child are observed already after the slope. For the time being, they are still overflowing with sprats of tim'yachkiv. It is necessary, that the head went through the ancestral paths without a hitch. Kolіnna filizhanka zovsіm z'yavlyaєtsya less at Vіtsі three-shostі rokіv. The nervous system is fully developed, the nerve connections are swaying with a cold ball, which is shaped after the slope. The intestines are not smooth, but wispy with “villi”, like picking up the life of speech from the hedgehog, which is over-etched. As long as the babies are in the mother's stomach, there is no need for brown bacteria, so the child's intestines are sterile and filled with meconium - the first child's feces. If the meconium is gently sloping with a natural path, and colostrum, which will not be eaten in the first days, will create the necessary intestinal microflora. Nezabar colostrum is replaced by the living. breast milk, and not to restore the reserves of fatty tissues. At the supra-nural ridges, the hormone cortisone is vibrated, which irritates the ripening of the leg, and a sulfactant accumulates in the leg, which prevents it from “sticking together”.

Baby activity

Our little one is constantly developing, he has his own daily routine, which is getting ready for a new life. On the 37-38th day, baby:

  • begin to soak parts of your body and the umbilical cord, getting ready for an important work after a gentle slope.
  • sleep well, gaining strength. Vorushinnya vіdbuvayutsya about a dozen times a day, as if vіdvіchі vіdvіchі more often or more, varto go back to the doctor - perhaps, your child is going to be turbulent.
  • koristuetsya with their sense organs. Listen to the sounds, lakaetsya sharp and radiant melodies, especially the voice of the mother.
  • Rozrіznyaє yakrave svіtlo that temryavu. Poglinayayuchi amniotic homeland, rozraznya relish їzhi, like a mother. React to dotik to the stomach.
  • exercise dihati, “breathing-seeing” the amniotic motherland. Sometimes you can watch the rhythmic humming in the stomach - a baby whoops.

your body

Like your child, you are getting ready for future canopies. The body is molded and subdued, so that one fine day give life to a miraculous creature, as if it tasted under your heart for nine months.


Provisniki - tse symptoms, yakі will help to understand that the canopies are already close. One of the first to appear is a transient pain, no pulling in the lower abdomen and across. With whom, an unfortunate kam'yanіє lives (to come at a tone). Tse training essences. It’s easy to shake them off right - the stench is not even stronger, irregularly, it’s like changing your posture - stand up or, navpaki, lie down and relax. Vіm, as if pulling strongly, nіbi hung across the p'yatirіchna child, clasping her hands around her life, the essences are regular and often - check, if the essences are more frequent, at least five times, and you can boldly їhati to the canopy booth. If there are other canopies, wihati varto earlier, so that the stench will sound more swidkoply. Sound on the 37th-38th of the day, start to go down alive. It becomes easier than dihati, but the plaid begins to be squeezed onto the sieve mіkhur. In addition, the pressure of the fetal head on the small pelvis can cause bіl at the crotch, and through a sharp drop in the center of gravity, it can cause pain in the back. Lives do not always fall far behind, among deaky mothers, especially among quiet people, who are suddenly people, they live later, right up to the very bottoms. Removing the mucus plug is just one more slug. Most of the exit of the mucus plug is not remembered - at the soul there are toilets. You can come in partly or as a whole. There is a greenish or yellowish jelly-like breast of a size of a five-ruble coin, sometimes with erysipelas or brown blotches. You can see it far behind, so literally in front of the curtains. After the “wake-up” until the end, it can be like a couple of days, so a couple of days - it’s too early to panic, but listen carefully to your body, so as not to miss the other springs. A rush of energy - tse provіsnik before the day of birth. Vіn є natural instinct, which on a pіdsvіdomu equal zmushuє we get ready to the slopes. Sometimes it’s easy to bring yoga into a splendid charcoal mood. However, it’s hard for you to tidy up and remember the pidlog, clean up your bedroom more carefully, prepare everything you need for the little one, then be singing, that you’re a hanger. Possibly, the deputy of the stomply turbot varto trohi vіdpochiti, schob accumulate. Decrease in appetite, vag, as well as vomiting, drifting - all the same can be both a symptom of food poisoning, and a devil's slug. It’s not easy to wake up: in the middle of the morning, weakness, chills, temperature up to 38 and more. As if you have more strength, and the temperature does not rise more than 37 degrees outside, which means that your body has simply cleansed itself before the future curtains. If you don’t want to drive to the canopy booth, varto drive the car to the door and get a check on the swedish essence. Vіdhodzhennya vіdkhodzhennya vzhe vzhe not provіsnik, but privіd termіnovo їhati to likarni. Vono buvaє as povnim, i chastkovim. At the first drop, a couple of liters of redine wriggle in the air. In the other, there are less navcolous waters, but the stench is brighter for the obvious sight, there is an unacceptable smell and a greater consistency. From this moment, literally a couple of years can be left until the moment, if you are zestrinetsya zі your crisis vіch-na-vіch. At lonely falls, after the emergence of the rainy waters, the plaid does not hurry to overwhelm the quiet little house. It is not safe for one's health, so doctors often go to medical stimulants and induce operations.


37, 38, 39 obstetric care- for an hour, if you can relax and check on the curtains, the proteo contagion is more likely to lead to anxiety. On which term you can apply:

  • increased tone. It’s better for all the training essences, but even if the tone doesn’t pass for a long time, it’s possible to varto trohi to relax, to try to overcome stress and supernatural tensions.
  • oven. Navіt akshcho pechіya never tormented you in life, at the same time it can overshadow the radіsne ochіkuvannya. On the right, in the fact that the plid, the zbіlshiv at the rosemaries, the embossment on the bowel and the intestines, and can provoke me without care, or else I won’t accept the disease.
  • undead and cold. The undead can be called out not only by infection, but by an allergic reaction, as well as by hormonal changes. Vtіm, do not varto spodіvatisya on luck, it is necessary to immediately turn to the doctor, who will vindicate the reason for blaming the undead, and in case of a cold, he will propagate a safe course of lukewarmness. It is important for this person to catch up with a wil_kuvatis before the appearance of a child in the world, so as not to infect.
  • great addition to the vase and pain in the legs. This symptom cannot be left out of the posture with respect. Shvidka allowance at the vase and the bumps can not be evidence of preeclampsia.
  • bіl. At the same time, you see a particularly great challenge - having already significantly added to the vase, your tendons and cartilage are weakened under the influence of the hormone relaxin, and the little one, which is undermined, has seriously changed your center of gravity. It is necessary to be more vigilant and not to overstress. However, even though it hurts a lot and doesn’t miss a beat, it’s necessary to once again tell about the healer and how and how you hurt: pull, cole, stupid pain. - it is important to identify possible pathologies.
  • infections. 37 and 38 tizdzhen - ce extreme terms in order to reveal and begin to excite the possibility of being ill, and even then you can infect your child for half an hour, or at the first contact.

Take a look around

Ultrasound, smear, blood test and examination, examination of the cervix - everything is important to look at all stages of pregnancy and the rest of the trimester is not to blame.

Ultrasound allows you to reveal: low water, high blood pressure, placenta previa, fetal hypoxia - all the serious wounds that threaten the life and health of your child. Navіt as earlier, no pathologies were revealed, not varto nehtuvaty tsim obstezhennyam. Until then, just once the little ones have taken the rest of the camp, and the doctor can be appointed - it is necessary to recognize the caesarean roses.

A look at the cervix on the 37th and 38th days allows you to evaluate the maturity and make decisions about additional stimulation and maturity.

Other analyzes are also important and first for all directives for the detection of various infections. And it’s not less than analysis to help you in advance to reveal the possibility of illness, it is necessary to follow for self-confidence and your own visions. Mucus objects: pus; mum earthy, green chi yellow color; to make a siren or a pinist consistency - everything is to tell about the infection. Bloody sightings, better for everything, witness about the placental birth. In such moods, it is necessary to turn to the doctor in terms of terminology.

Find out about the drive of the canopy booth, in which people are chosen, read the reviews, chat with the people you know. Possibly, you are not in the power to serve this service, otherwise, if these rules appear to be unbearable for you.

You don’t go far from the booth, you need to get your mother with you an exchange card and the main documents: passport, police too.

Be sure to prepare all the necessary rebuking at the liquorice. Do not put a pick for the rest of the day, because no one else can say with 100% confidence when the moment comes. Instruct your loved ones, what the stench is to blame, if you start to feel the essence.

You still don’t know how to behave with new people, it’s possible, when the time has come to engage in self-illumination, and even if you soon happen to know the basics of motherhood in practice.

With the arrival of the thirty-sixth day, female women may have clear visions or a clear vision, heaviness across, as well as pain in the abdominal cavity, as if the character is cramped.

ICD-10 code

R10 Pain in abdomen and pelvis

Reasons for seeing that the pull in the lower abdomen at 36 tyzhnі vagity

Next, once again, give respect to the women of women for those who have a character, who are strong, which can be expressed in terms of vagity, є to finish off with a partial manifestation. To that it’s not varto once to boast.

Tse mozhe buti zbіlshennya rozmіrіv uteri, and tse polyuє vice on the internal organs, yak rostashovani order. Lives step by step, and tse means that the center of gravity is changing, like the background of women's hormones, the subsidence is relaxing. All the same, the reason for the appearance of an unacceptable pain to the character, which is pulling in the pubis, quilts, the abdomen and across.

Starting from 35 days of pregnancy, a woman may develop or develop hemorrhoids, which may be the cause of such unacceptable symptoms.

Sometimes a similar bil can appear after so called training essences. In such a time, pain is obvious, rapt and non-trivial.

Well, more pain is gradually relieved, or other concomitant symptoms appear, it is better to turn to your obstetrician-gynecologist.

Symptoms are obvious, that pulling in the lower abdomen at 36 tyzhnі vagity

The most common symptom, which is blamed on female women, for example, the term wine-making baby, is white, which strongly suggests discomfort before menstruation. Do not worry about this drive, as it is tolerant and you do not bleed. On the right, in the fact that the child is tall, in this period the head is at the bottom, to that the woman is blamed for the apparently fullness of the abdomen.

Sometimes it’s a pain in the lower abdomen, it also radiates across, you don’t pass the wind after sleep, or you wake up in a recumbent camp, three more days of sleep. In such a time, it’s better to turn to the doctor, the shards can tell you about low water, and as a result, the sights of the pikhvi - front canopies come.

Bolovі vіdchuttya can z'yavlyatsya raptovo and shvidko pass, but zalishayutsya dosit tolerant. Also, you can get sick across, the pelvic area, the pubic area.

Stretch across and live on 36 tyzhnі vagity

Cream in the lower abdomen, but it can also appear in the area across. Vagіtnіy zhintsі it's also important not to panic in such a depression, shards of nerve overvoltage can be badly recognized as healthy. Such a bіl directly po'yazaniy іz usіma timі zmіnami, yakі vіdbuvayutsya in the body of a woman. In addition, among the widest causes of such pain, one can see the following:

  1. Colds for other infectious diseases. Particularly often across to hurt that vipadku, like yoga blew.
  2. Hormonal perebudova under the hour of vagity can cause similar unacceptable symptoms.
  3. Through the expansion of the vag, the tension on the back is strengthened.
  4. Like a woman, it’s good to walk around, or for a long time, you can call before the pain appears.
  5. As if you already had problems across the board, after the thirty-sixth day of pregnancy, the stench can linger.

Complicated and naslіdki

Sometimes the pressure in the lower abdomen can cause more serious problems. For example, if the uterus is in good shape, which is not necessary for vagity in terms of life, the shards are blamed for the sourness of the fetus, which can lead to the development of a possible baby before the twilight.

An increase in the tone of the uterus can be the cause of the development of the anterior canopies. As if they were accompanied by bloody visions, which are smeared, it may indicate on the placenta, which may not be safe for a child.

The exuberance of viscous sensations in the lower abdomen at 36 tyzhnі vagity

The pain in the lower abdomen after the thirty-fifth day of pregnancy may be due to various reasons, so for the management of pregnancy on this term, it is guilty to be carried out under the strict control of an obstetrician-gynecologist. Yakshcho vydchuli bіl, scho growth, best to lie down and trohi vіpochiti. Most of the time, if you don’t accept it, it’s best to go through. Even though it didn’t help you, you need to see your gynecologist, or I’ll help you with a quick help.


On the latest terms of pregnancy (starting from 36 days), women are already allowed to take medical preparations. The tension in the lower abdomen can be relieved for help but-shpi.

No-shpa is a medicinal product from a group of antispasmodics based on the active ingredient drotaverine hydrochloride. Conserved for liver failure, heart failure, severe heart failure, lactose intolerance, intolerance to the components of the drug.

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