Different words in different places. Why does Russia have to speak differently? Everything you know about the dialects of Russian language. Chi is necessary in the missions, as if from the right to fight

Do not lead the population of the country to roam alone with me. Practically in all lands of the world, the inhabitants of different regions may either great prize. For example, in Greece, Germany and China, it is not uncommon for people from the adjoining regions to not be able to understand one thing alone.

Learn dialects in Russian language. І varto designate that the new one has more than a dozen. With all the different classifications of Russian dialects, three main groups are seen, which are called dialects: pivnіchny, pivdenny and middle Russian. Let's take a look at their report and get to know them with their native rice.

Pivdennorosiyskaya govirka

Tsya govirka settled on the territory of pivdennoy and pivdenno-zahodnoy Russia. To you, there are such dialectic signs:

The presence of completion -і (-s) in the name of the middle family multiply to the native leader: plyami, vikna.

M'yake -t-in the endings of desliv: say wine [t '], carry it [t '].

Akannya and yakannya: I carry the deputy I carry, I carry the deputy I carry, etc.

Unique words, primordial and exclusive to this dialect: poshklyanchati (pіti), ziriti (marvelling), pokotsaniy (podryapaniy), that іn.

Nayavnіst dієslіv “nі”, “go”, “weave”.

P [a] wheat instead of wheat.

Pivnichnorosijska govirka

Clearly, the peculiarities of this speech have widened in the pivnіchnyh and similar regions of Russia. Of these, they are most commonly spoken about:

About deputy E in the front and behind the shock warehouses: oz [o] ro, s [o] stra, s [o] blood.

The English word "etuvati" is an analogue of the English "do", you can get used to any proposition.

Vidsutnіst vіmovі sound [j] i pridbannya vociferous vіnchennyakh -th, -ae, -th, -th, -th: a new apartment, a young girl, etc.

It’s outside the window, tobto the hour of wiping the words in all uncovered warehouses -o- are not replaced by -a-: in [o] so, g [o] l [o] va and so on.

Deputy [bm] - long-term [m:]: o[m:] an o[m:] an o[m:] an o[m:] an o[m:] an o[m:]

Names with suffixes -ushk-, -ishk- importantly end with -o-: didus[o], khatinka[o], zimushk[o], etc.

Middle Russian speaking

The widest bіla of Russia is the Central Russian govіrka. Yogo vikoristovuyut is more important in the average smoothie of the country. Vіn characteristic tim, scho including features and pivnіchnogo i pіvdennogo govіrki. Vіn lies at the basis of the official Russian language, familiar to the whole world.

With the help of its development, the Russian language uninterruptedly adopted the names of the virazi from the dialects of other peoples of that country. As a result, the “great and mighty” became more rich, more powerful. Practically in any region of the country you are stuck with unique words, that is especially mine, a kind of vim. Retail can be like a meager one, so it’s worth it. Tse - the peculiarity of whether the land was expanded.

I knew the cicava.

Read Temko Moskvich chi provincial? and there is a test for belonging to native Muscovites. They themselves are so quiet that they came to know the natives, and the Muscovites from the Petersburgers. І it is written that the accuracy of recognition is less than equal. You can change whoever. And then you can easily look at any region.
Aha, I think I'll change it right away ...
I exactly! Everything is correct. My opinion is in support of the people's mission :))

Continue the proposition "Zhadin-Yalovichin - ...

1. You took the first option- My vitannia Vi Muscovite! ("The greedy-yalovichina, the Turkish drum, Who on the new edge is Vanka targan." Vanka's deputy, you can be another name, the one who was teased. It is more important in Moscow and the Moscow region).

2. You chose another option - You are definitely not a Muscovite!(Zhadina-yalovichina. Soloniy ogirok, lying on the bed. There is nothing yoga. Even know the children. We will override it in a significant part of Central Russia, in Pivdnia, in the Lower and in the Middle Volga, in Siberia, Ukraine, Belarus, Latvia and Kazakhstan.)

3. You took the third option - You are not a Muscovite, you are a Petersburger!(Cultural seems like this: Zhadina-yalovichina, Empty chocolate, Stuffed with sausages, Schob was not angry. Traveling to St. Petersburg, Karelia, Nizhny Novgorod region and Estonia, also seen in the Volga region, in the Urals, in Siberia, on the Far Descent, in Ukraine and Moldova.)

"Give me a wrinkle, otherwise I bought a video camera" - an outstanding provincial Muscovite, not to put into a stupor not a lower curb, but a papilla. Abo axis - bark.

Here are selected 21 regions of our great and mighty Fatherland. Best popular words nevіdomі rich, but avіdіmі in his own region. Bagato who I can smell ahead. Let's pronounce more vіdomі less at your edge of the word. The axis looks less like - "gyro"? I’m going to buy a white bun, I’ll grease the blue ones.

How to say u...

Altai Territory
Pochnemo from the Altai Territory. Here (vtim, like in the old Siberia) we call the primary prozorium the file ... “multiphora”. Imovirno, the same as the Latin “Multifora”, which translates as “what can be richly dirok”. Otherwise, just name the company Multifor, as it was actively pushing its products beyond the Urals. As if it wasn’t there, don’t sneer when you feel a strange word.
Then sneer, as if you were: a) a woman and b) they called you "whismikuvannyam." So here to speak only according to the vіdnoshennju to vrіd. "Viktoria" here and other Siberian places are called all kinds of garden half moons.
They call kalyuzha “living” mіstsevі, “homonkom” - hamanets, “kulemoy” - the common people, “zhachki” - meatballs, “crushed” - mashed potatoes, “shanezhki” - buns, “pimami” - winter vzuttya, and “kolotok” - the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe settlement.
How can you be asked, “Why are you spreading?” And the axis with the sonorous word "khіus" here christened the penetrating wind.

"A new aptragan!" - Yaskrava phrase, how to love victorious in Bashkria. "Aptragan" - here to say instead of "nightmare", "kapets" and other synonyms that have come to all known obscene words. Look like a Bashkir aptyrarga. It is translated as "buti at the twist, zbentezhenni, zdivuvanni".
Here you can be asked to "sabantuy". For some reason, this is how the Bashkir and Tatar holy plows are called, which will end all the spring celebrations of the country. Ale in this time of rock - why good word go to waste? Axis and vikoristovuyut "sabantuy" in the meanings of "collection", "natovp".
In Bashkiria and Tatarstan, “let’s go” is also often used in the meaning of “come on, let’s go.” The name of the Turkic dialect is “drive”, “poke”, “kvapiti”.

Bryansk region
Bryansk region is between two powers - Ukraine and Belarus. And to that, the mystic dialect is a “grimucha” summation of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian language, generously seasoned with the professional jargon of the old and the ninth folk miltsiv.
The axis, for example, is often called bezlad here “gain”, sheep outside, for slacking (“flying”) felted boots - “wool”, beetroot - “beetroot” (beetroot or beetroot is called this sheep in rich pivdennyh regions of Russia, in Belarus, Poland and in Ukraine), tsibula - "red mullet", moonshine - "gardeman", and borscht - the so-called "wrinkle".
“Mahotka” is the price of a small clay latatta in the Bryansk region, “skrygotnik” is a pull. A person here can be called a "chuzoy", a strong bagman - a "jack". And if you want to figure it out, then say “shmurok” (that same “fool”). If you need to reconcile, you can zastosovuvat the phrase "bugger". Tse schos on kshtalt "well, good!" And be careful, German residents here can be called "suckers". Look not like a varto ... It’s better to remember these words - you’ll go for your own!
It is significant that most of the references are from the movie of the Bryansk Shapovals.

Let's move on to the Far Side. At Vladivostok, for example, often go to "chifankiv". Tse Chinese snacks and cafes.
And the word “growth” is more familiar to us here victorious in unimaginable meanings. You can wear jeans at the store (“distance, know”). And you can not grow up, about what we are talking about here (in the meaning of “intelligence”).
The word "mayaknuti" means "give to the nobility." For example, you can be asked to “beacon” if you call. And if you ask you to "copy" an expensive newspaper, then go for a purchase. Hirshe, how can I tell you not to shibatisya. Tse means that you are suspected of being insecure. Abo not "vikonuvati" (it can mean "vipendryuvatisya").
“Points” in Vladivostok are called importantly accessible places, remote areas of the city, “shugannyam” - it’s scary, “Zusman” - cold, “seagulls” - lovers of freebies, “nabkoy” - the embankment.
The word "likhtarno" here vikoristovuyut in the meaning of "arguably simple", and "cleverly" - "funny, vіdmіnno". If Vladivostok's words suit you, then the locals would squeeze a crab for you (I shake the crab - I squeeze my hand).

Volgograd region
Volgograd region on the Mіstsevі sіvtsya arc rich! That comedy stench is here. For example, a dried Volgograd (more importantly summer) pear is called ... "dulki". The old-timers often say: “Bring me a cowbass carriage.” The word "vіzok" to this particular type means - shmatok. And the early settler (spring) was here called “a crease”. I would like to finish the Rozmov about the hedgehog, let’s say about the wider word “kaymak” near Volgograd. It’s not Volgograd, it came to the tsі krai from the Caucasus, but it took root in the region. "Kaymak" - sour cream baked in the oven or in the oven.
And here the back of the bed is called the "bed"! Volgograd residents can often recommend you not to climb "in the bushes". Don't lie. “Kushchari” means bushes, dense chagars, otherwise the darker place is more terrible, like a better place. To bazhayut good to you, and not just lakayut marvelous words ...
A purely Volgograd word is “rose”. This is how they call the ungrabable people, who have everything to fall from their hands. And a bunch, which is often taken from a woman’s hair, is called a “sack” from Volgograd. Moreover, in different districts, one should speak in a different way: in pivnі say kulya, and the axis near the pivnichny districts is the same as kulya.

“Go there, come here” - so they can explain the way to Izhevsk. Calm! Everything is just for the sake of understanding - you just need to tidy up the receiver “by”. So you will reach the famous Monument of Friendship of Peoples.
The word "one" in Izhevsk vikoristovuetsya in the meaning "one", "one". Spopchatka was the name of the tram, which runs along route No. 1. Ale potim got accustomed.
“Kaganka” (“kagonka”) is called here not a word, but a word. The word is similar to the common people "kaga" (permsk) - a child, not a word.
Let's use the funny word "kuteshata" ("kutyata") here to call the puppies. Shvidsche for everything, like the word "kudlaty".
Not less comedy "poppy" is called the little ones of dear people. Such a compliment. One more praise - "cheberisty" (meaning - garniy, miracles, yaskraviy). And if you feel “let me love you!”, that’s all - you cheered up your heart. "Love" - ​​hug, kiss, show affection.
And to bring small plyashechki zі spirtovіsnoy rіdina in Izhevsk baptized with the word "fufirik" (sound like this to ask for a plyashek z "Tincture hunger") in the pharmacy.
Good luck here with the phrase “come on” (voice to another warehouse). Tse schos on kshtalt "no fluff, no feathers."
Another ticky moment. In Izhevsk zamіst "why" the word "navishcho" is victorious. In this way, the Udmurt language stuck into the Russian language - in the Udmurt words "navischo" and "what" are the same root, it's not principled, as if they were victorious. Do not be surprised at that, as you will feel: “Last time I didn’t recognize you on the street ...”

Irkutsk region
There are a lot of words in Irkutsk, which are not for the inhabitants of European Russia! Some of them are older than the ancient, Turkic campaign (here the situation is similar to Ufa and Kazan), the shards of the first inhabitants of Siberia were Turkic peoples. Part of it was lost to the first Russian settlers. The part is a type of the Buryat population. Є y zovsіm new options. For example, "auto-winter road" (a road for the passage of a charge), "Shanghai" - a market where the Chinese and Kyrgyz trade. And it’s notable recently, from the war - take a like “Japanese god!” if you want! (Vikoristovuetsya, if you do not go out).
Immediately, as in Tatarstan, the word “aida” is used in the meaning of “pedemo” (from the Turkic ?yd?). Poor people in Irkutsk they can be called "stramina". If you are a belligerent brawler, then ask you not to be "buryakozi". How to scream unselfishly - do not "bazlat". And from now on to say: “If you’ve been “plastatized”, then it’s like a sensi compliment. You work hard.
It's funny, but if in Irkutsk you are asked for "tea", then do not think that you will simply drink tea at a party. Ni, “chayuvati” means “obidat”. And if you say that the guest will come to you with a "zvichaykoy", then you don’t have to worry too much, where to put your dear guest to sleep. “Z'ezditi zvichaykoy” means - not for long, in one day.
“Backs” here are called the outskirts. "Flock" - khlіv. “Verkhonka” - a working mitten, “Vіhotka” - a washcloth. A simple head of cabbage to wear in the Irkutsk region is proudly called "forks".
If you want to say “pose”, do not fantasize. It's just a strain of the Buryat cuisine, which is far from being a bad dumpling. And the "horloder" is not a like, but gostry sauce with tomatoes, twisted from a teapot.

Kirov region
The Kirov region has long been famous for its miraculous Vyatka dialect. Here is the manner of making sounds, and placing voices in words - everything else! Well, and, obviously, specific words.
Among the most popular words in V'yattsy are "Basco", "Basque". Tse means beautiful, garni chi good, kind. In Kirov, a maiden is hospitable, and then she smells a hoarseness: “What a bass!” And from what a pannochka is windy, impertinent, її here from the condemnation to call "posyushkoy".
The word "puzzle" (voice for another warehouse) in V'yattsі is used by children, like a fast and without a tooth, they run, extinguish. "Ssopity" - means shvidko z'isti schos (maє intonation, scho judging). "Vengat" - the price of the thread, chіplyatisya, yelling at grown-ups. And “marakatisya” - vikabluchuvatsya at the hour of the night.
Well, if the inhabitants of Vyatka want to cook you, but not much, they can say: Thy sche that nіgot!. Laika here, obviously, “nothing” (voice to the first warehouse).

Krasnodar Territory
Our linguistic approach to Russia has brought warmth and calm to the Kuban.
"Sinenki" - this is how eggplants are often called on pivdni. The sound of a breeze just otrimav just zavdyakovu his blue-violet color.
"Harbuz" is the name given by the locals to the garbuz. Name the Ukrainian variant to the fetus. They call yoga in the Kuban so, because the basis of the rich mystic dialects is the Ukrainian language. Adzhe near the edge of living chimalo vyhіdtsiv іz Nezalezhnaya.
"Zherdela" - tse apricot. Quite calmly the name of the Kuban fruit. Approved as the words "pole", "pole". As a rule, poles are the name given to fruit that hangs on long needles. And the “apricot” is the same apricot, only with the peculiarities of the mausoleum. Behind the words of the elders, I will name the fruit of the woman’s family for the sake of prosperity. In this way, it is easier for him to divide the word into words.

Krasnoyarsk Territory
Climbing to Siberia, sir, bang - say “what” is obscene here. Guess you're being kicked out for your own? Choke! And if they didn’t understand you, the opponent won’t wait, otherwise you won’t understand yoga logic, proudly “inspire” with the classic Siberian “what’s up”.
And if you want to give rozpovіdі dynаmіk, vikorist viraz - “tosi-bosi” and the synonymous yoma “tirim-pirim”. The axis is just for linking slіv.
Like in the rich places of Siberia, Krasnoyarsk, the place of "washcloths" vicorist "vіhotka". And “miyka” here is a small plastic bag, “plіchka” is a clothes hanger, “zgrayka” is a shed, “shorkati” is rubbed.
The Russians, especially from St. Petersburg, can also benefit from one more local steadfast “bread loaf”, which can be found on the Uvaz “one loaf of bread”. For peters, rolls are whole bread.
To the point, the students of Krasnoyarsk and vikladachi call victorious students "strips". Why not "couple"? Linguistics reduce shoulders. Tim more, scho in the court of Khakassia to speak exclusively a couple. I axis sho kavo, "strіchka" wins in Ukraine, for example, near Dnipropetrovsk. Є y іnshі slіvtsya, yakі є splimi for Krasnoyarsk and Ukrainians. It is the basis of the people's admission that the vocabulary of Siberians in the middle of the last century was replenished by graduates of the cherry of Ukraine, as if they came to the Komsomol forgetfulness.

Nizhny Novgorod region
You can almost feel the Nizhny Novgorod govirka by yourself now, no matter what, near villages and villages. Ale say those words, in some city dwellers they can’t get anything special, they can put them in a deaf hut.
Axis, for example, the phrase: "Tea, I'll catch up." The capital's guest will think, why don't you hurry to drink tea. Tim, for an hour, the word “tea” with the meaning “I sing, sing along” has long become a litmus paper - you can hear people and understand that you are from Nizhny. It became out of the old idiom "chayati" - to spodіvatisya, chekati.
The word "robit" maє different values in different little tufts of our country. For example, at Veliky Novgorod, for which the Nizhny is wandering all the time, “make” vicory at the meaning of “zіpsuvati, stray”. And the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod can ask you to “rule the television”. Tobto “vlashtuvati, reward, reward.”
Or else the phrase: “You see, Lid, you bought a sofa, but you can’t get the wine!”. Be a Muscovite to spend the gift of moving: what a marvel of technology such a sofa, which itself is to put things in order. Let me explain to you, what is on the right, not with the fantastic talents of medical engineers, but with the fact that a majestic sofa is not placed in a typical kitchen of 9 square meters. Here the word “to climb” wins out in the meaning of “to fit in be-scho”.
And if you see yourself on the streets of Nizhny Novgorod with a casserole on your head, then do not be surprised at the phrase "Lyakhivsky Yakiy". On the right in what is the settlement of Lyakhovo. Having settled into a wine colony for the mentally ill. The colony gradually transformed into the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Psycho-Neurological Clinic. And among the meshkants of Nizhny, the word "lyakhivsky" became synonymous with a clouded mind.

Omsk region
And the axis, let's say, is in the Omsk region. Having come to marvel at the Assumption Cathedral, to form a terminology, as if to ask you: Why what? From the first line, what? Because "from the first line" means "fool". On the right, in Omsk, on Kuybisheva Street (because there is no 2nd Line, and 1st Line is not), there is a regional psychiatric hospital.
And from yakscho you will be asked to “shout”, better wait. "Opahati" is an Omsk synonym for the word "laugh". Such a misunderstanding of the word is a mystery, vkrita with confusion.
Tim, for an hour, be it a funny, funny moment, the phrase here is called “plum” (and sometimes “kirk”). With a “plum” situation, a little bit of mind. I have a thought, in this meaning the word came to the home of Omsk residents from warm lands, de “plum” is sometimes victorious in the meaning “beautiful”.
One more tsіkave mіstseve word - "choice". So in Omsk they call lokshina a swedish preparation. Just the first to the local market was consumed by the products of the Chinese manufacturer Choice. Axis i got accustomed ...

Perm region
In the southern Urals, marvelous words - gloom! Є navit tsiliy dictionary "In Permian kazhuchi". Three hundred words and viraziv have been chosen by the new one, which excite perm'yakiv. We will lead less deyaki from them.
"Argatisya" in Perm means to weld, weld, brawl. "Baragoziti" - empty, beshketuvati. "Varega" is called a mitten (as if they have no lowers ...) Ale, the axis of the pіdborіdya was affectionately christened - "chushka".
"Valyuvatisya" - tse poratisya, for a long time robiti. With similar meanings, the word "mohati" - calls. "Zyurgati" - noisily sorbati with zhі or drink. And "kerkati" - cough.
On the sorrel here it seems “sour”, a round bun with baked potatoes was dubbed “shango”, and pirozhki meat stuffing- "posykunchiki".
It’s clear that the word “everything” in Perm is synonymous with “extremely” (in the meaning of the statement, that’s right).
You can strain, as if you were called "Dunka from Bakharivka." Tsei whistle gets used to describe the marvelous, abnormal, what may be exotic old look ladies.

Pskov region
As soon as you go to the Pskov region, do not fawn, feeling in the familiar words the replacement of the sound "h" the letter "c". Here, the order was such that “there were three verstoskas on the front and one jump in the botsok ...”. And there is even a strong influx of Belarusian, Latin, Estonian mov. Why? That one, which is between the two lands of the Pskov region. The Pskov bear is often called "sack", and pivnya "peun" - all the words are from the Belarusian language.
In the swamps here they pick up the "crane" - the crane. The word, as if not to be seen as wondrous, resembles the old Estonian kuremari (at the translation - “crane berry”).
And one more berry of the Pskov forests is called "gonobobl" chi "p'yanitsa". Go about the sucker. It is important to know what to call a “piyak” through a bogus, in the middle of which a berry is taken. And the word "gonobobel" appeared as "honobol" - the same bogusnik building viklikati head bіl that confusion.
Pskov grandmothers themselves knit children to their onuks. So called mittens. It became the same word in the form of the word "clothes".

Samara region
The skin of a male, what you respect yourself, today you see a bunch of unintelligent residents who do not see the place of this word. For example, "kurmish". The place is far away, not three. A word to resemble the name of the one-named Tatar town of the same name Kurmishy, ​​all the inhabitants of which in the 17th century, by order of the tsar, hung their lives in Korsun, and the town at once sprouted and changed into an abandoned place.
Here you can also use the word “litki” according to the extension to litok nig. І "gomonok" - about the hamanets. Vtіm, the word "hub" and in Siberia can be felt quite often. The second version is that it came out of the "hub" - the sound, which, having seen hamanets, if they carried dribnitsy in the new.

St. Petersburg
About the peculiarities of the movie of Petersburgers, maybe, finish everything. To this, we will give a little more important explanation. Axis, for example, the word "badlon" (bodlon and banlon are allowed). We won’t torment you - just thin lights with a high throat. In Moscow they are often called turtlenecks. In the Radyansk Union, the fashion for them came from the 60s. The first in the Soviet Socialist Republic were brought such lights by the Leningrad pharmacists. On the labels, there was the inscription "100% ban-lon" (banlon - naming the material). Until the 80s, “banlon” was modified to “badlon”. Over the years, proximity to Pershodzherel in all lands has lost its meaning and other names have been added to it. But the Petersburgers have preserved the fidelity of the original.
And now about the "curb". Mabut, no one from Muscovites and Petersburgers can tell you exactly where the place is between two places, de curb (split stone between the sidewalk and the one passing through) turns into a curb. Ale budіvelniki mayut accurately vіdpovіd, chim vіdіznyayutsya і words. The curb - like a stone is installed with an edge and a meeting is established. The border - as if digging into the bichnoy part, burn out so that the gathering does not settle down. There is no principle difference among the sensibilities, but in St. Petersburg, the curb itself took root, and the axis of Muscovites put the French word.
Shchodo "front door". Guessing, for the royal hours, the head entrance to the booth was called parade gatherings. In the meantime, the word has faded and has become simply a front door. Petersburgers are convinced that the word "pіd'їzd" is absolutely wrong. Vono vikoristovuєtsya, but designate a place on the street, which you can go to the booth. Adzhe pіd'їzd know less than calls - you can't get through the middle of the house - not on a carriage, not on a car. Whenever you go to the houses in the historical center of St. Petersburg, you will immediately realize that if you get off the tongue, you just can’t turn around and call it a pid’izd. The most front doors.
Well, it’s great, varto guess what the trigger is in pіvnіchnіy capital called "chicken", minibus - "teshka", and shawarma - "shawarma". And rahunok to pay for communal services is often “legally” called “chewing”.

Let's move on to the mysterious Sakhalin. Naturally, closeness to Asia pushed in on the Mist's language.
For example, lokshina in Sakhalin is called the funny word “lyalka”. The mainstay of Korean cuisine, the Koreans themselves sing like “kuksi”. And far-reachers adapted the word and now zastosovuyut according to vіdnoshennia to be-like lokshini shvidkogo prigotuvannya. Also, especially do not round your eyes, as they will feed you here in a friendly way: “Will you have a cookie?”
Another word is "argamak". The best snowcat: lie, sit and kermo. Two people can fit on such a rig for rolling. Ale varto vrahuvati, scho dviguna in the new is not transferred, so pull back at the mountain 7-kilogram sled to get on your own.
“We are choosing today about the 5th on the fanz”, - such a phrase can be felt as a whole from the Sakhalin lads. "Fanzami" is used here to call headquarters - ukrittya, like children will be all over the country. The word came from the Chinese “fanji”, which literally translates like a budinok and means “easy controversy without vicons, a barn or a great chicken”.

Tambov region
One of the most popular words in Tambov is “sleeping”. Meaning metushitisya, turbuvatisya. Welcome to the old Russian word wow less. Yak and yoga are good. Here, for example, you can ask: “What are you wearing tights like that?”. Abo to criticize: "The axis of tights!"
Likewise, in the Tambov region, a girl can be called a “kolchushka”, as if she is rozsiyan, neohaina or nevihovan. Sometimes you can feel the word "teplyak". So talk about the warm wind.

Khabarovsk Territory
On the Far Descent, you can often feel the word chuni. Tse chobots without podmіtok. Koristuyutsya them, ring out, myslivtsі. Because the stench is warm, comfortable and silent when walking.
"P'yatikhvilinka" in the Kharabiv region is called lightly salted pink salmon roe, red salmon caviar. Rushing out immediately after the gutted ribeye. The caviar is filled with cool salty water and for five minutes the delicacy is ready!
And "whack" here to speak on the ultimate fall. Yogo was nicknamed so for those who make a lot of cows and thinness: “Having eaten a whip!”
"Chifanka" at the Mistsevyh's - whether it's a zabіgaylivka or a cafe, where you can have a bite to eat. Pokhіdne like the Chinese word Chi Fan (їsti).
The word "kunya" came from Chinese. Khabarіvchani so called not only prioblivimy girls.
"Jewish" - so sonorously call the Susidniy region - the Jewish Autonomous Region.

Chelyabinsk region
The suvorom mist has those words suvori. For example, the mop is called “ledar” here. How can you understand, about the lord, how sweet you are not bending over, at Chelyabinsk to sing songs of visnovki.
"Napіvtorkoy" here they christened a one-room apartment, obov'yazkovo with a kitchen and a bathroom. Chelyabinsk philologists couldn't figure it out, the stars were such a word.
And the “brilliant green” is a document on the right of the Volodymyr to power. On the right, in the fact that earlier this papyr was less green in color, the sound is the word. Before speech, at the same time, the document is used on yellow, and on erysipelas paper, but the Urals, however, call it greenery.
Do not be surprised, as if in a store they will tell you a humpback (short-cut mіska bun). Cereal bread of song form. Previously, such a village did not sing. Mіska bun was named after mіsce, stars were brought - from the city.
“Mahrams” in Chelyabinsk are called those who wash, vipira, respect. Perobelolos s "whirlwinds". Zastosovuєtsya to the threads on the unfinished edge of the fabric.

Yaroslavl region
"Get out!" - They can ask you in Yaroslavl. Do not fight, no one claims you. Here the phrase is innocent. І means simply "come in, come out." So, it’s better to “get out.”
Local residents also say “balon” for a three-liter dance, “proranka” - for a loop in clothes, “mosli” - for large brushes, “frost chill” - for boiled water, which is used to dilute hot drinks.
The word "balamutity" in the Yaroslavl region vikoristovuєtsya in the meaning of spantelic, "zasluviti" - take it with your hands, zabrudnit, "zagavritis" - cough, choke on the hour.
You can laugh here "pokatuhu". Tse means loudly, unstriking until you drop. And if you want to succeed in a proposition like a proposition, then beat the phrase wildly. Such a Yaskrav is synonymous with the word "extremely".

Behind the materials of "Komsomolskaya Pravda"

Climbing from the road of Russia, to see this small rosemary - subtly translating "from Russian to Russian" in some areas of our Batkivshchyna, you can seriously spantelichity [infographics]


The richness of the language is with Yogo Riznomanittі. The Russian one has a right “mighty” plan. And just like all the stories about the St. Petersburg "curb" and "front", then the Permian "kerkati" and the Kirov "pazgati" really put prizhdzhih at a deaf kut! For the sake of understanding, together with the regional editions of KP (from Krasnodar to Vladivostok), we conceived the whole Russian-Russian dictionary. In the new you will know the "translation" of the unimaginable mystic verses to the fullest understanding, literary language.

And even as local words, we were undeservedly deprived without respect, check them in the comments. So our rozmovnik will become more “live” and crimson for all Russians!


Vcheni vvazhayut, scho fight with the regional rozmovnoy my shkidno and stupidly

Our regional correspondents picked up a decent harvest of unimportant words. Anatoliy Baranov, Professor of the Department of Linguistic Semantics of the Institute of Russian Name, was asked to help us to find out in this wealth. Vinogradov.

You have chosen different words. Dialectism, to speech, is not so rich. Є jargon lexicon, ale zdebіshgo tserіonalіzm. That is why different territorial variants of Russian language (regionalisms are victorious for all the inhabitants of the region on the basis of dialectic words, as it is most often the population of the rural masses who live - author). For example, in Siberia, the word “pribudova” seems to be “pribudova”. Abo take the "curb" - the whole word from a pivden dialect, as if stumbled in St. Petersburg and victorious at the pivnіchnіy capital to mark the sidewalk. This is an example of how dialectic forms can be fixed as territorial forms. And if you take the metro, what other form of transport in St. Petersburg is called a card. Tsezh tezh is specific rіch, characteristic for ciєї mіstsevostі.

By some rank, the words lived in the minds, if in initial mortgages cinema, literature, do ZMI cultivate single norms?

On the right, in the fact that the territory on which people live, as if to say Russian, is already great. Irrespective of those who provide information and transport assistance to the city, in different regions, and very far from the center: Siberia, Far off... The stench was populated in a different way. On these territories of different minds of social, cultural, natural and butyl character. And often specific words are written for these spheres. This is how the territorial variants of the movie appear.

- Why is it necessary to fight on the missions?

What, in any time! Vlasne, it's impossible. Obviously, this is a Russian literary language, but it won out in its own sphere. And those words, about how to go, partly pink movie to your region. People clearly distinguish between two spheres: the “curb” is not the one in the official promo. Moreover, I am aware that the regional authorities are worth not only vocabulary, but syntactic constructions. Alez it is wrong to say that Russian language is created because of regionalism. Navpaki, the potential for yoga development. That is why you need to move your mother like a dzherel, reserves from which you can draw words, constructions and morphemes, to create new phenomena and processes.

Altai Territory

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

Pochnemo from the Altai Territory. Here (vtim, like in the whole of Siberia) we call a file that is familiar to us... "multiphora". Imovirno, the same as the Latin “Multifora”, which translates as “what can be richly dirok”. Otherwise, just name the company Multifor, as it was actively pushing its products beyond the Urals. As if it wasn’t there, don’t sneer when you feel a strange word.

Then snuggle, so that you: a) a woman and b) you were named "vismikuvannyam". So here to speak only according to the vіdnoshennju to vrіd. "Victoria" here those other Siberian places are called all kinds of garden seminica.

"Livy" mіstsevі call kaluzha, "homincom"- Gamanets, "kulema"- good people, "zhachki"- meatballs, "crushed"- mashed potatoes "shanezhki"- buns, "Pimami"- winter vzuttya, and "knob"- District of the settlement.

How can you sleep, "Why are you unraveling?", otzhe, dorikayut for povіlnіst. And the axis with a sonorous word "hus" here they christened the penetrating wind.


A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

"A new Aptragan!" - Yaskrava phrase, how to love victorious in Bashkria. "Aptragan"- here to say instead of "nightmare", "kapets" and other synonyms that have come to all known obscene words. Look like the Bashkir idiom "aptyrarga". It is translated as "buti at the twist, zbentezhenni, zdivuvanni".

Here you can ask for "sabantuy". For some reason, this is how the Bashkir and Tatar holy plows are called, which will end all the spring celebrations of the country. But in the present time of fate - why should a good word go to waste? Axis and vikoristovuyut "sabantuy" in the meanings of "collection", "natovp".

In Bashkiria and Tatarstan, vicorist is also often "Aida" have the meaning "come on, let's go." The name of the Turkic dialect is “drive”, “poke”, “kvapiti”.

Bryansk region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

Bryansk region is between two powers - Ukraine and Belarus. And to that, the mystic dialect is a “grimucha” summation of Russian, Ukrainian and Belarusian language, generously seasoned with the professional jargon of the old and the ninth folk miltsiv.

Axis, for example, bezlad is often called here "gain", I’ll go outside, for slacking off (“rolling”) felt boots - "call", beet - "beetroot"(beetroot or beetroot is called this sheep in rich pivdennyh regions of Russia, Belarus, Poland and Ukraine), onion - "barabuliv", moonshine - "gardeman", and borscht - so i zovsіm "wrinkle".

"Mahotka"- tse in the Bryansk region is a small clay latatta, "skrygotnik"- pull. You can name a person here "chuzom", a rural resident - "Jack". And if you want to figure it out, then say "Shmur"(The same "fool"). If you need to reconcile, you can reconcile the phrase "Klopotu". Tse schos on kshtalt "well, good!" Be careful, German residents can be named here "suckers". Look not like a varto ... It’s better to remember these words - you’ll go for your own!

It is significant that most of the references are from the movie of the Bryansk Shapovals.


A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

Let's move on to the Far Side. At Vladivostok, for example, often go to "chifanki". Tse Chinese snacks and cafes.

And the word is more important for us "grow up" here vikoristovuєtsya at unimaginable values. You can wear jeans at the store (“distance, know”). And you can not grow up, about what we are talking about here (in the meaning of “intelligence”).

Word "beacon" means "to give to know". For example, you can be asked to “beacon” if you call. How about asking you "repeat" shlyakhom newspaper, then go about buying. Hirshe, how can I tell you not to "shibatis". Tse means that you are suspected of being insecure. Chi ni "viconuvati"(May mean "weependryuvatisya").

"Eyepieces" near Vladivostok they call important accessible places, remote areas of the city, “shugannyam” - it’s scary, "Zusman"- cold, "seagulls"- lovers of freebies, "nabkoy"- Embankment.

Word "lightly" here vikoristovuyut have the meaning "it's just simple", and "cleverly"- "Comedy, vіdminno." If you like Vladivostok's words, then the locals would squeeze a crab for you ( "emboss crab"- tse "I press my hand").

Volgograd region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

Volgograd region on the Mіstsevі sіvtsya arc rich! That comedy stench is here. For example, a dried pear of Volgograd (mostly summer) is called ... "muzzles". The old-timers often say: “Bring me a cowbass carriage.” Word "Vizok" in times means - shmatok. And the early settler (spring) was resurrected here "crease". I want to finish the rozmov about the hedgehog, let’s say about the wider word in Volgograd "Kaymak". It’s not Volgograd, it came to the tsі krai from the Caucasus, but it took root in the region. "Kaymak" - sour cream baked in the oven or in the oven.

And the back of the bed is called here "bedroom"! Volgograd residents can often recommend you not to climb "in the bushes". Don't lie. "Kuschari" mean bushes, dense chagarniki, otherwise the darker place is more terrible, like a better ominati. To bazhayut good to you, and not just lakayut marvelous words ...

Pure Volgograd word - "rose". This is how they call the ungrabable people, who have everything to fall from their hands. And a bunch, from which women often take hair, they call it from Volgograd "cool". Moreover, in different districts, one should speak in a different way: in pivnі say kulya, and the axis near the pivnichny districts is the same as kulya.


A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

"Go there, come here"- So can you explain the way to Izhevsk. Calm! Everything is just for the sake of understanding - you just need to tidy up the receiver “by”. So you will reach the famous Monument of Friendship of Peoples.

Word "odirka" in Izhevsk vikoristovuєtsya have the meanings "one", "one". Spopchatka was the name of the tram, which runs along route No. 1. Ale potim got accustomed.

"Kaganka"("Kagonkoy") here they call it not a word or a word. The word is similar to the common people "kaga" (permsk) - a child, not a word.

funny word "Kuteshata"("Heap") here puppies sound. Shvidsche for everything, like the word "kudlaty".

Not less comedy "poppy" call the little ones some lovely people. Such a compliment. One more praise - "cheberisty"(meaning - beautiful, miracle, yaskravy). And if you feel “let me love you!”, that’s all - you cheered up your heart. "Love"- Hug, kiss, show affection.

And to build small plyashechki zі spirtovіsnoy native land in Izhevsk was christened with a rozchulenny word. "fufirik"(Sign so to ask in the pharmacy for a plate with "Tincture of Hunger").

Good luck here bazhayut phrase "Come on okay"(Voice to another warehouse). Tse schos on kshtalt "no fluff, no feathers."

Another ticky moment. In Izhevsk zamіst "why" the word "navishcho" is victorious. In this way, the Udmurt language stuck into the Russian language - in the Udmurt words "navischo" and "what" are the same root, it's not principled, as if they were victorious. Do not be surprised at that, as you will feel: “Last time I didn’t recognize you on the street ...”

Irkutsk region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

There are a lot of words in Irkutsk, which are not for the inhabitants of European Russia! Some of them are older than the Turkic campaign (here the situation is similar to Ufa and Kazan), because the first inhabitants of Siberia were the Turkic peoples. Part of it was lost to the first Russian settlers. The part is a type of the Buryat population. Є y zovsіm new options. For example, "auto winter road"(Road for the passage of a fee), "Shanghai"- the market where the Chinese and Kyrgyz trade. And it’s notable recently, from the war - take a like “Japanese god!” if you want! (Vikoristovuetsya, if you do not go out).

Right there, like in Tatarstan, in the course of the word "Aida" the meaning is “pidemo” (from the Turkic ?yd?). Poor people in Irkutsk can be called "stramina". Yakshcho vie a belligerent scandal, then ask you not to "buragoziti". Yakscho unselfishly shout - do not "baslati". And from yakscho say: “To finish "spread", then tse in the singing sensation is a compliment. You work hard.

It's funny, but how about asking you to Irkutsk "chayuvati", then do not think that at a party you can just drink tea. Ni, “chayuvati” means “obidat”. And if you say that the guest will come to you with a "zvichaykoy", then you don’t have to worry too much, where to put your dear guest to sleep. "Z'ezditi zvichaykoy" mean - not for a long time, in one day.

"Ass" here name the neighborhood. "Flock"- Khliv. "Verkhonka"- I work with a mitten, "Vіhotkoy"- washcloth. A simple head of cabbage to wear in the Irkutsk region is a proud name "forks".

How can I preach to you "posi" don't fantasize. It's just a strain of the Buryat cuisine, which is far from being a bad dumpling. BUT "gorloder"- not a husky, but a gostry sauce made from tomatoes, twisted from a teapot.

Kirov region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

The Kirov region has long been famous for its miraculous Vyatka dialect. Here is the manner of making sounds, and placing voices in words - everything else! Well, and, obviously, specific words.

Among the most popular words on V'yattsі - Basco, Basque. Tse means beautiful, garni chi good, kind. In Kirov, a maiden is hospitable, and then she smells a hoarseness: “What a bass!” And from what a pannochka is windy, impertinent, її here from condemnation "posyushkoy".

Word "puzzle"(Voice to another warehouse) on V'yattsі vikoristovuyut schodo children, like shvidko and without teeth run, rush about. "Sopity"- mean shvidko z'їsti schos (maє intonation, scho judging). "Vengati"- the price of the thread, chіplyatisya, yelling at the grown-ups. BUT "marakatisya"- vikabluchuvatsya pіd hour їzhі.

Well, if the inhabitants of Vyatka want to cook you, but not much, they can say: Thy sche that nіgot!. Laika is here, obviously "nіgot"(Voice to the first warehouse).

Krasnodar Territory

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

Our linguistic approach to Russia has brought warmth and calm to the Kuban.

"Blue"- So eggplants are often called on pіvdnі. The sound of a breeze just otrimav just zavdyakovu his blue-violet color.

"Garbuz" The locals call the garmelon. Name the Ukrainian variant to the fetus. They call yoga in the Kuban so, because the basis of the rich mystic dialects is the Ukrainian language. Adzhe near the edge of living chimalo vyhіdtsiv іz Nezalezhnaya.

"Zherdela"- tse apricot. Quite calmly the name of the Kuban fruit. Approved as the words "pole", "pole". As a rule, poles are the name given to fruit that hangs on long needles. BUT "Apricot"- The same apricot, only with the peculiarities of the mother's wimovi. Behind the words of the elders, I will name the fruit of the woman’s family for the sake of prosperity. In this way, it is easier for him to divide the word into words.

Krasnoyarsk Territory

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

Climbing to Siberia, sir, lie - say "what" is obscene here. Guess you're being kicked out for your own? Choke! And if they didn’t understand you, the opponent is not suitable, otherwise you don’t understand this logic, proudly “inspire” the classic Siberian ones "what to what".

And if you want to give the dynamics of roses, win viraz - "tosi-bosi" and synonymous with youmu "tirim-pirim". The axis is just for linking slіv.

Like in the rich places of Siberia, Krasnoyarsk, the deputy of "washcloths" vicorist "Vіhotka". BUT "miyka" here is a small plastic bag, "plates"- hanger for clothes, "zgraika"- Shed, "shorkati"- rub.

Russians, especially from St. Petersburg, to banish one more local steadfast viraz "bun of bread", which conveys "one loaf of bread." For peters, rolls are whole bread.

Before the speech, Krasnoyarsk students and vikladachi busy at the university call "strіchki". Why not "couple"? Linguistics reduce shoulders. Tim more, scho in the court of Khakassia to speak exclusively a couple. І os scho sche tsіkavo, "strіchka" wins in Ukraine, for example, in Dnipropetrovsk. Є y іnshі slіvtsya, yakі є splimi for Krasnoyarsk and Ukrainians. It is the basis of the people's admission that the vocabulary of Siberians in the middle of the last century was replenished by graduates of the cherry of Ukraine, as if they came to the Komsomol forgetfulness.

Nizhny Novgorod region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

You can almost feel the Nizhny Novgorod govirka by yourself now, no matter what, near villages and villages. Ale say those words, in some city dwellers they can’t get anything special, they can put them in a deaf hut.

Axis, for example, the phrase: "Tea, I'll catch up." The capital's guest will think, why don't you hurry to drink tea. Tim time word "tea" in the meaning of “I sing, sing-songly” has long become a litmus paper - you can smell the people and understand that you are from Nizhny. It became out of the old idiom "chayati" - to spodіvatisya, chekati.

Word "robit" May differ in significance in various little cloves of our country. For example, at Veliky Novgorod, for which the Nizhny is wandering all the time, “make” vicory at the meaning of “zіpsuvati, stray”. And the citizens of Nizhny Novgorod can ask you to “rule the television”. Tobto “vlashtuvati, reward, reward.”

Or else the phrase: “You see, Lid, you bought a sofa, but you can’t get the wine!”. Whether a Muscovite spend the gift of moving: what a marvel of technology such a sofa, which itself is to put things in order. Let me explain to you, what is on the right, not with the fantastic talents of medical engineers, but with the fact that a majestic sofa is not placed in a typical kitchen of 9 square meters. Here is the word "to climb" vikoristovuєtsya at the meaning of "settle in be-scho".

And if you see yourself on the streets of Nizhny Novgorod with a casserole on your head, then do not be surprised at the phrase "Lyakhivsky Yakiy". On the right in what is the settlement of Lyakhovo. Having settled into a wine colony for the mentally ill. The colony gradually transformed into the Nizhny Novgorod Regional Psycho-Neurological Clinic. And among the meshkants of the Lower Word "lyakhivsky" creaked like a synonym for clouding the mind.

Omsk region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

And the axis, let's say, is in the Omsk region. Having come to marvel at the Assumption Cathedral, to form a terminology, as if to ask you: Why what? From the first line, what? Because "from the first line" means "fool". On the right, in Omsk, on Kuybisheva Street (because there is no 2nd Line, and 1st Line is not), there is a regional psychiatric hospital.

And from yakscho you will be asked to “shout”, better wait. "Crimati"- Omsk synonym of the word "smile". Such a misunderstanding of the word is a mystery, vkrita with confusion.

Tim for an hour, be a funny, funny moment, the phrase is called here "evil"(and sometimes "kirk"). With a “plum” situation, a little bit of mind. I have a thought, in this meaning the word came to the home of Omsk residents from warm lands, de “plum” is sometimes victorious in the meaning “beautiful”.

One more cіkave mіstseve word - Choice. So in Omsk they call lokshina a swedish preparation. Just the first to the local market was consumed by the products of the Chinese manufacturer Choice. Axis i got accustomed ...

Perm region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

In the southern Urals, marvelous words - gloom! Є navit tsiliy dictionary "In Permian kazhuchi". Three hundred words and viraziv have been chosen by the new one, which excite perm'yakiv. We will lead less deyaki from them.

"Argatisya" in Perm it means to weld, weld, brawl. "Baragosity"- empty, beshketuvati. "Varegoi" name a mitten (like they have no underwear ...) "pigs".

"Get in"- tse poratisya, dovgo shchos robiti. 3 similar meanings of the word "mohati"- Call. "Zyurgati"- noisily sorbati at zhі or pittya. BUT "kerkati"- Cough.

On the sorrel here it seems "sour", a round bun with baked potatoes was christened "shangoyu", and pies with meat filling - "poikunchiki".

Tsіkavo, what is the word "any" in Perm, it is synonymous with “extremely” (in the meaning of the statement, that is good).

You can tense up, as I call you "Dunka from Bakharivka". Tsej vyslav vikoristovuetsya for the description of the marvelous, abnormal, what may be the exotic looking pannochka.

Pskov region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

As soon as you go to the Pskov region, do not fawn, feeling in the familiar words the replacement of the sound "h" the letter "c". Here, the order was such that “there were three verstoskas on the front and one jump in the botsok ...”. And there is even a strong influx of Belarusian, Latin, Estonian mov. Why? That one, which is between the two lands of the Pskov region. Bear of Pskov often sounds "bag", and pivnya "peun"- all the words are from the Belarusian language.

Pick up in the swamps "crane"- a crane. The word, as if not to be seen as wondrous, resembles the old Estonian kuremari (at the translation - “crane berry”).

And one more berry of the Pskov forests is called "gonobobs" or "p'yanitsa". Go about the sucker. It is important to know what to call a “piyak” through a bogus, in the middle of which a berry is taken. And the word "gonobobel" appeared in the form of "gonobol" - the same bogulnik building viklikati head bіl that confusion.

Pskov grandmothers knit themselves to their onuks "Dyanki". So called mittens. It became the same word in the form of the word "clothes".

Samara region

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

The skin of a male, what you respect yourself, today you see a bunch of unintelligent residents who do not see the place of this word. For example, "kurmishi". The place is far away, not three. A word to resemble the name of the one-named Tatar town of the same name Kurmishy, ​​all the inhabitants of which in the 17th century, by order of the tsar, hung their lives in Korsun, and the town at once sprouted and changed into an abandoned place.

Can you say a word here "casts" according to the date up to the litas nig. I "gominets"- About gamanets. Vtіm, the word "hub" and in Siberia can be felt quite often. The second version is that it came out of the "hub" - the sound, which, having seen hamanets, if they carried dribnitsy in the new.

St. Petersburg

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

About the peculiarities of the movie of Petersburgers, maybe, finish everything. To this, we will give a little more important explanation. Axis, for example, word "badlon"(boudlon and banlon are allowed). We won’t torment you - just thin lights with a high throat. In Moscow they are often called turtlenecks. In the Radyansk Union, the fashion for them came from the 60s. The first in the Soviet Socialist Republic were brought such lights by the Leningrad pharmacists. On the labels, there was the inscription "100% ban-lon" (banlon - naming the material). Until the 80s, “banlon” was modified to “badlon”. Over the years, proximity to Pershodzherel in all lands has lost its meaning and other names have been added to it. But the Petersburgers have preserved the fidelity of the original.

And now about "curb". Mabut, no one from Muscovites and Petersburgers can tell you exactly where the place is between two places, de curb (split stone between the sidewalk and the one passing through) turns into a curb. Ale budіvelniki mayut accurately vіdpovіd, chim vіdіznyayutsya і words. The curb - like a stone is installed with an edge and a meeting is established. The border - as if digging into the bichnoy part, burn out so that the gathering does not settle down. There is no principle difference among the sensibilities, but in St. Petersburg, the curb itself took root, and the axis of Muscovites put the French word.

What is the cost "ceremonial". Guessing, for the royal hours, the head entrance to the booth was called parade gatherings. In the meantime, the word has faded and has become simply a front door. Petersburgers are convinced that the word "pіd'їzd" is absolutely wrong. Vono vikoristovuєtsya, but designate a place on the street, which you can go to the booth. Adzhe pіd'їzd know less than calls - you can't get through the middle of the house - not on a carriage, not on a car. Whenever you go to the houses in the historical center of St. Petersburg, you will immediately realize that if you get off the tongue, you just can’t turn around and call it a pid’izd. The most front doors.

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

Let's move on to the mysterious Sakhalin. Naturally, closeness to Asia pushed in on the Mist's language.

For example, lokshina in Sakhalin is called a funny word "lyalka". The mainstay of Korean cuisine, the Koreans themselves sing like “kuksi”. And far-reachers adapted the word and now zastosovuyut according to vіdnoshennia to be-like lokshini shvidkogo prigotuvannya. Also, especially do not round your eyes, as they will feed you here in a friendly way: “Will you have a cookie?”

One more word - "argamak". The best snowcat: lie, sit and kermo. Two people can fit on such a rig for rolling. Ale varto vrahuvati, scho dviguna in the new is not transferred, so pull back at the mountain 7-kilogram sled to get on your own.

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

One of the most popular words in Tambov - "pantyhose". Meaning metushitisya, turbuvatisya. We welcome the old Russian word vukha rіzhe. Yak and yoga are good. Here, for example, you can ask: “What are you wearing tights like that?”. Abo to criticize: "The axis of tights!"

Also, in the Tambov region, they can call a girl "kolchushka" like it’s roz_yana, neokhaina or nevihovana. You can feel a word "teplyak". So talk about the warm wind.

Khabarovsk Territory

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

On the Far Descent, you can often feel the word "chuni". Tse chobots without podmіtok. Koristuyutsya them, ring out, myslivtsі. Because the stench is warm, comfortable and silent when walking.

"P'yatikhvilinkoy" in the Kharabiv region, they call lightly salted pink salmon caviar, keti abo nerki. Rushing out immediately after the gutted ribeye. The caviar is filled with cool salty water and for five minutes the delicacy is ready!

BUT "whack" Here to talk about the zvichayny gadfly. Yogo was nicknamed so for those who make a lot of cows and thinness: “Having eaten a whip!”

"Chifanka" at the mіstsevyh - be it a snack or a cafe, where you can have a bite to eat. Pokhіdne like the Chinese word Chi Fan (їsti).

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

The suvorom mist has those words suvori. For example, the mop is called here "ledarka". How can you understand, about the lord, how sweet you are not bending over, at Chelyabinsk to sing songs of visnovki.

"Napivtorka" Here they christened a one-room apartment, equipped with a kitchen and a bathroom. Chelyabinsk philologists couldn't figure it out, the stars were such a word.

BUT "zelenka"- Tse document on the right of the Volodinnya vlasnistyu. On the right, in the fact that earlier this papyr was less green in color, the sound is the word. Before speech, at the same time, the document is used on yellow, and on erysipelas paper, but the Urals, however, call it greenery.

A photo: Ganna LATUHOVA

"Get out!"- They can ask you in Yaroslavl. Do not fight, no one claims you. Here the phrase is innocent. І means simply "come in, come out." So, it’s better to “get out.”

Mіstsevі inhabitants so it seems "balloon" on a triliter plate, "proranka"- on a loop in clothes, "Mosley"- on big brushes, "defrost"- on boiled water, which is diluted with hot drink.

Word "bamutiti" in the Yaroslavl region vikoristovuetsya in the meaning of beaten pantely, "smart"- take with brudny hands, zabrudniti, "swear"- cough, choke at midnight.

You can laugh here "pokatuhu". Tse means loudly, unstriking until you drop. And if you want to succeed in a proposition like a proposition, then win the phrase "dick-tock". Such a Yaskrav is synonymous with the word "extremely".

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