All voice sounds are solid. Skіlki in Russian mov voiced and resonant sounds. Headlines about voices and voice letters

What is sound? The minimum warehouse of human movement. Depicted by letters. In the letter form, the sounds of the letters appear clearly at the first square arches, which are victorious at the phonetic transcription. Letter - oh, sound - [o]. Transcription shows the identity of the writing of that language. Apostrophe [ ] note about the softness of wimovi.

In contact with

Sounds subdivided into:

  • Voice. Їх can be easily called. When collaborating, I do not take an active part, fixing in one position. Sounds are created for the change of the camps of the mov, lips, different vibrations of voice calls and the power of filing again. Vocal length - basis of vocal art(Rospivuvannya, “sleep smooth”).
  • Suitable sounds and movable for the fate of the mov, yak, occupying the same form, creating a change of pace around the legends. Tse to produce before the appearance of noise at the empty mouth. At the exit, the stench transforms into sound. Likewise, for a free passage, the lips reshuffle, as they stool-roam under the hour of washing.

Suitable for:

  • those sounds are deaf. The deafness and the sound of sounding lie in the presence of a robotic apparatus;
  • hard and soft. Sounding depends on the position of the letter in the word.

Letters that mean appropriate sounds


Deaf in Russian: [k], [p], [s], [t], [f], [x], [c], [w]. It's easier to remember the phrase, rather than typing letters, “Styopka, do you want a cheek? Fі!”, scho revenge їх mustache.

Butt, for which all the sounds are deaf: piven, stiltniks, pin.


When they are approved, the form of the language is close to the form, as if it vibrates deaf, but the vibrations are added. Twinkling sounds create active vibrations of sounds. Vibrations deform the sound wave, and in the empty mouth, it is not a clean flow of repetition, but a sound. Nadali vin dodatkovo transform with tongue and lips.

Lie down to the twinkies of the voice: b, c, d, e, f, h, d, l, m, n, nar.

For їhnoyї vymovi near the sphere of the larynx, the tension is clearly seen. In addition, it is practically impossible to speak their whispers clearly.

The word, in which all the sounds of the twinkle are heard: Rome, pride, ash, estuary.

There is a table of voices (deaf and ringing).

For the sake of the rahunok, change the sound of the Russian language is enriched with different words, close to those written by that vim, ale absolutely different for the values. For example: budinok - tom, court - sverbizh, code - river.

Guys listen

What does parity mean? Two letters, close to the sounds, when they are movable, they take similar positions, naming the boys with the sounds. You can mentally divide Vimov’s voices into one-stage (they are created to take the fate of the lips of the mov) and two-stages - the links are connected first, then the mouth. Tі vpadki, if at vimovі Rukh the company zbіgayutsya and make a bet.

There is a table of boys' voices for improving hardness and softness

Movі is powerful not to change the skin letter, but to give її. Not a bit less of a Russian movie. It is similar in practical terms in all languages ​​of the world and especially in contrast to the English one. The Russian effect is based on the rule: the guys with a voice make sounds (by ear) for one hour of promo. Example: love - [L'ubof'].

Ale, not everyone can make their own couple. Є not similar in vimovі nі to yakі іnshі - tse unpaired voices. The technique used to create sounds like other sounds and the same ones in the group.

Guys listen

Unpaired voices

The first group can move with softness. There are no other analogues for vimov.

Unpaired voices are subscribing to:

  • sonori - [th '], [l], [l '], [m], [m '], [n], [n '], [p], [p ']. When їх vimovі potik again hit the upper sky, like about the dome;
  • hissing - [x], [x'], [c], [h'], [u'].

Russian mov to revenge the letters, as in the context of the folded spriynyattya. Sounds [h], [th], [c], [n] are deaf sounds? Remember qi 4 letters!

Important![h] - deaf! [th] - dzvinky! [c] - tse deaf! [n] - dzvinky!

Unpaired voices

Hard and soft

Stink the same for writing, ale different for sounding. Deaf and ringing sounds, for a hissing wine, can move firmly or softly. For example: [b] buv - [b`] biv; [T] Strum - [T `] Plin.

With strong vim, the tip of the tongue presses up to the sky. M'yakі utvoryuyuyutsya zvdyaknyu priskannyu to the upper sky of the middle part of the movie.

In promos, the sounding comes after the voice letter.

The voices make a bet: a-z, w-y, e-e, s-i, o-e.

Double voices (i, e, u, e) are formed in one of two combinations: the sound [th] and the pair of voices are E, O, U, A, or the soft sign and the pair of voices. For example, the word Jung. It looks like [th] [y] [n] [g] [a]. But the word is mint. It looks like: [m '] [a] [t] [a]. Voices A, O, U, E, S do not spit on Wim's fortune, what to stand in front of.

An example of authority:

A spoon is a hatch, honey is a sea, a budinok is a woodpecker.

Phonetic transcription:

[Spoon] - [L'uk], [m'o d] - [sea], [house] - [d'atel].

vimovie rules:

  • firms move before A, Pro, U, E, Y. Nariv, bik, beech, bentley, minule;
  • m'yakі vymovlyayutsya before I, E, Yu, E, I. Pomsta, honey, whale, puree, mint;
  • firms are moving, as if they stand still in a voice: death. After the voice [s] stand loudly [m]. Nezalezhno v_d tsgogo, M'yak M, dzvіnka chi is firm, With movlyaєtsya firmly;
  • firms are moving, like letters stand by the word: class, budinok;
  • prigolosnі before the voice [e] in the backward words they move firmly, like before [e]. For example: scarf - [k] [a] [w] [n] [e];
  • zavzhdi m'yaki before b: elk, pulp.
  • faults from the rules:
    • zavzhdi solids Zh, Sh, Ts: life, thorns, cyanide;
    • zavzhdi m'yaki Y, Ch, Sch: white, black, pike.

Respect! The deaf letter does not zavzhdi means such a sound itself. Tse lie in the camp near the word.

Hard and soft sounds


Russian mova can understand deafening - deakі dzvinki sound like deaf listen to the sounds of the bet.

This is not a defect of the movie, but instead it is respected by the criterion of purity and correctness. Ale tse rule works only with the guys. For example, [g] in the language is often replaced by [x]. Cost to defect, shards [r], closer to [x], important homemade rice Ukrainian movie. Living them in the Russian promotion is wrong. Vinyatok is the word God.

Apply the rules:

  • the letter is left in the word: tooth - [zup], rind - [about r u n '];
  • after the letter there is a deaf voice: siroizhka - [syrova Shka].

The return process is a call. Means that in the movie deaf sound like boys. Ringing is true, if the stench is to stand in front of the ringing calls: please - [from the tree].

Zgіdnі dzvіnki that deaf hard and m'yakі

Zgіdnі sounds dzvіnkі and muffled. Russian language lesson for grade 5


In Russian all letters, like voices, and voices, letters are the basis. Andzhe zavdyaki letters are folded, and behind the additional warehouses we fold the words, slav vyslovlyuvannya, speech and so on.

And today's lesson is much more important for me in the vvchennya of the voiced letters of the Russian language.

Voice letters

Distinguish between letters and sounds. What are the letters for such letters, which are called vociferous? To understand what the letters are like, let's find out about the meaning of the word "good". And the stench is called so to the one who always goes instructed from the voices or at the same time from the voices.

Between vociferous letters and vociferous letters is cardinal authority. If you guess from someone who can easily pull and wake up, then the voice letters should be spoken as short as possible. Vignatkoy є less hissing syllable letters, shards of їх also є mozhlivіst pull.

In the alphabet of Russian language there are twenty-one vociferous letters and 37 vowel sounds.

Voice sounds

Dzvinki and muffled sounds

Zgіdnі literi podіlyayutsya on zvіnkі and muffled sounds. Axis of respect for letters, written in pairs. If you respectfully marvel, then in the skin pair there is one letter, which has a dull sound, and in the other - a double one.

Deaf letters mean a deaf sound, and if we hear less noise, then we can hear more than noise, but a voice.

B - P, Z - C, D - T, G - K

Ale, at the same time, mi bachimo letters to make a couple. Russian couples can get eleven pieces. But not all letters got a bet, also the Russian alphabet has more unpaired twinks, as well as unpaired deaf ones.

Right: Come up with words up to the boys' twinkling and deaf sounds.

Soft and hard sounds

Okrim dzvinkih and deaf letters of the alphabet can mother soft and hard sounds.

Under the hour of our sound, it is clear before the sound we make, the camp of our movement is changing. In the presence of soft voices, our mova takes one camp, and for hard ones - more.

Now let's try to get some soft sounds, that's hard. If you remember, then with the help of soft voices, we destroy the crumbs forward and with the help of the crumbs, the middle part rises. And the axis, if we move firmly, then our language will move back a little.

Voice letters and sounds in Russian language

At once it is proponed to you to guess, the voice sounds of that letter are like those in Russian language. There are less than ten of us letters:

Vimovlyayuchi voice sounds, at the sight of the voices, at the hour of ours we can pull them or wake up, and at the same time we can, as if again, pass through the empty mouth of the mouth, and we clearly hear our voice.

Right 1.

Write the word trojan

1. Change the letter z in this word on p.
2. What is the word used?
3. What has now changed for the third sound, and how has it become sound?
4. Name all voice letters in which word?
5. What are the appropriate sounds for which word?

Right 2.

Whale, sik, maliy, benket, tsibula, ball

1. Replace voice letters in these words with other voices.
2. What words did you take away?
3. Write down new words that you have taken away.
4. How to read voice sounds in front words?
5. How is it necessary to read sounds, firmly and softly, in newly illuminated words?


1. Golosnі and pogolosnі letters - why do you have a voice?
2. And what is the difference between letters and sounds?
3. Why is the number of letters of the Russian alphabet being made from the number of sounds?
4. Why does the Russian language have less voiced sounds, lower voiced letters?
5. How can you explain why there are more sounds, lower letters?
6. How do you see the appropriate sounds?

Everything is clear - їх 33, - then from a few sounds it's more foldable. Would you like it to be so foldable? Take it - and shake it.

So, there are six voiced sounds in Russian language: [a], [o], [y], [e], [i], [i]. In writing qi, sounds are indicated by similar letters, possibly before spelling.

It's a pity, some people call it the sounds of letters - iotovani voices. Tse pardon. The voice letters "I", "e", "e", "yu" in words mean either the softness of the front voice ("honey"), or two sounds ("yula" [yula], lighthouse [lighthouse]).

Obviously, if you marvel more broadly, you can remember that, for example, the sound [a] is not the same in different parts of the word. Under the voice of the wines as clearly as possible, but if they gave the same position in the shock, then the wine is less clear. In linguistics, it is called reduction or reduction.

During the sound analysis of words, at the hour of transcription recording for percussion and unvoiced sounds, different icons are displayed. Ale, within the framework of the school course, it is enough to know that there are only six voice sounds in Russian language.

Zgіdnі sounds and vociferous letters

It’s simpler with sounds and letters with sounds. I also want my own particularity.

Literally, as it was already said, there are 21. And there are 37 voiced sounds.

The greater number of sonorous sounds are lads for hardness-m'yakistyu. Tse [[b] - [b "]; [c] - [c"]; [g] - [g "]; [d] - [d"]; [h] - [h "]; [k] - [k"]; [l] - [l "]; [m] - [m"]; [n] - [n "]; [n] - [n"]; [p] - [p "]; [s] - [s"]; [t] - [t "]; [f] - [f"]; [x] - [x "]. A total of 15 pairs. Іnshi prigosnі moyut either for a firm vim ([w], [w], [c]), or m'yaku ([y "], [h "], [ sch" ]). Together, 36 sound sounds come out. The 37th echoing sound [w':] stands out in a special way.

Zgidny sound [zh':] - soft, long. Vіn vikoristovuєtsya significantly more for other sounds. Zustrichaetsya vins in such words, like vіzhki, drіzhdzhi, and also with vimov words of the word: [dozh:]

For dzvinkistyu-deafness, the greater number of voiced sounds are also boys. There are 11 such pairs. ], [and':]. Always deaf: [x], [x '], [c], [h '], [u '].

Together, Russian language has 37 voiced sounds, 6 voiced ones. And in total - 43 sounds.

15. sound
16. sound
17. sounds
18. analuse
19. analuz

Kozhen, a first-class student, knows that the sound is the only one move, how we feel it, and the letters are read and written. The stench in the Russian language resonates with voices and voices. Three 33 letters of the Russian alphabet 21 are called vociferous. Їх to divide for dzvinkіstyu and deafness, softness and firmness. Vyvchati klassifikatsiyu letters begin with 1 class, but vikoristovuvat її bring the students to the end of the school. When learning the phonetics of the skin, who learns, is guilty of learning how to revitalize the deaf sounds of the sounds. Under the hour of the stink leaf, they are indicated by transcription - [b]. Razrіznyati that remember the guys prigolosnі sounds to the help of the table.

Guys prigosnі for dzvinkіstyu-deafness

The mustaches of the Russians make bets, the sound of the voice of the voice of opposition to the deaf. Usogo guys letters 12, pairs to go out 6:

Guys and unpaired voices are necessary to know, so that mothers are successful in spelling. A lot of orthograms of the Russian language are wrapped in a selection of single-root words for a given classification, for example:

  • m'yakiy - m'yakiy,
  • tooth teeth.

In the first couple, the letter g is missing, but with vimov it is indistinctly felt and spelling is difficult to bring. Other words are reversed, if the spelling is different. Young schoolchildren often give pardons to their robots.

You can remember that not all letters of the alphabet make a couple. It should be noted that phonetics has rules, which require memorization. The stench is based on the fact that sounds can be less than a ringing or less deaf. It is easy to remember them, because the stench may have an insignificant number. As a rule, students learn to remember them until the end of the 1st class. R, n, l, m, d are heard before them - sonorny, ringing, c, h, w, x, always deaf.

Guys prigolosnі z softness-hardness

It’s good to be divided on hard and soft. In phonetics, the process of assistance is observed in a number of situations:

  • if then you can stand up loud: u, i, e, e, i (zaviryuha, zhovtets);
  • otherwise stand a soft sign (zaviryuha, p'yu).

As if the sound of a voice is voiced, krіm e, e, u, i, i, then it does not allow to be disturbed. For example, in the words of pіvonіya, the earth after the voice of the golosny, which provokes the process of pom'yakshennya. In such words, like a lamp, water, there are no letters e, e, u, i, and to that, with vim, all sounds are solid.

It is also necessary to establish letters, which, when they are moved, will be forever soft, but firm. Before them one can see: u, year, d, c, w, f. It is necessary to know the classification of letters and sounds for a dermal schoolboy for successful learning.

Remember the boys' dzvinki and the deaf additional special table. She is easy to navigate.

Such a table can be similarly chimed in the office cob classes. It has been proven that young schoolchildren have more scientifically similar ideas, so it is necessary to give new information to them by looking at illustrations of pictures, then it will be effective.

You can create such a table on the working table of a first grader. Do not be afraid of warto, that this prompt will bring you to the night of learning. Navpaki, as you often marvel at the image, you better remember everything you need.

There are more sounds in the Russian one, so remember their classification more folded. If you want to override all the deaf sounds, then find the number 12. The letters h, w, d, u, c, f, r, n, l, m are not taken from the roses, the stench lies down to unmatched ones.

Є hints for children, how to learn how to recognize when parsing the words “dzvinky” and “deaf” voice. For whom, it is necessary to press the palm to the throat and make the sound sound. Deaf and ringing voices will sound in a different way, in a different way, in a different way in the valley. If it’s in the hand, if you see a vibration, it’s a ringing one, if it’s not, it’s deaf. Such a hint is shriveled by richly lads of phonetics.

It’s right, which helps to determine the accuracy of the assessment, which is suitable for learning. For whom it is necessary to close the vuha with your hands; Vimoviti praise the letter, listen to її іz with closed vukhs. If you don’t feel it, then it’s a deaf sound, but it’s quite obvious - a ringing one.

To try hard, if you are one of the fathers of the day, you can know a lot of chicks, hoarding and knowing the right rules, to help the little ones easily master new knowledge. Tse zrobit process navchannya bіsh tsіkavim and tsіkavim, scho vpline at his line for success.

What do the voices and voices of letters and sounds sound like? What rules do they follow? How is hardness and softness of sounds and letters signified? On all lines of power, you take away the evidence from the article.

Headlines about voices and voice letters

Voice and voice letters are the basis of all Russian language. Aje, for help, they are settled down warehouses, as if they are folded into words, words, speeches, texts and other things. To this very topic, a rich year is attributed to the middle school.

those sounds in Russian language

About those voices and voices of letters in the Russian alphabet, people are recognized already from the first class. I don’t care for all the apparent simplicity of those who won’t respect one of the most difficult for students.

Later, in Russian language there are ten voiced letters, and in itself: o, i, a, s, u, i, e, e, y, e. We can clearly hear our own voice. Also note that the voice sounds can be drawn ).

Features of letters

Voice letters are the basis of the warehouse, so that you can organize it yourself. As a rule, in Russian words there are styles and warehouses, and there are words themselves. We aim at the buttstock: u-ch-n_ki - 5 warehouses, re-bya-ta - 3 warehouses, wine - 1 warehouse, o-but - 2 warehouses and so on. Buvayut such words, as if they are composed of only one voice sound. Ring out the viguki (Ah!, Oh!, Woo!) and unions (i, a y in.).

Endings, suffixes and prefixes are even more important topics in the Russian language discipline. Aje, without knowing how such letters are written in that other word, it is problematic to complete a literate sheet.

Zgidni letters and sounds in Russian language

The voices and the voices of the letters and the sounds differ significantly. And if the first ones can be easily pulled, then the rest will be as short as possible (there are sizzling ones, so that they can be pulled).

The next step is to indicate that the number of voice letters in the Russian alphabet is 21, same: b, c, d, e, g, h, d, k, l, m, n, p, p, h, t, f, x, c , year, w, w. The sounds that are signified by them are accepted to be divided into deaf sounds and sounds. Why do they stink? Rich at tim, scho pіd o'clock vimovi dzvіnkih vociferous people may be a little like a characteristic noise, and th vlasny voice (b!, s!, r! that in.). For the deaf, then it’s impossible for them to speak out loud, or, for example, shout. The stench makes only its own noise

In this order, practically all are subdivided into two different categories:

  • twinks - b, c, d, e, g, h, d, l, m, n, r;
  • deaf - to, p, s, t, f, x, c, year, w.

Softness and hardness of voiced sounds

Far from skin knows, but voices and voices can be hard and soft. This friend is the most important sign in Russian language (after soundness and deafness).

With the help of the soft rice of the voices, and those who, under the hour of their remembrance, the people take a special camp. As a rule, the vents are pulled forward, and the entire middle part of the troch is lifted. What should be done then when їhnіy vimovі mova vіdtyaguєtsya back. You can align the camp of your own moving body independently: [n] - [n '], [t] - [t ']. Signify that the sounds and soft sounds sound three times higher, lower solid.

At the Russian Mayzhe, all in a good voice, bet for the sign of softness and hardness. Prote є th takі, yakі їх simply nemaє. Before them one can see solids - [g], [w] i [c] and m'yakі - [y "], [h"] that [w"].

Softness and hardness of vocal sounds

Without a doubt, there are few chuvs about those who have soft voices in Russian language. M'yakі prigolosnі - tse zvichnі sounds to us, what can not be said about fortune-telling. Chastkovo tse pov'yazano z scho, that in the middle school these topics may not be an hour. Adzhe and so ozumilo, for the help of some kind of voiced voices, they become soft. However, we still wrote to dedicate you to this topic.

Otzhe, those letters are called soft, like buildings help the good things that go ahead of them. Before them lie like this: i, e, i, e, u. If there are such letters, like a, y, s, e, oh, then the stench is strong, so that the days don’t help to go ahead. In order to change into tsoma, we will bring a spear of applications:

Meaning of the softness of voice letters in phonetic parsing of the word

The sounds of that letter of the Russian mov vivchaє phonetics. Without a doubt, the middle school asked you more than once to say a word. Under the hour of such an analysis, the following obov'yazkovo should be pointed out to those who can be seen clearly. If so, then it is necessary to designate it like this: [n'], [t'], [d'], [v'], [m'], [n']. Tobto the right-handed hand instructed with a voice letter, to stand in front of the soft voice, it is necessary to put your own rice. Similarly, such soft sounds are indicated - [th "], [h"] and [sh"].

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