Articulation gymnastics is of such significance for the development of children from impaired language. Presentation on the topic: "The importance of articulation and finger gymnastics in the formation of preschool children" The presentation was prepared by: teacher-speech therapist Snigureva. Value

Significance of articulation gymnastics for preschool children

A good language is a narration of the universal development of a child and readiness to start at school.
Mayzhe all children of the preschool age (up to 60% of all children of the preschool age) may be moving nedolki, incorrectly sing one or a few sounds, most of them may be timchasovy, inconsistent character. Vinyatok to become children up to 4 years of age with the norm of age or physiological deficiency, after 4 years - pathology sets in.
I, if you don’t give respect to the little ones, the stench is fixed and poured in at the direction of the kindergarten, school; blame the folding of the damage, as it is important to make corrections.
And less than 40% of children, yakі go to school, wash clean, good language.
The following factors are added to the purity of a movie child, like:
my ear,
moving dihannya,
voice and current apparatus.
Therefore, with the method of preventing the vindication of movement disorders, their correction, starting from a young preschool age, it is necessary to stagnate in a robotic voice right, directing it to the development of hearing, dihannya of that movable apparatus.
For the rest of the hour, the victors are recommended to perform widely in robotic articulation and dihal gymnastics. Difficulties are blamed on the rich, how to win right.
Today, I would like to know you about the methods of conducting gymnastics, with the main vimogi.

Meals to the vihovatelі:
What is articulation gymnastics? What is the cost of the organs of the movie?
Articulation gymnastics is called a complex of rights, directing to the training of organs of articulation, which should be used for the correct sound.
Articulation gymnastics for preschool children is necessary to achieve a number of goals:
Polypshennya frivolity of organs of articulation;

Zbіlshennya obyagu that forces ruhіv;
Viroblennya navychok of choosing the exact positions of the lips and moving for the correct voice of that ch іnshoy sound.
The importance of doing articulatory gymnastics for children is important to reevaluate. In addition, the child should learn correctly and clearly chant the sounds of those words, like a busy spriyayat:
Increased blood circulation;
development of the flexible organs of the moving apparatus;
Zmіtsnennya m'yazіv guise.
Indications for doing articulation gymnastics for babies:
As a rule, they see low reasons for that indication for articulation gymnastics for preschool children:
In due time, occupation with articulation rights with the development of a language of hearing and gymnastics of articulation should be adopted by those who can independently learn to speak cleanly and correctly. Tse allow you not to go to the aid of a speech therapist;
On aphrodisiac foldable ruins of zvukimov and similar occupations will help to prepare m'yazi for distant ones to take with a speech therapist, in order to speed up the elimination of defects in language;
With the correct, ale-mlyavy sound and sound articulation, gymnastics helps to improve the clarity of the speech and the vibrancy of the language, as well as the “porridge in the mouth”.
It’s right to be static (non-ruh), directing to the morning of the singing position of the lips, tongue: calyx, tube ... and dynamic (ruhli): konyachka, year-old, goydalka ... - Emphasize the rhythmic repetition of the ruh, coordination of the ruh and switching.
You have the right to unite with the complex, skin from some of them can be directly straightened:
1 group right.- Vibrating the main rules and regulations of the OAA,
2 group right.- to adopt the vibration of the ruhіv and the position for the formation of the singing groups of sounds (whistling, hissing, sonorіv, rear).
3 group right.- specific exercises, created for setting sounds, singling out the vibrations of singing ruhіv: the frivolity of the kink of the mov, the soft bottom, for stretching the tongue out.
So, in younger groups they take right. for the development of the main movements, for the middle ones - for their refinement of the group of sounds (whistles and hiss), for the older ones - for sonorant sounds.

1. Carry out articulation gymnastics every day, so that the beginners, who vibrate in children, are fixed. Best vikonuvati right 3-4 times a day for 3-5 whilins. Do not try to teach children over 2-3 right at a time - we break the complex for the whole day.
From vikovanih two or three of the right to new, maybe only one, the other and the third are given for repetition and consolidation.
Control complex. planned for this week. On the offensive tizhnі good vikonuetsya ex. replace it with another, new, and fix it with a stretch of another type. In this rank, children should be familiar with the new exercise. and practice yoga in articulation gymnastics.
2. At the complex may be present 2-3 exercise. static and 2-3 exercise. dynamic. Start the gymnastics from the static right, stink for 10-15 seconds (improving the position of the articulation in one position), then move on to the dynamic ones.
3. In the first sessions, the right is repeated 2-3 times at the connection with the increased dependence of the right meat, on the other hand, the skin on the right is wound up to 10-15 times.
4. When choosing the right for articulation gymnastics, you need to trim the singing sequence, go from simple right to more folding.
Spend them more emotionally, in a playful way. Skin ex. make your own name, your image. So children easily remember ruh. In order that one and the same child did not get tired of repeating the trival hour, one can come up with a sprat of a name.
For example, ex. "Tube" - come up with a sprat name. (proboscis, neck of a giraffe, pipe, pipe ...)
5. Articulation gymnastics is performed while sitting, for those who have a straight back in such a position, the body is not strained, their arms and legs are rested in a calm position.
6. The child is responsible for kindly bachiti the person of the grown-up, as well as her own person, so that she can independently control the correctness of the vikonnanny in rights. Therefore, at the logopoint of the child, she has grown up for an hour of articulation gymnastics, it is her fault to perebuvat in front of the real mirror. In a group, a child can squirm with a small hand-held mirror (approximately 9x12 cm), and the wielder is guilty, on the contrary, of the child's disguise before her.
It is best to carry out articulation gymnastics for preschoolers in a game form, for which you need to win the top of the picture. Articulation gymnastics for preschool children at the top, as a significant increase in the interest of the child to the right, and it determines the rhythm of their victoriousness. It is important that during the next hour the verse can be repeated right 3-5 times. After that, it is necessary to give the child an hour to relax and relax. Tsіy metі є articulation gymnastics for preschool children in pictures. These are the pictures, in which the lips are correctly depicted and the language of the other is right enough to ask the head of the fahіvtsya and slacken themselves busy with the words.
Knowing a child with a new kerіvnitstvom, it is necessary to give the children plot painting. For example: how to file ex. " Smachne varnya"? - licorice Carlson, who loves brewing. In order for the child to know the correct position of the tongue, for example, she licked her upper lip, you can spread it with її jams, chocolate, or else we want to love the child. It is possible to win non-traditional forms - dragee, water, bioenergy plastics - to destroy the organs and move your hands.
Igrovyh priyomіv impersonal. Be it a story, objects, a picture - it's a point of fact, with the help of which the respect of a child is saved, on the basis of which the promotion process is activated. Elements of magnificence, barvity, novelty of attributes, cirqueness of the plots of the city, calling for interest and emotional support, they themselves violate the initial task, the goal, put on the job.
It is right to rob a child, and a grown-up control is a viconnanny -
stalking for the yakіstyu vykonuvannyh child ruhіv: accuracy ruhu, smoothness, tempo vykonannya, steadiness, transition from one ruhu to another.
It is also important to stitch, so that the ruhi of the skin organ of articulation were beaten symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face. Otherwise, articulation gymnastics does not reach its goal.

On the back of the head in the case of children, the tension of the joints of the organs of the articulation apparatus is right to be guarded. Step by step, the tension is known, the movements become unimpressed and coordinated at once.
In the process of victorious gymnastics, it is important to remember the creation of a positive emotional mood in a child. It is not possible to tell you that it is wrong to kill wine, better than Yogo pidbadjoriti.
Such a rank, shanovni vihovateli, the sooner we will develop the articulation apparatus of children and get them to the father, the more children will be given to us from the correct sound and sound of mine.

It is possible to designate "articulation gymnastics" vikliche podiv. Adzhe all sounded that gymnastics is necessary for the exercise of m'yaziv, gnuchkost, spritnosti ... That's right. Organs that take part in the sound-making - ruin, cheeks, tongue - also add up to m'yaziv. And if the stench is insufficiently reddened, strong, crumbling, mova comes out unintelligible, from the one who speaks like “porridge” from the sound of the mouth. Also, at the development of promotions, pre-school articulation gymnastics for children may be significant. Aje-same in childhood is the easiest and most important of all, it needs the strength of m'yaziv to take the fate of the mother.

Find games

What is needed for this m'yazam? Lips, cheeks, that lower slit - fragility, movi - strength, springiness, spritnist, sufficient dozhina bridle, building, it is easy to accept the different positions of that stand. Not less important is the work of seeing the necessary strength and in the right direction. All the fluctuations of a child as a whole can come at the time of the beginning of active speaking (about 2 years), so that for the whole hour you can do articulation gymnastics from it. In addition, there are different complexes of articulation rights, which allow to correct the wrong sound of certain sounds of the language (hissing, whistling [l], [r]) in children of 4, 5, 6, 7 years. Otzhe, it is important to reevaluate the importance of such things.

So that problems from the wrong vim will be even less, you can start employment with the development of articulation until the 1st year - already from the first months of the life of a baby. There will be sounds first, as shown by the child's mother. Moreover, it shows that it is too big, the skins of the skin are too big, so that the little ones step by step remember the hands of the lips.

For example, when bathing, changing clothes, and during the hour and a half, for the smallest children, you can picture:

  • driving noise;
  • cackling geese;
  • reebok (splash lips without sound);
  • wind up the wind;
  • horses - tsokati, pirhati;
  • dogs; scho hang out MOV or grumble;
  • elephants that wiggle their proboscis;
  • intestines, like licking, licking, yapping;
  • hooting owls;
  • clattering year old;
  • spiv pivnya;
  • squeak of a bear and in.

It is necessary to carry out such activities in a fast way, so that the little ones call before the language is active, the lips are active, the language is solved, and they take part in the process of sound creation. A bunch of wines just marvel, as if they were grown up.

Vіd dvoh to chotirioh

In the age of 2-3 years, the child can repeat after the fathers of the simplest right. From the first century, employment with preschool children is due to the mother of a systematic nature.

Sob to perekonatisya, so that everything fights correctly, children need a mirror. And if the little ones don’t care about being busy with tedious lessons, you don’t want to win, you’ll go through the stench at the sight of grey. At this hour, you can tell small fairy tale stories about the expensive tongue, elephant, mushroom pickers, little cooks, etc. You can pull the skin right into the shape.

In children of 3-4 years old, it is already possible to control the skin fluff correctly, in older children it is important to vibrate clarity and fluency.

Babies 2-4 years old are not able to concentrate their respect for a long time and quickly get into it, wake up in the city. It is not the fault of the occupation of articulation gymnastics for children of this century to take more than ten quills. It is necessary to start and zovsim z 2-3 hvilin per day, with the simplest rights, step by step, growing new, in the world of that, as they will be mastered in the future.

Under the hour of such “lessons”, draw static and dynamic rights, to make the child’s interest more attractive to busy.

Whomever will have the right feet and right articulations.


  • "Smile" - the child chuckles, having hooked his teeth behind his closed lips, the camp is saved for 4-5 seconds;
  • "Mlynets" - the tongue is laid in a relaxed, flat position on the lower lip, but does not hang forward (it also takes about 5 seconds);
  • "Hippo" - the baby trims its mouth wide open for about 5 seconds;
  • "Proboscis" - the lips are folded into a tube and pulled forward, it is possible to push forward (hold the position up to 5 seconds);
  • "Hungry hamster" - retract the shocks and hold in this position for 5-6 seconds.


  • “Mіsimo tіsto” - the language is in the “milk” position, at the same time the child is stool-roaring her lips, lightly biting her tongue with her teeth;
  • “Clean the teeth” - with the tip of the tongue, the little ones are guilty of drawing the anger along the upper teeth to the right, then the same way along the lower ones;
  • "Snake (strillochka)" - the tongue needs to be made narrow, gostrim and fly as far forward as possible, hold it for a few seconds;
  • "Goydalki" - with a mouth open, you need to lift your tongue uphill and lower it down. You can vikonat a variation: robit right in front of the teeth and behind the teeth;
  • "Watch" - with a small mouth, the little ones on the cheek stand with the tip of the tongue of the right and left fold of the company;
  • "Kulki" - the little one inflates the cheeks, and then we caress them with our fingers, releasing them again;
  • "City hamster" - offended cheeks puff up on the back, then skin on the skin.

It is necessary to start with 2-3 repetitions, incrementally increasing the number up to 7-10. And yet, like a child, he wakes up, occupies the next step and finishes the part that is lost, at this hour.

Home activities for the development of the apparatus of articulation in the little one are not varto, as if they were pishov near the cages. It may not be enough to borrow what is carried out by a teacher with a group at a kindergarten. It’s easy to add enough respect to the skin of a child individually in a child’s team, so that you can change it, what’s wrong is right and in the right way. For example, the little one is engaged in a professional speech therapist, you will be pleased to fix the passage of booths.

Vіd chotirioh up to seven

During this period of his development, a preschooler (above a young schoolboy) is already ready to take more trips and folds for money. The complex of articulation rights can take up to 20 minutes. The child can now be killed by the folded prohannya of the grown-ups, so the “tricks” have the right to be more suitable for the whole age group.

You can show video lessons to the development of the articulation apparatus in your child (with whom you can learn the technique of conducting such exercises correctly).

Learn your child correctly, make sure that your language is correct. Children learn by copying our actions. That is why the fathers have defects and move, or the stench will be non-written propositions, they themselves will work and children. Even if you yourself do not make sounds like these, start to take care of your articulation. Achieve pure sound production and only after your little one. Otherwise, a speech therapist will have to retrain yoga. And tse richly folded.

Until then, such a situation will inevitably appear stressful for a child, if you eat away at the middle of your mind, you see the one that leaves home (for example, in nursery garden). Aja for the new one, everything that the fathers are afraid of is a priori correct.

Otzhe, articulation gymnastics for the age of 4-7 May looks like this.

Set for the development of the frizziness of the lips:

  • "Elephant" ("Proboscis");
  • "Smile";
  • "Hippo";
  • "Mlynets";
  • "Collection";
  • Cherguvannya "Usmishka" - "Collection".

Right for zmіtsnennya m'yaziv language:

  • "Mlynets";
  • "Goydalki";
  • "Mіsimo tіsto";
  • "Angry kitty" - with the tip of the tongue of the baby rests on the lower teeth, the middle of the tongue of the virgin is "girkoy", now it is necessary to lightly bite the "girku" with teeth;
  • "Snake";
  • "Vitrilo" - the child is guilty of sticking his tongue in the front teeth and trembling for a few seconds (the mouth at the same time);
  • "Malyar" - it is necessary to "farb" with the tongue of the tongue at the straight line from the teeth to the throat;
  • "Clean your teeth";
  • "Watch";
  • "Cup" - the mouth needs to open wide, stick out the tongue and grow it round, lift the tip and sides (take a few seconds like this, do not stick out the lips or the teeth);
  • "Indichko" - the child swishes with the tip of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, seeing the sound "bl";
  • “Delicious brew” - my wide baby is guilty of licking the upper lip of the beast to the bottom;
  • "Woodpecker" - with a warm flick of the tongue, it is necessary to beat firmly behind the upper teeth of the white base, promoting the sound "d";
  • "Motor" - rightly similar to the front, only vidihat is necessary with greater strength and move "ding-ding".

Right for the development of the sublingual bridle:

  • "Mushroom" - the tongue needs to be touched to the bottom (the mouth is maximally open) and so hold for 7-10 seconds;
  • "Accordion" - rightly similar to the front, only the lower slit, when it is necessary to steal - vibrate with the maximum possible amplitude and slightly bend;
  • “Konika” is rightly similar to a mushroom, only more dynamic: the tongue needs to be rattled, seeing a sound similar to a clatter accumulates.

Right for cheek:

  • "Hungry hamster";
  • "City hamster";
  • "Kulki".

Taking care of the child’s articulation rights at home, remember those who, under the hour of such years, the little ones are guilty of resting in a harmonious mood and engaging in satisfaction. Occupation after 4 years can be organized 2 times a day for trivality of about 10 minutes. One of the main additions to success is the systematic training and game form. Any kind of violence and no "obov'yazki"!

Ideally, the hour of skin care is right - about 10 seconds. Ale, focus on the bazhannya and the comfort of the child. If you don’t want to, it’s better to lower the tempi for another hour.

As if you have the right not to go to visit you, do not hesitate to get to know this little one and ask him to read it at once. You can marvel at yoga on the video, try it again and sing it all at once, so you invariably tighten up the rhythm.

Employment in the practice of articulation is not obligatory due to the same employment - elements of the right can be included in everyday life: listen to your own creatures, lick a spoon or a plate every hour, etc.

We train the power of vidihu

Whether or not your veins will be right for training your breath. Even if in a child the power of a movable visionary will not be blamed, it will not be possible to use long phrases;

You can train your mind to move, for whatever it is, handy. For example, I read a book. Like in nіy є describe the wind, mother can picture, like wine dme. Having come to pay for walks, you can blow on frozen hands. Bathing a child at the bathing room, blowing on a kick, blowing it from the hands. For lunch, you can go for hot tea. Such games, cream without middle heart, bring children and a lot of positive emotions.

The main emphasis in the development of a moving breath was to work, so that a child could grow a trivalium of a smooth, visible, equal strength with a stretch of a mustache. To help you, you gave them the correct answer, repeating the number of phrases when you voiced two phrases.

Іsnuyut spetsіlnі the right to vіdpratsyuvannya movnogo dykhannya.

  • "Kulbaba". On walks, it is necessary to know the pubescent kulbaba and show the little ones, like blowing a new fluff.
  • "Metelik". Virіzati paper panicle. Attached to the thread, it’s already fluttering like crazy, if you blow it right on it - exactly and for a long time.
  • "Snizhinka". It is necessary to make a cut - fluff up a small piece of cotton wool. If it is cloudy on it, it will fly. The closer you see it, the better it is to fly a snowball.
  • "Fluff". Those same, only with a feast. Grati can be doubled: mother to wife a fluff to a child, out - back to her.
  • "Ivushka". Up to the olive, the sticks are glued to the sprat of the narrow wives of paper. Roblyachi "winter", little ones zmusit "hіlki verbi" sway.
  • "Candle". Little can learn how to blow out the candle (for example, for your birthday).
  • "Milebirds". Virizani figurines of small birds are placed on the table. Following the command (“the birds are watching!”), He grew up at once from a child to a bird. Whose flight is far away - that win.
  • "Pipe". A toy at the sight of a nozzle or a whistle (whistles) also miraculously trains the breath.
  • "Storm in the sky". A child with the power of a dme in a straw for a cocktail, I put it near a bottle of water and drink it. Good storm!

Such is the method of development of the apparatus of articulation in preschool children. Koriguvati її is necessary, depending on the possibilities, health, interests of the child. Whom the deputy of the "Snake" has the right to call "Holochka" or "Strela" more briefly, for more respect to attach the stretching of the bridle (especially since the sounds [p] that [l] do not go into the little one), if you do not sit still, then it's busy to get to 3 -4 go to the loot and beat them even in small portions.

Well, no matter how much the fathers know, until the 4-5th birthday, the child did not learn how to correctly move all the sounds, or stray, for example, the sounds of the deaf, and then turn around for help to a speech therapist. Possibly, the baby has congenital defects in the organs of the language (lower jaw, tongue), otherwise the new one has an incorrect bite, too short a tongue frenulum, a short language, great lips, etc.

For the correction of such defects, you may need a course of speech therapy massage and prompt delivery.

Correct Garna Mova, I am fascinated by the bright intonation that I can accept the rhythm, not to show up at the child just like that. Tse is a great “unremarkable” robot, so that the fathers of the baby will happen to grow up in the first 5-6 years of their life, so that later we will already be self-sufficient and completely save my luggage at school, delighting my mother and father with their successes.

People correctly vimovlyayut different sounds due to the harp of the organs of articulation (mova, ruin, soft bottom, hard bottom, lower crack). The development of accuracy, strength, and the development of differentiation of the vitality of the functions of the appointed organs is carried out in a child step by step, at the same time the activity. To speed up the development of the main movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus of the child, you can use the help of special ones, which are carried out at the form speech therapy articulation gymnastics

What is the role of articulation gymnastics for children in the process of molding the correct sound? For the help of victorious complex of the right gymnastics of articulation, children can independently learn how to move sounds and words, without learning to the process of fahivtsya. Also, for the help of special rights, you can improve the language system of the child, as you can seriously improve in sound, so that you can help the speech therapist to correct the current defects. Articulation gymnastics is vinyatkovo corisna for children with the correct, almighty vimonic sounds, tobto. quiet, as if to say nachebto “they stuffed their mouth with porridge.” In addition, the lessons of articulation gymnastics give us the opportunity to learn how to speak correctly, beautifully and clearly.

As a fact, those who form the sheet on the basis of verbal thinking, for the very reason of the lack of verbal thinking, can bring children to school to a low level of success. In order for the child to learn how to correctly move such folding sounds like C, L, Z, W, F, R, destroy and mow your mother’s strength, gnuchkity, remember to take the long time to meet the needs of the situation, and also easily move from one ruhu to another .

Learn to whom you can help gymnastics of articulation. At the complex of gymnastics, articulations enter right, vikonnannya such a mixture of polypsennia and specific sounds. For example, one of the right articulation gymnastics for sound Rє right under the name: "Brush your upper teeth." Yogo meta - the destruction of my movement uphill and vminnya my will. Complex of articulation gymnastics for sound l come in right, like “Punish the unhearing tongue”, “Delicious brew”, “Steamboat Gude”, “Goydalka” and “Konika” .

Articulation gymnastics for the smallest.

You can help the little ones in mastering the sounds of their mother already in the first months of their life. Choosing to go for a walk or mate with a little one, mothers need to work in the simplest way, showing children the difference between sounds for help mimicry. For example, you can say that these and other sounds of creatures vibrate. The movements of the lips and tongue at the same time may be clear and sharply pronounced. You can play in different games, in which you will kill your tongue, for example, show that you are playing with a child on a pipe and with that you will play with a pipe.

Classes in a game form are held with children up to 3-4 years old, depending on how the child makes sounds. However, in children and after the 4th birthday, it is not clear, it is recommended to show it to a speech therapist.

The nuances of conducting articulation gymnastics for children.

The main advantage before the gymnastics of articulation is systematic.

Activities may be held every day. Before that, it’s like rozpochat without a middle right, with a child it’s necessary to do a warm-up for the lips. Right to pay tribute up to 15 hvilin. During the day, it is necessary to win the kіlka rіznih rights.

Under the hour spent to occupy the child is guilty of sitting in a sitting position. Tse allow you to straighten your back and relax the m'yazi nіg, focusing more on the articulatory organs. The child can clearly bachiti the mime and articulation of an adult. It is also guilty of blame for the power of the power to destroy that language at the moment of the victory. For whom, you can vicorist the hand-mirror, or spend yourself busy at the great mirror.

Everyone has the right to serve children in a playful form more often, so that it is not boring. It is right to win over the right child, better for everything, the first time is not possible, then you should stock up on patience.

In this way, systematically vikonnanny incoherent rights with a complex of articulation gymnastics helps to prepare a child's articulation apparatus to the correct development of folded sounds.

THE IMPORTANCE OF ARTICULATION GYMNASTICS. It's important to know! In due time volodinnya correct, clean my maє great value on the molding of all special features. The language is correct, well-described as one of the main indications of the readiness of a child to a successful start at school. The shortcomings of the movie can lead to failure, give rise to the unsungness of a child in their own strength, and there are negative consequences for them to go far. Therefore, to start a dbati about the correctness of the language of the child, the yakomoga needs to be done earlier. It's a pity that the number of children with defects in the language, including those with damaged sounds, rіk y rіk does not change, but grows. Mova is not an innate building, it is formed step by step, and it is a development to lay a lot of reasons. One of the minds of the normal formation of sound and є povnotsіnna robot articulation apparatus. Pobutov’s thought about those that the sound-producing side of the movie child develops independently, without a special injection of help from the grown-ups - nibi child herself step by step opanovuє correctly vimova, - deeply forgiving. But the same thing is often the reason why the development of the sound side of the movie, especially in early age , Being self-fueled, without proper respect from the side of the fathers, and this means that the number of children of the preschool age can be ti chi and other nedolki vymovi. And the shards themselves and the small ones do not correct themselves, while we feel the same as the other world's defective language, like children, so grown up. Nevtruchannya at the process of shaping the child's movie mayzhe zavzhdne draughty at his own place at the development. Defects in sound, vibrating and creaking in children, forcibly push at the onset of fate and can be saved for all life. To compensate for the defect, the additional assistance may be less qualified. The role of gymnastics in corrective and speech therapy work. The sounds of the movie are settled down as a result of the folding complex of articulatory organs – kinem. Viroblennia chi іnshої kіnemi vіdkrivає possibility of mastering quiet movnіh zvukі, yakі could not be immovlenі through її vіdsutnіst. Mi correctly vimovlyaemo different sounds, like isolated, so in a moving sweat, vigor of strength, good fluctuation and differentiation of robotic organs of a sound-carrying apparatus. In this rank, vimova sound mov - tse folding rukhova navitch. Already from the days of a child, a child to rob the mass of the most narcissistic articulatory-mimic ruhs with my, lips, slits, accompanying ci ruhi with sounds (mumbling, belkotinnya). Taki ruhi and є the first stage in the development of moving children; they play the role of gymnastics of the organs of movement in the natural minds of life. Accuracy, strength and differentiation of these movements develop in a child step by step. For precise articulation, you need strong, springy, and rotten organs - language, death, m'yaké dnebіnnya. Articulation gymnastics is the strength of special rights, directing to the articulation apparatus, the development of strength, fragility and differentiation of the organs, which take part in the movement process. The principle of selection of articulation rights will be the nature of the defect in movement and the dotality of the recommendations for the correct movement of the given sound. It is more necessary to correct the ruhi, if it is necessary to correct it, and it is necessary for the vikhovuvanny sound. Importantly, not the quantity is right, but the correct pidbir is right, that the quality of vikonnanny. When choosing the material for articulation gymnastics, it is necessary to finish the singing sequence - to go from simple right to more folding. Carry out gymnastics in an emotional way, in a game form. If you have the right, all the waves develop sequentially, with pauses before the new skin rush, so that the grown-up moment can control the level of the rush, and the child - to be aware, to be aware, to control and remember your actions. The lower back has the right to wink at a reasonable pace in front of the mirror, after that, as a child learns to pick the hand, tidy up the mirror, and take on the functions of control to take on the power of visually the hand and the position of the child’s organs of articulation. Whether the beginners are consolidated due to the systematic repetition of diy, they need to carry out articulation gymnastics every day, bazhano 2-3 times a day, so that the beginners, who vibrated, became more powerful. On the right, you can bring the organ to reopening. The first sign of a change is a decrease in the quality of the turn, which is shown to the timchasovy right. RULES OF VICONANNYA OF ARTICULATION RIGHTS: 1. A child can be prepared to work, so that it is necessary to correct the sounds of great importance. 2. When staging a viable sound, no respect is given to other defective sounds. So, if the word Laura was heard when the sound was set on the child, then it is not possible to correct the sound of the people along the way. We can get better later. 3. The material is liable to be corrected sequentially and not in the same time not vibrating. It is impossible to skip some stages of the work; 4. The transition from one stage of the work to the offensive one is guilty of zdijsnyuvatsya only after mastering the material passed. 5. It is necessary to immediately introduce the sound of the skin of the sound in the rozmovno-pobutov language. 6. Child is guilty to work on the day of 30-45 min. In one or two, take it, moreover, vykonuvat all pіdgotovchі and chastkovo movlennєvі right (vimova warehouses and words) in front of the mirror - to control the position of the other parts of the apparatus of articulation. 7. By working hard on staging the sounds of the father, the father is guilty of actively helping the child (to make it like a schoolboy) that vimagati in the vikonanny zavdan. Articulation gymnastics at the top. Play with tongue. "Smile-proboscis". "Smile" - Utrimanya lips in a smile. The teeth are not visible. "Proboscis" - Vityaguvannya closed lips forward. Smile people, Let's destroy - go ahead! And so robimo razіv shіst. All! Praise! Cob є! "Selection". - The mouth is done. The upper and lower teeth are bare. Lips stretched in a smile. Pіd'їzhdzhaє driver, Well, and in front - parkan. Galmuє and back. I so visim once upon a time. "Spatula". - The mouth is open, the language is wide and relaxed, lying on the lower lip. Mova is wide, show I, trim the shoulder blade. "Watch". - Rot vіdkritiy. Lips stretched out for a laugh. Kіntsem vuzkoї movi alternately gravitate under the teacher's chest to the cloaks of the company. Pendulum toudi, sudi Rob otak: "One - two." "Goydalka". - Rot vіdkritiy. With a tense tongue, stretch to the nose, that pіdborіdya, or to the upper and lower teeth. And all at once they went up the Tyagnemo mountain, dragging up to the sky. Down now їhnіy polit І nіhto not vydstaє. "Snake". - Rot vіdkritiy. The vuzka is strained, the language is hanging forward. Beware of the people: The snake lives by the stove. Who її not to praise, Togo out to press. "Cup". - Rot vіdkritiy. Lips in a smile. Language hang. The side edges and the tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, bending to the bottom. In such a position, the language is eliminated from 1 to 5-10. Our tongue is wise. A cup of wine and zoom. You can pour some tea there. І with zukerkas to drink. "Delicious brew". - Lightly open your mouth and lick the upper lip with the wide front edge of the tongue (mova is wide, the flanks of the yogo stand up at the mouth of the mouth), rolyachi ruhi with the tongue of the beast down, and not from the side to the side. It should be noted that only language worked, but the lower crack did not help, did not “support” my mountain - it’s the fault of the indestructible one (you can take it with your finger). Sponge at the top of the brew Oh, sloppy їv. Axis of licking to come across There are no other rights. "Tube-zholobok". - Rot vіdkritiy. The bichni edges of the tongue are bent uphill. Anu robi, friend! The tongue of the goon. Do not inflate your cheeks, Press with your lips! Smoothly repeat the release. The groove does not collapse. "Girka". - Mouth vіdchiniti. The tip of the tongue is fixed at the lower teeth, the back of the tongue is lifted up. The sled was brought by the ditlahi Girka є i - everything is good! "Painter". - Rot vіdkritiy. With a wide tip of the tongue, like a penzlik, it leads from the upper teeth to the soft bottom. Our tongue is a penzlik, the bottom is a stele. To beat a penzlik for a smear, a smear. Zrobleno chimalo, penzlik vtomivsya. "Konika". - Look at my language until the end, click mine. Tsokat povіlno and strongly, pull pіd'yazychnu zv'yazku. The axis of the konyachka gallops swiftly, The konyachka has the rightness! Rich, rich at the circus of rock, And the lads of the us - hello! "Fungus". - Rot vіdkritiy. Mova look up to the day. On a thin lower virus, a mushroom, Vin is not small and great. Look at the tongue! Sprat of seconds - movchki! "Harmonic". - Mouth open. Mova look up to the day. Do not pull the tongue out of the bottom, strongly pull down the upper crack. Non-hearing little tongue Rob otak - Movchok! The bottom slit is down Tsezovsіm not primha. We continue the harmonica robiti! The mouth is closed, it is closed. "Steamboat". - Bite the tip of the tongue and make the sound “I” for a long time (like a good steamboat). The steamboat is flying Y-Y-Y-Y Y-Y-Y-S Win at the whistle buzzing, buzzing Y-Y-S-S "The way is happy" Y-Y-S-S "Chatterbox - indica". - Rot vіdkritiy. Lips in a smile. Wiggle the wide front edge of the tongue along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear the tongue out of the lip, slightly bend the tip, like stroking the lip. Robiti robit povіlnі ruhi, potіm slow down the pace and add voice, docks do not feel the sounds of bl-bl. Make sure that the tongue does not sound (it is the language’s responsibility to lick the upper lip, and not hang forward), so that the upper lip does not stretch over the teeth, the lower slit does not collapse. Bl-Bl-Bl Khvist walked around the yard, as if blowing, releasing. Bl-Bl-Bl Axis I am beautiful, Bl-Bl-Bl Admire me! "Drummers are a woodpecker." - Smile, open your mouth and tap your tongue with your tongue behind your upper teeth, making the sound "D-D-D ..." in a bagatorazovo and eloquently way. Shift the sound "D" in a right way, then gradually pick up the tempo. Look, the company has been screaming all the time, ruin - in a laugh, the lower crack is unruly, having only practiced the tongue. The sound "D" is due to the mother character of a clear blow. Woodpecker, woodpecker tuk-tuk-tuk. D-D-D-D What are you knocking, my friend! D-D-D-D - I don’t knock in my mouth for nothing D-D-D-D I teach the correct sounds. D-D-D-D

People correctly vimovlyayut different sounds due to the harmonic friability of the organs of articulation (mova, ruin, m'yaké pіdnebіnnya, lower fissure). The development of accuracy, strength, and the development of differentiation of the vitality of the functions of the appointed organs is carried out in a child step by step, at the same time the activity. To speed up the development of the main movements of the organs of the apparatus of articulation of the child, it is possible to use special help, which is carried out in the form of speech therapy articulation gymnastics.

What is the role of articulation gymnastics for children in the process of molding the correct sound? For the help of victorious complex of the right gymnastics of articulation, children can independently learn how to move sounds and words, without learning to the process of fahivtsya. Also, for the help of special rights, you can improve the language system of the child, as you can seriously improve in sound, so that you can help the speech therapist to correct the current defects. Articulation gymnastics is vinyatkovo corisna for children with the correct, almighty vimonic sounds, tobto. quiet, as if to say nachebto “they stuffed their mouth with porridge.” In addition, the lessons of articulation gymnastics give us the opportunity to learn how to speak correctly, beautifully and clearly.

As a fact, those who form the sheet on the basis of verbal thinking, for the very reason of the lack of verbal thinking, can bring children to school to a low level of success. In order for the child to learn how to correctly move such folding sounds like C, L, Z, W, F, R, destroy and mow your mother’s strength, gnuchkity, remember to take the long time to meet the needs of the situation, and also easily move from one ruhu to another .

Learn to whom you can help gymnastics of articulation. At the complex of gymnastics, articulations enter right, vikonnannya such a mixture of polypsennia and specific sounds. For example, one of the right gymnastics of articulation for the sound p is right under the name: "Clean the upper teeth." Yogo meta - the destruction of my movement uphill and vminnya my will. For vikonannya, it is necessary to open the mouth and with the tip of the tongue, as if to “clean” the upper teeth from the inner side, while doing so, with the tongue from the side to the side. Under the hour of vikonanny tsієї it is necessary to right, so that the lips laughed, and the lower and upper teeth were visible. And the tip of the tongue is guilty of breaking the root of the upper teeth, not hanging and not bending in the middle.

Pratsyuvati maє lishe mova, the lower crack is unruhoma. To the complex of articulation gymnastics for sound, it is right to enter such a way as “Punish the unhearing tongue”, “Smachne varennya”, “Steamboat Gude”, “Indik”, “Goydalka” and “Konika”, a report description of which can be found in special literature.

In this way, systematically vikonnanny incoherent rights with a complex of articulation gymnastics helps to prepare a child's articulation apparatus to the correct development of folded sounds.

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