Sound storage of poetic movies. Sound Warehouse What is Sound Warehouse

1. Acquaintance with the concepts of “movie sound”.

Learners together with the teacher hear different sounds and l sleepy roses, establish a difference between physical sounds (knocking, squeaking thinly.), sounds, like creatures see, and sounds of promotion. It is clear that the sounds of my power are less than human.

We already know that language is composed of words. Now let's try to figure out why the words are formed.

The teacher turns to the words of different language, presents the teachings of those, yaki, light blatant meaning, zovsіm are not similar to the sound warehouse, for example: nothingі night, m'yachі biv. Having repaired them, the scientists try to explain why the stench is not similar. Vchitel, taking an active part in the sleepy roses, salt them to the whiskers, so that the words are formed from different sounds.

Now children can be asked: what are the sounds of the movie? How and for the help of what do the stinks settle? Vіlnі vіdpuskki nіtі nіtnіnі sо show the cob rіvіdnіnya іnіstudіlnі іnіnіtаtya "sound" yоgo zdatnіst vіdchuvati artikulаtsіyu.

2. Concern for the sound warehouse of words.

The teacher pronounces to learn how to correctly use the words, trying to pronounce the sound of the skin, and at the same time marvel one on one. You can also victorize small mirrors, marveling and like scientists, you can beat the hands of your organs when you hear different sounds. So that the children virulently commemorated the lips and tongue, it is necessary to choose the words, when they are spoken, the ruhi will be kindly commemorated, for example: milk, pavic.

Visnovok about the ways of making sounds while still shying and in a free form: some of the children can say “mouth to speak”, some - the sounds come out, to that the ruins of that language collapse” thinly. At the upcoming lessons, the teacher will lead the students to the exact understanding of the robotic articulation and voice apparatus.

3. Articulation gymnastics.

In order to successfully operate with sounds, it is necessary to learn how to understand and understand the lips and tongue, the work of voice calls. Tsomu spriyat right articulation gymnastics, point to p. 158.

4. Guarding the mechanism of the adoption of the sound of the sound of mov, the part of the lips, mov that voice.

Learners under the reader’s ceremonial mind sing different sounds of the prom, discuss and establish a way to illuminate the skin of them: whoever is supposed to know the destruction of the language, to take the fate of the voice of the sound.

Peculiarities of vimovi are seen, for example, the sound [m]. Lips are tightly closed. Mova does not take a virtual part. It is possible to perekonatsya at tsiomu, turning the sound with the tongue, raising the fire, lowering it to the bottom, or destroying the kill. Robot

So right from the very cob on the butt of acquaintance with twinkling sounds, the learners are preparing to conquer the boys' voices. At the end of the struggle, the wisps, which in the light of the sound take the fate of ruining that voice, and mova lie calmly.

Similarly, the voiced sound [s] is viewed. Here the main role is played by the tongue: the yoga kіnchik rests on the lower teeth, so that you can change the yoga position, the sound will not be seen. And it’s practical not to take the fate of the axis of ruin: the sound comes out and with twisted, stretched lips. The voice also does not take part. The sound [s] is less than a whisper, when the voice is turned on, another sound comes out - [s].

In this order, Vimov is analyzed for approximately six to eight sounds. Through war, children, with the help of a teacher, sing the whiskers: the skin sound of the movie moves in its own way; If you change the position of the movie, lips, increase your voice, then the sound also changes.

Oscilki nadali learn to do it often turn to watch out for the rucks of the mov, lips that participate in the voice, fully know them with the term "articulation" - the robot is the place of the organs of the mov and the hour of the sound of the mov. Not a trace of vimagati in the language of the language of the language of the language of the term in that wet wash. It’s enough, as a teacher to be respectful to him, and children to understand him.

Nasamkinets do not hesitate to pronounce to the students how to move a little bit of short words, keep a handful of words in a mirror, as if lips and tongue collapse with it, and then say these words without a mirror, concentrating respect on the hands of your articulation and voice apparatus. After that, you repeat the splittings of the earlier flashy visnovoks again - the words are added up with sounds.

5. Understanding the graphic images of sounds.

Reader to ask the teacher to guess whether there is a sound, or to move him in a voice. Having given 10 -20 z for thought (a trick that brings children to trim a pause between the zavdannym chi zapovidnya i vіdpovіddu), the teacher pronounces one of the students to think about it sound, for example [a].

Let's think about the next task and name two other sounds, vikonuetsya just like that, first and foremost. Viklikany learning, for example, sounds [y], [m].

How do you think, how many sounds did Mitya and Alyosha move at the same time? (Three.) Repeat three sounds. ([a], [y], [m].)

And now, guess and prepare for three more new sounds. Movchit, until I sleep one of you.

After a pause, one of the learners, for example, sounds [l], [n], [i].

Here it is no longer possible to say everything correctly: it is important to cheer someone up, but some just forget the sounds in front. The axis of the yakbi stench was fixed on the doshtsi chi paper, then it would be easy to respond to the power supply.

The teacher will show the students that the sound is indicated by a dot or a small circle. A handful of letters of remembrances one sound, potim-Dna, potim-three. Your entry looks like this: oh oh oh oh.

6. Molding vminnya determines the number of sounds.

Reader to ask learn to listen to the sounds, like wines say, and say, how many stinks smelled sounds: [a] [m]. (Two.) Offensive sounds are indicated by circles, stitched through the cell.

And how many sounds did I say now: [os]? (Also two.)

Skip the right-hander three clerks and place them on the same meeting, one by one, and even without skipping the clerk.

People's thoughts come up for additional sounds, a different combination of these gives the words of that speech. For practical promos, the sounds of mayzhe do not zatrimuyut on your own respect. Understanding the language, we forget how it sounds. Insha rich in promo poetic, de є installation on viraz. Here the sounds of promo are of greater significance, and in some minds they can inspire hostility to obscure the significance.

When the sounds of human movement are played, it is our responsibility to guard the coming moments: the sounds that are moving, are not only abstract sounds, like we only feel, - this is the result of a child’s work, in which they take the fate of our organs. At the sprynyatti sounds, they rage together and set to sound, and set to the way of vibration of these sounds.

The sounding (acoustic side) is absolutely indistinguishable from the vimovi (articulation). For a human moving sound, acoustics and articulation are two sides of one and the same. To that, as we live the word “sound”, then it is understood by this word not only the musical side of the movement, but also the manifestation of the movement of the movement, the soreness of the throat, the pressure of voice calls, the vidikha, etc.

Sounds follow a different role in the movie system. Actual peculiarities of the language, as more and less swidness of the language, increased by lowering the voice, characterize the phrase with a slur and become more understandable “intonation”. Other moments, as if to a sound (different voices and loud sounds), voice (twist “castle” and “castle”), signify the surrounding words of those forms (reveal phonetic words to a narrow meaning of the word).

Nareshti, in the midst of all these phenomena, you can vrakhovuvat kіlkіsnі moments (up to which you can brіvennyat: more or less, for example, stronger sound, so loud, trivality to sound, height of the musical tone), from one side, and yakіsnі - from the other (like a typical, inconsistent: the power of the sounds "a", "o", "l", "p" are not equal to each other. The sound "p" is typical, vin cannot be greater than "p" or less than "p"). These yakіsnі types of sounds are called phonemes.

Among the phonemes, there are the following distinct voice sounds (voice sounds with a closed mouth) and voices (in speech organs, the movements are more less closely muffled, and noises are housed to the main sound when rubbed again about the closed organs of the speech).

The vowels are divided: percussive (newly illuminated) - "i", "e", "o", "i", "a", "u" and unvoiced (reduced) - the same sounds in an unstressed position with the advent of sounds that you feel , if we remember “a” and “o” not in a loud voice (for example, the words “law”, “I say” have sounds that are represented by the letter “o”, different depending on what they change at the warehouse without a hit, chi in some other place of the word), as well as "e" in the non-Gaming camp (the sound is close to "i").

The voices resonate with the height of the timbre. The lowest (penetrating) sound is “i”, the lowest (deaf) sound is “y”.

In addition, labializations of "o" and "y" are seen from the voices, with the lips moving closer.

From the number of voices, they are seen in a special group of "sonors", which are close by their character to voices - nasals "n" and "m" and lingual "l" and "r". In the middle of the sonorant especially, the sound “p” is heard, which represents the sound of a series of vocal vibrations, which are accompanied by three kinchikas of the mov. Other sonorny come out with unruly installations of the organs of the mov.

Other voices are divided into two groups - twinkies, which move in a single voice ("v", "b", "d", "h", "g", "g"), and deaf, which whispers ("f", "p", "t", "s", "c", "w", "h", "k", "x". p", "v" and "f", etc.). The sound “h” sounds like a sound, sensible for the word “persh for everything” in the spelling “d”, the sound “x” - pivdno-Russian “g”, which was saved in the literary movement under the influx of “seminarskaya” vimovi in ​​the words of religious trip " Lord", in indirect words the words "god" - "god", "god", "gods" and so on.

From the other side, these sounds are subdivided into vibukhov (mittev) and fricative (trival). To the first ones one can see: "p", "t", "k", "b", "d" and "g", to the others - "f", "s", "w", "c", "h" , "AND". Intermediate positions are occupied by Afrikati, which originate from the vibe sound and are used as fricatives ("h", "c", partly "d" and "t", which sound like "d (s) b", "t (s) b" s weak overtones) "h" and "s").

All voices (including sonorny) are sublime on hard and soft, for example, “n” and “n”, “p” and “p”, “s” and “s”, “b” and “b” . Hard and soft are the same in Russian spelling letter designation, but in the middle of the words before the voice behind the hard voices, the voices "a", "o", "i", "y" are written, after the soft ones - "I", "e", "i", "yu". Before voicing that, for example, the words of the solid are denoted by one letter, and the sign “b” is assigned to the soft ones.

Signify what the letters "sh", "g" and "c" mean in the Russian language solid sounds(then outline and misha, fat and lark, tsiliy and kіnets), and “h” and “u” (a letter that means the folding sound “shch”) - zavzhdi m'yaki (“sword” and “nich”, “ shchi” and “mercy”).

Classification of voiced sounds follows the sign of articulation, tobto. for these organs, as if taking part in their enlightenment (in case of which language is not protected, as if I take part in more sounds, - the organ is more likely to be protected, until such a language is used).

Distinguish between the lips (“v”, “f”, “b”, “p”; middle sonorants - nasal “m”), teeth (“d”, “t”, “z”, “c”, “g” , "w", "h", middle sonorants - "n") and posterior pidnebіnі ("g", "k"). On the other side, according to the acoustic effect, whistles (h, s and c) and hissing (w, w and h) are seen.

Voices and sounds, united with each other, make warehouses. The skin warehouse has a strong sound, to which the warehouses adjoin. This sound is called foldable. Ring out with a folded sound є voicing, and skin voicing sounds one warehouse. Vtіm, іnоіnі voicing sound mоzhe і not appease style і z'yavitisa "incoherent". So, for example, "y" in some foreign words: "Faust", "clown", as well as in Belarusian and Little Russian language in Russian "v" and "l" (vouk-vovk, dzeuka-divka toshcho). ).

Let's expand the є in Russian language and non-skladov (th). Whose sound can enter the warehouse of orthographic voices I, e, u, e (ya, yo, yu, ye), if you stand on the cob of the slav, or after the voice, or on the cob the words move (pit, yalinka, pivden, їhati, goloshennya, ob'єm, buttocks, vіd'їzd, zavіryukha, line thinly). Vin is represented by the letter “i” after the voices (barn, seagull, pіdemo, vіysko). In certain positions, the sound of the tsey can be voiced (a ringing fricative of the middle-pitched sound). At this time, yogo is called iot.

Crimson of power to the sound and speech, like propositions and words, following the meaning of power, connected with the nature of the movement, with the voice of the voice. Miscellaneous promova, I’m moving dzvinko and I’m muffled, I’m mourning whiningly and insinuatingly thin. In these parameters of the voice, we mean those that are called the timbre of the voice. The skin of a person is Volodya with its own timbre, which you can change less with your own, to reach tighter boundaries, the main rank is fallow in the emotional quality of the movement.

The development of the timbre, is super important for the actor and the reciter (and also for the speaker), the posture of respect for the creativity of the writer is lost, the shards are super important in artistic creations to show, with such a timbre they follow their TV, and, moreover, it is impossible to voice, in order to be a reader, you may need a necessary timbre.

Significantly one more bik wimovi. Our vimovny apparatus can also vibrate musical sounds (spіv). The voices zv'azki at times are put differently, lower for the spoken language. For a musical vim, the main tones are seen above the noises of the current sounds (for an unfinished conversation with a filthy "diction" it is impossible to pick out the words), for a sonorous speaker - the noise drowns out the musical tones. Deyakі create vimagayut vimovi, close to spivu, musical, іnshі, navpaki, - clearly pronounced "spoken".

Sound the text itself, tell us to take us a “spivny” tone of “speaking”. So, while reading Gogol's prose "Wonderful Dnipro for a Quiet Wait", we sometimes get closer to the sound of speech, the same way the sound of Chekhov's rozpovid of the language style. For example, it is incomprehensible to read such phrases in a slightly voiced voice: “A terrible noise was rising ... From a small table they were eating dances ... Hitting Karl Karlovich Fyunf on the back ... With a cry and laughter, a sprinkling of people jumped out of their red physiognomies from the bedroom; after them, chasing the strivings of lackeys. ("Correspondent")

All sound material of human motion in artistic TV organizations, arrangements. Tsya organization vzagali buvaev secondary, tobto. mechanically appear at the result of the construction of the language in the syntactic forms required by the author, in the required vocabulary. And yet, sometimes respect turns around without a hitch to the sound. Whom is brought to vrakhovuvati, then brutally respect the author. Yakshcho organizovanі kolіkіsnі moments vymovi, mi otrimuєmo rіmіchnі movu; sukupnіst priyomіv organіzatsії rіtіmіchії sovlennya to become evrytmіyu. As respect is directed at the quality of sounds, then we can euphony at the narrowest meaning of the word.

Tomashevsky B.V. Theory of Literature. Poetics - M., 1999

Exist., kіl near synonyms: 2 sound warehouse (2) phonetics (3) Glossary of synonyms ASIS. V.M. Trishin. 2013 ... Glossary of synonyms

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DERZHSTANDART R 54746-2011: Salary ruhomy warehouse. Acoustic signaling extensions. Deep technical mind- Terminology GOST R 54746 2011: Rough warehouse. Acoustic signaling extensions. High technical knowledge of the original document: 3.3 sound pressure (sound pressure): The vise that is created by the noise, ... Glossary of terms for normative and technical documentation

Do not stray with the Munich Symphony Orchestra. Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra (Eng. Munich Symphonic Sound Orchestra) - German musical team under the management of Boris Jojic (Boris Jojic), typical ... ... Wikipedia

This term may have other meanings, div. Morphology. … Wikipedia

- (Greek phonetikos, від phone sound). Vchennya about the sounds of a human voice. Glossary of inshomonic words that have gone up to the stock of Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. Phonetics in grammar, vchennya about sounds. The latest glossary of foreign words that have gone up to ... Dictionary of foreign words of Russian language

WIDE P. YAZ. P. mova lie down to the groupi app. words of the Yan language. and at the same time with the Kashubian and vimerly the Polabian language. skladє їhnyu lekhіtsku group (div. "Slov'yanskі movi"). Widened area P. yaz. folds us forward from Vlasne Poland. Literary encyclopedia

STUDY OF LITERATURE- Navchannya chitannya that letters Vybіr way. O.M. vyznajetsya spіvvіdshennyam mіzh usnoy and letter mine, mіzh sounds and letters Sposib O.g. spire on knowledge about the simplest elements of the language and the sounds of those known by letters. He who learns to read and write ... ... Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia

Mova chinese, Official language China. Necessary. I. say 95% of the country's population (over 730 million people, 1970, estimate) and the Chinese population of Indonesia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Burma, Malaysia, Thailand, Singapore and other. Great Radianska Encyclopedia


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  • Sound poster "ABC, what to say" (ЗП-6517). We present to you your own unique novelty - developing sound weeping, like avenging verses, cicadas and mourning stories about creatures, sounds that you see them, and ...

Warehouse is articulated by more dribnish units - sounds, like the smallest units to sound promo, movement for one articulation.

The sounds of the movie are created by the sounds of the sound of the robot of the moving apparatus. To that it is possible as a manifestation of physiology, shards of stench can be blamed on the results of articulatory activity, and physical (acoustic) tobto. catch on by ear. However, with two aspects, when characterizing the sounds of a mov, it is impossible to be separated; philosophizing wields sounds as if they were the loneliness of the movement, conjure up a social function, tobto. function of splikuvannya for people. For mental awareness it is important to understand, by which world the sounds are connected with the differences of the syllables of that yogo forms, that all sounds are important by the same world, as a special connection. For example, XIX - on the cob of the XX century. linguists began to turn to the very functional side of sounds, and as a result, a new branch of philosophies appeared - phonology.

Sound warehouse of Russian movie

All sounds of the mov are subdivided into two groups: voices and voices.

Voices and voices are resonant with acoustic and articulatory signs: 1) voices are tonal sounds, voices are settled for the fate of noise; 2) voices - these sounds, which are settled without the participation of the passage to the path of the windy stream, all the voices are settled for the help of the transition (closed ruins - [b], [n], the gap between the tongue and the firm pіdnebіnyam - [x], etc. ); 3) the voices are not differentiated by the method and the place of enlightenment, for the voiced places, the way of enlightenment is the same as the substantiations of their classification; 4) when the vowels of the organs are adjusted, the voltage is equal, when the organs are adjusted, the voltage is the highest, there is a change; 5) the strengthening of the strum in case of voiced voices is weak, and in case of voiced voices it is strong, so that it is necessary for him to fix the right way on the її way; 6) all voice sounds can be syllable-forming, vociferous (krіm sonornyh) that is impossible to create style on their own.

For each voiced and voiced sounds, the intermediary position is occupied by sonorny voices, as a part of the sign is approaching the voices (illumination for an additional change, differentiation for the method and place of enlightenment, presence of noise), and partly - with voices (more important tone) .

There are six voice sounds (phonemes) in Russian language: [i], [i], [y], [e], [o], [a]. Their classification is based on the signs of articulation: steps to move, row, fate of the lips.

The main sounds (phonemes) of modern Russian language 37. Their interpretation and classification are significantly folded, lower voiced.


The skin phrase is intonationally framed.

intonation- the complexity of the organization of promotions, which reflect the meaning of that emotional-volitional side and are manifested in the last changes in the pitch of the tone (melodics - increased or lowered tone), the rhythm of the movie ) and uplifting the flow of the mov), the strength of the sound (intensity of the mov), intra-phrase pauses (which are heard on the rhythm of the phrase) and the deep timbre of the voice, like, fallow in the direction of the installation, we can but “have fun”, “playfully”, “zlyakim”, " frown" and so on. Intonation vikonu important functions: there is no less shaping phrases, words and phrases syntactic constructions, and take the fate of the expressive thoughts, pochuttіv that will of people. True, the very same vіdіzok promo in the fall, in order, like, with some intonation of the wines, you will be happy, maybe mother different values: Vіn priyshov. - Vin come! - Vіn priyshov? The intonation of an admonitory mov is characterized by a rise in tone on the cob of a phrase and a lower tone, like a phrase, on the floor; the nutritious phrase is characterized by a sharp shift on the threshold; intonation of the phrase equal to high.

It is important to convey importantness on the sheet of intonation. Crim dots, double dots, dashes, komi, arches, signs of a call, signs of power and specks, we have no way to convey the character of intonation on a sheet. And with the help of these signs, you can always enter the intonation little phrases. For example:

Who doesn’t know that the first one was the first to speak his mind? - For example, propositions cost power sign, prote phrase may be solid, but chi is not power sense.

Intonation wins one more important function- Z її to help carry out the division of propositions into semantic-syntactic units - syntagmas.

Differences in sound

Skin language has a rich sound. Moreover, in different language the number of them in a different way, as well as the spivvіdnoshennia between voiced and voiced sounds.

The sound of the sound of the same Acoustichniy, the characteristics, the yachkimovan phonologists, the bilha of the respect, the okolki is in the hollow, the acoustichna is the classifikasi - the cessphanes can be borrowed, the articular sound, todi yaks 'yasuvannya, how the sound wins.

Sounds rise one and the same in height, tone, longevity, strength and timbre. To that, whether there are two sounds, as if there are different indicators of height, strength and timbre, from the acoustic point of the dawn are different. In addition, there are differences between sounds, which are explained by subjective and objective moments. 1. Individual differences between sounds are connected with the peculiarities of living and surrounding people. The human skin makes sounds like the world in its own way. For linguistics, it is less important to have such a difference between sounds, as to make changes in the meaning of words. Like two people (for example, a schoolboy and a professor) made a word student, then we note that the same word was used differently by them, but at the same time it is confirmed that they missed the same word. And if only one and that person herself remember two words, for example, a garden and a court, then without the slightest twist we know that the words are different, because there are two different sounds in them [a, y], which distinguish their sound look and indicate on vіdminnostі v znachennі.

In this manner, individual voicing of the same sound does not have a linguistically important meaning. First of all, linguistically important meanings can be different sounds as a unit of the system of movement, independently from different people.

2. When we see the word Misto[gor't], in the shock warehouse of the house the sound [o] sounds like an obscure sound, shards sound reduction(from the Latin reducere - turn, point back) - weakening the sound under the influx of quiet phonetic minds, in which the sound appears(Unvoiced position). Here the sound [o] does not only lose part of its sonority, but rather it transforms into the sound [b]. In this word, the final sound [d] becomes faint, swaying like [t] - this is the characteristic law of the modern Russian (dzvinki voicing positions of the end of the word are deafened). make yourself smile or call back can fit in the middle of the word under the infusion of an offensive deaf chi of a dzvinky voice: oak - oak [dupka], ask - prohannya [proz" ba. words, voiced at a non-voiced position and in.) possible by pouring one sound into another one, or another sound process. phonetically. The stench also does not have a linguistically important meaning;

3. At the words visaі university after the voice [in] mi vovlyaemo different sounds. Qi sounds in these words serve retailers good luck. Emphasis of sound is not positionally bound, shards of offense act in the same position (shock is strong for voice sounds), there is also no influx of substantive sounds here. The distinctions between sounds, not surrounded by individual features of the language, not by the position of the sound, nor by the infusion of one sound into another, are called functional. Functional differences between sounds may have linguistically important meanings.

Otzhe, two sounds, the difference between them is not shaped by the position of the sound of the slurry sounds, but is connected with the change of the meaning of the word, which is functionally different.

onetic transcription

To record the movement, there is a special system of signs - phonetic transcription. Phonetic transcription is based on the principle of unambiguous distinction between sounds and graphic symbols.

Transcription sound (word, speech, text) is usually placed at the square arch: [mi] mi. The recording of the promo is written without capital letters and rosette signs, but with pauses.

In words that add up more and more from one warehouse, the following means a place in the voice: [winter] winter. As if two words (for example, a successor and a name) are characterized by a single voice and move at once, the stench sings with a ligo: [in_house].
In Russian phonetic transcription, the letters of the Russian alphabet are more important. Recording of voiced sounds zdijsnyuєtsya for the help of all vіdpovіdnyh letters, krіm shch i y. The order from the letter can be placed especially over the order or under the order badges. The stench points to the specific features of the sound:

[n '] - soft voice ([n '] sky sky);

[N:] - long-lasting voice (bath); can be designated as a boundary boundary or [n:].

The letter u is more pronounced in the sound, which is conveyed by the sign [w':]: y [w':] élie, [w':] etina. The double parallel to [w ':] will be the sound [w ':], which speaks, for example, in the word dró [w ':] and drіzhdzhі (it is allowed and іnsha vimov - dró [w:] і).

The Latin letter [j] denotes in the transcription the voicing “iot”, which sounds like a block apple, water, water, water [b'jі '] mountain, mov mova, sara [j] barn, má [j] ka shirt, chá [ j]nik teapot, etc. To give respect, that the voice of “iot” is far from always being transmitted on the sheets of the letter y.

The recording of voice sounds is based on different characters.

The shock voices are transcribed with the help of six characters: [i] - [pіr 'benket, [and] - [drank] fuse, [y] - [promin] promin, [e] - [l'es] lіs, [pro] - [dіm] budinok, [a] - [garden] garden.
Unvoiced voices recognize various changes in the fallow period according to the maturity to the voice, the state of hard or soft voices, the type of warehouse. To record unvoiced voices, the symbols [y], [i], [i], [a], [b], [b] are stuck.

Non-naked [y] are sung in whatever language. For its fineness, the wine is similar to a strong percussion voice: musical, r[u]ká, water[u], [u]dar.
Non-voiced voices [i], [and], [a] are moving at the warehouse, which is directly in front of the drummer (such a warehouse is called the first front one): [p'i] in rows, fashion [and] lér modeler, d [a] ská doshka . Qi w voices, after a winyat [and], step out and on the absolute cob of the word: [i] student tourist, [a] shukati obshukati.
Non-naked [i], [and], [a] for their quality are similar to vіdpovіdnі percussion sounds, but not identical to them. So, non-naked [i] are voiced, middle middle [i] and [e], but closer to [i]: [l'i] sa fox - equally: [l'i'] to the foxes themselves. Vіdіznyaєtsya Vimov and other voices. The use of symbols [i], [and], [a] for the recognition of unvoiced sounds is associated with the singing level of intelligence.

Also, the listing of more unvoiced voices is characteristic for the positions of one forward warehouse and the absolute cob of the word. For іnshih vpadkah sounds [b] і [b] are moving.

The sign [b] (“er”) conveys a rather short sound, for the middle medium [i] i [a]. Voice [b] is one of the most common sounds in Russian promo. Vіnovlyaєtsya, for example, at the 2nd in front and in the shock warehouses after the hard ones: p[b] rohod steamboat, v[b] delivery of a water carrier, rear [b] l setting, mountain [b] d place.

In similar positions, after the soft voices, a sound is fixed that guesses [i], but more short. This voice is conveyed by the sign [b] ("єr"): [m'b] with a light, [m'b] with a catchy creid, for [m'b] r for the time, for [l's] zhi lay.

Organi Movie. Settlement of voice and voice sounds

Sounds wimovlyayutsya under the hour of seeing. See what you see necessary mental sound resolution.

Strumine, which comes out of the trachea, is guilty of passing through the throat, in which there are voices. If the sounds are tense and closer, then you will see what you see, they call out more, as a result of which the voice is broken, that is a musical sound, tone. The tone of the shoes is tongue-in-cheek with the voices of the voices and the voices of the voices.

Vimov's singsong shoes are tied with the hem of the dress, made in the mouth empty on the path of the streaked streamer. Tsya reshkoda vinikaє vnaslіdnja organіv movi to the interspace ([f], [c], [h], [w]) or again zmychki ([p], [m], [d], [k]).

Close or closed can be different organs: the lower lip with the upper lip ([n], [m]) or the upper teeth ([f], [c]), the singing parts of the tongue with hard and soft bottoms ([h], [d] ], [w], [k]). Organs that are close to the membranes are divided into passive and active. The first ones become unruly, the others sing songs of ruin.

Repeating the strum adds a gap to the bow, and as a result, a specific noise is established. The rest is the obov'yazkovoy storage of a voice-like sound. For twins, the noise goes together with the tone, for deaf wines it appears as a single component of the sound.

When vimovі voicing zv'azki kolivayutsya, and for vіtryanogo strumena vіlny, without pereshkodny passage through the empty mouth. Therefore, the voiced sound is characterized by a clear tone and a full sound of noise. The specific sound of the skin voice (those that breathe [i] vіd [i], etc.) lie in the camp of moving and lips.

The movements of the organs of the established sounds are called articulation, and the corresponding characteristics of the sounds are called articulation characteristics.

lasi sounds
Drum Voices: Classification Signs
The classification of vocal sounds is based on signs that describe the work of the organs of the movement: 1) move move forward - backward (row);
2) move uphill - down (pіdyom);
3) the position of the lips (labialization).

After the sign, low voices are divided into three main groups. When articulating the voices of the front row ([i], [e]), the language is concentrated at the front part of the empty mouth. With articulation of the vocal back row ([y], [pro]) - at the back. Voices of the middle row ([i], [a]) take an intermediate position.
The sign of the pidyoma signifies the position of the move and the hour of the ruhu uphill or down. The vowels of the upper pidyoma ([i], [i], [y]) are characterized by the high position of the language at the empty mouth. The articulation of the lower voice pidyom ([a]) is tied to the low positions of the mov. We pronounce the middle pidyom ([e], [o]) introduced by the space between the names of the extreme groups.
Voice [y] that [o] є labializovani (or ruined), because at їх vimovі the lips are pulled forward and rounded. Other voices move with a neutral way of lips and є non-labialized: [i], [i], [e], [a].

The percussion table looks like this:

upper і´ ы´ ý (labial)
middle e´ ó (labial)
lower a

Unvoiced Voices: Classification Signs
In non-naked warehouses, there are other, lower voice, sounds. The stinks are more short and articulate with less muffled strain on the organs of the movement. Such a change in the sound of voices is called reduction. Otzhe, all unvoiced voices in Russian language are reduced.
Unvoiced voices sound like drums and stilted, and succinctly. From one side, unvoiced voices start short for shock (por.: s [a] di 'sadi' - s [a] dik sadik, p [i] lá pilá - p [i '] lit púlit). This peculiarity of the sound of voices in a naked camp is called a kilkish reduction.
From the other side, it changes like trivality, and the very same voice-like. At the link with the cym to talk about the yakіsnu reduction of voices in a naked camp. The pair with [b] has a gardener’s argument - with [a] a wild garden of non-naked [b] is not just short - it looks like a shock [a].
Be a non-naked voiced voice kіlkіsnu i overnight yaksnu reduction. When the speech is not naked, the language does not reach the extreme points of the passage and it is not possible to take a more neutral position.

The sound is the most obvious to whom we wear. [b]. Tse voice of the middle row, middle pidyom, non-labializations: litak, b['] furrow.

The articulation of all unvoiced voices breaks down at the bik of the “central” [b]. r [i] byak ribak - r [i ']ba ri'ba, [s'i] thread blue - [s'i'] niy suniy, r [u] ká ruká - r [ý] ki riyki, l[ a] roll caress -l [á] gentle affectionate .. Not naked [and], [and], [y], [a] can be left out in the same tables of the table, which are shock, spitting them to the center.
Non-naked [b] ([s'b] neva blue) is guilty of occupying an intermediate position between unnaked [i] and “central” [b].
The sound "єр" is characterized as a voice of the front-middle row, upper-middle pidmou, non-labializations.
Reduction can be stronger or less strong. In the midst of the resurfacing of unvoiced vocal sounds [b] and [b] are seen in their own style. Other voices move more clearly.
The table of voiced sounds, supplemented with unvoiced sounds, takes the following look:
row: front middle back
upper i'i'u (labial.)
i u u
e Ъ ó (labial)
lower a

Peculiarities of vowels in unvoiced positions (positional vowel division)

Peculiarities of vocal voices in non-naked positions lie in low minds:
1) due date to the shock warehouse,
2) position on the absolute cob of the word,
3) hardness / softness of the front voice.
Misce, according to the transition to the shock warehouse, determines the steps of the reduction of voices. In phonetics, it is customary to name the warehouses not according to their order in the word, but according to the place that the shock warehouse is engaged in. The mustache of the folded warehouses is divided on the front and behind the shock. The numbering of the forward warehouses is assigned directly to the shock warehouse, so it is right-handed.
At the first forward warehouse, you can have a lot of voices - unvoiced [u], [i], [i], [a]: n[u] waiting for the need, [h "i] from y'year, w [i] lka shovka, n [a]chnoy night.
In other non-voiced warehouses (another, third pre-stressed i in stressed ones), voices [b], [b], and sound [y] are strongly reduced. At the other front warehouse: d[b]movy dimovy and domovy, [m'b]soribka meat grinder, [ch'u] trusty miraculous.
At the shock warehouses: we swamp with a swamp and swamps, lower lower and lower, blue and blue, plume field, throw a horse.
In shock warehouses in the absolute end of the word, the order with sounds [b], [b] i [y] is fixed voiced [and], even more short: note [and] note, no [b] note, no [t'b] note , note[y] note.
The position on the absolute cob of the word after the pause is also added to the peculiarity of the reduction of voices. In this position, the sounds [u], [i], [a] are independent in their distance in the shock warehouse: [u] tidy up, [i] exporter exporter, [a] say exchange.

The peculiarities of arranging unvoiced voices in a word can be like a table.

At the shock warehouse: stressed [ý], [i'], [i'], [e'], [ó], [á]
In the 1st forward warehouse, in the absolute cob of the word: not naked [y], [i], [i], [a]
At the 2nd, 3rd front warehouse,in shock warehouses: unvoiced [b], [b], [y] + [and](In abs. kintsі words)
The hardness / softness of the front voice is an important factor that indicates the possibility of the appearance of low voices:

1) if the hard ones can come forward[y], [and], [a], [b]: [meadow] meadow meadow, [whether] the net of a fox, [la] rec of the screen, [l] horses' horses;
2) after the m'yakhs succumb[y], [і], [b]: [l'u] pent to Miluvat, [ch'i] to rye Chorni, [l'] dorib lodorub;
3) in front[a] and [b] after the soft ones are impossible: [p'i] di' rows, [p'i] tі' five, [p'b] row row, [n'b] tiletka p'yatirichka ;
4) [b] after the m'yakhs appear only at the gate - sya, in endings and formative suffixes. It is similar to vimova є posable, and not obov'yazkovaya and pove'zana іz zavdannyam to convey grammatical information about vodminok, number і etc.:
received i'l [s''] viyshov - from the women [s'] from the grandmother;
drop [l'b] drop - drop [l'b] drop;
vedmedyam vedmedyam - vedmedyam vedmedem;
in 'i'sa[d'']s hung up - in 'i'sa[d'b]s hung out.
Usі analyzed more than the peculiarities of vowels and voices to be placed before the phonetics of the hallowed znamenny slovs. Unions, successors, chastki, wiguks, rіdkіsnі zapozichennya may not follow the described patterns. The stench allows, for example, such a vimova of voiceless non-upper pidoma: sleeping, n[o] not long, b[o]á, andant[e].kt

It doesn’t matter if you remember that the thought is clear, laid down in your phrase, vimagaє obov'yazkovoї pause after the words are broken. The presence of a pause creates two moves of tact in a phrase. In this order, the movement beat is the only part of the phrase, surrounded by pauses and which is characterized by the intonation of unfinishedness. Pause between current measures of short, lower between phrases.

Movniy tact, like a phrase, can be directly brought to the point of vislovlyuvannya zmistu at movі. Zalezhno vіd tsgogo, dezinchuєtsya one movnoї tact and start offensive, an hour zmіnyuєtsya whole zmіst phrase: Yak hit Yogo // the words of the brother. - Yak was struck by his brother's words. Sufficient articulation of a phrase on the current tact can be brought to the point of complete collapse of the thought.

As a rule, the phrase is composed of dekіlkoh movnyh takіv: In the year you try // bow your vіtchiznі // Russian my // at the feet (D. Kedrіn). The tact can be zbіgatisya z okremy word. Ale, ring out at the moving tact, the sprat of words will fall.

onetic chanting of voices. The meaning of unvoiced voices on the sheet

The vowel, which has a sung morpheme, may be stressed in some words, but not in others. So, non-naked [i] in the word [d'i] is cheaply cheap to be combined with stressed labialization [ó], which sounds like a root in the word [d'o] cheaply.

Sounds that belong to one morpheme (root, prefix, suffix, ending) and replace one another in different phonetic positions, make a phonetic call. The pointed buttstock has a phonetically drawn [ó] // [i].

Russian language can do this drawing percussion and unvoiced sounds:

1. [ý] // [y] z[ý]b, z[u]bnoyu: teeth, teeth.

2. [i'] // [i] // [b] [p'i']shet, [p'i]sat, [p'b]sanina: write, write, scribble.

3. [and '] // [and] // [b] w [and '] re, w [and] rock, w [b] rock: wider, wide, wide.

4. [i'] // [i'] // [i] // [i] [i']gri, z[i']gran, [i]grati, z[i]grati: igri, zigrani, play, play.

5. [e '] // [and] // [b] sh [e] st, sh [i] stá, sh [b] stand: pole, pole, shostovy.

6. [e'] // [i] // [b] [n'e']shiy, [n'i]shkom, [n'b]shekhod: pishy, ​​pishki, pishohid.

7. [ó] // [a] // [b] d[ó]mic, d[a]mashny, d[b]movy: budinochok, home, house.

8. [ó] // [i] // [b] [n'ó] stro, [n'i] str i't, [n'b] strotá: string, string, string.

9. [ó] // [and] // [ъ] sh[ó] lka, sh [i] lká, sh [b] lkov і´sty: shovka, shovka, shovkovisty.

10. [á] // [a] // [b] tr[á] vka, tr[a] vá, tr[b] in'yane: grass, grass, grass.

11. [á] // [i] // [b] [p'á]ty, [n'i] so, [n'b] wheelbarrow: five, five, five, five.

Give respect to the fact that on the leaves the likeness of a naked sound does not appear. The fact that the voice is not voiced is the signal spelling. At the roots of the words, pishki, ryasnіti, p'yatak, which are seen with naked [i], the letter i is not written. When choosing the correct letters in these butts, it is necessary to focus on the stressed version of the voice of the root: [n'e'] shy, [n'ó] stro, [p'á] ty.

Similar to the reverb is the basis of the wire principle of Russian spelling - morphematic (more precisely, phonemic). The morpheme is taken away in such a graphic way, in a way. positionally drawn sounds are written down with one letter in a similar way to a strong variant (vowels are reverberated in a voice, voices are put in front of a voice).

The spelling of non-voiced voices, as they do not change voice, falls under another principle of orthography - traditional. At vocabulary words with [a] báka, p ['i] chál, r ['i] b і´on it is customary to write letters o, e, i, in butts like mind ['i] rlá / mind ['i] rála - letters e ta c. Remain two butts of pov'yazanі z deiyu rules, as in all dovіdnikah they are given under the heading "Voices that swear, dokorinno". Slid vrakhovuvaty, scho about yakі phonetic cherguvannya in tsomu vapadki not go.

Very rarely unvoiced voices appear on the sheet in a way that is phonetic to the principle of spelling. The prefix ras-/raz-/ros-/roz- maє chotiri graphic options, spivvіdnosnі s singularities її wimovi v in other words, and not from the situation of the re-verification: r [a] spitati razlutati, r [a] zrishiti zruynuvati, r [o] list of signatures for the obviousness r [ó] won the rozigrash (the last variant of buv bi is reversed, to that in the new voice it’s worth pid in a voice, and a voice - before the voice).

voice sounds

Zgіdnі sounds: klasifіkatsiyni signs.
When classifying the voiced ones, it is customary to give a low sign:
1) soundness to noise and tone (loudness / sonority),
2) fate or non-participation to the voice (dzvіnkіst / deafness),
3) hardness / softness,
4) the place of enlightenment,
5) way of illumination.

The power of pairing is especially noted for deafness/dzvіnkost and pairing for hardness/softness.

Noisy and sonorous, deaf and twinkling sounds

Noisy and sonorous voices sound in tune with the noise and tone.

Russian language has nine sounds before sonorants: [m], [m'], [n], [n'], [l], [l'], [p], [p'], [j] . Like in the ears of the voices, with the articulation of sonorants in the empty mouth, a gap is created. However, the force of rubbing the broken stream about the closeness / closing of the organs of movement is minimal: it is necessary to know the wind well enough to recognize the sound of the name and the noise does not settle. It can be straightened either through nіs ([m], [m'], [n], [n']), or in the passage between the lateral edges of the tongue and cheeks ([l], [l ']). The presence of noise can be due to the mittevity of the shift ([p], [p']) or due to the wide character of the line itself ([j]). No matter how loud the noise is not created, and the main source of the sound is the tone (voice) that is created by the ringing of voice calls.

In illuminating the loud voices ([b], [c], [d], [e], [g], [h] and others.) the main role is played, navpaki, noise. Vіn vinikaє as a result of podlannya reshkodi povіtryanym jet. The tone of the warehouse sound is non-basic and can either start up buti in the daytime (for deaf voiced ones), or supplement the main one (for voiceless voices).
Twinkies and deaf voices are divided by participation / non-participation of the tone (voice) in the settled voice sound.

The tone (voice) of the powerful voices, their articulation transfers the obov'yazkovo work of vocal zv'yazok. Twinkies, otzhe, є all sonorni: [m], [m '], [n], [n '], [l], [l '], [p], [p '], [j]. The following sounds are heard in the middle of the loud voices up to the twinkies: [b], [b '], [c], [c '], [g], [g '], [d], [e '], [g], [ f: '], [h], [h'].

[b] - [n] [b '] - [n '] [s] - [s] [s '] - [s ']

[c] - [f] [c '] - [f '] [w] - [w] [w: '] - [w: ']

[d] - [t] [d '] - [t '] [g] - [k] [g '] - [k ']

The sounds were transferred either by twin boys, or by deaf guys. Other voices are characterized as unpaired. To unpaired twins, all sonorns are heard, to deaf unpaired sounds - [ts], [h '], [x], [x'].

Onetic chirping for deafness/dzvinkistyu. Significance of deafness / ringing of suitable ones on the sheet

The deafness / ringing of the voices is overwhelmed by self-sufficiency, no matter what the sign lies in the offensive positions:
1) before the votes: [su]d court - [zu]d sverbіzh, [ta]m there - [yes]m ladies;
2) in front of sonornim: [sl] oh ball - [evil] oh evil, [tl '] I popelitsya - [dl '] I for;
3) before [in], [in ']: [sv '] єr zvіr - [v '] єr zvіr.

At the appointed positions, they sound and are deaf, and the sounds are voiced, moreover, these sounds are victorious for the differentiation of words (morphemes). The listed positions are called strong for deafness/dzvinkistyu.

In other types, the appearance of a deaf / ringing sound is mindful of becoming a word by the existence of a particular sound. Such deafness/dzvіnkіst appears non-self-possessed, “immushed”. Positions, in which they are found, are respected by the weak for the ordered sign.

In the Russian movi dіє law, like dzvinki galasli, they are deafened for example words, porіvn. In pointing butts, phonetically chirping for deafness / ringing is fixed: [b] // [p] that [h '] // [s '].

In addition, the position changes in the situation, if the order is deaf and ringing. And here the coming sound pours into the front one. Dzvіnkі prigolosnі before the deaf obov'yazkovo їm on deafness, as a result vikaє succession of deaf sounds, then. get ready [in ']it getuє - get ready [f't ']e cook (tobto [in '] // [f '] in front of the deaf).

Deaf voices that stand in front of the dzvinki galaslivymi (crim [v], [v ']), change to dzvinki, appear similar to the zvіnkost, povn. t '] // [d '] before the call), ask for [s'] i´t ask - ask for [s'b] and prohannya (tobto [s'] // [h '] before the call).

Articulation similar to sounds in the same nature, that is, two voices (or two voices), is called asimilation (Latin assimilatio 'similarity'). In this order, more bula described asimilation for deafness and asimilation for dzvinkistyu.

Significance of deafness / ringing of voices on the sheet is related to vikoristannym in the form of letters: t abo d, p abo b i t.d. However, it appears on the sheet less than independence, no matter what, deafness/dzvіnkіst cannot be found. Sound signs, which seem to be “immushenic”, are not indicated in positional terms on the sheet. In this order, phonetically drawn sounds are written in one letter, a different morphematic principle of spelling: the word du [p] oak has the letter b written, yak i in the reversible du [b] a oak.

The spelling of some backward words (transcription of transcription for the presence of transcribing and transcribing) and prefixes on c / s (i [s] koristuvatis vykoristovuvati for unawareness and [s] read vichity) will be blamed. The graphic image of such applications falls under the phonetic principle of spelling. Well, it’s true, I’m not up to the end with the prefixes vіn dіє, going along with the traditional ones: ra [w:] to move = ra [w] destroy and destroy.

The traditional principle of spelling is based on the choice of letters in vocabulary words such as v[g] hall station, and [z] best asbestos. Їх writing to lay down nі vіd perevіrka (it's not possible), nі vіd removi.

virnі and m'yaki prigosnі sounds

Firm and soft voices resonate with the rules of the language.

With soft voices ([b '], [c'], [d'], [h '] and in.) the whole body of the tongue moves forward, and the middle part of the back of the tongue rises to a firm bottom. This movement is called palatalization. The palatalization is respected by the additional articulation: it is superimposed on the main one, it is connected with the adoptions of the transition.

When the speech is firm, voiced ([b], [c], [d], [h] and іn), the language does not move forward and the middle part does not rise.

Suitable 15 pairs are set for hardness / softness of sounds. All stinks are either hard guys or soft guys:

[b] - [b '] [n] - [n '] [m] - [m ']

[in] - [in '] [f] - [f '] [n] - [n ']

[g] - [g '] [k] - [k '] [p] - [p ']

[d] - [d '] [t] - [t '] [l] - [l ']

[s] - [s '] [s] - [s '] [x] - [x ']

To hard unpaired voices are voiced [c], [w], [g], and to soft unpaired voices are voiced [h '], [w: '], [f: '] and [j].

Suitable [w] and [w: '], [g] and [g: '] do not satisfy the steam, the shards are crossed by two signs: hardness / softness and strength / longevity.

Next, indicate that the sound [zh: '] is normal. Vіn mozhliviy less in the coagulated number of words: їzhdzhu, vіzhki, drіzhdzhі, brizkaє, pіznіshe i deakіh іnshih. For whom [zh: '] the daedals are often replaced by [zh:].

The sound [j] occupies a whole particular position of the middle of the soft voices. In other soft, voiced rises of the middle part of the back of the tongue to a hard bottom, as it was indicated more, dodatkovoї articulation. The vocal [j] has the main articulation, because other shifts for the hour of moving [j] are not settled. Therefore, the sound [j] of the principle of the impossibility of the mother is firm.

Onetic chirping for hardness / softness. Significance of hardness / softness of the voice on the sheet. Letters b and b

The hardness / softness of the current ones is self-sustaining, and not a sign that vinyl through positional changes is fixed in the offensive strong positions:

1) before voices, including [e]: [lu] to cibulya - [l'u] to hatch, [ale] s n_s - [n'o] s n_s, pastel [t e '] pastel - post [t 'e']l bed;
The guys are soft in voice before [e] in calm Russian words, the guys are firm - at the back. However, a lot of such zapozichenny ceased to be seen as a rіdkіsnі: antenna, cafe, sausage, stress, mashed potatoes, prosthesis, etc. As a result, in the words of the heady, it became possible to be as firm as the m'yaka of Vimov's voice in front of [e].

2) at the end of the word: ko [n] kin - ko [n '] kin, zha [r] heat - zha [r '] heat;

3) the sounds [l], [l '] are independent of their positions: in [l] on the wind - in [l '] on the free;

4) for voices [c], [s '], [s], [s '], [t], [t '], [d], [d '], [n], [n '], [ p], [p '] (for the front ones)
- at the position before [k], [k '], [g], [g '], [x], [x '] (before the back ones): gó [r] ka girka - gó [r '] to girko, ba [n] ka banka - ba [n '] ka banka;
- at the position before [b], [b '], [p], [n '], [m], [m '] (before the lips):

In other situations, the hardness or softness of the voice will not be independent, but shouted with a burst of sounds one on one.

Similarity in hardness is borne out, for example, in times of hardness of soft [n'] with hardness [s], then. cue (tobto [n '] // [N] before repeating). A pair of ju [n’] cherv - ju’ [n’s] chervnevy cue does not follow the prescribed patterns. Ale tsey vinyatok є єdinim.

Similarity in softness is inconsistently created according to different groups of voices and does not reach everyone, whoever speaks. I don’t know if there is more than a change [n] to [n '] before [h '] and [w: '], equally: drum [n] drum - drum [n'h '] ik drum, gó [n] ok gó [n' w: ']ik racer (tobto [n] // [n'] before m'yakim).

Apparently, up to the old norms, the next thing to say was: l '[m'k'] and straps, [v'b '] and drive in; [d’v’] єр doorsі; [z'j] eat znіmanya; [s't'] on the wall. Modern vimovs have no obov'yazykovy ob'akshennya of the first sound in significant vipadkas. So, the word la'[mk']i straps (similarly to trya'[pk']i ganchirki, lá[fk'] and benches) is less pronounced, other sounds allow for variability in speech.

The designation on the sheet expands only on the independent, and not on the positional hardness / softness of the young voices. On the literal level of m'yak, the sound [n'] of the words drum and racer is not graphically fixed.

On the vіdmіnu vіd deafness / dzvіnkostі samosstіyna m'yakіst lads' voices are not transmitted by a letter that resonates with a suitable sound, but by a stepping letter behind it - the letters i, e, u, i: face, lіd, hatch, bryazkit;
At my daily it ceased to mean the softness of the front voice. The combination of letters ... those ... cannot be read, if you don’t bachish, what word should not lie - it’s a test.

2) at the end of the word with a soft sign: kіn, heat, drank;

3) in the middle of the word, before the voice letter, there is a soft sign: dark, velmy, bathhouse.

The self-reliance of the boys' voices is transmitted in such ways:

Letters s, o, y, a, e: face, choven, tsibulya, weasel, karate;

Naprikintsі words in the form of a soft sign: kіn, heat, drank;

At the middle of the word before the voiced sound of the soft sign:
t_hv, z_ look, bank.

The hardness / softness of unpaired, vociferous, okremnoe signs do not matter. Writing i / i, e / o, u / y, i / a after the letters w, f, h, u, c, which are unpaired, dictated by tradition: life, figure, curl, opik, opik, jart, brochure, cup . The same letters stand and live / non-lived letters are a soft sign in a number of grammatical forms: living, zamіzh, quiet, malyuk, river, comrade, urine, zegla.

Catch respect, which is called the letters b and b appear to be approachable. The letter "hard sign" be-if it means hardness, її vikoristannya po'yazanі z razdіlnoy funktієyu, that. іz assigned to the presence [j] before the onset voice sound: st h'їst, a [d'ju]tant adjutant.

The functions of the letter "m'aky sign" are wider. First, it can also win in a different function, but not only after prefixes: [vjý]ga zaviryuha, bu[l'jó]n broth. I don’t show my opinion on the softness of the voice letter. In another way, a soft sign can be traditionally written in a number of grammatical forms after letters, which sound like an unpaired voice (wonderful). The m'yakosti of sounds with such familiarization literally does not convey anew. І nareshti, in a number of situations the letter ь denotes the softness of the voices on the sheet. This function expands on the butt of the independent softness of the boys' voices, for example, the words that in the middle of the word before the voice (wonderful).

Is there a way to make the voices

The place of the appeasement of the sound of the voice is a sign that it shows, de mouth empty of the mouth of the strum strumming the sound.

Tsya characteristic is given with obov'yazkovym vkazіvkoy active (which is collapsing) and passive (indestructible) organs. So, vociferously, the articulation of some of them is tied with the ruffle of the lower lip, they are labial-labial ([p], [n '], [b], [b'], [m], [m ']) and labial-dental ([f], [f'], [v], [v']). Those who qualify for active participation are divided into anterior teeth ([s], [s'], [s], [s'], [t], [t'], [d], [d'], [c], [l], [l '], [n], [n']), anterior posterior posterior ([w], [w '], [w], [w '], [h '], [ р ], [р']), mid-middle mid-oppidnebіnі ([j]), posterior mid-opidne bіnnі ([k'], [r'], [x']) and posterior mid-opidnebіnnі ([k], [g], [x] ) . All listed sound groups are displayed in the voicing tables (div. below).

Looking at the table (Supplement to publication), obov'yazkovo promote sounds in it. The work of the authorities' organs will help you to understand why the sound of the rooms of that other cell is leathery.

The method of making a sound is the same characteristic, for the help of which, the type of transition to the mouth empty and the method of fitting are immediately indicated.

There are two main ways to reconcile the transition - either outside the movement of the organs of the movement, or getting closer to the middle of the valley. In such a rank, symmetrical and shrill voices are distinguished.

With the articulation of the chin strums, it seems to appear to come out in the middle of the empty mouth, vibratingly rubbing the organs close to them: [f], [f '], [c], [c'], [s], [s'], [s ], [s'], [w], [w¯'], [g], [g¯'], [j], [x], [x'].

Vimov's singsong voices include the moment of the second shutter of the organs of the mov, if the repeated stream of the name of thefts is turned off. The method of arranging the match can be different, if it is necessary to carry out a further podil on the class.

Zmichnі vybuhovі pripuskayut usunennya reshkodi strong and short mail again, so it’s easy to go out the names: [n], [p '], [b], [b '], [t], [t '], [d], [d' ], [k], [k'], [g], [g'].

In the wild africans, the organs, which strongly adjoin one to one, the movies do not sharply grow apart, but rather open up, filling the gap for the exit again: [ts], [h '].

Zmichnі noses vzagali do not notice the broken zmichka. The zavdyaks of the descent of the lower flank again are not straight to the shutter, but can freely exit through the nasal empty: [m], [m '], [n], [n '].

In the case of the adopted natural flares [l] and [l '] again, they don’t stick with the transition, bypassing the її trajectory - between the omitted flank part of the tongue and cheeks.

In some chief assistants, nasal and bichni sounds are described as lusciously passing.

Zmichni tremtyachy are characterized by periodic zmikannyam and rozmikannyam organіv mov, їх vibratsiєyu: [р], [р'].

Sometimes the trio are seen not like a variety of smichnyh, but like okremiya, the third type of vociferous order zі smichnymi and schіlinnimi.

Phonetic chirping of the voices behind the missus and the way of enlightenment. Phonetic chirping of voices with zero sound

Misce that way of making up the voices can change less in the aftermath of the infusion of sounds one on one.

Before the anterior pectoral noisy teeth change into anterior pectoral teeth. There is a position similar to the place of enlightenment: [with] a thunder with a thunder - [sh w] a hammer with a fur coat (tobto [s] // [w] before the front-line), [with] a thunder with a thunder - [w: 'h'] empionat with the championship (tobto [s] // [w: '] before the anterior pidnebіnny).

Vibukhovy sings in front of schіlinnimi and Africans swear by Africans, tobto. with sounds closest in the articulation plan. There is a similarity to the way of illumination: o [t] play vidigrati - o [ts] ipát vіdsipati (tobto [t] // [c] before the schіlinnym).

In rich vipadkah positions change, a sign of voices is added to the sprat. So, at the pointed butt of the championship, a similar one stuck out as signs of the mission of enlightenment, and signs of softness. And in the fall along [d] thunder and thunder - according to [h 'sh: '] some kind of shock ([d] // [h '] in front of the deaf, soft, anterior pidnebіnny, schіlinnym [w: ']) became similar according to all chotirma signs - deafness, softness, mist and the way of illumination.

In the butts of l[g] ok light - le [x'k'] y light, me'[g] ok m'yakiy - me'[x'k']y m'yaky, de [g] churguetsya s [x '], and not s [k '] before [k '], the distinction (disimilation) of sounds is distinguished by the way of illumination. In case of differentiation (dissimilation) for a sign, it will be combined with similarities (assimilation) for deafness and m'yakistyu.

Crimium of descriptions of more phenomena in Russian language can be fixed phonetically by the chirping of voices from zero sound.

Do not sound [t] / [t '] i [d] / [d '] between teeth, between [r] that [h '], mi [r] that [c], do not sound like [l] before [ nc]. Also, the vipadance of the voice is presented in such words:

Stl: happy [t ']e happy - happy happy, tobto. [t'] //;

Stn: mist [m] about m_st - m_stsevy m_stsevy, tobto. [T] //;

Zdn: county [d] and povitu - county county, tobto. [d] //;

Zdts: uz [d]á bridle - pіd vuzki pіd vuzdі, tobto. [d] //; Dutch [d'] Dutch Dutch - Dutch Dutch, tobto. [d'] //;

Rdts: ser [d ']echko heart - heart heart, tobto. [d'] //;

Rdch: ser [d ']echko heart - heart heart, tobto. [d'] //;

Lnts: só [l] nishko sonechko - sun sun, tobto. [L] / / .

It is similar to the appointed appearance and vipadannya [j]. It comes out, if the voice is one iota, and then we go [i] or [b]: my mine - [mai '] mine, tobto. [j] //.

To give respect, that a phonetic phenomenon is possible, it does not appear on the sheet if it is similar to the name / method of illumination, or with the fact of replacing them with zero. Appropriate to morphematic (phonological) to the principle of Russian orthography, sounds that are positionally scribbled are written in one letter, appreciably before reverification. Butt [w] with a fur coat is recorded as a fur coat, because є [z] thunder after thunder. The invisible voice of the happy happy is graphically used on the support of the happy happy, etc.


Warehouse can be folded from one or more sounds. At the skin warehouse, there is only one warehouse sound, which becomes the core, the top of the warehouse. Before the new one, other sounds are incoherent.

Types of warehouses are characterized by cob and end sounds. According to the cob sound, you can put it together:

1) cover - start with a non-slang sound: [ru-ka] hand,

2) uncritical - they begin with a warehouse sound: [á-ist] leleka.

Behind the end sound, warehouses are subdivided into:
1) closed - ending on an unlogged: [Balcon] balcony;

2) vіdkritі - end with a warehouse sound: [va-z '] vase.

The present-day mentality has a sprig of mov. Widely wider may be the style as a combination of different sounds for equal sonority (sonority) of sounds - from less sonorous to more sonorous. Warehouse sound is the most important, wine is the top of the warehouse. With such a rozumіnі the warehouse will be under the law of vishіdnoї sonority.

This law zooms in on the peculiarities of syllable division.

1. Neskіnchennі warehousing pragvat vіdkritostі. There are more warehouses: [on-ý-k] science, [a-pa-zdá-l] zaznila.

2. Close the warehouse at the warehouse, the words can appear only in three ways:

1) for example words: [pla-tók] khustka, [rash: 'ót] rozrahunok;

2) on the stick of sonorant and voiced in the cob warehouse. Sonorny go to the front warehouse, galaslivy - to the step: [deputy] suede, [balcony] balcony;

3) on the stick [j] and whether it be voiced. The sound [j] enters to the front warehouse, the voice - to the offensive: [vaj-ná] war, [máj-kъ] T-shirt.

Starting to divide the words into storage, following the memory, that the rules do not completely agree with the current facts and are overwhelmed by sufficient ones that mean us in front of us within the framework of a specific theory.

At the end, it is significant that phonetic warehouses often do not fit with the morphemic everyday word and the rules of transference on the sheet.
Let's take a look:
Phonetic warehouses Morphemic articulation Word transfer
[major] major major
[sa-gla-sn] co-voice-n-a co-voice-na / sog-la-sleep


Phonetics(Greek type - phone "sound") - divided the sciences about language, how to play the sounds of language. The stench of the building is to make words, for the help of which objects are called, the manifestations of the necessary world: [a] + [k] + [n] - [oґ] - [ vikno] = window; [k] + [a] + [c '] + [pro] + [p] - [kav'or] = kilim.

In order to accurately convey the sound of a word, a special phonetic record is made. transcription(Vid lat. Trans-criptio - "I will rewrite").

Main signs of transcription:

Between transcriptions

['] - a sign of softness of the voice [p'et"] - sleep

[ j ’] - soft twinkly voice (yot) - pits

Sound- This is the minimum loneliness of the movie that you are moving. Acoustic, articulatory and sensible sides are seen near the sound of promotion.

Acoustic side of sound take in by ear. From what I can see, the sound can be high and low, strong and weak, high timbre and low thin.

Articulation side of sound- the purpose of the promotion organization. For example, the sound [r] is settled by the vibration of the movement's kink, the sound [y] - for the help of the lips.

Sensory side the sound of the fact that the sound can be divided into sound shells of the sliv and yogo forms (for different wines it is denoted by the term phoneme). For example, sound shells of words to whomі catfish sound-phonemes [k] and [h].

Russian language has 42 sounds: 6 voices and 36 voices.

Later, the shortest, minimal, non-segmented sound unit, which is seen in the sequential sound articulation of a word, is called the sound of a movie. The traditional classification of the sounds of the movie is subdivided into voices and voices.

Zgidni sounds of that їх clasifikatsіya

Good sounds are heard in the presence of vocal noises, like they are settled in the empty mouth when voiced. The following are distinguished: 1) for participation in noise and voice; 2) for the peace of noise; 3) for a way to stop the noise; 4) for the presence or presence of softness.

Fate the noise and the voice. For the participation of the noise, that voice will echo on the loud and sonorna. Sonornimi are called vociferous, which settle for the help of the voice of that insignificant noise: [m], [m '], [n], [n '], [l], [l '], [p], [p ']. Galaslivi sing your voices on sounds and deaf. Noisy twinkles vote є [b], [b '], [c], [c '], [g], [g '], [d], [d '], [g], [g '], [h] , [z '], [j], [dz], [j], who make noise for the participation of the voice. Before deaf let's put in a voice: [n], [n '] [f], [f '], [k], [k '], [t], [t '], [c], [s '], [w] , [w '], [x], [x '], [c], [h '], which are settled only for the help of one noise, without the participation of the voice.

A place for making noise. Depending on the fact that the active organ of the mov (lower lip or mov) dominates with the approved sound, it is suitable for lipsі lingual. How to protect a passive organ, which articulates a lip or tongue, you can use it labial - lips[b], [n], [m] ta labial-dental[c], [f]. Current divide into front, middle and back. Perednyomovnі can buti dental[t], [d], [s], [s], [c], [n], [l] i pіdnebіnno-dental[h], [w], [g], [p]; middle-class - average[j]; back - posterior[g], [k], [x].

Ways to stop the noise. Fallow due to the vіdmіnnosti ways of appeasing the noise of the voice to be divided on funny[b], [p], [d], [t], [g], [k], schіlinnі[c], [f], [s], [h], [w], [g], [j], [x], Afrikati [c], [h], smichno-prokhіdnі: nasal [n], [m], bіchnі, abortovі, [l] and three (vіbranti) [p].

Hardness and softness of voices. Vidsutnіst chi manifestation of softness (palatalіzatsії) numb the hardness and softness of the voices. Palatalization(Latin palatum - hard pіdnebіnnya) є the result of the mid-pіdnebіnnoї articulation of the mov, which supplements the main articulation of the vocal sound. Sounds that are settled with such an additive articulation are called m'yakimi and utvenny without her - solid.

A characteristic feature of the system of voicings is the presence of pairs of sounds, spontaneous for deafness-dzvinkistyu and for hardness-m'yakistyu. Spivvіdnosnіst of boys' sounds in that, in some phonetic minds (before voice) stinks are distinguished like two different sounds, and in other minds (for example words) they are not distinguished and escape from their own sound. Wed . troyanda - dewі trojand - rіs [ros - rіs]. So act at the assigned positions of the guys with a voice [b] - [p], [c] - [f], [d] - [t], [h] - [s], [g] - [w], [g] - [to], yakі, otzhe, utvoryuyut spіvvіdnosnі bet for deafness-dzvinkіstyu.

Spivvіdnosny series of deaf and twinky voiced performances in 12 pairs of sounds. Guys prigolosnі vіdіznyayutsya nayavnіstі voice (dzvinki) chi vіdsutnіstі yogo (deaf). Sounds [l], [l '], [m], [m '], [n], [n '], [p], [p '] - unpaired calls, [x], [c], [ h '] - unpaired deaf.

The hardness and softness of resonant voices, similarly to deafness-dzvіnkost, differ in some positions, and in others they do not, which lead to obviousness in the system of resonant sounding of a series of hard and soft sounds. So, before the voice [o] they are divided [l] - [l '] (por.: lot-lead [lot - l'ot], and before the sound [e], not only [l] - [l '], but other guys hard and soft sounds are not distinguished (por.: [L'ЄS], [V'ЄS], [B'ЄS] and etc.).

Voice sounds and their classification

The voice sounds are resonant in the presence of a voice that is clearly voiced - a musical tone and a daily noise.

Іsnuyucha klassifіkatsija votochnyh vrahovuє takі otvіti votochnyh: 1) the steps of the presentation of the mov, 2) the place of the presentation of the mov and 3) the fate or non-failure of the gyb. Naisuttєvіshim іz tsih minds є position movi, scho zmіnyuє form that obsyag empty company, vіd I will become yakіh i lay down the yakіst voice.

Behind the step of the vertical rise of the movement, the voices of three steps in the rise are distinguished: voices of the upper pidyom[i], [and], [y]; middle voice[e], [pro]; vowel of the lower podyom[a].

Rukh move horizontally until the vowels of three rows are set up: voices of the front row[i], [e]; voices of the middle row[and], [a] that voices of the back row[y], [pro].

The fate or non-participation of the lips in the settled voices is the basis for the sub-voices on labialization(ruined) [o], [y] that non-labialized(Undestroyed) [a], [e], [i], [and].

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