Borrowers dativ. How to designate the names of borrowers. Change of special borrowers for help. Multiplier borrowers

The borrowers of various ranks may be especially changeful for the guards. Let's take a look at the deeds of them.

1. Notes on special borrowers

In indirect opinions, these borrowers change as an end, and the basis:

I.P. I, ti, mi, ve, vin, out, out, stink

R.P. me, you, us, you, yoga, yoga, її, їх

D.P. me, you, us, you, yoga, yoga, її, їх

V.P. me, you, us, you, yoga, yoga, її, їх

etc. me (me), you (you), us, you, їm, їm, їy (her), them

P.P. (about) me, (about) you, (about) us, (about) you, (about) him, (about) him, (about) him, (about) them.

In borrowers 1 and 2, individuals alone do not have clearly defined categories of the genus vikoristovuyutsya and in the human, and in the female, and in the middle.

Borrowers 3 individuals, shaking, can use their cob voices - ale її і etc.

2. For a return borrower, use less forms of indirect advice. It shirks like a special borrower:

etc. by yourself (by yourself)

P.P. (about myself

  • 3. Acting borrowers, who think of the category of gender and number, are changed for guidance by the very rules that they are. Costs:
    • · related borrowers (my, yours, ours, yours);
    • Vkazіvnih (that, tsey, such);
    • nutritional / vidnosnyh (yaky, yaky, chiy);
    • Primary (himself, himself, all, everyone, others).

I.P. ours, ours, ours, ours; such, such, such, such

R.P. ours, ours, ours, ours; such, such, such, such

D.P. ours, ours, ours, ours; such, such, such, such

V.P. ours, ours, ours, ours; such, such, such, such

etc. ours, ours, ours, ours; such, such, such, such

P.P. (about) ours, (about) ours, (about) ours, (about) ours; (o) such, (o) such, (o) such, (o) such

The appointed borrowers themselves and themselves, although they are similar, shirk differently. Vіdminnіst is signified by a very important voice:

I.P. himself, himself

R.P. most, most

D.P. by yourself, by yourself

V.P. most, most

etc. by ourselves, by ourselves

P.P. (oh) himself, (oh) himself Om

To give respect and to the consideration of the initial borrowers all, all, all:

I.P. all, all, all

R.P. all, all, all

D.P. everything, everything, us

V.P. all, all, all

etc. vsim, vsієyu (usієyu), usima

P.P. (offended) to all, (offended) to all, (offended) to all

With the introduction of a borrower of a woman and an average family, the ending is changed, but the foundation of a human family is changed.

4. For energizing / vidnosnyh (who, sho) and approved in them negative (nіhto, nіshcho) borrowers, when changing vіdminkіv, the foundations change:

I.P. who, what, nobody, nothing

R.P. who, what, no one, nothing

D.P. to whom, to whom, to no one, to nothing

V.P. who, what, no one, nothing

etc. kim, chim, nothing, nothing

P.P. (o) to whom, (o) to whom, not about anyone, not about what.

At the same time, in the receiver's mind, the receiver breaks the negative borrowers into three words.

5. As with a return borrower, such negative borrowers cannot form a nazivny vіdminka:

R.P. no one

D.P. no one

V.P. no one

etc. no kim

P.P. don't know about whom.

6. Non-significant borrowers are also sacked like food/visible borrowers, because of the stink they have taken:

I.P. some kind of thing, deshcho

R.P. whatever, whatever

D.P. I'm kidding

V.P. whatever, baby

etc. yakimos, chimos

P.P. (oh) come on, baby

7. Explore variations vіdminkovі forms for an unappointed borrower, yakiy:

I.P. yakis

R.P. yakogos

D.P. yakomus

V.P. no one

etc. deakim (deakim)

P.P. (oh) huddle

Variations in the form of vіdmіnkovі іsnuyut at tsomu borrower and іnshih genus/number.

8. Deyakі vkazіvnі (takі), vіdnosnі (yаkі), neznachenі (who, shchos) borrowers do not change for vіdmіnki. Do not cheat and borrowers-govirki there, where, de, if, so.

The German language has a distant opinion on power supply to whom to what, as well as "de" or accompanists, who will require a give-and-take authority (management of diesels).

Nom. Date
die Erztinder ErztinDer Patient erzahlt der Erztinüber seine Schmerzen.
der Schaffnerdem SchaffnerIch zeige dem Schaffner meine Farkarte.
das Madchendem MadchenErgibt dem Madchen einen Kuss.
die kinderden kinder n schilaufen macht den Kindern Viel Spas.

Return respect for the completion of the giveaway -n to all the names of many, for a wink in the fall, as if they already ended in -(e)n:

Die Frau en– den Frau en
Die Mann er– den Manner n

In the table it is indicated to change the article three times vіdminkіv:

Der Die Das Die (pl.)
Nom. der(mein) Bauerdie(Deine) Fliegedas(ihr) Kalbdie(unsere) Pferde
Date dem eine m(meine m) Bauerder eine r(deine r) Fliegedem eine m(ihre m) Kalbden(unsere n) Pferde n
Akk. den(meine n) Bauerdie(dein e) Fliegeden(ihre n) Kalbdie(unsere) Pferde

At the dacha's office there are also special borrowers:

ich- mir
du- dir
er- ihm
sie- ihr
es- ihm
wir- uns
ihr- euch
sie- ihnen
Si- Ihnen

Klaus braucht einen Kugelschreiber, gib ihm deinen Kugelschreiber!
Anna will dir ein Buch zeigen.
Erzahle mir noch was in England!

Use of a bank of receivers, which requires the management of a distant office without a receiver:

Date weh tun Mir tut der Kopf weh.
Verzeihen DateVerzeih ihm den Fehler!
Date leid tun Dieser Greis tut mir leid.
Date Danken Wir danken Ihnen ganz herzlich!
Date bose sein Bist du Deinem Freund immer night bose?
schaden DateRauchen schadet der Gesundheit.
gratulieren Date zu Date Wir gratulieren der Mutter zu ihrem Geburtstag.

Pevnі dієslova vymagayut prijmennіv z datal vіdmіnkom, moreover, їhnє new meanings often do not zbіgaєtsya z vihіdnim ( management):

traumen von Date Junge Madchen traumen von einem Prinzen.
sich sehnen nach Date Er sehnt sich nach seiner family.
bestehen aus Date Ein Molekul besteht aus zwei oder mehreren Atomen.
sich beschäftigen mit Date Womit beschäftigst du dich heute?
telefonieren mit Date Mit wem telefonierst du so lange?
sich entschließen zu Date Ich entschließe mich zur Reise.
uberreden zu Date Meine Freundin überredet mich zum Kauf.
helfen bei Date Seine altere Schwester hilft ihm immer bei denHausaufgaben.
neigen zu DateAltere Leute neigen oft zur Vergesslichkeit.

As soon as the recipient stays alive, the name is given for the help of the nourishing word to the wise officer:

Nom.– wer
Date– wem
Akk.– wen

Von wem Traumter? Date Er traumt von Marina.
Nach wem sehn sie sich? Date Sie sehnt sich nach ihren Eltern.

An wen erinnert sich der Opa? Akk. Der Opa erinnert sich an seine erste Frau.
Um wen kümmert sich die Mutter? Akk. Die Mutter kümmert sich um das kranke Kind.

As soon as the receiver is not alive, the name, then as the word vikoristovuetsya the borrower’s clerk, as the wickedness of the nourishing word wo and the receiver:

Wo + mit = womit
Wo + von = wovon
Wo + nach = wonach

If the receiver starts from the voice letter, then he is lucky r :

Wo + auf = worauf
Wo + an = woran
Wo + uber = woruber

Wovon Traumter? Er traumt von einer Million.
Wonach sehn er sich? Er sehnt sich nach seiner Heimat.
Woran erinnert sich der Opa? Er erinnert sich an den Krieg.
Worum kümmert sich die Mutter? Sie kummert sich um die Einkäufe zu Weihnachten.

Recipients who get used to distant advice:

zu- Before
mit- h
nach- B (straight)
aus- Z
von– type
bei- U, at
seat- hour)
ausser- Crimea
entgegen- Nazustrich
gegenüber- Navpaki

Receiver "seit" pointing out to the day that it started at that hour and three dos, when the Russian my wine is transferred, it drops.

Seit vielen Jahren verkauft Familie Müller ihre Produkte auf dem Wochenmarkt. For many years now, Muller's family has been selling its products on the cotton market.

Seit einer Woche hilft Dimitrij auf einem deutschen Gemüsebetrieb. Axis has already been assisting Dmitro in the German vegetable business.


1. Replace the names of the principal borrowers in the giving office.

Ich zeige dem Vater mein Notenheft. - Ich zeige ihm mein Notenheft.

1. Der Sohn sagt der Mutter die Wahrheit.
2. Der Lehrer Erklart Einigen Schülern Die Regel Noch Einmal.
3. Der Professor verspricht mir und meinem Freund sein neues Buch mitzubringen.
4. Dem Kleinen tut der Bauch weh.
5. Soll ich dir und deiner Mutter Theaterkarten mitbringen?
6. Ich danke meinen Arbeitskollegen für gute Arbeit.
7. Sei bitte Klaus nothing bose!

2. Give advice on the following food:

Mit wem arbeitet Dieter oft? (Sein Freund). - Er arbeitet oft mit seinem Freund.

1. Bei wem wohnen sie? (Meine Gastfamilie, Meine Tochter, Meine Kinder).
2. Von wem haben Sie das Geld? (Mein Chef, der Briefträger, meine Geschwister, der Kellner).
3. Zu wem gehen die Praktikanten? (ihr Leiter, ein Bauer, der Dekan, ihre Eltern, ihre Betreuerin).
4. Seit wann ist Peter in Berlin? (eine Woche, ein Jahr, ein Monat, vier Tage, seine Kündigung, ihre Krankheit)
5. Zu wem kommt der Lieferdienst? (Seine Kunden, die Hausfrau, mein Nachbar).

3. Look at the pictures, recognize the profession and place of the work of people.

For example:(7) Das ist eine Krankenschwester. Sie arbeitet (ihr Arbeitsplatz ist) in einem Krankenhaus.

4. Give the food, the correct word and the supplement to the correct word, and give an answer to them:

Eg. Wovon traumt der Schauspieler? - Von der Hauptrolle.

Wovon(von wem) träumt der Jungedie grune Wiese
der Schauspielerder Deutschlandbesuch
die Kuhdie Hauptrolle
Worum(um wen) kümmert sich Annadie Feldarbeiten
die Krankenschwesterdie Patientin
der Bauerdie Jahresarbeit
Wofur(fur wen) interessieren sich TierschutzerBucher
Paleontologenseltene Tierarten
BibliophileLebewesen vergangener Erdzeitalter

Axis and itself out. "Me" on Q sound like nin. Well, remembering that -n- є occupant of a suitable I individual alone, it is easy to see it easily and imperceptibly, as we already called robiti, I’ll come to the table (for example, unfortunately, we can’t do without the signs that we have wised, scho skip ahead about the stage of hypothetical vision of forms):

Tobto, the main principle of the attacks is vіchuєtsya: Zaymennikova is loud + -i- + -n like a vіdmіnkov's vіdmіnkova vіdminkova vіdminka.

What is the cost of a borrower multiply another individual, like, as you remember, having thought up some lessons myself, and now, I am guilty of now for those who were the main borrower, and not so, that they painted me, only and everything; so the axis, the option &nin seems to me the most plausible, to that the Quevenian words neither on d-, nor on -nd cannot be repaired.

The order of words in the river, what a similar borrower may have in itself, we do not understand. It is possible, at the power, to stand in front of the devil, it is possible, to stand before him, that at the affirmations. On the right, in the one that applied to me, maybe only chotiri, and in two butts, three S st vono in front of him, and in the Q-butt (LR72) - once, ale after. I have ce bula in all moods poetic language, For which, as we know, only one rule is more correct - that they don’t follow the usual rules. Otzhe, svidshe looked like this for everything:

I aive lire tin Linduva
Ptah song ym fall asleep

Axis like this.

Lesson 16

There are more brown papers about borrowers

Privileged borrowers.

Assigned borrowers in Q, like and in rich language - in Hebrew, in Finnish, in rich language, in short - in the presence of the suffix, which comes to the name before the suffix, the rule is to stay. They look like this:

Because of what we do not know among non-living special borrowers in a new form, to be afraid (by me) of not giving up the whiskers: in non-living objects, perhaps, there was no relative borrower - he was inspired in the right to be-like power. This visnovok is not less logical, it’s richer than anyone here for me, wanting an overly low rіven of logicality in your handyman already buv, singsongly, with a sum of meanings to read. Ale on the right in that he is a borrower, as if it’s not very important to remember, he looks like himself, as if he were special, only voice changes from -e to -a. If it didn’t happen, then, maybe, there’s nothing else. Take the stars for you. You can explain it behind the belt, as if it’s a little tense. Singingly, setting to an inanimate object is set through a generic note or through a prikmetnik: "mіy sin" - it is said through the borrower, looking like "syn-mіy", which sounded like yendenya, onya in elf (UT ("Aldarion and Erendis")), senya (UT (ibid)), and the axis, for example, the grandmother’s man, by the age of the grandmother, will not become a “person-її” anyway, but to be deprived of the “grandmother’s man” or a “grandmother”, without any kind of borrower, just not bulo in Q as a special term like "butterfly". The lifeless mother's name-bearer cannot lay hold of a borrower: just as objects cannot think and think, so mothers cannot stink.

If the stem of the word ends in a voice, that, in a snarl, often, then -i- is inserted between the voice and the borrower. Butt - Atarinya, "daddy" (UT186).

Thousands of things were shirked in such a way as to distinguish the words that end with -a and the suffix of the plural -ar, which is absolutely similar to the names of the first vіdminyuvannya. Let's take a look at the observation of the owned borrower in the form of a special borrower of the 1st individual od. h.w. - Just me":

One more moment, forget about which one is impossible: the sound of a suffix voicing at the warehouse that stands in front of it. I have already begun to guess about it and I am convinced that it has not been necessary to work for a long time.

Independent specialties borrowers, zvichaynі and emfatichnі.

No matter how you understand the names, tse are analogues of the Russian words "mіy", "your", "їхній" and so on. The stench is created in us so by itself, as at the time of the Nine, we have already contrived to create independent special borrowers.

Obviously, Q has a basic emphatic , podkreslena form tsikh borrowers In fact, tse - the same, al z is familiar to the call. Everything that we said in the Ninth Lesson about how to translate the emphatic form of a special borrower (“same ...”, “just ...”, “... i”) is fair and like the borrowers of relatives. It is required to say that there is no evidence about the presence of such a form in the Books. Tsezh such a b'yaka-hot biter, and mi tezh yourself from the head її guessed. Prote followed all the rules: oskilki -e- - voiced, which makes an independent emphatic special noun borrower like elyë, "even thou", “to bring you; and you!..; to yourself”, then why, having replaced the ending of s -ë with -a, which gives you the right, do not take away elya, “even thy” - “navit yours; and yours; yours itself? non-emphatic form is dictated by the fact that for the addition of the suffix of the borrower to the base, which ends with a voice, it was inserted between them -i-;

Vzhe vibachte, that I am grimacing with such a rough rose non-literary form on kshtalt “evonne” chi “їхнє” - ale tsya form є a direct analogue of what I needed to say. So why don’t you introduce me into Oman, but I know how to do it correctly and competently.

I don’t have an independent borrower like a non-living borrower suffix, I don’t know on my grave, just like I don’t know the most proper borrower like a non-living one. It's good to be here rodovim vіdminkom: "whom?", ale - chi?

All these words, taken away by us more, are shaking, as if to lie down, according to the first thought. Before the speech, it’s worthwhile to enlighten and enlighten many of them - didn’t you understand?

Vkazіvnі borrowers.

At the lament of the slozogarny Galadriel, we know such a row "... yassen tintillar i eleni", which means "there, de three stars". The axis of the vono is tse yassen, "there, de". on the English language the whole word is translated as "wherein". Pobudov’s word is like this: yassen = ya-+-sse+-n. -sse - As we know, the suffix is ​​an indication of the locative, which means “de? Why?" who, what.” This is often confirmed by the word yar z “yar i vilya anto miqilis” (Nieninquë, “A Secret Vice”, M215-6), which means “(that) to whom, like.” -r, come to ya-here, look like a borrower "won/&on" And also another statement: ya = "there, of time, ago", tobto "there, todі", and yassы = "once upon a time ", "once" - tse in LR399, wanting to say it more than once, and all Zagalom knows that early, do not look at the robots, and it is necessary to greet them with care.

Zagalom, laudably, that *ya is such a special part, as it means "dehto, deshcho", and in the afternoon with the help of the authorities, I make a good borrower, which gives food to the owner. I illustrating whilin to zero:

Nom., acc. *ya who/which is that, &(that, who/that, what)
Date *yan ?whoto
Gen. ?yo ?whereof of who/what
All. *yanna whereto before who/what; at the one who / in those who
Loc. yassë but in who / what
Abl. *yallo wherefrom from who/who; depending on who/what

Ale, it seems to me, only the first layer of these borrowers is the first line of food. Є y іnshі plasti - їх nayavnіst to us is clearly strained. І axis sho I think z ogo drive your I.

The other layer is the expanse of expanse - the geographic zmіst of mіstsevih vіdminkіv. We have the following options:

Vzhe menі vibachte, but to show yourself and know the exact analogue of the causal-inherited aspect of the locative, I did not know. It is possible, your philological way to appear more strained.

I, which is the most important and least obvious, is not included, which was analogous to that, and by extension to others, not only three of the three men's marks! Ale here, having guessed Pushkin: “Reveal, your will, I can’t help you.” Tobto not zdatny, yakscho honestly. Divny Folk, what a mess!

І fourth layer, which tells us that the buttocks have been brought to us - a layer of setting up to one o'clock. Here is also an analogy with the Finnish language, having already respected and loved JRRT, and after knowing each other, well, and having begun to see Q. Do you and I have similar language food "stars?" identical in form to the food “would you?”, and the food “docks?” and power “docks?” are expressed by one and the same word. So the axis, we can try to reveal something similar to i in Q.

All. *yanna until quiet fir, bye
Loc. yassë during that hour, yak
Abl. *yallo since s quiet fir, yak

Zagalom, here it’s less important to add, crimnya repetition of what, as we have already built on the very cob, you can introduce leather into your Quenya, whether it’s elements, like wines, you can understand and explain to a potential speaker. Yakshcho, zvіsno, stink super to what the Professor wrote himself. We can add to the yogo understanding of the yogo world everything that is good, but we can’t help it from the new wisdom? In my opinion, so, as if Winn the Pooh.

Axis like this.

Borrowers of the 2nd and 1st individuals (one or a lot of numbers) can be used for singing individuals, for a person who is walking, for a spivrozmovnik (I, ti, vee, mi).

Borrowers of the 3rd individual (one or a lot of numbers) point to the silence or the one who not take the fate of the dialosі, chi subject (vin, out, out, stink). Special borrowers can be twisted with drives: in a new one, a new one, yogo, from her, from her, zavdyaki yoma, їy, їm.

Form special borrowers in Russian language

The borrowers of the 3rd individual may have different forms for the presence and presence of the receiver: її - with her, with them - with them (after the receiver, “n-” is added).

The active borrowers in the ore-mining department make additional “subtle” forms: by me - by me, by you - by you, їй - by her, by her - by her.

For all special borrowers, the forms of ancestral and gnostic vіdmіnka are avoided.

The appointment of those appendages, which lie before special borrowers, always looks like clods.

vіdminok one. year. pl. year.
1 l. 2 l. 3 l. 1 l. 2 l. 3 l.
simple form inclusive form m. n. and. nar. since. nar.
І I ti In and wine won out mi in and stink
R less you You yoga її yoga us you x
Rp new її new them
D meni tobi To you youmu їй youmu us to you ym
Dp newcomer nіy newcomer him
At less you You yoga її yoga us you x
Vp new її new them
T me
you ym oi, oi ym us you imі
Tp him no, no him them
P meni tobi You him nіy him us you them

Significance of symbols in the table: I - nazivny, P - ancestral, Rp - ancestral with a successor, D - distant, Dp - distant with a successor, B - familiar, Vp - familiar with a successor, T - tool, Tp - tool with a successor, P - priymennikovy (zavzhda z priymennikovy).

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

Marvel at the same "Special Borrowers" in other dictionaries:

    Features of borrowers- PECULIARITIES OF MISSION. Names that mean 1st or 2nd movement (Div. Person). In Russian language. here lie L. M. 1st and 2nd individuals of both numbers (I, mene ta іn; ty, you ta іn; mi, us ta іn; vy, you ta іn). At name. pad. L.M. can ... ... Glossary of literary terms

    PECULIARITIES, oh, oh; chen, chna. Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Tlumachny dictionary of Ozhegov

    The category of borrowers, which indicate the participants of the movie - the author (I, mi), the addressee (ti, vi) and all non-participants (vin, stink), as well as related borrowers. The rules for living in individual borrowers (ti and ve) are determined by current etiquette. Literature ... ... Literary encyclopedia

    Features of borrowers

    Features of borrowers- 1. The borrower of the 3rd individual (vin, won, stink, stink) sound replace the name closest to the new one in front of the form of the same genus and number. However, the link between the borrower and the name of the borrower is signified differently, and not in the order of words, ... Advice on spelling and style

    Div special borrowers (at the statute borrower) ... Glossary of linguistic terms

    special borrowers- Names that signify 1st or 2nd appearance of the move (divine person). In Russian language. here lie L. M. 1st and 2nd individuals of both numbers (I, mene ta іn; ty, you ta іn; mi, us ta іn; vy, you ta іn). At name. pad. L. M. can get used, m. іn., ... Grammar dictionary: Grammar and linguistic terms

    At this article, the forms of special borrowers in the Catalan language are seen. Stress form Catalan mova Russian mova jo i tu ti ell vіn ella won vy (included form, one. h.), mi mi wi ells stink (m. R.) elles stink (female) ... ... Wikipedia

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  • Niger-Congolese pramova. Special borrowers, Babaev Kirilo Volodimirovich. The book is dedicated to the analysis of special marking systems in the Niger-Congolese language.

Krok 8 - on the basis of the short cut, we will analyze the words yak me, tobi, їy, youmu borrowers in the giving office. And also we can look at the widest of the words, as they get used to the giver's house.

Part 1: Borrowers in the giving house

Let's look at these words:

ich mir meni wir uns us
du dir tobi ihr euch to you
ihm ihr ihm youmu
Sie/sie Ihnen/ihnen to you/him

Bagato diєslova get used at the same time from these words - me, tobi, youmu and etc. Grammar stinks are called special borrowers in the giveaway (Dativ). For example:

Victor hat Problem. Ich helfe ihm.Victor has problems. I help youma.
Du antwortest mir.You tell me.
Cannst du mir antworten?Can you tell me?
Ich mochte euch etwas sagen.I want to tell you something.
Das Auto gehort uns.The car belongs to us.
Das Essen schmeckt mir nicht.I'm not tasty (literally)
Das Kleid passt mir gut.Cloth is good for me.

Apply to ask:

Wie kann ich dir helfen?How can I help you?
Passt Ihnen diese Bluse?Do you like a blouse? (Maytsya on uvazі for rozmirom)
Schmeckt es dir?Tasty?

Part 2: dialogues with a distant opinion

In this part we can see the words, as they often get used together with the borrowers in the dacha house.

The most widely spoken words machen і tun . With a word machen we already got to know each other. However, the German language has one more idiom, which means robustnesstun .

Machenі tun synonyms - their meaning is the same. However, the word tun trochs are considered otherwise, to those who do not end in zvichne -en.

ich tu e wir tun
du tu st ihr tu t
er/sie/es tu t Sie/sie tun

Dieslovo tun often used in stable phrases, it is important to know yoga. For example:

Es tut mir leid.Meni duzhe Skoda.
Es geht mir schlecht.I'm bad.
Es tut mir hier weh.It hurts me here (I have pain here).
Was kann ich fur Sie tun?What can I do for you? (How can I help you?)

The most wide-ranging words, after some of the following words, are used:
gefallen fit Die Stadt gefallt mir ganz gut.
schmecken buti savory Das Essenschmeckt ihr gut.
passen fit Das passt mir gut.
gehoren lie Dieses Auto gehort ihm.
gut/nicht gut stehen go / don't go Die brille steht dir gut.
leid tun to speak Es tut mir leid.
gut/schlechtgehen good / bad to go (about help) Wie geht es dir? — Mir geht's gut!
antworten confirm Warum antwortest du mir nothing?
helfen do help Kannst du mir bitte helfen?
schenken bestow Was konnen wir ihm schenken?
schiken posilati Ich schicken dir eine Email.
geben give Gibst du mir etwas Geld?
empfehlen recommend Çx empfehle dir dieses Buch.
sagen say Ichmuss dir etwas sagen.
glauben virity Glaubst du mir nothing?
gut tun drink to the fury Dir Reise kann mir sehr guttun.
nutzen bring melancholy Das nutzt mir nothing.

One moment

Prote, one caveat. Do not live there, de my Russian mine tobi, German will be tobi. We speak in certain phrases tobi , and nіmtsі to speak you . Therefore, it is important to remember the widest phrases that are used in Russian German language. For example:

Їx gratulière dir.- I'm giving you.
Ix danke dir. - Literally: I am a vdyachny toby (Dakuyu toby).
Wirdanken Ihnen.- We owe you.
Mir tut der Bauch weh.- My life hurts.

Finding out the words, after those of the Germans leave mir, dir, ihm and etc.

gratulieren witati Wir gratulieren Ihnen zum Geburtstag!
Danken yakuwati Ich danke dir!
wehtun sickness Mir tut mein Bein weh.
begegnen vipadkovo wisdom Einmal mochte ich ihr begegnen.
drohen threaten Drohst du mir?
foil follow the kimos Folgen Sie mir bitte.
passieren vіdbuvatsya Mir ist etwas Schlimmes passiert.
verzeihen forgive Bitte verzeihen Sie mir.
zuhoren listen to someone Horen Sie mir bittezu.
zustimmen wait for kimos Ich stimme ihm zu.

Right up to those:

Chi є yakіs nutrition z ієї those? Write in the comments.

Lesson 8: Borrowers in the giveaway was last modified: Falling leaves 1st, 2018 by Katerina

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