Short essay: French language. Analysis of the work "French Lessons" by Rasputin V.G. To whom the confession is dedicated

One of the best works of V. Rasputin is the book “French Lessons”, short zmist as proponuetsya at the stat. Vaughn is dedicated to A.P. Kopilova - the reader of the writer, as a reminder of the idea of ​​those who are such kindness, people, readiness to sacrifice oneself for the welfare of others.

The beginning of an independent life

Investigation is carried out in the first person and in the ways of grown-up people about the most significant days of their important childhood.

Diya comes from 1948 roci near the Siberian village. The head hero is the lad of eight, who is the eldest of three children. The mother had to win her one, but, bachachi the miraculous health of the son to the beginning, she was forced to go to the 5th grade of the district school. It was only fifty kilometers from the booth, and to that boy, who had never been separated from his relatives before, having felt himself there even more naturally. Lives with a known mother, as if without a man she cared for children.

The training was easy, the problem was more than a French lesson. Rasputin (a short essay conveys only the main moments of the message) stating that the yogo strong dogana was repairing the opir to foreign words. First of all, the reader, Lydia Mikhailovna, began to frown and flatten her eyes in the absence of a way out.

Gra in chica

Another problem is constant hunger. The mother's products were few, and they ended abruptly: some things the master helped, some її ditlahi. To that, the hero, having become one day to collect all the products, and then for a few days, “having put his teeth on the police.” Kіlka razіv mother passed pennies: not rich, but for a jar of milk for five days of cupping. Often laying down to sleep, drinking dill.

A short essay on the creation of "French Lessons" continues to tell stories about those who, like a hero, started earning money on pennies. Once Fedko, lord son, did yoga outside the city. There the lads played chika. As long as the lad doesn’t have a penny, he respectfully guarded and delved into the rules. And if the sіlsky chauffeur brought pennies to the mother, having won the responsibility for buying milk, try happiness from the grі. I played a bunch of wines, and that evening I came to the galyavin, taking out the puck and training. Nareshti the hero stubbornly leaned against the winner. Now vin shovechora mav pennies for milk. A lot of what you don’t want - having won a ruble and once a tick. It caused an unacceptable history, as if it was not a bar in Galyavin. Axis її short zm_st.

"French Lessons" to avenge the story about the lads, who climbed out of the cities. Golovny buv Vadik is the eldest. Vіn cherubav thunder and for an hour not chipav lad. Ale once zupiniv yogo, if that zbiravsya to go. Vadik, like stepping on a coin, stating that he didn’t throw a blow, which means I can’t win. As a result, the hero, having tried to bring it, was beaten.

Vazka rozmov

Vranci Lidiya Mikhailivna, as she was a classy pottery worker, once commemorated the blues on the guise of a lad. After borrowing it, she lost the school for moving. We direct yoga short zmist.

"French Lessons" reinforces the contrast between the characters. Lydia Mikhailovna was neat, garnished, and through her, the receiving smell of perfumes always came out, through which she was given to the unearthly lad. And I went to the altered Batkiv ode, old teals, like those at school, no one else had. І axis now vіn vіdpovіdav on її zapitanya, where stained glass won pennies. The author blatantly says that the novelty about milk has become a complete inconsistency for the reader.

I didn’t reach the director until the director, which is why the hero was even more radiant.

More busy with Lydia Mikhailivna

In the fall, the hero’s day became a hell of a lot worse: the driver no longer arrived, and when he brought a bag of potatoes, he literally vanished. Khlopchikov had a chance to go outside the city again. However, on the fourth day, they beat him again, and Lydia Mikhailovna, having turned on her blue guise, went to cunning. Vaughn lied to give you an individual French lesson at home.

Rasputin (a short essay does not tell the whole world about those how important the heroes were given when they saw the reader) means that the lad was ruined by fear and soon did not finish the job. And Lydia Mikhaylivna tried to ask for yoga before the table, and if she realized that it was worth it, she sent the parcel. Having opened the box, the lad is healthy, prote shamenivshis: stars in the mother of macaroni? There were no people in the countryside. And hematogen! Vіn odrazu all zrozumіv і virushiv іz poslekoy vochitelki. That one zdivuvalas widely, that you can only eat potatoes, peas, radishes ... Such a bula was the first try to help the healthy, but I’ll teach the hungry. We described її short zmіst. The French lessons at Lydia Mikhailovna continued, but now they were busy.

Gra in "zamіryashki"

After a few days of history, with the help of the reader, the reader started a rozmov about a check, nibito in order to equalize them with "zamіryashki". Really, it's the only way to help the lad. On the back of the head, she simply spoke to you about those who, like a girl, loved to play in the “pristinok”. Then she showed what the essence of Gri Nareshti was to try out her strength “navmisno”. And if the rules were assimilated, she said, “What to play just like that is not enough: money to add to the excitement. So a short message is being sent.

The French lesson was now passing quickly, and then the stench began to grati into "principles", or "zamіryashki". Golovnya, the lad can bathe milk for a moment at the “honestly slaughtered” place.

But once Lidiya Mikhailovna began to “swindle”. It happened after that, like a hero zrozumіv, scho won yoma pіdіgraє. As a result, the verbal superechka vinikla, the consequences of which turned out to be tragic.

Rozmova with the director: short interview

"French Lessons" will end no more fun for the heroes. The stench was so choked up with a super girl that they didn’t remember, like at the room - there was a bula at the school - the director was killed. Let’s slander (a classy kerivnik we’ll learn from our pennies), calling those who are wicked and try not to try to understand the situation. Lydia Mikhailovna said goodbye and left three days later. The stench didn't stink any more.

In the middle of winter, a parcel came to school for the boy's name, in which there were macaroni and three apples from the Kuban.

Such a short message of explanation, a lesson in French for some becoming, perhaps, the main moral lesson in the hero's life.

"French Lessons"- The message of Valentin Rasputin.

"French Lessons" short retelling

Rozpov_d have opovіdnі conducted in the first individual. Diya comes from 1948 roci

The main hero is a lad, who learns from the fifth class near the district center, stashed 50 kilometers from the city center. The village had only a small school, and all the teachers marked the boy's fortunes and encouraged his mother to enroll in a secondary school. At home, the stench lived more poorly, there was no food, and the mother still managed to send the boy to the regional center, settling him with her friend. Hour after hour, she made parcels from the house with potatoes and bread, ale and products quickly disappeared - maybe, she herself was the master of the apartment, where the hero is alive, who were stolen from her children. Also, in the city, the hero was starving, often lounging at the supper less than kukhol okrop.

At school, the boy learned good, but he was not given a French language. Vin easily memorized the words of that phrase, and Vimov’s axis “evil” didn’t happen in a moment, which even disturbed his young reader Lydia Mikhailovna.

In order to know the pennies of one's own for zhu that milk, the hero began to earn money from the "chik" for pennies. Older boys were selected from the company of graves, and there was only one of the hero's classmates - Tishkin. The hero himself is even more careful, vikoristovuyuchi for his pennies, as if he forced his mother to milk, and the serenity helped him to get lost from the vigrash, but he didn’t win more karbovantsya for a day, just walking. This was not befitting to other graves, they beat yogo, if he beat one of the lads from the shakhrai.

On the coming day, you will come to school with broken guises, on which the French teacher, that classy ceramics specialist Lidiya Mikhailivna, has turned her respect. Vaughn started jogo rozpituvati, sho trapilos, vin did not want to confess, ale Trishkin mustache їy rozpovіv. Todіvona, after depriving him of the last lesson, squawked, navіscho pennies and feeling that he was buying milk on them, he zvivulas. Poobіtsyavshi їy more nіkola do not play, the boy broke word given, that yoga was beaten again.

Having pumped Yogo, the teacher declared that she needed to take care of him in French dodatkovo. Oskilka had little time at school, then she told him to come to her apartment in the evenings. The hero was already familiar, and the same teacher tried to swear yogi, in the light of which he was gradually inspired. As if at the address of the school, a parcel came to the address of the school, in which there was macaroni, zucor and hematogenous tiles. I realized once, seeing whom the parcel was - yoga mothers simply could not take pasta. Vіdnis sent a parcel to Lydia Mikhailovna, she was thirsty, so that she would no longer try to transfer food to you.

Lydia Mikhailivna, bachachi, who the boy is encouraged to take help, went to a new trick - she learned yoga new grі for pennies - "pristinku". Behind the thunder of the stench, they spent the evenings, trying to whisper whispers, more in the courtroom the director of the school was hanging around. And once a hero, after babbling, that the reader is shakryuє, moreover, rob in such a way that he gradually wins, roared, and a full super-girl began to appear in them, like the director felt. Lydia Mikhailovna knew that she was learning for pennies, and in a few days after that she called, she went home to her home, to the Kuban. In return, the hero took away one more parcel - a box full of macaroni, under which lay three great red apples. Vin immediately realized who had given you this parcel.

It's wonderful: why do we do it ourselves, like in front of the fathers, blaming our fault in front of the teachers? And not for those who were in school - no, but for those who became of us later.

I pishov at the fifth grade at the forty-eighth rotation. It would be more correct to say, having said: in our village there was less than a school in the middle, so, in order to learn more, I had a chance to order from the house fifty kilometers to the district center. For the day before, my mother sent me there, I washed my face with my friend that I was lodging in it, and on the rest of the day, my sick uncle Vanya, the driver of the unit in the Kolgospі revtorki, having taken me to the streets of Pidkam'yanіy, de I mav live budinok vuzol z lіzhkom, pіdbadyorlivo splashing goodbye on the shoulder and poїhav. So, in eleven years, my independent life began.

The hunger of that fate has not yet let go, and there were three of us with my mother, I am the eldest. Hanging, if it happened to be especially tight, I forged myself and zmushuvad the sister of the eye of sprouted potatoes, grains of vіvsa and zhita, in order to grow plantings in the stomach, - even if you don’t happen to think about the hedgehog all the time. All summer we diligently watered our souls with clean Angarsk water, but I didn’t give birth to a chomus, because the wine was so small that we didn’t smell it. In the meantime, I think that the winding is not a good thing for people when they need more, and we, through lack of knowledge, worked there incorrectly.

It’s important to say that my mother dared to let me in to the district (the district center was called the district). We lived without a father, we lived badly together, and there, maybe, I judged that there would be no better - nowhere. Having started well, I went to school out of satisfaction and in the countryside I knew for literacy: writing for the old and reading the leaves, sorting through the books, as if I stumbled into our inconspicuous library, and in the evenings I told the lads from them the strengths of the history, moreover, I was even more upset. Ale, they especially believed in me, if the bonds were on the right. For the war, people got rich, tables of wins came often, and these bonds were carried to me. It was important that I have a happy eye. Wingreshi rightly trotted, most often dribbles, but the colleague was a radium be-like copy, and here from my hands I called and called bad luck. Joy in it passed me by chance. They saw me from the peasant lads, they brought me up; once uncle Illya, greedy stingy, stingy old, having won a chotirist of rubles, burning me a bucket of potatoes - the curtains were full of wealth.

And everything that I understood in the numbers of bonds, mothers said:

Brainy you have a lad growth. Tse… let's do yoga. Diploma is not lost for nothing.

I mother, in spite of our misfortunes, took me, wanting to have no one from our village in the region before. I'm first. That I didn’t understand, like a trace, that I’m checking, like trying to check on me, my dear, in a new place.

I got started and it's good here. What did I lose? - then I came here and arrived, if I had to do it, I didn’t have it here, but they put the abyak before what was supposed to be on me, I also didn’t take it. I’m sure that I would have bothered to drink before school, if I hadn’t taught me one lesson, then I got five marks from all subjects, French Crimea.

I didn’t get along well with my French through VIMOV. I easily memorized the words and turned them, translating them quickly, miraculously coping with the difficulties of spelling, and Alevimova saw with my head all my Angara adventures right up to the rest of the colony, de nіhto did not in any way imitate foreign words, as if starting to suspect about the future. I scribbled in French on the kshtalt of our rural pans, half of the sounds for inappropriate forging, and the other half in short strokes that bark. Lydia Mikhailovna, the French teacher, listening to me, frowned helplessly and flattened her eyes. Nothing like that, obviously, did not chula. She showed again and again, how the noses moved, voiced, asked to repeat - I was ruining, the tongue in my mouth was ancient and did not collapse. Everything was going well. Alya the most terrible began, if I came from school. There I involuntarily thought, the whole hour of turmoil I was timid, there the boys were playing me, at once with them - whether you like it or not, I had to collapse, play, and in the lessons - practice. Ale, but I was left alone, at once a tight fit fell - tight in the hut, in the village. No sooner did I wake up for a day, I was not aware of this and, obviously, I was not ready to live among strangers. So I was bad, so hot and cold! - Hirshe for every ailment. I wanted only one thing, I dreamed about one thing - home and home. I am very thin; mother, as the spring came, for me, sneered. Under her, I croaked, not grimacing and not crying, but, if she went out, not being seen and roaring, chasing the car. Mother waved her hand to me from the body, so that I would wake up, without destroying myself that її, I didn’t understand anything. Todіvona got into trouble and sounded the car.

Climb, - vymagala out, if I pіdіyshov. Finish it off, study, let's go home.

I shamenuvsya and vtik.

Ale, I'm not thin only through the tightness behind the house. Until then, I'm still understaffed. In the autumn, while Uncle Vanya was carrying on his second bread near Zagotzerno, which was not far from the regional center, they forced me to finish it often, about once a day. Ale, everything is dashing in what I didn’t get. There was nothing there, we surrounded the bread and potatoes, the mother’s eyes filled a jar of syrup, which she took from someone: she didn’t trim the cow. It’s a lot to bring here, you’ll try in two days - it’s empty. I have not hesitated to remember that half of my bread is good in a secret rank. Perevіriv - so i є: buv is dumb. Those same worked with potatoes. Who sipped - aunt Nadya, who was noisy, wrapped up in a woman, as if she alone disdained three children, who among the older girls was the youngest, Fedko, - I didn’t know, I was afraid to think about you, not those stezhit. It was only covered, for my mother, for the sake of me, winding up the remains of my own, like a sister with a brother, but all the same, I went ahead. Ale, I zmusiv myself to calm down z tsim. You won’t become easier than a mother, because she will smell the truth.

The famine here is not similar to the famine in the countryside. There always, and especially in autumn, it was possible to change, sirvati, vykopati, rise, riba went to Angara, near foxes litav birds. Here for me everything seemed to be empty: foreign people, foreign cities, foreign land. A small river for ten rows was processed with madder. I’ve been sitting for a week with wood all day and drinking three small ones, with a teaspoon, piskarikiv - you don’t get good at such fishing. I didn’t go anymore - what a gift to shift the hour! In the evenings, the white of the tea-room stings, in the bazaar, remembering what to sell, choking on the slough and ishov no matter what. There was a hot kettle on the stove by Aunt Nadya; poshpurkavshi naked okropu and zіgrіvshi shluk, lying down to sleep. Vranci I'll wake up to school. So, having reached the tієї schaslivї ї dini, if until the gate the next day came and knocking at the door Uncle Vanya. Hungry and knowing that my grub is still not washed for a long time, even if I save some money, I got to the vіdval, to the cut of that stomach, and then, in a day or two, again pіdsazhuvav teeth on the police.

* * *

Once, at Veresni, Fedko asked me:

Are you not afraid to play in "chika"?

In yaku "chiku"? - I'm not sensible.

Gra taka. For pennies. Yakshcho pennies, pіdemo zіgraєmo.

There is no I in me. Let's go like this, let's wonder. Get better, it's wonderful.

Fedko took me outside the city. We walked along the edge of a long, ridged pagorba, succulently overgrown with nettles, black, entangled, with hanging bruised grons of our time, moved, stribayuchi on mounds, through the old pit and in the lowland, on a clean and equal small galyavin, dabbling. We went. The boys were worried. All the stinks were approximately the same fates as I, the crim of one - tall and dignified, commemorated by its strength and dominance, clapping with a long-growth forelock. I guessed: I went to the eighth class.

Who else is there to vaccinate? - Fedko said discontentedly.

Vіn svіy, Vadik, svіy, - Fedko began to be true. - Vin is alive with us.

Will you be griti? - Asking me Vadik.

No money.

Marvel not in'yakai to whom, scho mi here.

Axis! - I formed.

No more respect was given to me, I killed and became a guardian. It was not all six, then seven, who were glyading, but only they marveled, voicing mainly for Vadik. Gospodaryuvav vі here, tse I zrozum_v vіrazu.

There is nothing to be done with the grit. Leather put ten kopecks on a coin, a hundred coins were lowered with tails uphill on the Maidanchik, surrounded by a thick boundary of meters for two types of kasi, and from the other side, in the form of a boulder, which lay close to the ground and serving as an emphasis for the front leg, they threw a round stone puck . Throw її it was necessary with this rozrahunk, so that the yakomoga won closer to the border, but did not go beyond it, - even though they took away the right to the first to beat the casa. They beat everyone with the same puck, trying to turn it over. eagle coins. Turning over - yours, beating far away, no - give the right to the attacker. But more importantly, it was even more important to hit coins with a washer when throwing, and even though one of them was leaning on an eagle, the whole thing without roses passed to your gut, and the game began anew.

Vadik is cunning. Vіn іshov to the boulder after all, if the picture of the blackness was in front of the eyes and bachiv, where to throw, to move forward. The pennies came first, the stench rarely reached the rest. Singingly, everyone understood that Vadik was cunning, but to tell you about the price of nobody bothered. Schopravda, and win grave good. Approaching the stone, squatting down, crouching down, pointing the puck at the target, and slowly, smoothly protruding - the puck dangled from his hands and flew there, where the motive was. Throwing a chubok with a fluffy rush of the head of the veins, shoaving up the hill, spitting the kill, showing that it was crushed on the right, and lazily, stepping down to pennies with a crook. Like the stench of the boules in the compartment, beating sharply, with bryazkot, single coins were chipped with a washer carefully, with a roll, so that the coin did not beat and did not spin in a circle, but, not rising high, it was less rolled over to another bek. Nothing more than vmiv. The lads thrashed the navmannya and took out new coins, and whoever didn’t get anything, turned into peeps.

It seemed to me that the yakbies were pennies in me, I could be more grati. At the village we fought with grandmas, but there you will need an eye for sure. And I, besides, loving to invent for myself fun for myself: I’ll pick up a stone, I know the meta is more important and I throw it at it, I won’t reach the final result - ten out of ten. Throwing and burn, from behind the shoulder, and from below, hanging a stone over the met. So, I seem to be right. There was no money.

Mother gave me bread for that, because we didn’t have a penny, otherwise I bought bi yoga here. Will they take the stars from the kolgospі? All the same, once two wons, they put me on a sheet of five times - for milk. At present, there are fifty kopecks, you won’t grow up, but everything is one penny, on them in the market you can buy five five-and-a-half cans of milk, at a ruble per can. I am punished for drinking milk when it is not enough, my head often starts spinning for no reason.

Ale, having taken five fives on the third day, I didn’t drink for milk, but having exchanged її for dribnitsa and virushing for the smitnik. The place here was well chosen, you can’t say anything: a galyavin, closed by humps, not a single star was visible. In the village, in the eyes of the grown-ups, for such games they played, they threatened the director of that militia. Here we don’t care about anyone. And not far, for ten khvilin dobizhish.

The first time I spent ninety kopіyok, another sixty. Groshey Bulo, obviously, Skoda, but I realized that I’m getting to the gris, my hand chimed step by step to the puck, I let it in slosh the earth. In the evenings, when everyone dispersed, I turned around again, removing the washer from Vadik’s stone, digging my dribnitsa out of the intestines and throwing it, the docks did not get dark. I have attained the fact that out of ten kidkiv three chi chotiri guessed exactly on a pittance.

And now the day has come, if I've lost my money at the win.

Autumn was warm and dry. Even at Zhovtnі it was warming so that it was possible to walk in shirts, the boards fell off seldom and were made to be vapadkovy, inadvertently bringing stars from the scoundrels with a weak passing wind. The sky was blue like summer, the sky became scarlet, and the sun set early. Over the pagorbs in the pure year smoked again, carrying gurgling, the intoxicating smell of dry polynu, distant voices lulled clearly, the birds cried, what they saw. The grass on our galyavin, shivered and frozen, all the same, it was left alive and soft, it was covered with wild greens, or rather, lads, they warmed up.

Now, after school, I went in here. The lads changed, newcomers showed up, and Vadik didn’t miss his annual play. Vaughn did not start without something. Behind Vadik, like a shadow, following great heads, shearing under a typewriter, a flint lad, in the name of Bird. At school, I didn’t tell Ptah to what, but, jumping ahead, I’ll say that in the third quarter of the raptom, like falling on my head, falling on our class. It appears, having left in the fifth on another river and from the drive, having ruled itself until the holidays. Bird tezh zazvychay vigravav, even if it’s not so, like Vadik, the smaller one, but not overwhelmed. That one, maybe, and without losing it, that at the same time from Vadik and that one, he slowly helped.

From our class to the galyavin, Tishkin, scurrying, with blinking eyes is a cotton, who loves to raise his hand in the lessons. You know, you don't know - it's all the same. To shout - to moan.

Why did you raise your hand? - Ask Tishkin.

Vіn shlopav with his very young:

I remember, and while getting up, forgetting.

I am not friends with him. In the face of fearfulness, movability, zayvoї silskoї solitude, and smut - in the wild tightness in the hut, as if it didn’t deprive the people of the bazhan, I didn’t even grow up among the lads. I didn’t feel like it, I was left alone, not roaming and not seeing my strong camp of self-sufficiency: alone - more here, and not at home, not in the village, there I have a lot of comrades.

Tishkin, it was given, and did not mark me as Galyavin. Shvidko having warmed up, vin knowing and reappearing not soon.

And I won. I became vigravati postiyno day. I have my own rozrahunok: do not need to roll the puck with a maydanchik, gaining the right to the first blow; if there are a lot of roaring ones, it’s not easy: the closer you reach for the encore, the more trouble you can pass for it and the rest will be left behind. It is necessary to make a kasa when throwing. So I'm robiv. Zvichayno, I rizikuvav, but with my rightness, I was correct rizik. I instantly ran three, chotiri once slept, then for five, taking the cashier, turning my morning program. I re-programmed and re-turned. I rarely had a chance to hit the puck on the coins, but here I was chiseling with my trick: like Vadik having rolled over on myself, I, suddenly, bale myself - it was so unintelligible, but so the puck trimmed the coin, did not let it spin, and, incoming, turned over after her.

Now I can earn money. I didn’t allow myself to be choked with thunder and wash on a galyavin until evening, I would need only a ruble, a ruble a day. After tasting yoga, I tikav, bought a jar of milk in the bazaar (the aunts grumbled, marveling at my bent, beaten, torn coins, and poured milk), having offended and sat for the lessons. I couldn’t wait to finish everything, but even the thought that I was drinking milk gave me strength and conquered my hunger. I began to feel better that now my head is less confused.

Vadik calmly stood up to my winnings. Vіn i himself did not get lost in the salary, and it’s unlikely that the gut fell less. Sometimes they praised me: the axis, moving, as if it were necessary to throw, read, smeared. However, inadvertently, Vadik remembered that I needed a quick fried gris, and once urged me.

What is it - zagrіb kasu i derti? Bach, spritny yaki! Gray.

I need lessons, Vadik, work, - I began to learn.

Who needs robiti lessons, don’t go here.

And Ptah pidspivav:

Who said to you, why do they play for pennies like that? For tse, you want to know, b'yut kroshki. sensible?

More Vadik not giving me the puck earlier for himself and allowing only the rest to reach the stone. Throwing good wine, and often I liz in swarms for a new coin, without hitting the puck. But I threw it faster, and even though I already had the ability to throw it, the puck, as if magnetized, flew like a penny. I myself marveled at my own brilliance, I needed to guess and take care of it, play more incomprehensibly, and I simply and ruthlessly continued to bomb the box office. Did I know that no one and no one has ever said goodbye, how do you keep moving forward? Do not check for mercy, do not look for intercession, for other wines a viscok, and hate the yoga of the one who follows him. I had a chance to touch science in this autumn on my wet skin.

I squandered again the pennies and ishov to take them away, if I remembered that Vadik stepped on one of the coins with his foot, that they fell on all sides. Reshta lay uphill with grats. In such vipadkas, when throwing, ring out shouting "to the warehouse!"

Out of stock! - Voting Vadik.

I went to the bottom and tried to break my leg with coins, ale beat me, quickly scooped up from the ground and showed me tails. I remembered that the coin was on an eagle, otherwise I didn’t become a b її twist.

Ti turning її, - I said. - Vaughn was on an eagle, I'm a bachelor.

Vin thrusting his fist into me.

And who is not bachiv? Smell what you smell.

I had to reconcile. Napolyagat on your own Bulo stupidly; like a beat, no one, a dear soul can’t intercede for me, navit Tishkin, like a spinning one.

The evil, primruzheni Vadikovsky eyes marveled at me point-blank. I cheated, quietly hitting the nearest coin, turning it over and handing it to a friend. “Hluzda point to the truth,” I said. “I’ll take them all at once.” Having set the puck again for a strike, but I didn’t catch it again: I rapt strongly hit me from behind with a knee, and I didn’t, with my head bowed down, titted into the ground. They laughed a little.

Behind me, chekayuchi smile, standing Ptah. I chirped:

What are you?!

Who told you, what am I? - Vіdіyshov vіn. - Nasnilos, chi scho?

Come sit! - Vadik stretched out his hand for the puck, but I didn’t see it. The image was overwhelmed in me by the fear of nothing in the world, I was no longer afraid. For what? Why stink with me like that? What am I doing to him?

Come sit! - I asked Vadik.

You flipping that coin! I shouted to youmu. - I'm good at turning it over. Bachiv.

Anu, repeat - lean on me, asking for wine.

You turned over її, - I said more quietly, knowing well what kind of cym pide.

First, zzadu, hitting me with Ptah. I flew to Vadik, suddenly and calmly, without reconciliation, having lifted my head in disguise, and I fell, blood blew from my nose. I hobbled together, Ptah pounced on me again. You can still squirm and run in, but I don’t think about it. I twirled between Vadik and Ptakhoi, not suffocating, squeezing my bottom, from which the blood was squelching, and in roar, adding to them fiercely, stubbornly whistling alone:

Turning over! Turning over! Turning over!

The stinks beat me in the middle, one and the other, one and the other. The third one, small and evil, shoved me on the legs, then the stench of the maya crept in blues everywhere. I tried just not to fall, I didn’t fall any more, to instill in those wilini me it was a shambles. Ale, zreshtoy, the stench knocked me to the ground and zupinilis.

Come, stare, the docks are alive! - Commanding Vadik. - Shvidko!

I moved, sobbing, squirming with a dead nose, climbing uphill.

Tilki v'yakai to whom - vb'ёmo! - Poobіtsyav me next Vadik.

I'm not vidpoviv. Everything in me seems to have hardened and closed in images, I didn’t have the strength to reach the word. I, only climbing up the mountain, I could not bear it, I was not healthy, shouting that there was a battle - so, singly, the whole village:


Bulo Ptah rushed after me, and suddenly turned around - it’s clear that Vadik figured out what to hit for me, and zupiniv yogo. Khvilin for five years I stood, sobbing, marveling at the galyavin, the storm began again, then descended from the other side of the hump to the beam, covered with dovkol with black sprinkling, falling on the dry grass, not streaming any more, crying loudly.

That day did not exist and it was impossible for me to be in the white light of the unfortunate people for me.

* * *

Lies with fear marveling at myself in the mirror: I’m swollen and swollen, blue under my eyes, and below it, on the top, the fat crooked sadna folds. How to go to school in such a look, I didn’t show, but if I had to go, I didn’t bother to skip classes for some reason. Admissible, wear it in people and in the nature they trap more cleanly for him, and yakbi is not zvichne mіsce, you can’t guess for what it’s worth, but the garden and the blue breeze can’t really be true: it’s obvious that the stench flaunts here not out of my good will .

Closing my eyes with my hand, I blinked at the class, sat down at my desk and lowered my head. The first lesson, as if for evil, was a French woman. Lydia Mikhailivna, by right of a classy ceramics worker, admired us more for other readers, and it seemed to be important to take care of us. Vaughn came in, hovered, but before that, as if to plant a class, it was small to look respectfully at our skin, the robers were hot, but the shoes were for the vikonnanny respect. І signs on my appearance won, zvichayno, bobbed in the air, even though I, like a moment, and hovav їх; I understand that the boys started to wrap around me.

Well, from, - said Lydia Mikhailovna, opening a magazine. Today among us are wounded.

Klas laughed, and Lidiya Mikhailovna gleamed at me again. The stench in it mowed down and marveled at the sky, but we already learned to recognize where the stench should marvel.

I what happened? - Asked out.

Falling in, - I blurted out, not having guessed lately, come up with at least a few decent explanations.

Oh, it's not far off. Yesterday, having fallen into what today?

Today. No, yesterday evening, if it was dark.

Hee fell! - wiguknuv Tishkin, choking with joy. - Tse yomu Vadik from the somgo class pіdnіs. The stench played for pennies, and when they started fighting, they earned it. I'm a bachelor. And like falling.

I stopped in the face of such a thing. Vіn scho - zovsіgo nothing razumіє chi tse vin navmisne? For a penny, we could be beaten by 3 schools in two seconds. Finished. At my head, in fear, everything was snarling and screeching: a sign, now a sign. Well, Tishkin. Axis Tishkin so Tishkin. Vishiv. Bring clarity - nothing to say.

To you, Tishkin, I wanted to ask you something else, - without wondering and not changing the calm, trohi baiduzh tone, Lidiya Mikhailivna chimed in. - Go to the doshka, as if you already spoke, and get ready to speak. Vaughn pokakala, while Tishkin, scho ruined, becoming a very unfortunate day to the dot, and briefly said to me: - If you miss the lessons.

I was most afraid that Lydia Mikhailovna would pull me to the director. This means that the crime of this day's conversation, tomorrow I will be shown before the school line and I will be afraid to tell, that I will spontaneously take up my brood right. The director, Vasil Andriyovich, so nourished the one who was guilty, who didn’t create guilt, having broken a window, having beaten a smoke at the sump: “What prompted you to take care of this brood right?”. Walking in front of the line, throwing his hands behind his back, swinging forward at the beat of his broad shoulders, so it seemed, nibi tightly zestebnuty dark jacket, which mutters, crumbles independently trochs ahead of the director, and pidganyav: We check. marveling, the whole school checks, what do you say. Having begun at his own truth, the teacher started to burmotiti, and then the director shaved his yoga: How was food delivered? - "What sponukula me?" - Axis itself: what sponukalo? We listen to you." On the right, the sound ended in tears, less than a second later the director calmed down, and we parted ways. Naivazhche was among the high school students, they didn’t want to cry, but they couldn’t respond to Vasil Andriyovich’s questions.

Once the first lesson with us began ten minutes late, and all the whole hour the director finished one ninth-grader, but, without achieving anything sensible, he took him to his office.

And what, tsikavo, I will say? It would be better if they would yell at once. I briefly, trochkoy rushing through my thoughts, thinking that I could then turn around home, and then, inadvertently, pissed, snarling: no, with such filth, I can’t go home. Insha on the right - yakby, I myself left school ... But then again, you can say about me that I’m not a decent person, since I didn’t show what I wanted, but here I’m calling me to tsurate the skin. No, just not so. I'd be patient here, I sound, but it's not possible to go home like that.

After the lessons, in fear, I checked Lydia Mikhailovna in the corridor. Vaughn stepped out of the teacher’s room and, nodding, led me to the class. As if for sure, there’s strength behind the table, I wanted to rule at the third desk, filed in it, but Lydia Mikhailovna showed me to the front, just in front of her.

Is it true, what do you pay for a penny? - immediately began to get out. Vaughn slept loudly, it seemed to me that in school you don’t talk about it in whispers anymore, and I sneer more and more. But there was no sensation, Tishkin managed to sell me with telbukhs. I am reconciled:

Well, yak - won chi program? I hesitated, not knowing which is better.

Come on tell me how. You lose, maybe?

Wee... win.

Good, I want it. You win, that means. І scho ty robish іz penny?

At school, I didn’t call for a long time to the voice of Lidia Mikhailovna, knocking me out of the pantel. In our village they spoke, yelling their voice deep into the inside, and sounding vin will make me want to, and Lydia Mikhailovna’s vein was like a tribnim and light, so that in the new one it was possible to listen aloud, and not without power, I didn’t know - she could sometimes say and enough, And nibi in the form of privacy and non-essential economy. I’m ready to call everything with my French language: loudly, while I’ve been learning, while I’ve been hanging on to someone else’s language, my voice without freedom has weakened, like a bird in a klitz, check now, if the wines rise again and the stars. The axis and at the same time Lydia Mikhailovna fed so, nibi bula at the same time was occupied by others, important, but in the form of food, all one was not flowing.

Well, then why are you robish from a penny, how do you win? Do you buy zukerki? Chi books? Chi save up for shchos? Aje in you їх, maybe, now it's rich?

No, it's not good. I only win karbovanets.

I don't care anymore?

And the karbovanets? Why karbovanets? What are you doing with him?

I buy milk.

Vaughn sat neatly in front of me, all sensible and garna, garna and dressed in odyas, and in her woman’s youthful time, as I inexplicably discerned, the smell of perfumes in her air reached me, which I took for myself; before that, she was not a reader of arithmetic, as if, not of history, but of a mysterious French movie, as it seemed to be especially, kazkovo, it was not necessary to anyone, like, for example, me. Do not dare to raise your eyes on her, I do not dare to fool you. That navіscho was deceiving me?

Vaughn murmured, looking at me, and I looked at me with a wide eye, as if looking at її respectful eyes, what to mow, my belly and headless, they just swell and fill up with their filthy strength. Marvel at, obviously, it was at what: in front of her, spinning at the party, a skinny, dim-witted cotton with broken guise, neokhay without a mother and self-sufficient, at an old, dressed-up jacket on drooping shoulders, a kind of bow on his chest, but his arms were far from him; in changed from the Batkiv breeches and dressings in teal branded light green trousers with traces of a black beat. I mentioned earlier, with such a clique, Lidiya Mikhailovna looked at my mouth. With a mustache class in outline, I walked less. Less than the coming autumn, if I was inspired to go to school in them, my mother sold the sewing machine, our only value, and bought me tarpaulin shoes.

And all the same, you don’t need money for a penny, ”Lidiya Mikhailovna said thoughtfully. - Obіyshovsya b ti as if without tsgogo. What can you do?

Not being able to believe in my order, I easily said:

I said broadly, but what you see, it’s like our broadness cannot be tied with moths.

For justice, it is necessary to say that in those days I had a bad experience. Our Kolgosp in the autumn opened up early with bread, and Uncle Vanya didn’t come any more. I knew that in my mother's house it was not possible to know, worrying about me, but it was not easier for me. A bear of potatoes, brought back by Uncle Vanya, simmering so quickly, nibi was fond of thinness. It’s good, scho, having shamed, I guessed to grab the crumbs in the abandoned shed, which is standing by the yard, and the axis is now only titty and alive. After school, stealthily, like a villain, I sniffed at the barn, puffed up a sprat of potatoes near the gut and ticked outside the street, in the grove, so that here at the handy and attached lowlands, make fire. I wanted to eat all the hour, I dreamed of dreaming, as if by my slack, judgmental wheezes roam.

In the hope of drinking on a new company of gravel, I began to slowly cover the dry streets, blowing wastelands, chasing after the lads, who were swept into the graveyard. Everything is bulo marno, the season is fading, cold yellow winds are blowing. And just like our galyavin, like before, the lads continued to pick up. I’m circling nearby, bachiv, like a puck shining on the sun, like, waving my arms, I command Vadik and squirming over what I know about the position.

Zreshtoy, I didn’t see it and went down to them. I knew that I was going to humiliation, but for no less humiliation it was once and for all to reconcile with him, that they beat me and drove me away. I wondered how to be delivered before my appearance Vadik and Ptah and how I can trim myself. Ale, the biggest thing is hunger. Less expensive ruble - no longer for milk, but for bread. I did not know other ways to find yoga.

I pidijshov, and the gra chimed by itself, everyone marveled at me. The bird was wearing a hat with horn-shouldered furs, so to sit, like everything is in the dark, without a turbot and boldly, in a burr, a navypusk of a shirt with short sleeves; Vadik forced himself at the beautiful courtesy of the castle. The ensign, zvalenny in one compartment, lay sweatshirts and coats, on them, huddled in the wind, sitting a small, five or six years old boy.

Ptah's first call to me:

Why come? Haven't beaten in a while?

Grati priyshov, - I can be calmer, I’m surprised, wondering at Vadik.

Who said to you, what's wrong with you, - Bird waving, - gratimute here?

What, Vadik, do you need me to get some crumbs?

Why are you clinging to the people, Bird? - squint at me, saying Vadik. - Zrozumiv, the people came. Perhaps, we have ten karbovents from you, do you want to win?

You don’t have ten karbovents, only you don’t get yourself a boyaguz, I said.

Might be bigger, I dreamed about you. Having become, do not speak until Ptah is angry. And then the wine of the person is hot.

Give youma, Vadik?

Not required, high graє. - Vadik blinked at the lads. - Vіn miraculously grє, mi yoma in pіdmіtki not fit.

Now I’m teaching and understanding, why is Vadik’s kindness. Youmu, maybe, nabridla tedious, neticava gra, to that, to gargle yourself with nerves and see the relish of the right grey, wine and virishiv allow me to get to it. But just as soon as I bump into this vanity, I won’t say hello again. Vіn know what to prichepitsya, Ptah's order with him.

I virіshiv grati carefully and do not zazіhati at the checkout. And that’s all, so you can’t see it, I rolled the puck, afraid to inadvertently spend it in pennies, then quietly bale the coins and looking around, I didn’t go to Ptah’s back. In the first days, I did not allow myself to think about karbovanets; twenty or thirty kopecks for a piece of bread, and then it’s good, then come here.

Ale those who are a little early chi pizno statis, zrozumіlo, it became. On the fourth day, when I won a ruble, I got drunk, they beat me again. The truth is, it has never been easier, but one trace was left over: my lip was very swollen. At school, I had a chance to bite fast. Ale, as if I didn’t hovav її, as if I didn’t bite, but Lydia Mikhailovna looked up. Vaughn navmisne called out to me to the dot, she forced me to read the French text. With ten healthy lips, I couldn’t get it right, but about one, there’s not much to say.

Finish it, oh, god! - Lydia Mikhaylivna snarled and waved at me, as if at evil spirit hands. - That tse tse tse ?! No, I’ll have to take care of you fine. There is no other way out.

* * *

So began for me painful and nezgrabnі days. From the very early morning, I fear the check of the tієї year, if I happen to be left alone with Lidia Mikhailovna, and, lamayuchi mov, repeat after her unruly for wimovi, come up with only words for punishment. Well, more importantly, as if not for the sake of knowing, three voices anger into one viscous sound, those same “pro”, for example, in the word “beaucoup” (rich), how can you choke? Navischo s like a priston let out sounds through the nіs, if the rest of the time serving the people they call for other needs? New? Guilt and іsnuvati interі sensible. I grimaced in sweat, red and choked, and Lydia Mikhailovna, without a chink and without pity, irritated me to callous my tongue. Why me alone? At the school, there were a lot of lads every year, like French antrochs were no more beautiful, lower I, pro-stink walked in the wild, robbed what they wanted, and I, like curses, blowing one for all.

It turned out that it’s not the worst. Lydia Mikhailovna raptomly said that the time at school we have until another change is full of obmal, and she said that I would come to her apartment in the evenings. She lived out of school, in teachers' booths. On the other, larger half of Lidia Mikhailovna's booth, the director himself bagged. I'm ishov toudi, yak on torturi. And without that, in the nature of fearful and rubbish, scho to be ruined in the presence of any rubbish, in this clean, tidy apartment of the reader, I am literally stony and afraid of wildness. It was necessary for me to speak, so that I roared, passing by the room, sitting down - I had to change my mind, first of all, and it was not enough to get me a word by force. My success in French did not go well. Ale, marvelous river, we were less busy here, lower at school, where the change of friend respected us. Moreover, Lidiya Mikhailovna, scurrying around the apartment for some reason, drank me and told me about herself. I suspect that she didn’t think of it for me, she didn’t go to the French faculty, it’s more than that at school she wasn’t given a language, and she didn’t want to bring herself up, that she could be blamed for others.

Huddled at the hutch, I listened, not spodіvayuchis dochekatisya, if they let me go home. By the room there were a lot of books, on the nightstands there was a great garnier radio receiver; z progravachem - rіdkіsne at tі o'clock, but for me and zovsіm it's not a marvel. Lydia Mihaylivna put on handkerchiefs, and the right human voice is still in French language. So chi іnakshe vіd nоgo n_nowhere boulo podіtisya. Lydia Mikhailovna, in a simple homemade cloth, in soft linen shoes, walked around the room, trembling and freaking out at me, if she came close to me. I couldn’t believe in a moment that I’m sitting in my house, everything here was somehow unstoppable and invisible for me, reminiscent of, filled with light and unknown smells of another, lower, I knew, life. It was miraculously happening, I look at my life from the side, and in the face of som and unhandedness behind myself, I yelled more loudly at my short jacket.

Lidії Mikhaylivny was bulo, singsongly, rocky twenty-five hours close; I remember well її more correctly and that I don’t need to live in disguise with friends, so that I can attach a braid to them, eyes; tight, rarely roaring to the end of a smile and a familiar black, short-haired hair. And yet, with whom, it was not visible in the її guise of zhorstkost, like, as I have respected it later, it becomes with the rocks that it’s not a professional sign of the reader, to inspire the best and hired for kind, but it was like a guard, with a cunning, zdivuvannya, that it’s worth it the very nibi said: cіkavo, how did I stumble here and what am I doing here? Now I think that at that hour she overtook a woman; Behind the voice, the move - soft, but sung, free, according to all his behavior, courage and clarity were seen in him. And besides, I’m always thinking about how girls, like they’re learning French or Spanish language, become women earlier for their one-liners, as if they are engaged, let's say, in Russian and German.

It’s shameful to guess at once how I lied and ruined myself, if Lydia Mikhailovna, having finished our lesson, called me supper. If I were a thousand times hungry, I would drink every appetite for me. Sit for one style from Lidia Mikhailovna! No no! Rather, until tomorrow, I will remind you of all French language, so that you don’t come here again. A piece of bread, singsongly, really got stuck in my throat. Well, before that, I didn’t suspect that Lidiya Mikhailovna, like a mustache, was eating a blueberry, and not like manna from heaven, she appeared to me as an unseen person, unlike any other.

I’m sloppy and, mumbling, what’s going on, what I don’t want, zakuvav uzdovzh walls to the exit. Lydia Mikhailovna marveled at me with a wonder in that image, but it was impossible for me to fix it with any forces. I ticked. So it was repeated a few times, then Lidiya Mikhailovna, out of anger, stopped asking me for a table. I sighed more.

As if they told me that downstairs, in the laundry room, there was a parcel for me, as if a peasant had gone to school. Uncle Vanya, obviously, our driver - what a man! Without a doubt, we have a boon close, and the checks for me from the lessons of uncle Vanya were not a moment - the axis and was overwhelmed by the rozdiagalny.

I forcefully endured until the end to take and rushed down. Titka Vira, the school tidying lady, showed me on a white plywood screen where to stand at the hut, in which to arrange the parcels. I zdivuvavsya: why in the screen? - the mother sang, she ruled the hedgehog at the great bear. Maybe, why not me? Hi, on the krishtsi, my class and my nickname were seen. Mabut, having already written uncle Vanya here - they didn’t mix up for whom. What did the mother see to put food in the box ?! Marvel at how intelligent she has become!

Carry the parcel home, without knowing what it was, I couldn’t: be patient. It dawned on me that there are no potatoes there. For bread, the container is the same, maybe, it was covered up, that one is not handy. Before that, the bread was made for me not long ago, I still have wine. Then what is there? Right there, at the school, I liz and go down, de, remembering, lie juice, and, knowing її, tearing the lid. It was dark before the gathering, I drove back and, looking around wickedly, putting the box on the nearest staircase.

Zazirnuvshis at the parcel, I said: the beast, carefully covered with a large white arkush paper, lay macaroni. Otse so! Long, long pipes, laid one to one in even rows, fell on the light with such riches, nothing more dear for a yak for me did not dream. Now I understood why my mother took the screen: so that the macaroni did not break, did not crumble, arrived to me in safety and security. I carefully wiggled one tube, glancing, blowing at her, and, not able to stream anymore, becoming greedily crunchy. Let's just take a friend, a third, rozmirkovuyuchi, where would I hide the box, so that the macaroni would not get to the careless mice near the comor and my master. It was not for this that mothers bathed them, stained the rest of the pennies. No, I won't go for pasta that easily. Tse you do not like potatoes.

I choked with a rap. Macaroni... Damn, did mother take macaroni? There were no such things in our countryside, you can’t buy them there for any money. Why should you go out? Hastily, at the sight of hope, I'll open the macaroni and know on the day of the screenshot of a sprat of large pieces of zucru and two tiles of the hematogen. The hematogen was confirmed: not the mother did the asking. Who is at such a time, who? I once again looked at the krishka: my class, my nickname is me. Tsіkavo duzhe tsіkavo.

I squeezed the flowers of the lid on the plate, filled the box on the pedestal, climbed on top of the other and tapped on the teacher's room. Lydia Mikhailovna has already gone. Nothing, we know, we know, de living, we used to. So, the axis is yak: if you don’t want to sit at the table, take away the food at home. Mean so. Don't see. There is no one else. Don’t mother: she wouldn’t forget to put in a note, she would bang, stars, such wealth came from such digging.

If I sideways climbed out of the porch at the door, Lydia Mikhailovna looked up, looking at nothing. Vaughn marveled at the box, which I placed in front of her on a pidlog, and greeted me with a sigh:

What is it? What did you bring? New?

Tse vi zrobili, - I said in a three-handed, staring voice.

What did I spoil? What are you talking about?

You sent a parcel to school. I know vee.

I remembered that Lidiya Mikhailovna redeemed that sign. That's the only thing to look at, if I'm not afraid to marvel at it just in the eyes. I’ve been pissed off, reader, there’s my triple aunt. Here I fed, and not won, and fed not French, but Russian mine, without any articles. Come on, tell me.

Why are you virishiv, what am I?

Because we don’t have everyday pasta there. I have no hematogen.

Yak! Well, don't you? - Vaughn sighed so wide that she saw it over her head.

We don't know. Need to know Bulo.

Lydia Mikhailovna laughed raptly and tried to hug me, but I sunk in. see it.

True, it was necessary to know. How am I like this? - Vaughn is on a hvilinka. - Ale here and it’s important to guess - the word of honor! I'm a miserable person. Zovsіm, you say, don't you? What are you doing then?

Peas buvaє. Radish buy.

Peas... radish... And we have apples in the Kuban. Oh, how many apples there are at the same time. I didn't want to go to the Kuban, but why did I come here. - Lydia Mikhailivna sighed and looked at me. - Don't be angry. Well, I wanted something better. Who knows what you can eat for pasta? Nothing, now I'll be reasonable. Take your macaroni...

I won’t take it, - I interrupted.

Well, how about you? I know you are hungry. And I live on my own, I have a lot of pennies. I can bathe whatever I want, but I'm alone... I'll take it a little, I'm afraid to stroke it.

I'm not hungry.

Do not fight, be kind, with me, I know. I spoke to your gentleman. Why nasty, how do you take some pasta at once and make yourself a good meal today. Why can't I help you once in life? I promise not to give more than the annual parcels. Ale qiu, be kind, take it. You need to obov'yazkovo їsti I'll get it, schobi read it. Skіlki at our school are lazy, like they don’t understand anything and in no way, singly, don’t understand, but you’re a good boy, you can’t throw school.

Її voice resting on me, sleepy; I’m afraid that I won’t be moved, and, angry with myself for those who understand the rightness of Lidia Mikhailovna, and for those who are going to її still don’t understand, I, shaking my head and mumbling, jumping out the door.

* * *

Our lessons didn’t stick to anything, I continued walking to Lydia Mikhailivna. Ale, now she took up me in a right way. Vaughn, maybe, said: well, a Frenchwoman is so French. True, the sense of what I saw, step by step, I began to do the indecently speaking French words, the stench was no longer shaved off my legs with important stones, but, ringing, tried to fly far.

Good, - Lydia Mikhailovna urged me on. - At this quarter, the five is not yet visible, but the offensive one is obov'yazkovo.

They didn’t think about the parcel, but I was on my guard about all sorts of vipadok. Is it not enough for Lydia Mikhailovna to think up something else? I knew: if you don’t go out, you’ll do everything for it to happen, you just won’t step in. It seemed to me that Lydia Mikhailovna had been watching me for the whole hour, and wondering, laughing at my wildness, - I got angry, but my anger, it’s not surprising, helped me to tremble. I’m already not that inseparable, and a hopeless lad, who was afraid of stepping foot here, little by little I called to Lydia Mikhailovna and to my apartment. All the same, zvichayno, shaking, huddling in the kut, hovayuchi their teals and stylets, but much stinginess and humiliation stepped in, now I myself put Lіdії Mikhailіvnі zapitanya and navіt join with her in superchki.

Vaughn tried again to put me at the table - marno. Here I am not easy to reach, the stubbornness in me stagnated for ten.

Singingly, it’s already possible to get busy at home, I’ve conquered my head more, I’ve learned and bewitched my language, it would have happened more in an hour at school lessons. In front of the rocks and the rocks. Why am I working so hard, how do I get the cob to the end, all at once? But I didn’t dare to say about Lydia Mikhailovna, and there, maybe, I didn’t respect our program as a vikonan, and I continued to pull my French strap. Vtim, chi webbing? As if involuntarily and unrecognizably, without knowing it myself, I saw the relish for the language and at the vіlnі hvilini without any urging on the vocabulary, looking at the distant texts from the assistant. The punishment was transformed into satisfaction. Egoism inspired less: it didn’t go away - weide, and weide - not worse, lower among the best. I'm testing something else, what? Yakby didn’t need to go to Lydia Mikhailivna yet ... I would myself, myself ...

As if, tyzhnіv for two days of history with the help, Lydia Mikhaylivna, chuckling, asked:

Well, don't you get more money for pennies? Abo here you choose to be on the sidelines and graєte?

How to play now?! - Zdivuvavsya I, showing a glance behind the window, de lying in the snow.

And what is the bula for gra? Why is she lying?

How about you? - I'm worried.

Tsikavo. We are in childhood if they played the same, From I want to know, that tse gra chi. Tell me, tell me, don't fight.

I spoke, promoted, obviously, about Vadik, about Ptah and about my little tricks, which I used to show off at the gr.

No, - Lydia Mikhailovna stole her head. - We played in the "pristinok". Do you know what it is?

Axis marvel. - Vaughn easily jumped out of the table, sat at the yakim, looked at the coins in her bag and slipped the glass. Come here, marvel. I b'yu coin on the wall. - Lydia Mikhaylivna gave a light blow, and the coin, ringing, flew like an arc on the back. Now, - Lydia Mikhailovna thrust a coin into my friend's hand, b'esh ti. Ale May on the verge: hit it so that your coin will appear closer to mine. Sob їх it is possible to die, reach with the fingers of one hand. It is also called: zamіryashki. Distant, means win. Biy.

I vdariv - my coin, having spent it on the edge, leaned into the cod.

Oh, - Lidia Mikhailovna waved her hand. - Long away. Now you start. Strike your respect: if my coin is to chain yours, even if it’s a trifle, by the edge, I’ll win wildly. Are you mad?

What is unreasonable here?

Are we playing?

I did not believe my wows:

How can I play with you?

And what is it?

See the teacher!

Well, what? Vchitelka - so another person, what? Sometimes you get to be less of a reader, read it without a hitch. Constantly sweet to yourself: it’s not possible, it’s not possible, - Lidiya Mikhailovna is bigger, lower loudly, softened her eyes and thoughtfully, wondered sideways at the window. - Sometimes forget it, you’re a reader, - you don’t grow up so badly and beefy, that people live tediously with you. For the reader, it is possible, the most important - do not accept everything for yourself, understand that you can learn it not well. - Vaughn was afraid and once amused. - And in my childhood I was the best girl, the fathers suffered with me. Now I often want to shoot, gallop, rush far, to work not for the program, not for the layout, but for the bazhanny. I'm here, boom, shoot, jump. An old person is not the same, if she lives to old age, and if she ceases to be a child. I would have been streaking out of the satisfaction of the day, Vasil Andriyovich lives behind the wall. Win is a serious person. At the same time it is not possible, to recognize the guilt, that we are counted in “zamіryashki”.

Ale mi not graєmo in everyday life "zamіryashki". You showed me more.

We can play so simply, as it seems, navmisne. All the same, don’t see me Vasilev Andriyovich.

Lord, what to eat in the white world! For a long time I was afraid to death that Lydia Mikhailovna would drag me to the director for a penny, and now I’m out to ask that I never see you. Lighting - not otherwise. I looked around, I sneered at something, and splashed my eyes in a ruined way.

Well, let's try it? Not suitable - cinema.

Let's go, - I waited awkwardly.

Get started.

We took up the coins. It was evident that Lidiya Mikhailovna was right when she played, and I had reconciled myself to a grie, I still didn’t know for myself, how to beat a coin on the wall with an edge, with a plaza, at a high height and with such strength, if it’s better to throw. My blows went blindly; the yakbies led the rahunok, I would have done the bagato on the first quills, wanting nothing cunning in these "zamіryashki". Most of all, it dawned on me, squeezed and despised, did not let me get comfortable with those that I play with Lydia Mikhailovna. One could not dream of such a dream, one could think of such a filthy thought. I didn’t go crazy and it’s not easy, but if I got shammed and became giblet, Lydia Mikhailovna took it and zupinil її.

No, it’s not so good, - she said, simply tucking and tidying up her hair, which was on her eyes. - Grati - so in a right way, and those who are with you are like little children.

Ale then it will be a penny, - I guessed timidly.

Well. And what do we hold in your hands? Gras for pennies is not possible for anything else. Tsim won garna and rotten water hour. We can do it about a small bet, but all the same, interest will appear.

I'm movchav, I don't know what robiti is like buti.

Are you afraid? - Lidiya Mikhailovna scoffed at me.

Axis! I am not afraid of anything.

I had a bule with me like a dribnitsa. I gave a coin to Lydia Mikhailivna and removed it from my gut. Well, let's play the right way, Lydia Mikhailivno, as you wish. Meni schos - I'm not the first soil. Vadik had no respect for me, but then I got shamed and crawled with my fists. Having learned there, I will learn here. This is not a French language, but I will soon pick up the French to the teeth.

I had a chance to take one mind: Lidia Mikhailovna’s oskolka hand is bigger and her fingers dove, she will be frozen with the great and middle fingers, and I, like lying down, with the great and little finger. It was fair, and I waited.

Gra rose again. We got over from the kіmnati to the front, de boulo vіlnіshe, and beat about the equal boardwalk parkanka. They beat, lowered themselves on their knees, called, ale podlozi, zachіchuchi one to one, stretched out their fingers, freezing the coins, then rising again to their feet, and Lydia Mikhaylivna deafened the rahunka. Grala won loudly: she screamed, splashed in the valley, teased me - in a word, she behaved like a splendid girl, and not a reader, she wanted to shout at me for an hour. Ale won, prote, out, and I played. I didn’t manage to be shammed, as I had amassed a dozen kopecks, forcibly I was able to knock down this borg to thirty, but Lydia Mikhaylivna from afar spent her coin on mine, and my rahunok quickly jumped up to fifty. I began to whine. We did not hesitate to cry after the end of the gris, but on the right and farther so far, I won’t be able to get my pennies soon, I have three more than a ruble. So, it’s impossible to go over for karbovanets - it’s a sham, a sham and rubbish for all life.

And here I know that Lydia Mikhailovna doesn’t try to win over me. When you died, your fingers hunched over, not hanging out for the whole length - there, de vain could not reach the coin, I reached out without any effort. It formed me, and I moved.

Hi, - I said, - I don’t play like that. Are you playing me now? It's not fair.

Ale, I really can’t get them, - I started to get out. - My fingers are like wood.

Okay, okay, I'll swear.

I don’t know, like in mathematics, but in life the best proof is unacceptable. If on the coming day I sighed that Lydia Mikhailovna, so that the coins would hit, quietly tucked away to the finger, I hugged. Glancing at me and not mentioning that I miraculously run її clean water shahraystvo, there was no way I could continue to ruin the coin.

What are you doing? - I was furious.

I? And what am I doing?

Navischo you її slipped?

That one, over there, was lying, - more bezsovіsne, s I hope to inspire joy, Lydia Mikhaylivna did not care for Vadik chi Ptakh.

Otse so! Reader, you are called! I’m on my eyes at a distance of twenty centimeters, and I’m chopping a coin, and she’s singing to me, that she didn’t chip, and she laughs for me. Do you take me for a blind man? For a little one? The French language speaks, is called. I forgot that the whole day Lidiya Mikhailovna tried to fool me, and stalking only after him, so that she didn’t fool me. Well, well! Lydia Mikhailivna, is called.

The whole day we were engaged in French khvilin fifteen or twenty, and then less. We have a different interest. Lydia Mikhaylivna humiliated me to read the admonitions, robbed me of respect, listened to the respect again, and we did not want to go to hell. After two small programs, I began to win. I quickly called to “freeze”, learned from all the secrets, knowing how and where to beat, that I should work in the role of the one who played, so that I would not expose my coin to the freeze.

And pennies appeared in me again. I’m going to the market again and having bought milk - now it’s already freezing. I carefully looked out of the kitchen, having poured tops, phav krizhans skobochki in my mouth, which burst out, and, watching in the mustache of their sity on the malt, closing my eyes with satisfaction. Then turn the circle upside down and add a licorice milky flavor with a knife. Allowing the leftovers to roam and drink them, hitting them with a piece of black bread.

It's okay, you can live, but indefinitely, as if it were early in the war, everyone was told a happy hour.

Obviously, accepting pennies in the sight of Lydia Mikhailovna, I thought to myself in a different way, but I calmed myself down, because I won the honorable one. I didn’t ask for a gro, Lydia Mikhailovna prowled it herself. I did not dare to think. It seemed to me that she would bring her satisfaction, she made me happy, laughed, taunted me.

If only we knew who would get rid of everything.

... Standing one against one on the knees, we argued about the rahunok. Before that, tezh, zdaєtsya, schos squabbled.

You understand, the head of the gardener, - Lydia Mikhaylivna brought up on me and waving her hands, - how can you deceive me? I lead a rahunok, not a tee, I know better. I played three times, and in front of it I had a “chika”.

- "Chika" doesn't care.

Why don't you care?

We shouted, interrupting one by one, if the chirps reached us, it’s impossible to say hostility, but a firm, ringing voice:

Lydia Mikhailivno!

We froze. Vasil Andriyovich was standing at the door.

Lydia Mikhailivno, what's wrong with you? What is going on here?

Lidiya Mikhailovna rose properly, evenly enough, from the knees, redoubled and skuyovdzhena, and, smoothing her hair, said:

I, Vasil Andriyovich, urged you to knock, first come in here.

I knocked. I don’t know anyone. What is going on here? Please explain. I have the right to know as a director.

Grazhemo in the "pristinok", - Lidiya Mikhailivna calmly answered.

Do you earn money for pennies? .. - Vasil Andriyovich ticked me with his finger, and I fear popovz behind the partition, shovatsya in the room. - Let's study? Am I understanding you correctly?


Well, you know... - The director was suffocating, youmu didn't get any better. - I'm dying to name your toppings. Tse evildoers. Rostlinnya. Concern. And more, more ... I have been practicing at school for twenty years, bachiv strength, but still ...

I vіn raising my hands above my head.

* * *

For three days Lydia Mikhailovna went away. The day before, she told me after school and spent her home.

I'll go home to the Kuban, - she said, saying goodbye. - And you’re calm, you don’t care about anything for your stupidity. I'm at fault here. Navchisya, - she patted me on the head and went.

I am more than її in no way bachelor.

In the middle of winter, after the summer holidays, I came to school with a parcel. If I cracked it, distancing again the sokir of the s-pid descents, - neat, slit rows in it lay tubes of pasta. And below in tovstіy vatnіy obgortі I know three red apples.

Previously, I bachiv an apple only in the pictures, but I guessed that it stinks.

Rasputin Valentin

French lessons

Valentin Rasputin


(Anastasia Prokopievna Kopilova)

It's wonderful: why do we do it ourselves, like in front of the fathers, blaming our fault in front of the teachers? And not for those who were in school - no, but for those who became of us later.

I pishov at the fifth grade at the forty-eighth rotation. It would be more correct to say, having said: in our village there was less than a school in the middle, so, in order to learn more, I had a chance to order from the house fifty kilometers to the district center. For a day earlier, my mother sent me there, washed my face with my friend that I was lodging in it, and on the rest of the day, my uncle Vanya, the driver of the unit in the collective hospital, took me to the streets of Pidkam'yanіy, I needed to bring in a living, add in the budinok vuzol with a lizhkom, pidbadjorly splashing on the shoulder in farewell and poїhav. So, in eleven years, my independent life began.

The hunger of that fate has not yet let go, and there were three of us with my mother, I am the eldest. Hanging, if it happened to be especially tight, I forged myself and zmushuvad the sister of the eye of sprouted potatoes, grains of vіvsa and zhita, in order to grow plantings in the stomach, - even if you don’t happen to think about the hedgehog all the time. All summer we diligently watered our souls with clean Angarsk water, but I didn’t give birth to a chomus, because the wine was so small that we didn’t smell it. Vіm, I think, that the winding is not a good thing for people if they need more, and we, through lack of knowledge, worked there incorrectly.

It’s important to say that my mother dared to let me in to the district (the district center was called the district). We lived without a father, we lived badly together, and there, maybe, I judged that there would be no better - nowhere. Having started well, I went to school out of satisfaction and in the countryside I knew for literacy: writing for the old and reading the leaves, sorting through the books, as if I stumbled into our inconspicuous library, and in the evenings I told the lads from them the strengths of the history, moreover, I was even more upset. Ale, they especially believed in me, if the bonds were on the right. For the war, people got rich, tables of wins came often, and these bonds were carried to me. It was important that I have a happy eye. Wingreshi rightly trotted, most often dribbles, but the colleague was a radium be-like copy, and here from my hands I called and called bad luck. Joy in it passed me by chance. They saw me from the peasant lads, they brought me up; Like uncle Illya, greedy stingy, stingy old, having won a chotirist ruble, burning me a bucket of potatoes - the curtain was full of wealth.

And everything that I understood in the numbers of bonds, mothers said:

Brainy you have a lad growth. Tse... come on yogo vchi. Diploma is not lost for nothing.

I mother, in spite of our misfortunes, took me, wanting to have no one from our village in the region before. I'm first. That I didn’t understand, like a trace, that I’m checking, like trying to check on me, my dear, in a new place.

I got started and it's good here. What did I lose? - then I came here and arrived, if I had to do it, I didn’t have it here, but they put the abyak before what was supposed to be on me, I also didn’t take it. I’m sure that if I had taken the trouble to drink before school, if I had lost one lesson in me, I didn’t get five marks in all subjects, let’s say French.

I didn’t get along well with my French through VIMOV. I easily memorized the words of that turn, translating them quickly, miraculously coping with the difficulties of spelling, Alevimova saw with my head all my Angarsk adventure right up to the rest of the colony, de nіhto did not in any way imitate foreign words, as if raising suspicions about the future. I scribbled in French on the kshtalt of our rural pans, half of the sounds for inappropriate forging, and the other half in short strokes that bark. Lydia Mikhailovna, the French teacher, listening to me, frowned helplessly and flattened her eyes. Nothing like that, obviously, not a chula. She showed again and again, how the noses moved, voiced, asked to repeat - I was ruining, the tongue in my mouth was ancient and did not collapse. Everything was going well. Alya the most terrible began, if I came from school. There I involuntarily thought, the whole hour of turmoil I was timid, there the boys were playing me, at once with them - whether you like it or not, I had to collapse, play, and in the lessons - practice. Ale, but I was left alone, at once a tight fit fell - tight in the hut, in the village. No sooner did I wake up for a day, I was not aware of this and, obviously, I was not ready to live among strangers. So I was bad, so hot and cold! - Hirshe for every ailment. I wanted only one thing, I dreamed about one thing - home and home. I am very thin; mother, as the spring came, for me, sneered. Under her, I croaked, not grimacing and not crying, but, if she went out, not being seen and roaring, chasing the car. Mother waved her hand to me from the body, so that I would wake up, without destroying myself that її, I didn’t understand anything. Todіvona got into trouble and sounded the car.

Climb, - vymagala out, if I pіdіyshov. Finish it off, study, let's go home.

I shamenuvsya and vtik.

Ale, I'm not thin only through the tightness behind the house. Until then, I'm still understaffed. In the autumn, while Uncle Vanya was carrying on his second bread near Zagotzerno, which was not far from the regional center, they forced me to finish it often, about once a day. Ale, everything is dashing in what I didn’t get. There was nothing there, we surrounded the bread and potatoes, the mother’s eyes filled a jar of syrup, which she took from someone: she didn’t trim the cow. It’s a lot to bring here, you’ll try in two days - it’s empty. I have not hesitated to remember that half of my bread is good in a secret rank. Perevіriv - so i є: buv is dumb. Those same worked with potatoes. Who sipped - aunt Nadya, who was noisy, wrapped up in a woman, who herself did not understand the three children, who was the youngest, Fedko, - I didn’t know, I was afraid to think about it, not those stezhit. It was only covered, for my mother, for the sake of me, winding up the remains of my own, like a sister with a brother, but all the same, I went ahead. Ale, I zmusiv myself to calm down z tsim. You won’t become easier than a mother, because she will smell the truth.

The famine here is not similar to the famine in the countryside. There always, and especially in autumn, it was possible to change, sirvati, vykopati, rise, riba went to Angara, near foxes litav birds. Here for me everything seemed to be empty: foreign people, foreign cities, foreign land. A small river for ten rows was processed with madder. I’ve been sitting for a week with a glass of wood all day and drinking three little ones, a teaspoonful, piskarikiv - you don’t get good at such fishing. I didn’t go anymore - what a gift to shift the hour! In the evenings, the white of the tea-room stings, in the bazaar, remembering what to sell, choking on the slough and ishov no matter what. There was a hot kettle on the stove by Aunt Nadya; poshpurkavshi naked okropu and zіgrіvshi shluk, lying down to sleep. Vranci I'll wake up to school. So, having reached the tієї schaslivї ї dini, if until the gate the next day came and knocking at the door Uncle Vanya. Hungry and knowing that my grub is still not washed for a long time, even if I save some money, I got to the vіdval, to the cut of that stomach, and then, in a day or two, again pіdsazhuvav teeth on the police.

Valentin Rasputin is a radian and Russian writer, whose creativity is attributed to the genre of the so-called “silk prose”. Under the hour of reading the works of this author, one develops an impression that those who are in them are looking after your good friends, the floorings are full of the same descriptions of their heroes. Behind the simplicity of the viklad, which is given up, there is a deeper confusion in the characters of people who are maddened by children in difficult life situations.

Rozpovid "French Lessons", a short essay that will be included in this article, rich in what is autobiographical. A new one describes a difficult period in the life of a writer, if after the end post school Vіn buv vіdravleny to the place of study in the middle school. The future writer, like a hero of roses, had a chance to live in strangers near hungry wartime fates. How guilty you are when you see and see what you see, you can recognize having read this small, alekravy tvir.

Short essay "French Lessons". Gra in "chika"

The investigation is carried out in the name of a strong lad who was sent to a place for continuing education at a secondary school. Ishov was hungry in 1948, the owners of the apartment also had children who needed to be born, that the heroes of the rose had to talk about their food themselves. Mama sometimes made deliveries from the villages with potatoes and bread, as if the bread was finished, and the boy was constantly hungry.

Having spent a lot of wine on a wasteland, de children played for pennies in "chika", and came to them. Nezabar vin pristosuvavsya to the gri and pochav vigravati. Ale shorazu ishov after that, like gaining a ruble, for which he bought himself a glass of milk on the market. Milk was necessary for him, as a result of undercooking. Alya felt so unhappy. The lads beat Yogo, after which they pinned the gry.

Short essay "French Lessons". Lydia Mikhailivna

The hero of the opi- dannya, having learned well from all subjects, the French Crimean, for which youmu was not given a vimova. The French teacher, Lidiya Mikhailovna, counted her diligence, but scoffed at the evidence of obvious shortcomings in the movement. Vaughn confessed that she learned to earn a penny, to buy milk, that she was beaten by her comrades, and she became like a healthy, scarlet boy. The teacher prompted me to take care of my French in her home, to pay for it under the drive to prepare the bedolakha.

Short essay "French Lessons". "Zamiryashki"

However, she still didn’t know, with such a little pot, she had a chance to shut up. Try to put Yogo behind the table, they were unsuccessful - a wild and proud lad seemed to be “tabled” with his teacher. Todi vona sent a parcel to the address of the school with pasta, zukr and hematogenous, for children from the village. Ale, the hero of the opi- danny miraculously knowing that it is impossible to buy such products in such a strong place, and turning the present to the ruler.

Todi Lidiya Mikhailovna went to the last stop - she urged the boy to play with her for pennies, who knows his childishness - "zamіryashki". I don’t mind, but after a while, vvazhuchi tse “honest earnings”. On the third day of the day after my French lessons great success) the reader and that student played “zamіryashki”. The lad again had pennies for milk, and his life became richer.

Short essay "French Lessons". Kіnets everything

Zvichayno, zavzhdi so trivati ​​could not. As if the headmaster of the school made Lidiya Mikhailovna go to school and study for pennies. It was understood, it was respected by the fault, not by the sum of the її far away work at the school. The teacher went for three days to the Fatherland, to the Kuban. And after another hour, one of the winter days, a parcel of macaroni and apples came to the school for the boy.

The analysis of "French Lessons" (a short story, which became the topic of this article) inspired the director Yevgen Tashkov to film a one-part film, which was more testimonial than in 1978. Vіn once vouchsafed to look and dosі vypuskaєtsya on disks.

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