Energy efficient wooden booth. Life of energy efficient houses. Energy efficient booth in the Nizhny Novgorod region

Іsnuє kіlka pіdstav in order to vikonati budіvnitstvo svogo boudinka behind energy efficient technologies. The main reason is those who, during the operation of your life, you know less vitrates. But it is also important that when selling, such options will be beneficial for buyers, that price for the new one can be set richer.

At the link with the rest of the bottoms on the light market of energy resources, you can create such a visnovka. The price for the main energy supply, and for the naphtha itself, is also unstable and constantly increasing. If you look at the past and analyze the price of naphtha, then the confirmation will be confirmed. To that it is brought, as if by a rank, to turn around, for example, to plan the life of energy-efficient houses and purchase an energy-efficient possession.

Not less material zisk є perevagoy of this type of booths. Adzhe, rapidly reducing energy resources, we cleanse our atmosphere from shkidlivyh houses and speeches, which blame for the hour of burning fire. More importantly, it is an insignificant contribution for the purification of our planet, and the population continues to swell and infect the epidermis and slough. However, we don’t call it that way, only people can get out of the crowd in bulk.

On what do we spend energy in our booths?

If you take an ordinary row of booths, you can see a sprat of "devouring" energy:

  • different electrical appliances;
  • light;
  • warm;
  • water heating.

Nearly 72% of the used energy is spent on heating our booths. All that earlier in our country did not think about savings, but they were houses, not attaching special respect to thermal insulation. In the lands of Europe, the situation is not so deplorable, the prote їхній pokaznik also lacks the best - 57%.

Understanding energy standards

Energy efficient life has become popular among the nineties. The first cities were Nimechchina, France, Sweden and Switzerland. The European fahivtsy began to waste energy with the filthy thermal insulation of the houses, the irregular shape of the buds, and also with the filthy roztashuvannyam of the buds on the side of the world. If you spend money on the correction of tsikh nedolіkіv nesuttєvі, then why not save? Todі y podіl podіl zhitlovy budіvel on teepee:

  • Energy efficient booth. This is how everyday life is respected, that it lives no more than seventy hundred thousand in the stream of energy, like a wonderful house. In addition, in such spores there are installations that work (wind turbines, sleepy batteries) and heat insulation close to fifteen centimeters.
  • Budіvnitstvo іz low livings. Here, the spіvvіdnoshennia to the standard booth is no more than forty five hundred inches, and the insulation is close to twenty centimeters.
  • Passive wakefulness is respected by a dispute with even low accommodations - 30% equal to standard houses. Engineers are trying to achieve such results of the miracle of insulation, the correct recovery of heat - the natural one that is mediocrely stained in ventilation systems. Sound like this, the booths are equipped with a thermal insulation of thirty centimeters, an autonomous power supply and heat.
  • Argue that the energy is not saved. So, it is planned to win and so, moreover, the stink of electricity. However, for now, it's just an experiment. The thermal insulation of such booths is forty centimeters.

Roof of necessary heat

Keep in mind that most of the electricity is spent on heat, then the energy standard of the house is selected depending on the E coefficient. Rozberemo, in view of which to deposit this coefficient:

  • Yak_st thermal insulation.
  • Type of ventilation
  • Orientation of life from the sides of the world.
  • Quantity of by-button heat

Also, varto designate the coefficient of normalized seasonal heat loss E0. Vin also determines the necessary amount of heat for heating a cubic meter, but remember that the building was built according to the standards and rules. E0 is rozrakhovuєtsya as a vіdshennya zvnіshnіh sіn to the volume, which is heated.

How can we see energy efficient booths?

Technologies are improving, and even as we marvel at the future, we can say: the life of such houses is cost-effective. By far the capital investments that are seen on the passive building are 20 thousand more than the average daily wages. For a sprat of roki, the price will change to 10 vіdsotkіv. І tse you can confirm with the help of foreign alarms. Energy efficient living room good option for investment. We confirm this by looking at such a butt. How the butt is taken by the splendid deputy house with an area of ​​150 squares, where one family lives. Yak a thermal installation in a vibero gas boiler. Todi vitrati for the operation of the dwelling will be as follows:

  • scorching - 144 kW / m2;
  • water heating - 30 kW / m 2;
  • auxiliary consumption (electrical appliances, cooking, light) - 26 kW / m 2.

At such a time, it turns out that for such a river, such a vimagatime is 30,000 kW. How to replace a standard booth take an energy efficient wooden booth, the picture will come:

  • scorching - 44 kW / m2;
  • water heating - 30 kW / m 2;
  • auxiliary consumption (electrical appliances, cooking, light) - 26 kW / m 2.

Spozhive for river 15 000 kW. Also, you can save about 50% for the operation of the booth. More encouraging information.

Vicon Square

On the construction of vicons, it does not allow heat protection, close to the heat protection of capital walls. From the other side, from the position of illumination, the place of the great window is replaced by a piece of illumination. Bring the golden mean. When designing the most optimal, the ratio 6:1 is taken into account, de 6 - the whole area of ​​the sublog, and 1 - the window. For example, let's take an energy-efficient booth that is occupied by an area of ​​36 square meters. The optimal slope area will be close to 6 square meters.

Design of energy efficient houses. Project catalogs

The statistics seem to show that close to 80% of private houses are set up for ready-made projects. And what can be done on the basis of these options for energy efficient booths? Projects from a great number of people are found in special catalogs, and which of the impersonal options to choose?

Even more important task is to speed up the reduction of electricity to a minimum. Yak was meant to be higher left partїї stained for heating the place at the winter hour. However, varto razumiti, scho zbіlshivshi ball teploіizolії, budinok not robiti energy efficient. Here pidhid can be complex. It is also important to put in all the places of cold weather, as well as transfer mechanical ventilation.

We give respect to the walls and dahu

Before joining the project, we need to carry out a lot of research to ensure uninterrupted thermal insulation. An energy-efficient booth is the whole point, for which it is even more important to feed tightness.

Zavdyaki danіy charac- teristics are colder and not suitable for admission. Everything can be airtight, starting at the door and finishing with a bang. The walls of such booths are plastered with a hanging ball, and the covering is covered with thermal insulation and vapor barrier. The places of sticks and the fastening are covered with a special adhesive line.

Rozrahunok of energy efficiency

As it was conceived more, energy-efficient spore is considered, as if it lives no more than seventy hundred thousand of electric energy per quantity, as if it saves a wonderful house. Let's look at the coefficient E and this value:

  • For a sizable booth, the coef. E less or more 110 kW / m2.
  • For an energy-efficient booth, the coefficient E less or more 70 kW / m2.
  • For coef. E less or more 15 kW / m2.

At the approach of the modern day, the way of rozrahunka of energy efficiency is important for the Єр coefficient. Він means the amount of energy needed for scorching, ventilation, heating water, lighting and air conditioning. Let's look at the classification of budvel, fallow in Er:

  • For economical budgets, a smaller or more expensive 0.5.
  • For energy-saving spores, coef. Єр smaller or more expensive 0.75.
  • For the most important days, the smaller or more expensive 1.
  • For passive budіvel koef. Єр smaller or more expensive 0.25.
  • For the most energy-efficient buildings, Єr is greater than 1.5.

Ventilation supply and heating

We have already talked about those that energy-efficient booths can be lined with mechanical ventilation with the function of removing heat. To that, while wrapping up the project, it is necessary to wonder that such ventilation has been transferred to the booth. It is important, the shards of normal ventilation are not functional in a sealed booth. It also means that gravitational ventilation works well at temperatures that are three times higher than the zero mark, so it’s out of the question.

In airtight energy-efficient booths, it is best to show yourself mechanical ventilation, so as to allow you to remove heat from the wind that you see. Such ventilation can be used in a booth without a scorching water system, which will lead to savings on radiators, pipes and heating installations. Therefore, be respectful of the energy-efficient booths: projects can transfer this type of ventilation.

Deyakі thin spores

We will analyze the fine structures of similar buds. If you are planning to build an energy-efficient booth with your own hands, you need to know the exact number of people who will live there. Even the people themselves create more warmth - with prana, cooked food, koristuvannya with electric appliances. To come out, that such great houses are not considered energy efficient for the mind, that a small number of people live in them. It is also important to set up an efficient windshield, choosing energy-efficient accessories. It will be corny to cover the pribudinka dacha in a way that is right up to the sides of light and climate minds in your region.


Designing and building energy-efficient houses in the future will not be the only one directly in the living room. That requires you to think about it right away.

At to the current world, if a person called, її otochyuet different buttovі attach To make it easier for you to wash your life, supply food, how to reduce the energy savings with the help of accessories, optimize their work and increase the coefficient of their victories.

One of these ways is the life of energy-saving houses.

What is an energy-saving booth?

Energy saving booth- all nights, which have an optimal microclimate, have their own calmness of different kinds of energy, kind of dzherel, stay in low, opposite wakefulness, even calmness.

An energy-saving booth can provide thermal insulation, and not only take away thermal energy from third-party heaters, but also itself as a heater. Energy from third-party dzherel goes to the scorched, hotter water supply and electric supply of butt fittings.

Energy-saving booth:

  • Bud_vlya, as the wind of its design allows you to significantly reduce the need for thermal energy.
  • Budinok, which is comfortable for living, zavdyaki microclimate, which is created in the new.

In order to create an energy-saving booth, it is necessary to develop a project in which the following directions will be transferred:

The technical systems of the system will be responsible, but they are oriented towards energy saving, so for the system:

  • Ventilation - it is necessary to transfer heat recovery, if it is warmer again at the exhaust ventilation system, it heats the outside after the tidal ventilation.
  • Scorched - the choice of heat pumps of various types.
  • Hot water supply - installation of sleepy collectors.
  • Power supply - zastosuvannya sleepy power plants and wind generators.

The design of an energy-saving booth can look like this (without fixing the power supply system):

Heaters for home

The scorching system of an energy-saving booth can be made on vikoristanni sony batteries. And here, electric heaters are installed at the premises of the necessary tension. With such a variant of the scorching system, the sleepy power plant may be significant intensification, tk. krіm scorching systems, at the skin booth there are other electricians that can cause great exhaustion (prying, a kettle, micro-furnace and other attachments). At zv'yazku z tsim most widely vikoristovuєtsya variant vikoristannya heat pump.

A heat pump is a technical accessory that serves to transfer heat energy.

Heat pumps differ according to the principle of inflow, proper energy supply, type of heat exchanger, operating mode, productivity and a number of other powers. On the guidance below, the diagram of representations of a heat pump, which works on the "land - water" stage.

Scheme of the operation of the heat pump "land - water":

In outbuildings of this type, as if the heat energy was warm, the energy of the earth is victorious. For this, closing the outer circuit of the heat pump, which is lower than the level of the freezing of the earth, pumping a special outlet (antifreeze), which is for the help of the installed pump, circulating in this circuit. The external circuit is connected with the heat pump condenser, which in the process of circulation of the rossol, accumulates the heat of the earth, the cooling agent. The refrigerant, at its core, circulates at the internal circuit of the heat pump and goes to the condenser attached, transferring heat, energy, which circulates at the internal circuit of the scorching system.

Electric boilers

As in the case of a scorching system, so in a hot water supply system, it is possible to extract electrical energy, as it is taken from solar power plants or wind generators. For whom it is possible to win electric energy-saving Kazan.

Advantages of choosing electric boilers for scorching systems and hot water supply:

  1. Ease of installation and maintenance;
  2. Ecological safety and economy of outbuildings;
  3. Trivaliy term of exploitation.

Up to a short time, it is possible to see the fallowness due to the uninterrupted power supply and the addition to the electric line.

Energy-saving electric boilers are:

  • electrodes;
  • ionnі;
  • ion exchange.

Change in these types of boilers in the process of converting electrical energy into thermal energy. Krіm vіdmіnnosti by design (type), boilers are divided by the number of working circuits, method of installation, tension, overall dimensions and other technical indications, which are designated by virobniki plants.

Energy saving, with the exception of this possession, can be reached for the account:

  1. Change in inertia heating of outbuildings;
  2. selection of special physical transformations of electrical energy into thermal energy;
  3. Ensuring a smooth start, on the cob the robotic process;
  4. Vykoristannya systems of automation in the control of the temperature of heat transfer and cooling;
  5. Selection of current materials and technologies in preparation.

Yaki lamps are better for home

At this hour, the market was filled with lights, like lamps, to complete a wide range of outbuildings, which, with sufficient light flow and less exhaustion, are equal to traditional heating lamps. Such dzherelami lighted energy-saving and light-emitting lamps.

The type of lamps, to which one can see luminescent - gas-discharge lamps and the principle of their work of foundations on lights, which is due to the influx of an electric discharge with metal vapors or gas, which I will add to the flask.

Similar lamps are distinguished by an internal grip, light color and other technical characteristics. So fluorescent lamps- all attachments with a low grip, and sodium, mercury and metalogenic - with a high grip in the middle of the flask.

Another type of energy-saving lamps is ce halogen lamps. Due to its design, the stench is similar to the heating lamps, but it is less expensive, because the presence of halogens in the flask of the dzherel light increased the light flow, it was replaced with a heating lamp with a similar tension. Also, for halogen lamps, the term for the service of lamps of this type is increased.

For the electric supply of the booth, vicorous energy-saving lamps are used to make a standard base, like a lam at the roasting, and the flask is guessed by the shape of a tubular spiral. The middle tube is covered with a phosphor and filled with gas, two electrodes are mounted on the ends, which are heated when the lamp is put into operation. In the middle of the basement there is a wiring diagram for the elements of the living block (the diagram for the annex is shown below).

Prior to the replacement of energy-saving lamps, you can add:

  1. The tension was relieved, lower lamps were lit, with the same light potency.
  2. Trival term of exploitation, in pairs with heating lamps.

Different colors of the light stream:

  • warm white (color temperature - 2700 K);
  • white (3300-3500 K);
  • cold white (4000-4200 K);
  • daytime.

Nedolіkami energosberіgayuchih lamps є:

  1. Lamps of this type do not like partial switching.
  2. When the lamp is turned on in the work, it does not immediately give the same brightness of the glow, but the actual hour shines darker.
  3. Energy-saving light bulbs require ventilation.
  4. At negative temperatures, they will burn badly.
  5. After completion of operation, disposal is required when out of whack.
  6. Process lamps may pulsate.
  7. During operation, the phosphor is worn around the world, infrared and ultraviolet vibrations are observed.
  8. It is impossible to regulate the lightness of the light with regulation attachments (dimers).

Svіtlodiodnі lamps - tse dzherela svіtla, scho may also be a small sweat, with a significant light potency and in its essence - tse energy-saving attachments.

Behind its design, a light-emitting lamp with an electronic, nap_vprovidnikovy outbuilding, the principle of di - foundations on the transformation of an electric jet into light. The design of the light-emitting lamp is placed lower.

Advantages of using light bulbs:

  1. More trial terms of operation, lower for energy-saving lamps.
  2. Є more economical, 2-3 times, lower energy saving.
  3. Ecologically safe.
  4. Do not be afraid of shocks and vibrations.
  5. There are small geometrical dimensions (dimensions).
  6. When switched on, repair pracsyuvati mittevo, do not be afraid of switching.
  7. A wide range of lights.
  8. There is a possibility to work with dimers.

Inconsistencies of vikoristannya є:

  1. High varity.
  2. The pulsation of the light stream is possible during the process of operation of the outbuildings.

On the power “What kind of lamps are better for a house of light and energy-saving?”, the skin is responsible for the safety for itself, having caused the damage and the shortcomings, built it higher, as well as special attention to the lighting characteristics (tension, thin color), as well as the varness of the selected type of lamps.


The variety of energy-saving lamps, including light ones, can be stored according to their technical characteristics (tension, color, etc.), outbuildings, as well as trade goods, in which the outbuildings are bathed.

At the moment, the variety of energy-saving lamps, manufactured by different companies and indebtedly due to exhaustion, in trade measures becomes:

  • Options of the company "Supra" - from 120.00 to 350.00 rubles;
  • Philips products - 250.00 to 500.00 rubles;
  • Selections of the Hyundai company - from 150.00 to 450.00 rubles;
  • Selections of the firm "Start" - from 200.00 to 350.00 rubles;
  • Selections of the company "Era" - from 70.0 to 250.00 rubles.

Light bulbs, which are produced by different companies, depending on their technical characteristics, are sold at trade facilities for the following variant:

  • Philips products - from 300.00 to 3000.00 rubles;
  • Variations by Gauss - from 300.00 to 2500.00 rubles;
  • Virobnitstva firms "Osram" - 250.00 to 1500.00 rubles;
  • Selections of Camelion firms - from 250.00 to 1200.00 rubles;
  • Choices by Nichia - 200.00 to 1500.00 rubles;
  • Selections of the company "Era" - from 200.00 to 2000.00 rubles.

On the market of Gerel Light, there are products of those other enterprises, both domestic and foreign, as well as the order of price of products, which lie in the designated spectra.

How to wake up the energy-saving booth

In order to induce an energy-saving house, it is necessary to develop a project that can save those moments and subtleties, without which it is impossible to achieve the necessary result.

The z-axis is:

  1. Roztashuvannya booth.
    Vіn is guilty of roztashovuvatisya on a flat, sunlit place, without presence near the pits, ditch that yarіv. Planning a booth can be transferred from the pivden side - large panoramic windows, from the pivnichny vіkon you can not but.
  2. Construction of a booth.
    The design of the booth can be ergonomic.
  3. Foundation.
    The type of foundation and materials that are victorious are responsible for ensuring the minimum heat input.
  4. Wall insulation.
    Yak insulating material for walls due to vikoristan and yakіsnі materials, building materials, ensuring the minimum heat conductivity of ovnishnіkh walls.
  5. Vіkna іz potrіynym sklopaket.
  6. Vicoristannya variant with double covering and vikoristannya materials that exalt warmth.
    Vikoristannya energy-efficient systems of scorching and hot water supply.
  7. Zastosuvannya alternative dzherel energії when folded system elektroprostachannya booth.
  8. Vlastuvannya primusovoj ventilation system with recuperation system.
  9. With power entrance doors, win the system "hanging doors"

Pluses and minuses

To the positive sides, which explain the interest of forgetfulness, to the life of energy-saving houses lie:

  • Correctly prompting the booths creates a pleasant microclimate in the middle of the dwelling, which ensures a comfortable living for people.
  • The maximum reduction in heat consumption and the use of alternative energy sources allow significant reduction in utility bills.
  • Such a booth is an environmentally friendly spore, which promotes this market variability, and does not have a negative impact on in the middle.

Before the shortfalls, you can see:

  • Folding capacity project documentation that vikonnanny was able to become vikonannya robit at various stages of everyday life.
  • The high quality of everyday life.

An energy-saving booth is not an idealized apparent booth of the future, but today's reality, as it gains more and more popularity. An energy-saving, energy-efficient, passive house or an eco-house today is called such a living, as it will require a minimum of spending on the support of comfortable minds of living in the new. Reached by the path of the most important decisions in the sphere, that everyday life. What technologies for energy-saving houses are being developed at the moment and how many resources can save the stench?

No. 1. Design of an energy-saving booth

Life will be as economical as possible, as it was designed with the best energy-saving technologies. Recycle already budinok budinok will be more foldable, dearer, that scoring the results will be important. The project is being developed by additional fakhivtsy for the improvement of the successor, but with the help of a trace of memory, that the selections of the selected solutions can be cost-effective for us. important moment - the appearance of climatic features of the region.

As a rule, energy-saving budinki, in which they live permanently, the task of conserving heat, maximizing natural lighting, is to come out in the first place. The project is responsible for the protection of individual vimogi, but rather, it will be a passive house as compact as possible. the cheapest.

Tim himself can tell different options . The best praise for the solution of the best architects, designers and engineers allowed at the stage of development the plan of the building to create universal energy-saving frame booth(Read more -). The unique design cooperates with all economically viable propositions:

  • the beginnings of the technology of SIP-panels may be high;
  • daytime temperature and soundproofing, as well as daylight hours in the cold;
  • sporuda will not require an outrageously expensive scorching system;
  • for the various frame panels of the booths, it will be even more difficult that it is characterized by a trivial term of service;
  • the accommodation is compact, comfortable and handy for an hour of further operation.

As an alternative, it is possible to win for the building of load-bearing walls, insulating the structure from the sides and, as a result, taking a great "thermos". Often victorious tree as the most ecological material.

No. 2. Architectural solutions for an energy-saving booth

In order to achieve economy of resources, it is necessary to increase the importance of planning old-fashioned look at home. The dwelling will be as energy-saving as possible, as such nuances are guaranteed:

  • correct rotting. Budinok can be roztashovany at the meridional or latitudinal straight line and take off the difference between the sleepy ones. Pivnіchny budinok is more likely to be meridional, to reduce the influx of sony light by 30%. Pivdenni budinki, navpaki, better build near the latitudinal straight, to change the windshield for air conditioning;
  • compactness, under which to this particular type reconcile the spіvvіdshnennia vnutrіshnoї and zovnіshnyoї ploschі booth. It may be minimal, but it can be reached for the price Vіdmovi vіd vіpirayuchih imіshcheni i arkhіtekturnih embellishments type of erkers. To go out, which is the most economical budinok - tse paralepiped;
  • thermal buffers, yakі vіdokremlyuyut zhitlovі primіshchennya vіd kontaktі z dovkіllam Garages, loggias, pіdvali that uninhabitable hills will become a miraculous membrane for penetration into the rooms of the cold wind of the call;

  • correct natural lighting. For clumsy architectural tricks, you can spend 80% of the total working hour hanging houses for the help of sleepy shifts. Admission, de sim'ya spend most of the time(vital, distant, child) better than roztashuvati on the pivdenniy side, for Comoros, bathrooms, garages and other additional facilities to bring in the rose light, so the stench can be brought to the pivnichnu side. Width at the bedroom the vranci will be safe with a charge of energy, and in the evenings the change will not be important. A light in such a bedroom can be easily managed without a piece of light. shodo rozmiru vikon, then it’s important to lay down food in the skin priorities: save on lighting and heating. Vіdminniy priyom - vstanovlennya sleepy trumpet. Vaughn may have a diameter of 25-35 cm and have a mirror-like internal surface: take a sleepy room at the house, save the intensity at the entrance to the room, and let the stench rise through the diffuser. It’s light to come out of the floorings, so that after the installation of coristuvachs, they often reach for vimikach when leaving the room;

  • cover. A lot of architects recommend to work as simple as possible for an energy-saving booth. They often go for two options, moreover, if we have a lower vine, we will save money on the houses. On a gently sloping dah, snow is trimmed, and winter is warmed up.

Number 3. Thermal insulation for an energy-saving booth

Navіt vіdovanіm z urakhuvannyam usіh arkhіtekturnih cunning budinok vymagaє proper warming, sob to be completely hermetic and not to let the heat in the middle of the middle.

Thermal insulation of walls

Through the walls, close to 40% of the heat in the house To that, their warming is given respect. The widest and simplest way of insulation is the organization of a bagato-ball system. sheathed insulating, which often plays the role of mineral wool or expanded polystyrene, the beast is mounted with a reinforcing mesh, and then - the base and the main ball of plaster.

Bigger road and progressive technology - ventilation facade. The walls of the booth are sheathed with slabs of mineral wool, and the facing panels of stone, metal or other materials are mounted on a special frame. Between the ball of insulation and the frame, there is a small gap, which plays the role of a “thermal cushion”, does not allow the thermal insulation to get wet and optimally wash in the living.

In addition, in order to reduce heat loss through the walls, vicorous insulating warehouses in the areas of admixture, to protect future shrinkage and change in the power of certain materials at elevated temperatures.

The principle of a robotic ventilated facade

Thermal insulation coating

Through the cover, it’s close to 20% of the heat. To insulate the dahu, use the same materials that are used for the walls. Widely widened for today mineral wool and pіnopolіstyrol. The architects recommend that the thickness of the roofing insulation is not thinner than 200 mm regardless of the type of material. It is important to open up the gap on the supporting structure and cover it, so that the integrity of the structure is not damaged.

Thermal insulation of window openings

20% of the heat consumption of the booth falls on the weekend. Wanting better, lower old wooden windows, protecting the houses from stretching out and isolating the place from the splendid inflow, the stench is not ideal.

More progressive options for an energy-saving booth:

Thermal insulation for the foundation

Through the foundation and under the first layer, 10% of heat perishes on top. The base is insulated with the same materials, which are the walls, and you can also wink and other options: poured heat-insulating sumish, foam concrete and aerated concrete, granular concrete from a record thermal conductivity of 0.1 W/(m°C). It is possible to insulate not for a base, but for a bed of a base, as it has been transferred by the project.

The foundation is better to insulate the sound, which will help to protect it not only from freezing, but also from other negative factors, incl. an influx of ground waters, temperature drops are thin. With the method of warming the foundation vicorist polyurethane, which is drunk, and polystyrene.

No. 4. Heat recovery

The heat from the house is not more likely to go through the walls and cover it, but through it. To change the windshield to scorch, vicorist tide-ventilation with recuperation.

recuperator name a heat exchanger, which is used in the ventilation system. The principle of yoga is in the offensive. Heat up again through the ventilation ducts to get out of the room, giving your heat to the heat exchanger, sticking out of it. It is colder and fresher from the streets, passing through the heat exchanger, it heats up and comes to the booth already at room temperature. As a result, the household members have a cleaner, fresher air, but do not spend heat.

A similar ventilation system can be used at once from the natural one: once again we go to the primus stove, and go outside the natural draft. There is one more trick. Povіtrozabіrna shafa can be put into the booth for 10 meters, and construction of laying under the ground on the freezing depths. In this case, before the heat exchanger, the inflow will again be cooled, and the charge will be heated for the temperature of the ground.

No. 5. Razumny dim

To make life more comfortable and save resources, you can that technique zavdyaki yakim already today is possible:

No. 6. Singing and hot water supply

Solar systems

The most economical and environmentally friendly way to scorch the application and warm water- Tse win the energy of the sun. Possibly, as soon as possible for the sleepy collectors, we will install a booth on the daha. Such extensions can be easily connected to the scorching system and the hot water supply booth, and the principle of their work and attack in the offensive. The system consists of the collector itself, the heat exchange circuit, the storage tank and the heating station. At the collector circulating heat-carrying (land), which heats up for the energy of the sun and through the heat exchanger delivers heat water to the accumulator tank. Remaining behind the roof of the garnoy thermal insulation of the building for a long time, save hot water. This system can have a heater-understudy installed, which heats up the water to the required temperature in gloomy weather or insufficient sleepy change.

Collectors can be either flat or vacuum. Flat is a box, closed with a fold, in the middle there is a ball with tubes, through which the heat carrier circulates. Such collectors are mіtsnіshі, but today they are vacuumed. The rest are made up of anonymous pipes, the middle of which is another pipe or a pipe with heat transfer. Between the name and inner tubes is a vacuum, which serves as an insulator. Vacuum collectors are more efficient, charge in gloomy weather, repairable. Collector service term is about 30 years or more.

Heat pumps

Heat pumps vikoristovuyut for singing booth low-potential heat of the superfluous medium, incl. poіtrya, nadr i navіt vtorinne heat, for example, in the pipeline of the central scorching. Such attachments are made up of a evaporator, a condenser, an expansion valve and a compressor. All stinks are connected by a closed pipeline and function according to the Carnot principle. Seemingly simpler, the heat pump is similar to the work of a refrigerator, only functions just like that. Just as in the 80s of the last century, heat pumps were often used to grow up, then even today in Sweden, for example, 70% of the houses are scorched by such a rank.

Condensing boilers

Biogas yak palevo

It is possible to argue bioreactor for biogas recovery. In a new biomass, the plants are converted to anaerobic bacteria, after which biogas is established, which consists of 60% of methane, 35% of carbon dioxide and 5% of other houses. After the process of cleaning the veins, you can vicorate for scorching that hot water pumping house. Pereroblenі vіdhodі are transformed on the miraculously kindly, as if they could wink in the fields.

No. 7. Dzherela Electricity

The energy-saving house is guilty and, bazhano, otrimuvaty її z vіnovlyuvanyh dzherel. On this day, impersonal technologies have been implemented for whom.

Wind generator

The energy of the wind can be transformed into electricity, like great wind turbines, and with help compact "home" windmills. In windy weather, such installations in buildings are provided with electricity, a small house, in regions with low wind speed, it is more often than not to use sony batteries at once.

The strength of the wind is given to the wind blades of the windmill, as if the rotor of the generator of electricity is rattled around. The generator vibrates a changeable unstable strum, which vibrates at the controller. There, the batteries are charged, as if, at their own pace, connected to the inverters, where the constant voltage is changed to the change, vikoristovuvanu spozhivachem.

Windmills can have both horizontal and vertical wrapping. For the development of vitrates, the stench will forever destroy the problem of energy independence.

sony battery

The solarium of the sonyachny light for electric power is not much wider, but even in the nearest possible situation, the situation is drastically changing. The principle of a robotic sleep battery even simpler: for the conversion of the sleepy light to the electrician, we turn p-n transition. Direction of ruh electronics, which is provoked by sony energy, and electricity.

The constructions and materials will be thoroughly improved, and the amount of electricity without a middle lie in the light. So far, the most popular are various modifications silicon sony batteries But an alternative to them is new polymeric plіvkovі batteries, which are still in the development stage.

Saving electricity

Otriman electrician needs to use stained glass windows with a mind. For whom to become at the god's next decision:

No. 8. Water supply and sewerage

Ideally, the energy-saving booth is to blame take water from the Sverdloviny, raztashovana under the dwelling. But if the water is lying on the greater depths, and the yakist її does not support vimog, such a decision should be taken into account.

It is better to pass wastewater through the recuperator and take warmth from them. For the purification of waste water, you can vicorate septic tank, de transformation vіdbuvatimetsya for rahunok anaerobic bacteria. Withdrawal of compost is good good.

To save money, it’s not bad to change the water that gets angry. In addition, it is possible to bring the system into life, if the water, which vigorizes at the bathroom and sink, stagnates for anger in the toilet bowl.

No. 9. Why would you need an energy-saving booth

Obviously, it’s better to make the most natural syrovina as much as possible, which does not require the numerical stages of processing. Tse wood and stone. The priority is better given to materials, the variety of which is found in the region, even in such a rank, costs for transportation are reduced. In Europe, passive houses began to be produced from the products of the processing of inorganic smite. , hard metal.

If you once add respect to the development of energy-saving technologies, think over the project of an eco-house and invest in a new one, in the future, the future will be minimal, or it will be pragmatic to zero.

Just talk about those, how to wake up a passive budinok, follow the troch to change the command: “What is good for him, then for the Russian ... the same is good.” The technology of life of such a life came to us from Germany, where it is good to live long ago. Nіmtsі navіt developed a special standard Passivhaus Standard, in which all possibilities are indicated before the design of such spores.

Interest before Passivhaus vinyl following the crisis in the world energy system (1974), if they published reports about those that, at the current pace of natural wealth (oil, gas and water), could be put into terms no more than 50 years. At the same time, the first projects appeared in the sphere of living life, aimed at reducing the level of energy saving.

At one of the UN International Energy Conferences (MIRZK), which took place on the cob of the 80s. of the past century, the designers of a one-pack visnovka: modern budinki can make a great reserve for the promotion of energy efficiency. At the same time, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bbeing ready for efficient, and even more passive life was born.
So arguably small:

  • save the minimum amount of positive energy;
  • practically do not splurge on dovkіllya.

The Institute of Passive Budinka appeared in Darmstadt in the mid-1990s. The same yogi fahivtsy were razroblenі osnovnі vimogi up to Passivhaus. The first energy-efficient booth by Bott-Ridder and Westermauer was awarded in 1991 by the Ministry of Economics of Hesse. Implementation of the project keruvav Feist Wolfgang. Bud_vlya for 4 sіm'ї will require a total of 1 liter of rare fire on the river for scorching 1 square meter of area. Dosvіd nіmtsіv buv nastіlki svіshnі, scho yogo was taken to the bіlshіn kraїn evropi and this year from the world zbudovano ponadováno 40 000 pasivnyh budinkov.

Evaluation criteria

All projects of energy-efficient houses may meet the main criterion - the consumption of heat energy, as it is stained for the scorching of the cold season in the pererahunka for the whole river. The very same acceptance in Europe, the indicator is poured into those, to what type of bunkins lie:

  • Passivhaus;
  • low and ultra-low heat retention;
  • zero posture;
  • positive energy balance.

The value of the standard indicator for Passivhaus is not guilty of exceeding 15 kW-year/m2. At the same time, the consumption of energy by the opalous possessors and electric appliances is changed at a value of up to 120 kW-year/m2 per river. But the main feature of the passive booth, as well as invigorating the yogo of the splendid ones, is a fundamentally different step to the design of that life. Until recently, there was a hope for houses in Russia, to make stars behind the technology of Passivhaus, not 100% like that, even if they did not reach the visual indications. More commonly, Russian projects are called houses with ultra-low (from 15 to 35 kW-year/m2) and low (from 36 to 50 kW-year/m2) heat generation.

If the houses are with zero energy supply, then the stench vibrates on the river, the stiles of heat, the stalks themselves beat. And the booths with a positive indicator vibrate more, less help and may be able to sell extra goods.

For budinkiv with zero and positive indicators, it is typical:

  • availability of an installed autonomous power system (inverter and photovoltaic panels);
  • connection to the Moscow electrical network with the possibility of "releasing" the resource.

Ring out the excess of energy at the early hour, if the Lord is on the day. Budinkov with such an ostentation is not so rich in the world, and in the climate of the middle smog of Russia it is unrealistic to call such a bunkin.

One more thing to understand, necessary for a complete description of the energy-efficient booths of an active house. This concept is based on the fact that the protected energy is not guilty of harming a healthy person, but rather resting on a healthy harmony with her that nature. Spriyaє tsomu vstanovlennya spetsialnoї avtomatizatsii, yak allows budіvlі independently cheruvati mikroklimat vlasnym without vruchannya vlasnik. To put it briefly, such a dispute is the use of passive technologies and the “smart home” system.

And yet, what is an “energy efficient booth”? There is no unambiguous definition of the term in Russian. More than anything, the appointment was made in SNiP "Thermal Protection Budіvel" in 2003, it was seen as a key understanding of energy efficiency, divided into five classes from A to E, fallow in the actual indication of rozrahunkovy. Passivhaus - budіvlі scho mayut energy efficiency class And even more.

Considering all that has been written about energy efficiency issues, we can say that if you understand it in a flash, it means a trend towards saving resources, which will require more life. Budinki can be zbudovani for any projects and technologies, but also to increase the potential for saving heat by reaching the minimum indicator of energy consumption.

The main ambush of a passive booth

At Passivhaus, a comfortable microclimate is available at any hour of fate, like a charge, in the opiate period, so it is. With this condition, that scorching does not vikoristovuєtsya zovsіm, but only in a seemingly compact system of small tightness. Zavdyaki why did it become possible and how to call an energy-efficient booth?

Three "whales" of Passivhaus are seen by the fahivtsy:

  • sealed heat-insulating circuit;
  • povitronepronitska shell;
  • Comfortable microclimate.

Dobre vіdomo, scho most of the heat loss comes through windows, walls and dah. However, the technology of Passivhaus does not transfer the choice of any special materials for the building covering that wall. The main task of the designer is to close the shell-thermos, as if it were not small in the cold. Vaughn can slander not only the visible part of the booth, but the foundation. Even at the stage of the pit, a sealed contour is molded with a high indicator of thermal insulation. To close the circuit, it is necessary to install “warm” doors and vicons, the heat transfers of which are half less than the minimum.

A comfortable microclimate is created behind the help of competently insured tidal ventilation with heat recovery. The stars of such a system are warmed up from the street, first enter before the adoption, then take an active part in the warming up. For scorching Passivhaus, centralized or combined alternative energy sources are used: wind generators, solar panels, photovoltaic cells, heat pumps.

Prospects for energy-efficient houses in Russia

Why is it possible to have energy-saving houses in Russia? The same food is praised as forgetfulness, so is the deputy, as if they would like to save money. Even though it is important to mirkuvati, without zayvogo optimism, you can make such a visnovka.

So, it is possible to create a heat-insulating hermetic circuit, but only for the help of especially effective cold materials. However, as practice has shown, in Russian pilot projects, the unacceptable pardons of budvelniks were never forgotten. On one of the objects under the hour of re-checking the integrity of the vapor barrier fakhivtsy, they revealed too great a lot of material that was not fixed to a wooden base. Such fragments themselves were ripped apart, which led to significant losses of heat. Defects were eliminated in three stages, only after the first rozrahunkov indications of re-penetration were reached. This butt clearly shows that it was not ideally designed for everyday life, to make small mistakes when building a designer's robot.

Energy efficiency of frame houses

More than anything, the future will have expanded effective technologies, as if they would allow Passivhaus to exist in Russia. But in order for such buddies to be considered passively passive, fakhivtsy of the budivel company "Ekos" agree on the thought that the value of the normative indicator can be overridden. And the representatives of other votchiznyanyh zabudovniki, who have begun to master energy-efficient projects, are also thinking about it.

Dotrimuyuchis all the nuances of technology, in Russian climate minds, it is easy to reach the value of 15 kW-year/m2. And in this way, we have already made an order on the cob of the article, we may sound like: “What is good for the Germans, then the Russians do not have to come.” Today we cannot say that in our country there will be Passivhaus fairs. The names of the implemented projects are houses with low and ultra-low energy levels or mentally passive. In the meantime, in the future, they themselves are behind similar houses, as if at once they allow their vlasniks to actively save and positively fit into the middle of the middle. Usіm, hto today zamyslyuєєtsya over zvedenniâ svomіskogo life, we recommend that you pay respect to yourself for the heat and for those who, as a normative ostentatious person, can change it.

Under the hour of preparation of the article, we have collected materials from the company "Ideas for Your Home" and the company ROCKWOOL

Energy-efficient booth - tse booths, in a small way, the energy saving will be combined with a comfortable microclimate.

Saving energy in such booths is 90%.

Rіchna demand for scorching energy-efficient booth can be less than 15 kWh per square meter.
For the way, on the sewage day at the native of the hollow of a private boil (a hall of the foundation, the “heat of the“ heat ”system without insulation, stiry was valued by the stucco, and the heels of the worst for scorching, install 110-130 kW * year per 1 m2 per river.

In the countries of the European Union, the following classification of houses has been adopted:

  1. Low energy booths
    Vicorist is 50% less energy, lower standard wake-up time, and is fully up to the strict energy standards.
  2. Ultra-low energy lifebooths
    Stained at 70-90% less energy, lower cost. Apply ultra-low energy houses with clearly christened speakers - the price of the German Passive House, the French Effinergie, the Swiss Minergie.
    Passive House (passive house) became a pioneer in the life of such houses, which was a kind of expansion near the city of Nimechchyn near metro Darmstadt in the 90s. It is customary to respect the "passive" life, as if it won't show the help, broken up by the German Institute of passive life. "Passive" booth - tse budinok from vіdminnoy thermal insulation, minimal reduction of electricity and thermal energy. The new environment enjoys a comfortable microclimate, mainly due to human warmth, the energy of the sun and the use of electric appliances, such as a kettle, a stove. The technologies of the “passive” booth (using ultra-low energy savings, without the traditional scorching system), are efficient and already tested in the severe Scandinavian climate. Such booths practically do not cause heat losses.
  3. Boondocks that generate energy
    Tse budіvlі, yakі viroblyayâ electrician for the needs. At certain times, excess energy can be sold to an energy company and bought back at the winter hour. Good thermal insulation, innovative design and innovative energy sources (sleepy batteries, ground heating pumps) make the chi budinka the avant-garde of modern home life.
  4. Boondocks with zero CO2 wikis
    A term that is most commonly used by Great Britain. Such a booth does not see CO2. Tse means that the house itself provides energy for itself from the refillable vents, including the energy that is spent on the scorching / cooling room, hot water supply, ventilation, lighting, cooking and electrical appliances. In Great Britain, all new houses from 2016 will meet the highest standard. Russia adopted the following classification:

*Vіdpovіdnіst up to SNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection of budіvel" standards for
Rostov-on-Don (m2°C/W) Rstіn=2.63 Rcover=3.96 Rvіkon=0.84


1. Correctly orienting the booth on the right side of the light.

One of the most important factors that contribute to the economy of energy resources is the growth of the light side. If the houses are energy-saving, most of the vicons can be straightened out for the day. With a change of elevation of up to 30 ° in azimuth per day, the sun's energy changes significantly. If you turn the houses in a different way, then the walls and the walls will be more efficient to insulate, in order to compensate for the lack of heat that is consumed at the place of exchange of sleepy light.

How do you heat up a booth in the sun? Nearly 90% of the light energy penetrates through the windows, heating the premises. Modern slopackets are made from special coatings and filled with inert gas. To cover the long-term cost of infra-red change from the middle of the room, changing the cost through the windows.

Through the great vein, the influx into the booth can become a little too specky. This problem is caused by the stagnation of one more special covering of the warehouse, as well as by the use of automatic systems for dimming, swaying windows, balconies. You may be at your order in such a way as to allow direct sleepy changes to pass through windows only at low sun in the winter hour. Trees shade the window on the sleepy barrel of the booth. Vzimku sonyachne light easily penetrates into the booths between bare hilts.

2. Designing a compact configuration of buds.

The greater the sound of the surface of the booth, with the same obsyazі yogo, the more heat. Therefore, during the life, reconstruction or expansion of the house, it was possible to unify all the powerful niches, ledges, ledges on the walls. May you make a sensation, come, who are not heated, on the pivnichniy side of the booth. For example, a place for storing garden equipment and bicycles, technical applications that protect a part of the booth from the wind and cold. Houses of compact design not only use less energy, but also require less energy to run.

3. Sound walls, constructions and the power of stagnating everyday materials.

A significant part of the heat goes to the booth through the outer shell. The greater the difference between the temperatures in the hosts and the posture at home, the more heat is wasted.

The steps of the heat insulation of the booth are designated as the coefficients of the heat transfer support of the yogo fenced structures (pillar, wall, window, cover). Chim vіn vishchy, tim yakіst warming is the best.

On a small scale, the design of the walls is presented with a transmission support coefficient of 2.1-2.2 m2ºС / W, which satisfies the regional vimog budіvel, which is located in the geographic latitude of Krasnodar.

Vidpovidno to BNiP 23-02-2003 "Thermal protection budіvel", for the Rostov-on-Don metro station, the heat transfer of a single-surface booth must not be less than 2.62 m2ºС / W.

4. Tovshchina of old walls and living quarters of the house.

In the context of the tovshchina of the outer walls, the size of the possible living area should be laid down in the middle. As a result of the growth of the worker, for example, not 32 cm, but 38.5 cm, the living area of ​​the booth will significantly change. So, at the booth with an area of ​​10 × 11 m, in the minds of the walls of the assigned comradeship of the yogo living area, spend 2.73 m! On the skin version. But it means that a square meter of leather is worth more expensive! With a total wall thickness of 49 cm, the living area of ​​the skin on top will change to 8 m2.

5. Noise defender booth.

The soundproofing of the walls and the construction of the booth without intermediary lie down in the thickness and structure of the material, from which the stench is prepared. When designing a booth, it is important to pay attention to isolation from shock and sound noise.

Sutsilni (without windows and doors) walls, for example, with fiber-reinforced foam concrete curtains 250mm, offer a wide range of comfort. Soundproofing of walls with windows, which occupy more than 25% of the area, would not be effective anymore: in any case, a significant portion of noise penetrates through the windows. Here, first of all, you will need special ones and come in for soundproofing.

6. Individual comfort and climate in the accommodation.

The concept of “comfort at the booth” is not the same for the rich. Some of them care that the most comfortable - the chains of scorched earthen stone, others - the silicate stone, the third may be addicted to the wooden frame structure. However, the climate near the booth is not only due to the absorption and heat-accumulating building of the walls, the principle of the work of the scorching system, the ventilation system and the activity of the baggers. Comfortable microclimate - tse zbalansirovannye of all these elements in the design of the booth.

7. Heat loss and cold places.

When insulating the booth, I especially respect the need for heat loss, otherwise we call it “cold bridges”. In these areas, heat is sometimes called intense, lower in others. As a butt, you can use balconies, vikonnі at once with overlaps at the sight of one suctile slab, vikonnі mows of abostika between ovnishnіmi walls and pіdvalnymi overlaps. In order to reduce the waste of heat and the possible damage to the structures (for example, splashing on them through the air), it is necessary to repair the house at the design stage.
Strengthening the sticks at the places of installation of vicons, doors, covering and reinforcing the buildings in the roller shutters should be especially respected.

In the minds, be like a bloody construction, incl. wooden, above the insulation, it is necessary to lay a waterproofing vapor-permeable slab, and from the bottom, under a heat-insulating vapor barrier, lay a seamless heat-insulation. Particular attention should be paid to the laying of the junction to the inner walls. There are two photos of one of the same booths: the first photo was crushed by a camera, the other - by a thermal imager.
This accessory fixed the great heat loss through windows and ovnishnі walls (designated by Zhovtim and red colors).

8. Thermal insulation of the dahu.

Earlier, it was important that for thermal insulation of the dahu there is a sufficient amount of insulation (mineral-fibrous mats or foam polyurethane plates) with a thickness of 10 cm, now it’s better to insulate the dahu by a significant amount of zhorstkishi norms. For energy-efficient (“warm”) houses, heat transfer opir can be at least 6 m2ºС / W, tobto. the thickness of the thermal insulation with the material with the coefficient of thermal conductivity (with equal moisture content) 0.04 W/m2K may not be less than 24 cm.

At different times of the most severe norms of saving energy resources, a significant role in this economy is played by the systems of scorching of the booths, which are in support of new vimog. Sufficient energy savings can be achieved, for example, for the valves of low-inertia systems, which are automatically regulated, quickly respond to temperature changes in the premises.

So, when warming up with sleepy exchanges, which are going through a crisis, the sensors can send a signal to the valves, which dose, a signal to change the supply of heat to the scorched room of this room. Apparently the boiler takes less than an hour and the gas will run short. In case of a scorched booth, they can give you plate parts of the scorching batteries and convectors, which may have little inertia. Scorched for additional heating, and kahelna pich through the great mass, which is heated, it is not possible to react quickly.

The scorching boiler is guilty of complying with the standards, what to speak about the efficient use of energy and the presence of sparse speeches in the atmosphere. Ninі tsim vіdpovіdat kondensіynі boilers, scho pratsyyut on rare scorching gas, as well as gas steam boilers from overhead KKD.

However, the most efficient and safest comfort is the scorching system with infrared heaters, їх KKD 92-97%.

For the purpose of changing the energy of a wet house, you need food: what is needed to put in the first line - to make a burnt out system of scorching and insulate the houses? Vidpovіd tse nutrition unambiguous. On the backside, paint the heat insulation of all elements of the booth. Shards for heating a well-insulated booth need more compact and less sweaty scorching system, but well-adjusted.

10. Passive and active recovery of sony energy.

The conservation of energy resources allows the stosuvannya at windows sklopaketіv with a lower heat transfer coefficient. For example, 1.6 W/(m2-K) instead of 2.3 or 2.6 W/(m2-K). The current market promotes sloping packages from Kt = 1.3-1.1 W / (m2-K). Buy cladding bags and luxury-class (0.9-0.8 W / (m2 "K)), but stench is much more expensive. In order to save energy, cladding creates comfort in the premises. ramie Zastosuvannya sklopaket z coefficient of heat transfer 1.3 or 1.11 W/m2-K not lead to a sharp increase in the vartost of windows on the windows, for example, in victoria wooden frames made of glued Angarsk pine.

The transformation of sleepy energy.

The energy of the sun can be vindicated not only passively (for the rahunok of the most important roosting of the glued on top of the booth on the pivdennu side), but also actively. At this point, there is a choice of sony batteries and sony water heaters, for the help of which you can heat water for the bath, the soul of that system is scorched.

  1. Radkisny dormouse collector;
  2. Automation shield;
  3. Heat exchanger;
  4. Razbіr pіdіgrіtoї vody;
  5. Serpentine for the contour of the scorching boiler;
  6. Serpentine-heat exchanger of the sleepy station;
  7. Pipeline for heating the heat exchanger;
  8. Pipeline for the maintenance of a sleepy collector.

Under the hour of designing a booth, it is necessary to transfer the laying of heat-insulated pipes from sony to warm water. The process of converting sony energy into electricity through photovoltaic cells is already being completed today, but for the time being, for private households, it is economically possible to just use sony water heaters.

A number of heat losses through the structural elements of the building, it is used up and when ventilated.

In the minds of a well-insulated ventilation house, the heat input reaches 30-50%. When this happens, heat is consumed as a result of replacing the warm air with fresh, but colder.

This process is necessary for the creation of normal microclimatic minds in a booth. The need for ventilation is especially important in an energy-efficient booth, where the penetration of cold fresh air into the booths is superbly blocked by indentations.

An effective solution for combating heat losses is the installation of a ventilation system with heat recovery (turning) of heat, as in modern models it reaches 80-85%.

At the design stage, it is necessary to transfer the heat exchanger and pipelines to the heat exchanger.

However, an effective ventilation system, based on practice, is the most extensive element of everyday life, on which you should always be protected. The shards of the needs of the meshkantsiv booth in a clean, fresh look do not change, they have to constantly pay for the overheating of electricity or gas, which is used to compensate for heat, which is shown.

Think about it: what kind of sensation dodatkovo strengthen that insulating construction of the place, how warmly is it called through the windows of that door?

Without the installation of an efficient ventilation system, these heat losses are lost. It is possible to speed up less than 30% by 25-30% (or by 10-15% due to total heat loss) for proper ventilation. Posture opalyuvalnym season, zvichayno, ventilated booths can be skolki zavgodno. Carry out the ventilation in such a way, it is recommended if you want to keep the hygiene standards in order. Korisno no less than two or three times a day for a short hour to spend time making vikna, making a stretch.

An hour, necessary for the recovery, lie down in the temperature and humidity of the weather and the strength of the wind. What is cold and dry on the street, how short can the airing process be. Water vapor, as well as odors that are settled when taking a bath or a soul, could be seen in the air once the place was aired. At the winter hour, it is necessary to work carefully, the shards of stretching can not only set up a healthy sack booth, but also cause a waste of a significant amount of heat. Apparently, a person is not spared weaknesses, to which one can see and hatefully setting up rules. At the same time, the rules for airing the premises. Mostly, if it's scorching, we don't change the pressure of the scorching system, but open the apartment. Also, why don't you trust the right ventilation technology, kerovaniy computer in offline mode?

TVs, washing machines, electric kettles, praski, cooking panels, split systems, light bulbs - all stinks affect the amount of electricity. Today it's easy to finish it off. It is necessary when buying a skin electric device to be put on the energy class, wine may be AAA.

To illuminate the booth, it is better to use lamps based on LED technology. The light lamp is one of the most environmentally friendly lamps of light. The principle of lighting of light-emitting diodes allows vikoristovuvaty in the production and robotic lamps themselves of the safe components. The stench does not take revenge on toxic speeches, that does not become unsafe at the time of the frenzy of the ruin. The term of service of a light-emitting lamp is up to 100,000 years. And the increased energy capacity allows you to save 10 times less electricity in pairs with traditional heating lamps.

13. Economical water supply and rotation of heat in the form of vicorous heat water.

For the rest of the decade, the workers of the plumbing equipment have been ripped off a lot different designs zmіshuvachіv, faucets and other elements of the plumbing system, as they allow speeding up the flow of water by 40-50%, without wasting the power of the flow of water.

Innovative systems for watering kvtniki and lawns of private houses have been developed, as soon as water is used for watering 40-60%. The systems combine local sensors, regional weather forecasts and an intelligent algorithm for choosing the optimal regime for watering the growing plants on the garden plots. The sensors are inserted into the skin zone of watering and monitor the water content, the temperature of the soil and the illumination of the territory. The system has a microcontroller, which brings sensors of Wi-Fi wireless technology to the home to control the time and frequency of watering. And the microcontroller, analyzing the obtained data, selects the optimal watering mode itself.

At 2012 designers of systems for recuperation of private houses from England and Belgium presented more compact systems, which allow turning the heat energy from sewage water back to the house. The CCD of such systems is close to 60%.


Insights on the food chain can give real savings figures and confirmed facts.

  1. Variety of the most popular thermal energy source in Russia - natural gas in 2017. at Rostov-on-Don it became 5.5 rubles/m3. The price trend is a broader smoother increase in the level of global light prices, as it has already become with gasoline, the variety of which on the domestic market was compared with the same price on the markets of Europe and Pivnichnoy America. Today, the average price of 1 m3 of gas, for example in Europe, becomes 0.37 $/m3, tobto. 13.3 rubles / M3. Let's assume that the marginal price increase is less than 9%, then the price of gas on the domestic market will reach the level of the average light price until 2025.
  2. Mid-day supply of energy to gas during the winter period with a large house of 100m2 (reinforced concrete foundation, “heat supply” system without insulation, walls 1.5 meshes with cement plaster, large metal-plastic windows, insulation cover 150mm - 0 850 m3). Prices for 2017 tse 4.8t.r./month, ale at 2025r. with an even higher level of fluency, the scorching of which booth will be in the average cost of 11.5 t.r. / month, or close to 60,000 rubles. for the opiate period.
  3. Vlasniki budinki in the above-described design, which may have such a majestic effect on the scorched, will be embarrassed by the work of the insulation, the minimum variability of which in the prices of 2017, for 1p. booth 100m2 (to bring the weather to SNiP 2302-2003 "Thermal protection of the budivel") to become close to 320 thousand rubles. If the stench is not taken up with thermal insulation, then they will have to reconcile themselves with it, that the amount of payment for spare energy resources will be great, their booths will be rated significantly lower by the market, lower, that they save energy up to standard energy. Buyers of houses are simply misreading, stink of pigging receipts for payment of utility bills for a few minutes.

The most current nutrition:

How much will the life of life increase, so that all work will be able to meet the basic heat saving standards?

In the average, from 3% to 10%, everything depends on the architectural project, with the right choice of engineering solutions for the design of the booth, budding materials and technologies.

Through how many years and additional investments in saving heat will pay off?

For example: pіd hour budіvnitstva 1st floor. booths 100m2 (according to the classic scheme described above), first varity zvedennya folded 2100 yew. rub. After koriguvannya, with the method of investing in the SNiP 2302-2003 “Teplova Zakhist Budіvel”, the cost was increased by 90 thousand rubles. At the same time, energy savings will decrease by no less than 30% (say 35-40%), and the savings over the opalescent period will be no less than 1400 m3 of natural gas. At 2017 the price of 1 m3 of gas in Rostov-on-Don was 5.5 rubles. For a reasonable price increase for gas, no more than 9% less will pay off on the 8th river. However, more importantly, those who, after 8 years, all the same, happen to carry out a complex of visits to an energy-saving booth, so that this morning does not become an important financial burden for the family. And the cost of processing the elements in the house will be 4 times more expensive, it costs 80 thousand rubles. vitrat for energy saving at the stage of everyday life.

Chi є really apply zbudovanih budinkіv by you, which have 30-40% less gas consumption for scorching, without shoddy for the comfort of living?

Over 70% of our Clients praised the decision about the life of such houses and already live with them. Prote, from 2014 We began to promote the replacements and implement complex engineering solutions for projects with the best design elements in the booth, as they allow speeding up the energy resources consumption per hour of operation by 20-30%.

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