Why standing pratsyuє academician s. Is the working posture correct: sitting, standing or lying down? Guarantees for the smart minds of the workers

Today, everyone has fallen into a healthy way of life, so the tables for work and standing are re-entering fashion. Navkolok them to walk impersonal myths, htos stverzhuє, scho pratsyuvati standing really not so badly. And it's expensive to kill the stench. The founder and CEO of the consulting company Market Domination Media, Jonathan Long, nevertheless, made the transition to a standing way of life. I shared my hostility with Entrepreneur.

One of the priority goals for 2016, let's go around the development of our business, I have set the transition to healthy lifestyle life. Crimean diet and fitness, I tried to practice standing up and bought a special chair. On the back of my mind, I was confused: how can I practice standing up so productively, like sitting. At once I will understand that I will no longer turn to a sedentary work. There are six reasons for this.

Tse handily

I can stand all hour, I rarely sit. Steel at me allows me to practice and this way and that - I specially bought a folded design, vvazhayuchi, which is constantly changing the position. Ale, I have mercy. I spend 95% of my time standing at my desk. It turned out that the pratsyuvati were standing more comfortably, lower I thought.

My productivity has increased

If I practice standing up, everything becomes more accessible. Starting with a certain object on the table, you finish the need to move to another over our office. I would like to spend a lot of time on the process of fainting, which would require me to get up from my armchair, and without a second thought.

In a sedentary position, it is easy to see, toss. But if it’s worth it, we will immediately attack the job without interruption to leave the comfort zone.

I no longer have back pain

Previously, I suffered from pain in my back, in which I called a sedentary way of life. Regularly busy with fitness in the country made my suffering easier, even if I came to work and sat all day, practically not getting up, but turning around.

I am surprised that I spend more than an hour in the hall and sit less, get out for a while. Earlier before going to bed, I took two painkillers. Now, if I'm standing up, I won't have to drink analgesics to fall asleep.

My legs began to hurt, but I solved this problem

After a few days of my standing regime, I understand what my legs should drive me. I didn’t sound like standing all day, but it seemed to me. Then I bought a mat for parking, and the problem was solved.

A lot of picks of tables for work standing up to sell and so mothers, but often depend on their price. Ale, it’s good to google “mat anti-tom”, you can know the cіkavі propositions.

I sleep like a child

A standing way of life takes more energy, less sedentary. I see you in the evenings. Give it a couple of years at the gym and forget about the problems at bedtime.

Earlier, I lied at the bed, for an hour I lay in the bed, and it all ended when I grabbed the phone and pirnav social services, schob vryatuvatisya vіd nudgi. Tse negatively poured into my dream that kind of resentment. Ale z quiet feast, as I practice standing up, as soon as my head sticks out the pillows, as I throw doti into a miserable uninterrupted sleep, until the ringing of the alarm clock wakes me up.

Steel for standing robots pays off by 100%

Such a piece of furniture is not cheap, the best models are up to $1000. Tse strimuє bagatioh people vіd purchases to the table for robots standing. Ale yoga purchase - an investment in your health and productivity, as it pays off 100%.

With diligent watchfulness, such a steel will serve for a long time, but it’s acceptable that I inaccurately exploited it, and I wore it for more than three years. All in all, it will be less than $1 per day. The price is small for advances, yakі vіn nada.

Through a sedentary way of life, your back hurts and you gain weight in kilograms. No matter what, I recommend someone to practice standing at the computer. For example, "Lifehacker" write, so you improve your health, lose weight and increase productivity.

But there is a thought that a robot standing up is not less unsafe and causing serious illnesses. That’s why we sang the roses (the first one lowered the armchairs):

1. Yaka korost that Skoda in standing working places.

2. How to work, so that you don’t harm your health.

3. What style to choose and de yoga remember.


Prevention. On the thought of vchenih, sitting so very unsafely, like smoking. Children have a greater chance of having a heart attack, cancer and diabetes. The work at the high table is lowered by risks. "Time" writes that if you are standing up every day, the incidence of lung cancer will decrease by 21%, and for colon cancer - by 31%.

Easy weight loss. For 3 years standing, you will lose close to 400 kilocalories. Tse yak two years of walking with a great croque. Obviously, it’s better to go to the park than to stand a whole day in the office. Ale іnodi choose not to be brought.

productivity. At the Latvian startup Draugiem Group, the mobility of both standing and sitting robots was changed. It happened that if spivrobitniks work at a high table, then they can cope with the right by 10% faster. It's true, don't worry too much. The motivation “I’ll sit down if I get better” does not come up to folding tasks.


Health problems. If you stand on one place for a long time, then you can earn varicose veins veins. Tse often the ailment is quiet, who works standing up - cooks and sellers. On the back, you feel the heaviness at the feet, then the whiteness at the faces, and then the soft blue “stars”.

Bill. After 30 hvilins, carried out on the legs, the back is repaired, five that knee. Fans of high tables vvazhayut tsey bіl "brown", like after fitness. Ale, there is no dearest crust. The blood stagnates and the m'yazi overstrains.

A waste of respect. Those who practice standing up often spend less time after vikonannya chergovy zavdannya. Such a robot without interruption to bring up to waste respect. For a year on the post, we will send you a letter, but it will be easier to raise the budget without pardons.

Yak pratsyuvati

Navіt yakscho high productivity and standing robots - marketing myth, often change the position however corisno. Such changes raise the mood and weaken the m'yazi. To that it is better to practice change: standing and sitting. So you see it better to go after a tedious job.

Golovne - follow a simple rule:

Do not practice standing for more than 4 years a day and collapse for an hour break

And the axis, in our opinion, is an ideal year for robots. Set the timer before moving on to the next day. Change the position 16 times in 8 years of work.

1 rіven. 25 hvilin sitting. Folding part of the work: editing documents, raising money, programming, design.

2 rіven. Vіdpochinok 5 khvilin. Drink some kuhol water.

3 rіven. 25 hvilin standing. An easy part of the work, de need less respect: rechecking the mail, a business call, a Narada, brainstorming.

4 rіven. Vіdpochinok 5 khvilin. Translate the breath and get it right. Repeat, do not get tired of the docks.

Which style to choose

Russia has a small selection of tables, which allow people to sit and stand. Most models are sold only in foreign stores and cost more for the price. Therefore, for the cob, it is better to buy an inexpensive steel, or to work it out yourself, as the new method of work is not suitable.

In one row of supermarkets near Kurgan, the cashiers are stunned by the people standing by the stretch of the change. As a result of this, the woman's legs hurt during the constant standing.

Tell me, be kind, where can you swear at the tyranny of the store administration, so that you can tell the cashiers to sit down?

Pavlo, pratsyuvati standing up, it’s normal, according to the law. The robot-seller himself virishu, as he may vikonuvatitsya that chi іnsha robot: standing, sitting, in whatever position. The worker can wait a while and sign a labor agreement or else to work. And then there are the frames, which robots are guilty of dorimuvatsya.

Natalia Bogatirova

First, as a person works standing over 60% of his change, he won’t work at shkidlivyh minds and may have the right to a salary increase. Tim, who works over 80% of the hour, needs to be given additional days of admission.

In another way, all practitioners claim the right to a break. It doesn’t matter, it’s like the stench is practicing: standing, sitting, lying down, or on the move. The minimum for offense is pivgodini. For an hour you can sit for a while.

Thirdly, women cannot practice by standing all day. Є sanitary rules for anything. The robot supplier is obliged to organize the work of the women in such a way that they can stand, sit, and be similar, moreover, for their jobs. Here is the court practice, we also marvel at how it all works.

I don’t know how to wash the robots at your Kurgan shop and chi є among the workers of the woman’s wife. To that we will tell about everything that we need to know about those who work a lot standing.

Chi normal pratsyuvati standing

The Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not have any open borders for standing robots. Managers, cashiers, bartenders, and workers in factories are working standing up. Who can stand all the time, and who can sit through the day. If you need a job, but if you are healthy, it's okay.

How about an employment contract or planting instructions it is said that the robot is standing up, it is one of the practitioner's obov'yazkіv. Even if you don’t try, the robot-seller can be attracted to disciplinary action.

An example from ship practice: in one hotel, the administrator was voted respect for those who were sitting on the couch. The її posadovіy іnstrukії bіlо vіdsilannya up to the standard of the administrator. It is said to the new one: the administrator at the stand for an hour when seeing the guest can practice standing. The court resolved: it was not the guests who came to the hotel, but the spivrobitniks robotics companies. They paid respect for it, compensated for moral Skoda.

Likewise, neither in the employment contract, nor in the planting instructions, nor in the rules of the internal labor order, nothing is said about those, how to win the job, stand not obov'yazkovo. As the robot seller is pushing, ask him to give a letter of motivational statement, why the robot needs to stand up and stand up. Tse camp in good fortune, as if you were going to scatter in Rostrud.

Standing robot is a costly factor

For a long time, practice standing up without the ability to sit - it’s folding. Vіd tsogo they get tired, they swell their legs, their back hurts. Such a work is considered as a shkidlivy factor, we can’t talk about the hardness of the labor process. Assessing the minds of the practitioners, how many people can change on their feet.

I’ll guess what the minds of the practical workers are optimal, acceptable, shkidlivimi and unsafe. For shkіdlivі that unsafe mind pratsi pay extra and give additional admission. Є th Є іnshі guaranties, about yakі I rozpovіm troch below.

Fallow in addition, how many people are frightened to stand on the robot, wash their hands can be recognized as optimal, acceptable and shkidlivimi.

Wash your hands for an hour of work and standing

up to 40% of change

Wash your hands

think optimally

The class of minds is practical

up to 60% of change

Wash your hands

allowable mind

The class of minds is practical

up to 80% of change

Wash your hands

shkіdlivі wash the first step

The class of minds is practical

3 class, subclass 3.1

more than 80% of changes

Wash your hands

shkіdlivі mind another step

The class of minds is practical

3 class, subclass 3.2

Change - tse skіlki people pratsyuє for production. The one who practices standing over 60% of the change, practices at the shkidlivy minds of the practice.

Marvel at what class of minds is bestowed on your work mission. Like a different class, a roboticist cannot help you work, standing more than 60% of the working hour. To give respect: not a working day, the very working hour, an hour of resentment, do not enter here.

If it is the third class, read the section about supplementary guarantees and note the type of robot.

How to recognize, how to wash the hands of your work place

The class of minds of the worker at a specific working place is assigned for the heritage of a special assessment of the minds of the worker (SUT). How do robots give a special assessment and what did you do in such a way.

The special assessment is to be carried out by an inspector, who is not less than amazed at the submission of documents by the robot supplier, and asks the practitioners themselves, as they stink in their minds.

After that, as the inspector checks everything and vimiryaє, he will fill in the special assessment card for the skin working area. The card says what class of minds is installed, what kind of unsafe officials are, what kind of guarantees and compensation the worker has the right to.

The SOUT card can be folded for the skin work area. І robotic goiter learn from her practitioner. For that, the SOUT card has a special column for signatures.

Just as a person only has power over the robot, the robot seller is guilty of spreading the word about the class of minds to work on the worker's job and proper compensation. The legislator does not say anything about those who need to show you the SOUT card. Її most often do not show.

Prote Mіnpratsi vvazhє what is wrong. Us new practitioners may be aware of the results of the SAUT pіd pіdpis. For which SOUT cards, information sheets are applied. And when hiring for a job, practitioners may write to them.

Otzhe, when pratsevlashtuvanni ask me to show you the map of SOUT. The robot vendor can get to know you. The new one was ordered to have the class of minds of the workers, and the shkіdlі chinniks. The robot is standing up at the column “Severity of the labor process”.

As you are already practicing, please see a copy of the results of the special assessment of the minds of the practitioner for your work space. Requirement to submit a written application in a free form. The robot seller is guilty for 3 days to see a certified copy of the SOUT card free of charge.

At any time, mind the worker, you can be appointed to an employment contract. I stink due to the acknowledgment of the SOUT card.

You can get in touch with them, as the contract will say: wash the workers at the work place normally, there are no unsafe and unsafe factors, additional guarantees and compensation are not transferred. Call these template labor contracts, and send them no results before the date of the special assessment. In the rest of the employment contract, which I signed, it was the same.

Guarantees for the smart minds of the workers

Tim, who works with shkіdlivih and unsafe minds of pracі, the robot giver grants additional rights: the right to an additional permit, faster working days, salary increases and bezkoshtovnі medoglyad.

The robots are standing, as it takes over 60 hours to complete 80% of the total working hour, - it’s hard to wash the first step of that other step.

So think to give the right to deeds from the designation of guarantees.

Additional permit. Vіn provisions deprive tim, who works over 80% of the working hour, subclass 3.2. The robot provider is guilty of seeing at least 7 additional calendar days for admission to the river. The stench is paid, as the main admission, coming from the average salary.

Increased salary. The work of shkіdlivih minds of the worker, be it a subclass, may be paid for at least 4% more, the same work of the work of the normal minds of the worker.

Honey-gazer for the rahunok robot. Tse i medoglyady priyom pratsyuvati, і periodic medoglyady vzhe at the process of work. Tse not to lie down in addition, what kind of subclass of shkіdlivih minds was installed - 3.1 hours 3.2.

Additional rules, useful for workers, can be written in the collective agreement or directly in the employment agreement. Collective agreement - tse agreement between a professional and a robot supplier, call wines from great organizations.

As a matter of fact, you were at home when you got hired, for example, about an additional break for an offense, a change, so that it was fixed in the employment contract.

The rights of practitioners to repair

Pratsyuvati is possible, standing or sitting, the right to repair is not to be found. Mustache practitioners can go for a lunch break - a minimum of a year, a maximum of two years. And it doesn't matter, skilki are three working shifts.

If the practitioner himself can drink for a lunch break, the Labor Code of the Russian Federation does not regulate. It may be specified in the employment contract under the rules of the internal labor order (PVTR). In the same place, it is stated that skilki three days are interrupted.

PVTR is a whole local act, which regulates the mode of work and the hour of repair in the company. Mustache practitioners may be aware of him under the signature. If you don’t remember what is written in the new one, ask for the text from the cadres or ask them to see you a copy of the letter on the back of the article. 62 of the labor code.

The labor code has few guarantees for an hour for an obid, but let the practitioners in and out if you want to go for the first year of goiter, be it a robot-giver.

The right of women to stand less

For women - special rules. The stench may have the right to be transferred to a robot, excluding the influx of unfriendly virobnicheskih factors, - for their application, that is evidently up to a medical visnovka. So, for example, you can go from the seller's seat to the secretary's seat. With whom, the salary is depleted like a huge planting.

It is important here that a roboticist does not work automatically: you may not know that a woman is pregnant.

To transfer to a smaller job, it is necessary:

  1. Submit an application for the transfer of pratsyuvati, which includes the influx of unfriendly clerks.
  2. Bring a medical report about vaginess from the recommendations of the mind of the worker.

As the company has no safe work, it is necessary for the company to let the work out of the savings of the average income. As a matter of fact, you have to pay for the permit later.

Є special sanpіn, which signifies, yakі umovi pratsі є admissible for women. Just briefly: you can’t practice at the computer, but you can stand up, but don’t worry. Required, so that the woman could remember the working position for her bajan. And it’s also necessary to put a stool that wraps around, with an adjustable backrest, a headrest, a cross-roller, an armrest and seats.

The women, who knew that they read these rules, should help the robots to organize all the beauty. Robot sellers react differently. Judge so.

An example for the measles of robots. Girl-manager she asked Zv'yazkovy to re-own her work space at the link from the vagitis. The її posadovіy іnstructії says that you need to practice standing. Having assigned a medicine to a medical visnovka, what a working place needs to have a handy style, what to wrap. The robot-seller did nothing of the kind, and the court waited for him. The worker's place gives a different class of minds to the workers, which includes the influx of unfriendly foreshadowing factors - what else do you need, gromadyanko?

An example for the measles of the vagina. The sales assistant in Il-de-bote asked to transfer її for an hour of pregnancy to another job, including unfriendly picking factors, filed a statement about the vagity and the medical visnovok. Having written to a new doctor that it is necessary to ensure easy exercise, including standing, sitting and without natural lighting, it is clear to Sanpina The robot-seller has acquired a new place, but not all the best have been pleased. Zhіnka acted like a pratsyuvati for such minds and turned back before the court. The court defended the interests of the victim: having taken from the robot the salary for an hour of absenteeism, and estimating the moral failure of 10 thousand rubles.

As soon as the robotic assistant is forced to put a handy stile and smush the vagina, stand up with motivations “do not fit, call out”, you need to write a scarga to Rosspozhivnaglyadu: stezhit for dotrimanny sanpіnіv - yoga robot. You can submit a scarg through the website of the Rosspozhivnaglyadu - the axis is from the center of the page.

Kudi skarzhitsya

The rights and interests of workers are protected by Rostrud. Vіn vidaє to the robots of the attribution of a fine.

Write to Rostrud scarg, like:

  1. your employment contract does not say that the landlord's instructions say that the robot needs to stand up, but the robot driver must. Rostrud can allow you to work as a manual worker;
  2. you work more than 60% of your working hours, if you want your job assigned to a different work class. Rostrud can goitre robots to re-conduct the SOUT. The truth, the maximum that can be taken away - 7 additional days of admission head bіl for a roboticist.

Skarg is the best way to file through the site "Onlineinspektsiya-RF". There are no suvorih forms for the execution, you need to write, de and kim vy pratsyuete, why do you have a violation of your rights. Do not take pennies for nothing.

Important: scarga cannot be filed anonymously, but you can ask the inspector not to disclose information about you. Write about it in fear or put together a statement: “I ask you to ensure confidentiality and do not tell the roboticist about me for a recheck.” It is important to write in writing.

If you would like to talk to the inspector in person, you can make an appointment for a special reception through the website. Or choose your region, look at the address, the hour of work and the phone number of the inspection, and just go to them yourself.


Pratsyuvati standing normally, navit 12 years a day. Pratsyuvati over 60% of the day's change - shkіdlі vymі pracі. More than 80% - shkіdlі vіdі praci іn the other step, tse eligibility for 7 days of additional permit. You can take a look at the class of minds working for your work place at the employment contract and SOUT card.

The ability to work standing up may be fixed at the employment contract or the planting instructions. As if nothing else, ask the robot for letters of inquiry. With them you can go to Rostrud. Please, scho can we change the terms of the employment contract and їх it is not possible to stop you.

It is a pity that the legislator does not talk about the pracivniks, as they stand in a state of embarrassment. They don't have a lot of guarantees. It seems that the heads of the vocational schools and the practitioners themselves. Therefore, respectfully read the labor contract and do not wait on the unhanded for you to wash the work.

Pratsiuvati standing. At the same time, this alternative way to work is gaining popularity. There are pluses in the fact that when standing behind a large group of m'yazyv (exchange of speech and spitting calories) and less pressure on the back (double less, lower when sitting, important for the back). Tsіkavo, that people practiced standing (among them rozumovo) already from long ago.

Bagato in the house people, including Mikola Gogol, Ernest Hemingway and Winston Churchill, did without armchairs if they were busy with the right. Peter the Great, who made all the best work standing up, Napoleon, Mendeliev, Gogol, Nekrasov and Pushkin, and even before the beginning of the 20th century, all people practiced standing at the desk, and in the Tsarskoye Selo Lyceum and others initial mortgages there was no room for sitting.

A desk is an archaic piece of furniture, furnishing a working office. The desk is a high working (letter) style, for which one writes, reads, chairs, hangs and robs a hundred more rights - standing, not sitting. Seemingly simpler, the desk is a high style. The high flooring, which does not allow you to sit behind it. If the sanitary norms were given to the fact that the most beautiful posture during a robot is a vertical posture. To this, all the students of private closed schools were preparing their lessons, standing at the desks, and no one was shrugging. Only one, what will tell us about the desk, what did it happen if, at our daily life, tse academic department, for which vikladachi read standing lectures. Ale, everything changes and everything turns back to its stake. The fashion for the archaic desk (styl for standing robots) turned the first axis of the western world.

How to practice standing up?

Tse duzhe is simple. You can make a demo version of the working space, which costs, a booth for 5 credits. Place a small stool on the table, or an upturned stool, and put a flat, firm pillow over the sofa or armchairs on the top of the structure. You can practice by spiraling on the style with your elbows. It is important to him that the stylus was stashed on a handy height for such a position.

Є th ready decision, the stench is presented.

Once again about the pluses of the robot and standing

  1. Practice great m'yazi (shorter than the exchange of speeches).
  2. Activity is on the rise.
  3. Stress changes. In "strong postures" the body vibrates more testosterone and less cortisol, which increases intelligence and emotional activity. Stand upright, ring out - "strong posture."
  4. Change the risk of a lot of problems, calling out to the seats.
  5. You burn more calories. The robot standing up sleeps 1.36 kilocalories per piece more, lower seat. Cost sixty calories a year. For a spring year (typical working day) you will spend close to 500 kilocalories. great price. If you try to lose weight, or just lose your strings, stand up from your post as a better example.

Give respect to these details for an hour of work and standing!

  1. Stand, barefoot, or in the bow of a handy vzutti!
  2. The optimal height of the style is the cob of the biceps (when the arm is lowered), the style can be made spacious and the edge is rounded.
  3. Collapse: you can shift, move the center of importance, easily enter and turn around. Report on the article about the dynamic posture.
  4. Give respect to the cut of the monitor. If you are reading a book, then go to hell. p align="justify"> The robot behind the desk smoothly flows into the surface, so that the working cut 15-17 ° is more effective for the eyes, the lower is the horizontal surface. This fact was misrepresented and praised by the NDI of ophthalmic ailments. Helmholtz.

Complimentary, po'yazanі zі standing

Herself Head problem be known to your head. Tse means that you are afraid of looking sideways, throwing chi unreasonable. At this time, you can tell me what you need for the exaltation of your back (the medicine that I prescribed) or the classic style of the gymnasium of the 17-19th century and you just revive the traditions.)) Nothing new.

Often zakidom for this style is a risk of venous disorders. To the right, in the fact that no one bothers you, sit for the whole hour, importantly change the rhythm: stand, sit, lie down. We already wrote about the lying-down robot.))

If you start practicing, your legs will start to hurt. Tse is fine. For the first 3-4 days, you can feel the pain, so sit down on your skin year. Then it will be much easier. If you lie down, throw your legs up behind your head (for example, on the stilts) for 15 minutes. It is unlikely that one can get to varicose veins and thrombi. Whose fear is out of the range, if the girl comes to the hall and is afraid that they have a great m'yazi.

Who works standing up?

More and more people are practicing. In Australia, for some reason, a large-scale experiment was initiated by the states, Denmark called the robots at the bindings to put on the standing space for the guards, and the destruction of the States, Japan.

There are more standing people among IT specialists. The Biggest Twitter Publisher and BankSimple Creator Alex Payne, Instapaper Creator Marco Armen, Pidcaster Den Benjamin, Writer Philip Roth, Defense Minister Donald Rumsfeld, Lifehacker Editor Jason Fitzpatrick, San Diego Countryman Mitch Wagner, Director of the Ukrainian Serg.Yandex.

Likar Andriy Biloveshkin.

І navit - not in your mind vplinut on us like a proposition will wake up the style. Light, building up, turning upside down: instead of traditionally wiping your pants (and backs) every day and older, still, ale, adopt a new approach, to multiply rapidly, pronounce all day, go to the door , spend standing on your two legs. Grimaced? Imovirno, your work experience is not great. As if you change the point of dawn, well, otherwise you will want to try it.

A sitting robot can take a heavenly side, but there’s a lot of someone to wait: turn the handiest chair of the building into a torturny tool, so you can stick to the new one for days without interruption. At least every year for a day, five days for a day - you can spend a quarter of your life, spiraling to the bottom! Vtim, the statistics are even scarier: they appear, b about Most of our adult life is spent on robots, that is, sitting.

Tim hourly, minus the sitting pratsi, was clearly established by medicine. Spending too many hours in a sedentary position - and the threshold of ejaculation here for skin disease, recovering from three years of work - you increase the risk of development of cardiovascular diseases, impaired speech exchange, obesity and diabetes, problems with the ridge, oncological diseases, chronic sickness, and the death of an early death. Physiological mechanisms are not known, but the statistical fallowness is endless - and with a light hand, a sedentary robot is now called new chickens. And the American doctors of the rocks ten years ago guessed the term: the syndrome of early sedentary death (Sedentary Death Syndrome)!

Don't be fooled, you're doing it right, you'll bring Skoda to zero: another synonym for the sedentary way of life and practice is m'yazova laziness, idleness, which you can't get into the right posture. Do not calm yourself and hope for those that Skoda will be compensated by a “rocking chair”, a bicycle or a pool after a robot. Behind this point, we are in solidarity: physical urgency after a working day, obviously, for the body, ale shkoda, given to rich old seats, already given and there is no turning back. For this, the best solutions will be to dilute the working day with physical activity (walking after lunch, standing operational reminders, lively chatting with colleagues and chatting away) and scheduling up to a minimum hour to be carried out in a car and on the couch after work. Ale y tsim do not solve the problem. Adzhe vreshti-resht mi all the same turn on the steel!

NTR led us to sitting practice. More than a hundred years ago, the office work was vimally unstable - for those simple reasons that personal communications and information processing were not unified. Office workers occasionally had to move between tables/shelves/windows. Nini, unfortunately, all the light to our servants right on the working table, just enough to strain your fingers. Well, the stilts were made ergonomic (when the price increases, the pressure drops to the fifth point, the risk is filled with hemorrhoids and the curvature of the ridge, but the fallow here is non-linear and weakly weak), you can replace it with an inflatable sack), it’s not possible, it’s ideal! but all the same, I’ll renew my private decision. The solution is radical: let's call on the style, organizing the work place, which is worth it.

Energetically, the difference between sitting and unruly standing posture is small. But physiologically she is majestic. If you are sitting, the muscles are resting. If you stand, the m'yazi of the body and especially the lower endings are constantly practiced, saving their jealousy. І tsya dribnitsa virishuє everything!

Father, take care of the style. On top of the table, there will be more heights, spread out in two horizontally, we will set up for the keyboard with a mouse and a monitor. Unfortunately, the mass release of such tables is not yet rewarding, so it is possible to experiment with supports. Instead of a chair, you can put a high stool (it’s quiet enough to stand on the bar), or rather, you can lower it in height, so that you can sit down on a new one, lightly spreading your legs. Not everyone is good, that such a stool is necessary (it seems that it will be better to live), but someone is good enough, that his presence is easier psychological shock, crying out to the snake, what has become. Even if you sit down to start us out of childhood, daytime її respect a little not sickness and rejoice.

Plus, you can build a support, alternately put your feet on the yak. Plus, lay an elastic kilimok, it’s quiet for a moment, on which they do yoga. Selfishness? So i є. But the essence is that which has a working place, which has to stand, has not yet been thought out, not practiced. The very contagious process of accumulating pardons and knowledge. For luck, already є vіdguki.

Rozpovіdі office workers, from secretaries and journalists to programmers, yakі riziknuli go to work standing, may be positive. It suits one, that in a new place it is easy and natural to loosen the limbs, that are numb: the posture is essentially unsteady, in it it is foldable to die unruly and it is easier to move to active movement. I, before speech, navit without additional zusil, standing, people burn a quarter more calories, lower sitting. The others are nice, which is easier to lift in a vertical position put it right, And more precisely - it is more important to slouch. It's quick to bring the m'yazi into tone, relieves the pain in the back. Nareshti, the normal blood flow is (theoretically) pleasantly indicated on the robot's head - and it can be confirmed: concentration on the plant, decrease more, slow down less (it's easier to endure, for example, rich programming "marathonies"). Follow-up on schoolchildren and students showed that students become active, zatsіkavlenіshi.

The head nedolіk has already been named: the price of ready-made solutions for “standing work” is high. There is nothing to marvel at here: the design of such a working space is still terribly Syrian. First, lower promissory to do it all seriously, need serious follow-up on the most important level. Luckily, the stench is on the way. In Australia, for some reason, a large-scale experiment was initiated by the states, Denmark called the robots at the bindings to put on the standing space for the guards, and the destruction of the States, Japan. Ale...

Ale, you don’t need a check at the official commissary. Change your working place right now, that you want to be on these holidays, you want to be from pure cicada. And before the New Rock, let's turn to those negotiable results. I'm also going to fix the armchair at the place of delivery 😉

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