Spanish alphabet s shi. Spanish alphabet. Vimov. Name the letters of the Spanish alphabet

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Being a Romance language, the Spanish language has settled down from Latin and is close to Italian, French and Portuguese. In the English and Russian language, there are also a lot of Romantic verses, for which reason a lot of Spanish words were understood without translating.

Spanish language is one of the widest on Earth. The Crimea of ​​Spain itself speaks most of America (Crimea of ​​the USA, Canada, Brazil and other islands of the Caribbean archipelago).

In the Spanish language, add a lot of dialects, to which the "suitable" Spanish is called castellano - Castellano, tobto Castilian, for the name of one of the central provinces of Spain, and espanol (Espanyol) means all Spanish dialects. Two dialects of Spain - Catalan (Barcelona) and Galician (La Coruña) are respected by independent language.

Spanish alphabet

The Spanish alphabet is similar to the majority of alphabets on the Latin basis, it is modified in them (for example, in English) in the number of letters Kі W(rarely zested) and two special letters Ñ "Ene" and LL- podvіyne L or "eye".

Reading voice

The voices in the Spanish language are read the same way as they are written.



U is not readable after Q

Quito - Quito (capital of Ecuador)

U is not read after G, but її follows E, I chi Y.

Guitarra - guitarra

It is necessary, if you read U, to put two dots ü above it.

verguenza - berguensa (litter, slander)


Y is more important to read like "th".

playa - playa (beach)

Reading in a voice

It's better to fit in the Spanish language. Zdebіlshoy stink read, how and written, but є low important vinyatkіv.


B and V are read the same

On the cob words chi shock warehouse - yak russian "B"

Vamos a bailar - Bamos a baylar (let's dance)

In other types - an undifferentiated sound, middle Russian "B" and "V"

¡Viva la Cuba! - Ві in a la Ku in a! (Hello Cuba!)


W it reads like a Russian "s", so it is followed by E, I or Y,

Cigarra - cigar (cigar)

in other spellings it reads like Russian "K".

Cuba - Ku in a

The letter CH is read like Russian "Ch".

Muchacha - Muchacha


G is read like Russian “x”, so it is followed by E, I or Y,

Gitana - hit ana(gypsy)

for other types of G it is read like a Russian “g”.

Gallina blanca - gain letterhead (bіla cock)

If it is necessary to read G as a Russian "G" before E, I or Y, then the unreadable U is put after G:

Guerra - Guerra (war)


H is not readable at all

La Havana - la BUT bana


J always reads like a Russian "x".

Julio - Julio


Underwine L is read like a soft "l", but often. just like "y".

paella - paya

Ñ ​​is read yak m'yake "n".

Espanol - espanel


X is read like "ks",

texto - texto


Z always reads like a Russian "s" (Latin America) or an interdental "th" sound in English (Spain).

Gonzalez - Gonzalez

Rozdіlovі signs

Signs calling that food in the Spanish language are placed not only on the cob of the speech, but on the cob of the speech, and the stink is turned upside down on the cob of the speech:

¡No pasarán! - ale pasaran!

¿Com te llamas? - como those yamas? (what's your name?)


If the word ends in voice or in voice N or S, then the voice falls to the forward warehouse.

If the word ends in a voice (crim N and S), then the voice falls to the remaining warehouse.

If it falls out loud in another warehouse, it is indicated by a special sign

revolution s ion - revolve e n

The sign is stagnant in voice for the voiced Á, É, Í, Ó and Ú.


More than for everything, like you joked about the Spanish alphabet and read this article, then you only start the translation of the Spanish language. Shards, having ventured to learn how to be foreign language first, scho mi robimo - let's get down to the alphabet, and the Spanish language is not the fault of the first rule.
Adzhe, to learn a foreign language, to go through a long and difficult path, and correctly rozpochinatimate this path from a small cut - the alphabet and letters, create the basis for your distant learning. It’s not good for him, it’s more, that you often happen to stick with him and you can eat in awkward situations.
By itself, knowing the letters of the alphabet does not mean that you can read Spanish. Knowing the alphabet will be in good hands when you search for a useful word in a dictionary, so that you can quickly look at the truth, the appearance of electronic dictionaries and dictionaries on mobile phones often knows this problem. In case of splurge with noses, they can blame the situation, if you are asked to dictate your address by letter or your name, for example, zamovlyayuchi tickets or phone number in the hotel, then.
And so, let's get down to the formation of the alphabet itself.
Foundations of the Spanish alphabet letters on the Latin script. If you know the Latin alphabet, then it will not be a problem to read the Spanish alphabet.
The Spanish alphabet consists of 27 letters, 5 of which denote voice sounds and 22 letters denote voice sounds.
Without a doubt, not all of our readers know how the Spanish letters are, so we suggest closer, naked, even closer sounding letters of the Spanish alphabet to the Russian transcription. So, if you don’t take root in the Spanish letters with a strong Russian accent, you should become more familiar with the Spanish phonetics, but about it, it’s better to say less. In the meantime, you can listen, as you read the alphabet of your language, and try to remember it correctly, just remember, and, as you see, imitate.
Before you is a table with an alphabet of Spanish language. The first one has Spanish letters in a different font, the other one has Spanish letters in capital letters, the third one has their original name and Russian transcription.

Vimov's Spanish alphabet wears a movie:

Spanish alphabet:

Spanish alphabet for children.

Children learn the Spanish alphabet the most beautifully, playing different games and making funny videos.
Also, for children, use letters with the letters of the Spanish alphabet, the Spanish alphabet in pictures, different pisenki, so that you can remember the letters of the alphabet, ale and th words, as if they are based on qi letters.
Establish children's first cartoons, in which they tell about the skin letter of the Spanish alphabet. For the sake of a short memory of the letter, the verse is told or the story is told, if the plot is shown with the creature or the subject, naming which one is based on the letter.

You have read: the Spanish alphabet, the Vimian Spanish alphabet, the Spanish language alphabet, the Spanish alphabet, the Spanish alphabet, the Spanish alphabet, the Spanish alphabet, the Spanish alphabet, the great alphabet, the alphabet.
Spanish alphabet with transcription, Spanish alphabet with vima.

If you know the European language, then master the Spanish language no better than everyday fluency. If you want to be vigilant, then it’s not scary, the shards are more like the cob, in the alphabet.

Reading Rules

Ale in front of him, like almost a small entrance. The axis is already a sprat of rock, as I linger in Latin America, in Peru. And the Peruvians write to them that they were far away to save the language such as it was for the hours of the Spanish conquerors. As if we are equal to the language of Spain and Peru, then the main identity is the presence of the Spanish “lisping”. Listen to the songs of the Spanish viconauts, and you will feel that the stinks roar about the same as those of the English - mimolyayut sound With like an interdental th English. While almost all discs and cassettes were recorded in Spain, the dialogues and texts are cleared by this sound. If I read the language, the merriment in the group roared. Keep in mind the peculiarity of the Spanish language and victorious її on your journey to Spain. At this course, we don’t lamatimemo movu and vymovlyatimemo With like a Russian mov.

Two more obov'yazkovі moments - turn the letter E, zavzhd yak E.

And for the letter L, try to keep it soft.

Below I will bring a table with letters and sounds of the Spanish alphabet, as well as with butts of words. How to apply different names, so that it would not be necessary to read to the dictionary at the first lesson. But in order to read correctly the first words in Spanish, we need to know the rules of reading.

  1. We read the word with a "Vologda" accent, kaєm. That's why I use the word "milk", then I can use it not "malakó", like in Russian, but "molokó".
  1. We read, what a bachimo. Okrim letters H. You won't be seen at all. Logical food - but what about writing? Let's ask for food: And now we write a letter in the word "hello"? So it has already happened.
  1. We put the voice in front of the warehouse, so that the word ends in voice or in voice N, S: O lga, E dwin, Al e xis.
  1. If the word ends with any other voice (crim N, S), then the voice is put in the rest of the warehouse: Dav i d, Isab e l.
  1. At times of departure at points 3 and 4, a graphic sign is placed above the shock warehouse: Bor í s, Ant ó n.
Spanish alphabet (listen)

Listen to the alphabet:

Litera Vimova butt
aa a Ana
bb be Blanca
CC se Carlos
Dd de David
ee e Elena
F f ephe Frank
G g heh Gaspar
H h what Hector
I i і Ines
Jj jota Javier
Kk ka Kevin
l l barely Laura
M m eme Manuel
N n Jena Nicolas
Ñ ñ enye Ñaki
O o about Olga
Pp ne Pedro
Q q ku Qori
R r eri Ricardo
S s yes Sara
T t those Tamara
U u at Ursula
Vv uwe Viviana
W w vedoble Wendy
X x ekis Ximena
Y y that griega Yvonne
Zz set Zosimo
Wimovie Features
Litera Wimovie Features
aa Yak Russian A.
bb Yak Russian Bi.
CC Have podednnі s A, O, U vyovlyaetsya yak.

Have podednnі s E, I seem to be yak.

Dd Yak Russian D.

For example, the words may not be a bit.

ee Start like a Russian e.
F f Yak Russian F.
G g In the case of A, O, U, it appears as R.

Have come from E, I seem to be like X.

For some GUI, GUE behaves like P, for its own it does not.

H h Never mind
I i Yak Russian I.
Jj Yak Russian H.
Kk Yak Russian Do.
l l Yak Russian L.

Zavzhd m'yakiy.

M m Yak Russian M.
N n Yak Russian N.
Ñ ñ Yak Russian N.
O o Get O.
Pp Yak Russian P.
Q q Yak Russian Do.

In common QUI, QUE behave like K, in their U they do not.

R r On the top of the word, after a pause, and also after the letter N, L, it turns out like PP
S s Yak Russian Z.
T t Yak Russian T.
U u Yak Russian U.
Vv Yak Russian B (practically does not look like other letters of the alphabet after vim).
W w Yak Russian St.
X x Yak Russian KS.
Y y Yak Russian I.

Like a Russian one, for example, the words that are combined with voices.

Zz Yak Russian Z.

In Spain - like English ts.

In some alphabets, it is still possible to use two additional letters, the lower one is CHі LL. But in 1994, the stinks were officially excluded from the alphabet, the very shards were letters, not letters,

The modern Spanish language, as you could sing, has 27 letters.

Less than 5 of them are voiced.

At the next lesson, let's talk about diphthongs and triphthongs in Spanish language

Task before the lesson

1. Read the alphabet kіlka times.
2. Write letters.
3. Read the names.
4. Write your name in Spanish.

The Spanish alphabet today is composed of twenty-seven letters, the skin of which represents phonemes: a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, ñ, o, p, q r , s, t, u, v, w, x, y, z. Prerechno bulo used to mean that the phoneme, translated from Greek, means “sound” (sonido) is the smallest unit of language. The phoneme has no independent lexical or grammatical meaning.

In the Spanish alphabet, there are 5 voice letters (letras vocales) - "i", "e", "a", "o", "u", and 22 more voices (letras consonantes). All the letters of the Spanish alphabet of the female gender are vindicated with the common article of the female gender - "la", for example, la "h" [la ache].

In Spanish language, there are also digraphs - warehouse letters, which are composed of two letters, the stench is written for identification on a list of phonemes. Digraphi is not a warehouse alphabet (abecedario). In Spanish language, the same phonemes are used in digraphs: "ch", "ll", "gu", "qu" and "rr". Tsіkavo, that the phonemes “ch” and “ll” were used in the warehouse alphabet (abecedario) until the end of 2010, that they are unique phonemes of the Spanish language, and in this stink they are reminiscent of other digraphs, yak, for example, “qu” - yak on the sheet can be represented by the letter "c" (before voiced "a", "o", "u") and "k".

The digraphs "ch" and "ll" for the alphabet (abecedario) of the Spanish language are called not to speak about those phonemes that arose from the written and conventional forms of the Spanish language system. Qi signs, like before, continue to victorious like digraphs on sheets in Spanish language, which convey such phonemes:

"ch" conveys the phoneme "h" - сhico [chiko] - boy;

"ll" conveys the phoneme "th" - calle [cae] - street.

Keep in mind that in any alphabetical ordering of words (dictionaries, indexes, lists) "ch" and "ll" will be included in the alphabetical order of the letters "C" and "L".

Digrafi (dígrafos) "gu", "qu", "rr"

"gu": The digraph (dígrafo) appears as a twinkle "g" before the voiced "e", "i", the sound "u" does not appear: guerra (wine) appears [herra], aguijón (sting) moves.

"qu": Digraph (dígrafo) appears like "k" before the voice "u", but "u" does not appear in such situations: queso (sir) [queso], esquina (kut) [eskina].

"rr": Digraph (dígrafo) looks like "rr" is called doble erre (two "r"). Vikoristovuetsya, to convey the vibrating sound "pp": carro (vіz), terreno (land plot), arriba (uphill).

Name the letters of the Spanish alphabet

"A, a": first letter of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet, є voice letter. La ”a” changes [a] (an article is put in front of the name names in Spanish). At multiple(Plural) - las aes [AES].

Azafran - saffron (spice)

Ajo - watchmaker

Abedul - birch

Agua de mayo, pan para todo el año. (Garniy board at the herb to provide food for the whole river.)

"B, b": another letter of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”be” in Spanish language is [be]. In plural (plural) - las "bes" [imp].

Begonia - begonia (quote, maybe zhіnoche im'ya vlasne)

Bergamota - bergamot (roslin)

Berberis - barberry (roslin)

Boda en mayo, ¡que fallo! (Vesillya at the herb: what a mistake!)

"C, c": the third letter of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”ce” is my Spanish language [se]. In plural (plural) - las "ses" [ses].

Calendula - calendula (quote)

Cardo - Budyaks (Roslin)

Cala - kalu (quote).

Vіdstan vіdpochiti in temprano si quieres llegar a anciano. (Just a little and reap early, if you want to live to a deep old age.)

"D, d": the fourth letter of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La "de" in Spanish language is [de]. In plural (plural) - las "des" [des].

Delfines - dolphins

Dálmata - Dalmatian (dog breed)

Danza - dance

Desayunar como un rey, comer como un principe y cenar como un mendigo. (Snidat like kings, live like princes, and dine like zhemarki).

"E, e": five letters of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”e” is my Spanish language [e]. In plural (plural) - las "es" [eu].

Empleo – robot (employment)

Erizo - zhachok

Espejo - mirror

El bon vino alegra el ojo, limpia el diente y sana el vientre. ( good wine rejoice the eye, clean the teeth and live.)

“F, f”: the number of letters of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”efe” is my Spanish language [efe]. In plural (plural) - las "efes" [ephesus].

Febrero - lute

Fama - fame, popularity

Frutas - fruits

Febrero, el corto, el peor de todos. (Furious month of stashes, ale z all months more than all the guides.)

"G, g": the cipher of the letter of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”ge” in Spanish language is [heh]. In plural (plural) - las "ges" [hes].

Geranium - geranium (quote)

Garage - garage

Genio - genius

Gota a gota, el océano se agota. (Drop by drop, and the ocean can be drained.)

"H, h": eighth letters of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”hache” is my Spanish language [ache]. In plural (plural) - las "haches" [Aches]. In the Spanish price, it is loud, tobto. she won't move.

Hoja - leaf (tree, or paper)

¡Hola! - Hello (ventilation)

Hasta el fin de la historia nadie cante victoria. (The docks will not end on the right, no one will overcome the holy day).

“I, i”: nine letters of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”i” is my Spanish language [i]. In plural (plural) - las "íes" [ies]. In addition, the next thing to note is that la ”i” is Latin, how it looks like ”y” (→ y [i]), how it is traditionally called ”i” Greek: igrієga (i griega).

Idea - idea

Initial - cob

Iglesia is a church.

Irse de la Lengua. (Speak out)

"J, j": the tenth letter of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”jota” is my Spanish language [jota]. In plural (plural) - las "jotas" [hotas].

Jabon - cute

Joyero - jeweler

Jungla - jungle

Jamas digas: nunca jamas. (Never say never)

"K, k": the eleventh letter of the Spanish alphabet i in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”ka” in Spanish language is [ka]. In plural (plural) - las "kas" [kas].

Kilometraje – run (mileage)

Kilogramo - kilogram

Kilo de más, kilo de menos, nos encontramos de como comemos. (Kilogram plus, kilogram minus, we feel like that, like (kind of that) їєmo.)

"L, l": twelve letters of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”ele” in Spanish language moves [barely]. In plural (plural) - las "eles" [eles].

Laurel - bay leaf

Lavandula - lavender

Lilas - buzok.

La ausencia causa olvido. (From the eyes away from the hearts away.)

"M, m": the thirteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”eme” is my Spanish language [eme]. In plural (plural) - las "emes" [emes].

Mariscos - seafood

Mar - sea

Mariposa - blizzard

Más fresca que una lechuga. (Too clever.)

"N, n": fourteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet and in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”ene” in Spanish language is [ene]. In plural (plural) - las enes [enes].

Nacar - mother of pearl

Nube - hazy

Norte - pіvnіch

Nadie da lo que no tiene. (No one can give what no one can.)

“Ñ, ñ”: fifteen letters of the Spanish alphabet, and it does not exist in the international Latin alphabet. La ”eñe” in Spanish language is [nee]. In plural (plural) - las "eñes" [enjes].

Ñ ​​- slіv, yakі pochinayutsya z ієї literi practically not used in the Spanish language, tі, yakі can be used, it can be used to the variants of the Spanish language in Latin America. І Utvorenі pіd vplivom mov aboriginіv.

“O, o”: the sixteenth letter of the Spanish alphabet and the fifteenth letter of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”o” in Spanish language is [o]. In plural (plural) - las "oes" [OES].

Obrero - robot worker

Olor - smell

Octavo - eighth

Oye el gallo cantar y no sabe en qué corral. (You feel that you are singing, but you don’t know in which shed. In the Spanish language, you say: Chuv dzvin, she doesn’t know de wine.)

“P, p”: seventeen letters of the Spanish alphabet and sixteen of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”p” is Spanish for [pe]. In plural (plural) - las "pes" [dog].

Perejil - parsley

Paloma - blue

Pajaro - bird

Palabra o piedra suelta, no tiene vuelta. (The word is a stone, if you fall, you can’t turn back. In the Spanish language, you say: The word is not a humpbacked man, you don’t mean to fly.)

“Q, q”: eighteen letters of the Spanish alphabet and seventeen in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”cu” in Spanish language is [ku]. In plural (plural) - las "cus" [kus].

Queso - sire

Quinto - five

Quimica - chemistry

¿Qué mosca te ha picado? (What kind of mosquito did you taste?)

“R, r”: nineteen letters of the Spanish alphabet and eighteen of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”erre” is Spanish for [herre]. In plural (plural) - las "erres" [erres].

Rana - toad

Rostro - face

Ricos - rich

Rey nuevo, ley nueva. (A new king, a new law. In the Spanish language, I say: A skin bird, in her own way she sings.)

"S, s": twenty letters of the Spanish alphabet and nineteen in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”ese” in Spanish language is [es]. In plural (plural) - las "eses" [eses].

Sol - sun


Saber es poder. (To know, to mean, to be able.)

“T, t”: twenty first letters of the Spanish alphabet and twenty of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”te” is my Spanish language [those]. In plural (plural) - las "tes" [tes].

Tauro - calf (zodiac sign)

Timido - rubbish

Tiburon - shark

Tal para cual. (What a ishov, such a smart one.)

"U, u": twenty other letters of the Spanish alphabet and twenty first in the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”u” in Spanish language is [u]. At the plural (plural) - las "úes" [yes].

Universo - Vsesvit

Unicornio - unicorn

Uniforme - uniform, uniform

Un clavo saca otro clavo. (The wedge is driven with a wedge.)

“V, v”: the twenty-third letter of the Spanish alphabet and the twenty-third of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”uve” is a Spanish language [uve]. In plural (plural) - las "úves" [weight].

Vaca - cow

Vino - wine

Vuelo - water

Ver la paja en el ojo ajeno y no una viga en el propio. (Batch the crack in someone else's eyes, and don't roll the deck with your own.)

"W, w": twenty-fourth letter of the Spanish alphabet and twenty-third of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”uve doble” is a Spanish language [uve doble]. In plural (plural) - las "dobles ves" [Dobles weight].

Web pagina - website

Washington - Washington

Web site (Website)

“X, x”: the twenty-fourth letter of the Spanish alphabet and the twenty-fourth letter of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”equis” is my Spanish language [ekіs]. In plural (plural) - las "equis" [ekіs].

xenophobia - xenophobia

X rayos – x-ray industry

Xena: la princesa guerrera. Xena is a warrior princess.

“Y, y”: twenty sixth letter of the Spanish alphabet and twenty fifths of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”i griega” is the Spanish language [ігієga]. In plural (plural) - las "griegas" [Griegas].

Yegua - kobila

Yedra - ivy

Yema del huevo - egg yolk

Ya que el agua no va al molino, vaya el molino al agua. (If the water does not go to the miroshnik, let the miroshnik go to the water. In the Spanish language, it says: If the mountain does not go to Mohammed, do not let Magomed go to the mountain.)

“Z, z”: twenty sixth letter of the Spanish alphabet, the rest, and twenty sixths of the order of the international Latin alphabet. La ”zeta” in Russian is [zeta]. At a plurality (plural) - las "zeta" [Zeta].

Zanahoria - carrot

Zumbidos (en los oídos)

Zapatos - out of the blue

Zamora no se gano en una hora. (Samora was conquered for more than one year. The Russian language says: Moscow has not been in the past.)

Children, as if they are only beginning to learn the Spanish language, obviously, they are guilty of starting from the very foundations. Such a basis will be the Spanish alphabet for children, which among these statutes is even more fundamentally analyzed, looked at, like letters before the new one enter and like vimov among these letters.

For the first time, it is important to know the Spanish language, how the letters before it enter and how the stench is read. Establish the unbreakable rules for reading letters, so that you know the varto:

Spanish Movie Alphabet

vimovie rules

Vimov in Spanish language

Phonetics of the Spanish language

The phonetics of the Spanish language is to finish a folded appearance, it is not obov'yazkovo to memorize її vіrazu and remember. Begin to read the letters, turn to the already twisted and read and with the hour of the letters and їх vimovu, and also get into the head by itself. Golovne at tsіy right do not overdo it and do not hurry. Spanish language is not as important as Russian language, but it will be necessary to show maximum respect, even phonetics is the basis of language.

Carriers for practice

For pochatkіvtsіv vyvchati іspanskomu mova more corisno vikoristovuvat koromovki. You can write the letter with the correct vimova with transcription and only then memorize the words, the words you want. So it will be possible to kindly practice vimova and stop kulgati.

Otzhe, Spanish pantry:


Starting to play the Spanish language, warto nobility, some voiced sounds in the Spanish language. So the axis is less than five. Tse sounds i, e, a, o, u. in terms of vim, they are similar to similar sounds in Russian transcription. Ale, with every voice in the Spanish language, they fall into strong and weak. As if instructing the word to stand two strong voices, the stinks move around, as if the stench satisfies a diphthong.


With vim's voiced letters in the Spanish language, you need to be especially careful. On the face of it, as the letters in the Russian transcription are used, in the Spanish there is no help of voices. Before voicing e, i, it is not necessary to help me to vociferate, but with it you can’t overdo it, because the sound “and” is not in Spanish language. At the sight of Russian transcription, the voice of a pike for example, the words are weakened, but they are filled with twinkles.

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