Similar endings are found in Russian language. The end of the sermons. Grammatically and lexically the meaning of the word


If you see difficulties when the end is revealed, change the form of the word and show that part, as it changes. You will be finished. For example, you need to see the end of the word "styl". Try changing the yoga form: "table", "table", "" and so on. To restore respect, that the change is due immediately after the root. You can make visnovok, so that the words "steel" are completed to zero.

Zero endings - tse parts of the word, yakі vrazhenі sounds. As a rule, the stench is heard at namesakes in the form of a nominal name of a human genus of the first generation or in the third generation.

It is necessary for you to designate special terminations in children, to give respect to those who have to pay until such time. So, in "reading" the end will be "є", so it will be brought to the first introduction.

Learn to distinguish between the completion of the divisions of the mandate and the divisional methods. Their sound may be the same, and the axis of the part of the word is different. Give respect to the word "shout". Vіn vikoristovuєtsya at the order method. You can change the form and you can make it so that the word "shouting" ends with "i". Meaning in the language "shout" - "tі".

Give respect to the proposition "If you shout, help." In a new language, you will "shout" in a familiar way. How to change the form of the word, stomp that you will finish "et".

Significantly, the end of prikmetnikov or communion, you can put additional food or recognize vodminok, number and number. For example, for a clerk, "strong" endings are "them", so it can be brought to the human family, alone, to the gun maker.

As you see the end of the name of the name, tell me, in which case and the end of the day it will be victorious. The name-bearer "in the village" will have an "e" completed, to the one that the word is given to the first remembrance, the first remembrance.


  • What is such an end, like a part of a word?

Words can be divided into smaller singles - morphemes. The independent changing words have a basis (“reading”, “evening”, “porridge”, “bіlya”) and an ending (“dim-a”, “beautiful”, “shore-y”), and in the inevitable ones - only a basis.


The basis is the whole part of the word that changes without completion. For example, the word "tree-o" - "tree-" will be the basis, and "-o" - ends. "Tree - tree - tree". In the basis of the word, it has its own lexical meaning, which is suggested by the dark dictionaries. There are two types of fundamentals: good and bad. Pokhіdnі can be included in nasіnnya, krіm root, suffixes and prefixes, and not good ones are added only from the root.

Grammar has a clear end. It is “physically” in the change of the word (at the sight of letters and sounds), and yet it carries information about the form of the word and its grammatical meaning. For example: “bad - bad” (short human kind alone); “having bought-a - having bought” (the last hour of the word of the human family alone).

Completion of chi flexia(Lat. flixio- zginannya) - tse significant part words that are changed by that form-maker. Finishing to serve as a link between words in speech and words and instructing in a clear way between words, with a grammatical meaning.

The grammatical meaning of the end of the various parts of the movie.

  1. Name. Completion of names

    river - rivers - rivers

  2. Prikmetnik. Completion of prikmetnikov indicate on their number and vіdminok i ріd:

    garniy - beautiful - beautiful

  3. Chislivnik. Completion of names indicate on їх vіdminok i number:

    other - other - other

  4. Dieslovo. End of the day Today, that future hour, point to a person that number:

    read - read

    The end of the day of the past hour is indicated by their number, resemblance to that day:

    marveled - marveled - marveled - marveled

  5. Borrower. Completion of borrowers show first for everything on vіdminok, then on the number i ріd, like stink є:

    win yoga
    svіy - svogo - svogo - svoїh

  6. Communion. Completion of diplomas point to the number, rіd і vіdminok:

    read - read - read

Completion - all the way formative morpheme I don’t give the word the same additional meanings.

The endings are materially pronounced and null.

Zero completion- tse completion of changing words, as if they are not pronounced by sounds when they are spoken and letters on letters, but when they are sung, they convey grammatical meaning. Zero ending can be a showcase of a singing family, or a vіdmіnka, for example:

  • Nazivny i znahіdny vіdminok іmennikіv zh.r. 3 views in one: daughter, pekti, mother, zhito;
  • Nazivny vіdminok іmennikov m.r. 2 visits one hour (for the non-living - nazivny i znahіdny vіdminok): friend, stelets, outline;
  • Ancestral note of names of various relatives pl.: krajn, soldiers, vicons;
  • Short form od. m.r. prikmetnikov and dieprikmetnikov: cheerful, reading, kind.
  • Imenniy vіdminok privіynykh prikmetnikіv one hour: brothers, mother, fox;
  • Mandatory way of depriving one person: marvel, watch, watch;
  • Influences and umovny sposіb dієslіv m.r.: pisav - pisav bi; marveling - marveling b; walking - walking bi.

Іsnuyut nezmіnі words and forms of slіv, like not being able to complete that system of grammatical authorities. Before such words and forms lie:

Unidentified names, often foreign trips: taxi, coat

Associated borrowers, which indicate the belonging of a third person: її, yogo, їх

Neprihilny prikmetniki: burgundy, khaki


Such words may link with other words for additional meaning, and zero completion is not shown on the sheet.

In most concepts, the morpheme is taken as an abstract modern unit. The specific implementation of morphemes in the text is called morphine or (often) morph.

With which morpheme, which represent that very morpheme, the mother of a different phonetic look can be stale in its sharpening in the middle of the word form. The set of morphs in one morphemy, which may have the same phonemic warehouse, can be called alomorph.

A variation on the plan of expression of morphemes zmushuє deakikh theoreticians (and myself, I. A. Melchuk and N. V. Pertsov) develop visnovok, zgіdno z this morpheme is not a sign, but a class of signs.

So, in the works of N.V. morph»and scho «something similarly indistinguishable from the vocabulary penetrates the scientific texts that are published». N. V. Pertsov respects that “we should respect each other, although it is clear from the context that the essence itself is a concrete-textual morpheme, or an abstract-moving morpheme is to go.”

Classification of morphemes

Root and affix

Morphemes are subdivided into two main types - roots (root) that affixal (affix) .

Korin- the main part of the word. The root is the obov'yazkovy part of a word - there are no words without a root (crim of rare secondary ablutions with an introduced root of the Russian type "vi-nu-t (prefix-suffix-finish)"). Root morphemes can make the word yak in suprovodі afіkіv, i samostіyno.

Afiks- additional part of the word, which comes to the root and serves for the word-creation that expression of grammatical meanings. Afxies cannot independently approve the word - it’s less for the roots. Af_ksi, on the vіdmіnu vіd deyakіh korіnіv (like, for example, cockatoo), do not be solitary, that only sound in one word.

Classification of affixes

The affixes are subdivided into types stalely in their position in the word. The largest extensions in the language of the world are two types of affixes prefix, which is spread in front of the root, that postfix scho roztashovuyutsya after the root. The traditional name of the prefixes of the Russian movie prefixes. The prefix clarifies the change of the root, conveying lexical meanings, but also using grammatical meanings (for example, looking at the dialects).

Fallow in the form of postfix values, which are expressed, subdivided into suffix(mayut derivation, so word-creating meaning) and flexi(might be relational, so that it indicates a connection with other members of the speech, meaning). The suffix conveys i lexical, i (more often) grammatical meaning; you can translate the word from one part of the language into another (function that transposes). Flexi - word-changing affixes. The traditional name of the Russian flexi movie completion because the stench is mostly spread in the very beginning of the world.

Є movi (Turkic, Finno-Ugric), some daily prefixes, and all grammatical stanzas are pronounced postfixes. In some other language - for example, Swahili Sim'ya Bantu (Central Africa) - prefixes are vicorated and postfixes may not get used. In the Indo-European language, to which the Russian language is still lingering, both prefixes and postfixes are victorious, and with the obvious priority of the rest.

Crim prefixes and postfixes, affixes and other types are added:

  • interfix- service morphemes, yak mayut wet meaning, ale sluzhovtsi zvyazku koreniv in folding words(for example, forehead- about-shaking);
  • confixi- a combination of a prefix with a postfix, yak zavzhdi dіyut svіlno, otochuyuchi root (like, for example, in the German word ge-lob- t - "praise");
  • infixi- affix, which is inserted in the middle of the root; serve to express a new grammatical meaning; are spoken in rich Austronesian language (for example, in Tagalog: sumulat"to write", povn. sulat"sheet");
  • transfixy- affixes, yakі, rozrivayuchi roots, which are formed from some voices, they themselves grow and serve as a “proshark” of the voiced middles of the vociferous ones, denoting the grammatical meaning of the word (they are used in Semitsky mov, zokrema, in Arabic). There are few voiced ones in the Arabic language, there are only 3 of them, because the language is consonant:
Akbar- the largest. Kabir- Great. Kibar- Great.


  • A. A. Reformatsky. Entry to the Mind
  • Contemporary Russian language (edited by V. A. Biloshapkova)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .


Marvel at the same "Finished" in other dictionaries:

    Finished, finished, finished. (Knizhkovy.). 1. Completed, finally. Completion of work. Pishov, not having checked the end of the vistavi. 2. The final part of the literary creation. Finishing the novel at the book journal. Finished next. Tlumachny dictionary of Ushakov

    Div... Glossary of synonyms

    Completion- supervised at the issue (numbers, volumes) of the serial edition of the final part of the work, which was published in parts of the kіlkoh (bagatioh) issues (numbers, volumes) of the first edition. On the side, de pochinaetsya O., at the wines, or before the main. text ... ... Vidavnichesky dictionary-dovidnik

    completion- COMPLETION, completion, completion, end, final KINTSEVIY, end, rest, book. definitive Finish / finish, finish / finish, finish / finish, finish / finish, finish / finish, ... ... Glossary-thesaurus of synonyms in Russian language

    At the top diva. Clause …

    Those who are flexi... Great Encyclopedic Dictionary

    FINISHED, I, porіvn. 1. div. finish, sya. 2. Kіnets, the final part of which sound. Blessed o. actually. O. novel at the next issue of the magazine. 3. At grammar: those same, scho inflection. Vіdmіnne o. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949… … Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

    completion- to the radio channel Physically controlled antenna radio control (MCE R F.1399). Topics of electrical communications, basic concepts Synonyms for the radio channel EN radio termination ... Dovіdnik technical translation

    Completion- (Termination). Part of the word is added to the base, if the word changes grammatically, both in Latin and in Greek language. Terms of botanical nomenclature

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    Exist., s., upot. division. often Morphology: (nі) what? finished, why? I'm done, (I'm running) what? finished, what? finished, about what? about the end; pl. what? ending, (nі) what? finish, why? I’m done, (I’m running) what? finished, lower? endings, about ... Tlumachny dictionary of Dmitriev


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Scholars often-densely blame food, as if to resurrect words without completion against words from zero completions. Plutanina s tsim look like it’s unreasonable that it’s so finished, like the role she plays. І catering at once and simple, and foldable. Forgive that, the understanding of which linguistic term is absolutely accessible to a schoolboy. And it’s foldable to the fact that it’s important to know that such a change of the word, that the word is modified in the form of a word form, and also, I’m sure, the knowledge that such a grammatical meaning of the word.

What is the end

Otzhe, let's start with the fact that words are understood from endings and words without endings. Apply words from the endings: budinok-a, gut, tata, well, window-y, red-and, earth-e, yam-ah. Apply words without endings: tasty, fun, not, spodіvayuchis, practicing.

The first group of words ends with the sounds or the sounds of the sounds, which change, which means changing the form of the word: budinkiv (budinkiv), guts, papa-oї, vikna, kras. More precisely, through those that change the end, the form of the word changes. If the word “gut” is in kіshka, it will be -a, then we understand that it’s about one gut: “There’s a gut to sit on the parkan”. As for example, the word -i, then, depending on the context, one can say, for example, about the presence of the intestines: "There are no more guts on the parkan", or about the sprat of the intestine: "All intestines love to sit on the parkanas." Three forms of one and the same word “gut” were victorious at the introductions of words: in the nazivny vіdmіnku alone (gut to sit), in the generic vіdmіnka alone (no guts) and in the nazivі vіdmіnku many (guts to love).

So we can, for example, change the word “light”: light, light, light, light.

Grammatically and lexically the meaning of the word

It is a beast of respect that the very same word, shards can be found about one and the same manifestation of activity, which is nevertheless characterized. Yakby we wanted to characterize the appearance in another way, we used to win the feasibility of the numerical affixes of the Russian language: intestines, kashunya, shirt, mow, koshandra ... Adding emotion, assessment to the word, we made a new word: kishka that mow - the whole word, not the form of the same word. These words have different lexical meanings, but they have the same grammatical meaning: nazivny vіdminok, alone. We can make other forms of these words: intestines, cats. All words in the same and the same form, so that their lexical meanings are different (the word "gut" is neutrally indicated by the word "guts", and the word "mow" is affectionately called), and grammatically - however ( ancestral vіdminok, multiple).

Similarly, we can blame it with the word "svіt". Form the same word: house-ah, house-y, house-oh, house-ami, house-ah. Approved as a new word with other meanings (the same meanings plus the expression of our introduction or clarification of the world): budinok-ik, budinok-in-a, budinok-ishch-e.

Word creation and formative morphemes

As you can say, the lexical meaning here changes for the help of the suffix, and grammatically - for the help of the ending. Ale does not mean that the suffix can change more lexically. For example, the word “walk-l-a” has a suffix -l-ce suffix of the past hour of the word “walk”, so that a new word is not established with help, but a new form is established.

In such a rank, these are parts of the word, for the help of which new words are established - these word-creating morphemes, and so, for the help of which they change, the forms of the word are established - these form-forming morphemes. Completion (flexion) - the whole formative morpheme.

In some words, you can be finished

Zvіdsi we can build the coming logical visnovok. Yakshko zakіnchennya - tse formative morpheme, that is part of the word that changes its form, which means that it can only be in quiet words, which change. It is irrational to sort through the vipadkovy row of words in searches of words from the endings. You need to shukati in the middle of the songs of the categories, and yourself - in the middle of the songs of the movie. Let's say names zdebіlshoy zmіnyuvanі, and therefore, they have finished.

Words without ending. Apply

However, these are words that do not change their forms. Father, these words are without ending. Apply the following shukati in the middle of the songs of the grammatical groups. For example, the servants. As you can see, it’s always a part of the mov, later, the clergymen don’t finish: cheerfully, patiently, guiltily (the dog merrily followed us; mother listened to her daughter more patiently; at the superchicks, this person was always guiltily twisted).

Servants next to the air short forms of application of the middle kind: "Tsya proposition bula wine and warm". Here the end is about є endings, which show on the middle rid and one.

Rechecking the obviousness of completion

It is easy to bring what is in short prikmetniks - tse ending. It is necessary to change the word: "This replica was wine and warm." Kіntseve-o was replaced by kіntseve-a, like a witness about a woman's family. The prikmetnik having changed his form in order to fit in with the form of the genus with the name.

Obviously, there is only one way to signify words without endings. It’s impossible to make words form, henceforth, the word cannot be completed.

Zero completion

So it is very easy to count and words with zero endings. The rule here is simple: when the word can be formed (changed), and the houses of the “silent” ending are ending, pronounced by sounds, then, the inflection is visible - at the cost of zero ending.

Let's assume that the word "light" ends with a suitable root P, since it doesn't sound like anything in the word. However, varto change the word: to the world, light, light, light, like me Bachimo, that after the root is finished, that it sounds. It means that the voice of the nazivny vіdminka alone is obvious, it’s really the replacement of the sounds that move, there is an empty vikno, an empty clitin, so that at some point you can remember. More than that, by itself through those that it has not been filled in, we will recognize the number. Tse butt "minus sign". Nimota ended in to this particular type significant less, lower than the first sound.

Applying such significant insights is rich in life. Let's say, over the entrance of the cafe in a working year, you can fire a vivisca with a name. Todi, like the light bulbs do not burn (moment), for potential vents it means that the cafe is closed. If the green light of the light of the light does not burn, it doesn’t mean that it’s not possible, it’s significant.

A dash or a re-admission on the price list in a restaurant can mean that the item is shown in the assortment.

If you enter home and shout: “Who is at home?” You can talk about it darker forever.

Zero ending and day of ending

In such a rank, zero ending - the morpheme is “wimmed out” in its own way. ї ї vymknuli, schob vyslovit її "movchannyam" sevne meaning. The words “hands-(-)”, “nіg-(-)”, “heads-(-)”, “hmar-(-)” are empty, “not hot” vikno means the childbirth of a multiplier. In the words “walking-(-)”, “speaking-(-)”, “spiving (-)” - a human kind of one. In all of these word forms, there is an ending, but it is pronounced with a bankrupt sound.

It would be wrong to say to him, for example, that “hands” is the whole word without a suffix that is completed. There is really no suffix here, but the axis is finished. The sound of the word ends with the sound "k", like a warehouse, actually between - a morpheme, expressed by a zero sound.

The end of the day, on the face of the presence of zero, is a place beyond the boundaries of the word. It is not compared to the “included” ending, the grammatical nature of this term is stilted by the transfer of the ending. Kindly, fearfully, pid, s, zaglyuyuchis - all put the words without ending.

In this way, in the morphemic analysis of a word, it is necessary to add words without endings to words from zero endings. Changes in lexical units should be finished, high and pronounced with zero sound, and the warehouse of the inevitable words conveys the end, the zero sound.

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