The dictation is not written. Slovnikovi dictations from vocabulary words

Spravzhnє іm'ya tsієї lyudina was Єvgraf Ivanov; but no one in the neighborhood is not calling yoga otherwise, like a stunner. All the best, as it were, went to some insignificant, eternally striving rice. Stupid buv, an unfriendly yard man went on a spree, a yak, not dreaming of planting anything, not taking a penny of pay, she knew, prote, zasib shchodit on someone else's rahunok. At the new one’s faceless people, they filled him with wine and tea, they themselves don’t know about it, to him that it’s not only amusing, but to wind up, navpaki, having built up a mustache of his stupidity, balakanya, unbearable nav'zlivimistyu, garyarchivism unnatural laughter. Vіn not vmіv nі svіvati, nі dance, without saying to the people not only a sensible one, to instill a sensible word: all the “lotoshiv” are nonsense.

At that hour, every night, forty miles away, it was impossible to do without the fact that Yogo's long-awaited body did not spin right there among the guests, so that already before the new one they called and endured Yogo's presence as if inevitably evil.

The blinker of the anіtrohi is not similar to the Stupid. Before the new one, the name of Morgach went, although I didn’t blink more for other people. Regardless of my efforts to see more importantly the past, these people, in life, for me, were filled with dark patches. Tse people are informed, on their thoughts, not evil and not good, but more cheerful. Vіn amulets and vodnocha zapozjatlivy, like a fox. I am by no means more penetrating and sensible eyes, like yogo crying, sly "divy". You don’t have to be surprised directly - you see it and look at it. Yogo not to love, to the one who himself had nothing to do with anyone.

I. S. Turgenev (260 words)


The heroes of L. Tolstoy are invisible. It can be seen more statically, unharmedly, as if it was zapping at its own development, the heroes of Tolstoy are by no means in front of us in a ready-made look. The stench is not created once and again, the stench is created again and again. There is only one power to appear in them and die, acting differently, turning on the third - and there is nothing solid, established, caught in them. And if we resonate with Tolstoy as one of the heroes through a streak of sides, then the hero is already new, and that one, and not that one, and yet in the new one he is left with the same, so the same soulful melody, those soulful zabarvlennya, like Tolstoy put on the skin characters. And what is more smut, we do not mention Tolstoy's no work, no strain. It’s even easier to start — to create thousands of people, to put the skin in the center of the world... A writer could not wait to do so. Tolstoy, however, looming majestic, impossible for human hands to the right, once in a while, not to stumble, not to stutter. Here it is, what do Tolstoy create as a human being, and grow up by themselves. In front of the "War and Peace" one stands on the birch of the ocean and feels small, worthless. And in the wake of nothing human, you can’t see yourself in Tolstoy as an artist. No lyrics, no pathos, no anger. Yogo non-human nathnenny equal, unskillful, insane. Mustaches in yoga creations ripen no earlier than later, as necessary.

Chukovsky "L. Tolstoy".


Then, if it appears, then, if it appears, it seems that from the soul, you yourself will close your skin, and there, you will be scolded and bezakhisna, screaming at the smallest dot, but for me, it’s more smut and there, at the little silver to my native village of Kositsa. On the share of the skin people in our country, as if they were born, the rest of the war laid its unforgetable wind; so, the people know their own strength to renew hundreds of places and thousands of erased forces from the earth; not only that, the people, the very same, rich-faced and uncharacteristic, having shown unbelievable possibilities far away; guiding yourself in the most difficult, first stepping into space, and miraculously became a natural continuation of the incomprehensible feat of war and victory; the people of mav nibi look at their appearance from the distant mayzhe of the divine, from the quiet expanses, on that distant place, if only the essence is overlooked, only the essence is smut, and everything is seen in the snow, timchasov, vipadkove. And the people, after shaking their guise, the image of the creator and the creator, the pershoprokhіdnik ... - and in the first place, I’ll pierce into space, piercing the booming, invisible, unviable. All are busy with the important arithmetic of everyday life; it’s natural - the feat of the cosmos instantly rushed only spiraling to the mainland of the unfamiliar, everyday, smoky millions of people, and not without reason from edge to edge triumphed from the ocean to the ocean the gigantic country, and it didn’t happen in the light of the people, it didn’t succeed centurion.

P. Proskurin "Turning".


On that early spring day, I first shook bouquets of fresh miraculous trojans in the hands of schoolchildren - red, white, thick black-burgundy. Bryansk land - and Trojans? It was worth it to me. with an unhealthy, thin, wrinkled skin.

All life passed before me, and the grave of my mother was in order; the tsvintar was visible for a pivkilometer, at rare spring rakits across the field, which glittered on the lowlands with spring water. All the field, I have repeatedly gone from kintsya to kinets, here I am yelling, and mowing, here more than once the high golden cloaks grew, and the oars of the robot ended here, it used to be, pizno at night, if the stars hung in the black, stuffy sky; I guessed richly while I was crossing the field, which was sour; the brand, like before, was left marvelous and invisibly like the turning of the earth. In the distance, with a black pivkol, the spring bulk of the fox could be seen, above it the sky was strimka, penetrating ...

On the slopes of the pagorks, animals for the day, already dimila persha greens, I’m here, and yet it was given that there was no past, there was no way and it couldn’t be, that in the past they just guessed, and that’s how the name of the past is, and it’s the people themselves, yogo hands and feet, this body, the heart and the brain, the yogo dosvid, the yogo field and the yogo sky, and how to build graves - these are living writings, forever accessible, to speak to a weary heart about naypotaєmnishe.

Through the piercing wind, the tsvintar buv is small, quietly, quietly, or ready to swell the first green of the rokity; tsvintar roztashovuvavsya on a food ridge, and here it was dry. I put the trojandi to the bottom of the bay cross; it was cold and wide open, only the horizons shone, and from edge to edge the wind blew freely and freely.

P. Proskurin "Turning".


Strong life, fast and quiet intercourse with forgiveness, closely connected with nature by the light of people, for me it was already in the future life with urivkas, under the hour of such short-lived arrivals to the mother and brother. I myself have already experienced the very circle of rural life, so I no longer yelled, not shone, not glad of the first, distant gatherings, that the field was densely covered, I already did not see the heat, I slept outside the cow-year-old, if not, turning around in the evening at home smelled of steamy milk and a healing infusion of forest and meadow herbs and if, roaring from її backs a horde of mosquitoes and midges bare at the bottom, or a tight bunch of straw, remembering your long-standing controversy with the great and immortal light of nature, hearing tomorrow, or tomorrow I already felt the confusion and decay before the hour, which I bleamed sharply, and which it was already impossible to change.

I don’t believe these writers, as they left the village and as, turning hourly at the hour to the threshold, they try to sing others, what is good for the earth for them, nothing has changed with nature, and they stink, as if they were before their entry into the world of life . So you don’t, long ago you’re right, you can’t go into the same river of two - and you are changing, and the river is changing; With age, the more privable mirages of the childishness of youth are lost.

P. Proskurin "Turning".


Sometimes it is necessary to turn back, to understand and say to yourself again, that you yourself, and all yours came from the childhood of that youth, and by yourself, you must tell the truth about what you see in yourself; without this, the distant path is consuming all the silver.

Knowing one miraculous day after the second thought and torment of the district office from the organizational recruitment and having completed the list of jobs, where I needed to be like a person, so I chose “workforce”, I chose naivіddalenіshe, what only was, Kamchatka, although I didn’t want to think about it earlier Kamchattsі, and, without hesitation, immediately having put together an agreement, handing over a passport to a big man, with your portfolio, an approved organizational recruitment, like Titov, taking away from the new deputy one hundred and fifty rubles, respectfully listening to a new officer, if required. the rest will appear and what you need to take with you, and with a relieved soul, veyshov nadvir. I suddenly changed the whole world, it became easy and free for me - in front of me there were three more fates of an unknown, but a whole lot of stable life; it will be recognized as the article of the miraculous state-owned paper with the name “Trudoviy, dogovir” No. 123 dated 15 chervnya 1954; And, later, I was safer for three more years, the ability to write poetry, poetry, poetry, and novels (at that time I had already written a piece of a fantastic novel about going up to the center of the Earth, Skoda, right, that they were divided, written in espaliers, s'li potim mishі, if my mother took my writings after I went to Kamchatka, put them in a box of z-pіd of German mines, locked up two with constipation and put my box for saving in the most dry place - on a stele, on a mountain) .

I didn’t think about anything else at that hour and broke aimlessly blunder through the streets of my native town; love until the new bula is innocent in me, without respect for the tie with him, the most important and most terrible worries in life.

P. Proskurin "Turning".


Lord, what do people not only do at great places and don’t just hang around, if they come there to win glory, in pursuit of happiness, like my friend, for the sake of your calling!

My friend, without having taken the desired film, but I dare to think that the movie was true to my call. At that time, I knew a lot of people, as if they were dreaming in reality by film directors and cameramen, a lot of them, to the point of saying, far away to create their hopes, ale nicoli, not in those memorable days, not after, I didn’t sound people , nastіlki obsessed with cinematography, like my friend. In the singing sensei, all life was taken by him like a semblance of one inexhaustible, then sensationally hoarsely, and then elegiically-sophisticated line; or maybe, and on the other hand, all the vanity of life, super-niceness, zіtknennya, spend maly for a new sense as a possible material for plot fights, turns and moves. The whistle at the bus crossing sounded for him a distant replica in the distance, the crowds of suffocation at the door blew the stage scene, the view from the window on the Moscow dahi and linden trees, which had grown old, were marked by a plan for every sudden change.

The whole time the buttya was driven by cinema for my friend. Yogo was gifted to invisible happiness, and the image hurt. Tilki zherelom life could not serve you. Here the self-confidence asks for lack of pride, lack of security, whether it’s unselfish vіddannosti vіddanі vіddanі — I’m afraid that this topic will lead me far away. To go about those before the image of the crying day of the early winter, if we, sitting in a smoky room of one of the editorial offices, wandered into yak, not for the sake of earning a living, but for the sake of splkuvannya, company, for the sake of what people, like respecting Dostoevsky, require. then drink.

A. Makarov "Coat of buying up".


A lot of different thoughts and feelings passed through my head, while I blew through the quiet, overgrown with springy grass in the streets; big place, quiet, with old merchant houses, with vigilant stucco molding on the pediments and along the cornices, and it wasn’t close - the war spared nothing, and build old churches and monasteries from their three-meter-long tovshchina , the segments were incorrectly pokalicheni. I passed through the street of my childishness, on my tezh mayzhe the old ones, who knew me, were not spared, I am a bachelor of a newly awakened life; I went through the street from the center to the river, along the same path, as if I were indistinguishable and anonymous, I went to the meadow and brought the geese home, I went to the heat summer days bathe, carrying water from the pump in barrels, put on a sled, or climbing over the monastic fence to the stadium at the hour of football matches ... sensible, svidchee, not sensible, but shkiroy vіdchuv, vvdchuv, what is the best, no matter what, a part of life, if the skin was washed by repeated recognition, vіdkrittyam, it’s already behind and you can’t turn around any more.

Unforgettably, I veiled for a place and sat for a long time on a shave, not being blown away by the widely spread below, still covered with empty water, a wide expanse of flood meadows with a river, which zigzagged through them, - a deserted boulder in front of me and innocence. Tilki sweat, through a lot of rocks, I realized that this was the sacred land of my childishness, from which I started another path, another foreshadow of life, my Russia was celibate, and Russia would lie far away from life with a fiery thread through the very heart, And I will forever remember this quill on shaving my childishness, I will remember that I myself will not be scared any more from this moment.

P. Proskurin "Turning".


1) Frost does not like clean people. In yoga life practice, there were inconstant, useless people, which one cannot believe. 2) Vіn (Levіnson) is surprisingly tolerant and stubborn, like an old taiga vovk, who, if possible, has broken teeth, and who is able to lead a graї behind him - the unbearable wisdom of rich generations. 3) At the warm evening darkness, at the creaking of the vanity of transports, at the lingering mucann of these half-hearted cows, the man’s day has passed away. 4) Levinson listened, without interfering. 5) Frost woke up. Levinson leaned forward and, at once shrugging yoga, like a tick, with an unblinking look, winking at the bow, like a flower. 6) Frost is unfathomable. The rest of the men overtook Yogo. The stinks now spoke calmly, without haste, neither went to work, but not to meetings. 7) Levinson, as if he had shown people what a miraculous mind is, why everything is known and where you know, that in this there is nothing unimaginable chi terrible and wine, Levinson, for a long time already has an exact, bezmilkovy plan for a ration. In truth, the wines are not only not good for the plan, but in a flash, feeling themselves ruined, like a scholar, who was once embarrassed by the task of the richness of the unknown.

A. A. Fadeev "Rozgrom".


As soon as they introduced the month, the neimovirna plutanina began to appear at the avia, railroad and bus flights. At the newspaper, thousands of leaves were sagging, and I myself, nachebto nachebno vmіє rahuvati, sporadically deceived with tsimi flights, razrakhovanimi now for Moscow, then for Mіstsevy hour. At the Committee on meteorology, there is simply no one to take care of ... The psychology of the capital’s practitioner is more and more powerful in the form of regional psychology, it’s important to put it on the equal tidying station, not seeming to be about the administrator of the hotel.

I went to the hotel "Moscow" and let the black "Volga" go. I entered from the side of the Historical Museum, I closed it, I rounded the massive colonnade, and the porter from the State Plan turned me back. Possibly, in order, so that I didn’t close the plastic tree at the vestibule - the zhalyugidny surplus of the Hammerivsky summer garden, which the authorities have shopping center order from the RRFSR Administrative Office. There were ten people, like me, fifteen hvilin irritated the white of the cursed doors. Nareshti let us go. I always marveled, guarding the metamorphoses that people see in front of a cashier's cashier or hotel administrator. Solid uncles immediately spend their looks, transform into stingy prohachs, and change suffixes appear at that. How can I look at myself like this at the same time on my official occasions?

V. Belov "One in Thousand".


Ivan and the lieutenant walked along the shore to the bridge, their wet heads dried out in both, and the sun scorched them, scorched their bare shoulders, which had long been overheated. The lieutenant, admiring the distant white gloom, which outlined the majestic fish, and rattling, that a dark dot spun on the blind white boci of gloom - a hawk that blew in the sky. The lieutenant turned around to Ivin, trying to tell you it was merrier and just more friendly, but, looking at the appearance of a soldier, only sighed and said nothing. I thought again about the sadness on the right, for some їhav at the regiment. The lieutenant, knowing that I'm checking Ivin, knowing those, like inaccuracies, check on the new one.

Ivin, crouching behind the lieutenant, aching in the face of specks and reluctantly thinking about those that all people are equal ... equal, obviously, but why does this lad have such power over him? Ivіn gloomily marveling at the lieutenant's trikutnuyu back, m'yazi swelled and swelled on it, and trying to get away, which is the reason why this stringy lad is guilty of calling "comrade senior lieutenant." Ale's thoughts flowed lazily, standing in the head like a non-violent rumble, mitteva hard wanted to get to know each other, roam in the twilight of the thoughtless sleepy element, urvisch.

A. Kim "Zupinka at sickle".


Mіzh іnhim, one evening I went to the so-called Quarantine. Tse small, plіshivy guy, for whom, if the plague hour was just quarantined at the zabuti, summer residents now live. You should bring it to the place like a place of chotiri to make a garne soft road. Їdesh i bachish: levoruch black sea, right-hander unskinned gloomy step; breathe easily, and the eyes are not tight. The nut itself is threshed on the birches of the sea. Having let in my messenger, I stole to the gates and straightened the alley to a small stone altanka, as if I were in love with children. In my opinion, it is round, an important altanka on negrabnih columns, which lost in itself the lyricism of the old grave memo with Sobakevich's sokir, was the most poetic little hut in the whole world.

I sіv on the lava i, leaning over the railing, looking down. View of the altanka along a steep, straight-sided birch; there, de vona was running out, far below the belly of the food shore, the low winds stumbled lazily and murmured low. The sea was just as majestic, unsophisticated and inhospitable, like this fate before, if I, having completed the course at the gymnasium, went from my native place to the capital; in the distance, the dark companion of Dima - the whole steamboat, and, okrіm tsієї, ice-visible and indestructible, wife, nothing enlivened the monotonous picture of the sea and the sky. Right-handed and left-handed from the altanka leaned against the uneven clayey shores.

A. P. Chekhov "Fire": (213 words)


The sun, picking up its height, unobtrusively, but warmed up albeit badly, and that, perhaps, it was so good for people, as if they were selling, they were splitting and bathing. In the first quarters of Ivan, stunned by the fair storms, without remembering his gloomy appearance. Everyone was pleased, everyone laughed at one and the same - and tі, who pierced and unwrapped the goods, і tі, who was stupid in front of the goods, and even about the quiet, who reconciled and showed the renewal, and say a lot of things.

On the back of your head you need to look around. The people quickly changed, and step by step Ivan became the air of the flooded, vipadkovyh vіdvіduvаchіv vіd zavsіdnіv. The first ones, having respected the wines, circled blindly in the human viri, lizli here and there, not stagnant at all, out of the chiming eyes. The guards didn’t hurry anywhere - they stink unhurriedly, not fussing at the impudent overthrow, that they pushed their way too hard, went from one month to the next, hoisted the goods in a serious way, maybe, vibrating in their minds folding estimates and rozrahunki.

Illya Kashafutdinov "Jeans".


The native land of the world is honed by such super-eloquent myths about its history, like Russia, and the people of the world are not so differently assessed, like Russian.

M. Berdyaev, constantly blaming on the polarization of the Russian character, in such a wondrous rank, the absolutely protegeful figures will unite: kindness with zhorstokistyu, spiritual subtlety with rudeness, extreme willfulness with despotism, altruism with hisism, self-abasement with national pride. That and a lot more. Another reason for this, that in Russian history played a great role of different "theories", ideology, tendencies of the present day and the past. I will point out one of the examples that they will ask for: the Petrine reform. For її zdіysnennya, it was necessary to absolutely abide by the revelations about the past Russian history. If it was necessary to be closer to Europe, then it was necessary to strengthen that Russia was more open to Europe. Since it was necessary to collapse more rapidly forward, then it was necessary to create a myth about Russia, I would be stagnant, low-rise, and so on. If a new culture is needed, then the old one was no good. As it often sounded in Russian life, for moving forward, a ground blow to everything old was needed. And I went to work with such energy that the entire semivicular Russian history was revealed and exchanged. The creator of the myth of the history of Russia was Peter the Great. Vin can be the creator of the myth about himself. Time for an hour, Petro became a typical Vikhovanian of the 17th century, a baroque man, inspired by the demands of the pedagogical poetry of Simeon Polotsky, the court poet of Yogo Batka, Tsar Oleksiy Mikhailovich.

D. S. Likhachov. "Russian culture in the world".

Class: 8


1. Light-developing:

1.1. The spelling is not spelled out with different parts of the movie.

1.2. The development of the mind is to designate parts of the movie, to stop the rule.

2. Vikhovna:

2.1. To form in uchnіv povagu to the people of science.

Form: practical lesson.

Hid lesson

I. Entry

For a while, we repeated the rules for writing with different parts of the promo. And today we have a practical lesson on the topic “NOT with different parts of the language”.

II. Topic, objectives

Write down the date and topic. Knowing the theory and at the same time putting the rules into practice, how can we put them on today's busyness? (Formulation of goals)

III. Complex analysis of the text

We will carry out the examination of competences, solving a complex analysis of the text. Carefully review the plan of your activity, the main tasks, reminders, as necessary for work. Under the scope of your activity, you can use the spelling scheme "NOT with different parts of the language." There are 15 quills for a job.

IV. Come forward

Let's listen to the ledge. (Learn to present diagrams, present your work, provide nutrition)

What kind of proponation schemes is good for zastosuvanni?

V. Reversing the work

Learn from the point 4. Recording the dictionary dictation, re-verification of the work in pairs from the voicing of the key. Analysis of your activities, filling in the assessment sheets.

Return to the goals of the lesson.

1. How are the set goals realized in full? What should you continue to work on?

2. Appreciate your self-esteem in the Arkush, to which group you can see yourself.

VII. Homework(on vibir)

  1. Write a twirl-miniature on a free topic, using less than 9 words per spelling.
  2. Write these words in tsієї spelling.

Group activity plan

Etapi busy Zmist
1. Organizational moment.
2. Preparing to work until the hour of the lesson. 1. Write down the date and topic of the lesson.

2. Set goals for the lesson.

3. Development of competencies on modern materials. 1. Work with the text (split the roles of promotions for the tasks before the text).

2. Vividly read the text of one representative of the group, reshta analyze the yogo vistup, scaly memorandum No. 2.

3. From the third power, a representative of the group, and others, will speak.

4. On 4th and 5.6 points, two representatives of the group appear (there will be a sonic monologue ledge), reshta supplement, correct, vicorist

memo #3.

5. Behind the created scheme, two scholars are preparing, reshta supplementing.

6. Analysis of your activity at this stage of employment (remember the assessment sheet).

4. Reverse the robot. 1. Recording a vocabulary dictation.

2. Re-verification of robots in pairs from the variant of the key.

3. Analysis of your activity at each stage of employment (remember the assessment sheet).

5. Pіdbitya pіdbagіv. Return to the goals of the lesson, what's the distance?

Poznachte in the arch of self-esteem, to what group do you see yourself?

6. Homework. 1. Write a twirl-miniature on a free topic, using less than 9 words of spelling.

2. Write all three words in spelling.

Text 1 group

Kliment Arkadijovich Timiryazev

Tse life was a semi-permanent feat. Zivovano zupinyaeshsya in front of the (not) greatness of the one who killed Timiryazev.

(Not) a tidy wrestler, a scholar-gromadyan, a teacher, a sort of vikhovav (a generation of miracle workers, an experimenter who laid new paths in laboratory practice, “Patriarch of Russian Agronomy”, a de facto and honorary member of dozens of dozens of academies, universities, scientific comrades ...

The robot to the brim reminded me of my life.

Ale ti, who especially knew Timiryazev, saved for us the image of a (not) pedant, buried in his microscopy, in his book, ale people, who open to all living joys of the world. Vin is passionately fond of nature, expensive, distant excursions. Behind him, the camera and the lens are (not) separable, yogo was directed most often by the (not) hand of a botanist, but the hand of a person who died in the life of a person.

Bula in the new and resilient, splintered in the father's house and saved for all life, like (not) hatred to be-like old and internal rozbishnosti and (not) arrogance, like povaga to practice and practice.

The heartbreak of this life (not) was pinned down for a day. Alas, there was an inner boil, which the most powerful discipline of will (not) allowed to break through the name. Gentlemen's correct, speaking evenly, (not) slowly, with such karbovanny phrases, Timiryazev knew yoga.

Timiryazev (not) had absolutely nothing like a "great divak". Vіn (not) suffering from rozsіyanistyu, ni forgetfulness. Navpaki, in all wines to the dribnits buv is punctually accurate.

At superechtsі vіn nіkoli without shouting and nіkoli without speaking rudeness. Ale Vіn umіv having so overcome the adversary, that until the end of his days he was already (not) forgetting the “recklessness” inflicted on Yom Timirazev.

Having imagined the science of wines (not) like (not) what (not) the temple reaches, in which the miraculous omniscient priests create secret rites, opening only the edge of dependence for (not) consecrations. Ni, Timiryazev (not) tomlyuvavsya repeat: “Science is the main thing, it’s worth practicing, you will find a place with it! (V. Safonov.)

Before the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Explain spelling not at whom text.
  3. Indicate synonyms for names, examples and adjectives, with others not write together.

Order of compliance

Text 2 groups

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuyndzhi

Arkhip Ivanovich Kuїndzhі - Russian painter, initiator of the creation of the Association of Artists, as a year there is little yogo іm'ya. The place of Kuyindzhy in Russian painting is considered to be one of the most famous towers of nature.

Vіn vnіs in Russian landscape painting (not) repeated originality, showing the beauty of native nature from the side, may (not) seen in the works of yogo contemporary.

In the most famous paintings, nature is depicted in such a milieu, as if no one had depicted it before.

Everything became the subject of artistic interests of the master: (not) fading away the sun, the nights of the month, may (not) remember the light of the merry on the aphids of the important gloom. Chocha vіn malyuvav і rosmitiy (not) pripinyayutsya osіnіmi tract, and step with (not) mowed herbs, і (not) extremely beautiful birch grove, pierced by dormouse promenades, prote in the memory of generations Kuїndzhі will be lost as (not) inherited spіvak charіvnoy beautify and taєmnichoї attach a monthly night. The (not) great canvas “Nich on the Dnipro” mitt seeks (not) experienced lighting effects, wise simplicity of composition. (S. M'yasnikova.)

Before the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Prepare the promoter reading the text, vicorist memo No. 2.
  3. Choose a topic, the main idea of ​​the text. (Div. memo No. 2, p. 3).
  4. Viznacht, to what style and type of movie to lay down the whole text. Explain your idea (support it with butts from the text).
  5. Explain spelling not at whom text.
  6. Type in a word not, until which you can choose a synonymous pair without not Write down the number of synonymous bets.
  7. Fold your spelling scheme different parts flush."

Order of compliance

(Podilit, who is ready for food in the group).

  1. Read the text clearly, listen to the thoughts of the students about reading.
  2. Prepare the same response on the third supply (2-3 propositions).
  3. Prepare a monologue for 4 and 5 meals, using the memo No. 3.
  4. Read out 6 questions, give a reading.
  5. Show your schema. Tell me about її perevagi.

Text 3 groups

Turn back home

Tsiliy Rik until the arrival of Mikoli Mikolayovich, the houses of standing blockages. Yogo was watered on the boards, snow was lying on the dakha, and there was nothing yogo (not) cleaning, yes, and so for a long time (not) farbovana, in rich places she lost weight and rusted.

Mikola Mikolayovic (not) allowing, What zustrіch z budinka so yogo skhvilyuє. If zanedbany budinok appeared, the heart beat in the new one so strongly that it was angry, that (not) dide. Vіn vіddihavsya, repeating the croque of viysk overturning the street, zaishov at the door.

Mikola Mikolayovich, looking round and swaying, stood behind him, mournfully clasping his hands on his chest. (not) skils woman. Vіn nі z kim (not) talking(not) to that buv so (not) people, simply ( not a moment: dermal vein of tremtyla near the new one in the middle with zustrіchі with a bud, a kind of buv for the new one ( not easy budinok, and yogo life is that colossus.

(V. Zheleznikov)

Before the text

  1. Read the text carefully.
  2. Prepare the promoter reading the text, vicorist memo No. 2.
  3. Choose a topic, the main idea of ​​the text. (Div. memo No. 2, p. 3).
  4. Viznacht, to what style and type of movie to lay down the whole text. Explain your idea (support it with butts from the text).
  5. Explain spelling not at whom text.
  6. Tell me, what parts of the promotion and vision of the word.
  7. Fold your scheme with spellings "Not with different parts of the movie."

Order of compliance

(Podilit, who is ready for food in the group).

  1. Read the text clearly, listen to the thoughts of the students about reading.
  2. Prepare the same response on the third supply (2-3 propositions).
  3. Prepare a monologue for 4 and 5 meals, using the memo No. 3.
  4. Read out 6 questions, give a reading.
  5. Show your schema. Tell me about її perevagi.

Addendum 1

Activity assessment sheet

Call, im'ya learning Text Scheme Dictation Podbag

Slovnikovy dictation (key for reverb)

Do not prihovyuchi podiva; Zdivovana; not a moment of wisdom; grab hatred; to become cloudy; not wooden booth; costly cost; indiscipline learning; the river is not wide, but cold; long unwell; not distant, but close; not sixty; unspoken law; underburned bagattya; nedovikonaty plan; not reach the police; show distrust; there is nothing to write; nі for kim bigti; I don’t want to get enough; shortly before zustrіchі; help of an underdog; no disguises; unmemorable person; neohay looking; reveal inaccuracy; hate non-government; feel bad for yourself; no one came; neither fish nor meat.

Slovnikovi dictations from vocabulary words


Notepad, peremogti, gallery, guarantee, hotel, motto, diploma, discipline, reminder, image-creating, maisterny, piece, irreconcilable, charm, scent, obov'yazok, official, organization, optimist, pessimist, project, problem, progressive, presidium, applicant, claim, priority, reproduction, reputation, certificate, silhouette, transport, tram, trolleybus, tribute.


Belarus - Belarusian, marnuvati, afterward scoundrels, protyag month, garrison, delicate, division, ruhomy, derenchiti, plank, natural, cannonade, crystal - crystal - crystal, correct, conference, congress, landscape, scale, unimpressed by susilla, do not wonder a book, panorama, perspective, spotlight, propeller, rozrahunok - rozrakhovuvati, souvenir, pediment, facade, fin - finnish, skull parts.


Авторитет, аплодувати, адміністрація, архітектура, подяка, відновити, згодом, враження, держава, декоративний, делегація, демонстрація, ініціатива, дослідження, вибачте, інтенсивний, кваліфікація, лабораторія, мобілізація, околиця, оригінальний, підприємство, перешкода, регулювати, раціоналізатор, resolution, specialty, participant, marvelous, university, setting.


Paragraph, agitation, graduate student, assistant, lack of knowledge, lack of frivolity, All-world, all-season, bulky, probing, village, intonation, individual, candidate, compromise, congress, competition, continent, plekati, liberal, militia, forecast, X-ray, result , one-year-old, stadium, darmoid, civilization, patronage(Be the boss) - Iti(Iti, krokuvati), destroyer.


Antena, attestat, neat, apparat, swimming pool, naughty, bulletin, gallery, hotel, grammar, literate, group, discussion, drіzhdzhi, burning, dzizhchati, illuminatsija, ilustration, іntelіgіentsіya, cannonade, collective, colleague, commentary, correspondent, metalevy, occupation, profession, professor, co-worker, telegram, terrace, territory, route, worker, express, junior.


Appetite, aggression, abbreviation, attraction, ballade, barricade, on viplat, graceful, grandmaster, genocide, immіgrant, immunity, initsiali, incident, commission, coefficient, svetoglyad, no more no less, opposition, patient, patient, recipient, , social, stationary, tunnel, tsikluvati, cistern, zigeyka, cynicism, circular, quote, citrus, citadel, dial, emigrant, exposition, encyclopedia, epigram.


Lampshade, agency, hype, adjutant, plіch-о-plіch, giduvat, brochure, valyanka, felted vzuttya, variant, nearby, vermicelli, vestibule, herald, there would be no bulo, debut, demi-season, life-buttya, svіdomo , gilding, zat, idiliya, ilusion, capela, keyboard, carnival, cardboard, laureate, waste paper, lesser Mali, memorandum, alone, on roses, gluttony, splendid, pavilion, pamphlet, by the hour, rose, race, effective, samoy .


Acclimatization, accumulator, bakalіya, bacteriological, parcel, trust, zgodom, virtuoso, virtual, hallucination, hygiene, gramplatіvka, dermatin, diametrically prolonging, range, zakordon, behind the cordon, identichny, yak nі, yurmecenat, yurimecenat , animation, on joys, scientifically advanced, cicavia, ovation, isolation, original, according to cherzі.


Alpha-promenі, aluminum, embrasure, ammunition, ballast, balon, bas-relief, before that, skuyovdzheny, showcase, vreshti-resht, deserter, disinformation, training, dosi, ideology, glassing, initiative, campaign(zahіd) , air conditioner, corruption, foldable, m'yasokombinat, navivorit, remind, back, halo, landmark, vіdchaydushny, swimmer, everyday, equal, life, tsukor-refined, fresh ice-cream, brother-in-law.


Battalion, sleeplessness, lack of anticipation, vesnik, windmill, windmill, in arms, hanging ensigns, day-day, staging, niche, peace of mind, restlessness, unexpectedly, unexpectedly, under smell, polyclinic, good health, put word for word, temperament, trend, tenis, netrі, vpevneniy, federation, fireworks, festival, hockey, cellophane, ceremony, civilization, escalator, virazno, hospitality, yacht club, yachtsman.


Without a dowry, before that, at the hour, military leader, at the sound ..; incident, intellect, domicile, chimerical, the appointed name, the stone of the spot, after finishing school, polyglot(timchasov) apparition to come(Up to someone) nanny, sagіtuvati, protect, skepticism, tyranny, odrazu, three-tiered, podovzhennya, philharmonic society, hour after hour, superhuman, chinny, mannerly, shock, shield, expedition, erudice, lizard, vigorous.

Thematic vocabulary dictations for grades 8-9

Word dictation. 1. Adherents and admonitions

No drink, no use, no lock, plіch-о-plіch, nearby, in the distance, vbrіd, in the mountains, I will reach, in the distance, podvіno, vshchent, vzdogin, under the castle, zreshtoyu, shortly, vkrivі navskіs, to the left, in the world, on gluzuvannya, below, vnіchiu, anew, in exchange, zagalom, povіk, at the hour, zovsіm, verily, on the vlasnі eyes, on the platform, forward, in front, in a loud voice, with a year, pіdstribom, c) on the cob is important, (c) on the cob spring, pidishov (in) deep, (in) deep soil, (on) this bridge, (on) this buv in the daytime, splitting (into) two, (in) two more expensive, saying (in) vіdchinenі, (in) vіdkritі doors, (with ) on the cob think, (c) on the cob of the lesson, eggs (c) cool, went (c) hand-to-hand, played (c) in a draw, saying (c) headily, go (to) light, work (c) quietly, result (to) bright, (c) they gave a blakitny, flashed (c) gave, (on) burn, fly to (top), (c) an hour is more expensive, pishov (c) an hour, an hour (c) an image, shoot (c) emphasis, bigti (without) looking back, virishuvav (s) a lot, hit (s) a swing, go (for) a cordon, in the root (not) rights, change (on) a hand, take (in) deaf y kut, stand (on) years, for remembrance (for) start, save (until) nіnі, transfer (to) the day after tomorrow, save (in) two, go (in) your own way, save (for) pani (brother) , (why) buv vіdsutnіy, (why) after some kind of assistant) to take care of it more quickly, (navіscho) overwhelmed, in view of which the detail is old, it’s old, cool (on) wilіt, marveling (pіd) forehead, towel (on) ready, close (on ) deafly, come (on) a fly, stand (on) a drawstring, shoot (on) an eye, (on) one with a bead, fly in (from) a move, (from) a run, (from) a run, kicked (on) a laugh, robit (for) showing, (not) navmannya yoma, (for) distance away, they spoke (for) interruptions, inspired (for) vіdrіz, robit (for) show, (in) mowing and (in) blood, (in) own , (c) felling, (c) pohaptsі, (is) pid (tishka), (on) backing, (on) memory, (c) supplement, (c) addition, (c) strength, hardly (chi) .

Word dictation. 2. Adherents and admonitions

Znenatska, vroztich, hardly, vseryoz, stribati, I’ll catch up, for the old hours, sweat, morning, until now, until the end, dosi, dosita, down to the ground, until you drop, back, again, at the same time, often, long ago, far away, in the middle, zridka , spіdloba, niche, yakraz, burn down, to the bottom, to speech, full, nabіk, navіki, dove, on the eyes, for an hour, back, nazustrich, on the eye, tightly.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 3

Days, long ago, alone, back, for evil, to remind, ahead of the day, mіtsno, without anything, on the fly, on mitigate, navmannya, on roses, navpomatski, navperebіy, navviperedki, in defiance, for show, navpaki, narіvni, navpіv, on conscience, strictly, vainly, navmannya, on the go, navshpinki, inattentive, out of place, inappropriately, not on the shoulder, not against, not without reason, zvіdsi, to that, zvіdti.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 4

Partially, nearby, everywhere, near the end, earlier, sleep, hour, day before, cream, momentarily, a bit, in the middle, to that, to that, to the side, in sight, behind, ringing, in the morning, half-awake, from a wide range, in a row, exactly - Point, right.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 5

Protyazh, in prodovzh, in the past, for the rahunok, for the rahunok, without regard, for, for, for, so, for those, for the sake of it, for the sake of it, for the reasons, for the good, for the good, no.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 6. N and PN in different parts of the movie

Option 1. Embarrassment, freezing, giving, not giving in, not guessing, bazhany, not running, not feeling, silver, windy, windy, woody, curses, tin'yany, posag (named), chewing, forging, true, sleepless naughty, marvelous , old-fashioned, hotel, vitalnya.

Option 2. Salted cinders; vanity wagon; dried fruits; knitted mittens; weaving cat; greased mushrooms; sіyane borosno; torn sleeve; a swindler; patent leather shoes; polished detail; disciplined girl; tour organized.

Option 3. Harvest harvest; flipping babies; the girl is messed up; a picture painted by farbs; salted cabbage in a tub; zoshiti is misinterpreted; list of writings, readings, v_dravleniya; read a book; honored pardons; zavantazhenі whole; woven with needles; pro_yane borosno; wake-up calls; otrimany leaf.

Option 4. Nesolona soup; fresh frozen fish; freshly frozen zander; bought books; darn scarves; lightly wounded soldiers; soldier wounded in the arm; lubricated with oil; cloth tablecloth; tangled threads; farbovana pіdloga; farbovana pіdloga; unmowed meadow; written with olive farboi; gilded peas; early whiteness; richly erased whiteness; written beauty; buttermilk; smearing bread with butter; cloth gold suit.

Variation 5 yogo mova bula hvilyovana; military cordon; the girl is respectful that zoseredzhena; stravi vishukani; vouchers for the excursion of the Vishukan fathers; presence of burying the evidence; people are gloomy and downcast; berries are pruned by a cat; the girl is scribbled by fathers; the girl is prim and rosy.

Option 6. Hair cut, hair cut, hair cut for a typewriter, hair not cut, stable horse, meadow, nekoshe. .a grass, llama...a line, klepa...i trumpet, evil...castle, carcass...potato, requested...artists, uninvited...guests, noise...e populace, packaged products, rose-colored look, primed pr...tensions, attraction...treatment, polishing...on the surface, cycling...and pidloga, vikutiy...sword, kova...and grati, pis... and beautiful, written ... oily ..., non-flowing ... roses, unchuvan ... luck, joyful joy, sacredness ... obov'yazok, hatred ... zustrіch, tyamushchy ... pomіchnik, puta. .. slid, confused ... on the right, smoked ... products, everything is cloudy ... and zdivovanі ... and, strivovzheno ... but a hut.

Option 8. The propositions are, the serendipity, the beans are, the visnovka is, the auditorium is, the girl was cheerful and, stench is neat and, mowed...grass,, heads, pasted... ...i walls, polished...i cuffs, smoked... stele, smoked ... and riba, writings ... paintings, fences ... doors, wickerwork. .i boxes, quilted robe, lit.. candles, tangled... threads, plucked... berries, farbovani... doors, fields, tidy... grass, dried ... kviti, rozvі...nі nіnnya, figures of roses... tavle... nі, hands are tattered... not, charging... on buckshot, crying... on a child, spoiling. ..on a child, abroad... on a plaid, bazhana... on a child, ambiguous... on a vіdpovіd, unexpected... niy rozum, negashe ... vapno, goofy ... glance, primordial ... ny look, concretizations ... material, writings ... abstract, children zbentezheni .... and, obrani ... not to parliament , gran ... glass. a jacket, forged ... at the smithy, the girl was brought up ... on, freezing ... on rib, vіdpovіdі puta ... not.

Alternative 9 , hawk ... ny, gorobets ... ny, capercaillie ... ny, blue ... ny, goose ... ny, beast ... ny, cranes ... ny, lobodny ... sable .. .ny, nightingale ... ny, bumblebee ... ny, rook ... ny, mish ... ny, os ... ny, bjol ... ny, owl ... ny, duck .. .ny , kіn ... ny, zmі ... ny, naphth ... ny, earth ... ny, slopes ... ny, grass ... ny, brush ... peat ... ny, mica .. ny, shkir ... ny, linen ... ny, hemp ... ny, tin ... ny, clay ... ny, birch bark ... ny, water ... ny, tin ... ny , ice...ny, lyon...noy, sandy...ny, woody..ny, rzh...nyy, ovs...nyy, sribnyy..., woolen... yany, windy, clay , naftovium, naftovium; hromadsk ... y, crafts ... ny, obid ... ny, urochisty ... ny, vіtchiznі ... ny, vog ... ny, straw ... ny, harbuzovy, crane. ..ny, windy weather, sickly... thick, misty...ny, tsіlі...ny, machine...ny, spring, osi.. .ny, old...ny, pictures...ny , sovereign ... y, mystical ... ny, gospodar ... ny, leafing ..., monthly, pіdlogi. .ny, karma ... ny, chavu ... ny, lemon ... ny, dashing ... ny, think ... no

Slovnikovy dictation No. 7

The stench is fighting, what to fight, sticking, clinging, hated, trimming, suffocating, unbearable, stinking, stinking, rejoicing, stinking, sensible, visible, spitting, spitting, stinking, sinking, tan, bare, lay, spread, .

Slovnikovy dictation No. 8. Spelling of the letters and parts.

Like before, exactly, plea-o-plea, maybe, in my opinion, in English, in a comradely way, long ago, back to back, anew, hatefully, not much, nothing, not a sound, nіzvіdki, maybe-invisibly, unspoofed, trochs, hardly, hardly, chi scho.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 9

Light up in the sky, bright dawn, pick up the breeze, turn on the floor, lock the doors, fill it with grass, throw the walls, obsc... roll the supernik, good pl... vec, zigrate... on the robot, skl. ..keep your head, trembling... maister, virishiti ur... attention, bliss... , unstoppable... fire... anna, solid century... st, high... chka, s.. .irnitsya, lighter to ... slumber, vignatkove inclination, neg ... sl vyrobnitstva, pl ... bath on a mattress, small industrial ... porridge, be ... extreme r ... vnina, my r...weight...n_k, ac...gatelne incl. ..nіnnya, rozkidana ... and approved ... r, urgent ... gatelny vіd ... їzd, beetle - pl. ..oe lake...rіnnya, pіdrіvnyuvatisya in the ranks, pіdrіvnyuvati leaves, admirer of the zіrka, pr...inspire in life, more beautiful r...wall, r...stovschik, sk...chok ubik, nepodіvane poednannya. ..vug ... rіly, turn under the board, m ... roll into honey, turn ... whack the pen into the carcass ..., break the earth, heal ... the head, darma rozigruєtsya, start ... eat , bli...become knowledge, be mіtsno, ot...slіviy order, zar... take in the surface, s...kuvati z mіstsya, low cl... get down, cl... thread the needle , turn off ... to friends, fold ... thread your head, a beneficial concert, create ... creations in life, create an idol, tidy up a room ... that, vіdp ... retard the castle, rozpolyuvati ... bagattya, vіdnyati ... the number, take ... the position, shine ... stand at the ball, help ... rati in the ailment, lay ... softly, shoot ... from the doshka

Slovnikovy dictation No. 10. Spelling of prefixes PRE-TA PRI-.

Pr... tend to... laziness, pr... bow your head, pr... be in the capital, pr... bow before talent, pr... bow to the ground, pr... coming comrade, pr... ... ... tse named, fresh pr... giving, unstoppable ... deeds in deeds, indispensable ... participant ... understating, tolerating to l ... shenny, pr ... lies in roses, pr ... tear the blues, pr ... wrapping in a pair, pr ... to be in the unknown, pr ... to be in the hour, chimerical form, pr... think about creating, about... we’re ill, peace, pr... schennya, pr... go to the wall, pr... piratis in roses, strongly pr... zbіshiti, troch pr.. change, no where to stumble, stone stumble, signs of the back, not busted pr ... hindrance, pr ... go to school, pr ... beat the dosh, pr ... tedious people, pr ... fly away from pivdnya, pr ... in ... tighten the thread, pr ... nep ... rozmov's yatnya, pr ... weave to the shore, pr ... kotity to ... caress, add five, change merit, pr. ..station buffet, come... to the phone, call me dina, zbіlshuvati nebezpeku, іn.. .volzky place, pr... majestic kula, pr... jump out of style, pr... make equal, svіt pr... good, pr... zorova grimace, pr. ..follow...offender.

Pr...ambula - entry to the opening, entry part of the document; pr ... zenable - representative, which instills confidence; pr ... horn - vinyatkov's right, pr ... sovereign authority what are the landowners; pretentious - relief of simplicity, chimeras, mannerisms; pr...madonna - the first lady, a partner, as a victor of the main party, or an actress who plays the main role; ... private - unofficial, non-service, private; pr...sumptsiya - admission, based on imovirnosti, legal recognition of the fact is reliable, the docks will be brought in the future; pr ... ventivny - zapobіzhny scho - abo, zapobіzhny, zapobіzhny; pr...fekt - the highest official in the department, province, district, chief of police; pr ... in ... legiya - excluding the right; priority - first, more important the right to what - or; ... primitivny - insufficiently deep, forgiveness, non-reproach, obmezheniya; claim - the presentation of one's rights, pragnennya to exile, skarga; ... people - enter to the musical creation, or to what - or, p'esa for the pianoforte;

Slovnikovy dictation No. 11. The spelling of prefixes in z-ta s-.

And... dry in old age, and... scoop up opportunity, and... well... these are short, and... dry on the sun, without... spirnu water, without... evil people, be. ..mortal hero, without... savory soup, without... noisy rock, without... valuable gift, without... glorious end, ra... armchair on arcush, roses... rahuvati to hvilini, ra ...follow wickedness, raise a horse, spread on the table, grow roses, rise in the wind, call to youth, renew in rights, form light ... zir, restore ... in memory, unsafe in ... grow up, weak...healthy, good work...big, right, blow a kick, in ...a camp of sailors, age, savory work...solo album, on streets of roses ... it was ringing, roses ... everything was blooming, roses ... tell stories, stand ... behind, be. ..lіchilny time, in... access to the throne, roses... good luck, whale - ra... blush, ... milk is thicker, be... compromising people, without... heart-break, ra. ..sun in the sun, roses ... put up a line, buy in roses ... a line, and ... inherit the mist, and ... freeze in the cold, pour ... a person’s liva, and ... a bird’s lyakan, ... remembrance, resurrect the earth, ra ... g ... give conceived, r ... ask ... take ideas, roses ... marvel at the project, resurrect the hour, ... swindle, i ... cherish literature, by ... wake up poses, by ... put in memory, i ... put an armchair, i ... stained pennies, without ... zustrіch, supra-worldly vimogi, supra-jural z'їzd, no ... throw off the mountain, no ... s. .fore dzherelo, through ... mindful of folding, fold ra ... writing, old ... for painting ..., you see ra ... squeak, ra ... fall down in the blow, roses ... tell about podіu, rosіrati pershіst, deafen roses, diamond roses

Slovnikovy dictation No. 12. Spelling of the soft sign after the sizzling.

Bach... kind of, black oil ganchir'ya..., sucile... podvir'ya, breshe... fast, bitterness... an image, help... elders, hit nav_dmash..., rush... download ., dribnitsa ... in the gut, pishov in ..., power ... army, vish ... yak, buckshot ..., only ... not rich, literate speech ..., speak unbearably ..., hush ... and grace, for example ... forget, fall sideways ..., make a breach ..., great already ... send in ..., blue gouache ..., meadow ..., great kіvsh ..., unskilled roses ..., harness ... dogs, rich Kalyuzh ..., sprat of schools ..., speak false. .., zamіzh came out ..., the frost is crisp ..., the voice is sleeping ..., rіzh ... those are equal, crying ... quieter, you write ... beautifully, you know ... better, ish .. .like, hot bread..., wind... those sire, smelling smelly..., I check good luck..., a strong tornado..., a dog is furious..., sushi... whiteness, bish... , rіzh ... with a knife, meaning .. part of the mov., great empty ..., don’t cry ... those, throw a cry ..., sprat of pears ..., smear ... with a penzle, s dahiv ... , harness ... of horses, prickly chagar ..., go down the mountain ..., drіbna tremtіnnya ..., read ... properly, only ... ...,., sighted ailments ..., viscous honey ..., lanzhish ... odorous.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 13. Spelling of voiced songs of hissing.

Encircled by the enemy, sour .. cabbage, sich kavun, boiled milk, swift .. cunningly, baked potatoes burned candles, farbuvati hutro, dry ... leaf, save ... t furniture, reduce ... to white , s...children on a perch, a little jackdaw...nock, come with a sword...m, sh...roh leaves, come...l with a ball, brighten... ny light, guard. ..t budinok, white bunny..., refreshing..ny wind, little bitch...k, black cloak, small candle, greenery aґrus, hedgehog... wide hands... vіtsі, swift...t bushes , rose... .k, small bright ... k, beige ... viy color, hat ... nka on the ceiling, wipe ... t cow, rish ... butt, with my friend ... m, chintz .. .your shirt, far blue..., on wood, zozu...nok, canvas ..ya bag, in hot... povіtry, Arctic fox..., green toads...knok, smoky...on a stele, the road is close ... nka, green oak trees ... to, recalculate ... t, resich ... t mis ... nist, border ... for people, chipped ... for the wardrobe, zagalneniy ... t, leash ... n freedom, anger ... n. on a friend, planting an oak, planting a father, a right hero, obvіtryane denunciations, unwelcome ... guest, unreasonable ... mowing, coming ... nezhda .. ale - bad luck ... ale.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 14. Spelling of folding words.

Rich... obіtsyayuchiy practitioner, difficult... top is accessible, rich... obіtsya, but not enough to rob, diametrical... opposite... vysnovok, (purely) Russian character, (badly) prihovuetsya moods, (absolutely) shira vіdpovіd, (bezdoganno) honest learning, (zhittєvo) important nourishment, (quietly) Russian character, (true) scientific pіdhіd, (sharply) negative attitude, (deadly) blind person, (slavely) pokіrny look, (practically) brown visnovok , (historically) unavoidable fact, (factory) factory workers, (historical) architectural institute, (premier) minister, (richly) public, practitioner, (richly) public, but (not) victorious of his goiter, (important ) summit is available, (important) available to navigate for additional climbers, (diametrically) protile, (pivnіchno) skhіdniy, (gorіkhovo) zuїvsky, (without hvіdsotkovo) winning contribution, (scientific) technical progress, (Russian) German dictionary, (bright) blue certificate, physics...mathematics prof...l, chemistry...technological faculty, (social o) economic profile

Slovnikovy dictation No. 15

Come out (pidloga) of Russia, about ... їhati (pidloga) light, (pidloga) rock in the expedition, get up (pidloga) on the eighth, get to know (pidloga) the eleventh, go around (pidloga) mist, mow (pidloga) bows, vіdmirati pіv ... meter, vіdrіzati (pidloga) sheet, (pidlog) life to spend, (pidlog) to the Crimea about ... ) dobu in dorozі, z'їv (podloga) kavun, ob'їzditi (podloga) Kiev, zruchnі (napіv) chereviki, machine (napіv) machine, z'їv (podloga) lemon, ob'їzdiv (podloga) Europi, saying (pіv) hvilini, virishuvav (pіv) years, roztashuvavsya on (pіv) islands.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 16. Spelling of suffixes of names.

chick - chick : pass ... Іk, joy ... Іk, missiles ... Іk, porch ... Іk, zvar ... Іk, cut ... Іk, rosepovid ... Іk, kam'yan ... Іk , pil. ..іk, bath...іk, drum...іk, transportation...іk, karbuvannya...іk, concrete...іk, lіkhtar...іk, signed..іk, pіdnos...іk , zmaz ... ik, wіznik ... uk, domain ... іk, copy ... uk, offices ... іk, order ... іk, palette ... ik, packing ... ik, signature ...іk, run...іk, image...іk, textiles...іk;

awn, vіd, є :, groin...that,,,,,, empty...that, sleepy., zhorstkі;

viv, in : Father ... know, silence ... on, bіl ... know, shvidka ... on, blue ... know;

estv, (in) stv : merchant ... stvo, more ... nstvo, youth, self-sufficiency, goodness, sixth, minority,

ovk-yovk : conc...vka, night...vka, cramp...vka, manganese...vka, separation...vka, special...vka, rozkorch...vka;

ok-ek : ensign ... k, move ... k, bright ... k, important .. k, pirіzh ... k, hustochka ... k, order ... k, shoe ... k, clack ... k, dog ... k, yarlich ... k, friend ... k, jacket ... k, frock coat. ..k, granddaughter...k,

oor-yor : conductor ... r, retouch ... r, dance ... r, sight ... r;

ek - ik, chik : walnut...k, stool...k, patterned...k, key...k, pea...k, olive...k, spawn...k, light...k, tomato ... to, sofa ... to, hat ... to, glass ... to, larch ... to, plank ... to, soak ... to, tsegla ... to, briefcase .. .before

ony-nyok : birch...nka, daughter...nka, Volod...nka, Nad...nka , shower ... nka, apple tree, fox ... nka, lower ... nka, Ol ... nka;

ets, its : brother ... ts, shkir ... ts, porridge ... ts, plot ... ts, character ... ts;

eece, ice : towel..., coat..., armchair...tse, budova...tse, name...tse, oliya...tse.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 16

(B) in sight of the approaching cyclone, stand (in) in sight of the shore, mother (in) mind, home (on) the excursions, transfer pennies (on) the accounts, (not) come (in) the legacy ... ailments, turn on (in ) ) news ... new materials, (c) news ... roses, pratsyuvati (c) prodovzheni ... months,

(c) continuation ... of the novel, (c) flows ... waivers, (c) flows ... rivers, (not) marveling at bad luck, (not) marveling at a strong khurtovina, (not) marveling at all sides, sho (then) on kshtalt smіhu, (in) the distance to the avenue, (on) against the palace, hurry up (on) the top of the mountain, (іz) behind the doors, (in) the flow ... roads, (in) the heritage ... like

(then) tricks, vipovzti z (pіd) straw, bіgti (on) pererіz, divitisya (c) next, (c) near the stadium, (c) in the sight of the future ahead, mother (c) on the vazі furnish, (on) rahunok graphics work, ailments (in) prolongation ... semester, (in) conclusion ... create, call (upon) turn ..., after ) good luck, go (to) defraud the friends of the bajan, (for) over the Don, (to) look like ... tablecloths, (to) zustrich brizka, n (a) rahunok sim'ї, ( c) ) follow the corral, (c) stretch ... of the day, (c) last ... at the right, (c) continue ... sing new heroes, (not) marveling at the garnish of roztashuvannya, (not) marveling at weather, (for) the end ... of school, (for) the arrival ... to the place, (for) the presentation ... of the passport, (for) arrive ... at the place, go (after completion ... work , check (y) ) flow ... doby, go (in) in front, go (in) in front of the colony, (regardless of the unfriendly surroundings, change (in) the inside of the trolleybus, get around (in) nearby, hurry (on) zustrich other gu, get up (c) ass, repair (c) prodovzhenі ... mіsyatsі, domovitisya (on) repair, shift (on the bank at the jar, (c) go scoundrels, mother (c) mind, destroy (h) cause ignorance rules, (c) the place of a sick comrade, bistrin (c) ) flows ... rivers, big, (not) marveling at your own feet, (c) nasledki. ) far, (at) far sea, come (at the hour, (at) the hour, (at) the taiga block, change (at) the block, step next (at) the next, (at) follow you, go (to) death for the Batkivshchyna, jump over (to) death, save (in) taєmnitsі, children (in) taєmnitsі from others

Slovnikovy dictation No. 17. Spelling NET and NI- with different parts of the language

N... the rolls don’t, n... moment n... say, n... rep... words, n... moment n... smile, n... in front of kim n... hovering, no... no... dynoy mark, n... could say n... words, n... stars n... came from... the smallest sh... roch, n... one nirka swelled , n... one car n... passing, n... once n... glancing, n... once entering, n... seen n... one little star; to be known not ... in the forest, but on the birch; can't... tell, n... moment n... know, n... give n... take, n... n... ready to tell; n...friends, n...enemies; n... in a moment n... get over in the one that was trapilos, n... dark marks in the sky, n... dewdrops in the mouth; n...buwati war!; n ... kroku back !; well, chim n ... pretty?;, n...bad; n... one n... turning, n... once n... coming; there is no such place, in which wine ... having visited; who didn't...cursed the station watchers!; forge it’s cold, while it’s overtaken; n...whoa n...well, nі n... hung on windows, n... paintings; pratsyuvati on ... lazily; n... bulo n... souls; n ... who n ... go n ... influx, n ... collection; n...know; n...sorry n...lisiv, n...bird; n... afraid of n... vovkіv, n... vedmedіv; n ... skilki n ... I wonder; n...knowing the repair in the day, night; n...z kim n...what n...didbulosya; n...the roar of the sea, n...wind n...what n...can you drown out yoga; vodkrittya n... struck yoga, n... zivuvalo and n... a little n... drilled; n...z kim and n...scho n...feed; can not be called n ... black, n ... green

Yak n ... naїvnі, importantly n ... believe it; yak n ... punish, but n ... see the point; yak n ... trying, n ... what n ... helped; like n ... sniffing it again, not ... any smell n ... vіdchuvav; n. where only the share of n ... ganya me; be-scho ... it became; okl ... hovered n ... for what n ... about scho; bіl n ... at what; n ... then vittya, n ... then on the heather, n ... then grumbling; n...moment people; n...hearing n...spirit; how you want n ... from that n ... from that; n ... moment n ... turn back respect; n...moment n...fall; ...once paying; n ... once n ... grinning; help n ... the chekat n ... had a chance; let someone else go, like a friend; n...shihovuvavsya, n...n...when n...switching.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 18. Spelling of borrowers.

(Descho) explaining, no ... like a thought, no one ... Ivanov, someone else, (whose) friend, a piece of books, what (nebud)) come up with, no ... what is unreasonable, (de) someone comes. ..l, (de) someone to ask, some (or) receiver, some interest, some (that) words, some (abo) flutter, chim ... turbovations, (whose) then a backpack, nothing ... nothing, nі ... someone to bark, nі ... who n ... come ..., nі ... like a hand, n ... with ... kim, n ...... at ... sho not lie, n... from... whom to take, n... for... why not prepare, n... look... whom not to lie, n... in front of... what not to sulk , n ... in ... why not inspire, n ... to ... why not hang around, n. .. on ... no one to look at, n ... someone ... more, like a watchman, n ... someone else not to blame, like wine, n ... scho іnshe, like a Balakan, n ... scho otherwise, the crime of mathematics, barometer n ... scho іnshe, like an attachment, n ... without doing anything else, buv n ... someone else, yak, tse buv n ... іnsh, who, like our friend, barometer є nothing else, like an accessory, nothing else, krim sailing, zasuvat yakі details, n ... what not to show, turn around n ... with ... chim, (de). de) about ... what are you talking about, n ... in. ..don’t demand anyone, don’t know ... what kind of support, n ... to ... think about it, think about ...

(N...) why turbulence, (n...) why (not) reveal, (n...) who to shout, n... (to) who to turn around, n... (to) who not to turn around , (n ...) chim correct, (n ...) why (not) correct, (n ...) do not boast, (n ...) about shkoduvati.

Slovnikov dictation No. 19. Spelling chastok.

Pick n...finished...o; not ... finished ... but more often; no...ends...hour of picking; a mischievous look; not ... the picking ended; not ... boards that stick; not... cleared up... the sky; not ... mowed ... grass by the villagers; not ... bevels ... meadow; not yet ... zorane ... field; not...zorane... field; not ... crushed ... at the hour of the robot; not... podkrіplenі... words; (not) respect others; (not) grafting to practice; (not) helping others; not ... visualized ... i, but learned ... the rules; not ... deliberate ... but reckless ... viy vchinok; no... deliberations... vodpovid; not ... roaring, but muffledly roaring ... sound; not...spread...i, but...carefully folded...i; the wheat is not ripe; not ... wrinkled ... leaves; not ... a reasonable look; a plan of no thought; pardon is not corrected; butt not aimed; obіtsyanka not... vikonano... oh; the hearing is not completed; don't... close the window; not... snidanok breaks; the telephone is not... repairing, not... knowing the ford, not... driving in a bear, not... glancing at the window, not... bending down to the ground, every once in a while... looking around, n. ..knowing no one, not...knowing the right thing, not...sitting flopping around, not...feeding the feeders, not...povіvshi on the leaf, not...standing on their feet, not...freaking respect.. .mania; don't... feel like it, don't speak; n ... where not ... walking; n ... skilki not ... sly; n ... de not ... buti; never read; not ... dbaily robes; not ... something, but rude; not ... vvіchlyvo vіdpovidati; don't ... deservedly image; do not ... naturally trim; differently; stribati for ... bunnies; shine like ... spring; according to ... spring weather; pіdіyshov u...shіlnu; in ... deep soil; to that ... I will finish; from which drive; on ... winter brightly; across ... the winter sky; everything was on ... the old; along ... the old trail; yshli as i earlier sloppily; de ... yak sh ... l, worry about nothing, reveal nothing, turn to no one, turn to no one, no. (De) in whom to grow, (De) in whom to grow, (De) to whom to grow, (Not) to think (N ..) About some kind of compromise, (n ...) to care (n ...) whose propositions, (according to) German, (old) for a long time, (according to) first, (according to) English, (willingly) unwillingly, (according to) another, (according to) Russian, (ledve) le, (according to) new, (according to) French , exactly (c) exactly, (according to) simple, (according to) Latin, bik (o) bik, (according) simply, (c) (subloga)) wuha, (select) good health, (according to) vedmezhі.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 20.

It's early ... t, don't ruin ... now, how you die ... t, so bre ... t, softly stel ... t, speka fell ... t and wild ... t , creeping gloomy, sutіnki іdut, sіroy іmglou brіd, count... Vitrila, storm groaning...t, shugly clone...t, gon...t straight, look around, find out... joy, kol...t i rub...t firewood, miraculous... w ... sweat, re ... t ensign, lie down in the background, grow in height, live, worth an hour, start talking, catch up, dress up, green. .t birch trees, pass ... t gloomy, dry ... t white, crying (not) sorry ... w, a little angry ... tsya, that post to subdue, bring on ... drowsiness, judgment ... t right ... flax, creep ... road, shukaє ... t in the grass, swidko nap ... yes ... t, know the world ... t, (not) vir .. .st ... t vіrazu, the sea (not) on the surface ... w, into the soul (not) vlіz ... w, dreaming ... t hati, view ... t houses, troubles (not) beautiful .. .t, viid. .. sh ... to the street, (not) wipe ... sh tears, remember ... who feeds ... t

Slovnikovi words for robots in grades 8-9, roztashovani for abet .

Slovnikov dictation No. 1. A-B

Accompaniment, accompaniment, abracadabra, appliqué, artillery, attraction, appeal, appellation, bacila, hyperbaric chamber, balotuvatisya, alteration, assortment, allegory, adjutant, splashes, bulletin, brochure, brochure, brochure.

Slovnikovy dictation №2. V-D-D

Vacancy, vacuum, fan, vestibule, haberdashery, gallery, diagram, dilettante, airship, hypothesis, garland, gradation, garrison, tapestry, virtuoso, cello, planks, fee, humanism, penny marks, porcupine, diagonal.

Slovnikov dictation No. 3. D-E-F-Z-I

Desert, disorganization, disorientation, disinfection, disintegration, disqualification, gentleman, diapositive, single-mindedness, jargonism, jalousie, juggler, utrimanets, illuminatsija, іntelіgentny, іntelіktualі, mіndentіstіv.

Slovnikov dictation No. 4.

Cavalry, cavalcade, commandant, cannonade, kaleidoscope, pun, Kamchatka, Kamchatka, campaign, company, catastrophe, cacophony, quarantine, caricature, carnival, kachan, kohlrabi, hummingbird, component, colonnade, cosmonaut, yoke, sour-licorice kichitsia, crystal , smoky, foundation pit.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 5. L-M

Labyrinth, macaroni, median, mission, laboratory, concise, locomotive, meridian, mezzanine, manifesto, manicure, mannequin, mainline, memorial, monogram, monograph, mobilization, shahraystvo, margarine, mausoleum, mausoleum.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 6. BUT

Narcissus, blessed, ahead of the day, bewildered, shalenity, neologism, short story, occupation, oasis, enchantment, scent, obelisk, observatory, dolati, greenhouse, orchestra, orientation, original, order-bearer, eye, golomshiti.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 7.

Brocade, pinoplast, provisions, provizor, press, press, postulate, periphery, periscope, panacea, patient, positive, railing, paradox, pessimism, programmer, drug, prestige, overwhelm, reshkoda, pretender, priority, p'edestal.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 8.

Regulations, reservoir, director, rarity, residence, resonance, relic, repertoire, rehearsal, sundress, semaphore, symphony, secretary, silhouette, saxophone, certificate, sentimental, spacesuit, sports day, sovereignty, signal, divine.

Slovnikovy dictation No. 9. T-U

Temperament, transparency, territory, terrarium, terrace, trench, stencil, tragedy, trajectory, television broadcast, coach, training, skullcap, ultimatum, university, setting, backer, backer.

Slovnikov dictation No. 10. F-I

Fairy, fireworks, faculty, likhtar, fantasy, philharmonic, cistern, sherekh, hockey player, pharmacist, bakery, ankle, slam, encyclopedia, equivalent, evacuation, escalator, excavator, echelon, expedition.

1. The indiscipline of the field is not in the turns and minor violations of the rules of conduct, but in front of the non-violent student’s shoes in the school, in the unpretentious setting to the suspіlno brown productive practice, in the practice, shift your part of the practice to the other two. zavdan - First krok to darmoidstvo. (Sukhoml.) 3. The life of a modern person is inconceivable without constant spiritual intercourse with a book. (Sukhoml.) 4. Movchans can do good. Ale nothing about tlumachity (P.) 5. A bee was seen on the skhil of a shallow ravine. (T.) 6. The evening dawn faded, and in the sky, still bright, wanting not to be illuminated by the change of the sun, which began to sway, began to thicken and pour cold shadows. (T.) 7. Nobody in the house did not know about the imovirna flow. (P.) 8. Autumn stood nebuval, dry, badyora, with a clear cold air. (Paust.) 9. We didn’t have a drive, we wanted to drink. (Paust.) 10. The sun rises more, the rushnitsa unbearably roars, that machine-gun rattle. (Seraf.) 11. Opening the door, the commander slowly descended to the horse. (Guide.) 12. Whoever, having once pumped the Amur River, will not fall in love with that one. (V. Gusev.) 13. No one can know everything, but shamefully and shkidly put in, what you know, what you don’t know. (L.T.) 14. Dekіlka dnіv sprіl I used to take readings. (Guide.) 15. The old reluctantly moved and vyyshov over me. (T.) 16. High in the sky above the unexplored land, a lark was flooding. 17. We didn’t go anywhere on vacation, so we didn’t have to go anywhere. 18. Before we got home, we turned into unlit streets. 19. The door was opened to us by a man. Sleeping on yoga was not evil, but rather good. 20. Voices rang out from the graveyard. One of them was clearly overwhelmed. 21. Two people were moving at the entrance to the office. One of them smiled, but not softly and friendly, like a fiend, but coldly stretched. 22. Zdivovaniya, I began to re-read the sheet. 23. Decision was necessary to accept the term, but there was nothing to be inspired by. 24. The rest of the time in the hall was already occupied, there was no time for us. 25 The lead on the rivers was not zmіtsnіly, but only a trio of constrictions with a transparent squint. 26. Znenatska mi went to the great sleepy galyavin. The grass here was succulent, green, not crushed by anyone. 27. We didn’t have anything to turn to the old parking lot. 28. A lot of food for the agricultural science of science do not fail and check for success. 29. Without igniting the fire, we sat quietly and spoke. 30. Not a place to farbuy a person, but a person to a place. (Last)

De-not-de Zhovtіє zapіznіla the ticket. The grasses hung in the ground of their day, and in the wind their bare stalks go up. Even more greenery on the pastures is traumatized, such a new lie down.

Far away you can feel the grits. Still trimming the leaves with bugs on the black wilsi.

On overgrown bare fields, outside the village, tidy up potatoes. In the late autumn, cabbages bloom in the cities - large light green sprouts. At a high place, buy nasipan between ridges of vikopan, red carrots and tovsta licorice ripa.

On the edge of the forest, red visipana is covered with gorobin temple berries, raspberry berries are red with round namists on the city. Curly yalіvets pissed by black namists - checks do not check for snow. The grasses of that tree sing the rest of the song, praise the earth, the sun shines, the woods warm. (To I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) (109 pp.)

1. Two letters in the suffixes of the latest passive dijectives.

2. Voices in suffixes of passive dijectives.

Opening the river

From the gank of our Bulo one can see the river Bila, and I am impatient with the checks, if they break out. I, nareshti, come this blessed day that year! Pohaptsya gazing Yevsєїch at my child and in an alarmingly radiant voice, saying: “Bila ruined!”. In one quilt, the warmth of robes, I already stood on the gank and greedily stitched my eyes, as if I walked between the unruly shores the majestic smuga of blue, dark, and yellow ice. Far away the transverse road watered; And as if unfortunate, the black cow was beating her, as if divine, from one shore to the other. Women and girls, who stood by me, accompanied with mournful wiggles of the skins of the creatures not far away, who ran, jealousy, which reached my vuh, and I became more than a shkoda. The river at the turn hid behind a steep rock, and a road appeared behind it and a black cow ran along it.

Raptom two dogs appeared on the ice; but these restless haircuts did not destroy pity, but laughter in people who did not care for me, for they were all convinced that the dogs would not drown and re-string and spill over to the shore. I want to believe that, forgetting about the poor cow, laughing at the others at once. Dogs negainno trued blatantly ochіkuvannya and without a hitch got over to the shore.

Kriga was still mіtsnoy, sutsilnoy, nezryvnoy, neskіchennoy shaved. (S. Aksakov.) (195 w.)

1. Not with different parts of the movie,

2 Unvoiced voices in the completion of diplomas.

KRIPSHE M'YAZI - gostrіshe rozum

What is intellectual activity and rukhova activity connected with each other? Mikhailo Lomonosov could easily tie a poker at the vuzol, Lord Byron taking part in boxing matches. The letter of O. Kuprin was one of the most important athletes and wrestlers in Kiev. The stench insisted that the training of that zmіtsnennya m'yazіv help them in rozumovіy robotі.

M'yazi and intellect, subtlety of nature and mіts kurkulіv, bright mind and physical strength. The nearness of the state seems to be wondrous and incomprehensible. But physiologists argue that the intellect of working, well-behaved physically fit people is richer, lower in people who have lightened their muscles. Tse tim, scho to be in the form of m'yazіv signals - a necessary change of mind for a successful robotic brain.

The need for permanent training of the robotic brain was already fully appreciated by the low-level American firms. These specialists, as they are engaged in physical training, train themselves in the proper form, and take a bonus to the salary. (A. Suvorov.) (131 words)

1. The voices of the suffixes of the dean's dialects in the present hour.

2. Unvoiced voices, which are distorted, in the root of the word.

3. N - nn in suffixes of prikmetniks.

spring wind

There are snowy ice on the ridges, and now, after noon, the strings are ticking, the dogs are barking at the sun, and the humpbacked humpbacks are bluish. The wind is tight, grayish-warm. Potyagne, rve hour: zhvaviy, spring wind. Listen - make noise, laugh. The first sky is at the window: densely black poplar behind golden rods. Heat i - freshness. And in the freshness of the flowers - flowers in the snow, sho tane, in the warm earth and winds, in the twigs that b'yutsya in the wind, like the sun and sow in the wind, the wind that swept through the fields and forests. I smell like blues, languid cooing of them, and warm water of liohiv with softened ice. Spring... She looks into her eyes with blushing “larks” and white tufts, sheds at the paper trojans, nods from the cart with merry willow twigs and lilac camels, gilded with crosses in the sky, shouting at the voices of peddlers. (I. Shmelov.) (124 words)

1. Unvoiced voices in the endings of prikmetniks, imeniniks, dієprikmetnikіv.

2. The voices of the suffixes of the dean's dialects in the present hour.

3. Letters e - і in the endings of the discourses I and II of the introduction.

Long autumn sunset of the sun. The remains of the crimson, the vuzenka, like the sky, the woman, who rode on the very edge of the horizon, between that gray-gray gloomy land, faded away. Already it became visible neither the earth, nor the trees, nor the sky. Just overhead, the great stars trembled with their midnight black nights, that blazing prominence from the lighthouse lifted right uphill with a thin stupom and nibi rose there about the sky dome with a rare, foggy, bright stake ... (A. Kuprin.) (76 w.)

1. H and nn in suffixes of visible examples.

2. Not in different parts of the movie.

3. Unvoiced voices that are distorted and scribbled at the root.

Who does not know these simple meadow and forest sweet flowers?

Idesh, it used to be, at the forest by the well-known, long-known stitches. Pravoruch and levoruch with a wide, rich and radiant sea rise meadows and forests. Goydayutsya on the windows of the violet little twins, zhovtiyut indistinguishable kulbabi, white of the fox itself, already under the trees, the flowers of Ivan-da-Marya. And the white of the stitches itself, on the narrow ditches, on the fox green galyavins bloom, the well-known fun daisies bow to you. For the sake of a laugh, modest flowers of chamomile with white and clean pelyusts are similar. (I Sokolov-Mikitov.) (78 words)

1. Voice and voice in prefixes.

2. Letters e - і in the endings of the discourses I and II of the introduction.

3. Nevimovnі prigolosnі dokorinno.

4. Unvoiced voices in the endings of prikmetniks.

5. Punctuation when same members, in folding words.

Of all the singing birds - fox musicians - the most beautiful and the most beautiful - the golden yellow oriole.

Orioles live in pure birch forests, near ancient muddy parks, near high oak and linden avenues.

In the spring, the volga sings pizno, if they are already dressed with green leaves and all the fox-singing birds have long flown.

Who did not feel the loud whistle of the Volga at the birch guy? Exactly on the wrong musical instruments play at the fox of unknown musicians.

It is important to know the oriole's nest, sweetly floating in the green tree trunks. Don't ever get close to chirping the miraculous bird itself, as if a sweat flew from tree to tree. Less often, flitting across the sky, illuminated by the sun, the fox galyavin, the bliss is out of its bright feathers. (I. Sokolov-Mikitoa.) (103 w.)

1 Letters n - nn in suffixes of examples and adjectives.

2. Nevimovnі prigolosnі dokorinno.

3. Unvoiced voices in the endings of prikmetniks.

4. Punctuation with the same members of the denominations and denominations.


Batko Lomonosov, choked with gospodar turbots, mayzhe engaged in the shaking of blue. That rіs is mainly under the care of the mother, healthy, well-mannered, rosy and smart. Vіn greedily absorbing the pictures of nature, the sacraments of growth and the flowers of herbs, memorizing the sounds of birds and animals. A fresh and dignified look that suprovodzhuv yog protyag mustache life. Nevipadkovo, through rich rokіv great teachings from memory, painted a map of native places.

At the Batkiv's house, the young Pomor learned Russian grammar more firmly. First Mikhailo mastered spiritual books, collections of ancient legends. And then let's read the books of the world's light.

In the southern chest night of 1730, the young Pomor traveled to Moscow to try happiness in the sciences and crafts. Pass the fates of Mikhail Lomonosov to graduate from the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy in Moscow and the Academic University near St. Petersburg, then to continue his education in Nimechchina and turn to the Fatherland as a chemist, mathematician, master of redism, that gives hope. (O. Larin.) (138 w.)

1. Letters e and in the endings of names.

2. Letters n - nn in the suffixes of prikmetnikiv and dieprikmetnikiv.

3. Punctuation with the same members, with parables.

DO NOT push fox children

Not everyone knows what can not be carried from the fox of fox children.

They have matured, the animals have learned to know life, but there is still not enough care in them, the stench has not learned to be afraid of people. By that hour, the foxes can breed their own children of the fox sacks. And not only in the forest - near the town and villages, on the Uzbek highway.

However, it does not mean that the animals have perished and they need to repent. The absolute majority of creatures in natural minds does not spend and does not throw children. And keep in mind that the appearance of a "vryatovanoy" childish wild creature in domestic minds is very smoothly. Not obov'yazkovo, zvichayno, vіn zagina, prote normal, healthy creatures do not grow out of it, navit yakshcho you rule them through the enduring life of the protracted autumn, all the same happens to let them out of the forest. Let it die: a bird, or a bird, that lived through the stage of a man’s life, was not prepared for an independent life in nature.

Do not worry about everything that, if you bring a wild animal to the house, you will achieve the same understanding with him, like a person with long-domesticated creatures. Do not grow up with rice Kisi, with the good-natured Potapich's guardian. And if you happen to catch a cute little animal walking around the house, be kind, don't chip it. Pour yoga into the chorus. (G. Bazhutn.) (196 w.)

1. Letters e - і in the endings of the discourses I and II of the introduction.

2. -Tsya i -tysya in the words.

3. Not with different parts of the movie.

4. Punctuation in case of dієprislіvniki and dієprislіvnikovih turnovers, in folded sentences.


For me, the main thing was the service of the Batkivshchyna, my people. The days of my greatest joys have gone with the joys of Vitchizn. The anxiety of the Batkivshchyna, її spending that extra money, always praised me more, less special.

From the skin fate of the clock, everything was far away, uniquely of the Viysk pore. Tse buv is superbly important, ale and even more glorious hour. Have ti roki mi even more zagartuvalis and heaped up the majestic moral capital. Looking back, let me remember, silently, who did not spare himself to overcome the enemy.

The science of remagati is not a mere science. Ale to the one who won the right, who fights for the right, to believe in the rightness, we will win. (G. Zhukov.) (100 words)

2. Not with different parts of the movie.

3. Letters e - і in the endings of the discourses I and II of the introduction.

4. Punctuation with dієprislіvnikovih turnovers, in folding speeches.


It is impossible to transfer the belongings of the rebuking at the fox under the yalinka under the hour of a warm summer board. Chubati hazel grouse, persecuted by a plank, evaded into the middle of our thick yalinka and siv above the kuren. We see a chaffinch in our eyes under a chick. zhachok come. Proshkandibav poz zaєts. I have long been a board of whispers and whispers of our Yalintsy. And we sat for a long time, and everything was like that, nіbi the right gentleman of the skin of us was full of whispers, whispers, whispers ... (M. Prishvin.) (71 words)

1. Letters e - і in the endings of names.

2. Unvoiced voices, which are distorted, in the root.

3. Punctuation in case of parables, in folding words.


In the great reserves, in our unoccupied forests, noble deer live. The gentry deer is already beautiful, the string of a creature with great gilling horns.

If the reindeer screeched, it was rich. In the distant past, they spat upon them, clucked at them with dogs, drove them with arrows from bows and stabbed them with gostriami. Polyuvati on deer is now heavily fenced.

Confidingly put up to the people of the garni, smiling deer. On the fox galyavin, in the pine fox, the year has been crowned. Schovechora come here deer. Calmly їdat the stench of blue and may not be afraid, if a person comes, to have mercy on them. (I. Sokolov-Mikitov.) (86 w.)

1. Tsya and tysya in the words.

2. Unvoiced voices in the endings of prikmetniks.

3. Unvoiced voices that are revered, beforehand.

4. Punctuation with the same members, with folding words.


On the great flood of the Volga, here and there, one could see copies of unfilled land, where various animals were straightening.

The watery squint of the pliv, maybe, from afar, I, exhausted, hunched up to the neck. Easily hvilyuvannya vodi namagalis vіdіrvati shura vіd yogo pier. Todі vіnjala trochs along the trunk, strength to the fork.

And on finishing the same great tree, which is worth, mabut, under water on a high hillock, sat greedily, a hungry crow and whispered its own health. It’s impossible to see the water squint in the fronds, but on the flakes, mugs poured out of the squint’s tail, and the crows saw the mist of the squint. Here the war began not so in life, but in death.

Kіlka razіv in the blow of the crow's crow, the pasyuk fell near the water, and again climbed on the fork, and fell again. I call the axis already far away for the crow to steal its victim, but the shur did not want to become a victim of the crow.

Having taken the rest of her strength, she pinched the crow so that it flew fluff. The crow didn’t fall into the water a little, and only forcibly ran into it, deceived the force on its tree and began to diligently straighten its feast, in its own way, heal the wound. (M. Prishvin.) (178 w.)

1. Not with different parts of the movie.

2. Voice and voice in prefixes.

3. Unvoiced voices in the endings of prikmetniks.

4. Punctuation with vodokremenih members, homogeneous members, introductory words.

1 Zavzhd okremo! Together - you can’t get used to it without! 1. Є fallow word. Chi is not finished by me. 2. Є proof. Chi is not opened, but completed. 1. Word s ni. Not far from the enemy 2. Far, not. Zovsim. Far from the enemy Not cicavi 3. Protivation Not deep, but dribny 3. With short diagnoses

Not with a diabetic Not with a diabetic Not with an adjunct Not with an adjunct (Not) garni; (not) high, alemic; (not) bevelled; nothing (not) break down; rozrahuvati (not) exactly, but approximately; pіdіyshov (not) pomit; to no one (not) to see, speaking far (not) quarrelsomely; (not) entry on the right; (not) attaching to the robot; (not) giving a smile; choose (not) hurry up; (not) fallow people; perekonuvav (not) wide; (not) agile; (not) recognize; yet (not) that have blossomed; (Not) addictive.

Reverse yourself! Grim groaned over the edge of the earth and (not) roamed graciously over the forest. (Not) few of us, the downtrodden Varangians, it is important for us to compete with Godunov. The sun burned (not) sparingly. Our village is (not) close, but far away. Here (not) the woman was sleeping closely, but to the same side, it was important to understand. Shche zovsіm (not) long ago, with crimson exchanges, the sun forged along the tops of the trees. Zovsіm (not) far away from the path, a little bird was blooming without a turbot in the brown grass, and the bird was empty.

Preparing to EDI 1. Who doesn't write words at once? 1. (Do not) sleep in the ford, (do not) stick yourself near the water. 2. In (not) some villages dosi vyganyut іz budinki in all (not) purity. 3. Voivoda buv (not) young and (not) old. 4. (Ni) who (not) got the courage to recognize their pardon.

2. Who doesn’t write okremo in words? 1. Names її, poignant and (not) kind person, used to be known to the whole district with his zhorstkoy vdachey. 2. Do not forget the sign of the mind. 3. The (in) literacy of the design engineer was obvious to everyone. 4. Volodymyr was thin and (not) kind in person.

3. Which variant has all the digits correctly entered, in the space of which they are not (n) written at once? Tse bulo more (not) easier task; not yet (2) trojans that have blossomed, vykopati and transplanted to a new place not (3) far into the house, de nі (4) who would not (5) appoint not (6) zlamav. one))))

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