People on the anniversary are a headache. Create with roses Leskov “A person for a birthday. Head heroes and their characteristics


Leskov's poem "A Man for the Year" was written in 1887. The author poses a problem for us moral choice.

Leskov reveals the problem in the scene, if head hero The postnikov is on duty and I can smell the screams of the dying man for help. Postnikova will be tormented by doubts for a long time. From one side, if you want to deprive the pist of the wine, then you can destroy the military statute, and on the new chekatim you will be punished. From the other side, as if the guilt of the flooding does not lie, the conscience torments him, but it’s more terrible for the war punishment. All the same, Postnikov rob his vibir and ryatuє stomp, after which he drags him to the military authorities.

The author makes us think about what is more important - human life and soldier's shoes. And show us that human life is more important. It’s impossible not to wait, even Postnikov broke his oath for the sake of doing good, but Viysk’s ceramics didn’t appreciate this chicanery and punished Postnikov. The army authorities showed us like "Dead people" - for them, the words on paper are important for human life. Vinyatkom is officer Miller, but such people are not to be loved for humanism.

To prove everything that has been said, I will point the butt. Let's guess the story of Maxim Gorky's "Stara Izergil", and the legend about Dank itself: Danko, just like Postnikov, opposes the choice and develops the feat of self-sacrifice. Vіn vіvaє your heart, and out there hang the way of the tribe. However, the feat of Danko was left unmarked. More than that, the person knew, she stepped on the heart with her foot.

Danko raised his choice and vryatuvav tribe. Postnikov and Danko put more opportunity to take care of someone else's life, to save your own life.

This is the day of the feat. Not long ago, police officer Dmitro Makovkin died during a terrorist attack near Volgograd, calling a terrorist at the entrance to the railway station. Zavdyaki yogo diyam far away, a great number of human victims vanished. Dmitro, just like Postnikov and Danko, stumbled in front of the choice: in a moment you won’t be brave and don’t fool a terrorist, but your masculinity has been betrayed by a great number of people, and, unfortunately, having paid your lives.

All the names of the heroes are more like masculinity, goodness, and building, accept courageous decisions and make life worthy of life for your own.

Expert assessment of creativity No. 1

Rozpovіd Lєskova (dorechno boulo put the author's initials) "A man on a birthday" bula was written in 1887. The author put before us the problem of moral choice. (Another proposition may, in this context, the mother of the borrower’s connection with the first - a grammatical pardon, before that, the phrase “set a problem for us” is more likely to replace it with “raise the problem” - my short, the ear of the moment would look like this: Leskov's "A Man for the Year", written in 1887, raises the problem of moral choice.)

Leskov (no initials) reveals this problem in the scene, if the main character Postnikov is on duty and feels the screams of the dying man for help. Postnikova will be tormented by doubts for a long time. From one side, like a vin to deprive a pist, then a vin (mova pardon: repetition of a word) to destroy the military statute, and on a new check-time punishment. From the other side, as if the guilt of the flooding does not lie, the conscience torments him, but it’s more terrible for the war punishment. All the same, Postnikov rob his vibir and ryatuє stomp, after which he drags him to the military authorities.

The author makes us think about what is more important - human life and soldier's shoes. And show us that human life is more important. It’s impossible not to wait (this proposition was needed for most of the new paragraph), even Postnikov breaking the oath for the sake of doing good, however, (punctuation pardon: since the word “prote” is not needed coma) Viyskoe kerіvnitstvo did not appreciate Postnkov’s work and punished. The army authorities were shown to us like “Dead people” (a grammatical pardon) - for them, the words on paper are important for human life. Blame it on Officer Miller, but don’t like such people “for humanism” (the pardon is logical in the continuation of the speech, as it is not connected with the previous text, it propagates a new topic for mirkuvan).

To prove everything that has been said (it was more often said that such people, like Miller, should not be loved for humanism ... the author of creation, perhaps, has given us to the beginning of the third paragraph, but we are not guilty of guessing about it, the logical link is not guilty of breaking ), (Punctual pardon: coma is not needed) I will point the butt (and you don’t need to point the butt, but create the evidence base to the point that it hangs). Let's guess the story of Maxim Gorky's "Stara Izergil", and the legend about Dank itself: Danko, just like Postnikov, opposes the choice and develops the feat of self-sacrifice. Vіn vіvaє your heart, and out there hang the way of the tribe. Prote, (punctuation pardon: since the word “prote” is not necessary for a coma), Danko’s feat was left unmarked. More than that, the person knew, she stepped on the heart with her foot.

Danko raised his choice and vryatuvav tribe. Postnikov and Danko put the possibility of arranging someone else's life higher, lower pragnennya to save one's own life (pardon for pardon - pleonasm: to finish the Bulo to live the word "our own" or "glow").

This is the day of the feat. Not long ago, (punctuated pardon: coma is not needed) police officer Dmitro Makovkin died during a terrorist attack near Volgograd, (punctuation pardon: coma is not needed) calling a terrorist (spelling pardon: terrorist) at the entrance to the railway station. Zavdyaki yogo diyam far away, a great number of human victims vanished. Dmitro, (punctuation pardon: a coma is not needed) so I will live like Postnikov and Danko, appearing before the choice: I won’t have any courage and don’t piss off a terrorist, ale, zavdyaks of my masculinity, I’ll betray a large number of people, and, unfortunately, pay my own lives .

All the names of the heroes are more like masculinity, goodness, and building, accept courageous decisions and put life in the right place (a grammatical pardon: that’s right - “the life of the restless”) is more for your own.

All the above-said permits the growth of whiskers: Leskov's rozpovid to tell that human footwear is more important. Vіn not zavzhdi may be good grades, but not smut. Golovnya - start repairing it in such a way that conscience and honor punish you.

The skin of the military serviceman to sack his dressing in a different way. For some, it’s impossible to reach the statute, for others, it’s a defense of the sovereign’s honor and dignity, and for others, it’s up to you to think about what you need to judge before your own conscience. N. S. Lєskov shows how thin the line between Borg and the broken statute is in the description of “A Man for a Year”;

The first publication date of publication is April 1887. Vіn buv narukovaniya at the magazine "Russian Dumka" under the name "Poryatunok Ginuv", after the changes of Lєskovym to "People for the Year".

Tvіr ґruntuєtsya on real podіyah. Deyakі characters were zmalovanі by the author of the people who live at that historical hour: N. I. Miller, N. P. Svinyina and S. A. Kokoshkina, as in the reign of Emperor Mikoli Pavlovich, they were defiantly rebuked in the state service and were given direct notice until they were described in the books.

genre, direct

“A man on a birthday” is a story that “exposes” the tragic vicissitudes and injustice of the Viysk middle ground. The author works in a realistic way.

Vіn, nache likar, thoroughly lived up to the trivozhnі methan of the human heart, squeezed by the harsh framework of the laws of Mykolaiv doby.


Well, the road to the well-being of earthly recognition is not easy and dramatic. The soldier Postnikov, leaving his quarters, helps the unknowingly to get out of the shells. What kind of human life is not a wart? It's a pity, so alone are happy. And Lieutenant Colonel Svin'in and Chief Police Chief Kokoshkin can shy away everything, so that the sovereign did not recognize the fault of the young soldier, otherwise "caps fly from everyone."

As a result, the situation that has developed is brought to the point of absurdity, while Postnikov's heroism is left in a crypt. Warts are assigned two horns; zamіst medals for a order of wine take a pound of zucru and a quarter of a pound of tea.

Head heroes and their characteristics

  1. Postnikov- Soldier of the Izmailovsky regiment. Even more sensitive, nervous person, as if living by the law of conscience. Vikonavchiy and reasonable fighter, kerovaniya like a statute, and th heart. Postnikov has a bright soul and a non-Abian feel like a friend to his neighbor. Navit if Yogo was condemned to two hundred sharply, Vіn Bov is immensely happy, that Yomu fared away from the Viysk court.
  2. Captain Mikola Ivanovich Miller- Humanist, superior officer. To love to read, to spend the whole free time with books. Stand up for your supporters, oskolki vdchuvaє vіdpovidalnіst them. Yogo's breasts are full of softness and pitiful heart, which is the object of condemnation from the side of all commanders. Miller is a pedant, everything is done with the utmost accuracy.
  3. Lieutenant Colonel Svin'in- “serviceman”, who knows what to talk about at a glance, how the soldiers are called, what they were guilty of, it’s inconsistent. As it seems, if you are guilty, then follow the rule of law. Namagatisya pity yoga - marnuvati hour. Vіn diligently guards his reputation and service career, “blowing powder from her”, abi take an honorable place at the portrait gallery of the historical foundations of the Russian state. A pig cannot be called soulless, but the strictness of character and love to transcendental discipline does not call sympathy to that character.
  4. Chief Police Officer Kokoshkin May marvelous tact. You can turn the situation around in such a way that it’s not only “a fly will turn into an elephant, but an elephant will turn into a fly.” It’s worthwhile to dance with a new stern and powerful kerivnik, who, for a bazhanya, can be a mighty and diligent defender. Kokoshkin devotes all his time to robots, to bring health to Skoda. Vіn is rich in vmіє, and yakscho in the new one the bazhannya of activity is thrown into the new, vіn is definitely within reach of your own goal.
  5. Those

  • Main theme - love and sympathy to the neighbor. Feeling the blows, I suddenly burst out screams, the vartian tries to overpower his heart, which is madly beating. Vіn razumіє, scho do not have the right to deprive your land. Ale, it’s scary a little bit stogіn gin and with whom you’ll be left with a baiduzhim! A call for help brings fear for yourself. Postnikov rush to the dust and ryatuє stomping, Tim himself signed his own virok.
  • Pass through the entire rose with a red thread the theme of the Russian swavill is lawless Nicholas regime. The servicemen, fearing for their careers, rush about: abys about their mistakes the emperor did not recognize. I Svin'in, and Kokoshkin are ready to bring the right to the point of absurdity, to be wicked, to go dry. For such an approach, the rows are shown as extreme. And here it’s already necessary to be inspired by luck: otherwise they let a person calmly, or they reward them with double masts, or they shoot.
  • The theme of righteousness to sound like a stretch of the mouth. Soldier Postnikov does not think about those that this nobility was supposed to be appointed. Vartoviy will not marry for glory, for the recognition of an officer of a disabled regiment. Vіn invisibly zdіysnyuє feat of philanthropy for the sake of goodness and peace of mind.
  • The topic of spiritual baiduzhost occupies an important place. It’s all the same to the vryatovanny, who is the hero of yoga. Possibly, I didn’t remember anyone because of the impact. Forget this "brother" without saying the right word to your ryativnik. Vіn just hovered over the head of the chief of police, immeasurably pleased that he was let in. І for the sake of which subject of the soldiers of the Postnikov did they rise to life?
  • Issues

    • The main problem is humanism and obov'yazok as warehouse military service, conflict between two cobs. Early in the morning, a moral dilemma confronts the military people: listen to the inner voice, or else follow the statute. It’s easy to know on the food chain, and N. S. Lєskov shows how important and dramatic this choice is.
    • Another problem - mutually soldiers and officers. A lot of military servicemen look at the lower ranks in the role of blind vikonauts in order. Ale blazes, like Captain Miller, a kind of “illness” per soul for his fellows. Such commanders become fair mentors for soldiers. Punishments in the army are not discussed, but an ordinary warehouse needs to be reminded of that pidtrimka from the side of "senior" comrades.
    • The problem of being on the road to the point. What can you do for the sake of a medal of that huge recognition? An officer of a disabled regiment behaves cowardly. Vin appropriated the feat of the guard and declares that the stomp of the stomp is his merit. The Chief of Police was awarded the province of Postnikov, after which he was awarded the medal by a deceiver.
    • The problem of lies and incomprehensible truth. Pig roams with Vladika and embarrassment to know that the history of Postnikov was allowed to be impersonal inconsistency and deceit.
    • The problem of drinking alcohol on a person's witness. Leskov guesses about those who shove the flooding buv “drinking” and wanting to speed up the path, crossing the ice, prote zbivsya and drank near the water. Yakby rozum buv clean, no fogging, then th problem and no viniclo b.
    • sens

      Viysk service - on the right is not easy. It is easy to sue the commander, who punishes the soldier, who violates the statute. Be sure to keep in mind that beyond the scope of the document may lie to the point of being special. Life on earth is impossible without people with a wide heart; The main thought of the creation is that the person is guilty of putting more formalities for the life of those healthy other people.

      Cream of that Head idea do the work in the knowledge that it is necessary to do good in the name of the very good, without worrying about it. So mend superfluous and sumly people who are ready to come to the aid of the needy.

      Tsikavo? Save on your wall!

help write, "Analysis of creation, Lyudina on the birthday. help!

Do you see Lady Leo? Yasnokoka?
N. A. Leskov. "People for the anniversary."
Leskov's poem "A Man for the Year" was written in 1887. This tvir speaks about one thing, which writer calls "a private court, historical anecdote".
Leskov has a lot of important problems with his confession. All the stinks are mad about something to think about. What happened?
At night the guard Postnikov standing at his post. I raptom vin feeling that the person drank in poly and tone. There is a problem in front of the wart. I’m thinking about what to vryatuvat the flooding yoma, what to lose at the post. Adzhe Postnikov is a soldier. Tse means that it is impossible to break the oath. Vіn swore allegiance to the emperor, swore before Russian ensign on the Bible. Leskov hesitates to think about what is more important: the life of a person is the loyalty of an oath.
Postnikov knowing that if they find out about this damage, then I threaten it with a lot of trouble. Whose hero could be sent to hard labor and be shot. All the same, Postnikov took the decision to vryatuvaty flooding. Chi correctly vіv vchiniv? Are people's lives more important than formality? The Viysk authorities can value these soldiers, as if they sacrifice themselves for the sake of the order of other people. Tsej vchinok Postnikova show that the hero is able to make a decision, to act decisively for the situation.
The protege of the army did not appreciate the heroic vchinka of the vart. Vono yak put Postnikov in a punishment cell, and assigned him a punishment for breaking the statute. The hero was "hurled" by two strikes with sharp blows. Lieutenant Colonel Svin'in himself (after all, a promoter's nickname!) came to change his mind, that "nervous Postnikov was" shattered like a trace. After the prochukhanka, the hero was lying at the infirmary. But the most important thing is that you will win a share of the bosses, which is easy to understand. Well, what a need for a sloppy people, to think like that!
The downtroddenness of soldiers is rich in why the authorities are to blame. I Leskov clearly shows us what he is. Having learned about the feat of Postnikov, all the Viysk authorities became alarmed. Ale, what are the reasons? It didn’t matter to the emperor that one soldier broke his oath. Lieutenant Colonel Svin'in boasts that Yogo Kar'eri should be identified. General Kokoshkin is simply baiduzhe, because it doesn’t bother him. General zagodzhuє "dіlok". The liar takes away the medal for the order of the drowning man, and the ryativnik - two horns.
Leskov shows that the army authorities are “dead” people. All їhnє life under the order of the oath. For them, they value living people. It’s a good idea to make such an officer, Yak Miller. Ale їх do not love and bark for "humanism". Not only the life of the army is riddled with injustice, callousness and evil. The life of the world is under the order of the very laws. For example, the writer shows us the price. The priest, how far the history of Postnikov is, having informed Svin'in about everything. Ale and wine did not sue any of these servants, did not fool Postnikov. Tsey Vladyka sounded "cunning" phrases. Vіn simply vgamuvav his tsіkavіst, having heard about the "worldly things" .
Leskov’s “People for the Year” rozpovіd a lot about what to think about. People's lives are more important for an oath, more precious for words, let them tell the tales and the tsar himself. Analysis of the evidence - in the light.

Vidpovid vіd Mykola Moiseev[Newbie]
but you can’t write better?

Vidpovid vіd Oksana[active]

Vidpovid vіd Ivan Utrobin[Newbie]
but apply

Vidpovid vіd Alla Fedorenko[active]
Podіya, rozpovid about the way lower than tsgo proponuetsya uvazі chitachіv, zvorushivno and greedily for its meaning for the main heroic individual p'єsi, and the rozv'yazka is so original that it's unlikely to be possible de-nebud, krіm.
Tse to become a private court, a historical anecdote, which nefariously characterizes the sounds and straight ahead of the cicavoy, but in the end, the era of the thirtieth years, which is the nineteenth century, is marked.
Witnesses in the news, what is coming, there is no antrohi.

"A Man for the Year" was written in 1887 and published in the journal "Russian Dumka". In the first part, the author, describing the podia, laying down the basis of creation, calls him at the same time a devastating and greedy head character. Partly yogo vvozhatimutsya historical anecdote, and guesses "no antrohi."

The name of the confirmation did not appear at once: at the sheet of paper, the editor Leskov named his tvir “The one who perished” or “The one who perished”. Residual variant having pressed the broadest zmіst creation. The author does not just describe the crossroads from the life of the great place, but guesses historical names. Rozpovid "People on the anniversary" - staging that original view of the philosophical problem of understanding people's clothes.

Valor and military deeds have always been in Russia. Richly someone guesses the names of Russian heroes and great commanders. Prote Mikola Semyonovich Leskov to endure his own speeches about the feat of the Russian soldier at one o'clock. Possibly, this is how long ago I describe the silence of that supra-echo calm, like they were panting on the streets of St. Petersburg at that moment, if the soldier Postnikov first felt the cries for help, that they were flooding from the Jordanian cap.

Vartovy vіdchuvaє internal conflict: rush to the aid of the victim, but for whom you will lose the post, or you will be deprived at the post, knowing for sure that the person will die at the crying font. Five vartovoy from the post meant not just break the oath. For such a fault, the soldier was punished with a suvor punishment: a tribunal, hard labor, or else he was shot. Such a few rules were introduced before the army during the reign of Mikoli I.

Postnikov hasn’t bothered to help the tone for a long time: it’s the borg who’s serving that fear for their own life. I want, as Leskov writes, “the warta at that hour did not represent anything unsafe”, for that nothing special is needed, the cream of “exact standing at posts”, and Pan Mikola Pavlovich had already turned back from a walk and had long dreamed of a third dream, whether - such a moment of an instant z'appears pereviryayuchiy, and to the same vart boulo was dissatisfied.

However, the people take the mountain, to which the hero is called “tormented by the heart”, and the young soldier leaves his settlement, so as not to let the people perish in the screaming silence of Petersburg. The soldier vt_k down, to the Jordanian flask, stretched out the butt of the towel to the flooding one and for the bagnet pulled it onto the hard ice. The unfortunate buv is wet and strong, and Postnikov did not throw a weary and frozen man, but viviv on the embankment, to pass it on to someone, having passed it.

On the bіdu, such, hto passing through, the officer of the court team with disabilities appears. Postnikov explained that the man was drowning, the officer of the yogo planted a carriage by his sleigh, and the guard, as if lying down, again standing at the booth. The officer, having told the bailiff that he was lying to the drowning man, calling out for an easy zdivuvannya (like a wine in a moment to get dry from the water), they began to bring him up.

And from Postnikov there was a lot of inaccuracies. Everyone already knew that they had squandered the wine for the sake of the order. Yogo uninterrupted chief M.I. Miller became the son of the witness - lieutenant colonel Svin'in. That one was not a heartless person, but a "serviceman", so that he put discipline on the chilne place and for any damage, vimagav punishment. Having ordered to put Private Postnikov in the punishment cell, and then, having implicitly added the chief police chief Kokoshkin about everything, in the person of such a rich military man, they knew their own “powerful and diligent defender”.

The general reacted in a businesslike way: after having ordered the order to get to know us by the participants in history, having pitted the victim (although the unobtrusive one could not find out about his rightful officer), having read the protocol, having got to know the disabled officer, having accused the flooded city. It’s possible that he didn’t sleep before him for a long time, it’s possible that he didn’t need to “arbitrarily protect” the great private, but Kokoshkin didn’t give meaning to the bailiff’s words about those that didn’t instantly ryativnik be dry, but about the first information yogo "quietly rest."

On the next day, after handing a medal to a disabled officer, and about the right of the guard, you could have been forgotten, but Svin’in “having seen the incompetence of a new one” and, having guessed three days later about the bad Postnikov, who was in the punishment cell, having punished his visikti yoga. before the formation of "double roses".

Zdivovaniya Miller, having called out to spare and stomp the poor soldier, but having felt a sting at the "m'yakostі, sho not go to the military people", and having taken away the order to be present in the case of the slaughter, especially, obіtsyavshi and himself to come. So, having taken away his "city" unfortunate vartovy: buv hangings "for the diligent joining of the newly arrived from the army of young comrades." Already lying in the regimental infirmary, Postnikov absolutely generously applauded the military commanders for the "father's mercy", but sitting three dobies in the punishment cell, having paid the least for hard labor, otherwise he was shot.

The humiliation of human dignity, that triumph of svaville strengthens the presence of the lord, the image of which Leskov’s co-workers painted a portrait of Metropolitan Philaret Drozdov. "Vladiko" sings Pig, that "incomprehensible truth is not nonsense." More than that, the wine “quietly play the promo” by singing the colonel, that the punishment for Postnikov was richly redeemed for the city, and even “the warrior to recognize his feat of humiliation and wound, you can be richer, lower the sign.”

The position of the author is clearly expressed in the rest of the division: with irony, write vin, that yakbi you were given the opportunity to penetrate the secrets of the butt, vin moment for the nobility, the god of pleasure "by the behavior of Postnikov's peaceful soul created by him." Ale, zarakhovuyuchi himself to death, the author is uplifted, you can only stverdzhuvati only one thing: forever Garni people, yakі do not check fences for their vchinki. Itself in such people it is necessary to learn humanness, mercy, spontaneity. And one person’s life is more precious for an hour for an oath, more expensive for whether it’s a reward for that repair.

Winter at St. Petersburg in 1839 came with strong weather. Vartovy Postnikov, a soldier of the Izmailovsky regiment, standing at his post. I felt that I had spent a man in a polyne and asked for help. A soldier for a long time did not dare to deprive his post, even if it was a terrible damage to the Statute and even a mischief. The soldier was tormented for a long time, ale vreshti-resht zvazhivsya and the thin warrior. Here a sleigh passed by, an officer was seated. The officer began to sort out, and at the same time Postnikov turned swiftly to his quarters. The officer, having realized what had happened, delivered the vryatovanny to the guardhouse. The officer added, that vryatuvav stomping. I didn’t have a moment to say anything, because I’ve spent memory after what I’ve experienced, it didn’t figure it out until the way, who ryatuvav. On the right, the bullet was reported to Lieutenant Colonel Svin'in, a diligent servant.

Svin'in, having respected his goiter, cited the chief police chief Kokoshkin as an addendum. On the right, she spoke in a wide voice.

The officer, who saw himself as a ryativnik, was rewarded with a medal "for the order is quiet, who dies." Private Postnikov was punished with hundreds of roses before the formation of two hundred roses. The punished Postnikov, on the same overcoat, de yoga was flogged, was transferred to the regimental infirmary. Lieutenant Colonel Svinin ordered to give the punished a pound of zucru and a quarter of a pound of tea.

Postnikov vidpoviv: "A lot of satisfaction, such a blessing for the father." Vіn i just buv satisfactions, sitting for three days in the punishment cell, cheques richly gіrshy, so that he could be sentenced to a military court.

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