The moral choice of creation is French lessons. The moral choice of my peer is in the works of V. Astaf'ev "Kin with an erysipelas mane" and V. Rasputin's "French Lessons". Meta: Formulate in children a statement about the moral choice of the hero of the defense

At the lessons of literature, I had to practice with children over the creations of the works of art literature, the heroes of some of them of the same name, as if they had fallen in the minds of the moral choice. Tsey lesson - think about the moral problems of UR Rasputin's "Lessons of French". Spriynyattya that comprehension of the material is rich in why it is based on the subjective evidence of learning. At the lesson, the molding of the UUD is being stitched.


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The reader learns from books not about life, but about feelings. Literature, in my opinion, is for us the vihovannia of sensibility, and for us for the kindness, purity, gentry V. G. Rasputin

Lessons of morality in the description of V. G. Rasputin "Lessons of French"

Why is the boy leaning against the district center? “I wanted to learn far away ... I had a chance to order to the district center”

How do you feel in a new place? “So I was bad, so hot and cold! - girshe for every ailment "

Why is the wine not going to the village? “Ale and then, you can say about me that I’m an undesirable person, since I didn’t see what I wanted ...”

How did the blues of the hero develop with the superfluous lads? “... I don’t grow up with any of the lads.”

What made the lad get into a chick for a penny? “Having taken off yoga (ruble), ... I bought a jar of milk”

Pride, honesty, virility, masculinity, prac- tiovitity , goodness to learn, innocence in the face of the difficulties of life, love to the grim, being close to the reach of meti, gentry, bezturbotnist. lad

Rozum, beauty, delicacy, kindness, rozuminnya іnshої people, mercy, generosity, pride, building for self-sacrifice, gracefulness to gambling іgor, vіdpovіdalіnіst, vperіstі vperіstі vperіnі tsіlei, nekoslivіstі, spiritual generosity, іїїзм. Lydia Mikhailivna

Rozum, beauty, delicacy, kindness, rozuminnya іnshої people, mercy, generosity, pride, building for self-sacrifice, gracefulness to gambling іgor, vіdpovіdalіnіst, vperіstі vperіstі vperіnі tsіlei, nekoslivіstі, spiritual generosity, іїїзм. Pride, honesty, virility, masculinity, prac- tiovitity , goodness to learn, innocence in the face of the difficulties of life, love to the grim, being close to the reach of meti, gentry, bezturbotnist. Khlopchik Lidiya Mikhailivna

What are the lessons of morality having taken the autobiographical hero of V. G. Rasputin into account?

The lad learned how to live among strangers, forgive the image, shrugging himself off to put up with hunger, pissing about the matir. - The hero learns to understand the behavior of Vlad, Ptakhi, Tishkin. (“Nobody and no one has yet been forgiven, as if in his own right, he veered forward.” “Do not check for mercy, do not joke for intercession.” - Vіn zrozumіv, scho humiliation represents a person. (“Hardly, crying inwardly”, “there was no unfortunate person for me.” “The image was overwhelmed by fear in me, I was no longer afraid of anything in the world”). - Vіn vchitsya dolat your weaknesses. (“If you don’t want to go out, you’ll do everything for it to happen, you just won’t step in so easily”). - You can say that having gained a good balance, “having learned to trim yourself”, “having run into wildness”, starting to put food, enter into a super-chuckle. - Vіn nabuv spiritual dosvіdu vykhodu іz dramatic situatsіy vіdchuttі vіshnіshnyої rightness. - The lad, having learned the lesson of bezkorislovo kindness and turboti, I will remember the memory of Yaku for all my life. -Having begun the lesson of spiritual memory, which allowed you, having become mature, to consecrate your tvir to the reader.

1. Tvir “The moral choice of my peer in the opinion of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons". 2. Write a note to the wall newspaper “Raju read “French Lessons” by V.G. Rasputin". 3. Twir about a hero who was worthy. (According to V. G. Rasputin “French Lessons”). Formulate the topic yourself. Homework

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“Two dominions of a child's soul are dear: without middle ground, the purity of moral sense and building is easy and free to inspire harmony in mutual light. The stench is to avenge the inexhaustible possibilities and reserves of moral self-development.
Yu. V. Lebedev

What does "morality" mean? Zvernemosya to Ozhegov’s gloomy vocabulary and it’s significant lexical meaning which word. Morality - these are the rules that signify behavior, spiritual and spiritual qualities, the necessary people in the community, and also the rules of behavior. What is a "moral choice"? Tse vchinki, yakі zdіysnyuyutsya people vіdpovіdno until tih rules of behavior, like accepted in the court.

In the descriptions of V. G. Rasputin’s “French Lessons” and V. P. Astaf’eva “Kin with an erysipelas mane”, we stunned our peers - two lads. Having offended the heroes, they ruined the nasty things: one shakhraiv and fooled the grandmother, and the other engraved for a penny in the “chika”.

Hero V.P. Astaf'eva, to tell the Levontiev lads that they should not be afraid of their grandmother, having fooled him. Ale, conscience tormented Yogo: “I was tormented at night, turning on the floorboards. Sleep didn’t take me, like a malice, that I got lost enough.” It can be seen that the hero repented of his vchinku, tormented and weeping in the face of the shahraystvo. Grandma bought Yomu a gingerbread anyway, because she loved Yogo and vibachila. Vaughn gave the boy a good lesson in kindness.

The hero of the confession V.G. Rasputina also faced a difficult moral choice. Having shown himself a bunch of wines to be self-reliant, disciplined, having left one at a strange place, to learn. Another test for the boy was hunger. To earn a penny for a living, and start earning money for a penny. Less than a reader, Lydia Mikhailovna, tried to help you. Having respected the proud lad, we will humble ourselves, and help him to help him, as if he had received a helping hand, and having paid a penny with an honest income. Then the reader began to play with him, knowing for sure that the boy would beat him and could buy his own milk. Lydia Mikhailivna opened the door to the new world for the hero, where people can trust and help alone.

The heroes of both confession know in their own courage to recognize their pardon, get lessons for all life. V.P. Astaf'ev and V.G. Rasputin guessed the cycles of his childishness: “We wrote the poems with the hope that at their hour the lessons will fall on the soul of a small, so grown-up reader.”

Div. also: Screenshot of V. Rasputin's "French Lessons" (Mosfilm, 1978).

Together with the work “Moral problems of explanation of V. G. Rasputin’s “French Lessons” and V. P. Astaf’eva “Kin with an erysipelas mane” often joke

In rich works of Astaf'eva and Rasputin, the main characters are children. It is noteworthy that the explanations of these writers are rich in what autobiographical, ale їх head hero- An infamous image that conveys an infamous figure to the character and life of rich lads.
So, in the description of V. Astaf'ev "Kin with an erysipelas mane", the hero is stuck in a difficult situation. Win at once from the Susid lads pishov on the sun. Vitya, knowing that this berry of the yogo grandmother, in which wine is alive, should be sold at the locality. The lad, in front of the Levontiev slobs, diligently picking up the sun in the tuєsok. And yoga friends, having cooked through her, took the whole harvest. Ale Santsy, the youngest and the least of all Susi children, had little success. Vіn having become the preparation of Vіtka, so that he would have picked the berries on the fire “z'їdannya”. Good-natured that naїvny hero poddavsya on evil cunning. Ale potim vіn zdіysniv sche more foolishness - stuffing tuїsok with grass and only throwing the top with berries, for the sake of appearance. I'm such a cat Vitka seeing grandma.
The boy was already tormented by his conscience. Yomu felt bad about the fact that the grandmother did not suspect about the deceit, praised Yogo and promised to bring a gingerbread from the place. Life has become Vіttsі not happy. Everything changed after a dovkol: it’s no longer a moment to grow, like before, without a turbo, it’s fun. Svіdomіst svoєї svoєї vytyazhuval yogo.
And the hero became even more bitter, if the grandmother turned from the place. Vaughn, obviously, revealed the onuk's deceit. ale, worse than that, Vіtka ta її having put a camp near the arch. Katerina Petrivna confided to everyone, as if she were selling tuїsok yagid like a Russian lady, and deceit was revealed there.
Soromu that Vіtka's fault was not between. Vіn buv ready to die, fall through the ground, abi grandmother yogo vibachila. Vіtka pіshov vibachatsya, ale vіd sіz nіg vіmovity і two words. Lyublyacha grandmother vibachila onuka and navit vіdda yoma preparations of gingerbread - a horse with an erysipelas mane. And yet the moral lesson of the hero is to remember all his life.
The hero of V. Rasputin's "French Lessons" can bear his own moral lesson, fight his own moral choice. Vіn їde z іdnogo sіlіde, vіd mami, schob to continue navchannya. The hour, if there is a day of warning, was important, warlike. There was hunger near the village, panuvala zlidni. How could the mother of the hero pick up her son, how could they “pair” Yogo? Vaughn worked hard with Uncle Vanya, a strong driver, a bear of potatoes - everything she could. Ale and qiu dribnitsyu the lad did not take back - її stole the masters, for whom the hero is alive in the apartment.
The hero writes that he wants to eat. Navіt uvі snі vіn vіdchuvav hunger spasms of the duct. For the sake of this, the lad has begun to earn money for pennies. Vіn becoming a virtuoso gris “in chіku”, but winning only a ruble and not a penny more - for milk.
The hero’s nezabar began to be beaten by grown-up cottons - too good wine grave: “it’s swollen and swollen, blue under the left eye, and lower than that, on the top, the fat crooked garden dies.” Ale, before school, the hero, having continued to go to see such a sight.
Youmu wanted more Daedal. The hero did not take away the parcel from the house any more - and I will renew the pishov grati. I started yoga again. Todi Lidiya Mikhailivna, reader French movie, virishila help yoma - she sent a parcel to the lad, as if she came home from home. Ale, the hero immediately guessed, seeing whom the bula was such a “rozkish”. And every day, the teacher of the lad could not accept this gift - you were not allowed pride and almost damp goodness.
As a result, Lidiya Mikhailovna was embarrassed to go to her fatherland: they found her for an hour on pennies with the hero of the confession. And no one wants to realize that there was another “cunning” to ward off learning in the face of starvation. Ale tsyu zhіnku the hero also remembered until the end of his life, even if she became a yoga yangol-ryativnik.
The young heroes of Astaf'eva and Rasputin's encouragement to slay their moral vibe. І zavzhdi vin go to the burden of Good, Light, moral principles. I, reading roses, take butt and vchimosya from cotton stamina, spiritual purity, kindness, wisdom.

Lesson “The moral choice of my peer in the opinion
V. Rasputin "French Lessons"

Teacher of Russian language and literature Lipnina E.M.
DBOU ZOSH No. 348 Nevsky district of St. Petersburg

The final lesson from the work of V.G. Rasputin "French Lessons".

The next lesson is preparation for creation.

Reveal the ideas of V. G. Rasputin’s “French Lessons”, reveal the moral problems that the author breaks down, and show the people themselves for their choice
To develop a beginner's analysis of artistic prose.
Embrace the vihovannya of moral evils, the molding of the artistic assimilation of the world.


snippet from the film "French Lessons"
little tutors
tablets with literary terms, names of creations, which heroes face the choice
package with pasta and hematogen

Previous tasks:

Understanding: autobiography, antithesis, composition, morality, ethical choice, discussion, landscape, artistic detail.

Work with groups on topics

 "Moral choice in literature and life"
 Hero - close
 Hero - teacher
 The hero is one-year-olds (acting facial expressions, gestures of looking at Vadik’s company)
 Dear readers (prepare food for the text; illustrations, and food before them)
The task is revised by stretching 2 tyzhniv. It is necessary to create a field for cultivating those. Students should speak with explanations, ie include information that is not necessary for the lesson.

Type of lesson - project learning

Project work:
problem solving
hypothesis, discussion of methods of investigation
registration of final results
analysis of otrimanih data
koriguvannya, visnovki
vikoristannya method zvіtіv, pereglyadіv

Lesson Hide:
Before lesson 2-3 individuals revise knowledge of the text from the willing
Recognize the hero behind the description

Group №4

“The woman is noisy, wrapped up, as if she alone disdained the trio of children” (Aunt Nadya)

“Having flung the head of the veins with a swishing rush, throwing a chubok, which z'їhav, on the mountain, spitting the kill, showing that it’s crushed on the right, and lazily, stepping to pennies with a crock” (Vadik)

“Walking in front of the line, throwing his hands behind his back, swinging forward at the beat of his broad shoulders, so it seemed, nibi tightly fastened dark jacket, which mutters, crumbles independently, the trochs in front of the director” (Director)

“Vona sat in front of me neatly, all sensible and beautiful, garna and dressed up, and in her woman’s young age, as I indescribably noticed, the smell of perfumes in her air reached me, which I took for myself; before that, she was not a reader of arithmetic, as it were, not of history, but of a mysterious French movie, as it turned out to be especially, kazkovo, it’s not necessary to anyone, like, for example, me ”(Lidiya Mikhailivna)

“... in front of her, spinning on the desk was a thin, dim-witted cotton with broken guise, neokhay without a mother and self-reliant, with an old, tucked-in jacket on drooping shoulders, a kind of bow on his chest, but his arms were far away from him; they had changed from the Batkiv breeches and dressed in teal branded light green trousers with traces of a black breeches "(hero)

Illustrators. Baby, until new - 3 meals
Coins “What are the saleswomen at the market, de hero, having bought milk, were they dissatisfied? What did the stench let in, marveling at the bent coins? //Coins are bent. The saleswomen thought that the boy was standing on the porch - he was marrying / /
Milk "Why did the hero buy milk?" // Youmu needs to drink milk - new bool is short-lived//
Choboty “As you remember, the hero, going to school in self-contained slippers, no one in the class had such a miraculous outburst. When did the chobots come? Sounds like the hero's mother took a penny for such an expensive purchase? //Through rіk, my mother bought youma choboti, having sold the most expensive price - a sewing machine//
Sokyra "Tell me, if there is a juice in the text?" //the boy opened a parcel for him, which was sent by L.M.//
Platіvka //At L.M., get out to play French songs for the hero"//

Even before the lesson, music begins to sound. The lesson starts with music (PSYCHOLOGICAL MOOD)
1 hv

Victor Berkovsky
Leather choose for yourself
Woman, religion, road.
Serve the devil and the prophet
Skin choose your own.
Choose leather according to your needs
The word for love is for prayer.
A sword for a duel, a sword for battle
The leather is taken by itself.
Choose leather according to your needs
Shield and armor, club and patches.
pay the rest of the world.
The leather is taken by itself.

Word of the teacher (MOTIVATSІYA) 2 min

You felt the words of the song “choose skins ...”. Tse epigraph to our lesson.
We got here for a move. I’ll tell you what is the most important thing in her - a word, a thought, a logic. The great philanthropist Socrates chose his scholars to celebrate this in order to discuss various problems at once. The scholars spoke more importantly, Socrates putting food and inserting logical links. The stench sat on the fireplace in the middle of bare skel. Wislovlenі them same thoughts live and doninі. Bo tsі Dumka z great letters - honest, fair, reasonable. Today we will try again to become the teachings of Socrates.

Here are the rules of the short conversation (do not read on the slide):

I can't speak.
Respect your neighbour.
Plato is my friend, but the truth is dearer.
Speak, sob I'll slap you.

Socrates himself suggested the theme of today's rozmov. It’s too much to blame for this by writing down: “The hour has come for the life of the skin, if the person herself is guilty of dbat about morality ... Mushu raise your moral choice.”

What is the moral choice? Look at the slide.
What are the words you praised you as key words? //moral choice - conscience, freedom of choice, viability for vchinki//recording

Group №5 3 min

Literary scholars (two individuals per team)
Moral choice in the works of Viktor Petrovich Astaf'ev,
Yuri Yakovlev, Mikoli Semenovich Lєskov

1 A person often stumbles before a choice. You know pennies, marvel - there is no one to tell. Already wondering what to spend. Raptom Bachish - a first-grader crying. Give me a penny? Leave yourself? Tse i є vybir.
Moral choice - tse choice between good and evil, what kind of person is there in any variant situation. Whose choice is in the most important, long-term decisions: kill us but we’ll beat you, vryatuvatisya yourself to vryatuvat at the other cost of your life, and be it any, everyday situations: give up money at the transport, zapіznitisya come early.

2 In literary works, we often find out who the hero is in front of the choice. For example, the hero V.P. Astaf'eva robs deceit - you can fool your grandmother. Whoever chooses to bring you more suffering - you are ashamed, you are afraid to spend your time before your grandmother, you are ashamed in front of fellow villagers. The hero of the confession "Litsar Vasya" is faced with a choice - to yell at the little first-grader, risking life or else, like Dimka's classmate, to help.

1 Vasya doesn't cheat on my thoughts. Viber at new one. You don’t think about wine - just go to the rescue of the weak, like a right person.

2 The hero of the “People for the Year” - Postnikov - stand at the post - guard the palace. Vіn chuє, yak not far failed under the ice and the tone of the person. Postnіkov razumіє, scho to you it is forbidden to deprive the post, yogo will be punished for it. Ale vin still ryatuє people.
All the life of a person is made up of a constant choice between good and evil in that number.

Theme of the lesson (on the slide)
Pratsiyuemo mi today for the plan (the plan is designed, but not read out)

How do you know what is the meta of today's lesson? // Find out what helps the hero grow correct choice, what V.G. wants to say Rasputin to his confessions?//

It is clear that the moral choice is the most important one. The thought is spiky. On the slide, highlight the meaning of that word. Today, either we can bring it, or we simply think.

see, w. Income, greed, what is obtained from something, luck, interest (often material).

V. Rasputin, the hero of the opi- nation, has to face the choice more than once.
Vins appear far from home, in a strange place, live in strangers.

Group #1

At the new place 4 min

Zavdannya - Think, what kind of information is important in this text?

1) Why did they sing yogo to the place?

The hero lives near the village. Father yoga, maybe, having died at the front. Having started in goodness, going to school out of satisfaction and in the countryside, knowing for literacy: writing for the old ones and reading leaves, sorting through the old books, which they stumbled upon in the library, and in the evenings, telling the lads the strengths of history from them, more giving to themselves. And they especially believed in the new one, if the bonds were on the right. It was important that I had a happy eye. Yogo was seen from the rural lads, brought up.
The first mother, in spite of all the misfortunes, took her son to the place, wanting no one from the village in the region to get involved before.

2) Hunger in the city. Why does hunger in the countryside wake up in the face of hunger in the city? How do landscape little ones help to understand the hero's camp?

The famine in the city is not similar to the famine in the countryside. In the countryside, especially in autumn, it was always possible to change, zirvati, vykopati, pіdnyati, riba went to Angara, near foxes litav birds. For the hero, everything was empty for the city: foreign people, foreign cities, foreign land. A small river for ten rows was processed with madder. I spent a week sitting with a glass of wood all day and drinking three little ones, with a teaspoon, piskariki. No longer walking - the marna is on the right. At the phrase “small river”, one can see the hero’s setting, which called out to space, bow, Angari, to the place. The river is similar to a glass, or a kalyuzha. The repetition of the word "strangers" helps to understand the hero's camp - vin nibi u v'yaznitsa. There is no sense of space, freedom

Text work. What was the scariest thing for a hero? Readable. 3 min.

Find out look at yourself. How do stinks help the mind of a boy?

The most terrible began, if the hero came from school. At the school of wines, I didn’t mind talking, the whole hour of turmoil was robit, there the boys were playing yoga, together with them - whether you like it or not - it happened to collapse, grati, and in the lessons - practice. Ale, only a little wine, having lost one, once he piled on tight - tight in the hut, in the village. Even if it wasn’t earlier to start a day without seeing your homeland, obviously, not being ready to live among strangers. It was so bad for youmu, so hot and cold! - Hirshe for every ailment. I wanted only one thing, I dreamed about one thing - home and home.
I vіn mіg bi viїhati...

Viber 1 - film "Boy to live after his mother, what is there" 5th century

In front of the lad, vibir - go home and get lost at the city.

On the very cob of the episode, the lad is rude from his mother: don't bother, sit and frown. What is the reason? / / For her, I creaked, did not cry and cry. /

Why does mother, just getting into the car, immediately turn around, not marvel at the son, but marvel ahead? //It’s more important, it’s possible, there’s also crying//

What is she watching?

Why is the hero still not going to the village?
//Vіn vydchuvaє vіdpovidalnіst - in front of my mother, brother, sister, fellow villagers, before my father perished in the war. Vіn senior at sim'ї. Rozumіє, it's important for mom to read yoga, to help him with food, and even more so penniless. Vіn razumіє, scho building chogos reach. Win want to read. //
Before us is the share of an eleven-year old, your age.
The hero steals and - is left from the city.

How do you learn wine? (text)
// I started and it's good here. What did I lose? - then I came here and arrived, if I had to do it, I didn’t have it here, but they put the abyak before what was supposed to be on me, I also didn’t take it. I’m sure that if I had taken the trouble to drink before school, if I had lost one lesson in me, I didn’t get five marks in all subjects, let’s say French. I didn’t get along well with my French through Wimow.//

Find phraseology. How do you help to understand the character of the hero? What kind of person is she? Learn?

Hero of the same epoch 3 min

Chi maє vіn druzіv? Tell me why the hero does not have friends? (text)

// In the form of fearfulness, movability, zayvoї silskoї isolation, and smut - in the form of a wild tightness on the booth, which did not deprive the annual bazhan, I also did not grow up with any of the lads. I didn’t feel like it, I was left alone, not roaming and not seeing from my strong camp of self-sufficiency: one is for the one here, and not at home, not in the village, I have a lot of comrades there / /.
What kind of epithet helps to understand how strong the hero is when he sums up at home?
The hero does not have friends, but the know-it-alls showed up. Vadik, that yoga company played for pennies.

Select 2
Why is the hero called to earn a penny? (text)
/ / The hero has realized that it is good to be able to solve your own problems yourself. Products in new krav, naimovіrnіshe, Fedka. “I didn’t allow myself to be choked with thunder and wash on a galyavin until evening, I needed only a ruble, a ruble a day. After tasting yoga, I tikav, bought a jar of milk in the bazaar (the aunts grumbled, marveling at my bent, beaten, torn coins, and poured milk), having offended and sat for the lessons. I couldn’t wait to finish everything, but even the thought that I was drinking milk gave me strength and conquered my hunger. I began to feel better that now my head is less confused. //
Grati on pennies - bad. Z cym do not rush.

Chi can vvazhati tsey choice hero moral? Why? // The hero takes the blame. I tse - vchinok. Often we spodіvaєmosya on someone, few hto vyrіshuєtsya on specific diї, for yakі їm happen to be vindicated//.

Obviously, calling Vadik that yogo company of heroes is not varto. Explain why? //Vadik is a filthy person, you don’t need to feel like such people//

Fizkulthvilinka 2nd century.

We will conduct an experiment. The most information about the internal camp of a person is, of course, the position of the same gesture. Like hand-beating, having tuned in to a singing mood and controlling the situation, you can win, even more importantly, control your body.
Yaky Vadik? Reveal, like Vadik wart. What is yoga ruhi? Viraz disguise? How do you see the hair of the chola?
//Schopravda, and vіn grave good. Approaching the stone, squatting down, crouching down, pointing the puck at the target, and slowly, smoothly protruding - the puck dangled from his hands and flew there, where the motive was. Throwing a chubok on the mountain with a fluffy rush of the head of the veins, spitting the kill a little, showing that it was crushed on the right, and lazily, stepping up to pennies with a swollen crock.

Can we try to repeat (forelock, hands in the intestines, move, look)? The boys were getting ready. Ninі stinks to show their preparations. Try to repeat. What do you see? //Despised to otochyuchy, I marvel at the beast, aggression, innocence//.
Let's take the pose of a self-confessed, instilled person in ourselves, good-naturedly lashed to the point of dazed. The shoulders are straightened, the back is straightened, there is a smile, a glance - respectful and kind. Sit

In a sing-song way, so kindly, she marveled at her own class L.M.

Hero and Teacher 4 xv

1) History of Lydia Mikhailivna. Did the stars come out? Yaka won bula in childhood (for її w words)
2) How should children be treated? Why does she look like other readers?
3) The lad of the eyes of Lydia Mikhailivna
4) How does L.M. in the city?

L.M. I confessed that I learned how to pay for pennies. (read out)

Why is she so surprised? (milk?!)
- Well, then why are you robish of a penny, how do you win? Do you buy zukerki? Chi books? Chi save up for shchos? Aje in you їх, maybe, now it's rich?
- No, not rich. I only win karbovanets.
– I don’t care anymore?
- Ni.
- A karbovanets? Why karbovanets? What are you doing with him?
- I buy milk.
- Milk?

Chomu L.M. did not take yoga to the director?
//Lidiya Mihaylivna bacheling, there is a boy in front of her, who needs help - live far from home, do not live with strangers. //

How does she try to help youma?

Posilannya / put on the table of the parcel, vіdkrivaєmo / 6 min

Why is the hero not accepting the request? (read in English for 1 proposition)
Glancing at the parcel, I was stupefied: the beast, neatly covered with a large white arkush paper, lay macaroni. Otse so! Long long pipes, laid one to one in even rows, fell on the light with such riches that nothing was dear to me for a yak. Now I understood why my mother took the box: so that the macaroni did not break, did not crumble, arrived to me safely. I carefully wiggled one tube, glancing, blowing at her, and, not able to stream anymore, becoming greedily crunchy. Let's just take a friend, a third, rozmirkovuyuchi, where would I hide the box, so that the macaroni would not get to the careless mice near the comor and my master. It was not for this that mothers bathed them, stained the rest of the pennies. No, I won't go for pasta that easily. Tse you do not like potatoes.
I choked with a rap. Macaroni... Damn, did mother take macaroni? There were no such things in our countryside, you can’t buy them there for any money. Why should you go out? Hastily, at the sight of hope, I'll open the macaroni and know on the day of the screenshot of a sprat of large pieces of zucru and two tiles of the hematogen. The hematogen was confirmed: not the mother did the asking. Who is at such a time, who? I once again looked at the krishka: my class, my nickname is me. Tsіkavo duzhe tsіkavo.

Know the difference (epithety, metaphor), how to help you understand what the hero is seeing?

Why the lad still did not take the parcel. Raise your hand, who cares what the request was to take? Who cares what the hero did right? Argument.

L.M. virishila grati іz let's learn for pennies? Text 3 xv
I don’t know, like mathematics, but life has the best proof - in the contrary. If on the coming day I sighed that Lidiya Mikhailovna, so that the coins would bump, with a niche down to the finger, I hugged. Glancing at me and not mentioning that I miraculously run її clean water shahraystvo, there was no way I could continue to ruin the coin.
- What are you doing? - I was furious.
- I? And what am I doing?
- Navischo you її slipped?
- Well, she was lying there, - naybezsovіsne, I hope to instill joy in Lidiya Mikhailovna’s nіtrohi not gіrsha for Vadik chi Ptakh.
Otse so! Reader, you are called! I’m on my eyes at a distance of twenty centimeters, and I’m chopping a coin, and she’s singing to me, that she didn’t chip, and she laughs for me. Do you take me for a blind man? For a little one? The French language speaks, is called. I forgot that the whole day Lidiya Mikhailovna tried to fool me, and stalking only after him, so that she didn’t fool me. Well, well! Lydia Mikhailivna, is called.

Why is the boy reacting like that? //Yoma is unacceptable if they deceive, rob, repair dishonestly//

How will the rally end?

Podbag food 6 min

What can a hero do differently?

What is the right choice to help the heroes grow up?

Who injects the hero's moral choice?

What main lesson did Lydia Mikhailovna give to her teaching?
// A lesson in kindness, remember to take the viability of wines, choose between good and evil, and th tim, which is impermissible and tim, which tells you in your heart //
Otzhe, the hero chooses more than once. Vin feel his heart and his heart. Yogo mother taught yoga to endure hardships. And the teacher gave a lesson in humanity and kindness.
Let's get back to the plan. What are all the points of vikonan? Chi reached meti?

Che will wait for you, that the moral choice is the best? Why has a vigoda for which boy? // Vin become special. This lad is seen by the miraculous writer - Valentin Rasputin. Sovіsnogo, thinking, sensible / /
Open the text and read the intro. How do you understand these words?

// The person herself to work out her moral choice and, in order to live up to not only her life, but the life of peace, who instructed them. The hero of the opi- dannya was seen well, with honor to try, that they drank some of it. You can’t tell your mother, your fellow villagers, Lydia Mikhailovna - you stink to believe in someone else.
Lyudina, regardless of age, often faces a moral choice. If you go far in the sight of good, then you confess your fault before people, like to give good and light to someone else, like to believe in someone else. //

A person is born out of free will, the ability to choose between good and evil. Whose freely broken moral choice determines all the life of a person: why do people hang around, if it seems that a person is the master of his share.

People, like a star, people
Middle obscure, foggy milkiness,
Created by generations
For centuries the earth is imperishable.
People, like a star, are people.
Shchob become omnipotent.
(E.B. Mezhelaitis)
At the beginning of the lesson, we said that these thoughts are great letters. V.G. shared these thoughts with us. Rasputin.
Tell me, what a thought came to your thought, Dumka, inspired by today's lesson.
Whose thought do you want to feel?

Rozmova, as we have known today, do not end: there is a problem for our skin. I hope that we were able to discover the truth, goodness and beauty. Then we can work out the only moral choice that is right for us.
Remember, the most important choice is moral.

Homework 1 xv

Write a sheet with the name of the teacher or the hero
Vibrati, how many years have passed - 1 day 20-40 years
Hello Lydia Mikhailivno...
(tell me how the boy is alive after the history)
Good day, ... (tell me, they became a reader later)

Evaluation for the lesson 3 min
consists of three assessments, self-assessment according to the criterion (on the slide, not read out)
Meta reached? Vikonan's assistant? 2 b.
Material found? Tsіkaviy, needy, pіznavalny? 1 b.
Chi far rozpovіsti vіlno, virazno? Did you listen carefully? 2 b.

Self-assessment (write down the assessment on the sheets, how to give it)
- Evaluation of the group (the list of these evaluations is already with the teacher, the evaluations for performance and self-evaluation are displayed there)
- Whistup

Thank you for your thoughts: for remembering a little bit of a spy: for the material:


In rich works of Astaf'eva and Rasputin, the main characters are children. It is noteworthy that the explanations of these writers are rich in why they are autobiographical, that their main hero is an infamous image, conveying a deep image to the character of the life of rich lads.

So, in the description of V. Astaf'ev "Kin with an erysipelas mane", the hero is stuck in a difficult situation. Win at once from the Susid lads pishov on the sun. Vitya, knowing that this berry of the yogo grandmother, in which wine is alive, should be sold at the locality. The lad, in front of the Levontiev slobs, diligently picking up the sun in the tuєsok. And yoga friends, having cooked through her, took the whole harvest. Ale Santsy, the youngest and the least of all Susi children, had little success. Vіn having become the preparation of Vіtka, so that he would have picked the berries on the fire “z'їdannya”. Good-natured that naїvny hero poddavsya on evil cunning. Ale potim vіn zdіysniv sche more foolishness - stuffing tuїsok with grass and only throwing the top with berries, for the sake of appearance. I'm such a cat Vitka seeing grandma.

The boy was already tormented by his conscience. Yomu felt bad about the fact that the grandmother did not suspect about the deceit, praised Yogo and promised to bring a gingerbread from the place. Life has become Vіttsі not happy. Everything changed after a dovkol: it’s no longer a moment to grow, like before, without a turbo, it’s fun. Svіdomіst svoєї svoєї vytyazhuval yogo.

And the hero became even more bitter, if the grandmother turned from the place. Vaughn, obviously, revealed the onuk's deceit. Ale, worse than that, Vitka ta її setting up a camp near the archer. Katerina Petrivna confided to everyone, as if she were selling tuїsok yagid like a Russian lady, and deceit was revealed there.

Soromu that Vіtka's fault was not between. Vіn buv ready to die, fall through the ground, abi grandmother yogo vibachila. Vіtka pіshov vibachatsya, ale vіd sіz nіg vіmovity і two words. Lyublyacha grandmother vibachila onuka and navit vіdda yoma preparations of gingerbread - a horse with an erysipelas mane. And yet the moral lesson of the hero is to remember all his life.

The hero of V. Rasputin's "French Lessons" can bear his own moral lesson, fight his own moral choice. Vіn їde z іdnogo sіlіde, vіd mami, schob to continue navchannya. The hour, if there is a day of warning, was important, warlike. There was hunger near the village, panuvala zlidni. How could the mother of the hero pick up her son, how could they “pair” Yogo? Vaughn worked hard with Uncle Vanya, a strong driver, a bear of potatoes - everything she could. Ale and qiu dribnitsyu the lad did not take back - її stole the masters, for whom the hero is alive in the apartment.

The hero writes that he wants to eat. Navіt uvі snі vіn vіdchuvav hunger spasms of the duct. For the sake of this, the lad has begun to earn money for pennies. Vіn becoming a virtuoso gris “in chіku”, but winning only a ruble and not a penny more - for milk.

The hero’s nezabar began to be beaten by grown-up cottons - too good wine grave: “it’s swollen and swollen, blue under the left eye, and lower than that, on the top, the fat crooked garden dies.” Ale, before school, the hero, having continued to go to see such a sight.

Youmu wanted more Daedal. The hero did not take away the parcel from the house any more - and I will renew the pishov grati. I started yoga again. Todi Lidia Mikhailovna, a reader of French language, helped you to help you - she sent the boys a parcel, as if she came home from home. Ale, the hero immediately guessed, seeing whom the bula was such a “rozkish”. And every day, the teacher of the lad could not accept this gift - you were not allowed pride and almost damp goodness.

As a result, Lidiya Mikhailovna was embarrassed to go to her fatherland: they found her for an hour on pennies with the hero of the confession. And no one wants to realize that there was another “cunning” to ward off learning in the face of starvation. Ale tsyu zhіnku the hero also remembered until the end of his life, even if she became a yoga yangol-ryativnik.

The young heroes of Astaf'eva and Rasputin's encouragement to slay their moral vibe. І zavzhdi vin go to the burden of Good, Light, moral principles. I, reading roses, take butt and vchimosya from cotton stamina, spiritual purity, kindness, wisdom.

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