Vіdguki quiet, who tried not to drink alcohol vzagalі. You want good wine and just get the taste of drinking

About alcoholism, the culture of drinking and the infusion of alcohol on the body of roses, the head narcologist of the Chelyabinsk region Boris Izarovsky at the program "Healthy Rozmova" on the radio " Komsomolskaya Pravda»

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Just as holy as we are, so more and more often the doors of alcohol markets are caressing. It’s good to stock up on a case of beer for the weekend, and to wash the necks of the hot dances in a package. Oh, those shkіdlivі zvichki!

How do I threaten the congestion with mіtsnimi infusions? Yaku not safe for health, am I addicted to alcohol? About the price on the radio "Komsomolskaya Pravda" (95.3 FM) in the program "Healthy Rozmova" is the head narcologist of the Ministry of Health of the Chelyabinsk region, head of the regional clinical drug treatment center Boris Izarovsky.

- Boris Vasilovich, tsikavo, and chi є absolyutnye nepituschi?

Well. Tse tі, hto mozhe vzhitat alcohol z kakihos khvoroblivih reasons - vin yoma suvoro contraindications. Abo special perekonanist, if a person winds a bowl of champagne in New river I can't take it to the mouth. Before speech, there are not so few such people in the society.

And the axis is still under the hour of fasting, people are more low for a month, they drink alcohol. Even if you want to live Orthodox red wine…

Chi do not live, but take communion. Orthodox church alcohol does not advertise and does not impose on anyone, such a ritual. Itself is not allowed to drink richly at communion. Wet your lips - that's all.

There are more situations in life, if you can’t get used to alcohol: for women and young people at the wedding, so that they can lay down first time for nothing.

Vcheni zgodom dіyshli vysnovka: if you plan for a child and if you wine, it’s better not to get used to alcohol. Prior to that, a strict tradition had been founded for centuries, founded on the evidence of the people's caution: do not pour names for the named. Tim is more, that the first love was not really the first, not like that, like an infection.


Vcheni constantly change their own look: drink alcohol stingy, badly, otherwise it’s bad. How can you, don't become an alcoholic?

Well, obviously, alcohol, which gradually gets used to the songs, can viklikat alcoholic staleness. And a glass of burner, a glass of beer, a glass of wine of great shkoda cannot be given to the body. The same doses, as in case of a one-time inoculation of the body, can be slightly disposed of.

At the same time, we are stuck with those who, unfortunately, are not in fashion anymore - the culture of drinking. I'm not a fencer for the fence and for the extreme entrances. It is permissible, a person is religious, moreover a Muslim - there are their own rules. But it is impossible to transfer the mentality of one nation to another. Just as historically in Russia, especially in the Asian part of it, alcohol was adopted, then you can’t go anywhere. No one has lived opium with us, that’s why the Russian Federation is responsible for the fences. Ale at the same time was the culture of pitta.

I am overwhelmed by the strength of "dosledzhennya", prompted by the svidet for everything on guesses and myths, for sure, that Tsar's Russia was drinking too much. It didn't happen like that! Before 1914 rock, if Persha rose light war, Mykola II did not absolutely enforce the "dry law" in the territory Russian Empire, but by decree, having surrounded the vzhivannya with alcohol, the number of the first soul of the population was less rich, lower at the Radian hour.

The culture of drinking and contagion is known, it is the example of such European lands as Nimechchina, Italy, France. So, there are also alcoholics. Ale, the majority of the population lives on alcohol in controlled social norms. Tobto without a trace of deep sleep, filthy behavior and harm to the body.


The Ministry of Health of Russia has updated the statistics: alcohol consumption in the country has decreased over the past 10 years. In 2017, this indicator dropped to 10.3 liters per person per river. Somehow it seems: I don’t drink styles ...

To the point, absolute alcohol is on the verge of consumption - it is practical pure alcohol. And what about statistics on yourself? Vipivay, ozumіlo, not a Russian skin. Alcohol consumption is covered per capita, including the disabled, the elderly and the disabled. The greater number of alcohol in us is more important than alcoholics. They drink the stench for themselves, and for that lad, and for all others. Why talk about those who have our suspіlstі great number people who suffer from alcoholism.

Speaking about positive statistics, how to direct the Ministry of Health of Russia, we can say that the situation is the same in the Chelyabinsk region. Ide reduction in the number of osib, yakі fell ill on alcoholism. For us, narcologists, the reduction of alcoholic psychosis is a miracle indicator. Їх in the Chelyabinsk region, the rіk in the rіk daedalі is less. While the past year was 900 years old, in 2015 it was over a thousand.

Dynamics It is worth saying that the alcohol tension in the population is decreasing. Preventive visits, yaki were carried out 10-15 years ago, to make themselves known today. The influx of young people, they fell ill with alcoholism, changed. And the old alcoholics were like bulls, so it was. I dosi give us statistics on how much alcohol consumed per capita.

- Qi people have condemned themselves already? Adzhe zhittya they singsongly shorter.

The main mass of patients with a diagnosis of "alcoholism", as if they were staying with us at the clinic under observation - those people, who suffer from the mass of other illnesses, who go early in life, spend their wealth, spend their family. Life to fly pіd ukіs. Vibratisya z ієї situatsії it is possible, but it's more complicated!

Nobody wants to work on themselves. Everyone wants to forge a charіvnu pіgulka and become healthy. So don't be! It took more than one day to enter alcoholism, the disease is formed for months. You can't get away from it in one year. Provіvshi yakes likuvannya - koduvannya chi more shchos - you can take a short-line remіsіyu maximum on river. Let's become vigilant. The person did not wobble. It's just that the ailment took away the veils and began to progress further.


- What kind of illnesses, associated with the introduction of alcohol, do not get drunk to an alcoholic?

Rizik is given at least two target organs. First - central nervous system. At the sleeping station, all the changes are found by themselves there, in the head. P'yana lyudina behaves incorrectly, showing aggressiveness. This behavior indicates that the nervous system is not functioning properly.

Barrier on the road to alcohol and another target organ - the liver. You take the head blow on yourself and don’t run into each other. Blame alcoholic hepatitis, cirrhosis of the liver to the point that liver cancer can develop as a disease, as it is caused by alcohol. Ale, all organs and all systems, including those that lead to a myocardial infarction, suffer from inflammation. The system is suffering, the shards of the nirka constantly filter our shelter, establishing the slaughter. And ethyl alcohol, passing through the brunki, traumatizes the nirk system.

Inject alcohol into the endocrine system, vibrating state hormones. In a weak state, signs of a human character begin to appear, so that the vibration of female hormones changes. People sing deyakі women “risi” - for example, fatness according to female type. Dysfunctions are blamed on the state system. The organ is not protected from high concentrations of alcohol.

- With whom, a person is unlikely to know that everyone is drinking alcohol!

And this is not the case. Only if it has already gone far, and the person herself, having rushed through the country, realized: it’s not those, maybe, I’m an alcoholic. Anosognosia is a characteristic symptom of self-reported ailments, the presence of criticism before one’s own life, which often occurs in alcoholics.

It is necessary for a person to practice this, if the ailment has only begun to form, but still blame the problems of the psychological plan. The ailment is gradual, at the first stage - the formation of psychological fallow. And then the situation gets better, physical changes occur. At the cob stages, people can help to improve their position, look over their position.


- Nutrition is more rhetorical, but all the same: why does alcohol have a sensation? What do people drink now?

It's not easy to guess. There are two options: to take away additional satisfaction, or to smooth out your negative emotions: sum, sum, tight.

- You want good wine and just get the taste of drinking.

Here you can turn to those cultures of pitta. If you take a kelikh not with a method of raising your spirits, or to drown grief in a new one, but you just want to taste the aroma, relish, otrimavshi light alcoholic sleep - tse zovsіm іnsha motivation.

To the point, no matter how different the thoughts of the scientists were, but it has already been brought to light that in the human body there is alcohol. We may have enzymes, yakі yogo overpick, and vin taking part in exchange processes. The concentration of endogenous alcohol is simply meager, ale won. І vikonuє rich functions.

- What are you?

The main antidepressant is a native, internal. A kind of tranquilizer that will calm us down. If a person is nervous, and as a result of emotional sleep, a vice is lifted, then alcohol is stronger in the body.

Ale, for the sake of strong stress, our inner “liki” (pain-relieving, tranquilizers) do not rise. That is why people intuitively gravitate towards substitutes-surrogates: alcohol and drugs. To cheer up your grief and cheer yourself up.


- You made Boris Vasilovich happy by saying that in our region there are fewer people suffering from alcoholism.

We appreciate the following criteria: a decrease in the number of alcoholic psychosis, a change in the number of hospitalizations, and a change in the number of hospitalizations, and help with serious hangovers, if you can’t cope on your own. Totally objective signs.

Well, we are with you, living in the city, Bachimo: there are fewer drunks on the streets. The statistics of law enforcement agencies, in fact, are not very good, the greater number of law enforcement is more important in the alcohol abuse camp. But there is positive destruction.

You know, I focus on juveniles. As part of the preventive visits we have to mother right with young people. I like the position of the growing generation, aimed at healthy image life. There was no such fate 10-15 years ago. Ninі tse is a good trend. Alcohol is not a priority. Splkuvannya, active repair - axis priority! Drinking alcohol is no longer fashionable.


Help to get rid of alcohol in Chelyabinsk

Do not hurry to think that this article is far from reality. Obviously, human character- the substance is already collapsible, you can’t talk about it, relying only on the horoscope, on the people’s fortunes in їzhі and vipivtsі, you can’t count it more than handwriting ... life situations. Tse shortest way to learn about the rich-faceted nature of the cicavoy tobі speciality.

Chodo alcoholic drinks and their choice - apparently, scho choose alcohol more often lie down in the form of an emotional state, with which a person is rebuked. Women cherish the greater world of emotions. On the basis of their emotional experiences, a woman will try to choose, be it someone - who today is drawn in and with them to spend the evening.

Like you’re on the bachelor’s with a kohan woman, beastly respect, what kind of drink you get - it’s like to lie down emotionally dead all the stars and those who went after her.

Women! Read the following facts about yourself and that alcohol, maybe it will help you to grow up in some food for yourself.

Alcohol and the character of women

  1. Champagne
    This effervescent drink gives priority to coquettes and regots. It is easy and light to choose champagne champagne for women, it is easy to have fun in the soul. It is not surprising that this drink is a zavsidnik at all-inclusive women's evenings. In the light of a new shvidko they drink, then, like a woman drinking champagne at once from you, she trusts you.
  2. Gorilka
    Tsey mіtsny alcoholic drink is drunk by strong willful women with a firm character. The stinks do not take their bazhan and drink properly. Often bajannya vypiti gorilki vyklikane zhіnok renaissance. Possibly, she was already tired of the robot, or she recognized a strong psychological stress in the rest of the hour. It’s better not to overdo it with a gore, but rather, as a method of calming down, relaxation, calm that person’s turbota.
  3. Cognac
    Tse drunk woman, like a need for warmth, turbota and caress. Gave him more respect, try to understand why you want to drink? Cognac is not the same drink, like some kind of swede you drink, yogo is robbed of vrіvnovazhenі, vpevnenі people.
  4. Віski
    Skronі p'yut zhіnki without complexes. And it's wonderful to know that you're ready to finish the soup. Like a woman go on tse, she is ready to come, some turn, come. Vipity viskarya pragnate those who do not see in life the best of sights, new hostility. Vipivshi, zhіnki, yak і cholovіki, can show navіzhenіst, but be intransigent.
  5. Tequila
    Drink for extravagant lady ladies. Drinking tekila - means mother of garniy relish, vvazhayut rich someone and choose trendy cocktails with tekila. Like hitting a bunny, the woman’s behavior may become uncontrollable, especially as she didn’t sound like she was in control of her emotions. To that, it’s better to drink the lover of the approaching relish of this drink.
  6. rum cola
    A simple and sensible drink, like not particularly sleepy. Yogo plunder the charms of pannochki, as if they want to control themselves and everything that comes around them. Of course, and if you can drink rich rum, then start drinking її only for the sake of appearance, pretending not to be seen in the company, de live in alcohol.
  7. Gin tonic
    Drink intellectuals, people, like to love to dim. Drinking gin and tonic, a woman can often speak richly and in different topics. This is a sign that she needs to speak out, that she has few moments in life, if she can just be yourself. Be a respectful listener - you are the heart of a gin lover.
  8. Chervone wine
    Wine gives priority to emotional, biased natures. At a glance, a woman can be strimanous, but in the middle of her - a hurricane. Wine is plundered by women, as they grow up on їzhі and infusions and with gusto set up to life in general. With such a drink in the evening, we passed away at any time.
  9. Liqueurs
    Domestic women, like to love licorice, even great connoisseurs of liqueurs. Bazhannya's taste of licorice conveys the woman's pragnennya to the malt, to that, how wonderful it does not sound, the liquor is even a romantic drink.
  10. Beer
    A woman chooses beer to be closer to a man, to a man's company. And, obviously, individuals, just to love the taste of which I will drink with various snacks, but the psychological moment is not transverse - the beer is still a human drink. Such a woman is a good friend, like your squad. Beer is good, that you don’t drink a trivaly hour, and it’s not possible to make a glass of shkodi to the female organism like other alcohol on the list. Beer is robbed by smart women.

Tse finish a small list alcoholic drinks Ale wine will help you to grow up in the motives of a woman, as you choose those more alcohol. Psychology not to sleep, choosing alcohol - a miraculous display of becoming a beautiful woman at a given moment.

Varto think about what happens in the life of women, how to escape reality for help alcohol. Sometimes it’s just empty, and sometimes it’s a way to show the kokhan that she will need turboti, support that rose.

Cover, if you first hear foreigners - tse "Oh, gore!... Russians... Gore...". :(

More cover, if it’s practical, de you can see the drunk - moreover, from small to great.

Ale is not the same image, if people are angry, but if it seems like "For the power of cover...".

I don’t take on the burden of morality at any given time, anything like that. Ale poklikana give you the opportunity to marvel at the introduction of alcohol in the middle others ochima.

myself don't drink. Ale, I know that this is not a bit of a thing. :)

I will give an example of my life. I had a familiarity with France. We sat in such a culturally quiet company and talked about music.

It turned out that my sympathizer is an actress and a musician - a pianist. After my teacher de and whom she got into, first I felt the bull "At the Russian teacher ..." not without a sly laugh, but after it was added - "... what a boon my first teacher and win a miraculous teacher! Ale I had a chance to stop getting involved in the new one, the one who drank wine constantly ... ". And then I felt more stories about the piyaks of the vikladach himself.

And it’s worth saying that you’re more important at the entrance, that you’re a Russian, then you’ve got a burner like a throw of water. :(

It's crazy, my friends. Sumno.

About people to judge z vchinkіv. BUT p'yany - obviously not an example for succession.

Whoever says what is wrong - let the first throw IN YOURSELF kamin! ;)

Who knows and understands a lot, that in Russia there are even a lot of bright heads, like they can create beautifully and create for the good! Prote it is important to note that thousands, hundreds of thousands, and even millions of people-people to die in all possible senses with a skin day why is it for nothing.

On this topic, there is little to find in the archives of mass information. That scho say - nothing is said. And navpak - piazza. "Drink, smoke, work whatever you want!" - about screaming headlines and slogans.

And tse - I'm healthy whole nations!

Tsya topic to finish is great and cіkava. For her, there will be an article for a series of articles that sanctify (їх) different aspects and give thoughts for mirkuvannya.

And so will be named different materials, which will help you to seriously consider and choose for yourself a distant life way- notifications.

I so. Found ochіkuvane - cause.

10 reasons NOT to drink alcohol:

  2. SUBMIT ANOTHER GOOD BUTT- For example, to the growing generation. You don’t want to, before you, the elders were chopping p’anitsy and asking for a dance?!

    YOU WILL NOT BE TORTURED MUCH MORE- you can always beat your forehead against the wall and bring to the whole world that after drinking alcohol you should not be tormented by your conscience, but to know yourself honestly, then head referee skin value - conscience. I won't sleep at all. Too many people throw only zavdyaks їy - if it’s far away already nowhere and out there constantly repeating “wrong robish ... even you know it yourself ...” then. I haven’t yet succumbed to Ludina, as if my conscience would not torment me after drinking. Not today, then tomorrow.

  3. YOU WILL LIVE LONGER- tezh bezperechny scientific fact.
  4. You save a bunch of pennies- no comments.

    YOU GET NEW PERSPECTIVES IN ALL SPHERES OF LIFE- the point is to make such speeches like a robot, a teacher, a special life and something else. Aje yourself to show you, being a roboticist, which one will win over the vidpovidal and hard drunk and rozdovbuyuchi? ;) Abo, choosing your own partner, whom You, being a girl, choose for your family- p'yanoy chi hard? The clue is obvious.

    You will live calmer and happier- you will save yourself a lot of sorts with friends, authorities, a girl, a lad just at your nasty uncontrollable behavior. Ale, it’s out of the blue - what’s wrong?

    YOU WILL BE COOLER LOW BURN!- drinking is not cool, not fashionable, and never was like that. Price imposed by films, like insurance for those who want to hit the jackpot with rentals.

    YOU WILL BECOME THE LORD OF YOUR LIFE (FOR A GREAT RAHUNKA) AND NOT A BOTTLE (ALCOHOL)- Judge for yourself. Navіscho rich who n'є? Schob for them all zrobilo zіllya. It is true that doping should come out. Would it be worthy of you to marvel at sports, de all victorious doping for victory? And how did you see it from the side?

  5. You will live the full life- a skeptic would say a lot, what is the best of life - the price is not in what one does not inspire. So let me know that they encourage me even more. How to live according to such a principle - that day you will be rich, so that you save money. Think about the word itself - Povno-tsіnі. Tse means that it is necessary to pay for it. Chim? Tim, what you need to do in your speeches. Elementary!

Obviously not all reasons. Їx can be pointed for a long time. You yourself can add your own. Ale smut, there are NO REASONS for such varto robiti all navpaki! Quiet me.

On the basis of my roses, I will bring an example of my life.

Walking once I mist. Viishov on the square. I'm running the car. The engine roars, the saws develop. Car rush at me. They have 5 or 6 drunken bandits, who scream, roar, bawl and try to crush me on their own square.

And there was nothing in them! :) Perche, I bov - tveresian. And in a different way - and not such bachili! But really, I was spared. Because in the open space in the car with idiots, it’s important to do it, as if the stench rush at you with a mawpoyu physionomy and a wild roar, trying to satisfy your creaturely needs. :)

Why am I? The one up to the fact that the wealth does not allow death to escape, or the number of inappropriate analyzes in such situations. And what about to hit you? Zvichayno, I wanted to, so that it didn’t stick. Ale all the same to show what to rush at you or your loved one drinking water for example I don’t drink the cebro, but let’s say we call a droplet, but with a splash of a droplet, we get tired, and want to sleep in a rapt ... Tell honestly yourself what you wanted - you want to win (won) boov tveresian chi drinking now?

If Wee tweresius- practical be-it's okay myslyachiy people not acceptably rebuffed. Aje right?

I am convinced you made me understand. More people throw tsyu shkіdliva zvichka nadto pіzno(For example, having spent a loved one, or having killed it fatally). Accept the correct decision. Zrobіt tse CONCENTRATION.

You don't need stained glass on clinics, faces, washing your own minds. Tse does not help. Help Yourself! Here and now!

Listen to a healthy mind and your own conscience.

And on the next row - let me bend.

Be healthy and strong!

Militta repeatedly published various materials dedicated to the fight against zі shkіdlivymi zvichka – hens. Ale, do not get drunk on alcohol with a squeaky sound, a lot of people sip alcohol less at the holy place, if you go to get married in clubs - restaurants, with the company of friends and relatives.

If you live alcohol with a saint, you can’t call it a bad name, but you’ll have more shkodi in your taste for alcohol, even if it’s holy in our life, even richer. You can understand that you are leading a clearly planned life and have great goals and plans.

For the inhabitant, who doesn’t have a daily routine, clear goals and plans, living with alcohol once a day, don’t make a big mistake, even if it’s a life, and that’s the reason. The inhabitant of suffering in the presence of hated robots and other stresses, so alcohol for such people, like faces of nudity and depression, is a fork of happiness and joy in the gray tedious everyday life.

Spivrobitniki polіtsії, vіyskіvі, politiki tezh can allow you to drink alcohol once a day, and tse zovsі not nasty їhnіy kar'єri.

And for people who live according to the plan and work hard, work the world better - alcohol is the enemy, even after parties with alcohol you vibrate from the schedule. Spend a lot of boiled water, you can spend a lot of money and see the stench of everything. For a few days you spend your time and earn less money. Why don't you miss 1-2 fitness classes and rich in what you can do less.

The axis is so vpline less than one evening with alcohol. If you start drinking regularly, for example, 2-3 times a month, then for a few months you will step by step throw and fitness and a lot of other things, you will forget your smart ideas and original ideas. Alcohol cream filthy self-feeling the coming day, creating a depressive effect that accumulates, and your potential will fall with the skin month.

To that, it’s better to get drunk in alcohol and learn to grow up on your head. It won't be easy for you, but then we'll call you and see what's going on again like alcohol.

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