Yak robiti rozvantazhuvalny day. Variants of promotional days for weight loss. Skoda of the promotional days minus the promotional days

Little has been said about the influx of profitable days on the body - both about gains and shortfalls. It is important that the rozvantazhuvalny day looks like a short-line mono-diet, which helps to effectively eliminate toxins from the body, but irregular, superficially trivaly, spontaneous rozvantazhuvalny days only improve health. How to take away the grudge from the sparing regime of eating and not hurt yourself? Let's take a look at the main advantages and short periods of promotional days and their impact on the body.

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A rozvantazhuvalny day is a mode of eating, with a stretch of the day, one or two sums of food are getting used to each other. The most popular are kefir, syrnia, oatmeal, carrot, apple rose, or combinations (kefir and apple, kefir and buckwheat). To muffle almost hunger, I can divide it into 5-6 equal parts (5-6 doses), which allows me to conquer more quickly. As a rule, the total calorie content of such a diet does not exceed 1000 calories; in this case, nutritionists do not recommend consuming over 700 g of protein and 2 kg of vegetables and fruits per day.

Regular (at least once a day) promotional days may be three things:

  • short-line stress for the body, which helps to perebudovі exchange of speech and normalization of metabolism. In order to support the effect of the cold, it is recommended to take a break on different days of the week, so that the body does not adapt to such periods and does not add fat "in reserve";
  • cleansing the body. Under the hour of similar mono-diet, the herbal system, which is the prevention of ailments of the intestinal tract, allergic diseases, ailments of the skin, is thin. more, navpaki, provokes the appearance of the appearance of salts of sechoic acid and other slags;
  • adaptation to the transition to proper eating. Dekіlka of promotional days for a month to become a miraculous way to prepare the body for more often healthy hedgehog in the diet to allow the elimination of allergic reactions and problems with the intestines.

A rich woman, surrounding her diet, can only think of one thing - losing weight. Irrespective of those rozvantazhuvalny days to endure easier, lower diet, until a steady reduction in fat deposits does not produce stench - more for їх it can be called a prerequisite for pіdtrimki vaga on a normal level.

Skoda promotional days

Powerful rozvantazhuvalny days, importantly, the mother was not only told about advances, but about the shortcomings of such a regimen of eating, so that through ignorance, do not harm your body. To the rest, it is most common to add:

  • imbalanced diet. The introduction of only one product over 2-3 days after sleep means a lack of fat, protein or carbohydrates, which causes damage in the exchange of speech. It can lead to vitamin deficiency, anemia, ailments of the herbal system, it is not necessary to increase the number of promotional days to go to sleep, vlashtovoyuchi, for example, promotional days. And practicing rozvantazhuvalny days on a regular basis, varto cherguvat dієti behind a warehouse of products;
  • death of some chronic ailments. For obvious disease of the mucosal-intestinal tract, liver, nirok, circulatory diabetes, rozvantazhuvalny days can provoke stagnation. Ale, in some countries, there is a method of indications: for example, in gout and arthrosis, the days are short, in case of heart disease, potatoes, etc.

Also, a warto of memory, which is over the world occupied by rozvantazhuvalny days (often 2 times a day) can lead to dystrophy of m'yazovoi tissue.

Similar methods are suvoro contraindicated for children, female women, people who suffer from chronic ailments of the mucosal intestinal tract, and also for this reason and ill health.

Among the most popular are proteins (syrn, ribn, meat) and carbohydrate (fruit, vegetable) promotional days. Bіlkovі, which satisfies the appetite in a good way, is easier to consume and is recommended to those who need to endure a little hunger. In carbohydrates, it is more folded, the most stench of the most brown allows you to liquidate sagging, cleanse the intestines, and also enrich the body with brown speeches.

In carbohydrate promotional days:

  • ogiorkovy (218 kcal) - 1.5 kg of fresh ogirkiv in 6-7 doses without salt. At night - a bottle of 1% kefir;
  • apple (670 kcal) - 1.5 kg of fresh or liver from apple moles in 5-6 doses. At night - a bottle of 1% kefir;
  • vegetable (535 kcal) - 170 g carrot-apple salad, 200 g stewed cabbage, 100 g green peas; 150 g of beetroot salad with prunes, herbs;
  • greek - 400 g boiled buckwheat without salt with mushrooms in 4-5 doses. At night - a bottle of 1% kefir.

White days of promotion:

  • kefir-syrnia (780 kcal) - 400 g of syrup, 1 liter of kefir, 2 jars of natural yogurt for 5-6 meals;
  • chicken with vegetables (850 kcal) - 400 g of boiled chicken breast, 800 g of any fresh vegetables. At night - a bottle of 1% kefir;
  • fish with vegetables - 500 g of boiled ribi, 800 g of any fresh vegetables. At night - a bottle of 1% kefir.
Have a profitable day to get used to the most clean drinking water - not less than 2 liters.

Cream of proteins and carbohydrates, there are fat rozvantazhuvalny days, if only milk, sour cream and chi tops get used to zhu. In the opinion of nutritionists, this option of diet is good and avoids the transition to carbohydrates in fat, prote contraindications to people who suffer from atherosclerosis of the vessels, liver disease and liver paths.

1 53478 3 years ago

Ryasne festivities, tasty, but do not start Korisna hedgehog, malt, low-alcohol and licorice gassed on top of it, they don’t just take a drink, but they add calories, as they add to the tili. When gaining weight, some people are strong enough to start going in for sports, or whispering about weight loss for emergency weight loss, others are importantly sighing and reaching for a black bun, and still others are joking about how to get rid of bunny fat without applying special efforts. Rosvantazhuvalny days for losing weight is an ideal solution for those who do not like to especially fool their heads with folding diets and gyms. For this method of ordering, it is necessary to spend only one or two days per day on a mini-diet. One day obmezhenie at zhі zdatnі vitrimati usі.

Why do you need promotional days?

Zvichna for rich hedgehogs often misbehave the body - zasmіchuє human body. It’s already unacceptable to watch, as on the sides, stomach, arms and legs there is an additional fatty protuberance. Such a sight is pleasing.

You can enroll in a special salon, de for a decent amount of pennies, cleanse the body with various outbuildings and zasobami. Ale chi є sens vikidati pennies, how can you clean the body absolutely without cost and at home? For whom only a trio is needed - patience.

The improvement for the body can be equal to the training - it takes a little time, the same “training” improves the previous result and gives new achievements to the body.

Rosvantazhuvalny day for slimming the abdomen is required. Such days are focused on the internal purification of the body from slags, toxins, water, which was consumed in the body, and other products of human life.

Irrespective of those who today a person can feel the same discomfort through a change in diet, the following results are in store for the coming day:

  • internal lightness;
  • non-turbo herbal system;
  • shine and healthy looking skins;
  • glitter in the eyes;
  • change obsyag in problem areas;
  • lives become soft.

The apple menu is more modest in terms of volume and is 1.5 kg of sour apples. Do not forget about obov'yazkove vzhivannya 2 liters of water.

Vzagali, yagidni, vegetable and fruit days are similar. For expansion, it is necessary to harvest 1-1.5 kilograms of any fresh yagid or fruit. Okremo wants to see kavun - for a day of yoga, you need to take less than 3 kg. Before the vegetables, there are special recommendations - the stench is guilty of revenge on the cellular tissue, do not be starchy. Vegetables can be planted in an orphan's boiled look. Obov'yazkovo drink water and green tea without zucru.

Rosvantage on kefir

Rosvantage days for losing weight on kefir are also modest in terms of the amount of the main ingredient.

On the day you need to drink up to 1.5 liters of kefir with zero or one hundred fat content. І obov'yazkovo vzhit 1.5-2 liters of water.

Rosvantazhennya for the help of buckwheat chi rice

Greek rozvantazhennya is the most non-standard in the preparation. In advance of the day, it is necessary to take a couple of cups of buckwheat groats and pour water over nothing. I took water for nothing, I became softer and bigger in size, “swollen”. Live with a clean look without giving anything.

By stretching mono-diet it is allowed to drink green tea without additives and 2 liters of water. Another option for such a diet is to pour buckwheat into the night with kefir and for a long day it is necessary to eat buckwheat, drink low-fat kefir and water.

For a one-day weight loss on rice, it is necessary to boil a bottle of rice until it is ready to drink and eat it all day, without adding strength to that spice. You can also steam rice for nothing, like buckwheat. Similarly, you can drink 2 liters of water and green tea without zucru.

Water diet

The water way of rozvantazhennia is the most complicated among the vikonan and vitrimati yogo can only be alone. It is necessary to drink 2-4 liters of water per day. One day, the water of the room is more or less clean, or the temperature is cold.

Days of change for Malisheva's method

In the arsenal of the doctor and the wise Olenya Malisheva, there are three options for promotional days: white, "shield", hot. The menu of the promotional day for weight loss for this recipe looks like this:

  • protein. One cock without a scabbard is boiled by the water without salt until ready. Take the meat from the bone. The meat is divided into 6-8 portions and the whole day is eaten only cim. You need to drink 2 liters of water. The vtrata at the vase becomes 700-800 gr;
  • "shield". 0.5 kg of carrots, 0.5 kg of celery, 0.5 kg of beetroot grated, zmishati, divided into 6-8 portions and whole day, eat less than cim salad. It is necessary to drink 2 liters of water. Vrat vaga - 1 kg;
  • hot. You need 5 grapefruits and here 8 gulls of green tea without zucru. Stretching out the last day of the next cherguvat і іngredієnti. One year it will be necessary to eat half a grapefruit, next time - drink a cup of tea. You can drink water at the intermediary. Vrat vrat will be 1 kg.

Milk tea is a way of losing weight, following the tradition of the English to drink tea with milk. You need to boil 1-1.5 liters of milk, add 3-4 tablespoons of green chi black tea to the new one, let it brew. Price zha for the whole day. The vtrata in a vase with tsomu can become like 500 grams, so і 2 kg.

Since your body is not friendly with ogirkami, apples, kefir or other product, when you are consuming such a product, the maximum waste of water is maximized, and your choice is made for a more pleasant menu. Losing weight in such a way is better, but for you and your body it will not be stressful.

How to end the day of promotion?

Come out of the rozvantazhennya smoothly. The evening of the exciting day may not be later than 20:00. Here, a year before bedtime, you can drink a glass of water. More than any other receptions їzhі and rіdini are not guilty all day long.

On the coming day, throw on shkіdliva, sitna їzhu zі spices and malt, for filling, spent for production, not varto - tse zavdast shkodi organism. Until then, the vitrachen vaga will turn around and a new one will appear in the form of a shock dose of carbohydrates. Oskіlki organism is one, it is necessary to take care of it, but not to stress.

Therefore, it is necessary to spend the coming day on eating with a minimum amount of salt and an insignificant amount of fat.

The menu of the post-christening day can be as follows:

It goes without saying that the vzhivannya be-like a motherland, a cream of alcohol. Then you can turn around to a wonderful meal. Ale, better in this way to go to proper eating in order to save the effect of the rozvantazhuvalny day.

Revitalizing days for weight loss is a good way to cleanse the body and gain a few kilos of weight gain in a short term. Proponuemo dekilka practical pleasures, yakі help to survive the cleansing of the body with minimal costs in the mood for the scorching camp of the body.

Rosvantazhuvalny days for future and happy mothers

I would like to gain respect for a one-day diet with vagity and breastfeeding. Monodiet for women in such a state is contraindicated. Allowed to change the number of ingredients, what to eat sprats of ingredients. Obov'yazkovoy warehouse is guilty of buti kefir abo sir. It is harrowed to grow citrus fruits, midnight and other fruits and berries, which provoke allergies. In this order, the stench can be rozvantazhuvatisya once every 7-10 days, not more often. Your body during this period works for two, it’s not varto to sip yoga. І before the cob of such procedure obov'yazkovoy є doctor's consultation.

Disruption in case of ailments of the mucosal-intestinal tract

In case of ailments of the shlunkovo-intestinal tract, there is also a series of obstructions. Nasampered tse fence for the conduct of rozvantazhennya during the period of congestion or with severe forms of illness. The fence is also applied to fresh fruits, vegetables, berries. Vіdpovіdno to the recommendation of physicians, it is allowed to vzhivannya cooked, stewed and baked fruits. Of course, people with damage to the robotic herbal system of fence mono-diet, "city" diet and their options. Vinyatok to become minіdієta on вівсянці, yak daє vіdchutya richness and richness on the color of the speech. The number of promotional days for such people can become 1 time per day.

  1. It is not necessary to be afraid of promotional days. Take it like a special call, group.
  2. Like a mono-diet, it’s easy to see it, it’s not necessary to throw it, you can drink one or two bottles of kefir or add a couple of seagulls to the ration of herbs.
  3. For the whole day it is not necessary to plan trips and travel long distances. Best known close to the toilet.
  4. Razvantazhennya on the water is more convenient for the account of one's own single-manship. You can spend it once a day for a healthy body.
  5. The day of products in "these" days can be formed from protein and carbohydrate groups, but not ob'yazkovo zmіshuvat offensive groups, you can eat products from one group - kefir and syr, kefir with buckwheat, kefir with vegetables, fruit, salad, vegetable salad.
  6. When grafting the “shield” salad, you can add some lemon juice and a couple of tablespoons of olive oil to the grass, so that the “sino” does not bulge in the intestines and does not cause discomfort. The oil is necessary, so that the mass could easily come out, taking with it the shkidliv speech.
  7. Kefir with fruits - the best and easiest meal. Number of ingredients can be mixed in cocktails or lived in okremo.
  8. It is not recommended to eat citrus fruits from fermented milk products, especially kefir. There are two different groups of acidity. Vinyatok to become kivі. Yogo cannot be mixed with kefir before living - the relish will be unacceptable bitter, no living is not fresher.
  9. Riba with vegetables, porridge with vegetables or fruits, kefir with potatoes and uniforms, sir-kefir, syr with fruits are the most popular.
  10. Diet meals of the same day (kefir, on water, milk milk, on juices) are importantly given. We need to cook until it's hot.

There is no better way to cleanse the body and relieve the congestion of the vagina in one day. Tim more, you can try some new way or change other products. You can lose weight easily, that is welcome. Gosh, don't overdo it.

Rozvantazhuvalny days є vіdmіnimy pomіnіnі і bortіbі іz zayvoi vagoі i polіpshenny zdorov'ya svogo organіzmu. The result of the rozvantazhuvalny days by the hour will be decided for itself effective diet for weight loss. What are promotional days, how do you spend them correctly and find out options for promotional days?

What is the day of separation?
A day of redemption is to “help” the body, which needs help. A profitable day of transferring the calorie content of the diet to 1000 calories, and the introduction of a light, low-calorie diet is not required, as it does not require supplemental zusils for overworking. When in the body, the process of self-purification begins by natural order, when the accumulation of slags is removed, it becomes possible. The melancholy of rozvantazhuvalnyh days is unappreciable, the organism is cleansed again in the next few days, and the people feel the joy and lightness of the whole body. Periodically spent rozvantazhuvalnyh days like a normal functioning of the body, and the creation of a string figure.

Razdіlna zhivlennya, as well as dotrimannya yogo principles є expanded method of losing weight. The essence of the rozdіlnogo kharchuvannya polіgaє podіlі vsіh produktіv karchuvannya podіlі vsіh produktіv podіh podіhіvny dvі grepi groupi - dewy trip, to the warehouse of which enter rich starch, that creature's trip, rich on protein. With the introduction of the products of the creature's and growing growth, one spray is used to facilitate the process of etching into the shell. Zha, otrimana by the body for such a principle, shvidko it is easily processed, with which the body does not build up reserves. Tsey way healthy eating widely zastosovuetsya in the whole world. Rozvantazhuvalny days are part of a healthy meal.

How to rule a day for weight loss?
The power of the rozvantazhuvalny day is just as simple, the smut is such a patience. It is necessary to prepare the necessary quantity of the product necessary for the promotion day. The days of various promotional days can effectively lose weight, for which it is necessary to spend one day of promotion. To lose weight, you can spend a promotional day, if you have a power of promotional day today, foundations on a singing product.

For the first hour of rozvantazhuvalnyh days, without becoming the best of sight, spend the day after the saints, moreover, to help throw off a little extra kilos. That chi іnshiy type of product, which folds the menu of the rozvantazhuvalny day, you can choose independently, you can taste everything like your tastes. Rosvantazhuvalny days to improve the camp of the body, bring m'yazi into tone, and also help to get rid of a few kilos.

How do you spend your promotional days?
The number of promotional days that are recommended is not guilty of revisiting two days. Have a rozvantazhuvalny day, transfer the daily ration, divide into equal portions and enjoy the stretch of the day. Vzhivannya їzhi for such a principle priyaє accelerated exchange processes, which lead to a decrease in the vag. In the course of a roaring day, it is necessary to drink 2-2.5 liters of cool, crim quiet days, where it is fenced.

It’s good to have a lot of options for romantic days, why you can choose for yourself an effective and watery ration and a tasty diet. The rest of the reception until the promotional day, as well as the first day after the promotional day is not due to re-advancement, so that you don’t have to go to hell before and after the promotional day. Therefore, the ideal option for the menu in the day will be a vіvsyanka on the water, milk porridge or vegetable soup.

It is important to know that lack of sleep, as well as restless sleep, is the enemy of your figure, shards of chronic lack of sleep disrupt the production of the hormone melatonin, which settles down under an hour of sleep, after an accident, a hospitable appetite appears. Therefore, the perfect dream can be your eternal companion. You can take a bath in the evening with the addition of drops of valerian tincture or dog spice, and before going to bed, drink herbal tea based on the mother with additional honey.

Schob rozvantazhuvalny day buv most effective, it is necessary to seriously think over. At a different choice of a rozvantazhuvalny day on carbohydrates, it is necessary to maintain a balance of proteins and fats. The coexistence of products in the same way is folded from foldable carbohydrates, rosemary cellular tissue, vitamins, mineral salts. With all the shards of products in carbohydrate rozvantazhuvalny days to revenge the great number of natives, then it’s not necessary to get used to the hour of such days.

You can combine promotional days, if you need to choose products close to the warehouse: apple-kefir, syrup-kefir, rice-apple and other promotional days. You can eat fruits with vegetables, vegetables with berries, kefir and sir, riba and meat, fruits and kefir, rice and fruits too thin.

As if you are spending two rozvantazhuvalny days of sleep, it is your responsibility to spend a meat rozvantazhuvalny day, and then sheep. For this option, you can throw off 2-2.5 kilograms! At the rozvantazhuvalni days obov'yazykovo zbіlshennya physical and rozumovogo navantage.

The promotional days are subdivided into groups:
carbohydrate group - rice, kavun, ogirkov, apple, greek rozvantazhuvalny days;
protein group - ce kefir, sirn, sirno-kefir, meat, ribn_ days;
fat group - whole, sour cream, milk days.

Fruit and vegetable day of celebration.
For a fruit and vegetable rozvantazhuvalny day, it is necessary to take two kilograms of fresh vegetables and fruits. You can also drink fresh fruit and vegetable juices, as well as plant greens, like a fresh look, like a look of salads, just like a dressing to such a salad, you can whisk kefir, yogurt, lemon juice, and also unrefined roslinna oliya in a small number.

Kefir day of promotion.
Kefirny rozvantazhuvalny day transfers the life of a protracted day to less kefir, sour milk or biokefir. The norm for kefir is two liters.

Rosvantage days in Greek.
Oskіlki buckwheat є to finish with a rich product, not varto z'їdati for one meal too much buckwheat porridge. It is necessary to add 700-800 g of buckwheat groats without adding salt and spices, divide into sprats. This day you can drink tea without tsukru or vodvar spishini, as well as water without gas.

Rosvantage days on rice.
On a rice day, you can vikoristovuvat any kind of rice: long-grain, round-grain, brown, basmati, black, mixed. For this 350 g rice is cooked without salt, divided into three portions. Season the rice with a pinch of cinnamon for lunch, and for lunch that evening you can add finely chopped carrots or licorice pepper. You can drink vodvar shipshini.

Rosvantazhuvalny day on the water with green tea.
The most effective option for a rozvantazhuvalny day, but to finish the important one. During the whole day, it is necessary to regularly drink water and tea, the total amount of drink should be no less than 2 liters.

Carrot rozvantazhuvalny day.
It is necessary to grate 400-450 g of gray carrots, add a couple of drops of lemon juice and 1 tbsp. honey. Such a carrot salad is a must-have at lunchtime and in the evening. When you can drink vodvar shipshini or tea without tsukru no less than three liters. savage number. For three such promotional days, spent one hour, you can throw off 3.5 kilograms. Only two days will come before the carrots, prepared according to the recipe described above, are given any kind of fruit: grapefruit, kiwi, pomegranate, orange, apple, or else it’s okay. The supper is obov'yazkovo replaced by one grapefruit. Drink more rіdini (water or tea without zucru).

Apple Day of Detachment.
An apple day of promotion is carried out during the day by 1.5 kg of apples, 4-5 bottles of fresh apple juice without zucru.

Rosvantazhuvalny day in Syria.
Rosvantazhuvalny day on the Syrian field in the village 600 g of low-fat syrah with 60 g of low-fat sour cream for a long day. For this day, the norm is divided into six portions and given in five doses. 2 cups of tea with milk without zukru, 2 flasks of sipshini vodka.

Ribny day of separation.
600 g of low-fat ribi cooked in water or steamed without adding salt. Split into 4-6 meals. You can add non-carbonated water to it, herbal tea and tea without zucru.

Ogirkovy rozvantazhuvalny day.
On such a lucrative day, 1.5 kg of ogirkiv, greens, green tea or fresh juices were delivered. The daily norm should be divided into 4-5 doses of food.

Rosvantage days for vacations.
Vagіtnym zhіnkam, persh nizh spend rozvantazhuvalny day, next consult a doctor. In times of positive change, spend white days on kefir, syrah, meat, ribe.

Rosvantazhuvalny day for tea with milk.
This day, the promotion is given over to the prolongation of the day with green tea with milk. In the Crimea, you can spend rozvantazhuvalny days and on the milk, de drink about two liters of milk during the day. The best, as the fat content of milk will be 1.5%.

Juice rozvantazhuvalny day.
This rozvantazhuvalny day of transferring fresh juices without zucru no more than two liters during the day. You can drink and non-carbonated mineral water, but still there are no problems with nirks.

Soup rozvantazhuvalny day.
Need to brew 1.5-2 liters vegetable soup, the basis of which may become cabbage. Narize a small head of cabbage, a bunch of celeriac, one carrot, one rump, two green peppers, tomatoes for relish, 6 medium cibulins and pour cold water over. Bring to a boil and cook for 10 strands on a strong fire, and then on a regular basis until the vegetables are ready. You can add curry sauce for savor. Such a soup is served 4-5 times a day. In addition, you can drink tea without adding tsukru.

Dairy day of separation.
This day allow for 2 or 3 servings: 50 low-fat syrah, 30 g of low-fat hard syrah, a cup of kefir 0.5% fat, a cup of low-fat yogurt, a cup of milk 0.5% fat.

Kavunovy rozvantazhuvalny day.
The transfer of 500 g of kavoon pulp for five days is given.

Nasamkinets want to indulge all women in obov'yazkovo, I would like to spend a rozvantazhuvalny day once a day. You can see the effect of the stagnation already the first time, and the regular zastosuvanya of the promotional days allow you to work your figure with a string, and for those who have no problems with the zastosuvanya, the promotional days will improve the mood of that self-feeling.

One or two days without food or with a minimum amount of calories is an effective way to keep yourself in shape.

Such a regimen of eating will not bring great fatness in that moment, if it is necessary to throw off more than 5-7 kg, it will cost such a task, rather than a system. It is better not for those who wish to lose weight on rozvantazhuvannye days, but for those who want to improve themselves at the form and not gain weight by the kilos. To take the result and not to worry about your health, it is necessary to choose the right products for a dietary day.

It is important to know that hungry, roaring days bring more shkodi, less coriste. A short fast leads to the accumulation of sechoic acid, a decrease in hemoglobin in the blood, and disruption of the herbal system.

  • At any other time, it is not possible to spend in the evening ahead of the exciting day, reassuring yourself that tomorrow everything will be poisoned and burned. Navpaki, evening after the evening no later than 17-18 years, I am a light low-calorie grass.
  • The total calorie content of the daily diet on the day of promotion may be increased by 1000 kcal. All day the menu of the promotional day must be divided into 5-6 meals, planning the rest of the meal for 18 years.
  • Sob to think about thoughts about hedgehog, you need to come up with a busy. You can take up handicrafts, honor and dedicate an evening to the celebration of something new. However, it’s better not to plan a serious training - it’s inevitable that you call out almost like hunger.
  • Obov'yazkovo need to drink water. The minimum amount of water is 2.5 liters. For other people it can be reduced. Before sechoginnih zasobіv better do not go - the stench of doing dodatkove navantazhennya on nirk.
  • The strength of that spice at the rozvantazhuvalny day is contraindicated - even can be fresh and clear.

How to spend a rozvantazhuvalny day? If possible, it is necessary to roll over early and go to bed earlier. For reasons of rozvantazhuvalny days, it is best to spend at the weekend. In the end, it’s impossible to lead a day active image life and engage in physical culture.

Belkovy rozvantazhuvalny day

Bіlkovі rozvantazhuvalnі days it's easy to endure. Zavdyaki to the fact that the white hedgehog has been overexposed for a long time and the body miraculously grows, almost does not feel hunger at all. The ideal product for any small promotion - chicken breast, brewed according to the same principle as for - without skins, salt and spices. As soon as the fillet is cooked, divide it into 6 equal parts and live it through the day.

Kefir rozvantazhuvalny day

In the effectiveness of this product, which is better for everything, the skin of a thin girl has already caught up. For a kefir day, you need to buy two liters of fermented milk product and drink yoga from six drinks in one glass.

It is important for wealthy people to spend the day without a firm foot. We appreciate that the chewing ruhi creates an additive effect of incubation, and sometimes it does not allow the chewing of the chewing gums. In this case, part of the kefir is recommended to be replaced with low-fat syrup.

apple day

Let me once again remember that the day of promotion on apples is far from easy for everyone. Deyakі zhіnki feel more like hunger. As you can see the animal appetite after the delicious fruits of paradise, it is better to choose another product.

For a profitable apple day, you will need a second kilogram of sour apples, which will also be necessary to divide into six equal portions and z'isti for the entire period.

Rosvantage day on rice

To spend a profitable day on rice, it is necessary to brew one bottle of unpolished groats without adding salt and olive oil. It is not necessary to cook until it is ready, but before that I will, if the grains become too hard.

In what direction folding into carbohydrates not to catch up to change into a simple, and nasichennya vіd їdi trivatime richly more.

Greek one-day diet

The Greek rozvantazhuvalny day is an ideal option for those who want to cleanse their intestines, as well as improve their hair and hair. For a one-day breakup, a bottle of cereal is enough. Porridge is also boiled without salt, olії and tsukra and live without any flavor enhancements.

Ovocheva mini diet

Sered ladies, how to lose weight, even a popular rozvantazhuvalny day on vegetables. For the basis of the best, take a salad, which is called among the people "shchitkoy". Wine is made from fresh cabbage, carrots, beetroots, green apples. It’s worth it to cleanse your intestines, and lose weight, season the salad with lemon juice.

For girls, who do not suffer from obesity, you can fill the grass with llana or olive oil. It is not possible to salt the appetizer, but it is allowed to season the greens and cedar peas.

In the process of losing weight, I especially respect the varto to add to the cleansing of the body. Short-term cleaning significantly eases the burden on all organs of the system of life, improves exchange processes, and helps to save money. zayva homeland. It seems simpler, rozvantazhuvalny days will help the body turn from stress to normal.

Selecting the correct method of purification will allow the restart of the work of the organs of the heart-vascular system, herbal and visual systems. In order to competently organize rozvantazhuvalny days, you can in a short term spend a few kilos of folded kilograms, improve the camp of the coat, hair, nails, and add a surge of energy and lightness to the whole body.

How to work properly rozvantazhuvalny days

Ways of cleansing the body for the help of rozvantazhuvalny days without a face, from the most comfortable to soft, and, nareshti, safe and brown. Knowing the diet of kefir richly, the deacons tried to spend romantic days on cheese, apples, smoothies with yagid or on cinders. Ale, how do you practice the principle of rozvantazhuvalny days and how not to harm yourself with the regime of eating? For the cob, it is necessary to develop in the specifics of the type of express cleaning of the body.

Features and rules of promotional days:

  • M'yakiy transition - until the next day of rozvantazhuvalnyh days it is not possible to get used to the importance and fatness of the big cities;
  • Dobova energy value - 400-1000 calories;
  • Fruits can be taken up to 2 kg, protein can be up to 700 gr;
  • The additional rate of water retention is for two liters;
  • Eating shots - 5-6 times for harvest, skin for two years;
  • At breaks between meals, you can drink kefir to stifle hunger;
  • Trivality to sleep - no less than nine years for mining;
  • Give the body a preference - turn off physical activity on a profitable day;
  • Purification of the heart and the middle - take a course of massage all day long, a spa procedure to see the lazna.

Most often, the days of separation are predicted after the coming of a little hardness as a result of systematic retraining, after bright Christmas meals, or detoxification after light grubs. In these cases, the method of mono-mode is to ease the work and etching, and to lightly lose weight for the rahunok, to reduce the appearance of ballast speeches - up to 3.5 kilograms.

more popular:

  • Varieties of promotional days in Greek
  • Rosvantage day on kefir for weight loss
  • Tridenna diet kefir for weight loss
  • Diet for 500 calories per day - menu for the day
  • Cleansing the body of toxins and slags in household minds

However, the cleansing of the body was not only after the destruction of the savage mode of eating, work is necessary for singing periodicity with a method of reducing the work of all systems of life. Rosvantage days can be held 2-4 times a month. Qi "vacation for the drain" will help to regularly remove slags and toxins that have accumulated, keep the body in good shape.

What is the best option for a promotional day? Nasampered, varto take it to respect the specialness of the organism, you can intolerance and obov'yazkovo vrahuvaty special feelings, so you feel comfortable, and do not look at the finish.


Called to help the body, restart all the functions of the system, and clean up the smut. Like a person swears at a sharply reduced diet by stretching the doby, it won't necessarily achieve positive results. The purpose of a one-day diet can be a sprat.

Corrosity for the body during profitable days to lie down in the form of a recognized mark:

  • cleansing for an hour before the start of the extraordinary regimen of life;
  • an active period of weight loss to fight the effect of a plateau (caused by a decrease in the vag);
  • before the cob chi ends the diet;
  • intended for cleaning the walls of the organs of etching and vision;
  • for training willpower.

If there had not been a meta dry mono-diet, in the period of її until the end of the day, all the forces of the body were directed to the processing of only one product, and therefore it would be easier to direct the effort to organic etching.

The melancholy and the effect of the change in the regime of eating for food is manifested in the offensive:

  • prevention of liver disease, nirok;
  • struggle with a sense of heaviness;
  • normalization of exchange processes;
  • I will become shkiri;
  • usunennya visible sign of allergy;
  • feel like lightness, goodness.

If you want to spend a roaming day every day, after a few months, you can say goodbye to such a regime, taking care of the normal mode of living in other days. Golovne, choose the right product for him, uphold the basic rules of the regime, and do not be evil with him.

Can you work on rozvantazhuvalny days during the holidays?

Rosvantage days for vacation permits. Stinks are appointed by doctors after 28 years of pregnancy with the method of prevention.

Often rozvantazhuvalny day can recommend to women who suffer from bloody diabetes, allergies, aggravated or chronic illnesses of nirok, shluk, liver. The one-day regimen helps future mothers cope with health problems, without going into long-term eating conditions, building a fetus that is developing, Skoda.

In addition, for this rozvantazhuvalny day will be marked change orders, with which future mothers often stick together

Another reason is that a series of promotional days are assigned to future mothers. fight against obesity, which have grown up to vaginess, and here you go in the direction not so for weight loss, but in the control of the vagina.

However, self-admiration may not only bring greed, but seriously naughty the mother's woman and the future malyukov, this way of promotion, triviality and periodicity may be taken by the doctor to improve the mother's characteristics.

Rosvantazhuvalny days of women women may urinate dobova Kharchov's value, but it’s not your fault to be “hungry”. Most often, in these moods there are about fruit, vegetable, meat, dairy and fish days.

Options for promotional days for weight loss

Conducting a one-day diet for weight loss can be classified for food. Vybіr rozvantazhuvalnyh days to make riches: protein, fat, carbohydrates, on cellular tissue, rare zhіzhі and bring black chocolate.

What are the best products for promotional days?

  • fruits - apple, orange, banana;
  • ovochi - ogirok, carrot;
  • berries - kavun, assorti;
  • juices;
  • trigger;
  • fish;
  • kefir;
  • sire;
  • sire;
  • soup and;
  • hangings;
  • Rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • vivsyanka;
  • tea with milk;
  • dark chocolate - 72% and more.

By choosing one of the products that are most suitable for relish, you can easily spend a roaring day, not only for the rust, but also for the malt. In addition, you can combine supplementary diets one or two times a day - it will definitely make the process easier.

On kefir

An exciting day on kefir, enriching the body with proteins and calcium, cleansing the intestinal tract, normalizing the microflora of the intestinal tract. Vibir tsієї ієti, no doubt, brought melancholy not only in case of emaciation, but also in case of an extreme regimen of eating.

For effective cleansing of the body, this weight loss is sufficient drink 250 ml of kefir six times a day. You can supplement the rozvantazhuvalny day with periodic implantation of the water and the infusion of shipshini. Other products from the menu are included. If you are active, take a day to spend more time.

1 day on kefir and apples

1 day of weight loss on kefir and apples also bring good results shvidkogo slimming, cleansing, bringing home and restarting the body

Why is this mono-diet corny? On the right, in that the proteins of sour-milk products saturate the body, just like an apple is cleaned. According to the rules of diet, kefir can be non-greasy, for example, one percent. Apples are not licorice, but not too sour. Green apples are suitable for everyone. The volume of saved kefir for doba can reach 2 liters, and the number of apples is not guilty of overtaking 2 kg. In order to carry out the expansion correctly, it is necessary to remember about the necessary two liters of water for production. How to eat two products at a promotional day?

You can eat for such a scheme:

  • On the back - a bottle of kefir;
  • In the afternoon break - a bottle of kefir and 2 apples;
  • At noon - a flask of kefir with additional shmatochkiv apples and one baked apple is filled with a whole;
  • For the evening - an apple and a bottle of kefir;
  • Before going to bed - a bottle of kefir.

The second option for using products will bring no less efficiency for weight loss:

  • Bake all the apples, serve them in portions and eat them all day;
  • Drink kefir at the intermissions between apples.

It is important: until such adventurous days, it is necessary to protect people who are suffering from a disease of the intestines and twelve-fingered intestines. Їm varto vіddati win over baked apples. Effektivnist rozvantazhennya vіd tsgogo a little decrease. Pochatkivtsy are allowed to relax at the sight of two teaspoons of honey for extraction.

on apples

Rosvantazhuvalny day on apples once a day can also help cleanse the body and effectively get rid of zavoi vaga. It doesn’t matter to spend a hunger strike on apples, it’s better to stock up two kilograms of apples and two liters of water. You can supplement the diet with green tea.

You can pickle an apple, rub it, add honey or cinnamon. Selecting the method of preparation and immersion, it is necessary to divide the product into six servings. It is necessary to drink a skin portion with a large amount of water and tea.

With hypotension of greens, tea is better not to get used.

Kefir ta sir

In order to lose weight and not hurt yourself, spend enough time a day on syrі and kefir. Products rich in proteins, the body is encouraged to do so during the hour of fasting.

Volume of sirah for effective weight loss you can get up to 600 gr for doba. It’s better to add sir to equal portions and to get used to yoga in 6 doses. Correctly turn the sir for the rozvantazhuvalny day to help the fat content - 1-2%.

If you add kefir to the diet for weight loss, then you can stock up 1 liter of fermented milk product. In what direction vaga siru to be reduced to 300 gr. Products share six equal elements and vicarious skin two years. Water gets used for 30 strands until the next day.

Recipes for rozvantazhuvalnyh days in Syria to sweep the visivki, zazdalegіd vymochenі near the water.
At the sir, you can add honey, rodzinki, berries, greens. A casserole, sirniki, puddings with syru urinate savory that coryne diet, as it is easy to see one day a day.

Buckwheat and kefir

The measles in the way of the development of the body is not transverse. Saturate the sour-milk product with proteins, saturate the buckwheat groats with vitamins and minerals, moreover, clean the walls of the organs of the herbal system and beneficially pour into the nirks and the sich system.

How to lose weight on Greek and kefir? Buckwheat with a volume of 250 g should be poured with a bottle of okrop on a night, wrapped with a towel and placed in heat. Vranci dilimo porridge for 4 portions, the skin of which can be filled with chi and washed down with kefir up to two bottles. It is necessary to drink water regularly throughout the day. Important: you can’t add strength and spices to porridge.

On the rice

A promising day on rice is taken to a diet rich in carbohydrates. Rice gives a little sieve and helps to throw off zaiva vaga. The rules of a one-day diet are not to add greens, vegetables, kefir to rice, which means to make the menu of the one who is worse. Bazhano vibirati for thogo buri rice. Efficiency of purification and corrosiveness for the body in the form of a new thing, lower in other varieties of culture.

Better take off your vagus and add a cup of tea for weight loss with a slight carry-over effect. Tse dopomozhe put down to kriplyuyuchu rice.

Recipe for cooking brown rice for diet:

  • soak one bottle of washed rice by the water for the night before;
  • boil rice soaking in 0.5 liters of water.

The next recipe suggest to cook rice in two stages: having cooked sprat khvilin groats, replace the water with new water, and cook at a low temperature until cooked.

More foldable recipe for a diet for the sake of chotiri days, watching rice by the water, replacing it with a fresh one. Wetting cereals are more cleanable by the organism from slags. With rice, like with buckwheat, the rule of fencing spices is overwritten.

On the vіvsyantsі

Vivsyanka is rightfully considered one of the main cereals for weight loss. Rosvantazhuvalny day on vvsyantsі will help you lose weight up to 1.5 kg.

Recipe for cleansing with vіvsyanka: For 600 ml of water, you need a bottle of cereals. Cook the porridge for about five minutes, then fill it up and let the water in, which is left out. After that, add the porridge into 5 pieces. You can add malt with rodzinka, apples of non-licorious varieties, and fresh berries. Before diet, you can include green tea. Obov'yazkovo needs to drink a lot of water.

For rozvantazhuvalnyh days, it is better to choose the type of cereal, as it may be on the packaging of indications for an hour of preparation of 15-20 quills. Price most brown product, that did not submit to a serious temperature review, and save more brown authorities.

white day

Protein mono-diet is good for active people, the shards of richness on this element of the product last the body and do not give a quick hunger. The menu of the white day can be based on dairy products, low-fat poultry meat, chicken, veal, low-fat varieties of ribeye and legumes.

Drinking ration of a rozvantazhuvalny white day should include water, green tea, kava without milk, sipshini vodvar.

How to spend a white rozvantazhuvalny day? At a liter of low-fat kefir, add 300 g of trimmed chicken fillet, add greens. Tsya sumish is divided into 5 portions.

The diet can include syrah and kefir, to enrich the human body with calcium and to carry out an effective purification.

Drinking rozvantazhuvalny day

The promotional days on rare or refined products will make it easier for the herbal system to work and give the body the necessary repairs. There are many varieties of such diets, in the form of simple tea houses, until romantic days on berry smoothies, fresh juices and so on.

For the cob you can try drinking day for the promotion of milkweed. Wine is a lighter version of the drinking diet on green tea. Milk for the preparation of milk, you need to choose an average fat content. Milk recipe: brew green tea and add | add | into new milk. In addition, scho milk tea can take on savory characteristics, zavdyaki milk in a new reduction in caffeine in the diet with green tea. Milkweed needs to be drunk on the skin 2:00.

Often the hope is hoped simple drinking diet on water. In fact, it's starvation. Such a mode of confining water with gas. For good, it is necessary to live up to 4 liters of pure water. Drink skin-friendly 45 khvilin. In one dose, the volume of rіdini is not guilty of overtaking 0.5 liters. An exciting day on the water help the robot nirok, carry out often the procedure is not varto.

Drinking rozvantazhuvalny day on green tea it is possible to carry out a fluctuation, as if a person does not suffer from hypotension. green teaє garnimu zasobom for purification of the body from slags and toxins. The volume of dietary intake is not obmezheniya.

Results of promotional days

A good result of losing weight can be achieved, so that the power to promote the promotion of the day is high. The maximum number of repetitions of mono-diet for a day is allowed - two, with a break of 1-2 days. Tse dopomozhe to introduce water into the body and normalize the work of organs. Important: evilly rozvantazhuvalnymi days can seriously damage your health.

After a few months of carrying out such procedures, you can remember the serious changes in health and wellness, visible changes in the vase and obligations. If you correctly choose a one-day diet, you can throw off 0.5 to 1.5 kilograms per day. It is possible for you to think that in the last days of eating the thin one is balanced, and the physical urge to help fight with the heavy kilograms.

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