Stovpchiki for pіdlogi lag in derev'yany booths. Vlashtuvannya derev'yanikh pіdlog for lags. Technology of independent cooking lag and pіdbіr village

There is a large number of various everyday methods, for the help of which you can build up the power of wooden logs on the logs. Climatic, as well as geological features, without intermediary, are added to the choice of one or the other way. The same role is played by the financial ability of the vlasnik budinka.

In order to properly design this working process, it is necessary to protect all the features, as well as the recognition of life itself. But all the same, regardless of the fact that you have chosen the same option for repair, all will be zdijsnyuvatisya with classic solutions, yakі є dієvi and nadіnymi.

Main types of sublog with lags

- It’s better to give a broader understanding, to that a beam from a tree with a straight-cut peretina - it’s far from the main explanation of this subject. The stench may have such technical features:

  • The minimum thickness of the plates can be 160 mm;
  • At the expansion of the parameters of the decks, the blame becomes 15 cm;
  • With minimal parameters, the size of the crucible when installed is to become 60 cm.

If you want to strengthen, from concrete fortifications, then it is recommended to vicorate the channel from metal. The material, from which the lags were created, cannot be of great importance. In any case, the stink of vikonuvatim one function, as if it were in order to be an excellent basis for a fine article cover. In order for such an installation to be trimmed nadіyno, for zmіtsnennya it is possible to vikorate tamping the soil, wooden beams, slabs from concrete.

Pіdpіl: required vin chi nі

Vrakhovuuchi geological situation, you are guilty of denoting the space between the earth and lags. If this work is not obov'yazkovo, then you can spare the song a lot of forces, pennies and materials. In order to find out what is needed, it is necessary to look at the seasonal indications of the level of underground waters.

Pidpillya wooden booth.

If the water is low, then it is possible to control the simple budgetary installation of logs. Smut go after him, so that such a cover would not be supernaturally cold. Such a variant is ideally suited for the purpose of being a lazni chi dacha. In this city, where the warm climate prevails, such an underlay can be installed on booths with a high plinth.

Even if soil waters grow high, it can be negatively marked on a tree. In order not to zip the construction, її obov'yazkovo should be spaced more for the rіven soil.

Like a frame for a zmіtsnennya, that zvedennya can vikoristovuvaty small stovpchiki, yak robytsya tsegl. It is also possible to zastosovuvat such materials as monolithic concrete and foam concrete. Before that, how to make a lazni chi zhitlovu budіvlyu, it is necessary to obov'yazkovo to see the local meteorological service in order to find out about the rіvenn of underground waters.

Classic schemes

Even though there is more space, then all the schemes, as seen at the current moment, can be divided into two types:

  1. Tree pіdloga on logs іz pіdpіllyam;
  2. A pidloge cover without a pidpill.

These constructions, in some ways, are cold, but for the help of singing materials, they can be warmed up. Pokrittya z pіdlogoy maє shirshі raznovidi. It can be equipped with thermal insulation, as it is roztashovuetsya between lags and supporting parts.

The simplest cold pidloga

Such a construction needs to be installed on dry ground. For the cob, it is necessary to put the ball in the soil again with the growth. After priming the soil, it is necessary to thoroughly tamp it down. That territory, which is recognized for logging on the logs, was followed by a sip of sip, rubble, or wakefulness. A sizzling ball is also required to be firmly tamped down. You can do it for the help of an important deck, as you can nail it to a great club at the look of the handle.

Framework for pіdlogi іz lags.

If so, one more ball will be thrown from slag or clay from the advanced crack. On the whole ball there is a frame for a state cover with lags. The tovshchina of the ball is guilty of buti in a kіlka razіv more for the tovshchina of the timber, which is zastosovuєtsya for repair work.

Follow the respect for the important river. As for everyday life, you vikoristovuete slag, it is necessary to deliver it to the workplace of the robot, if only for a river, to the cob of the process. Apparently, the slag is to blame for lying about such an hour. In the rest of the sizzling ball, you are guilty to cover the lags with your own hands. The upper line is due to buti on one level with the flat base.

Before him, how to place the lumber in the ground, they should be coated with antiseptic speech. The installation of this type should be carried out with the help of the singing crocodile. Vіn bezposeredno lie down in the width of the bridge. So, as a sound for the completion of this repair, vicorist sheet grooving of the boards, with a size of 37 millimeters, and a distance of 60 centimeters should be reached. For the everyday life of the lazna, it’s not necessary to zastosovuvat too much tovstі doshki. With a constant interaction with water, water and steam, the stench deforms and dies.

Rozrahunka krok lag table.

In such a rank, you can chime in, which is important for everyday life, so that it will be easy to finish the tax installation. Rіchnі kіltsya on suіdnіkh floorboards may be straightened at different sides. In such a rank, the elements independently speak about their technical state.

Insulated cover

For the cob, it is necessary to excavate a pit, which is farther away with thermal insulation. A ball of heat-insulating material should be covered with another ball, which is made up of bags for a vaporizer or cement. Tsі bears need to be laid at the sprat rows.

When a ball of rubble is laid, the tovshchina of which may become close to 8 centimeters. Yogo next tamp and refill with a vape. The top is covered with roofing felt. A sheet of fiberboard is mounted on the new one, with a tovshchina close to three centimeters. Nareshti need to build the final ball from crushed or medium expanded clay.

Vibachte, nothing was found.

The whole base, as to fight for the logs along the logs, must be filled with a small ball of concrete space. Greater rozchin is guilty of vengeance. After the discovery of yoga was followed by a sizzling sound and dorimuvatisya all the instructions, as described above in this article.

Cold pіdloga with warm pіdpіllya

For the cob, it is necessary to carry out standard preparatory work. The process is revisited in order to prepare the basis, even though it is not obligatory to work the sip from the fried pisku. In such a mood, it is enough to grow small stovpchiki, yakі need pіd lags for pіdlogi. In order to create such a support, the next step was to break the blocks from the concrete. Leather stovpchik - this is an independent detail, as it is installed, it is filled in with others, right behind the front rosettes.

Blocks from pіnobetonu for folding support.

Follow the respect that the boards for the finishing coat must be installed in the cross with a hundred lags. Even if there will be no additional grouting above the lags, then it is necessary to install them across the boards. It is necessary to accurately plan the installation, determine the optimal performance and work of other additional developments.

Razmіtku next work on that part, on yak time the emphasis is on the example of all constructions. The first leg is guilty of roztashovuvatisya in such a rank, so that between the wall and the bіchnoy part of the boulder was about 15 centimeters. Such distances should be reached from both sides.

The butt of the correct installation of the log on the stovpchiki.

An example of such an installation can be seen in the photo. Budivelnik, who independently engages in similar everyday life and robs everything for the master's judgment, can move a few steps so that it will be better for you. The foundation for the supporting parts is to be filled with a strong order, or else the skin support is OKremo.

Slid obov'yazkovo vrakhovuvat that particularity, scho foundation is guilty of going beyond the contour of the support, if only five centimeters. Why is it obvious that the formwork for the underlay on the logs is guilty of being installed in such a rank, so that the smug foundation was larger than the width of that dovzhina, the lower row itself was about 10 centimeters wide.

Such parametrіv for the foundation is due to be trimmed, if the supports are installed in good order. If you are pouring a concrete base, you are responsible for remembering that all are responsible for the singing instructions. The earth is compacted on the back. After that, the formwork is installed, for which the height of the sides may become 10 centimeters. For zmіtsnennya, a mesh of reinforcing lozins is attached to the bottom. Further, the concrete base itself is poured and dried with a three-dib stretch. After the total hanging, the waterproofing and the installation of supports should be tried. The installation of wooden underlays along the logs with waterproofing can be done by zastosovuyuchi sizable polyethylene slick.

The waterproofing is supplemented by a sizable polyethylene slab.

It is necessary to roughen the surface of the supports, vicory rozchin on the basis of cement. If it is necessary to apply a ball, the thickness of which should be greater than 5 centimeters, then the cement will be zanyruyut mesh with reinforcing rods. After that, as the support will be vir_vnyan, її next spread the ball of waterproofing. If necessary, it is necessary to place a wooden covering, 3 centimeters thick, cut with antiseptic speech. Such laying of the lag is simply necessary for the log. Navit lags themselves can be filled with an antiseptic, otherwise the whole work is nothing.

The deep space, which is characteristic of the cold-looking floor covering, is again covered with slag or expanded clay. It is allowed to leave only a small ball of free space with a size of 5 centimeters. Also, there may be a small technological opening, for the circulation of repetition in the pipeline.

Scheme of the design of the sub-logs from the sub-pills.

Vіdpovіdno until today's weekdays, some kind of obov'yazkovo varto dotremuvatisya, if you'll be a tree pіdlogu on the logs, as if the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe budіvlі folds 15 square meters, then you can open two for circulation again, like two due to space. Zagalnі parameters tsikh open may become close to 20 square centimeters. In order for you to open them, they did not suffer from the good teeth of the mice, then close them, the vicorist net from the precious colored metal.

Designing a warm article cover with a cold one

As if you had created similar pidlogs behind the lags, then in to this particular type The technology of the troch is ventilated in the front, so that the insulation is placed not in the subfloor, but in the frame, which is prepared from the lags.

In order to install an insulator, it is necessary to attach two slats to the timber from both sides. Tsі reiki will be trimmed with a black pіdlogov pokrittya.

Chornovu pіdloga is crossed with polyethylene plіvkoy, after which mineral wool or expanded clay ball is installed. Between the thermal insulation and the upper overlaps of the varto logs, cover a small opening for ventilation. The next wooden installation on the logs cannot be done without the installation of a vapor barrier. At the end, the vapor barrier ball must be covered with planks.

Takozh characteristic of rice I believe in the fact that the method of ventilating the warm cover with an insulated layer has been changed a little. In this case, for circulation, again open the vicorist, as if placed without a middle at the plinth. Open the guilt of spreading through the skin 5 meters. In a cold winter, it is necessary to close them.

If you have victoriously vyvchili tsyu statyu, then you may see a miracle yakіsna that nadіyna construction of wooden pidlogs, as if created behind the lags. For the sake of that practical helpers, given in this description, will help you create your own project of everyday life. Methods of everyday life, as you have done here - these are the main ways, for the help of which you can work out the power of pidlogs on the logs.

If you know more, more ways to change, then it means that you know how to modernize and expand in a new classic way. All the details and particularities can be added, or they can be used, depending on that, in some climatic minds, we can change the state of the cover, and also like an adventurousness on the new one. Conquer our helpers, even if only with the correct instructions, we install, install and repair sublogs on the logs.

Logs with elements of sheathing for flooring underlays. The stench is necessary, that the construction of the bag was yakіsnoy: even that mіtsnoy. It is even more problematic to understand and surf the surface of pidlogs without lag. The unstrengthened cover will bend under the influx of important furniture, and the creak itself will creak and vibrate when walking on the new. Logs for pіdloga to be set mayzhe zavzhdi. How do you choose your expansion and installation?

Why is laying the lag so important?

The main function of the lag is at the folding flat surface for the offensive robots. Ale reshetuvannya under the flooring vikonu and other tasks. The stench will protect the full ventilation of the lower side of the flooring, which will prevent the processes of bending the boards.


Tsya funkt_ya base іz timber maє great value in quiet places, de pidloga fit in the ground and through the ground, you create serious problems for the obviousness of high pidlogs.

Behind the additional lag between the flooring itself, that basis of the underlays is formed by a space - a kind of buffer, which helps to improve the soundproofing capacity of the underlays. This space is vikoristovuetsya for laying the ball of heat insulation, and if necessary, engineering communications.

Setting a log for a sublog allows you to navit for a nervous substantiation, as a result, take a support point for the account, placing it with a song croc, a mitzna of a sublog.

Materials for screening

As a basis for a flooring it is possible to vikoristovuvat whether-yak_materials, scho vіdpovіdat vіmog mіtsnostі, rіvnostі and low coefficient of deformation for obviousness of navantazhennya. These technical characteristics are suitable for metal, plastic, cast-iron concrete, wood and compound, which vibrate on the basis of synthetic resins. Which lags are the best victorist for the article? The equalization of the varities of all the listings of other materials allows the emergence of a leader - a tree. In practice, for the lag, vicorist are made of wooden beams.

The material for the beam is coniferous wood. The beam, which is victorious for lag logs, is prepared for yalin, pine, yalitsa. But modrina was recognized as the best option, so how її the wood is not only a high mіtsnіstyu, but stіykіstyu to rottenness.

Yalina and pine are more popular for their low var.

When choosing a material, you can not pay attention to the presence of tar gums and other minor defects and the purchase of lumber of 2 or 3 grades - the functionality of the base from a bar is not affected.

Beam from Siberian modrina.

When choosing a log, you can save on materials by replacing the modrin with a yalinka, and the axis of saving on the moisture content of the beams is not recommended at any time. The moisture content of the timber is not to blame, but more than 20%, with higher values ​​of moisture content, the material during the drying process will be deformed, which will lead to problems from the already finished product.

If you chose as the material for the sheathing of the yelina or pine, then the next step was to talk about the waterproofing of the beams when they were laid. The lags can be laid on a different basis, fallow, depending on the features of the foundation, they can be refrigerated and waterproofed. As soon as the beams are mounted on the reinforced concrete slabs of the ceilings, then it is necessary to add a layer of backed polyethylene to the ball. In a vapadku, if the logs are attached to the slabs, the polyethylene is laid between the ground and the stomp itself, as well as between the stomp and the bar. For a ball between a whole tree and a piece of wood, replace the polyethylene pidide ruberoid.

Spinning polypropylene.

Logs for underlayment, independent of the view of the village, before laying, it is recommended to coat with an antiseptic. Such zapobіzhnі come in the most relevant in wooden private booths, where wood can become a great problem for the master of the booth, so as to carry a threat to the longevity of everything.

Significantly expand

In addition, it will be correctly chosen to expand the lag, to lie on the foundations of the structure of the logs. In front of the barns, the next was to virahuvat their necessary day and tovshchina.

Do not blame the problems with the old lag: in the fallow land, laying straight away, it is the fault of the old one, or the width of the premises, to fight the log. The optimal option is the length of the beam by 2.5-3 cm less than the length of the wall. Such a sp_v_dnoshnenya of two values, if the length of the lag is three times less for the length of the application, allowing the structure to deform under temperature differences.

The length of the beam by 2-3 cm is due to a short one for the width of the application.

Logs for pіdloga bazhano z lumber, but it's possible only if the size of the timber is adjusted according to the parameters of the application. As if the length of the bar is not broken, the vicorist grows two elements. Robots are hung on pivdereva, sometimes from zastosuvannyam galvanized overlays.

Vikonati growing two bars is clumsy, but if the construction was a big one, it is necessary to clearly follow two rules:

  • If you want to grow up, you can be like a support, the best option would be a support step;
  • As if two land lags are growing, their points of growing are due to grow in the place of one.

Nevikonannya cich could cause risks of low hardness of underlays in the area of ​​growing timber.

Ways to grow lag.

Susіdnі lags for pіdlogі pіdlі povinnі zroschuvatsya zі zm_shchenniam one meter. This parameter includes the expansion of the outside beams, which is also the next vrahuvati at the hour of your purchase.

It’s easy to finish everything with a timber beam, choose the parameters for cutting the lag even more folded. What is it? Peretin logs are є її tovshchina, yak to lay down like in the material of the beam, so in the rozrahunkovy characteristics of the future pіdlogi.

Peretin lag for underlays underlays are calculated on the basis of the maximum possible potential for underlay and the expansion of the spans between the support points of the beams. Let's assume the value of the maximum demand is equal to 300 kg/m2 - this parameter is fixed to the living quarters.

When the lag is determined, on the basis of such a balance, it is necessary to take, to the point of respect, the length of the span between the siding beams. How did you pov'yazaní vіdstanі mіzh lagami pіdlogi їх tovshchina? Therefore, there is a special table of rozmіrіv, with which fakhіvtsі are corroded. In the widest slopes, the width may look like this: with a long span of 2 m, a beam of 110x60 mm is vicorated, with a long span of 3 m - 150x80 mm, with a long span of 4 m - 180x100 mm. Chim more expansion prolyotu, tim comrades may buti beam, for which the lags stagnate.

Peretin of a bar sound straight-cut. So that the logs vibrated the vice, a straight beam was laid on the edge. Tsya osoblivіst installation of the basis for possible pіdloga zabezpečuє maximum rіven zhorstostі timber for the minimum obligatory lumber.

Tovshchina lag, which are chosen for sublogs, may be more significant parameters. It is not fenced in to install logs from the beams of the greater comrade, unless it is simply necessary.

In other cases, the expansion of the rozmіrіv pererіzu timber is necessary for laying the thick ball of insulation.

When choosing a lag for a sub-log, it is also necessary to damage it, if you choose to install a sub-log in a non-residential premises, then the burden on the structure can be increased by 300 kg / m2. This parameter can be calculated in a rozrahunkovy way, and then, on the basis of taking these data, choose lags with the most suitable parameters for resection.

Rozmir beams from metal can be smaller than wood.

As a substitute for a wooden beam, you made victorious beams from metal or cast concrete, their comrades could be smaller. This is explained by the fact that the stench can be more high-strength up to bending at the edge of the tree.

How to designate croc?

Rosemary lag is distinguished by rosemaries between them, which lie in the woods of the board, which is victorious for the flooring of wooden pidlogs. Here we follow the following rule: the more comradely pidlog, the more you can work. To whom there is a whole logical explanation, even if there is more tovshchina of the doshka, then it is less slender to the bend under the influx of heaviness.

Spivvіdnoshchennya look like an offensive rank: with a thickness of 2 cm, you can work up to 30 cm, with a thickness of 2.5 cm - up to 40 cm, with a volume of 3 cm - up to 50 cm. by the formula: the increase in the thickness of the planks to the flooring by 0.5 cm can be increased by 10 cm.

When replacing boards for flooring, plywood or OSB is vicorated, then rozrahunki are sometimes modified. If the materials are zhorstkish on vigin, then the tovshchina is less. With a material thickness of 1.5-1.8 cm, you can plan a crochet lag between 40 cm, with a thickness of 2.2-2.4 cm - between 60 cm.

When vikoristanni plywood or OSB leaves the material to blame, it creeps up to lag in three places. The lags for the underlay were folded so that the fastening fell on the edges of the sheet and in the middle. With this, the edge of the sheet does not fit the entire width of the beam, but only half.

Laying the lag on the base

Wooden logs can be attached to the foundation, smut - to finish the installation rules. For zdіysnennya robit z laying slating z lag you need the beams themselves, electric jigsaw, rіven, screwdriver and fastening elements. The electric jigsaw can be replaced with a hand saw.

Anchoring the lag to the concrete sub-logs for transferring the blockage different designs, What should be done on the simple and regulated. The regulation of the elements may have its own design gvinti, for the help of which it is possible to correct the logs.

As a fastener, special anchors or self-tapping sound. Theoretically, it is possible not to close the beams of the lag, but to blame the risk of ruining the construction of the logs through the lag, which went into the beak.

Crimean listing of tools may need additional attachments. Installation of underlay logs, which vibrate with your own hands on concrete or soil, using additional fixation for the help of a manual puncher.

Regulating lags.

Laying a log on the ground to fight in such a way. The support feet are installed on the back. For whom they roam with pits with a depth of about 10 cm, they sizzle with squeak and for a garne seat they spill with water. A polyethylene slab is laid on the sand, on top of which, a stompchik is made on top. Yogo dovzhina that width is sounded to the edge of the chain. Ready stovpchiki nakrivayutsya roofing material. A beam is laid on them without fixation, then the lags are galvanized with coils to the walls.

How to lay lags for the future state, as the basis wooden beams? The order is to lie down depending on how the timber is laid on the beams: across them or vzdovzh. If the timber is laid across the beams, then the logs are fastened to the beams with large screws of a double-deck.

In this situation, it’s important not to overdo the lags with an antiseptic, but open it up hard, otherwise the risk of cracking the bar will be even higher.

If you have broken the stiffening of the beams of the bridles of the beams, then to compensate for the difference in their height, the logs can be attached not only to the beast, but also from the sides. Having correctly scored all the robots, you can refute the subtext with the least second height of the application.

Strengthening the lag to concrete underlays is carried out by an offensive rank. How do you carry out the work of installing the logs on the first version of the bud, overwriting the next hydro-isolating with polyethylene fusion. It is possible to beat the spins of polyethylene from a foil balloon. This material should be provided not only with the waterproofing of the village, but also with the reduction of heat consumption for the mind of further exploitation.

The timber is laid out in a similar way to the appointed earlier, a short lag, and it is placed behind a equal. For virіvnyuvannya bases for pіdlog pіdlog vikoristovuyut lining from plywood and the bars themselves. After that, the lags are fixed until the log. The best option is the choice of anchors that are mounted under the twist. The Є th alternative way of laying the timber on the concrete sub-log from the vicarious sub-bases. Supports are fastened to the overlapping slab, and the logs themselves are fastened to them with self-tapping screws.

When preparing before the installation of the underlays, it is important to correctly open the lag and re-cut the lag, and also think about how it is necessary to lay down the underlays between the lags. If all the parameters will be assigned correctly, then with the vicarious yakish beam and the proper conduct of all the work of yogo laying, your bed will be even and beautiful, and also not bend under the weight of the furniture and creak when walking.

Yakіsne stowage of wooden pіdlogs on logs is more accessible to navіt budіvіlnik-pochatkіvtsyam. In order to work the robot without critical pardons, it is necessary to know the finer points and peculiarities of the process. You can find information about how the construction and logs on the joists is installed, about the installation technology, the rules for insulation and waterproofing, and also about the choice of materials you can find in the article.

The bagatma is loved by the generations, it is overwhelmed by the hour, the wooden pidlog is enthralled by competition from synthetic analogues. The design on the logs is a good opportunity to create at your own booth more warm, equal and even better covered. Moreover, the zastosuvannya of this method allows without problems how to vir_vnyat, and to insulate the structure, which is sporadzhuєtsya. The wooden plank is universal. The stench of the river and in the sizable village house, and in the zamіsky residence.

Why do you need wooden pidlogs on the logs?

Ecological cleanliness of the cover plus clumsy installation technique is already a good argument for the crustiness of the plank footings on the logs. But far from all the advantages of the design. Let's take a look at their report :

  • Stіykіst to mechanical vpliv that high mіtsnіst. Such a sub-loga, in case of pre-trial rules for installation, sometimes affects the concrete coating, on which the intensive mechanical action can be overwhelmed.
  • Rіvnomіrne rozpodіlennya navantazhennya on the floor or the foundation.
  • Ensure good heat and sound insulation.
  • Installation of the structure in such a way is possible to do it quickly. Concrete screed, for example, will take a lot of time to accumulate concrete. Without serious financial vitrates, you can level the surface, raise your status to the required height.
  • Vilne place, which is established under the flooring, can be victorious for laying communications.
  • A simple look at the cover.
  • Durability.
  • Poshkodzhenі structural elements can be replaced without going into dismantling of the cover.

Rules for choosing a village for pidlog

Lay the wood underlay more beautifully, vicory coniferous wood: pine, modrina, yalitsa. Doski z tsikh porіd tree vіdrіznyayutsya high mіtsnіstyu and znosostіykіstyu.

Important! It is unacceptable to stop the overdried or raw material. The dry wood is more attached. Ignoring my mind, you can boldly judge that in the process of operation it will be warped, great gaps will be established on it.

The most acceptable option for wooden footings is a tongue-and-groove board, Equipped with a groove on one side, with a tenon on the other. It is easy to work with such material, with which a solid surface is created with the help of it, as there are no gaps. Not less popular is the tight plate.

As if the furnishing of the finishing coat is not transferred, it is more likely to see the light of the village, as it is recognized by its natural glare and natural little one. After the completion of the installation, the pidlog is simply covered with a special varnish.

Vlasniks of the most vishukan textures are vvazhayutsya red tree and mountain. Unfortunately, the art of such a state is too high. It's cheaper to get an oak plank. The uniqueness of natural weatherproofing, borderline hardness, durability to rot - a practical eternal material, which is ideal for a country house, and a luxurious cottage.

Respect! Like logs of vicorist, unplaned boards from coniferous or leafy woods of the village. Poplars and lindens are not suitable for these purposes. The moisture content of the material can be no more than 18%.

Before the beginning of the installation of the elements of wood, it is necessary to coat the sides with antiseptic sums against rot and fungus. It is better to choose richly functional protection, so as not only to protect the wood from rot and mildew, but also to protect it from fire, to protect the corrosion of the metal reinforcement of the structure.

The choice of material for log varto should be taken seriously. It is important, that the wine is equal, without cracks. Guilty to alert the presence of bluish-gray flames, which show on the cob the development of rotting processes near the tree. Follow the life of wood-boring beetles on decks, boards, beams, and also due to daily life.

Technology for the installation of wooden supports on logs

The boardwalk on the logs can be laid on:

  • earth base,
  • cast concrete structure,
  • woody overlap.
Roztashuvannya and installation lag

Since the foundation is concrete, the algorithm will be advanced:

  • lay a ball of waterproofing for water resistance;
  • provide warmth and sound insulation;
  • crush dry or cement screed;
  • mount lags, where you can lay a clean finish every year.

Yakscho grounder base, then repair the turf that strengthened the soil. Then we sip a ball of gravel (5 cm) and pour it with concrete, also not less than 5 cm of a curtain. Dali dії tі sami, scho y pіd hour of work with a base of concrete.

on the wooden crossroads the logs are fastened to the beams. The ideal evenness of the surface beams is most often not allowed, so it is recommended to fix the lag to its sides. Here is the need for stosuvannya pіdkladok. To re-check the horizontal, use a control rail. Fasten the logs with the beams using screws with a diameter of 0.6 cm, the dozhina is responsible for changing the width of the log by 2.5 times.

This variant of the transmission of black pidlogs, as if to fasten on the beams for additional supplementary elements (skull bars). They nail the bridles of the log from the lower edge, the roblyachs of their own police, on the yak freely, without reinforcement, lay boards (plywood, slats) black pidlogs. Tsya design trimatime insulating.

Respect! In order to hide the splitting of the board, you can later open the hole at the laziness and balls, twisting with a drill 2.5 mm smaller in diameter, lower the screw.

Lay the logs perpendicular to the floorboards that are being laid, as it is recommended to lay them in a straight line with the flow daylight. Varto designate that with insufficient dozhina boards (beams) for the lag, it is possible to put the parts between them together with the ends.

Respect! As if the lags are victorious, as if they are z'ednannya, it is necessary, sob, perebuvaya in the rows of courts, the sticks are small, at least 0.5 m apart, one to one.

Sound the lags at the wooden booth to make a rosemary 40x60 or 50x50 mm. Croc mіzh them can be deposited according to such criteria as the width of the insulation boards and the thickness of the boards. Adzhe more vіdstan mіzh lags zbіshuє navantazhennya on plank basis. It’s too late to build a great rock to the point that the planks of the flooring begin to bend under the vag of the people. Most often, the logs are laid on a width of 0.5-0.6 m, one in one.

Respect! The material for the log is timber. In times of yoga, there can be buti vikoristan hewn decks. You can put on the right and sew boards, which will support the necessary cutting of the timber.

Wooden lags are due to acknowledgment of singing vimog:

  • no fault of the destruction of the geometry of the surface material;
  • yakіst pereviryaєtsya 2-meter rail. Ideally, it is evenly, without gaps, lying on the surface of the beam;
  • moisture at the borders of the norm;
  • the delivery of the material is due to buti vitrimania among the recipients, de transferring the podloga podlogi, for a stretch of 3-7 days;
  • the horizontalness of the lag is determined by the hydraulic level.

Start from the fact that lags are installed at the opposite sides of the accommodation. It is necessary that the obov's viscous gap in the extreme lag to the wall was 20-50 mm, and the ends of the beams did not reach the vertical walls by 1.5-2 cm. parallel to the intermediate elements, dorimuyuchis selected crocodile. Control the accuracy of the installation for the help of the water level of the laser line. Before the screed, the logs are fixed with anchor bolts through an interval of 0.5 meters.

Waterproofing and insulation

If the lags are installed, proceed to the water protection construction. Plivkovu waterproofing can be freely laid over the lag and planks of black pidlog (concrete base) from the entrance to the wall. Secure the material with a stapler. It is possible to vikoristovuvat polietilenovu plіvka or pіnopolyethylene PPE. The rest plays the role of hydro- sound insulation. Yogo canvases are sealed with adhesive tape or glued together.

Laying the insulation on the waterproofing between the lags. Tovshchina of the insulator is guilty of buti menshoe for the height of the laid log. This creates the necessary ventilation gap.

Respect! As insulating comrades, and there is no free space for the gap, then thin counter-rails are simply nailed onto the logs. It’s worth it to fight, if a vapor barrier is already laid on the insulation.

Heat-insulating materials, added for warming wood pads, є chimalo:

  • polystyrene;
  • mineral wool (glass, stone, slag);
  • foam polyurethane;
  • ecowool;
  • izolone;
  • pinofol;
  • polystyrene;
  • expanded clay, thirsu.

All the stinks fight for power, the way of stosuvannya, the expansions and the variety. Golovnya, vrahuvaty usі tsі factors, roblyachi residual vibіr.

A vapor barrier is placed on top of the insulation, as well as by entering the wall.

Flooring underlays: we lay the boards correctly

Let's proceed to the process of installation of the final logs, so that we can start from the hut of the application. The first board is laid with a tongue to the wall, not forgetting about the gap of 10-15 mm. So the deformation seam is built up, which is to get ahead of the warping boards. And why the gap is closed not only behind the first dove, but also on the ends. Fastened to the lags with self-tapping screws as close as possible to the wall, then attach the plinth.

On the other side, the board is fastened to the lag, with a way of screwing the screws at the lower end of the groove, with a fringe of 45 °, droplets are driven into the middle of the board.

Important! In order to hide the edge of the board when fastened with screws to the lags, it is better to open the back of the door, open it, smaller for the diameter, lower fastening. At the upper part of the opening, the droplets are hardened.

During the installation of the advancing boards, the width of the crack is achieved by tapping a mallet, which is lightly tapped on the edge of the board through a wooden block. All elements of the covering are fastened to the skin lag.

When installing the rest of the board, it can be difficult to blame, because the space, which is often overwhelmed, is not enough for laying. At such a time, cut the bridge to the required width, moreover, build a chain under the hospitable cut. So it will be easier to install її. The remaining element of the flooring is fixed similarly to the first doshtsi along the edge.

Obviously, the installation of wooden pidlogs on the logs will require specific skills and the availability of the necessary tools. Ale for the bazhannya, everything is entirely possible. Spodіvaєmosya, that the information is presented at the article, become a garnial helper for the creation of the best and warmest support for your booth.

Video: Wooden flooring for logs - instructions

About all the features and fixation of the mounting pin

Wood is one of the most popular natural materials. In our hour, May the majestic will drink, like for the baggers of the zamіsky cottages, and for the Moscow apartments. The tree of the undergarment looks simply dazzling, giving the whole application of a thinned and vishukanoy look.

Irrespective of those who argued wooden pidlogs on the logs to complete the labor-intensive process, it’s possible for someone who has knowledge of technology and a list of tools to get involved with it. In this article, we will tell you about the main nuances of doing yoga with your own hands. Dame kіlka obedient joys and recommendations, yakі allow you to create a calm lull in your life or at the lazna.

Advantages and shortcomings

Derev'yana pіdloga got her crazy popularity for a reason, even in the middle:

  • Naturalness. The tree is the most ancient material, which our ancestors victorious. According to modern piece analogues, the tree is considered “material that breathes”.
  • Povna ecology. When heated to high temperatures, the Danish material does not see the appearance of fluffy or wind unhealthy people or homemade baggy speeches.
  • Nevibaglivist that simplicity of sight. For cleaning lumber, there is no need to use vicorist as a strong chemical agent. It’s enough water and dry cleaning once a day for an apartment, and it’s fallow, as it often takes place, once a month for a lazna.
  • High heat engineering characteristics. The tree in the building heats up warmly and kindly absorbs the warmth in the middle of the place.
  • Zavdyaki visibility of the ventilation gap that soft insulator, there is a great amount of noise.
  • Possibility of laying between lags of various communications.
  • Repair. If you need a board, or you can wind the lags themselves, you can dismantle and replace them without special difficulties.

Ale, like and be some other material, a tree can have its own imperfections:

  • High price. Por_vnyano іz modern analogues tree to finish the road syrovina.
  • Great labor. Obviously, on the floor of the same linoleum, install lags and work them correctly, insulate and waterproof them richly folded.
  • Since the material is natural, it will grow powerfully, after an hour seams, cracks and other defects will appear on the floorboards.

How to choose the same material?

Wood pіdloga to serve you as long as possible, yakscho pіdіti z usієyu seryoznіstyu to vybor yakіsny material. If you take the living quarters to the utmost, then the best way to breed coniferous trees, such as cedar, yalin, yalytsya, and even the stench can not only be zivn_shnіy esthetic look, ale and wreaths of obviousness at the warehouse of the fibers of the village of resin, more stіykі to vologіshі mіtsі.

For lazni, for example, all the same. In a guy who is afraid of increased moisture and a high temperature, it is not safe to breed conifers in flames. So, like the resin of the cream of that, which, upon contact with the skin, can lose the opik, so it can also be thrown away. Therefore, for the steam room, it is better to pick up leafy breeds, such as linden, wilha, wasp and others.

At a glance, if it’s necessary, what will be covered with varnish for the underlay, it’s better to choose lights with beautiful natural ornaments, for example, hot or red wood, and more cheap ones - oak.

When buying, it is important to ask the seller for the wood's moisture content. It’s not the fault of overtaking 20%, because the Syrian lumber can’t be processed, and it’s also harder to crack and deform, satisfying the gaps and “bridges to the cold”.

Before installation, it is necessary to treat all the syrovina in an obligatory order with an antiseptic, and it is also recommended that fakhivtsy be quickened with an anticorrosive warehouse, which will improve the destruction of wood fibers through contact with metal fasteners (flowers, screws, and so on).

For installation, the lag should be laid down in the main type of cover for the underlay, so, as it is planned to use thin boards (thickness up to 3 cm), then the lags can be expanded 30-40 cm one way, as well as massive boards (4-5 cm in thickness) - slid up to 80-100 div.

So i pererіz lags themselves lie in vіdstanі mіzh them. For the lath, it is often necessary to vicorize the beams with a peretina of 15x10 or 10x5 cm and roztashovuyt them on the width of 0.6-0.7, fallow in the form of insulation blocks.

Laying wooden pidlogs

We divided the technology of laying on the logs into a sprinkling of the main stages:

Necessary tools and additional materials

When choosing the main material, do not forget about the tools. You need:

  • A hammer;
  • Drill;
  • Metalovirobi;
  • waterproofing material;
  • Thermal insulation material;
  • Metalovirobi;
  • Screwdriver;
  • Knife;
  • Mittens;
  • I deyakі іnshі, fallow vіd peredbachuvanih robіt.

Please! It is best to start the installation of wooden logs in the apartment after the opium period, so that in the Danish period the tree has less chance to remove the request to the vologer, as you can apply for old look syrovini.

Early preparation

Let's take a look at the most victorious option of installing a wooden plinth, and the installation itself on a concrete screed, so this option can be victorious for both an apartment or a booth, and for a spa or a sauna.

It is necessary to start all manipulations after that, as all other works are already fixed: door and window frames are installed, the stele is installed and the lower concrete screed is crushed, all surfaces are dried and plastered.

So, as the boards can be seen to be chimali navantazhennya, their optimal thickness will be 3-4 cm, and the vahovuychi turf of the lags themselves, perhaps, counter-lattices, 7-10 cm, the height of the stele in the accommodation camp is less, it’s better to sporudzhuvat the tree according to the lag near kіmnata іz high stelae.

Without intermediary before the waterproofing, like a stepping stone, it is important to reconsider the integrity of the concrete base. For which reason in many places they tap and look around carefully. In the case of yakіsnіy styazhtsі, it is not to blame for any cracks or other defects. If such dilyanki were found, it is necessary to replace them, for which it is important to buckle close to 30 deb so that the foundation is completely withered, transforming into a monolith.

Robots with waterproofing

The main task of waterproofing is the protection of wooden elements from the harmful inflow of water, as it can lead to rotting villages, and it can lead to negative consequences, like for a hamant, so for a healthy person, especially children.

The last option is to glue the concrete screed, as if it could be blacked out at once (about the same time), rolled polymer materials.

On the concrete base, apply a ball of rolled waterproofing (mostly roofing felt) overlap or stick, then the seams between the smugs are glued either with budding glue, or with a special bituminous mastic, also known as resin. It is important that the ends of the waterproofing line protrude 5-10 cm on the wall. Further parts can be cut.

To increase the soundproofing power of wooden pidlogs, it is possible to lay a ball of gum or compressed cork on top of the waterproofing.

On the lumber itself, apply a ball of 1-2 mm of special mastic for more wood bonding and rolled material.

Lag installation

In view of the victoriousness of this stage, to lay down the terms of exploitation of all constructions of sublogs, to that, as seriously as possible, before this task. The optimal span for beams is є 5x10 cm.

How to lay the beam correctly? There are no sing-song rules. Naychastіshe tse to fall in vіd perebachuvanih design solutions. It is important to follow one more rule - the dowels should be roztashovuvatis strictly under a straight cut at a time. Fahivtsі recommend to carry out the installation of the lag directly, where the light falls in the premises.

The lags themselves are mounted edgewise. Repair the installation from two extreme lags, roztashovuyut vpritul up to the wall or on a distance of a few centimeters. After laying tsikh bruskov between them, pull the thread, as a guideline and additionally spread all the step beams on the same plane. At the concrete base, the lags themselves are drilled open under the metal dowels, which will make the lags to the foundation solidify. Vgvinchuyut self-tapping screws and dowels with a crochet at the pivmeter-meter. Sometimes the beams are laid on small pieces of planks of a curtain 4-6 div.

If you don’t want to spend an hour on re-roofing, installation, re-checking on flatness, then you can add special bars, which are supplied in sets with special supports that are regulated. So the process of installation will become much simpler and a loan in a kilka once in less than an hour. After that, you can go to the warming of the underlay.

Installation of black lining and insulation

At a glance, if you have a concrete screed, then you can beat it like a black pidlog, or you can work it on your feet:

  1. Along the edges of the skin beams, a black beam is fastened with a slat of about 2x2 cm.
  2. These small bars will become the basis for the black lining.
  3. The blackshop herself is warehoused by the underlying of the lower grade, so the yak is to allow Udachaditi, and Kupavati is a sort of road, so the yak with their own function, the one -to -ninzhchiye, however, to cope, Ala all the blacknet will not. It is important that the boards were stitched as closely as possible one to one without seams and gaps.
  4. On top of the black lining, nail a waterproofing ball with a stapler. The best pіdіyde geotextiles or shіlny polyethylene.
  5. On top of the waterproofing, insulation blocks are laid. Tse mozhe buti minvata, polyizol or as more natural materials. It is also possible to vikoristovuvat nasypny teplouvach type expanded clay. For the laznі go a ball of clay and tirsi, but also importantly put one more ball of hydro-vapor barrier over the insulation.

Do not forget to leave a small gap between the insulation and the finishing layer for ventilation.

Installation of finishing sub-logs

For a final flooring, vicorist is used to cut a board with a tongue-and-groove type, as well as with a late ventilation gap. I don’t think it’s safe to say that the plates for clean podlogs can also be coated with an antiseptic.

When laying down the logs, it is important to stitch, so that the river rings were drawn at the straight line. The boards are fastened to the skin lag for additional flowers so that the droplets are buried by 1-2 mm in the torso of the board. Do not worry about those who are left open. Nadalі їх it will be possible to cover without problems with a coriguous warehouse or a wax olive. You can also fasten with long screws, though you will install them a little more folded, so as if you happen to open the back of the skin, and only after that, screw them in.

When z'ednanny between themselves, pierce the varto boards with a hammer for the shortest zcheplennya.

In times, if you do not plan to prepare pidlogs, you can speed up two types of fasteners:

  • Vіdkritі. In fact, ring the flowers. For those who make decorative droplets, it is important to beat them on the same vіdstanі one kind of one.
  • Attached. These droplets of flowers or screws, like they are driven into special grooves, then they are closed with special plugs.


Mіzh walls and pіdlogu, schob prihovat shіlini, mount derev'yanі pіntusi, pіd yakі mіzh іnhim you can grab a telephone or internet cable.

To reach the ideally smooth surface, it is necessary to sand it down. For this vicorist, use a special grinding machine with kilkom nozzles. Nozzle with large grains vikoristovuetsya for hard varieties of wood, with coarse grains - for soft. Grind the wood in a layer of steps, changing the nozzle to the grinder. For grinding at the ridges and other important places, a special apex machine is used.

After that, as you have finished polishing the log, it is necessary to walk with a pilosos, to pick up the drank, dribni triska and even more smittya, which happened to be a good thing.

After the residual finish, a special water-resistant varnish based on polyurethane should be applied. Yogo is important to start at the kіlka étapіv. After the complete drying up of one ball, an offensive is applied, and so two-three. Lacquer is often applied in different layers, so that the color of the coating is changed for the undercoat.


Now, if you know the basic rules and the nuances of the installation of wooden logs on the logs, you can independently arrange the cover for the logs, as to serve you a lot of rock.

When laying the pidlog, it is important to vikorate the wood. Irrespective of those that wooden structures are characterized by a non-trivial term of service, environmental safety, versatility and little effort to make this material even more popular among coristuvachivs.

Logging on logs is one of the most popular. At the heart of such sublogs lie wooden bars of singing rosemary.

If the wall can be induced from the chains of the various blocks, then, violating the laying of the footing, the greater importance of the vlasniks in the choice of the wooden structure itself is more important. How to lay the pidlog with your own hands? It is important to lay down the logs on the logs. Tse nadіyny and perevіreny hour variant. You can get into such a robot on your own.

Laying a log on the floor with different materials

The first step is to lay the logs for the logs, it is necessary to expand, as if the robot is victorious at the fall with different overlaps. So, if the overlap is broken from a tree, then the beams of this one will not be equal. Before laying the log for your application, it is necessary to prepare the work. It is easy to reach even surfaces. Most often, the logs are attached to the side parts of the beams.

For the installation of a log for the underlayment from the CSP, it is necessary to vicorize dry and treated with an antiseptic method of beams with a peretina of 100x50 mm or 150x100 mm.

The main advantage of the method of fixing the lag for the underlay is those that do not require the laying of the lining to change the height of the virobs. Installation is carried out due to the installation of the wrong screws. Before the installation, the logs on the logs are fixed with screws with a diameter of 6 mm. Dovzhina vrobivna is guilty of but more than the width of the lag as a minimum of 2.5 times.

So that the wood does not crack during the process of fixing, it is necessary to open the opening 2-3 mm less, lower the diameter of the screw, which will crack.

As the beams are installed with a great crocodile, lay another ball lag. Yogo needs to be roztashuvati perpendicularly to the 1st, ale with a smaller crop. Another one good option correcting the situation - zastosuvannya tovstіshih boards when vlashtuvanni finishing ball.

If you believe to lay the log on the logs, and the overlap is crushed with concrete, lay the following rules:

  1. Under the hour of installation of the sublogs on the concrete, the waterproofing ball is created. Without a new subtext, it’s time for peace.
  2. After the waterproofing, balls are laid with the warmth of noise-proof materials.
  3. Dali obov'yazkovo to fight cement or dry screed.
  4. After a complete hanging of the screed, lags are installed. A finishing ball is placed on them.

Logs for underlaying a trail of work from boards with a length of more than 2 m. When vykonannі z'єdnannya lag for pіdlog follow for tim, schob sticks in razdashovannyh ranks zmіschuvalsya not less than 50 cm below one another. Laying the lag on the screed. It is impossible to build a screed, but I would need to want to use a hydrosol.

Installation of logs on soft heat-insulating material is not recommended by professionals. The construction is floating, through which the finishing is completed step by step, but it inevitably collapses. As for the installation of noise and heat insulation, vicorous materials are used that allow you to choose the width you need, the lags need to be installed in such a way that the insulating materials are between them.

As there is no possibility to install underlays according to the width of the insulation, mount the boards on such a wall, so that the extreme middles can be filled again with cuts, tobto. number of entries may be minimal.

Laying a lag on an earthen base

When the lag is installed, a turf ball is seen directly on the ground, about 5 cm of gravel is piled on the surface, it is strongly tamped and filled with thin concrete of the same kind. Away from the robot vykonuєtsya in such a very order, like in a vipadku zі zvichaynoyu concrete base, tobto. a waterproofing material is laid, thermal insulation is laid and a screed is put in place. In this case, the replacement of thermal insulation and screeds behind the bazhannyam can be replaced with polystyrene concrete.

Earlier, I guessed the crock between the lags. It is important to know how to properly invest the value. In order to ensure the optimal distribution of the navantage, which should be placed on the logs, it is necessary to lay them on the same stand between them.

How to install lags with some croc?

Walk between the lags - one of the most important parameters. For this reason, we are consolidating the growth of materials. You can create a plan for the placement and viconate of the exact rozrahunok of the necessary amount of cement, cement and timber, so that the laying of the floor is not for re-creation. Vіdstan m_zh okremimi elementami razі vznachaєtsya z urahuvannyam tuzhnosti i mіtsnostі fine pokrittya. For example, as a finishing part, it will be built to showcase high vanity, logs can be laid on a larger wall between them.

When installing the lag, the ventilation gap is closed, which allows you to ventilate the space under the cover.

If the material of the finishing coating is to be finished thin, the logs are mounted on a width of 30-40 cm, while the thickness of the boards is no more than 24 mm. Yakshcho Falls the dukes of Tovshchina 5 cm, Krok mizh lags can be tzlshit up to 1 m. Clothes in the alarm clocks to hide 4 cm tovshchina. additional windows. Only the master of the house can virishuvate, but you yourself are the best pidide. When installing sublogic logs, it is necessary to remember that if you stand between the wall and the closest element to it, you are not guilty of revisiting between the logs. Most often, there are more than 20-30 divs in the walls.

What needs to be done before laying down?

First, lay the logs for the underlay, thoroughly clean the surface, and then prime it well. Hang the mustache of the wood and cleanly work it with an antiseptic method. You can vikoristovuvaty spets_aln_ warehouse chi, for example, bitumen.

As a soundproofing material, you can beat sand, slag, fiberboard or others. After that, as the logs will be laid, it is necessary to take a long-term wakefulness and re-verify the evenness of their laying. If there are no inconsistencies, then everything is garazd. Like the stench is present, it is necessary to put it on obov'yazkovo. You can do it with the help of a path to pidsipki pisku pid lags at the mist of nervousness.

For an hour of work, you need the following:

  1. Budіvelny rіven.
  2. An electric jigsaw or a hacksaw with sharp teeth.
  3. Sokyra and hammer-tsvyakhoder.
  4. Perforators.
  5. Screwdriver.
  6. Electrodrill.
  7. Dekilka of various wrenches.
  8. Thermal insulation materials.
  9. Flowers 5 and 7 cm, screws 3.5, 5 and 7.5 cm, anchor bolts with a diameter of 1 cm.
  10. Lags 5x5 cm.
  11. Doshka for pіdlogi.

The laying of the lag is laid on a soundproofing material with a singing croque. When laying, it is necessary to vicorate everyday rive, reaching the maximum evenness of the surface. The fastening of the lag to the concrete base is carried out with different anchor bolts. To other surfaces, the stench is fastened with dowels. Finding the required length of the anchor bolt is even easier - add 60 mm to the height of the lag, and you take the value.

Vlastuvannya thermal insulation and black lining

The gaps between the dry lags are covered with heat-insulating material. The most common vicarious fiber is basalt fiber, pinopolistyrene and isospan. The robotic rolled thermal insulation is the most comfortable. For bazhannya, you can vikoristovuvati expanded clay.

Laying the lag starts from the hut of the place. The first row of boards must be installed with a tongue and groove to the wall. Remember about the appearance of the gap between the wall and the boards. Lay the next row with the offsets along the front to the front by about 2 logs. So the boards snuggled one to one, take a hammer, apply a piece of wood to the butt of the board, which is attached, and with light tapping, secure a tight fit.

When the boards are fastened, the walls of the screws can be placed on the animal. Nadalі stinks all the same hovayutsya under the plinth. In all advancing rows of cover, it is possible to creak exclusively for the bottom wall of the groove. Drops of screws followed by screwing up the boards. After that, as all the boards will be laid, it is necessary to close the deformation seams with a plinth. Dodatkovo tse to protect the walls of the place from the confusion.

How to lay the boards correctly?

It is possible to lay a wooden pidlog only after that, as the logs are completely virivnyan. Doshki need to creak to the skin lag. Choose rosemary boards in such a rank, so that the sticks are placed in the middle of the lag. Krіm tsgogo, the stench is due buti roztashovani perpendicularly to the long side of the board.

In order to save the cracking of the planks, prepare ahead of time to open the fastening.

It may be 2-3 mm smaller in diameter, lower fastening, which will wink.

For the protection of the plinth, you can vikoristovuvat zholobnik. These are special profiled planks, which are installed between the underlayment and the walls.

For preparation, having opened the pipe, beat the drill bit, the diameter of which is 8-10 mm over the pipe. To make sure that the flowers were fastened with flowers, you can tighten the boards with staples for the help of a stapler.

Pokrokov's instructions for vibrating pidlogs

Practically, underlays are never ideally even and smooth, especially in old booths. In other situations, drops can reach 20 cm in height. It is rather difficult to bring a similar surface to an overlying one, and a concrete screed can not be used in all situations. Not a skin beam at an old booth can show great excitement. In such situations, regulation of lags comes to the rescue. The stench is being restored at the offensive sequence.

Open the back in a specially prepared way, bolts will be screwed in the lags. The optimal number of openings is not less than 5 on the skin of 2 m of the beam. After that, the logs are laid out on the back of the appointments of the Croc. At the crossroads, there are openings for dowel-flowers. It is necessary to bring the drill to the openings for the bolts. The lags are vibrating for the wakefulness, after which the dowel-flowers are clogged. Parts of the bolts-stays that come out need to be seen. You can lay the finish coat.

Finishing of the improvement pidlogs

Laying the logs on the logs of the robot will not end. It is necessary to wear differences in height and shortness. The best care is to use an additional cycling machine or a small grinder. Start cycling with great sandpaper, after which you polish the surface with a fine-grained scouring pad.

At the end, it is necessary to apply a storage warehouse, which will increase the durability and term of service of the sublog. You can vicorate wax mastic, parquet varnish and oil seepage. Choose the best option for you. After that, as the warehouse is dry, proceed to the addition of the baggy finishing cover. Away robots!

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