Generic vіdminok multiply butt. Ancestral vіdminok multiplier (іmennik). §2.3. Fractional numbers

Completion of ancestral care multiply- Another important topic for our current practice.

How to choose correctly those chi іnshe zanchennya? How to say: no panchokha or panchokh? Without scarpet or scarpets?

Why are we talking wirmen, ale Mongols?

How to ask correctly in the store: 5 kilogram or kilograms? orange or oranges?

When choosing to end, follow these rules.

Cholovichy Rid

1. Name the pair of objects that may end in zero: cherevik, chobit, panchokha, pants, chase, knives.

Vinyatok: scarpet iv .

2. Names of nationalities are ordered according to the following rules:

a) words with a basis on - n, -r Mayut zero endings: English, Virmen, Georgians, Lezghins, Ossetians, Romanians, Turkmens, Gypsies, Bashkirs, Bulgarians.

Vinyatok:black person iv.

b) words based on other letters may be completed - iv: Kyrgyz iv, Kalmik iv, Tajik iv, Uzbek iv, Mongolian iv, Yakut iv .

Vinyatok:Turks, Buryats.

3. Name the war groups and the number of slopes of the wars to prevent the coming endings:

a) without numerical stinks, there may be a zero ending: partisan, soldier, grenadier, midshipman, hussar, dragoon, lancer;

b) how many births of viysk with numerals may end iv: 10 hussars iv, 5 midshipmen iv, 6 hussars iv, 7 Lancers iv.

4. Name one of the world's variators:

a) ampere, watt, gram, kilogram, x-ray, pendant;

b) ampere iv, Wat iv, gram iv, kilogram iv, x-ray iv, pendant iv.

Shortened forms ( ampere, gram

5. The names of the group "vegetables - fruits" may be completed - iv: orange iv, mandarin iv, banana iv, tomato iv, eggplant iv.

Shortened forms ( orange, tangerine, banana, tomato) are typical for a roman movie.

Zhіnochiy Rіd

1. Names for - la, -nya may be zero ending: waffles, pokrіvel, tiles, babysitters, cherries, apple trees.

2. Deyakі іmenniki Mayut zanchennya - їй: candle їй, rake їй, stretched їй .

Є th variant form: Gra varta candle, ale: There is no candle at the booth їй. Prote word candle here it is used in direct and figurative (phraseological) meanings (indicate, de yak).

3. Names for - and I may finish - ii: auditor ii, academician ii, conservative ii.

Middle Rid

1. A number of names may end in zero: apples, shoulders, a saucer of towels, a mirror.

Give respect to the shape of the shoulders ( The broadcloth with shoulders is the one without shoulders!)

2. Normative form on - ii: uzberezh ii, deaf ii, zilla ii.

3. Use the same form on - єв:ust єв, swamp єв, top єв, bottom єв.

And how do the ancestral vіdminok those іmenniki, іkі vzhivayutsya zavzhdі only in mnozhinі? Nominees, who live only in a multitude (who do not make a family), establish a birth certificate for the help of various types of endings:

zero: daytime; dib;

-iv: freezing iv ;

: weekday їй, Yasla їй, san їй .

Inquiry and task

1. What are the factors to add to the choice of the end of the nominal name of a plurality of names? Name them.

2. How to make a plurality of words with the element -er/-yor (dirigent)? From what language did the words come to us?

3. Give butts, if the end -s / -and serve as a rozbіzhnostі slіv for meanings.

4. How can you end up in a tribal vіdminka? What is the correct way to say: no scarpets or no scarpets?

5. How many forms lie up to the official-business, and how - up to the pink style of movement: gram, coulomb / gram, pendant? tomato, orange / tomato, orange?

1. A lot of names of a human family with a solid basis for firm voices (Crimea of ​​hissing) may have a lot of so-called zero endings at the family vіdmіnka. The following are seen:

    name the objects that get used to sound in pairs: cherevik, felt boots, moccasin, chobit(ale: chobotiv-skorokhodiv),panchokha(ale: scarpets);(without) shoulder strap, epaulette;

    name some nationalities, the main rank with the basis nі R: English, Virmen, Balkars, Bashkirs, Bulgarians, Buryats, Georgians, Lezgins, Mordvins, Ossetians, Romanians, Saracens, Turkmens, Turks, Khazars, Gypsies; the rest of the Mohicans; ale: Bedouins, Berbers, Bushmen, Negroes, Svans, Kalmikis, Kirghizs, Mingrelians, Mongols, Oirots, Tajiks, Tungus, Uzbeks, Khakassians, Croatians, Yakuts; kolyvannya: sarmativ - sarmat that deyakі іnshі;

    name the military groups, the numerous slopes of the military toscho; (zagin) partisans, soldiers; ale: mineriv, midshipman, sapper; with a selective value - a company of grenadiers, midshipmen, cadets; squadron of hussars, dragoons, lancers; regiment cuirassier, reytar; - (three) grenadiers, hussars, midshipmen, dragoons, cadets, cuirassiers, reytars, ulans;

    deyakі name loneliness vimiryuvannya, yakі zazvychay get used to the names (this is the name of the lichal form): (kіlkіst) ampere, watt, volt, newton, arshin, angstrom, hertz, gran, oersted; equal options: microns - microns; omiv - om; x-ray - x-ray; gramiv - gram; kіlogramіv – kіlogram; karativ - carat; kuloniv - pendant; ergiv - erg; povn_ form: cable (in the form of cables); fractional numerals are used as names in the form alone:8.3 kilograms.

2. A lot of names in the female family in the family vіdmіnku many variant forms: barge (external barge) - barge (external barge); pіsen (vіd pisnya) - pіsen (vіd pisnya). The current literary experience of power in the first place in the skin s inducing pairs of forms.

3. Regulatory forms of generic vіdminka waffles, domain, kocherig, pokrіvel, rozіg, vesіl, tiles, chapel, babysitters.

4. Regulatory forms of generic vіdminka deaf, save, zilla.

5. Normative forms: mouth (also pidmaistriv, m.r.), shoulders, apples, saucer, dzerkalets, towels, swamps, laces (type of lace) and lace (type of lace).

Like in other forms, in the genus vіdmіnku multiple in the skin type vіdmіnyuvannya it is possible to show a sprinkling of variants of endings.

In the whole ninth, with the enlightenment of the form of the die, a regularity sets in.

    If in the pochatkovіy form (the nazivny vіdminok odiny) the word may be null completed, then in the generic term the multiplier terminator will sound non-zero:

budinok - rich budinkіv, kin - rich horses, step - no steppe.

    If the cob form has a non-zero end, then in the generic form the multiplier will be zero:

earth - no land, loop - no loops, right - no right, place - no place, brand - no brands, apple - no apples.

    Tim himself mova pragne pozbutis zbіgu cob form and indirect names.

Return respect

Names of a woman and middle class -I, follow the rule of fire and may have many zero endings in the form of the generic word. Final -th this form does not have endings, but is included in the basis of the word: vyshuna - no vishchun, uzgir'ya - no uzgir'ya, nesting - no nesting, wilderness - no deaf, write-off - no copies, strava - no strav, novosillya - no new settlements, pancakes - no pancakes, uzberezhzhya, no way to save - no sleep.

    However, the truth is that the law is not absolute. From one side, the number is low in the name of the human family, based on a firm voice, I can zero in the end:

one soldier - a sprat of soldiers; one Georgian is a sprat of Georgians, one gypsy is a sprat of gypsies.

    On the other hand, names with non-zero endings in the bud form can be mothers of non-zero endings in the ancestral vіdmіnku, for example:

female words: dolI - Dekilka dolher, sizeI - sprat sizeїй; middle words: bolotze - sprat of swampsciv, tope – no topєвdale sudini - no donєв, small treeabout - no treesiv, personabout - Dekilka skiniv, Gostrie - Welcomeєв, paye - sprat to payєв, mouthe - Dekilka mouthєв, shivabout - sprat awlєв.

In living language, especially in the common language, two parallel tendencies are immediately observed.

First, finished -ів/-єв, domineering us before the name of a human family of a different kind, to file successively all the other endings (zero, ).

For example: in space - a lot of people Deputy Regulatory a lot of peopleїй; no space Deputy Regulatory no space.

    The remaining trend is supported by the fact that in many other indirect opinions, all names may end the same way:

about songs, about people, about fields, about nights, about kilograms.

In a different way, in the space there is a growing acceptance of forms with zero endings in quiet depressions, if in literary mine only forms with non-zero terminations are allowed.

For example: 10 hectares of land deputy of the literary version - 10 hectaresiv land.

    All for the sake of special respect until the adoption of the form of the tribal guardian of the multitude, moreover, more richly from such options become a showcase of the equal of the modern culture of the people. Nevipadkovo morphological pardons in the light of the cієї form vicorist in the modern grі, so it’s navmisno - until the comical effect is created ( Skіlki people! Dilo something!- at the current intellectual movement). Such pardons are played out in anecdotes, for example, in the dialogue of an unwritten passenger and the same unwritten champion of the correctness of language:

- There are no trams mist. - Not mist, but miss. Vidminkiv do not know. - And you don't right inwhat we don't know vіdminkіv.

With the established form of the ancestral vіdmіnka multiplier in important cases, it is necessary to protect the sprat of factors.

1. The names of other persons have completed -iv/-v, split like this:

    among the names of the human family with a basis on a firm voice, c or th main є completion -ів/-єв:

bagato chauffeuriv, bіytsіiv, geneєв;

    in the name of a person of a middle kind, with the basis of softness, I will sing, or hissing with the main є ending :

a lot of bagatsїй, becomeїй, vіdminokїй;

    at the names of -anіn/-yanіn(cream words Sim'yanin. sir, boyar, sir, tatar- zero completion -in:

a lot of words, yan, tatars, bariv, hulks.

2. In the name of a human family of another, the conclusion is based on a firm vote of zero termination and termination -iv to wash the trend until the rozpodіlu with the coming rank:

a) completion -iv call out more names of fruits, vegetables, then:

five tomatoiv, n'five orangeiv, n'five eggplantiv(admissible - five eggplant);

b) zero completion sound may:

    name the paired objects:

a pair of chereviks, a pair of felt boots, a pair of chobits, a pair of panchokhs, ale: pair of over the knee bootsivcouple botiv(admissible - pair of bots) no rakeiv(admissible - no rake); name-list scarpet the family vіdmіnku can have two literary options - there are no knitted scarpetsі scarpetiv;

    name the nationalities from the finals -n, -R:

no Gypsies, no Romanians, no Ossetians, ale: no bedouiniv, no bushmaniv, no svaniv;

    naming of military servicemen of various groups and pologіv viysk:

no soldiers (!), no partisans (!); ale: no sapperiv, minerivno hussarі hussariv, no dragoonsі dragooniv, no grenadierі grenadieriv, nі cuirassierі cuirassieriv, no uhlanі lanceriv;

c) name-callers, yakі naming single vimir ( volt, hertz, ohm that іn), ring out at the generic vіdmіnku multiplier two forms - from endings -iv and with zero endings. Zero ends victorious in such a rank of lichlniy form alone vimir, so when applying for a specific number, the number of which is:

100 volts, 100 amps, 200 hertz, 200 ohms, 1000 x-rays and etc.

    Names gram, kilogram, milligram, carat that in. in a private form -iv and with zero endings:

10 gramsі 10 grams; 10 kilosі 10 kilograms; 5 caratsі 5 carats.

Return respect

Formy Z -iv spriymayutsya as more officy. To that, as in the literary language offensive forms are recognized as acceptable, then in the written language it is recommended to victorious options from the endings -iv. Not in a private form (not in case of requesting a quantity) -iv.

That in tsimu kolgospі not only a gramiv, a th kilogramiv vtrat do not rejoice!

Not all names are alone in the world under the order of laws. Completion -ivє obov'yazkovim in any context in the upcoming names:

acre (10 acreiv), hectare (10 hectaresiv), inch (5 inchiv), liter (10 literiv), meter (5 meteriv), kilometer (5 kilometeriv), millimeter (10 millimeteriv), centimeter (10 centimeteriv), pood (10 poodiv), pound (10 lbiv), ft (5 ftiv), yard (5 yardiv).

Completion -iv ring out the names of the human family with the basis on a firm voice, which means a penny alone:

dollar (five dollarsiv), dinar (n'five dinariv) that in.

3. At the names of the first vіdmіnyuvannya zero ending, ring out the names with a voice on the basis in the form of the bat:

shoes - a pair of shoes, an apple tree - five apple trees, a chaplya - five chapels, a weight - five weights, a town hall - a sprat of town halls, ale: a share - five dollarsher; uncle - no uncleher that uncleєв; keglya - five pinsїй; a handful - five handfulsїй i handfuls; rokhlya - nі rokhlїй, yunak - five yunakivїй.

    Completion can mothers of names with a voice in the rest of the warehouse at the postal form:

candle - five candlesher, articles - n'five articlesher, sіm'ya - five sіmher, tub - no badher, bashta - no bashtanaher, stretched - five stretchedі five prostrationher, ale: poker - five pokers, shafts - five shaftsїйі dumbfounded

To give respect to the adoption of the form of the generic name of a plurality of names, which may be in the form of the genus of accentological options: bargeі barge - no bargeherі barge, loopі loop - no loops.

4. For names that live only in multiples, the widest and zero endings:

macaroni - no macaroni, pennies - no pennies, tirsa - no tirsi, ink - no ink.

    At one time, for a whole series of such names, the end will be non-zero. Whose mind is over -ів/-єв typical for names with a basis on a firm voice, on g, to, x I vote:

jeans - no jeansiv (!), clips - no clipsiv, tapestries - no offenseєв, bronchi - no bronchusiv.

    Completion I’ll give a wider voice to the middle of the names with the basis on the m’yak:

sledge - no sledgeїй, skhіdnі - no skhіdnіїй, yakscho - not a mangerїй (!), curls - no coachmenher, gusla - no guslaїй.

    How the options function equally: rake - no rakeі no rakes, stilts - no stiltsїйі no stilts, weekdays - no weekdaysїйі weekday

5. As the basis of the name in the pochatkovy form ends with two subvoices ( duploh canvasesnce, nesni kuclassa), then when the form of the generic voice is established, the multiplier with zero endings will ring out between them, and the voices will sound. aboutі e:

no dupel, no canvasesec, nі pesen, nі cookaboutl, no rizaboutg, no dosaboutup to (admissible - dosaboutk), no treeseno, no subeoh no tuffeoh no kuhaboutno, no duskebefore, no sopel і nozzles, ale dachshund - no dachshunds, wounds - kіlka rankiv.

6. To restore respect for the adoption of the form of the tribal vіdmіnka multiplied by the upcoming names:

Buryat - no BuryatIt i Buryativ, son-in-law - no son-in-lawєв, comment - no commentsєв, kopitse - no kopittsivєв and copy, correction - no correctionsiv, bottom'ya - bottomєв and nizovik, podmaistry - no podmaistrivєв, Polish - no Polishєв i logsec, Turk - no Turks, wuho - without wuhher, awl - no awlєв.

Nomenclature, yakі can only multiply, signify:

    name the warehouse and steam items:

(Pants, vaga, rahunki, eyepieces, railings, yearbook).

    name the materials of chi їх inputs; speeches:

(preserves, perfumes, thyrsa, tops, tapestries, plastics, shchi)

    name the intervals:

(dob, weekdays, holidays)

    name igor:

(palniki, blind man's buff, hovanki)

    call diy and I will become nature:

(Choose, bed, go, days, frosts).

    deyakі geographic names:

(Karpaty, Sochi, Girki).

Variants of the end of the priymennikovy vіdmіnka, one of the names of the human family

1. List of words with normative termination -I (-І) in the nominal multiplier:

Їm. under. year. Їm. n. pl. year.
accountant accountants
vіk wiki
dogana dogani
lead leads
dispatcher dispatchers
agreement agree
driver drivers
engineer engineers
instructor instructors
inspector inspectors
compressor compressors
constructor constructors
container containers
corrector proofreading
likar doctors
month months
player players
polis policy
port spoil
handwriting handwriting
spotlight searchlights
poodle poodles
editor editors
rector rector
light light
stock store
slyusar slyusari
stock store
sniper snipers
carpenter carpenters
report card timesheets
turner turners
cake tortie
tractor tractors
trainer coaches
outbuilding outbuildings
front fronti
chauffeur chauffeur

2. List of words with normative ending -А (-Я) in the noun word plural

Їm. under. year. Їm. n. pl. year.
addresses addresses
bill of exchange bills of exchange
kupa heap
director directors
likar doctor
boat boats
jacket jacket
dzvin call
body body
dome domes
coachman coachmen
okist stagnation
county constituencies
order orders
the passport passports
cook cook
loch lohu
professor professors
belt belt
grade sort
stack stacks
watchman watchman
tenor tenor
tower tower
poplars poplars
paramedic paramedic
vane weather vane
hutir farms
stack stacks
stamp stamp
yakir anchors


1) It is necessary to remember the following forms:

BODIES (tulubi) - BODIES (budіvlі)

CAMPS (political grouping) - CAMPS (tourist)

CHOLOVIKI (sovereigns) - CHOLOVIKI (for families)

ZUBI (at the people, creature) - ZUBI (at the file)

PASSES (probіli) - PASSES (documents)

ORDERS (litsarskі, chernechі) - ORDERS (heaps)

IMAGES (artistic) - IMAGES (icons)

TONY (sounds) - TONE (colour marks)

HLIBI ( food products) - HLIBA (cereals)







The name of NADRA (land) is victorious only in the plural and in the endings -A in the nazivny vіdminka.

The coming rimuvannya helps to remember the normative illumination of the form of the nominal number of the multiplier to a number of names:

Know our information:

VNZ has Professor A!

Negotiated -

They laid down the agreements.

2, Normative approval of the forms of the BATKY V_DMINK OF THE MULTIPLE NAME

1. Names that designate the name of vegetables and fruits, mainly in the form of generic vіdmіnka, the plural may be completed -OV:

ANANASI pineapple
eggplant eggplant

2. Names that mean the names of paired objects, mainly in the form of a generic name, the multiplier may have a zero ending:

Nazivny vodminok mnozhini Ancestral remembrance of multiples
BAHILI (sharply) BAHIL
whores PANTS
pantaloni PANTALON
CHASES Shoulder strap
Choboty Chobit
Panchokhi Panchokh


Remembering the correct illumination of the form of the generic memory of the multiple names of SOCKS and PAHUM allows an offensive mnemonic reception - the reception of a lightened memory:

SOCKS are short, but in the generic vіdmіnku multiply mi vikoristovuemo dovge word NOSHKІV;

Panchokhi dovgi, but in the family vіdmіnku multiply mi vikoristovuєmo short word(with zero finishes) STOCKING.

Otherwise it seems, what is shorter, then longer, then the object is shorter, then the word is shorter: a pair of NOSHKIV - a pair of STOCKINGS.

If you doubt, how to correctly make the form of the generic name of the multiplier in the name of the names of the SOCKS, panchokhi, then remember the next chotirivirsh:

I'm flooding uoutpost

A couple of trendypanchokha

I poїhav vіdrazu inPskov

With a box of colorfulscarpets .

3. Names, which designate the name of nationalities, mainly in the form of a generic name, the multiplier may have a zero ending:

Nazivny vodminok mnozhini Ancestral remembrance of multiples
Time Virmen
Bashkirs Bashkir
Turks Turk

4. Names of the middle family, which end in the nominal name alone in -CE, in the generic name of the plural, as a rule, end in -ЄЦ:

5. Names, which designate the name of a group of people for the kind of activity, most often may end in zero:

6. Names of the middle family, which end in the nazivny vіdmіnku alone in -ЬЕ without a voice, and of the female family in -ЫА without a voice, may have a plurality of ending -ІІ in the family vіdmіnku:

Nazivny vіdminok alone (-е; -ЫА without voice) Ancestral birth certificate of multiples (-II)
GNIZDOV'Ya nesting
Strava ЇD

7. Names of the middle family, which end in the nazivny vіdmіnku alone in -О, as well as female i swearing family on -YA pid in a voice, in the generic vіdmіnku multipliers can finish -Ї:

9. Coming names in the family vіdmіnku multiplier may be completed -Є:

10. Coming birthdays in the ancestral vіdmіnku multiplier may be zero ending:

Barges barge
BAIA bike
brizki BRIZG
ON RIGHT rich right
PASTA Macaron
tiles gossip

11. Coming birthdays may have a lot of endings at the family vіdmіnka -OV:



Remember the normative coverage of the ancestral vіdmіnka of many upcoming names.

Call me five kilos of oranges.

Yeah, you need five kilos of an orange, a quid.

It would have been a simple scene in a store, but it would lead to thinking: who is living the words correctly, and who is wrong? In this rank, the problem is blamed: the names of the multiplier.

Orange or orange?

Most of them have their own names of a human family, some of them have firm voices in the end, mum in the final form for us -iv.

  • Bagato oranges needed for juice.
  • Dekilka tomato milk for salad.
  • Kupa fly agaric grew around the stump.
  • Five computers brought to the school by sponsors.
  • Strava h eggplant delicious food here.
  • kaushik opening became a city for a two-year walk with a fox.
  • Kilogram tangerines do not bring up the new table.
  • Pair scarpets vіd babusі - a gift to the New Rock.

Gram chi gram?

Name the loneliness of the world to end in zero, as they get used to the "victory" context:

  • one hundred and twenty volt enough.
  • Zvichayna napruga - two hundred and twenty wat.
  • One hundred gram don't hit it right away.
  • Five ampere- little.
  • Hundreds hectare empty fields.
  • There are five hundred gigabyte memory.
  • Vіsіmdesyat arshin red shovk pishov on ensign.
  • ten ten hertz!

If the birthright of a multiplicity of names does not have a meaning, then it is necessary to complete the ending -іv:

  • It is necessary to add the whole hundred grams.
  • Marry five kilograms.
  • No need gigabytes don't get carried away with all the information.

Turkmen chi Turkmeniv?

The nationality of people can be chosen, therefore the form of the generic name of the names of the people gets used to it more importantly with zero endings:

  • group Turkmen broke down to the ladder.
  • Dekilka wirmen became a brigade of budіvelnikov.
  • Vіn mid English virus.
  • Arrival Bulgarians buv furnishing urochisto.
  • Stepov igri Bashkir- the tradition.
  • Dances lezgin recharge your energy.
  • step out Romanian were registered at the simplest.
  • Attack Saracen it was the most frequent sight at that hour.
  • Bagato Tatars lingering on the territory of Crimea.
  • advance Turkiv it was buzzy.
  • Dances gypsy- The color of the program.
  • Zemlyatstvo Ossetian in Petersburg, the new members of the congregation were blasted for joy.
  • Dehto z drill already in those hours, we had a chance to travel to Russia.
  • Pіsnі Georgian- my weakness.

The words "people" are worthy: kіlka people spoke to the support of the opponent.

Ale і tsі іmenniki patrimonial vіdmіnka mulіnі mаyut tsіlu low vinyatkіv:

  • Caravan Bedouins completely collapsed with empty squeaks.
  • Selennya Berber they do not quarrel with the cunning wisdom of the buds.
  • Zvichaї Bushmen just understand.
  • Protest negro on plantations in America buv zakonіrny.
  • capital kalmikiv today - today's place.
  • ledge kyrgyzstan it was received by the public more kindly.
  • Yurti Mongols roaming all over the unshakable steppe.
  • Dances oirotiv bewitch.
  • Htos iz tajikiv having spoken with my mother, turning to my brothers.
  • Settlements tungus ring out to roam on the banks of the rivers.
  • Will manifestation Uzbeks felt like they were president.
  • Sered Khakasiv there are few purebloods.
  • I'm virivishiv movu Croatian
  • Arrival Yakutiv the conference was wised up late.

Here you can see the military names:

  • Regiment midshipman roztashuvavsya in the forest. (Kilka midshipmen were sent to the patrol).
  • squadron hussar raids from the flanks. (The form hussars vіdrіznyaєtsya nezvichaіnіstyu).
  • Pіsnі partisans learn a dream about a peaceful life.
  • Company soldier hung in position.

And here are the blames: having taken from the miners, having taken the midshipmen, having corrected the sappers.

Cherevik chi chereviki?

Generic vіdmіnok mnіnіnі іmennіkіv, scho vyazyvayut vіdі obіtіv, vіlshostі vіdzhаєєє null іnіchennyam:

  • Hi cherevik at the child.
  • W eye sparks fizzled.
  • edge cuffs looking at the back of the sleeves of the jacket.
  • Pair shoulder strap in reserve, the wind was lying in a new bag.
  • Without panchokha much richer.
  • Blisk epaulette drowsy ladies.
  • Gurkit chobit on brukіvtsі looking at the moon.

Winyatok: no scarpets.

In the case of deyaky imenniki, it is important to make the form of the multiplier of the generic vіdmіnka: head, mriya, blessing. And sliv cheekі firewood there are no other forms, only forms of multiple generic vіdminka.

Waffles chi waffles?

The consecration of the family name of a plurality of names in the female family is characterized by zero endings in the words:

  • tutu waffles for the child, forever lay by the wardrobe.
  • Dekilka domain not launched yet.
  • There was no fire at the booth kocherig.
  • Verkhivki patronage got away in the distance.
  • Kіntsi shafts sunk into the ground.
  • Zvyazuvannya sharp already bula soaked in bark.
  • Hour fun- leaf fall.
  • Not required tiles.
  • Rows sadib chased the cities.
  • Nests chapel darkened in line.
  • On hands babysitter child and grown up.

The deacons of such names have completed:

  • You can't be in your right hand often.
  • Do not hang size
  • Dekilka I press nasinnya pumped into the gut Kolka from the wind of the seller.
  • Dahi sacliv came around the corner.
  • Light candle filling the whole room.
  • We have no problems stretched broken.

Panyanok chi pannochkoy?

The generic name of a plurality of names in the female family, which in one end in -nya, may end in zero, and the m'aky sign is not written in all words:

Non-friendships of the wilderness?

The names of the generic name of the plurality of the middle family and the deacons of the female family vary: in the book style they have a base on -y, and in the rose style - ending -ev, and there are such words, in which there is only one normative form.

Without options, write in offensive words:

  • Ryadi Gostrikh copies gravitated to obriu.
  • beware of the deep gorges.
  • Enemies fear our change.
  • Thinness її thin zap'yastok startled me.
  • Need to cover up tili army.
  • Beware of windings desert.

Also, without a variant of form creation, the words can be made from the endings:

  • Foxes of the rivers top- Zapovidni krai.
  • At themselves downstream we catch fish.
  • We put the lines on the edge mouth little rivers.
  • Now won't be small bagatto cloth.
  • Required to add a kіlka Lanok.
  • The boy uvіyshov up to the booth, carry the rim polyn.
  • Bliss of the hoisted vistram instilling confidence in the bridge.
  • Two pіdmaystrіv slept on benches.

Names towelі lava, judge plural form of the generic vіdminka: towels, lava, suddiv.

Saucer chi saucers?

Without options, one may deuce the form of a generic name for a plurality of the name of the middle family:

  • kaushik apples stood under a tree.
  • Didn't get deep saucer.
  • Hi mirror at girls.
  • Do not hang kovdru for little ones.
  • Terry towels tezh do not hang.
  • I haven't tried octopus tentacle.
  • Have tsіy okruzі impersonal small swamps.
  • Tse cloth s krizhivtsiv.

Some words in order with zero endings have different options:

  • kolіn - kolіn - kolіn;
  • ring - ring;
  • koritets - korittsiv;
  • kopitets - kopittsiv.

Rake chi rabliv?

The names of the generic name are multiplied, for those who do not have the form of one, they can end up with zero or end -іv or -ї:

zero-іv, -єв
  • wet moccasin;
  • your attacks;
  • wide pantaloons;
  • night darkness;
  • new leggings;
  • thick days;
  • red bloomer.
  • your vikrutasiv;
  • early frosts;
  • old-fashioned clavichords;
  • zhahlivikh lahmittya;
  • Zhebrakiv lahmittya;
  • nabridlih panty;
  • flexible exits;
  • kupa boots;
  • vizhimkіv, scho lost;
  • rare visivkiv;
  • on the streets of the temples;
  • personal wikis;
  • long frostbite.
  • your rakes;
  • self-rigid stilts;
  • boring weekdays;
  • peasant firewood;
  • children's nursery.

What's the job?

Names of the generic name of a multiplier with zero endings for a sizzle do not hang on the end of a m'akogo sign.

  • richly zavdan;
  • sprat inhabitant;
  • your shoulders;
  • important burdens;
  • no galoshes;
  • do not see the gatherings;
  • your beshih;
  • fox huts;
  • dahu dacha.

Practical robot

Now, if you know everything about such a phenomenon, as a form of a tribal vіdmіnka of a lot of names, vikonate the sprat of the day.

1. Replace the food sign with a soft sign and a pass:

  • your(?) friend(?);
  • borscht(?) hot(?);
  • quickly multiply (?) those;
  • viydesh (?) zamіzh (?);
  • rich garniy, broad-shouldered(?);
  • hatayesh(?) by the tug(?);
  • collapsed(?) burnt(?);
  • primchish (?) downloading (?);
  • vіdkrієsh(?) nastib(?);
  • sword(?) shining(?);
  • blue ink(?);
  • vykonaєsh(?) dot(?)-tot(?);
  • skupchennya hmar (?);
  • soon (?) opіvnochі (?);
  • screen of belongings (?);
  • buckshot(?) whistle;
  • less (?) guess (?) false (?);
  • a lot of schools (?);
  • musical ink(?);
  • burn(?) chain(?);
  • minced meat(?) fresh(?);
  • makhnesh(?) navіdmash(?);
  • b'єsh(?)sya over the rozv'yazannyam tasks(?);
  • do not say that it is not a dozen (?).

2. Put the words in the plural in the generic word.

Ambition, acacia, slaughter, hawthorn, upper, pannochka, heroine, nestling, cooking, rilla, ding, budіvlya, vyznachennya, cherry, kitchen, bakery, maєtok, turn, tvіr, drukarnya, Gorobina, history, viklad, girlo, princess, towel, cloth, village, pіdmeister, dancer, nanny, square, operation, thought, znaryaddya, ovation, settlement, reading room.

3. Satisfy words for a reason:

  • Buryats - Buryats: Bashkirs, Turkmens, Bulgarians;
  • cores - cores: numbers, armchairs, decks, ribs;
  • Kyrgyz - Kyrgyz: Cossacks, Uzbeks, Tajiks;
  • merezhivom - merezhivom, cinnamon, smoke;
  • shkarpetki - shkarpetok: reminci;
  • chobots - chobotiv: panchokhs, chereviks, felted boots;
  • limon - limoniv: eggplant, tangerines;
  • ampere - ampere: microns, arshins, volts;
  • grain - grain: pіr'їnki, vіkontsya;
  • brizki - brizki: namisto, holidays;
  • burden - burden: sled, darkness;
  • apple - apples: pears;
  • towels - towels: carpets, saucers;
  • pasta - pasta: nostrils, feet;
  • sakli - sakliv: chvari, skittles;
  • shoes - shoes: waffles, shafts;
  • klіshі - klіshіv: nursery, weekdays.

4. Nazivny and ancestral vіdmіnki many іmennіkіv closely po'yazanі. Vіd іmennikіv at the temples (im.p.) to make the correct form (r.p.).

1) Nameless new ones (towels), (saucers), (kovdry), (pokrivalo) were brought in before the day (crèche).

2) Bagato (ha) forests burned down in summer (burnt).

3) Yaka beauty - the smell of flowers (cherries), (apple trees)!

4) Yakі beautiful water basins were found nearby (maєtku)!

5) The greatest quantity (vitamins) is less than a hundred grams (oranges) and (lemons).

6) We were given a new lichnik for 10 (ampere).

7) New collection(shoes) that (shoes) went to the shops.

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